#adrian ocean
theprice-if · 1 year
I wanted to ask that how would the Ro's react when they are staying with mc who is apparently drunk at the moment and then mc went to mc "Hey...can I tell you a secret?"Mc would ask and then when the Ro's nodded at them and mc shyly said "I really love (Ro's name) But they never seemed to interested in me...I wish they can clear wether or not they like me"Mc would say seriously and their face says they are not playing around 😳
"Hey..." You shift from foot-to-foot drawing their attention, your gaze locked with your feet before you shyly look back up. "Can I tell you a secret?" At their nod, you brighten noticeably and practically beam with excitement. "I really love [Insert Chosen RO], but they never seem interested in me... I wish they can make it clear whether or not they like me."
Adrian/Ariana: Warmth spreads through their chest at the admission, but they tamper it down when they see how clearly drunk you were-- if the smell of beer on your breath wasn't enough. "I have a great idea, MC." They easily maneuver from their seated position, wrapping a supportive arm around your waist. "Why don't you tell them in the morning? I'm certain that this will be a conversation they'd be more than interested in having." Not resisting the sudden urge to do so, they gently bop your nose. "A conversation that needs to happen when you're not completely hammered. Now, I'd be a horrible spouse if I left you by yourself to deal with this. Let's get you to bed."
Blake: A surprisingly gentle look etches itself across their face and, for the briefest of moments, they regret agreeing to listening to what you had to say. However, that moment of guilt quickly transforms into one of extreme self-satisfaction. "This is quite the revelation, MC," they purr, hazel eyes observing you with a glint. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this secret." They place a hand over their heart. "I'll keep it with me always, I promise." Now, I just need to get you to admit it when you're not drunk.
Liam/Leah: Their worry quickly mutates into worried confusion, their mind desperately trying to take in the information you had given them. You loved them? Truly? The revelation brings a small smile to their face, but it quickly falls away when they realize how drunk you were. Now wasn't the time to overthink your admission, nor was it the time to have a heart-to-heart, they had a job to do; they had to get you somewhere safe, everything else was secondary to that. "Let's get you home, okay?" They place a steady hand on your arm. "I think you've had enough to drink for the night." Or the year...
Isaac/Isabel: If they had a camera, they'd take a snapshot of this very scene to commemorate the moment for eternity, something they could forever hold close to their heart. With bright eyes, and an even brighter smile, they touch your arm. "That's delightful news, MC," they beam, warmth spreading throughout their entire body. "I think this is definitely something you should bring to their attention." Sniffing, their nose wrinkles at the heavy smell of alcohol in the air. "A discussion that you should have when you're not as inebriated. Until then? Why don't we find someplace for you to wind down, okay?"
Carson/Cara: "No." The word was as final as it was sharp. Dark blue eyes reminiscent of storm clouds as they stare at you, arms crossed over their chest. They didn't wish to hear your secret, didn't wish to pull any information from you when you were barely cognizant of what you were doing. Especially if it had anything to do with them. "We need to get you a glass of water, some Advil, and then a bed, before you start spilling your guts all over the place." They shake their head, gently taking you by the arm to guide you from the room. "We have a contract after all, MC. It wouldn't do to break it now." And, despite everything, they have to ignore the sting of disappointment, of want, at what could have been if they had simply let you speak.
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aestum · 1 year
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(by Adrian Enache)
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ratsreading · 2 months
"It looks like... Well, on Earth, we have delightful critters named sea spiders which are mostly leg, to the extent that actual vital organs end up squeezed into those legs because the body is so small. And the legs are very long, with lots of hooks and things at the end. They exist to punish arachnophobes who thought that diving into the deep ocean would keep them safe from regular spiders, and look like the nightmare distillation of all the things people hate about them. But at least they do only live in the deep sea, and being there, they don't scitter about like monkeys in the throes of a grand mal seizure. Oh, and sea spiders have the decency to be bilaterally symmetrical and relatively flat. This thing is very big on being in the third dimension. It has a body that's all long spines like a sea urchin, with a lot of legs projecting off from this at all angles"
- Alien Clay, Adrian Tchaikovsky
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cantsayidont · 3 months
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March 2024. This seven-part Mexican miniseries (set in Yucatán, though partly filmed in Colombia) is a breezy, generally agreeable hybrid of Indiana Jones and caper movies like the OCEAN'S series. Miguel (Alfonso Dosal), the miscreant son of a now-senile famous archaeologist (ahem), teams up with his gay conman uncle Wilson (Juan Pablo Medina) and assembles a motley crew of misfit thieves and con artists to search for a legendary Maya treasure, pursued by a ruthless enemy (Adrian Ladrón) with a seemingly endless array of heavily armed goons and a grudge against Miguel for reasons Miguel can't fathom.
