#adhd jack kelly
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happy javid thursday from the little guys!!!! jack saw a real cowboy while he was out selling and got super excited and infodumped to davey abt cowboys <3
that petition to give him back his hat did not fall on deaf ears, ask and ye shalt receive my children he deserves his hat always fr
dave loves it when jack infodumps, especially when they can talk abt their special interests together for hours on end
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Jack Kelly definitley has ADHD
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ftm-megamind · 10 months
i think jack is more of a ya fantasy type guy whereas david is more of a ya dystopian type guy. these two probably intertwine sometimes
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spotconlonsbabe · 1 year
daily reminder : jack kelly is so smart he becomes dumb again.
“just a moon so big and yellow, it turns night right into day”
that is the sun.
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baura-bear · 1 year
In UKsies Jack fully crawls over Katherine's lap before I Never Planned and I'm just wondering what possessed this man into thinking that that's what would get the girl especially by 1899 standards? He gets up there and is like "lets do this >:)" and is just like "Hey boo, lemme just... crawl on over here. What's up! :)" then proceeds to distract her from work
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str4wb3rry-fire · 8 months
currently thinking about how autistic racetrack higgins and crutchie morris and spot conlon are
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ron456 · 7 months
Based on actual convo with my friends:
Jack: I’m like a cigarette ‘cause I’m filled with poison and waiting to be set on fire.
Race: I’m like a cigarette cuz’ people are addicted to me 🤪✨
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thestimboardmaker · 2 years
Jack Kelly - Newsies (1992)
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I made this stimboard entirely out of gifs straight off tumblr bc my computer is being weird and not letting me download gifs <3
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albertsbootayyy · 2 years
Newsies as things me/my friends/brother have said pt. 5
Race: Ok I am gonna do it I am finally gonna do this essay
Race: *reads not even the first five sentences of the assignment before he zones out*
Race: *with tears in his eyes* You know what I want to be a plumber now
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Some headcannons just feel so obvious i forget theyre not actually cannon
Like Wdym modern Albert doesn’t do parkour
wdym modern racetrack higgins doesn’t do like,, cup stacking
Wdym modern albert doesn’t exclusively wear vans and oversized tanktops
Wdym crutchies real name isn’t charlie
Wdym modern mush doesbt have a buzzcut
Wdym Devey isn’t left handed
Wdym race isn’t the clearest case of highly developed adhd you’ve ever seen
Wdym smalls isn’t the bronx’s newsies leader
Wdym modern race’s only two pairs of shoes aren’t red and blue converse
Wdym buttons isn’t the closest thing to a doctor the newsies will ever get (because he can do stitches)
Wdym modern race doesnt need two energy drinks and a coffee every morning and a two Liter coke a day to work and survive the day
Wdym romeo and (live’sies) henry don’t get mixed up all the time
Wdym race doesn’t drink all the time and wdym he doesn’t still have the lowest alcohol tolerance on earth
Wdym tommy and albert wouldn’t be besties since birth to death
Wdym skittery isnt bipolar and has paranoia
Wdym sarah takes bullshit
Wdym stitches doesn’t exist
Wdym elmer can see blood
Wdym modern Snoddy doesn’t play some weird shit like Farm Simulator 5… oslt idk
Wdym mush and blink aren’t a couple
Wdym modern Davey isn’t on the debate club
Wdym the newsies wouldn’t be super accepting of queer ppl in canon era
Wdym Davey isn’t on edge 24/7
Wdym jack kelly is white
Wdym darcy isn’t autistic
Wdym race came to america voluntarily
Wdym katherines fav color isnt purple
Wdym spots superpower wouldn’t be super strength or flying or some other classic
Wdym albert and kath arent cat persons
Or, to sum this up: just
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can we just *clear the air* for the writing prompts
hi this got stupid long mb lmao
javey brainrot is so fr rn
college roommates au in honor of they were roommates getting updated🙏🙏
so so sorry it took me a week to get to this lmao
Jack was about ready to scream. Davey had been gone for Shabbat for-in Jack's opinion-too damn long. He knew his roommate did this every week, but it didn't make the jarring loss of familiarity any better.
