#adore the idea of 'medicine' being things that used to be fun but are now chores that go with the thing you love
prozac-shaped-urn · 9 months
I'm emo lately :)))
Read this as the Palmetto holding Deborah captive inside the 'medicine' of her Little Debbies and QVC line, not stand-up as a whole. I couldn't quite fit in the specifics. As for Ava, her 'medicine' is her insatiable desire to prove herself, especially when no one is listening. By coming together, Ava and Deb can stop using their respective 'medicines' and rely on each other for support and praise... and maybe realize their strengths aren't so different after all.
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delirious-donna · 1 year
tw: blood, period sex… don’t click read more if these things bother you! feat. Kiba Inuzuka, Bakugou Katsuki, Nanami Kento & Alhaitham
Who do you think would be the most open to the idea of period sex? It’s messy, sure but I know personally that I am always horny as hell when it’s my time of the month. Three guesses why I’m thinking about this right now!!
So, I have a few people in mind and they are from different fandoms but I’d be interested in other thoughts, feel free to leave suggestions in the tags.
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Kiba Inuzuka - he’s practically a wolfman with his sharp fangs, primal characteristics and that well honed nose. He can track your cycle better than you ever could, scenting the incoming change and preparing for your inevitable mood swings. Kiba definitely strikes me as the type not to be grossed out by a little blood, after all, why would he want to deny himself the pleasure of your warm cunt for up to a week?! It’s nothing a steamy shower can’t fix once you’re boneless on the bed, admiring the golden-skinned man above you and smiling coyly at the deep scratch marks you’ve carved into his shoulders and back.
Katsuki Bakugou - “It’s just blood, dumbass.” This would be his response when you try to shy away from his advances despite the yawning desire curling in your stomach. He’s a practical man, very forthright and straightforward. Katsuki would remind you of all the times you’d ridden him to the floor the second he’s walked in the door from a patrol, covered in cuts and scratches from whatever villain he’d been fighting. It’s always fun to see you wound extra tight, the telltale jump of your knee and your fingers near your mouth as you resist the urge to bite at them. Knowing you’ll be purring like a kitten once he has you creaming around his cock.
Nanami Kento - he just wants you to feel good, to take care of you and again, he isn’t bothered by the sight of blood. Kento knows you can feel less than your usual adorable and happy self when on your period, and he does everything he can to relieve your symptoms. The medicine cabinet is stocked with your preferred pads and tampons, the kitchen houses an inordinate amount of your favourite treats, he brings you hot water bottles when your back aches and he presses his large warm hands to your abdomen when you cramp. So why wouldn’t he take care of the hormones running rampant through your system? Kento knows you’re horny, your glances lingering over him far longer than usual and it’s not difficult to see the gears in your brain turning. He’s sweet with it, soft and gentle as he makes love to you until you’re a sleepy girl tucked up in bed leaving him to clean up any lingering mess.
Alhaitham - he finds it fascinating and simply another opportunity to further his learning and understanding of you. He finds it interesting how your mood, behaviours and even your smells change when it’s your time of the month. I definitely believe that if Alhaitham is used to being the one more often to initiate sex that he’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much more forward you become. The gleam in your eye and the sway of your hips, he misses none of it and the act itself feels all the more primal and animalistic than it usually does. It’s messy, for sure and he’s blunt enough to point it out after all is said and done but he’s quick to assure that it wouldn’t stop him from doing it again. In fact, Alhaitham is very keen to see how much more he can get out of you when your inhibitions are lowered…
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I sent an ask earlier and I am so sorry for spamming but I've been having brain worms for the Kaiju!au.
Like we sad Vargas and Kalim being all friendly but imagine little baby Cheka playing with Yuu.
Also, just imagine Cater, Vil, or Rook doing dancing from some music player that Yuu found. Which also makes me ask if they get their own little hideaway for their human buisness. (God Crowley when his hatchling leave the nest...)
And finally, when Yuu finally gets to cook, meat or fish, are the Boys gonna try to demand they have some. I just imagine Yuu giving a piece to grim and his pupils blow out from how good it is....and then words goes around and it's all over for any peaceful cooking with Yuu.
I'm actually in the process of answering that one! I just gotta figure out a few scenarios for it to make it fun~! >v< And please don't worry about spamming me with asks if you have ideas or thoughts you wanna share about my AUs! I love receiving these kind of asks! :D
Putting under a read more because I got a little carried away 😂
Oooh my goodness, someone teach lil’ kaiju Cheka to be gentle with the tiny human! X’D To be honest, I almost didn't put him or Falena in the AU...buuuuut now that I think about it, that would be a crime against adorableness, and I will not stand for this! Ò.Ó I shall rectify this~!
In the AU, Cheka would be a little bigger than Grim would be in terms of height. Not quite twice his height, but still pretty big! Now imagine the lil’ ragamuffin sweetheart just trotting along with Yuu perched on his back, playfully marching across a log bridge with Grim trotting behind singing “Hakuna Matata” while Ruggie and Jack have to keep an eye on them (because we know Leona would be taking a nap and hiding from his nephew even in this AU). The only difference between this version of the two is that whenever Cheka pounces on his uncle in a play fight, Leona actually will react as though he got hurt to encourage the hunting instinct.
Hey, he may not be happy having his nephew bugging him, but he knows it’s important to know how to survive (and he’d never hear the end of it from his brother or his brother’s mate)!
When it comes to doing “human business”, it’s agreed that there is a need for privacy even amongst kaiju, so if the human disappears for a short time behind a rock or in a bush, it’s not going to be questioned by curious kaiju. Luckily Yuu won’t have to worry about poison oak or poison ivy! Most of the poisonous plants that can cause an itchy reaction are too high up for them to reach, so it’s mainly the kaiju who would experience the terrible itchy curse. Good thing they’ve got Crewel to mix up some natural medicine for them—good luck making most of them take it though! XD
Anyway, moving on: music! One of the best ways to soothe the soul and calm the savage beast. When Yuu manages to get near one of the other abandoned facilities and gets to explore it with Grim (who is literally the only one small enough to fit inside with them), it was actually Grim who stumbled across a music player. He thought it was some weirdly shaped snack or chew toy.
This resulted in a bit of a tug-of-war between Yuu and Grim, and now Yuu has a new (slightly chewed) music player! Let’s see how it transpired and what resulted afterwards, shall we?
“Let’s see…junk, junk, trash…wow, did they really even leave anything worth using in this place?”
Digging around in the pile, Yuu sighed as they sat back and stared at the room. Of course, this place had been ransacked already…though by who exactly was unclear, but it seemed like things had been torn apart and whatever components or guts the tech had before was now gone. But there had to be something they could use in this place, right?
“Grimfang, no! Stop trying to eat the plastic you lil’ gargoyle!” Yuu scolded, sighing as Grimfang spat out a few shards that got stuck in his teeth. “Ugh…one of these days you’re going to eat something you shouldn’t, you know that? Don’t come crying to me when you get a tummy ache.”
He shook his head with a snort, giving Yuu a look that suggested he was offended by the very notion that he might get a tummy ache…or at least, that’s how Yuu interpreted it. It was odd how expressive the kaiju seemed to be, seeming almost…human-like in a way, though sometimes Yuu wondered if it was just their mind humanizing them to have company.
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Turning back, Yuu scanned the wreckage to try and find something they could at least bring back. Even a writing utensil would do! “Okay…maybe we should try the next room and see what we can find.”
As they turned to go, they heard the familiar sound of tooth scraping against metal and sighed. What has he found this time?
“Grim, if I have to pull another pipe out of your gullet again, I’m gonna-” Yuu began before freezing, eyes growing wide at the familiar shape between Grim’s paws as he tried to gnaw on the corner: a music player. “H-hey, hey! No! Grim! Drop it!”
“Rrraowl!” he rumbled in response, his paws pulling the player into his chest fur protectively.
“Grimfang, no! That’s not a chew toy—hey! Get back here, you malevolent little gargoyle!!”
