#adventures of turnabout
justagingerwithredhair · 11 months
i love alex so much i sure hope the sweet boy doesn't have any trauma :D
Don't worry! Mr. Small-town Himbo is 100% trauma free, garenteeed! You will find no sob stories here! None at all! Just guy! Fella! Man! And that's all! (:
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u3pxx · 2 years
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a little tumbly told me it was @letapollojusticesayfuck's birthday... 🎉
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cenviswasteland · 6 months
Do you guys ever think about how much Klavier Gavin loses over the course of AA4?
-- Hella spoilers for Apollo Justice (AA4). Go play it, it's a masterpiece. --
Where is Klavier during 4-1? Probably preparing for a show, knowing him. How does he learn about what happens to his brother? Who tells him? Not Kristoph, he's already been taken away. Is it his family? Is it Daryan? Or does he find out from the paparazzi after his set is done, all shouting at him "Klavier! Klavier, do you have a statement on your brother's arrest?"
I wonder what happens in the in-between. Does he go to Kristoph, demanding the "what happened" and the "why did you do it"? Does he get anything? Or does Kristoph just stare back and give him vague explanations that mean nothing in the grand scheme of it all? Does Klavier beg for the answers he doesn't get? Does he cry? Does Kristoph just stare back, knowing that eventually Klavier will give up like he always does?
Klavier is so flashy in 4-2. I wonder if it's a front. I wonder if it's the hasty bandage wrapped over the aching, still-bleeding wound. After all, he's up against the same defense attorney that got Kristoph arrested. And that attorney is good at what he does. In a way, that's its own loss. It means that Kristoph's arrest wasn't a mistake. There's no way that Justice screwed up. Kristoph killed a man in cold blood, with almost no motive. And Klavier is just expected to move on. His brother is a monster. Move on.
I'm almost certain he starts confiding in Daryan in the in-between. "I dont know what to do." "He wouldn't talk to me." "I need to cut my hair now." "I can't look at myself." "He was arrested, Daryan. He killed someone, Daryan." "I look like him!" "I don't know him at all anymore!" "What do I do? What do I do?!" "I hate seeing him when I look at myself." "I miss him." "I look just like him!!" over and over and over. It's him putting his head in his hands, desperate to block out the vision. It's the "C'mon, Klav, we've got a show soon," as Daryan carefully turns him away from the dressing room mirror.
So what happens in 4-3, when Klavier starts to piece together the case? What happens to Klavier when he realizes, in time with Justice, that the shoulder he'd replaced his brother with did the same thing? What happens as Klavier watches Daryan break down on the witness stand? What happens as Klavier watches him get led away in handcuffs? What happens now that Klavier is completely, utterly alone? He can't confide in his murderer brother. He can't confide in his murderer bandmate. Who else does he even have?
…Justice? Apollo Justice, the man who got them both arrested? The man who pulled every little secret from the cases, who pointed the blame to them? Apollo Justice, the one that remains at the end of the trial, when the dust settles? The one who looks so proud of himself as he tears apart every person Klavier loves?
He can't take it. He can't take any of it. He hates the way he looks at himself in the mirror every morning, shaking off the sudden twinge of fear that he looks too much like his brother. He takes up smoking again, something he hadn't touched since turning the Gavineers into a serious endeavor. But the Gavineers don't matter much now, do they? He stops trying to get answers out of Kristoph. He does his best to not think about Daryan. He just wants to be left alone. He just wants to put his pieces back together. He can't get himself to pick up his guitars-- he nearly considers getting the ones in his office shipped off to a storage facility. Instead, he covers the case with bedsheets like he's a child again, and he starts safety-pinning newspaper clippings and red string to it. Maybe if he does enough digging, he'll be able to find out why Kristoph did what he did. Maybe, if he tries hard enough, he can shove the right evidence in Kristoph's face. Maybe, if he just does more, he'll be able to talk to his brother again.
It consumes him. He talks to no one. He barely goes home-- instead, he stays up for days at a time and collapses in his chair when his body succumbs to the exhaustion. He lives almost entirely off of coffee and cigarettes and whatever snacks are in the prosecutors' office break room. He looks awful. He feels awful. He stops making progress after a certain point, just falling into this awful, awful spiral of hatred and guilt and shame.
And it's nearly a miracle when Phoenix Wright comes to his office, asking him to help test a new trial system. He accepts without a second thought, not even bothering to check what case it was.
