#aemond is obviously the rat
brokecherry · 8 months
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bucknastysbabe · 4 months
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Let's play who's the sidepiece?, Aegon has half of King's Landing and his sister has one (1) man, humor, strong themes of sexism/patriarchy/gender roles, infidelity but casual?, jealous jealous jealous Aeg, who is also a self-absorbed idiot, Aemond just wants peace, pnv!sex, Incest need I say more, manipulation, degradation, rough sex, oral sex (m!receiving), a bit toxic at the end but they do love each other.
Taglist: @arcielee @aemonds-holy-milk @fairysluna @valeskafics @dr-aegon @targaryen-madness @starogeorgina @lovelykhaleesiii @sugarpoppss2 @thought--bubble
Divider by @saradika
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Aegon was suspicious. Sure, he fucked whenever and however he wanted. Regardless of outside activities, something was off in his meticulously planned life. Planned by others, of course, he couldn't give a rat's ass. The prince just had been wed to his sister, the less strange one. She was suspiciously…competent in bed. He could swear she was supposed to be a maiden. She was- bled during the bedding ceremony when he first fucked her.
But the way she rode his cock was good. Too good. Aegon knew he shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Frankly, it was eating him up. She even gave fantastic head! Who the fuck had taught her that? He narrowed his eyes at her, the fellow blonde looking bored at supper.
Aegon took a swig of his wine, eyes dark as he studied her. Maybe if he looked long enough someone would jump up and act jealous. What if she was secret fuckmates with his nephew? Aegon had a vague memory of a sordid rumor regarding Jacaerys Velaryon's horse cock. He would kill himself, truly. He could imagine the letter, “Sorry mother, I couldn’t take that shame, yes I know I live in constant shame, but this was the final straw.”
His sister-wife was staring now. She raised a brow in question. “Why are you staring at me like that?” Aegon grumbled, “Nothing. Just looking. Can’t have a look, alright then.”
She scoffed, “You can look, but you’re looking as if you’re about to eat my face.”
Oh. Aegon blushed in embarrassment. He drank more wine, mumbling a ‘sorry’. He didn’t want to broach the subject at supper. The prince’s damn family was nosy enough as is, he didn’t need Aemond’s big ass nose in his ear. Or one of those frightful looks from Alicent. If Aegon got lectured by Otto or Criston he would consider stabbing himself.
Aegon mulled over what he should do next between bites of mutton. She obviously wasn’t going to the Street of Silk, because that was his domain. Someone would’ve peeped already. He reluctantly knew when Daemon was visiting. Every. Damn. Time. Why would Aegon want to hear about the fuckhead's potency issues?
Mayhaps he should get her on the cusp of orgasm and demand who her secret lover-teacher-whatever was. That seemed sound enough to Aegon. When he was about to nut? One could ask him anything, there would be an answer. The prince smiled enigmatically, laughing to himself.
To which his sister-wife said, “You’re acting strange tonight.”
Aegon cooed, “Sorry, just dreaming a bit.”
Under the table he put a lecherous hand on her thigh, squeezing over her soft dress. His sister blushed and squirmed, fork awkwardly clanking across the plate. The woman hissed, “Okay I get it!” She cleared her throat, ignoring any stares. Aegon smirked and squeezed a bit higher, plump lips splitting into a grin.
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Aegon had immediately crowded her smaller frame in the bedroom, plush lips attacking her neck, impatient hands pulling at her dress. She moaned, walking backward into the bed, yelping when Aegon crawled atop. He murmured, “You looked ravishing tonight, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Uh, huh, the clasps you fool,” she groaned.
Aegon huffed, probably tearing the fabric as he separated the back of the dress. She began to shuck the dress off while he awkwardly pulled off his breeches. They giggled a bit making eye contact; Aegon unbuttoning his tunic and her unlacing the corset. Soon they were both naked, grinning and kissing, her soft skin rubbing against his.
Aegon grabbed her thighs, mouthing at a tit and playfully nipping at it. She squeaked, thighs tightening around his waist, throwing long blonde hair back. His wife cried out, “Aegon! Quit playing!” He pulled off her nipple, murmuring between little kisses, “Why, is the princess needy?”
He slipped a ringed finger between her folds, finding her wetter than expected. Aegon dipped into her cunt, laughing, “Ah she is, little whore.” The princess writhed a bit, leaning up to capture his lips, lapping into his mouth hungrily. The prince returned her eager movements, curling his fingers into her pussy, letting her ride his hand.
“Fuck, you’re a doll,” he swore, “Perfect.”
She whined and arched up into him, hips canting on his hand. Aegon used his other hand to play with her sensitive tits, thumb circling around a budded nipple. She shivered and cried his name again, a pretty blush diffusing across her pallid skin. The prince hummed “Are you going to come for me sweetling? So soon?”
“Ngh, please, yes Aegon!”
He sped up his movements, feeling her tighten and twitch, the princess on the precipice. Aegon moaned before gathering himself, his pulsing cock was scrambling relative coherency. As it did. He panted, “Gonna count down and I want you to let go okay? Then I’ll fuck your pretty cunt.”
She nodded with lidded eyes, mouth hung open. The picture of ecstasy. Aegon smirked as he spoke.
…10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
“Oh gods Aegon!”
“Who are you fucking!”
She writhed through the helpless orgasm, confusion evident on her twisting features. Aegon couldn’t help but throb AND be quite annoyed. He slurped the juices off his fingers, leaning back with a look. The prince was feeling sullen and not sure if he wanted to play anymore. His wife stared up at him and echoed “Who…am I fucking. What?”
Aegon pouted. This didn’t go to plan. He rolled his eyes and explained, “You excel, frighteningly so, at our bedroom activities. Yes, yes I know you were still a maiden at our wedding. But I am onto you, I don't know much but I do know about fucking, dearest."
“Are you kidding me? This is ludicrous Aegon!”
She had sat up now, crossing her arms, lips pouty. The prince stated as if it was obvious, “You know your way around a cock. Obviously, this comes with experience. I’ve bedded many a maiden and they usually just stare until you flip them over. So who’s the secret mentor?”
