#adult!luna verse
late-night-talking · 2 years
Loving You’s the Real Thing
Part 1
a/n: this is set in an a/b/o verse, if you don’t like that kind of thing, no worries, just scroll on! as for the people who do read, I love wolfrry and a/b/o verse so I’m pretty excited for this (mini?) series. if you have any questions about what’s going on or the logistics of a/b/o, don’t hesitate to message and ask! hope you all enjoy and I would love any feedback.
word count: 3k
warnings: a/b/o dynamics
summary: Harry is next in line to be Alpha, ready to let his mother relax after having to take on the responsibilities of the pack following the death of her husband, his step father, but one thing is holding him back. He has yet to find his Luna.
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She had felt off for a few weeks. In and out of daydreaming, which was not like her. She kept thinking about her mate. Where they were, what they were doing, and most importantly, when they would find her. She would experience flashes of them when she closed her eyes, their hands or eyes, and brief whiffs of what she could only call, home, mate. It was driving her mad, mentally and physically.
She thinks it’s just her heat, showing it’s ugly head in warning, but none of her previous heats manifested in such a way. Not that she had many ‘adult’ heats, maybe six after turning 18, when heats started to get more sexual and less… school-girl.
When presenting, Alphas and Omegas would go though less intense ruts and heats that didn’t require or demand a sexual partner, until they turned 18. It was just the way of bodies forming into their secondary gender, and also getting the individual ready for the real thing, when it was near impossible to get through it without another. It was also meant to give time to find your mate, but these days, it was rare to find your mate within your pack. Which left you with finding them in the wild, like people do.
Y/N was trying to focus on her healing class, practicing harnessing her care-taking Omega traits into a stream of healing energy. Only a select few had the capabilities, and it wasn’t without training and hard work.
The alpha below her, if she could call him that, had went off and stupidly sought out a fight in unclaimed territory. An obviously much more powerful Alpha had put him in his place. Unclaimed territory was meant for rogue wolves, outcasted from their packs, not drunk wolves looking for a fight. The territory was policed by the surrounding pack territories, on a rotating schedule, by what Y/N gathered.
As she was removing his make-shift bandages, just his shirt tied tightly around his midsection, an aroma suddenly smacked her in the face, pulling her from her supposed concentration. The luscious smell was definitely not coming from the wolf below her, she had smelled him as soon as he was brought into the infirmary, but almost from his… wounds?
The smell was somewhat familiar, the scent that had been coming to her in her daydreaming, but ten times stronger. She had to excuse herself and immediately find out which pack had been on post last night.
“Hey, Sarah?” Y/N called over to her classmate and friend. “Do you mind taking over? I’m not feeling that well.”
“‘Course not!” Sarah replies with a smile. They had grown up together as best friends. She had already found her mate, Mitch, which of course Y/N was a bit jealous of. “Let me know if you need anything, hope you start to feel better!”
All Y/N could do was give her a meek smile, and scurry out of the infirmary. Shoving the large wooden doors open, she’s met with the wonderful temperate of fall, wind blowing her hair around her face a bit.
All she can think of is finding the source of that wonderful smell. She makes a bee-line to the pack house, navigating the vast halls to the large room that essentially is like a town hall. It has all known records and histories of the surrounding territories, treaties, and most importantly to her, the schedule of the guards.
Y/N hustles to the front desk, where the historian sits. She’s a sweet lady, always willing to help how she can. The woman’s small spectacles sit atop her nose, close to the tip. Y/N waits as patiently as she can for the woman to stop reading and look up at her.
Soon enough, the grey-haired Beta looks up with a small smile, “What can I help you with dearie?”
“Uhm, I was wondering which pack was on guard last night. I work in the infirmary, and had an injured wolf, who went off looking for a fight. I just wanted to be able to check on the Alpha who put him in his place.” Y/N practically word-vomits out, trying to be somewhat inconspicuous.
“Oh, I’m sure they’re quite alright. And if not, they have their own healers at their pack.”, the woman reassuringly states. “But if you must know, the schedule that is agreed on is with the treaties. There should be a binder in that isle labeled as such. It’s looked over and agreed on with all the packs every year, so it should be accurate.” As the woman is talking, she points over to an area of the large library.
“Thanks! I appreciate it.” Y/N states as fast as she can, hurrying towards the isle clearly labeled treaties.
Before she can get too far away, at an increased volume, the woman states, “Hope you can find what you’re looking for!”
All Y/N can do is glance behind her to offer a small smile, but the woman is looking back at her, with a knowing look.
Once she finds the clearly labeled binder, flipping through the pages to get to the current months schedule. Her eyes scan the month quickly, finding who was on patrol last night. Her vivid globes widen a bit at the answer to her question.
The Starlight Pack. They were well known for being a pack full of beautiful creatures, even their Betas. Being one of the strongest packs in the surrounding states, Y/N knew a good bit about them. Their current leader was a single Luna. Her husband had tragically passed, however having no biological children of his own, his stepson was next in line.
Unfortunately for the reigning Luna, her son could not become Alpha until he found a suitable Luna. This was common practice across all packs. The Luna did not need to be the Alpha’s true mate, however that was of course, preferable.
Her mind wandered, thinking of who in the renowned pack could be her mate. Trying to piece them together, from what she gathered from her dreams, awake or asleep.
Catching herself in yet another daydream, Y/N realized she was wasting time. Her next hurdle might be her biggest on her quest to find her mate, getting to their pack.
The Starlight Pack was actually adjoining her pack, connecting in a northwest quadrant. However, the city center, if you could call them cities, are in the middle of their territories, surrounded by vast forests, giving distance between pack lines.
Packing a bag, throwing on a burgundy knit jumper, and leaving a, hopefully, reassuring note for her parents, knowing they wouldn’t let her leave on her own if they had been there instead of their positions. She also text Sarah, just giving her a heads up, not leaving time for her to talk Y/N out of it.Going to the pack garage, she spoke to the clerk there, signing out a car to ‘go into town for feminine products, for my Beta friend’ is all she had to say to avoid more questions from the Beta male.
The pack centers were roughly 40 miles away from each other, taking about an hour of driving to get there. The roads were almost completely empty, no one else being on them besides travelers or hikers. The leaves still hanging onto the trees were red-wine stained and honeyed hues, with some darker purples mixed in. The trees created an arch of sorts over the road, only letting in streaks of sunlight and blue sky.
With the sun falling below the horizon, Y/N pulled up to the gates of the Starlight Pack, her heart sinking into her stomach. She hadn’t quite thought of what she was going to say, it’s not like they were going to let some stranger in. Coming to a slow, she heard the rustle of fallen leaves being thrown behind the car.
She knew she was about to be questioned by a group of Alphas. Who else would be guarding their border? With a deep breath, she swings the car door open, throwing her legs out and stepping onto the ground, leaves crunching under her boots. As expected, two Alphas emerge from the wrought iron gate.
