#after days of researching and looking at the new graphic trends this is what i got ahdksvjs
ahopkins1965 · 2 months
How come the internet is Satan’s Playground?
Let’s have a good look at this for a moment. What we mean by a playground is this? A playground consists of a very large space that is filled with equipment and activities for children to play inside of it. When it pertains to Satan we all have to be extremely careful. This playground can hinder us in various ways. For instance, it can prevent anyone from serving the Lord. 1st Thessalonians 2:18 in the New International Version says for we wanted to come to you-certainly, I Paul did again and again, but Satan blocked our way. This means that Satan prevents us from performing certain tasks for God.
He also keeps us from reading the Word of God, which is the sword of the spirit. Another way of looking at this playground that belongs to Satan is the way it causes billions of people to get addicted. A person can get easily captivated through the women who are online wearing certain apparel, or the music that we listen to on a daily basis. Some of it is demonic. For example, there are certain beats, lyrics, and tunes that easily captivate our minds and draw us into the music. There is an inner voice that communicates to each and every one of us. It is Satan using the internet as his playground. His purpose is to deceive the nations worldwide. The internet has been around for over 40 years.
The internet did not become available for public use until 1996. However, this major search engine and tool has changed so much over the past 20 years that it has caused millions of people to break up their marriages, relationships, and families. This is simply because of its graphic content that it contains. James 1:14-15 indicates that but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death. This means that we must pay close attention to all of the things that we are doing behaviorally, psychologically, and socially, so that it pleases God.
It is not easy because we are in a constant battle with our flesh each and every single day. It is a war that is going on inside of the mind itself. Satan captures your mind and draws you completely away from what you are supposed to do for God. The Playground that I am talking about right now consists of not only the internet, but music, nightclubs, as well as other churches and occults. The internet is emphasized at this time because it is the main thing that people are using right now for research and entertainment.
There are more women online than men. There are more children between the ages of 12 to 30 online more than ever before. This is the main reason why parents need to start paying attention to the activities that each of their children is doing each day. James 1:21 says therefore get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you. This means that we must get rid of anything that contaminates our minds and accepts God’s word as a seed and allow it to grow inside of us. Also, we must get rid of anything that goes against God. Psalms 119:89 states that Your Word O Lord is eternal: it stands firm in the heavens. This means that God’s Word is the only thing that will remain on earth. The internet itself will dissolve just like the heavens and the earth. Technology is something that will not last forever. It is only a trend or fad. Trends and Fads are temporary and this is something that only last for a very short period of time.
This also includes the internet if it is a major problem for you. The internet as a playground is very serious. It is technology, which is true. Matthew 24:35 says that heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Jesus told His disciples this information while He was reading the End of Times. Jesus also told his disciples in Mark 13th chapter to watch because you do not know when the world will come to an end. Watch therefore watch!! Satan’s playground consists of many places. These places where Satan is deceiving the nations are everywhere. The internet itself is propaganda that is either positive or negative. The internet is also filled with images that are capable of causing the conscious to erode.
Therefore, causing billions to become addicted and there is no way out of it. This addiction is just as bad as smoking cigarettes. How come the internet is Satan’s playground? This is a very good question because there are things that go on regularly that causes everyone to panic. This is especially when there are hacking incidents that are going on worldwide. This is a major threat to national security. We are have to realize that this is very serious and we have to pay attention to what is going on around us through the use of our eyes and the rest of our 5 senses.
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cleanvisualsagency · 2 years
How To Get The Best Of Your Graphic Designer Gone are the days when graphic design was only accessible for big companies with huge budgets. Nowadays, anyone can get the best of a graphic designer and make their own visual impact. But how exactly can you get the best of what a graphic designer has to offer? Here is a list of tips and tricks to ensure you get the best possible end product when hiring a graphic designer: 1. Know What You Want Before getting in touch with a graphic designer, it’s important to know what you want to achieve. Have a clear idea of the look and feel you’re after and be able to articulate it to the designer. If you have reference material of what you’re looking for, it is also helpful to provide it. This will make the designer’s job much easier and provide them with a better understanding of what you are looking for. 2. Give Clear Guidelines When delivering instructions to a graphic designer, it’s important to be as specific as possible. This includes providing any deadlines or restrictions, as well as font and color preferences. If a graphic designer has all the information they need upfront, it will save time on back and forth communication in the long run and make sure the end result is exactly what you had in mind. 3. Do Your Research Researching potential graphic designers is key to finding the best fit. Look at their portfolio and read their reviews and feedback. Social proof is an important factor in the decision making process and references are especially helpful in seeing how satisfied a designer’s clients were with the end product. 4. Ask Questions and Expect Clarification Graphic designers are creative professionals who specialize in visual solutions. Asking as many questions as you need to feel comfortable is important. Clarifying deliverables, timelines and budgets from the start are a great way to ensure a successful outcome. 5. Provide Feedback Promptly and Effectively If not satisfied with the first round of work, it’s important to give clear, constructive feedback. Let the designer know what you liked and what could be improved quickly and effectively, so they have enough time to incorporate your ideas. 6. Invest in the Process Graphic design is not an overnight process. It takes time, patience and trust in the designer’s creative process. Investing in the process and trusting that the end product will be worth it, is essential to ensuring success. 7. Respect Their Work Graphic designers are creative professionals who put in a lot of effort and passion into each project. Respect this work and show your appreciation. Making sure they are paid fairly is also very important. Following these tips will ensure you get the best out of your graphic designer and make sure you’re happy with the end product. At Clean Visuals, we offer graphic design services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you need a new logo, branding materials, marketing collateral, or social media graphics, our team is here to help you make a strong visual impact. Check out our graphic design pricing for more information about our services. What skills should I look for in a graphic designer? 1. Creative and artistic ability 2. Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) 3. Conceptual and visual problem solving skills 4. Ability to effectively collaborate with clients and other professionals 5. Excellent communication, organizational, and time management skills 6. Knowledge and understanding of typography, layouts, and color theory 7. Ability to stay up-to-date with industry trends and technology 8. Knowledgeable of printing processes and materials What qualifications do I need to become a graphic designer? The qualifications required to become a graphic designer can vary depending on the type of work you want to do. Generally, a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, fine arts, or a related field is the minimum requirement for most entry-level positions.
Having a portfolio of your work is also important, as employers usually want to see a designer’s past projects when assessing their qualifications. Having a good understanding of computer software such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop is also beneficial. Additionally, gaining experience in the field as an intern or freelancer is a great way to start a career as a graphic designer. What type of degree do I need to become a graphic designer? Most graphic designers typically have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college in graphic design, fine arts, illustration, or a related field. Some employers may also require industry-specific certifications or experience. Having a portfolio of work to demonstrate your skills is essential, as hiring managers will typically want to see proof of your design capabilities. Additionally, having a good understanding of design software such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop can be beneficial when applying for jobs. Q: What education is required to become a graphic designer? A: An aspiring graphic designer should pursue a formal education in graphic design, which typically includes a bachelor's degree in a related field such as computer graphics, art, creative design, fine arts, or a related field. Most employers also require some form of professional certification such as a Graphic Design Professional (GDP) designation from the Association of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC). A portfolio of high-quality design pieces, showcasing both traditional and digital design skills, may also be necessary to secure a job as a graphic designer. Q: What qualifications do I need to become a graphic designer? A: To become a graphic designer, you typically need a combination of a degree or certificate in graphic design, computer software knowledge (such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign), strong communication skills, and art and design talent. Additionally, you may need a portfolio of work to demonstrate your talent and proficiency to potential employers.
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thr-333 · 3 years
I got this request story idea where quirkless deku doesn't want to be a hero anymore because of bullying that he got from bakugou and wrong saying that he got from all might. So deku decides is a backpacker, travelling around the world experiencing cultures, food, quirks!!! He has even a YouTube account where talk about his travels, meet new people and talk about their quirks.
Here you go @sweetizukufan its set in nz like  you wanted :D
Ochako flopped onto her bed and groaned into a pillow. She didn’t have the right to complain, she knew that. She had been one of thousands of applicants to pass the entrance exam and for the past three years her classmates had been training just as hard as she had. And truthfully she didn’t want to complain. It was her final year at UA. It was only a matter of months until she was officially a hero her dream since a child and she was excited for it!
That didn't change the fact Aizawa had upped their training the last few months. The days got longer the work harder and quite frankly it left her with virtually zero free time. Whenever she tried voicing her thoughts she’d be met by her well meaning, but overly enthusiastic classmates encouraging her to keep her head up. 
She was! That didn’t mean she had to go through hellish training with a wide smile on her face.
“Ugh,” Ochako rolled over as it got hard to breath with the pillow smothering her. She really did need to get some sleep before waking up at five in the bloody morning tomorrow when she hit the gym. But honestly at this point if she didn’t do something to break up the monotony of training, eating and sleeping she was going to lose it.
She blindly grabbed for her phone. The school had funded getting her a newer model than her old flip phone since that had been a hindrance when she started internships. She was provided with the industry standard which her friends had tested by throwing it out a window, where it hit Bakugou’s head, and was promptly exploded then stomped on. The thing came out of it without a scratch.
She brought up youtube, it’s not like she had any games, let alone time to play them. It was probably a bad sign she had forgotten what channels she liked. With little other option she started scrolling trending with only a small amount of hesitance. She flicked past everything that was clearly clickbait, too childish or both. 
Something caught her eye and Ochako back-pedalled to take a look. It looked like some sort of vlogging channel ‘ARRIVING IN NEW ZEALAND! Auckland sky tower!!!’ was written across the screen. Even with all the caps she didn’t really see how that could be clickbait. Maybe the guy was just excited, she would like to get a holiday like that after all. The image had him smiling at the camera sitting down and below him was nothing, nothing but a street far below. Ochako was embarrassed to say her first thought was that he had some sort of floating quirk before realising he was literally sitting on a window. In her defence she had a float quirk.
Partly embarrassed she clicked on the video why not live her traveling dreams vicariously through a stranger? She used to watch her fair share of travel videos, although those were mostly in tropical places so she could research where to take her parents.
The video started with a shot looking over the wing of a plane, a montage of it starting to land. Ochako was vaguely concerned when all she could see was water out the window but just before touch down the tarmac came into view so it wasn't a surprise crash landing. The camera cut off after a few more seconds panning across the airport as the plane pulled in. The music started to fade out as the shot cut to the same guy as before.
“Hey guys Midoriya here again, just got off an eleven hour flight,” He had no right to look so cheerful at that Ochako had never been on a plane but it didn’t look particularly fun, “And let me tell you I was not prepared for the ordeal that is security here,”
Midoriya’s smile faltered a bit, looking sheepish. He was walking with the camera just outside the airport, people milling around in the background paying him no mind.
“I had no idea it would be that tough, I had an apple I got on the plane in my bag and I thought that would be alright, I got it on the plane after all!” Midoriya didn’t look upset or angry but  he was blushing madly. Ochako cracked a smile at that now that she looked closer he was probably about her age, “But no, I swear I thought they were going to arrest me! They started interrogating me, I had to stutter out that I got it on the plane, but that didn’t stop them they gave me a lecture about protecting the environment and declaring food, luckily I got off without a fine, I think it’s because I looked terrified, because I was,”
Midoriya chuckled rubbing his neck, there was a bang and he looked wideyed to the side the camera shook slightly then cut to another shot the setting slightly off from where it was showing a bit of greenery growing at the air port.
“Sorry dropped my bag,” Ochako giggled at that a bit, more that he had decided to keep that in the video than anything else, “So I thought that was the end of it, but apparently not, they started asking questions about my shoes, ‘have you visited any farms?’ ‘have you worn them hiking at any point?’ stuff like that, so that was a bit of a problem because these are my only pair of shoes in this country and I’m pretty sure they’re gonna incinerate that apple,”
A little graphic of a cartoon apple on fire popped up along with a pair of shoes. A speech bubble followed saying ‘save yourself!’ as the apple’s little chibi face screwed up.
“I promised them that no, I haven’t by the way I wouldn’t lie about this stuff the environment here is super cool and unique I couldn’t live with myself if my dirty shoes killed a forest,” The graphic was gone by now and Midoriya was walking through the airport, “But I handed over all the snacks I had in my bag, even if they were ok to bring in the country I was too anxious to risk it, that seemed to appease the border security and I got away with my shoes in tact, my snacks sacrifice will not be in vain,”
Ochako was tempted to laugh but if someone set fire to her snacks or sweets there would be hell to pay.
“Anyway now I’m hungry and have some time before my hotels check in,” Midoriya beamed at the camera, “So I’m gonna do something I’ve wanted to since planning this trip,”
On that mysterious note the video cut to another montage as Midoriya got into a taxi. Ochako let herself enjoy the sights that rolled out the window. She wished she had a computer to watch this on instead of squinting for details on her phone's screen. The montage went onto show the outside of a store then going inside to pan over all the baked goods inside. It was a smorgasbord that stoked Ochako’s envy.
“Here we are,” Midoriya sat at a table just outside the store a few bags laid out in front of him, “These sorts of bakeries are everywhere in New Zealand, I didn’t look for anywhere specific just one walking distance to my hotel room, and here we are!”
Midoriya took something from a bag showing it to the camera to make out the golden crust of a pie. Going torturously in detail as he ripped it open for the audience's benefit. Steam rose and mince flowed out, surprising Ochako as she thought it would be sweet. Breaking it open made a mess as Midoriya was forced to drop the piping hot pastry. The filling pooled across the bag it had come in making the whole thing look sloppy.
“I think my friend would kill me if she saw me do that, Gemma don’t watch this video,” Midoriya warned to late, “She’s the one who told me I had to try a pie, I have a few flavours here but lets start with the basic one, mince!”
Midoriya had some difficulty eating it now that it had fallen apart but managed and his eyes lit up.
“It’s really good, the pastry is flaky and buttery it works really well with the savoury mince the two together make a really satisfying bite, but I guess it would be better if I didn’t destroy it first,” Midoriya said sheepishly, “I won’t do that for the rest of them, promise,”
Midroiya took another bite from the pie before showing off the next one.
“This is Gemma’s favourite Butter Chicken, and trust me it smells so good!” Midoriya, the tease took a bite. Ochako had to wonder what she did to deserve this, “Wow I like this one way better, not that the other one was bad!” Midoriya hurriedly said.
He showed the inside to the camera, a rich looking butter chicken inside.
“It’s really flavourful so you don’t need any sauce that and the texture of the chicken and curry are really complimented by the pie crust,” Izuku took another bite as he talked, “I guess it’s kinda like if Butter Chicken was wrapped up in Nan so there's no way it wouldn’t be good,”
Midoriya talked more as he ate that pie and a steak and cheese one he had brought talking about both until Ochako’s mouth was salivating.
“That’s not nearly all the pie options, but I’ll be touring across New Zealand so this can be an ongoing adventure, now desert!” Midoriya brought out a long bun full of cream, it had a dollop of jam on the top and so much icing sugar Ochako feared for his health. Midoriya however ignored those fears and took a bite anyway, “The buns really soft and the area that the cream’s touched it is just the best texture ever,”
He smiled and there was cream and powder on his cheeks Ochako just knew was going to haunt her until he wiped it off.