Oh, 4-4. Oh, when Klavier realizes with mounting horror what he's gotten himself into. When Klavier figures out that not only is his brother a murderer, he's a serial murderer. Kristoph has a seemingly never-ending web of lies, plots, schemes, and the like. And there's Apollo Justice, and himself, working in awful tandem to tear it all apart. Justice doesn't even realize that he's pulling Klavier apart at the same time, does he?
Klavier keeps looking at Kristoph, begging for any kind of retort. Any truth that can cut down Justice's line of logic. That retort doesn't come. The family closet's been full and shut for a long time, and now suddenly it's all being pulled out to the tune of "Objection!"
It's sick. It's an awful nightmare. He's not waking up from it.
Klavier is stronger than a lot of people give him credit for. But he's not strong enough for all this.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who is Hotter?" Wheelchair Wielders
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alynnl · 10 months
I have one more Great Ace Attorney AU that I actually came up with as I was actively playing through case 2-3 (Return of the Great Departed Soul.)
My notes aren't quite polished enough to share the long version, but I have a few key ideas I can share.
It all started with a question. "What would happen if Albert Harebrayne got kidnapped and held for ransom?"
And Barok van Zieks gets the ransom note
Only the demands aren't for money, but instead for Van Zieks to get a guilty verdict in an upcoming trial
Kazuma has gone off on "personal business" so he's not Van Zieks's co-counsel this time around
Ryunosuke and Susato are the opposing counsel, of course
The trial is a murder trial because in Ace Attorney, it's always murder
In this case, it's the murder of someone who'd been recently reported missing
The defendant is a young Italian stage magician who was just making his debut (who I really want to come up with a pun name for)
Herlock Sholmes is there. He's been investigating a string of missing persons cases in the background
Stage magic + missing persons cases = a great idea for a title. Adventure of the Great Vanishing Act
After a very stressful first day of trial and additional investigation, Ryunosuke and Susato approach Van Zieks because they know he's not himself
It takes some effort on Ryunosuke's part, but Van Zieks comes clean about the ransom note, and how he doesn't want to lose one of his friends the day he was supposed to get him out of England to save him from the Reaper's Curse
Sholmes arrives and he's heard everything. And he reassures everyone that he can rescue Albert, since he's close to cracking the missing persons case
There's a major moment (reminiscent of Farewell my Turnabout) where Ryunosuke, Susato and Van Zieks agree to prolong the trial as long as they can to give Sholmes enough time to get Albert out of danger
I'm floating the idea of Iris being Sholmes's investigation partner during that part of the story because you can't have a Dance of Deduction solo
Albert takes matters into his own hands and sets off a small explosion (on purpose this time) just to let people know where he is (when in doubt, blow something up!)
This explosion tips Sholmes off to his location, and after a brief reunion, the Great Detective whisks Professor Harebrayne away to the Old Bailey
Ryunosuke and Van Zieks have given it their all in the courtroom. Van Zieks has no doubt that the young magician is not guilty. Sholmes hasn't arrived yet, but there is no other way to stall the trial. He knows he couldn't live with himself, nor would Albert forgive him if he sent a perfectly innocent young man to the gallows
"The Prosecution... Rests."
Ryunosuke can't come up with anything else either. "The Defense... Rests."
Mere minutes before a verdict is called, there is a last minute "Hold it!"
Sholmes arrives, with Albert in tow. "Forgive my tardiness, ladies and gentlemen! I had a very important promise to keep!"
The Judge asks why they're even here, since the trial seems to have reached its logical conclusion
Sholmes goes on to suggest that the proceedings can't end here, since it's possible that the true culprit behind the murder and the vanished Londoners might be sitting in the gallery.
Ryunosuke suggests that both Albert Harebrayne and Herlock Sholmes testify, since they are both important witnesses. "We have a survivor and... The Great Detective who discovered one of the culprit's hideouts!"
Van Zieks agrees to let them testify. He looks at Albert in particular when he mentions he fully supports the idea.
Their testimony and evidence (including the ransom note sent to Van Zieks) point out the actual mastermind
The culprit is desperate (and perhaps foolish) enough to try and attack the witnesses. Sholmes gets Albert behind him, and quickly has the suspect on the ground with a single blow.
The bailiff takes him away, much to the relief of everyone present.
When there's once again order in the court, the Judge finally calls a verdict of Not Guilty for the young magician, who can hardly believe what just happened in his trial
I'm still working on the post-trial scenes. (As much as the other scenes.) But I have a few details worked out.
