#adam parrish headcanon
boringsideeffect · 14 days
Don’t mind me I’m thinking about Hunter Doohan as Adam Parrish once again
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mermianar · 1 year
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pynch kissy kiss and a shameless plug for the fic i wrote way back when i was reading tdt for the first time and anguishing over ✨them✨ so i wrote my own headcanon for their first kiss >:3c
not entirely blue; not quite grey 
(i’m half way through the raven king and i’ve now seen pynch canonized asdgsjahgd)
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ganseysglasses · 8 months
If Gansey was in PJO he would be a child of Aphrodite because how else could you explain the fact that all of his friends were in love with him.
This man wears exclusively boat shoes, pastel polo shirts, and his school uniform. He implied the love of his was a prostitue. He called Ronan his dog. He has the vocabulary of a 70 year old english professor. He’s a loser who I love very much but he should not pull as much as he does.
He’s got to be pretty.
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lizpaige · 1 month
I imagine that Ronan puts SO much cream and sugar in his coffee. Adam and Gansey just watch in horror like. That's just melted coffee ice cream at this point.
BAHAHAH this is canon. ronan is probably a frappuccino kinda guy. takes a little coffee with his milk and sugar ☕️
i think adam’s a gross energy drink person and gansey tries to be a tea guy after all his time abroad (and his relationship with 300 fox way) but he doesnt like it.
thank you for sharinggggg
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karouvas · 2 months
getting a little obsessed with the concept of Blue after Persephone’s death resenting Adam a little for spending so much time with her towards the end (especially considering usually Blue and Calla had scenes together in BLLB vs Persephone mostly being in scenes with Adam), even though she knows that’s unfair but it doesn’t change how she feels. Especially with the context of his being psychic and in a way fitting more into 300 fox way than she can, also not true but something I really think she feels considering her struggles with being too magical for non-300 fox way residents and lonely as a result but feeling too normal within her family. And he definitely on the other hand is jealous that she has a loving family unit, and probably that she had Persephone in her life so much longer. Idk I just think those would be interesting notes for them and kind of compliment their love triangle related jealousy, also a nice natural progression of them both mourning her death in BLLB and it bringing on their fear of Gansey’s death.
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speciouspessimism · 11 months
adam parrish looks different every time you see him. that’s partially demonstrated in the first chapters of cdth, but sometimes his hair is red. sometimes it’s a spunky strawberry blond, or a golden brown, or hay colored yellow. the skin under his eyes is so thin that it gets all purple and veiny, especially when he’s tired but that’s kind of always. sometimes his skin is a sickly sort of grayish yellow but others it’s a dusty tan, a product of working on his cars in the virginia sun. his clothes always seem to fit him differently, it’s the way they hang or perhaps the way he holds himself. every once in a while he has these scary, angry, blue eyes, an inherited gift from his father — but more often theyre the same muddy grey as the sky he looked up at, clouds rolling in overhead, from when he was young. he is stringy and small and six feet tall at the same time. unlike gansey, this has never been “all there is.” and it never will be.
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venividifettuccine · 5 months
the raven cycle friend group as the four horsemen of the apocalypse
death: gansey
war: ronan
famine: adam
plague: blue
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
See the reason why I will always be down with the poc Jason headcanon is because I look at the way his lashing out as a grieving child gets interpreted/demonized as “anger issues”, and the way Bruce at times projected “anger issues” onto him that weren’t actually there and also immediately assumed that Jason was bound to become a dangerous criminal unless he intervened despite the fact that Jason was just trying to survive and said himself that he “didn’t wanna be a crook” and didn’t show violent inclinations until AFTER he became Robin and I go “idk, sounds kinda racialized to me buddy, hitting you with the melanin beam”. Now we know the real reason for this is classism but classism and racism are right next to each other on the periodic table so it doesn’t not fit yknow?
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deadpoetsdarling · 2 years
when ronan lynch said “maybe i dreamt you” and andrew minyard said “you are a pipe dream”
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ronanlynchdefender · 1 year
Ranking The Gangsey by How Asexual I Think They Are
1. Henry Cheng - 100% canonically aroace. Completely supported by the text. In a queerplatonic polycule with Gansey and Blue.
2. Richard Campbell Gansey III - SUPER a-spec coded in my opinion. Values friendship above all else. His main conflict in the series is learning how to juggle 4 different queerplatonic relationships at the same time.
3. Blue Sargent - Demisexual-coded. She just wants to be friends with Gansey forever with maybe some sex far down the road. Her solution to knowing she will kill her true love with a kiss is simply to never kiss anyone ever. Easy peasy. Also all the scenes where Blue keeps Adam from kissing her are asexual coded.