“This entire thing is just, ‘ok how can we make this as soft as possible,” Midoriya commented getting closer to the middle of the bun where the bit of jam was, “The raspberry, I think? Jam is really good at breaking up the flavour half way through, now I can eat the rest of it,” Midoriya grinned as he finished it off. He started walking around again waiting for his check in to arrive. That didn't seem to bother him as he pointed out things on the street as he walked.
As he did, Ochako saw someone blatantly jump over the street instead of waiting for the lights. There was another person in the background who casually strolled across the side of a building, feet sticking to it somehow. While people would use their quirks on the street all the time they were usually less obvious about it as police would sometimes call them out and it did depend quirk to quirk. Midoriya zoomed in on a few of these people before it focused on him smiling as he walked.
“New Zealands got pretty cool laws around quirk usage,” He explained, clearly having done his research, enthusiastically by the looks of it, “You have to go through some basic training to prove you can control your quirk, at least so you wont hurt anyone after that you get a license and your free to use your quirk, like I island,” That Ochako thought was cool part of her training had pointed out that some situations heroes were called in for weren't always villain attacks but some public quirk usage gone south, “It’s pretty easy to get by the sounds of it but that does all depend on what your quirk may be,”
The shot cut a bit, Ochako assumed he had rambled on about that for a bit and decided to cut that part.
“In terms of heroes from what I’ve researched the police handle most of that, they’re trained in their quirks kinda like hero schools back in Japan but starting at university not highschool,” That made sense Ochako supposed, and they’d probably have more time to master their quirks too, “There’s a few heroes sure, they’re like a branch of the police department and I think there's a departmental separation between rescue and combat heroes,”
Was she privately pleased he had listed rescue heroes first? Yes, yes she was.
“But honestly there aren’t many, they seem more like the people you call in for really big stuff going on, or international relations, it makes sense the population of New Zealand isn’t all that big,” Midoriya rounded the corner someone made a peace sign at the camera before moving on, “Almost half the population is here in Auckland and the whole country hasn’t reached the five million mark yet, thats crazy to me considering Japan’s population is in the hundred million range and it’s only slightly bigger than New Zealand,”
That did seem insane to Ochako, not sure to be smug about that fact or not.
“So that's probably why heroes are less of a thing here but that doesn't mean it’s all not still really cool,” Midoriya was beaming at the camera, his positivity and enthusiasm practically punching her through the screen, “I’ve rambled enough, it’s about check in time I’ll show you guys where I’ll be staying,”
Midoriya gave a quick tour of his hotel room. It wasn't much, more of a backpackers than anything.
“It’s not big I know but I’ll only be staying here for a few days to explore Auckland then I’m off traveling so a large place wasn't really a worry,” Midoriya flopped down on the bed, bouncing slightly as he hit the mattress, “I’m gonna take a nap because I am exhausted,” His tone betrayed nothing, “But stick around because I’ve got a surprise this afternoon- well I probably put it in the title anyway so it’s not a surprise but it’s still going to be cool, See ya,” Midoriya saluted the camera and it faded to black for a few seconds.
When it came back to light it was an image looking up at a tall tower circling around it and entering the building next to it. There was a continuous shot that was sped up as he walked through the line entering an elevator which literally had a glass floor.
“Wo-” The camera was pointed down at Midoriya's shoes as he hesitated to stand on the glass patch. His foot made contact before he quickly stepped back, “Nope, no, nope,”
Ochako laughed and sank back into her bed. The elevators opened and there was a shot of large windows showing the expanse of the city. The footage sped up as Midoriya did a clean circle around the tower showing it was a loop to give a 360 degree view of Auckland. It was pretty with rolling hills and she could see forests at the edge of it. Honestly it was small compared to the cities she was used to but that made sense given what Midoriya had said earlier.
“Look at this,” The footage went back to normal speed as Midoriya focused on a chart comparing the heights of different towers, “It’s half as tall as the sky tree,”
And that was given the giant antenna on the top.
“Come check this out it’s pretty cool,” Midoriya walked down the steps until he was right next to the window, a few steps more and he came to a patch in the floor that was just glass like the elevator. Midoriya noticeably stood back from it, “It says here that the glass is just as thick and strong on the floor, so reasonably logically,” Ochako snorted, “It should be just the same as walking on the floor… they say that but…”
Midoriya switched the camera around to focus on him, looking a bit pale.
“This might shock you but I’m not really a fan of heights,” He shuddered and shook himself out, “Alright I can do this,”
What followed was a frankly painful process that Ochako couldn't help but laugh at. Midoriya would approach the glass before backing off. He set the camera up on the railing so it looked down enough that she could see the glass and street below. Midoriya tried a bunch of stuff like walking up without looking down. That didn't work and he backed out several meters before he had even reached the glass thinking he was standing on it. He tried to sit down and scoot onto it but couldn't manage more than sitting far from the edge and putting his feet on it. Ochako started howling with laughter when a kid came by running up and jumping on the glass while Midoriya looked on with fear like they were mad.
Midoriya at least had a humor about it. 2D sketches drawn over the video to help exaggerate his struggle and the entire thing filmed rather comically.
Ochako was beginning to believe he had photoshopped the image earlier before he grabbed the camera taking a deep shuddering breath.
“I can do this, I promise I can do this,” He sat down and shuffled back cringing all the way. Ochako found herself strangely proud as Midoriya actually made it onto the glass. He was white knuckled reaching up to hold the railing. He smiled shakily at the camera before turning into a more genuine look of triumph. That was until he quickly rolled off it jumping to his feet and scurrying away, “There! Done! I did it!”
He was smiling brightly now and Ochako couldn't deny she was proud of him. She had struggled herself with heights something she was forced to get over to use her quirk so she knew just how hard that can be.
“Gosh I hope that's easier than what I’m about to do,” Midoriya spun around to show a different window wires running outside and inside a countdown that was about to hit one. It did and there was a blur outside Ochako belatedly realised it was a person. Oh no.
“Now I’m not going to do that but I am going to do something pretty cool,” Ochako blew a sigh of relief but also wanted to hit him for scaring her like that. Under no circumstances should he be jumping off buildings.
They lapsed into another montage Midoriya going back downstairs. This time he had the courage to put a foot on the window in the elevator. Downstairs he went into another area donning a coat and sort of jumpsuit before layering harnesses over the top. He went up an elevator with a few other people this time. They stepped out into another room Midoriya carefully keeping the window out of frame to keep the grand reveal. Their harnesses got latched on and secured to a railing. Once everything was safe the doors pushed open revealing Auckland city, this time not hidden behind glass. 
Midoriya skipped over the likely long process of gaining the courage to go outside cutting instead to him smiling with the city at his back and wind whipping through his hair.
“Welcome to the top!” Midoriya yelled over the wind, the audio quality was bad but that was understandable. She felt worse for Midoriya who was smiling through the fear, “It’s really cold and windy up here and I’m scared!”
“Just go back down you idiot,” Ochako huffed fondly as he kept shouting to be heard over the wind.
“I’m kinda afraid of dropping my camera honestly,” Midoriya laughed but she couldn't hear it, instead he pointed in to a few specific spots across the city, “See those hills? Most of those are actually remnants of volcanoes, you see Aucklands kinda built on top of a giant pit of Magma,”
Midoriya quickly grabbed back onto the railing, slowly shuffling along the sky walk, higher than he had been inside.
“Luckily the volcanoes in this area are dormant, cause if one in this area erupts there's a pretty good chance like 50 more are gonna follow,”
Midoriya stayed up there for a little longer pointing out interesting things in the distance. Ochako could safely say she was glad when he cut back to the bottom of the sky tower. His hair was windswept and cheeks red from windchill. Ochako didn't even need to check the comments to know most of them were gushing about how cute he was.
“That was… terrifying, but I’m glad I did it, who thinks I should try skydiving next?” Midoriya grinned, before his face dropped and paled again, “God please no that was a joke,”
Ochako giggled relaxing back in bed again after the tension of the skywalk Midoriya had been leaking through the screen dissipated.
“Anyway  I’m just gonna go lie down for a while until some friends of mine get here, then we’ve got one more surprise,” Ochako hoped he hadn’t changed his mind and was going to jump off the building after all, she didn’t want to see him have a literal heart attack.
The video cut to Midoriya smiling at the camera again. He had a lot more color to him now and his hair was somewhat tamed. In his defence he had apparently got off and 11 hour flight then walked around 300 meters in the air it was allowed to be messy.
“So the person meeting me is Gemma, I mentioned her earlier, and a few other friends but their camera shy so you probably wont see them,” Midoriya was bouncing in place gaze constantly drifting away from the camera, “This is our first time meeting in person so I’m kinda excited kinda dreading if this has all just been some elaborate joke and I’m about to get stood up or worse,”
“Who hurt you and who do I need to kill?” Uraraka whispered, fully prepared to throw down the gauntlet for a youtuber she had only just discovered.
Luckily for them Gemma and his other not seen friends were spared her wrath. The camera shot was from far away so she couldn't hear or see anything in detail but it clearly showed the two running up to hug each other Midoriya pulling back to excitedly chat. Gemma matched his enthusiasm, sparkles trailing her arms as she made wide sweeping gestures.
“Here everyone say hi to Gemma,” The shot changed to frame the two of them, Gemma waving the motion sending more glittering sparkles falling from her hand and landing on Midoriya’s shoulder.
“Oh no-” Gemma stepped back to look at Midoriya the front of his shirt was covered in lingering sparkles along with his face and hair. Midoriya looked down at himself a little shocked as Gemma covered her face groaning into her hands, “I’m so sorry, I swear they fade out,”
She scrubbed her hands down her face, unaffected as her whole body shone lightly with subtle sparkles.
“I love it,” Midoriya grinned, twirling a bit to show there was a band of sparkles across his back from where her arms must have come around him. He was quite a bit shorter than her so his face also looked like someone had blown glitter in it, it just made his smile all the more dazzling.
“So you know where we’re going for dinner?” Gemma was looking at the camera but clearly asking Izuku.
“Up the tower again!” Midoriya beamed and really him plus sparkles was too unfair a combination.
This time in the elevator Gemma stood proudly on the window as Midoriya yelled at her.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Crazy you say?” At that Gemma jumped up and Midoriya let out an unholy screech as the elevator shuddered, she laughed but it was teasing not cruel. Ochako could make out the vague reflection of someone patting Midoriya on the shoulder and another person's arm came into frame to swat at Gemma.
When they reached the top Midoriya did not focus too much on the view, already having shown it. They stepped into a nicely decorated restaurant, but what was interesting was when Midoriya demonstrated that it was slowly spinning so the patrons could enjoy the view without leaving their table.
“Do you think they could speed it up?” Gemma asked, she was sitting next to Midoriya, both had their backs to the window so Ochako had a clear shot of it.
“Like a dangerous merry go round?” Midoriya questioned, the sparkles still clung to his cheeks and eyelashes.
“Exactly!” Gemma gave him finger guns, that matched her real guns. She may be sparkly but without the coat Ochako could now see she was ripped, “Also the dangerous is redundant,”
“What kind of merry go rounds-” Midoriya cut himself off as a waiter walked by, “... anyway I don’t think thats a good idea, given that the points to you know, eat,”
“Thats just what makes it more fun,” Gemma waved off.
“Uh-huh,” Midoriya raised an eyebrow skeptically before turning to the camera, “Hope you guys don’t mind but I wont be doing much food reviewing this dinner, I’ll show it off but-”
“This is a night for us to celebrate, later losers,” Gemma saluted, Midoriya squeaked telling her off before cutting the video off. Ochako laughed glad for Midoriya that his nerves had been wrong.
As promised he showed a few shots of some fancy looking food. Ochako wondered how much she would have to save up for her and her parents to eat there, not as much as the flights of course… hopefully. 
The camera placed on the table showed the scenery slowly revolving outside, getting darker and lights turning on as the sun set. By the time they were getting up to leave it was fully dark outside and Midoriya spared a moment to linger on a shot of Auckland at night.
“Izuku don’t forget your bag,” Gemma called as she shrugged on her jacket, also glittery.
“Thank-” The camera whirled around to where the bag should be. There was a slight ridge dividing the circle of the restaurant that spun and a ledges lining the outside where all the supporting beams were, “Oh sh-”
The camera started shaking as Midoriya ran through the restaurant. The shot switching to another camera that caught Midoriya as he ran the other way almost bowling over a waiter and profusely apologising. All the while you could hear Gemma and several others laughing off screen.
“Oh? Look what we have here,” Gemma moved the camera to focus on a spot as the restaurant turned around, a bag coming into view that Gemma scooped up. It was probably Midoriya's seeing as it had a couple of All Might pins and Ochako wasn’t sure how popular he was internationally.
Gemma set up the camera to focus on the opposite direction Midoriya ran. It caught the moment he came around the other side, still staring worriedly at the window. Gemma whistled sharply gaining a few glares but a relieved look from Midoriya as she held up his bag.
They left the restaurant with a few apologies at the other patrons for being loud. When the camera switched it was back on Midoriya but Ochako caught a glimpse of Gemma shimmering in the background waiting around.
“Alright that's all for today,” Midoriya smiled, Ochako stomped down the slight disappointment resolving check out his other videos from his easiness and confidence on screen Midoriya must have been at this awhile, “I’m going to be touring all over the country so stay tuned for the series, I haven't showed you nearly how beautiful New Zealand is, I hope I can make it down to the south island too cause they have some really pretty scenery, for now I’m going back to the hotel and crashing hard, see ya!”
The video signed off to the end cards a recommended video and link to Gemma’s apparent channel that looked like some sort of fitness channel with how she was lifting weights in it. Ochako promised herself to check it out.
For now she subscribed to Midoriya’s channel checking the time to see if she could squeeze in another before going to bed. She was feeling like she could get away with it. The change in pace revitalising in a way. But really she attributed that to Midoriya’s natural cheer and charisma. Somewhere in there she had allowed herself to relax and get swept up in this dorky kids mundane adventure. It was exactly the kind of thing she wanted her parents to experience one day. 
This was exactly what she had become a hero for, and now graduation was within her grasp. She just had to push a little more and then she would be out in the world able to do some good for her family and everyone else. 
Ochako smiled at the screen, resolving to get some sleep and maybe she could squeeze in another video tomorrow morning. Before she turned off her phone Ochako glanced at the channel's name, snorting to herself. It was perfect.
Green Bean and Bags
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bellatrixxue · 4 years
Xue’s Supernatural Dare: Wendigo (S1 EP2)
Hello, everyone? How did everyone feel about the finale? Yes? Yes? Oh. Oh. Oh my. Oh, dear.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell that half-assed homophobic chicken-shit fuckbucket’s not gonna stop me, since I strapped myself onto this roller coaster already and I promised I’m not getting out until the ride’s over, so here we go, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Also, those who are in this roller coaster with me, ready? Tag list is: @fangirlxwritesx67​ @amazingiam00​ @kalliravenne​ @indecisive20something​ @2musiclover2​ @impossibletosleepthrough @there-must-be-a-lock​ @wingedcatninja​ @arvit​
Oh my gods this recap is so cheesy I actually can make a fondue out of it. 2000s, everybody!
So we’re starting the episode with the murder scene first, eh? Is that gonna be a trend?
Oh come on, Chads, you’re out in nature and you’re playing video games? Absorb the nature...before it absorbs you!
