#affordable skeleton watch
worldofcifrado · 8 months
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ok i cant draw dhmis good so like
but i thought of a dhmis oc for myself
"skeleton" (anatomically incorrect skull atop an anatomically incorrect skeleton suit like the halloween ones) teacher who teaches stuff about bones but its like...pretty much all wrong
she brutally murders the gang at the end of her episode by spitting acid at them and melting them to "show off their bones" (which i just now realize is similar to tony because he also murdered them by melting but its different because acid okay)
her name is uhhhhhhhh idk but for now im calling her stupid fuck
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llamagoddessofficial · 5 months
Le gasp..
Mafia Bad Sanses’ HCs
Mafia Bad Sanses’ HCs?
Horror likes bashing in heads. He likes that his job means he gets paid to bash in a lot of heads. He doesn't really care that he's considered one of Nightmare's top enforcers, that even the hardest criminals tremble in fear at the mention of his name, that he's called things like the beast and the monster... he just likes that he gets to take out all his worst frustrations on whichever face Nightmare points him to. As a nice bonus, the money he makes means his brother and surviving friends live in safety and comfort.
... But he also likes pretty things. Pretty, soft things, that make him feel fuzzy and warm. You're all three. You find out pretty quick that his frightening face hides a softspoken, sensitive creature, who keeps appearing at your door with flowers (when did you give him your address?) and homemade food. It's bizarre, how such a violent man can equally be so gentle, getting flustered just from you looking at him too long. He wants to do to you what he does with everyone he cares about - use his money to make it so that you never have to worry about anything in life again.
Probably for the best that you let him. He famously doesn't have great control over his temper.
Dust doesn't appear too happy about working for Nightmare. It's clear to anyone watching that Nightmare has something over him; whatever it is, it must be pretty bad, because Dust never questions Nightmare's orders - no matter how terrible or violent. He does exactly what's asked of him, no more, no less. And it's obvious why Nightmare might want to force someone like Dust to work for him... there's no job this silent demon can't do.
Dust, with you, is a different man. He almost becomes his old self again. When you're alone together, he actually smiles. He desperately wants to keep you away from the world he's become trapped in, and he'll probably spend the first few weeks of knowing you trying as hard as he can to separate you from him and the other skeletons. But... he's in love. He can't help it. He's always drawn back to you again, no matter how many times he tells himself he has to let go.
You're his escape. You make him forget the things he's done, and the things he has to keep doing. He's addicted to that feeling.
Killer is Nightmare's right hand. The moniker 'Nightmare's dog' is often used, mostly in an attempt to offend him, but it just makes him laugh. Much like Horror, he very much enjoys his job... he enjoys the power, indulging in his violent desires and getting paid for it. Killer is just about the closest thing Nightmare has to someone he trusts; Killer is privy to many of their 'family's deepest secrets, partly because of his position, but also partly because Nightmare knows Killer genuinely has absolutely zero interest in these massively important secrets. Killer just wants to stab things.
For some reason he seems intent that you trust him. It's really hard to tell what he wants, behind that smile... you're cautious with him, given his clear loyalty to Nightmare. But maybe that loyalty isn't as unshakeable as it seems. It starts with little things... casually lying through his teeth and fully taking the blame for something you did. Conveniently 'forgetting' to mention you around Nightmare. Failing a mission you expressed horror at. Lying about the nature of your personal information, pretending (in front of the guys) that he doesn't know stuff he very much knows.
It's impossible to tell what he wants. But it seems like, whatever it is, he wants it more than all the power he's got now.
Nightmare will obviously want to learn the identity of the person who's somehow managed to completely disarm his three most valuable and violent soldiers. Despite all of them doing their damnedest to keep you out of Nightmare's crosshairs, you can't be hidden forever.
Nightmare is supposed to have everything - there's no luxury he can't afford. But he's always had this... void inside him. It's the very void that pushes him to keep expanding his territory, to keep killing and taking, maybe if he has just that little bit more he'll feel complete. Maybe if he just has that one last shiny thing, he'll be happy. But it's never been enough.
Then he finally meets you. And something clicks.
Dust, Killer and Horror tried so hard to keep you away from Nightmare, because they were terrified of what would happen to you if Nightmare decided he didn't like you. Instead, something much, much worse happened.
Nightmare likes you.
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
Life on board a 17th century warship
The sailing crew was divided into two watches under the two lieutenants, each working for four hours while the other rested. While off duty, they were expected to stay below decks and out of the way, but could be called to work at any time if all hands were required, such as when anchoring or making a major sail change. When below, they probably tried to sleep as much as they could, since the four-hour schedule is not natural and quickly leads to fatigue. When not sleeping, they probably used much of the time off watch to mend their clothes and shoes, but they might relax with games, music or a popular new pastime, smoking, although this was only allowed in the cookroom.
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War Ships 17th Century, by Jefferys, Charles W. 1942 in: The Picture Gallery of Canadian History Volume 1, p.99
Food was also prepared in the cookroom, a brick-lined hearth in front of the mainmast in the hold, and carried up to the gundecks in buckets, where it was doled out into big wooden bowls. Depending on the ship, food could also be prepared in the galley, which was located in the forecastle or midships.
Each man had his own wooden spoon, and some had wooden plates, but most ate from the bowl shared by a mess, a group of six or seven men who ate and lived together. They drank weak beer, "ship's ale," from a shared wooden tankard. The base of the diet was salted meat for protein and dried peas and bread for carbohydrates. Barrels full of bones found in the hold show that the meat was mostly beef, with a little pork and mutton, as well as fish and poultry. Interessting fact was that some of the crew were prepared to supplement this, as fishing equipment and hunting weapons were found in shipwrecks like the Vasa, as well as the bones of roe deer, moose, and grouse. The skeletons of chickens suggest that a few fresh eggs were available.
As in other navies, they did not issue uniforms in that time, the men had to buy or make their own clothes. In some cases cloth was provided as part of their salary, but the typical sailor's clothing was the same as the clothing they arrived in from the farm or town: a linen shirt, a short, skirted woollen doublet (jacket), wool trousers that ended below the knee, woollen socks, and leather shoes. Many had broad-brimmed hats or conical caps. The cloth varied from coarse homespun to imported dyed fabrics, but almost all sailors sewed strips of contrasting cloth or even lace down the outside seams of their trousers in imitation of the clothing worn by the well-to-do. Clothes had to be hard-wearing, since most people could not afford more than one set.
The senior officers lived aft in the cabins of the sterncastle, where they had more space, glass windows, proper furniture, and ate their meals from pewter or earthenware table service. They had finer clothes, but as more than one visitor to Sweden from the continent remarked, it was difficult to tell the nobles from the peasants, since they dressed alike. The officers also had to share their accommodation, sleeping in pairs in narrow double beds, but the cabins were built to resemble the interior of houses ashore. The great cabin, where the king or an admiral would stay, was fitted out like a room in the royal palace, with fine panelling and carved sculptures that emphasised the power of the people who lived there.
