#adam sandler and eminem
coolburgerphone · 6 months
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Me after saving a picture of my favourite white boy to the white boy of the month collection:
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8thhousekat · 29 days
☕️Virgo Venus☕️
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☕️extremely kind individuals they are always trying to help others
☕️Virgo Venuses may try to fix people or their loved ones problems (sometimes this is too much for them but they help anyways because they love them so much)
☕️they can come off critical to others but trust me when I say this they are so much harder on themselves:(
☕️I love their humor I’ve never met a Virgo Venus that didn’t have the whole room on the floor laughing
☕️they are perfectionists when it comes to their appearance
☕️ when they are in love they pay attention to everything their person does or says
☕️a lot of people say their love language is acts of service and it is one of them for sure but they also really like words of affirmation
☕️they pay attention to the details of things like the smaller stuff no one notices
☕️they have stomach issues 🫠
☕️they are very mind over heart people
☕️they will always have a place in their heart for the people they loved or love 🌹
☕️Virgo Venuses are my favorite Venus sign (not an observation I just needed to add an unnecessary opinion)
☕️they could either be really messy or clean freaks 😭
☕️they LOVE MAKING MONEY. And they are good at it
☕️most Virgo Venus people can be really shy when they like someone
☕️they don’t like dishonesty or people beating around the bush
☕️they are attracted to intelligence
☕️they get upset when someone doesn’t have common sense
☕️zero tolerance for people not wanting to better themselves
☕️they are very picky with clothes (and the people they choose to be around)😭
☕️don’t let them fool you they day dream about their crushes
☕️they need stability in a relationship
☕️ they do get the ick super easily but if you truly like someone they will just throw that idk out of the window and hit it with a car
☕️they have a hard time talking about their emotions (unless they have a lot of water placements)
☕️they are very devoted people they also could get stressed out easily
☕️they bring logical explanation to the function that everyone loves 🤓🤓
☕️they can catch feelings really easily but they hide it
☕️they are very informed about topics or even hobbies that they have
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Virgo Venus celebrities
-Mila Kunis
-Kim Kardashian
-Kylie Jenner
-Adam Sandler
-Julia Roberts
-Demi Lovato
-Robbin Williams
-Bella Hadid
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Thank you guys for reading I love Virgo Venuses sm 😭 the next Venus sign will be libra 🩷
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lesvegas · 1 year
besides the hair and maybe the nose adam sandler doesnt actually look anything like vulpes. the real vulpes inculta fancast is eminem
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artoatsblog · 6 months
Heavy hitters is so funny because heavy is one of the hottest men ever created and scout is ugly as piss and probably listens to Eminem so not only Do you have a looks gap that is so large I feel like I'm watching a Adam Sandler movie, but you also have their dynamic essentially being-
"hey fatass, You been working out? Ya arms are like fuckin trees."
"heavy cannot describe how much he wants Scout dead."
"haha, You're pretty funny ya know."
And then Scout goes to his room and writes in his diary about how cute he thinks the guy who's twice his age, twice his height, and three times his weight is "Dear diary, today Heavy tried ta' rip both of my arms off💖💖💖"
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tentacledwizard · 8 months
tumblr user tentacledwizard reviews: Employee of the Month
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  So recently [read: a few hours ago], @cgtg hosted a sort of movie night. The movie was Employee of the Month, starring Dane Cook. I joined it because I am always willing to expand my cinematic repertoire and also cgtg’s Davekat stuff is really good. Like I don’t even ship Davekat that much but their content is excellent. And the Sandler rap perfectly encapsulates my opinions on Adam Sandler as an actor, because ever since my dad played Billy Madison my life has been ok I’ll just do the review now.
So okay, I was prepared to have an ironically good time. I was convinced the movie would be 100% shit tier, just like Dave Strider said. But I should have known that Dave is not a reliable source. Because this movie was fun. I had a great time. When it comes to official reviews, I’ve seen mainly lukewarm/frosty attitudes towards Employee of the Month but *clears throat* Whatever. 