Waitwait. Holy shit is that...is that Cory Monteith? Oh, bless his soul...
If the wendigo eats his dick as he’s peeing I’m immediately giving Jensen Ackles $100. For no real reason, I just feel like giving him money for already carrying the show on his back.
I can’t tell if it did or not, so I’m not paying yet.
Aw, Sammy...
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"I should have told you the truth.” *Vine voice* BUT YOU DIDN’T
FUCKYOUINTHEASSHOhnightmare. Nightmare. So did he visit her at her grave or not? I need answers.
A week? Goddamn. Poor thing. That man-eating tree’s fucking good at his job, man.
“There’s nothing there, it’s just...woods,” Sam, I don’t know if Jess’s death hit you hard or if you got into law school by eating some ancient dick and/or pussy instead of earning that high score fair and square, but the woods “in the middle of nowhere” (your words) are known to be one of the top places full of weird-ass creatures. Even kindergartners know that.
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Ehehehehehehehehe he’s so smol next to his lil bro my lil shit
At least you’re coming up with decent covers this time. No Agent Mulder and Scully ruining things for you this time around.
“Bull” oop-
Oh Dean’s a smoooooooooth operator. Good going, buddy.
Oh that death really got to Sam. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a trigger-happy psycho. Or eat the man-eating tree and become one himself.
Oh, Haley’s a cutie! Which one’s her brother? Cory? Discount Enrique Iglesias?
Do you have a card for EVERY profession, Dean? And how do I get them too?
That is a very pretty car. I bet they wasted half the budget on that thing.
Okay, sonny boy, little bro, Broseidon, calm down.
Ah, fuck, Haley and Broseidon is gonna go into the woods, that’s more heads to worry about.
How the fuck does Sam find information this fast? I’m impressed, I take five hours to get to one article for my research paper. Or maybe I’m just lazy. So he really earned his law school interview without having to eat dick and pussy, huh.
Every 23 years? What is this, Pennywise? Are we going to see the wendigo do his best Tim Curry do his best scary clown impression? Honk honk?
“Whatever that thing is, it can move.” And the sun rises on the East, Sammy. Why are you so smart and dumb at the same time? Is this his character trait? It might grow on me.
Ahhh, so Sam’s go-to move at interrogation is doing puppy dog eyes and sympathize with the person. He’d make a good lawyer, shame that man-eating tree.
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Go Grandpa Exposition, go!
Go Grandpa Exposition, go, give us information and none at all!
Skinwalker, Back Dog...Ooh, those all sound cool! I hope we get to see them soon!
‘Corporeal’ doesn’t sound like a real word, but then again, English doesn’t sound like a real language. Sorry. Moving on.
Sam’s gonna eat the wendigo with that attitude, Jesus Christ.
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AND HIS BROTHER, AT THIS RATE. If the real villain turns out to be inside Sam all along I’m gonna flip. Is that why women keep dying and burning on ceilings where he sleeps? Is he secretly Lucifer’s spawn or something?
“Oh sweetheart I don’t wear shorts”. They queer-coded him from the start and they tried to make you believe he was straight for fifteen seasons straight? And some people bought that?
Oh, crap, another crappy death treatment for Cory before he got into Glee...No, I wasn’t into Glee, I just watched a few episodes and I might hate Rachel Berry...And Lea Michele...ahem...
Dean is totally flirting with Roy shut upppppppp
“It’s probably the most honest I’ve been with a woman. Ever.” See. Bi. Bi bi bi.
So...why the coordinates, Daddy Negan? Is this a portal to Hell? A place where man-eating trees grow?
*carefully places death flag on Roy*
Ooooh the campsite is very...haunted house-y. You know what I’m saying?
That’s not Discount Enrique Iglesias, but Pennywise wendigo, yes? Those things can mimic human voices, right?
*Google searches*...There are so many versions of this tale I can’t even confirm or deny it. Dammit.
Maybe Pennywise wendigo just wants some snacks and a nice phone and GPS? Maybe he misses his family in uh, Canada or something?
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Daddy Negan’s journal is  a e s t h e t i q u e .
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I’m so sorry, but the way Sammy smirks as he speaks with those dark, dark voids for eyes? My boy’s a demon. He’s a demon, I’m telling you.
At least Haley has some sense to her. *puts another death flag on Roy*
True, that. What the heck is Daddy Negan up to with all of this?
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business!” Okay, the way Dean said it gave me chills.
I can actually empathize with Sam here...As whiny and bitchy as he is, he has his reasons to be this way. I guess if I were in his shoes, I’d be less of a Dean and more of a Sam, too. We deal with our losses quite similarly.
Ah, the brotherly bonding moments like these little talks make the show worth it. It’s so heartwarming.
Pennywise wendigo! I didn’t miss you, why’re you here to burst my happy bubble?
I’m starting to see a slight parallel between Haley and Broseidon and Dean and Sammy. Hmm.
Nice meeting you, Roy. Zoop you go.
Haley and Broseidon are taking this rather well, I’m glad they do.
Okay, actual exposition time, thank you.
Whoa, Broseidon speaks! Donner Party! Please don’t remind me of that! Those poor people!
Hibernation and food storage. Delightful, just delightful.
Somehow, not being able to see the wendigo is scarier to me than what I will probably see itself. Limited budget horror can actually work well.
Oh, dear, Roy literally did a death drop. Badum tissssssssss.
FUCK IT TOOK DEAN THE ONLY CHARACTER I CARE ABOUImean I love you too, Sam! Come on, let’s find him before it’s too late!
A trail of M&Ms! Yes, Broseidon! And Hansel and Gretel refercalled it. Sammy, you and I share the same wavelength?
Thank the gods the Pennywise wendigo kept them right there. Chances.
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Ah, Dean Winchester, I love you so much that I can’t even begin to describe it.
Also how convenient that the flare guns are there. Deus ex machina!
Haley would bode well as a hunter, look at her courage, her will. There are more hunters around than Daddy Negan and the brothers, right?
Yeah, seeing the actual wendigo makes me less scared of it now. It’s unnerving, but still.
Graphics are...alright, but it’s the thought that counts!
Running with the grizzly bear story. Smart Broseidon. Ben. Sorry, you deserve to be called by your real name. I think with practice they could become good hunters, along with their Discount Enrique Iglesias brother! Is there a fanfiction for that? Can I write it now?
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Haley’s a lesbian, that’s why she kissed him on the cheek only. Headcanoned. Also I have a crush on her, she’s really pretty? Like? Heart eyes???
Ah, the siblings parallels again. Let’s hope neither of the two brothers end up in the bed like that.
“Man, I hate camping.” Really. Really really. Really.
“I’m driving”
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It’s just a sassy bisexual brother and his little snide bisexual brother on the road to kill evil creatures and find their father and I love this show? Help? Help???
I really, really see the charm of Supernatural now! I’m fully invested in both brothers and their story, and I’m cheering them both on! Let’s get Daddy Negan back and get rid of that man-eating tree once and for all!
Six stars out of five!
This dare is introducing me to a whole new world, and I really, really am glad I took that jump a few days ago, man!
Thank you everyone for reading my ramblings, and I’ll see you in the day after with the next review! Thank you for sticking with me! Buh-bye!
- Xue
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the-quick-list · 4 years
An enormous list of resources against the porn industry and the sex trade.
 Words from exited women, words from the producers, words from the researchers.  Blunt, irrefutable evidence of the damage and oppression of the sex trade and the harm that the words used to legitimize and apologize for it cause.
THESE ARE NOT OPINION PIECES, all links will be either thorough research articles or first-hand accounts and events.
Links to other blogs or reddit threads contain examples or links to the above. Everything here is objective, empirical evidence against pornography and the sex trade.  The intent of this blog is to make it virtually impossible to leave this page, with all links explored, under the assumption that “sex work” could ever be anything than what it demonstrably is, and that is sexual oppression.
Prostitution Studies, Links, and Exploits: National research paper and survey found %80 of prostituted women surveyed were victims of trafficking and force: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf
Survey of prostituted women in 9 countries finds %85-90 of women/girls involved want out: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254381847_Prostitution_and_Trafficking_in_Nine_Countries
Legalized prostitution increases sexual trafficking and greatly hinders efforts fighting it:
Normalized “sex work” forces women into “survival sex”: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/universal-credit-survival-sex-work-dwp-work-pensions-committee-austerity-a8925296.html Legalizing prostitution has not negated the harms of prostitution towards women nor harms to women socially: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240698342_Bad_for_the_Body_Bad_for_the_Heart_Prostitution_Harms_Women_Even_if_Legalized_or_Decriminalized
Former prostituted, and exited, woman speaks out against prostitution and sex work lobbying, adds citations: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1077801205276987?journalCode=vawa
The invisible men project is a prostitution review board of anonymous accounts reviewing sexual experiences with prostituted women. This is NOT a direct link to its pages, but the page it links to does contain a link to them. Graphic accounts of sexual abuse and violence within:
Teenvogue uses “sex work is work” rhetoric in publication targeting teenaged girls: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/why-sex-work-is-real-work
Pornography Studies, Exploits, and Links:
Porn industry, despite safety concerns and expert health advise, fights against making condoms mandatory in pornography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_B#Legal_appeal Mainstream pornography contains more cases of spread STD’s than that of the prostitution scene totalled in Nevada: https://www.aidshealth.org/2012/10/l-a-porn-stars-have-more-stds-than-nevada-prostitutes/
Porn exposure shown to, in general, have a link in sexual assault among teenaged boys: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751001/
Studies on exposure to pornography among young boys and girls finds that boys are more likely to seek deliberate exposures, are exposed to more violent pornograhy: https://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1283&context=soc_facpub
https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/2016/i-wasn-t-sure-it-was-normal-to-watch-it Another study on youth exposure to pornography finds similar findings to the above, and also notes that pornography has an influence over sexually violent attitudes toward women/girls: https://aifs.gov.au/publications/effects-pornography-children-and-young-people-snapshot
60+ Japanese women tricked into pornography: https://fightthenewdrug.org/tricked-into-porn-countless-japanese-actresses-forced-to-have-sex-on-camera/
Porn has been proven to increase sexually violent attitudes among men towards women:
Pornography is demonstrably intertwined with and perpetuates sexual trafficking:
Playboy posted child pornography in its magazines, and legally fought for and won the right to continue to use the image of a nude 10 year old girl:
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brooke-shields-nude-child-photo/ 15 yo girl went missing, was found after being identified in 58 pornographic videos over several websites: https://meaww.com/amp/missing-teen-adult-video-pornhub-modelhub-snapchat-periscope?__twitter_impression=true K-Pop star Goo Hara came forward about her rape being filmed, this prompted her name to become trending on major porn websites. This ultimately lead to her death. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-50535937
PornHub worked with GirlsDoPorn, a company that has been charged with distribution of child pornography and sexual trafficking through Pornhub and various sites. To this day, GirlsDoPorn videos are still on Pornhub, and have surged in popularity AFTER publicly made known: https://www.thedailybeast.com/girls-do-porn-owner-michael-pratt-hit-with-child-pornography-and-sex-trafficking-charges 
PornHub official on reddit advocates against reporting Child-Pornography to authorities: https://old.reddit.com/r/PornIsMisogyny/comments/fz011e/pornhub_caught_telling_people_not_to_report_child/
Same PornHub official publicly denies unconensual content being hosted on pornhub, saying content is “unlikely”: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/fx07zi/ukatie_is_trying_real_hard_to_keep_the_ship_from/
Pornography has been shown to be highly addictive, comparable to neurotics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3050060/
Pornography shown to regress the brain to a juvenile state: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7736569/Watching-porn-rewires-brain-juvenile-state-neuroscientist-warns.html
Porn consumption damages intimacy and relationships: https://www.npr.org/2017/10/09/556606108/research-explores-the-effect-pornography-has-on-long-term-relationships
Porn consumption may show connections to eating disorders among spouses https://news.osu.edu/mens-porn-habits-could-fuel-partners-eating-disorders-study-suggests/ Porn consumption has normalized and increase attempted violent, harmful sex acts: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-51967295 PornHub live OPENLY hosted videos of prostituted children in Thailand being raped: Host of video+comments acknowledge that the children are in pain/crying. https://anti-porn-unicorn.tumblr.com/post/616831683042443264/pornhub-profits-off-of-child-abuse-and-rape-tw
Pornography Testimonies of Those within the industry or have been involuntarily used by it:
Linda Lovelace of the seminal porn film “Deepthroat” states she was forced into the film, and at certain points at gun point: https://web.archive.org/web/20120210113608/https://againstpornography.org/reallindalovelace.html Pictures of an underaged Traci Lord were used in Penthouse magazine, as well as a history of rape and abuse: https://web.archive.org/web/20120210101617/https://againstpornography.org/tracilordsinterview.html
Twitter user posts multiple posts detailing her child-hood rape being filmed and posted to PornHub, only for Pornhub to do nothing: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/ftgjcn/pornhub_profits_off_of_toddler_rape_end_of/ Rose Kalemba famously reported to BBC about her adolescent rape being on pornhub, and pornhub refusing to remove the video: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/fumgr1/pornhub_isnt_wholesome_due_to_charitable/
After that incident, Rose would take to Twitter again to state that after her BBC article was published, her name was trending on PornHub. PornHub users were looking for videos of her rape.
PornHub account comments that a girl in scene looks 12 (73 upvotes). Following reply: “You say that like its a bad thing” and “I’m not complaining” https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/ftgmo6/pornhub_doesnt_verify_age_or_consent/ A-list porn actresses (A-list meaning the “safest” and “regulated” porn) opening up about rape, coercion, and violence on set.
A-list porn producers openly deriding women and celebrating abuse
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Days Go By Set Design: The Journey So Far
Hey guys, Bez (the writer) here. Over the past couple of weeks, designer Liv and I have been working on our concept for the set of Days Go By. This will be the second iteration of our set concept since the first draft; since the demands of the production have changed with the script over the years, many things about the basic stage layout have had to change too. Today, I'm going to give you all a look at the evolution of the set design so far.
Model 1.0
Back in the days of 'Workin' Boys', we weren't even sure that the show would ever actually be put on a real-life stage, but we still wanted to design our set so that we could visualise the scenes as we wrote them. Our initial concept for the set needed to accommodate a variety of interior and exterior locations, so we went with relatively simple design that consisted of a city skyline backdrop, a staircase and an elevated platform with an upstage centre entrance as well as one at the top of the stairs and underneath.
The original design was sketched out and constructed into a physical diorama by artist Ofir:
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As we developed the characters and story more, we began to develop further ideas for the set and how we could make it unique and visually compelling.
Model 1.1
Once we established that the musical would deal with themes of gentrification and corporate culture, we decided to incorporate an office building structure and apartment complex structure as part of the fixed set. Depending on the location, the action of a given scene would be localised near either the residential or commercial building, to set up this dichotomy of home versus workplace, family versus career etc. I dipped my toes into 3D graphic design to create this mockup of the new design:
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We kept the stairs + platform at the back with the intention of using it as both a fire escape, a staircase and landing inside a house and a distant bridge in the city. The backdrop would have similarly been some sort of silhouetted city skyline to add to this urban setting.
After rebranding and doing a major overhaul of the story and characters, the set inevitably needed an upgrade. At this point in the process of writing the libretto + album, we felt ready to start drawing up concept art for the new set.
