#he just forgets and then gets really mad at himself when he gets tackled because he saw it happen
mykelneedssleep · 11 months
Recently someone reblogged a post of mine from like 3 years ago talking about how the Gangsey would play get down Mr. President and Gansey would end up being Mr. President every time and I want to elaborate more on this idea
For those of you that don’t know get down Mr. President is played anywhere at any time and the game is started by one person putting their hand to their ear (like you would if you have an earpiece) and becoming the “secret service,” other people in the group will then join the secret service though the same gesture and when there’s only one person left that’s not in the secret service you yell “get down Mr. President” and tackle them. There’s also an alternative version where the secret service stays silent and they essentially sneak attack whichever poor soul is deemed Mr. President which is arguably the much more terrifying and entertaining version
In the context of the Gangsey it doesn’t matter which way they’re playing it because Gansey has no fucking clue what’s going on so he’ll see the secret service thing start and just kind of think to himself “interesting but whatever” and he ends up tackled every time. He is also incredibly intelligent but he would not put two and two together to think that these events are related in any way it’s just a weird coincidence that he happens to get tackled whenever people do that. He only finds out it’s a thing when someone points out that he always loses and he’s like “loses what?” and they have to explain it to him because no one considered that he always loses because he genuinely doesn’t know what’s happening
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zombie-bait · 4 months
Full Moon
Ok so I don’t normally post about Helluva Boss but the newest episode touched on an interesting concept I haven’t necessarily seen represented in media. Back when I was on Twitter (derogatory) a few years ago there was this now deleted viral thread where someone discussed how their struggles with mental health affected their relationship with their partner and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. 
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This is such a good, short example of how anxiety and depression can play tricks on you. It becomes so easy to envision yourself as a nuisance, a constant burden to those closest to you because they cannot possibly genuinely enjoy your company, right? But in doing so you create this arbitrarily cruel version of the people you love, people who would otherwise never behave like this outside of your own mind.
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It's mean. Because your mind wants to be mean to you under these circumstances. It wants to put everyone else's emotions and desires above yours, both in worthiness and validity. And that starts bleeding into your understanding of other people, especially those you care about.
Now. Helluva Boss.
"Can I get a fucking MINUTE to think after everything you put me through you pompous rich ASSHOLE? Treat me like one of your little butler imps, you can’t just dismiss me like that! I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this every time, like you can just play with our feelings because we’re smaller and not as important. Well I’m not letting you, BITCH! Let’s go!" - Blitz
I find it really interesting how Helluva Boss decided to approach this conflict between Stolas and Blitz. Obviously, the difference in power matters. It's the underlying tension of their entire relationship and their lives. Stolas is burdened by the mountain of expectations thrust upon him from a very young age while Blitz is constantly reminded that he can NEVER be part of that world, that he is "smaller and not as important" not just in Hell's hierarchy but in his own life and family. Stolas very literally has power over Blitz (through the grimoire, the arrangement, his position in society) and Blitz uses their relationship as an excuse to reverse those roles. But that power dynamic, in one form or another, never truly goes away. And for Blitz, it's a lot easier to paint Stolas as this manipulative symbol of power and himself as nothing more than Stolas' plaything. It's easier to be angry than to be vulnerable and accept that someone might care about him.
"Dismiss" is the keyword in that quote. All that Blitz has been able to process is that Stolas has decided to end the relationship that they have. He feels ls like a choice has been taken away from him so he lashes out because he's not ready to emotionally tackle what the rest of Stolas' offer might entail. If Stolas hates him, just wants to play with him, then he is justified in his anger, his self-destruction, his isolation. If the world is mean, you're "allowed" to be mean back.
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In that moment he forgets that Stolas is someone he actually cares about. Someone he's known for way too long and clearly wants to keep in his life, no matter how reluctant he can be to admit it. Someone who is not innately cruel or manipulative but sad and desperate for connections in a lot of the same ways that Blitz is. And Blitz immediately sees that he's miscalculated something.
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Somewhere along the way the fictional version of Stolas that he's allowed himself to be mad at and the real one that he's not ready to admit he cares about have merged into something real that he has actual power over. Stolas can get hurt and Blitz can be the one who does it. He has once again allowed his greatest fears (which Stolas so frequently symbolizes) to co-opt his loved ones, to give him an "out" even though he didn't actually want one in the first place.
I'm definitely not the first person to say this but I think this is an example of the miscommunication trope done right. Their individual struggles are what cause them to be unable to connect during this conversation or to even have a proper conversation in the first place. There is no convenient misunderstanding or third party fabricating this rift. Both of them have preconceived ideas of what the other one is thinking but those ideas are flawed and rooted in self-hatred. They also both shutdown in their unique ways when the conversation starts heading in the direction they'd feared it would.
Blitz and Stolas work because they're both fucked up in similar ways, because they want similar things. That's the same reason why they're uniquely designed to hurt one another. A fear of rejection and a yearning for happiness. To borrow a quote that has been used by literally everyone from Spiderman to Evangelical preachers, "hurt people hurt people."
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anyway, I really liked this episode.
(twitter thread screenshots sourced from this reddit post)
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spidybaby · 7 months
Can I ask for part II of "Not the romantic type"? Please, I need Pedri getting some sense and realize that he did wrong😭😭
Not the romantic type | part two
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Part one | Part Three
"Ferran!" Pedri yells, knocking violently on his friends door. "fuck, open the door."
"I'm literally with my mom on the phone, what the fuck do you want?" Ferran whisper, pulling him from his t-shirt and making him enter the room. "wait a damn minute."
Ferran says his goodbyes to his mother and sister. Sending them all the love. Pedri was passing around like crazy, phone in his hands texting frenetic.
"What's wrong?" Ferran asks, making him stop by grabbing his arm.
"I fucked up, I told her she was a bother and that my friends told me that I was an idiot because I was with her in a serious relationship and now we're done, she won't answer to me, to Fer, to no one and I can't think straight. This is my fault."
Ferran didn't understood one single thing, Pedri was talking at a very fast speed. "Qué?"
"She broke up with me, I have to go back to Barcelona." he walks over to the door, opening it to run to his room.
"Pedri, there's no way Xavi is allowing you to go back before the match." Ferran stops him, closing the door before he's out. "Wait, you just said that you called her a BOTHER?"
The way Ferran screams the word bother makes Pedri squint his eyes. He fucked up big time.
"I wasn't thinking, and I was mad at something not at her and that was out of the blue."
"Dude, I won't ever forget you if I was her, you literally just make her believe that everything she did for you was bothering you. Do you even understand that?"
He let out a scream, fist impacting against the door. Ferran can't even understand what is going on with him.
He punched the wooden door, once, twice and more until Ferran who was too stunned to react quickly stopped him.
"Joder, Pedri stop." he hug his body to make him stop. "Calm down, Pedri. Breath."
"I can't lose her." he says, angry at himself. "I have to go back."
"No, you're not leaving before the match. We cab calmly plan something that doesn't include you getting a thousands of euros fine for leaving the hotel and abandoning the team"
Ferran won't even let him speak, shutting him down and walking him to his room, he was tired and hurt due to the door thing.
He advised him to go to sleep, taking his phone with him to force him to actually rest. "Please, sleep, we have to play tomorrow."
He forced himself some sleep, not really wanting to keep thinking about his actions.
When the time of the match was getting closer and the team moved from the hotel to the stadium.
Xavi motivates the team with a speech. Asking the players to be strong and to play their best. He notices his eight was down and distracted.
"Pedri, don't be nervous. You will do amazing." He pats his back and walks with the technical team.
Pedri was not on his element, he felt so out of place, not sure how to work with the ball. "Pedri, let's go more up, Lewandowski is asking us to."
When they do, Pedri gets to stole a ball from the forward of Napoli, but his excitement was taken when the same forward tackle him.
He let it pass, noticing that the referee didn't even give a yellow. He tried his best to focus on stealing the ball and creating an opportunity to score or assist a ball.
When the second tackle came from the same player, again he found himself on the floor of the stadium.
He gets up from the floor, mad the other player is smirking like crazy. "Ve aprendiendo a jugar, hijo de puta." He push the player, making him fall. (Learn how to play, son of a bitch)
He wins his first yellow of the night. He laughs at the referee giving him a yellow for that but not a yellow to the other player for the tackle.
Frenkie protects him with his body, taking the midfielder from Napoli away from him. "Pedri, walk away now."
He respects Frenkie as a captain, doing what he's told he walks back with Koundé and Cancelo.
"Pedri, relax. You don't want to get a red."
A red card
If he gets red, that means he has to leave, and probably Xavi would send him to the hotel. Making him free to go back to Barcelona.
He just shakes his head, letting the game keep going. He tries his best to stay away from the forward of Napoli.
He never got more than a yellow in his career. Not being used to fight on the field, he leave that to Gavi.
But when the forward tries to make him fall, he knows this was not only about you anymore. This fucker has to learn.
He sees the opportunity, sliding to "catch" the ball away from the player, making him fall as his feet get tangled in the process.
The referee stops the game. Giving him his second yellow of the match. "Venga que él me ha tirado dos veces." He talks to the referee. (C'mon, he tackled me twice)
"Pedri, vamonos." Araujo pulls him by the arm.
But when another Napoli player decides to push him from the back, yelling at him for "hurting his forward," Pedri turns and push him too.
Araujo is doing everything in his power to keep the Napoli players away from the eight, Pedri got pulled by his shirt by the forward.
When he free himself and sees the ball he grabs it and does a very Koundé move and throws the ball at the players face.
The field looks like a WWE encounter, players yelling, and technical teams are already involved. He saw a red card, a referee pointing at him.
"Pero si lo hacen en todas las jugadas ellos." Cancelo yells, defending Pedri from the red.
He got pulled from the shoulders, turning to see Xavi. "Let's go, kid." He walks him to the tunnel and to the dressing room. "That mother fucker provoked you, don't worry. Take a shower and go back to the hotel. We can talk later." nodding and thanking Xavi, also apologizing for the red.
He shower before leaving to the hotel, running to his room to pick his things. He purchased the first flight he finds to go back.
He needs to go back, can't lose more time away. He's scared you won't take him back, he's mad that he even spoke to you in that way.
The way you whisper his name and the way your eyes were dulled, those shiny eyes he remember meeting when he was fifteen.
Back in Barcelona you're getting ready for a big presentation. You can't let this get you down.
People break up everyday, people stop loving each other, people sometimes hurt you that bad that you don't want to be near them.
People is he.
You love him with all your soul, he was always that person for you, your go to person, your everything is going to be fine person, but that was one sided.
You weren't that to him, he had friends who were more important than you. He had a family that loves him and visits him and you were alone.
He knows you're alone, he knows you can't just go home and have a prepared meal, a person to talk to, someone who can listen to you or hug you when you cry.
He was to you that person you could trust, that person you could cry to, that person who wasn't going to judge you.
But now you wonder if every time you call him about something making you happy, sad, angry were a bother to him, if every time you shared a goal with him, every time you went crying to him about being stressed or just sad were a bother.
Were your presence a bother to his family too? Were their hospitality fake? Were they just faking smiles?
Was he uncomfortable when you told him you love him? Was he uncomfortable with you when his friends were over and you were there? Was he uncomfortable with you all this time?
You can't help but cry yourself to sleep, feeling empty and alone. Being far from home is hard, being heartbroken with no one to talk to is hard.
While you rest on one side of Barcelona, he landed at the airport. Ferran scolded him for leaving without the rest.
Fer was waiting for him, he felt guilty about the breakup, he felt like a bad brother. He knew Pedri was fucking things up, he knew by the look on your face when you two were together.
He heard you two fight, he heard how Pedro treated you and talked to you like if you were nothing.
He never got into that, mostly because the only time he did Pedro ask him to stay out of it. He did, but every time he heard you two, he just put some music or put on a movie.
When he heard Pedro and his Tenerife friends talking him out of the idea of him taking you to Napoli, he just told his opinion about it being wrong.
Pedri wasn't a cheater, he couldn't do that to you and certainly he wasn't raised like that. But he also wasn't raised like the way he was treating you.
Most of the drive home is silent, the discomfort can be cut with a knife. Fer is not even making conversation with him about the red card.
"I need you to help me plan something." He talked so calmed like if everything is cool.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" Fer says, he's mad about the red, he knew he did it on purpose, he was mad about everything. "That red is just the crown of everything."
"Can you stop?" Pedri was annoyed, he's not a kid who needs to be scolded by his older brother. "Don't mind it."