Now, those who know me know of my passionate love for Home Depot. And if you didn’t know about this, now you do. I wrote a Home Depot/necromancy story in like 7th grade. Home Depot is paradise on earth. You could survive a zombie apocalypse in there. It has everything you need for survival- shelter, crops, energy drinks, etc. This movie basically takes place inside a Home Depot. I forget what the store was actually called. It doesn’t matter. You just need to understand that I love Home Depot so I will generally enjoy movies set inside Home Depots. That was a pretty big factor in my enjoyment. Never mind the fact that this was filmed inside a Costco.
Now onto the actual movie. By rom-com standards, is this a good rom-com? Ehhh. No. The main romance between Dane Cook and “Blond Tart” was half-baked. I saw nothing that distinguished the fair-haired love interest from the other rom-com love interests before/after her, except maybe her big ears. The pair had like nothing in common, mainly because I don’t really know about their interests? Gotta say that Dane Cook had far more chemistry with the other blond tart (aka the antagonist). I wasn’t rooting for the main couple. This is also partly because of the movie’s intense homosexuality. I am not even kidding. Their date was cute though, I just wish they actually had some things in common and we learned more about the love interest.
So basically the plot is that this guy Zack (Dane Cook) works at Fictional!Home Depot and he seems like kind of a “slacker.” He is rivals with a smarmy blond Eminem cousin named Vince (Dax Shepard), who seems like a “stand up guy.” Obviously he is a douche bag who flirts with everyone in a very unprofessional way. There’s some kind of subplot about the store trying to beat another retail place. Then this new employee (Jessica Simpson) waltzes into the place. (I could say she “breasted boobily,” but nah.) Her name is Amy and she allegedly has a thing for employees of the month. So Zack falls in love, but obviously Vince starts making some moves on her. Now Zack has to win Employee of the Month to get the girl, or else Vince will. (There was nothing to worry about though, he dates Amy without even getting the position yet. Also Vince is super awkward/gay.) 
So let me just bullet point this. I’ll cover the characters/plot points/romance plots.
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Zack: The main character, Dane Cook. For everyone watching, there was this process of thinking oh no he’s cute and then falling in love with him. Look, he is actually pretty cute. I don’t make the rules. That dorky smile of his is great. He does have his flaws, like being focused only on his own problems. Dude just apologize. But they do get addressed. He’s a pretty good main character, and he really knows how to treat a girl. Home Depot date? SIGN ME UP. That’s going to be me some day, ok? I will meet some dude who shares my love for Home Depot and together we will wander the dusky aisles filled with all manner of appliances. Welp I kind of lost the plot. Anyway he has great date ideas. His little yellow car thing is a complete travesty but I will let it slide. Jorge has the better yellow vehicle but of course he does. Jorge is gangsta. 
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(guy has that Kubrick stare)
Vince: The main antagonist besides the nebulous “corporate.” At first he seems like a blond flashlight that draws in the ladies like moths. He truly seems like a suave douchebag. As the movie goes on, you learn that this is untrue (the “suave” part). He is really awkward. Probably the only person in love with him is my main guy Jorge (Efren Ramirez). More on that at ten. Anyway, Vince is really good at cashiering. He does an unprofessional little circus act with the products that makes the ladies allegedly swoon. He gets Employee of the Month many, many times. Can Zack possibly usurp him?? Who knows! So yeah, Vince is a sopping and pathetic fellow. At some points you want him to shut up, but at other points you feel this deep well of pity for his plight. Negative points for using the r-word once >:( but also hey this is 2006. 
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Amy: Uh. Ummm. Well she seems very friendly and… like a love interest. Uh… I’m sure there has to be more to her. Right? Oh well. Her big ears are pretty cute. Sadly, she doesn’t exactly have a personality or agency over the plot. I don’t really like plots that are just two guys fighting over a girl, except that turned out to not really be part of the movie so it’s fine. At least she called out Zack when he was being stupid, but that was mainly just to milk some drama. I think she and Lily should date.