The story breaks no new ground, and its joviality initially feels a little forced; as with the weaker Indiana Jones movies, it sometimes assumes it can strong-arm you into enjoyment by just putting bickering characters in situations and hustling everyone through action setpieces like schoolchildren being dragged through an amusement park they're not that into. Fortunately, as the rest of the crew is fleshed out, the characters begin to grow on you and the series becomes more genuinely endearing, if still not very deep. Medina is great fun, as is Mabel Cadena as Inés, the only competent one of the cops on the crew's trail, and Ester Expósito (from ÉLITE) effortlessly steals most of the scenes she's in as Miguel's stone-faced scam artist ex-girlfriend Lilí, whom Miguel is not so secretly hoping to win back despite her resolutely mercenary priorities.
As with the Indiana Jones movies, the story's cultural sensitivity is low, the way it uses the villain's burn scars as shorthand for Evil is rather offensive, and some stabs at seriousness toward the end flirt with mawkishness, but it's no worse (albeit also no better) than most of the genre in these respects. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Inés the cop is apparently bisexual, although little comes of it in the story. VERDICT: Not always as fun as it thinks it is, but a pretty good time overall. Anyone who likes LEVERAGE or the OCEAN'S movies would probably enjoy it.
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maayoi · 27 days
eughh i slept in by over an hour this morning bc i stayed up past 1am playing the new endless ocean game
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
hear me out
Darius and Adrian as extra bitter exes
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Hell why not I’ll roll again: shrios sorry brainrot + Only Poppies Grow Where I Last Saw You
Contemplating this as Halcyon plays, clearly this is supposed to be the angst mines, right?
... anyway this immediately puts me in the mind of my like - one of my little monkey's paw 'Thane Lives' scenarios for post ME3 - man's alive and well, but Adrian's.
Officially. MIA.
Realistically, presumed dead by virtually everyone except like a third of current/former Normandy crew, and Thane is... well, both channeling his grief and doing what he can to confirm things one way or another; he's on Earth, aiding the search for bodies, and perhaps, survivors. The blast from the Catalyst has severely fucked most tech, so it's a long, tricky job. Heartbreaking - but occasionally, almost miraculous, it can be like seeing the dead come back to life.
And yet he does not - cannot - believe the reports from a seaside camp, that they found Commander Shepard washed in with the tide.
That's what the dogtags say, anyway; and while lab tests against prior samples are a bust due to records getting scrambled, they do have both elder Shepards present to test DNA against, and it is a match. And - look, a full on clone couldn't fool Thane, he knows it's her.
Which, great! Cause that makes one of them!
Yeah, while there's a little bit of patchy recall - she recognizes her parents and Joker fairly ok & feels some empty recognition towards her crewmates- it's very quickly apparent that Adrian's lost most of her memory prior to like, her very early 20s. So, you know, very fun times for everyone involved, particularly the guy who's already been half mourning and trying not to totally lose himself in what memories were there - now she's there, but sees him as little more than a stranger. 🙃
And beyond that - the general consensus is, well, try to fix that, right? But there's a few members of the crew (Joker, Ashley & Tali, probably) who are hesitant - and Thane is trying to figure out how to articulate that forcing Adrian to remember would be straight up cruel, and yes it's painful but gods be damned, he loves her and knows what it's like to keep reliving the worst day of your life, if Shepard can finally have some peace, then let her.
Shepard, meanwhile, is like. Mostly focused on physically recovering and re-learning how to walk after having about half her body rebuilt again, and doesn't have any helpful answers regarding the mental part of her recovery. On the one hand: clearly she is Someone Important, these people hanging around seem to Mean Something, and even if she can't remember why... there's that hollow little ache every time she sees them, like taking a step without realizing you're going over an edge (to badly quote lemony snicket lol).
On the other: the bits she's picked up of Shepard's life sound like way more of a burden than she wants to bear. So, she politely yet firmly asks everyone to fuck the hell off for a little while and let her breathe for a few.
It could just end there...
but I'm a sucker lol. The setup lets Thane still be around as Adrian’s recovering, and as she has some time to just. Fucking rest for once without a bajillion nightmares, she decides... yeah, if things return naturally, fine, she'll take it. But if Shepard’s life was half as fucked up as it feels, just learning them as facts without the experience recall, she'd rather let that go.
