#afternoon tea & a stroll around the garden :' )
scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
damien wants my dick SO BAD
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yvvxs · 3 months
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Quality Time...
↪ ft. argenti. aventurine. blade. boothill. caelus. dan heng & imbibitor lunae. dr ratio. gallagher. gepard. jing yuan. luka. luocha. sampo. sunday. welt.
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Cleaning Argenti's ship with him, getting the dust out of the finer details alongside him. It would be a hassle usually, but it was much better when he was with you. You who were like an Emanator of Beauty to him, he could never get sick of you, or your presence.
Sitting beside Aventurine in the casino as he wins his 54th game of Blackjack that night. His arm wrapped around your waist, smiling and having fun together as you watch the endless riches flow into his bank account.
Going on a late night stroll with Blade. The city was busy and bustling, but that wasn't going to bother either of you. Just the two of you, no script to follow. No guards to seize him, he's in disguise anyways. No one will notice him through his... Sunglasses and mask. It'll work.. Neither are his companions or mara there to annoy him. Not now, as you enjoy each others' presence.
Running through the ships of the IPC with Boothill. The men shooting at the both of you. He has your back, so he won't let you get injured by some bullets. He even has time to taunt them with some famous dance moves as the two of you evade their attacks.
Digging through trash cans together with Caelus. He could care less about the crowds of people watching this. He was enjoying it, giving you little small trinkets he thinks you'd like. A toy that someone threw away, a bouquet from a rejected man.. A golden trash bag? Well, it's the thought that counts, right? It was cute just watching him dig through the bins to find something for you.
Staying up and updating the data bank with Dan Heng. The faint sound of machinery and typing the only sounds in the room. Other than the sound of pen on paper from when he writes something down. Alternatively, laying beside Imbibitor Lunae in his supposed bed. But it was so much comfier, especially when you were wrapped in the arms, and tail, of your boyfriend.
Reading a book with Dr. Ratio at the local library. A small treat for the both of you as he had just finished his lecture. Refreshing his own mind with both the intelligent writings, and your presence. At least he didn't have to deal with any idiots at the moment.
Learning to brew up some nice drinks with Gallagher. He shares his favorite brew with you, and you share your own concoction with him. Clinking your glasses together in a toast, drinking one anothers' mix of flavors.
Adopting some new plants with Gepard. Trying to get a nice flower to take care of together. Placing it in a nice flowerbed with some ferilizer, and watering them thoroughly. You'll have to teach him some tips and tricks to gardening. Or maybe you're learning alongside him too. Either way, it'll be fun taking care of a little plant baby together, don't you think?
Napping with General Jing Yuan at work. Sneakily giving him an excuse to slack off for a bit. They wouldn't dare disturb your slumber, would they? How cruel of them if they tried. Inhaling your scent as he buries his head into the crook of your neck. Drifting further into sleep in the comfort of your arms.
Watching Luka as he trains for his next match at the Fight Club. A moment just for the two of you to spend together. You motivating him to keep going and get stronger. To win even more battles. He couldn't do it without you.
Walking around the different stalls the Luofu offered with Luocha. Buying a few things from some merchants just for you. Away from any prying eyes, in a world made for just the two of you.
Carrying a few supplies for Natasha's clinic with Sampo. Being able to help the Underworld with him being an enjoyable task. Especially with him, who wouldn't be entertained by his presence? You knew you definitely were.
Having afternoon tea with Sunday. Away from the responsibilities of being the head of the Oak Family. Just a small quiet moment between the you and the halovian. Some sugar cookies going along with the drinks. He can't help but feel much better with you.
Sitting in the Astral Express carriage with Welt. Watching the stars fly by, the meteors go past the windows. Maybe looking up at the light shaped like a whale, reaching out for it while you lay your head on his lap. It was nice spending mundane moments with him, alongside the more fun and action-filed ones.
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↪ I think having some quality time with them is nice :)
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romanteacism · 3 months
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader Neglectful Jealousy
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Synopsis: Ser Aemond is faced with the unsettling feeling of your ignorance, an administration of his own medicine. Warnings: None (yet), Aemond still being stubborn and in denial, ¿infatuation?, Jealousy (both sides) PREVIOUS PART / NEXT PART
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You frustratingly still struck no luck in befriending or at least acquainting yourself with your knight. He had been stationed to you for a moon and a half now, but still, you hadn’t even struck up at least one conversation with him. He would only nod or shake his head; his vocabulary stuck onto two words: ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ but for the most part, he just grunts his answer or, worst yet, ignores you altogether. You were tempted to ask your brother for a new knight, at least someone whose animosity for you you could not feel wafting off him, but you felt ashamed in complaining and admitting the possibility someone holds such dislike for you. So you suffered through his silence, still trying your earnest effort for him to resemble at least an ounce of tolerance for you. 
“Cousin!” You hear someone in the gardens yell as you walk with your knight. You turn behind and smile wide as you see your cousin fast approaching. You match her pace and run towards her, Aemond following in pursuit. “What are you doing here? Did we know you were to come?” You asked excitedly, finally having a companion. “No, we are sadly just passing by on our way to the north. I am to meet my betrothed,” She smiled, but you noticed her gaze shifting to the knight with flowing silver hair who stood stoically behind you. “Cousin, this Ser Aemond— Ser Aemond, my cousin, Lady Liza,” You introduced, and your cousin stepped forward to meet eye-to-eye with your knight. “My lady,” Aemond bowed as common courtesy. 
You linked your arm with your cousin, who you noticed had been staring too fondly at your knight. “Until when are you to stay?” You asked as you two strolled along the gardens, “Just until this afternoon, my father needed to sort out a small matter with the King, and we needed to change horses as well.” She said, and you feel your excitement lower as she was only to stay a few hours, and by the sun's fall, you will be alone once more. “So soon? Why won’t you stay the night and just travel on the morrow?” You suggested, and she sighed, Liza turning her head partly to steal a glance at Ser Aemond. “That is a most generous and practical offer, but Father insists we reach the North as soon as possible, no time to be spared.” You pouted at the thought, “But let us not dwell on that; you have me for the whole afternoon; come tell me all about your line of suitors,” You blush at her words. 
Aemond went stiff at the subject proposed by your cousin, and he noticed the blush on your face. “There is not much to tell; I am still acquainting myself with them,” You say softly, not entirely comfortable with the subject. “Hm… and do you not hold a favor for any of them? Surely one holds more sway than the others,” You shook your head, unrelenting. You were to open another subject, but your cousin halted in her tracks and turned to your knight. “I would account for you being present during my cousin’s acquaintance with the other lords, Ser Aemond. Who would you say had captivated her the most?” Your cousin questioned, and you wanted to scoff because you expected Ser Aemond not to pay attention during your courtship and not answer your cousin’s query. However, you were rendered speechless as he spoke. “Lord Ashford, my lady,” he said truthfully as he had the displeasure of following you around the keep in the company of Lord Ashford the most. 
You turned to Aemond, whose gaze was on your cousin, who simply smirked up at him, an odd feeling of shock and another emotion in you that you could not express swirling in your stomach. The hour passed with you and your cousin discussing your suitors, no matter how hard you tried to alter the subject. When tea was served, it offered you a small reprieve from the topic. You picked at the candied lemons as you saw your cousin place a pastry on a cloth napkin. “Would you like some, Ser Aemond?” You hear her ask, and in your head, you can already hear the silence of Aemond ignoring her query; that is what he often did with you. “Thank you for the offer, but no, my lady,” Aemond said, his voice holding a tone of civility that was often absent when he addressed you. 
You tried to control your reactions as you sank further in your seat. How was he so polite with Liza but could not even uphold the same manners for you? You wanted to think it was because of her station, a highborn lady, but you were a princess. Should that not perhaps warrant the same degree of respect, maybe even more?
When the sun was starting to set, your cousin was already to leave. “Wait! I have a gift for you; I forgot to send it to you on your last name day; it’s in my chambers; I shall retrieve it.” You say quickly, not giving her any time to reply as you run through the halls. But as you ran, you could not account for the clink of armor following behind. You glanced at your back; your knight, who was often glued at your side, now stood in the middle of the hall chatting with your cousin. The odd sensation on your stomach returned, but now it infected your chest as well. You went to your chambers and retrieved the parcel that was meant for your cousin, returning where you had left her and Ser Aemond. You tried to hide your astonishment and perhaps even anger as you saw how freely he conversed with her. Gone was the furrow in his brows or the scowl on his lips; it was now replaced with a ghost of a smile. 
You squared your shoulders and placed a small smile on your lips as you approached. “Here,” you smiled as you handed Liza her gift, “How kind of you, sweet cousin, come, escort me to the gates?” She questioned, and you nodded. You peaked a look at your knight whose once elated presence had returned stoic the moment you arrived.  “How did you do it?” You whisper to Eliza as Aemond stays by the gates, and you and your cousin stand by the wheelhouse. “Do what?”
“Make Ser Aemond speak with you? Perhaps made him amused?” You asked quietly, watching as your cousin frowned at the rather obvious answer to your query. “Nothing, I just spoke, and he answered. Is that not how a conversation goes?” She asked; you shook your head. “I tried that, but he mostly just ignores me.” You say, low-spirited. “Hm… perhaps give him time to warm up to you; maybe it is just that,” Your cousin smiled, but that did nothing to ease the burning question in your mind. How much more time could Ser Aemond want? He had been assigned to you for almost two moons but still struggles to show at least an ounce of courtesy, but he had no trouble in showing kindness to your cousin, who he had just met mere hours ago. 
“Safe travels, cousin,” You smiled and kissed her cheek, “Thank you, and I shall see you at your wedding— hopefully it’d be sooner rather than later?” She teased, and you let out an amused laugh and a shake of your head. Stepping away from the wheelhouse and returned inside the castle. 
When a new day broke, you were still plagued by the animosity shown by your sworn protector. You thought he was simply incapable of showing cordiality to anyone, but it seemed to be that he picked those for whom he showed goodwill. 
“Princess,” Aemond greeted as always when they stepped out of your chambers every morning. He was waiting for your reply; you would often bid him good day or ask about his night and if he had found a moment of rest during his watch, but you stayed silent, momentarily confusing him. Aemond squired you through all your lonesome engagements for the day, but you uttered not a single word, confusing him even more. “Good night, Princess,” Aemond bowed as you entered your chambers as the day ended. He was once again expecting your reply, but you only ignored him, administering the same actions he did you. 
Three days had passed, and you uttered not a single word to your knight; you barely even placed your gaze upon him. He never thought it possible for you to hold your tongue for such a long period of time. He had gotten used to your babbling and him ignoring it, though he genuinely did listen; he just offered no reply. Aemond assisted you to your solarium; normally, you would leave the door open, and he would stand by it, but for the past few days, you would shut it close. Aemond is now staring at a blank wall instead of observing you as you paint and listening to you hum a tune. There was a rather bothering feeling in his gut at your avoidance and stoicism at him; he wondered if that is how you felt when he would try to ignore you moons before. 
Aemond straightened his back as a squire approached and knocked upon your door. “Princess, your afternoon tea is ready,” He bowed, and Aemond saw a glimpse of your smiling at the squire and heard a soft ‘thank you’ leave your lips. So, you can still speak, he thought, realizing further that you were truly ignoring his presence. 
Aemond stood by your side as you sat in the gardens, a book in one of your hands whilst the other held a cup of tea. Aemond stared at the back of your head, willing you to turn to him, but you kept your gaze planted on your book. At this hour of the day, you would often offer him some refreshments, but you no longer did that. Was it too forward for him to admit to himself that he had missed your concern? 
Aemond clenched his jaw as he felt and heard his stomach rumble; his last meal was last night. For once, he wished you would offer him some of the food placed before you; perhaps this time, he would not ignore your kind offer. But he had scorned you too often with his disregard. Aemond shifted in his place as his stomach rumbled once more, biting his tongue and closing his eye tightly as he tried to control his hunger. When it happened for the third time, you sighed and placed a custard tart on a plate, and raised it to him, your gaze still pointed at your book. 
Aemond was stunned at your action; he stared at the tart for a moment and felt his mouth water. He lowered his pride, took it off the plate, and hastily ate it before getting caught by any other passerby in the gardens. “Thank you, princess,” he said quietly as the food you offered sedated his grumbling stomach. Aemond heard no reply from you, only the sound of a page-turning. 
As the day progressed, Aemond still had not gotten a word from you, and a feeling started to claw at him. Guilt? Perhaps. He thought maybe he should not have been so dismissive of you, that perhaps he should not have been so overly warry of your kindness and took it for granted because now he missed it. It was hard for him to watch you be agreeable with any other person in the castle except for him. He would often watch steely-eyed as you jested with the other knights or how you would smile before the servants. And the only thing you did with him was ignore his presence.
Aemond felt determination surge him. Deciding to make you return to the way it was, with you speaking and offering kindness to him, and perhaps this time, he would not be so dismissive of you. He was not certain as to where to begin and how long it would take, but that was the least of his problems because he, after all, was your sworn protector, tasked to be by your side until his dying breath. He had a lifetime to make you like him once more. 
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Thirteen - Passionate
A garden party was a nice occasion. The joys of being outdoors while socialising with dear friends had a calming and charming air about it. You found it rather pleasant being in the outdoors.
The flowers smelled wonderful, and you couldn't help making mental notes of some of the flower arrangements for, perhaps, future uses.
As you stroll, you come across the Bridgertons. You smile at Violet as you get closer, though she is talking to Eloise, who sounds less than pleased with the topic of conversation. You decide to narrowly miss this conversation for now and walk past them to where Benedict and Anthony were talking to a couple of young ladies.
Both men seem to perk up at your appearance beside them.
"Hello," you smile at the pair.
"Good afternoon," Anthony smiles back.
"Enjoying the fresh air?" Benedict asks, also smiling. Smiles all around, how joyous.
"Yes, very. This is lovely."
Anthony waves over a servant with a tray of lemonade and hands you a glass. You take it with a soft thank you, missing the look Benedict gives his brother. Anthony elects to ignore Benedict as he smiles at you again. You sip the lemonade.
The sound of someone clinking their glass to signal attention has everyone turning around to look at Colin Bridgerton.