The sound of static filled the den as Yuu sat in the nest, using Grimfang’s side as a pillow while they fiddled with the large and heavy music player. It had been one helluva chase around the facility, but eventually they triumphed and claimed their prize! Aside from a slight chewing on the frame, the kaiju’s fangs hadn’t really penetrated the shell and everything seemed to be in working order. To their disappointment though, they couldn’t get a radio signal no matter how many buttons they pushed or how much they turned the dial.
“Hey, MIRA? Does this island have any sort of radio signal or something?” they asked the computer around their wrist. “I can’t get anything on this player.”
“Greetings, Uhm Yuu. Answer: negative. This particular system cannot receive the signals from radio transmissions. Due to the nature of the island and its inhabitants, it is difficult to build and maintain any semblance of a tower to transmit signals across the terrain, requiring different methods to communicate with other facilities.”
“Darn it! So that means I can’t do anything with this hunk of junk?”
“Negative. As it is in proximity, I am able to access the system wirelessly and play music from the database.”
Eyes growing wide, Yuu asked, “There’s a music database…?”
“Affirmative. I have access to a wide selection of music from all manner of media pre-downloaded from the Dark Mirror Server. Dr. Willows was an avid enjoyer of music and always kept an up-to-date selection for her playlists to aid in her work. Would you like to create your own playlists?”
//End Scene//
And thus began Yuu’s task to set up their musical playlists…much to the kaiju’s confusion even when Grim tried to explain what he could translate. For the most part, they just figured it was a weird human thing…until Yuu played the first song. Was it some beautiful, soothing song, or an excitable bop that made them excited? Nope. It was neither: what was meant to be a fun introduction to a song turned into what essentially boils down to a warped death metal demonic screech and garbled static. The sound was so terrifying that Grimfang looked like a puffy ball of daggers, and Nevermore flared up his wings like some puffy shield in a panic.
That’s why it’s important to check the volume of the music before you play it first!
It was after that when Yuu noticed a difference in the kaiju when they played certain songs—namely instrumentals. For some like Pridefang, they noticed how much more relaxed he was when harp music was playing, while when it came to wind based music like flutes or chimes, Crystalflayer/Vil would croon and sing along and the more canine-like kaiju would practically fall asleep.
Then there were the silly moments with the music.
When Goldmaker/Kalim was visiting, Yuu was playing the song “Cus I’m Happy” at random…when they noticed the shiny beetle/dragon kaiju doing the tippy-tap dance like a dog on all six legs, bouncing here and there in time to the music like a kid jumping on the bed.
And then there was the time that Bruiser/Deuce and Feralfang/Epel were tugging on something that looked somewhat like a giant leather ball that had been popped (or at least, they thought it was a ball, though it could be a bit of carcass too). It didn’t seem like they were fighting over food and more like they were just…playing. It wasn’t until they had stood frozen in place for a moment that Yuu played the song “Cotton Eyed Joe”—
And they both tugged in time to the beat. (A/N: click link for doggos in reference to the song/scene!)
Aaaah, the joys of music!
Now as for the food, as good as fruit and the vegetables were, it was a little harder to find sources of protein that were safe for human consumption on the island…or at least, sources that didn’t want to eat or swallow them whole or were out of reach. Plus, they had a continuous source of fresh meat brought to them and Grimfang throughout the day with no hassle. They just needed a way to…prepare it.
When Yuu manages to light a fire in a makeshift firepit (guided by MIRA’s survival database), Nevermore was certainly surprised to find that his hatchling had finally accepted the meat offering and confused at what they were doing with it near the fire. It’s incredibly rare for any kaiju to actually “cook” their meat, and whatever constitutes as cooked meat would be little more than chewy charcoal, so if it turns out that’s what the little human likes then so long as they eat their fruits and veggies, he’ll allow it.
“Aaaaand…done!” Yuu uttered, tugging one of the sticks bearing individual chunks out of the ground. They could feel the juices from the meat that had dripped down the makeshift skewer, forcing them to take care as they adjusted it in their grip to avoid the hot parts before they took a tentative bite.
Just like the fruit, the meat was tender and full of flavor as the juices dripped down their chin with each bite. It wasn’t perfect, but it was so good to have a cooked meal again that Yuu didn’t care. They’d even been lucky to find a wall of salt when they’d gone exploring with Grimfang, so at least the meat had a little extra flavor to it! MIRA had mentioned before that the island had many herbs and spices that could be used for cooking. If they could get a hold of some of these, then their meals would be so much more fulfilling!
Curious sniffing caught their attention as they turned to see Grimfang, cerulean eyes staring at the chunks still cooking on the sticks around the fire. He’d long since finished his portion, so there was no way that he should still be hungry…right?
“Mrrlh?” he grumbled, carefully pawing at the dirt near one of the sticks but not actually touching it before giving Yuu a look.
“No, this is mine. You had yours already,” Yuu told him, turning their attention back to their food.
‘…oh no…’ Slowly they turned their attention back to Grimfang…and immediately they found themselves struck by the biggest, brightest pair of kitten eyes they’d ever seen, the kaiju’s forelegs curling up to his chest as he rolled over onto his side to reveal his soft, fluffy tummy. ‘…darn it, why did I have to watch those kitten videos around him!?’
His paws began to open and close, mimicking the kneading motion that the kittens in the video had done earlier.
“…augh! Fine! But just this once, got it?” Yuu said, heaving a sigh as they took another stick out of the ground and—after playing hot-potato with the cooked flesh—tossed it into Grimfang’s waiting jaws with a snap. He was purring in triumph, giving Yuu a smug looking grin…
Before he froze, pupils growing so wide that they nearly engulfed the blue of his eyes. His whole body began to shiver, jaw slack as drool began to drip from his maw. Then—rearing back on his hind legs—his paws pressed against his cheeks as he swayed almost in pure bliss, a series of trills and chirps coming from him.
“Huh. Well, uh…glad you like my cooking, Gri—hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! NO! Grim! You had yours, the rest are mine! Stoooop! Nevermore!!”
//The next day//
“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to cook some of this meat using the ingredients we just picked from the forest, and while the big hunk cooks on the spit, we’ll snack on the smaller pieces. This side is yours, and this side is mine. Got it so far?”
“Good. Don’t even think about stealing my share, or I’m never cooking anything again. Got it?”
“Huh…? Wha-!? Scrapper, no! This is mine! I-wait, I-! What are you all even doing here!? Guys!”
//The next day//
“……did you guys know that Scrapper, Shellshock, Ashsong, and Heartbinder could even cook, or is this new?” Yuu asked, watching as Ashsong’s tentacles moved the herbs and spices across the cooking meat, Heartbinder’s claws and teeth ripping chunks off and handing them to the clover-marked Shellshock as he put them on skewers. Ashsong’s wings would occasionally flap, causing the flames to flare up with new life. Scrapper used his jaws to turn the makeshift spit that one of the kaiju had carved to turn the meat in a slow circle.
“Thaaaat’s what I thought…more please!”
As it turns out, once the kaiju learn the secret to amazing food, it becomes one of the few things that keeps them from bickering and fighting and even have them cooperate together just to get a taste. It was a strange sight to see, and even MIRA commented that this was highly unusual behavior that hadn’t been recorded by scientists before. This raised far more questions than answers. Sure, the kaiju were dangerous, but they were intelligent.
Too intelligent…
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broomsick · 1 year
Sharing a bit of UPG: underrated, lesser known aspects of some of the Gods!
Hi, people! We’ve got some beautiful rain over here, today, and it’ll soon be warm enough for me to plant my garden! How’s everybody doing? Today, I want to write up a fun and laid back post to share with you all a few of my UPG’s concerning some of the norse Gods and their lesser known aspects! Since my posts are often focused on historical practices and beliefs, I thought it’d be fun for me to write a bit about my personal experiences, for today. Without further ado, let me get into it!
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A while ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to talk to a fellow pagan about my thoughts on Eir and my experiences with her! I thought to myself some of you might be interested in hearing about this, since I have posted a few prayers to Eir in the past, but I have not gotten into too much detail concerning my worship of her. The reason for this is that since she is a deity whom we unfortunately don’t know much about, I found it quite difficult coming up with a clear, personalized Eir worship. Hence, my work with her ended up being very casual. Some could say, a bit messy! But I do my best! What I mean by “messy” is that I don’t hold specific events in her honor, but I pray to her quite regularly, for good health and the like.