That doesn't mean she's necessarily letting the people go, though; it becomes a sorta slice of life/recovery fic, Adrian slowly re-learning about the people in her life and how those relationships might or might not change -
But also a strange, sweet little journey with Thane. He remembers plenty of course, and tries to keep his distance at first because yeah he's alright at looking calm but internally his emotions are a wreck... but it's almost like the first time, quick talks that stretch a little longer, not-at-all subtle looks (Adrian may not recall much, but her tastes haven't changed & she's still weak for dark eyes and a cool coat lol); support when some things do start coming back - Akuze does return, a few scattered pieces through the first battle of the Citadel, some elements of Virmire - but relatively muted, compared to how they affected her before.
She never does remember their first courtship, but she likes spending time with Thane after all, especially once she's cleared to start getting some time outside - he's sweet, good to talk to, and she did very much appreciate that he seemed willing from the start to accept if she didn’t want to focus on recovering things. Idk man just increasing Soft moments, and yes it hurts Thane, knowing the Shepard who awoke him is essentially dead... but he's coming at it this time with a different perspective too, no longer expecting to die any time between now and next Tuesday, y’know? It's not like he's quite exactly the same man Shepard left on the Citadel.
So it's different - but maybe a bit of a gift, getting to fall in love all over again and dream of a future together from the very start.
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
Alright, this is slightly cursed but here, have a drawing I did of a crack ship I found on The Owl House subreddit:
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It's Odalia and Adrian.
I don't know where to begin, but I'm just going to say that I did this just for fun lol.
Oddly enough, I can kinda see this ship working. Like in an au where Adrian helps Odalia gain favor from the Emperor’s Coven.
Like he'd help with displays of special effects for Odalia's abomaton showcases via his own illusions or something similar.
Idk why I did this, I was just bored and needed to procrastinate more lol.
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esspurrr · 10 months
deciding my vampire ocs molt like lobsters and originally come from the sea and thats why theyre so long lived :) not technically immortal but can basically keep going for as long as they have energy to do so
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pbaintthetb · 2 years
I was about to make anoother joke tweet about what crimes has edgeworth committed now cos he’s trending on twitter agian but lol they’re actually talking about his shitty actions fr this time so llol
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theprice-if · 1 year
How would A react to MC teasing them relentlessly by doing stuff like whispering in their ear while running their arm up A's arm in a ghost of a touch, saying stuff like "Hey my beloved!"?
PR Stage: "You need to stop doing that," they playfully murmur, swatting at your shoulder to shoo you away. "I get that we're a married couple to the public, but we're currently in the privacy of my home."
Feelings Stage: A red hue briefly appears on their cheeks, before their face is out of sight when they face their discarded songbook. "I know what you're trying to do," they chide, attempting to continue on as normal. "I promise I'll be all yours once I get this chorus completed."
Relationship Stage: Genuine adoration causes their crystalline blue eyes to appear that much brighter, a gentle smile curling their lips. Catching your retreating hand, they tug you closer to them and press a light kiss to the tip of your nose. "Hello, my beautiful songbird." They grin, mischief etched across the expression. "Is there anything you need?"
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Societetshuset in Marstrand became a listed building on March 13, 1978. 
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floatyflowers · 10 months
Dark Platonic! Father Merman x Human! Reader
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Adrian, instead of going mating with another Mermaid and having his baby.
He decides to lure you, a human child of seven to come with him.
It's really easy, considering how you like 'The Little Mermaid' and thought that Adrian was like Ariel.
But, in reality, his species are cannibalistic and evil creatures.
However, he is kind of like Ariel, as he is a prince, son of the king of the oceans and seas.
It didn't take long for him to drag you into the water, and have you swallow a potion to allow you to breathe under water.
At first he tries to feed you raw fish, but when you got sick he decided to switch your diet to only fruits and seaweeds.
Adrian would sing you to sleep, using his alluring voice.
The same voice he uses to hunt down his preys.
Your new father, safeguards you as if you were a treasure, he fears that the sharks might eat you.
That's why he always assigns one of his mermaid friends to stay with while he goes hunting.
One time, you tried to swim back to the surface, but unfortunately, he caught you in time.
Adrian manipulated you into believing that he is your real father and your biological parents are not your real parents but thieves who stole you from him.
