#ada babbles
mysticotta · 11 months
It’s probably past time we made an intro post!
Hello! We are Otter or Kai, we use any pronouns except he/him. We are a system!
Current fandoms are Hermitcraft, Traffic Life, and Empires with some Pirates thrown in for spice!
Common fronters are Gem, Otter, Ada, and Pearl.
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
Besides this being horridly sad i couldn’t help but think that atsushi randomly reveals something extremely tragic about his life every now and then. its not often which is why it makes his statements all the more startling
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 2 months
qhqodnwoqndoddk one of the twins getting a hold of my phone and calling Rafa while he’s at work, and he thinks I’m calling with an emergency because otherwise I’d text him. So he answers ready for some bad news and he just hears little toddler babbles on the other end and “hola papi!” from a tiny little voice
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kung-fu-cutbug · 6 months
me making two of my OCs polyamorous because they technically already have partners, but then I had a brainrot moment and imagined the two of them as a ship from a video game I'm currently mentally ill about
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RE4 remake is fantastic but it's also a proof that original is irreplaceable masterpiece.
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ashleyslothlife · 1 year
Is anyone interested in a what it was like it was like to be disabled in US public schools before the ADA for this disability pride month? Ground rule: If you are the type of person to call parent of disabled children heroes and saints this post isn't for you.
We'll start in the 80's I'll start with my brother because it ties into my story later. My brother had Cerebral Palsy, scoliosis, a seizure disorder that could be heat induced, and high enough support needs that I've yet to meet a disability advocate that agrees that it was reasonable to require him to go to school.
In Houston, Tx disabled students were segregated in a separate school from the abled students. That school regularly had the air conditioners go out, because they had been put in used in the first place. So first danger for my brother. Every wheelchair user is different, for my brother it was bad for him to be left in his chair for the whole school day, he needed to be allowed on the floor. His "teacher" would refuse to help him out of his chair, because then she'd have to pay attention to him instead of just sitting at her desk reading a book. So my father filed several complains because we could tell from my brother's behavior he was in pain from being in his chair all day. Finally another teacher starts letting him out of his chair at the start of the day.
My mom gets a terrifying call from the front office that the teacher "can't find her son." So my mother makes a terrified drive trying to figure what could have happened. She stops in the parking lot when she sees my brother is just sitting in front of the large glass windows enjoying the sun, we teased him about being cat. The teacher didn't even bother to look, she just noticed he was gone and called the front office, the front office didn't bother to look they just called my mother. My mother was so upset she just took him home. To add even more rage to this, my brother had vocal stims they could have heard him from the front office from his location. He would vocally stim while in the sun. My parents stop sending him to school, my parents get harassed by the school system, cops are sent for truancy, while my parents wrangle paperwork they are forced to send him back till they could get him dismissed from the system. You'll never guess what happens next, I've been called a liar so much.
My mother gets another call that they can't find her son, my mother once again terrified goes to get him, and is relieved to find him in the same location. My mom yells out "found him" and takes him home.
After much uphill fighting they finally get him out, and every second sick day I have a truant office shows up to harass my parents. White privileged played a big part in them being able to. I graduated high school with a Black girl who had similar disabilities to my brother, her parents tried to pull her out, they put her mother in jail for 2 days. To me: I've been hard of hearing from the jump it seems. I got tested before Kindergarten when to school with a note from an audiologist saying I'm hard of hearing, which every teacher except one ignored. I wasn't considered disabled so I didn't go to the school my brother was at. When I'm nine in 89, I am a medical adventure chicken pox took a field trip to my brain, caused encephalitis, caused seizures, EMTs gave me a drug that should never be given to children, I spend 3 days in a coma. When I'm cleared to go back to school my neurologist and his team write up the accommodations I require and send them to the school. The school principal and teachers a big mad over the use of the word require apparently. One of the requirements is to allow me to miss a call to go to the nurses station for a nap, because a brain healing from trauma needs a lot of sleep. He also stressed that socially I was within my age range but my memory had been effectively wiped so I might need some review with a tutor. They decided those requests were beyond the pale, and my parents received a letter from the city dismissing me from the public school system with a thinly veiled threat that if they fought this choice they would demand my brother's attendance as well. So they had to make a hard choice, fight for me and maybe endanger my brother, or put me in private school that didn't have any oversight. So I ended up in weird Christian private schools, I was a preachers kid so I knew about everything but only the weirdest Christians open affordable private schools. As much as I still feel upset about my education sometimes, I don't fault my parents at all for the choice they made. Even if I had been in a public school in a science class if that science teacher didn't speak up or put me in the back of the class I wouldn't have learned anything anyway.
