#aeps wiki
minne-cerbinna · 1 year
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Every lady must have her attendants.
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llyfrenfys · 1 year
Y Hen Llinge and all that: Welsh in The Witcher Series (glossary)
This post is largely my GDrive notes on this subject, but I am a Welsh speaker and have noticed Welsh cropping up a lot in the Witcher series. I'm going to go into a few examples in this post- a word of warning though, there may be spoilers, which I'll mark with a SPOILER WARNING.
The Wiki List:
The wiki contains a glossary of Hen Llinge words alongside their real-world inspirations. Hen Llinge isn't based on Welsh alone, but also Irish, German, English and Latin (among others). The list on the wiki has the following terms marked down as being inspired by Welsh (which I have compiled):
abb (rivermouth), w. Aber
aevon (river) w. Afon
aep (son of) w. Ap
ar (of/on/by) w. Ar
ban (peak/summit) w. Ban (sometimes Fan)
bleidd (wolf) w. Blaidd
breoga (frog) w. Broga
caed (woods) w. Coed
caer/kaer (fortress) w. Caer
col (mountainpass) w. Dol
conyn (plantstalk) w. Coesyn
craag (rocks) w. Crag
darganfod (discovery) w. Darganfod
darl’len (read) w. Darllen
dhu (black) w. Du
dol (valley/dale) w. Dôl
gláeddyv (sword) w. Cleddyf
glean (bottom) w. Glan
gwyn (white) w. Gwyn
gwynbleidd (white wolf) w. Blaidd Gwyn
gwent (wind) w. Gwynt
hen (old) w. Hen
holl (all) w. Holl
marw (to die) w. Marw
ninnau (ourselves) w. Ninnau
pont (bridge) w. Pont
stráede (road) w. Stryd
tir (land) w. Tir
tor (tower) w. Twr
uniade (a joining (n.) w. Uniad
wen (white) w. -wen
ymladda (fight) w. Ymlad
The terms in the wiki are terms created for the TV series- the terms created for the books and games are similar, but the TV lexicon is much more expanded than the book and game corpuses.
Words on the Wiki not labelled as Welsh:
These terms are on the wiki but have no origin listed. I believe they likely have Welsh inspiration (especially the last one):
ghar (word) w. Gair 
inis (island) w. Ynys (see also: Irish)
ysgarthiad (shit, excreted waste) w. Ysgarthiad
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
These terms are terms I have heard in the dialogue or seen in-game in Wild Hunt. They are not included in the wiki as they are game terms. They are also only possibly inspired by Welsh as I am not a dev, so I cannot be certain, however, I have chosen the ones I feel are likely inspired by Welsh in at least some capacity.
(SPOILER WARNING: references to Witcher 3 Characters and actions central to plot ahead!)
mor (very/how/as) w. Mor (from location Caer Morhen)
aval (apple) w. Afal (from personal name Aval’lach) 
caniatad (permission) w. Caniatâd (from the spell that transforms Aval’lach back to elf, 14:27)
nevid (change) w. Newid (from the spell that transforms Aval’lach back to elf, 14:27)
cyvir (correct) w. Cywir (from the spell that transforms Aval’lach back to elf, 14:27)
taron (thunder) w. Taran (from the spell that transforms Aval’lach back to elf, 14:27)
caeffyl (horse) w. Ceffyl (from the spell by Kiera Metz to transform white mice into white horses, 3:40)
mab (young man/son) w. Mab (from “Aen N'og Mab Taedh'morc”)
cor (choir) w. Côr (potentially a match, from “Aen N'og Mab Taedh'morc”)
me (me/ I) w. Mi (potentially a match, from “Aen N'og Mab Taedh'morc”)
y (the) w. Y (from location Aevon y Pont ar Gwennelen)
carraigh (rock) w. Carreg (from location Ard Carraigh) 
llygad (eye) w. Llygad (from location Seidhe Llygad) 
ess'tedd (meeting/to sit and meet) w. Eistedd (from “Darl'len, Aen Seidhe!”)
dol (valley) w. dol (from location name “Dol Niev’de”
niev (nine) w. nief (heaven) (from location name “Dol Niev’de”
This is just a glossary of terms for now- I plan to write a proper post about in-game texts at some point (though I am very busy right now with undergrad). I hope you enjoy this first segment at least! Let me know what you think about Welsh in games/media.
Tagging a few folks who might enjoy this post because some of the Welsh is straight up not changed. I found it quite funny in the magic spell cutscenes because I understood every word. Looking at you Keira Metz saying 'tair caeffyl gwyn' to summon 3 white horses!!!