She scoffed in horror, cheeks reddening further, “I can’t believe this Aegon! You’re an idiot! I’m not fucking anyone else! Unlike you!”
“Lies you tell, no spring maiden has gargled my balls!” he accused, face growing equally red in frustration, ringed finger pointing at her.
His sister grew quiet, looking away. She mumbled “Fine. Do you want to know who it is so bad? This stays between us.”
Aegon nodded, impatiently gesturing for her to come out with it. She seemed to grow more uncomfortable. Then spit out a name so low and fast he couldn’t hear. Tonight might be the night he explodes. The prince groaned, “Oh my gods, just say it in a normal tone!”
“Larys Strong!”
He burst into laughter. The prince guffawed, clutching his stomach, shaking with humor. She gaped “What? I’m not lying!” Aegon laughed some more thinking about the foot monger, he’s a bigger virgin than anyone in the keep. He breathlessly chuckled, “Good one, yeah right dear.”
She began to pull on her chemise, annoyed now. Aegon grasped at her thigh, pleading between fits of giggles, “I don’t know why you’re hiding this? I don’t care who you go and find pleasure with. Unless it’s truly Larys. C’monnnn love don’t leave.”
“This isn’t a laughing matter. You’re making up things. What if I’m just good at carnal activities hm Aegon? You're an ass!”
Aegon contemplated the possibility, “Sure, that could be true. Now stop being huffy and come here. I said I’d fuck your pretty pussy.”
She stared down at him before taking her chemise back off. The princess hissed, “You’re a right asshole you know that? You better fuck me good. Prick.”
Aegon laughed again, cheeks hurting from his fit of humor. He maneuvered her onto all fours, sliding his cock against her still-wet folds. He pressed kisses to her shoulder, nosing sweet-smelling hair. He placed a hand on her tight stomach, humming, “I’m sorry dear, I’ll make it better Hm?” He slid in, watching her pretty eyes roll up in her head.
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Aegon still wanted to know who his sister was fornicating. She probably was still seeing this person. All he knew was that they resided in the Red Keep and certainly not Larys Strong. The prince had to open his mind to the possibilities of women too. There were many a pretty handmaiden who tended to his wife.
He frowned in thought, sipping his wine. Aegon sat next to his stiff bitch of a brother in the library of all places. Secretly, Aegon hoped the knowledge in the room would give him some magical foresight gift- but not that weird shit Helaena did sometimes.
His wife fucking a handmaiden- that felt too overt. He’d only seen his sister gag and moon over visiting knights and lordlings. Next to Aegon sat his irritated brother. Aemond was quiet, too quiet. He and their sister got along quite well? Aegon's eyes turned to his not-so-little brother.
“Why are you speaking to me? I’m trying to read.”
“I have a question. That's why, you frozen-faced ass.”
Aemond picked his head up and glared, slamming his book closed. He huffed “What, oh, what, could your drunkenness possibly ask from me? No, I’m not covering your ass again.”
Aegon snorted. His brother was such a frigid quim. He acted like Criston Cole, peacocking around the place, chip on their shoulder. The elder asked “Look. I’ll just be blunt with you. Our sister, my wife. She is merely too good in the sack. Are you fucking her? Is she fucking you?”
Aemond’s jaw audibly clicked in annoyance. He struggled over his tongue, face red. The second son stood up, slamming his hands on the stone. He retreated with a swish of hair and growled, “Buffoon.”
Aegon called after him, “Your behavior has not marked you off my list!”
"Fuck you and your list! Drunkard!!"
Icy little prick. Aegon rolled his eyes, pondering on his next target. Perhaps Jason Lannister? He was wooing any Targaryen princess for his sons. Or possibly Ser Arryk, her sworn shield. Aegon would go to them next. Then maybe do a night check on Aemond’s quarters. His wife was busy with their mother all day anyway. How boring.
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Safe to say the prince was still vexed. Jason Lannister laughed in his face and Ser Arryk was extremely confused. He replied in that dumb voice of his, “The princess and I? I’m not that simple your grace. Some of us Kingsguard do take our vows seriously, although I can’t say the same for others.”
He refused to elaborate afterward, Aegon throwing his hands up and moving to the next destination. While walking, he pondered Arryk’s words. Could it be another Kingsguard? Maybe Erryk? Criston had already used up his one allotted Princess fucking and it turned him sour. Erryk would stay on Aegon’s list, the other men too plain ugly or on Dragonstone.
Too annoyed to try any decorum, Aegon simply kicked Aemond’s door open. The younger prince squawked in shock, his hair flying around. Why was there a portrait of Daemon? Why was there another half-finished portrait of Aemond obviously in the same style? Aegon spluttered, “What the fuck? You’re so weird! Daemon? Blech brother!”
Aemond, hair tied back and wearing simple clothes smudged with paint— was positively furious. He hollered, “Get the hell out! I’m not fornicating with our sister! She’s your wife! Say a word of this and I’m making you a Eunuch!”
Aegon was booted out, literally, as in Aemond’s big fucking boot kicked him in the arse.
“Should’ve known. Weirdo,” Aegon grumbled.
He limped back to his quarters, dreadfully needing a sip of wine and someone’s lips around his cock. Today was dreadful. He actually tried to do something. Which trying was rare for him! The prince went to open his door, only to step back when Ser Criston exited.
He raised a brow. Criston looked at him blankly, dark eyes placid. Aegon asked, “What were you doing?” The Kingsguard scoffed, “Your sister was having a fit about a spider, I heard her yowling and killed said spider. Goodnight my prince.”
Aegon glared at the surly marcher, shaking his head and entering the chambers. He immediately went to the table and drank straight from the bottle, deep, deep pulls of relief. The blonde placed it down and sighed, turning towards his bed.
His wife sat there, eyes wide, wearing only her askew shift. Aegon bitched, “Oh. Nice to see you too. Maybe a ‘Hello lord husband, how are you?’ would suffice.”
The Princess’ cheeks were pink. He guessed from the embarrassment of having Ser Criston kill a small bug. Then explained again why Ser Criston had to kill a small bug. She mumbled, “Oh, sorry, I thought you were at the brothels.”