"You have to always listen to me, as your father, I know what's best for you"
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fakeutopias · 2 years
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nellasbookplanet · 6 months
Book recs: alien intelligences
Intelligent spiders, octupi, plants, bacteria, and even entire oceans, intelligence without sentience, extra terrestrials and strange intelligences evolved right here on Earth - alien minds can take many forms. Allow me to share with you some books featuring the most alien and fascinating ones.
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Previous book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, many worlds: portal fantasies, many worlds: alternate timelines, robots and artificial intelligences, post- and transhumanism
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
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The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
The Doors of Eden is something of an experiment in speculative biology, featuring versions of Earth in which various different species were the one to rise to sentience, from dinosaurs to neanderthals. Now, something is threatening the existence of all timelines, dragging multiple different people and species into the struggle, among those a pair of cryptid hunting girlfriends and a transgender scientist.
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
Millenia and generation spanning scifi. After the collapse of an empire, a planet once part of a project to uplift other species to sentience is left to develop on its own, resulting not in the intelligent monkeys once intended but in sentient giant spiders. Millenia later, what remains of humanity arrives looking for a new home, only to be met by the artificial remains of the ancient woman who once led the uplift project - and she is not willing to let them on her planet.
Semiosis (Semiosis duology) by Sue Burke
A generational story following a group of humans trying to survive on a new planet, where a strange and unkowable intelligence is finding ways to use them to its whims. As the humans come across an abandoned city wrapped in the roots of a strange plant, they slowly come to the realization that mutual communication is the only path to peace and survival.
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The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu
While I felt the characters could’ve been better developed, this is undeniably a well-written novel featuring an alien race and culture developed on a planet vastly different from ours. Firmly in the realm of hard scifi, this is a realistic, fascinating and slightly terrifying look at how first contact may look.
Brain Plague (The Elysium Cycle) by Joan Sloncewski*
Chrys, a struggling artist, agrees to become a carrier for a sentient strain of microbes. With their help, Chrys breathes new life into her career. But every microbe society is different - some function as friends and brain enhancers to their carrier, while others become a literal brain plague, a living addiction taking over the life of their carrier. And like every society, the microbe community is in constant flux - inluding the one inside Chrys's head.
Rosewater (The Wormwood trilogy) by Tade Thompson
In Nigeria lies Rosewater, a city bordering on a strange, alien biodome. Its motives are unknown, but it’s having an undeniable effect on the surrounding life. Kaaro, former criminal and current psychic agent for the government, is one of the people changed by it. When other psychics like him begin getting killed, Kaaro must take it upon himself to find out the truth about the biodome and its intentions.
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Dawn (Xenogenesis trilogy) by Octavia E. Butler*
After a devestating war leaves humanity on the brink of extinction, survivor Lilith finds herself waking up naked and alone in a strange room. She’s been rescued by the Oankali, who have arrived just in time to save the human race. But there’s a price to survival, and it might be humanity itself. Absolutely fucked up I love it I once had to drop the book mid read to stare at the ceiling and exclaim in horror at what was going on.
Blindsight by Peter Watts*
Vampires and aliens and questions of the nature of consciousnesses, oh my. A ship is sent to investigate the sudden appearance of an alien vessel at the edge of the solar system, but the crew, a group of various level of transhumanism, isn’t prepared for the horrors awaiting them. No, seriously, this book will fuck you up, highly recommend if you’re okay with a lot of techno babble and existential horror.
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson*
Utterly unique in world-building, story, and prose, Midnight Robber follows young Tan-Tan and her father, inhabitants of the Carribean-colonized planet of Toussaint. When her father commits a terrible crime, he’s exiled to a parallel version of the same planet, home to strange aliens and other human exiles. Tan-Tan, not wanting to lose her father, follows with him. Trapped on this new planet, he becomes her worst nightmare. Enter this book with caution, as it contains graphic child sexual abuse.
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Fragment (Fragment duology) by Warren Fahy*
The reality TV show Sealife is having a rough time - as it turns out, a ship full of scientist doesn’t make for the kind of drama they hoped for. Hoping for some excitement, they reach Hender's Island, a fragment of a lost continent that may contain an interesting new ecosystem. But as they step foot on the island, they quickly come to realize the ecosystem isn’t just new, it’s highly dangerous and very hungry. Among all this life is one single species that may be more dangerous than any other, but which may also be the salvation of the scientists on the island. A bit wonky, but genuinely one of the most fun books I have read, I love it so much.