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Jorge: Jorge, the man that you are. Look, he is amazing and I cannot lie. What even is a salmon churro? The entire chat was yelling every time he was on screen. He first appears as Vince’s lackey, and he mainly helps out Vince with his various sabotage attempts. But he turns out to have more depth than that. He is like a short bug. He is willing to stab an old lady. Jorge is what we call “gangsta.” Everything he does is cool in a Jorge sort of way. He really made the movie. You can fight me on this. 
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Lily: The Human Resources manager. Okay, so she doesn’t have dialogue (I think) but I wanted to include her here because she is cool and really pretty and I had a minor sexuality crisis once she arrived on screen (it happens every other day. Don’t worry about it). I like the lily in her hair. She was so real for accepting a bribe and eating that Butterfinger. <3
Grandma: She could be referred to as feisty. You could also say she’s bisexual. Kudos to her for keeping it real with Zack. The “seed of love” speech was…really dubious!
Boss man: Whatever is going on with him, it’s very gay. He outright says that he thinks/has thought about kissing guys. Maybe there’s something between him and the policeman? Anyway, I feel pretty bad that his older brother emasculated him. Not much else to say. He’s not exactly a paragon of professionalism, which is what makes this movie fun. He totally wants to be the fatherly boss but he fails. His lackey’s name is Dirk. Strider reference? You know it. (This was made 3 years before homestuck started).
BOSS Boss Man, aka Corporate Incarnate: Boss Man’s big brother, in the age sense. Okay, this guy kind of scares me. He is way less relaxed than Boss Man, and he certainly can drub people with canes. He runs a tight ship, so obviously he won’t stand for the main character mayhem going on. 
Iqbal: I don’t remember a ton of stuff about him, but he is like a lot of my family friends. He deserves good stuff because he had to put up with Zack’s crap for longer than necessary. Do I have to cover every single character? How about we move onto the main thing: shipping. It’s not really the main thing, but I'm going insane over it so for me it is.
  Oh man okay, here we go. I already covered my very few thoughts on Zack/Amy so here are some ships that I find interesting.
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Zack/Vince: Basically, the plot of the movie revolves around these two and their rivalry. I kind of doubt their hate is platonic. At one point Vince compares them to a pair of “old gay sailors.” Zack’s face really says it all, honestly:
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Their scenes together had a ton of sexual chemistry. Intense Kubrick stares. Toreador-ish mop fights. Breaking into the other person’s house to make them late for work. You know. Like that. We all agreed that they are best summarized as “toxic yaoi.” Essentially, they are kismeses. Also, Vince is a complete mess around Amy but seems way more comfortable antagonizing Zack. I don’t think Zack is really into Vince, but it’s an interesting thought.
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Vince/Jorge: Now this. THIS is the true romance of the story. You think I’m kidding? This is pretty much canon (or at least heavily implied). Where Zack and Vince had some sexual tension, these two have a Home Depot’s worth of romantic tension. They have so many little moments, like when they just kind of solemnly listen to music in a car (which turns out to be a bookend). They’re constantly around each other, and their relationship actually has an arc. Vince starts out kind of using Jorge as a henchman, but then Jorge goes against that. There’s a temporary breakup, and Vince kind of loses it. He has no one to talk to now. But he’s willing to pull himself together and give Jorge the space he needs to think things through. And THEN they have this big moment where they get back together as equals and it’s beautiful and okay it’s easier to just show you. 
(Previous image) Here we have Jorge helping Vince with his dorky-ass heelies because Vince is trying to be a coolkid like Zack.
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And then we have that whole moment over there. They’re holding hands! (Hurt/comfort moment tbh)
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THEIR VICTORY DANCES?? HELLO?? This is adorable i can’t
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Okay, this is blatantly romantic. The words “please, come home” imply that they share a home. Perhaps they are even… roommates? But look, the normally rude Vince is actually being considerate. And he calls Jorge “homes.” Jorge normally calls him that!
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Full access to the cashier’s lounge? Jorge you mad lad. 
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Okay I gasped aloud at this part. They are married. Or like they will be at some point in time. “It just feels right” yeah they are SO married. Look at the height difference. They are everything, as of four hours ago. This is cinema.