it was sunday morning; Dave was due back today, but not for another four hours at least, and Jack wanted to tear his hair out at the feeling in his chest of Davey being gone.
he had been-not pining, because that was pathetic, he told himself, just wishing his roommate would get home sooner-all weekend and he was ready to fall back into the familiar routine the two boys shared.
as he watched the second hand go around the cheap clock the two had found when they moved in, Jack decided to do something about all his nervous energy. jumping to his feet, he set up his paint covered easel in the corner of the room, and dug a canvas out of his closet, no thought in his mind as to what he wanted to paint.
standing in front of his threateningly blank canvas, jack picked at his cuticles, and then at the seam of his pants, and then brought his hand up to his mouth to bite his nails. the wide stretch of white was intimidating, daunting. and jack had no clue what to do about it.
shaking his head, he pulled out a few random colors and put them on the old shoebox lid he used as a pallet because the real ones are stupid expensive.
finally picking up a wide brush, he put it to the canvas, and blacked out into his "painting coma," as davey had affectionately dubbed it. it was all a blur of color, several dropped paintbrushes onto carpet and the subsequent curses that followed, and time seeming to drag on but at the same time flying away faster than a heartbeat.
nearly three hours later, jack emerged from his haze and blinked as he looked at his canvas.
it was a great collage of colors, swirling and mushing, each color blending perfectly with its neighbor, even if the two didn't exactly meld, jack had managed to coax them to be a beautiful mess.
and there, in the middle, was painted a pair of startlingly familiar blue eyes. the detail was immaculate, almost as if the artist had put an incredible amount of time studying said eyes.
jack groaned and buried his head in his hands, scraping his nails down his cheeks.
all of his paintings recently had included those eyes somewhere, or at least that very particular shade of cerulean. and jack hated it.
because he knew exactly whose stupidly blue eyes they were, and he didn't want to think of the implications of drawing them over and over. because that meant thinking about his feelings, and jack despised doing that, as all teenage and young adult boys do.
he dug the heels of his hands into his eyes before flopping onto his bed. he raised his head to look over at Davey's bed on the other side of the room, covers perfect and unrumpled. davey's half of the room was always either sparkling clean, or a disaster, and there was no in between, he almost always cleaned before he left for shabbat, and this time was no different; his books stacked neatly on his desk, pillows fluffed with the covers pristine, the top six inches of his blanket folded over. jack always teased him for it.
"s' like a hotel dude, kinda weird. like, who does that every single morning? bonkers." davey would get an embarrassed flush high in his cheeks, and stammer out a defense before jack slapped him on the back and told him he was joking. the pink in davey's cheeks was another thing that was a frequent visitor of jacks paintings, the light coral tube of paint nearly as empty as the sky blue one.
jack groaned, slamming his arms out onto the bed. he thought about the way davey's jaw set when he was mad, or focused, or how his eyes crinkled perfectly at the corners when he smiled, or the artistic slope of his nose, or-
his daydreaming was interrupted by footsteps nearing the door to their dorm.
leaping to his feet, jack snatched the canvas off the easel and shoved it back in the closet with the others just as the lock turned.
the familiar sight of davey's dark curls and the gentle slope of his shoulders made jack's heart feel like someone had stuck it in the microwave. the satchel slung over the shoulder of davey's sensible brown coat, the two buttons unbuttoned on his shirt, the jingle of his keys as he hung them on the hook by the door. it all felt so right to jack, like the world could spin again because davey was home.
as the other boy finally turned to face jack, he took a step forward. "howdy, dave." he said, opening his arms for a hug as davey set his bag down at the foot of his bed. a warm smile spread across davey's face as he sunk into jack's embrace, burying his head in the crook of the former's neck, and wow jack didn't want to think about what that could possibly mean as he wrapped his arms around the brunets waist.