The 17th century was a violent period, and both on shore and at sea brutal punishments were prescribed for even minor crimes. Conscripts often came from rough backgrounds, but discipline was essential for the smooth and safe functioning of a ship. In crowded conditions, small disagreements could easily blow up into fights, grumbling could turn to mutiny. Officers had to earn the trust of the men they commanded, but needed the option of punishment for the intractable. The articles of war specified that a person causing a fire was to be cast into the same fire, a person starting a fight was to be stabbed through the hand with a knife, blasphemers and those speaking ill of the king or his officers were to be keelhauled, murderers should be tied to their victims and thrown in the sea. In practice, a captain who had to use these punishments too often risked losing the respect of his men and his fellow captains and could not rule for long.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
There is a cryptid in your house. You got warnings about this type of thing when you moved into this neighborhood, but your girlfriend wanted to live somewhere where you could have a single family home but that's still close to the subway lines, and this was your best option that you could afford.
You start seeing the cryptid in the boiler room and basement, but it's brash enough to go into your kitchen when it wants to. It's horrifying, with razor sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, claws of rusted silver, and a shape just human enough and just animal enough to be recognized as both and neither to your mind. You think it sleeps in the communal driveway out back, it makes you thankful your house isn't big enough to have a backyard to see it out there.
When you first saw it you thought you would die. But it stays away from you. It's scared of you of anything. East Coast cryptids are used to urbanized humans, they've adapted to be afraid of them most of the time, especially here in the city. It's only in here because it wants the food in your kitchen, it spends more time in your walls then it even does in your house. But if it sees you, it'll run.
Eventually you learn to live with the cryptid. You know when it tends to come around, what it likes to do. It'll keep eating food out of your kitchen, so you have to buy a surplus, eventually out of convenience you just start leaving out meals for it rather then letting your refrigerator take abuse.
It starts fearing you less. Both of you know eachother exist. You don't understand what power allows it to get into your house, and it doesn't understand the social structures that makes the house yourse. You just live with eachother. Eventually it becomes normal. When you invite your girlfriend's freinds over you forget to even tell them you have a cryptid, which leads to a lot of apologizing that night.
Eventually, you find out what species of cryptid it is. On a weekend visit to the American Unnatural History Museum uptown, you find a metal skeleton, in a display filled with the skeletons of countless varities of extant cryptids, that looks exactly like your cryptid. It's something called the Mid Atlantic Rushwaurt, quite common in coastal cities. It's rated as sentient, it can't talk due to its face shape, but this creature is theoretically as smart as you.
You decide to start interacting with your cryptid more. Your girlfriend has an office job while you work from home, so you're alone a lot. And it's a small enough house so that you can't avoid him anyway. When you see your cryptid you'll talk to him, tell him about what you're dealing with, though it's still weird to see that razor toothed mouth smile back to you, it's clear he enjoys the company.
You start watching TV with him more, letting his pale wraithlike body sit on your couch in a way you've never expected you'd allow. You'll even pet the flowing black hair ontop of his head if he let's you, or let his twin tails rest upon your legs as you watch.
He isn't a pet though. You know he would bite your head off if you threatened him. And when he leaves you don't ask why, and can't tell him no. Nobody can tell a cryptid no.
You'll show him illustrations you're working on now, he has a good eye for that sort of thing, and you communicate well enough so you can tell what he likes. You're part of a small game studio, and you find that he's a good playtester, especially for things that normal playtesters aren't good at showing because they know too much about games. The cryptid will show you his own art too, sculptures made out of bone and glass, things beautiful in a a way no human could ever create, but so clearly from an intelligent mind.
Eventually you get a visit. It's from the HOA, with a very well dressed woman who you've seen driving an obnoxiously large car telling you that she's here about the cryptid situation. Your house is attached on both sides, people can hear your cryptid on either side of you, and with the communal driveway they can see him sometimes. She tells you to get rid of him or else there will be legal grounds to reposses your house, she sounds serious.
You tell your cryptid that he has to be more quite, that he can't go out in the driveway as much. He doesn't seem to understand. You tell him it isn't your choice.
People keep asking you about your cryptid. You've never really spoken to the neighbors before. You tell them you're doing everything you can. That excuse buys you a few months at least.
Eventually you get another visit. A man in a green uniform is at your door. He's from the New York City Cryptid Protection Agency. You've seen him around the neighborhood, he's a veteran of the Third World War, he takes cryptid control more seriously then anyone else you've met, and he always carries a crossbow. He tells you that you have eight days to deal with the cryptid, you understand how urgent it is with him.
You tell your cryptid that he has to leave. That it's deadly for him to stay here. He doesn't understand what you mean by that. You beg him, explain that you don't have a choice. He doesn't leave, he doesn't understand why you would ever want him to leave.
You take a fire axe in your hands, and tell him in a seriously voice "leave". He hisses at you, but you can see fear in his eyes. You swing the axe at him, not to hurt him, just to make him afraid. He runs, you're not sure if he spared you or if he was afraid of you. You'll never see him again.
You still leave food out for him at first. It's weird thinking he isn't there. It's lonely being at home without him, and you don't have anyone you can show illustrations you're working on to.
The neighborhood thinks you're a hero, you chased away a cryptid with an axe. You can't explain to anyone how you aren't.
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what type of youtubers would the trolls be? Karkat would definitely make rants and reviews of romance movies, Kanaya would make makeup or fashion tutorials, Sollux has an IT channel he made so people stop bugging him (nobody ever bothers checking it instead of asking him)
quick spitballed ideas bc this is such a cute prompt
aradia - reviews of inaccurate halloween decoration skeletons. theyre not rated on anatomical accuracy but by how much swag they have. most of her other videos are short clips of her livevlogging her day and telling short stories, but shes funny and witty so they do numbers. very low effort and low cost, but shes having fun.
tavros - CARD PACK UNWRAPPING. guy who in no way can afford his hobby but keeps getting these card packs for his channel. surprisingly relaxing to listen to while you have him minimized in another tab while you do something else. he goes over each card in the deck and their effects as well as rarity.
sollux - basically what you said. IT guide on walking through common computer problems. horrible mic quality, but really helpful information.
karkat - ABSOLUTELY would be a movie reviewer. no facecam but for whatever reason has CRISP mic quality. somehow NEVER peaks his mic despite all the screaming he does. he loves media analysis and getting pissed off over fandom drama so hed probably also do breakdowns of scandals in fandom spheres, and somehow almost getting sued.
nepeta - SPEEDPAINTS. and like. flipnote hatena style amvs. obviously very amateur but its a very cute art style and she has no concept of copyright infringement.
kanaya - makeup tutorials and fashion reviews. would definitely be like that one youtuber who reviews the accuracy of historical fiction dresses in film and tv. everytime the virgin mothergrub is in the background of her videos her comments are spammed with "MOTH MOM REAL"
terezi - animated shitposts. like. grinchs ultimatum, garfielf, shit like that. REALLY bright colors and shitty linework with windows moviemaker transitions. no one knows who she is and shes never done a face reveal so shes a total enigma. there are deep web theories that her videos are anti-empire propaganda.
vriska - flarping tutorials. genuinely. she goes over mechanics, spells, class breakdowns, even shares stories of her own flarp campaigns. VERY passionate about it and kind of has an asshole youtuber persona. posts an apology video like once a month then goes on like nothing happened. replies to every mean comment.
equius - weightlifting videos. dead silent. just grunting and metal clanking. no editing. addresses every comment in every video. lots of heavy breathing. very uncomfortable. almost like performance art in how desolate it feels.
gamzee - cooking videos. its as bad as it sounds.
eridan - showing off everything in his hive and talking about it. his guns. his outfits. ranting about pollution. each video is an hour long. its mostly just him complaining or bragging about the stuff he owns.
feferi - has a live feed of her cuttlefish pen going constantly. posts animal care videos. posts music. does challenges. her youtube is kind of an inconsistent mish-mash of content but one thing remains: you will watch her cuttlefish.