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I can’t do this man why did I start reviewing this. They use each other’s pet names. Shit. Fuck you, Dane Cook movies. I hate feeling emotion like this.
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yes, Jorge and Vince were the real romance subplot all along. They’re literally the last scene of the movie.
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Look at the smile on Jorge’s face. Jegus. This ship is everything. These two were the real emotional core of the movie. Without them, I’d just be like “eh whatever at least it was fun.” But damn, they really delivered on the romance subplot.
Uh… Yeah I can’t really think of any other ships that I like. Vince/Amy sucks and they had nothing to say to each other. I like the idea of Amy/Lily, though! I think either of them could make employee of the month. I guess Amy/Zack is good for now though.
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That clubhouse is awesome. Probably a big hazard considering it’s on top of that big shelf. But hey I want a Home Depot buddy lair too!
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Vince saying he can get a little anal…. >:? Sir what.
Amy’s really out there auspiticizing for Zack and Vince huh? She deserves good things for having to put up with that
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Why did it suddenly turn into a sports movie for a few minutes? Why were they playing softball against another hardware store? We may never know.
Banger soundtrack. 10/10.
And that’s a wrap everyone, catch me crying over the hug or making “ironic” fanart of Dane Cook and co. I really enjoyed this and I will hopefully be there for the next flick. Wow I wrote a lot about this movie. Uh. Consider it ironic, I suppose.
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gay-trashcan-cat · 1 year
adam sandler core
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my friend was talking about spooky season and now I have this drawing. Luis as Adam Sandler, and Leo (belongs to my friend) as M&M (Eminem, same thing) full honesty they look so similar 😭.
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Friends art (they don't have a tumblr so I instead posted this with permission!)
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I don’t think I missed any but even if I did I can’t do anything about it now 🤷‍♀️
Also pretty sure all the feats are correct but again if not oh well
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gardenxofxeden · 1 year
Best Movie Songs
1: The Neverending Story • Theme Song • Limahl Never Ending Story
2: Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video] Twilight Breaking Dawn
3: The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony Cruel Intentions
4: We Don't Talk About Bruno (From "Encanto") Encanto
5: I'll Never Love Again (from A Star Is Born) (Official Music Video)  A Star Is Born
6: Goo Goo Dolls - Iris [Official Music Video] City Of Angels
7: Doja Cat - Boss B*tch (from Birds of Prey: The Album) [Official Music Video]Birds Of Prey The Emancipation of Harley Quinn
8: Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me) The Breakfast Club
9: Eminem - Venom Venom
10: Berlin - Take My Breath Away (Official Video - Top Gun) Top Gun
11: Amanda Seyfried - Little House Dear John
12: Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler The Wedding Singer
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cvasquez · 6 years
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My 10 favorite songs of 2018:  1. Guns N’ Roses - Shadow of Your Love  2. Godsmack - Bulletproof  3. Weezer- Africa (Toto Cover)  4. Bad Wolves - Zombie  5. Halestorm - Uncomfortable  6. Five Finger Death Punch - Sham Pain  7. Childish Gambino - This Is America  8. Disturbed - Are You Ready  9. Eminem - Venom  10. Adam Sandler - Farley 
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glitter-troublewind · 2 years
leo sun aries moon: whitney houston, devon aoki ,daniel radcliffe , jacqueline kennedy , winnie harlow