Aegon plopped down in a chair, grabbing the bottle. He whined, “Nope! Been trying to find out who your mystery lover is all day. No one wants to pipe up! I should’ve gone.”
She gazed downwards, biting on swollen lips. The princess stood up on shaky legs, making her way to Aegon and kneeling between his lax thighs. She hummed, tracing a finger up one, feeling the muscle twitch. His sister mused, “Can I take your mind off this mystery lover? You’re much more desirable to me. Don't they say the blood of the dragon reaches out to another?”
“Sure, definitely” he whined again. Aegon would pout this out, it was his specialty. He honestly was hurt, why couldn’t he know their identity? Sure he’d get jealous and probably ban her from seeing them but still! He was sad!
“Am I that unappealing to you?” he whimpered, tears pricking at violet eyes, frustration and self-pity leaking over.
She sighed heavily, wrapping her arms around his midsection. The princess laid her head upon his thigh and cooed, “No. You’re my husband, my blood, we are a union now. That partnership…started because I was afraid you would find me boring. So I wanted to know how to please a man.”
Aegon sulked and sniffled some more, taking another deep drink from his goblet. The familiar fuzz was coming along nicely, patching up his insecurities. But it was nice to hear her admit a smidgeon of truth. She kissed his leg and continued, “Aegon dear, have I not pleased you? It was a transaction between the person and me. They wished to make their identity a secret so as not to catch your wroth. I no longer see them like that. I hate that you’re upset, I did this for you.”
Aegon nodded, feeling a bit better. His sister was good. She easily melted his pouting protocol. The female Targaryen rubbed his thighs and moved her mouth to hover over his clothed cock, eyes looking up as she breathed, “Now baby, just relax and let me make this better, hm?”
He moaned softly as she mouthed over his swelling member, nimble fingers untying his breeches, other hand massaging the soft flesh and meat of his thigh. She eased Aegon’s cock and his sac out, groaning with a flutter of her long lashes. The prince squirmed a bit, breathing heavier, holding off a whine.
“Just you and me, sweet baby.”
She was increasingly convincing kitten licking the ruddy head of his prick like that. The girl’s dainty hand wrapped around his length, the other going to hold his balls, keeping them nice and compressed. Aegon’s back arched when she eased him into a silky wet mouth, tongue massaging the underside as his wife hollowed her mouth.
“Mmm,” she hummed.
Aegon responded with a noise he’d rather not dwell on. It was very…emasculating. Gods, she was so good at this. He needed to get over his qualms and just fuck her so good the princess wouldn't stray again. Good and obedient- all for Aegon. He eased her off gently, demanding, "Lay across the bed. Now."
Wide purple eyes stared at him. She murmured, "What? I- I don't need that, let me take care of you."
Aegon shook his head, grinning, the drink emboldening him. Something about Arbor Red made him impossibly aroused and giddy. He jerked his chin toward the plush bed and laughed. His sister got up, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. She padded and leaned her body over the bed, long legs spread, chemise discarded to display her swollen cunt to him.
Aegon pulled off his breeches as he stalked over, eyes drinking in her pussy. He smacked a hand across her ass and grabbed the stinging flesh. He asked roughly "Did your mystery lover sneak out the servant's exit when Ser Criston heard your yowling?"
"Yes, yes! Sorry, fucking yes!" she shouted.
Aegon's face darkened at her puffy and slick cunt, obvious signs of someone having a feast down there. He ran the blunt tip of his swollen cock across her folds, groaning as he smacked her clit. The prince snapped "You're a goddamn lying slut you know that? A match made in heaven with me huh? Did Ser Criston walk in when you were getting your cunt licked?" He wound a fist in her blonde tresses, pulling it tight.
She shivered and shook her head, whining, "N-ohh, he didn't see!"
"Hm, sure, probably took a peak, the weird bitch. Whatever, I guess I'll have to fuck this person out of your mind? Or you're coming with me to the brothels sister dearest."
He slid into her tight hole, gasping at the ridges and warmth. Aegon tightened the fist in her hair. Maybe he'd fuck a babe in her tonight, then she'd be stuck in his quarters surrounded by maesters and tittering handmaidens. Eugh. Aegon huffed and fucked her at a brisk pace, his other hand smacking her ass every other thrust.
His sister-wife moaned, taking his cock like she was made for it. She fucked back onto him, back arched, tits bouncing. Her cheeks were delightfully flushed as she panted Aegon's name, eyes wet and wide. Aegon leaned over her form and growled, "Don't know who this fucker is but I will find out. He better know whose cunt this is, eh? Shout it, tell the whole goddamn keep who you belong to, sister."
Aegon relished in her little whimper, his fingers pinching her clit as he forced her hips up to drive into her good spot harder. He bit and lapped at her neck, hissing, "C'mon and say it or I'll lock your ass up here with no visitors. Just me and I'll get my fill, fucking snake." She blubbered, seizing around his cock a hair.
"Oh gods, please don't make me howl like that, Aegon, please!"
He fucked the princess rougher, holding her gaze with a tight grip around her chin. She bit her lip, eyes mournful before shouting, "Only you Aegon, I belong to you, yes big brother! Yes! I belong to my husband!"
Aegon grinned like the cat that got the cream. He cooed, "Good little sister, knew you still had it in you." He gripped her throat and refocused on fucking her until she cried. Aegon pinched and licked, played with her tits, circled her clit until she came all over him- yet the prince was still fit to go. Sweet sister was a mess now- covered in bites and hickeys, sweaty hair plastered to her neck. The younger blonde whimpered, "Aeg- Aegon, I- I can't possibly do this again!"
Her eyes were frantic, her cute body shaking and coming apart wondrously. Aegon hummed, "You will come for me again sweetling. I know you can, just whining on my prick like you were paid for it? Does he fuck you like this huh? Make you see stars?"
"N-noooo, only you!"
"Good girl, come on now, wanna feel that sweet pussy of yours cream around me one more time. Then I'll fill you up deep- maybe he won't come around when you are all ripe with," he punctuated his next words with thrusts, "My. Goddamn. Child."