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cinebration · 1 year
The Darkling’s Shadow (The Darkling x Reader) [Part 5]
The Darkling makes a decision.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Epilogue
Tagged: @don-daygamerz​​, @weallhaveadestiny​​, @kaqua​​, @sinful-wxrld​​, @ashdab2611​​, @ultarviolence​​, @chodingcreature​​, @demonenotturno​​, @crowssixof​​, @mxacegrey​​, @dreamlandcreations​​, @s-r-reads​​, @byulsrecs​​, @peleksstuff​​, @seraferna​​, @imtherain​​, @vex-et-soleil​​, @rayrlupin​​, @peakyispunk​​, @itsyaspwr​​, @adajoemaya​​, @b1bbles, @rockintensse​​, @adharanotfound, @allinestarr​​​
Warnings: mention of blood, body horror
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Gif Source: ethanhunt
Shock and fear broke the Darkling’s iron composure, his hands instinctively drawing together to perform the Cut. You didn’t so much as flinch, staring at him with eerie, unblinking eyes as though trying to drive the force of your conviction into his skull.
He didn’t complete the movement, leaving the Cut unfinished and melting back into the shadows.
“Now,” you said, your voice low, as though you were struggling to restrain it, “while you waste time coming to the right decision, I will go on ahead and clear the fort of Fjerdans.”
Without so much as a backward glance, you pivoted sharply on your heel and stalked off in the direction of Ulensk. The horses had bolted during the fray, long since gone and out of sight.
The Darkling watched your back until you disappeared behind the trees, once again entertaining the idea of slicing you in half not only for your insolence but for the fear you instilled in him. The feeling was shockingly cold, shriveling his insides and freezing his lungs. His breath tore raggedly from his chest.
If Baghra were there, she would say, “You cannot afford to make an enemy of this woman. Either kill her or bring her into the fold.”
Neither option was preferable to his fear-clouded mind. You knew who he actually was, but rather than flinch and fear him, you had placed the Black Heretic on some kind of pedestal. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would had been like if you had been there during the creation of the Fold. Instead of Baghra’s “What have you done?” you might have stared at the black shadow unfolding across the land with wonder in your eyes and said what the Darkling had most needed to hear in that moment: “Beautiful.”
The thought of it sent a thrill through him. He didn’t have to be General Kirigan in front of you. He didn’t have to temper his words or feign scorn for his “ancestor.” He didn’t have to hide his true plans, centuries in the making, to keep the Grisha from fearing his vision of the future before it had come to pass.
Shouts rose up in the distance, followed immediately by screams.
The Darkling listened to the swelling sounds of violence and death. For a brief moment, as high-pitched screams rent the quiet of the woods, he heard something harmonious in the sound. What had you said that first day? A symphony of their bones…
Perhaps you were right. Perhaps he did need a fanatic, someone utterly devoted to him and his cause. Someone who would do anything without asking why, who would destroy and silence for him while he maintained the aloof composure of a general above it all, his boogeyman operating in the shadows behind him.
The Darkling set off toward the fort, following your footsteps in the snow.
He arrived to find you dispatching one last Fjerdan. The man, fueled by terror and adrenaline, threw himself pell-mell at you. You lunged forward, your hand slapping across his bearded face, and yanked the skeleton from his flesh. Gore splattered over your kefta as the body separated from its bones, a sickening, vile sound splitting the silence. Tossing the skeleton aside with one hand, you wiped your palms on your kefta and turned to face the Darkling.
He surveyed the carnage in mute fascination. “Is this what the other Fjerdans looked like that first day we met?”
“It was more…artful,” you answered, waving your hand about in a vague gesture. “Staged to achieve maximum shock and awe, as they say.”
“You know the value of spectacle.”
“I know the importance of dramatic delivery,” you countered.
“Is that all?” The Darkling stepped around a corpse. “Do you know the value of discretion? Of subtlety?”
“I am capable of it, although I don’t prefer it.”
“You don’t mind being the subject of fear and hatred? You don’t mind the whispers they will speak of you?”
“One doesn’t develop this kind of skill and worry about what others will say. If anything, if they don’t fear and hate me, I will consider myself a failure.”
“Even among Grisha?”
“I am not here for the Grisha.”
The Darkling fixed his gaze on you. You met his stare without flinching once more, letting him bear the weight of your full gaze.
“In four hundred years, you are unlike any Grisha I have ever seen,” he said. The words slipped past his lips unbidden, a truth he didn’t bother twisting or concealing.
“That is the point.”
A faint smile tugged on his lips despite himself. Shaking his head, he schooled his expression into a stern mask. “I don’t deal well with insubordinates.”
“Then don’t give me any orders for me to react to with insubordination.”
“I need to know that I can trust you to do what I ask and how I want it.”
Wiping your hands together again, dried blood flaking off your palms, you countered, “I’m not allowed to have disagreements? To suggest alternatives? Isn’t that what proper counsel does?”
The Darkling frowned. “Now you aim to be one of my strategists? What happened to being my shadow?”
“In some cultures, the shadow is believed to be one’s second self. Or one’s demon. Either way, I have a voice, and I didn’t come all this way to be silenced when you need my expertise most.”
“And why do I need your expertise most now?”
“Can’t you feel it?” You inhaled deeply, as though you could taste it on the air. “The change? Something is coming, and you need to be ready.”
Unease slithered through his guts. “What’s coming?”
A beatific smile split your face. “Your chance for more power.”
A sharp thrill shot up the Darkling’s spine, compounded by the unnerving expression on your face. For a moment, you were darkly beautiful, terrifying and awe-inspiring.
The Darkling slowly stepped forward and extended his hand to you. Eyebrow arching, you slipped your hand in his, your palm rough and your fingers strong as they clasped for a shake.
“Call me Aleksander.”
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voidandabyssal · 13 days
Hihi! I was hoping to put in a reqest?
In this, may I ask for underrale bros, underfell, and horrortale? (Underswap to if yiu are willing to do them)
In this, they have been dating reader(Female or male) for about 5-6 years, and they have been comfortable. Reader decided on the 7th anniversary that they go somewhere romantic. (Like Rome, Pairs, etc.) And when it's the last night there, BOOM! The Propose. No warning, no message, nothing. They made sure it was perfect to. Lights, music, favorite foods, perfect.
How will they act? Will they reject the reader or accept?
Hehe this is cute!!
Also I only do four characters per request, so I kept it to that
Red (uf sans):
Funnily enough, red had been working up the nerve to propose to you the entire trip.
