#again if you want a flag feel free to ask and i do a quick edit :]
rockabillywonder · 1 year
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diversity win! the woman hellbent on ruining the flash's life is queer
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landossnorriss · 2 months
i see you | ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she.
Summary: a new voice appears on the radio to get lando through the end of the hungary race. part 2 here.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: we've taken some liberties on whose allowed on the team radio ok? i'm in mourning. this is also my first time writing for f1 or lando so >.>
the small crackle in his ear was a sure sign that someone was about to patronise him again. for years, for years he had bled for mclaren. he'd turned down calls from horner and the men in red, he'd turned his nose to them every single time and now he finally had a chance to put a closer dent in his gap on the world championship and they just wanted him to give it up. it wasn't fair, oscar couldn't even keep up he was the fastes-
"lan?" the quiet voice that appeared in his ear shocked him, his frown forming in his helmet.
"love? now they're using you to get to me?" he scoffed at the thought, his foot on the throttle a little harder as he made his way around turn 11. fuck the team orders, they couldn't do this to him.
for her part, his girl could feel the guilt eating at her chest. "i think so." she'd wanted to smack will when he had looked at her pleadingly from the garage. "but you tell me right now, if you want this win and i'll fight will for the radio for the rest of the race, i'll be out of here so quick and i'll cut them off, give you the time you need." she offered and lando knew she meant it. his girl was quiet, preferred to stay out of the lime light and would always pick his jolly over the flash cars he had, but when it came down to it she was scrappy.
a small smile appeared on the racers face as he thought about the sight, honestly he hoped she managed to trip will and cause some momentary damage. noting he had gone quiet she let her head drop a little, eyes closing as she tried to imagine was going through his head. "my love...can you look at him in the morning if you don't let him past now?" she asked quietly, ignoring the glares that were surrounding her in the pit wall.
"it's a win baby, i need to prove that i can win on my own after miami and i need...i need those points for the championship."
"so drive, put your throttle down lan, drive and don't stop till the flag if you can live with being that man, but i know you and i love you and i'll love you regardless of what you chose right now but i also know you and this won't be winning on your own merit, this will haunt you my love and he'd do it for you, you know he'd do it for you."
lando paused again, swallowing as he rounded the corner. "you'd love me even if i took the win?"
"even then." and now she was pretty sure will was going to murder her if she ever surrendered this radio, at the very least, andreas was never letting her back in the garage.
"you'll love me more if i give osc the spot back?" he hated how unsure his voice sounded as he asked the question and her heart broke for him over how much she knew he would tare into himself later.
"no lando, my love for you isn't based on what you do in that car, not ever, its the man that comes home to me i care about." chewing on her lip she let her gaze flicker to the monitors. "the pit lane straight is coming up..." the comment hung in the air between them and she watched as it happened, 6 seconds, 5.3 seconds, 4 seconds - lando was letting him past.
"you're my winner lando." she whispered softly into the radio, silently wiping the tear that fell at his act. the look of relief around the pit wall was enough to make her guilt grow even more, at what they had cost lando today, what they had made her do. if they could just get their damn strategies right he wouldn't have been put in this position in the first place, he'd had been free to race as he came out behind oscar but instead she would piece together the pieces they threatened to break again as she took care of him tonight.
"i love you so much." lando urged as he watched oscar fly past him, his heart stopping for a moment before his foot found the throttle again. he didn't want to hear wills voice again, not right now and they could make it through two more laps without his help anyway. "will you stay with me for the rest of the race?" he asked because wins and races could come and go so long as he had her.
her eyes flickered to andreas on the wall from where she knew he was listening, watching as he nodded. "confirmed norris, i'm with you till the end." they didn't say much as he finished his race but she kept the line open with him. if the rest of the world would have something to say about the lovers simply existing together for the next two minutes then let them, she was the only one who saw him sometimes she was sure, the only one who knew what he had just done would be doing to him inside.
the chequered flag came and she checked the screens once more before making the call. "that's p2 baby, p2, you know what to do from here." sliding from her chair she didn't bother to take the head set off as she made her way through the garage and out through the pit lane to where she knew lando would soon be parking. she was easy to spot with the bright yellow merch she wore, forever a lando girl over mclaren and her eyes shiny as she watched her man move to congratulate oscar. it left a bitter taste in her mouth, that the win would be tainted by shitty team orders but she'd get to celebrating with oscar later once she knew her driver was ok.
she continued to chew at her lip as lando removed his helmet, the green eyes she knew so well looking around for her and she let her smile return at the way his shoulder visibly relaxed at the sight of her. lando was slow to move, not wanting to risk any more hate that he already knew he was going to get but there was only one thing he wanted right now. the hands he felt cupping his face, an instant sanctuary for the male. "i see you lan." the soft words that meant more to him than even love would.
leaning forward lando let the gap between them close, his lips find hers softly for a moment. normally she would pull away and scald him, knowing just how many cameras were in this pit lane to capture the moment but he needed her more now than she needed to shrink into the shadows. "i'm so damn proud of you." she whispered against his lips, fingers finding the damp curls at the back of his head and her chest settling now that she could hold him once more.
he'd never been as good with words as she had, always seemingly saying the same thing but he wanted to try, for her. "you mean more to me than all this you know?" he could already hear the people calling his name for media duties and as tempting as it was to just face the fines, grab his girl and vanish, lando knew that it would be better for the team if he saved them face. all the blood he'd lost for them still had to count for something right? taking a final second to lock in her face, lando lent forward for a final singular kiss. "i'll see you in my drivers room." he promised before he stepped away.
with a small nod she moved back, eyes filled with tears once more as he stepped up to take the mike from nico and he demonstrated once more why he was the man she adored. racing could continue to test him all it wanted, but she would be the anchor whilst he weathered any storm for as long as he needed her.
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
My steddie brain rot is going crazy today.
But the trope of Steve going on so many failed dates at the same place. But Eddie is the waiter every time.