The princess wailed softly, overused and overstimulated. She felt the crest of another burning orgasm flaring up and forcing red hot tears down her blotchy cheeks. It was intense and she cried harder when Aegon's thick seed stuffed her twitching cunt and womb to the brim. He seemed to be satisfied now, cooing at her, "There we go, ffuck, that's my sweet girl. See, don't need anyone else around now hm?"
Aegon wiped her gorgeous tears, smiling victoriously. She cuddled into his arms, letting her husband soothe and stroke her trembling flesh. He even hollered for a servant to grab some water. The prince murmured, "You did so good, such a good wife, yes, maybe just a bit of punishment does sweet sister well." He grew quieter and pressed a kiss to her soft forehead, "I love you, truly, for tolerating a failure like me."
She smiled softly and pecked Aegon's full lips, her own swollen from tonight. Aegon wiped her tears as she sighed, "I love you too Aegon. Buffoon you may be. I hope the seed takes. No more about mystery lovers. The whole keep has heard now sweetheart."
Aegon smirked, hoping every single soul heard.
One soul in particular did, his black gloves tightening in annoyance. He was down the hall before turning back and having to hear the heir...rudely fuck his sister-wife. With a growl and swish of the cloak, the true mystery lover was gone. She'd be back in his arms sooner or later. Aegon couldn't fuck him out of her soft heart.
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ride-thedragon · 2 days
My blood and cheese thoughts.
I want to get it out of the way and say I didn't hate the adaptation. I think it was a bit underwhelming in terms of the atrocities committed and positioned in the books, but for the changes the show made, I think it's a really good adaptation of one of the worst aspects of the dance.
To go in further though a pros and cons list because I didn't entirely love it.
1. PHIA SABAN. She's was just excellent. I saw a lot of people early on hating on the delivery, but to me, it worked extremely well. That's Helaena experiencing this disaster without anyone at her side. That's show Helaena, its amazing that she understands the character so well. Her immediate reaction is her discomfort at someone being so close yet still being terrified. The necklace handed over because she didn't know better, she's never had to know better. The way she reacted to Alicent and Criston, running through the castle muttering things to herself. It was all so excellent and she really sold it. "The boy is dead" sounded like a part of the prophecy she couldn't face when she was afraid of the rats and the way she's trembling as they believe her, that she sacrificed her son. It was incredible acting so early on, and it was excellent.
2. The trade-off. It was set up so well to me. Aegon confuses Jaehaera from behind in their first scene. Helaena is the one who can tell which child is which. The mother knows, is haunting, and the fact that she was checking on her kids that late in the night was so saddening. Then she, the only one so far who we see keeping track of who is who willingly is just beyond heartbreaking. The fact that they had thr killer look her in the eye and admit to the other that she wasn't lying when she pointed to her son was just insane.
3. It was Aemond. In the books, they say Daemon, Mysaria, and Rhaenyra purposefully tried to kill Jaehaerys and traumatise everyone involved as payment for Luke. The fact that it was Aemond in the show made a lot more sense .
1. World Building.
Helaena is the Queen of Westeros. Her children are the heirs to the throne. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS?!. Where are the at least 2 guards that should be obligated to be at their side. The handmaid's that would go with her to the kids' room in case they wake up, her maids who'd prepare her for bed after?. It makes absolutely no sense for them to be alone in that moment. It's not Criston’s responsibility. He's Alicent's guard. Helaena and her children should have guards.
2. Cruelty.
The cruelty of the killers was lost in the adaptation for the worse. Obviously, they don't have a personal stake, and the way it's set up, Cheese finds Helaena, and blood is trying to work it out, but I do think they should've been worse. There was just a menacing quality missing from the killers, especially when we followed them around. I think having it from Helaena’s perspective isn't the best, but it would've been better to have it interchange. To build up to the suspense.
3. Brutality.
No, I did not need to see a child murdered on screen, but I think the brutality of the situation was lost as well. Helaena is terrified because she's a princess left alone with criminals doing something unknown. Why not make it clearer. Have some bashed in heads of fallen guards, have a murdered handmaid, and the kids left sleeping. Decorate the place with the cruelty of what hey intend to do, have it resonate what her choice means, and when we see her run and hear the noise, it's past what they've already done. This also means blood is more a part of it and it isn't a split decision. This leads to more last issue.
Why is he not? Why is it left ambiguous? It's so strange. When Aemond killed Luke, you could tell it was him overestimating the situation, its a mistake only to the extent that Aemond was playing a cat and mouse game with a war shipment because he didn't think of the consequence. It makes jo sense to do that with Daemon. This man wants to burn and kill and go to war the entire episode only to not have him say any prince would do. He schemes and plots, risks himself in King's Landing only to not have the final call? Let him be extreme. Now I'm going to have to sit through Daemon and rhaenyra again, misunderstanding each other and Daemon being sad because no one trusts him because he's a horrible person to be loved by and I'm sure by the end it'll be rectified. But I wanted that call from him, on screen for his anger towards what happened, towards the delay in action, when Rhaenyra gave him an inch by saying she wanted Aemond, I needed him to take a mile because that's who he is.
I think it was a good adaptation for the show. I don't want to watch the episode back because the sounds of Jaehaerys' death made me sick. I don't think they could've done it better off-screen or more responsibly for the current events of the world. It was simply effective. I just had my expectations as a book viewer and as someone who was excited to see where the writers are taking the world they created because either like a lot of their choices.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
Okayyy really wild theory but with the show hinting that Helaena is a dreamer makes me think that what if she saw Jaehaera's death and it led her to commit s***cide??? I think by that time Jaehaera was the only child she has left and that just pushed her to do it. 😭
to me it seems more likely that she saw aemond’s death and it led her to do what she did as a result of that + everything she had already suffered. like maybe she and alicent or at least alicent was still hoping for aemond to return and save them (the rats play while the cat is gone but my son aemond will return with fire and blood) and then helaena saw him die and it seemed like all hope was lost 
but there’s a few things here 
in the books, helaena is not explicitely a dreamer. some say she’s just not a dreamer and this is a show addditon, others say that martin only hinted at her being a dreamer and that two of the reasons they think that is her getting dreamfyre + her dying the same day as aemond. obviously this is just an interpretation 
but i feel like if they do keep this detail in the show, of helaena and aemond dying the same day, it could be because she had foreseen his death 
in any way, helaena would have been already in a very dark place psychologically. idk when maelor’s death happens in the timeline, but the loss of jacaerys and the war and them being prisoners is enough to make anyone go through feelings of deep depression, hopelessness, etc. i mean... she saw her child die in a horrible way
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moonflower91 · 2 years
Aemond x sister!OC (Saerah) random heandcanons
Aemond and Saerah slept in the same bed for most of their childhood. When they were eight and their mother decided they should each have their own rooms, Aemond would often sneak out of his room to sleep in Saerah's room but when Saerah was feeling sad, she’d be the one to crawl into his bed. Or her mothers
Saerah once had a little mouse she kept as a pet in secret. She named him King Nibbles because of how his little nose twitched when he ate. When Aegon found out, he fed the mouse to a kitchen cat because he thought it vermin and had taunted Saerah that he’d done her a favour. Saerah cried for days. Aemond put a dead rat in Aegon's bed in vengeance
Saerah has had her and Aemond's children's names picked out since she was five, as well as a few backup names because obviously four babies isn't enough (Aerys and Maera for the twins, and Elaena and Valera and Aemon and Rhaemond as back ups).