He had kept the box tucked away in his back pocket. Every time he reached for it, something seemed to go wrong
Well, either that, or he suddenly just lost the courage to pop the question.
So when you do propose, red breathes a sigh of relief. Though he is a little embarrassed that you’re the one doing it and not him.
Of course he also accepts. He sweeps you up into a bear hug and kisses you
He’s pretty shocked you managed to organise those whole thing without him noticing
Red isn’t going to admit it, but he is incredibly excited for all the wedding planning (ngl he is the bridezilla out of the two of you)
Edge (uf papyrus):
First of all, congratulations on managing to surprise him. Edge is very rarely caught off guard.
But seeing you down on one knee, ring in hand, his mind goes blank
For a moment he stands there not speaking, his mouth dropped open in shock before he quickly sweeps you off your feet
Not one to be stood up, Edge quickly grabs the ring he had bought for you, and had planned to propose with and slips it on your finger as he kisses you
This is truly going to be one of Edges favourite memories. He’ll insist on enjoying as much time together that night
Ignore him if he gets a little weepy! Ignore the tears! They aren’t real! In fact they are a figment of your imagination!!
biggest bridezilla out of these four. Edge is a menace to your poor wedding planner
Axe (ht sans):
Axe can be pretty clueless at times, a traumatic skull injury will do that to you. So he’s pretty much kept completely in the dark
You probably organised this to be somewhere familiar to him, maybe where you first met, Grillbys bar, even just your home
Somewhere safe and welcoming, where Axe doesn’t constantly feel watched or threatened
The moment you propose to Axe is the best moment of his life
Years of survival and suffering all worth it for this one moment
He pulls you in to kiss you. A loud rumbling purr emanates from his chest as he nuzzles at you.
Every time he looks down and spots the ring on his finger he’s enveloped with love. Axe always go searching for you right after for kisses and cuddles
Get ready for a few very affectionate and loving couple of weeks
Honestly you could have proposed to him with a ring pop and he would treat it like it was the biggest most sparkling diamond he had ever seen
Crooks (ht papyrus):
Crooks had a sneaking suspicion you were up to something
You had employed Axe to help you organise everything. Sadly Axe isn’t the hardest or most helpful worker around.
So some things got left lying in plain sight, including the engagement box of all things
Crooks decides to play dumb, let you sort out whatever you’re doing
The moment you propose is pure magic
Crooks bursts into tears, sobbing out a very loud “YES” as he lets you put the ring on his finger
Seeing the giant skeleton break down into tears, you feared he was going to reject you
So it was a relief to have him pull you into a kiss
You have to convince him to not haul you to the courthouse right then and there. Crooks would get married under any circumstances, even if you can’t afford a lavish wedding. Crooks is just so glad to spend the rest of his life with his soulmate
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cure-icy-writes · 6 months
Okay so. A lot of people have been making cute little dungeon meshi aus where it's modern, but specifically the cast lives in one place. Figured I should maybe share mine?
Anyways. Dungeon Meshi but it's midwestern.
-Senshi, i think, is a regular presence in the church but is the kind of christian that the pastor has beef with. He has an apron with two fish and five loaves of bread on it, and can be found at pretty much every barbecue and church potluck. No one's sure if he's really devoted to jesus or just heard the story of a guy feeding an entire crowd and started showing up to church to feed people. He has caused two married men to have their bisexual awakenings.
-The town they all live in has an extremely high density of restaurants, meaning the only thing to do around there is go out to eat. The gang goes out to eat new places a lot together!
-Izutsumi is a warrior cats kid who was probably bullied for hissing and biting the other kids. The gang recognizes that she's not mean, she's just badly socialized and also seventeen. She lives in a group home, but has been running away less ever since she got promised regular meals.
-Related: Chilchuk is a union guy who is covertly making sure every restaurant they go to is up to code. He keeps shutting down places for not having adequate safety measures for their employees.
-Izutsumi has decided she's going to hang out with Chilchuk sometimes and will stop by his workplace. He's insistent that he's not adopting any more children, but has been teaching her how to budget, how to lie convincingly enough to get a job, and the most ethical places to shoplift from with the fewest risks because she's going to steal things anyways.
-Marcille has never been to a cornfield in her life. She's a Chicago kid, who really misses her deep dish pizza and that really good Italian place, but she's here to study some rare microorganisms.
-Marcille studies a very weird field of medicine that involves looking for medical uses in odd places. She's looking to eliminate class divides in lifespan by trying to find more affordable medicines for diseases that primarily affect the lower class.
-Her father died of asbestos poisoning from working in unsafe conditions when she was a kid, so she's especially alert for it, and gets a little neurotic around flu season.
-Laios and Falin used to go to the creek behind their house all the time to catch crawdads, and sometimes he'll still do it for old time's sake.
-Laios flunked out of college because they couldn't handle his autism rizz. He's going to trade school for the culinary arts, but he keeps trying to cook things he shouldn't.
-Laios checked out the massive dragon books from the library and cried when he found out they weren't real.
-He does furry commissions online, but he's not the best with customer negotiations and keeps wondering how many nipples someone's fursona has. Chilchuk helped him build his profile to appeal to commissioners who like speculative biology.
-Falin watched her brother flunk and went "hm, I think I will not." she's an apprentice at a local gardening shop. You think she's a normal sweet cottagecore kind of girl but then she starts gushing about soil nutrients and sustainability and you realize. Oh. Oh this is the kind of girl who would romanticize being buried under a tree and having it consume her bones.
-Laios wears shirts with anatomically correct dinosaur skeletons on them, but he has to order them online and frequently complains that there are no good clothing shops nearby. Senshi heard him say this, and introduced him to fabric paint.
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southparktegreity · 1 year
south park ; [main 4+ butters] + s/o who draws !
NOTICE : all characters are aged up to their 19/20's!
CW : mentions of drinking (stans part), otherwise none
stan :
i get the impression stan would be really supportive! i feel like he would help you come up with things creatively
he would definitely ask you to draw like the skeleton hands on his hands
out of all the boys, i think he'd be the most interested in learning how to draw or alternatively learning how to draw specific things
i feel like it might end up being a healthy way to express his emotions, ie through vent art instead of drinking
i also think he'd like to paint more than any other medium, probably oil painting? but he uses the cheap acrylic ones whenever he's making vent art since oil paint is expensive
"hey... thanks again y/n for teaching me how to paint.. - it's really helped me."
kyle :
again, very supportive
though he probably would have minor concerns if you started to consider being an artist as your main job? i think he'd be worried about you making money so he might try and help you start an etsy shop or a redbubble or something so people could support you on something other than commissions :)
if you did that with him he'd definitely help you package and ship things out to your customers
whenever you and him babysit ike, you guys all three play pictionary !!!
they both think you're cheating lol
"isn't this like - cheating?! you're too good at this!"
kenny :
i feel like kenny would also want to learn like stan, specifically because he wants to draw you and karen together with him ! he’d probably wanna give it to you and her as a gift since he can’t afford other things
would definitely want you to draw on him, anywhere you want. i could definitely see him wanting you to make him some tattoo art or smth
karen would also probably want you to teach her how to draw
so you and kenny and karen all sit down together and teach them some simple stuff !!