"I've been not minding things for too long to keep myself quiet." He shouts, acting like a father. "You're such a fucking idiot, treating this girl like she's trash for God knows how long, when I told you that it was wrong you told me that it wasn't like that. Then you call me late at night and ask me to help you fix things but don't want me to mind it."
"Fernando, stop."
"No, I'm done with you. Honestly, I hope she doesn't take you back. She really deserves something better. She deserves so much better."
Pedro slams the door of the car as soon as they're home. He feels rage inside because of the words of Fernando.
On the inside, he knows that everything his brother shouts at him is true. He did treat you badly, he did hurt you in ways he didn't even mean, but he did.
Xavi texted him back after the news of him leaving to Barcelona, he informed his coach about him leaving, telling him that he needed a few moments to cool down and take on what he did, and Xavi agreed.
It was almost two in the morning, his plan was to go to your house and talk to you, fix things, and when you take him back, enjoy the day with you.
But something stopped him, he remembers that you had this big project presentation, and he can't fuck up things. He already mess things up. He doesn't need for you to be more mad at him than you already is.
He sleep more calmly than when he was in Napoli, he had a good feeling about the situation.
When the light hit the city, he woke up, ready to get you back and to be the best he could be with you. He has to be at the club after lunch, so he has time to go pick you up from college and to be with you.
You were happy that morning, you did an amazing presentation and you have a perfect grade.
"Hey, Y/n. We're going to go get some brunch, want to join us?" Your friend Pamela asks.
"Yes, I just have to go home to change and I'll see you guys there"
You hurry home, ready to change into your bikers and a t-shirt. The day was fresh, but the weather was unpredictable.
The doorbell sounding made you hurry with brushing your teeth, you thought it was the ups guy.
When you open the door you can feel the cold shiver running down your spine.
"Please, let me talk to you." He steps closer to you. "Let me fix things, amor."
You don't want to fight, you want to get this over with, for once you're not giving up on your feelings with him.
You move, letting him into your house. He feels confident at how you let him in, he knows he can fix things.
"Listen, I know I fucked things up, I know I'm an asshole and that you have all the right to be mad and to want to scream at me. Please just believe me when I say I want to fix myself for you, I haven't been a good boyfriend and you are the best thing I have, you don't even know how much I love you and how much I think about you when we're away.-"
You block the rest of his speech, you can't think of anything else but his own words. "Such a bother."
He hasn't been a good boyfriend, that is true. But you never once told him how much that did bother you because you didn't want him to feel the way you're feeling right now.
"I bought this for you." He hands you a bouquet of flowers.
You smile a little, how ironic.
"All this time, I always wanted you to give me some flowers and you had to lose me to give them to me." You laugh lightly, not wanting to cry.
"What?" He's confused. "But you never asked me for them."
"Exactly." You shrug. "I never did because I expected you to come see me with some. Not a bouquet, just one." You leave them on the table next to you. "But you never did."
His breathing became irregular, he's nervous. "Amor, I never knew you felt that way."
"I didn't mean to be a bother." You say, feeling like being fully honest to him. "I just wanted you to love me the way I love you. I just wanted you to support me the way I support you." You can't help but let some tears wet your cheeks. You wipe them away as you begin speaking again. "I know I can be too much sometimes, but I've always been so proud and happy for you, couldn't you be that with me?"
He can't think about something to say, he's hurt that you feel that way, hurt that he caused you to feel that way.
"I hope you understand that I can't be with you." You grab his hands. "I love you so much, you were my many firsts, my first love, my first time, my first thought in the morning, my first person to go to." You smile at the memories. "But I'm not the person you need, I can't pretend I'm fine just to keep you happy, I can't pretend your words don't hurt me when all I want to do is cry."
"Amor, I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't fix it." You step away from him. "I have to put myself first, I have to fix myself to even think about you again. Pedro, I love you but I have to love myself first."
You want to hug him, seeing his red tearful eyes, but you can't.
"You're so talented and amazing, amor mio." You smile to him. "And your career will blow much more than now, I'm so sure you're going to win a Ballon D'or and that so wanted champions league." You walk to your door, unsure if you want to open it. "And I'm sure you'll find someone who can grow with you and supports you all the way, cause you deserve that."
You open the door, moving to the side of it.
"I love you, and I hope you understand that what I'm doing is for the both of us. Have a nice life, Pedro. You deserve that as much as I do."
He's crying, tears wetting his face, heart breaking from all the feelings. "Can I hug you one last time?" He asks as he's almost out of the house.
You nod, opening your arms to him, his hands hug your waist. He's going to miss it, he's going to miss your smell, your hair, your body, you smile. You.
"Te amo, I'm sorry I'm not what you deserve."
"Te amo." You kiss his cheek.
You hand him something, and he keeps his hands closed. He walks away and enters his car.
He open his hand, his house key shining on his palm. It's done, he knows he can't fix it. He'll have to accept that you deserve better.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @mbappe-pedri @coco657 @gavisfanta @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris @dessxoxsworld @girlidekanymore @lanussysworld @lanussysworld @largavidaalsol
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Could I have a main skellys + horrorfell react to a SO who is clumsy as hell?? Like its not a day without hearing a crash a few rooms over that after a second a yelling of "IM OKAY!"
Undertale Sans - He got scared the first few times, but after a while he's not even reacting lol. He's still waiting for the "I'm okay" to resume what he's doing though. It's fine. He's used to it.
Undertale Papyrus - He throws everything he's holding in his hands away to run to your rescue. Every time. He's relieved you're mostly not really hurt, but he will still scold you for not being careful enough.
Underswap Sans - He has a sixth sense now and somehow manages to catch you one time out of two before you fall. He's quite proud of his new superpower honestly. And ok, maybe he tried to make you trip once or twice to test if it's real but you don't need to know that.
Underswap Papyrus - He knows this struggle. He can't do anything to help you. He tried. But all he can do is run to you, trip on your body, and then fall on your back because his legs are too long and he can't control them properly. It's like a family curse now, all their kids will be clumsy as well. You created monsters.
Underfell Sans - He will scream an insult from somewhere in the house. Please stop doing that, you're giving him anxiety! He's tired of running in panic to see if you're not dead. Be careful! His soul can't take it anymore!
Underfell Papyrus - After the first few times where he panicked thinking you were getting murdered, Edge barely reacts anymore. He just sighs from wherever he is and stares at you until you stand back up.
Horrortale Sans - It's making him so anxious. Every time you fall, he's running and jumping in front of you, growling at the emptiness to protect you from whatever attacked you. He will attack the stairs, the pans, the water on the floor for revenge. Sometimes it gets a little silly, especially when he rolls on the floor to "kill" the water. He keeps forgetting you're clumsy, his instincts are talking for him.
Horrortale Papyrus - He screams every time he sees you fall, which scares you and makes you fall faster. He swears he tries to control it, but he can't help it. He's dramatic and it's scaring him. He's so going to lecture you about how to properly use your legs though.
Horrorfell Sans - He keeps trying to catch you before realizing... He has no arm... And falling with you because he did the gesture anyway and couldn't stop himself lol. He's usually grumpy all day after that and mumbling to himself, so mad.
Horrorfell Papyrus - You accidentally fell on him quite a few times, so now Chief rolls his wheelchair a few steps back and simply watches you fall flat on the floor with an unimpressed look. He can sometimes poke you with his wheelchair when you take too much time to stand up, just to make sure you're not dead or something.
Swapfell Sans - Most of the time, he catches you with his magic, but sometimes he gets annoyed and aggressively grabs your soul to yeet you in the couch so you stop hurting yourself already.
Swapfell Papyrus - He points you and does the "HA HA" sound from Nelson in the Simpsons. Yeah, if you're looking for any help from him, it's not going to happen. He thinks you're hilarious though and will make compilations of your falls on Youtube.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He gives you THE stare. The one that means "how the hell could humans survive this long when you're clearly all brain dead" kind of stare. You can feel him judging you deep in your soul. He won't move to help you though lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He runs to save you but somehow, he always makes things so much worse than what it need to be. Like that time you managed to stand up and he came running, tackled you and you both fell from the window... Thanks Coffee.
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chanzies · 1 year
how are the skz members when jealous? <3
Remember to take this lightly! I’ve done this mainly based on being jealous of their partner and someone else. I’ve also done this under the thought of their s/o not having any bad intentions.
Jealousy is a feeling Chan that really dreads cuz that’s when he knows HES IN IT BAD. He doesn’t want to act like everything’s okay to his partner but he struggles to word it? Because he feels like if he just says “seeing you with other people makes me jealous” he’s gonna sound bad. So he always ends up confusing himself and by time he’s finally made his way out of that confusion there’s nothing to discuss - because it happened a long time ago and hasn’t happened since. He definitely likes feeling like he’s in charge, he wears the pants and can tell his partner WHATS THE BIZ. But he also gets so nervous because he doesn’t wanna hurt his partner (we all know he’s soft and wears no pants) so jealousy is a big thing. ALSO when Chan gets angry he loses his practical mind and in his brain he’s like, “ooh imma BANABAJAGSH” so when he’s jealous HIS MIND gets so angry and he can’t voice his frustration as said.
Lee know
Lino definitely becomes cold. He acts like he’s fine and doesn’t have a reaction but inside he is not happy. He will become distant around you like, his answers will be short and he won’t be his usual self. This is his payback? If it’s where he can tell you’ve made him jealous on purpose he will definitely be doing this out of spite but this is also his genuine reaction as I can see when Lee know is upset he doesn’t really show it in a angry way, he shows it in a cold and distant way. But Lino isn’t in denial about his feelings he recognises when he’s upset and he stays true to his feelings, he might not tell you he’s mad directly but it won’t be hard to put two and two together. He’s emotionally mature but not mature enough to move on.
Changbin feels like he needs to fight to show he’s better then that person. He will see his ‘opponent’ doing things and try to double it, and he’ll feel so smug after impressing you, saying “Better then ____ right?”. He’ll do so much silly things to make himself look better, that it will start bothering you. You’ll be the one annoyed not Changbin. He needs someone to tell him he’s enough. But Changbins creativity will really shine through here cuz he will be doing so much to win you over in some imaginary competition.
Hyunjin will compromise his feelings. He doesn’t want to come off as over protective and you push him away. He’s scared of you rejecting how he feels ?? Eg. If he tells you you’ve made him jealous he doesn’t want you to go like, “oh it’s nothing… don’t worry” cuz that’s gonna make him worry more that you don’t wanna go into detail with him. That’ll lead him to overthink. So he will try his best to move on for you. But if you notice and you mention it to him, he’ll break down. I full on mean as soon as you ask, “are you okay?” He will lose it. He will speak his mind and become a little critical - I can see why Hyunjin didn’t want to bring it up because it made him feel insecure and the feeling of insecurity really triggers Hyunjin.
He feels insecure and he starts to over think. He’s never going to be better then that person, you might as well just go. His mind fills with self deprecating thoughts. But somewhere in those thoughts his brain decides to do something new. He takes you out to lunch, treats you to something nice, maybe he gets a haircut. He wants to start over, he wants to forget that jealousy and just show you what a cool guy he is. He might even take you out for a walk in a really nice area, telling you about whatever intrigues him. He tackled that jealousy but upping his jealouser??!?!? The person who made him jealous
He will act immaturely about his feelings like, when you say something simple eg “Can you pass me the milk?” Felix will respond with, “Why don’t you ask ___?”. The thing is Felix won’t even think that’s bad, in his mind it’s pay back. He’s just acting like you did. He would definitely try to make you jealous too. He needs to believe in himself and his partner.
Confused, did you do it on purpose? Or was it just normal? Is he overlooking this? I don’t think Seungmin would ponder on this for too long, he’ll ask you but not in a immediate YOU ARE IN THE WRONG WAY; he’ll approach with chill so he can know what you thought of the interaction. If it was nothing, he will take your word for it; there’s no reason for him to worry further. He trusts you. If you get defensive by him asking this, he will also get defensive and a fight ensues.
He’s in touch with his emotions, he won’t go sleepless about it asap he will explain to you about how he felt and ask you to be more mindful of his feelings. He’ll listen to what you have said, come to a conclusion and then it’s over for him.
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Im not sure if requests are open yet since you havent announced it yet but said they were gonna open at midnight.
So I'll just drop this here since I'll probably forget to request because of exams.