"missed you," davey murmured into jack's neck. a low chuckle rumbled in jacks throat, even as a fond smile lit his face. "didja now? didn't know youse was so clingy, dave." he said, wrapping his arms tighter and rocking the two of them slowly.
davey hummed contentedly. "three days is a long time, though."
that got a real laugh out of jack, and if he pressed a kiss to the side of davey's head before he pulled out of the hug, who was to know but him?
"how's ya family? les still bein' a lil sheit?" jack put his hands on david's biceps, as if making sure he was still there. davey made a little chuff sound akin to a laugh, rolling his eyes fondly.
"like you wouldn't believe. Ama said he's got a 'date' with this girl in his class, Sally. 'pparently shes, and i quote, 'a real peach.'" davey's bright smile stretched across his face as jack threw his head back with a laugh. "That kid's too cocky for his own good, i tell ya." jack chuckled.
he patted davey's arms. "'nd how are you? feelin all religion-ed up?" dave snickered as he pushed his hand gently against jack's shoulder. "as much as i wanted to be, so no. its the same old crap about 'sin bad follow the book' and 'don't be a bad child or satan's going to eat your toes' and all that." he smiled, corners of his eyes crinkling in that way jack loved.
suddenly jack realized how close they were together, and how clear he could see all the details in those blue, blue eyes. swallowing thickly, he studied the flecks of green in them, and regretted not adding them to his earlier painting.
then suddenly he couldnt see them anymore, as davey was looking at something about a half inch below jacks nose. jack blinked, hesitantly putting a hand on davey's waist, bringing those blue irises back up to meet his.
"heya dave." he whispered.
"hi jackie," davey breathed back, almost breathless sounding. he glanced down again when jack's tongue flicked out to wet his lips.
their noses were almost touching, and they could feel the other's breath hot on their cheeks.
davey's phone rang. jack groaned as the other boy fumbled with his pocket to pull it out, stumbling backwards to sit on his bed. david answered the phone, face flushed and gaze averted from jacks.
"hi, papa, this really isn- yes- what? no, i didnt take it, ask les, you know he always does that. yeah. yeah, i know. ok. love you too papa." david hung up the phone, ears so red they were practically glowing as he turned to pick up his bag again.
jack was ready to explode again. "davey."
the brunet looked up, still pink.
"can we just-can we clear the air on somethin' here?" jack said, his knee bouncing slightly.
dave straightened up. "of-of course, jack." he shook his hands out, a sign he was nervous.
jack took a deep breath, psyching himself up. "what is this? to you?" he waved his hand vaguely between the two of them.
davey's eyes got wide as he started rocking side to side, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "i think-i think it's whatever you want it to be, jackie." he swallowed as jack stood back up and watched as the other boy started picking at his cuticles again as he approached.
"so if i wanted it to be somethin' a little more'n roomies n' friends, would you- would you be ok with that?" jacks voice wavered as he got closer.
" i think i would." dave's mind was racing, but he started smiling slightly. jack was less than two feet away from him now.
"really? you don't have to pity me, i know i ain't the best looker, if you wanted-" jack's whole expression spelled self doubt and uncertainty.
"will you just shut your stupidly pretty face and kiss me?" davey interrupted, cheeks red.
that was all the invitation jack needed to place a gentle hand on davey's cheek and press their lips together. david smiled into the kiss, placing his hands on jack's waist.
"you really think i'm pretty?" jack murmured against davey's lips. dave laughed and pulled back, bringing a hand up to flick jacks forehead lightly as he buried his face in the other's neck for the second time that day. jack smiled as he held his boy-his! his boy!-and brought a hand up to cradle the back of his neck.