Model 2.0
Now we knew that our show would take place in the 80s and would be satirising aspects of American culture, I dove into researching 80s interior, graphic and textile design trends and their histories so we could design a most radical set for our musical. As we aren't sure of our venue at this stage, we also took into account the most likely measurements of an average theatre so that we could design a 3D scale model that would allow us to experiment with set pieces, lighting, projections and more.
As the latest iteration of the show contains a lot more symbolism and metaphor, we wanted to go with a somewhat abstract but recognisable design to allow for a variety of locations and moods. To indicate the general setting of California, we researched some artistic renderings of California city skylines reminiscent of the time period that we could draw upon in our final designs. On the upstage wall, there is a staircase with a door at the top that functions as an entrance/exit, with the other two entrances being via the wings. As most of our set pieces will be trucked or carried in, we calculated how much space we would be likely to have backstage to store set pieces and designed said pieces according to these measurements to ensure they would fit in the wings. This also allowed us to see how large certain set pieces would be in relation to a performer, so we could scale certain parts up or down as needed to achieve the intended effect.
For the time being, we have used placeholder blocks and images to give a general idea of what we intend for the set to look like when it is constructed. Here is a sneak peek at the latest stage design concept as well as a few different locations + potential lighting states for each, programmed by Liv using the open source tool Blender:
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And that's where we are today! Inevitably, the design will get some tweaking once it gets to the final planning stages, but we thought you'd appreciate this sneak peek at the progress of the musical's design aspects at this stage in the development. Thanks again for all your support, Bez
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elleharperbcu · 4 years
Critical thinking lectures:
How has lifestyle, industrial & social changes impacted fashion & textiles?
In today’s lecture we gained understanding of what has influenced and impacted fashion and textiles in the past, in order to predict what will happen to the fashion and textiles industries in the future.
We started by exploring historical aspects that have driven these changes, to start to interpret the significance that these influential factors will play on the future of the fashion & textile industries.
We watched a video on YouTube called “100 years of fashion: women” Published on 3 jun 2015. Were we discussed as a group what drives these changes.
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The growth of the fashion industry, caused by the industrial revolution (1870-1900s) enabled the suffragettes to use fashion as a form of branding to help promote their cause.
“They are, of course, only following in the honourable tradition set over a century ago by the suffragettes, who harnessed fashion, and the meaning of colour, as methods of communication in the early days of photography. In 1908 Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence devised the scheme of purple for dignity, white for purity and green for hope - branding for the cause, which triggered Liberty and Selfridges to start selling ranges of tricolour ribbon, underwear, bags and soap. Christina Broom…documented marches of thousands of suffragists and suffragettes wearing white dresses designed to prove to the country the dignity of their cause.”
The Guardian Cally Blackman 8.10.15 How the Suffragettes used fashion to further the cause. 
Utility Clothing Scheme: aimed to save fabric by using economical designs, eliminating laborious technical details and limiting the choice of fabrics - all to save costs.
BBC News 5.3.2015 How did WW2 change the way people dressed?
“Make Do and Mend was a pamphlet issued by the British Ministry of Information in the midst of WWII. It was intended to provide housewives with useful tips on how to be both frugal and stylish in times of harsh rationing. With its thrifty design ideas and advice on reusing old clothing, the pamphlet was an indispensable guide for households. Readers were advised to create pretty ‘decorative patches’ to cover holes in warm garments; unpick old jumpers to re-knit chic alternatives; turn men’s clothes into women’s; as well as darn, alter and protect against the ‘moth menace’. 
Manage with and repair the possessions one already has rather than buying replacements. "the austerity of the war years taught her to make do and mend" British Library, Learning resources https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item106365.html
Examples of “make do and mend” women’s suit made out of a man’s pin stripe suit, a child’s cloak made from an old blanket.
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BBC News 5.3.2015 How did WW2 change the way people dressed? Fashion on the Ration is at the Imperial War Museum, London, until 31 August 2015.
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The “New Look” exploded in Paris in 1947 (in contrast to the utilitarian approach adopted in the war) lead by the pioneering designer Christian Dior, who empowered women through fashion. 
“Throughout the war, cloth and labour shortages had limited the amount of fabric and trimming that could be used… jackets had been masculine, shoulders square and skirts short and straight… belts, seams, collars and trouser turn-ups had to conform to certain restrictions …” Yet, only two years after the end of the war, here were ankle-length skirts whose hems measured up to 40 metres in circumference. Here was a fashion that emphasised femininity, with rounded shoulders, waists nipped in tight, and hips and busts exaggerated by bodices and padding. 
The New Looks striking stylistic legacy lived on well into the 1960s.
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”Women, with their sure instincts, realized that my intention was to make not just more beautiful but also happier,” said Dior: A businessman as well as a poet, he made fashion responsible for expressing society's desires, and  showed it how to communicate…” ref book Dior
My weakness ... is architecture. I think of my work as ephemeral architecture, dedicated to the beauty of the female body.
Assouline publishing 2004 Dior Marie - France Pochna
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Working in groups based on the following decades: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. In our group we researched fashion in the 2000s. We made a mind map that considered the above influencing factors that have impacted on the fashion designers from this decade. We recorded the effect of these causes and how they have driven the design, materials and production at this time. 
2000s Fashion:
Casual clothing and leisurewear were big trends in the early 2000s, a casual look for women would have been, crop tops, hoodies, low-rise flared jeans, cargo pants, daisy dukes, jean skirts, off the shoulder tops, ribbed sweaters, with platform sandals, ugg boots, or sneakers. 
After researching I found technology and Y2K bug (problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000) had a huge impact on fashion in the early 2000s. The colour palette was full of shiny black tones and reflective metallics. The Y2K trend was worn on a daily but mainly reserved for going out. Popular outfits for women included mesh or handkerchief tops, box-pleated or leather skirts, shiny pants, and sparkly shoes. Britney Spears was a trendsetter for this type of style. For men, Y2K looks involved leather jackets, a statement dress shirt, and chunky shoes. 
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Mid 2000s fashion - Fashion started to take cues from 1960s bohemian looks. Yoga pants, low-rise jeans, cowl-neck shirts, peasant tops, capri pants, cropped jackets, and dresses over jeans was a popular outfit choice for women. These outfits were paired with accessories, such as, chunky belts, aviator sunglasses, jelly bracelets, ties worn around the neck or as belts, ballet flats, and platform boots. The 1960s revival looks were also popular with men. Including light wash bootcut jeans, cargo shorts, classic rock t-shirt, fitted cowboy shirts, henleys, polos with popped collars, and seersucker suits. 
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Late 2000s fashion - For women, crop tops were replaced with camisoles and miniskirts, bubble skirt, and sweater dresses. There was also a 1980s and 1990s revival of neon colours, animal prints, geometric shapes, light denim jeggings, and ripped acid washed jeans that were worn with gladiator sandals, ballet flats, and headbands. The oversized look became popular, but it was more subtle than the traditional 80s fit. Men’s late 2000s fashion was a mix of 1950s and 1980s throwbacks, with letterman and black leather jackets, overcoats, slim cut jeans, Ed Hardy t-shirts, flannel shirts, and V-neck sweaters. Paired with dad hats, wayfarers or aviators, motorcycle boots, converse, vans, or sneakers. 
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Hip-Hop had a influence on the 2000s fashion, many rappers influenced fashion with their own clothing lines. Including Jay-Z, Diddy, Nelly, and 50 Cent. Many looks included baggy jeans, tall t-shirts, sports jerseys, velour suits, bubble jackets, and puffer vests paired with headbands, sweatshirts, Timberland boots, and sneakers like Adidas Superstars or Nike Air Force 1s. 
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Streetwear is brand focused casual clothing, like jeans, tees, and sneakers. In the late 2000s popular streetwear styles included distressed skinny jeans, loose fitting tops, loose or fitted tracksuits, track pants, hoodies, graphic t-shirts, vintage thrift shop tees, and Tommy Hilfiger and U.S. Polo Assn brands. Sneakers were an important part of the style, retro Nike Air Jordans and Adidas Yeezys. 
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Emo fashion became popular in the mid 2000s and took cues from goth and punk styles. Outfits were often all or mainly black with skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts, and checkered vans. Every emo look was completed with the right hairstyle, choppy cuts with long side-swept bangs dyed black, platinum blonde, or a bright colour. 
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Athleisure Wear - If you wanted to be comfortable yet fashionable in the early 2000s the velor tracksuits was the go to. Britney Spears, Beyonce and Eminem to Diddy were on on the tracksuit craze. They were brightly coloured and emblazoned with rhinestone logos and phrases. It was also in to mix track pants with dress clothing and design shoes to elevate the look. 
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The Beatles were one of the most influential bands in history, taking their fans on a journey of fashion styles through the decades from rock to teddy boys to hippie years.
(1962-1964) - (1964-1966)
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Did technology play a part in influencing this style?
During this lecture we watched a video called The Beatles Yellow Submarine. 
Exaggerated shoulder pads epitomises the Power Dressing of the 1980’s.
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In the 1980s Power Dressing in the UK grew from a new money focused generation, in London, creating a bee style. This look was patented by shows such as Dynasty and Dallas, where actors such as Joan Collins and Linda Evans dressed as female power dresses. Shoulder-pads and sharply tailored suits ruled and has been continued to be used by women today to signify power.
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“With ‘power dressing’ she could tap into the image of a career woman but her reputation as a fierce leader then drove her to wear clothes that might ‘soften’ her image, which was why she wore pussy bow blouses. A symbol of the past reflecting a more conservative femininity, the pussy bow blouse clashed with the aggressive power suits. “This was the paradox of the Thatcher image: at once she sought to embody conservative values while also seeking to assert her right to power as a woman. Dr Tyan”
Margaret Thatcher: Fashion as a Political Tool
How did Margaret Thatcher change Britain: 
London became a leading financial capital 
Open all hours 
The decline of the north 
Lessened role of trade unions 
Northern Ireland peace process 
Education reforms – league tables 
Home ownership 
Power dressing
Prestige for armed forces (Falklands)
Transformed Labour party 
Julian Coman Sun 14 Apr 2013 10.00 BST https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/apr/14/margaret-thatcher-20-changes-britain 
My own research on Margaret Thatcher -
When looking at pictures of Margaret Thatcher, after the election in 1979, a well-dressed woman with her individual style is clearly shown. She began to create her image and appearance as an example of how women in power should dress. Thatcher was a confident and stern business woman however there was a clear contrast to the feminine clothing she wore. She used her clothing and style as an act of self - definition that disguised herself from others showing her individual identity as Prime Minister. Thatcher styled herself appropriately for political occasions, the most occuring colour Thatcher wore was royal blue. With her power suits and the legendary pussybow blouses, that made her a fashion icon, she was known for her haircut, her pearls, and her handbag. Her hairstyle was one of the famous features of Margaret Thatcher, as straight and precise as the lady herself. 
One great example on how her style, outfits and political power were set together was before she became Prime Minister. Thatcher wore hats because not only they suited her well but were symbols of her status and class. As the leader of a major political party, her hats seemed to be a political problem. It was a problem because middle class people with conventional attitudes were prejudiced towards her. This was not the picture of a leader the party wanted to draw. Consequently, after her election to British Prime Minister she only wore hats for State ceremonies and foreign tours but not on polictail occasions anymore.  
The Fashion World Supports Pussy Riot 
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Fashion empowered to dictate and influence world events and social changes 
17th April 2015 Jamie Waters Fashion’s most iconic political statements; The fashion world supports pussy riot & we’d rather go naked than wear fur.
In pairs with reference to the timeline identify another advancement in technology that has impacted on social events, which in turn has driven a change in the fashion industry? 
Brand Report
In groups we researched information about the brand Lazy Oaf, we created a detailed report which covers each of the 8 elements that make a band pitch. These elements include: Vision & purpose, brand identity, customer, price, product, place, promotion and  packaging. In our group we decided to each choose an element to research and talk about, I picked promotion. 
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Lazy Oaf’s Brand Identity is definitely something I would take away and incorporate into our brand. We want to create personal products that our customers love and respect. Minimize environmental hazards through being sustainable but with fair prices. We also discussed as a group giving back to charities with a percentage of money we make as a brand. 
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This group task gave us practice with working together, assigning roles and discussing information online. We decided to split the work fairly so that everyone had an equal amount of work to research and present. As we had to present this group task to our peers it helped us practice for when we present our brand. 
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rojographic · 3 years
Industry Identity
It became necessary to do research into what is currently available and the skills/personalities that businesses seek to figure out how to start building my portfolio. I decided to look for some examples of suitable job position vacancies in the industry, starting at the entery-leve; and researched the skills they required. which will give me an idea of what they are looking for and a good opportunity to build my strength and weaknesses in the nearer future, which would analyse my skill set and weak areas that can be improved for the projects, before enetering such a position, in areas where i have no experinence about or have an idea about.
The jobs i mostly look forward to applying for after graduation are Ux & UI designer,Graphics Designer also a Freelance Designer these are jobs i have also had an eye on or admired the people behind the job role.
Here are some of the examples of jobs i came across during my research.
Sauce Recruitment- Graphic Designer
Creating high quality vector and photoshop artwork, including creating original designs and art working existing designs.
Setting up technical files, including print material, cutter guides, 3D concepts, packaging artworks, spec sheets, design templates.
Ensuring all files are accurate and technical specifications are met.
Researching current and new graphics and design trends.
Communicating with designers and manufacturers, setting up font licenses
Assisting the design team with day-to-day design, package mock-ups and projects
Experience working on commercial projects or as an in-house designer.
An advanced practical understanding /proficiency in Adobe Creative Cloud, particularly Illustrator, Photoshop (essential) and InDesign
A good creative eye and strong graphic design skills.
An understanding of 3D.
Design degree level qualification in graphic design or a related subject and or Art Foundation.
Deerfoot I.T. Resources Limited- UX Designer - User Experience (Digital)
Researching users and business needs, turning these into insights that will help define user journeys and inform the design
Designing and presenting concepts and user interfaces for both mobile, tablet and desktop - including annotations for best practice in information architecture, navigation, and user flows.
Creating prototypes using tools such as Axure, Sketch and InVision to create and iterate clickable prototypes for user testing and stakeholder validation.
Mentoring other team members, and liaising with development teams and architects to ensure data and technical considerations are accommodated within the design
Experience as a senior level UX Designer, leading the design and UX activity for critical projects (preferably working for a consulting firm or agency)
Good knowledge of User-centred design methods and techniques
Adobe Creative Cloud applications such as Sketch, InVision, Axure
Agile experience within a commercial environment
An understanding of web technologies (HTML/CSS/Javascript) and mobile design patterns
Ability to show a strong portfolio of work (web-link or PDF) outlining your contribution towards each project ideally
Degree preferred within a design-related discipline: i.e.: Interaction, Information or Interface design; Human-Computer Interaction, Graphic Design, although not essential
Eastwick International Limited t/a Excellent careers- Junior Graphic Designer
Working on client projects for both digital and print media – working on a combination of display banners, logos, web design, emails, infographics and social media
Delivering projects within tight timeframes that meet brand standards
Managing full creative optimisations (scheduling, producing concepts and assets, testing, reporting)
Liaising with internal teams and clients
Skills required:
Degree in Graphic Design or similar preferable
A portfolio with examples of design work
Proficiency in the Adobe Creative Suite
Solid communication skills and interpersonal skills
Able to manage time effectively and work to deadlines
Available for a long-term position
Bonus skills
Experience with HTML and CSS
Experience with JavaScript
Video editing experience
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
SquipJere Week 2020, Day 2: Virtual Reality
@squipjerebmc’s SquipJere Week 2020 Day 2: Virtual Reality
Ships Involved: The SQUIP x Jeremy Heere (Technical Difficulties/Squipemy/Squeremy/JereSquip/SquipJere)
Setting: Canonverse, set in the time interval between “Loser Geek Whatever” and “Halloween”.