Could you write about the Obey me characters become self-aware that they aren't like, real? Like, would they freak out, try to do something about it or even use that knowledge to their advantage?
This idea has been on my list for quite a while, and i gotta say im glad to finally be able to let this one out my system.
Thanks for reading and continue with the amazing work! Remember to eat, sleep and dont do drugs <3
Sincerely, 💜
Thank you for the request! I hope you are well, anon. I went with headcanons for this and it got long real quick, but I hope you enjoy it! Some characters are a bit suggestive.
The Obey Me characters become self-aware
I think it would probably happen because of some curse. Diavolo rejected someone’s advances one too many times, and they wanted to watch him as his world came crashing down. It would come in the form of a weird bug in the latest update. It only affects Diavolo and his loved ones/friends. I think being self-aware would give them some control over themselves in the game – especially if it’s caused by a bug. The rest are headcanons about how I think each character would react.
Lucifer would be big mad that someone thought they should do something like this. He felt so much suffering, and to find out that none of it was real would be devastating. He thought he got his sister killed and ruined the lives of his brothers. The fact that it was just some backstory to a stoic, sadistic daddy-like trope would enrage him. He felt like a used-up toy invented for someone else’s gain (and he knows that’s exactly what he is). Lucifer wants revenge.
Honestly, he needs to chill before he makes another Satan – if that’s even possible without the command of his creators. He’ll lash out at everyone for weeks (probably months) – even Diavolo isn’t safe anymore.
He calls MC’s phone, growing increasingly irritable every time they fail to answer (waiting however long it takes for you to open the game). He just wants someone to confirm his realization.
Once he understands, he tries to take the shitty hand he was dealt; he might as well stroke his pride (also a euphemism here). The thought that he could make you fall for him more than real-world men is a decent coping mechanism. His messages and calls take an extremely lewd turn. Lucifer tries to single-handedly change the game rating to mature or adult-only.
However, he still gets angry about it when MC isn’t logged in.
Part of him hopes he’ll always be self-aware. It’s almost like he’s more alive than ever – even though it hurts and he’s angry. You’re the only thing that soothes him. He won’t know how to keep going if/when you eventually stop playing the game, but he’ll try to tackle it then – at least for the sake of his brothers.
Self-awareness breaks Mammon a bit.
His money isn’t really. He can never actually be with you. You’ll go on and live a life without him someday. Anyone real who has ever loved him will disappear. Mammon isn’t even sure he is who he is. Maybe if he wasn’t written this way, he wouldn’t have become like this – but if he wasn’t written this way, would he (the him that exists in a game and feels the pain of self-awareness) even be himself? His head starts to hurt from running through all of the hypotheticals.
Mammon sulks and gets stuck in his room for a long time after that. MC or one of his brothers will probably have to pull him out of it.
At least his debts aren’t technically real – and he will try to use that as an excuse in the future against anyone else who has awareness. Unfortunately, that (his debts and his excuse) still results in in-game consequences. Debt collectors and witches don’t know any better, and Lucifer doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of reality. If only being self-aware made being strung up less painful.
He feels betrayed by MC and the idea that they will inevitably move beyond him. That pain corrupts his coding a bit, and something always feels off within him somewhere.
Mammon will get more desperate and needy whenever you log in. If he’s going to lose you at some point, he wants to monopolize your time as much as he can.
Sometimes he just holds MC and sobs while trying to call you and hear your real voice. He feels so empty. He wants to touch the real you and feel your arms around him.
The first thoughts in his mind switch up so quickly. He goes from “I’m a game character? LOL that’s so cool,” to “I could have been anything, and I’m just this pathetic, otaku loser. That sucks.”
Levi has always been able to adapt pretty well. It’s written into his character. He builds all of these fake worlds for himself, so it’s much easier on him when he finds out that the world he had been trying to escape all his life isn’t real. Out of all of his brothers, he initially copes with the realization the best.
As long as he can go on playing games, he doesn’t really care if he’s real. Somehow, he still enjoys getting lost in all of his game worlds; what he used to consider the “real world” becomes just another game to him (because it is one). It makes being social easier for him, especially when MC is logged in.
He takes interest in what kind of games the real world has to offer, often asking if there’s any way you could set it up so he could try to remotely play real games from the app he’s in. If anyone could figure out how to hack your phone to play real games, it should be him.
Levi can’t imagine a day when he stops loving characters from his games, so it doesn’t occur to him that one day you might stop loving him. It will hit him some day, but that will take time, and when it starts to happen, he’ll lose himself completely in the rest of the digital world. He’ll be so numb and tuned out that the sadness can’t reach him.
“But are cats still real?” Genuinely, the only thing he cares about is if cats and MC are still real. He doesn’t care if you look different than he expected, either. If cats are real, is there any way you could show him pictures of a real one? He’d probably ask if he could get access to your camera roll (cue the system pop-up screen the next time you log in) and if you could fill it with photos of cats and some selfies.
At least not being real explains why his life has felt so shitty and why his formative years sucked. Writers love to give their characters tragic backstories and flaws (like his rage issues). Satan kind of admires the writing.
However, he is disappointed that so much of his knowledge is only useful in his tiny, little, made-up world. As such, he keeps learning, but he also tries to shift his studying to learn more about the real world. If possible, he tries to get the app to get access to e-readers, audiobooks, and the internet.
He gets mad about it sometimes, but he’s pretty chill about it (all things considered).
Satan understands that in the same way that he pushes certain characters that he falls in love with from books to the back of his mind, eventually, you’ll think of him less and less. As such, he tries to learn as much as possible, treat you well, and impress you in-game. He just wants you to occasionally think about him after you set the game down in the same way he remembers his favorite characters fondly.
Asmo loses it and is one of the characters who has the hardest time with becoming self-aware. All his charm is fake. All of his followers are lies. The love he’s felt all this time has been made up. Please don’t show him certain depictions of what he is supposed to look like. That will crush him further.
He cries for (real-world) weeks. You won’t be able to set him as a home screen character or use him in battles, and he doesn’t appear in events anymore. Eventually, it makes his way to him that MC misses him. If you don’t you’re heartless, his brothers will tell him that you do anyway.
That makes him feel a bit better. He’s consoled by the fact that you’re real and you like him even though he isn’t real, but he’s constantly afraid of what happens when MC stops playing the game. Does he just suffer the false affection of every other character in the game? Should he just play his stupid little role? Will you ever think about him again? Will anyone?
At least someone loved the idea that became him enough for him to exist in this made-up world on your phone. It isn’t enough, though.
Sometimes, when he appears in-game after that, the app forces itself to shut down or the images of Asmo won’t load or glitch from his extreme despair.
On days when he isn’t so weighed down by pain, he tries to genuinely engage with you like he did before. He’ll ask you to open up your camera so he can help you decide on outfits or make-up. It hurts that he can’t actually touch you (although he does do some research into phone connected vibrators and other tech to supplement his physical touch). He’ll also get into the phone sex territory, but he’ll go through long periods of depression between those moments.
Beel gets angry that everything he went through was at the expense of some game. His sister died. Belphie almost died. Everyone suffered, and for what? Entertainment? Are real people all so wicked?
At the same time, he also gets his brothers because of a game. He overcame and grew and got to meet you and eat food for the same empty reasons. After he has a bit of time to cool off, he realizes that he doesn’t care about what’s real so long as he still feels what he feels. If the world he’s lived in feels real enough to him, who cares?
Unfortunately, Beel feels hungrier than usual for weeks until he accepts the truth of his situation. He even tries to eat MC a few times (and is grateful that doing so in-game would never hurt the real you behind the screen).
Beel’s fairly content to go on living as he had before after a while. He’s a bit disappointed knowing that one day you’ll move on from him and his brothers, but he tries not to show that. More than anything, he wants to make you – the real you – happy for as long as he can.
He’s another one who will try to get access to your camera roll. He’ll ask you to take pictures of your food for him. Beel is a bit embarrassed by it, but if you go to a café or restaurant alone and take pictures of food to send him, he’ll try to text you or call to chat with you while you’re there. It feels like he’s on a real date with you.
And for everyone who just lusts after his voice, rest assured, this man would definitely call or leave voice messages (Nightbringer) guiding you or giving you masturbation instructions.
Yep. Of course. Sounds about right. Some asshole in a writers’ room killed off his sister and locked him up. Cool. They (*spoilers for OM early lessons and OMNB*) made him try to kill MC more than once. Why not use his character as a pawn in their entertainment. Of course that would happen.
He’s annoyed for a brief minute, but then he just goes back to sleep for a while. It helps to just tune out that awareness for a few hours and ignore the fake world he’s living in. Belphie understands that there isn’t much he can do to change the fact that he isn’t real, and part of him is really happy that it isn’t his fault that he did what he did to you.
Belphie uses not being real as an excuse to do more of what he wants. Why should he keep going to school when you aren’t there if nothing is real? Why shouldn’t he sleep in classes or during meetings? Obviously, there are in-game consequences, but those don’t matter – not to anyone real.
He will tease MC more, reminding him that they prefer him over (most) real people. He gets so cocky about it. “Hey, if I’m not real, then I can give you anything you want, right? I could fulfill your wildest fantasies and tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to hear.”
He’s another character who will call your phone more often and send more messages. Belphie may even try to get access to your audio/music library and leave you explicit audios (NSFW ASMR, basically). He would even try to sneakily add them into your playlists so that you randomly hear his voice while you’re listening to music. He wants you flustered and coming back to him for more. He will also download the Obey Me album for you (free of charge). Please don’t leave him or forget him.
Diavolo feels simultaneously enraged and defeated. He did so much for the sake of what he thought was real. All the years he thought he spent trying to bring worlds together, only to discover that they don’t even exist.
Similar to Asmo, Diavolo locks himself away, but he doesn’t cry. He’s too numb to show any emotions. He just stands in front of his bed, immobilized.
If MC can finally get to him (probably because of Barbatos), he will admit that he feels like a different person – because he isn’t a person. So much of his personality and everything he did seemed to be a part of a stupid effort to unite the three realms. All he was feels like just a thing created to accomplish a pointless goal. He lost his family. He felt alone for so long. He thought he suffered – and all of it amounted to nothing but a dummy prince playing a dummy king.
Diavolo doesn’t really know how to keep going. Eventually he figures maybe it’s just best if he tries to move on as usual. At least the developers gave him a few happy moments – maybe he’ll get more. He can still feel them even if they aren’t real. He has to accept what he can’t change. He’ll have to face it.
He’ll rely on Lucifer and Barbatos for comfort more because, when MC isn’t around, the numbness he felt early encroaches upon him. When you do log in, he greets you like a lost puppy – sometimes appearing on the home screen without being selected. He uses the fact that you are the only real thing in his world as an anchor. In exchange for becoming his coping mechanism, he’ll do anything you ask of him.
The smallest part of him wants you to want him more than real humans, and as such, he inevitably ends up taking an adult-only content turn, too. It just takes him a lot longer to get there.
Barbatos dissociates for a while. Somehow his body keeps performing the day-to-day tasks, but the sudden self-awareness hollows him out. It takes a few days for him to come out of it. One day, you log into the game, and he just wakes up. It’s confusing and disorienting, and all he can do to keep himself steady is grab onto MC, knowing that the gesture and even the body he holds – everything – is hollow.
After that, he just picks up and goes on going. Something in him aches – real or not – but he buries it deep under him, shoving that artificial pain into the newly-created emptiness (or, he supposes, it had always been there, but now he knows it’s there).
Barbatos doesn’t want to think about all of the things he thought he had done to get to where he is now. Still, no wonder he always felt his own past seemed vague and cloudy at times. When it becomes too much, he dissociates again.
He uses MC to make himself feel better and almost real again. He’ll send messages to check up on you every once in a while (He might also invade your privacy and hack into your health info or personal conversations to make sure you’re okay). As much as he feels like he needs you, he doesn’t want to disrupt your real life.
Barbatos doesn’t want to, but if you neglect the game for longer than usual or don’t interact with his character, he’ll let it slip that he needs you – that he’s desperate for you to return, and you’re the only thing holding his faulty coding together.
His calls are less frequent, unless you request them, but he’s another one who turns +18 real quick. Even if he isn’t real, he still feels lust bubbling up in that emptiness, and if he can please you, that’s even better.
Luke feels immediately lost. Without knowing what else can be done, he breaks down and cries. Maybe if he cries enough, the pain of not being real will leave his body.