Now, I mostly want to address one aspect of Eir that’s less spoken of, but which I share with other followers: her ties with intellectuality, scholarly practices and the like. She’s often regarded as a Valkyrie, and as such, it’s possible to associate her with Óðinn, making her ties with knowledge all the more prominent. In my experience, praying to her for help with studies is not unheard of, and it’s certainly not a bad idea! The study of medicine is quite complex, and to master such a skill requires much reflection, especially considering that Eir was primarily worshipped during an era when proper medicinal care was harder to access and all the more necessary. Which is why, in my opinion, associating Eir with anything related to research, studies and the like isn’t too much of a reach!
As a Goddess of medicine and health, amongst other things, she’s often described as kindly and compassionate, even gentle. However, though she is very kind, of course, my experience with her is a bit different! In the sense that, she can have quite a serious aura about her. When it comes to medicine, she takes things quite seriously. So when you pray to her for help with healing and the like, she’s kind of like a fussing mother who tells you to take better care of yourself while she’s making you her homemade remedy!
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The next deity I’ll be touching on is Njörðr! Lots of historical evidence, as well as little details I have noticed along my spiritual journey have led me to associate him strongly with leadership, and even fatherhood/parenthood. Many of the people I’ve met and who worked closely with him told me his presence felt fatherly and noble, and I have also experienced this feeling, during the few times when I strongly connected with him. While he generally isn’t viewed as some sort of “King of the sea”, especially not when compared to Ægir and his large hall and opulent feasts, I still tend to associate Njörðr with leadership. For one, due to Yngvi-Freyr’s ties to the concept and the many parallels that can be drawn between these two deities. However, a small, seemingly insignificant detail has also made me to see him as a leader figure. It is the fact that he is more often than not depicted holding an oar! The oar is a symbol of the sea, of course, but there’s something else I came to think of. I was reflecting on this once, during adoration, and thought to myself: “He carries the oar because he isn’t one who stands at the prow and gives out orders, he is one who rows along with the other men.” He accompanies us and leads by showing example! Of course, this is just one of my personal interpretations of the symbol of the oar in Njörðr depictions, and there can be many possible explanations to the presence of this symbol. This interpretation is quite emotional and subjective indeed, but it feels right to me, especially given how a handful of other Njörðr followers have shared this thought with me!
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Next on my list is kindly Frigg! Something I find to be very unfortunate is that many pagan sources will boil down her domain to one singular concept: family. Sure, she can indeed be associated with marriage, pregnancy, children and the like. But reducing this Goddess to just these things, for the simple reason that she’s a female figure, and the wife of Óðinn is quite crude (I would even say misogynistic, depending on the context) in my eyes. She is a complex deity whose domains of influence are wide, in my experience. For example, one of her aspects that’s quite prominent in the myths is her ties with divination, fate and prophecy. It’s even said that she knows the fate of all but won’t reveal it, and that she’s adept at the divinatory arts. The extreme resemblance between her character and that of Freyja, which has led many scholars to believe they might have been the same deity at some point in time, has made me draw parallels between the two and eventually associate both with magic, or seiðr. I have asked for Frigg to help me improve my tarot and rune casting skills, in the past, and each time, she has delivered! In that sense, she can be viewed as a patron for those who practice witchcraft, divination or other magical arts. 
Eir art
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hiraganasakura · 3 months
Hello here are some fun Castti headcanons I think about a lot :]
She has eczema on skin that was exposed to the purple rain, but the skin discoloration is purple instead of red.
She continues to have memory issues for basically the rest of her life, but it gets milder. Eg, she might forget the names of the other party members or have no clue where they are.
There's some emotional regulation issues as a result of the purple rain, also made her a bit more blunt.
Anyway. More miscellaneous thoughts :] :]
I really really love her dynamic with Ochette it is the most important thing ever. I think cause of the whole apothecary thing, Castti really really loves taking care of people. When she wakes up in Canalbrine without any memories, I think she'd almost be disappointed when Malaya says she doesn't need any help because she's got nothing to occupy her time with if she can't help other people. Then she meets Ochette and it's perfect cause Ochette needs a lot of help navigating human society.
I think when she's not helping people, Castti is kinda just standing there waiting for something to happen so Ochette tries to find stuff Castti would like so she isn't just standing there. She teaches Castti to identify plants so whenever there's nothing going on, Castti will just go around figuring out what plants are in the area so she can make more medicine :]
I am also so normal about Castti and Osvald's potential dynamic. I think they should've had a crossed paths together. Oguh man. I'm normal about them I swear
Hi Pie! Sry I didn't get to this until now but I hope yk I was rly excited to hear what you had to say in the meantime :D
Honestly I love your hcs of how the purple rain affected her, with both the physical and emotional trauma of that event combined it'd make sm more sense for it to have more long-term effects on Castti than was shown or implied in canon, and all of these are rly good applications of that! I like to imagine the other travelers would be very patient with her memory and emotional regulation issues (or at least try to be), at first just bcus she's a kind and helpful person to the team, then bcus they grow to like her as a person and friend, and then especially so when they come to understand its cause. Also I think it'd be cool if Castti invented or improved medicated lotion for excema due to her own personal and unique experiences with it, she'd certainly have the medicinal expertise (and I bet Partitio would help spread the word of it and its uses for others it could benefit!)
Ahhh Castti just not knowing what to do when nobody's around for her to help is not only so in character but also pretty relatable to me lol, I can absolutely see that! I love the idea that Ochette would help her out by teaching her how to identify plants too, it's such a sweet Ochette thing to do and would totally be helpful for Castti's work too!
I also love the dynamic between Ochette and Castti, I think it's rly cute and sweet with potential for being funny too!! I regularly think about how it was Ochette who pretty much saved Castti from falling prey to Vide (ik it's supposed to be a Beastling Thing and not an Ochette Thing but I hate how the beastlings are handled and I make my own canon with them specifically. it is an Ochette Thing in my heart <3 )
Also SO TRUE the dynamic between Castti and Osvald is so underexplored and it has sm potential!! I saw you sent an ask about that specifically as well and I'm gonna get right too that, I'm super excited to read it! I adore exploring the relationships between the travelers, the Banters give you a taste but I'm obsessed with character relations of all sorts so it's never enough for me lol
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
also, to be that guy who's obsessed with the mythologisation of dr james barry for a second (it's been awhile on this blog I feel), I was interested in how casanova the tv show felt like a deliberate play with myth through the framing and the anachronisms and the lighting and the blocking and and and -- and how casanova himself is a heavily mythologised person, to the point that my partner asked me if he was real before we started
I feel like there's a similarity in ideas in dr james barry and casanova -- they were both adored and reviled, talked up and talked down depending on the agendas of whoever was spreading their tale, both with larger-than-life personas and adventures that seemed to teeter out in the later years as the traits that served them in youth (brashness, stubbornness, laissez-faire attitude around money, very specific ideas around how to live that didn't mesh with the laws and morals of society around them, a genius that in youth is considered prodigy-like... etcetc) (the details, of course, are different) became something that others were embarrassed about/didn't respond to as they aged and lost their connections
(also this is tv-show, so I don't know until I read the diaries, but they both seemingly had a manservant with whom they were very close/came with them on their various journeys)
casanova has the distinction of having a set of diaries that allow one to peruse primary material at ones leisure, so despite being someone whom one might only know from a particular re-telling or history book or even just as an idea, there is some power in being the main teller of his own story
which dr james barry of course doesn't really have. I feel like I read somewhere that he had more private letters that were lost at sea (which whenever I have that memory of having read that, I squint and wonder if I'm not participating in the mythologisation myself), but certainly the majority of what we think we know about him is either from others' opinions of him or just plain wrong/written after his death
in my head though, I think out of the many many biography-type movies and tv shows I've seen, the casanova show might be the closest to something I'd imagine for barry -- not for the same story, of course (the years of their lives also barely overlapped, but my special interest brain did note that early napoleonic and post-napoleonic era), but for the presentation. the idea of indulging in the fantasy, of the playing with anachronism, of an interaction with present (our present) and past. and mostly of fun
I think in a lot of the narratives around barry, it's often hard for me to see someone I think would live the life that he lived -- who had fun, who made deliberate, conscious choices that he enjoyed making, who was very passionate about his ideals and medicine and who -- like casanova -- was very much his own man. they're so often so preoccupied with ideas of deception and being found out and imagined projected cisgender anxieties. they often lack fun, and when they do insert their modern lens (in whatever time whatever thing about him was created), it's not to bridge the gap between us and him, to imagine who he'd potentially be if he lived now, it's to inject their personal ideas about what is morally correct to them onto a symbol
and yeah, at this point dr barry is more figure than man, as happens generally to historical people, especially those we remember for Highly Specific Things (like casanova, like barry), and I think it'd be interesting to really engage with that, to go deep into the world barry lived in, and to make him a figure who was cognizant of that world and the structures he was defying, who felt good about the choices he made
there's a certain idk... thematic overlap between the two figures. and that was something I really really enjoyed while watching this
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becomingkatie · 9 months
Theo is still not doing great. Now that we've been tracking his every litterbox attempt, it's clear that pooping is more of the trouble than peeing. He's peeing about twice a day, but only pooping every three days, and mostly outside the litterbox. Lots of going in and out of the litterbox before every pee and poop, having to try for each. It's heartbreaking, and he's on an all-wet food diet now to boost his hydration, and the vet recommended some additional supplements for his joints (he definitely has some pain) and his urinary tract in addition to pain medications in the hopes that some of the troubles are just that it hurts him to assume the position and not that something worse is wrong internally. But as more time goes on and he doesn't improve, it just gets hard. And of course putting the medicine in his food makes him not want to eat the food, and he won't take pill pockets anymore. He's tired of it. We're tired of it.