Axiom's End (Noumena trilogy) by Lindsay Ellis
It’s 2007, and a leak has just confirmed that the US has reached alien contact. Cora wants nothing to do with it, but as her absent father is the whistleblower who dropped the news the media won’t leave her alone. Even worse, she soon finds herself meeting and being pursued by the alien presence itself as it tries to remain in hiding - and discovering that there is a much larger threat on the horizon.
The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis*
Francie has just traveled to Roswell to attend her college friend's wedding to a UFO conspirasist. Not a believer herself, Francie is shocked when she finds herself abducted by an alien. Her abductor is not much what popular media would have you believe, looking more like a tumbleweed than a grey alien, and is clearly on some kind of mission it isn’t willing to put on hold for the sake of Francie attending to her duties as a bridesmaid. As more people get roped along - among those a conman, an old lady, a ufo conspirasist, and a retiree with an RV - Francie finds herself getting closer to the alien and wanting to help it succeed.
Bonus rec: if you like this book, you may also enjoy the movie Paul, which has a similarly humorous tone and similar plot.
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Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir*
Ryland Grace just woke up up from a coma, unable to remember anything. He finds himself alone on a space ship, and as his memories slowly trickle back, he realizes he's been sent on a mission: to find a solution to the impending doom of the earth. Still struggling with holes in his memories, Ryland tries to fulfill his mission, but as he gets closer to his goal, he discovers someone else got there first. And they aren't anything close to human. Funny, heartfelt, and heavy on the science.
Survival by Julie E. Czerneda
Mac, a biologist studying salmon on Earth, has little interest in life beyond her own planet. Despite this, she’s sought out by Brymn, an alien archaeologist hoping her expertise as a biologist can help him solve the secret behind the Chasm, a region of space completely devoid of life. Trying as she might not to get incolved, Mac has little choice as she and her colleagues come under attack by the mysterious Ro, the species Brymn's people suspect to be the cause of the Chasm.
Translation State by Ann Leckie*
An exploration of the alien as filtered through the human. At what point does the human become something else? When does something else become human? Is it a question of biology or culture, nature or nurture? Can we choose it? Can it be forced upon us? Set in the Imperial Radch universe, Translation State follows three different characters embroiled in the question of what makes a human. The alien Presger can only communicate with humans using their translators - people they’ve created that are not quite human and not quite alien. But as news of a translator fugitive arises, conflict brews regarding what right they have to choose their own identity and home.
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Exo (Exo duology) by Fonda Lee*
Young adult. Earth has long since been under the control of an alien presence. Donovan Reyes is an exo, a human enhanced with alien technology, working to keep the colony and its people safe. The biggest enemy is Sapience, a terrorist organisation opposing alien rule by any means necessary. When a mission goes awry, Donovan finds himself abducted by Sapiance, something that risks a war. While it took until the second book for me to be fully sold on this series, it features a genuinely nuanced take on oppression and resistance rarely seen in YA genre.
Needle by Hal Clement
1950s classic. A small island in the pacific ocean and a fourteen-year-old boy have just become the center of an interstellar chase between an alien Hunter and the criminal he's pursuing. Robert is a regular boy, but he has a very special passenger: an alien symbiont hiding inside his body. The alien became stranded on Earth as he pursued a criminal of his own species, and now they are both trapped on the same island, playing a game of cat and mouse as Robert and the Hunter struggle to find their prey before it finds them.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers series) by Becky Chambers
Rosemary Harper just got a job on the motley crew of the Wayfarer, a spaceship that works with tunneling new wormholes through space. With a past she wants to leave behind, Rosemary is happy to travel the far reaches of the universe with the chaotic crew, but when they land the job of a life time, things suddenly get a lot more dangerous. A bit of a tumblr classic in its day, this is a cozy space opera with an episodic feel and vividly realized characters and cultures.
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Under the Skin by Michel Faber
A dark allegory of alienation and dehumanization, Under the Skin follows Isserley, a woman traveling along the roads of England and picking up hitchhikers. Little does her passengers know, she’s an alien hiding her true self, and they are her prey and a delicacy for her species.
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
1960s Polish classic. Arriving on a station orbiting the planet Solaris, Kris Kelvin is meant to study the strange, possibly sentient ocean that covers its entire surface. But the effects of the ocean are far reaching - Kelvin finds the crew of the station secretive and unstable, and is shocked to wake one day to the embodiement of a long dead lover. Was it created by the brain-like ocean, and if so, why?