“How can we help you, lil omega? Did ya get lost on yer way home?” One of the men question. He’s not threatening in his tone, trying to be more helpful, rather than harmful, but his status enough is sufficient to make Y/N nervous.
With all her courage she can muster, she answers them in the strongest voice she can summon, “I came in search of my mate. I have reason to believe they’re here.”
Y/N tried hard not to word vomit the entire story, assuming these Alphas didn’t care why she believed such a thing. As the wind moved around them, her shiny hair was carried around her face, and she smelled them. Her mate. The wonderful scent of chamomile, musk, and sandalwood, even stronger than when she caught a whiff earlier in the day. If she could smell them, hopefully they could smell her and would come find her. It made Y/N’s brain fuzzy, and relaxed, not like she was standing in a strange place, with strange alphas who were not her mate.
The blonde one spoke again, “Wha’ makes ya think that, Omega? Maybe we can help?” The way he spoke was the same as last time, non-threatening. He actually seemed interested.
Moving her hands to her elbows, seeking some type of warmth, Y/N finds not having to search for the courage to answer this time, “I uh, was helping a wolf from my pack that was put in his place last night in the unclaimed territory. And, this is crazy, but I smelled it from his wounds. Who ever taught him a lesson is my mate. I did some research, your pack was on patrol last night. So, here I am.”
During what felt like a speech, the males look at each other with wide eyes. The brunette turns to speak, his mouth agape for a moment. However before he can say anything, a tall, lean figure is hurdling through the gates behind them, that wonderful scent following him. His eyes are wide, taking in as much as they can, searching. “Where is..”
Before he can finish, the men move aside, and their eyes land on each other. Y/N’s eyes are just as wide now, wind rustling around them, pushing his magnificent scent to her, and hers to him. She stands in awe as the man with umber colored, shoulder length hair, strides towards her quickly. Stopping inches from her chest, he’s a head length taller than her. Quipping her head up to him, her eyes meeting his glassy emerald eyes, their chests heaving, trying to pull each other’s scents in as much as possible.
He is the one to break the silence, “My omega? How’d ya find meh little one?”
Y/N’s heart stutters at her title coming from his lips and the sound of his scruff voice, “Doesn’t matter right now, my Alpha. My name is Y/N. I- I can’t believe I found you.” She’s about to burst, tears welling in her eyes.
The gorgeous man dips down closer to her face, canting to her ear, hand reaching up to push her smooth hair behind it, sparks darting when his fingers danced over her cheek, and just about purring,“‘M Harry, but yeh can call meh Alpha.”
• • • • •
His day started as all others, pulling himself from his lonely bed, wishing he could stay and go back to sleep. There, in his dreams, he was with his Omega. As much as he wanted to go searching for her, it wasn’t quite that desperate yet. His mother and him had decided if he hadn’t found his mate by 25, he could go searching for her. But only for six months, then he would have to settle for an omega that was good enough.
But no one would be good enough for him, besides her. She had only started coming to him in his dreams a few months ago. Before that, he could only think of what she looked or smelled like. When sleeping, he could see her, smell her, touch her. But her face was always fleeting his memory after the first few moments of being awake.
He felt bad he hadn’t completely relieved his mother of her duties. Neither an Alpha or a Luna were meant to rule alone, a perfect balance of each other. The exact reason he had yet to become Alpha, but he couldn’t settle on some omega he knew wasn’t his. Not yet, not until he had to. Though Harry saw the years practically multiplying on his mother since his step-father died. However the light had started coming back to her since she relieved more duties to Harry.
Getting ready for the day, he felt scattered and unfocused. Only one thing on his mind. Mate. He thought it could be his rut announcing itself, he hadn’t had one for maybe five months, when he had one every three usually. Unfortunately for him, he still had duties to attend to for the time being. He couldn’t lay in bed all day dreaming of silken hair and skin, getting himself off.
Leaving his chambers, drifting over to the meeting room, where his mother, himself, and their closest confidants met weekly. He wasn’t much interested in the conversation, as most of it was repeated information from last week. As it comes to a close, he has a feeling he can’t explain.
“Niall, Louis, can ya guys run perimeter guard fo’ the day? With the location of that brainless wolf from last night unknown, I want security tight, yeh? And I’ll take ya’s spot training for the day” The two men nod without question, Harry not even needing his Alpha voice, the men trusting him.
“Harry, I don’t think that wolf will come here, he probably whimpered home.” His mother tries to reason. Anne had been trying to let Harry have more power over the years. He practically ran the pack at this point and she was just a figurehead, but she gave her opinion when she felt he needed guidance.
He felt bad going against what his mother was thinking, but he had taken so much stress off her over the years, he wanted her to trust him. “I just have a feeling mum. Ya’ve put this much confidence in meh so far, yeh? This is un-disruptive and not puttin’ anyone in danger. Just for today.” Harry speaks with finality. Anne knows he’s right. No one will get hurt, and their only other assignment was helping with training possible future guards.
“Right, lads. Yeh know where ta find meh in tha trainin’ grounds, watching’ over those pups.” Harry says, after a moment of silence and acceptance of his previous statement, with a smirk. If those young alphas knew he was referring to them as pups, they would loose their ever-loving mind, and the thought of them wanting to even attempt to grapple with him.
The day was monotonous, besides a few interesting scrimmages between the young wolves learning to fight before him. He wasn’t usually in the training field, so he knew the pups in front of him were trying to show off. The training field was at the corner of the large clearing that contained their pack house, which looked small from the vantage point he had at the moment. With expansive woods behind them, and the tall log fencing on the side, they were close to the entry road. Given, it was a good few thousand feet away, he could still see Niall and Louis open the gate and step out.
That was enough to intrigue him, but not enough for him to wander over. The wind graced his face, as it had numerous times today. Harry closed his eyes, enjoying the moment with the sound of the leaves rustling behind him. Until he was absolutely smacked in the face with the most luscious smell. So much stronger than in his dreams. His only thought was mate.
Without so much as a comment to the other men helping train, he took off sprinting, almost as fast as his wolf would be, his feet taking him closer to what he hoped to be his Omega. Sliding around the corner, out of the gate, all he could see was the backs of his men, but the delicious smell as strong as ever.
He begun to speak, but before barely getting any words out, the men moved aside. Set in front of him was the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on. Her opulent hair falling over her shoulders, her crimson jumper contrasting her skin beautifully, and a perfect pout on her full lips. Eyes shining like they were full of stars for him.
He doesn’t remember making the decision to stride up to her, barely a book thickness way from her voluptuous chest. His Omega pitches her head up to him. Harry breaks the silence that seems to go on forever, but was only a few seconds. “My omega? How’d ya find meh little one?”