4. Ronan Lynch - Some ace-spec tendencies but overall I think just a gay allosexual. Too many car=sex metaphors. Most asexual thing he ever did was laugh at Gansey and Adam gawking at Orla in a bikini which was mainly because he’s gay, but as an asexual, I probably would have had the same reaction.
5. Noah Czerny - Straight allosexual. First time we meet him he is a gawking at an Ashley. Even as a ghost he still manages to make out with a girl.
6. Adam Parrish - 0% Asexual. 100% Down Bad Bisexual. Attracted to any remotely hot person: Ronan, Gansey, Blue, Orla, Helen, Colin Greenmantle, Random Guy in Car Magazine
Happy pride to all my fellow asexuals and TRC enjoyers (but especially the ones who project their sexuality onto Gansey) 🖤🤍💜
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notthiscoolkid · 2 months
*arguing with someone* Gansey: I cant say that but-- *trying not be rude*
*in the same fight* Ronan/Adam/Blue: "Now let me say I'm the biggest hater.
I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct..."
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mykelneedssleep · 11 months
Recently someone reblogged a post of mine from like 3 years ago talking about how the Gangsey would play get down Mr. President and Gansey would end up being Mr. President every time and I want to elaborate more on this idea
For those of you that don’t know get down Mr. President is played anywhere at any time and the game is started by one person putting their hand to their ear (like you would if you have an earpiece) and becoming the “secret service,” other people in the group will then join the secret service though the same gesture and when there’s only one person left that’s not in the secret service you yell “get down Mr. President” and tackle them. There’s also an alternative version where the secret service stays silent and they essentially sneak attack whichever poor soul is deemed Mr. President which is arguably the much more terrifying and entertaining version
In the context of the Gangsey it doesn’t matter which way they’re playing it because Gansey has no fucking clue what’s going on so he’ll see the secret service thing start and just kind of think to himself “interesting but whatever” and he ends up tackled every time. He is also incredibly intelligent but he would not put two and two together to think that these events are related in any way it’s just a weird coincidence that he happens to get tackled whenever people do that. He only finds out it’s a thing when someone points out that he always loses and he’s like “loses what?” and they have to explain it to him because no one considered that he always loses because he genuinely doesn’t know what’s happening
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mermianar · 2 years
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my lovingly made raven cycle portraits, based on amazing designs by @valtianan !! we’re buddy reading the series (my first time reading it) and we just finished blue lily. after a little break we’ll read raven king ! can’t wait but i also dont want the series to endd
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our-king-bree · 1 year
Adam staying a good person throughout the whole series is so good don't get me wrong but it's also just a waste of potential like he could've been the most vicious and perfect antagonist and you know whom he would've had by side? Ronan—like yeah Ronan loves Gansey, Ronan would've killed for Gansey but for Adam? He would burn and destroy cities and countries and everything. Literally, everything for that boy.
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lizpaige · 1 month
i have one more hc lol i believe that post tdt declan refuses to call adam for anything because of adam’s “if you need help, don’t call me” in gw, so at like holiday dinners maybe adam runs to the store to get something last minute and when he’s back declan is like “oh we also forgot something else parrish do you mind going back” and adam’s like why didn’t you just call me and declan’s like “probably because on november 17th at precisely 11:58am you specifically told me to never call you again” and this just goes on and on for years. nightmare in laws of all time
this is AMAZING 👏👏👏👏👏 ugh i love their dynamic they are so toxic lmao they both hold grudges and will not budge from the drama of it all. i also love how they wouldnt even yell at each other about it, it would just be passive aggression and glares across the room 😒
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karouvas · 3 months
I don’t want to go off in the tags of that no fandom post so much but your bisexual PowerPoint Gansey tags. The idea of Gansey not comprehending bisexuality during the road trip SO funny to me because it implies either A) post-Pynch, Gansey just thought Adam realized he was always gay, something that really assuages Gansey’s guilt about “stealing Blue” (he is So Insane) or B) Gansey fully thinks being bi is just an Adam Thing. Because he’s Adam Parrish! Of course he’d have a special sexuality just for him. If anyone would, it would be Adam!
for anyone wondering these were the tags: https://www.tumblr.com/lesbianbluesey/753538524458991616?source=shareI think both are Highly possible and hilarious, but I’m going to go with the former because I do enjoy leaning into the ‘Gansey’s repressed controlled republican parents reaaally messed up his worldview’ aspect of everything he has going on, and because your right this would totallly be something he takes as “I don’t have to feel guilty about stealing (‘stealing’ because like. there was a lot more going onto that but in his head) my best friends girlfriend anymore!” *head in the clouds from crazy ex girlfriend starts playing in the background*. Now I’m thinking about him potentially telling Blue about Adam and Ronan (since we never really see her learn about them so I think there are several ways that could have happened but one of them is through Gansey) and him framing it as Adam came out to me as gay and in love with Ronan, well first off I think Blue would be way more surprised about the latter part of that than the former, and she would also have a lot of different feelings about this revelation.