We didn't travel for Christmas like we'd planned, because we can't leave him with a sitter and feel comfortable right now. I still haven't mailed my brother and his wife their presents - since we were going to drive, there was no time pressure to prepare, and then when we cancelled our plans everything felt chaotic and I need to actually get them in the mail asap. I finally wrapped all but one, and that one is a mock-up of the pottery stamp and I had to wait for the paint to dry before I could wrap it. I wanted to make something for him to unwrap, but didn't want to buy it without talking with him first so he can decide what the stamp actually has on it, whether it's his signature or a logo or something else.
Since we can't really travel right now and she's semi-retired, my mom is coming to visit us. She's coming up today and staying three nights. It's a long drive at over eight hours. Not as long as the drive I used to make from here down to where she and my dad lived, but still not a fun solo drive. I'm very grateful she's making that drive just to see us, and I'm excited to give her her presents and hug her and have her see Theo. Part of me feels guilty for not traveling and feels like if she sees us mixing medicine into his food multiple times a day, tracking every litter usage, she'll be like "of course you couldn't travel!" Even though she and my brother were already like "do not worry! your cat is sick! stay home and do what you need to! we'll see you when we see you!" and didn't make us feel bad about it.
I'm trying to come up with some ideas for what to do while she's here. I've got food mostly figured out but not activities.
I've also been in a BAD MOOD lately, and I think a lot of it is that the year is ending and a new year is starting and I just feel like I failed this year? Like I feel disappointed in myself for not getting my next book finished and published, and instead of getting in better shape I slid into worse shape, and my head is just a really negative space right now. And when your own head is a negative space, that negativity leaks out. I keep a wall calendar specifically so I can look back at the end of the year and see all the things I did - remember that I started a writing group, that I played DND for the first time, that I grew carrots and turned them into cake, etc. So after Mom leaves when I have some alone time it's imperative that I spend some time turning this headspace around so I can stop spewing negativity. I'm not even enjoying being in my own presence, so I know Ken can't be enjoying it.
This has been... way more negative of a post than I realized! But the wrapping paper I bought this year is super cute, the gift I'm making for my best friend Molly is coming along adorably and I'm really excited to post pics here after I send it to her, and I have a consultation at the hair salon later to talk about cutting my hair and dying it pink! There's good!
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rosebloodcat · 2 years
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I love Kid Transformation Stories. Those stories are always so cute and fluffy and make me feel happy (and it's always fun for the character info/interactions that show up). It's also usually one of those standard fanfic genres you'll find in pretty much every fandom.
So imagine my surprise that there really... Weren't that many in Moomins. I only found one, and it was for the parents getting turned into tots. (And absolutely adorable, btw.)
Of course, this meant my brain promptly started ruminating on its own idea for a Kid TF Fic for Snufkin. (Because I always bully the characters that I like. 😆 )
Basically, Skufkin has been coming down with a cold and is planning on disappearing for a few days to take care of it himself. It's just a little cold and there's no reason for him to bother everyone else with something that he can recover from by himself. (Never mind that the Moomins would never see him asking for help as a bother.) But, obviously, this doesn't go the way he wanted/expected.
Someone/thing magical runs across him on his way to pack up his camp (I've been using "fairy" but that's still subject to change), who views his plans as less "I am Independent and Capable of taking care of Myself" and more "I am a Stubborn Kid that doesn't want to be Babied." (Completely missing the worry about being a burden/bother that's in there as well.) So they decide that they need to show him that there's nothing wrong with getting babied if you're unwell.
They turn him into a little kid to help him "get the message". And leaves after sending up some sparks to make sure someone finds him. (After all, he can't get better without help right now and if no one finds him, it would defeat the purpose of the lesson. Wouldn't it?)
Moomin is the one who finds Snufkin and hurries him home to see if Moominmama can do something to change him back.
Kid shenanigans (and cold shenanigans) ensue.
(The spell has a built-in time limit. After x number of days once the cold is gone, he'll change back to normal. No potions or special medicine or special conditions that need to be met before then.)
Still debating the finer details of the change, like if Snufkin is still himself but dealing with being a little kid physically (and emotionally), or if he's been regressed totally and is just a confused baby until he changes back. But no matter what, I want Cute Baby Stuff happening.
(also, of it's the second one, the Moomins collectively decided that (due to the context clues they've gotten about Snufkin's childhood) they are going to Spoil Him Rotten until this is fixed.)
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bonefall · 2 years
This is more my headcanons from my extensive list and research of background cats
Adored the hell out of her dad Whitestorm.
Likes knowing all sorts of plants, especially poisons, she wants to make sure what happen to her never happens again.
She also has a bug obsession that she can’t explain.
She has after effects of being poisoned that hit her hard especially since she was so young when it happened. She has some stunted growth compared to her brothers, tremors, insomnia, stomach problems, shortness of breath, and trouble with coordination which was how she got hit by the monster in the first place.
She curses herself sometimes for leaving camp but usually has her brothers to relax her.
She and Cinderpelt worked together with methods to help her live a decent life, taught Leafpool the methods as well, they grew close and as they prepare Cinderpelt’s body. Sorreltail sees no better name for her dark-furred daughter, Cinderpelt’s niece.
She’s pretty calm like her suffix suggests. She seems like the cat others would go to talk with since she has such as calming presence.
She loves her life in the nursery. Always staying strong that cats who live in the nursery do just as much as the ones who hunt and patrol. “Without us, the clan would be rootless as in upturned tree”
What cats don’t realize is that she can benchpress you. She isn’t helpless and cats shouldn’t try to believe she is (slight complex from training under Darkstripe).
She’s had nightmares of the nursery being under attack and can be pretty hardheaded when it comes with who enters the nursery (foreshadowing the great battle).
She’s also pretty snarky when you get to know her better. Her and Ashfur can be pretty catty.
I’d think these two would bond over how Darkstripe affect (whether how small or little)
Also have sparing sessions or simply relaxing together when they were in the nursery together.
Coming in CLUTCH with the excellent analysis of backstory + application to canon events, this is excellent, thank you.
With this, based on the suggestions that @toasted-spiders and @chocolatecoatedtitties added too, I think I know where to go with them now.