"yeah, i do." david said into jack's shoulder, a stupid grin on his face.
whaaaat??? eel writing something that isn't some subcategory of angst??? what is this?????
yaaaay!! its over. unetided an all that jazz
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lovable-chica · 3 months
🌈Cheer Bear!🎀
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Age: 13
Sex: Dimisexual
Favorite Color: Pink and Rainbow
Favorite Food: Rainbow Ice Cream and Cake
Favorite Animal: Dogs and Birds
Likes: Her Friends, The Island Of Sodor, Getting Along with The Other Care Bears, The Engines.
Dislikes/Hates: The Care Bear Turning Against Each Other, Evil Stuff, Headbutt(Joke)
🌈Cheer Bear Is Most Likely Like Her Best Friend Rosie, A TomBoy! (in My Au)
🌈She’s Cheerful, Playful and A Fun-Loving Cutie Bear.
🌈She Loves The Color Rainbow, That’s Why She Wears A Pink Bow!
🌈She Enjoys Dancing and Singing With Friends, Even If You Are New.
🌈Suffers From ADHD, So She Can Become Very Excited If She Gets The Chance To Work With The Pack But Amber Tells Her To Calm Down.
🌈Best Friends With: Amber, Rosie, Percy, Edward, Henry, Thomas, Rebecca, Nia, Harmony Bear, Share Bear, Funshine Bear, Jack and Alfie, Darcy, Darla and Suzi
🌈Good Friends With: Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas, Toad, Grumpy Bear, Wish Bear, Kelly, Angel, Snowy(Me)
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greenmoons · 3 months
Power rangers writing prompts
I decided to do a post to ideas and prompts I have or recieved of Power Rangers, so people might decide to write them. Feel free to use them. It would be nice to get credit or message if you do use them but it's not necessary. If you have other ideas write me in the comments or in a message and I might add them to this list.
Some of the ideas are solid and some are very general.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
Tommy Oliver struggling in school (can also be written as ADHD or learning disability character)
Autisic Billy Cranston
Civilians figuring out the rangers identities because they always stay to fight against the putties even without morphing.
2X08, the tape recorded the rangers morph and their identities revealed (by the news company or because Bulk and Skull screen it to everyone before the rangers were able to stop them)
2X09: Rocky, Adam and Aisha are coming to Angel Grove to the Broomball Tournament.
Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Curtis finding out their cousins are power rangers.
There are many episodes with a child who hang out with the rangers so write fanfics from their point of view about the rangers, maybe what would have happened if they figured out their identities or what happened to them in the future because they appeared only once (Maria, Willy, Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Cameron, Roger, Hallie)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:
Cassie became the pink ranger after Kendrix's death
Power Rangers Dino Thunder:
Rewrite of the season with Kat as Tommy's wife/girlfriend and the pink dino thunder ranger
Power Rangers SPD:
Sky, Bridge and Syd as red, blue and green, and starting as a team of three.
Cruger thoughts on why not giving Sky the red suit.
Z growing up in the streets.
Jack and Z first meeting.
Autistic Bridge Carson. Fic 1.
Cruger finding someone to take care of Z, Jack and Sam instead of letting them be alone in the streets.
Jack and Z experiences in the streets.
The rangers are doing Jack a birthday party since he never had one before.
E14: Bridge tries to read S.O.P.I.E's aura and figuring out she is a cyborg.
E17: Bridge reads Sky's aura and find out the alien switched bodies with him.
Sky handles differently with the whole Mirloc situation.
E30: Bridge thoughts after he got kidnapped.
E31: SPD calls Tommy Oliver of the future for help after the Dino Thunder rangers appeared.
Post series: Jack Landors/Ally Samuels
The other rangers team come to help defeat gruumm.
Z and Syd also got promotion in the colors.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury:
RJ journey to find in himself the wolf spirit and how he became a master.
Why RJ openned a pizza parlour.
Dominic journey when he was alone.
Power Rangers Samurai:
Lauren is the leader of the team instead of Jayden
Serena a ranger instead of Emily
Terry a ranger instead of Mia
General (comics related stuff, crossovers and dynamics between characters from different seasons):
The morphin grid bless the rangers and help them to succeed in life after they finished being rangers
One of the rangers get hurt badly.