@duine-aiteach @dragonleighs @crynwr-drwg @convolution @margridarnauds
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jawanaka · 1 year
Glynnis aep Loernach
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I've never been much of a fan off Gwent, either in The Witcher III or as a separate game (and some of the story content they've put out has...choices made). But I like mining it for not-actually-OC's, like this one here.
From the wiki:
She loved every soldier like a son. She cried for each one. Glynnis aep Loernach was a young officer within the Ard Feainn, a cavalry division within Nilfgaardian Army. It is unknown if she took part in the Battle of Brenna, where her unit was defeated.
From an upcoming chapter of The Sins of Fathers:
“Have you seen the terrain south of the lake? Open land largely, good cavalry country. They try that we’ll cut them to pieces,” Brigadier Glynnis aep Loernach was a tall and pale woman, her black hair falling down her back in multiple tight braids, her accent betraying the highlands of Mag Turga.
“Risk? Were either of you at Brenna?” Neither man responded. Morvran, who also had not been anywhere near said battle, also didn’t speak. “Because that’s what happened at Brenna. Someone fucked up the reconnaissance and the whole army got slaughtered.”
“I know,” she sighed, “General I’m not looking for revenge on any nordlings. I’m only looking to make sure that when we have to go up there, and we will have to go up there, as many as possible will come back alive.”
“So do I.”
“I know general. That’s why it pleased me to find you in command. We all know of general Voorhis, the man who likes to win without fighting.”
Morvran smiled faintly, “Were it so easy.”
“You and the empress will find a way general. Till then, we hold the line.”
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astaldis · 1 year
A most interesting read
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@cake-shop-rarepair-bingo​    @witchermonstermayhem​
Prompts: Reading Aloud, Write a fic based on a local legend, Grim giants
Fandom: The Witcher (TV, novels)
Pairings: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members, Maria Barring | Milva & Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 2520
"Cahir, you can read, can't you?" Milva suddenly asks out of the blue while they are sitting by the campfire together. It is a nice evening, not raining for once, and two fat rabbits on spits are roasting over the fire. With a grumpy expression, Geralt is perched on a tree stub across the fire sharpening his sword, as far away from Cahir as possible, nothing new here. Regis is off somewhere in the woods to collect herbs and mushrooms, and Jaskier is busy close by scribbling something into this inevitable scroll of his that he is so secretive about.
"Yes. Why?"
"Because I can't. But I have this book."
"It'll soon be dark, Milva."
"It's a thin book. Will you read it for me? There's still plenty of time before those bunnies are done. Please?"
"It's not a romance, I hope?"
"How would I know? I can't read!"
"Alright, then. We'll see what it is, I suspect."
"Just one moment," Mila says, almost jumping to her feet with excitement. She fishes a little bundle from deep inside her saddlebag. She unwrapps it. A thin, leather bound book emerges, no, more a booklet than a book. Tenderly, she strokes across its binding with the fingers of one hand before she passes it to Cahir.
"It's a children's book," he says, surprised.
"What if it is? My father bought it for me because of the picture. It's the only thing I have to remember him by."
"Didn't you say your father died when you were a kid? You've had the book for years and nobody has ever read it out for you?"
"There was never the time, or the right person. I want it to be special." Cahir raises his eyebrow questioningly. However, Milva does not elaborate.
He opens the booklet. On the first page there is a beautifully crafted, somewhat scary looking illustration. In the centre a horrible giant hurling rocks at frightened people. A devilish face crowned by a pair of pointed horns is peeking out from behind a gnarly oak tree on the left, wiggling its forked tongue at the desperate humans. Not a picture you would expect to see in a tale of love, and neither in a fluffy children's bedtime story. Looks like an exciting legend or heroic adventure. The script is big and easy to read even in the falling twilight of the evening.
"Once upon a time there was an evil giant by the name of Mils," Cahir begins.
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47385469
This is the Mountain called Milseburg after the Giant Mils, it’s about 25 km from where I live. How the mountain came into being is one of the most famous local legends here.
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bhimpay · 4 years
All About AEPS You want to know
All About AEPS You want to know
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Aadhar Enabled Payment System or AEPS, allows consumers who don’t have debit cards or smartphones to perform basic banking transactions like cash deposit, cash withdrawal, interbank or intrabank fund transfer, receiving a mini statement and balance inquiry through biometric authentication at micro-ATMs .
Q) What is Aadhar?
Aadhar is a unique identification number issued by the Unique��
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pierrotdameron · 5 years
Is it bad if I see Sebastian Stan as Cahir ?