He makes snarky remarks, always is quick to supply a lie for Steve to get away from the ones with too many red flags (Eddie slips him a napkin explaining them every time on his way out, and Steve always trusts him), picks Steve’s spirits up when he strikes out yet again, and always slips him free dessert.
After a particularly horrible date - in which the girl shows up an hour late and thirty minutes before they close and proceeds to only talk about her ex the whole time, running out when he sees him pass by - Eddie allows Steve to stay after closing and gives him extra fries and a slice of chocolate cake.
When Steve’s head thuds against the counter, Eddie comments, “Maybe you’re cursed.”
Steve shoots back, “Maybe this place is cursed.”
Eddie is silent for a few moments and leans over the counter he’s cleaning to whisper, “Maybe I’m cursing you.”
Steve laughs and throws a fry at Eddie who yelps and demands he pays for his cake this time. When the laughter dies down, Steve finds himself actually considering a new location for his dates.
“Hey, Eddie, where do you take all your dates?”
Eddie freezes and looks at Steve. He shakes his head and continues wiping off the counter. “All my dates,” he mutters in what sounds like disbelief. Steve can hardly believe it.
“You… you don’t go on dates?” Steve questions.
Eddie shoots him a look and says, “Steve, I don’t know where you got that impression, but I certainly do notttt.” He circles around the counter and begins putting chairs on top of the tables.
“Why not? You’re funny, kind, really creative with your lies, have a steady supply of free cake…” Steve trails off as Eddie laughs. He blurts out, “And you’re not so bad on the eyes either.”
Eddie’s laughter abruptly stops. He slowly approaches Steve and asks, “Steve Harrington, are you saying you find me attractive?”
Steve easily flirts back, “Maybe I am.” And what the hell was that? This isn’t one of his dates.
Eddie’s cheeks turns red and he looks down shaking his head. He replies, “Well, if you’re looking for a new place for a date, I would suggest the diner across the street. So you can come crawling back to me when it fails.”
Steve throws yet another fry at him and exclaims, “Another failed one!”
“You’re right! I won’t be close enough to curse you!”
Steve remains in the diner until Eddie closes up. His stomach hurts from laughing so hard, and he entirely forgets about the failed date. But he comes up with a plan for the next one.
Steve shows up at the diner across the street with low hopes for this date.
Surprisingly enough, she shows up on time and is really funny and beautiful and…
Steve looks out the window trying to catch a flash of big curly hair in the diner across the street.
“Steve?” The girl, Jessie, asks. “You okay? You seem… distracted.”
“Yeah, of course,” he replies shaking the feeling that something is off.
The date goes… really well. And Steve isn’t happy about it. And he doesn’t know why he’s not happy until he finishes his meal and gets the check… with no free dessert.
Eddie is what’s off. The thought hits him suddenly, and Steve doesn’t know what to do. The perfect girl is literally right in front of him, but more than anything he wants to run across the street and see Eddie.
Eddie had cursed him.
“Steve, are you okay?” Jessie asks so kindly, and really she’s perfect. But she’s not Eddie.
“I’m so sorry…” Steve begins.
Jessie cuts him off, “Someone else, right? It’s okay really. I’ve been there, too. Just… go after her.” She smiles sweetly at Steve and squeezes his hand.
Who the fuck is she, and please be attracted to girls so Steve can set her up with Robin.
“Thank you,” Steve says leaving money on the table, he kisses her on the forehead and thanks her again. Then he’s racing out the doors, darting across the street, apologizing to a car that has to slam on the breaks and swerve to not hit him.
He races into the diner, and the bell obnoxiously rings as the door slams open. Luckily, there’s only one couple in the place, and they’re in the process of leaving. Or they were. Eddie dropped their change all over the ground when Steve startled everyone.
Steve helps to scoop up the money, apologizing and awkwardly waving as the couple leaves. When the door closes, Eddie slightly smiles asking, “Another failed date, huh?”
“No actually,” Steve replies.
Eddie’s face drops and his knuckles turn white around the money he’s gripping. “Oh. Well, congratulations,” Eddie says monotonously, shoving the money into the register and slamming it shut. “Unfortunately, we’re closing soon, so I’ll have to usher you out.”
“Leave,” Eddie says, not looking up.
“It didn’t work out!” Steve yells. “It didn’t work out. And it should’ve. Because she was everything. She was perfect. She was everything I wanted.”
“Glad to hear that-”
Steve interrupts, “But it didn’t matter because she wasn’t you!”
Eddie finally looks up at him. “What?”
“The whole time, I was expecting to look up and see you. And when I didn’t I was looking out the window trying to see you across the street and the damn glare wouldn’t let me. And then I was expecting free dessert subconsciously, and it never came!” Steve rambles out running his hands through his hair.
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow as he tilts his head. “You wanted me to be there for… my free dessert?”
Steve groans, “No, Eddie. I wanted you to be there on the other side of the table. I wanted Jessie to be you.”
Eddie stares at him for a few moments and then slowly breaks out into a grin. “So I really did curse you?”
“You did, you asshole,” Steve bites back laughing.
Eddie leans across the counter and says, “So, what if I told you that if I were to go on a date, I would go to Enzo’s? And that I’m free tomorrow night.”
“I would say it’s a date,” Steve says leaning in.
Eddie hesitates and says, “Woah now. A gentleman doesn’t kiss before the first date.”
Steve replies, “Apparently I’m not a gentleman then.”
Eddie meets him in the middle and gently kisses him, breaking it only when he can’t help but smile widely. “You’re going to get me fired.”
“Definitely now that I have an unlimited supply of free cake.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and says, “Which comes directly out of my paycheck.”
“Eddie! You didn’t tell me you were paying for it!”
Eddie smiles. “Sounds like you’re paying for a lot of our dates then.”
Steve comes around the counter and hooks his arms around Eddie’s neck. “Someone’s presumptuous.”
“And that someone needs to close the diner,” Eddie shoots back quickly giving Steve a peck on the cheek.
Steve helps him close up, wondering how it took him so long to see what was right in front of him.