Trigger/Content Warnings: Non-graphic mentions of pornography and masturbation
It seemed that even with an artificially intelligent Tic Tac in his head, life could still be awfully boring sometimes.
When the SQUIP wasn’t having him practice his posture or coaching him on how to ‘think cooler thoughts,’ Jeremy was pretty much left to his own devices. He had new friends that he could potentially call up to hang out with – he had taken an indefinite rain check on Rich’s invite to come over – but he still didn’t feel like he knew them well enough to be alone with them, and his usual Player One was out of the picture for right now. It was different when Jeremy was at school; in a way, he felt like once he left this house and stepped through the doors of Middleborough High, he was a different person. Sure, the SQUIP was trying to keep his habits and interests consistent regardless of where he went, but it was still much too tempting to recede back into himself when he was in the safety of his own home.
But there was only so much he could do when he was by himself. It wasn’t like he wanted to spend all his time doing homework and researching the newest trends so that he could stay ‘in the now’ – or was it ‘in the know?’ – and his games started to feel repetitive after a while and he wasn’t about to spend the money to buy new ones. And he couldn’t watch porn without the SQUIP knowing, of course. There were a handful of times he wondered if he should ask his father if he wanted to do something, even just watch a movie, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle seeing his father waddling around in just his robe and underwear. It was a constant reminder of why he’d gotten his SQUIP in the first place.
And so here he was, sprawled on his bed and staring up at his ceiling. The SQUIP had made him take down the glow-in-the-dark stars that he and Michael had stuck up there God knew how many years ago, deeming them too juvenile for a high school junior. And some of them had only been hanging on by one point, so maybe it was time to peel them off anyway. Jeremy had woken up with the cheap little stars littered on his bed and carpet too many times before.
He let out a long-suffering sigh, deciding that counting the dings and marks above him was better than just being alone with his thoughts. When he thought too much, he just ended up feeling sorry for himself.
Of course, then he remembered that he did, in fact, have a supercomputer in his head.
He had hardly even opened his mouth to summon the SQUIP before its physical form fizzled into existence next to the bed, standing over him. It raised an eyebrow. “What can I do for you, Jeremy?”
Of course it knew he had wanted to speak with it. Jeremy breathed out through his nose, looking up at the face above him. “Entertain me, SQUIP.”
It huffed, rolling its eyes and shaking its head. Jeremy would expect such movement to mess up anyone’s hair, but of course the SQUIP’s stayed perfectly styled. “I’m a Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, Jeremy. My infinite wealth of data and my connection to your mind is meant to be used to help you achieve your most difficult goals in life. I’m not a toy for you to play with.”
Jeremy pouted. “Well, I’m bored, so my goal right now is to be entertained.”
The SQUIP frowned at him in return. “That isn’t a difficult goal. You have plenty to entertain yourself with.”
“You won’t let me get off, which is how I normally keep myself busy.”
“Because you need a sexual partner that isn’t your own hand. And you need to get your libido in check regardless.”
“Well then, what do you suggest?”
“Call up Brooke.”
“You have all these video game systems and just the other day you were telling me how much you love indulging in nostalgia.”
“Not feelin’ up to games right now.”
“Watch TV? Or a movie?”
The SQUIP sighed, rubbing a hand over its face. “Honestly, dear, there are so many things you could do, and you’re asking me to find something to cure your boredom?”
Jeremy flashed a bashful smile. “Yup.” He knew he might end up getting on the SQUIP’s nerves – circuits? – if he pushed like this, but he couldn’t help it. The SQUIP had eased up a little in its lessons because Jeremy had been doing well, so he felt like he had a little room to argue. Besides, there was something oddly satisfying about seeing the SQUIP at a loss.
Of course, as he thought that, the SQUIP leaned down a little closer, narrowing those sharp eyes. “Are you trying to stump me, Jeremy? Because I’ll have you know that that’s an impossible task.”
And just like that, Jeremy felt his stomach flip and his streak of confidence faded away. He swallowed the lump in his throat and steeled himself, shaking his head. “I just want something to do, come on.”
The SQUIP sighed, straightening back up. It tilted its head, and Jeremy could feel the familiar, albeit barely noticeable, buzz at the back of his mind as the SQUIP analyzed the situation.
Finally, it blinked back to awareness and extended a hand to Jeremy, who flinched slightly on instinct.
“Come on. Get up,” it commanded.
Jeremy furrowed his brow. “What?”
“Up.” The SQUIP frowned and reached to instead take Jeremy’s hand itself. The SQUIP’s hand was cool to the touch and Jeremy knew that there wasn’t really anything there and that the SQUIP was just manipulating his nerves and puppeting his limbs as he was pulled to his feet.
Jeremy tried to ignore the way his cheeks warmed as he awkwardly stood there, the SQUIP still gripping his hand. “Um, okay. M’up. Now what?”
It smiled at him. “Close your eyes, love.”
Jeremy bit his lip, hesitating, but after a moment he obeyed and his eyes fluttered shut.
“Good. Now, I want you to tell me a place. Any place, real or fictional.”
Jeremy’s brow creased. “Why?”
The SQUIP tutted at him. “Always with the questions. You wanted me to entertain you, and I need you to trust me. So tell me a place.”
Jeremy wasn’t entirely certain where this was going – the SQUIP had a bad habit of being overly explicit with some of its plans and then so incredibly vague about others – but he did try to think of a place. But with how bored he’d been, he wasn’t feeling terribly creative.
“I dunno. Uh, Hogwarts.” He could practically feel the SQUIP’s disappointment in his nerdy answer and he scrambled to defend himself. “C-c’mon, Harry Potter is super popular and mainstream!”
“Not with how Mrs. Rowling has been behaving herself recently. But I digress. Keep your eyes closed.”
Jeremy pouted but he listened, keeping his eyes shut. He was tempted to open them just to spite the SQUIP but he refrained, curiosity getting the better of him. He could feel the SQUIP poking and prodding at his brain – it wasn’t painful, but the sensation of something manipulating his thoughts and senses would never not be weird – and at one point it even felt like his eyes were itchy. But he still obeyed the order given to him and waited.
“Alright. You can open them now.”
Warily, Jeremy cracked open one eye before they both flew open and his jaw dropped. Still holding the SQUIP’s hand, he found himself staring at none other than the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Every little detail was there, from the floating candles to the grand windows to the Houses’ tables. Despite him being positive it was the middle of the day, it was clearly nighttime outside and the firelight was the only thing allowing him to see.
“H-holy shit,” he mumbled. “Is this…is this like virtual reality?”
The SQUIP chuckled. “I’d say it’s better, considering it’s right in your mind rather than through some headset or screen.” It waved a hand to gesture around them. “Not feeling so bored anymore, are you?”
“Definitely not!” Jeremy grinned, already thinking about all the places he could ask the SQUIP to send him to. He knew it was nothing more than a hallucination and the SQUIP had made him see plenty of things before that weren’t really there, but he was too in awe to care that it wasn’t real. He pulled his hand away from the SQUIP.
He could feel the SQUIP frown and reach out for him again. “Jeremy—”
But the boy was already racing forward, eager to explore. However, as he hurried down the aisle between two of the tables, he yelped as he slipped on something, arms waving wildly as he tried to find his balance.
As he thought he was about to tumble backwards, a pair of strong arms caught his waist and he found himself staring up, red in the face, at the SQUIP.
The SQUIP let out another chuckle. “There’s only so much I can control,” it explained, motioning to the floor. When Jeremy looked down, there was a sock standing out against the dark floor of the hall, and he realized that must have been what he had slipped on.
“Oh…Right, we’re actually still in my room,” he murmured, gaze swiveling back up the SQUIP, who was still holding him in what was almost a dip. He just blinked dumbly up at the supercomputer, mouth too dry for him to ask to be let go.
The SQUIP broke into a little smirk and pulled Jeremy back to his feet, although its arms didn’t move from their place around the boy’s waist. “I didn’t think this hall would fit the moniker of ‘great’ if it was reduced to the size of your bedroom, so there are limits to where you can move around. But even if you can’t tell where the illusion ends, I can…”
It raised one hand to snap its fingers, and Jeremy flinched as music flooded the hall from seemingly nowhere. He blinked at the SQUIP yet again, confused, before his blush returned full-force as the SQUIP took one of his hands in its own, the other settled against his hip. “Wh—”
“Come on, Jeremy, I know you had to learn how to slow dance with your mother for your Bar Mitzvah. Just follow my lead.”
Stunned, Jeremy mindlessly moved his free hand to the SQUIP’s shoulder. He decided not to linger on the mention of his mother and he also decided not to point out that he’d been taught to lead in that dance, not follow – although perhaps that didn’t matter because that dance back then had barely lasted two minutes and Jeremy had always been better as a follower than a leader anyway. Always the Player Two, although that was hopefully beginning to change.
And so he let the SQUIP lead, and soon enough they were sweeping through the Great Hall, and only after a solid minute did Jeremy notice that the House tables were gone, leaving them more room. The SQUIP was rather fluid in its movements for a machine – then again, the SQUIP wasn’t your average machine – and it led Jeremy in such a way that he realized it must be making sure he didn’t trip over or bump into anything that was actually in his bedroom that he couldn’t see. Unsure of what he was supposed to do in his role, he ended up watching their feet until he felt an unseen force gently tipping his chin up, making him gasp softly.
He expected the SQUIP to make fun of him like it so often did, but instead it just gave him what he dared to call a fond smile. “Come on, dear. Have some fun. This is all for you.” He felt his muscles start to loosen up a bit and a wave of calm washed over him. “That’s it. Enjoy yourself. You wanted me to entertain you, didn’t you?”
And with the SQUIP’s mental nudges, Jeremy did start to get more into it. He was no ballroom expert by any means, but with the SQUIP guiding him, he was able to follow along easily enough after having a few moments to adjust. Soon he was laughing and at one point the SQUIP even made it look like they were wearing matching suits, and Jeremy tried not to focus on the fact that the SQUIP looked absolutely dashing in a suit.
Of course, even if the thought was fleeting, the SQUIP caught it and broke into a small grin. “You clean up quite nicely, too, Jeremiah.”
“Oh, don’t ruin it by calling me that,” Jeremy protested, the tips of his ears feeling hot. The SQUIP laughed and gave him a twirl, and before he could really process what was happening, Jeremy felt himself fall back and he was suddenly in his room again, laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Still no glow-in-the-dark stars.
“What?” he breathed out, hurriedly sitting up.
The SQUIP was sitting in his desk chair, back to its normal sleek outfit, smiling. “I figured that was enough excitement for one day. Don’t think I forgot that you have an English essay to write.”
Jeremy groaned, flopping back on the bed. “That wasn’t even that long!”
“Wasn’t it?”
Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed and he leaned over to check his clock radio, surprised to see that indeed quite a bit of time had passed. It had only really felt like a few minutes, but maybe that was another trick on his mind.
Still, he frowned over at the SQUIP. “I don’t wanna write my essay,” he whined.
The SQUIP let out a soft laugh and sauntered over, brushing a hand against Jeremy’s cheek and tilting his head up to look at it. “If you do some work, perhaps we can have some more fun later. Hm?”
Jeremy wasn’t sure if the SQUIP meant for that to sound as suggestive as it did, but then again, the SQUIP was in his brain and knew exactly how he’d take a statement like that. Which was how it knew that he’d listen and get to his feet.
As Jeremy grumpily sat down at his desk, the SQUIP smirked at him. “If you get the whole thing done tonight, maybe I’ll even consider wearing a suit again.”
Jeremy’s cheeks burned. “Fuck off.”
He got to work.
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Graphics by Anna Wiederkehr
Americans have changed their behavior in ways that would have been unthinkable even a few months ago. Masks are an essential accessory. Social distancing is the norm. And even as states moved to reopen their economies in May and June, many Americans continued to think it was better for people to stay home.
But underneath that apparent consensus is a large — and growing — partisan divide. Even as cases and hospitalizations spike in red states that mostly escaped the early effects of the virus, Republicans and Democrats remain stubbornly split on the threat it poses. For instance, it was only in July that President Trump wore a mask in public for the first time. And perhaps thanks to Trump’s repeated downplaying of the threat that COVID-19 poses, Republicans are much less concerned than Democrats are about the virus.
On the one hand, according to surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center, Republicans have consistently been less likely than Democrats to say that they fear being hospitalized because of COVID-19 or that they might unknowingly spread the virus to others. But on the other hand, that partisan gap has widened significantly between April and June.
It’s hard to find a more extreme test of our tribal political attachments than the current pandemic, where Trump continues to downplay the risks of the virus in the face of near-universal opposition from medical experts. It also raises a thorny issue: In the midst of a pandemic, partisanship appears to be shaping people’s perceptions of their risk and personal behaviors — to the point that our divided politics actually affects our health. For Americans, that might mean that questions of whether to stay home, wear a mask or to see friends and family without social distancing are filtered through a partisan lens.
In other words, do our politics risk making us sick?
It’s pretty clear that at this point, Republicans’ and Democrats’ experiences of the pandemic have been steadily diverging for months. It’s much harder to say, though, what that means for transmission of the virus. Some surveys offer a glimmer of hope, suggesting that the partisan gaps in how people are actually behaving — whether they wear a mask, for example — are much narrower than the divides on questions about what they think the government should do in response to the virus or whether the worst is behind us. It’s possible, too, that some of the partisan divides we’re seeing now could start to narrow as outbreaks spiral out of control in states like Arizona, Florida and Texas.
These trends are cause for alarm among the small army of social scientists who have tried to figure out how Americans are responding to the virus since the beginning of the pandemic — from the conflicting signals they’ve received from Trump and other political leaders, to changing guidelines from public health experts.
“Some Republicans are much less freaked out by the virus than they were a few months ago,” said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina who is tracking Americans’ perspectives of the coronavirus through a panel survey. “But things are changing so quickly — these new outbreaks could scare them and maybe some of that polarization disappears.”
That doesn’t mean the politicization of the virus isn’t having an impact, though. Take the political fighting around whether people should be required to wear masks or the timeline around when businesses should reopen. The virus is spiking in Georgia, with thousands of new cases each day, but the state’s Republican governor is suing the Democratic mayor of Atlanta over the city’s decision to revert to its most restrictive opening phase and mandate the wearing of masks. “The national conversation about how we behave during this pandemic has been so colored by the partisan divide that it’s becoming impossible to talk rationally about the risks we are and are not willing to tolerate,” said Dr. Sandro Galea, an epidemiologist and the dean of the Boston University School of Public Health who studies the politics of public health. “If both sides were pushed out of their corners, they would both have to concede quite a bit, and we’d frankly all be safer.”