leo sun taurus moon: bill clinton , yvette nicole brown, demi lavato
leo sun gemini moon: amerlia earhart, barack obama , jennifer lawerence
leo sun cancer moon: sean penn , kristin chenoweth
leo sun leo moon: halle berry, charlize theron
leo sun virgo moon: madonna, jk rowling , elizabeth moss , amy adams
leo sun libra moon: cole sprouse, karlie kloss
leo sun scorpio moon: lisa kudrow, mila kunis, jason mamoa , taylor momsen
leo sun sagittarius moon: woody harrelson , austin butler
leo sun capricorn moon: lucille ball , arnold schwartzenegger
leo sun aquarius moon: sandra bullock , viola davis, andy samberg , kim catrall, cara delevigne , maya rudolph
leo sun pisces moon: robert de niro, kajol, steve carell , jason statham
virgo sun aries moon: salma hayek, alexis bledel
virgo sun taurus moon: kobe bryant , colin firth, cameron diaz, hugh grant, zendaya , prince harry
virgo sun gemini moon: chad michael murray, james marsden
virgo sun cancer moon: melissa mcCarthy , keanu reeves , lea michele , adam sandler virgo sun leo moon: amy poehler virgo sun virgo moon: fiona apple , blake livelyvirgo sun libra moon: tom hardy virgo sun scorpio moon: beyonce virgo sun sagittarius moon: stephen king ,keke palmer , charlie sheen virgo sun capricorn moon: molly shannon ,rupert grint, emmy rossum virgo sun aquarius moon: sophia loren, joan jett virgo sun pisces moon: jack black, evan rachel wood, chris pine
libra sun aries moon: usher , kamala harris , t.i. , ed sullivan
libra sun taurus moon: f. scott fitzgerald
libra sun gemini moon: hugh jackman, gwenth paltrow, bridgette bardot, dita von teese , barbara walters
libra sun cancer moon: eleanor roosevelt, nico, a$ap rocky, marion cotilliard , olivia newton-john , emilia clarke
libra sun leo moon: mohatma gandhi , sacha baron cohen
libra sun virgo moon: zac efron , 21 savage
libra sun libra moon: sting, kate winslet , jesse eisenberg
libra sun scorpio moon: will smith, avril lavigne, gillian jacobs
libra sun sagittarius moon: john mayer , hilary duff
libra sun capricorn moon: michael douglas, lena heady
libra sun aquarius moon: eminem , natasha rothwell, lil wayne , candice swanepoel , st. vincent
libra sun pisces moon: rita hayworth, joan cusack , catherine zeta-jones
scorpio sun aries moon: jamie lee curtis , joaquin phoenix , calvin klein , dermont mulroney
scorpio sun taurus moon: adam driver
scorpio sun gemini moon: rachel mccadams , tilda swinton
scorpio sun cancer moon: drake
scorpio sun leo moon: stanley tucci , rita wilson
scorpio sun virgo moon: tila tequila , richard burton
scorpio sun libra moon: anne hathaway , leonardo di caprio , cary elwes
scorpio sun scorpio moon: brittany murphy , thandie newton , penn badgley , yaya dacosta , katy perry , georgia o'keefe
scorpio sun sagittarius moon: anthony kiedis , joel mchale , adam devine
scorpio sun capricorn moon: aishwarya rai , gerard butler , pete davidson
scorpio sun aquarius moon: vivien leigh , shah ruhk khan
scorpio sun pisces moon: hilary clinton , winona ryder, ciara
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singledadjack · 3 years
When I was little I was convinced Eminem was my dad (since my bio father is out the picture) and one time at a family christmas party, on the radio eminem was playing on the radio and I stood up and apparently yelled "EVERYONE BE QUIET MY DAD'S ON THE RADIO!" I still get teased about that but I imagine that's how bubs would be whenever jack would be playing on the radio. - 🌻 Anon
(I hope you're doing well from earlier! Here's a concept to try and cheer you up!)
that’s adorable🥺 i used to think adam sandler was my dad😭
but bubba’s eyes would get so wide and they’d go “dada dada!” with the biggest smile ever🥺
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cureforbedbugs · 3 years
MIX 2: When the Gas Runs Out Just Wreck It
Jean-Jacques Perrey & David Chazam - What's Up Duck?
Cake - Never There
Soul Coughing - Circles
Beck - Tropicalia
Jimmy Ray - Are You Jimmy Ray?
Happyland - Don't You Know Who I Am?