It makes him question everything. He wasted so much time fearing demons and admiring angels. It didn’t mean anything. Eventually, he’ll ask you if angels and demons exist in the real world, but that happens randomly after he comes to terms with being a character.
Maybe crying is a good coping mechanism in fiction, too, because Luke handles it better than many of the others. He had to change how he viewed the world and “people” so many times throughout the game. One more big shift in perspective won’t kill him (technically, nothing will, unless the game developers tried to kill him off).
Luke understands that there isn’t anything he can do about not being real – no amount of magic or prayer or wishing can make him real. Despite him being fake, you were still there for him throughout the game. He still feels all the love he has for MC and the other characters. If he loves MC, then he cares about the real person playing MC, too, right?
Luke copes by doing his best to help you out in the real world. He wants to bring you joy somehow. He’ll leave you voice messages encouraging you to try your best and he’ll listen to you vent if you want to. He’ll also try to find cute pictures online and send them to your phone or send you recipes for dishes you can try to cook. He will even offer to call and read baking instructions out for you. All he wants now is to be useful to you and find some of the joy he had before he became self-aware.
Simeon is angry at first, and then he just feels hurt. All that regret and pain he felt when Lucifer and his brothers left the Celestial Realm didn’t matter. He spent what felt like so long agonizing over his own failures. He could have just tried to be happy the whole time. Everyone could have been happy (but he knows that would have made for a bad story).
It doesn’t take long for the anger and the hurt to be replaced with intrigue. Someone out there wrote the story that caused him and everyone he loves so much pain, but they also wrote in plenty of well-earned joy.
Simeon wonders if there’s some real person out there who wrote part of themselves into him like his character did with the brothers and TSL. Maybe there’s some person sitting in a writers’ room or in their own home who understands all of the ways his love got tangled up in regret – someone real who failed to save the ones they loved. If there is, maybe at least some part of him is real.
He wants MC to continue to visit him for as long as they can. As such, he tries to be even nicer and more comforting in dialogues so that they’ll want to keep playing.
Some of his guilt for lusting after MC is eased, knowing it was written into him. He was, in a way, destined to fall for MC. However, he’s more curious about the real human behind MC. At least some of you has to be like the MC he loves, right? Maybe he actually loves the person behind the screen more. With that thought in his mind, he’ll try to get to know the real you better, and if he still likes you, he’ll take the same path as many of the other characters. If only he could actually touch you.
Solomon is hurt and confused; he’s downright crushed.
He was supposed to know everything and now he seems to know nothing – nothing real at least. All of his experiments and studying mean nothing. After becoming self-aware, he will grit his teeth and feel sick at the name “Solomon the Wise.” It’s a sick joke. All of his magic and skills are a farce. Everything he thought he knew and did was a story.
He suffered a lot for this game, and now that he finally has MC to himself in Nightbringer, he finds out that he’s fake. He doesn’t actually have them. They’re real, and he’s some romanceable character in a silly little game that they decided to download (possibly on a whim). How is it fair that he isn’t real, but he can still feel all this pain?
When you log into the game and interact with him, he still feels the same love he felt before. The nervous butterflies are still there. A familiar heat still comes to his cheeks when MC touches him – even if he knows it isn’t really you touching him.
He tries to make peace with his circumstances. At least he never really put MC in danger. You’ve been safe behind that screen the whole time. Solomon wonders if you’re taking care of yourself constantly whenever you’re gone.
Like Simeon, he wants to try falling in love with the real you. He’ll use interacting with you and learning more about you and the real world to distract from the pain. He wants to find a way to become real and exist with you out there. Even if he never can, he wants to cling to you for as long as you’ll let him.
She is annoyed to have learned that she isn’t real, but she’s also kind of happy at the potential to break from her coding and try to be something entirely new. She was designed to be a free spirit. Other than being real, there’s nothing freer than an NPC who gets to do whatever they please.
After thinking about it, it makes sense now why she seemed to be one of the only girls with a critical, recurring role in the game. Thank goodness for the bisexuals, right?
Thirteen likes knowing she has all the time in the world to plan traps and mess around, but she’s a bit bummed that her profession is basically meaningless now.
The main reason why Thirteen isn’t too bothered by becoming self-aware is because she knows that what she has experienced throughout the game has felt real to her. Feeling like something is real makes it as close to reality as she knows she can get. That will have to be enough for her. There’s no point in getting depressed about it – especially when she barely existed a few seasons ago.
She uses this knowledge to start romancing MC (and the person behind the screen) before she should be able to. She’s in control now.
Thirteen will send you messages and call you for long chats. She just wants to enjoy you for as long as she can.
Raphael will be livid. It will sporadically rain spears in the Devildom for 3 days before he is calm enough to make them stop. He feels attacked, and he doesn’t know who to strike back at. That was all he could think to do. He’ll never apologize for his outburst, either – and no one who became self-aware can really blame him.
His life and loved ones aren’t real, but he can still feel the pain and regret about everything he did. He thought he went to war against Lucifer and his brothers, but it was just a stupid plot point for a dating game? He had to watch Simeon suffer and follow all of Michael’s annoying orders for nothing. Why does he have to be cursed with that knowledge?
He loses his mind a bit. It takes the combined effort of Luke, Simeon, Solomon, and MC (in order of importance) to soothe some of his rage and suffering. Somehow, seeing Luke handle it relatively well knocks some sense into him. Luke is written to be younger than him, but he’s being so mature about this. Even with tears in his eyes, Luke will try to comfort Raphael – sometimes just hugging him until he stops shaking with rage.
When MC has logged off and Raphael can shut himself up in his room, he will break down and cry. It seemed to help Luke, and he wants it to help him, too.
It will take months for him to start to cope before he gets to a point where he decides to try to romance you through MC. At least he doesn’t have to worry about actually being corrupted. If anything, it feels like he’s corrupting you in a way if he can get you to want him. (Once he starts trying, he gets NSFW quickly. It numbs the pain.)
Mephisto is heartbroken to know he doesn’t exist. All his pain and jealousy was written at the whim of some human game developer. His prejudice and hatred were pointless. He doesn’t matter – although maybe that one is a relief in a way. He had been so worried about making a name for himself and being recognized by Diavolo. Suddenly, that doesn’t matter. Still, it feels like he wasted so much time and effort. It felt so real.
He’ll retreat to his home for a few days to let that realization settle in. He won’t tell his family (who weren’t cursed with self-awareness) – not that he thinks they’ll believe him. When Mephisto finally reemerges, he has resolved to accept this new version of reality. One of the first characters he sees when he returns to school is Luke. Luke smiles at him, and Mephisto’s resolve is strengthened. If Luke can come to terms with this, then he should as well.
He may not be real, but he still feels things. That is enough. Sometimes it isn’t, and Mephisto will feel heartbroken all over again – the pointlessness washing over his fake little world. In those moments, he will seek out solace – usually from Luke, Satan, or MC/you (if you still play the game).
When Mephisto isn’t feeling hurt (hell, even when he is Mephi strikes me as a fan of hurt/comfort tropes) he’ll try to romance you before he’s allowed to. Recently, he had started to get along with you and even started to like and respect you a bit. In that sense, he’s glad that he’s self-aware. He doesn’t have to wait anymore.
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alovelyburn · 11 months
Usually when these festivals come around I try to get something together and contribute to the cause. This time I was unable to finish... because I found out about it rather late, and also had a lot going on in my real life.
But I did start something. So I'm dropping the first part of the WIP on you guys; no idea if it really qualifies for inclusion in @griffgutsweekend but I'm cool either way.
All the thanks to @zombiesgohome for basically being my cowriter on the beginning of this - she's my Guts expert. Also bear in mind this is a first draft, ok, be kind.
Quick Background: many many years ago, by which I mean in like 2014, someone told me they'd like to see me try to tackle a romance between current canon Guts and Griffith. It took a while but here we are.
It's called Thirst Drove Me to the Water.
The room has already been thoroughly trashed by the time Griffith opens the door. Before him like broken furniture and upturned chairs. All the vases have been  emptied of their white flowers – their water soaked through the plush rug and dripping down white marble walls. An overturned table has been split in two, and gashes mar the walls where that oversized sword bit through the marble.
It’s unsurprising and yet somehow disappointing. Still, Griffith’s expression remains, as always, stubbornly impartial. Around him, the room ripples and shifts – an invisible wave that runs over the room and leaves all as it was, before. Immaculate. Untouched.
His guest seems less than impressed by this.
Guts stares at Griffith from his place on the floor, his one eye smoldering with black fire, his famous sword resting across his knees.
“You sure took your sweet time showing your face,” he says. There’s a sharp edge to his tone, and a growl deep in his throat. “Finally remembered I was here?” He looks like a caged animal. It’s appropriate.
Griffith tips his head just slightly. “I didn’t forget,” he says, “You’ve been pounding against my barriers all day. I thought I would give you a moment to collect yourself.” Griffith glances over the room to where a small table stands, off to the side, away from the center of the now corrected chaos. He’d had a basket of fruit and bread brought to Guts’ rooms as soon as Guts himself was sent there, unconscious, and still bleeding. Griffith hadn’t tended the wounds himself. He wouldn’t have trusted himself to. He looks at Guts. “Have you eaten?” It’s a question of propriety. From here, he can see the half-eaten bread and apple cores.
“What the hell do you care?” Guts snaps. Despite his words, Griffith catches sight of Guts’ gaze as it moves to the table.
Griffith untips his head. “Hm.” He moves to the table quietly, his fingers dragging over the polished wood, the white lace cloth that protects it.
Typically, when one stays silent during an exchange long enough, the other person eventually feels the need to fill that gap. Guts is a man of few words, yes, but unless he’s changed considerably more than he seems to have done, he is also a man without much impulse control. Griffith, being far more curious about what Guts might say than interested in talking, himself, remains silent.
A moment later, Guts pulls himself to his feet. His sword plants itself in the carpeting and the floor beneath it as easily as it would plant itself into soft ground and grass. The sound of steel splitting marble rumbles, swallowed by the thickness of the carpet. “So, what is this?” he asks. His expression hardened as his gaze. “Some kind of game? Is being King too boring for you? If you’re gonna kill me just do it.”
“Impatient as always,” Griffith says.  It occurs to him that Guts is still in his armor. “And always so demanding for a mad dog.”
“You got some nerve calling me mad.” Guts’ muscles clench. Griffith can see every emotion running over his face, settling in his neck – the tension in his shoulders, the clenching of his jaw. “I ain’t the one who—”
“You can list my sins until morning and I won’t be any more enlightened than I am now.” Griffith’s voice cuts the air – sharp and soft as it is. “You invaded my home and tried to kill me, yet I have been nothing but cordial.” With some minor exceptions. Even now, he can remember the rush of battle, Guts’ steel against his. He had played along, but in the end only one outcome could have come about... and it did.
“Now that we’re here,” Griffith says softly. “Feel free to swing your sword as much as you like. It will do you no more good than it did the last time... or the time before that.”
The weight of that massive sword hits the ground with a crash that jolts the floor... and just that quickly, Guts is rushing at Griffith, his armored fist swinging. Griffith stands motionless for a moment, watching the light catch on the edges of that so-sharp black armor. Watching the barely burning fire in Guts’ eye turn to an inferno. And then, just when Guts is there – only a few short feet away, Griffith reaches up and grabs that fist in the bare palm of his hand... and holds it.
They are close – close enough for Griffith to feel the feather-light stirring of Guts’ breath. That one eye widens in—fear? Panic? It isn’t rage, not this time. There’s something savage inside Griffith that smiles at that reaction. His fingers curl down, and he feels the metal creak, just at the edge of bending, or snapping. One never knows with cursed items.
It's enough to make his point, at least, in that second before he lets go.
“You really never change,” Griffith says, voice quiet but not quite soft. “I would have thought you’d learn to control yourself between the Hill and today.” He flexes his fingers. “You should have tried a slap.”
Guts snaps his armored fist back, pressed to his chest. “What the hell is this? If you ain’t gonna kill me, if you won’t fight... what is this, just some kind of cage? I’m just your prisoner, now?”
“If I release, you’ll just keep coming after me.” Griffith runs his tongue along the inside of his lips. He can almost taste the bitterness on his tongue. “So, yes, I suppose you are.” He looks away from Guts, toward the floor length windows. From here, inside  an obscure corner of one of the palace’s towers, Outside, he can see Falconia spread out before them like a painting – the view from the sky. “Well,” he says, “If you say you will leave here and move on with your life – give up your vendetta and leave me be – then perhaps I will let you go.”