West of Eden (West of Eden trilogy) by Harry Harrison
65 million years ago, the meteor that killed the dinosaurs never arrived. Without it, the dinosaurs lived and thrived, allowing a the complex society of the matriarchal Yilanè to arise. Meanwhile, in the new world, humans still evolve, and when an impending ice age forces the Yilanè across the ocean in search for a new home, the two are destined to clash. A bleak story of the cycle of violence and hate leading to war, West of Eden is a marvel of world-building.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Triptych by J.M. Frey
Kalp is a widower and alien refugee newly arrived on Earth; Gwen is a language expert secretly recruited by the United Nations to help integrate a ship of alien refugees; Basil is an engineer who loves them both. Together they must defend their relationship against a violently intolerant world.
The Sparrow (The Sparrow duology) by Mary Doria Russell
When proof of alien life is found, the United Nations are too slow in their plans for a first contact mission. Instead, the Society of Jesus overtake them and send their own ship, but the crew could never have been prepared for what they will find.
Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor
Something massive and alien crashes into the ocean off the coast of Nigeria. Three people, a marine biologist, a rapper, and a soldier, find themselves encountering this presence, and have to race to save humanity before it's too late.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: Salvaged by Madeleine Roux, Exodus by Nicky Drayden, The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbull, Embassytown by China Miéville
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milkywaydrabbles · 9 months
I am so glad you have anons turned on... ahem. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, though!
Kinktober 29 + Alucard! (Castlevania)
A/N: I don't know what you did to me but I've been possessed once again for this ask holy shit. Tentacle anon lemme kiss u on the mouth ;; hope you enjoy MWUAH (also a firm believer he'll always be a lover boy no matter what) AU TIME
Tentacles x Alucard
“Adrian! I can’t believe you’re the little thief!” You gasped, scandalized that your sea-friend would be the one who’s been stealing all the balls that kept magically ‘floating away’ in the ocean. He shrugged with a sly grin, his tentacles sprawled around him keeping him afloat. You’d met the mystical half sea creature months ago by this point, you’d been paddling out to sea for fun, realizing that you’d gotten entirely too far from shore. Before you were able to panic, you saw the tiniest little cove a bit farther out, deciding to rest inside of it before making a plan to go back to shore, back home. Instead what you got was the scare of your life, a tentacle gripping at your ankle and with a shriek you fell back into the side. The playful little fiend crept out with wide eyes, not expecting to ever have a human here in his home. You mirrored the look, thinking you’d finally gone insane seeing something with the top half of a man and bottom half of an...octopus? Lots of screaming, and explaining later, your fears were quelled, and after hours of talking, you felt you made a friend.
And you did! Visiting him as often as you could out here, bringing him food that you’ve made from your home, and him giving you small trinkets he’s found lost at sea. (Most recently he’d given you a pearl necklace he said he made himself. You would have seen the scarlet bloom across his neck and chest, should you not turn away trying to calm your own beating heart.) You learned he’s the rumored ‘Alucard’, the sea monster that eats the sailors off at sea. (‘Why the fuck would I do that?” he reasoned) You also learned there’s more of his kind, he has friends he sees every so often, even has loving parents deeper in the ocean bed. But he likes to spend alone time here, closer to humans. He likes listening to the different sounds above the water. Sometimes you’d even see him out in the ocean, closer to the shores if there wasn’t anyone around. You started going to the shores late in the night, if only to see him twice a day. (You think he stays coming back to the cove because of you, but neither of you will speak it out loud.)
“I’m not stealing them. They really do get lost out here! What am I supposed to do, bring them back? Someone’s going to see me.” He couldn’t help but grin like the cheshire cat, using a tentacle to grab at one of the ‘lost’ beach balls, bouncing it over to you and you rolled your eyes with a laugh. “You’re terrible” Of course you’d never want him to actually go back and give them back--someone finding out about his existence could have very well been the end of his life, him trusting you enough to let you go was a huge feat for the merman. “I actually have something else for you.” 
“Ooh, another beach ball?”
“Quiet you, come here.”