kenny ends up drawing the life he imagines for you and karen, beautiful house - pretty garden - all the works. and of course, most importantly - you both with him
"well... here's the garden, and here's the house... and if you look inside this window right here... you can find you me and karen."
cartman :
as with everything you do, cartman will probably make fun of you, saying something about your “gay drawings”
we all know he secretly loves watching you draw
i feel like he would really like watching the process of you drawing? like he doesn’t care about what it is, but rather the whole process itself
if you take too long though he’ll start to complain
will probably beg you to draw either ‘the racoon’ fanart OR making him x kyles mom fanart
he'll end up commissioning you if you say no
"um. y/nnn. are your requests open? you see, there's this really neat superhero - you'd love him - that i want you to draw for me. he's VERY kewl.... you should - like.. draw him for me... what do you mean i have to pay you?"
butters :
butters DEFINITELY loves it!
i feel like you both would do art trades, except he'd feel a bit bad since he doesn't have the best skill - so he'd make it up to you by buying you a sketchbook or something
i think he also loves the feeling of being drawn on, and looking down at his hands and stuff to find drawings of hello kitty and him that you made ! he would practically MELT - but he’d probably be too shy to ask you to do it
definitely has gotten grounded for your drawings on him
i also feel like he totally shows off all your drawings to cartman and everyone
"well, heya fellas! look at what my partner drew on me! ain't it pretty? :)"
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puckpocketed · 3 months
sharks to kings trade !!! your beloveds are sending penpals to each other in the form of players (-puckszone)
the Grundstrom for Burroughs Trade Vibe Check
HELLO beloved jane puckszone my pink scalloped hem my midnight candy gram my mist over still waters… thank you for stopping by i LOVE waking up to trade news in my inbox i LOVE that our california girls are having playdates . 🎶you can check out any time you like, but you can never leaaaveeee 🎶 <- type beat. about the California Swing; this big road trip every team gets subjected to multiple times each season on account of proximity, it used to be MISERABLE and FOUL because at one point we had 3 good teams !! i hope we get back to that one day 🥹🤲
Carl Grundstrom. CARL GRUNDOTHY …!!!!! I am genuinely VERY happy for him 😭💙 he was pushed out of the lineup during playoffs for some unfathomable reason (rat clenching fist of rage about it) . he’ll be getting more minutes on the Sharks GOD WILLING……. did you watch him at worlds? i did…!! i really liked his, idk what to call it, spirit??? like SORRY LAK but you may have fumbled a bad bitch… ough to see him benched and playing like 2 mins a night during playoffs… god he played one 25 second shift during one of those games and meanwhile they were double shifting our beautiful boy quinton byfield WHO WAS ILL BTW… i thought the kings needed grundy’s fighting spirit out there on the ice :(((
anyway adoption papers under the cut!!
Grundy for the Sharks moots:
We call him Grundy (me and you jane puckszone + the two skeletons and four moths on kingsblr) and i think i’ve seen Jim Hiller call him Grunny? grundy sounds better to me so i use that <3
He’s a solid 4th liner i mean this in the best most complimentary way possible… he does SO well … throw him out there to rest your first line and the puck might just do good things!!! my defensively responsible little guy…!! like. i love hard workers they are so dear to me <3
Low key underrated shooter? mostly in that i don’t know if i ever saw him pass loooool but yeah no he has more goals than assists this past season like IF the puck is on his stick he WILL shoot it godbless !!
Perhaps on the Sharks he moves up the depth chart 😭👍 middle-six winger anyone…praying for his success so bad you don’t even KNOW
HITTER!! this boy is big and throws hits! Plays the body when defending, plays the body when forechecking <3. i love you grundy and so does the mike grier Size/Skill/Will agenda. with this trade we are swapping hitter for hitter, but making room on our blue line (Shakir full time NHL arc???? PLEEK)
Grundy might genuinely be a great fit for the Sharks Culture Plan because i never saw a game where he wasn’t extremely invested and intense … i liked that about him vewwy much but that might just be me and my penchant for becoming attached to random depth players 🥹
More broadly, the pattern of picking up guys who need a new opportunity marches on… dellandrea and now grundstrom. we may not have uhhh affordable housing or more than 20 wins but the one thing sj does have in spades is ice time <3
i do wonder what all this does to our guys in the AHL who’ve been very hungry to break through but ough. alas. </3 perhaps that’s a conversation best had on a podcast and not by me, i can’t be objective here!!
on the LAK side of things:
Kyle Burroughs played way too many minutes on a bare bones Sharks defense please don’t look at his uuhhh -42 rating and take it seriously 😭
he might look like a silly guy from a 2010s sitcom but he is in fact a GOON!!! the fighting majors… lordy….. also i haven’t checked the stats recently but last time i did he was right up in the leaderboards for hits.
this move from LA does puzzle me!! Clarke and Spence should be getting more priority ice time next season. the Burroughs trade would push them out of the lineup unless Burroughs is getting put in the AHL or lak get rid of another defenseman.
perhaps an omen? Matt Roy leaving? or perhaps noted gorgeous leg weight Andreas Englund? <- i’m more inclined to this as it seems Burroughs and Englund would occupy the same role!!
endeared by Kyle Burroughs’ moustache deeply <3 him and j.middleton are sisters to me as per one of my posts…
anyway i hope he gets fewer minutes and less rough deployment on the kings jskdjdkgk he truly went THRU it this past season 😭🙏
in conclusion Cali Polycule please come back from the WAR i need this place to be hell on earth again CALIFORNIA SWEEP….!!!!
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Optimus is dissecting your human body
Pairing: yandere Optimus Prime x reader
Optimus hovered over the platform, gazing into the painfully familiar human features. You were beautiful. You were perfect, as you always were.
And so was your body, which didn't contain your mind. Ratchet had called it a corpse, but Optimus thought otherwise. No part of you could be dead. No part of you.
That's why he was here. And that's why he lied to you and Ratchet: your organic body wasn't destroyed at all. Optimus didn't want that. Why would he? Why destroy this beauty?
But it was also dangerous and... Not as interesting to leave it in its familiar form. Optimus had long felt the urge to find out exactly what Eve's organic body was hiding inside of her. The Cybertronian could easily expose any part, even the Spark, while humans were beyond his control. And Optimus wanted to. Wanted to know what was inside you. What your soul and body were hiding.
There was no obstacle to that now. The merger would soon take place, but the body...
Optimus transformed the manipulator into a blade. A combat upgrade might not be suitable for operating on organics, but operating on you with something other than your own body Prime considered sacrilege. Oh, no. He must feel. To feel the way his Spark's flesh cut through like a thin layer of metal.
Optimus had purposely sharpened the blade in a way he hadn't sharpened it in the entire war. Optimus thought long and hard about where to begin. Everything drew him in, beckoned to him, and all he could do was blow air through the ventilation systems at high volume.
The blade swept across your forehead, thin drops of blood trickling down, staining the unnaturally pale skin. The scalp came off easily. Optimus watched with interest as the thin layer of red film hid the skull. White against the red.