The young magician will go back to Italy, both to escape the Reaper's Curse and reconcile with his family
Van Zieks doesn't directly thank Ryunosuke and the others but he recognizes their abilities. And he knows when they're in the courtroom, the truth will be brought to light
Albert apologizes profusely to everyone, feeling like he's just caused them all a great deal of trouble once again
Ryunosuke gets the feeling of de ja vu as he gives Professor Harebrayne the reassurance that none of this was his fault at all
Van Zieks can tell how tired Albert is and offers to take him home. "You need food and rest. You've been through a lot, Albert."
Ryunosuke is completely taken aback on how gentle Van Zieks sounds. He accidentally says this out loud and receives an icy glare in return
Barok and Albert share supper together at the professor's home. They also share a conversation.
Barok isn't proud of the way he first responded to the ransom note
Albert tells him "I might have acted the same way, if I was in your shoes."
In the very end, it's seen as the best thing for Albert to leave Britain after all (in this AU he was trying to stay to prove a point.)
Barok quietly agrees. Then he humbly asks Albert to write to him once he's reached Germany, and mentions that he will keep in touch.
At Baker St, Ryunosuke, Susato, Iris and Sholmes are having their own supper. Sholmes excitedly explains how he found a notebook with details about the other missing Londoners in the same building he found Albert Harebrayne. Since then, the rest of the citizens have been returned home
Ryunosuke couldn't believe how tough (and how personal) today's trial became, but he knows as long as he has the others to help him, he can overcome any challenges in the courtroom
Everyone at Baker St. shares a toast with Iris's tea, to victory and unbreakable bonds
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voiidegg · 6 months
i finished the game this morning, i’m on 5 hours of sleep, i stayed up all night playing it because i got way too invested.
NOT ONCE. NOT ONCE DID I SUSPECT THAT IDIOT OF A DETECTIVE. IT WAS ONLY UNTIL THE VERY LAST MINUTE THAT I REALISED. i felt absolutely sick to my stomach when i realised. i don’t even know why i trusted him so much, i literally thought he was just irrelevant to everything. there were NO HINTS. my brain absolutely HURT
hell, even I HAD DOUBTS about athena. i thought perhaps the murder was just a huge mistake. i figured out that athena must have been the one to put her mothers body on the operating table because she would think it could fix her, but i was in the dark about everything else. the MINUTE athena talked about blood getting on the handle, i knew it couldn’t have been her, i was so relieved.
i cannot begin to tell you the absolute CHILLS i got when miles revealed that the real bobby fulbright is DEAD. and had been for a year. that was the most chilling thing i’ve heard in this franchise so far and i don’t even know why it got to me so much. i think it was the thought of how the real fulbright had family, and nobody confirmed his death for a whole year, so that family was wondering where he had gone. it hit me right in the feels cuz personal experience :,) i don’t even know if that fact is true, it’s just something i thought of.
this case was absolutely amazing. usually i (and i’m sure many others) can figure out the culprit just before the final trial, but i was left in the dark for so long. even when that cctv image of the phantom showed up, i knew it had to be somebody we already knew, because why would they introduce a new person so late into a case? so i looked at every profile hard, AND WHEN I GOT TO FULBRIGHT’S, I RULED HIM OUT, SIMPLY BECAUSE I COULDNT LINK HIM TO THE MURDER 7 YEARS AGO. i was at such a loss on who it could have been.
and then, the one statement aura had after establishing the escape route. and i froze. this is by far the best case in the franchise, i couldnt stop playing even if i wanted to. there were so many bone chilling moments, like the emotions overload from blackquill, the NO emotions from the phantom, the messing around with emotions from him, finding out who he was posing as, him getting straight up sniped in the courtroom, apollo questioning athena.
and GOD SPEAKING OF APOLLO the way he just suffered alone i cAANTT ugghh. and poor athena… she was just a kid T^T
also i revoke my previous statement about blackquill. he’s a good guy. can be annoying, but he’s good at heart. i enjoyed his character in the end. i can’t imagine how furious he must have been when his phantom of 7 years was right under his nose the entire time. blackquill did everything to protect athena and i found it so endearing, i love what they have, it’s so sweet. i think i just need to learn to give prosecutors a chance, because i always dislike them until the finale, then when their motives are revealed, i see sense and i like them.
i was so angry i didn’t get to see the phantom’s face, but after sleeping on it i’ve realised that’s actually better than seeing his face. i dunno it just feels more right for his true face to mean nothing.
so, to conclude my ramble, what a game. so worth me staying up all night til 10am for :] i don’t think anything can top that, but i’ll be pleasantly surprised if it happens
i may follow up this post with some video reactions i clipped, we’ll see :D
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sheriffmango · 6 months
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More Turnabout Bizarre stuff! This will be my last Turnabout Bizarre related post in this tumblr as i'll be making a new blog dedicated to this AU, I really don't want to make this art blog cluttered after all. So my regular art goes here and everything related to the AU will go there! I'll post a link soon ~ Anyway. The regeneration abilities of vampires got me thinking, how cool would it be if my Vampire Manfred would temporarily return to his younger form everytime he'd gain vitality from consuming blood? Not sure if that would line up with how aging works scientifically but the thing with vampirism is that it allows you to reach your full potential. About Manfred being a Redhead,,, I just kinda stole that from Infamouslydorky (please check them out they make cool tf2 and aa stuff) . Originally I would think that his hair would be blue like Franziska but Redhed Manfred is just way cooler to me.