You huffed, crawling over to where he lounged and sitting in front of him, waiting. For the first time since the pearl necklace, you saw Alucard looking nervous. You gave him time, raising a brow and cocking your head urging him to continue. From behind his back, he pulled out a clamshell, “I promise the clam wasn’t alive when I found it.” He mumbled, pushing it towards you. You blinked, confused. This wasn’t the first shell he’s given you, but it was quite...lackluster, in comparison to the rest he’d given you. Plus, he looked entirely too nervous for a shell! “Thank you, Alucard.” You teased, laughing when you heard him groan. “Hush, ridiculous fucking name...the shell isn’t your gift.” He paused. “Open it.” the top flipped up and you nearly dropped it out of pure shock. What lay inside was the most gorgeous ring you’d ever seen. A beautiful moss agate stone set in the middle, smaller pieces of diamonds dotted around the band. It was an intricate piece, one that you’d be devastated to lose if you were the original owner of this ring. “Adrian, I...what...oh my god” You couldn’t even form sentences, in too much shock a ring like this existed floating in the ocean. You looked at him, mouth agape. “How did you find this? Where did you find this? It’s in perfect condition!” you were scared to even touch the thing.
He stayed quiet for a moment, shuffling over to you. “I didn’t find it.” He admitted. “I ah...I had it made.” 
“You said your favorite color was green. And you love the forest. So I thought this made the most sense for you. I know you’d rather live in the woods, but the ocean is beautiful too. I think you’d really like it here.” His voice was barely above a whisper, shaky hand bringing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Adrian, I don’t understand...”
You did. You just couldn’t believe it until he said it out loud. It all felt like a dream.
“I love you.”
Your breath hitched.
“And I would like to marry you. And have you move with me, into the ocean. With the rest of my kind.”
Your head was spinning, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Adrian panicked, hands frantically wiping away at your tears, unknowing that they were happy tears. “Please, please don’t cry. We don’t have to talk about this now, or at all, if you’re not comfortable it’s okay--” You cut him off with a kiss, your first shared kiss, hands smoothing his beautiful blonde locks. “Adrian, I love you.” Your admission knocked the wind out his lungs, head reeling that someone like him could have someone like you fall in love with him. “But how can this work? I mean, really, I’m not like you, I don’t...” He hushed you, placing another chaste kiss on your lips. “There’s more about my world that you don’t know, but I promise we can get you there. It’ll be our world soon, angel” 
You had no idea what he meant, or how it’d work, but in the meantime, you carefully took the ring out of the shell and gingerly placed it on your ring finger on your left hand. Your vision tunneled on the ring, holding your hand up to see it glimmering in the sunlight that shone through the cove. “It’s gorgeous, Adrian...” You could cry right now, and almost started to too if you didn’t try as hard as you were from keeping it together. “Be with me, please..” He connected his lips to you again, tentacles wrapping themselves around your middle as your hands carded through his hair. Adrian bit at your lower lip, slipping his tongue into your mouth when you permitted and deepening the kiss. What was once slow and sweet became a flurry of moans, tongue and teeth, anticipation and lust. He kissed and nipped at your jawline, your throat, your shoulders. “Will you let me touch you?” Adrian whispered, hands hovering over your body. You nodded, lifting your bathing top  off your body and pushing his hands onto your chest. His breathing stuttered, kneading and pinching at your body. “So beautiful, angel.” He murmured, dipping a tentacle at the hem of your bottoms, another joining by the edge of your pussy. You gasped, feeling yourself clench around nothing.  
You’d never thought yourself to be prude you just...never thought about being fucked by tentacles. Or a merman. But, fuck, if you weren’t turned on thinking about Adrian doing what he wanted with you before whisking you away to the deepest parts of the ocean. You pressed yourself closer to him, letting the tentacles pull away your bottoms. A hand came down to tease at your entrance, feeling the slick dripping on his fingers. “So wet..all for me?” He cooed, smiling when he felt you nodding against the crook of his neck. He wouldn’t tease you much, not this time--feeling much too impatient. His fingers slid into your pretty cunt with ease, so turned on you could have been ready for him right then and there. “Fuck, look at you.” He murmured, scissoring his fingers inside of you. He knows this wouldn’t be your first sexual encounter. He’s (unfortunately) heard of previous partners of your life, but none of them had the physiology that he had, he needed to prep you. “Darling, I need you to trust me, okay?” You furrowed your brows, humping at his fingers barely able to pay attention to what he was saying. “‘Kay, anything Adrian.” you murmured, before feeling the fingers replaced with something else. Something long, a bit slimy, definitely thicker. You cried out, hearing you gush and squelch around the intrusion. “Adrian!” You gasped, looking down at the juncture of your hips and seeing his tentacle pumping deep into your sloppy pussy. 