Prime carefully sliced the scalp off, setting it aside. Thoughtfully examined your head.
The next stage was the eyes: Optimus couldn't afford not to look into them at least once a joor. Therefore, he really wanted to keep it.
The tip of the blade lifting the closed eyelid, digging under the eyeball. It's exquisite workmanship. Optimus never thought he'd do a job like this, but he couldn't let you down and mess it up. So he calculated every move, every gesture.
The first eyeball protruded from the eye socket, and Optimus carefully began to cut away the tendons. Slowly, in no hurry. When the eyeball was finally separated from the body, Optimus held it up to his optics. The brown pupil stared at him silently.
Optimus smiled at your gaze, and then proceeded to the other eye. This one was quicker to do.
Optimus moved a little and pressed on your jaw. Your mouth opened obediently, and the mech immediately hooked your tongue with his fingers. He pulled it back a little, and with a second manipulator he cut off your tongue. Optimus really liked to hear you talk, and to neglect that organ would be... Just awful.
Optimus examined the result he'd gotten. You looked at him with empty eye sockets and the bloody yawn of an empty mouth.
Optimus wanted what was hiding behind your skull. Your brain.
But Optimus was thinking. He so wanted your whole skeleton. In order to do that, it had to be stripped completely of meat, muscle, fat, internal organs. At these thoughts, Optimus' motor sounded louder, more satisfied: the process would be long. Now the blade rested against your sternum. It pressed down, burrowing inward, but without damaging your lungs or ribs.
Optimus moved the arm downward, revealing your chest, abdomen, and pelvic organs. Beautiful. You were as beautiful on the inside as you were on the outside.
A riot of red, burgundy, yellow, and even purple, that's how Optimus saw your inner world. Prime noted with frustration that to get to your lungs and heart, you'd have to break your ribs.
Those hid the things Optimus needed with their whitish cage. But that's okay.
Optimus would rebuild the skeleton afterward.
The sound with which each rib broke, separating from you, Prime could only compare to a prayer. The blade moved with even more care.
Optimus cut through the heart sac, slicing through aortas and tendons, wanting to get to the heart.
Your heart was... Prime, it was what Optimus had spent so long conquering. Prime took a few long brims to look at what once drove blood through your veins, and then brought it up to your dermis, kissing it. A trail of blood was immediately imprinted on the soft metal. But that's okay.
Optimus will lick it off later. Right after he got the lungs. The stomach. Liver. The intestinal tubes. And the uterus and ovaries. And Optimus won't leave anything inside you untouched.
“What the hell are you doing in there!!!” you banged your fist loudly several times against the automatic doors leading to Optimus' compartment. His private compartment, not their shared one. “Ratchet is calling for you. He refuses to take me for a physical on this stupid hull and my Spark without you present.”
Optimus immediately switched gears: contacting your past body was intriguing, but contacting your new hull and asset... It was infinitely times better.
“Give me five minutes, my Spark,” Optimus hurries into the purifier. He doesn't want to wash you off of him at all, but if he doesn't, you yourself... Once again, you'll be afraid. Reject. You won't understand.
Outside the door, you hummed quietly in response. The familiar smell of metal and... Meat? But you immediately dismissed those thoughts.
Where on Cybertron would meat and blood come from?
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direwombat · 1 year
Tumblr media
tagged by @madparadoxum, and @poetikat for this midweek wip sharing day <3
tagging @inafieldofdaisies, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @henbased, @adelaidedrubman, @g0dspeeed, @gaeadene, @jillvalentinesday, @ivymarquis, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable, @aceghosts, @voidika, @confidentandgood, @purplehairsecretlair, @cassietrn, @neverthesameneveranother, @deputyash, @miyabilicious, @simplegenius042, @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @euryalex, @clonesupport, @josephslittledeputy, @alexxmason, and anyone else with something to share today! (also I will be moving away from the scattershot approach of tagging (ie, whoever i can remember) sometime around the end of the month and start using a proper taglist, so if you want to be added to that taglist, please like/reply to this post)
no katc wip update because the sybeli brainrot has seized me. part 1 of the horror and the wild is already 8k. these are gonna be fuckin monster chapters, but at least there's only three of them lol
“When you were at the Veterans Center, you didn’t see anything…strange, did you?”
[Sybille] frowns and furrows her brow. “No,” she says carefully after a moment’s thought. The entire ordeal was creepy, to be sure, but there was nothing explicitly unusual.  “Ran into the groundskeeper -- or at least I think he was the groundskeeper --” Because what the fuck was Mr. Seed doing there so late at night if he wasn’t? “--but I didn’t notice anythin’ outta the ordinary.”
“You ran into Jacob Seed?” Eli asks. His eyes are wide. Panicked, if she didn’t know any better. 
“Uh? Yeah?” she says. “Why? You know ‘im?”
“Kinda,” he mutters. A strange shadow passes across his face, darkening his expression. His jaw tenses and there’s a hardness to his eyes. “What’d he say?”
“In a nutshell? Fuck off,” she shrugs. “He told me I was on private property, asked if I was lost, and refused to give me directions. Kind of a dick if I’m bein’ honest.” 
Eli snorts, and underneath the impressive growth of his beard, she sees the corners of his mouth quirk upwards wryly. “That’s an understatement,” he mutters under his breath. “He didn’t say or do anything…weird, did he?”
“No, not really. Just kinda rude,” she says. “He did watch me drive away, which was kinda unnerving, but he weren’t actively hostile, or anythin’.” She deliberately leaves out how she swore she saw his eyes reflecting like an animal's. Surely, it was just her own eyes playing tricks on her. 
A thoughtful hum rumbles from Eli’s chest and he leans forward to take her hand. “Well, I’m glad to hear that,” he says, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the top of her hand. “Just be careful around him." 
Well, that doesn't make her feel good. “Eli, what’s goin’ on?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing you need to worry about. He and I have just had…run-ins in the past.”
“Whaddaya mean?” she frowns. “What happened?”
Eli’s lips press into a thin line and he chews on the inside of his cheek, carefully choosing his words. “He’s…territorial,” he says slowly. “Thinks the entire State Park is his own personal hunting grounds.”
She shakes her head. “Entitled bastard.” Then her eyes go wide. “Hang on -- he didn’t threaten to shoot you, did he?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Eli assures her. He squeezes her hand in his. “But it did get…physical.” There’s a peculiar tightness to his voice, and she gets the distinct feeling there's something he isn't telling her. 
Sybille’s frown deepens. She raises a brow skeptically. “But not physical enough to press charges?”
“Ain’t worth it,” he shrugs. “His youngest brother is some hot-shot lawyer from Atlanta. I can’t afford to pay for legal fees that would only end with him getting a slap on the fuckin’ wrist.” 
She narrows her eyes. Not worth it. Exactly what Staci said about not pulling Mr. Seed over for reckless driving. The only difference is that Pratt seems to genuinely fear the man, whereas Eli offers nothing but mild contempt. But she still files it away as strange. Eli isn’t easily cowed by intimidation the same way Staci is. He served. Just like her. Just like Jacob. Just like half the fucking county. 