A beat later, the sweetest sound he’s ever heard, her voice, almost at a whisper, “Doesn’t matter right now, my Alpha. My name is Y/N. I- I can’t believe I found you.”
He keens at the sound of his title coming off her tongue, it never sounded so perfect before. Harry can’t help but lean closer, her scent becoming strong and heavy, and he surely can’t stop himself from lightly running his fingers over her cheek, electricity shooting between them at the softest of touch, and brushing her hair behind her ear with a rumble of, “‘M Harry, but yeh can call meh Alpha.”
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
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Ollo… I’m Riley and welcome to my blog!
(Please, let me know if any of the links don’t work and I’ll fix them ASAP.)
First things first, this is a 🔞NSFW / MDNI🔞 blog
Just in case it needs to be spelled out:  Not Suitable for Work / Minors Do Not Interact so don’t read this if you’re underage or at work… Most of my posts will be written for adult audiences and the characters will either be of age already or they will be aged up. I’ll make sure to mark my works properly with warnings and labels so:
Right now, I currently only have works for our favorite James Cameron big blue aliens, specifically for Luna’s Kinktober, Neteyamsyawntu’s Avatar12DaysofKinkmas, and Crybabies-heart’s 14 Days of Love and a couple of requests but I’ll eventually expand out into more original works and into other fandoms. So, if you don’t like the Na’vi, keep on scrolling. (I’ll update this as I add to it.)
This post is so you can navigate my blog a lot easier. I’ll have links to all of my lists and individual works that I may add and to my different reblogs that I think you might enjoy too. Please don’t post my works as your own – I do not consent to this. Please don’t post my works on other sites, even if it’s meant as a translation – AGAIN, I do not consent to this.
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My Masterlist for Luna’s Kinktober 2023
My Masterlist for Neteyamsyawntu’s Avatar 12 Days of Kinkmas
My Masterlist for Crybabies-heart’s 14 Days of Love
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If you’re looking for something specific within the individual posts, I made a genre key to help you find what you might be looking for better:
Angst – ✂️
Character D3ath (Detailed) – ☠️
Character D3ath (Mentioned) – 👻
Friendship  – 🌻
Romantic – 💘
$mut – 🔥
Viol3nc3 – 🧨
Request:  jakesullywhore:  Avatar (Cameron Movies) Fandom – You’ll Do (Dark Jake Sully/Human Reader) 🧨☠️👻✂️🔥
Request: jakesullywhore: Avatar (Cameron Movies) Fandom – The Price of Silence (Dark Jake Sully/Human Reader) ✂️🔥
Request: thatonepansexual2000: Avatar (Camerona Movies Fandom - Our Sweet Paysyul (A/B/O verse JakexreaderxNeytiri) 🌻💘🔥
Request: ana-maria456913: Avatar (Cameron Movies Fandom - Jealousy Can Be a Wild Thing (Tonowari/Ronal) 🌻✂️💘
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Writing Prompt > bethanythemartian > a short story about a daycare worker when the end of the world is announced
moribundanchor > an image for MIDSÖMMER (one of the best psychological horror movies, in my opinion)
euninieboo > a beautifully drawn friends to lovers comic
typhlonectes > image of a very, very cool Mountaineer’s axe
outpastthemoat > ATLA personal opinion about dear, old Uncle Iroh
cruelgay > “shipping” Shuntaro Chishiya and Kuina Hikari, lol
chishiyashoodie > Nijirou’s message about taking a break
chishiyashoodie > my very loud opinion as to why America SHOULDN’T remake Alice in Borderland
emergencybitch > PSA about the upcoming Polin scenes in Bridgerton Season 3
newhologram > one of my all-time favorite scenes in ATWOW (don’t get me wrong I love Ao’nung but when he gets punched? *chef’s kiss*)
eyweveng > her MUST READ ‘Knife Kink’ submission for Luna’s Kinktober
oakbuggy > her NSFW art depicting Ao’nung. Makes a girl drool
Writing Prompt > rabbityfrogs > a short story about a morally gray villain putting the “hero” in their place
dontlistentothemmoose > the moon is stuck in a time loop short story
yourstrulybluelover > her MUST READ Lo’ak/Reader heat fic (trust me, it made me melt it was so hot)
oakbuggy > her NSFW art depicting Lo’ak. My knees are weak!
artsofmetamoor > their must read comic depicting Spider’s adoption as a baby into a loving Na’vi family
artsofmetamoor > their continued depictions of Spider’s adoption into a loving Na’vi family
artsofmetamoor > their sneak peak into the Avatar/W.I.T.C.H. crossover universe when Spider was adopted as a baby into a loving Na’vi family
neteyamssyulang > her Na’vi dictionary (not all of it is canon so proceed at your own risk)
oakbuggy > the artistic rendition of pandoraslxna's steamy Neteyam x female human reader x So’lek that has me absolutely drooling
Jakexneytiri > do we think Jake ever had flings before Neytiri? (And the debate that followed)
hoechloin > DC version of “you and me and your friend Steve” featuring Lois, Clark, AND Superman
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lumiidragon · 1 year
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My first post since coming back to the community, and it's my old Fury Family Verse family tree redrawn!
I wanted to add Sunglory to the family tree since she wasn't created yet when I made the old one. I also wanted the light fury mates updated designs and make the chart a little more clear since I kept having the issue with people weirdly thinking I was shipping siblings for some reason. :') But here it is! The start to my return~! This family tree starts with Toothless and Luna (the Light Fury), who have three night lights, Dart,  Pouncer, and Ruffrunner. Dart grows up miserably bored of The Hidden World and after having a brief taste of it as a child, she runs away as a young adult with her mate, Sunglory and leaves The Hidden World to never return. Pouncer, content with the world he lives in becomes mates with a bubbly light fury, Stiches, and have two daughters, Seafoam and Rain. He eventually becomes alpha of The Hidden World. Ruffrunner is the first of the night lights to have offspring, having only one son with a light fury called 'Opal'. His only son, Soundbreak, has many traits like his aunt Dart and enjoys sneaking out of The Hidden World where he meets a lone light fury called 'Shoal'. Eventually, he makes the decision to leave The Hidden World (something that was supported by both of his parents) to be with his mate. They end up having three offspring, Scamper, Flower, and Roughwave and all live outside of The Hidden World. (I do not own HTTYD, Toothless, Luna the Light Fury, Dart, Pouncer, or Ruffrunner.)
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miss-eucatastrophe · 1 month
Fic Requests are OPEN!
It’s been 84 yeeears. A lot of stuff happened all at once in my life that made writing impossible. Some good, some bad. But my life is finally balancing out and I’ve been itching to write again since I’ve become involved in new fandoms!
A bit about my writing, I pretty much exclusively write Explicate (aka ADULT) xReader fics. Some of you know me from my thick and/or plus sized reader fics which although I am no longer plus size myself (another big change) I’m still happy to write them and I’m still thicc so I’m here for my thicc bishes too.