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tommysversion · 2 years
That’s My Girl - [ Joel Miller x Reader 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ ]
Anon requested jealous, possessive Joel with a filthy mouth, so here you are! General CW for spice, unsafe sex, Joel with a filthy mouth, & a slightly red flag possessive streak.
Joel slammed the door behind you, expression mutinously annoyed as he crossed his arms and turned to you.
“What the fuck was that back there?” He demanded.
You had to resist the urge to smirk; if you weren’t so annoyed yourself, you’d feel smug about pissing him off. Joel liked to pretend he didn’t give a rat’s ass about you, but it was obvious that you were more than… whatever he thought you were. A quick fuck. Something casual. There was nothing casual about the way he’d grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of the bar.
“What was what?” You asked sweetly, enjoying the way his eyes darkened.
“You know damn well what.” He glared, “letting that random fucking informant buy you drinks.”
“Maybe I like free booze?” You suggested, innocent. Oh, you knew exactly what you were doing.
“Not enough to let someone like that put their hands on you, surely?”
Your own temper flared. “What’s it to you, Joel? I’m not your goddamn property. Besides, you can’t lecture me on exclusivity when-“
You stopped, still angry, still hurt, by what you had seen. By what had driven you to provoke him, to try and draw out his jealous side in blatant vengeance.
“When what?” He demanded, exasperated. Honestly he had no damn clue what had possibly driven you to act the way you had, flirting with anyone and everyone. You were his, dammit. Nobody else should be able to hold your attention. Nobody else was worthy of it.
You were so angry at the memory, you wanted to cry.
“When I show up at your place looking for you and Tess answers the door wearing your fucking shirt and says you’re busy.” You snapped, glaring at him. “You don’t get to demand I don’t look for attention elsewhere when you’re clearly more than happy to fuck both of us.”
He stared at you. He hadn’t been home at the time, had been at work. He knew which shirt you were referring to, though. It was an old one he’d given her on a laundry day, almost a year ago.
“That… is not what’s happening here.” He said flatly.
“No? You think I’m stupid?” You demanded. Honestly if he wasn’t so worried about fixing this, wasn’t so pissed about you letting that fucking rat touch you, he’d almost find this funny.
“I haven’t been with Tess like that for… Fuck, almost five years.” He shook his head, “that shirt was too small for me, I handed it down on a laundry day when she had nothing clean. And I was at work, by the way.”
You cut your building tirade, mouth open but nothing coming out, feeling monumentally stupid.
“Oh.” You manage, knowing full well how lame you sound.
“Yeah, oh.” He frowned at you, “you know better than to let her rile you up.”
He was already making a note of talking to Tess, though. He’d have a few choice words for her, that was for damn sure. But that wasn’t his focus.
“Now we’ve cleared that up, you wanna tell me again why you were getting so cosy with our good friend the local rat, there?” He backed you right up against the wall, one arm on either side of you, effectively trapping you there.
“I-“ You had absolutely no good answer for him.
“I’m gonna take a guess,” he suggested, “that you thought it would be a good idea to piss me off, by acting like a complete slut.”
“No, I-“
“No? You weren’t? Cause that’s not what it looked like to me, baby.”
You could feel the heat coming from him; in a very short sentence: you’d fucked up. Big time.
“I just-“
“I don’t care what your damn reason was, honestly. But I have a suggestion for you.” He was leaning in close now, mouth so close to yours. You leaned in, wanting so badly to kiss him. He turned his head at the last minute.
“You want to put that mouth to use? Get on your knees and show me.”
Fuck, he was mad. You were only starting to realise just how far you’d pushed him now, but there was no going back, and no hiding the thrill you were getting from it as you dropped to your knees to obey him, hands going to his belt.
“Not making a case for yourself here, are you darlin’?” There was a sort of wry amusement to his voice as you unzipped his jeans, wrapped your hand around his already hard length.
He kept one hand on the wall, the other reaching down to stroke your hair.
“Be a good girl now and I might be less mad.”
You looked up at him, staring into those depthless dark eyes, as you leaned in to lick a slow stripe along his cock, watching his reaction before you took him into your mouth. You didn’t hold back, sucking him eagerly.
“This what you were gonna do to that other bastard? Or am I special?” He was taunting you, he knew deep down you’d never have let anyone else touch you, but fuck, he was angry about it. You were his. His. Nobody else got to touch you. Even thinking about it made him see red.
You, of course, couldn’t answer, mouth otherwise occupied as he started to thrust shallowly into your throat. He groaned softly when you sucked him, swallowing around him. He knew exactly what you were doing, pulled out of your mouth and tapped you sharply on the lips with his cock.
“Not yet. Get up.”
You got up, a little shaky, only to find yourself pinned against the wall, your dress being pushed up around your hips.
“Tell me, is this what you’d let anyone else do to you?”
“N-no,” you admitted, voice shaking with a little fear, a lot of desire.
“No? Are you sure?” His lips grazed your throat, teeth nipping the skin.
“I’m sure…” you were absolutely soaked; you could feel your own wetness drenching your panties as he dragged them aside, wrapped your leg around his waist.
“Good.” He almost growled it, “you’re mine.”
He slid into you in a single, deep, rough thrust, drawing a cry of surprised pleasure from your lips.
“I don’t give a damn if you want to be a whore, as long as it’s only for me.” He kept one hand wrapped around you to steady you, keeping you braced against the wall with his other hand as he fucked you, harder and faster with each deep thrust.
“Fuck-“ you whimpered, tightening your leg around his waist, bringing him in deeper.
“None of that.” He slapped your ass sharply, “talk to me, baby, use your words. Tell me who you belong to.”
He was barely thinking straight himself, driven by a deep and primal feeling of jealousy, rage, and possessiveness. You brought out the best in him, but that was a double edged sword. You could also bring out the worst, when needed.
Luckily, you understood, knew how to play him.
“You, Joel,” you cried out as he hit your sweet spot, again and again, “I’m yours, I promise!”
Your cries faded into incoherence, loud and desperate sounds of pleasure as he brought you closer and closer, finally reaching the apex of your pleasure, tightening around him, soaking every inch of him that was buried inside you.