Bran Van 3000 - Drinking in LA
TMBG - Doctor Worm
The Bluetones - Solomon Bites the Worm
Flin Flon - Kamloops
The Hives - A.K.A. I-D-I-O-T
The Monsters - Pony Tail and Black Cadillac
Andre Williams - Agile, Mobile, and Hostile
Silver Apples - I Don't Care What the People Say
Blink - Dead Little Bird
Cows - Finished Again
Ian Brown - My Star
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Barenaked Ladies - One Week
Catatonia - Mulder and Scully
Sheena Ringo - 歌舞伎町の女王 [Queen of Kabukicho]
Pauline Pantsdown - I Don't Like It
A*C* - I Respect Your Feelings as a Woman and a Friend
Adam Sandler - Somebody Kill Me
Offspring - Pretty Fly (reprise)
Fat Les - Vindaloo
I turned 14 in 1998 and was a freshman in high school. A lot of music memories I associate with 1998 are actually from 1999—I could have sworn I heard Eminem for the first time my freshman year but apparently not. When I heard “Are You Jimmy Ray?” I was slammed back into the real ‘98, though, since I probably hadn’t heard the song since then. Happened again when I got reacquainted with “Drinking in L.A.” This was a time when I was vaguely aware of people “liking music,” but was a lot closer to making mixtapes of alternating Weird Al and Metallica songs than I was to being a record collector. It’s a bit of a dead zone for me, tastewise. This mix is what that dead zone sounds like now, a bunch of goofy experiments, some of which inexplicably hit big (Cake, Barenaked Ladies, “Dragula,” Soul Coughing), some of which inexplicably didn’t (how did it take the Hives so long to take off?), and a bunch of new-to-me stuff I probably would have loved when I was 14.
The rest is what I call mix spackle, the kind of pleasant finds that just seem to fit between variations on the theme. There are a few sloppy neo-garage tracks, as was the style at the time, and a few novelty tracks across various ponds (one very British, one very Australian, both just on the edge of being unlistenable; both are 7's). There’s a funny song about a duck, and a funny song about a worm, and a less-funny song about a dead bird, and the only thing off of that Offspring album I can still get all the way through, especially since the guy from the 1-800 COLLECT commercials with David Spade is on it and it’s only a minute long. I still think that song from The Wedding Singer is funnier than the rest of the movie (sorry). I still think Beck sounds cool in this phase of his career, even though I no longer think he sounds cool a year later. I haven’t looked up who Ian Brown is yet, but I assume he’s from a British band I should know he was in by now. (Ah right, the Stone Roses guy. That makes sense!) I didn’t hear A* C* until college—hell, I may still not have been 100% positive there was such a thing as a “C” word when I was 14. Anyway, listen to this mix if you want to hear what I was actually like in 1998.
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
List of people, who should totally be on The Masked Singer
Here is a combined list of the names I’ve combined. It included both the names I personally wish would do the show & the names I would suggest the show should try to get - who would do this kind of show...who don’t hide away from a little “reality tv” (the celebs, who are currently popular - filming year-round, touring year-round, playing/competing year-round don’t usually have time for such shows, but if they’ve retitred, or taking time off, or it’s off-season/between projects...then anything’s possible...)  