"Can I have your attention?" He asks, looking around at everyone.
"What's he doing?" You ask quietly to the brothers beside you.
"No idea," Anthony mutters.
"I would like to make a small but important announcement," Colin declares. He is standing next to Marina Thompson. "I have happy news to impart. I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife and she has accepted."
You nearly choke on your lemonade. Benedict and Anthony look at each other. Anthony, in particular, looks less than pleased by this.
People clap around them. You clap for appearance sake, but you look up at Anthony. "Did you know?"
Anthony steps forward to talk to his mother. You can't hear what they're saying. You look up at Benedict. "I wasn't even aware your brother was courting."
"Neither was I." He says with a little shrug.
Everyone moves to go congratulate the couple. As you pass Anthony, you look up at him. He offers you his arm and you both approach Colin and Marina.
You could feel him seething behind his calm exterior.
After the party, Anthony takes Colin into his study to talk to him. You have no idea what they discuss, but you can take a pretty good guess.
The next morning, you went to the Bridgerton house to see Violet. After Colin's unexpected announcement, you wanted to know all was well with the rest of the family. They were already without a sister now. They did not need to lose Colin so soon, surely.
Lady Bridgerton was most pleased to see you at her door. She told you they hadn't even started breakfast yet and invited you in. Benedict was there with the two youngest siblings. You smile at him as you enter. He smiles back softly, seemingly pleased to see you.
"Take a seat," Violet says kindly.
You sit next to Gregory, opposite Hyacinth, who sits beside Benedict. The eldest son at the table hasn't torn his gaze from you at all.
"Tea, ma'am?" The butler asks.
"Yes, please."
A cup is poured for you.
"Are you hungry?" Violet asks.
"No. I ate at home. Thank you, though." You smile at her. She returns the smile and picks up the paper in front of her. "How are you all?" You ask.
"Uh, well," Benedict nods. You smile at him.
"Violet?" You looked at her.
"Hm?" She looks up from her paper. "Oh, uh, yes." She nods, and then lowers her gaze back to the paper.
Benedict gives you a look that you understand clearly enough. His mother has been better.
"I suppose it's too soon to hear from Daphne yet?" You ask.
"I'm sure they'll have made it by now. They'll be enjoying their honeymoon period, no doubt." Benedict chuckles softly.
You smile softly and look into your teacup. "I wonder what it's like..."
"The honeymoon period?" Benedict asks, looking up at you with slightly flushed cheeks.
"Being married," you correct him.
Violet looks up at you with a small smile, her eyes sparkling. "When you marry your best friend, it's the most wonderful feeling of all."
You smile at her. "I want that."
"Youshall have it. One day, dear."
You are grateful for Violet and her kindness. You've never known a more warm and welcoming woman. Your mother was nice, certainly, but she was eager just to see you wed. Violet made marriage sound magical.
You sip your tea and listen to Hyacinth bicker with Gregory over a ribbon. Benedict tries to be the middleman and solve this peacefully. You chuckle at their antics. Gregory tries to get you to defend him, but you put your hands up and explain that you weren't here when the crime was supposedly committed. Benedict also comes to your rescue.
You smile at each other.
Colin walks in.
Conversation becomes quieter. You pour yourself another cup of tea and avoid looking up at Colin. You feel like this may be a little awkward. You grab a slice of toast for the centre of the table and butter it quietly, needing to keep your hands busy.
Benedict seems to realise what you're doing and says nothing to you.
"Good morning." Colin greets his family.
"Morning, brother."
Colin nods to you, too. You offer him a smile which you then hide behind the toast you had buttered.
"Colin, your engagement is in Whistledown!" Hyacinth exclaims cheerfully.
"Hyacinth!" Eloise scolds. You hadn't even seen her lingering in the back of the room.
"What? It is!"
"Very well. Everyone out, I think." Benedict says as gently as he can.
"Yes," Violet mutters.
Benedict calls your name softly. You nod and down the rest of your tea, taking the other half of the toast with you as you rise with the others. Eloise grabs her plate and glides past you quietly.
Colin approaches his mother as you all leave the room. When the door shuts behind you, yo turn to Benedict. "Will he be alright?"
"I'll let you know after."
You follow him down the hall.
The two younger siblings follow their sister into the drawing room. Benedict reaches out his hand to grab lightly at your arm, stopping you from going any further.
"Could I... show you something?" He asks.
You look at him, brow slightly furrowed, and nod. He smiles, that crooked little smile of his and guides you down the opposite hall, leading you toward an empty room. There was minimal furniture in there, which confused as to why he brought you here.
"I like to come in here for some quiet." He explains.
He offers you a seat on one of the chairs in the middle of the room and disappears for a brief moment. You look around the room as you wait. When he returns, he's carrying something.
"I don't usually show other people my work, for, I admit, I am not happy with it, but I would like to share a piece of me with you." He says, placing the book on the table between you.
For a moment, he sits there with his hands planted firmly on top of the book and then pushes it closer to you. You reach out and take the book carefully. His hand slowly slides from the cover, and you watch him become riddled with anxiety and nerves as his passion lays slowly in your hands.
You turn your eyes to the book and gently curl your fingers around the cover, pulling it open slowly, hoping not to disturb the pages. You start from the beginning. Mere scribbles of a person. You turn the pages slowly. Different angles. Different body parts up close. Eyes, noses, hands, lips. Nearly 6 whope pages are focused on hair styles on ladies. There are pages focusing on the folds of clothes and how they hand. Particularly dresses.
You browse the sketchbook slowly and carefully, taking I never details.
There is some evidence of torn pages within the book. You wonder how many times he sketched something and torn it out with anger with displeasure.
"Well?" He asks after a long pause of silence.
You lift your eyes to meet his. "You drew all of these?"
You cast your eyes on the book again, admiring a sketch of a hand up close. The long fingers, the bend in the knuckles, the lines on the palm.
"You're very talented, Benedict."
You hear the breath leave his lips and look up to see the way his eyes light up with surprise. He clearly was expecting a very different comment.
"You think so?"
"Yes." You nod. "Very."
Benedict seems to relax immensely as he looks at you and then sits back in his chair, looking relieved.
"I want to create something people will remember and talk about for years to come," he confesses. "But I cannot. I do not possess such a talent."
"No, really." He leans forward again.
"Can I ask why you decided to show me this?" You ask, looking at the open book again.
"I trust you." He speaks softly. "Are we not friends?" He asks.
"Of course."
Hs lips twitch into a smile. "I trust you," he repeats.
"Well, I'm very glad you do." You close the book and hand it back carefully. "I trust that you will create something spectacular one day."
You had no idea how much your words meant to him or for how long he would end up carrying those words with him. If you could see the artist he wants to be inside, then surely one day it shall come true. Benedict swears on his heart that anything you day could become true just because they are spoken from your lips.
He hadn't even noticed his eyes had glanced at your lips, not until his eyes met your eyes again. You don't seem to have noticed.
"I think I've taken up enough of your family's time now. I mostly wanted to check on Violet after Colin's rather abrupt proposal."
"Yes..." Benedict wasn't entirely certain what you had just said, he just agreed. His mind was reeling.
Had he really just stared at your lips without realising he was doing it. Why does he feel the urge to look at them again?
You stand before he can get the chance.
"See me out?"
He snaps back to reality and stands quickly. "Yes."
You chuckle and begin to leave the room. Benedict follows you, pretending nothing is amiss. He was confused by his own behaviour.
You assumed it was a Bridgerton trait, if nothing else.
Benedict shows you to the door, and you step outside. Your carriage awaits. You turn and smile at Benedict.
"Do not give up."
"Hm?" He looks at you confused.
"Your art. Do not give up. One day, your work will hang with the greats."
Your words set his heart fluttering. He takes a deep breath and nods, not tristing his voice. You chuckle again and bid him farewell as you walk away.
Benedict closes the door and turns slowly, looking at the empty hall of the house.
"I need a drink."
"It's barely 9," Eloise says from the open door of the drawing room.
Benedict nearly jumped out of his skin.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
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mochatsin · 6 months
When MC can Draw (Dateables Version)
Drawing and the arts is one of the things you’re most passionate about. There’s a lot of things, and certain demons, that are out there to give you inspiration to draw. How will the dateables react when they find out you’re a great artist?
Wow my first dateables version of my prompts. Hope i’ve written them all well. This version is requested from my tumblr :0 thanks for reading!
Diavolo took notice when you saw your eyes lingering among the paintings during your tour around his castle. There were portraits of prominent figures from Devildom, from old kings to spearheads that shaped their history. He explains how there’s one royal painter for every royal king, thus the similar styles in every portrait. Since you’re an exchange student then it’s essential you learn about these demons, and Diavolo is happy to tell their tales for you. 
He was taking a stroll around RAD before going home when he spotted you in the school’s gardens, seemingly preoccupied. He wanted to call on you but he was more curious to see what you were working on. Diavolo watches you closely from a distance, afraid that you might hide from him if you spot him like how the others do.
To his surprise, he saw you working on a portrait of him in a style that’s similar to the ones he’s shown you. The way your eyes lingered on those paintings when he toured you around before, it clicks to him now that you were trying to study the art style itself as well. It’s almost identical, but with your added personal touches to make it unique.
His towering size doesn’t hide him very well when you immediately spot him at the corner of your eye. The pillars don't do justice to how large Diavolo is as a demon. You try to conceal the art you were making, it’s embarrassing when the subject of your art is actually a few feet away from you. But he quickly smiles as he walks over to you. Now that his cover's blown, he definitely wants to see everything up close now.
“I didn’t mean to be rude and spy on you like that. But you don’t need to hide anything! Even from a glance I could tell you’re talented. Would it be alright for me to see what you were working on?” You can’t really turn down such a polite request, but you most certainly can’t turn down the volume of his voice that’s booming with excitement as he flips from one page to another.
When you finish your portrait of Diavolo, expect it to be treated like a national treasure. A beautiful artwork of the young prince made by the human exchange student? It deserves the best frame that Diavolo can get his hands on. Expect Barbatos by your door the next day with high quality art supplies. He’ll treat you like one of the finest royal artists to ever live in Devildom.
He invited you for some afternoon tea at the castle as thanks for lending him a hand in his duties the other day. Though there were some other matters around the castle that Barbatos needed to attend to, he asked for you to stay put first and help yourself to some of the treats he had prepared beforehand. 
You always admired the intricate designs of the tea set Barbatos always prepared whenever you came over. Since you’re a bit bored, you took out your sketchbook and decided to draw the fancy little tea cups while you wait for Barbatos to come back. 
The tea sets that Barbatos prepares always have beautiful pattern designs that range from dainty floral prints up to sets that look more expensive than the Mammon’s weekly bills due to how much the patterns are embedded in gold. If you look closely, you could probably spot little devils on it and it’s cute in its own way.
Little did you know he’s been actually observing you for a while now. He finished his last minute duties rather quickly since it would be rude to keep a guest waiting and that’s when he spots you keeping yourself busy by drawing, your glance going from the tea set to the paper. He wanted to admire that look you have whenever you concentrate for a little bit.
He lets out a small chuckle which gets your attention, a gentle smile on his face as he approaches you. “You’re quite the talented one, aren’t you?” Barbatos says as he takes a seat next to you, glancing at your sketchpad. “Maybe you can tell me more about your work while we enjoy some tea together?” 
Barbatos wouldn’t push for you to show anything, but he’ll be happy once you do. He’s impressed at how well you can make patterns that range from something simple to ones that have intricate details. He likes how you can make a portrait of the tea sets he’s been preparing, and secretly he grabs his finest sets to see if you’ll be inspired enough to draw it as well the next time you visit. Maybe he can also pull some strings to put your own pattern designs onto an actual tea cup and serve it to you next time. 
Sometimes you go to Purgatory Halls to get away from all the constant nagging and chaos of the demon brothers. It’s nice to find that peace and quiet you needed to do your daily tasks or just laze around since you felt like it.
Simeon lets you stay in his room for today while he tries to focus on writing for his novel. He plans on introducing a new character soon and since he trusts you, he starts talking about the character itself. How they compose themselves, what they’re like, the possible role they’ll play in the story, you get all these details before the chapter is even written.
Once he’s done talking he lets you get back to whatever you were doing while he continues trying to figure out how to write the next few parts. Though he soon hears the sound of scribbling pens and wondered if you were doing some homework? He could’ve sworn you were done with those already.
He turns around and to his astonishment, you were sketching the character he was just discussing with you earlier. Given his detailed accounts of the character, you were able to design it well. It’s an understatement to say Simeon is happy. He is ecstatic. You brought this character to life in just a matter of minutes all for him, and that brings Simeon more ideas on how to proceed with writing. 
“You never told me you actually knew how to draw. Your talent at visualizing is exceptional.” Simeon would listen carefully while you talk about your journey to the arts and how you honed your talents while he looks through your other works. Afterwards, he starts to praise your art like a professional critique, telling you what he loves in each work.
His heart skips a beat whenever he finds your old works that’s dedicated to his novels. Learning that you’re also talented with the pen like he is, just in a different element, makes him feel a little bit closer to you. If you’re not busy, he may ask for your help when it comes to visualizing something he’s having a hard time with. He’ll treat you to something nice as thanks!
Being Solomon’s apprentice means that there are times he’ll require you to assist him with his research. There’s a few spells and potions that he wants to work on, though they all require a lot of preparation work. You both agreed on doing a bit of divide and conquer on those tasks so that it won’t be too time consuming to finish. 
You managed to do a lot of chores for him which is quite tiring, though Solomon is grateful for your efforts and he has one last request from you which he said is essential to the potion he’s making. There’s a delicate Devildom flora that Solomon harvested recently, and you have to make sure the flower stays fresh because it can wither very quickly if not taken care of and the potion would fail if that happens. He’ll take it off your hands once he’s done preparing everything else.
Normally, one would’ve kept it in a vase full of water and called it a day. Though you decided to not only put it in a vase, but draw up a summoning circle that would keep it fresh. It’s something that you learned from Solomon’s notes, and the sorcerer is astonished you drew the circle so accurately enough to work on your first try when he came to check up on you. 