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bearcina · 1 year
Would there be any audience for me to do a kokoro inspired one shot for my Android AU?
Kokoro was one of my favorite songs, got me through depression as a pre-teen, then again as a teen, and once again- now as an adult 😅
I can't stop thinking about doing a piece inspired by it, I've never done it in all the years I've been writing, fics or otherwise!
Ik I should be writing for Myself, but I also don't want to be burned alive by just writing and posting something so much more self-indulgent than even the horniest of smut I write 😅😅😅
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wishfilled · 18 days
Existing is exhausting.
I have type 1 diabetes, depression, anxiety, and a few other issues, but the main one got fixed by surgery in April. The problem is that the fix was done, but there was no scientific reason why part of my colon had adhered to my pelvic bone. Without a cause; I am constantly afraid that every pain or stomach issue is a sign that, once again, something is going majorly wrong. I know nothing I did caused the issue and that nothing I do can help prevent it from occurring again. I know that all my worry does is stress me. None of that matters, though, since the worry sneaks in.
I have so much I need to do and accomplish to correct the household (cleaning, finances, and more) that fell to the wayside while I was bedbound and medicated. I try to do a little each day, but the massive amount of what needs doing is overwhelming to me.
Then you add in that I fell for a scam and thought I found a way to get my pup her official certs for service (she it trained to get me help if I go too low and need it), but it was a scam and PayPal says that it isn't a scam so they refused to get my money back.
It was late, and my scrolling and googling led me down a rabbit hole that led to the Assistance Dogs of America site (yeah, they got ADA in their name). They then sell real decent dog gear and a fake registration. THERE IS NO FEDERAL LIST. There is no required certificates. This company exists to get money from desperate people with disabilities who are looking for help. It is so disheartening and has just increased my mental dark cloud. It wasn’t a ton of money they got from me, but it was enough for at least a week's worth of groceries.
I'm mainly sharing to prevent anyone else from falling for their garbage.
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wildfangz · 10 months
its been YEARS since I've made already existing characters in the sims (thinking it was the DA II gang like all the way back in 2015? there was so little cc I was fighting for my life LMAO) but octetsica's moushley ears and w/ that ashley hair out of early access . . . autism hungry
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toobusybumbling · 1 year
Sometimes when my imposter syndrome and comphet are acting up and a voice in my head tells me I’m not a real lesbian, I search up images of my f/os…
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and I feel so much better afterwards 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
Alfie noticing that guys who are way younger than him (like Michael? John?) having a thing for reader, who is close to age to these young gentlemen but has only eyes for ol' man Alfie? Thoughts?
Near Deadly Sin
Alfie Solomons x F!Reader; fluff
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AN: IM BAAAAACCCCKKK hello my loves it’s taking me forever to write again but I’m glad to be back. I miss you all and hope you all are doing well!!! MUAH - Mo
No. No this acidic flame burning between his ribs is not jealousy.
Not at all.
The embers stoked in his chest. The flames licking up his neck and around his ears. These are normal… manly… sensible reactions.
Alfie had been invited for ‘drinks’ with the Shelbys. He had refused adamantly, and was only coerced upon your promise to accompany him and to never. leave. his. sight. As if you would ever be far from him or out of his thunderous gaze. But as he is sitting across from Thomas and Arthur and Polly, he is regretting ever bringing you near this nonsense. This den of wolves and snakes. The murmurs of Thomas faded like the crackle of a radio as he focused in on John Shelby’s lustful gaze over you. With every sweep of his young and unbridled eyes and suck of his teeth, Alfie became more and more enraged. Not that you noticed. You didn’t notice John’s roving eyes or the quickening pulse of your husband next to you. You were content sipping the tea Polly served, making quiet conversation with Ada in the corner, holding a babbling Karl.
Alfie knew there was supposed to be a deal or something tonight. Or maybe an update on a job. Or something. It didn’t matter. Fuck the business. Fuck the Shelbys. Fuck John Shelby. Fuck it all. Standing quickly, pushing through the screaming pain of his back, Alfie grunts, “Darling get your coat. We’re done here.”
Your head spun, “Meyn Likht?”
“Up. Coat. Now. Cyril needs us.”