The rangers deals with chronic pains from injuries they got in duties.
Power Rangers Mighty Morphin X Power Rangers SPD:
Billy Cranston and Bridge Carson meet and being autistic together. (Ideas for the meeting: Bridge will go to a mission in Aquitar and meet Billy there. Billy is on earth and SPD asking him for help in some tech. Billy meet younger Bridge before he is a ranger because he came to an internship in his company.)
Power rangers overdrive X Mighty Morphin the return:
Thrax and Selena meet
Thrax and Selena grow up as siblings
Kira and Adam talks more about Tommy
Power Rangers SPD X Soul of the Dragon:
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting Dr. Oliver in the future
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting JJ Oliver
JJ Oliver is part of the plot of the season (maybe in D-squad or E-squad)
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spotconlonsbabe · 1 year
rating headcanons that yall say
lowkey kinda love reading hcs and some are scarily accurate but some are like??where did you even?????get that from?????
so im gonna like? debunk some? and just like, comment on shit? if i miss anything ask n ill make a separate post
crutchie is not like.. ✨uWu soft baby cinnamon roll✨. its fbhjdksabkh frustrating like the whole "let crutchie say fuck" thing annoyed him. just bc he has a disability doesnt mean hes infantilized. he is actually a little fucking menace and he will hit you. he is opinionated and not a innocent little child.
i (race) like biting. thats it. i bite.
jack is like chronically adhd but he doesnt think he is. hell hyperfixate and infodump and get so distracted on one thing (90% of the time its his current artwork) that the outside world just stops existing. yet he thinks this is just normal people things to do while i just 🫠
hes also a manwhore. he gets around a lot (albeit as a coping mechanism for his ✨everything trauma✨). like before the strike he slept around, with random people hed pick up on the street, theatregoers hed see during meddas shows and talked to afterwards ("dont come a knockin" style), meddas backstage crew, people hed sell the evening paper to, anyone. gender was irrelevant to him, he just needed an outlet for all his energy. it was usually a no stings attached scenario, but not like, "wham bam thank you maam" sorta thing, he treated them with respeect
alberts safe food is lamb. thats it.
spot is a chihuahua. down to the soul. (he will deny this till the day he dies)
everyone is some form of neurodivergent. all funky in the brain /lh
also some things that are not true (soz guys)
-um. ralbert. it just doesnt make sense for either of us? hes my best friend and i do love him but not like that. also i dont think wed be able to survive as a couple. we collectively share about three (3) brain cells and i think we would destroy a house together. like blow it up (storytime for later about that if yall wanna hear)
-neither is javey (sorry everyone). jack an davey love each other. yes. but not in a romantic way. theyll trust each other with things theyd never tell anyone else, but they are strictly platonic. they said they could never imagine being together, sorry to all the avid javey supporters out there.
-kathy's a lesbian. false 💖
shes bi with a preference for women. she did THINK she was a lesbian until she had this big dumb guy come up to her on the street and offer to bring her a paper personally.
-newsies dont have an age limit. we dont "age out" of selling. it isnt "just a kids job". anyone could sell papers. the whole point of being a newsie is that anyone could do the job, it didnt matter who you were or where you were from, you just had to have enough money to buy the paper from the distributor. we had a like 40 year old woman who used to come buy her papers after we did. so the theories of "what happens when jack ages out??" arent nessicarily accurate, if anything he would leave by choice.