“Now how did my little apprentice actually manage that so quickly? That would’ve taken me several tries to get the patterns done.” Solomon says with an amused smirk, staring at the circle in awe. Getting one line wrong would’ve instantly killed the flower but right now, he sees that not only is it very much alive but it looks more vibrant than ever. The magic is more potent, Solomon is sure that any potion he makes with its petals would be very effective.
While he was waiting for the potion to boil over in the cauldron, he decided to learn more about this hidden talent of yours. He makes you draw some summoning circles from one of his books, already starting out on the difficult types to draw. All of it is perfect somehow since you’ve had a history of drawing, so your hand is quite steady and you act like it’s no big deal. Solomon will definitely want to see your works in the future.
“A lot of sorcerers can cast magic, but not everyone has the talent to make summoning circles as quickly and accurately as you do.” That’s big praise coming from humanity’s strongest sorcerer. Though that means he’ll want to exploit that talent and call you over every time he needs it in his experiments, it’s a win for him either way because he gets to spend more time with you. 
There’s a new event in Devildom where the angels and you were teamed up to open a stall that’s focused on selling sweets and pastries. Luke appreciates your input when it comes to taste testing his sweets since none of the demon brothers are able to give proper critiques like you can, Simeon tends to be a little too nice to Luke, and Solomon is never allowed near the kitchen. Ever. 
Your company is always welcomed and Luke would gladly add any of the sweets you recommended onto the menu. You always come back to the House of Lamentation with a bag full of samples you both baked that day, which always brings a smile to the brother’s face. 
You come back to Purgatory Hall only to find Luke seemingly having a dilemma. He reassures you that it’s not because of the batch of sweets and pastries since you helped him perfect the menu. It’s the fact he needs to make a logo and design for the stall. If it can’t attract any customers then all the effort you both put into baking this would go to waste. 
You sat down with Luke to brainstorm with him, watching the angel stare blankly at the paper with frustration while you ask him for what ideas he’s already had so far. Luke had to go back to the kitchen to pipe some frosting on the cupcakes, though by the time he came back you were already done with the sketch.
Luke is awed at the design, seeing as how you incorporated both his and your idea for the stall in a way that still blends well together. “Y-you’re incredible! How’d you do that so fast though? You know what, let’s show Simeon first!” If Luke had a tail, it would be wagging from sheer joy. He’d be so excited to get the decorations and paint for the stall that he almost forgot about the cupcakes in the oven. 
By the time the stall is finished and running, Luke would definitely flaunt your talent not just for helping him bake but for also designing the stall. “You like the design? They did that!” He would say with an excited grin on his face before pointing at you. Luke enjoys working with you that you both barely notice the brothers getting jealous over the amount of time the angel gets to spend with their human. 
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
Benedict Bridgerton with wife reader. With stop being so pretty/handsome.” “You stop being so pretty/handsome!” Thanks!! :))
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benedict bridgerton x fem wife reader
Benedict Bridgerton was in the drawing room, a mess of papers scattered across the mahogany table. His easel stood nearby, a canvas half covered in the beginnings of a vibrant landscape. He had been at it for hours, completely absorbed in his art, when the door creaked open and Y/N stepped in, carrying a tray with tea and biscuits.
"You’ve been in here all morning," Y/N chided gently, setting the tray down on a clear corner of the table. "You must be famished."
Benedict looked up, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his wife. "I hadn't realized the time," he admitted, rising from his chair and stretching his stiff limbs. "But now that you mention it, I am quite hungry."
As he approached, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. His dark curls were tousled, and there was a smudge of paint on his cheek, adding to his roguish charm. She felt her heart skip a beat, as it often did when she looked at him.
"You have paint on your face," she said, reaching up to wipe it away with her thumb. "And you still manage to look devastatingly handsome."
Benedict caught her hand, his fingers wrapping around hers. "You stop being so pretty," he murmured, his voice low and teasing. "It's terribly distracting."
Y/N laughed, the sound light and musical. "You stop being so handsome," she retorted. "It's not fair."
They stood there for a moment, simply enjoying each other's presence. Benedict's thumb brushed over her knuckles, his touch warm and reassuring. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I suppose we're both cursed, then," he whispered.
"Cursed with beauty," Y/N agreed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "What a dreadful fate."
Benedict chuckled, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "Indeed. Now, tell me about your morning. What mischief have you been up to while I’ve been locked away with my paints?"
"Oh, the usual," Y/N said airily, resting her head against his chest. "A bit of reading, a walk in the garden. I did have an interesting conversation with Eloise about her latest literary endeavor."
"Ah, Eloise and her books," Benedict mused. "She’s always up to something, isn’t she?"
"Yes, she is," Y/N said fondly. "But enough about my morning. I want to hear about your painting. Show me what you’ve been working on."
Benedict led her to the easel, where the canvas stood proudly displaying the beginnings of a lush countryside scene. The colors were vibrant, the strokes confident and expressive. Y/N marveled at the way he captured the essence of nature with such skill.
"It’s beautiful," she breathed. "You have such a talent, Benedict."
He shrugged modestly, though her praise clearly pleased him. "It’s still a work in progress. But I’m glad you like it."
"I love it," she corrected, her eyes meeting his. "Just as I love you."
Benedict’s expression softened, and he cupped her face in his hands. "And I love you, Y/N. More than words can say."
Their lips met in a tender kiss, the world around them fading away. In that moment, there was only the two of them, wrapped in the warmth of their love and the promise of countless beautiful moments yet to come.
When they finally pulled apart, Benedict pressed his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers. "Stay with me," he murmured. "Let’s enjoy this day together."
"Of course," Y/N whispered, her heart full. "There’s nowhere else I’d rather be."
And so they spent the rest of the day side by side, painting, talking, and simply being together. The hours slipped by unnoticed, filled with laughter and light. In the comfort of each other's presence, they found a joy that was as boundless as their love, and the world outside seemed a little brighter, a little more beautiful.
As the afternoon sun cast a golden glow through the windows, they decided to take a break and stroll through the garden. The summer flowers were in full bloom, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. Benedict held Y/N’s hand as they walked, his thumb gently stroking her palm.
"Do you remember our first walk in this garden?" Y/N asked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.
"How could I forget?" Benedict replied. "I was utterly captivated by you. Still am, in fact."
"You were so nervous," Y/N teased. "You could barely string a sentence together."
"Well, you were and still are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen," Benedict said earnestly. "It was quite overwhelming."
Y/N laughed, the sound like music to Benedict’s ears. "And now look at us," she said. "Walking hand in hand, perfectly at ease."
"Perfectly in love," Benedict added, bringing her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.
They continued their stroll, enjoying the serenity of the garden and the simple pleasure of each other's company. As they rounded a corner, they came upon a secluded bench beneath a large oak tree. Benedict led Y/N to it, and they sat down, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves above them.
"You’ve always been my muse, you know," Benedict said softly, gazing at Y/N. "Every brushstroke, every color, every canvas it’s all inspired by you."
"That’s a lot of pressure," Y/N joked, but her eyes were shining with affection.
"Not at all," Benedict said. "You make it effortless. You bring so much joy and light into my life. I couldn’t imagine my art, or my life, without you."
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat at his words. She reached out, cupping his face in her hands. "And you, Benedict, have filled my life with such beauty and love. Every day with you is a blessing."
They leaned in, their lips meeting in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss that spoke of love, of commitment, and of the future they would continue to build together.
As the day turned to dusk, they made their way back to the house, hand in hand. The drawing room, once filled with the solitary pursuit of art, now felt warmer, more alive. They settled on the settee, sharing the tea and biscuits Y/N had brought earlier.
"Shall we make this a tradition?" Y/N suggested. "A day dedicated to us, to spending time together, no matter what."
"I’d like that very much," Benedict agreed. "A day just for us, every week."
"Good," Y/N said, resting her head on his shoulder. "Because I love our moments together. They’re my favorite part of every day."
"And mine," Benedict said, wrapping his arm around her. "Always and forever, Y/N."
They sat there in comfortable silence, watching as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky. Their hearts were full, their spirits content. In each other, they had found a love that was not only beautiful but also enduring a love that would see them through all of life’s challenges and triumphs.
And as they drifted off to sleep that night, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew that they were not just blessed with beauty, but with something far more precious: a deep, abiding love that would last a lifetime
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dreamtuna · 10 months
Afternoon Tea
Not a creative title, but just a moment that I've thought about a lot lately. What would post-war teatime be like with Levi? This is just one thought I had. Maybe I'll write more of them idk. I feel like these would be amongst the sweetest moments with him, especially if you're alone together. Attack on Titan - Levi x Reader fluff, tea, post-war, soft Levi i just wanna smoosh his cheekies so much, gender neutral reader Word Count: 800 It's important to just take the time to appreciate things.
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The soft ticking of the wall clock, the gentle tinkling of cups as you placed them on the tray, the smell of freshly brewed tea. These things all engulfed you, demanding your full attention each and every day. Now it felt so important to take that time out and appreciate little things like the passage of time or the comfort of a hot drink. You never had before.
Furrowing your brow slightly, you followed the instructions you’d been given and carefully prepared the pot of tea, placing it on the tray too. It was not one of your strengths, but you threw your whole being into doing it to the best of your abilities each and every time, chasing that appreciative hum you hoped to hear. With a deep breath you picked up the tray and made your way out the door, careful not to catch your ankles on the wheelchair that sat beside it. Your ankle was still tender from doing so earlier.
You gently padded down the couple of steps into the front garden. You had searched long and hard for a suitable home without steps but he had insisted it would be fine, it was only a few and there was a sturdy handrail. And he had you. You had blushed furiously when he had said that. At a glance, his face had seemed disinterested and aloof, peering down at the paper he was reading, but you saw the way his eyes relaxed and his gentleness crept over his features. The next day you began preparing to move in.
Like then, he was peering down at the paper once more, not even glancing up when you set the tray down on the table. You slid onto the bench next to him, careful not to catch his walking stick that hung over the back, and stared across the garden and out into the fields before you. Far off you could see hills rise up, barely able to make out the moving specks of colour that must be grazing livestock. The breeze gently wrapped around you and your eyes fluttered shut.
A long moment passed before you heard the rustling of papers and felt movement as Levi put them down on the table, tucking an edge under the tray so it wouldn’t be caught if the wind picked up. Before you could open your eyes there was warmth. His arm had briefly found its way around your shoulders, pulling you in gently as his lips ghosted over your cheek. You felt like your heart was doing flips, like it was the first time he kissed you all over again that darkened night under the stars when he had convinced you to take a late night stroll with him. You heard him pouring the tea and slowly opened your eyes.
“I hope I got it right this time.”
He stared down at his cup and took a tentative sip. You awaited that appreciative hum, but it seemed it wasn’t coming.
“Better,” he finally said, still staring at his cup. He took another sip, and the slightest noise emanated from him. That was close enough for you and you felt a light blush spread across your cheeks alongside your smile.
When he finally looked up at you and saw your smile he seemed to freeze. After a moment, he gently set down his tea and turned to take your face in his hands. His thumbs gently stroked your soft skin as he held your gaze. You didn’t even realise you’d stopped breathing at first. Your lips parted soundlessly. His scarred skin, his damaged eye, none of it took away from how striking he was. He was just as handsome as when you met, maybe even more with that weight finally off his shoulders. Peace looked good on him.
He often held your face like this these days. He’d taken to just staring at you as much as possible. At first it had been kind of uncomfortable, especially that first night you woke up to find him gazing down at you as you slept. But the second you saw how flustered he got, apologising and trying to explain, you had thrown your arms around him and squeezed him so tightly. You had tried to muffle your sob into his shoulder when he squeezed you back just as tight, the happiness and love threatening to spill out of you at any moment. But as always he held you together. As always he kissed you gently.
He kissed you gently once again, that day in the warm wind on the bench outside the home you shared, while the tea he had taught you how to brew slowly cooled, forgotten and unimportant when the taste of your lips was available instead.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 18 Neighbour AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 18, word count 991
Remus Lupin had one asset, and that was his parent’s house. It was in the middle of the Welsh countryside. It was a mile walk to the little village, and the only thing it had going for it was the barn. It was light and airy and smelled of wood. 
Remus had spent a lot of time and effort converting it into a liveable space. The idea had been to sell it, but no one was interested in living so far away from the major cities. So, under the advice of his estate agent, he rented it out for short holidays. 
So far, it had been quite lucrative. With the money he made from that and his own job, he could afford chocolate whenever he wanted. 
The holiday season was coming, and he already had two weeks booked out. He tended to get a lot of city dwellers looking to get away from it all or families trying to get back to their roots. 
He checked his emails one morning with a fresh cup of tea and a plate of crumpets. HE filtered out the junk and found an inquiry email in his barn folder. He opened it.
A man was looking to hire the barn for the full summer and all of September as well. He was looking at three months of solid booking. It was a shame he couldn’t offer it, having already booked those two weeks. And he refused to let down his other guests. He typed a reply stating as much. He got a reply back almost instantly, asking if there was somewhere he could pitch a small tent. Mr Black said he would gladly still pay full price while his other guests used the barn. Remus couldn’t believe what he was reading. It seemed too good to be true. He sent a couple of pictures of his personal garden. The views weren’t as good, but it would be sheltered from the worst of the wind, and he could use Remus’s garden furniture. Again, the reply was quick. The man agreed and said he hoped he wouldn’t be any bother. 
Remus sent an invoice and got Mr Black to confirm he agreed to the price, and with the confirmation, he booked out the three months. He sat back with a pleased look on his face as he finished his crumpets. He just hoped that Mr Black would be a good neighbour as it was a long time to deal with a terrible guest. 
July arrived, and with it, a sleek black motorbike and an equally sleek owner. Sirius, as he demanded to be called, settled in instantly. He played his music a little loudly, but as it was to Remus’s taste, he decided to enjoy it. 
Remus found he quite enjoyed Sirius’s company, and they spent nearly every night in Remus’s garden drinking beers. Remus had even started making enough dinner for Sirius, though Sirius had told him he didn’t expect it but did appreciate it as he was useless at cooking.
It turned out that Sirius needed a break from his high-pressure job, which was why he’d come to Remus’s. 
“I hate it. It’s been my life since my mother found out she was pregnant with me. They own the company now, but my brother and I run it. He’s so much better at it than I am, and I swear he’d have such an easier time at it if I quit.” Sirius had admitted to him one August afternoon.