She's definitely an active sort of person, on the restless side. ThunderClan is full of more level heads (Daisy, Ferncloud, her mate Brackenfur) so I think having her as a curious and outgoing person will be helpful.
She'll have a lot to contribute in the Ash Era (post-TPB to settlement at the Lake), especially as a Squilf Enabler. As a mentor and a mom, Sandstorm probably bemoans that StarClan saddled her with TWO troublemakers.
That idea of her having lingering injury from that poisoning is genius. I know what I'll do for her-- Sorreltail will have Epilepsy. Specifically, she is prone to absence/"daydream" seizures and sensitive to bright lights; the headlights of the car plus the stress caused her to have one. That was how she got hit and had her training delayed.
This might be a fun way to work in some scenes with BloodClan. I was looking for a way to incorporate some fun ideas I had for them-- namely that they steal medicine from the Cutter, Secret of Nimh style. Cinderpelt and Littlecloud having a sort of 'side novella' where they invent treatments for epilepsy sounds like it'd be fun to plot out!
I also know I definitely want Brackenfur to introduce her to Speckletail as his datemate before Speckletail eventually dies taking out that bulldozer with Thornclaw. A nice little bookend to Speckletail as a character- she gets to see Lionheart's children having families of their own.
I like that bug hobby. I'm less fond of the poison/herb one since I see that as more of Brightheart's thing, but I'll totally do something with Sorreltail enjoying insects. Maybe she can have a pendant of a little butterfly chrysalis, which acts like a "pill" container for an extra dose of valerian root?
Also if I was giving characters favorite foods, hers would be grasshoppers.
It seems like there's no getting around Ferncloud being nurturing and motherly as a main character trait. That's not a bad thing; I just want to avoid too much overlap when possible, and I was thinking of having the "Nursery Organizer" role to go Daisy
Especially since Daisy is going to be a bigger political player in my rewrite, as an ally of Squirrelflight... maybe I can approach Ferncloud as more of the nursery's 'teacher'? Someone who tends to engage the children in activities where Daisy's more of a person who maintains the physical needs of the people in the nursery
I will definitely be making Ferncloud pretty ripped. I imagine Brindleface was also a thick molly; if Ashfur is built like a cheetah, Ferncloud can be more of a leopard.
I'll definitely be taking the snark and anxiety. I really like the idea that she was Ashfur's best friend for a long time, and it would catch you off guard how catty they could both be... but, eventually, their harmless trashing becomes malicious, and that's when Ferncloud realizes her brother is becoming a different person too late.
Just because I'm thinking about it now, her favorite food would be vole
Story Stuff
-The idea of linking a common trauma through Darkstripe is juicy, I need to pick up on that.
-Bonefall Brokenstar, famously, has left the Dark Forest to help re-create SkyClan, so he isn't there to kill Ferncloud.
-Additionally, Brackenfur has been dead for well over a year when the Dark Forest attacks, so both halves of the Bracken/Sorrel couple would be dead if she dies here.
-This also poses an issue for Lilyheart & Seedpaw. Their father is dead by the time they would have been conceived, so their parents will have to change.
-Soo... I'm thinking of killing Dustpelt here, making Lily and Seed Dust/Fern kittens, and letting the girls get out alive together.
-They could end up in the Elder's Den together, but I'm considering killing one off where Dustpelt would have died.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
There is a new episode of the Flash where apparently they're doing a mold inspection instead of just doing air quality testing on their own? Seriously? I know I'm not the only one going O_o at this setup.
Maybe the actual episode will make it work somehow? Time for me to find out.
And we're starting in 2123, so a hundred years from now. STAR Labs is the Flash museum with a statue of Barry out front. I can't tell from the angle of the opening shot but I assume the building's exterior still has not been repaired.
someone is poking around with flashlights, dressed mysteriously and headed for the weapons vault. This is clearly fine and normal.
There's an actual security response. Oh my gosh. I mean, its still ineffective, but wow. STAR Labs is gonna have security one hundred years from now. Finally.
Sorry, I think my sarcasm level may be extra high today, please bear with me.
The intruder escapes through a breach of some kind. And the camera closes in on the date the episode is set, which is foreshadowing the mold inspection going wrong, i guess.
It's weird that this is being sold to us as a mold inspection, though? The inspection certificate with the date on it is specifically having to do with the Department of Energy. Why they need a DOE inspection, I have no idea. Are they finally gonna use the pipeline to generate energy for the city or something?
I should just... watch, I guess.
Barry painting Nora's crib and getting all excited about being a dad is adorable. He's also super happy about getting Iris whatever food she may be craving, in this case ice cream. And then it turns out Iris tracked down a magazine that had once featured Henry Allen on the cover - science and medicine journal - and that's just so sweet of her. Barry has so little left from his parents after his mom's death and his dad's arrest...
This is West-Allen at it's best right here. Barry and Iris taking care of each other and showing how much they love each other. (Proof that when they work, they really work.)
Okay, so the mold inspection is because Barry is over-reacting to the whole wanting to make everything safe for Nora now, now, now. What a mold inspection has to do with the DOE is... *shrugs* I think I'm just gonna have to handwave this connection.
Apparently Khione is headed off to spend time with Carla, who wants to get to know this iteration of her daughter. Khione deserves to make family connections, so I hope this goes well. Carla messed things up with Caitlin, but did make inroads in fixing it, so hopefully she'll accept Khione for herself and get some catharsis over Caitlin and Frost's deaths. Khione is afraid of botching things, because she isn't Caitlin and not being Frost already made things go sour with Blaine. I wonder if we'll actually get to see their coffee meetup or if it'll just be discussed afterwards so we know it went okay.
Anyway, the mold inspector brings friends because asking for an inspection set off code alerts or whatever? I'm calling so much BS. That is not how things work. And since STAR Labs hasn't been operating as an active research lab, it doesn't really matter what else is or isn't up to code.
Bet Barry's regretting letting Chester have the day off now.
Iris shows up to join in the fun and rescue Barry from his bad decisions. And it's becoming more and more clear that these inspectors don't know what the hell they're doing. I mean, the electrician doesn't know what the breaker box is called?
At least Barry and Iris lampshade it.
And the temporal anomaly kicks in, herding everyone back to the speed lab repeatedly where a rather nice grandfather clock has appeared. Ticking loudly and ominously.
Barry - I can run to the future and find out how we fix this and then come back and... fix it. Iris - This seems like a bad idea. Barry - TIME TRAVEL!! What could go wrong? Iris - Everything, but whatever. Just bring me back a snack.
Barry once again jumps to time travel as the answer. *sigh* He never learns, does he?
So I want to like Allegra and Chester's date, but the jokes over scrabble feel forced. No one says 'za' instead of 'pizza'. Allegra's concerns about being found out as a meta are just kinda... not treated seriously before segueing into Chester rambling about how amazing Allegra is and how he's in love with her. Which freaks them both out. There isn't a second of that scene that isn't awkward or uncomfortable.
Back with the main plot, Barry uses the speed lab to get up to time traveling speed and some kind of wave changes Iris' outfit into this pretty blue dress with gold accents. She looks great. Barry's attempt to reach the future fails and watching him smack into a wall is hilarious.
Nice try, Barry. Fix this without cheating.
Looks like everyone else got new outfits too. Barry's is kinda Star Trek TNG/DS9/VOY era uniform looking, with a Flash symbol where the combadge would go. That had to be a deliberate choice. :D
And now Barry's been outed as the Flash to four new people. Secret identity made of swiss cheese.
At least the inspectors reactions are funny. Especially the guy who faints. And after some technobabling, we get the conclusion that one of the inspectors is the time traveling thief from the start of the episode.
My money is on the electrician, but she could also just be like me and sometimes just has words disappear from her vocabulary. I have definitely forgotten words I use every day before because my brain just blanks them out for a bit. But this is a tv show, so it seems more likely she's the culprit than the red herring.
Meanwhile, game day at Cecile's continues to be boring. This is the most awkward game of Catan I've ever seen.
Cecile - I'm gonna escape to the kitchen. Chester - No, actually you stay. I shall flee away, away.