“That’s goddamn right,” he agreed, pressing a searing kiss to your mouth, “you’re all mine, darlin’, don’t ever forget that.”
He could feel his own pace start to get erratic as he drew closer and closer to his own release, incoherent growls and groans falling from his lips.
“Fuck, darlin’, you feel so fuckin’ good, prettiest damn pussy I ever felt, gonna fill you up so good…” he punctuated each word with a sharp snap of his hips, “gonna make you forget anyone else you ever had… fuck…”
He couldn’t control it any longer, feeling himself throb and ache inside you as he filled you with his release; usually he was so careful about pulling out of you, but well… accidents happen. And if that accident so happened to keep you around and with him? All the better for it.
“Mine, darling. You’re all mine.” He murmured into your ear, holding you close.
You sighed, kissed his throat.
“I’m sorry…” you admitted; you’d pushed him too far, and you knew it.
He gave you a small smirk. “Don’t be sorry, baby. You more than made up for it.” He paused, and then, “just don’t do that shit again.”
You smiled back, rested your forehead against his.
“I won’t. Promise.”
He kissed your lips gently. “That’s my girl.”
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imthegayone · 1 year
The Goliath
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Summary: Roller coasters were never your favorite but when your girlfriend wants you to ride one, how can you say no?
Warnings: mentions of anxiety of riding roller coaster, passing out on a roller coaster, and not the best writing
Author's Notes: I'm very new to writing, but @wol-fica asked for this and tho someone said they had it covered I wanted to give it a try :) I've also never been on the Goliath but I looked up a video and its a hard no for me. But I hope you enjoy and I hope your next cup of hot coco is exacty how you like it 🩵
(p.s. I'm also kinda new to crushing on Jenna so if she's a bit ooc I'm sorry)
Word Count: 892
When you suggested a trip to Six Flags with Jenna and her sisters, you imagined odd food and maybe a ride on the Wave Swinger. Not a ride that was so tall it struck fear into you the second you laid eyes on it. The Goliath, the name alone made you wanna speed walk in the other direction. Towards the food stand with tables to share a huge plate of funnel cakes with your loving girlfriend. 
The same loving girlfriend that was leading you to the long line of people waiting to experience the thrill of having their hearts jump into their throats. Maybe you were being a little dramatic but the impending doom you felt as you listened to the people scream at the steep drop overpowered any other thought. You were terrified, but the clear excitement Jenna was feeling made you believe that you could be brave enough for her. 
However, as the line shortened and the ride grew taller, you began to question why you agreed to risk your life. “Thank you, I know rides aren’t your favorite.” Jenna whispered as she leaned closer to you so no one else could hear. She knew that you were only doing this to make her happy and the way she looked up at you made you realize just how much you’d to achieve just that. 
“I just hope your sisters don’t realize how sweating my palms are.” You whispered back earning a chuckle as you wiped your hands down your pants for the 100th time. The feeling of her hand slipping into yours brought your attention away from the ride and back to her. A smile making its way across her face that made your heart quicken from something other than fear. 
The moment was broken as the teenager controlling the ride motion for your group to get on. You were feeling confident as love for your girlfriend surged through you but as the safety bar lowered to your chest all confidence you gained disappeared. Jenna grabbed your hand again, gaining a scared but grateful smile from you. 
Creaking as the cart started its journey on the track to the steep incline and your quickened heartbeat was all you could hear. The desperate prayer that the torturous wait would be quick was never answered. The slow trek up the incline felt like hours, the suspense making you nauseous. 
Reaching the peak you closed your eyes tight, the grip on Jenna’s hand turning ironclad. “Oh, fuck.”. 
Your hands were still shaking as you entered your shared apartment. Your feet mindlessly taking you towards the couch. As you plop down onto the cushions you think you hear the sound of the kettle being put on the stove and cabinets being opened but think nothing of it. 
After a few minutes of staring blankly at the wall you see Jenna enter the living room with two mugs in hand and a hesitant smile. “Hi baby, I made you some hot chocolate.” Placing the mug into your hands she gives you a kiss on your forehead and settles in next to you. You take a sip of your drink, the warmth of her and the chocolate grounding you. 
“Thanks, J.” You sent a smile her way as her free hand played with the baby hairs at the back of your neck. All of the sudden the memories of the last hour come rushing back making you groan. 
“Do you think Aliyah will post that video of me.. passing out?” Jenna chuckles but it dies as she sees you frowning. “She won’t.” The reassurance falls flat as she tries to hide her growing smile as your checks redden. “Oh my god she will!” You place your mug down on the coffee table and cover your face with your hands even more embarrassed than the moment it happened. 
The laugh she was trying to cover up bubbled out as she gently grasped your wrist pulling your hands away. “Baby please, it’s gonna be okay, I promise.” You knew there was more by the look in her eyes. You were gonna kill Aliyah, or at least beg Natalie to give you some embarrassing baby pictures of her in revenge. 
“She might've already put it on her story, only on close friends though.” 
“Oh god. I’m never living this down am I?” The responding laugh was enough to know you were doomed to have that video haunt you for the rest of your life. 
“Look at it this way, now you're truly part of the family. We all have some embarrassing things over each other. You saw the post my mom made when she learned I smoked.” That pulled a chuckle from you, remembering just how embarrassed Jenna was when she read it. She swore she wasn’t leaving the house ever again. 
“See I made it through so everythings gonna be okay!” Jenna says with a smile, pulling you into her until your head is resting on her chest and your body lays between her legs. Your hand slips under her shirt to feel even more of her comforting warmth against you. A hum escapes you both when she wraps her arms around your shoulder and kisses the top of your head. 