Adam Sandler, actor (USA) 
Amanda Seyfried, actress (USA) 
Amy Adams, actress (USA) 
Anna Kendrick, actress (USA)
Anne Hathaway, actress (USA) 
Ansel Elgort, actor (USA)
Antonio Banderas, actor (Spain/USA) 
Barret Foa, actor/stage star (USA)
Brian Austin Green, actor (USA)
Bo Guiney, TV host (USA) 
Cara Delevingne, actress/singer/model (UK/USA) 
Catherine Zeta-Jones, actress (UK/USA) 
(Colonel) Chris Hadfield, astronaut (CAN) 
Chris Pine, actor (USA) 
Cobie Smulders, actress (CAN/USA) 
Colin Farrell, actor (UK) 
Daniel Radcliffe, actor (UK) 
David Anders, actor (USA) 
David Duchovny, actor (USA) 
David Hasselhoff, actor (USA) though, he is also known as a singer
Dermot Mulroney, actor (USA) 
Donald Glover, actor (USA)
Drew Carey, actor/host (USA)
Eddie Murphy, actor (USA) 
Eddie Redmayne, actor (UK) 
Elyes Gabel, actor (USA)  
Emily Blunt, actress (UK/USA) 
Emma Stone, actress (USA) 
Eric Radford, figure skater (CAN)
Esera Tuaolo, athlete/singer NFL (USA)
Ewan McGregor, actor (UK/US)
Gwyneth Paltrow, actress (USA) 
Hailee Steinfeld, actress (USA) 
Hugh Jackman, actor (AUS/USA)
Hugh Laurie, actor (UK/USA) 
Idris Elba, actor (USA)
Jack Black, actor (USA) 
Jadyn Wong, actress (CAN/USA) 
James Corden, host-actor-singer (UK/USA)
Jamie Foxx, actor (USA) 
Jane Levy, actress (USA)
Jared Leto, actor/singer (USA)
Jason Schwartzman, actor (USA)
Jason Segel, actor (USA) 
Jason Sudeikis, actor (USA)  
Jeremy Renner, actor (USA)
Jerry Stackhouse, athlete NBA (USA)
Jim Sturgess, actor (UK)
Joey Lawrence, actor/singer (USA) 
John Travolta, actor (USA) 
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, actor (USA)  
(Dame) Judi Dench, actress (UK) 
Justin Tucker, athlete NFL (USA)
Karen Gillan, actress (UK)
Kate Winslet, actress (USA) 
Katey Sagal, actress (USA)
Kevin Bacon, actor (USA) 
Kiefer Sutherland, actor (USA)  
Kristen Bell, actress (USA) 
Liv Tyler, actress (USA)
Lucy Hale, actress (USA)
Luke Evans, Welsh actor/singer (UK)
Mandy Patinkin, actor (USA) 
Mark Wahlberg, actor/singer (USA) 
Martin Short, actor/comedian (USA)
Marvin Jones, athlete NFL (USA) 
Matt Damon, actor (USA) 
Matthew Broderick, actor (USA) 
Maya Rudolph, actress/comedian (USA)
Meryl Streep, actress (USA) 
Nicole Kidman, actress (USA) 
Nicole Richie, actress-celebrity (USA) 
NPH, actor/stage star (USA) 
Odell Beckham jr, athlete NFL (USA)
Olivia Newton-John, actress/singer (UK/AUS/USA) 
Patrick Wilson, actor (USA)
Peyton Manning, athlete (USA)
Rami Malek, actor (USA) 
Reese Witherspoon, actress (USA) 
Renée Zellwegger, actress (USA) 
RDJ, actor (USA) PS. Though most know about his singing skills  
Robert Pattinson, actor (USA)  
Ru Paul, host/singer (USA) 
Russell Crowe, actor (NZ/AUS)
Russell Wilson, athlete (USA)
Ryan Reynolds, actor (CAN/USA) 
Sarah Hyland, actress (USA)
Sarah Silverman, actress/comedian (USA) 
Scarlett Johansson, actress (USA)  
Scott Grimes, actor (USA) 
Seth MacFarlane, actor (USA) 
Scott Porter, actor/singer (USA)
Skylar Astin, actor, singer (USA)
Stephen Colbert, TV host/comedian (USA) 
Taron Egerton, actor (UK) 
Tatyana Ali, actress (USA)
Taye Diggs, actor (USA) 
Teri Hatcher, actress (USA) 
Tom Cruise, actor (USA) 
Tom Hiddleston, actor (UK/USA) 
Tony Parker, athlete NBA (USA)
Will Smith, actor/singer (USA) 
Zachary Levi, actor (USA)
Zooey Deschanel, actress (USA)  
Alicia Keys, singer (USA) 
Avril Lavigne, singer (CAN)
Barbra Streisand, singer/actress (USA) 
Björk, singer (Iceland)
(Lil) Bow Wow aka Shad Moss, rapper/singer, USA 
Britney Spears, singer (USA) 
Bruno Mars, singer (USA) 
Charlie Puth, singer (USA)
Damon Albarn (Blur), singer (UK)
DMX aka Earl Simmons, rapper/singer (USA) 
Eminem, rapper/singer (USA) 
Enrique Iglesias, singer  (SPAIN) 
Harry Connick Jr, singer (USA) 
Jakob Dylan, Bob Dylans son (USA) 