Thankfully we're now back to the main plot and they're all speculating on who the time thief could be. Iris is having fun playing with the tech to clear everyone. And then one of the inspectors got replaced with a statue. Whoops. No closer to escaping yet, and the statue is one of those nude statues with the fig leaf.
Electrician is definitely the bad guy, she accuses Iris.
Inspector Dude #2 - Not Mrs. Flash!
lol, he's adorable.
Allegra's trauma flashbacks to Nash and Esperanza's death... *sniffle*
Show writers baiting me making me think that Cecile is gonna talk about her first marriage that failed... and then she doesn't. Hissss, I want back story, that's more interesting than the Allegra/Chester shilling.
Iris and Barry finally having that frank conversation they pretended to have in the first episode of the season is great. And I'm glad they're having Iris talk so frankly about how uncomfortable being pregnant is for her and how distressing it can be. She doesn't regret it, but the way it messes with her body and brain makes it tough on her in a way Barry can support her through, but not totally understand.
And their talk gives Barry the Eureka moment he needs to figure out who the time thief is.
Hehehe, Mrs. Flash, I love it every time he says that.
Barry - Blatantly making up bullshit about the electrical in the building. Electrician - Uhhhhh O_O I don't know enough to call bullshit because I'm not really an electrician.
Awww, two more inspectors down. :(
Lady Chronos... I can't get over her face. The makeup decisions were... interesting.
Barry - Oooh, I'm a lightning generator. I can power your belt. Lady Chronos - Working with the Flash. Ewwww.
Yay, resetting the time magnet reset the inspectors, this time with the real electrician. And the inspectors don't seem to remember what happened. Probably for the best they don't remember Barry's the Flash.
Khione - I could have told you there's no mold. Barry - ............ *expression says he feels dumb now*
So confirmation we don't get to see Carla and that Khione's coffee meetup with her went well. Carla managed to do what Blaine failed at, by wanting to get to know Khione for herself. Good job Carla.
At this point it seems like they're never gonna pick up on that plot thread with Carla gaining ice powers or her own frosty alter ego, which is a shame. But at least she's in the background trying to do right by Khione.
Allegra tracks down Chester to make things right. If nothing else, though I may not like their ship, I do hope the show will end with them happy.
Vibe-accinos. I'm so glad Cisco has a Jitter's drink. He deserves it.
The ending is more cute, domestic West-Allen.
While not the best episode of the season - either the heist episode with the Rogues or the previous episode focused on Iris and Nia are currently that for me - this was a solid and fun episode. It did much better with the temporal anomaly concept than the season opener and did a much better job of addressing Barry and Iris' different ways of dealing with their current circumstances, giving Iris room to voice her feelings without invalidating her or otherwise kicking the can down the road.
Since we're stuck with the Chester/Allegra ship, even though it's forced to the point of awkwardness at all times... Chester is adorable when he's happy. He's got such a lovely smile. And Allegra does deserve to have a relationship where she loves someone and not have it end with that person dying. I do like that the big loves of her life mentioned prior to Chester are all platonic/familial, making it clear that her non-romantic loves were just as important to her as her current romantic one.
The trailer for the next episode makes it look like the breather episodes are over and we're moving on to the final arc of the show. Bloodwork is back, as is Wally, Dig, Oliver, and the multi-verse.
Barry - *hugs Oliver* Oliver - I'm allergic to feelings, you're giving me hives. Stop it. Barry - *hugs more*
I'm guessing this final arc will have Khione come into her own as a hero? I mean, they haven't done anything that justifies killing Caitlin to create her yet, so they've gotta do that before the season ends. And this is a short season, right?
Finally... Barry's birthday was previously established as being in March, but now they're celebrating it in April from the looks of things in the trailer? *heavy sigh*
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Can you do a Evan Peters x Tamil reader and do a Tamil wedding imagine ? PLEASE
Note: I have to apologize profusely for this being so short. I had no idea it was that short but I feel like it’s still very sweet. I know that you wanted a full Tamil wedding imagine but I’m not familiar with Tamil weddings and the research I tried to do just wasn’t giving me what I specifically needed, so I hope that it’s ok that I just took it from a first look stand point. Which again, I’m not sure if that’s a tradition in the Tamil culture but I used as a tradition from Evan’s non Tamil culture background, if that makes any sense.
Anyway, thank you so much for this request, I enjoyed writing it. It was fun. Also, thank you so much for your patience. 
Please let me know if you’d like another part to this and I will happily do that for you. Also, this unedited but please enjoy this little blurb.
P.S: Please ignore the giant J and H in the wedding invite on the mood board. I can’t change it at the moment.
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Moving out to L.A was a dream come true for y/n. For as long as she could remember, she had wanted to become a costume designer and while it made her happy, her family felt otherwise. They wanted the best for her of course but they wanted her to pursue a career in medicine and meet a handsome rich doctor. They were aware that their expectations sounded stereotypical and cliché but it’s how they were raised.
Y/n had been in L.A for two months when she got a job on a movie. She was beyond excited for this because it meant that her talents were finally being recognized.
While working on the movie, y/n met her now fiancée, Evan. Evan was the lead actor on this project and was super sweet, funny and always knew how to make y/n smile. The pair were perfectly matched in the eyes of their colleagues.
There was just one issue though, y/n’s parents.
Don’t get them wrong, they were happy that their daughter was happy and had found a man that treated her better than ever but knowing that Evan was not a part of their culture, it made it a little difficult, especially when it came to planning the wedding. Y/n’s parents had given their blessing to the couple but only if they agreed to having a Tamil wedding.
This leads u to now, the day of the wedding. Y/n stood in her suit looking at herself in the mirror. Her pink and gold Saree hugged her in all the right places and her hair hung in soft curls, angelically framing her face. She felt untouchable and strong. It made her smile brightly. Her time had finally come, and she knew that Evan was going to flip when he saw her.
One thing Evan and y/n wanted to keep for themselves was the first look. Normally it was something that y/n’s culture would be against, but y/n knew that she and Evan had to have something traditional for him to look forward to and if she was being honest, y/n was chomping at the bit to show Evan how she looked. He always had the best reactions when she’d get dressed up. Hell he even had a cute reaction when she wasn’t all dolled up. It was one of the many things she adored about her fiancée.
“You ready?” Y/n’s sister Jameela asked as she smiled at the bride.
“So ready.” Y/n replied, smoothing out her Saree one last time.
Jameela led her sister to the courtyard where Evan was waiting for her. When he was told he could turn around, his jaw dropped as his eyes scanned her body. She was even more breathtaking than ever.
Everything that he had been hoping for in a future wife was standing before him in a vision of red and gold. Her confidence shone through, even if she was a tad shy. Her hair hung in a way that made her appear angelic. Her whole being made him want to grab her hand and run off with her.
“Well, what do you think?” Y/n asked. She already knew the answer with how he was looking at her and by the unshed tears in his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He questioned in reply.
Y/n blushed and giggled slightly.
“Yes please.” She answered.
Evan smiled brightly at her and moved in to capture her lips in the most tender kiss they’d ever shared.
“I can’t wait to marry you.” Evan said after breaking the kiss.
Y/n nodded in agreement.
“I can’t wait to marry you either.” She replied.
“Let’s get going then or we will be late, and we can’t have that.” Jameela said as she popped the romantic bubble that seemed to be surrounding the couple.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Evan said, smiling but sniffling at the same time. He was so in love with this woman and felt so blessed to have her in his life and he was so thankful that he had been accepted into her family. It meant the world to him that they trusted him with their beloved daughter.
His beautiful y/n.