Also I struggle to picture Milva.
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So I think someone may have edited the bisexual wiki today
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grungyspacepirate · 5 years
Soft romantic Jaskier x reader (there’s no gender or physical descriptions in this, if that’s your jam) Second languages and fluff, nothing graphic. Apparently writing is my hyperfixation of the moment.
Tag list: @the-winter-witcher​ @sciapod​ 
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“No, like this. Roll your tongue a bit.. ‘Caen me a'baethe?’” 
He laughs, head thrown back, hair shining in the sun. His eyes dance with mirth as you try, and fail, to learn phrases in Elder. “It means ‘give me a kiss’“ and he steals soft kisses between words to emphasize his point, making you sigh. “En'ca minne…” 
You’ve been sitting with him on a blanket all afternoon, munching on berries and bits of herbed bread you made, listening to him tell tales. He uses pick up lines in foreign tongues that are supposed to be too bad, too cheesy, so you hide how they make you blush. “Elaine tedd a'taeghane” he says with a grin, raising his eyebrows suggestively, plucking a wildflower from the ground and tucking it behind your ear. You lean into him, fingers weaving into his hair, and giggles turning to moans, easy and slow. 
Language has never been your strong suit, but listing to sounds roll off his tongue makes butterflies dance in your stomach. English or Elder, songs or stories or cries of completion, it’s all beautiful to you. 
He arrived in town early morning, singing songs for coin and you couldn’t look away, then nor anytime he passes through afterwards. He’s enigmatic and enchanting, charming and sweet. You’ve never promised anything to each other, but when he’s around you know your day will end sated and content, drunk on him. Kisses and caresses last into the moonlight, embraced under the stars. He’ll leave on to the next town in a day’s time, and you’ll keep these moments tucked away. A warmth in your chest to get through autumn and the cold winter. You can’t ask him to stay, he can’t ask you to go. But you want, oh do you want. 
When he strolls into town this time, you’re ready for him. Bag in hand, you’ve spent months practicing, planning, hoping he won’t turn you away. Say no to more than a summer fling. 
“Hael, taedh.” You recite, carefully enunciating the words. “Aé va aep-” but you don’t get to finish, his lips interrupting yours. He takes you in his arms, exuberant. He understands.
I love linguistics. I love that Jaskier speaks at least one other language (And is fluently sarcastic to boot), so I nerded out and looked up words and phrases in elder for this. I was going to try and build my own sentences but I didn’t have the time to figure it out so I grabbed some from a wiki and a fan made translator. 
-Give me a kiss
-Lovely weather we’re having (a terrible pick up line, truly)
-Greetings, bard 
-I go with- interrupted, but you can figure out the rest. 
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WEEK 04 Masks & Pans Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Exercise 4.1 – Planes, Trains & Automobiles *Looped* Car/Plane Specs: 72 Frames, 500 x 500 px @ 24 fps Create a Plane or Car in AE using masked textures as a Composition Incorporate animated wheel/propeller with Motion Blur for the Car/Plane Create a BG as a Composition Animate two cars/planes moving across the screen (Duplicate) Incorporate any of the following into your animation: Squash & Stretch, Eases, Anticipation Incorporate your name Make sure it loops :) (First == Last) Output: gif
Exercise 4.2 – Planes, Trains & Automobiles *Looped* Panning Background Specs: 72 Frames, 500 x 500 px @ 24 fps Create a BG as a Composition Animate the BG as a panning background (looped) Incorporate your Car/Plane from Ex 4.1 (Import your AEP) Incorporate any of the following into your animation: Squash & Stretch, Eases, Anticipation Incorporate your name (Animated) Make sure it loops :) (First == Last) Output: gif
Homework 4.3 - Planes, Trains & Automobiles *Looped* Planes, Trains & Automobiles Specs: 96 Frames, 500 x 500 px @ 24 fps Incorporate your Car/Plane from Ex 4.1 (Import your AEP) Incorporate your panning BG from Ex 4.2 (Import your AEP) Create three different shots/scenes (Framing and Nested Comps) with different animation Consider Narrative (Beg/Mid/End) Incorporate any of the following into your animation: Squash & Stretch, Eases, Anticipation Incorporate your name (Animated) Make sure it loops :) (First == Last) Output: gif
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astaldis · 1 year
A most unusual plant
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(Picture from The Official Witcher Wiki)
“Geralt, do you hear this?”
“A cow. You have heard cows moo before, haven’t you, Jaskier?” Geralt asks.
“I know it’s a cow. But it sounds scared. It might need help!”
“And how is that our problem? Since when do I look like a farmer to you?”
