#adventure time critical
fennelrabbit · 9 months
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Simon, what the hell are you talking about?
You didn't mean to find the crown, neither did you know what was gonna happen when you put in on 😨😑 this isn't some weird karmic punishment from the universe, it was completely out of your control. Do you tell someone who got into a car crash that if they were "just a little less selfish" they wouldn't have gotten into that car and have that RANDOM TRUCK CRASH INTO THEM because somebody else was drink driving????? Why talk about pointless what-ifs when you're talking about unalterable life events?
This is just so bizarre. Ignoring the fact that 'selfishness' is not a flaw Simon Petrikov has, why not choose to demonstrate "selfishness" with like, Simon actually making a selfish choice? Maybe Betty becomes sad from a heavy life event, and Simon experiences a smaller sadness like being laughed at by his coworkers, and Simon asks Betty to comfort him, and then Simon forgets to ask Betty about her day?
I mean, I wouldn't write this anyway because "selfishness" is not a flaw Simon needs to overcome, but anything would've been better than "Simon only had two choices, ask Betty to stay with him, or forget about her so she could go on the bus trip". There's options???? They can stay in touch and write to each other? Besides, it would only be inconvenient to Betty if Simon just invited himself on her trip with no tickets and no luggage.
Geezalou... 🙈
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notedgyanymore · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder why Steven universe had such huge critical community, not because the show doesn't have its faults but because other cartoons from the same time like star vs the forces of evil and adventure time had way more problematic content and had just as many if not more plot contrivances and, well, at least you can say that Steven universe didn't waste any of its time on meaningless love triangles.
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irl-pinkgirl · 10 months
saw some heinous takes today and have something to say:
if you think princess bubblegum is a 'psychopathic dictator'- but every other morally grey adventure time character was redeemed by the end of the show and is now perfect- you are, in fact, bad at character arc analysis and/or just hate that a feminine character can be or was anything other than 'uwu best girl'
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virovac · 1 year
When the writers confirming in a videogame that Princess Bubblegum did conversion therapy on Lemongrab* ...awful poor taste and ruined the whole series for me.
I can’t say its much different in tone from their original idea of an abortion princess. Just this time since it was more something outside the show higher-ups didn’t catch it, or didn’t care because violence against neurodivergent people isn’t considered a hot-topic button
*the anti-autism version. Guy who pioneered the awful practice in real life sold it for use against gay, trans and neurodivergent kids
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queenboimler · 2 months
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fearnesbells · 3 months
laura is POSSESSED by imogen temult because that is the face of sapphic wanting. that is LIVE FOOTAGE of me in ninth grade listening to she by dodie about my best friend. everyone who had that formative gay crush that scoured out your insides… this is that.
wow. laura bailey. how does it feel to be possessed by imogen temult.
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
Deanna is the fridged wife from the tragic backstory of your good ole adventurer, and they meet in frigid wastes. Except this time, it's her story, and coping with the decisions made by this person, to return what was lost to this world, though she was at peace. And, yet, she came at his call.
The setting, the word choice, everything feels painfully symbolic and I really can only applaud the whole thing.
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“catra is a complex poc” fuck that. here are some ACTUAL poc animated characters who are just as, if not more complex than catra. (pt. 2)
mako (the legend of korra) • mixed (japanese and chinese)
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min-gi park (infinity train) • korean-canadian
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zuko (avatar the last airbender) • japanese
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caitlyn kiramman (arcane) • bi-racial (east asian and presumably scottish)
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miles morales (spiderverse) • puerto rican, afro-latino
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amaya (the dragon prince) • east asian (ambiguous)
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marshal lee (fionna and cake) • half-black (technically, marceline is black too but i figured marshal would be considered better representation)
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carmen sandiego (carmen sandiego) • hispanic (argentinean-mexican)
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toph (avatar the last airbender) • chinese
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callum (the dragon prince) • half asian (ambiguous)
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buzzingroyalty · 10 months
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fennelrabbit · 7 months
Now that people have had time to watch and think about the miniseries, can we agree that Fionna and Cake was really bad, or at least disappointing?
I'm very happy to hear some different opinions if anyone wants to try and change my mind, but now I've had some time to digest what I watched, I can still say my bad feelings on the episodes are exactly the same.
I haven't been able to mention Fionna and Cake's characterisation much, so I'll try and make a bulleted list (read more)
° Cake didn't grow or have to change at all during the miniseries. She was selfish and never had to face any consequences for her choices. Her relationship with Fionna is not wholesome and friendly like Jake is to Finn, but more parasitic. Fionna does things for Cake, and in return Cake doesn't abandon her. Cake still helps Fionna in fights and doesn't want her to get hurt, however Cake doesn't really appreciate Fionna and all that she does for her.