For those who prefer reading fics on AO3, that’s where I like to post them the most too! But here I get to interact with y’all more.
You can find the link to my AO3 at the bottom of this post. 💕
Request Rules
• No underage stuff
I don’t do underage stuff. It’s complicated with things like MHA where some characters are in HS in the series but slowly coming out of it later in the series—I just won’t touch that. I won’t do a high school au. You can still request these characters but they’re gonna be grown-grown. Over 25 grown. We’ll explore their lives as pro heroes for example. Gimmi men in their late 20’s to early 40’s thanks god amen.
• No incest
• Off limits kinks: Gore, Vore, Scat, Diaper stuff.
I will write kink! Of course! Like I said, there’s smut in like all my fics, even if they’re a slow burn. I love story/plot with my porn. But that doesn’t mean I’m opposed to writing some porn without plot!
ANYWAY! Below you will find the fandoms/characters I am drawn to. If you see a fandom but not a character, don’t be shy. You can still request the character. These examples are just my personal preferences so I find them easier to write.
Honkai: Star Rail
• Dan Heng/Imbibitor Lunae
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• Jing Yuen
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• Loucha
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• Boothill
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• Aventurine
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• Sunday
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• Bucky Barnes
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• Steve Rogers
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• Loki
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Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse
• Miguel O’Hera
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Attack on Titan
• AOT will be an option but not right now because I’m focusing on Magnolia Flowers and don’t want to get distracted by another AOT fic. 🌸
• Characters: Levi, Erwin, and Mike/Miche
My Hero Academia
• I’m kinda on a break from the MHA fandom, but if you’re just dying to request something from MHA still feel free to do so because who knows I might feel inspired.
• Characters: Hawks, Dabi, Aizawa, Bakugou, & Miriko.
Happy Requesting! 💕
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moonglowmagic · 5 months
Who: @cantfightmoonlight (Elif) Where: Poppy's apartment
Poppy wasn’t sure about Elif coming over but given everything that had happened she knew that they needed to talk, especially since they shared a dog. Adjusting her ponytail when she heard the door and she got off the couch, she walked over to the door. “Hey Elif,” She greeted with a half wave as she opened the door for the other and Luna. “Also hi baby girl.” Reaching down as she scooped up Luna and hugged her tightly. “Thanks for bringing her over.” She finally said as she snuggled her head into Luna’s fur and placed a kiss on the puppies head. Eventually sitting Luna back down on the floor as silence fell over them. “So we should talk….” She finally got out as she put her hands in her back pockets. Rocking back and forth on her balls of her feet as she tried to break the silence and talk about the elephant in the room. “You were right I shouldn’t have started shit in public. If I was feeling some type of way I should have been an adult and talked to you about it, verses whatever I did at the party.” She apologized as she looked at Elif with her blue eyes. "You at least deserved that. I'm sorry, I really am."
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Trailblazer Ik:
YAY YOU’RE PLAYING HSR!!! Now that you have a general idea of it, can i tell you some cute scenarios i thought of?
So just imagine, Ik looking at Welt expectantly as he tells them stories of something from his homeworld or anything that seems interesting, Ik helping March with her pictures and go get bubble tea together (with Dan Heng probably paying), Ik and Dan heng just reading together in the Data bank, enjoying each others presence (i imagine Ik and Dan Heng’s relationship to be similar to her and Satan’s because when you think about it, Dan Heng and Satan are kinda similar once you know of Dan Heng’s past), Himeko and Ik enjoying a cup of coffee together as Ik is probably the only one in the Astral Express who likes Himeko’s coffee (sooo Himeko’s coffee can be said to be the equivalent of Solomon’s cooking), Ik just hugging Pom Pom because Pom Pom is adorable and must be hugged! and lastly, Stelle and Ik going trash dumbing because it is what they must do.
Also remember Bailu? A character i told you about how i imagined Dragon!Ik would look like? I cant help but imagine Bailu and Ik would get along so well! Ik being the one to invite her to the Astral Express as a place to hide and chill when she wants to run away from work, Bailu showing Ik local Xianzhou snacks (-with either Stelle or Dan Heng paying), and just the both of them being the cutest partners in crime
And that’s it for now, i would like to add more but idk where you’re currently are rn. So what part of the story are you at rn?
Hope you have a lovely day/night btw!
- 🐧 Anon
i'm up to the end of the jarilo mission! i sort of fell off before getting to a high enough level to start the luofu stuff, but i've been meaning to get back to it... i'm vaguely aware of the imbibitor lunae stuff, but not well-versed with the details
stelle and ik knocking over trashcans and very intently rifling through the contents while march films and dan heng stands off to the side pretending he doesn't know them. big and little raccoon <33 i like to imagine that stelle carries her around on her back to explore bc she has a hard time keeping up with the adults
also yes bailu and ik!!! i still haven't met bailu in-game yet but i Love her (perhaps partially because she has the same cn va as paimon). you'll find them just scampering around the astral express, probably causing trouble for later, but they seem to be having so much fun that you can't bring yourself to stop them
all iks share a universal love for creatures also so ik would just be thrilled to be friends with not one but TWO dragons. upon meeting dan heng in IL form for the first time she's just like ":O you're so COOL"
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wyntersecret-a · 7 months
Main muse
Landon Bartholomew Wynter. journalist. het. fc: penn badgley 30-34 main. 32-36 film. 22-26 college. nights poet verse. beast boi verse. vamp verse. paranormal investigator verse. royal au. twin au.
Secondary Muse
Lance Tyberius Wynter. architect. het. fc: penn badgley 30-34 twin au.