“Geralt, the poor animal might be in mortal danger! We cannot just ride past it and leave it to a most horrible fate. All kinds of monsters are lurking in the nearby swamps, you said so yourself just yesterday!”
“Hm. I might have exaggerated a bit,” Geralt admits. “Just to make sure you stay on the track and don’t run off flower picking or looking for berries. Remember the hirikka you thought was so cute? During the dragon hunt?”
“Before you left me alone on top of that mountain, you mean?” Jaskier asks, although he, of course, knows exactly what Geralt is talking about. “And the hirikka was cute - until Sir Eyck cut its head off, poor thing. Now, what about the cow? Are you going to rescue it, Witcher, or do I have to do it all by myself?”
Summary: Jaskier saves a cow! With a little help from Geralt 😉 (Set during the events of Baptism of Fire, more exactly after the Fish Soup and before the Battle on the Bridge. You don't need to have read the books though to enjoy the story.)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationship: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Maria Barring | Milva, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Jaskier | Dandelion
Words: 1759
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46668610
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astaldis · 1 year
Of Wicked Wings and Fearsome Fangs
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Picture from The Official Witcher Wiki
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 2,548
Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Reader, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Characters: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Reader
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Alive Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Witcher Cahir
On their way to fulfil a contract, Geralt and Cahir happen upon yet another monster. And upon you.
I open my eyes. Slowly. To look into the blurry face of a man who is leaning over me. I blink and give a soft moan.
“Are you alright?” he asks. His voice is husky and full of concern.
I shake my head. A bad idea as a pang of blinding pain explodes inside my skull. I gasp for air, squinching my eyes shut again. Shit, what is going on? Why am I lying on the ground, my head hurting with the most vicious of headaches? And who is that guy?
If you want to read the story as a Reader = 1st Person POV, then read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46630522
You open your eyes. Slowly. You look into the blurry face of a man who is leaning over you. You blink and give a low moan.
“Are you alright?” he asks. His voice is husky and full of concern.
You shake your head. A bad idea as a pang of blinding pain explodes inside your skull. You gasp for air, squinching your eyes shut again. Shit, what is going on, you ask yourself. Why are you lying on the ground, your head hurting with the most vicious of headaches? And who is that guy?
If you prefer Reader = 2nd Person POV, read the story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46645810
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astaldis · 1 year
Towering Trolls  - Chapter 2 of “How to kill a troll”
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Chapters: 2/3 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationship: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Geralt of Rivia
Summary: Geralt and Cahir go on a monster hunt together. Set the summer after Stygga (1268), AU - Canon Divergence
After a quiet night and an uneventful day of riding, Geralt and Cahir reach the village shortly before nightfall. Too late to go searching for the troll right away but early enough to look for a room for the night and speak to the villagers and the mayor. Knowing as much as possible about their intended target will make their task easier come next morning. A hearty meal and a pint of ale is nothing to be scoffed at, either, after the long day in the saddle.
There is only one inn in the village. An ominous, long wooden pike has been rammed into the ground next to its door. The name in big letters above the entrance reads: Troll's Bridge Inn. How ironic.
The taproom is packed and, of course, the topic of pretty much any conversation is the man-eating monster. However, when Geralt and Cahir enter, every single head turns around toward the door and the sound of animated talking dies down within the second. The two tall men, all clad in black leather armour, each with two swords strapped to their backs, look impressive, too. Witchers. Exactly who they have been waiting for for more than a fortnight. The crowd parts in silent awe ..
Continue reading on Ao3: 
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Picture from The Official Witcher Wiki
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bhimpay · 4 years
Complete AEPS Portal
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What is Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) AEPS stands for aadhaar enabled payment system is the type of payment system which allows customers for basic financial transaction activities like cash deposit, cash withdrawal, fund transfer, and account details. AEPS service is announced and approved by the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) and Reserve Bank of India(RBI). The main motto…
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bhimpay · 4 years
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bhimpay · 4 years
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If you are thinking about Coronavirus that it is going to stop now, then you are completely wrong and if you look at the data at this time, the speed of its spread has increased all over the world. In such a situation, if someone wants to test Covid-19 i.e. Corona virus quickly. If you also want to test Covid-19 in the locality of this lock down sitting at home. So you will get full information…
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bhimpay · 4 years
What is Aadhaar Enabled Payment System? How to Transaction with Aadhar Card
Aadhaar Card Payment System or Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) today I am going to tell you about this. Ever since the notes have been closed, Indian Government is introducing some new digital payment system so that people have least difficulty and more and more people join the online payment system.
Now many…
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