 First of all I think it would be the opposite of Gansey where she starts to feel More guilty re: their break up and wonders if saying he should kiss Gansey was homophobic of her (it wasn’t it was extremely funny and cool of her, imo), she also feels really bad that her first normal-ish relationship with a boy was with someone using her (which isn’t Not true for their relationship in a way, just not in the way she’s thinking of) and feels extra annoyed with Adam for the Ninos argument (which she should because he was out of line in that scene imo, even though I also love that scene because it’s hysterical to me for reasons I’ve previously addressed and I love when Bluedam are cunts especially to each other) now that she thinks he was never actually into her. But she doesn’t want to be homophobic, so I feel like Blue tries to be a bit Overly Nice to Adam after this for the rest of the school year and it really unnerves/scares him, and then Gansey on the other hand allows himself to be more overtly cunty with Adam than he ever has before during that time period which Also weirds Adam out but he puts it down to him going through a lot what with dying and all. This would actually explain some things about the dynamic shifts between trc and td3 if this happened… 
To be clear Blue is coming at this from the opposite end of background effecting world view from Gansey; unlike Gansey who doesn’t know he’s bi or that bisexuality exists Blue doesn’t know She is bi but does know bisexuality and polyamory exist because she grew up surrounded by it, in fact I’ve said it before but I think the reason Blue isn’t aware she’s bi is… well one reason is she hasn’t had many close relationships with girls her age who aren’t in her family due to not having had many friends growing up since she was largely othered/bullied and then grew an armor/self-isolated (I actually have a tentative headcanon that in addition to her being bullied for being generally different in her youth some of that bullying had a homophobic bent to it because of the way she dresses and what the psychics are associated with and it being Henrietta.. it just seems right, so I think that would be an influence also) but also more importantly, Orla would have been out as bisexual since she was in high school and Blue is a Contrarian tm and Can Not have the same sexuality as Orla. Just on principle. She did feel jealous sometimes watching Orla go on dates with boys and girls but put that down to just general she-can-kiss-people-without-fear-of-murder-lips-and-I-can’t jealousy. Also I feel like Gansey might be able to grasp bi women more than bi men because of a) unfortunate tropes around that time b) the 300 fox way women c) Possibly Helen who I think could be sapphic but whether or not she’s sapphic definitely thinks Gansey is gay, this is textually canon, and definitely wants Gansey to be covert about it won’t go into this more / putting a pin in that for now. But anyway I think both Blue and Gansey would be more likely to consider the other being bi than themselves, is the thing I was getting at there. 
Anyway! I definitely think that after being told of Adam’s gayness Blue immediately understands that Adam was in love with Gansey based on all of the first two books when thinking back, Gansey on the other hand does not even consider the possibility of Adam ever being into him (at least not consciously, possibly deep DEEP down there’s some wondering but repression + plausible deniability + not wanting to seem arrogant (because I do think there’s a gray area sometimes between Gansey being oblivious about certain social situations vs him just being very used to compartmentalizing and prioritizing the quest) keep this out of conscious thought). So I think both Blue and Gansey need an outlet to talk through some of their Adam feelings but know the other can’t do that for them, which leads to (not to self plug but! This might be a scene that comes up in my ‘Reading TRB’ fic at some point… since I am playing with some intentional parallels between Sarchengsey and Bluedansey there, or at least that’s the intention in the mess of everything I have going on there) them separately gabbing to Henry about their feelings re: their situationship break ups, the shifting group dynamics with Pynch etc. and I think their accounts of the whole mess are Very different so Henry keeps getting more confused the more he listens to them, he doesn’t even know if one of them dated Adam or neither of them or both and it’s very frustrating but also intriguing for him he just wants to know everything (and he has some additional context from his Gansey stalking which should be … an interesting comparison point). 
Also when Gansey learns what bisexuality he immediately goes ‘I realized something about Adam!’ Henry, simultaneously expecting this and also wary: what about him? Gansey: He only told me that he loved Ronan he didn’t tell me he never liked Blue, Adam must be bisexual that means he must have been in love with Blue because who wouldn’t be that means I’m a horrible awful person and don’t deserve to live 😭😭 Henry, under his breath: goddamnit I can’t believe I’ve been trying to fuck you Gansey: what?? Henry: __ 
this was a fun thank you!
tagging a couple other blogs who I hope will enjoy my insane spiral, at least a lil: @immaterial-pearl @crimeronan
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