“Thank you for trying the ride for me Y/n, even though the Goliath took you out.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
okay so I just read the blurb about cannibal and reader going north to avoid family drama and that got me thinking !!
what if reader went to dorne and arrived at sunspear during the name day celebration of qoren martell eldest daughter (who is also the heir to dorne) and reader is invited to dine with the martell as a special guest.
the martell's have a lot of questions for her. here are a quotes I came up with from the dinner conversations:
a martel prince - "so which colour do you bare in this brewing war. black or green?"
reader - "neither, my loyality is to myself and my dragon. the highborns can do as they please, but I will not allow myself and my dragon to be turned into pawns so incestious maniacs can war over an ugly-looking metal chair and matching hat"
qoren martell - "there must be somthing special about your blood, as it is not everyday that someone who is not a targaryen claims a dragon."
reader - "there is not much special prince qoren, if you were to cut me now and smear my blood next to another hundred common borns I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to tell the difference."
and then the eldest daughter (who is clearly into reader) asks to ride cannibal and begs her parents to let her (they reluctantly agree) but reader needs a bit more convincing.
heir princess of dorne - "I am not scared"
reader - "it is not a question of being scared or not. it is the question of if cannibal will eat you or not."
okay now stay with me on this what is reader rubs her sent (like an item of her clothing) on the princess to decrease the chances of cannibal eating her. and the two go for a flight and end up kissing which cannibal isn't to happy with. and the two girls def end up becoming a lot more than just friends. heheh hope you like this idea feel free to ignore it if it's shit <3
I hope this was alright for you, sweetheart. Sorry if it seems a little clunky in some places.
I love the idea that people have heard news of reader being a non-Valyrian who claimed the wildest of all dragons, and are just naturally curious as to what makes them unique for Cannibal to finally yield and take up a rider.
It’s a mystery that no one will ever know, not even reader cuz they’re probably just as confused about that. However it isn’t something that you want to delve in deeper because you were well aware that many houses, both big and small, had their eyes on you and were anxious.
Houses such as Bracken, Blackwood, Celtigar, Tully, lannisters, Baratheon’s, Starks, Greyjoy, Aryn etc. The realm holds its breath whenever you pass by on Cannibal, halting all forms of conflict as you soared above them unbothered. You just wanted to be left alone and you could feel that Cannibal felt similar.
You knew from stories that to doubt your bond with a dragon was dangerous but your bond with cannibal was forged out of your common desire, to be able to be free to live how you felt fit, free of the personal agendas of the highborn.
So when you arrived at Dorne, you were easily spotted by the royal family and were greeted in kind as a guest on the behest of the princess of Dorne herself, who was quick to cling onto your arm and smile as you spoke while Cannibal watched on, tired of yet another person filling to hide their seemingly immediate infatuation with you. He only hopes that you were asked for your hand…again.
So once you arrived to dinner, the questions were quick to spill and you answered them in quick succession.
‘The throne is rather ugly, I see no reason to fight over it when I’d rather have it burned.’ You told them as you sipped from your goblet, trying to not be affected by the way that the Dornish princess was rubbing the back of your hand softly, sweetly. ‘Besides people have already forgotten the cause of this war and are too fickle to remember as they’re too eager in spilling blood.’ You add.
Qoren Martel, with wise eyes, leaned forward. ‘You are a nomad? You fly no flag for either cause?’
‘No.’ You tell her.
‘Why? Were their offers not sufficient for you? Did gold and glory not arise any temptation within you?’ Qorne pressed as a silence befell the table as you felt the eyes of the princess and prince on you, but you were far too use to the questions being asked as they were the same you’ve heard from the likes of Alicent, Otto, Rhaenyra and Daemon.
You were the wild card they didn’t see nor expect and now we’re trying to quell you and Cannibal before the war reached a point where Dragons were brought into it. You were Cannibal’s counterpart in human skin as he was yours in dragon scales, you two were a force to be reckoned with and you had yet to engage in combat.
‘The thoughts of riches and glory and power is enough to tempt even the strongest man in Westeros, I however value things that go beyond such.’ You told her.
‘And what is that?’ Qorne inquired, raising her brow, curiosity taking over her as it did Dornish prince beside her as he too leant in close to her your words.
‘To find peace, to be left alone and out of the minds of every person in the realm. There was a reason cannibal never left his cave and yet, he came out for me and now he will not know rest because of me, and I want him to find rest be it with or without me.’ You tell her as you thought about how tired Cannibal had become during your journey, you could feel the ache of his bones as though it were you who were tired, you loved Cannibal and respected him immensely but you didn’t wish to have him suffer for the greed of others.
From a distance Cannibal lets out a groan, as though feeling your emotions through your bond to let you know that he made his choice in his rider, and that he did not liked his choice to be one of contention if his rider is feeling strongly about his wellbeing. For he was a dragon of old Valyria and could handle more than what was given to him now.
Stubborn old fool. You thought to yourself.
I heard you little one. You then heard cannibal speak in your mind, his voice a low timbre that could be felt within your chest, through your bones and more. You weren’t certain if Aemond, Aegon, daemon or the others could heard the voices of their dragons within their one head, or if you were the only one who had achieved such a thing; Either way it was just another thing that made you feel even more alone.
‘You put the realm at risk for the sake of your dragon?’ The Dornish prince asked as though the thought befuddled him.
‘It is not I who will torch Westeros.’ You reminded him, ‘it’s the Targaryen’s that are currently infighting right now who will, in merely a commoner who just so happened to be favoured by a god.’
‘A god? You consider your dragon on equal footing with the gods?’ The princess next to you asked eagerly as she gripped your hand.
‘Shouldn’t we all?’ You rhetorically replied before carrying on. ‘The Targaryens have fooled themselves into thinking their superior due to their control over them, a fallacy I call it, but if you take away their control. So who’s to say that they can’t be cut down like any other man regardless of social status.’ You looked into Qoren Martel’s eyes when you say this as a look of understanding passes over her face.
‘Can I ride with you on Cannibal?’ The princess asked suddenly and you almost chocked on your drink as Qorne was quick to voice her displeasure at her daughter’s brashness.
‘Of course you cannot.’ She barked, ‘that beast will seat no other than his rider.’ She then looks over to you, ‘am I correct in that assumption?’