“Then why don’t you quit?” Remus asked as though it were an obvious solution. 
“Everything I own is tied up in the company. If I leave, I lose everything.” He shrugged. “My parents made sure it was that way after I went through a rebellious streak in my teenage years.”
“That’s terrible, Sirius. I wish I could help.” And Remus found he meant it. 
“Don’t fret about it. I’ll muddle through.” Sirius beamed at him as he patted Remus’s leg. “Right, enough feeling sorry for myself. I’m off for a walk. Care to join me?” Remus couldn’t think of any reason not to, so he took the proffered hand, and they strolled towards the village. 
Remus showed Sirius some of his favourite childhood haunts just off the beaten track, and they spent a wonderful afternoon in the thick foliage. 
Soon, the first week came around when Sirius would have to sleep in his tent. And, of course, the worst storm to hit Wales in over a hundred years decided to arrive that night. 
The trees were whipping back and forth, creaking and groaning. The fence surrounding Remus’s garden swayed dangerously. Remus refused to let Sirius stay out in this. He flung open the back door and yelled into the downpour. 
“Sirius! Sirius!” A face popped out of the zippered entrance of the tent. “Get in here!” Sirius shook his head. 
“I’m all good. Don’t fret.” 
Lightning cut across the sky, lighting the dark ground with its answering thunder not far behind. 
“Sirius, please! I won’t be able to sleep knowing you’re out here!” 
Suddenly, Sirius was streaking across the lawn and ran straight into Remus’s arms, knocking the lanky man back a few steps. Lighting flashed across the sky again and then another and another. The last bolt hit the cherry blossom tree in Remus’s garden, and a huge branch fell off and crushed the tent Sirius had been in moments before. 
“Yeah, probably a good call that Remus,” He joked. “Shall I put the kettle on?” Remus decided, not that he had much choice, that Sirius would be staying in his spare bedroom for the remainder of the two weeks. Maybe longer if the look Sirius was giving him meant what Remus thought it did. That night, they sat, snuggled up together on Remus’s tiny sofa in front of a roaring fire, sipping mugs of hot chocolate and listening to the storm wailing around them.  
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simp-ly-writes · 8 months
Chapter Three: In Dreams
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Can be read as a standalone: Personal Hell Series (pt.4)
Pairing: (Hazbin Hotel) Lucifer Morningstar x demon overlord!Reader
Summary: With the chance to sleep again, you find new definitions to peace that leave you picking up the pieces left from finally answered questions. But were they better left unanswered after all?
Warnings: 3123 words, mentions of violence and mental health, possible gore and death.
A/N: I have written this all so quickly, wow it has been awhile since I have felt this passionate about writing someone- thank you all seriously for the support!!
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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Lucifer took a stroll around the gardens that had become overgrown. He didn’t have the heart to weed the poisonous vines that strangled the various flowers underneath, he watches as each thorne moved every so slightly to stab the stem, the petals soon fall in on themselves, the others trying to stand become covered as the same fate plays out before all those left standing. 
The King did not know how much time had passed, multiple servants had come running into the greenhouse, waiting for his attention only to be teleported out of the room a moment later with a mere twitch of his finger. It was in times like these that the royal wished he could dream- losing himself in fantasy, in hope, and in memory.
Clapping his hands together and casting them outwards, gold strings appeared like rays of sunlight through the panes as a herd of ducks wattled their way round his feet. Tilting his head to the side, you appeared materializing through the door and drifting over to him. You did not speak a word. Only standing as he sat there on the bench describing his day, the tea chosen during the afternoon and the evening decisions he made for after the upcoming extermination. 
He chuckled to himself, head shaking before falling to his chest. “You know darling, when I gave that little piece of me, I ended up giving all of me… how pathetic am I…” his laughter only grows as the staff members in wait all bow their heads, doing their best not to listen as their hearts ache. They could only pray that those sightings were real and pray to heaven and back that Lucifer would listen. 
“I won a sex-award for this performance, its show and tell… is this not?” Angel Dust comments towards Charlie who hides away from the moans and grunts exiting the speakers. You stand there still behind the box, pretending to trip over the extension cord while mouthing a sorry. Vaggie gives you a thumbs up in thanks before hugging the distressed Charlie in her arms. 
“That was not a good irrigation,” Husk comments, walking over to the crowd while cleaning a cup between his hands. “Well what would you know about a good performance, whiskers?” Angel Dust retorts with a huff, legs kicking over the sofas armrest. 
“Everyone bitches to the bartender, there is not a single thing that I do not know about any of you at this point. You consistently bitch and moan outside of porn as much as you do in it about your boss,” Husk replies, now pouring himself a drink in the fresh glass. 
“Well then prove it,” the Spider comments back childishly as Husk lets out a large huff of air- pointing first at Sir. Pretentious, “That one is an insecure buffoon who watches everyone sleep and the Princess has a bleeding heart of daddy issues that this one,” he waves the neck of the bottle towards you, “refuses to speak to and don’t think yourself to be out of this either Vaggie because you pretend to hate everyone when you really hate yourself. And then there is Nifty…. Nothing more to be said on that.”
Angel Dust blows up with laughter as you are still reeling in this information. You don’t notice as he leaves for work as Charlie desperately tries to pull him back in for the remainder of the exercises, taking this as your cue- you retreat back to your room.
You had requested for some art supplies the next time the Hotel was to receive its shipment of goods. You clapped your hands, overjoyed at the colours you had chosen, so neatly arranged in their glass bottles. Fresh Paint brushes with green wooden handles gleaned happily in your face with the wood finish. So enamoured by the supplies, you got straight to work painting the view out your window. 
Pentagram city glowed all throughout the day, its red sky almost caving in the city below with how much blood could be found on the streets. The buildings of all shapes, colours, and sizes sprouted from the earth- trying to escape the destruction but as your brush drifted to paint heaven in the sky, the light blue on your brush hovered as you second-guessed including it in your work. 
Cleaning your brush in an empty jar, you set the cityscape to dry on your balcony as your mind soon turned itself off, you were losing yourself to the art, the barriers that you had created for yourself, burying yourself in work and meetings- now all coming undone in a fiery burst of passion- your hand moving feverishly across the canvas. 
Becoming lost, paint stroke after paint stroke, a voice drifts just behind your ears, as if they were a person in passing, ““You know darling, when I gave that little piece of me, I ended up giving all of me… how pathetic am I…” Looking back at your canvas, you painted your first memory of being in the Garden, eyes blown wide as you walk around ahead of the King and Queen- excitement had taken over any formalities you had prior to entering the space. You shake your head with a slight chuckle, hiding the painting away only to hear a meow just below your feet. 
Leaning the canvas against the food of your bed, you pick up KeeKee, giving the hair between her ears a light pat before coo-ing, “Everything alright?” The cat looks up at you with big eyes, nose pointed towards your door as you follow the silent command. Just as you are about to let the creature go, her claws dig into your shoulders with a wince- making her choice clear. You were making your way downstairs together. 
When you descend the stars, pausing just before the last couple of steps, you observe a destroyed bar, crying Charlie and pissed Vaggie. You hold your tongue, hand drifting its way through KeeKee’s fur for reassurance. Alastor appears behind you, just a few steps above as he leans on the railing, silently observing the scene paying out before him. 
“I am not so sure Angel Dust will be okay… I-I really messed up today. He got…It was not good. I pushed too hard earlier and things only got worse. So in light of that! I am going to write tomorrow's lecture on boundaries with a side of one-hundred apology letters,” Charlie states, her tone changing from one of sadness to another of light presenting you with a form of whiplash that has your head spinning- trying to keep up. 
Husk storms out the building soon afterwards, on a personal mission to hunt down Angel Dust and bring them both back to the Hotel safely. “Never a dull day it is here,” Alastor comments, “I second that,” is all you reply with before KeeKee is jumping out of your hands and disappearing into the shadows. Vaggie turns to you both, “looks like we will be cleaning up then in the meanwhile…” and clean up you do. 
While taking over Husks position behind the bar, you cork open a bottle of wine, pouring out glasses for everyone that stumbles through the door. Vaggie holds her hand out, murmuring a thanks before necking the glass down while Alastor inspects his jacket, finger swirling around the rim of the glass. You point the bottle towards Charlie, silently asking if she wants a drink as she shakes her head and you pour the rest out for Angel Dust and Husk who appear in brighter spirits. 
“I AM SO, SO, SOO SORRY!” Charlie runs up, squeezing the lemons out of Angel Dust who pats the top of her head awkwardly at first before returning the hug, “It’s alright dollface, I get it. Thank you for caring about me…”
With that being said, Charlie practically chokes the Spider that has him extending his other limbs ushering her in the direction of Vaggies arms who carries her away and up to bed for the day. Husk knocks his head to the side, a silent request for your to get the fuck out from behind his bar. 
Sleep had finally found you that night, your eyelids rest to the blackness that surrounds your mind. You feel your covers around you, warming your body as you shift slightly throughout the night. Yet a wetness peaks at your foot, covering your blanket as rain falls once more. It shatters your blanket like pebbles thrown against glass. As you hug yourself from the attack. Your bed rocks back and forth as you look over the edge. High waves you float on, almost going overboard as you desperately grip the headboard. 
Walk… an echoing voice appears in your head, Walk… to me…. Dipping your toes in the frigid waters, you curse out before trying to take a stand. You witness the water level gradually lower with every step you take, you walk freely in the ankle deep waters as they ripple underneath. Carry Forth… The voice motivates you to carry forth as the landscape overhead shifts to a sunrise- you cannot tell where the water ends and the sky begins in this reflection- you become breathless at the sight. It was ethereal. 
A figure soon appears on the horizon and you can take no further step as a light pressure holds your body still. It is as if every inch of your skin is being casted in a hug by light itself. Your breath shutters from the sensation and before you appear a figure incomprehensible to size, they take over the sky before you, white robes drifting like clouds in the sky as a singular finger is offered to shake your hand. 
Their touch is featherlight, knowing of their power. You crane your neck upwards- trying to catch a glimpse of their face yet the light burns your irises as you cast your head down. A chuckle creates waves around you, your body moving without control, pleading for them to cease. A piece of cloth drifts its way over to you, sitting still against the rising waters as you sit on its surface cross-legged. 
You try to speak to the creature before you but you find your voice sealed away- as if it would disturb the peace created here. You watch as fish begin to spawn in the waters, they drift in packs back to the direction of your bed, a snake chases forth as is herding them away. We speak our minds in the literal, the voice softly comments in your head, I hear without the need to speak, to pray, or to sacrifice. You wish to know why you have been brought forth- yet an answer spoken now will led to an endless stream. 
You tilt your head, still casting your head downwards to watch as the creatures all play amongst one another in the ocean below. You can no longer see the bottom, your stomach clutches with unease yet that familiar pressure against you skin has you unable to think of anything else. I am creation as I am fate, your path interrupted has corrupted the ocean, the skies, and the creatures. I have presented you with breath as I do so again. You were not created for this life you live nor for my siblings who sign for your eyes. But I will not have the destruction of all that has to be broken in your absence. 
You speak in riddles, you think to the apparent deity as the waves uproar once more, their laughter blessing their ears as the sunsets and their grandeur falls till they are only just taller than yourself. They sit on the watertop, their face no longer hidden as you gasp at their appearance. They only smile in reaction before summoning a tea set for you both to indulge with. 
Blonde hair, rosy cheeks and grey skin greet your eyes, This is the King's brother... You watch as they laugh out, the wave movements now rain filling your cups as he brings them both up for a cheer. Funny to hear a brother of mine to be addressed with such frivolous titles- even more so when coming from someone dear but perhaps unknowing? 
I still question to this day the truth in it all, you admit while taking your first sip, eyes closing to the perfect temperature of the tea. An art form, questioning is- could be considered a science. It is relentless in the wrong hands and plagues the people. 
We live life in question, is that not what it means to be… human? You question out, not thinking of an answer to be possible and even if there was one, it would quite possibly be past your comprehension. The dietary hums out before you, your cup never emptying as they set their own down against the floating table. Subjective that is, truth- yes but never entirely is anything- even the definite. Alas, I am only an acquaintance to death who would define the truth to humanity. Us immortals never grasp the concept of living- no matter the effort placed. Yet it is in these thoughts that I have learned you are for. 
You rest your cup on the table as they hold out their white-gloved hand and your world swirls face falling into the waters below as you look through someone else's eyes. A guard stands silently in your… office. You gasp as does the guard you inhibit. Your eyes snap upwards to see a growling Lucifer, “I have requested for silence during my studies- need I remind you to not look into my eye?” 
Your breath hitches, eyes going wide as you take in the King's dishevelled appearance, your desk scattered with papers, your walls covered in illustrated memories yet other than that- not a singular thing has been misplaced. You shake your head, bowing it before the royal as he walks back behind your desk without a second glance, staring at the various maps you spent decades drawing to pin-point precision. 
The coldness of the water has you gasping and flailing your own libs as you are taken back to the cloths and seas, back before the sitting the deity who hums out a soothing tone once more. I cannot have the mis-balancing of death. That is why I personally ensure your return as in return I present you with the final bow. You WILL meet my brother when he arrives in due time and I cannot speak more without the worrying of fates. 
But- you start to protest without taking another thought, your emotions in a whirlwind yet nothing disrupts the peaceful atmosphere of your dream and the deity before you. With a wave of their hand you are flown back into your bed, underneath the covers that absorb every drop of sea that has touched your skin and you wake up with a silent scream. Hells red skies before you and the relentless city bustling just underneath. 
Your earlier painting of the cityscape and the Garden were not where you left them last. They are now found hanging in front of your bed, staring into you, into your subconscious as you debate between dreams in reality as you wake your way into the elevator and down the stairs where breakfast waits freshly prepared.
You look around the breakfast nook in the kitchen, confused when a lack of a certain Princess and accompanying girlfriend are not present at the table. Setting your plate down beside Husks, you take your tea cup with you and into the sitting room where various red strings create a jungle of vines between colourful doodles and sleepless notes. 