Had the war between the Greens and Blacks not occurred, or had a truce been reached, Saerah would have married her children to Jace and Luke’s children because while she hates them, she doubts they would be cruel to her babes.
Saerah will hit Aemond and Aemond will 100% hit back but it’s never Aemond to initiate the fight
Of the two of them, people think Saerah is sweet and gentle and Aemond to be with all the roughness of a boy, albeit quiet. When you get to know them, Saerah is full of bile and ill intent when angered, and Aemond follows her venom up with his own
When their twins are born, they don’t have any eggs to lay in their cradle ans both are very sad at this
Saerah tried many times to escape back to the capitol to see Aemond and Aemond planned to fly Vhagar to the Reach to see Saerah. Both failed.
Saerah and Aemond are their mothers children
Saerah had a little crush on a Tyrell squire while she was away, and Aemond had a crush on a lady of the court
One time, when they were small, she put Aemond into a headlock for tossing one of her dolls out a window in retaliation for breaking one of his knight toys
As adults they still play wrestle, Saerah thinking herself very mighty for being able to pin Aemond down, but Aemond knowing full well that he’s letting her
After the events of Driftmarm and Saerah’s exile, Aemond crawled into Alicent’s bed for three months because sleeping next to her was the next best thing to sleeping next to Saerah
Saerah slept with a hand maid for years after arriving at the Reach because she missed sleeping next to her brother
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
To add to the children's discourse lol.
I've seen people say that the twins are Aemond's but Maelor is Aegon's and that is why she would choose to get killed because Helaena hates Aegon that much. and I hate that, it doesn't matter who the father is, the kids are Helaena's and she will always try to protect them.
I personally would prefer the kids to be Aegon's (not because I'm a helaegon first, then a helaemond lol) because I think the children being his adds a depth that he's seriously lacking in the show. going insane for the kids he ignored most of their lives, it will be really good to watch and explore. I also don't think Aemond needs to be the father for the "son for a son" to make sense, because in my interpretation, the person wanting to become the monarch (Rhaenyra) lost a son, so the King has to lose one as well. In this angle, it doesn't actually matter who killed Luke, Aegon would have to lose a son anyway.
I also think that Aemond has too much spotlight to steal Aegon's arc as well...because if Aegon knows the kids are his, why would he go on full revenge and hate if he never cared for Helaena anyway? They also didn't show Aegon and Aemond having a good relationship for Aegon to care that much about Aemond's kids.
If he doesn't know, his whole arc will be hollow, because he's the dumb one that thinks the kids are his but surprise...your sister-wife and your brother actually went behind your back and had kids and had this whole full-on romance behind your back.
Don't get me wrong, the kids could be Aemond's especially with them being so young in the show (why, just why?) but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. lol
Rant over lol, would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Hello there! So, I would start by saying that no one is denying helaemond isn't a show-introduced thing. There are no hints at that in the book - again, this doesn't preclude or deny or contradict its existence EITHER, just that we have no reason to believe off the text that the children aren't Aegon's. Ergo, Blood & Cheese was most likely specifically designed with that in mind.
So, from that vantage point, I really don't think paternity has any play in this Sophie's choice, especially since it's Helaena making that specific choice and the children are all hers anyway. There's also a desperate (and understandable) logic that informs her motivation - Maelor is deemed young enough to not understand what is happening to him and that could serve as a small mercy in this context, basically the best out of a horrible situation. That's a lot more reasonable for a mother rather than prioritizing her children based on sperm donor.
As an aside, making helaegon a failed marriage and giving Aegon his downright sociopathic hobbies serves to hinder the plot, rather than further it - this has nothing to do with helaemond, it's just the writers not thinking their decisions through. Like, as things stand, I'm supposed to believe that 1. Aegon doesn't care for Helaena anyway 2. he thinks it's funny watching his own bastard children fight to the death in the rat pits, all the while they plan on selling me the fact that 3. Aegon is somehow gonna be devastated when his legitimate son is killed, a son he never interacted with and never showed any feeling towards, because he is too self-absorbed in his own pursuit of pleasure.
Why does that make more sense? It's all a mess anyway, no matter which way you cut it. Obviously, Aegon cared for his children and family in the books, so they're gonna have do some damage control here, otherwise Blood & Cheese is going to logically have absolutely no effect on him, which defeats the point of this entire exercise (also an observation for those against humanizing Aegon).
The children being his and him caring about them is indeed a very easy and immediate way to humanize his character AND not diminish the horrifying aspect of Blood & Cheese. But so is them not being his? Him being able to care for them as if they were of his own body is also a pretty touching element, if you think about it. Show!version will have to be retconned anyway, whichever option you pick.
B&C was specifically designed by Daemon because it fundamentally stabs at the core of the greens - all siblings are affected by the harm visited on these children. Helaena goes mad with grief, Aegon enacts his bloodthirsty revenge on the city's rat catchers, Aemond starts spiraling - even Daeron sacks an entire city in a rage when Maelor is killed. It's not so outrageous or far-fetched for me to believe that these children could have been very loved no matter who fathered them, by their mother, father and both uncles, in whichever permutations.