Whatever happened between the two men, it was enough to deter him from fighting back. 
But she doesn’t push it. “Okay,” she concedes. She breaks her hand free from Eli’s warm grip and twines her fingers with his. “But, if somethin’ happens again and you wanna get the Sheriff’s Department involved, you just let me know, okay? Ain’t nobody above the law, and we’ll do what we can to make sure justice is served.” 
Eli smiles. His eyes are warm, swimming with affection, and he lifts their hands to press a kiss to the back of hers. “You know I love your sense of honor and I appreciate the offer, but some things a man’s gotta take care of himself.” 
“It ain’t honor, it’s public safety,” she says firmly. “You know how many feuds I seen end in ‘huntin’ accidents’?” She uses her free hand to deliver air-quotes. True, she’s seen less of it than she did after moving north of the Bible Belt, but the general distaste for involving law enforcement and citizens taking matters into their own hands seems to just be a staple of rural life.
“It ain’t a feud,” he says with a dismissive shake of his head. But there’s a strain to his voice that makes her think he might be lying.
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gabriel-xander · 3 months
Don't Forget
[Sans x Female!Reader]
9: He's Scheming
Napstablook has gotten the absolute pleasure of getting to know you for the better part of the passing week. Sure, the experience was slightly watered down because, as YOU had warned him, your period made you a little more emotional and dramatic than usual. He can’t even blame you for it either; what kind of fucked up shit is this that you have to bleed for a whole week??
You were always quick to sincerely apologize whenever you accidently raised your voice, or when you would get jealous over a monster having cute ears, or when you would outright sob when you ate that delicious burger he brought for you from MTT-Brand Burger Emporium.
You were a bigger cry baby than he was! Honestly, Napstablook was pretty impressed!
But as much fun you two were having together in the Ruins, he knew that it couldn’t magically fix one specific dilemma.
You needed to get out of these Ruins.
The catacombs are very small and the amount of monsters living here are smaller. They tend to keep to themselves as well, and aren’t the most receptive when it comes to you. Yes, they’re polite and don’t turn you away, but when you were subtly telling the owner of a few places that you’d basically work for free, they found every excuse to turn you down.
“Oh, I’d just feel bad for taking advantage of you and your time.”
“Then pay me the bare minimum.” You’d counter.
”I-I don’t think I have the funds to afford another employee, you see…”
“No… No, I get it. Thanks for hearing me out, though.” You’d force a smile, letting everyone know who was involved that YOU know it was complete, and utter bullshit.
You don’t actually want a job, you don’t want to work for free. You just want something to do. You need new stimuli and the Ruins cannot provide that for you.
”it’s just a shame…” Napstablook tells the smiley skeleton, “but she doesn’t have a lot of options…”
After seeing each other every day for the past week, Sans and Napstablook have built a small routine with each other.
If Sans manages to catch the ghost BEFORE entering the Ruins, then Sans will have a ghost-friendly snack to share as Napstablook tells him the plans you two have for the day. If Sans catches the ghost AFTER, then they’ll both share what their day was like (aka, Sans trying to know more about you while giving short answers when it was his turn to share).
Right now, Napstablook and Sans were munching on some hot cats, talking about your sad day yesterday. In a little bit, he’s going to have to wrap this up so he’s not late.
“hm, guess the monsters in the ruins are still a little close-minded about humans,” Sans gives an honest opinion, “if the human is actually as nice as you say, then it has nothin’ to do with her, and everything to do with her just being human.”
‘you keep saying that…’ Napstablook thinks to himself. ‘“If she is actually this or that”… why do you distrust humans so much…? especially this one…?’
“i feel so bad for her. i can tell she’s getting exhausted…”
“why can’t she just leave the ruins then?”
“it’s not safe…” Napstablook hesitates for a moment, “not just because she’s human, either… there’s a monster who almost killed her when she first fell down… according to miss toriel, anyway… that’s the real reason why miss toriel asked me to hang out with the human. so i can make sure she can safely leave the house and watch out for that monster…”
Sans freezes for a second.
Napstablook is obviously talking about Flowey. He wouldn’t put it past that invasive weed to try and immediately kill a human that isn’t Frisk at this point. But Frisk was also almost killed by Flowey, but not once in ANY time line was Toriel THIS worried about their safety. Other than asking Sans to make sure that Frisk doesn’t die (not that he ever bothered to do that either), Toriel never made this much of a fuss over a human.
What kind of fucked up shit did Flowey do to you?? And why are you cowering so much?
This gives Sans a great idea.
“hey, blook,” Sans’ grin widens noticeably, “i think i got a good idea to help out your friend. but uh… we might gotta be a little sneaky about it to work.”
Napstablook gives the other a (rightfully) hesitant look. “what do you have in mind…?”
Napstablook gives you a small smile, waving goodbye in spirit (hah) as you go into the house. It was another good day, albeit a little shorter than usual since he has something else he has to do. You were a little dejected about it, but you didn’t put up a fight.
At first, Sans’ plan seemed out of nowhere and sketchy. Not that he’d ever have the courage to say that to the skeleton’s face of course. Sans never showed much trust or faith for you, so his plan to “help you out” doesn’t sit very well with Napstablook. No, he doesn’t think Sans is going to do anything erratical, but…
After spending this day with you, Napstablook decided that he can’t allow you to go down this path. Sans’ plan is sketchy, but it’s also your best shot at finally leaving the Ruins.
It does not take long to find Toriel. Again, the Ruins are small, and there are only so many places one can be. He managed to find her leaving the Spider Bake sale with a few spider donuts, and a jar of spider cider.
Uh oh. You two had already bought some before getting you back home since you were complaining this morning that you wanted to help their cause. It seemed that Toriel had heard you and wanted to treat you to a surprise.
Toriel blinks at the ghost’s appearance, “Oh, Napstablook. Is [Y/n] safe at home?”
“yes, miss toriel…”
“I already told you just—Never mind,” She shakes her head with a smile, “Was there something you needed?”
“ah, yeah… i wanted to talk to you about [y/n]… you must’ve noticed it, right…?”
Her expression falters, and her smile becomes crestfallen, “Yes, I… I cannot deny the truth that is right in front of me. [Y/n] insists constantly that she is content with staying in the Ruins, especially because we have yet to find that flower monster. But I know this is no place for someone like her to spend her time.”
“i really enjoy her company, and i don’t mind coming here to see her… i don’t go out a lot, but even i still have a lot of places i can to go to make up for it…”
Napstablook avoids eye contact as he continues, “i know it’s scary-for you and [y/n]-but… it’s something to think about…  she can’t stay here forever…”
Toriel looks down, “Yes. Yes, you are correct. I will give it more thought. Thank you, Napstablook. It’s comforting to know that [Y/n] already has another friend who cares for her dearly.”
“she’s a good friend… i’d hate to see her get worse…” Napstablook starts to back up, “i-i need to go now, but… give it some thought… for her….”
”I will. Thank you, Napstablook. I will be seeing you tomorrow, correct?”
“yes, miss toriel… see you tomorrow…”
“Goodbye, Napstablook.”