A stressed Vaggie addresses a sleep-deprived Charlie who rushes around, clutching her hair in frustration, “WHY WONT THIS HOTEL JUST WORK!” you wince at the tone she yells in this early in the morning just as Vaggie had called it quits observing and picks the girl up, pulling her down onto a nearby couch, turned away from the insanity. 
But in that moment Charlie partially turns as do you, awaiting for a need to subdue the royal. Angel Dust pats you on the shoulder, easing you to come down again as Husk shoves a new mug into your hands. You did not realise you had dropped your cup earlier. 
“Maybe it's time-” Vaggie beings before being cut off by a crazed Charlie running back up to the boards and moving some strings around, “NO.” “To ask your dad. I know you don’t want to but it’s the only chance we have,” Vaggie finishes her sentence with as Charlie drops to the floor, clutching her head between her knees. 
Your hands sweat, as you look around to anywhere but Vaggie and Charlie. The dream deity had predicted your future, and you could only feel a wave of nausea wash over you as Charlie opened her phone before she quickly slammed it to the ground, “Wait just a sec! That is it! If we call my dad, he can get me a meeting in Heaven!” 
You choke, now leaning against a wall for support. Images of last night, of your office, of the King. Your head pounds as the small voices surround your head, Charlie needs to do this- even when you cannot protect her… 
Charlie picks her phone back up, scrolling through her contacts, her finger hovering over the name as Husks asks, “Daddy issues?” Charlie goes dead silent before looking over at you with apologetic eyes and speaking up, “No… we were just… never close thats all. After you and mom left, he never wanted to see me, he buried himself in work. He calls sometimes when he needs me to do something now.”
“Well I would like to meet the big dick in charge,” Angel Dust comments while looking over at you for a reaction. Your face is neutral, giving nothing away but your fidgeting tells elsewise. “The ultimate bad boy~” Nifty praises as you cringe very loudly as does Charlie. “I bet he’s scary~” Nifty continues while fluffing up her hair and stabbing a bug. You let out a whistle, “yup, scary, that's for sure.”  Charlie's head snaps over to your own, tilting sideways and eyes narrowing. You refuse to elaborate, memories of his threats to a mere guard simply making eye-contact with him. Every fiber in your body calls for escape but you pressure yourself to stay in support of Charlie who takes a seat in the chair that you stand beside. She clicks call and the phone rings thrice before a friendly tone sends your heart soaring to new heights as you pick at your jacket to better hide your reaction.
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
↳ Taglist: @jtcat305 @tati-the-fangirl @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @amarokofficial
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raayllum · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons of callum being protective/considerate/thoughtful with rayla? I'm so in love with how gentle he was with her this season.
Callum planting flowers from the Silvergrove in the castle gardens as a surprise and then convincing her to take a 'moonlit' stroll with him one night once they're ready so he can show them off
It's non traditional but he knows the main reason she hates the water is because she always feels unsteady on her feet so he gets her a grip mat for the tub so she can feel more centered
Redoing her braid for her whenever it comes undone and stitching up little tears and frayed edges in her clothing/cloaks because he knows how to sew
On that note: getting her a new cloak because her old one is tattered and doing up the clasp for her / tugging her in close by the hood for nose and mouth kisses if he's not smiling too much
Him and Ezran collecting a whole bunch of things during the timeskip to save up to give to her so that the castle can feel like home
So many forehead kisses and just gentle hand squeezes. Three squeezes means "I love you" and he'll trace the words onto her back or side sometimes when they're just laying together
He definitely talked privately to Opeli (and probably the guards) after the 5x01 throne room debacle and gave them a piece of his mind / new protocol to follow when it comes to them being concerned about Rayla's actions (ficlet here)
For that matter: absolute death glares to anyone who gives her a hard time at the castle / any diplomatic function (and probably almost causes a political incident or two over it)
Him murmuring the sappy love poetry he's read in her ear even when she rolls he eyes and can't quite hide her smile, working up his nerve to write personal poems of his own for her
Little things he did this season like being the one to handle the reigns of their mount the bulk of the time as soon as they started sharing because he knows she's not a morning person and is a light sleeper, so she holds onto his middle and he lets her doze for most of the day whenever he can
Requesting mints at inns they stay in that don't have any already / using magic to carve the soap into little shapes if they aren't that way to begin with and leaving them, once again, as little surprises for her to discover
If/when Rayla wants or needs time away from Stella (sparring perhaps) the cuddlemonkey is almost always with Callum and he makes sure she's cared for too. She's fussy about getting brushed and hard to pin down thanks to the six hands, so he'll usually help get her sitting still while Rayla does the actual grooming
Him using cooling spells for her when it's hot on summer nights (like in 4x07) and heating his hands to lay on her tummy when she gets period cramps
Normally he'd never throw his weight around as a prince, but he absolutely will on her behalf, whether it's getting something she wants from a servant tea/food wise or making sure they are treated well / have a nice place to stay while travelling
"It's none of your concern--" "It very much is her concern, and watch your tone."
Giving her his scarf whenever it's cold, of course
Making sure she's not overworking her bad wrist and giving little massages to that and her ankles when she's been doing a lot of jumps/movements that day, especially as they get older
His sketchbook is equally hers (even if she uses it far less often of course) and there's a few pages near the back designated for her to leave notes or doodles or whatever she wants when she's bored and/or he's not using it (he's very proud of how her drawing has improved)
Getting heavy duty enchanted blinds from Lux Aurea for her room so it can keep the sun out so she can sleep in / can give her room more of a twilight light quality so it can remind her of the Silvergrove (if she wants)
There are some meetings he can't get out of as crown prince but they're long and boring so he does his best to convince Rayla to go and spend her afternoon doing something she wants. (She usually stays for at least the first half anyway to support him and Ez)
Drawing memories and stories she tells him about her family and then giving her the pages so she can hold onto / remember them
Rayla still having a hard time articulating how she's feeling sometimes and getting upset/angry/embarrassed when it comes out wrong, so he takes her hand and gets her to take a steadying breath and start over with a gentle "Try again. What are you meaning to say?" if she says something obtuse/that comes out wrong
Ofc taking care of her when she's sick no matter how disgruntled or snotty she gets and reading to her quietly/stroking her hair until she falls asleep
Taking her to his favourite places in the castle/kingdom/Pentarchy for dates and private times to hang out alone, insisting on carrying their picnic basket because he's a Prince, Rayla, and chivalry isn't dead
Callum working very hard to learn traditional Moonshadow elf (no matter how much she teases him for his pronunciation) so he can use it to propose to her
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neiptune · 1 year
in each world, in every life
c/w: 1.7k wc, KNY/DEMON SLAYER MASSIVE SPOILERS, heavy angst, mentions of death, idk i just missed writing for this gremlin
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For the first time in years, your days are marked by the luxury of quiet, calm fragments.
You’ve learned to cook your own meals, meticulous lessons courtesy of a kind, old lady living not too far from your new estate. You now know how to look after your garden, a whole section of your mind dedicated to remembering that lavender and aloe vera need way less water than daylilies or ferns. There’s a colorful stall at the market where you sell the fresh vegetables you grow and the sweet peaches your most cherished tree gifts you. There’s the engawa you get to sit on each afternoon, in patient anticipation of a sunset that no longer brings dread and terror.
You never thought you’d get used to the ordinary kind of life so easily, not even after wishing for it for so long. You never thought it’d feel this natural, waking up to copper rays of sunshine and the promise of a day that bodes nothing but chores, strolls, so much tea and unexpected tenderness.
You now have the luxury of observing him for hours on end, his features no longer frozen in a perpetual scowl but fairly relaxed instead. Sanemi doesn’t have it in himself to be angry anymore, he’s felt anger for as long as he can remember and now all he’s left with is sadness, guilt and the overwhelming amount of love he has for you. He’s grateful for all you believe he’s worthy of, in spite of how poorly he thinks of himself.
Milk white hair basks in the sun you usually wake up to each morning, strong arms loosely wrapped around your frame to keep you close, to make the both of you feel less lonely in the process of facing nightmares and ghosts. Rough, calloused fingers that no longer hold blades but rakes, shovels, trowels, endless boxes of carrots, beets, cucumbers and kale instead. Hands that were once drenched in blood now prepare tea with softness you don’t deem surprising, knead the fatigue out of your shoulders, gently trace your spine and massage your scalp whenever they find their way to your hair.
When Genya’s absence becomes unbearable, when memories now belonging to a past not so far resurface, you hold each other’s hand and do your best to face the waves of it all just like you’ve faced everything else. Giyuu visits often, sometimes you’d run into him among graves, fresh flowers in his hands matching yours. It’s usually Sanemi, the one who invites him over with a gentle hand on the shoulder.
You loved and felt so loved in return, it was simple to forget to be on the lookout for whatever could put an abrupt stop to such peace. How could you take it for granted, bask in the illusion of a forever even being possible for people like you? It’s not what you were put on this earth for, normal lives can’t suit you. Happiness isn’t but temporary, the faint flicker of a candle slowly burning itself out.
The tips of your fingers have never gained their softness back but he doesn’t seem to mind as they gently trace the bridge of his nose while his head rests on your lap, eyes shut, hair combed back by your other hand.
Sanemi loves your garden, it’s the second place he’s ever felt at home in. There’s a specific corner he visits every morning and goes back to with you at sunset, hands smeared with soil holding each other. He knows sometimes you visit the small flower bed on your own too: while he never intentionally eavesdrops, his beloved wind carries your sweet voice as it recounts your day or shares your inner thoughts. Sanemi is certain sometimes you talk about him, he catches the sarcastic inclination of your chuckle or an exasperated pitch if you’ve tested each other’s patience on a particularly tense day.
There are no stone monuments because there are no actual bodies, but there are cobblestones surrounding flowers you’ve planted together, one from each bunch engraved with different kanji variations.
Kyogo, Shuya, Hiroshi, Koto, Teiko, Sumi, Genya.
There’s enough space to light a candle or offer incense, which you always do on special occasions or regular days when loss weighs exceptionally heavy. Sanemi tells you they would’ve loved you as much as he does in gentle murmurs, kisses the crown of your head when words you try so hard to keep lightweight drown in broken sobs. You have your losses to mourn and yet his still find a place in your heart, the faint memory of Genya walking to his estate arm in arm with you, the echo of a childish chuckle enough to dig the knife a little deeper each time he remembers.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, eyes still shut. He may be retired but a former hashira never misses the shift of a breath.
“Nothing” you reply, because the last thing you want is to become an addition to the burdens he already carries. To the final one he’s about to undertake.
Sanemi peels his eyes open, soft lavender gaze melting in yours as one of his hands reaches for your cheek.
“Tell me”
You turn your head to the side enough for your lips to brush against his palm.
“I just think it’s unfair that my birthday is the last in line”
Sanemi hums, doesn’t tense like you guessed he would. Instead, he lifts himself up from your lap with a theatrical groan and sits on his knees to face you.
“Why are you thinking about that?”
“What d'you mean why?”
He shrugs.
“More than a year from now, way too soon to be worrying about it”
You feel the corners of your eyes sting pathetically, something heavy weighing on your chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Will make sure to start worrying about your imminent death whenever it feels more suitable for you”
Sanemi takes your face in his rough hands, thumbs grazing lashes already collecting tears. His heart squeezes, the inability to promise anything constricting his throat.
“Giyuu is going first, you’re going second and I’ll be left with nothing but my scorching pain because you have prohibited me from coming with you” your head drops, chin tucked into your chest as something in there breaks for the millionth time.
“You know how I feel” his voice is nothing but a soft whisper as his lips press to your forehead.
“I know” you let out a faint, sarcastic chuckle “we should be grateful, we were granted more time than others, I have to make the most of it until the end. As if there’s going to be anything left once you’re gone”
Sanemi wants to stay, he wants it so badly he feels disgusted with himself. But he’s not scared of dying either, been ready to leave this world for good ever since losing the last remaining bit of his family, right before you became one for him.
Sanemi has been so ready, so used to the idea of dying, he has refused to make you his bride. It would’ve been unfair, nothing but a silly fantasy to bask in for a couple months, and yet he can’t sleep if your legs are not tangled together with his, the tension in his muscles can only be released by your gentle touch and his mind be soothed by nothing but your voice.
You have given him tenderness he had to learn how to take in and the love that makes leaving the scariest thing he’s ever going to face.
“Why would you want me to stay and endure your absence? I’m not scared of dying, I’m scared of living a single second in this world without you” the grip on his yukata is so tight not even his gentle fingers can untangle yours from the fabric, so he just places his hands over your fists with a light sigh.
“Because I need you to take care of our home” Sanemi’s tone is gentle but you catch the slight, painful vibration to it “I need you to water our plants, to bring Giyuu fresh flowers when I won’t be able to anymore. I need you to thank Ayaka-san for teaching us how to grow our vegetables. I need you to experience this world you fought so much for, thoroughly, until the very end”
He doesn’t care for your tears to drench his clothes when you pull him closer, because you never mind his tears spilling through your fingers, raw and boiling with vulnerability, always unexpected: in the middle of the night, as he carries a box to your stall at the market, while you’re laughing over a shared memory at dinner.
Sanemi had to learn how to cry all over again, how to really cry. There’s anger and there’s certainly pain but there are also many years of self-imposed loneliness, a stone barrier built around his heart that after Muzan’s defeat had suddenly no reason to exist anymore. But how does one live without? He didn’t know. And now he won’t even have enough time to further learn.
“I hate it” you’re shaking in his arms, breaths wet and irregular “I hate it so much. I’m grateful but it’s just not fair”
“It’s not” he concedes wearily, tightens his grip around you “but I’m gonna need you to enjoy your short break, okay?”
Sanemi knows he’s a hypocrite: if the roles were reversed, he'd never be able to just wait and take care of things and go through the agonizing pain of existing without you. He would reassure you with honeyed talk only to follow suit, probably wouldn't even have the patience to wait for your eyes to close.
But you’re not him, you’re stronger. Always have been.
“Don’t call it a fucking break, Sanemi” you lightly push against him, a low chuckle only contributing to further stir the fury painfully throbbing in your chest.
“But it is” his lips brush against your forehead once more as he speaks ever so quietly, genuinely amused by your belief that something as trivial as death would be enough for you to get rid of him “because I’ll find you. In every world, in any life, I will find you. And we’ll spend eternity making up for the time this one couldn’t grant us”
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ohanny · 6 months
KentaKim royalty AU!