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ao3feed-newsies · 3 months
RACE AND ALBERT'S MURDER PODCAST! (Or How Two Random and Unqualified Teenagers Solved a Homicide.)
by, orangesand_lemons by orangesand_lemons Tyler James Higgins (Better known as Racetrack) and Albert DaSilva are famously known to their listeners as the two boys who run the not-so-originally named "RACE AND ALBERT'S MURDER PODCAST!", a true crime podcast which specialises in unsolved murder cases. After being invited to speak with famous murder mystery author Katherine Plumber at Murder Con '24 at a true crime panel, their lives are flipped upside down when before the talk, Miss Plumber is found brutally murdered backstage. When they see how the police aren't taking this seriously, Race and Albert take matters into their own hands, attempting to solve a murder despite being most definitely not qualified for the job. Words: 746, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies (1992), Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Jack Kelly (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs, Les Jacobs, Buttons (Newsies), Finch (Newsies), Spot Conlon, Joseph Pulitzer, Hannah (Newsies), Medda Larkson | Medda Larkin, Bryan Denton Relationships: Albert DaSilva/Racetrack Higgins, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Buttons/Finch (Newsies), Spot Conlon/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer Additional Tags: Modern Era, Murder, Murder Mystery, Not Beta Read, I'm Bad At Tagging, Angst, Fluff, Podcast, Fluff and Angst, Romance, She/Her pronouns for Spot Conlon, Character Death, Autistic Albert DaSilva, Racetrack Higgins Has ADHD, Lesbian Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, Female Spot Conlon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read : https://ift.tt/NOujT3n - July 10, 2024 at 01:21PM
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Can I just have some good hcs? I need emotional support rn 😭😭
race has adhd, right? and because he’s also gay as hell, he has that certain audacity that says if he really tries, he believes he can do just about anything. so when he was, like, six, he taught himself the basics of morse code for shits and giggles. then he forgot about doing it, and so he never learned any more. when he became friends with albert, they learned a little bit more together, so they’d be able to communicate without other people knowing (stuff like help, no, I’m bored, this bitch, etc.) they continued using that method for years. and then they met spot, it seemed natural to include him, too. so their vocabulary expanded, and they just started talking without using words, saying things (again) like help, get me out of here, this bitch, and; I love you. 
when charlie became crutchie, he decided that no one else had to know who he used to be. jack did, of course, because jack had been francis, but that was different. he became a newsie, made friends, made family. still, he was crutchie. this wasn’t weird, or bad, because most newsies had nicknames, but most newsies had names, too. but crutchie was just crutchie. so when les asked ‘d’you still have a real name, too?’ one day in the penthouse, he froze a bit. because he did, of course he did. but crutchie was crutchie, and charlie was gone. he whispered back, ‘I don’t know. I don’t think so.’ les simply nodded and said, ‘okay. let me know if you get one.’ crutchie cried a little bit that night. over a year later, after kids had come and gone, the seasons had changed and come again, les and crutchie were in the penthouse again. les was reading and crutchie was fiddling with his crutch. ‘charlie’ he whispered. les glanced up. ‘charlie’, he said a little louder. ‘that’s my real name.’ les looked like he understood. he moved over and held out a hand to shake. ‘nice ta meetcha, charlie. I’m les.’
jack and davey once had a big fight. I mean, obviously, all couples do. but they fought, and then they didn’t speak to each other for a solid week. race was beside himself. ‘jackie, jackie, no- listen to me. listen. you NEEDS to talk to davey. don’t look at me like that. dave needs you. we needs dave. c’mon. please.’ jack, being the emotionally stunted man-child he is, did absolutely jack shit. so race turned to davey. ‘dave. dave, davey, please. look, I know he’s an idiot. believe me, I do. I’ve been putting up with the knucklehead for years, I get it. but we’s fallin apart, dave. the kids need you and jackie. I know that’s not fair to say. but its the truth. just- please. talk to him. hit em for all I care. just make this better.’ they were back together within two hours. (racetrack higgins can work MIRACLES when he tries.)
jack once called medda mom while painting a set. it was casual, a thrown over the shoulder kind of thing, and he didn’t even realize what he had said. but medda sure did. and she went home and thanked a lord that she had done nothing but screamed and yelled at for the better part of fifteen years for jack kelly, and the sheer good and happiness he brought into her life. 
elmer, splasher, slasher, magnet, graves, and their siblings having a weekly family dinner that everyone is required to attend. swipe has an invitation extended to them every week. slasher hates it. 
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