Napstablook floats away, leaving the goat monster to her thoughts. She sighs through her nose, walking back to her home… Her home with you…
Toriel doesn’t want you to leave. You are quickly becoming one of her best friends already, and she adores you. You two have bonded so closely, and shared each other’s souls. In her long, long life, the only ones she had allowed to see her soul (outside of battler) were Asgore and Asriel. And you—You didn’t hesitate for a second to share your soul in return. Your beautiful, fragile, human soul that, after a brief look, had NO defense at all.
You trusted her-you trust her so adherently. She doesn’t know if she can bear to lose you if something happened to you. She doesn’t want to leave the Ruins, but she doesn’t want you to go off on your own. Perhaps it’s overbearing, but it’s better to be safe and sorry.
Maybe it’s time to finally tell him.
Step one of the plan has been done. Once Napstablook told Sans exactly how the exchange went, the skeleton looked proud. He can tell that the ghost does not fully trust him, but Sans has no qualms about it. After all, the only time Sans has ever gone out of his way to speak to Napstablook is about the human. The skeleton knows he did a shit job at trying to conceal that he doesn’t trust you.
It’s actually reassuring in a way to know that Napstablook doesn’t trust blindly, even if they’re “on the same team.”
After sharing briefly about each other’s day, Napstablook headed home to work on some remix of a song you played on the piano about a week ago. Conveniently, this is the day he usually speaks to Toriel, so he opted to stay back, sitting against the door for a short nap.
Sans only gets to nap for fifteen minutes when a familiar knocking pattern on the Ruin doors rouses him from his sleep. It takes him a moment to reorientate himself, but in a few seconds, he’s knocking back.
”Hello, old friend,” Toriel greets rather… seldomly.
Sans feigns confusion, “hey, you okay?”
”Yes, I am fine. There’s just–something weighing on my mind, I suppose.”
”well, you know you are always more than welcome to tell me what’s bothering you,” Sans hums, “only if you wanna share, no pressure.”
There’s a silence between them for a moment. Sans doesn’t rush her; he pulls out his blue comb to brush his beautiful, lucious skull. Actually, he just has the comb to scratch his head since his gloves don't let him do it right. After a few minutes, she finally opens up.
“I have a confession to make, but…. Please, hear me out first.”
”yeah, of course.”
“For the past month, I’ve been housing a human. An adult human woman.”
Wait, you’re an adult?? Napstablook had him believing this whole time that you were just some kid. He probably kept away that information on purpose. The skeleton barely hid his dislike for you, it would've been ten-fold if he knew you were much older.
Good on Napstablook.
“Her name is [Y/n], and she has been nothing but a sweetheart and a delight. She’s so funny, and she’s incredibly smart. Ah-ha ha! I sometimes have trouble keeping up with some of the things she’ll share with me. Her humor is all over the place, I think you’d enjoy her jokes, too.”
You have Toriel wrapped around your finger too, huh? Napstablook wasn’t enough for you? No…No, Sans is just being unfair now. You are not Frisk. You might not even know what the hell is going on and you’re staying with Toriel because of that promise of protection from Flowey. He wishes that was enough to reassure him, but he’s just… he can’t be too careful.
“sounds like you really care for this human,” Sans hesitates for a second, but he needs to ask. For his own sake. “she isn’t… you’re sure she’s good?”
“Hm,” Toriel huffs out a small laugh, “Just the other day, she willingly showed me her soul, even after I thoroughly explained what it means here in the Underground to do something like that.”
“she what?”
You—Are you stupid or just overly trusting?! Sans barely lets Papyrus see his damn soul and his brother is one of the few people that Sans will never feel any different for even after so many Resets. Papyrus has shown his soul many times, but never pressed Sans into doing the same because he understands.
For you, someone who is supposedly SO intelligent, to trust a boss monster so willingly even when Toriel had explained it to you…
Crap, but that totally means you’re familiar with the sensation of someone looking at your soul now. Sans won’t be able to look at your stats without you knowing. He normally wouldn’t give a shit if that were the case, but it’s going to be more awkward when you know what it means to share your soul with someone.
“[Y/n] is very precious to me, so… so when the first day she arrived, there was a monster who nearly killed her… it had put me on edge in a way that I’ve never felt before.”
She must be talking about Flowey. Sans still doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal this time when Frisk was almost killed by Flowey too.
“really? do you remember what the monster looked like?” Still, Sans has to ask to keep up appearances.
“It was a flower, I believe. It’s strange, I’ve never seen any other monster like it.”
Yeahhh, crazy…
“is this why you’ve been keeping her in the ruins and not telling anyone about it?”
“Yes, precisely. We’ve come to the agreement that she wouldn’t leave our home alone since we were worried that if she was alone, the flower would come back to kill her.”
Right, Sans knows this (now) thanks to Napstablook.
”But lately, I’ve noticed a change in her behavior. She’s been more reclusive, and she isn’t as energetic as she used to be. [Y/n] would also tell me that when she tries to get hired just so she can have something to do, she’s turned away because she’s human.”
Yikes. Sans might not like you very much (nothing personal, he just doesn’t like humans), but even he thinks that’s pretty fucked. From the sounds of it, you really are just trying to live peacefully with the situation you’re given. Staying with Toriel. Trying (and failing) to get a job. Literally doing what you can to survive a psychopathic flower.
…Maybe Sans’ mental image of you is a little harsher than what the truth actually is.
“[Y/n]’s only other friend suggested this, and I’m reluctant to agree with him, but this isn’t just about me. I want [Y/n] to be happy, too.”
“what are you thinking?”
”My friend, if it’s not too much to ask, and if it’s not too much of a burden,” Toriel takes a deep breath, “can I entrust you to watch over [Y/n]?”
Sans’ grin widens. Seems like his plan worked.
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Marcus pike does not like horror movies.
Now don't get me wrong. He loves October. He loves halloween. Sitting out on his porch in an affordable (but still high quality) costume with a bowl of candy and remarking on all the very sparkly princesses and scary skeletons that make their way up to his house all night is one of his favorite nights of the whole year. But he doesn't enjoy the gorey side of halloween. He's more than happy to find himself on the couch on a saturday night and watch seasonal film about witches and spells- but nothing with explicit gore that makes him jump and double check the shadow at the end of the hall later that night.
"Real life is terrifying enough in my opinion. I don't need to add to it on my time off."
That is, until he met you.
When you tell him on your first date that you love halloween he all but beams. But the confession is then paired with a shy smile as you admit you enjoy the macarbe just as much as the softer side of the holiday.
"I'm a bit of a horror buff, honestly."
That's when his smile threatens to falter- not because of disgust, god no. But because the next words out of his mouth are "Me too!" despite the fact the man refused to watch a single Saw film because the trailers were enough to turn him off of it.
But the way your eyes lit up at the shared interest was enough to make him lie straight through his teeth and bite down his own concerns when you ask if he'd like to have a movie night together.
Of course- the truth does come out.
When you're thirty minutes through Saw and you see Marcus watching with gritted teeth and a permanent grimace like he'd preparing to get punched in the face, you ask him truthfully if he wants to watch something else.
The poor puppy dog look that takes over his face is enough to make you want to kiss him then and there.
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