You press your lips in a firm line. Holding back your tongue from lashing at him for his impromptu exit. You knew what he actually meant. Thinking of Cyril was his code for indicating murderous intent that needed to be snuffed out immediately. You watch Alfie as you slip on your coat, going to Thomas to whisper something just out of your reach. Had you heard him, you would have heard the volcanic timber of his voice promise, “You control that little brother of yours Tommy yeah? It’s against holy law to look at another man’s wife like he been doing. Will have to go back to Mosaic law if he don’t shape up.”
With heavy stomps he approaches John, who is trying yet failing to keep a stone expression. “You keep them eyes to yourself little boy. Or someone may just take ‘em from you.”
“Darling? Cyril needs to be let out and will not wait for you!”
With a firm pat on the cheek Alfie turned away, gripping your waist firmly, hand as hot as a brand on the skin under your dress.
It’s late now, Alfie is fuming under the crisp sheets and thick quilts layered living on the soft bed. He’s pretending to read. Putting on his glasses and taking them back off again to stare at the ceiling. You emerge from the bathroom, face flush from the hot water, and hair pulled away from your bare shoulders. Arms crossed across your chest, you sit on Alfie’s side of the bed, “You want to talk about it like a grown up now?”
He huffs and shifts lower into the bed, as if to hide from you. With a shrug you walk back to your side, shuffling your sock feet across. You crawl back in bed, back to Alfie to let him fume. It was better than fighting with him to get him to share his feelings.
“He was looking at you.”
“Well Karl is a baby darling.”
“Not Karl! John fucking Shelby! Little bastard was undressing you with his eyes! And you said nothing!”
Ah… there it was.
You let yourself sit up to look at your husband’s face. Folded up into himself, glasses precariously balanced on his nose, cheeks ruddy from rage. Jealousy was his greatest sin and vice. Bigger than rage. Bigger than his love of rum. He was an only child and as such he grew into a man who did not like to share. Not even your image. You curled up next to him, like a cat preening for attention. “Meyn Likht… I didn’t even see him. You shouldn’t be jealous of a figure of vapor.”
“What you don’t notice the… the young men just staring at you? Gapped mouths like dead fish?”
“Those children?” You hum, gently kissing his scruffy jaw and temple.
“Those… men closer in age… to you.”
With that you crawl into his lap, looping your arms around his broad shoulders. “Darling… what could I do with those men? I’d break them.”
“Break them?” He chuckles, gripping you tighter.
“They’re too soft. Too pretty. No. I like my men… rougher… more sturdy… someone who can stand strong and not worry about their pretty face getting dirty. I like my old man.”
“Do you now?”
“Love him even. Deliriously in love with him. Couldn’t live without him.”
Before you could take another breath, he was on you, kissing all over your face, tickling you with his rough beard and mustache. “Good Lord woman you make me feel 20 again.”
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
✮ ┆ SUCKING HER TITS. ada wong, claire redfield, jill valentine
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— “I wonder what has you so riled up.” content warnings.               mdni, nsfw content, breast/nipple play, breast worship, fingering, grinding, use of petnames
author’s note.                 omg enforcermoss is posting again??? after promising fics they are surprisingly back into business and actually posting something??? yeah, I am so enjoy :)
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✮ ada ;
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sucking ada’s breasts weren’t always a gift, most of the times it was a way to shut you up because after a tiring day at the council she wished for nothing but your company and silence, which was challenging to achieve. she truly adored you, everything about you was her favorite thing, but if her kissing you until you ran out of breath wasn’t going to shut you up then your mouth stuffed with her breasts surely would. not that you ever caught up on all this.
so, there was no surprises why you were here, a small hum leaving you as ada pulls you on her lap, palming your chubby cheeks as your kiss swollen lips latch onto her chest. you nip the pink nub, gently tugging with your teeth, biting down ever so slightly on it just to hear a few of her little praises. you suck it, cheeks hollowing before letting the pink flesh go with a quiet pop. your free hand massaging the other mound, squeezing harder little by little to feel more of the fat ooze between your fingers.
one thing to know about ada’s breasts were that they often felt sore, the long hours spent in her corsets and bras, tits squished half their size to fit into those elegant dresses she loved so much. it was unsurprising when her breath hitched, gripping on the fabric on your back as she leans back in on the arm rest of the couch. your hazy gaze meets her arousal coated one, her thighs clenching when you grope both of her breast at the same time, leaving crescent shaped bruises. ada lets out a sigh as your tongue runs over the burning marks, head falling onto your shoulder with another low moan.