Understanding how Americans are responding to the pandemic isn’t an easy task; there are essentially two methods at researchers’ disposal. The first is to use a survey. The second is to look at mobility trends, such as geolocation or credit card data, to see if people are actually behaving the way they say they are. And over the past few months, political scientists and economists have leaned on both methods to figure out how Americans are thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic and how that relates to their behavior. With the exception of a few studies conducted in late March and early April, when fear of the pandemic ground the economy to a complete halt, all of this research has uncovered an accelerating partisan divide, too.
For example, as early as March, a group of researchers found that Democrats in a large panel survey exhibited more worries than Republicans about the pandemic and were also likelier to embrace health behaviors like more frequent hand-washing or avoiding mass gatherings. The first round of Hetherington’s survey suggests a partisan divide in Americans’ support for some public health interventions, like widespread testing.
The problem with these surveys, of course, is that there’s no way to figure out, for example, whether someone who says they’re quarantining is actually doing so. So a number of other studies have tried to figure out what people were actually doing by using geolocation data to follow people’s movements. This research has found basically the same thing as the surveys: People in Republican-leaning counties, or counties that voted for Trump in 2016, didn’t reduce their activity as much as people in Democratic counties.
Another study that looked at individual-level smartphone data found a similar pattern. And one team of researchers examined both survey data and geolocation data and determined that the trend held up for both — people in more Republican areas were less likely to feel at risk because of COVID-19, and they were also less likely to stay at home.
But this mobility data has its own limitations, according to Rebecca Katz, a professor at Georgetown University Medical Center. It can only tell you whether people are leaving their homes, not where they’re going or whether they’re taking precautions. “We’re all using this data because it’s the data we have, but it’s imperfect,” she said. “Sometimes, I pack my kids in a car and we just drive for a little while so we can get out of the house — by my cell phone, we’re moving. But that doesn’t tell someone looking at that data if we are interacting with other people, or if we’re wearing masks.”
Geography is another confounding factor; people in rural areas are more likely to drive places, even if they’re otherwise following public health guidelines, and less densely populated parts of the country were also less hard hit by the virus in the beginning. The problem is that Republicans are more likely to live in those parts of the country — and the effects of political segregation and the virus’s trajectory are very difficult to untangle, especially for studies that were conducted a month or two into the pandemic.
The partisan split was hard to deny, though, so early on, a couple of research teams tried to figure out why Republicans and Democrats were responding to the pandemic differently. Two usual culprits — politicians and the media — emerged as possible factors in the divide.
One study conducted from late February through the end of March found that the partisan divide on risk perception and health behavior only narrowed after the White House issued federal social distancing guidelines, suggesting that Trump’s role as a national Republican leader could be quite significant. Several other studies dug into the impact of cable TV, with one survey finding that an MSNBC viewer’s response to the pandemic was quite different than that of a Fox News watcher. Another study focused only on the impact of Fox News and concluded that an increase in viewership did appear to result in less social distancing. The evidence for the effects of politicians and differing media sources is less robust because there aren’t as many studies, but it does suggest that even when there are serious health risks at stake, how both talk about the virus and the public health response may affect the way people behave.
Shana Gadarian, a professor of political science at Syracuse University who is helping to conduct one of the panel surveys, said she was surprised to see such enormous divides emerge as the pandemic wore on. According to other research she’s conducted, moments of extreme anxiety and uncertainty can actually make people more open to new sources of information — including public health experts and leaders from the opposing party. So at the beginning of the pandemic, she and her team expected that Americans would coalesce around public health experts’ recommendations, or that other demographic factors — like age — would turn into key dividing lines.
Scientists and doctors do still enjoy a high level of trust from most Americans, as Maggie Koerth wrote for FiveThirtyEight in May. But that doesn’t mean they are entirely immune to the winds of partisanship — for example, Democrats are likelier than Republicans to trust the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Crucially, though, big divides haven’t emerged everywhere. According to the latest wave of the Democracy Fund’s Voter Study Group, conducted between July 2 to 8, the vast majority (88 percent) of Republicans said they wore a mask when going out in public, even though Republicans in greater numbers have said in other surveys that the government shouldn’t require people to wear masks. And according to Robert Griffin, research director of the Voter Study Group, that’s significantly higher than in any wave of the weekly data going back to May 28. There was more of a partisan gap in responses to other questions about coronavirus-related behavior, although it was still fairly modest.
So are these partisan splits actually driving the spread of the virus?
As it turns out, it’s hard to prove that Republicans’ resistance to mask mandates or social distancing is actually worsening the pandemic. One reason is that political scientists and economists don’t feel equipped to take on the epidemiological modeling that would be necessary to measure what, say, a partisan divide on hand-washing actually means for the spread of the disease. Yael Hochberg, an economist at Rice University, said that the lack of uniformity in testing data made her reluctant to wade into the public health data. “There are places where testing still isn’t widely available,” Hochberg said. “And if testing isn’t uniform, it’s hard to compare what you’re seeing in one county versus another.”
One study tried to pin down the effect of differing levels of compliance with social distancing policies among Republicans and Democrats using individual geolocation data. It concluded that a Trump voter who contracts COVID-19 infects 16 percent more people than a comparable Clinton voter. That’s a striking finding — but it’s also only one study, and several infectious disease experts who reviewed the paper at my request were a little skeptical of its conclusions.
Samuel Scarpino, a professor at Northeastern University who studies infectious diseases, said that it can be very difficult, even in a sophisticated model, to separate all of the confounding factors that could be at play, like geography. And Katz said that without information about whether people are wearing masks or engaging in social distancing, it’s hard to draw very solid conclusions about transmission from mobility data.
Scarpino was quick to add, though, that polarization can still be a serious problem, even if it’s hard to quantify its precise impact. “If politicians’ messaging is making people feel like they’re safe from COVID, those are people who are unnecessarily being put at risk,” he said. He’s also concerned that public health experts’ credibility will erode as certain health behaviors, like mask-wearing or social distancing, become associated with one party or another. “We’re kind of building the airplane as we fly it and we need to be able to change course when we get new evidence,” he said. “But it becomes harder to have those conversations and get buy-in from the public as the whole process becomes more politicized.”
There’s danger in exaggerating the extent of the partisan divide, though. Galea told me that he’s been struck by the fact that so many Americans — including nearly all Republicans — report they are going along with health experts’ recommendations, like wearing masks, at least to some degree. And it would be a mistake, Galea said, to gloss over this unusual level of partisan unity, because it’s a sign that health behaviors aren’t as divisive as they could be, given the strength of partisan loyalties.
“Nobody should ignore the fact that people on the political extremes are embracing polarizing positions on health behavior that should not be polarized,” Galea said. “But I think the evidence we have indicates that most people have tried to be responsible and adopt the recommended behaviors, even at a time of immense polarization and confusion and discomfort.”
That said, he still thinks some politicians — and in particular, Trump — need to do more to get on the same page as public health experts. “It’s not that politics is making it impossible to implement these health behaviors, because we see that many ordinary people are getting on board regardless of what political leadership is saying,” he said. “But that doesn’t mean we should give politicians a pass for turning these serious, serious health conversations into a political football, because that is very much to our detriment.”
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ahopkins1965 · 7 months
How come the internet is Satan’s Playground?
Let’s have a good look at this for a moment. What we mean by a playground is this? A playground consists of a very large space that is filled with equipment and activities for children to play inside of it. When it pertains to Satan we all have to be extremely careful. This playground can hinder us in various ways. For instance, it can prevent anyone from serving the Lord. 1st Thessalonians 2:18 in the New International Version says for we wanted to come to you-certainly, I Paul did again and again, but Satan blocked our way. This means that Satan prevents us from performing certain tasks for God.
He also keeps us from reading the Word of God, which is the sword of the spirit. Another way of looking at this playground that belongs to Satan is the way it causes billions of people to get addicted. A person can get easily captivated through the women who are online wearing certain apparel, or the music that we listen to on a daily basis. Some of it is demonic. For example, there are certain beats, lyrics, and tunes that easily captivate our minds and draw us into the music. There is an inner voice that communicates to each and every one of us. It is Satan using the internet as his playground. His purpose is to deceive the nations worldwide. The internet has been around for over 40 years.
The internet did not become available for public use until 1996. However, this major search engine and tool has changed so much over the past 20 years that it has caused millions of people to break up their marriages, relationships, and families. This is simply because of its graphic content that it contains. James 1:14-15 indicates that but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death. This means that we must pay close attention to all of the things that we are doing behaviorally, psychologically, and socially, so that it pleases God.
It is not easy because we are in a constant battle with our flesh each and every single day. It is a war that is going on inside of the mind itself. Satan captures your mind and draws you completely away from what you are supposed to do for God. The Playground that I am talking about right now consists of not only the internet, but music, nightclubs, as well as other churches and occults. The internet is emphasized at this time because it is the main thing that people are using right now for research and entertainment.
There are more women online than men. There are more children between the ages of 12 to 30 online more than ever before. This is the main reason why parents need to start paying attention to the activities that each of their children is doing each day. James 1:21 says therefore get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you. This means that we must get rid of anything that contaminates our minds and accepts God’s word as a seed and allow it to grow inside of us. Also, we must get rid of anything that goes against God. Psalms 119:89 states that Your Word O Lord is eternal: it stands firm in the heavens. This means that God’s Word is the only thing that will remain on earth. The internet itself will dissolve just like the heavens and the earth. Technology is something that will not last forever. It is only a trend or fad. Trends and Fads are temporary and this is something that only last for a very short period of time.
This also includes the internet if it is a major problem for you. The internet as a playground is very serious. It is technology, which is true. Matthew 24:35 says that heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Jesus told His disciples this information while He was reading the End of Times. Jesus also told his disciples in Mark 13th chapter to watch because you do not know when the world will come to an end. Watch therefore watch!! Satan’s playground consists of many places. These places where Satan is deceiving the nations are everywhere. The internet itself is propaganda that is either positive or negative. The internet is also filled with images that are capable of causing the conscious to erode.
Therefore, causing billions to become addicted and there is no way out of it. This addiction is just as bad as smoking cigarettes. How come the internet is Satan’s playground? This is a very good question because there are things that go on regularly that causes everyone to panic. This is especially when there are hacking incidents that are going on worldwide. This is a major threat to national security. We are have to realize that this is very serious and we have to pay attention to what is going on around us through the use of our eyes and the rest of our 5 senses.
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spookybelievertree · 4 years
print on demand :
First of all what’s print on demand :
Print on Demand, or POD, is when you sell your own designs on a variety of different types of items. T-shirts, hoodies, and a variety of other items are among the print-on-demand items.
You don’t have to pay for the product, but you do get paid and get a  commission.
Plus, with print-on-demand services, the supplier handles everything after the sale, from printing to shipping. When you’ve got all set up, you’re ready to go to start a print on demand business, you are probably asking if is print on-demand profitable, the simple answer is yes
note: if you are not a designer don’t worry about that, we’ve got covered, you can start with basic simple texts design it could be a meme or funny saying, or quotes and I’ll share with you how to start printing t-shirts business
and free software
free software to start
the first one is canva
photoshop the free version
The best print on demand websites
(print on- demand- companies )
Zazzle get 13 million visits per month
Spreadshirt get 2.65 million visits per month
Redbubble get 19 million visits per month
TeePublic get 6 million visits per month
merch by amazon; print on demand amazon with 2 BILLION per month
from these sites, you’ll get
a free traffic
free to use
free marketing
the long term organic sales
free websites to get free images and fonts
what type of design you wanna start with ( print on demand niches)
there are two types of design to target
1 – evergreen Niches design: designs with small selling but in a consistent way all the year like quote or design about profession job, hobby, pets
2- a trend Niches you can sell a lot at the beginning but the sales will possibly die with the trend like holida##ys fathers day, mothers day, …
* How to find good t-shirt designs:
print on demand niche research tool
1- you can use google trends: by typing t-shirt or trying to find what’s hot at a certain time
2- the second one is Pinterest: you can find real good designs just try to design it your way, add your touch
3- merch informer you can use the free listings
4- bubble trend :
just keep in mind to check the trademark and the copyright content and stay away from content like movies, songs, famous people you can use these two sites :
1 – http://tmhunt.com/
2- https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/search
to make your designs look good you need to place them on a mock-up
*These are the best free websites that offer free mockups
you can get mockups from Redbubble, Teepublic, Spreadshirt when you upload your design or you can check out the websites down below
1* https://smartmockups.com/
2* https://pixelbuddha.net
3* https://mockupmark.com/
conclusion :
How Print-On-Demand Works in a simple way the process will look very much like this:
Create a great t-shirt design
Upload the design to a t-shirt on print on demand sites like the ones we share before
place your design on a mock-up if you want to do some free marketing by yourself on Instagram and Pinterest and add a link to your website
In the end, I hope you enjoy the content, and these are just the beginning stay tuned for good and new content
about making money online, have you tried print-on-demand before if yes what do you think about it
thank you for your time
until next time
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benahmed abdessamed
Freelance Graphic Designer at SpreadshirtPublished • 1h
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start a print on demand business and make passive income
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ohmrlove · 5 years
Heya! Could I please ask for headcanons from each of the boys dealing with a situation where the MC has been kidnapped and held hostage for 3 days, and they themselves are being demanded to hand something over (e.g something material/a specific person in high power)? The MC suffers something from minor to severe injuries. Not life-threatening but enough to hurt.
Interesting and dramatic! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Warning for mild violence. Nothing too descriptive, I think.
Also, it’s kind of long.
🍷 Victor 🍷
Being who he was, Victor fully expected the ransom to be money-related. It was.
He’d gotten the money together within hours of the first email showing you chained up in some dingy stone-walled cell.
He gave a press conference that said he was ready to hand over the money, to just contact him again. That had apparently spooked your captors; they didn’t contact him for two AGONIZING days.
He was collaborating with LPD as quietly as possible, afraid a strong counterattack would convince them to kill you
Victor had more enemies than he could count, and he had no clue who was behind it
That was the farthest thing from his mind as LPD fitted him with a bullet proof vest, a mic, and camera before sending him to the designated site
The briefcase was rigged with traps set to go off when too much money was removed. Things like dye packs and a nasty shock mechanism an engineering company was happy to supply
Victor walked through an old stone building--a fake castle?--and stared down the little bug that tried to intimidate him
Victor felt his face and neck grow hot with rage, Evol pulsing in his fingertips as he debated letting time slow down so he could beat this scum within an inch of his life
How had they found out about you? He worked with so many people! Why not take Goldman?
The businessman in him was begging to be sensible but Victor could never be very sensible when it came to you, could he?
Using his Evol to slow down time, Victor rushed the creep. It was a full-on scuffle, Victor quickly getting the upper hand when he used that briefcase full of money like the brick it was
Cuff link missing, blood on his suit jacket, and some buttons hanging limply from his shirt, Victor sat back to catch his breath. He wiped blood from his lip.
The guy was out cold; he’d probably broken some bones. He looked robbed, himself; Victor was very thorough--and angry--as he practically maimed the cretin to check for an ear piece or extra weapons
The assailant didn’t have time to contact friends and that made Victor feel a little better. Maybe it was a smaller operation than they assumed
He called for police backup to help sweep the place and found you in a cell at the back. It looked like something used for photographs, like a fun zone.