(screw “five fun facts” i have never been good with rules, @le-trash-prince hope you don't mind)
once upon a time, in a land far, far away tony is king and also a giant, sexist dick. he rules his kingdom with an iron fist, over-taxes the poor, believes alphas are the shit and omegas are only good for breeding and has made being the royal gardener into the most perilous position in the land (he beheaded four gardeners last year alone for over watering his bonsais and one for looking at them with “malice in his eyes”). but even a grand monarch like tony must have allies - and since everyone thinks he's a raging asshole, he actually desperately needs them which is why he resorts to the oldest royal scheme of them all: MARRIAGE.
enter kim. kim is the royal omega from an extremely wealthy kingdom just across some ocean stretch and sails into town, set to marry tony’s eldest son babe. (well, currently eldest. tony does not have a great track record when it comes to keeping custody.) babe is not very enthusiastic about this situation since he is carrying a secret affair with the castle archivist, charlie. (and by secret i mean pretty much everyone except tony knows but since they like babe, they just pretend babe actually is that passionate of a reader behind closed doors.)
but babe also has a conscience and really feels bad for kim who seems like such a nice young man so when they stroll in the gardens, arm in arm, far enough from their chaperones for an illusion of privacy but in their sight so nothing uncouth could happen, babe apologetically whispers that he finds kim bewitching indeed but alas his heart belongs to another. to which kim says “oh thank fuck, i would rather jump off a cliff than let you knot me”
babe: well that’s a bit harsh.
kim: also your dad’s shit.
babe: i mean -
kim: and i am here to kill him
babe: um -
kim: by the way, pete says hi!
and oh pete, tony’s original eldest son who years ago sadly perished (was banished) because he fell off a horse (because he dared to do something as leftist as write poetry to the stable boy way). it was actually kim’s family who sheltered pete and recognized him as a way better option for tony’s throne and kim is in cahoots with him, going undercover. in return of a proper alliance and the liberation of tony’s people, kim’s family will get rid of tony - plan a being an assassination, plan b an outright invasion.
plan a is proving to be quite tricky due to tony being a paranoid motherfucker, but kim is patient. of course something has to throw a spanner into his plans and that something is someone: namely kenta, tony’s secret bastard son most loyal knight. it starts when kenta is sent to summon kim to afternoon tea and sneaks up to him so quietly that he startles kim and suddenly finds himself slammed against a statue with a knife against his neck - oh how the turns have tabled!
kim: oh shit.
kenta: …
kim: i mean oh no, you scared me kind sir!
the knife disappears in the blink of an eye and kim let’s out this ditzy little giggle and offers his arm all “isn’t it time for tea! how lovely!” steadfastly ignoring kenta’s disbelieving are-you-fucking-kidding-me eyes. and well, kenta does escort kim to have his lovely afternoon tea with the other palace omegas. and then keeps escorting kim everywhere. no matter where kim tries to sneak off to, kenta somehow always finds him and it takes everything he has in him to not snap and scream because it is infuriating.
and then the ball happens. because of course there has to be a ball to celebrate the fortuitous engagement full of fancy dresses and foods and wine and palace plots! kim wants to take the opportunity of all the chaos and security being centered around the throne room where tony holds court to sneak but this time it is not kenta who catches him first. this time it is just your regular assassin hired by your regular jealous local omega noble who had their eye on babe and are now pissed they missed out on the royal wedding special. kim is honestly a bit shocked because “seriously?!?” but then kenta, once again, appears out of nowhere and steps in front of kim to shield him as the assassin attacks.
kenta kills the assassin but gets rather seriously hurt in the process. they’re alone in an empty hallway and kim is applying pressure on kenta’s stab wound, cursing up a storm, just letting it all out because what’s the point of hiding anymore? he goes on an epic, totally not panicked, rant about his fuckass skirt and who the fuck wears this many frilly layers, it is the most impractical shit ever and how he totally could have dealt with the assassin on his own if it weren’t for these damn petticoats! “see this is what's wrong with your entire society!” kim hisses as he drags kenta towards the sick bay. “obviously your omegas cannot do anything because who fucking could wearing all this crap! i am a person, not a cupcake!”
kenta stares up at kim in awe. he should probably have more questions but… wow. at least he can blame it all on blood loss.
so anyway, kim dumps kenta outside the sick bay and then runs off before anyone can see him and his blood stained clothes. he enters his room, sends a maid to the party to tell them he suddenly felt ill and retired early, and then spends the rest of the night pacing, pretty sure he fucked up and should be fashioning a rope out of his sheets to scale the tower and disappear. but nothing happens. he hears there was an attack, of course, and sir kenta got hurt but when questioned, kenta looked tony straight in the eye and said he must have hit his head because he cannot remember anything.
kim really could have done this without catching feelings but fuck.
so the next time he and babe have their little garden stroll, kim lowers his voice and insists they will add kenta to the list of people who will be protected at all costs. when babe sceptically exclaims kenta is tony’s right hand man, kim stares him down with a “he goes on the list or you can kiss me and my armies goodbye.” that is one thing dealt with. the next is actually avoiding getting knotted by babe because tony would love to have them married by the end of the month and that cannot happen. so kim starts delaying by any means necessary - he insists his religious beliefs demand they be wed when the stars are aligned a certain way and oh, he simply must have pink gardenias in his ceremony! it has been his dream ever since he was a little pup but alas it is november so they must wait until gardenias are in full bloom!
kim in the council meeting in his cupcake dress:
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tony, gritting his teeth: of course. we don't want that.
but the longer kim delays, the more tony suspects something is off. kim is cagey and his mask is wearing increasingly thin. there are rumblings of soldiers making moves and gathering in kim’s kingdom. fuck, even kenta is being shady with his head injury and insisting he keep an eye on kim and then come back with shit like “he complained the tea wasn’t sweet enough and then accompanied babe to the library to read poetry.” absolutely useless, that one. the horror.
of course this will all come to an end when tony, sick of kim’s antics, invites him into a totally non-threatening family dinner in the privacy of his quarters. babe is there, as is kenta, guarding the door. it is the tensest consuming of roasted quail the kingdom has ever experienced with buttholes all across the land clenching for seemingly no reason. for dessert tony serves kim tea with a side of hair yank and knife to a throat with a “you will marry my son in three days time or take a dive off the tallest tower, you filthy fucking -”
aaaaaand he has a knife in his back. it's unclear who looks more shocked: tony or kenta himself who kind of acted on instinct when he saw his kim threatened and about to be married off to someone else. he is about to just go full catatonic because oh, what has he done when kim grabs his face and kisses him. “wow. the plot twists just keep on coming” babe says to absolutely no one but if he has leaned one thing from charlie, it is that someone needs to narrate things for the record.
(of course it isn't as easy as simply getting rid of tony but it is a great start. they will have to weed out loyalists and find out who they can trust and then rework the whole damn constituion but hey, no tony! pete and way will ride in with an army at their backs only to meet open gates and a very smug kim (happily wearing pants) stating “i told you my ass was irresistible enough to get the job done!”)
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khepiari · 7 months
LuLaw Fic: Don't Freak Out, I Might Be Cursed!
Summary: AU. Royalty. Fantasy. DILF King Luffy x DILF Healer/Witch Consort Law.
Pairing: LuLaw.
Chapters: 7
Status: Complete.
Content Warning: implied past child/sexual abuse
This fic was written for Loving Law Zine, now it is up on ao3, ffnt and wattpad with slight tweaks.
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Everything was going fine in our domestic life, we had been married for a solid eleven years. We had sex four times a week and ate three meals a day. Everything was going fine all round us as well. There was no scarcity of food, and diseases were under control all over the land. Most importantly, my life-partner was finally beginning to relax and enjoy the little pleasures of life– strolling around the garden, drinking post-lunch tea, taking afternoon naps, nibbling on snacks in the evening and reading books. It was a joy to watch him gain some weight around his hips and thighs, and a relief to see the starving paleness from his skin disappear after years of stress and anxiety.
The reason behind this bliss was that the bloody kingdom that he loved so much had at last stabilized— economically, socially, politically, and mentally.
And me, Monkey D Luffy, as the reluctant warrior king who was loved by all, did everything in my power to keep the peace intact! All for my introverted better-half, Trafalgar D Water Law; the true ruler behind the facade of the king that I was.
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m-jelly · 2 years
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Pairing: Sheriff!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, sheriff Levi, falling in love, confessions, country life, flirting, mutual pinning.
Concept: As sheriff of a small town, Levi introduces himself to every new person moving in. Levi gets a bit flustered by the new resident, you. Levi thinks you'll be a simple addition to the town but doesn't think much about his simple crush. However, he keeps getting calls about you and from you. Each time you get closer and attraction is admitted after joking around.
Tag list: @ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @skittlelover69 @strawberrybunny123 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi gripped the wheel as he drove slowly through town. He was bored with hardly any trouble. The town was perfect, truly perfect and mayor Erwin kept the place running smoothly as Levi enforces the law.
He released a long sigh as he drove past the beautiful views of the mountains and lake. He loved this town and how welcoming it was. He moved here with his mother to give her a better life. It was truly perfect with almost no crimes. He was happy.
Levi was on his way to see a new resident in town. Whenever someone new moves in, Levi would introduce himself and hand over his number on his card. He would have done it with Erwin, but he was busy that day. So, as fate would have it Levi was meeting the new person by himself.
He pulled up in his car and got out into the warm summer sun. He reached into his vehicle and grabbed his cowboy hat and placed it on his head. He slammed the door closed and caught his reflection. He had aviators on that framed his handsome face. His smart tan shirt was tight across his chest and his badge pinned to it stood proudly.
He turned in his boots and looked down to check they were still shiny. He flexed in his tight trousers, the fabric clinging to his thick thighs and bubble butt. He adjusted his belt before walking towards the white wooden garden gate. He opened it and stepped into the simple and pretty garden with bees buzzing happily.
He glanced up at the wooden home to see it was clean and simple on the outside with a cute blue waited on the wood. He froze when the front door opened and the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen walked out onto the deck with a tray of drinks. He watched the summer dress flow around such a beautiful body.
You placed a tray down on the small table and went to sit in your comfy swing seat, but noticed a man standing in your front garden. Your heart skipped a beat as you gazed at the sheriff. Your eyes dragged over his body, his uniform was tight and showed off how much muscle he had. The short sleeves allowed you to see his bulging biceps.
You smiled and waved shyly at him to see if you could get a reaction.
Levi flinched at your adorable wave. Your sweet wave had woken him up. He moved closer to you and pulled his glasses off so he could look you in the eyes. "Afternoon, ma'am. I'm sheriff Levi Ackerman." He blushed as he stared at you. "I was supposed to meet you with the mayor, but I was busy."
You smiled brightly. "Well, it's lovely to meet you." You gave your name as you walked over to him. You offered your hand. "I hope I don't see you much."
He shook your hand and felt sad. "Oh."
You laughed. "Well, if I need you it means there's trouble, right?"
He blushed when he realised what you were joking about. "Oh, you're right. Well, I hope you don't cause trouble."
"Can't promise that." You giggled as he smiled a little. "Can I get you a drink? I'm have tea."
Levi eyed your cute tea set with delicate flowers on the white paint. "If you're offering."
You returned to your tea things and poured Levi a cup. "Come join me" you gazed at him "unless you have other things to do?"
Levi climbed up onto your decking and strolled over to you. "No ma'am. I would like to join you."
You hummed a laugh. "Good!"
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Levi listened to the radio call as worry filled him. He grabbed the walkie in his car and pressed the button to reply. "Ten-four, I'll go over to the home now and do a welfare check." He put the radio back and released a long sigh.
Levi had you on the brain, he always had you on the brain. He had enjoyed having a drink with you the other day. You both talked for hours and found you had a lot in common. Levi remembered how you moved on the swing together and it felt like you were a married couple of many years. He saw himself living with you, loving you and growing old with you.
He pulled up to your home and felt a flutter in his chest. He felt as if he was coming home.
He slipped out of his car and noticed a house light was on. He turned on his flashlight and searched the outside of the home. Your neighbours had called saying you were on your roof at 3am. Levi was worried about you and came quicker than he normally would to a call.
He blushed when he saw you climb out your window and walk onto a small safe roof with a few things. He shined his light up and saw a telescope, snacks, blankets and cushions. He frowned a little and felt confused why you weren't in your garden.
You winced at the bright light of the flashlight. You turned and noticed Levi's car. You waved to Levi and grinned. "Evening sheriff."
He moved closer and placed his hands on his hips. "Ma'am, what in the world are you doing?"
"Looking at Mars."
He stared at you for a while before speaking. "I ain't gonna question it. You know, it's pretty dangerous up there. Your neighbours are worried."
You smiled. "Then maybe I need someone from the sheriff's department to look after me." You held up a cup. "I have tea."
Levi released a long sigh. "Your door open?"
"Sure is. Come on up!"
Levi shook his head with a slight smile. He walked into your home and admired how cosy and welcoming it was. He slipped his boots off and placed them next to your shoes causing him to blush. He climbed the stairs and finally reached the spare room with the window you were using.
You grinned when Levi climbed out and joined you. "I know you're wondering why I'm not in the garden, but honestly I get a better view from here."
Levi hummed in response before grabbing the end of the telescope and looking through it. "Fuck, this is incredible."
You leaned closer causing both your hearts to race. "Right?"
Levi turned his head and gazed into your bright eyes. He flicked his gaze to your lips and felt a tingling inside him. "Truly beautiful."
You blushed a little. "Yeah..."
He cleared his throat. "I was promised tea."
You giggled and handed him a cup. "Enjoy."
Levi relaxed next to you and looked up at the stars. "You know, I've never stopped to look at the stars."
You smiled softly. "Well, you're more than welcome to come over and enjoy."
He looked over at you as his heart raced. "I'd like that."
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Levi grumbled as he climbed out of his car and walked to your home. He had yet another call from a neighbour about you. He wasn't mad at you, he was mad at how annoying your neighbours were. Levi liked seeing how you lived your life very free.
He walked into your home and kept going until he was in your garden. He blushed bright red as he saw you bent over in small shorts with thigh-high socks. He cleared his throat making you jump a little.