Hub + Connection Muses
Veronica Allen. model. 33. bi. fc: teyonah parris
Daniel Baker. adult flm star. 32. gay. fc: david anders - @stvrlyte
Dawn Black. adult film star. former model. 31. gay. fc: kristen stewart
Kurt Burrows. historian & genealogist. 33. bi. fc: andrew west unknown half brother of Landon Wynter
Claudia Chen. actress. 32. het. fc: gemma chan
Lavinia Cortez. horror host. producer of toxic talk. actress. 27. bi. fc: sofia carson
Esmeralda Domingo. executive of diamond casino. 33. bi. fc: shay mitchell default gf of Landon in non ship verses
Emeline Entwistle. actress. 31. het. fc: blake lively
Tobias Fairchild. producer. majestic studios. 38. bi. fc: ed speleers
Holland Frost. dr of tech sciences, robotics & dna engineering. frost synthetics. 46. bi. fc: sarah paulson
Harold Graves. psychiatrist. 41. demi. fc: hugh dancy. Landon Wynter's therapist
Natalie Hill. lipstick gossip. tabloid journalist. 31. bi. fc: zoe kravitz former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. ruby casino. businesswoman. 31. bi. fc: carlson young
Ophelia Keal. aspiring actress. socialite. 26. het. fc: tilly keeper
Mark Lansing. news anchor. film agent (hollywood verse only) 31. het. fc: chace crawford
Gloria Mancini. assistant exec. lipstick gossip. 30. het. fc: dakota johnson close friend of Natalie Hill
Cassandra Porter. boutique fresh cosmetics. influencer. yt beauty guru. 36. bi. fc: zazie beetz
Maxwell Rainier. town council. Rainier Farm. 54. bi. fc: michael sheen. father of Marley Jane Rainier Cypress Falls Resident @xwildheart
Miranda Royce. fashion designer. 29. bi. fc: nicola peltz daughter of Holland Frost - @godccmplex
Marigold Sinclaire. failed starlet. waitress. 34. bicurious. fc: amanda seyfried - american money plot @xwildheart
Brooke Stevens. kroq radio station. 24. bi. fc: joey king Cypress Falls Resident
Brett Sutton. radio dj. true crime podcaster. 31. bi. fc: jack quaid
Maya Tran. production assistant. cosmic vault. 35-40. bi. fc: maggie q
Jade Winthrope. forensic tech. 30. het. fc: shailene woodley
Florence Anton Wynter. novelist. freelance web writer. 56. bi. fc: michelle gomez
Request Muses
Joe Goldberg. bookstore manager. 31. het. fc: penn badgley - canon divergent in areas
Camilla Luna. oceanographer. ocean ways institute. 28. fc: lindsey morgan fiancée of Lance Wynter in twin au. (all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Hub & Connection muses are for established importance to Landon in his particular verses and/or have established things with other writers. Request muses are low activity but would love to see interaction. Only one is a canon but I write it my way and diverge. The other is deceased but still available for prior plots involving Lance.
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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Right now in the animation world, there is a lack of heavy themes. Outside of the Pixar mold, even if they've been overly exposed in my opinion, there hasn't been an animated film that delves into the character's thought processes, motivations and or even the very complicated decisions that life throws at your feet everyday. I have missed that type of storytelling in animated films and its about time somebody brought it back to life. The first film in this animated Spider-Verse series was groundbreaking in taking the standard coming of age thematic elements and aging it up with the amount existential questioning and sometimes adult approach. Its what made that film stand out among the rest of the superhero genre. This film continues that excellence in storytelling and takes it to another level for many of the characters. The exploration into the character and idea of a hero is explored to another level and in a way that I haven't seen handled with such care since maybe the Nolan era of the Batman films. The persona of Spider-Man and all the responsibility and sacrifices that comes with it is on display and makes you understand the weight of every decision he, Spider-Gwen and all the other iterations make. The spectacle is even more spectacular in execution and this film elevates what is possible in animation with its unique flare and influences from many other cultures. It may feel a bit crowded at times with the introduction of the Spider Society, but the amazing cast keeps you focused on the main objective of the story.
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Hailee Steinfeld returns as Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman / Spider-Gwen and she takes the character to new depths. We get to see her heartbreaking backstory that sets the tone of the entire film. I loved her interactions with her dad, George Stacy, portrayed wonderfully by Shea Whigham. The chemistry between them was amazing, heart shattering and beautiful in so many ways. Her story adds a new perspective and is a cautionary tale about secrets and possibly betraying the trust of those you care about. Shameik Moore returns as Miles Morales / Spider-Man and I loved how he has grown into his own. I loved the fact that he leans more into his Latino side of his heritage and his strong connection to his family. The many levels of balancing a superhero life, a regular life and how it affects his relationships with his parent are at the heart of his story. The chemistry with his parents portrayed once again by Bryan Tyree Henry and Luna Lauren Vélez as Jefferson and Rio Morales was electric. The stress and emotional turmoil between them was well done and didn't stray into the standard cheese you see in most films. Their scenes together whether it was Miles and Jefferson or Miles and Rio, were truly the heart and soul of the character and the film. The chemistry between Gwen and Miles has never been stronger and more strained in the best ways possible. Their friendship is tested to heightened level and it makes for a great dramatic beat that most films ignore or handle poorly. We get introduced to some new Spider people and I loved every one of them. Karan Soni was fun and charming as Pavitr Prabhakar / Spider-Man India and I loved the visuals of his world. He was hilarious with his quips and in a short amount of time, you get to see the heart of the character. Daniel Kaluuya was awesome and perfectly rebellious as Hobart "Hobie" Brown / Spider-Punk. I audibly cheered seeing him on screen because I've loved his attitude and anti establishment motivations nature. He represented a new lesson and belief structure that Miles needed in his life. Issa Rae was great as Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman and I loved that even though she is pregnant, she doesn't shy away from the action and her commanding presence is always felt. Jason Schwartzman was excellent as the new antagonist of the film Dr. Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot. A great villain always has a personal connection to the main character and he does in a familiar, but fun way. He begins as a villain of the week type, but his progression into the main threat was done in a fresh and fascinating way. Oscar Issac returns as the fan favorite Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 and I loved the direct yet ominous nature of the character. He was inventive and intense in a way that made you question if he is actually a hero or villain. Oscar's portrayal of the characters’ determination to complete his goal was excellent and made for a fascinating character study.
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Composer Daniel Pemberton returns and continues to deliver fantastic work that picks up from the first film with familiar and new themes for Gwen Stacy and one that is as chaotic and energetic for Spider-Punk. The modern hip hop infusion with the traditional, emotional and thrilling score was awesome. I loved the darker nature of the score this time and inclusion of many different distortions when dealing with The Spot. The Indian influence and sound was wonderful when we get to Pavitr’s universe. Visually the film continues to dazzle with the same comic book touch the first film had, but evolves it even more. The color palette with Miles is set and established, but the real magic comes from the beautiful water coloring of Gwen's world and how it evokes the vast layers of the emotional spectrum. This film is filled with so many great action set pieces that don't feel exhausting at all. There's so much to take in as you witness the many achievements in animation at work. This was definitely one of the best sequels I've seen in a long time and an excellent new chapter in the Spider-Verse that will definitely be on many best of lists. This is a must see by all Spider fans and there are so many Easter eggs, cameos and its all wrapped in this brilliant story that leaves on an awesome cliffhanger. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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bewitchingbaker · 6 months
[ Because Daria's one of my favorite shows and reading @escapedartgeek 's Daria verse had me hype to join in.]
Chris in this universe a little more well-adjusted thanks to his parents being around. With a better support system, the youngest Luna became a chill dude who thrives in chaos thanks to his sister. With a love of art and passion for baking, the baker and his sister moved to Lawndale for job opportunities (his sister getting a teaching job at Lawndale High and Chris at his grandmother's coffee house)
While he does prepare coffee and bake goods, a majority of his time is spent in the local music scene. Hosting secret shows with various bands and djs, giving advice to the youth and occasionally messing with the adults in town.