Jamie Lynn Spears, singer (USA) 
Jason Mraz, singer (USA) 
Jesse McCartney, singer (USA)
John Legend, singer (USA) 
Jon Bon Jovi, singer (USA)
Justin Bieber, singer (CAN)
Katy Perry, singer (USA) 
Lady Gaga, singer (USA) 
Leona Lewis, singer (UK)
Lily Allen, singer (UK) 
LL Cool J, rapper/singer/actor (USA) 
Ludacris, rapper/singer (USA) 
Lukas Nelson, Willie Nelsons son (USA) 
Macklemore, rapper/singer (USA) 
Michael Buble, singer (CAN) 
Miley Cyrus, singer (USA) 
NAS, rapper (USA) 
Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy), singer (USA) 
Pharrell Williams, singer (USA) 
Rihanna, singer (USA) 
Robbie Williams, singer (UK/USA) 
Snoopp Dogg, rapper/singer (USA) 
will.i.am, singer/musician (USA) 
Adam Cohen, musician...Leonard Cohen’s son (CAN) 
Jaden Smith, Will & Jada Smith’s kid (USA) 
Lily Collins, Phil Collin’s daughter (UK)
Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson’s daughter (USA)
Willow Smith, Will & Jada Smith’s kid (USA)
Zoe Kravitz, singer...Lenny Kravitz’ daughter (US) 
Colleen Ballinger (MirandaSings) 
James Charles
Lisa Cimonelli 
Madilyn Bailey 
Sophia Scott
I wrote this list last year, around the time S2 was airing on TV. I just added a few names now, before finally posting it. 
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moviebuddiespodcast · 5 years
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The year is almost over and that can only mean one thing, that’s right, its time for the Movie Buddies Year In Review!  In this episode we talk about various moments from the past year, our personal favorites from the past decade, winners and stinkers from 2019, and answer listener questions.   Minor spoilers for Joker, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Lighthouse.
CLICK HERE to listen on shoutengine
Past episodes on Youtube
Show Notes: Intro song: Rock and Roll Part 2 by Gary Glitter Scorsese on Marvel Alan Moore on Marvel The Fall short film PS4 animation trace scandal David Rudnick Talk Too Old to Die Young buster scene Adam Sandler & Brad Pitt talk Acid Rain Outro song: Venom by Eminem
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bluevanillapizza · 5 years
A list of things I’ve heard high schoolers say
 “It’s called cgi and makeup you shit fucker”
 - “She’s harrassing my water bottle!”
- “There’s nothing in it”
- “So it’s not a person anymore?
“How about you make like a mermaid and go to the trash”
“You brush your hair with a toilet brush? god damn bitch”
“What was I going to say? I know I was going to say something because I never shut up. I’m just going to scream until I remember.”
“I don’t know what it is about girls who play basketball but they all ride horses.”
“If I hear you say the name Bo Jackson one more time I’ll fight you right here”
“If you don’t shut about the French and Indian War right now I’m gonna lose my mind”
“Chris, your shirt is the exact same color as your flesh”
“Say no you’re not again and I’ll fucking color your tongue black”
“No one named Eric is gay”
- “you can’t handle the truth”
- “you can’t handle adam sandler”
“You have citrus in your blood?”
(talking about tattoos to get)
“a submarine on your penis because then the seamen come out”
- “Since school ends at 2:15, we’ll take back the holy land at 3″
- “what are you doing, playing risk?”
- “I dunno, they’re planning the ninth crusade”
“let me play the calm your tits playlist” *rap god by eminem stars playing*
“I’m going to get a tattoo of pewdiepie’s ass on my - pewdiepie’s face on my ass”
“last time I checked, Chris helmslorth... isn’t America’s ass? Now chris evans, chris evans is built and thick”
“let me tell you a little something about William Jennings Bryan he was a FOOL and thank you very much”
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