#affordable coverage
asjinsurance · 4 months
Term Life Insurance: Why You Must Consider It? : 5 Benefits of Your Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance is an essential part of your financial portfolio.  In the realm of financial planning, securing your family’s future is paramount. Among the various insurance options available, a term life insurance stands out as a foundational element in safeguarding your loved ones’ financial well-being.  Let’s delve into the compelling reasons why having a term life insurance is important…
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vincenthunt03 · 6 months
Saving on Boat Insurance: Smart Strategies for Affordable Coverage
Secure your aquatic adventures with boat insurance in Twin Lakes, Minnesota! Vincent Hunt from Farmers Insurance ensures your watercraft is protected. With over a year of experience, trust Vincent to customize coverage that suits your needs. Contact us at (612) 440-7776 for a quote and smooth sailing!
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millardfalls · 7 months
Calculating Your Life Insurance Needs: A Guide to Adequate Coverage
Contemplating one’s mortality is one of the most difficult issues. However, it is a necessary duty to secure your family’s financial security in the event of an unexpected incident. Estate planning includes important components such as writing a will, establishing power of attorney, and ensuring the financial well-being of your loved ones if you are no longer alive. Navigating Life’s…
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superiorinsurances · 1 year
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darthraydor · 4 months
my car, the car that i only just bought in july of last year, my car that is still under warranty, both manufacturer and extended, has been having some concerning problems recently - lurching on acceleration, stuttering on braking. and it’s been making this sound that i can only liken to an elephant trumpeting reeeally quietly? idk, it’s weird. so i took it back to the dealership i bought it from to have it looked at. they said it had to go somewhere else, i said no problem. so i call the brand specific dealerships in the area and not a single one of the eight (EIGHT) in the basin have any availability until JUNE?!
respectfully, that shit stalled on me pulling onto the *highway*. look at my goddamn car??? this is a safety issue??? when it inevitably happens again it could kill me???
but i call the dealership near my dad’s house over three hours away and they can see me tomorrow? how am i supposed to drive an unreliable car that far through back country just to get it checked in a timely fashion? how is this tiny town and its one dealership more available than this boomtown and its eight? make! it! make! sense!
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nando161mando · 1 month
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We can't afford it
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ivygorgon · 2 months
Pass H.R. 6270, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act!
371 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
I strongly urge the Congressmember to support and help pass H.R. 6270, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna of California. This bill helps states test universal health plans that could be a model for a national plan - a Universal, Simple, and Affordable (USA) plan. A USA plan will drastically reduce administrative overhead, freeing billions of dollars for our health care and general welfare. With your support, states can save money and provide health care for all their residents. How H.R. 6270 moves us toward health care that is universal, simple, and affordable (USA): Mandates that participating states guarantee healthcare coverage for at least 95% of residents in the first 5 years, thus reducing the uninsured and underinsured populations to less than 5% (currently 30% in most states). Requires any state-based plan to have benefits equal to or greater than those received by beneficiaries of federal healthcare programs. Allows states to cooperate on multi-state plans. Section 1332 of the ACA does not. Enables states to integrate Medicare funds into a state plan. Section 1332 does not. This is critically important for equity. Please work to pass this bill, and then get to work passing Medicare For All. Nothing else will fully solve our healthcare crisis.
▶ Created on April 8 by Jess Craven
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dahldahlbills · 4 months
I really need to get serious about personal projects again
#I think I said something like this last year too lol#currently in a weird headspace about it#the biggest reason why I lost focus on them was bc I prioritized engaging in fandom#(something that I never really did when I was focused on publishing a few years back)#so part of me feels like in order to make considerable progress on projects again I need to cut myself off from fandom#and I kinda have been weening myself off a bit from animanga but not really for that reason#it was mostly bc I was getting overwhelmed by how much I was consuming and I wanted to appreciate things fully#I don’t think I’d cut myself off from fandom completely either I’d still try to keep up with stuff#but the idea of not engaging in fandom anymore kinda.. scares me?#idk I feel like a major loser admitting this lol#it just feels like I’d lose a lot of connections with people#and would lose a lot of the love I have for stories if I’m not actively interacting with them :(#and then there’s also that stupid feeling of being a ‘fake fan’ because I’m not dedicating every single second of free time to fandom#which is dumb bc like I have a life and need to make money yknow I got things to do#im just Stressed bc I’m at such a critical stage career wise and im getting closer to 26 so hhhhh healthcare coverage will be up in the air#so I really can’t afford to dawdle#there’s just so much I wanna do and while I’m not necessarily racing to get it done I still want to take advantage of the time I have#but it also sucks feeling like I’m giving up a part of myself to progress on another part of myself#I don’t think any of this makes sense sorry I just needed to dump my thoughts bc I am Terrified™️#anyway personal projects! gotta get back to those !#blahblahbills#delete later
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raeofgayshine · 4 months
I love playing Pokémon in a way that would absolutely kill anyone who knows a thing about the game. No I don’t know most weaknesses and strengths of typings or what I should be using. No I’m not building a well rounded team. No I don’t remember battle to battle what moves are effective against what Pokémon’s even if I just fought them and lord knows I don’t really understand their power or literally any stat my mons have. I am heavily brute forcing my way through this game with my team full of Sunflora fusions because this is Infinite Fusions and I can do that. Yes having everyone a grass type presents problems. No I don’t care! I will beef them up enough they can tank hits until I can destroy whoever I’m fighting and if all else fails I have potions and revives and everything I need on stock to keep going. I do not know what I’m doing but I’m having fucking fun with it!!!!