Levi clicked his next and shuffled a little. "Ma'am, I've had a call about you." He stared at you as you turned around holding a raccoon in your arms. "What in the fuck?"
You gulped hard. "I know, I know, my neighbours are moaning about this but I can assure you that Reggie is a good boy."
Levi stared at the little raccoon. "He looks like he's healing."
You walked over to Levi. "I found him abandoned and hurt. So, I nursed him back to health. Please don't take him away from me."
He reached over and fussed the little raccoon. "I know you mean well, but he needs proper care." He looked up to see your pleading gaze. "You can come with me in my car. I'll take you to our local vet, Jean will take him in and care for him."
You released a sad sigh. "Okay."
Levi walked with you. "At least you know he's safe."
"What if he misses me?"
Levi chuckled. "I'm sure he will. You're a wonderful person and I miss you often."
You blushed. "You do?"
Levi realised what he'd said out loud. His cheeks burned as a tingle ran through him. "Y-Yes."
You smiled softly. "I miss you too."
Levi helped you into the car. "Good."
You shuffled in your seat. "I've never been in a cop car before."
He drove off and sighed. "It's technically not a cop car."
"You used to be a cop, sorry detective."
He smiled a little. He was happy you remembered things about him, he felt important to you. "So, you've never been in trouble with the law?"
"So, you've never committed a crime."
You smirked. "Never said that. I said I've never been in a cop car."
Levi chuckled making your heart skip. He glanced over at you and Reggie. "I'll have to keep a close eye on a criminal like you."
You giggled. "You better."
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Levi leaned back in his chair at the office. He was tired and it was the night shift he was stuck on. He released a big yawn before looking at his phone and wishing you'd text him. You and him had been in contact often and your friendship was strong.
Levi and you had gotten to know each other and had been close for two months. He wished it was more than friendship. He wanted so badly to be with you. He wanted to call you his. He wanted to shower you with love and affection.
He jumped when your name popped up on his phone, it was as if he was willing you to contact him. He tapped to answer and brought the phone close. He said your name with a smile on his face.
You gasped a little. "Levi? Levi are you on duty?"
Levi frowned at the tension in your voice. "What's wrong?"
You whimpered a little. "I think someone is in my house. I'm outside at the moment. I'm too scared to go back. I saw someone. I swear to you Levi."
Levi launched out of his seat and raced for the door. "I'm on my way. I'll be with you in a few minutes. Hold on, okay?"
You whined. "I will. I just...it might not be anything, but I just...I'm not used to this town life yet. I'm from places where you had to lock your door."
He climbed into his car as he listened to your terrified voice. "I understand. I too am from a terribly violent place to this nice calm town." He placed his phone on the seat next to him and sped through town to your home on the edge. "Did you see who it was? Was it a man or woman?"
"I-I um...I think it was a man."
Levi saw he was close. "All right, I'm almost there. Can you see me?"
You hurried to the road and waved. "Yes! Oh, thank goodness."
Levi pulled up and climbed out of the car. "I'm here."
You dove into Levi's arms and held him making him blush. "I was so scared."
Levi tingled all over. You holding him felt so right to him. He wrapped his arms around you and held you. "I'm here now. I'll look after you."
You sniffed a little before pulling back. "I'll show you where I saw them." You walked with him to your home and stopped. You hugged his arm tightly. "S-Sorry, I'm s-scared."
Levi hugged you close. "I'll go in first. Tell me where they were."
"I-I was in my bathroom." You shivered. "I was going to go f-for a shower. Th-then I saw someone i-in my bedroom."
He pulled his gun off his hip. "I'll go in. Go wait by my car."
You gripped the shirt on his back. "Don't leave me."
He sighed. "Stay behind me."
You nodded and stayed holding on. You reached over as you passed the kitchen and grabbed a pan. "Just in case."
Levi smiled a little. "I have a gun."
"And I have a pan."
He chuckled and led you upstairs slowly. He moved down the hall as his heart raced. He pulled his gun out and slowly pushed your door open. He blushed at seeing your bed and your night clothes ready for you to change into on your bed. He pulled his eyes away and focused on the task at hand.
Levi moved around the room and checked under the bed and in the bathroom before moving to the closet. He slammed the door open making two teen boys scream. Levi sighed and lowered his gun as he stared at them.
You looked around Levi and pouted. "You little perverts!"
Levi grabbed the tops of their ears and yanked them out of the closet. "Tch, what in the world are you two doing spying on this woman?"
One whined. "We saw her in her soap shop! Everyone was saying she was hot. We were dared to see her undress."
The other whimpered. "Please don't arrest us! We're sorry!"
Levi growled. "You're little peeping perverts, that's what you are. I'm going to tell your parents about this." He pulled his phone out and dialled. "You have a lot to answer for."
You hugged the pan to your chest as you watched Levi deal with the teens. You followed Levi out of the house and saw him hand the teens over to their parents. You smiled and accepted the apologies and then giggled when Levi told them the punishment was lots of community service and a letter to you saying sorry and how they should respect women more.
You waved to the parents as they left you alone with Levi. "Thank you for coming."
Levi sighed. "Sorry it was two horny teens."
You hummed a laugh. "I'm glad it wasn't something worse." You gulped hard. "Could...could you stay with me?" You reached over and took his hand. You lowered your head and whined. "I just...I know it was teens, but I'm shaken."
Levi gulped hard. "I uh...I'm happy to stay."
"I'm sorry, I'm asking a lot."
"No, no. I want to stay."
You smiled softly at Levi. "Thanks."
He thumbed to his car. "I'll get my bag. I have spare clothes on me always. I'll be inside in a bit. Could I use your shower?"
You nodded. "You're welcome to anything in my home."
Levi grabbed his bag before hurrying inside. He locked up your doors before going to your spare room. He enjoyed a nice hot shower and used your wonderful shampoos and soaps. After he was done he wished you a goodnight before climbing into his bed.
He lay there for a while before there was a soft knock on his door. He sat up and ruffled his hair. "Yeah?"
You opened the door with a strong blush. "I'm scared of my room."
Levi slipped out of bed and walked over to you. "I'll check it for you."
You welled up. "I feel so silly."
He wiped your tears away. "You're not silly. You went through something scary, okay?" He put his arm around you. "I would be scared too."
You walked with Levi to your room. "You're too kind."
"I wouldn't say that. It's just, I care about you." He checked around your room as you blushed at his words. "Nothing here."
"Thank you."
He walked over to you as you sat in bed. "Do you want me to stay with you?"
You blushed when you saw Levi's blush. "U-Um...yes. I-If you don't mind."
He shook his head. "N-No." He climbed into bed and lay there. "Night."
You rolled onto your side and smiled at Levi. "Night."
Levi gazed at you with a soft smile on his face as you slept. He reached over and lightly touched your cheek. He rolled onto his side and fell asleep slowly. He released a sigh and drifted off into a deep sleep. That night Levi had beautiful dreams of you and him.
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Levi walked towards your home and saw you smiling at him. He released a long sigh and shook his head. "Ma'am I'm beginning to think you're causing trouble on purpose."
You grinned at him. "You know, I think it's odd."
You stepped to the side and let him into your front garden. "That whenever I call your department you show up. I'm beginning to think you're showing up just to be with me, that all this is an excuse."
Levi took his hat off and pushed back his raven locks. "W-Well, m-maybe it is. M-Maybe I want t-to be around you. M-Maybe I have feelings for you. M-Maybe I have fallen for you. I-I just d-don't know how to s-say it. I mean, how could a woman like you like a g-guy like me? You're incredible and I'm...I'm nothing."
Your eyes widened. "Levi, you're perfect." You walked closer and took his hand. "I adore you as well. I admit I was causing trouble so you'd come over." You smiled at Levi as you squeezed his hands. "I really like you too. I want to be with you. When I'm with you, I feel so safe and at home."
Levi smiled. "Well then, ma'am, I would like to be your boyfriend."
You grinned. "I accept."
He held your chin. "May I kiss you?"
You nodded and tilted your head. "I've been waiting for you to ask."
Levi leaned closer and captured your lips. He hummed in happiness at finally kissing you after all this time. He ran his hands up your body and pulled you close. He held you close against him as you both moaned in delight. Your bodies tingled at finally being together. You both felt complete.
You pulled from Levi's lips. "I hate to break this romantic moment, but I did call you over for a reason."
Levi lightly kissed your lips. "Do tell."
"There's a horse in my kitchen."
Levi paused a moment, his lips ghosting your own. "Come again?"
You giggled. "There's a horse in my kitchen."
He pulled back a bit. "And here I thought you wanted me."
"Oh, I want you. I really want you, but there is an actual horse in my kitchen."
He chuckled. "I'll get rid of it."
You followed him. "After you do, could you stay?"
"You scared or horses?"
You giggled. "No, I just want you to stay. We can have a date. I'll cook and we can watch a movie."
Levi smiled at you. "I would love that." He held your hips and kissed you passionately. He stopped when he heard a huff. He pulled from your lips and turned his head to see a horse in your kitchen. "Huh."
"I told you."
"Did you let it in?"
You snorted a laugh. "Nah."
He sighed and ushered the horse out. "Come on now, out with you." He moved it out of your home and your garden. "Off you go." He watched it trot off back to its home. "Strange animal."
You giggled. "Maybe I attract animals."
Levi walked over to you. "Maybe." He pulled you into his arms and kissed you. "May I stay over?" He blushed hard. "N-not for umm...I mean to sleep like I did the night you were scared."
You hummed a laugh. "I'd love that."
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seungminsbaldspot · 9 months
Our own Gallary
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Pairing:  Jun x Reader 
Synopsis: its your first anniversary with your lover, wen junhui 
Spoiler: no spoiler for this one!
Word Count: 2,063
Genre: tooth-rotting fluff probably 
Warnings: cursing, just lots of fluff, Nicknames such as but not limited to “My love, Lover, My lover” , reader is an artsy person (loves to paint, and visit art museums) 
“Wake up my love.” A kind, gentle voice says, and your eyes immensely flutter open. As your eyes flutter open, you are met with the man of your dreams. And your reality too. 
Wen JunHui is your lover. And has officially been your lover for one year now. Jun had previously told you that he was going to go all out for your first anniversary together, and he was not lying. 
When your brain focuses, you can smell the breakfast that Jun had prepared for you. “Breakfast my love.” He softly says, motioning towards the door. You always stood firmly by brushing your teeth after breakfast so, rolling out of bed and eating was not anything abnormal. 
Jun leads you to the table, where your favorite breakfast foods await you. “I prepared them this morning. I hope you enjoy them.” You smile softly at the tall man in front of you, kissing him on the cheek, “Thank you, my love.” He smiles, “Anything for you.” He says, sitting across from you, also eating his breakfast. 
Once breakfast was eaten, Jun stood up, “Now would you like to sleep again or go out?” He asked. “Sleep in, as always.” He smiles, “I knew you were going to say that. Go ahead and lie down. Let me clean these dishes and then I will be in there with you my love.” You nod, What a good man Wen Junhui is. 
As to his promise, after hearing the running after stopping, you feel the spot in the mattress beside you dip down. You feel his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you tightly to him. His warmth lulls you back to sleep. 
After an hour or so, Jun decides to wake you up once again, “My love?” He says, gently shaking you to wake you. Your eyes flutter open again, waking you to the beautiful man you call your lover. 
“We have the smallish bit of schedule to attend to.” Jun says, patting your head like a child. You only hum in response. You love it when Jun schedules dates and he has a bit of an itinerary to attend to. 
With a soft smile, you stretch and sit up, feeling the warmth of the morning sunlight streaming through the curtains. Jun hands you a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, perfectly brewed just the way you like it. The aroma fills the room, making the awakening even more pleasant.
As you sip your drink, Jun hands you a carefully crafted envelope. Inside, there's a mini itinerary for the day, detailing the surprises he has in store for you. The excitement builds as you read through the plans, and you can't help but marvel at Jun's thoughtfulness. 
The first item on the agenda is a visit to a nearby botanical garden. Jun has chosen this serene location for a romantic stroll amidst blooming flowers and lush greenery. Hand in hand, you explore the garden, occasionally stopping for Jun to surprise you with a heartfelt compliment or a gentle kiss.
After the botanical garden stroll, Jun has planned Lunch at a cozy restaurant with an amazing view. Jun has reserved a table by the window, allowing you to enjoy a delightful meal while taking in a scenic backdrop. The atmosphere is perfect for engaging in conversations and sharing laughter as you relish the delicious cuisine.
In such a pleasant setting, time seems to slow down, allowing you to fully immerse yourselves in the moment. The combination of good company, delicious food, and a scenic backdrop creates a lasting memory that you can cherish. 
As the afternoon unfolds, Jun leads you to a charming art studio where a painting class is about to begin. The studio is filled with natural light, and the scent of acrylic paints lingers in the air. The atmosphere is relaxed, fostering creativity and expression.
As you enter the studio, you notice an easel set up with a blank canvas, paintbrushes of various sizes, and an array of vibrant colors. Soft music plays in the background, adding to the soothing ambiance. Jun, with a warm smile, reveals that this painting class was chosen because of your shared love for art and creativity.
The instructor welcomes both of you and provides guidance on the painting project for the day. The subject is a beautiful landscape, and you feel a sense of excitement as you prepare to unleash your artistic talents. Jun and you share laughter and conversation as you dip your brushes into the paint and bring the canvas to life.
Throughout the class, you and Jun exchange tips, share thoughts on color choices and marvel at each other's unique interpretations of the landscape. The shared experience strengthens your connection and the love that the two of you have for each other. 
As the painting class comes to an end, you step back to admire the finished masterpieces. You're amazed at the beauty that emerged from a blank canvas, and at the beauty of the man before you. At the man who you love.
After the class, Jun planned on visiting the nearby art gallery to continue this wonderful anniversary date. As you walk hand in hand with Jun into the art gallery, you can't help but feel a sense of warmth and joy. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and the promise of a delightful anniversary date. Jun's gesture of holding your hands and swinging them adds an extra layer of intimacy, making the experience even more special.