Buried within his chill attitude, Chris is still figuring out what he really wants to do. Unsure if he wants to seriously take over the coffee house or take a chance on pursuing an art career.
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lastsurvivor · 7 months
Character Sheet
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full name. ellen louise ripley
nicknames / aliases. ripley, rip
age. 30s
zodiac. capricorn
spoken languages. english, some spanish (enough to get a point across)
physical characteristics.
hair colour. dark brown
eye colour. dark brown
skin tone. cream(?), very lightly tanned, some freckles
body type. toned, lean
dominant hand. left
posture. pretty good, but slouches/ leans forward sometimes in her seat
scars. a few that are mostly covered by her clothing, but some on her hands as well from work and other small accidents
tattoos. none
birthmarks. a very faded one on the back of her neck, you’ll only see if if you look hard enough
most noticeable features. extremely curly hair, piercing eyes, the way she carries herself
place of birth. olympia, luna (earth colony)
siblings. none
parents. frank ripley (father), jennifer ripley (mother)
adult life.
occupation. warrant officer in main verse, ex-military in modern, vigilante/superhero in superhero verse
residence(s). an apartment on luna
close friends. some of her coworkers (main and modern), a few childhood friends she’s kept in contact with, other verse dependent connections
relationship status. single (verse dependent), but has two ex husbands
financial status. working-middle class
driver’s license. yes
criminal record. N/A unless you wanna count her abandoning an entire ship without delivering the goods I guess? (Doesn’t count in my book but lmao)
vices. a little bit of wrath, but she deserves it I think, being stubborn, wanting to go by-the-book as much as possible (if that counts ???)
sex & romance.
sexual orientation. lesbian
preferred sexual role. dominant
libido. average
turn-ons. clear communication, having a good sense of humor, being yourself / not hiding behind a mask, being passionate about something, confidence, good grooming habits, actively listening to her, receiving neck kisses, her hair being played with or tugged on, having her partner use her first name, giving hickeys
turn-offs. selfishness, being rude to waiters/waitresses/servers, excessive pda, cockiness, using her first name if she doesn’t know you too well, ignorance, sloppy when eating/in dress, being controlling, jealousy, being assumptive/jumping to conclusions
love language. words of affirmation & quality time…probably a little bit of gift giving, I can see her leaving nice goodies for her partner on occasion because she saw it and thought of them (I forgot the others and these seemed like her so…)
relationship tendencies. tends to be open and honest and communicates her likes/dislikes clearly, has had casual flings in the past, but is looking for something serious nowadays especially after her two husbands weren’t the best people. she can’t fix what happened, but healing would be very nice, especially after that she discovered her true self. slowly dipping her toes back into the dating pool.
hobbies to pass time. wood working, tinkering, reading, playing basketball/tennis, watching corny/cheesy movies, cooking/baking, stargazing, going to unique museums, collecting things related to her interests (peanuts/snoopy stuff, etc.), reading the comics in the newspaper and cutting out/ collecting strips she enjoys
mental illnesses. ptsd, depression, claustrophobia, survivor’s guilt
self-confidence level. pretty good most of the time, even with people not listening to her. she knows when she's right.
Tagged by: @sxbaist <3
Tagging: YOUUUUU
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intonightcity · 1 year
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total: 61 | female: 32 | male: 27 | tbd: 2 | private: 4 ( list under the cut )
Stephanie Acker. 24. homosexual not yet out. mikey madison fc. Make Up Specialist. Cosmetology assistant. Affiliate of Boutique Fresh Products. best friend of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Veronica Allen. 33. bisexual. teyonah parris fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. ex of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Veer Alvi. 31. bisexual. dev patel fc. Nightly News Network CEO. Media Millionaire.
Theo Anton. 50. heterosexual. andrew lincoln fc. Grace's Auction Authority President. Authenticator. uncle of Landon Wynter
Daniel Baker. 32. homosexual. david anders fc. Adult Star For Starduxxxe Studios: face of horror themed adult fare
Dawn Black. 29. homosexual. kristen stewart fc. Former Model. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: where stylized adult entertainment brings more bang for the buck. Ex of Esmeralda Domingo.
Kurt Burrows. 33. bisexual. andrew west fc. Historian & Genealogist for NCHS (Night City Historical Society). half brother of Landon Wynter unknown at this time
Claudia Chen. 32. heterosexual. gemma chan fc. Actress. NYU Film friend of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Lavinia Cortez. 27. bisexual. sofia carson fc. Horror Host. Producer for Toxic Talk on the Frightful Follies Network.
Duncan 'The Scots Terror' Cloud. 45. tom hardy fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Lucian Craven. 34. heterosexual. abel tesfaye fc. Owner of Diamond Casino. Severin Founder.
Lee Alonto Danger. 32. bisexual. manny jacinto fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: the male face of the company
Esmeralda Domingo. 33. bisexual. shay mitchell fc. Executive & Acolyte. Diamond Casino. Severin. girlfriend of Landon Wynter (only in a default verse where he or she has no ship present).
Emeline Entwistle. 31. heterosexual. blake lively fc. Actress. canon ex of Landon Wynter
Tobias Fairchild. 38. bisexual. ed speleers fc. Producer. Head of Majestic Studios. Rival of Landon Wynter & Cosmic Vault Productions.
Holland Frost. 46. bisexual w/female pref. sarah paulson fc. Doctor of Technical Sciences & Gene Theory. Frost Synthetics. Outer District.
Jaime Garza. 35. bisexual. peter gadiot. Bar Owner. Neptune's Folly. Formerly Associated with Alejandro Silva's organization. selective muse
Munro Gordon. 38. bisexual. matt smith fc. Defense Attorney. Night City DA candidate. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Natalie Hill. 31. bisexual. zoe kravitz fc. Tabloid Queen. Media brand Lipstick Gossip: where sex sells, lies are truth & celebrities get trashed. Former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. 31. heterosexual. carlson young fc. Golden Girl of wealth. Owner of Ruby Casino. Rival to Lucian Craven. Obsessed w/ Landon Wynter since high school.
Jackson Hunter. 37. heterosexual. andrew garfield fc. Night City PD. Dabbler in Cat's Eye deals. PD partner of Dal Kang.
Charlene Jones. 44. bisexual. zoe saldana fc. Former Adult Star. Current Executive Producer at Starduxxxe Studios.
Dal Kang. 40. bicurious. gong yoo fc. Night City PD. Head of Corruption Crackdown Unit. PD partner of Jackson Hunter.
Alara Kaya. 28. bisexual. hande ercel fc. Dancer. The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Ophelia Keal. 26. heterosexual. tilly keeper fc. Aspiring Actress. Socialite. friend of Frankie Hughes ( @stvrlyte )
Mark Lansing. 31. heterosexual. chace crawford fc. News Anchor for Nightly News Network. Film Agent (Hollwood verse only).