“ah- that’s a pretty mouth put to good use.” ada murmured as her hands danced along your spine before digging through the roots of your hair, kneading your scalp, and playfully pulling you off of her nipple. watching your little desperate act of trying to fill your mouth with her chest again, she lets go of your head and wraps her arms around you, her head falling back against the chair.
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✮ jill ;
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“need something?”
there weas a slight tease in jill’s voice, putting down her black ink pen and pushing aside the papers she was filling out after a smaller mission and looked down at you. straightening your posture in her lap you start to babble some sort of response, it was entertaining to watch you try to keep your composure while squirming on her fingers. she watched your eyes roll back as you came, and adorable little cry escaping your before falling against her.
“I’m… I,” you tug her clothes, crying out and try to beg but your mind is so foggy, too weak to even form words. but you shouldn’t worry, jill knows exactly what you want, do you think she hasn’t noticed? you gnawing your fingers, dipping your fingertips into your mouth while she pumped hers in and out of you? she sucks her teeth before pulling her fingers out of your pussy, offering it to you like it was the finest piece of cake in all of raccoon city and it’s a sigh to see you wrap your lips around them, feeling your tongue swirling.
this was just to keep you occupied and stuffed as she tugs her shirt out of her pants, freeing her breasts for you to enjoy.
“go on, don’t be shy honey.” she whispered into your ear as she pulled her fingers out of your mouth and reached to wipe them in the little cloth set on the corner of her desk. you latch on her nipple right away, hungrily sucking and nibbling on it. a sigh leaves jill’s lips, toes curling in her boots when you bite the sensitive flesh, tongue brushing over it soon after to take care of the vicious ache. she throws back her head, groaning shamelessly as you hollow your cheeks around her nipple.
your drool covered jill’s nipple, humming pleasantly against the soft flesh when you hear her heated breaths and snuffed moans. your hand came up to cup the underside of the tit that was currently filling your mouth, squeezing it the slightest before letting it go with a pop. it takes a second for you to get your breath back, staring at her slightly reddened areola before switching to the other breast and give it the same loving treatment.
“that’s good, just like that princess.”
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✮ claire ;
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you’re so confused when she draws you onto her lap and pulls her shirt up, taking your hand in hers and puts it over her exposed breast. her fingers guided the pad of your thumb to caress the fleshy nub, back and forth, gently pushing down on it and when she lets go of your hand she tucks your hair behind your ear.
“what if we try this now, hm?” claire asks and you nod, gulping slightly before dipping your head, sticking out your tongue and licking one of her nipple. you go further and lightly suck on it, feeling it get stiffer under your lips and hearing claire coo as it did. your hand moved upwards the slightest, pushing claire’s breast up along with your movement, continuing to lap at her nipple as you spread your legs the slightest, pressing yourself against claire through your shorts.
she grins as you do so, enjoying every second of the texture of your tongue pressing against her stiffened nub. she can feel herself getting wet, chuckling as she drags your tongue over her nipple before closing your lips around it and sucking gently. it’s obscene how good it feels, your mouth attached to her breast, making her hands shake and legs shake a little.
your free hand comes up to her other breast, jiggling and squeezing it before pinching the nipple between your fingers before opting to roll it between two of your fingers. claire shuddered in pleasure at the harsh touch and as the tip of your tongue circled her areola. when you felt that her nipple was firm enough you pulled away, pressing slight kisses against the pink flesh before sucking bruises into the pale skin of her chest.
“keep going, you are doing so good sweetness.”
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hotchs-big-hands · 7 months
Ada my love you know that boyfriend ‘test’ of handing them your purse/handbag/bag when you go to the bathroom to see how they hold it? Yeah I need your take on our BAU men x that trend pls. Would they hold your purse?
gosh I LOVE this trend thing, it's cute. I'll ummmm do smth I've never done before and do some hcs for more than just ayayron, as requested 😳😳😳😳😳 gahdayum
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What the different BAU men would do if asked to hold your bag/purse for you when you go the bathroom.
Aaron Hotchner
Okay so this man is like. The biggest gentleman ever of course. So when you approach him during a team night out with your bag he takes it without hesitation to your question.
"Of course, it's safe with me."
He is very protective of it, gripping onto it to his chest with one arm and hand whilst the other holds onto his drink as he sips periodically. He doesn't pay any mind when the others eye him curiously, and when you return he smiles slightly and holds out your bag to you.
"Here you go. Don't hesitate to ask me again as well, sweetheart."