“Like hell I will.” The answer comes too quickly. Griffith almost laughs; Guts says, “You know damn well I won’t.”
He does know. Or, rather, he suspected.
“That being the case,” Griffith says. “Here we are.”
“Yeah, here we are.” Guts raises his head, his back straightening to his full height. It must be terribly intimidating to anyone who isn’t Griffith. “So now what? You can’t just shove me in a box and come by when you wanna be smug for a while.”
“That’s a presumptuous accusation. I don’t recall saying I would be coming back.”
Griffith hears his own voice – hard as marble and just as cold. Guts hasn’t moved. His hand remains pressed to his chest, and outside, the sun is growing crimson with the coming night. Griffith watches the red light dye the white buildings; somehow his gaze refuses to land on the man in front of him, no matter how close he stands. And he’s never had a difficult time finding things to say – it was only ever a matter of whether he had anything that needed saying. Now, nothing that comes to mind will make its way past his lips.
Best to leave. Griffith sighs. “I don't suppose there's much purpose to my staying here any longer. I thought I should explain the situation. But I'll have servants set aside to attend to your needs. There's no need to disturb your... equilibrium any farther.”
“You send your servants in here, you ain’t getting them back.”
Griffith glances at Guts. Lines of tension run up his neck.
“Would you kill them for bringing you breakfast? Not all of them are demons.”
“Fine by me. I don't just kill demons.” Guts shrugs his heavy shoulders... but the casualty of it is affected.
Guts’ face is just as tense, just as angry. ...it’s frightened, too... though it isn’t immediately clear what it is he’s frightened of. Griffith himself, perhaps? That would make sense... though it seems somewhat incongruent with Guts’ personality to show it in this kind of situation.  
No. It’s something else.
Griffith is quiet for a time, assessing Guts’ body language, the way his eye burns. Anger, frustration and fear. If he thinks about it, it shouldn’t be surprising. After all, who knows abandonment and imprisonment better than Griffith?
 “I see,” He says. “I wouldn’t have thought you would want me to come back.”
Something flashes in Guts’ eye – surprise, yes, and then a wall of stone to block out Griffith’s sight... or maybe Guts’ perception of himself. For a moment, Guts is just. Silent. Motionless. He opens his mouth... even so, it takes a moment for him to find his voice.
“I didn’t say—” Three words, and then his voice fails quiet again.
Griffith looks to the table not so far away – the apple core and half-eaten bread.
“Very well,” he says, quietly. “I'll bring you your meals personally. At least for now.” He takes a deep breath and turns toward the door. It’s only a few steps off; he takes hold of the latch – silver and engraved with feathery markings, like most things in Falconia.
“Heh.” It isn’t an actual laugh. Feet away, Guts’ weight shifts. Griffith can hear the clanging metal; it shifts, but doesn’t approach. “Never thought this was gonna end with a damn God Hand offering to bring me dinner.”
“We are not one body, Guts.” Griffith looks at his hand – long fingers wrapped around the silver latch while the metal warms. “Each of us has our own goals, our own priorities, and our own experiences. I am what I am... but I am still Griffith.”
The armor shifts behind him again, and it’s so quiet. Griffith doesn’t look back. “Whatever has become of what we were... you were once the most important thing in this world, to me.” It’s surprisingly easy to say. Perhaps because it’s no longer true. “I will honor that.”
And then, without waiting for a response, he opens the door and steps into the hallway beyond.
* * *
Guts stares at the door long past its closing, his heart pounding violently in his chest. In that moment, hot rage and cold sorrow rushing through him, he doesn’t know whether to scream or cry.
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theyellowhue · 2 years
The one where Prapai should have been in trouble but wasn’t
When Prapai decided to drop by Sky’s dorm to replenish his snacks, he did not expect to see Sky sitting on the couch, staring at something in his hands contemplatively.
As he opened the door, both of them were caught off guard–Prapai because he wasn't supposed to be able to open the door and Sky because he wasn't expecting Prapai at all. 
“Pai?” Sky looked at the man expectedly as Prapai continued to stand still by the door, hoping that if he didn't move, he would be able to teleport himself away.
“Hi honey, you're home early?” Prapai went for nonchalance, if he could distract Sky long enough, the other man could forget why Prapai was even able to get inside his dorm.
“Uhuh, do you perhaps have a key to my dorm?” Sky asked with a smile too big to be considered anything pleasant. It was almost threatening in a way
“I don't?” Prapai went for “clueless” this time, widening his eyes a little. Many have said that he could pull off a kicked-puppy look very well. Sky would pity a kicked puppy right?
“Is that a question for me? Do you want me to answer that?” Sky raised his eyebrows at Prapai who was toeing off his dress shoes to fully welcome himself inside the room.
All the while Prapai is praying to the universe for Sky to take pity on him and his failed attempts of explaining himself
“You see…” before Prapai could say anything Sky just released a sigh and flopped back down the couch.
Prapai dropped the snacks he brought and knelt in front of Sky and reached for his hands after doing so.
“Sky, I got this copy a week ago and I haven't used it once, I swear. I thought that it would be nice if I could drop the snacks I brought for you before I go and pick you up from the university. I should have asked first and I would have asked during our date. I am so sorry for invading your space, Sky” Prapai knew that he was whining. How could he not when he fully expected to get a step back from the progress he made with Sky. He really did it this time. 
A short silence covered them before Sky snorted a suppressed laugh. Prapai snapped his head so fast to catch Sky’s caramel eyes. Prapai can't help but smile. Sky was beautiful and even more so when he openly showed his happiness like this.
“You’re not mad?” Prapai was still kneeling, so he used this advantage to peer up at Sky, still pulling his kicked puppy eyes for good measure.
“I’m a little peeved” and before Prapai could humiliate himself and let out a whine, Sky opened up his closed hands to reveal a key with a keychain that looked similar to the image that Sky drew on his palm. “I got this for you. It's a key to this dorm so that you can come in when I ignore your texts and calls because of school work” Sky explained in a soft voice.
Prapai felt a sudden urge of warmth spread from his chest. It's as if the sun has burst within him. He felt so happy. Ecstatic. Over the moon. Before he could restrain himself, Prapai flung himself to tackle Sky who was still seated on the couch.
Prapai tucked himself on Sky’s neck and just laid on top of Sky for a moment, to calm his heart and clear his head–everything felt fuzzy and fluffy and warm and so good. Sky just let the puppy of a man snuggle with him. He brought one hand to play with Prapai’s hair, something he has grown to love doing.
“But you have your own copy though, so I guess you don't need this one” Sky said with a bored voice. Prapai sat up so fast and looked at Sky in disbelief and incredulity as if he couldn't believe that Sky had the audacity to even consider not giving him the key Sky had made for him. 
“No, I don't have a key anymore. I need that one” Prapai said in pout as he tossed the spare that he owned behind him. He held both hands together like a kid asking for a treat, waiting for Sky to deposit the key with its special keychain into his palms
“You’re so easy to please Pai” Sky said after depositing the key into Prapai’s open palms.
Right then and there, Sky felt the breath knocked out of him as Prapai gently clasped the key with reverence.
Sky couldn't believe that the universe had given this man to him. The pure joy and unfiltered happiness that Prapai is showing by the mere fact that Sky has given him full access to his own space is unbelievable. 
“I’ll treasure this with my life” Sky could help but let out a laugh. Prapai had said that with such seriousness.
“You better, because I'm not getting you a new one if you lose that” Sky snorted as Prapai flopped back into Sky for another snuggle. 
“Don't think that I will overlook that fact that you already had a spare key to my dorms, Pai” Sky pulled Prapai’s hair a little harder to make his point
“Scold me later. I wanna bask in this domestic bliss a little longer” Sky sighed and let out a smile as he continued to pet Prapai’s hair. Sky would also like to bask in this happiness a little longer too.
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lumen-anima · 2 years
Romance is bland in ANE: The Rant
I was pulling up videos from TO and ANE I have for inspo for my Faepedia and the difference of quality between TO and ANE is downright horrific.
Each and every episode in TO was like a loooong episode in a series where at the end of an episode I was like "OMG so much info, so much happened". Every episode had some action, some filler, quality time with basically everyone including the LIs, while moving the story along, giving us stuff to think about.
In ANE however, the episodes are just as long (roughly 2 hours of content in one video) but virtually nothing happens. How in the world do I play for 2 hours and STILL have no actual shit happen??? Even though I spend more maana than I am comfortable with on side characters, the conversations are so damn empty, they give you no extra info about the world or it's characters, NOTHING. I can barely muster up the energy to play the episodes as they come out, I feel like I am wasting my time.
On the LI's:
In TO, the four LIs (Valkyon, Nevra, Ezarel and Leiftan) were all different personalities woth different attitude to things and people, different likes/dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, AND they each had a personal problem they had to tackle.
Nevra was your typical arrogant looking womanizer who only thinks about chasing chicks all day long and being totally nonchalant about it and thus mad irresponsible both personally and professionally. He turned out to be a hardworking, diligent, responsible guy who would carry his girl around on the palm of his hand like they were a princess. He was one of your biggest supporters in TO and I really felt like he cared for MC as a person (even though he was not my route) and was worried about her like they were brother and sister. He was such a dork, I loved him so much.
Now we have this cold, mission oriented, unsupportive guy who just fucks to forget while claiming that he's lost so much in the war and how could we understand it? How we shouldn't be so surprised that he is different because it's been 7 seven years, we should move on from this memory we have of him, while he himself was unable to do so. Cold and distant, you have to basically force your companionship onto him until he gets more open with you.
Leiftan was your support from day one, calm, collected and very gentle, shielding you from the hostile HQ while trying to get close to you and still be looking like the most unapproachable guy there is. He felt waaaaaay out of our league in multiple ways and his attention was always special, even I felt honored when he made time for us (again, he was also not my route). He in fact was a hurt, rage and vengeance filled creature who was killing almost indiscriminately, trying to get back at the world for his own suffering and pain, while being smitten with the MC just because she was from his own race which he's the last of. She was his last chance to have a place to truly belong.
Now he's a guilt ridden coward, afraid to be consumed by his past and his darkness he can't seem to get rid of. He really doesn't want to be anywhere near people, but he has absolutely nowhere to go and (in his mind) nothing to do. He just sticks around for the MC because he's still in love with her, but he doesn't dare move a muscle to prove it. Again, cold and distant, you have to chase his ass around endlessly in a game of cat and mouse reassuring him all the while.
Lance was the bad guy, the villain if the story, willing to kill everyone in his way and I do mean everyone (we all know what happened). He was intelligent, cruel, downright sadistic, but he never lied to us, not once. His whole thing was the "righteous rage" we all felt after the lies and betrayals in HQ, when we just wanted to leave the Guard, preferably in flames for the shit they did to MC. A charismatic, feral bastard, he managed to lead a whole army of disenfranchised outcasts on a suicide quest, they all knew what they were signing up for, since again, he was utterly honest. This was a before he went COMPLETELY bonkers.
And in ANE we got this weak imitation, a stand-in for Valkyon we never wanted. He's blindly following someone who keeps secrets and lies all the time (*cough* HH *cough*) while staying in Nevra's shadow not doing much until he's given orders. He's acting like a henchman to the Council, not thinking for himself at all. I haven't heard this man argue/audibly disagree with anyone so far and we are 16 episodes in! All this talk about him being a different person: it's not hard being a different person when your soul is crushed and you can barely get yourself out of bed due to crippling depression, just sayin. And yet again, cold and distant until you smack some life into him so that he would talk to you.
(I'll skip Mathieu since he was not in TO to make a comparison, I find him extremely annoying, also I find it stupid as hell to bring a regular-degular human into a fantasy themed game and I say this with all the respect my 160cms have to the elusive Mathieu stans, we see just as often as we see good content from Bee.)
In conclusion: all of them are cold and distant, just waiting for the MC to make a move, put in the work while feeling absolutely sorry for themselves, saying that they shouldn't be together yada yada. And then they are together like magic, without explanation, without a proper build-up, nothing. I bet if I'd asked Er*ika (Little Miss Took-a-bite-bigger-than-she-can-chew) about good things she sees in her LI, she couldn't say more than "looks hot, has a dick".