The chains from the picture were cheap and fake; they broke easily as he forced them open. The zipties around your wrists were much harder to get off, and Victor apologized as he wedged his big fingers between the plastic and your wrists to snap them.
It took effort, to the point where he had to brace a foot against the bars, but he got them off and that’s all that mattered.
You were very dehydrated--your lips and skin told him that. You felt like you had a fever, and your skin was raw and tender from fighting the binds. One half of your face was bruised and Victor choked with tears as you practically peeped his name, your voice weak and dry.
“It’s okay,” he held you in his arms for a minute, supporting your neck. You’d probably been in that same position for three days. It probably hurt like hell!
How was he even holding you? He was shaking so much...
“You’ll be okay!” Victor was rambling now, afraid to run to the entrance in case he hurt you anymore. “You’ll get the best care, I promise! Just hold on.” he rearranged you to let you rest against his shoulder.
 “And pudding?” he barely heard it.
Pudding? At a time like this? Maybe it’s because you were starved. But, then again, you were always going on about sweets.
“Of course, dummy...” Victor bumped his head against yours and carried you out. Once at the hospital, he didn’t leave your side. When you were discharged, he stuck to you like glue for the next two months.
📢 Gavin 📢
This is a situation they were all trained for, something they were cautioned could become a reality because people were sick and cruel. They were dirty, willing to do anything to get the upper hand.
Why wasn’t he ready? Gavin almost felt sick. It’s like what victims always say ‘Well, that could never happen to me!’
But it did, and now he was desperately trying to get his head on straight so he could coordinate with the negotiators. He’d almost been taken off the mission, as it was so personal, but he agreed to go in under a different captain to avoid conflict
He expected a prisoner swap or further negotiations on a trial, but this guy was just ranting on and on about how LPD backed a conspiracy instead of the facts. They’d tried the wrong person (according to the rant).
They did it wrong, didn’t look at it enough, missed the clues...
Sources were still out on whether this was a legitimate mental break.
Gavin hadn’t slept since he’d seen you on the news report. The standoff was on day three and he couldn’t even remember how many shift changes there’d been between snipers and others waiting to finish the situation
So far they’d brought in three different family members to try and calm the guy, but he wasn’t having it.
His adrenaline kept him from being tired and he tried to use that energy to playback HOW this guy could have gotten you. Did he just have bad luck? Were you just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Had this guy been stalking him...or you?!
He listened to yet another screaming match between a relative and the suspect. Gavin’s heart beat in his ears as the negotiator kept the phone call on blast for everyone to hear. Something set him off and suddenly you were sailing over the building like a rag doll
Gavin felt his Evol explode, bowling over the cluster of people around him as he shot off to catch you.
He don’t know if he caught you or if you hit him, but Gavin held onto you like your life depended on it (it did)
He hovered there for a few moments, unable to do anything but laugh as you whined about smacking into him. You had some cuts and bruises, and one of your eyes was black but you were okay!
Gavin took a big, shuddering inhale as he pressed you to his body, fingers tangling in your hair
He probably hugged you way too hard, but he’d apologize later
He received clearance from the captain to ride in the ambulance with you, and he did. You were really disoriented as they took your vitals and figured out what drips to give you but you still reached for his hand.
Gavin wrapped both hands around your battered one. “I’m here.”
🔬 Lucien 🔬
There was no witty remark or playful sarcasm. Just burning rage and a cool calculated feeling.
Lucien wasn’t usually the self-absorbed type but he knew he could outsmart whatever idiot took you
He wasn’t surprised that they wanted top-secret research. Most evil entities do for one reason or another.
Lucien was more than ready to hand over gibberish copies that looked like the real thing but wouldn’t have any critical information. Things that, with the right graphics, would look like what they wanted. A bunch of scientific bullshit, basically.
They were after a few specimen, too, and Lucien had a near-impossible time convincing himself not to straight-up poison them with some toxic bacterial strains. Engineering bacteria was within his skill set and he’d love to see them suffer slowly
Forgeries take time, especially the types they were asking for. The three days past unbelievably slow--Lucien could hardly focus. The end goal of protecting you and making these look realistic enough to trade helped him pull through
Meeting at the docks was a bit cliche, something he’d only seen in the movies, but that further confirmed his suspicions that the info needed to travel and would be used for something big
He’d made LPD aware of the situation, the two parties agreeing not to broadcast any information. They could have the fanfare after catching them in the water.
Lucien adjusted the folder, jostling the pages so the hidden scalpel slid into the sleeve of his lab coat. There were only two men for the small boat, and you were sitting tied up on the edge of the dock. A cinder block sat nearby, undoubtedly tied to you.
All it would take is one nudge and--Lucien focused on the guy speaking, handed over the folder with an empty look, and stabbed him as hard as he could when the cool metal hit his palm.
The first guy got three or four stabs in the gut, Lucien swinging the scalpel up as the second one came at him. He definitely sliced him. Lucien was foggy on the rest.
He threw an elbow and lunged for you as that block slipped off the dock. Lucien hugged it to his chest, pulling with all his might to keep you dangling over the dock. Time seemed to drag forever as he curled his head and waited for the second guy to start stomping his back out--something
All of a sudden lights were thrown--big spot lights used in sea searches. Engines roared to life as LPD boats flooded the docks. One came to rest beneath you, and they coaxed him into letting go. He fell with you; he’d never forgive himself if something happened to you.
Drowning would be a terrible way to go, and you didn’t deserve it.
The fall would give you more bruises and you were already covered in them. Your throat was a little dark, like they’d grabbed you at one point, and Lucien had never wished so hard to return the favor.
He gave up trying to test your pupils with the pen light because all he could see was sheer hysteria. Lucien cradled you in his lap as they cut the block off, rocking you back and forth. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of you.” he smoothed out your hair.
🎤 Kiro 🎤
If any big scandal were to happen, he expected it to happen as Kiro the idol, not Key.
The ultimatum was quick to trend on social media--someone was calling Key out and they had a hostage.
A grainy video was attached and Kiro’s heart nearly stopped when he saw it was you.
He went to great lengths to conceal his identity as Key, so how did they know? He’d been pretty excited about that Key exoneration segment when it aired; maybe they considered him a VERY popular Key sympathizer. Someone who had influence over the real Key.
He was just starting to introduce you to his fanbase as his most favorite, his love, his Miss Chips. Maybe it was his fault...
His manager and the others were also shocked, and there was little to stop him when he left in a panic
It was quite traumatic, seeing your loved one held hostage. No one expected him to cooperate with his schedule after that.
Kiro barricaded himself at home, working feverishly in all the back channels as Key. He wouldn’t stop until you were safe!
You were probably being held by a criminal organization, as all the ‘tests’ revolved around funneling money and getting them air time.
It was difficult work, setting up paths that couldn’t be traced while dropping anonymous hints to LPD. Kiro was trying to make it seem like your kidnappers were arrogant enough to play a cat-and-mouse game with LPD.
After almost three days, he found their location. They could hide things with temporary blocks and back doors, but Kiro wasn’t your average hacker. They made a mistake to call out one of the best. Especially when they couldn’t compare.
These people were dumb enough to stream from a computer, and all it took was sending the coordinates to the LPD after stripping some protections. He even attached a few screenshots of the live stream for proof, and he got to watch in real time as they busted the place and got you out of there
Kiro didn’t know if he wanted to cry, collapse, or sleep
All three, really.
He changed into ‘Kiro’ clothes, made several phone calls to hospitals in the area, his manager, and even chief of police so he could figure out where they’d taken you.
Kiro’s adrenaline was back, the only thing saving him from falling asleep during the ride. He made it all the way to your hospital bed, unable to comprehend how you could look so pale and beaten up
It nearly broke his heart to see you like this, and he hated that he couldn’t use his Evol on himself to calm down.
“Kiro? You found me?” you were so drugged and tired you probably didn’t know what was happening.
“I’ll always find you!” Kiro scrubbed tears from his eyes with one hand, the other refusing to let yours go
Seeing you was so relaxing. He could hold you and feel your pulse beating in your wrist and he was so relieved!
Kiro could finally rest, and he did. He woke up right beside you, in a bed of his own, being treated for exhaustion and malnutrition. Your hand was still in a death grip and he couldn’t be happier.
Wow, this was super long! I hope you liked it! I tried to make them all original :o
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B O O K  R E V I E W
╙ G I R L  G O N E  V I R A L  B Y  A L I S H A  R A I
genre: romance, contemporary, new adult
publication date: April 21st, 2020
rating (1-5 scale):
writing:   ★ ★ ★ ★
characters & character development: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
could-not-put-it-down factor: ★ ★ ★
general rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
*ARC received from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*
Recently, I got myself a reading date and took this book out for a quiet night in. The verdict? I've got the zings! In terms of getting into the story, this one took its sweet time to pull me in. But once it finally did? I've been a goner. There are still not that many authors who write romance the way Alisha Rai does and I think that's a travesty. Her stories are effortlessly diverse, socially aware, sensitive and well thought-out. Some might say this doesn't leave much room for romance but I wholeheartedly disagree.
Was the love story between Katrina and Jas one of star-crossed lovers variety or a fateful meet-cute over the last bagel in their favourite cafe? Nope. But it didn't make it any less riveting. At its core, "Girl Gone Viral" is a story about two people who have known and pined for each other for years, with only the recent extraordinary circumstances allowing them to slowly break out of their shells. It takes them some time to get there, but once they do - it's on. And what I loved about Katrina and Jas' relationship, apart from how incredibly respectful and supportive they were to each other, was how they communicated. Sure, it starts off with a bit of a "what does the other feel" guessing game but then they progress to talking about their feelings and there's no unnecessary angst or drama with breaking them apart for some stupid convoluted reason.
And you know what, I don't think it's easy to write a romance like that: full of passion - but quiet passion; full of love - but quiet "I've been eating breakfast you made for me every single day for years even though I don't really like breakfast" love; full of gestures - not grand but "I will help you get through a panic attack" kind (which makes them all that much grander, in my opinion). I was hooked all the same. I was hooked that much more. I mentioned how effortlessly diverse Alisha Rai's writing is. For one, most of her characters are people of colour. While she writes F/M romance, she includes quite a lot of casual queer rep. And she tackles mental health issues like no other romance author I've read. In this book, Jas suffers from PTSD after his time in military and Katrina suffers both from PTSD and panic disorder. While I'm in no way an expert, I could tell that Rai took great care and probably a hefty amount of research to write about these issues in a thoughtful way. Her writing covers a lot - from descriptions of copying mechanisms to random mentions of therapy sessions, which I think is a great way to help remove stigma still surrounding mental health. I also loved how other characters in this story behaved. Katrina (and also Jas, to some extent) had a great support system in terms of friends and/or family. I'm always looking for all these connections and relationships on top of a budding romance - after all, people do not live in a void. Here, my craving was satisfied. Not only the author included some wonderful female friendships (YAY!), but I got some bromance too, not to mention a family working out their issues.
"Coddling was such an infantilizing word for respecting the wishes of an adult and encouraging them to take things at their own pace."
More than this, I LOVED how respectful (almost) everyone was when it came to Katrina's panic disorder or Jas' PTSD. Sometimes friends can be well-meaning but come off as condescending instead. Here, all Katrina's friends as well as Jas trusted and respected her wishes and knew that she knew her feelings and limitations and how to handle them best. This may seems obvious but it's not. Same with respecting other people's personal space! As a person who HATES being touched without warning and/or permission, I practically purred with happiness any time someone ASKED before giving Katrina a hug. Since this series and particularly the premise of this book deals a lot with internet and modern ways of romance, "Girl Gone Viral" also tackles a very relevant topic of right to privacy, anonymity in the internet, cyberbullying and more. I thought this was a very interesting and important take on it, from a perspective of Katrina who is someone who not only wants anonymity, she needs it to feel safe. And when that anonymity is threatened, she feels violated. I remember some time ago there was a thread on twitter that had gone viral, with someone (supposedly) live tweeting some couple's meet cute and conversation in the cafe - perhaps it's the very same that inspired the premise of this book. At the time I thought it was harmless and cute, but this story made me look at it from a different angle. Not everyone wants to be famous. Not everyone wants to be a trend on twitter. Just food for thought. Again, some might say all of this felt "too preachy" or "too politically correct". And yet again, I wholeheartedly disagree. Is it such a radical concept, to write about people being kind and considerate? What is being "politically correct" other than simply being mindful of others? Should love stories only be reserved for white, thin, perfectly healthy people? Just more food for thought, I guess.
"Happiness is a radical act."
This book made me feel so much. I was engrossed and invested in the characters and their happiness. And because of all that Katrina and Jas went through, it made me think about how hard it actually is to be happy, truly happy, in today's world. It takes strength and courage and not a small amount of hope to push forward and push yourself, work on your issues or keep doing what makes you happy, even when some people insist on knowing better what's best for you and what you "should" want. Yet, their story left me feeling strangely optimistic and happy. Maybe because of the wonderful support system both these characters had. Because, it seems to me, as long as you surround yourself with the kind of people who love you and are right for you - happiness is not such a radical concept after all. Trigger / content warning: PTSD, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, mentions of parental abuse & emotional abuse
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thewriterslament · 5 years
writing a resume from scratch
as with literally everything i write, this got really fucking long! like, wordcounter.net estimates this will take 7 minutes to read. so i’ve placed the bulk of this post under a read more
this is not a quick tips kind of post; this is a detailed breakdown of how to write a resume from scratch, with examples that are largely taken from my own resume. this is primarily a resource for people who don’t know where to start with writing a resume, not for people who just want resume hacks
i’m saying all this so i don’t get people in my inbox complaining about how long this is. writing a resume takes a lot of time and effort, and this post does not shy away from that
creating a resume will take you a while, especially if this is your first attempt. don’t be discouraged! take breaks, and don’t try to make the perfect resume on the first try. this tutorial is designed to be completed in rounds
it usually takes me a week to get a new master resume into working order
don’t worry about page length right now. you should make a multipage master resume that contains every relevant experience before making a 1-page resume. after you’ve made the master, you can build custom resumes from it for job applications
this post is best viewed on desktop, because i use nested bullets, and tumblr mobile hates those
let’s get into it!
step 1:
list out everything you’ve ever done that could feasibly count as a resume entry: extracurriculars, jobs, volunteer positions, research, organizations you were a part of (professional or casual), freelance work, long-term hobbies. i will refer to each different experience as an “entry”
for each entry, write where (city + state) and when (timespan) you did that thing 
ex. tritones a cappella group, los angeles, ca, august 20xx - present
going forward, update this list as you join or complete new jobs/hobbies/whatever so that you don’t have to wrack your brain a year down the road wondering how long you held down that job or leadership role
step 2:
describe each entry
use bullet points to list out all the things you did within that role. start with the big picture, then move on to the small stuff
big picture: the goal of the role/organization/research, overarching and long-term projects, what results you were trying to achieve + why
ex. “studied the neuroanatomy and synaptopathy of the inner ear to determine the role of glutamate receptors in hearing loss”
small stuff: literal day-to-day tasks, every software and hardware you worked with, any particularly successful moments
basically, walk through a typical day or week in this role and list out every single thing you have to do, even the grunt work.