He has to admit, he adores the delighted grin you offer in return when you thank him for holding your bag. And he's able to drown out the chuckles of the other members of the team because he's certain he probably looks like a lovesick puppy.
Derek Morgan
Derek raises his brow with a teasing grin as you ask him to hold your bag for you.
"Mind if I take a lil peek?" He jokes, chuckling when you babble at him not to look, panic flashing in your eyes. "Relax, sweets. I'm not gonna look."
Holds it under his muscular arm and stares down anyone who gives him a funny look. He's shameless, plus he's happy you trust him to take care of your stuff.
You return momentarily and look relieved to see him holding it protectively. He smiles and holds it out to you when you're close enough.
"There you go, sweets. Don't worry, I didn't look inside." He winks at you and you lightly shove him, pouting playfully. He loves teasing you.
Spencer Reid
Man's shook when you ask him of all people to hold your bag for a moment.
"Me? I-I mean of course I'll hold it!" He hates that his voice cracked but you don't seem to mind though, smiling sweetly and thanking him before you turn away and disappear to find the restroom.
He is holding onto the bag straps so tightly that his knuckles are turning white. No-one is getting hold of this bag, if it's the last thing he'll ever be sure of. Derek saunters over with a grin and chuckles as he points out how tight his grip is. But even as he feels heat rush to his cheeks, he dutifully holds on tight to your bag.
Your return makes him smile with relief, but he holds on tight to the bag even as you now come to stand face-to-face with him. You hold your hand out and ask for your bag back and he flushes. "R-right yeah, here!" He said quickly and holds the bag out, grip still strong until you take hold of it.
You giggle softly and thank him, and he grins awkwardly as he watches you turn away and head off elsewhere. It's only when he feels Derek's hand lightly land on his shoulder that he refocuses and embarrassment floods his senses. Hopefully, he'll be more confident in himself next time you ask him to hold your bag.
David Rossi
When you timidly approach Dave at the table he's seated at with Aaron and hold out your bag to him, he raises a brow at you when you ask him to hold your bag for you for a moment.
"Hm? You want me to take care of it for you? Of course, tesoro."
He places it on the table in front of him, not without smoothing his hands over the surface slightly because well, he is fond of you after all. Aaron huffs out a quiet snort, raising his brow with a grin at him. Dave shakes his head and waves him off.
You're quick to return with a shy smile, thanking him sweetly for keeping an eye on your bag. He picks up the bag and holds it out to you, making sure you've secured it before he drops his arm. "Anytime, tesoro. I'll look after it for you."
He winks at you and delights in your flustered movements, meeting his eye and as Aaron stands and gives him a pointed look, Dave pulls out a chair next to him and invites you to join him for the evening.
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Lmao this was probably shit but I'm not too confident writing for other characters 😭😭 I hope people enjoyed tho regardless KSSKSK
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baby-tini · 29 days
YOU WRITE BSD CHARS SO ACCURATELY DUDEEEE ive been dying to read smth non fucking fanon but nsfw w dazai mostly HELP and i found ur account and bro ure a life saviour istg.
I love ur writings more than i love myself istg
WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE IF U WROTE THINGS DAZAI WOULD SAY IN BED :3 like ?? I feel like this man would praise u sooo much while doing the most unholy shit to you,, but i also feel like he wouldn't exactly degrade you but hed deffo mock u..
Aww, thank you so much, that is the biggest compliment because Dazai is so hard too figure out and even harder too write for!!!
TW- Implied Gun-play with PM!Dazai
-"Put your tongue back in your mouth before I stick something else in it."
-"You're so whiney baby... you gonna tell me what you want in full sentences or are you just gonna keep babbling?"
-"You're too pretty too be covering your face pretty girl.. move your hands for me."
-"Make a mess and I'm gonna make you lick it up, so it'd be best if you controlled that pretty little pussy of mine, yeah?"
-"Such a little minx you are, love. Touching me like that while I'm sleeping.. you're so needy."
-"I thought you said you could take it.. oh, you can? So why are you crying, hm?... Get your face out of the pillow and answer me."
-"You take my cock so well... you think you could take it just the same if it was my gun fucking you instead?... mmm, actually I think you could take my gun even better."
-"You're so fucking loud, do I need too shut you up?... don't look at me like that, it certainly wouldn't be with my cock, you haven't even gotten close too earning that."
-"Being fucked is a reward, given your behavior recently, that shouldn't even be on your mind."
-"Coming untouched, huh? That's quite pathetic, even for you."
-"My pretty girl... so polite. Saying thank you when I let you cum, I taught you well, huh?"