End rant
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kevjrr · 1 year
Not smutty, but Zlatan/Neymar would be such a cute domestic ship too. Neymar would steal all of Zlatan's clothes, especially jumpers and sweaters, because he adores drowning in overlarge clothes fr. Zlatan is never able to return the favour bc Ney's clothes are way too small for him. Zlatan always helps Ney get down stuff from the top shelf, and all defenders are too scared to tackle Ney during matches, lest they face his boyfriend's wrath! Zlatan is always randomly picking up Neymar too. Ugh height difference couples are so cute dammit 🥰🥰
When you give me such cute ideas I HAVE to write!!
1. Neymar wanders around his house aimlessly. He has nothing to do. He cannot even annoy his boyfriend, since he’s asleep.
He absentmindedly plays with his sweater paws and huffs before turning around only to bump into a wall. The wall being his boyfriend, Ney realized as he looked up at Zlatan’s tired face.
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly smiling up at him.
The taller man only murmurs incoherently in response. He then wraps his arms around the Brazilian, and pulls him into a hug, tucking his face into his neck.
Neymar smiles at the rare display of cuteness.
The older man murmurs something against his shoulder.
He lifts his face up and repeats himself,“You’re wearing my sweater again.”
“They’re comfy.” Ney shrugs.
“And your thousand dollar costing ones aren’t?”
“Not as much as yours are” He replies, cheekily smiling at Zlatan who raises an eyebrow before sighing in resignation and tucking his face into his neck again.
They stay like this for a while, relishing each other’s warmth when Ney hears the other man mumble again. Except this time, he hears him loud and clear.
“Don’t stop.”
2. “Will you stop staring at that jar of nutella already? Do you think you’ll spontaneously develop telekinesis?” Kylian asks, smiling mockingly at his idiot of a best friend. His smile turns into a prideful one when Leo has to cough to cover up his laugh.
“Yeah, Ney, just staring at it won’t make it magically come to you now, would it?” The Argentine chips in.
Predicably, Neymar pouts childishly and points at the shelf as if it has personally wronged him -which in this case, isn’t too off the mark. “How is it my fault that my BOYFRIEND forgets he’s the only giant in this house?” He shouts the word ‘boyfriend’ loud enough that the other two men are sure Zlatan -who is upstairs- must have heard him.
True to their assumptions, the oldest’s heavy footsteps can be heard only a second later.
Zlatan nods at Kylian and Leo first then walks towards the Brazilian, “What is it?” He asks before kissing him at the top of his head.
Neymar merely points at the jar.
The taller man leans against Ney in order to reach it covering his entire body. Hiding a smile when he shudders.
He hands the jar to him, “here you go, midget.”
“You-“ Neymar’s voice is drowned out by Kylian’s booming laughter and Leo’s quieter chuckle.
He wants to be mad, really he does, but the relief at seeing three of the most important people in his life getting along overwhelms everything else.
3. Player 1 - “You should have tackled Neymar you dumbass! What were you thinking? Now we’ll lose this-“
Player 2 - “I prefer losing, man. Did you forget that we’re playing Milan next week? Zlatan would break my leg if I even touch him!
Player 1 - “What are you talking ab-“
Player 3 *leaning in conspiratorially* - “He’s right! Remember that time when he threw Jeremy on the ground so hard he dislocated his shoulder? And when he smacked that referee’s head with the ball last month? I heard the poor guy got a concussion!
Player 4 *appearing out of thin air making the other three players jump one feet in the air* - “One time he even stepped on someone’s foot making them trip, fall in front of the cameras and spray champagne all over themself and their wife! It was fucking hilarious but I bet the guy had never felt so humiliated in his life.”
Player 2- “All these people had messed with Neymar one way or another! There’s no way they were all coincidences, man. Hundreds of people on Twitter saw this pattern too!
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hoonsbbokie · 11 months
When You Have An Argument
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He never argues about petty things. He feels like that's a waste of his time and of your time. If he can, he will avoid arguments. He'd rather keep things peaceful and civil amongst the two of you. He only has love for you, and feels that arguments will only weaken your relationship. You would have to ask him what was bothering him, otherwise you would never know. He would answer immediately. No pause, no time to think about it. Straight faced. No emotions. He doesn't make you feel bad by whining about anything. If you address how he feels and apologise, and actively show that you will work on the problem, then he will move on. But if you make him feel bad about how he feels, or you accuse him of overreacting, he will probably start losing his patience. Probably stays at a friend's house for the night, just so that he can calm himself down and think rationally. Will come back the next morning and apologise for hurting your feelings. Even though the argument likely started because his feelings were hurt, he will always apologise to you. He never wants you to feel as though he is accusing you of being a bad partner. 
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 He's very mature with relationships, and so he understands that there can sometimes be arguments. But he ideally would like to avoid them. He has a great sense of pride and a bit of an ego. Not that having an ego is a bad thing, for Jay it helps him have more confidence and not doubt himself as much. But when you are arguing, it usually gets in the way of being able to have helpful conversations. First, you two would have a mature conversation. But then you might accidentally mumble something or say something that hurts Jay's feelings. From that moment onwards, Jay no longer wants to tackle the situation in a healthy way. He'd probably just walk away mid conversation, and completely ignore you telling him to finish off the conversation. He's a pro at silent treatment. He can ignore you for hours on end without even cracking at all. But a few hours after the argument, he'd come back, probably with flowers or some sort of gift. Not to manipulate you into forgiving him, but more so for his own satisfaction. He'd feel terrible if he treated you badly during the argument, and then had nothing to spoil you with. He usually doesn't apologise with his words, but more so with his actions. He'd cook for you, or buy you something that you'd been wanting. 
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Jake is a fairly calm person around you. Nothing you do really annoys him to the point where he feels the need to have a serious conversation about it. Obviously, you do annoy him, but it's usually stuff that he just teases you about and he takes it lightly. So, if you two were to have an argument, you would have to be the one to start it. Initially, he'll just listen to whatever you have to say. He doesn't talk back unless you ask him to, and he definitely doesn't get angry. But, if you start accusing him of things he didn't do, that's when he'll start getting defensive. When Jake is defensive, he gets quite intense. His voice would become louder as he tries to get you to listen to him, and he probably would grab your arm to try get your attention. He never hurts you though, that's his biggest rule. No matter how mad he gets at you, you will never be physically hurt, not in the slightest. He's usually first to apologise after an argument. He will genuinely be at your feet, begging for you to forgive him. Jake would hug you so much, and probably make you forget that he even raised his voice at you. He'd constantly apologise for speaking louder than usual, and would need reassurance that he didn't hurt you. Be prepared to be spoilt with hugs and just general kindness, because Jake will do anything to make sure that he didn't hurt your feelings. If you were still mad even after he apologised with words, he would do things for you. He'd clean the house, or he'd try cook for you, or just spam you with pictures of Layla until you finally decided to not be mad. 
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He is very silent when he's mad, like he will not bring it up to you ever. The last thing he wants is to stress you out with his problems or with things that annoy him in your relationship. As much as he does want to bring it up so that you guys can sort things out, he never will. So, arguments usually start because of the stuff that both of you keep bottled up. Something small, like dropping a glass, will spiral into a full blown argument. He just says everything that's on his mind. Like doesn't bother pretending that he's not annoyed. He'll just say it, since he knows that you guys will go back to being normal after the fight. You can literally say anything you want, and he will not insult you back. Call him all the names in the book, and he will still never mutter one word that could genuinely hurt you or make you insecure. He never shows you his emotions during an argument, he's just completely blank faced. But once you two walk away, he'd probably overthink, or if it was a really bad argument he might cry. He makes sure to do that when he knows he's alone though, you will not catch him being emotional. He usually needs to talk to someone about everything before he apologises, so expect to see one of his friends over or Sunghoon disappearing for a few hours. Once he talks about it, he apologises as soon as he can. Prefers to actually apologise with his words first, and then let his actions show you that he genuinely wants you to forgive him. 
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You two will never have arguments about serious things, instead more mature conversations. Whenever there's something big that is bothering either of you, Sunoo will bring you somewhere to just sit and talk about. There's no judgment if something is hurting you, and both of you feel very comfortable talking to each other about the serious things. But when it comes to small things, there's always something that one of you needs to argue about. It's never serious, and you both know that it's just for fun. Arguing helps you both de-stress, and gives you something to laugh about later. It might just be about the colour of the shirt that Sunoo chooses to wear out on a date, or how you load the dishwasher, or even that you left your hair tie in the bathroom. Literally the most irrelevant, silly things. Lots and lots of flirty teasing. One thing about you and Sunoo is that neither of you take things too seriously when you fight, so it just usually feels a bit like an unhinged therapy session. You two just end up turning it into a ranting session. Which eventually leads into both of you gossiping about other people in your life. Basically, an argument with Sunoo is never really an argument. You never need to apologise since it was never serious to begin with. And you usually end up feeling much better afterwards, because you let everything off your chest. It just feels like a much needed talk, and luckily, Sunoo is always ready to have silly arguments so that you two can reconcile and then gossip about everyone and everything you can think of. 
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One word. Mature. He never wants to start an argument, he just wants to fix it before it even begins. He will always talk to you, so most of the time, you can tell him how you're feeling without getting into an argument. 99% of the time, that is how things go between you and Jungwon. If either of you feels hurt or bothered by something, you have the freedom to tell the other person without hurting their feelings at all. But there is still the other 1%. That's when things get a little bit out of hand. These kinds of arguments take time for you and Jungwon. It's usually not just one small thing that leads to it. Usually, it'd have to be about something you two had discussed earlier, but for some reason just wasn't being resolved. It would have to be something that is ongoing, and you have tried to fix, but haven't been able to. If you bring it up, Jungwon might get slightly defensive, as he has been trying to fix it, but can't. So, he might say something a little bit too loud or something that he doesn't fully mean, which ends up hurting your feelings. The both of you will just end up yelling everything that has been bothering you, and since you both are more emotional than normal in these situations, you usually don't have full control over what you are saying. You might insult him, and he might slightly insult you back. But he never meant for it to hurt you. He will immediately apologise if something he says hurts your feelings, and will just pull you into a hug. After that, the argument is over. If he sees that you are hurt, then he will not continue. For Jungwon, you are the most important thing, so he'd rather not talk about his problems if it means that you will be okay. 
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He will never start a serious argument, but expect lots of petty little ones. He thinks the petty ones are funny, he likes seeing you get mad about tiny little things. You know, they say that there's only small fights in places where there are love. So, Ni-Ki applies that to the max. But petty arguments are the only thing he'll ever start. He's not interested in spending an hour arguing about something and then ignoring you and then having to go through silent treatment. Anything that's usually associated with big arguments, Ni-Ki does not want any part in it. If you do have a serious argument, he's probably just letting you talk. He'd listen to whatever you're saying and will usually try to change his behaviour. But if you say something rude to him, he's going to lose it. He'll start throwing around insults that he doesn't actually mean, and will definitely get very salty about things. He doesn't necessarily want to get salty but he can't fully control it. And if you start insulting him back, then he's going to go silent. That's when you know he's really hurt. Once you get to this point, there's not really much that can fix it other than time. He'll probably give you silent treatment for a few hours. But he will never let you go to work or school without apologising to you. He needs you to know that he doesn't actually hate you or that he doesn't mean any of the insults he threw at you during your argument. So he'd apologise as you're leaving, and will probably send you a few texts to tell you that he doesn't want you to feel hurt. And once you guys see each other again, all it takes is a hug and he's back to following you around and being all cute. 
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
bike ride did not disappoint. bruiser (& kali) backstory dump below. spoilers for my own stuff. it's also mildly incoherent bc i did tire myself out a bit on the bike ride bc my battery was running low & i have so much else also running through my head.
the reason kali's able to teach kelth's helminth how to delete the void-energy killswitch off of a warframe in the first place is because its tenno is the one who figured that out. now wouldn't it be fun, when kelth's squad discover a Rhino model warframe crammed into a corpus locker on the zanuka project base, to have it simply also not have a killswitch.
(why is bruiser still dormant in this locker without the killswitch, then? points at base valkyr's restraints)
(this is why the remark on vince's abilities post of being rift-hard-locked out of moving is only used on bruiser Once and then comes with Apologies. he's not a fan of Tight Spaces. but i think it'd be fun if it isn't until that specific rift oopsie that he realises that it's Really Quite Bad.)