I also don't think Aemond needs to be the father for the "son for a son" to make sense, because in my interpretation, the person wanting to become the monarch (Rhaenyra) lost a son, so the King has to lose one as well. In this angle, it doesn't actually matter who killed Luke, Aegon would have to lose a son anyway.
That's certainly Daemon's reasoning, but it doesn't mean that he is being even steven about this. Retributive justice in no way involves taking the life of another innocent person who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime in the first place. Even if Aemond had legitimate sons of his own within a lawful marriage, killing his son for Luke would not amount to retributive justice. Daemon utilises false equivalences here and I need people to stop drinking his kool aid. It is not Rhaenyra and Aemond who are peers here, it is Aemond and Luke.
Aegon had nothing to do with this crime, he did not order it or target Luke specifically and involving him in it simply inflicts harm upon innocent parties; targeting Jaehaerys is also disproportionate to the offense committed - as another user mentioned recently on one of my posts, Jaehaerys is a little boy playing with toys, while Luke is actively contributing to his mother's war effort. These two are not peers or counterparts either.
The harming of innocents and proportionality to the crime are two principles of retributive justice that Daemon actively breaks in the pursuit of his sadistic revenge.
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If there is ever any doubt, one can always pick up a copy of the Old Testament.
Exodus 21:12-14. He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.
Lo and behold, the punishment for murder is the death of the murderer. Nothing whatsoever about killing the murderer's nephew or the murderer's son.
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hellshee · 2 years
Okay so I haven’t seen HotD yet cause I haven’t had time to binge however I also don’t give a rats butt about spoilers so I’ve been looking at the gifs and I am VERY intrigued about how Halaena almost viciously shoved Alicent away because as far as I’m aware she’s never shown being nasty to Helaena in the show the way she is with the boys, so like. Is Helaena that averse to touch in general or does she dislike her mother for how her brothers were treated? Is that ever addressed? I also think there may indeed be a more intense bond between Aemond and Helaena but I don’t think it’s romantic like most people have been saying, I think he’s just v protective of his sister esp given his extremely low opinion of her husband lol, because iirc from gifs, when Raenys interrupted the coronation, Aemond was the first to block Helaena while Alicent blocked Aegon (which i think is fair, he was closer and he’s the king and her first child) and if that ain’t a protective big brother move idk what is lol
my personal opinion is that helaena doesn't like to be touched by people, but she especially doesn't like to be touched when she doesn't initiate it herself, or when she's having one of her prophetic moments and is probably overwhelmed, or when people don't ask for her approval. that's my take.
we do have two moments when helaena seems okay with the touch: when alicent hugs her and when jace asks her to dance in ep.8. she also initiates touch when she briefly touches aemond's arm in ep.9
some people think she is purposely played as being autistic.
alicent is never shown to abuse her or something. in fact, in ep.6 we can see her clearly trying to bond with helaena over helaena's interest in bugs.
but i think alicent's biggest problem is that she doesn't completely understand when she can initiate touch and doesn't know how to ask beforehand. in episode 6, she reaches towards helaena and helaena moves away a little. in episode 8, she hugs helaena and helaena doesn't push her away or move away, in episode 9, alicent is upset because she just found out viserys died and she is trying to tell helaena about her father. helaena repeats her prophecy and alicent says "oh sweet girl" and reaches towards her to comfort her, but helaena immediately pushes her hand away.
we don't know what and how much helaena sees. my guess is that it's a combination of what i've mentioned in the first paragraph + maybe the idea that helaena sees what's gonna happen when she has her prophetic moments and is obviously upset by it. in episode 9's case, she repeates her prophecy which turns out to be about meleys and the smallfolk dying so maybe that also contributed to the way she reacted.
i don't think helaena has hate for her mother. i think there are moments when she dislikes what her mother is doing, but i do not believe alicent abused her and helaena hates her.
i do think helaena doesn't think her brother is worthy of being a king, and that she might not like that he becomes one, especially because that means a whole change of position for her too, and he's not exactly her favorite person in the whole world, but i wouldn't say she hates alicent for it.
i think alicent tries really hard to bond with her but she doesn't always know how. she tries though, which makes her 100 times better than their good for nothing father.
but obviously, you make a good point, she probably wasn't a fan of how alicent treated aegon, but we don't have much insight into her thoughts. alicent never did anything to aemond afaik.
in the final scene of episode 9 with meleys, alicent does go to protect aegon, but she first tells criston cole "get helaena". i think she meant he should take helaena away from the stage but instead he and aemond are next to her to protect her while alicent uses her body to protect aegon.
misguided as she may be sometimes, alicent does care about her children.
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Helaena The Dreamer:
The beast beneath the boards
House of the Dragon Theories
I have a slightly dark theory that may be way off but it’s just an alternative way to think about Helaena Targaryen.
So as we know, throughout the whole series she had been reluctant to allow her mother to touch her. Every time Alicent tries to, she moves away. She also randomly says these riddles that some how come true later on in the episode or show.
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So at the family feast, if you look closely Helaena is already mumbling about “the beast beneath the boards” whilst holding a knife in her hand.
Then again, when Alicent goes to touch her before Aegons coronation she says “there is a beast beneath the boards”. Alicent goes to touch her again and she moves completely away from her.
We all obviously saw this as being Meleys and Rhaenys coming up from the boards of the dragon pit. Now Helaenas shock and fear could have been from realising what she said came true, or simply because she may have actually been surprised and scared
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But what if Helaena was shocked because that wasn’t what she was meaning when she was talking about a beast beneath the boards.
Most of us already know about Helaenas fate later on, where Alicent gets tied up and gagged in her room, and Blood and Cheese (who had knives), the two assassins wait for Helaena so they can kill her son as revenge for Aemond killing Luke.
Cheese was said to be a rat-catcher within the red keep and was familiar with the hidden tunnels beneath the red keep.
Alicent being tied up and in the same room when Helaenas son dies…
So what if every time Alicent tries to touch her, Helaena can see her impending fate and doom of her child which leads to her own demise?