‘Of course!’ You replied quickly as you aided in her attempts to prevent the princess from doing anything reckless. ‘Cannibal will not permit anyone other than me to ride upon his back, he’s…’ you paused as you looked behind yourself to see Cannibal reach up and feast upon a flock of birds passing by, ‘…well he’s as the legend of old speak of.’
The princess didn’t seem pleased with your answer as she stared you down. ‘I can handle it.’
You and Qorne Martel shared a look across the table that spoke of exhaustion that felt as though lasted for hours on end until it was broken by a sigh. ‘Fine you may fly with our guest on Cannibal but on one condition.’
‘Anything mother.’ The princess said, back straightened.
‘Come right back.’ Qorne said with finality as the princess was quick to grab you by the arm and drag you towards cannibal but before she was about to mount him, you pull her back and she looked at you with furrowed brows. ‘Why did you stop me?’
You didn’t speak a word but rip a piece of your clothing from your person and began rubbing it on the princess wrists, neck, cheeks and arms. ‘Protecting you.’ You said afterwards, letting go of her arm as she quickly mounted cannibal who gave you a look before you mounted him.
‘Hold on tight princess.’ You whispered in the beautiful woman’s ear as you reached past her and patted Cannibal twice before gripping the princess by her waist, pulling her close to your front as you took off to the skies above.
Cannibal wasn’t at the least impressed, and was even made more so when he looked behind to see that the princess had your face held between her hands as she leant in for a kiss. You didn’t make any moves to stop her as you indulged yourself in her sweet lips, heavenly and intoxicating as she was as you closed your eyes. Who’d knew kissing in the sky would be as romantic as you initially thought?
Cannibal only huffed as he continued to fly onward, he’ll let you have this one moment, you’ve been more then deserving of it for what the realm has put you both through.
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thevoidisback · 9 months
Let me be clear for ya'll out there real quick cuz ya'll need to know smh about me
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will do
Asked questions
Rp so put /rp in your ask
QnA any time make sure to put *📝* in there
Smh funny to put a smile on you!
will NOT do
Nsfw 🔞
Proshipping bc that's just wrong
Not talk about my irl self do to insecurity so that will be a red flag
Don't force me to do things I don't like
I will delete your ask if I don't like it
I'll redesign your oc if you pay $10 on cash app so DM me for that because I ain't gonna do it for free!
Please do respect my opinions on what I tell you on my thoughts of your ask because if you don't like then leave
Don't ask for a face reveal it's uncomfortable...same for the age I don't feel comfortable with telling
Don't try any dumbass shit and I mean that literally
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About Narrator!
She is literally my self prisona of me so of course she has adhd and autism and will probably procrastinate some times because that's how I am most likely....Womp womp I know it sounds lazy of me but bare with me here
I do love candy and chocolate! Personality I enjoy red velvet cupcakes because it's just chocolate dyed red lmao
I do some voice acting for Narrator w/ my irl friends and she honestly loves it because N.V aka Narrator void or just Narrator is actually a UK oc although in irl I was born in Louisiana then move to New Boston so Narrator has a British voice so remember that when she answers your questions
Narrator has control over Void and Silly void but she doesn't really bothers because she wants them to enjoy their void lives however they please
Do remember I have other oc's but I don't pay attention to them unless you ask who are they and I'll show you all of them!
Remember if you have any sad or just feeling down DM because I am a very caring person who will listen but if you want I can do my best to comfort you in any way
I do not have discord no more because I've done a lot of unresponsible things and got in trouble twice bc I let somebody "rp" with me and I fell for two different people and now I'm very uncomfortable that I let it happen without realizing it so I will never again plan to reinstall discord very sorry but not really
I'm very mature so I can handle g0r3, d3∆th, b1o0d, s3lf h∆rm, all that weird or crazy shit but I don't really support any of this type of act in irl so don't do it for content just go to a therapist about it now if it's nsfw or something else I can handle it but I still don't support actually doing it because there are kids on some social platforms plus the nsfw thing is just apart of humanity we can't control the internet so remember that
I dislike Gen Alpha kids it's just I personally think they are annoying af and hard to talk to without having to hear them say/text "skipitbi Gaytt rizz" type shit so you will be blocked immediately by me without no hesitation and if you don't understand why is because I'm a Gen Z girl because I was born in the 2000's when growing up so I'm some what brain rotten but not completely so remember that please and thank you!
I have a lot of different types of music I like listening to as in some: silly, random edit audio TikTok songs, Phonk songs, songs that just hit different, meme related songs, jazz/lofi because it helps me sleep at nights, Fnf songs- just a lot to keep up with
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What fandoms I like?
I'll gladly tell ya!!
Fundamental paper education school
Poppy play time!
Pressure (roblox)
Doors (roblox)
Block tales (roblox)
Gacha life/ Gacha club
Sky children of the light
Cult of the lamb (just because of that damn black ram they are just too cute don't blame me!!)
Hellva boss and Hazbin hotel
Dandy's world (cuz I keep seeing this shit everywhere and yes I've seen the game play but I didn't play it myself so stfu!)
Phighting (yes I'm very much aware of this game on roblox and yes I gave it a try with my friend it was fun and I like it wish my computer didn't crash on it womp womp!)
Cookie run kingdom
Friday night funky
Five nights at Freddy
More coming soon if I fine fandoms I like any time soon
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Who I am close with?
-> @out-of-nowhere231 <-
((she doesn't post much but I suggest you look her up...she doesn't have any asked questions also the same do and don't do apply to her as well))
That's who I fully trust online sorry @babyevenfromgovacation but idk 'bout you nothing personal just don't fully trust you is all...
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Thank you for reading all this! I had to rethink about everything but I do still love ya'll even though I don't know ya'll but stay cool!
Side note: I don't give a fuck how old you are just be honest with me and if your uncomfortable with it then I understand but still just let me know thank you!
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This User loves Halloween!
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I don't have TikTok because of the dark truth about it so sorry if ya followed me there and yes I do still have roblox but I suggest you just follow my user that way if I'm online you can join faster with me and my friends
Roblox user: Moaldr1278
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 3
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Warning: Angst, mild language
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
"He's coming?" Your friend Jessie asked, practically letting her jaw drop to the floor as she adjusted her cowboy hat in the mirror.