Tag List: @elizami11s @geo-winchester
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
My dear bing!! I have taken the liberty of writing this long analysis to you in hope you find it entertaining. I advise you to buckle up because it will be long. First of reader and Tara driving in the car and Tara’s nervous rambling upon just seeing endless road made it a great introductory! It was so intimate and domestic! I was hoping you would have some sort of party where Tara is introduced to readers life I should say. Who she grew up with, the environment and such. The way you described readers house was such a perfect painting in words! I don’t believe it could have been better. I love how upon reader and Tara’s entrance everyone just turned 😂 of course our dear girl tara would think it was a cult. I will say it again..never change tara. I will say after reading so many anons from you and 🇬🇧 I was eager and very ecstatic to meet readers young brothers! As always you do not disappoint! The interaction between Eddie and Nate and Tara made my day! You wrote them exactly how I pictured them! With major differences! Nate has my heart, he is my favorite (don’t mention that to Edmund I don’t want him to think badly of me) reader being her usual self and telling Tara if she needed some breathing room to go to her room and then she preceded to give her directions 😂love our girl! I will say the gif had taken me by surprise and I was a bit worried but as always you come through bing. Tara meeting readers mother was wonderful! Already calling her mother😂 I just adore that! And baby Cordelia! Definitely took me by a wild surprise but it was greatly welcomed!  And Tara getting baby fever was the cherry on the cake for me. Readers father is such a vivacious and charming man! I’m a book girl myself so I very much love readers family. ‘Call me dad’ readers dad precede to light up! Now as for connor, or as I call him the scum on the bottom of my shoes. I have nothing nice to say about him, and I take the saying if you have nothing to say that’s polite do not say it. So I shall hold my tongue.  What broke me the most was Tara having to use her inhaler. My poor love must have been crying very much for it to trigger her asthma. Readers mother comforting her was such a great idea! And I had a hunch reader was engaged! From the minute you forshadowed it with Connor saying he was no stranger to readers family parties! Reader being the absolute gem to Tara and explaining everything…why can’t everyone be like that!! I will say I hope Connor gets a taste of his own medicine someday! He made me filled with rage! As someone who is not as tall it’s not very much rage but it is still rage nonetheless!! Hope you enjoyed this rant of mine! Your writing was too good I had to write this!I cannot wait for this AU to continue to grow! It has quickly taken over my heart. There is something so uniquely special about reader and Tara. There is no other AU quite like this. As ever bing wishing you a good weekend 🫶🫡- houseofwindsor77
i worked wrote and rewrote the intro 5 times before publishing what i did. it was tricky for me. i didn’t wanna seem too info-dumpy but i also didnt wanna throw them right in. i also had trouble with the imagery b/c, tbh, it is NOT my strong suit
im glad u liked the boys!! there will be much more of them! i just wanted tara to meet them quickly, and, yes! baby cordelia! i kept her a secret till now. i just thought she’d be a fun addition
both of R’s parents were extremely fun to write! there will be more of them as well! i thought having R’s mom comfort tara first before R has the chance to would open up the room for a great relationship between them!
connor is such a little poo head and i hate him! im not sure if he’ll be back. maybe he’ll pop in every once in a while to spice things up? but we’ll see
i love ur analyses always 🫶 i look forward to them after ever chapter!
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angelizs · 2 years
Ramble anon back here again after reading the Jade romcom fic im crying cause im very happy again im so glad my ideas inspired you and seeing them being just made me 🥹😭✨ TYSM and im really glad you had fun and indulged yourself with it 🥺!! thats always good to hear.
really the fic was amazing and even had me kicking mt legs during it 😂,jade being smitten was adorable and ofc azul and floyd made me laugh with how done they were and how much they were bothering jade—sorry you two its not over yet the honeymoon phase is nigh
I'm really happy you liked it!!! I took a lot of inspo from your asks after all! I'd say it was a colective effort lol. ALSO YEAH IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN even with me having a billion other things to do I managed to find time to write because of how much I was loving it and honestly I haven't felt that motivated in some time. I guess being self indulgent truly is the best medicine
I'm glad it did <3 Jade might have been a biiit ooc but I like to think he looks very composed while internally he's just. screaming with all his bottled up emotions. especially if the emotion is, lord help us, affection. such a vulnerable thing...
Azul didn't appear that much but when he did he was suffering the whole time LMAO I lobe you my pathetic little businessman <3 meanwhile Floyd was half having the time of his life half wanting to smash his head against the wall to not have to take a second longer of the tension between them
oh they tought these two were insufferable while just flirting with each other? good news, they're gonna get 100x worse now 😁 they better be prepared to hear Yuu's name more than their own for the next weeks <3
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wisemins · 5 months
🎵 and 🩺 for demon slayer? can be canon or modern au (or both, both is good)
🎵Music: If you/your self-insert had a theme song, what would it be? Bonus: An extra song that fits you/your self-insert and your f/o!
🩺Doctor: What is the worst injury that you/your self-insert has sustained in canon? If so, what was the cause and did you recover? What was your f/os reaction?
(it's i-put-the-wit-in-dimwit btw, s4pphic is my new selfship blog so if you see it in your notifications it's just me :D)
🎵Music: If you/your self-insert had a theme song, what would it be? Bonus: An extra song that fits you/your self-insert and your f/o!
For this one I'll do both!!
Modern picks
For me: 心に雲を持つ少年 By Sunny Day Service! The lyrics translated really make sense to me personally! And I just ADORE this song!
For Giyuu and I: Chasing Hearts by Miwa! If our life in modern would have it's own spin-off anime, this would 100% be the intro! I love this song for us in modern! (shout out to F.MA for the song) It also suits us as a family as well as a couple!
Canon picks
For me: Shogeki by Yuko Ando! (stole this from an ao.t outro! one of my faves) But I think it fits for me in canon! Depressing and wistful! But it also goes hard so, that's what really matters!
For Giyuu and I: Sunset by Makoto Matsushita! I LOVEEE THIS SONG FOR USSS esp in canon too! But it fits for both canon and modern! It's slow, somber, but romantic. This song for us is definitely supposed to be for like a, end game/end of the anime moment! Something to signify that our hard journey is over, and now we can live and be together and just be in love for once. Not fighting for our lives.
🩺Doctor: What is the worst injury that you/your self-insert has sustained in canon? If so, what was the cause and did you recover? What was your f/os reaction?
OH WOOF where do I begin?? Since my breathing style relies on me being completely unaware of pain and overexertion while I'm asleep, every single mission and battle I end up injured in one way or another. Hence why none of the other hashira like working with me outside of my true friends.
My worst injury though? WOOF. where to start? This was a moment in which I was protecting Zenitsu and really going over my limit. This was supposed to be one of those throwaway missions, something easy, but it was more devious than anticipated. Tens of demons all at once, it wasn't anything we hadn't dealt with but I was still healing from a previous injury, and when I get into that sleep state? Caution is thrown out the window and into the sea, it's GONEEE
I ended up almost getting disemboweled to be frank, and it was an injury that took MONTHS to recover from. I wasn't allowed to do anything basically. It left a hefty scar as well, it healed pretty well all things considered but it was not fun. But in the end I was fine!
And Giyuu's reaction? Oh boy that man was TERRIFIED. This was before we confessed anything, but we were getting closer and closer. This brought us even more close because he had finally realized like, oh shit, I could lose her. And with all the loss in his life? He wasn't ready to go through that again. So he stayed with me when he could, which was quite a lot. And we did get to know each other quite a bit during the recovery period! He would cook for me too, and took over some of the medicinal duties to take pressure off the butterfly mansion girls.
Some of the moments between us were really romantic in a way, it's hard not to feel that way when someone you have a huge crush on is bandaging you up and making sure you're okay!
This was also the period in which Zenitsu was starting to side-eye us, wondering if Giyuu was tryna pull the moves out on his mom, but since he saw how happy Giyuu made me during such a miserable time, he supported the idea of us becoming a thing!
So yeah!!! I LOVEDDD answering these!! Thank you so much for asking!!!