#ravenpuff rambles#there are few moments I want to be a streamer but good lord it would be funny to play Pokémon for people who actually understand the game#everyone would be so angry with me#meanwhile I’m tehehahaing because I accidentally made a good move and one shotted a man with my Alakazam fusion#I only play to have fun and also have cute Pokémon’s#even if this wasn’t a fusion game I would have a problem not having a lot of grass types because I love them#worst news is that I can’t afford to have a grass/grass Pokémon because I need some coverage#I miss my Sunflora/Leafon the little legend#but I do love my team they’re all so cute#I did have to replace my Sandslash/Sunkern fusion who was an absolute cutie but unfortunately had low hp because I could evolve the Sunkern#there’s no custom sprite for Sandslash/Sunflora and I couldn’t have the default horror on my team#I do still have my Alakazam/Sunkern fusion though because despite being a hella glass canon he’s fast and hits hard and psychic moves are so#good!! He also does have a Sunflora sprite which is sad but the Sunkern one is fucking epic#the rest of my team includes Vensaur/Sunflora (my starter)#raichu/Sunflora fusion (Who I had in my last run and an absolute cutie) Ninetales/Sunflora (who thankfully has an ability that makes him#immune to fire moves) Umbreon/Sunflora (Literally baby. also a bit of a heavy hitter)#and my Lapras/Sunflora (my newest edition who replaced the Sandslash mostly so I can surf)#I can’t wait to destroy the Elite 4 when I eventually roll up there with my crew#Truly they’re all unstoppable as long as you don’t use fire and also that one move that literally takes them all out#anyways I need to get a photo of them all because they’re so cute but for now take my word#and know I’m playing Pokémon in a way that will piss off so many people. because I’m just quirky like that
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
yeah, there should be a course in high school on how to do taxes, apply to jobs and all that, etc. but you know what else there should be? a crash course on accessing healthcare
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justnoodlefishthings · 7 months
just had to pay an absurd amount of money for UK health insurance for this visa application (AGAIN). Still not able to afford US insurance because they never reimbursed me for the first visa application
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
So i can either get the ppo that costs an arm and a leg but has no deductible, no copay, no cost for medications, and covers all my doctors, OR I can pay a third of that to keep two doctors and pay $10-20 per appointment with no deductible with an hmo. Both cover all my medications at least. But the cheaper one doesn't cover my chiropractor and those appointments are expensive (like w/o insurance $175 a pop and I go biweekly). I don't want to go to any other chiropractor because I don't trust any of them. I know its pseudoscience but whenever I stop going my back gets worse so there's something he's doing right.
HMO would be $135 a month vs PPO being $435 a month. And this is with a tax deduction.
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infriga · 1 month
A kind of funny trend I've noticed is that many fanfic writers who write for fandoms that take place in Japan often aren't aware of the fact that Japan has universal health care. I've seen quite a few fics set in Japan with whump/hurt comfort plots that mention large medical bills as if it's taking place in America lol.
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unlettered-heathen · 4 months
T-T oh how I wish I had been able to give myself a monthly hobby budget. A local yarn shop is hosting a sweater yarn dyeing workshop- 5 skeins for $125 CAD, extra skeins $25/per. It's cheaper than their in-house-dyed yarn! AND they still have room!
But alas, I have already pre-spent my birthday, xmas, AND my hubby's birthday budget (with his blessing) plus some of our expected tax return money on Hozier in August.
Plus groceries are going up so our wiggle room is gone. Over $1K CAD a month to feed a family of four! $75 is ordering out ONCE. And we do NOT buy brand names, fancy foods, or meat that's not on sale.
I really hope it happens again next year or something when I might be able to scrounge up some extra cash or I finally find a second job.
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taconafide2 · 11 months
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THATS 4 5*S TO SKIP IN A ROW THANK FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN SAVE UP.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I hadn’t mentioned it by name because I wasn’t sure if it was regional or not, but I found out it’s not regional so: Aetna is the worst insurance company. It sucks! Avoid it if you can. All my insurance issues have been because of Aetna. Aetna refuses to pay for my maintenance inhaler or my rescue inhaler, and refused to pay for a holter monitor for me when I’ve had tachycardia issues for a full decade. A heart monitor my doctor ordered to check if I had major electrical issues because if I did I’d need a pacemaker to prevent severe cardiac complications (I don’t have those issues, for the record).
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