What if the beast beneath the boards isn’t for Meleys but for Cheese and Blood? (Blood who was also I think described as a beast and a brute because he was quite big and violent).
Blood and Cheese = the beast beneath the boards
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blue-mint-winter · 2 years
House of the Dragon ep 7
The dragon content was excellent in this episode. I loved it!
The beginning with awkward looks at Laena’s funeral and family unable to communicate with each other. Viserys makes an attempt with Daemon, but the rest are hopeless.
The kids’ reactions were so sad, everyone’s worrying about politics but the kids’ grieving their parents. Rhaenyra’s sons can’t even acknowledge that they lost a father. Laena’s daughters taking Jace’s hand to support him when he went to support them was a beautiful gesture.
Corlys with Lucerys scene was great. His attitude in general was a nice surprise. You’d think he would be like other lords, only caring about blood relations, but instead he knows the boys aren’t his blood but still accepts them, because he thinks the name matters and it will be remembered in history. He really, really wants a Velaryon on the throne. Maybe it’s just him grasping at straws at this point. Anyway, he gets major grandfather points in this episode.
Lucerys saying to Corlys that he doesn’t want to be the Lord of Driftmark because it would mean Corlys is dead was really an emotional punch.
In contrast to Corlys, Rhaenys wanted Laena’s girls to inherit Driftmark instead of Lucerys because they’re her biological granddaughters and this causes an interesting clash of worldview between the two grandparents.
Aemond in this episode gave off strong Daemon vibes - says he’d marry his sister because of tradition, claims a dragon, gets into a fight with four other kids and almost wins, loses an eye, calls his nephews bastards publicly and is just in general a menace. On the other hand Aegon is just like Viserys 2.0 - gets drunk, flirts with some girls and in general is of no help. However, the relationship between the brothers is not as good as between Viserys and Daemon who have real brotherly affection. Aemond is spiteful towards Aegon and Aegon is a rather bad big brother to both of his younger siblings as he constantly badmouths them.
So when the kids started all shouting and accusing each other, Viserys and Otto had priceless expressions. Heh. Viserys ordering his family to make up is obviously not working. The man has no skill to mediate conflict.
Alicent goes ballistic over Aemond’s injury going unpunished and injures Rhaenyra with the special prophecy dagger. I wonder if there is a special meaning to that? The prophecy went something like “from my blood comes the Prince that was Promised” and Alicent spilled Rhaenyra’s blood with this dagger. And after that Rhaenyra joins her blood with Daemon’s when they marry.
Otto praising Alicent for fighting Rhaenyra makes me sick. He’s such a manipulative bastard towards her. This more than makes clear that he wants the throne for his blood and eliminate other Targaryens. He doesn’t consider them family. Peace was never an option.
The Rat continues to ingratiate himself with Alicent and sadly she keeps him around.
Daemon and Rhaenyra getting back together right after Laena’s funeral feels kind of fast and entirely inappropriate, but it makes sense for them because they are just like that - entirely inappropriate. It’s understandable how after years apart and being “miserable” or merely “content” they would not let each other go.
Thanks to coming back to Rhaenyra, Daemon gets his groove back.
I liked the plot twist with faking Laenor’s death and him leaving with his bf, but it seems a bit risky - what if it ever got out he’s alive? Then Rhaenyra’s new kids with Daemon would be called bastards again and the whole circus will start. Also, Laenor leaving so easily after promising to be a better father and husband was slightly strange. In the end it was duty, not love that bound him to Rhaenyra, so when she allowed him a way out to go and find his own happiness, he took it. The fact that they tried to conceive and do their duty, but failed, which made Rhaenyra turn to Harwin, sets their relationships in a different light. Leanor’s feeling of failing his family gives him a good reason for leaving.
Poor Rhaenys and Corlys, they think they lost both of their children one after the other :(
The only thing I can criticize were the grey, twilight scenes, the visibility of what was going on, like expressions, was too low imo.
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twistedtangledfate · 3 days
HOTD Spoilers beneath the cut. All season 2 things will be tagged with hotd spoilers if you want to filter the tag.
I loved that Aegon really seemed so indulgent with his son and the fact that he actually tried to reassure Helaena. Even when she said about the rats, he actually wasn't all that unkind when he passed comment on her unique nature. I really feel like Aegon has started to grow in this season. It's definitely a process but it's good to see that he's trying now that he has accepted it's his throne. I loved when he shut Otto down in the throne room regarding the blacksmith audience. I feel like we saw a glimpse during that first audience from the shepherd of how Aegon wants to rule, perhaps trying to follow in the footsteps of his grandmother? He obviously seems to understand the importance of having a positive reputation among the people.
I like that there seems to be a strongly united front between Aemond and Aegon. It's good development for the both of them.
As for the Black's, Daemon literally looks like he's a child having temper tantrums left, right and centre and thinking everyone is a traitor. Erryk raised a very good point about the choosing of sides. I was pleased with him for defending himself and bringing that up. Daemon trying to get Rhaenys to do what he wanted her to do was absolutely hilarious like seriously. Daemon, you should know better than that by now. Rhaenys doesn't tend to do anything other than what she wants to do. I really feel like, as a war commander, they've really had him drop the ball so far. Like, I'd have expected better from him.
Now. Onto the glaring issue.
Blood and Cheese.
I find it interesting that we didn't get to see Daemon's response when asked if they couldn't find Aemond. The set up was there, I was dreading it and it wasn't easy to watch but far less harrowing than I expected which I was very thankful for considering how gory some of the stuff got in season 1 (if you know, you know). That being said, I did NOT like Helaena's reaction to it to be honest. There was something sweet about the fact that the first person she went to was her mother but that was about it really. She barely even tried to fight back against what was happening and Helaena in the book wasn't like that at all. What happened? She was more firm and insistent even in season 1 (thinking about the 'there is a beast beneath the boards' line). I feel like there was a GREAT disservice done here.
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silens-oro · 1 year
First of all I hope you don't mind but I need to share some of my favorite pieces of dialogue/moments from part 3 because I haven't stopped screaming since I read it. This is going to be long and you don't have to post it, but I needed to reach out because I haven't read fics in a long time and this was the first I encountered coming back here.