Camilla Luna. 28. lindsey morgan fc. Oceanographer. Ocean Ways Institute. fiancee of Lance Wynter in twin au. request muse ( all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Crystal Maddox. 25. bicurious. grace van patten fc. Venus Escort. Cousin of Jade Winthrope.
Gloria Mancini. 30. heterosexual. dakota johnson fc. Media Guru. Assistant Executive for Lipstick Gossip.
Cristobal Mardones. 48. heterosexual. pedro pascal fc. Gold & Gloss Loan CEO. selective muse
Natalya 'Talya' Mardones. 52. bisexual. salma hayek fc. Fashion Consultant & Design. Wife of Cristobal Mardones
Trent Miller. 43. heterosexual. anthony mackie fc. Glam Shell Modelling Agency CEO.
Talia Morgan. 40. bisexual. michelle rodriquez fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Nadine Moore. 42. bisexual. freema agyeman fc. Doctor of Pathology. Dawn's Light Hospital.
Tabitha Nunes. 27. daniela nieves fc. Gold & Gloss Loan. Former Friend & Rival of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Bijou Otieno. 36. lupita nyong'o fc. bisexual. Cat's Eye Black Market Madame. Voodoo Matron.
Karla Patterson. 52. bisexual. hallee berry fc. Madame of Venus. Sophisticated Escort Services. on again/off again with Ethan Wynter.
Selene Patterson. 27. heterosexual. tati gabrielle fc. NCHS (Night City Historical Society) Historian. best friend of Camilla Luna.
Miguel Perez. 26. bisexual. aron piper fc. Muertos Gang Leader. Enemy of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Cassandra Porter. 36. bisexual. zazie beetz fc. Boutique Fresh Cosmetics. Youtube Beauty Guru. Infleuncer.
Angelo 'Bonecrusher' Reyes. 50. dave bautista fc. Warrior Octagon. Undefeated Underground Fighter.
Miranda Royce. 29. bisexual. nicola peltz fc. Fashion Designer. Glam Shell. Daughter of Holland Frost.
Elyse Saetan. 32. bisexual. prang kannarun fc. Owner of Fusion Implosion & Chef.
Yuri Sage. 25. bicurious. jennie kim fc. Escort for Venus.
Marigold Sinclaire. 34. bicurious. amanda seyfried fc. Failed Starlet. Telemarketer.
Alejandro Silva. 40. bicurious. diego luna fc. Owner of The Coast Car Dealership. Car Meet Street Racing Promoter. family friend of the Mendoza's ( @ixonmaiden @deathlycombinations )
Giselle Steele. 30. bisexual. ana de armas fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. wife of Alejandro Silva (verse&plot dependant)
Calvin Sterling. 42. heterosexual. ben mckenzie fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Bijou Otieno's Hired Gun.
Feng Tao. 59. homosexual. tony leung fc. Owner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Head of the Viper Syndicate.
Yue Tao. 34. bisexual. meng'er zhang fc. Manager of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Daughter of Feng Tao.
Derek Thorton. 33. heterosexual. dylan o'brien fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Illicit Trades In Protection & Killer services. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Maya Tran. 40. bisexual. maggie q fc. Cosmic Vault Productions Affiliate. Celebrity assistant & publicist. Assistant to Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Archibald Tumblety. 54. bisexual. daniel craig fc. Producer. Starduxxxe Studios Owner.
Vivienne Wilcox Violet. 26. heterosexual. zaria simone fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: female face of the company.
Jade Winthrope. 30. heterosexual. shailene woodley fc. Night City PD Forensic Analyst.
Marius Wright. 48. heterosexual. omari hardwick fc. Former Underground Fighter. Owner of Warrior Octagon.
Aiden Wynter. 22. heterosexual. felix mallard fc. Photography Major. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Benjamin Wynter. 21. homosexual. christopher briny fc. Street Artist. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Ethan Wynter. 54. heterosexual. keanu reeves fc. Hitman. Business Partner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Adopted brother of Julian Wynter. Uncle of Landon Wynter.
Florence Anton Wynter. 56. bisexual. michelle gomez fc. Author. Freelance Web Writer. Mother of Landon Wynter.
Julian Wynter. 58. heterosexual. greg kinnear fc. Executive Producer. Majestic Studios. Father of Landon Wynter.
exclusive muses ::: created solely for extended family or connections in specific ship verses private muses ::: reserved for plots, connections, ships with a specific mun only selective muses ::: highly selective in who they will interact against face claims ::: I do not adhere to banned lists for starter calls posted on this blog. So pls specify to avoid using a muse with a face that is on your banned as I will not use alts. DNI ::: Young child muses. Personal blogs. Non mutuals.
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(Marvel-Based Crossover Fan-Universe) Marvel: Earth-SUTOHGFFIM
Including Franchises/Theme
Marvel Cinematic Universe (w/some comic & other movies add-on)
MCU (Infinity Saga only)
Homeworld VS Asgardians(?)
Agamotto’s Exodus of Witches to the Demon World
Stark’s doubt on Crystal  Gems (Sort of BvS)
Northwest’s main sponsor to Oscorp
Gravity Falls’ Height-altering crystals is actually Pym Particles’ ‘natural’ origin.
Hank Pym knows the two Stans Pines?
Spider-Verse (Mile Molares, Spider-Ham, Spider Noir etc.)
Oscorp/Sinister Six
X-Men/Deadpool (Mutants & Weapon-X)
Trask’s Sentinels
Apocalypse & Horsemen of Apocalypse
Deadpool mentions other works of CN(Especially Rebecca Sugar’s), Disney Channel, and maybe others of common creators.(Like, Inside Job, of Alex Hirsch)
Punisher/Daredevil/Luke Cage (?)
Wanda & Pedro Maximoff lore combined of Magneto’s children & MCU’s
“No more Mutants (or something else)”
Hulk is still “Angry Hulk”
World War Hulk?
Steven Universe
Homeworld is one of the galaxy’s political threats, but Odin kept them at bay somehow.  As well as founding of the Nova Corp.
Not only death of Rose Quartz/PD, but also to wait for both Odin & Thanos to fell(which Odin’s falls causes Thanos to move his pawns)
Steven’s Power is around young Thor’s, but in combat, Young Thor wins. However, Steven has more off-combat skills & power flexibility. 
Adult Steven could be part of ‘Future Avengers’.
The Owl House
Demon World is actually a planet that is connected to Earth by Agamotto’s magic, and witches are children of human mutants with magical powers.
“Titan” is actually the deviated Celestial who quitted from his kin, before being killed by the collector.