The ask game in question!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo wilbur and phil - i’ve got a (paintball) gun
this is part 12 to the great adventures series
an: ranboo was possibly in the Uk at this point however I don’t know when this vlog was actually recorded so I’ve decided that he’s still in the us at this moment in time i also didn’t proof read
tubbo stood near you occasionally shooting you with a nerf gun whilst you were filming a cooking video making it rather hard to focus
“you alright there Tubb-ow that fucking hurt”
“let me be in the video”
you rolled your eyes before moving to the side so tubbo could be in frame, earlier on you both went to a butterfly house and since the pair of you would have to get a train tomorrow to go record a vlog with Tommy it made more sense for him to stay at yours for the night. it took a lot longer than expected to film the cooking video as tubbo absolutely destroyed the plan you had for the video after he found out what you were making
“Surely not. you have pizza in the fridge let’s cook that instead”
“tubbo no fans voted on what is make and they chose something from the great depression cookbook it’s not my fault…heh how do you know about the pizza I got it yesterday”
“I made myself feel at home”
eventually, the pair of you finished the recipe unsurprising food from the great depression didn’t taste great so you put it in the bin whilst tubbo put the pizza in the oven. the rest of the night was surprisingly chill compared to earlier on when filming (probably because after you both had eaten you were exhausted and had a long day ahead of you) the pair of you created a song together which would never see the light of day as it was a mess but nonetheless it was a memory you would never forget, you asked your parents to take some pictures of you both so you could add them to your scrapbook you ended the night by teaching tubbo how to create a scrapbook.
at 8 am your alarm went off at 8:30 you made it to the train station a few hours later you finally arrived at your destination
“what are we doing today tubs”
“I have no idea but tommys over there with Phil and will”
tubbo dragged you over to the three of them where you were met with Tommy holding a paintball gun whilst yelling that he has a gun and that it’s ‘gun time’ tubbo went to go get the pair of you a paintball gun with the others whilst you offered to help Tommy continue the introduction
“y/n you’re going to be with tubbo and Phil sorry you can’t be on the winners team with me and will”
“oh no how will I ever survive, you seem rather confident that you’re going to win so let’s make I deal if I win I get to pick the next vlog if you win you can pick the next vlog for my channel”
“have fun facing your fears in your next vlog y/n as I’m going to win”
“sure thing tom however I never lose so have fun at the trampoline park”
tubbo ran up to you as you finished your sentence and handed you the gun that’s when you split off into two teams and made your way to start the game
“you both ready”
“I'm going to be shot several times the answer is no”
“I’ll protect you y/n”
you laughed shaking your head as much as you adored tubbo there’s no way he’d be the one protecting you in paintball you stood picking up rocks putting them in your pocket not realising the game had started until tubbo hit you with a paintball
you ran straight to the bunker leaving tubbo and Phil behind simply because you had already been shot and it hurt like hell, you managed to hit Tommy a few times and occasionally was able to hit will. it didn’t take long for tubbo to catch up to you
“oh hello tubso”
“giving you a taste of your own medicine”
“I'm telling Phil”
tubbo found one of the grenades on the floor throwing it towards the hiding spot Tommy and will were in dragging you through the now colourful smoke which resulted in Tommy shooting you both with paintballs several times as will encouraged him to shoot wildly into the smoke
“phillllll tubbo used me as a human shield my body hurts where are they I’m getting revenge”
“tubbo…maybe don’t use y/n as a shield “
you stood with tubbo as Phil shot a paintball towards Tommy you assumed he hit him as you heard Tommy shout in pain and tubbo laughing next to you, you noticed as you continued walking to hide, tubbo was picking up the grenades putting them in his pocket
“I have rocks in my pocket tubs if I ever run out of paintballs I’m just going to throw the rocks it’ll probably hurt less too”
“y/n don’t encourage tubbo to throw rocks at people”
“quick over there we can team up against Tommy”
and that’s exactly what you and Phil did god knows where tubbo went however it did allow you to secure a win.
not long later the second round began however this time it was just you and Phil
“where the fuck is tubbo”
“I can’t believe they took tubbo he’s the best of us and they knew it”
“they took my tubbo I’m getting revenge also rude I’m pretty damn good with a gun”
you both ran to the next hiding spot creating a plan to get your best friend back and hopefully win the game, you ended up hearing tubbo shouting in the distance, you and Phil agreed you'd run first probably getting their attention and Phil would follow about a minute later
“hang tight tubso I’m coming for you”
the plan worked you successfully made your way to where tubbo was guaranteed you got hit with paintballs a lot but you also managed to get some good hits back as did Phil. as soon as Phil made the grenade go off you quickly climbed up the steps and made your way to tubbo whilst hitting the others with paintballs whilst Phil made his way up after you
“I ran out of paintballs tubbo can I borrow your gun”
“we surrender we surrender”
“Phil…y/n you saved me”
“I am in pain”
it was now time for the third round
“I've played capture the wool in hypixel don’t worry guys I’ve got this”
“y/n you lost every game”
“tubbo didn’t you get captured for the entirety of the last game…hmm”
“will you two stop and just run to the tower”
tubbo ran straight to the tower but you decided to ‘accidentally shoot tubbo’
once in the tower you and tubbo aimlessly shot at the others while Phil left to go capture Tommy and wills flag
“so tubbo how’s your day”
“not too great bossman I got captured, shot, betrayed by my so-called best friend”
“betrayed…you’re so dramatic”
“I'm leaving”
“I’m not defending the flag then”
you laughed as tubbo left the tower standing next to Phil coming up with a new plan
“tell me you didn’t leave y/n to defend the flag”
tubbo and Phil ran to attempt to capture their flag whilst you stood defending the flag, you put up a decent fight getting strong hits on Tommy however he was able to capture the flag before Phil or tubbo could capture their flag, you continued to hit Tommy several times as he ran back to his team’s tower, however, in the end, he was able to make it back scoring a win for his team
“don’t even think about blaming me you two”
it was now time for the final, you had one aim and one aim only…defend the briefcase
“oh these little shits”
you and tubbo looked at each other before nervously laughing you all had been shot enough and honestly you were all in pain you just wanted to win and get this over with.
“We have 10 minutes guys we’re fine”
“y/n I admire your optimism”
“I could be brutally honest and tell you both that we’re probably going to lose if we don’t come up with a plan”
and with that the three of you started creating a plan which wouldn’t be used as you were going to end up staying close to tubbo, you all started pretty strong you and tubbo stayed together the entire game giving the pair of you extra strength compared to the others as you worked together. you and tubbo left Phil to do his own thing mainly because you had forgotten the plan you created earlier.
“y/n here’s the new plan wherever I go you go and we have to defend each other”
“hey tubbo look I found a shield…you stay behind me and tell me where to go as I can cover us both”
you ended up losing that round but it doesn’t matter you had faith you would win the next round
“so all we have to do is defend the briefcase”
“y/n stay with me”
you and tubbo proved to be a great threat as tubbo would point to where either will or Tommy was and the pair of you would shoot at them whilst Phil would aim for the other person
“good shot Phil”
“thanks y/n”
you were all doing a pretty good job of defending the briefcase you would often whisper to tubbo that you were convinced they were about to surrender
“surely not”
“tubbo look at them they’re in pain they’re going to surrender I bet £10 and being the first to hug ranboo at the airport that they’ll surrender deal?”
you all aimed at will scoring many hits practically encouraging them to surrender, Tommy eventually got wills gun and started aiming at you all mostly hitting you and Phil making tubbo laugh
“I hate you right now tubbo”
“sure thing bossman”
you noticed Tommy was in serious pain and started feeling bad for him however you pushed that feeling aside as you really wanted to win every bet you had made earlier so you continued to aim for your best friends
you looked at Phil who was clearly proud of his team before looking at tubbo before tackling him into a hug
“we fucking won I told you they’d surrender you now owe me £10”
“I'll give it to you when we go to pick up ranboo”
after putting everything away you made your way to Tommy to check that he was okay
“you okay Tommy? you did great, that was a pretty smart tactic during capture the flag”
Tommy pulled you into a side hug as he thanked you before congratulating you on your win
“you and tubbo best make your way to the train station before you miss the train, call me when you're at tubbos”
“will do see you soon!!”
“see you after you’ve finished isolating”
tubbo walked over to you both laughing as he noticed everyone but you knew what was happening from tomorrow
“your parents dropped off a bag of clothes etc at mine so we can just get the train straight to my house we should probably sleep earlier as we have to get up ridiculously early tomorrow to pick ranboo up from the airport”
time flew by rather quickly as before you knew it you were sat on a bench with tubbo waiting to meet ranboo
“tubbo ranboo just sent me a text he's here”
@fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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