-"Ah ah. Don't. That's not yours too touch."
-"Watch your mouth or don't speak. You don't get too cry about not cuming knowing the way you've acted today. You're lucky I'm fucking you at all."
-"Slow love, undress slower for me, I'm not going anywhere, I'd like too enjoy it, can you give me that baby?"
-"I said I'd make you cum when I got home, what? You thought just because you were sleeping that I wouldn't follow through? You wound me love."
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mncxbe · 6 months
Hi! I just want to say that I love your writing so much aaaaah! I was wondering if you could do prompt 18 (They eat you out for the first time) with Ranpo -I just know he likes that-
I hope you have a wonderful day! Sending tons of love to you and your writing ♡
tysm nonnie and sorry it took me so long to answer. i hope you like it and i wish you the best weekend🩷
18 — They eat you out for the first time
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: barely proofread, head (fem! receiving), pet names: sugar, baby, sweetie
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"Please, sugar, you promised me you'd let me do it" whined your boyfriend, his lips pursing in a desperate pout.
Your relationship with Ada's greatest detective was quite fresh, so you were trying to discover each other, to build a deeper bond and intimacy. With that purpose in mind, Ranpo was adamant to give you head and after a few weeks of being subjected to his incessant pleas and puppy eyes, you actually caved in.
Within minutes, your boyfriend had you sprawled on the couch with your legs hooked over his shoulders as he buried his face between your thighs. He lapped at your cunt like a starved man, moaning against your puffy folds every time he felt you getting wetter.
"God, sweetie you taste so good, so fucking good." he said in a ragged voice, pressing a quick kiss to your inner thigh before returning to your clit and flicking it with the tip of his tongue.
Your hands instantly gripped his hair, pulling him closer to your needy cunt "P-please Ranpo there. Don't stop" you pleaded and he obeyed, his lips wrapping around your clit, gently sucking on it while his middle and ring finger found their way inside you.
" 's good like this baby? Want me to go faster?" he cooed, pumping his digits in and out of your dripping hole but you were too far gone to answer. The babbles you blurted out were covered by the squelching sounds your pussy made.
You've never been wetter in your entire life, your juices dripping onto the cushy fabric of the couch, staining it. Your mind got foggier, breath growing irregular as he pushed you to your high. Ranpo could tell you were close, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Wanna cum, sugar?"
You nodded frantically, pulling at his roots as the tight knot in your tummy snapped and your juices spilled on his tongue, making the man moan in pleasure. He gripped your thighs, pushing his tongue inside your cunt to lap up your sweet essence before licking a stripe all the way to your clit.
When you eventually looked down at him and saw the shit eating grin on his face you knew you were far from done–"So what do you say, sweetie?" asked your boyfriend "Ready for round two?"
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autistic-ranpo · 1 year
hc that kyouka like. mimics people to show her affection, since she isnt good with words n stuff.
like one time she and atsushi were riding the bus somewhere and atsushi brought his knees up to his chest and just kinda sat curled up on the bus seat like that and kyouka looked at him for a minute before doing the same thing then looking at him with like these big cat eyes. atsushi was a bit confused but he smiled and sorta nudged against her and she smiled back
kunikida was pacing in the ada offices one day (dazai was later than usual and he was stressing a bit) and kyouka kinda just started walking next to him. she didnt really know why he was pacing but she thought it would help if he did it with him (it did, in a way)
naomi will be talking nonsense to a cat that she met on the street and kyouka has no idea why she would be doing that??? why is she saying made up words to this animal??? but she sees that naomi is really happy so she crouches down and starts babbling to the cat
tanizaki is worried at first bc sometimes theyll be sitting at the same desk and hes working in complete silence (like he always does, except for when someone is talking to him) and he'll look over at kyouka and shes just. sitting there. silent. and hes so worried bc he wants her to feel safe and he wants her to like him but shes always just. sitting there staring at him.
until one day, shes sitting with him and he starts drumming his fingers on the desk, waiting for a document to upload. then he hears a second set of fingers drumming the rhythm with him. he looks up, confused and sees kyouka looking at him, drumming her fingers. he stops, and as soon as he does her fingers go still. he starts up again, and so does she. he cant stop smiling the rest of the day.
kenji takes kyouka to a park for a picnic, after he found out shes never been on one. he takes out some orange slices and puts one in his mouth so it looks like a smile. she stares at him before doing the same thing, struggling a bit. they look at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.
idk shes so important to me <33333
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