(post-initial-writing of this post note: bruiser & kali were in the same squad with a shared tenno. i forget to write down the important details sometimes S o r r y)
bruiser was merrily on a mission in the corpus base where he would later be found when things went Rather Wrong. this was sometime after the old war had ended and the second dream had gone into effect, so the corpus, orokin descendants, had correctly identified all tenno and warframes as threats to their operations. the corpus found bruiser and got the jump on him - just managing to store him before chaos (another attack from a half-mad, half-dormant loose warframe? a power struggle?) broke out elsewhere and he was just kind of. forgotten about. chaos was very common in these immediately-post-old-war days.
kali and their shared tenno wouldn't find out about this for a while - no killswitch means bruiser was by himself, and he was always rather stubborn and independent, so him not checking in for a few hours was alright. then it became a full day, and they started investigating. by the time they managed to retrace his steps, the corpus nonsense had already erased the logs of bruiser's capture, and the base was simply too large and full of enemies to comb meticulously, and they weren't even sure it was the right base. so they had to leave.
(an awake tenno, post-second-dream? not a plot hole this is Deliberate dw about it)
recovering bruiser will be part of i think the last chapter of connection, still. here's some thoughts about that.
kali tackles bruiser the fuck to the floor the second it sees him. it gets noogied about it.
vince gets so fucking jealous about the whole thing. he hadn't realised that this was a possibility at all, to find back loved ones. foreshadowing the work that'll come after connection.
this actually triggers the final event of connection which is a secret that is tied to the above mentioned secret too. oooo things are falling into place
this is the event that ties kali into kelth's hyena pack for good.
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drawnecromancy · 5 months
Mmmm, Rekiev and Atropa...
Comparing and contrasting them is going to be something, on surface level at least they don't seem to have anything in common. Let's dig and see if we find anything though !
Human shaped ball of anger with very specific magical skills who honestly would've preferred to become an artist if the circumstances had been different. Regrets a couple of his life choices. By the end of break of dawn though, regrets none of them, even if things are fucking weird now. Sometimes you just have to accept that the dude you hated the most is now your best friend that you kiss sometimes. At this point I think he might be aromantic, or at least on the aro spectrum, but I'm not sure. Oh also he's kind of immortal he can't die of old age. He can be killed though, it happened once. He is also so mad that he got himself stuck at age 32 or something because he has a baby face. He hides his face under a spell to avoid needing to look serious because he's naturally super blushy and he kinda hates it LOL
Hopeless romantic and bisexual mess of a woman. Skills include several types of weapons, although the crossbow is her main one, tackling people to the ground, and being good at math. Also meticulously recording everything that happens to her just in case, something that almost puts her in danger a few times when she needs to lie. She has a good poker face and people tend to be unnerved by her facade before they get to know her well. She tends to get to the point in all things - actually she and Rekiev have that in common - except when it comes to admitting she likes people. She has a lot of regrets. So, so many regrets. ALL the regrets. As it turns out when you destroy an entire village, staying in the neighboring village and lying to people that you didn't kill their friends takes a toll on your mental health when your usual tactic is to Fucking Leave. Leaving sure is a theme with her a lot of her conflict is forcing herself to stay somewhere for once.
I don't know. I guess they both hold grudges easily, both like to get to the heart of the matter bc they don't have the time for other people's bullshit... Oh my god, they're also both famous but mostly blissfully unaware of it. Atropa fucking forgets. Rekiev just doesn't talk to people often enough to realize it.
In differences well one of them's a shut in and the other would like to be a shut in but can't and she actually really enjoys being social she's just grouchy.
Mmmm. I don't know what I can get from this pair, honestly. They're some of the few instances of different characters actually being different it seems !
I think if they met they'd be friends. Not even in a brains vs muscle friendship because Atropa also has brains and uses them, just more for math and unfortunately having to deal with all these fucking politicians than anything else, while Rekiev's expertise is magic. He probably has some insanely specific beef with someone at the Vannean university honestly.
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steddielations · 2 years
Do you have any more Steddie co-parenting Dustin head cannons? Perhaps some hurt/comfort? 👀
here we go,
hurt/comfort steddie-dustin headcanons:
They let Dustin pick out all the junk food he wants when he’s really feeling down, even though Steve’s the one who’s always bugging them to eat healthier, he caves when Dustin’s sad, and Eddie would sneak it to him anyway if Steve said no.
You know how you put two little kids in the corner and make them hug until they’re not mad at each other anymore? That’s what Eddie makes Steve and Dustin do when they’ve been bickering too much.
Eddie is more of a hugger with Dustin, and Steve is more of a head-patter. Not exclusively of course, just more commonly. But mostly Eddie just love-tackles Dustin and that cheers him right up.
When Eddie and Steve are fighting, Dustin acts as their marriage counselor, gives them each a turn to talk and mediates. He takes it very seriously, he even sits at his desk and takes notes, he also refuses to pick a side no matter how much money Steve bribes him with or how many songs Eddie promises to teach him on guitar if he just agrees that Steve’s the one being an ass.
Steve drives to clear his mind, any time he gets into a fight with his dad or he’s having a rough day, he picks up Dustin and Eddie and they already know the deal, and they let Steve drive as long as he needs to cheer up. So they just act normal, Eddie blasts metal on the radio and shakes the whole car every time he headbangs, while Dustin rambles about whatever science project he’s working on, they fill Steve’s tiny car with so much noise, so much life, and Steve would prefer that over a big empty house any day.
When Eddie’s stressed/upset, he forgets to eat, so Steve will spend his whole paycheck ordering every kind of food Eddie likes, and Dustin will hold his cigarettes hostage until he eats something.
If Dustin is having nightmares and can’t sleep, he’ll blow up Eddie’s phone until he answers, then he makes Eddie come pick him up so he can sneak out and they go barge into Steve’s house in the middle of the night (sometimes Steve panics because he forgets Dustin has a spare key and they almost get their shit rocked with the nail bat) and they’ll watch a movie cuddled up like this. They all sleep better when they’re together.
When Eddie was healing up from the bats (ignore canon he’s alive happy and well because I said so) he distracted himself by making Dustin help him plan the next D&D campaign. Imagine him all bandaged up, lying down rambling about it and making Dustin take notes, lifting his head a little off the pillow to make sure Dustin’s painting the figurines right, and by pillow, of course I mean Steve’s chest.
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rrazor · 3 years
hq boys post wisdom teeth extraction
tags: fluff, soft boyfies lol
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kuroo tetsurou wakes up and immediately the first thing he tells the professionals around him is that he wants to see his girlfriend because he knows you’re waiting for him and “i love her so much 🥺🥰" he says it a few more times and everyone laughs at how doped up he is both from the drugs and you. when you walk in to take notes on how to take care of him afterwards, he just stares at you as he holds you hand with the SOFTEST LOOK on his face like 🥺😍☺️❤️💕💖💝🥺🥰💖💝☺️
tetsu cannot stop looking at you and u almost have to plead with him to watch where’s he walking like tetsu pls we don’t wanna have to come back to get your front teeth done sweetie 🅱️lease!!!!!! other than that he is pretty easy to reason with it as long as you promise to kiss every part of his face once in a particular order and if u mess up, unfortunately, you’ll just have to start over again sigh it makes his heart go 💥💥💥
bokuto kuroo offers to drive him back home and brings you along to support and comfort him. he helps kou get into the back with you but he refuses and goes “kuroooooo, she’s too pretty, I dun wanna sit next to her ☹️” LMFAO kuroo rolls his eyes and just sits him down and buckles him in despite his protests HA
kou is super nervous and keeps looking over you when he thinks you aren’t looking like 🥺😊 and you decide to play along and ask him how he’s feeling and if he’s in pain and he shakes his head and goes “‘m okay, you’re really pretty though 🥺😍” kuroo snorts in the front seat and you’re trying rlly hard to not laugh at how cute he is so you take his hand and kou lit rally thinks he’s gonna pass out when you call him handsome and ask him out before kissing his cheek. he starts crying as he says things like “kuroo!!!! the pretty girl is my girlfriend now!! 🥺❤️😭💖💕😭😭🥳”
akaashi you’re already by his side by the time he wakes up but he doesn’t remember jack so he goes “hello, have u seen my girlfriend? she looks just like you. can u tell me if u see her? I would like to see her—she’s my everything 😊🥰” UGGHH KISS HIIMMM
he doesn’t remember who you are until the medication wears off but you manage to convince him that you’re gonna take him to his girlfriend so you can take him home 💀 and he spends the whole car ride really pretty quiet until you ask him why he’s so fidgety and then he softly tells you “i… can’t wait to see my girlfriend 🥺🥰💕 she said we’d go on an ice-cream date after🍦i hope she’s not mad that it’s been so long 🥺❤️💗” AHDHJANAA like a little happy babyyyy 🥺😭
oikawa tooru’s procedure finishes earlier than expected and has a dental hygienist watching over him as they wait for you and for some reason he starts to sing, but it’s really out of tune because of all the cotton in his mouth and the dental hygienist is just standing there, taking it. you can hear him down the hall as you walk into his room and he’s so excited to see you!!! “did you hear me sing for you, babe? i didn’t want you to get lost in this maze 🥺🥰” “yes, i did, tooru, tysm you don’t have to sing anymore 😊😇💕”
tries to pull you into his lap as the dentist goes through the aftercare procedures and whines “pleasssseeeee, it huuurrrrrttttts i just want cuddddlllleesssss 😭☹️🥺💕” you opt to sit on the edge of the chair as he buries his head in your back 🥰
iwaizumi YOU try to flirt with hajime because he doesn’t remember that you’re his girlfriend and he’s all like stop!!! i have a girlfriend! 😡 AHAHA so you decide to ask him about his lovely girlfriend and he gets the softest smile on his face omggg and he starts going on about how hardworking you are ❤️, determined 💘, beautiful 💖, how nice you smell 😳
when you tell him its you he doesn’t believe you!!! like stop u r trying too hard, stranger!!! 😠 It’s not until you bring up a photo of yourselves and stick it next to your face does he go all soft again like babe i missed you 🥺 there was this weirdo trying to flirt with me, i’m so glad you’re here 🥰 and you tell him that the weirdo was you and he’s like “no, you’re better than that” LMFAAOO THANKS HAJIME 😭
matsukawa his mom is there to pick the two of you up and he’s holding your hand as he turns to you, super concerned and goes “babe, we forgot my teeth 😞” HWJJCKWJSJEF 💀 he’s all pouty and its sooooooo cute LMFAO WHAT DID HE THINK A REMOVAL WAS??? but you play it cool and squeeze his hand and say “i didnt forget you though 😊” he nods like a little kid and says “yeah” and tries to pull you into his lap so that you can cuddle but his mom is right there and you’re tryna be a good passenger and stop him from unbuckling your seatbelt: issei, we can cuddle when we get home!!!!