"I know you have been wanting to visit here for a while, my love," Jun says with a gentle smile. You return the smile, appreciating the effort he's put into planning this meaningful day. "This place is beautiful, Jun," you express, genuinely touched by the thoughtful surprise.
He hums in response, a contented sound that reflects the shared excitement of exploring the art gallery together. The two of you make your way to the section featuring sculptures, and Jun takes the lead. The room is filled with an array of three-dimensional masterpieces, each telling a unique story through form and texture.
Jun stops in front of a particularly striking sculpture and begins to share his thoughts. "Look at how the artist has captured movement and emotion in this piece," he remarks, his eyes reflecting genuine appreciation. You join in the conversation, discussing the intricacies of the sculptures and sharing your own interpretations.
Jun, with a keen understanding of your preferences, leads the way to a section featuring contemporary paintings. As you enter the space, you're immediately drawn to the vibrant colors, bold strokes, and intriguing narratives conveyed by the artworks on display. Jun smiles, pleased that he could tailor this part of the visit to your favorite art exhibits.
"Thought you might enjoy these," he says, gesturing towards the canvases that adorn the walls. The paintings range from abstract expressions to thought-provoking realism, each piece telling a unique story. Together, you begin to explore the details and nuances of the contemporary art on display.
Jun, knowing your appreciation for the finer points in art, points out subtleties you might have missed. The two of you engage in a lively conversation about the meanings behind the paintings, the techniques employed by the artists, and the emotions evoked by the different pieces. The gallery becomes a canvas of shared exploration and connection.
As you move from one painting to another, Jun's thoughtful choice of the contemporary art section enhances your overall gallery experience. You feel a sense of gratitude for having someone who not only values your interests but actively participates in them, making this anniversary date all the more special.
As you and Jun continue your exploration of the art gallery, you come across a section dedicated to photography. Jun's eyes light up with excitement as he discovers this part of the exhibition, and you can see the genuine enthusiasm in his expression. It's clear that the prospect of delving into the world of photographic storytelling resonates with him.
Jun leads you to the photographs, each frame capturing a moment frozen in time, telling its own unique story. The images range from candid shots to carefully composed scenes, showcasing the diverse perspectives of the photographers. Jun takes a moment to absorb the visual narratives, and then he turns to you with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.
"Photography has this incredible way of capturing emotions and stories in a single frame," he comments, his enthusiasm contagious. "Let's take our time and appreciate each one." The two of you begin to explore the photographs, discussing the composition, lighting, and the emotions conveyed by the images.
As you delve deeper into the visual stories, you find yourselves sharing personal interpretations and connecting with the photographers' perspectives. The photographic exhibit becomes a space for contemplation and conversation, adding another layer to your artistic journey.
Jun's genuine interest in the photographs enhances the experience, and you appreciate how this shared exploration deepens your connection. The gallery visit becomes not just a celebration of art but a celebration of the unique bond you share—a bond that finds expression in the stories told through both paintbrush strokes and the click of a camera shutter.
You really did love this man. 
As you both exit the gallery, Jun gently reminds you of the next surprise he has in store. The anticipation builds as you wonder what delightful dinner plans he has arranged for the evening. The thoughtfulness he put into the art gallery visit makes you even more eager to discover what awaits you.
You follow Jun to the dinner location, and as you arrive, you're greeted by a cozy ambiance and the enticing aroma of delicious food. The evening unfolds with shared laughter, delightful cuisine, and the joy of being in each other's company. The celebration of your love continues, seamlessly blending the appreciation of art with the warmth of shared moments.
In the quiet moments between courses, you reflect on the day and realize how much Jun's thoughtfulness and shared experiences have deepened your connection. The celebration goes beyond the material surprises, becoming a beautiful symphony of shared interests, love, and genuine companionship.
As the evening comes to an end, you can't help but feel grateful for the wonderful person by your side. The gallery visit and the carefully planned dinner become cherished memories, woven into the fabric of your relationship. You find yourself falling in love with Jun all over again, appreciating the effort he puts into making your time together truly special.
After the wonderful dinner, Jun holds your hand, guiding you to a little park across the street. He stops underneath a tree, turning and facing you. As Jun holds your hand, there's a warmth in his touch that reflects the genuine connection you share. His eyes, filled with affection, meet yours. The quiet rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of the city create a serene backdrop for what promises to be a special moment.
With a gentle smile, Jun begins to express his feelings, "Tonight has been incredible, and every moment with you feels like a work of art. From the gallery to this moment under the tree, I wanted to create memories that reflect the beauty and depth of what we have."
He pauses, allowing the words to settle in the air. The love and care he put into planning this anniversary celebration are evident, and you find yourself moved by his sincerity.
"I love you," Jun says, his voice carrying the weight of those three words. "And I look forward to many more moments like these, where we can continue creating our own gallery of memories."
The park, the tree, and the city lights bear witness to this declaration of love. In this quiet corner of the world, you and Jun share a moment that feels timeless, a chapter in the ongoing story of your relationship. “You’ve made this night literally so perfect. Not even just this night, this whole day. I have no idea how I was so lucky to end up with a man like you.” 
As you respond with your own feelings, the night becomes a canvas for the emotions you've shared, and the love you feel for each other deepens beneath the branches of the tree, in this little park that now holds a special place in your hearts.
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tags: @todorokikettlephobia aka Kia aka my love aka my bestie aka my wife aka my pookie aka my bear aka my mate aka my boo aka my boo bear aka my honey bunches of oats aka my favorite sweater aka my favorite flavor aka my dear aka my…
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Synopsis: Théoden survives the battle and gets to meet Faramir, the man who has stolen his niece’s heart.
Word count: 1.8k
Pairings: Faramir/Éowyn
Warnings: Battle mention, drug mention, alcohol mention
Additional tags: Just some cute fluffy crack, I hope this is as wholesome and fun as I intended it to be.
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Théoden could not believe it when he opened his eyes and found himself in a healer’s care. He had survived the battle. Éowyn and Éomer had survived. When Théoden awoke, Sauron had been destroyed and all was well in Middle Earth. The healers, however, seemed to be dancing around something, of that he was sure. It was Éomer, his nephew and heir who finally told him the truth. He would never walk again. When Snowmane, his beloved horse was slain by the fell beast, his legs were crushed by its weight, and while it grieved him greatly, Théoden was glad to be alive, and even gladder after hearing the other news Éomer had brought him.
“Éowyn is in love, uncle,” he said, grinning like an idiot. Théoden sank back against his pillows and stared at the ceiling for a while, smiling. “Éowyn is in love. I never thought I would see the day. Tell me everything, Éomer.” And Éomer did. Faramir was his name, son of Denethor, the late Steward of Gondor. Over tea and cake, the two men discussed it all, until they were interrupted by Éowyn and Meriadoc Brandybuck. “Washerwomen, the both of you!” Éowyn exclaimed, smacking her brother on the shoulder. “I have brought you better company, uncle. My brother is needed elsewhere.” Éowyn kept glaring at a giggling Éomer as they left.
“Master Brandybuck,” Théoden addressed the Hobbit, whom he counted among his dear friends, “you do not happen to know this Faramir, do you?” Merry sat down in the chair next to Théoden’s bed. “I do know him, he and my cousin Pippin are good friends. Although technically he’s Prince Faramir now I suppose. Strider will announce that soon.” “Strider?” he inquired. “You know him, tall fellow, fancy sword, has an army of ghosts-” “Aragorn? The King of Gondor?” “Yes, that one.” Théoden sighed happily. Éowyn was in love. With a prince even. Théoden decided at that very moment that he already loved this Faramir. Even though he had yet to meet him.
As the days passed, the king yearned to leave his bed. Someone had brought him a wheelchair and the king was never short of a volunteer to help him get around. So it happened one day, that Théoden and Éomer encountered Faramir and Éowyn on an afternoon stroll. Éowyn was not stupid, she knew that her brother had orchestrated this chance meeting. Now she had nowhere to run. “Éowyn!” her brother called out to her, “what a lovely surprise to see you. Uncle, I do not believe you have met Faramir yet.” Faramir felt his heart thumping in his chest as he bowed to the King.
“Your grace, it is an honour to meet you,” he offered politely. Théoden smiled warmly at the man, his eyes darting to Faramir’s left arm, to which Éowyn was holding on. “So you are the man who has managed to steal my dear niece’s heart.” “Uncle!” Éowyn exclaimed in shock, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. Faramir felt a feeling of unease in his entire body. This was not going well. “I would never presume to do such a thing, your grace,” he politely replied, trying to appear composed, “I was only so audacious as to take it upon myself to keep the Lady company during your recovery.” “Coward,” Éomer feigned a cough, making Théoden chuckle. “Why don’t we all have some tea in the garden?” the king suggested. Now that he had this elusive Faramir in his grasp, he would not let him go.
“Tell me about yourself, Faramir,” Théoden commanded, “how are you holding up? I was very sorry to hear of your father’s passing. He was a good man.” Faramir froze, holding his teacup in mid-air. Éomer stiffened in his seat and Éowyn failed at subtly rolling her eyes. “Did I say something wrong?” Théoden asked. He was utterly confused at the reaction of his kin. “Lord Denethor was sick, uncle,” Éomer offered an explanation. The King looked over at him, puzzled. “I thought he died during the battle?” Éomer shook his head. “What I meant was-” “My father has not been well for many years,” Faramir said. “The constant threat of Mordor had stirred a fear in his heart. When my brother passed, he became… distant.” “He tried to kill Faramir,” Éowyn proclaimed suddenly, fearing that they would continue to dance around the subject.
“In his defence,” Faramir added, “he believed me to be dead already.” Éowyn sighed. “Faramir, he had wanted you dead for years! He knew you were alive. They told him. He knew.” The King of Rohan found himself speechless. The boy had lost his mother at a very young age, his brother had passed away on the quest to destroy the ring, and his own father had wanted him dead. And still, everyone he asked had told him only the best of the Captain of Gondor. Of his bravery, his chivalry, his sense of humour. He had led the people of Minas Tirith during a time of great uncertainty, from the siege of the city until the return of the rightful king of Gondor. If only one person in all of Middle Earth deserved the love of his niece, it was Faramir.
Théoden enjoyed spending his days in Minas Tirith. He spoke often with the Hobbits, especially his friend Merry, and they smoked many a pipe together. The old king had decided to abdicate. It was time for Éomer to be king, and he accepted humbly, making his uncle promise to lend his counsel, as often as he required it. His niece Éowyn was happier than she had been in many, many years. She visited him often, sitting with him in the garden, or pushing him around the city in his wheelchair. Faramir accompanied her often. His initial nervousness was soon gone. Théoden came to love the boy like he did his niece and nephew, and though Faramir and Éowyn were not even officially courting, Théoden counted him among his family.
Faramir was officially named Prince of Ithilien on the day of Aragorn’s coronation and his wedding to the Lady Arwen of Rivendell. Even though they were still not officially courting, Éowyn stood beside Faramir and not with her brother and uncle. It seemed wrong to Faramir. A lady like Éowyn deserved to be courted properly. To be loved by someone who was not too cowardly to ask her brother - or her uncle - for her hand in marriage. Truthfully, he did not even know who to ask. It came to him after he had indulged in too much ale and even more pipeweed. He did not know, but maybe someone else did!
“Merry,” he turned to the hobbit, whose pipe he was sharing, “if I wanted to marry Éowyn, who would I ask, her uncle or her brother?” Merry looked utterly confused. “Why would you ask Théoden to marry you?” “What? No, I-” Merry started laughing so hard he almost fell over. “Took me a while, sorry. I honestly have no idea. But I know someone who will. Wait here, I will be right back.” Faramir remained in his chair and watched Merry, to his mortification, walk up to Théoden and King Éomer. He could see the exact moment at which they had understood what Merry was referring to. King Théoden slowly raised his hand and beckoned Faramir over to them.
Legolas, who was sitting across the hall whispered something to Aragorn, who, in turn, handed Gimli two gold coins. The elves had all heard the exchange between Merry and Faramir. Even Glorfindel, who was talking to Éowyn about her heroic duel with the Witch-king of Angmar. Time seemed to stand still as Faramir slowly made his way over to Théoden. He would strangle the Hobbit in his sleep! His palms were sweaty and he felt the blood rush in his ears as he sat down in the chair the King of Rohan had dragged over. Between the other two. “So,” Théoden began, “is there anything you want to talk to us about, son?”
Faramir cleared his throat. Éomer and Théoden were both leaning in slightly, fixing their eyes on Faramir’s face. “I wanted to ask if- I could potentially- even though I don’t deserve- ask you,” he turned to Théoden, “or you,” he turned to Éomer, “for the hand of- of the Lady Éowyn.” He looked down at the table, nervously tapping his foot, expecting to be ridiculed or sent away. Éomer laughed and clapped Faramir on the back. Théoden smiled. “You have to ask her yourself, son. But you have my blessing, even though that is irrelevant.” Faramir looked at Éomer expectantly. Would the king give him his blessing? Éomer shrugged. “Ask her.”
It was the next day when Faramir summoned all his courage and made his way to Éowyn’s chambers to collect her for their daily afternoon stroll, his mother’s ring in his pocket. He led her to the place where they had first stood together, looking east, anxiously awaiting news from the battle at the Black Gate. Éowyn wondered at Faramir’s nervousness, scolding him for smoking too much weed the day before. Something Faramir swore to her he would never do again, the effects having clearly affected his judgement. He took her hand in his, putting the other in his pocket to procure the ring.
Éowyn looked as though she might faint when she saw Faramir get down on one knee. “Éowyn, my dearest Lady,” he began. “Yes!” Éowyn exclaimed. “For Eorl’s sake, sister, you need to let him ask first!” Éomer’s voice came from a nearby window. Faramir jumped at the sound of his voice and Éowyn trembled with anger and embarrassment. After a moment, Faramir cleared his throat, preparing to start again. “Éowyn, my dearest Lady, I have known you for many months now, and have loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I do not wish to be parted from you for even one day. Will you marry me?” Éowyn had tears in her eyes as she nodded rapidly. “Yes. Yes!” Faramir slid the ring onto her finger and she pulled him to his feet and into a sweet and passionate kiss, uncaring that Éomer was watching.
Théoden cried at their wedding until Merry pointed out to him that technically, he did not lose a daughter, but gain a son.
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