You couldn’t believe how hot and bothered you were, seeing him fucking you with the intrusive appendage. Your hips rolled towards him, the tentacle slowly pumping in and out of you. It poked and prodded at your walls, the suctions ribbing at your hole and making your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your mouth fell open with a moan, head leaning back. “Gotta loosen you up like this, sweetheart, gotta get you ready..” You heard the merman speak, but the ringing in your ear didn’t help. His lips wrapped around a nipple, hand playing with the other. Simultaneously more of his tentacles wrapped themselves around your legs and arms, rubbing and squeezing at your appendages as the one still in your pussy pushed further in, kissing what felt like the entrance to your womb. You shrieked, clenching down hard on the tentacle with the immense amount of pleasure and  hint of pain you were feeling. “Fuckfuckfuck, Adrian,” You mumbled, hands holding onto his shoulders, “feels good in my pussy, a-aah fuck!” You cried, humping at the appendage. He kept his mouth busy with your chest, a tentacle letting go on an arm to kiss your clit with the small suction on the tip, rubbing at the nub and leaving it slimy. He’d suction to it and let go, imitating sucking on the quickly swelling bundle of nerves. “Want you like this forever, darling girl” he mused,  laving a tongue over your skin and leaving bites and love marks around your tits. His hands gripped at your hips, lips pressing against yours with a new fire lit. The tentacles working on your cunt were driving you to your climax, tentacle wrapped around your thigh pushing your leg farther apart. Alucard looked down at his added appendage fucking into you, and how juicy and wet you were. It was intoxicating, and he realized quickly he could have you like this more than he’d like to admit.
“Wanna feel you on me, darling.” He cooed, pushing the tentacle deeper in you and curling, acting almost like a large tongue licking inside your sloppy little cunt, smile curling on his face when he heard the squeal he was looking for, feeling you gush around him. The suction cups held the stickiness of your pussy, Alucard swiping at a few to taste your cum on his tongue. He moaned lowly, nearly angry at himself for not having your first orgasm be on his tongue. But there’d be so many after this time anyways, he didn’t have to worry, you’d be his forever. “Would you like a taste?” You nodded dumbly, limbs feeling like jello. You thought he’d kiss you, instead you had his tentacle shoved into you mouth, squirming around to taste your own mess in your mouth. Another immediate, albeit small shockwave hit your pussy, dripping down your legs with how turned on having his appendage in your mouth made you feel. Adrian swiped at your pussy, sucking up and licking as much of your cum as you’d give him, “Can’t believe you came again just by that.” Big words honestly for someone that was about ready to cum untouched with how hot you were. Most of his cock fit inside his body, length too long for his kind to have it floating out. He kept the first tentacle in your mouth, loving the way you sucked on it and didn’t let go. “Relax for me, darling girl.” He whispered, feeding his huge cock into your tight wet hole. You squealed around him, the head of his cock so big it already felt like you were being split apart. But it felt so fucking good having him filling you up like this, pushing and pushing at your walls until you were filled to the brim with his engorged cock. You mumbled around him, swiveling and bucking your hips on him, squirming. “Let’s keep you still so I don’t hurt you,” More of his tentacles held your limbs enough for you to not be able to move freely, one still suckling and teasing at your clit with another dipping in teasingly next to his cock, almost as if taunting you--as if you could ever have two of these things inside you at the same time.
Your eyes rolled back, cheeks bulging with the size of his tentacle, tears staining your face whenever the tip hit the back of your throat, Adrian wanted this to be romantic, he swears, but the way you sucked him in--the way you got excited with his tentacles touching you, it was so difficult to keep going like that. His primal instincts were kicking in hard, wanting to claim you fully in every way. His upper body leaned back to take in the sight of you being impaled over and over on his cock, seeing your creamy cunt swallow him up. Your pussy was so juicy, squelches reverberating off the walls of the cove. It was nearly as loud as your muffle moans, drool spilling from the corners of your mouth as your jaw stayed pried open. “Fuck, darling, nor gonna last like this.” He murmured, holding onto your hips once more to slam you down as deep as you could take him, fucking into you over and over until his tentacled cock spurted deep inside you. You swore you could feel his cum filling your stomach, your womb, filling all of you as the excess spilled around the edges no matter how plugged he had you. Adrian panted, slowly retracting his cock from your abused pussy, seeing how his cum dripped out of you in globs onto the floor. He removed his remaining tentacles, smoothing his hands over you and rubbing at your face, nuzzling his nose into yours and your cheek, kissing at you. “I’m sorry honey, I couldn’t help it, you looked so good.” He begged for forgiveness, weaving his fingers with yours.
You smiled, kissing him back with the strength you had, “honey, we can take it slow next time. We have all the time in the world.”
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