“I should believe my sister and uncle would like their assassins returned,” Aemond explained. His gaze dared anyone to question him. “Though they will not be whole.” AEMOND??? BABE??? HACKIN AND WACKIN AND SMACKIN THE ASSASSINS?? I stan.
By the time you landed, your hair had crafted itself into a rat’s nest and you were missing a boot. The smile on your face nearly cracked your skull in half as you fell to the sand. Scrambling up, you bowed to the dragon, thanking it out of respect as it seemed like the thing to do. 
“I feel you,” You spoke through pants of air to the dragon in your native High Valyrian, a hand held to your heart then placed on the dragon’s jowl.
Also we get to look back at how the reader acquired Aerraxys!! I could imagine the scene in my head as I read along so bravo to you!
“I do not need a maester to tell me what I can and cannot do, Aemond. I do not need a maester to tell me to lay in bed, alone, to think of what has happened over! and over! and over! without mercy with my only thought a silent prayer for the Stranger to take me and spare me of the madness that grows within me!” You turned your head to Aemond with tears in your eyes and whispered, “You do not understand,” To see the reader's mental breakdown happening in realtime is so sad. I can't imagine what she's going through. I also like (appreciate) the disconnect that very obviously happens between them since she was attacked. Based on what Aemond says, she would not speak to him. It seemed like he tried not to take it personally and that he wanted to help her, but he was also hurting? The back and forth seems to me like it is more therapeutic than driving a wedge between them if that makes sense? Now that all of this is in the open, they can continue forward to hopefully kick some ass. “Though I only carry the mental scars, I pray you never have to witness me as I have you, bleeding and broken upon your death bed, the Stranger creeping along the shadows! As I have witnessed my child shrouded upon the table of the Silent Sisters!” His voice was a desperate plea for you to hear as he tried to shake sense into you.(...)
(...)“Do not think me weak or uncaring for not laying waste to the Seven Kingdoms because if I had the choice there would be nothing left to speak of!” I'm ugly sobbing??????? This entire exchange is agonizing to begin with, but then you remember that he is only 20 years old and it makes it worse to me. Ah man. I can't explain how emotional this chapter made me. I took "Though I only carry the mental scars..." as Aemond not trying to downplay the pain and trauma that the reader went through and to let her know that he stands with her, but she also needs to stand with him. He needs her support just as much as she needs his.
I wish someone loved me as much as Aemond loves the reader wtf
This ended up being super long I am so sorry.
You're ugly sobbing? I'm ugly sobbing from this message! Literally cried for fifteen minutes after I got this. Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts, truly.
I took "Though I only carry the mental scars..." as Aemond not trying to downplay the pain and trauma that the reader went through and to let her know that he stands with her, but she also needs to stand with him. He needs her support just as much as she needs his.
This was beautifully put, and exactly what I was trying to convey. Their lifetime co-dependency on each other was brought to light in the worst way. It is so easy to forget just how young most of the characters in the show are, and what is expected of them regardless of that. Characters like Aemond seem so much older based on how they're articulated throughout the story. He is not much older than Jace (four years or so), but it may as well be a lifetime when you compare the two.
And I agree, I too wish I had an Aemond.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Hi! Love your thoughts & opinions regarding Aemond/Helaena. I was wondering what your thoughts are on how the whole Aegon/Helaena/Aemond “triangle” would play out if the show yk, decided to go that route. I mean, obviously I feel like Aegon has to be a participant to a degree, yeah? That’s what would make the whole thing a triangle as opposed to just two people in a secret love affair. Do you personally think Aegon knows ab Aemond/Helaena, or are you in the “he’s clueless” camp?
hi back! <3 helaegond is the superior ship ofc as it reunites aegond, helaegon and helaemond in one neat entangled knot of mind fuckery
my favourite flavour of this is when aegon is totally in the know and encourages/bribes his siblings with permission for helaemond so that they are nice to him back. it's the complete wet beggar rat loser behaviour for me!!! aegon cuckolding himself as proof of love!!
come on, where else could we possibly construct this dynamic? one of a kind!
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
The reddit troll goes by the name of Jory and he's been posting spoilers and leaks on Freefolk since the GOT days. Sometimes he does get some things right but I'd say that's accidentally. He posted back in October or November after the first season ended an outline for the second one based on the 10 episodes count, it basically had B&C happening in episode 2, Rook's Rest in episode 4 which looks a lot like the info we currently have from other sources. However it also had the fall of King's Landing and Helaena committing suicide at the end of the season which sounds a bit more unlikely. IMHO, B&C was always going to be either in the first or the second episode considering it happens right after Lucerys is killed. It wouldn't make sense to delay it until midseason for example, I mean what justification would Daemon have in order to wait to enact his revenge on the Greens? Therefore it's not hard for any alleged leaker to claim months in advance that B&C is episode 2. Anyone could be making up leaks since we already have the complete source material. Otherwise yes, they are obviously filming scenes out of order which is important to keep in mind whenever we see news about filming. I think the drama you encountered on Twitter related to the Redanian was when they wrongly reported (they immediately corrected their report though) about a month ago that, at the time, they were filming scenes with Aemond at Harrenhal in which he was executing the Strongs. That reporting was based on drone footage someone managed to fly over the set when the actors were rehearsing the scene. The thing is you could see in the very same footage that the set was part of the same set they used in S1, and are still are using, for the Red Keep's courtyard and not definitely not Harrenhal and therefore the scene was actually Aemond executing some people in King's Landing. Who are those people nobody knows. Some prisoners deemed to be traitors? Some rat catchers that managed to stay alive after B&C and were discovered later? Clare was also spotted there too so it's something happening in either the second or the fifth episode. Anyway, I guess until we see the episodes on the screen no one can say with 100% conviction what will happen for sure. But it's better not to expect a lot and not to set yourself up for disappointment in case the opposite happens.
hmmmm i suppose it's not unusual for them to re-use sets though. so, for example, to repurpose a set used last season for KL and dress it up as harrenhal. stuff can also be added in post-production to make it look "different", so i'm not gonna make any guesses as far as his victims are concerned :))
thank you for the hot goss on JORY 👁️ now i know what to expect if i ever stumble upon him on reddit
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