It's particularly bad that Cake isn't very bothered by the fact that the trade-in for a magical world is Simon's sanity, which is another moment of selfishness. This scene is never addressed later, which unintentionally implies that if someone isn't benefitting Cake, she doesn't want to care about them anymore.
° Fionna was also poorly handled. Although the show tries to say that it won't treat Fionna in a sexist way by swapping her skirt for shorts, a large part of Fionna's story still revolves around romance and her relationships with men (platonic or romantic). In fact, there's a pretty substantial lack of female characters (barring Fionna) that have any stage presence or do anything meaningful in the story. The episode with apocalypse PB and Marcy was a refreshing addition, with an interesting conflict between the two women, but it's a shame that they couldn't be included in the larger conflict, as characters can jump across the universe and the story would've really benefitted from their inclusion.
Fionna's character started pretty strongly, introducing her boredom and apathy towards her life (that being a capitalist nightmare of endless job hunting just to pay for rent), but didn't do enough to develop this plotline. It's true that having Fionna stay in Ooo wouldn't push her to grow as a person - Fionna needs to find a way to find happiness in the life that she's given.
However, much like Simon was sent back to his shitty life and basically ordered by the narrative to 'get over it' and 'stop being sad', nothing changes in Fionna's original world. Fionna is sent back to the same old world, with the same old problems, and nothing is really resolved. No solutions are presented to Fionna inside of FionnaWorld, even though her situation is very difficult and not something that can just be fixed with 'life's not so bad'. Fionna should've found a way to experience the thrill of adventure in her world, in a way that wouldn't endanger everyone around her.
° Bringing the farmworld characters to FionnaWorld in the end was a total cop-out, and should've resulted in damaging the multiverse. They did not need to be there.
° Fionna and Cake causing things to glitch around them (damaging the multiverse???) was never resolved or followed up on after Act 1. It's like the story forgot that plot point, which really lowered the stakes.
° Scarab was a weak villain. Though his first episode had a strong introduction, he was very undeveloped, and came across as more of a comedic pest than an actual threat. The final fight between Fionna and Scarab were laughably boring, and I never felt like the characters were in danger at all. One of the weakest finales the show's ever done.
° Rip to Betty, folks. You'd think we'd finally get some backstory on her character beyond being "Simon's gf/love interest", but no. We know she has a mum, I guess? And that she's impulsive. Betty has officially been fridged by the narrative THREE TIMES, and will now forever remain as Simon's dead/absent girlfriend. This is very sad, and not to mention, very anti feminist. We will never know who Betty is outside of Simon.
(She doesn't even get to have a real conversation with Simon as Golbetty. She has a couple of sentences, and then gets on the stupid bus. Betty literally has no voice in the story).
°The dialogue was very weak. I don't have much to say here really, the dialogue was just very basic and badly paced. Subtext doesn't exist in this story. At some point, one of Finn's children literally blurts out that their dead mum made their soup. Very subtle exposition, guys.
° I don't like how Fionna and Cake treated Simon at all. The entire time they were both self centered and very annoying, and their relationship with Simon wasn't developed that much. When Simon described Fionna and Cake as his "friends", it wasn't believable in the slightest. They have no chemistry or real connection as a group.
Well, that's all I could remember for now.
Anyway, feel happy to share your thoughts Adventure Time fans, I'd be happy to hear it!
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chemicalarospec · 2 years
Looking for the person with the other half of this necklace
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You actually were the one who made it. We were best friends in 3rd and 4th grade before you moved back to the state you came from.
At the time I knew you, your name began with P and we were both girls but I think that you're queer now so I don't know if that's still true. You had an older brother. I have a younger brother. My name is Isabelle.
You had a Cartoon Network comic book of three stories in one: Steven Universe, gender-swapped Fionna and Jake, and one with Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. (This is why I think you're queer too and hope that you might be here on Tumblr.) I will tag this post with things I knew you liked/predict you would like. (Sorry if you're a random person in those tags & this annoys you.)
If you think this is you, please contact me with what our mutual favourite animal was. I just miss you and want to see if you're out there doing alright. We were such good friends.
update: I have written a letter and found their address, now I just have to actually post it. Will update again when doing so.
Update: the address I had doesn't exist, soooo... wish me luck!
Update: the letter returned home "not deliverable as addressed, unable to forward" today :(
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eliaism · 6 months
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Get you someone who’s the 🩷💜🤍 to your ❤️🖤🩶
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fearnesbells · 3 months
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“you’re my tether, laudna.” || c3e74 // c3e89
so… episode 89, huh?
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sterakraffulz78 · 9 months
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