"Shh." You put a finger to your lips and pulled on a pair of black spandex for your cat costume. "I don't want to tell Winnie or Chris." You knew they would give you a hard time, but Jessie was a little more open minded.
"Okay, okay." She pretended to zip her lip. "I won't say anything."
"Thank you." You tossed on a black shirt with lacy sleeves before grabbing the cat mask. After Jessie checked herself out once more in the bathroom mirror, you reached for your keys. "Let's boogie," you whispered.
The ride over was focused on Joel talk, and you didn't particularly mind. You were kind of itching to talk about him.
"Are you into him?" Jessie asked.
You weren't a good liar so you were honest, despite the potential backlash. After that motorcycle ride it was like a switch had been flipped inside of you.
"Yeah. I mean, I think so."
"Wow." She giggled, "It's so.. random. Not judging. I just.. wow. Why?"
"Why?" You shrugged as you drove. "He gave me a ride on his motorcycle earlier and-"
"Wait, what?" She grabbed your forearm without even realizing it.
You laughed. "We rode around town and then he drove me back to pick up my car at the junkyard. That's why I was so late getting home."
"How old is he?"
"I'm not sure."
"He's a least ten years older than us. Probably more."
You shrugged again. "I'm just feeling things out. I really just want him to have a friend." You turned to look at Jessie for a quick second. "Ya know?"
"Oh, I know." She chuckled. "A friend with benefits."
You laughed and swatted at her. "Cut it out."
"Just let me know what color bridesmaid dress I should wear."
You rolled your eyes with a grin and the two of you had another laugh.
The sign for the tavern came into view by the road side and you pulled into the parking lot, allowing your car to merge in with all the others. You both reached for your purses in the back seat and then headed toward the door that led inside.
On your walk up you heard someone call out your name and turned to see the man in the plastic scarecrow mask. Joel. Seeing him there alleviated any anxiety that lingered on the chance of him not showing up. He *had* showed up, and you knew how big of a step that was for him.
"Hey!" You greeted him with a hug and he partially lifted the mask as your roommate began to introduce herself. A moment later, the three of you were walking inside, welcomed by the beat of the old time seasonal song, Midnight Monsters Hop.
"I'm gunna go get a drink," Chrissy shouted, using her thumb to motion toward the bar that was overflowing with ghouls, ghosts and everything in between.
"Okay." You gave a thumbs up and looked to Joel. "Want a drink?"
He nodded, "Yeah, sure."
You reached back behind you for his hand and felt that similar electricity from before when he took it.
Up at the bar you flagged down the bartender.
"I'll do a vodka soda and.."
"A Bud Lite," Joel added, reaching into his wallet. Like his habit at the coffee shop, he paid with cash despite your attempts to try to pay for the round.
You looked at one another and without saying a word, you tapped your glasses together and then took a sip from your drinks. Joel hesitantly lifted his mask partway. You felt so bad for his inability to be free.
When another old Halloween song came on by The Dead Kennedys, you pulled Joel with you into a crowd of people who had begun to dance along to the rock music.
The beat was fast and upbeat. Without thinking you shoved Joel playfully with a grin with one hand to his chest and then closed the gap again and began to dance right next to him.
A moment later he was following your lead. He was having fun. You were having fun. The dim lighting in the bar was intersected by strobes of oranges, greens and purples, highlighting your every move.
When Joel really began to relax you could see it in his body language. He was dancing around, grabbing your hand to twirl you and being less cautious about lifting his mask to take a sip from his beer.
The rock music never seemed to let up. You needed a break from dancing as sweat began to make your face glisten. You eyed an old photobooth in the back corner of the bar and reached for Joel's free hand again, towing him with you.
When you pushed your way through a pale, white curtain you pulled him down into a seated position beside you and inserted a five dollar bill into the money slot beneath the camera screen.
With the first 3-2-1 countdown on the screen, you both kept your masks on and you stuck out your tongue. For the second photo, Joel lifted his mask so it sat on the top of his head and he managed a half smile. For picture number three, Jessie came out of nowhere, leaping into the booth for a photobomb and then exiting just as quickly.
You were laughing. Joel was laughing. You were both genuinely enjoying the night. Seconds later, the pictures developed and you took a copy while handing one over to Joel.
He kept his mask up as you pulled him back out into the bar where you resumed dancing. The energy was fiery. You loved every minute of it. More so, you loved seeing Joel at ease and having fun. Prior to recently you had never even seen him smile.
That night, in the freaky, flashing strobe lights, things felt perfect - as perfect as they had felt on the back of Joel's bike a few hours earlier. You knew this was manifesting into one of those nights - the type of night you looked back on that was on the border of magical, at least the type of magical that existed in real life.
It was everything. The music, the lighting, the look on Joel's face as his eyes found yours and never left. You were two giddy children that night and it felt so damn good. Never in a million years did you think you'd be able to get him out of his shell.
A break in the song left the two of you breathing heavy with smiles.
"Want another drink?" He shouted.
"Sure." You smiled, and a ringing stuck in your ears with the brief absence of loud music. The next song quickly picked up and Joel smiled, squeezed your hand and then made his way through the crowd.
"Another round, please," you heard him order.
Your eyes were on him as he stood there by the bar. You still smiled. He was contagious; perhaps the definition of a diamond in the rough. Joel Miller was.. dreamy.
"Hey killer." A voice interrupted your temporary euphoria. It wasn't directed at you. It was directed at Joel. Your daydream was suddenly interrupted when you saw a man approach him as he waited for your drinks. "You're in here dancing and having a good time. Where's Johnny? Hmm?" The guy shoved him now and you ran to Joel's defense.
"Enough!" The bartender scolded but the guy went on.
"You kill a local legend and you think you can just move on?" The guy shouted.
"Stop!" You intervened, standing with Joel as others began to turn in your direction.