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Karakura Team? No, fuck that!
Seireitei Team!
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beantothemax · 9 months
im in my Hawkeye Pierce feels
currently in my Big Bone Daniels feels
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April 20, 2026: 9:50 AM
Following some mysterious, lawful-good influence, you reach into your briefcase to check over your trial notes for a final time before everything begins. You open up the neatly-labeled file folder and—
“Phoenix Wright??” you exclaim, barely suppressing the impulse to clutch onto Mr Gavin’s arm to steady yourself. “THAT’S Phoenix Wright? Famed lawyer, permanent underdog, the Turnabout Terror?”
Mr Gavin’s gaze turns frosty. “Disgraced lawyer, might I remind you. Following the…incident with that magician, he was disbarred.”
You’re still in shock—recalling the many hours you’d spent while at university poring over the transcripts of Wright’s cases. And now he’s on the stand, accused of murder?
Well, it isn’t the first time, you remind yourself. But this time he’s counting on you!
The sound of the judge’s gavel snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts, and you look up to see Wright on the stand. He seems almost nonchalant, leaning back with a hand grasping the railing.
The piercing voice of the prosecutor at the opposite bench fills the room as he begins his opening speech. “Mr Wright! You stand before the court today accused of murdering a man in cold blood over a game of poker at the Borscht Bowl Club. With this bottle—” here, the prosecutor holds up a deep green bottle, whose label proclaims that it once held grape juice—“you hit the victim, one Shadi Smith, over the head, killing him instantly!”
You check your notes. Seems that the prosecutor is called Payne, and what he says is the prosecution’s main argument. You find the eyes of the courtroom turning to you.
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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It's injustice, pure and simple. I know my brother disagrees with me but I have never known my uncle to be anything more than a laid back guy who wants what's best for the people he cares about. I feel like that's a really short list. But I know I'm on it. And I think that's what counts. I got really high marks in history so I know that he did terrible things. But he's not a terrible minifigure. He's clearly changed. Maybe public perception needs to change too.
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justagingerwithredhair · 11 months
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a trio
left to right: Rina, Jace, Lori
What instrument do they play?
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
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it begins
the time approacheth
bonds forged shall be tested, or broken
the vessel approaches her host
the deceived, his deceiver
the redeemer, the one he saved
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i cant tell if jean armstrong is a gay stereotype or a french stereotype
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palisadewasp · 2 years
i just played through the first day of turnabout big top. i think i need to go lay down
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madammayh3m · 2 years
268 words. A pre-canon ficlet about Thais because I have been having feelings about her and her cowboy. There’s no real spoilers for the Curse of Strahd module in here, just some little tidbits about the setting at most.
If she thinks back on it, Thais can probably count on one hand the number of times she’s seen sunshine. Actual, honest-to-gods sunshine. The sun doesn’t shine in Barovia, that’s simply the way it is. And so she doesn’t entirely understand what Yeska is missing when he talks about sunshine; it’s something beyond her comprehension.
When the light comes in, it’s too often snuffed out. She has learned to clutch at any fleeting happiness with both hands in a white knuckled grip, clawing and biting and fighting to keep it. And, all too often, even that isn’t enough. She’s not yet old enough to have worn down to apathy.
So yeah, she doesn’t really get the fascination. And she doesn’t like it when he gets sad, and when he talks about times before coming to Barovia, he gets sad. But she likes listening to him talk, and if that’s what he wants to talk about, she’ll listen nonetheless.
Everyone she has ever known has warned her away from him. She knows why – they won’t stop telling her about it, after all. He’s an outsider, and outsiders might as well have targets hand-painted on their backs by Zarovich himself. She knows, she just doesn’t care. Yeska is her friend. Anything that wants to get to him has to go through her first, including that demon.
And so she finds herself looking up sometimes. Checking that the constant cloud cover is still, in fact, there. Not that she expects it to ever be gone. But just because she wants to make sure she’s not missing the sunshine that peeks through.
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