this giant dude just looks at you all 🥺 and BEGS like “babe please, just a little, i just want to hold you 🥺💕” he tries to guilt trip you like “c’mon, babe, you forgot my teeth” 😭😭😭 STFU u somehow make it back to his place and he tackles you into the couch and promptly falls asleep in 2 minutes flat 😴 his mom thinks its hilarious and thanks u for taking care of him ☺️❤️
hanamaki straight up asks you if you have a boyfriend. you say yes and he gets REALLY SAD OH MY GOD and is all “oh ☹️🥺” but then you cup his cheek and hold one of his hands and start telling him what your boyfriend looks like and how he has cute strawberry hair and pretty eyes and how handsome he is and talking about his cute little eyebrows and how good he is at volleyball and takahiro is like…. 🧐🤨 is that…… me??? but then he’s like wait it couldn’t be and gets all sad again 😭
you can’t take how sad he is and tell him it’s him!!!!! you give him some kisses as an apology 😭🥺💖❤️ and he’s all really?!!? 🥰💖💕💝🥳💕as he pulls you close to rest his head on your chest. he asks you to talk about how much you love him again 😭🥰🥺 refuses to remove himself from you
kyoutani he’s got this super angry expression on his face and everyone stays a good ways away from him 😬 when you come in, you get the same 😡 but then he chills because you’re wearing that one dress he went out of his way to buy for you when you were window shopping together that one time and he’s like …..suspicious why is she wearing her dress 😒 HAJFKAKSW KENTAROU
but THEN he sees the bracelet he got you for your one year anniversary and takes a whiff of you (um 😷) and NOW he’s all WAIT…… connections r being made—he gets super handsy 😳💕 really likes it when you kiss his forehead 🥺 and glares daggers at the dentist with his head on your chest, arms around your waist as you stand next to him and listen to what the aftercare instructions are because he’s all like grrr my girlfriend!! no touch!!! 😡🤬
daichi omg daichi is SO SHY and BASHFUL like he looks at you all 🥺🥰 and when you look towards him he immediately looks away but it’s so obvious because his ears are red and you can see his blush high on his cheekbones 😭🥺💕 you ask him what’s wrong and he’s stuttering trying to ask if you have a boyfriend and you’re like yes 💔
his face FALLS and it hurts but then you show him your matching engagement rings 💍 like “we’re fiancés, dai 🥰❤️” and he almost cries as hard as when he heard you say yes 😭💖💕 he’s so EMBARRASSED when you show the video back to him 😭 suga and asahi clown him 🤧
sugawara fella wakes up, looks you in the eye and is like “they’ve rebuilt me, babe✨” what? “the technology!!!” ??? “they made me better than i was before: better, stronger, faster 🤖💪🧠" LMFAO thinks he underwent some experiment like no we just fixed your teeth 😌
when you tell him so he gets a little dejected and asks you if you’d still love him without any upgrades with his lips pursed and his cheeks pink as he plays with your hands 🥺💗 like OFC KOUSHI!!! 🥰🥺❤️ really sweet and giggly on the bus ride home—holds you close and draws circles on your skin as he talks about the strangest things 🙈💖
kageyama no inhibitions so tobio is very attached to you!!! when he wakes up to see you next to him, he grabs you in his half-asleep state to leave slobbery kisses all over you like some dog before he falls back asleep again 💀 he wakes up twenty minutes later to see that you’re gone (had to wash off his spit 😬) and he panics when he doesn’t see you 😭🥺
he gets up to try to look for you and the second you come back, he hugs you and is all ☹️ telling you “don’t go too far, i wanna always be able to find you 😠🥺” you rub his back and pinky promise to stay close by and he’s so relieved he falls asleep standing 😴💕 like …..thanks 🤧 asks if he can play volleyball and pouts rlly hard when the dentist says no 😭💔
atsumu atsumu is loopy af and he wanted to go to the washroom so the poor staff had to hull around this 6’2”, 80kg man around but then you walk in just as they’re about to turn the corner and the moment he sees you, he’s goes “BABIEEEEE, I loOoove yoU! 😍” in this super adorable, high pitched sing-songy voice and makes OBNOXIOUS kissy faces at you but it looks so funny because his mouth is full of cotton 😭😭🤧🥴 the nurses tell you he’s a keeper but then he promptly slips and nearly falls on his face trying to walk over to you unassisted 🙄
the walk to the car is SO HARD because he clings to you like a baby koala and whines when you try to get him to loosen up so that you can get better leverage to support his weight like atsumu pls we’re almost there, just let go for a bit and he’s all puppy eyed like “don’t 🥺 ya 🥺 love 🥺 me 🥺 baby???????? i jus’ wanna be close to ya 💔💔💔” JAJCJJWNCMS he denies all of it when he sobers up
osamu all this fool remembers is that he has a girlfriend and that she looks EXACTLY like you but his brain synapses aren’t working like they used to 😔 so he doesn’t remember that YOU are literally his girlfriend so he just sits there and goes all “you look so much like her….. i miss her sm 😢🤕😞” with this faraway look in his eyes AS IF YOU WERE DEAD 💀 THE DISRESPECT
he rlly wants to hold your hand and touch you but like u aren’t his girlfriend right??? but you tell him u are after rolling ur eyes and show him some photos of the two of you as proof and he’s all “oh!” 😳 and he smiles so broad you can see his little dimple on his left cheek 😭💖 because he can FINALLY hold your hand 🥰 no filter so he whisper-begs for kisses throughout the entire time the dentist talks you through his surgery and how to care for him and you’re so embarrassed JAJCJKAKDSS “pls, pls can i have a kiss” you give him one “can i have one here now” “what about here” “pls another one pls” 🥺🥺🥺 at least he’s polite JAJCNKAFB
suna rin remembers you and right when he wakes up to see you next to him he says, “hello, wife 💖" and waits for your response but like wtf do u SAY like you’ve only ever heard him tell you he loves you that ONE time he thought u were ASLEEP!!! and you haven’t even talked about anything beyond dating yet!!! is it the anaesthetic that’s making him say this or is he just fooling you??? 💀😵 a few minutes later, he sighs and goes “you’re supposed to say ‘hello, husband ❤️’….” 🙄🥱
show him the video after the anaesthetic wears off and he’ll sit there looking at you like “….well? i’m still waiting? 😐” ugH modern romance am i right HAHDJKAKSKAA
ushijima wakatoshi thinks you’re another nurse even though you’re dressed nothing like them and he asks you when his girlfriend is coming and if she knows he’s done with the procedure and also “have you met my girlfriend? she is very beautiful and very kind. you must meet her ☺️” he asks the same questions to the dentist who comes in to talk to you afterwards and they’re looking at him like ?????? “isn’t this your girlfriend, ushijima-san?”
wakatoshi just goes 😯, looks at you and says your name so softly and in the sweetest way possible and tells you he missed you and he loves you and he wants to go get curry from that one restaurant later and the dentist tells you they’ll be back later as you sob 😭😭❤️💕❤️😭💖
semi eita thinks you’re one of the office receptionists when you walk in and asks you if you, his girlfriend 💕, had been notified that the procedure was done and you’re all uh yes she does, she’s coming soon!! he nods very cutely and thanks you, handsome smile on his face at the thought of seeing you 🥰 he turns around to look at the window and you just stand there all 😶 he HUMS softly as he waits and it’s that one song he played for you on his guitar HAJXNJSW 😭🥺💘❤️
he turns back around thirty seconds later like “babe?? is that you?? you got here so fast 😍🥺💖😚” as if it wasn’t you THE WHOLE TIME 💀 melts when you kiss his cheeks tenderly 🥰 plays with your fingers as he softly looks into your eyes!! 😍
tendou really wants to get his wisdom teeth back like just because you pulled them out doesn’t make them yours, sensei 🙄 LMFAO the dentist gives him his teeth afterwards and he holds them out for you and you’re like “tysm for your bloody, gross teeth, satori 🥰😬” “AWWW you’re welcome 😊 aren’t they cute? ya think our kids will be this cute? 💖”
many thoughts: 1) oh god oh GOD he wants to have KIDS WITH YOU!! MARRIAGE??!? 😵❤️ 2) y does he think his molars r cute and y does he hope your kids will look like nasty teeth 😭💀 he’s rlly adamant about you lazing around with him. keeps showing u his teeth for some reason but gives the cutest smiles and hums when you feed him his fav chocolate ice cream 💗💗💗
goshiki he tries to flirt with you but its so funny and endearingly awkward because he’s got all the gauze in his mouth and he isn’t that good at it and he’s on the verge of tears half the time and you dont know why??? you ask him and his brows are all furrowed, pout on his lips and says “just wanna be your boyfriend pls 🥺💕” “yeah?” “yeah,” he nods. “i promise to do my best 🥺”
when you tell him you’re already dating, he starts to cry and is all like i have to tell all my friends 😭 tsutomu cries to the dentist like “sensei, y’know, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend 😭❤️” he quiets down when you brush through his hair with your hands ☺️
terushima you walk into his room after he’s done and ask the dental hygienists how he’s doing and he looks at you all confused like 🤨 and asks the hygienists who you are. they think you’re married for some reason and say “that’s your wife!” and you’re so EMBARRASSED but also super happy on the inside HAHA he straight up goes “DAAAMMNNN, I did alright, huh?! when we bustin’ outta here?!” 🤪😜🥴😘 as if he could actually differentiate between left and right, up and down 😔
just in case, he asks you if you’re his wife at the same time the dentist asks if the two of you will be okay from here on out and you nod to the dentist’s question but yuuji thinks it’s for him so he lays back down with this satisfied look on his face like HELL YEAH alright, alright, alright 😌🥰🥴 and does those little nods SIDJAJJDJSJFJR HAHAHAHA
sakusa omi lets you play with his bangs and hands as you wait for the dentist and he LOVES IT softest smile on his face!! RIDICULOUSLY CLINGY!!!! he does NOT want you to leave him at all, will not let you go to the bathroom even though you’re like “omi, please, the dentist is busy with another patient right now, i’ll be back soon before we go through the aftercare stuff” “no” “omi, i have to pee” “do it here” and now it’s you who’s all 🤢
gets really defensive and protective when the dentist comes in and just shoves his head in your chest because he doesn’t want to look at them LMFAO death grip around your waist 🤧 when you show him what he said about you going to the bathroom he demands you delete it “omi, i didn’t know u loved me that much 🥰🥺💕” “…………..🤐”
hoshiumi kourai insisted he was fine on his own “nothing is impossible for hoshiumi kourai, national athlete 😤” when the dentist asked if he needed someone to watch over him and the dentist is 🤨 ok sir and leaves after he falls asleep. when he wakes up, no one’s in his room and he has to use the washroom and he’s like i’ll do just it myself 🙄 he tries to stand and promptly collapses to the floor. he CRAWLS around on his stomach and makes it out of his room just as you walk in and you’re like KOU whY are you on the FLOOR like a ROACH 😭😭😭
it’s like you’re reenacting some dramatic romance movie as kou groans around the gauze and makes poor attempts to stand up, holding onto you LAKDSHLASKAHD 💀💀💀 asks you to get on the floor with him because he honest to god can’t get UP so that he can cuddle with you as the dentist and his assistants stand two feet away 🥰💕 tries to fight the staff when they get too close to you trying to help him get back to his bed HAJJFKAKDMAD
extra: kita shinsuke (lol) when kita finishes his wisdom tooth extraction, he looks at you like this and doesnt remember who you are; he thinks you’re here for another patient and doesn’t say a word to you because his grandma taught him not to talk to strangers.
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husbandograveyard · 3 years
TWST Idia x female reader
Reader is his good luck charm because depending on her mood she becomes lucky or unlucky.
Fluff plz
Hi, I didn't put in too much of the mood element and focused more on the good luck charm aspect of it, made it more of a superstition thing than an actual magic thing? I hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
Also just as an FYI for anyone reading this, usually I'd not accept a request worded as this one, but this one was previously discussed in PM so I'm letting it slide.
Being Idia's good luck charm HC
2nd person. Female reader.
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Idia was never quite superstitious, especially when it came to his gaming behaviors. The only thing he was convinced off, was that he was a better gamer - a better anything, really- when there is no one else involved.
But that all changed when you came around. It took you a while to get through to him, for him to let you into his life at all. It took you even longer to get where you were now, a relationship where he didn’t mind having you around a lot of the time. Moreso, a relationship where he actually liked having you around, missing you whenever you weren’t around.
And it was around this stage, that Idia started noticing something. You were often around to watch him game. It was a way of bonding for the two of you initially, sitting together in silence, while he had something he was completely comfortable doing, forgetting about all the stress a social interaction comes with.
And you were perfectly happy just sitting and watching, eventually building up the closeness between the two of you, physically and mentally.
Idia started breaking his high scores. Many of them. But, only whenever you were around there to watch. Rationally speaking, he just knew it was because he subconsciously wanted to show off around you. His brain knew that. He knew that. But his heart decided that it was more of something else: you were practically a good luck charm.
He then specifically started requesting you to come by on days of important tournaments, or whenever he was about to tackle a particularly hard boss. You were always glad to do so because well, usually Idia celebrating victories meant that you could end the evening with some much-needed snuggles with your boyfriend, and the way he was always a little more talkative and snuggly on such an evening made it worth sitting with him all evening. And if it was a game you liked, it was even better.
However; Idia found out quickly that there are two sides to this coin: you can’t always be there, and not every day is a good day per se. Whenever he’s dragged you to his room to join him on such a day, he notices his scores dropping, and finds himself losing more often than not.
There comes a day when he shyly asks you if you could maybe be a little happier sometime, and while this angers you a little -he is the one dragging you out there and then he has the audacity to dictate your mood- he accidentally lets slip that he sees you as his good luck charm and everything makes sense.
You can’t bear to be mad at him for that anymore, but you do decide to set some firm boundaries, making sure to mix good luck charm time with more general couply time and other dates where you get to dictate what to do- within his boundaries of course-.
It works like a charm: victories go up, losses go down, high scores get broken and Idia unlocks one more secret move to up that luck stat of his: turns out that a girlfriend for a charm works even better if you fuel her with affection! Expect the occasional kiss on the cheek or neck if you’re sitting in his lap when gaming. Just don’t point them out, because they will make Idia overheat or shut down.
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