The Collector of both MCU & ToH are the same entity. The ‘Old man’ is his disguise to play trading games. (However, that’s his only avatar that is not sealed, and allow him to interact with something in material planes a bit) 
Gravity Falls 
Bill Cipher is Dormammu’s ‘frenemy’
Gravity Falls was actually the battlefield between Agamotto & Bill, which the mystery is caused by their remaining magical power from the fight.
Pacifica Northwest later disowns her family & becomes ‘Paz Universe’ instead (Adopted by Greg, being Steven’s little sister).
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
No MLP: EG, or EG’s Canterlot is a ‘mysterious’ city in Canada. Like Gravity Falls, Karma Taj, or Gravesfield of Connecticut. 
Equestria is another galaxy that is small & close to the milky way, so some interaction could be easy.
Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna was almost chosen by Necrosword, but Luna believed she didn't need the sword.
Changelings’ DNA is one of the sources of ‘modified’ DNAs of Skrulls.
Crystal Empire was part of failed Gems’ colonies of Equus.
King Sombra was corrupted by Necrosword, and later, will be “Mount of Gorr”
Discord is also Sorcerer Supreme’s “Duties” (until he redeems)
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ensorceler-stuff · 1 year
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Warm greetings for all of you who are reading this, I wanted to say hi and express my gratitude for checking out the website I shared. I really appreciate it.
I go by the name Yu Jimin, also known as Karina, and I lead the girl group aespa under SM Entertainment. I was born on April 11, 2000, which makes me an Aries.
You can find the real ones here:
However, you can also call me Laluna Caitlyn G. (Luna or Alin) since Luna is my original character; a beauty vlogger who's currently taking a break from her activities, a big fan of Taylor Swift, a proud Swiftie.
By that informations, I am letting you know that this account is a multi-verse role-playing (MVRP).
Aside that I want to let you know that this account contains adult content like videos, photos, and explicit language. That's why it's strictly for adults only, and minors are not allowed to access it.
I won't follow suspicious accounts that excessively post porn videos or those who follow without any interaction. Oh, and I also won't follow rla role-player accounts, especially those that retweet things like, "Retweet this tweet, and I'll send you my boobs pictures." It's important to maintain a boundary between role-playing and real life.
Friend requests either it's with or without benefit is welcomed, but please understand that Luna isn't into certain intense or taboo fetishes like scat, blasphemy, vomit, etc.
I'm up for imagine, dirty talk, and plotting in either English or Bahasa. I'm a frontal user, but if you're not comfortable with that, I can tone it down. Feel free to reach out to me in DMs for any discussions! ♡
Note: I'm a switch, but I lean more towards being submissive.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
A thing about Luna’s Insomnia verse that has some unexpected repercussions is the way she responds to the sudden changes in her life upon arriving in the city. Understandably, given how her life has been irreparably altered, she clings to anything remotely familiar. Noctis and Regis give her some comfort, as she already had a rapport with them. Clarus, too, given that he is the one who opened his home and family to her. It’s easy to imagine how distressed and anxious she becomes at the thought of being left alone or going somewhere unfamiliar, which means that, for the first several months or more, she likely held fast to anything she could that felt safe.
 This means many hours inside the citadel; and with the Shield for a guardian, many hours within its training halls. Around the Guard. Dozens of battle-weary people without the airs and graces she was raised with. What I’m driving at is: bby Luna picked up a lot of colourful language in that time. While the adults in her life would do well to correct her, it is objectively hilarious to see this gentle little girl try and figure out how best to politely express, for instance, that she doesn’t feel comfortable around someone, only for her choice of words to end up being along the lines of: “I’m sick of their shit.” 
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iomadachd · 1 year
Dean tends to smell of the following: Gunpowder and gun oil, both naturally and enhanced by the number of weapons he owns Murphy’s Oil Soap, which he uses as a guitar polish Sea salt from hard work and the nearby Atlantic ocean
Being raised by an ex-Marine, Dean is well versed in the phonetic alphabet as well as Morse code and hand signals.
After his old guitar was ruined by a leaky storage locker in 2014, Dean looked into replacing it with something newer and with a little more style. He settled on a Luna acoustic guitar that could also be plugged in if he ever got the urge to buy an amp. A black leather strap with a wing motif completed the set.
Even as an adult, there are times when Dean can’t handle eating a sandwich unless he’s cut the crusts off first. It’s childish, but it’s one of the rare holdouts from his actual childhood.
Dean is an excellent mimic. He has a good ear for accents and can pick them up within hours or days depending on the complexity. Scottish English Highland English BBC English Cockney Texan Southern American Boston New York Russian Belfast Irish English Cajun English French
Dean has a single stuffed animal that he owns. A plush sheep, fuzzy and soft. He doesn’t use it much, but it brings him a small amount of comfort when sleep is especially difficult. He’d be embarrassed if anyone knew, because he’s way too old to have one. Her name is Amara, although he’s never known anyone by that name.
Dean has a serious caretaker streak where he’s always trying to look after the people he cares about, in any way possible. He’s genuinely just short of a mother hen, but it’s how he shows he cares by keeping an eye on people he likes and loves.
A semi-secret hobby of his, but something he enjoys none the less. He finds it calming as hell and with the added bonus of things he can give friends and loved ones.
He definitely gives nicknames, either public or private and enjoys being called them as well sometimes. It’s a sign of affection if he has a nickname for you.
Well, favorite pre-made playlist is The Best of Led Zeppelin. If we’re talking playlists he's made and named himself, it’s probably ‘Lies I’ve Told Myself in the Cemetery at Midnight’
For Dean, it can be incredibly difficult to say those three little words. Even with family he can sometimes struggle to express how he feels. A whole life time of internalized sexism and trauma and impermanence combined with not necessarily feeling a loving attachment right off the bat means it can sometimes be a year or more before he’ll ever say he loves someone, even those he appears to be closest to. Minimum it’s usually a year to a year and a half.
His love language isn’t words, it tends to be Physical Touch and Acts of Service
Dean isn’t exactly an artist, but he does doodle with some frequency. He has a notebook full of doodles at his desk, and at home, and uses it to focus his brain while fielding phone calls or through meetings. He doesn’t doodle human figures at all, but has done some drawings of various supernatural beings in his journals as part of the recording process in addition to taking pictures with his phone. He is very precise when it comes to sigils and symbols though, and takes great care either laying them down on a large surface, or recording them on paper. Those he will fuss over for ages until they’re perfect.
Dean was a casualty of the Blip.
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“I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends.”
betweenthesinnersandthesaints- A independent and selective multimuse roleplay blog featuring Luna Lovegood from the HP Universe. Written and loved by Jojo.
FCs: School Age/Canon- Evanna Lynch
         Adult/Post-Canon- Julie Delpy
Available verses: Canon, Post-Canon/Adult, Gryffindor!Luna
Open to crossovers and multiple ships.
Mun is over 21. 
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