ex. “used redcap to administer neuropsychological batteries and collect biological data”
ex. “designed and implemented a novel article format that yielded a 10% increase in audience retention”
if you still have access to the original job posting or a corporate description of responsibilities for your role, pull that up and see how much you can paraphrase from it
no duty is too stupid rn. did you google weather forecasts for your boss every week? write it down. you can make it fancy or choose to delete it later
step 3:
fancify this shit
rewrite your bullet points from step 2 with better jargon. tell your employers what you did in a concise yet assertive manner
it helps to break down each point into its most basic components, which you can then generalize or rephrase 
ex. “googled weather forecasts” might become “compiled weekly reports on changing data points to assess weather trends over time”
use action words. you can find resources all over the internet for this, but if you’re still struggling, shoot me an ask and i’ll link some of the resources i’ve used myself
caution: you don’t want to sound like you used a thesaurus on every word. make sure you aren’t obscuring the meaning of your bullet points. “googled weather forecasts” should not become “utilized online databases to assemble weekly communications on meteorological variations”
start thinking about how your responsibilities for each entry relate to a) what skills you want to showcase and b) what the employer wants from you. does the employer want you to demonstrate familiarity with online databases, or does the employer want you to demonstrate familiarity with weather forecasts? your bullet point for “googled the weather” will change depending on the answer to these questions
step 4: 
look at the big picture
you probably have a metric buttload of bullet points for each entry. now you need to cut that down to what’s relevant. think about which bullets are most impressive, noteworthy, and descriptive of each entry
aim for 3-5 bullet points. any less than that and you have to ask why you’re including that entry. any more than that and the employer’s eyes will glaze over
try to combine bullet points
ex. “identify content and write articles when necessary,” “maintain a pool of freelancers,” and “identify key graphics and maintain tagging structure when uploading articles” all involve the process of creating an article, so they can be combined into: “identify content, assign stories to freelancers, write articles when necessary, and upload with appropriate graphics and tags”
start thinking about tailoring your word choices and bullet points to what the employer is looking for
if you can, pull up the job posting or a sample resume for the job you’re applying to and compare your resume to it. are you using similar language? are you demonstrating similar skills?
jobhero.com is a lifesaver
finally, eliminate redundancy in your resume, both in every individual entry and in the resume as a whole. if a skill can be demonstrated by multiple entries, you only need to list it once
kill your darlings! it may sound harsh, but the things that seem super impressive to you probably won’t even be a blip on the employer’s radar. “but saying i made coffee runs shows i’m dependable and a team player!” the employer isn’t looking that deep, my dude. you can showcase your dependability in your cover letter or your interview
you should redo steps 3 and 4 several times, soliciting feedback from your parents, peers, career center, etc each time
step 5:
add the Other Stuff
typically, you should only include institutions for the highest level of education you’ve attended. (undergrad and grad school both count as college for this purpose)
there are exceptions to this, depending on how long you’ve spent at a higher level of education, whether your alma mater will earn you brownie points, whether you had genuinely impressive accomplishments earlier in your life, etc.
once you hit, like, 2 years in college, you should try to get rid of high school achievements and showcase college achievements instead
list the school name, city + state, degree type (BA/MA/etc) and expected graduation date (even if it’s in the future), your major(s) + minor(s), and any related coursework (ie preprofessional tracks, specific courses related to the job). you can list your gpa if you feel it’s relevant, but i caution against doing this once you’ve graduated
ex. (where // indicates a new line) harvard university, boston, ma, may 2020 // bachelor of arts in cognitive neuroscience // minor: english: focus in creative writing // related coursework: pre-medicine, computer science 101 and 102 // gpa: 3.9/4.0 (dean’s list, all semesters)
a list of items without descriptions. you can do a bulleted list or you can list the entries in paragraph form, separated by commas or bold bullets
hard skills: hardware, software, languages (spoken and programming), digital and communication platforms, social media proficiencies, other technologies and devices
ex. microsoft office suite, java, wordpress, slack, familiarity with ap and chicago style
soft skills: general qualities, buzzwords, personality traits
ex. leadership, conflict resolution, time management
certifications and awards
can be one section or two depending on how many of each you have
list each one on a separate bullet point
for each, write the certification or award, the institution that granted it, and the month and/or year you received it if relevant
tbh i just cite my publications in the following format instead of following a style guide
lastname, firstname. “article or chapter title.” book title, publisher (aka company or website). publication date.
if you’re the sole author, you don’t need to list the author’s name
interlude: stretch the truth a bit. don’t lie about having experience or skills you don’t, but if you can reasonably google how to do something, boom! you’re proficient in it. if you worked with two team members who never pulled their weight? you just became the sole project lead. were you a beta reader for anime fanfiction back in the day? you’re a freelance editor, baby!
step 6:
now you have to organize all the entries from step 4
separate your entries into relevant sections. what’s relevant might change based on what you’re applying for
i’ve had, at various points in my life, some subset of the following sections: work experience, volunteer experience, leadership experience, research experience, writing experience, other relevant experience
list sections in order of descending importance
write all entries in reverse chronological order: start with the most recent and work your way backwards
write all bullet points in order of descending importance. unfortunately, i don’t have any quick tips on determining what’s important, but it helps to look at the job posting and see what matters to the employer
i tend to list big picture goals, then personal accomplishments (leadership skills, projects), then daily tasks
step 7:
format this shit
you can find resume templates online or in your word processor. templates serve as a good starting point, but i recommend creating your own format so you can edit and customize it with ease. this will probably involve a lot of fiddling with indentations, paragraph spacing, and moving things around
don’t go smaller than 10pt font
mess around with line and paragraph spacing to get the right balance of white space. if you’re curious about what i use, shoot me an ask and i’ll share my weirdly specific settings
keep an eye out for bullet points with orphan words (ie lines containing only 1-3 words) and get rid of them to streamline your resume
margins can be anywhere between 0.5″ and 1″
consistency is key! make sure each entry has the same kind of spacing. don’t use hyphens in one entry and en dashes in another
in the header, write your name, email, phone number, and address
interlude: save this version of your resume as your master resume. this gives you an unedited list of everything you ever did that you can now pick and choose from when you apply to jobs. update this list every 3-6 months.
step 8:
customize your resume for the job application
unless you’ve been in the industry for several years, your job-specific resume should be no more than 1 page
if you have more than 1 page: compare the job listing and your resume side by side and ask which entries demonstrate your capabilities most effectively, which bullet points are the punchiest, and if there’s any extraneous info
match each job requirement to one bullet point on your resume. then match each bullet point on your resume to a requirement in the listing. get rid of any bullet points that don’t meet either of those criteria. if multiple bullet points match the same job requirement, get rid of the extra bullet points
if you have significantly less than 1 page: see if you can add more bullet points or reformat your resume to introduce some more white space. a 2-column set-up is great for this, with section headers on the left and bullets on the right. do you have any hobbies you’re forgetting about? any soft skills you could add?
emulate the language of the job posting; use the same action words, the same soft skills
your resume should work in tandem with your cover letter, but that’s a topic for another post. maybe in another 6 months i’ll write a post on that, too
always save your resume as a pdf! you don’t want your employer to have access to your metadata
if you made it through this whole post... i’m so sorry lmao but also thanks for sticking with me
let me know if you found this helpful or if this method scored you a job!
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muhyousafsalfi · 5 years
18 Ways to Earn Money Online
Did you try to make money online before but did not get success? Then no need to worry anymore!
Because of we have already trained more than 7,00,000 people across the world & they are successfully making $300 to $2000 (INR 20,000+) per month.
We are showing you below some of the best ways to earn money online. You can also download our training package which will help you to grow your income very fast.
And yes, everything on this website is Absolutely Free & Without Investment.
18 Ways to Earn Money Online
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Check some of the best ways below & start immediately-
1. Make Money with Online Surveys
Here you can make money by completing small surveys which take 5 minutes to 20 minutes depending on the requirement of a particular company.
You need to write your feedback & opinion in a survey. You just have to select your choice from the question & there is no need to write anything.
You can make $1 to $20 depending on the length of the survey, your profile & the country you are living in.
2. Earn Money with Blogging
I have been making money with blogging from the last 7-8 years. I have made more than 1 million dollars (almost Rs. 7 Crore+) with blogging. I was so confused when I started blogging.
I had absolutely no idea about blogging when I started in 2010. I worked very hard but made no money with blogging for almost 1 year.
But I never gave up! I was doing my research on topics like, ‘how to create a blog', ‘how to write on your blog' and ‘how to promote your blog'.
And things started in my favor after 1 year. I made my first $100 from blogging in 2011. Then there was no looking back. Today I am earning $25,000 (Rs 15 Lacs+) per month from blogging.
3. Become a Captcha Solver
If you have more free time (2 hours a day) then you can add further income in your pocket by working as a captcha solver.
This is one of the easiest way to earn money online. As a captcha solver, you need to read the captcha images & type the exact characters.
You need to be very fast in order to earn a better income. You can get paid up to $2 for every 1000 captchas you solve.
4. Earn with Affiliate Marketing
If you are serious about earning money online & you are a hard-working guy who wants to make big income then affiliate marketing is for you.
There is more scope for affiliate marketing than before because of the high growth of online shopping.
There are hundreds of online merchants like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Clickbank, CJ, etc. where you can signup & promote their products.
In affiliate marketing, you are simply helping customers to buy the right product by creating a simple website & in return, you can earn 4% to 20% commission.
5. Become a freelancer
Freelancing is another popular way to make money after blogging & affiliate marketing. As a freelancer, you can work with small or big companies on a temporary basis & provide them your services.
Freelancers can make $500 to $2000+ per month depending on the type of freelance jobs you will do for your client.
You can work as a content writer, web designer, graphics designer or provide services like SEO, data entry, video testimonials, digital marketing, etc.
There are dozens of popular websites like UpWork, Freelancer.in, WorkNHire, and many more freelance sites that can give you the ready platform with ready clients.
6. Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant is like a personal assistant who can earn money by working online for someone without being physically present.
He can do variety of tasks like taking care of websites, counseling, writing & proofreading, publishing content, marketing, coding, website & app development, research, etc.
There are dozens of companies like HireMyMom, MyTasker, Zirtual, uAssistMe, 123Employee where you can signup for virtual assistant work.
7. Writing Job
Writing is another better way to earn money on the internet through writing different types of content.
You can write for blogs, companies, institutions, individual people, etc. Different types of writers get paid differently.
Normally people get paid $5 to $20+ for writing 500 words content.
You can go to the sites like UpWork, iWriter, WriterBay, FreelanceWriting, TextBroker, ExpressWriters.com, FreelanceWritingGigs.com to find the content writing jobs.
8. Micro-working
There are more ways that can help you to make extra income by working part-time. You can easily make $200-$300 per month by doing simple tasks on different sites.
Here you can work on a variety of different tasks like identifying an object, rating & commenting on different sites, visiting some websites, finding contact details, doing small research, writing small articles, etc.
There are many websites like mTurk, MicroWorker, SEOClerk, ClickWorker, GigWalk where you can work as a micro worker & earn extra income. After signup, we will show you how to work as Micro-worker and make money.
9. Become a YouTuber
YouTube is one of the hottest trends in earning money online. You can start your YouTube channel, upload some quality videos and then become a YouTube partner to make money online on YouTube.
You can create a different kind of videos like prank videos, comedy videos, kitchen recipes, how-to-do videos, travel tips, or anything you think, is useful for people.
Once you get the videos views and subscribers for your channel then you can apply for YouTube partner program.
Once you get the approval, people will see the ads along with ads in your videos. You will make money for each views your video receive.
You can shoot videos from your smartphone or any DSLR camera.
10. Become an online seller
Online selling is not like traditional selling. You don’t have much scope of selling your items outside your local market but in online selling, you can sell your product all over the country.
There are 2 ways to sell anything online.
Either, you can create your own website and sell your products from your website OR become a seller on any famous shopping portal like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal etc.
Second, an option is much better you will get existing customers of these popular portals.
Now you must be thinking that what can I sell when I don’t have any product?
I have seen many Amazon and Flipkart sellers who don’t have any product but still they are selling the number of products on these sites.
What you can do is, roam around your city & check for the best products you can sell on these sites. You can find the wholesalers and distributors who can sell you these products at highly discounted rates.
You can list these products on Amazon, eBay, etc. and make money by selling at a higher price.
You need to try the best products that you can sell at lower than market price. Trust me, it is easier than you thought. The only thing you need to do is take action.
11. Domain Trader
Domain trading is another high-profit business you can do online. But here you need some investment in buying the domain.’
You must be an expert OR you should get detailed knowledge before you start this business.
You can buy domains from GoDaddy or other domain registrars for less than $10 & sell in the future to the needy person for hundreds of dollars. Your skill here is to identify great domains that are not booked yet & companies in the future can try to buy that domain.
When companies don’t find the domain of their choice, they contact the domain owner for the deal & it’s in your control to fix the price. You can even put your domains on auction so that people can buy directly at your desired price.
12. Website flipping
Like domain trading, website flipping is also a hot business to earn money online. Here you don’t deal with domains but websites.
You have to create a website, work on it for 3-6 months or more so that you can start making money from the websites.
After earning for 2-3 months, you can put that site on auction on Flippa, EmpireFlippers, etc. You can easily get 15-20 times the price of your monthly earning from that website.
It’s much easier to grow old sites than creating a new site and the growth of this new site.
Many experienced people buy websites from Flippa, work for 3-4 months on these sites and make double or triple income.
13. Provide training & consultancy
There is a big scope of earning money online if you have some good skills that people need. Like you can provide training on spoken English, computer courses, any technical course, Feng shui, medical treatment, and any other things.
You can promote your business through a website or a Facebook business page.
You need to promote your website or Facebook page in order to get the potential leads.
You can get many customers through good follow-ups.
14. Stock & Forex Trading
Stock trading & forex trading is a very lucrative way to make money for those who has a good idea of the market.
There are number of free or paid courses available on the internet that can train you for online trading.
You can even read newspaper like Economic times or watch TV channels like CNBC to become more experts in the field. It's risky to enter into this market without sufficient knowledge.
15. Earn money from your smartphone
There are various smartphone apps that can pay you some extra income by completing some simple tasks on your Smartphone.
There are at least 20 money-making apps that if you install in your smartphone, can give an extra income of $200-$300.
You have to take simple surveys, complete offers by signup on other websites, play games, watch videos etc.
You don’t need to take any extra time to earn from this as you can make money on the go.
16. Sell photos online
This is another use of your smartphone. You can take high-quality images of nature, places, people, things, dishes, homes, etc. & sell them online.
There are number of big sites like Shutterstock, Fotolia,, iStockPhoto, Photobucket where you can submit your photos. Whenever some customer wants to purchase your photos, you will get paid as per the price you fix.
17. Sell old stuff on OLX or Quikr
I am sure there may be a number of things in your home that are lying unused for months & if you take little effort, you can earn some good money.
You just need to do 2 things, i.e. find out all the items that you are no longer using, take high-quality photos of these items from different angles & list these items on OLX & Quikr for sale.
Not only this, you can also ask your friends & relatives for selling their old stuff. You can help them selling these items & make some commission.
So these 18 ways can provide a perfect answer for your query ‘how to earn money online” & yes, you can shoot an email to us in case of assistance.
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