"Oh, you even got a girl, that's great," mocked the stranger. "You know what Johnny's girl does on and off every week? She cries. Because you killed him!"
Joel tossed a twenty on the bar, left the drinks and stormed out of the establishment. You chased after him, bursting outside and shouted his name when a car whizzed by and almost hit him on the Main Street road.
"Joel!" You shouted and hurried the rest of the way to him. "Joel, stop!"
"I can't do this!" He shouted, "You just don't get it!"
"I know." You shook your head. "Joel, I'm sorry."
"I'm not your little fucking project," Joel went on.
"I know that, Joel." You shook your head, feeling the first sting of tears in your eyes. "I just.. I like you. I was having fun with you."
"I don't belong here. Not in this town. Not anymore! Nothing is going to change that."
"It's not fair," you went on, "I know-"
"You don't know anything!" He waved his hands wildly to the sides. "You don't know how I feel every single day."
"I know I don't," you agreed, "But I want to be here for you. I want to help you. Be your friend."
"What and relive this shit show of a night almost daily with me?" He made a face and shook his head.
"This night hasn't been a shit show," you argued. "Up until two seconds ago this was one of the enjoyable nights I can remember. It started back at the junk yard and on the bike-"
"Well, I'm glad I could give you a thrill ride," Joel said in a snarky fashion that cut you a little deep.
"Joel.." you shook your head. "I enjoy your company." You extended both of your arms in his direction with your palms up.
He looked at them but distanced himself further back a few steps. "Just.. go back to your normal life and stay away from me."
He scoffed turned away from you, storming off into the darkness as you still held your arms out in front of you. Despite having just formally met him, a single tear left each of your eyes.
"Joel!" You called. "Joel, please.."
He didn't turn back around. It broke off a piece of your heart when he disappeared around the corner of the building without so much as looking back.
@untamedheart81 @amy172
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animehideout · 10 months
heyyy so for whenever you open your requests again, could you do the green/red flag thing for Sugawara, Yamaguchi, Hinata and Tsukishima? I really liked it alot... but feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write it! Have a nice dayyy 🩵🩵🩵
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Haikyuu Boys Green / Red Flags ( IMO) part 3
Characters: Sugawara/ Tsukki / Hinata / Yamaguchi.
A/N : @flowerjun 🩷 , thank you so much for requesting, and I'm glad you enjoyed the other parts, I hope you enjoy this part as well. Have a nice day / night 💝💝💝💝💝
Sugawara Koushi:
okay this man right here is a walking green flag 🥹, i luv him.
Green Flags 💚:
• Very mature, works hard for your future together.
• Very good at connecting with you and your energy.
• Responsible, takes a good care of you and everything concerning you.
• You have an exam? he'll help you study.
• You have an essay? he'll write it for you.
• Very considerate: you're his priority.
• Good at communicating, and solving conflicts.
• Healthy environment and healthy discussion whenever you argue.
• Very gentle and asks for consent.
• Stops whenever he feels that you're uncomfortable, even if sometimes you're not.
Red Flags ❤️:
• Most of the time he puts others before him 😭🥹.
• Not willing to take risks, no matter how hard you reassure him.
• Hesitant at first to try new things in your relationship ( you know what I'm talking abt).
• Very paranoid.
Tsukishima Kei:
Green Flags 💚:
• Very smart.
• Knows how to deal with situations concerning your relationship
• Attentive.
• He observes the progress of your relationship.
• Doesn't let anyone disrespect you or bully you.
Red Flags ❤️:
• Overly critical, ends up hurting your feelings.
• Emotionally distant most of the time.
• Expresses his love through passive acts of service.
• Not very intimate vocally or physically.
• Sarcastic and can take it too far.
Hinata Shoyo:
Green Flags 💚:
• Very supportive.
• Encourages you when it comes to your goals and dreams.
• Pushes you forward.
• Wouldn't let you give up.
• Cheerful.
• Brings positive energy and joy to your relationship.
• His laugh wipes your sadness/ stress away.
• Very loyal.
• Makes your relationship exciting.
• Very determined.
Red Flags ❤️:
• Impulsive.
• Takes quick decision without second thoughts.
• Brings unnecessary competition everytime (considers everything as competition)
• Doesn't know the term « personal space »
• Sometimes pushes you too hard to achieve something or get something done.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Green Flags 💚:
• Kind and sweet.
• Spoils you with gifts especially food.
• Expect cute nicknames.
• 100% loyal, has eyes only for you.
• Very understanding.
• Listens to you talk for hours without getting bored.
• Speaks softly to you even when arguing.
Red Flags ❤️:
• Overly sensitive, lets sadness/ anger take over him.
• Low self-esteem / lack of confidence when it comes to taking decision about your relationship.
• Simps for tsukki .. jk.
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rememberwren · 3 months
Okay, broke out the laptop to scream in your ear about some things I thought were really special about Skin Deep.
First of all, Simon's characterization. GODDAMN. Like you really know how to write him, how he goes more quiet and brisk the more nervous he is. So, so sexy, the way that Reader doesn't pick up on his vague cues that he likes her, but we alllll know what's happening. Nervous Ghost and don't-care Ghost are so similar, but you managed to convey the tiny details that made it thrilling to read.
The way you wrote him raising and lowering his mask was hot af. I could picture it every time, his little hidey place to help him feel less exposed to the hot girl looking at him with those eyes.
The descriptions of him being efficient and good at what he does -- SWOON. Big man with confident fingers make brain go BRRRRR
The subtle green flags throughout were just lovely. Watching her safely to her car. The way he abandons his usual silence to give her a bunch of info when she's nervous over text. The breaks, the modesty towels. Funny how it's so much more tempting to uncover yourself for someone who helps you stay covered. You just get it, Wren. You just get the nuance of attraction, and it shows.
When he insisted on that break, I KNEW. I LOVE guys jerking off in fics, you know why? Cause that shows they're not coercive. They fully understand that their sexual desire is their own job to manage, and it's just a thing they take care of because we're all adults here. HOT HOT HOT.
The attention to hygiene/contraception was super hot going hand-in-hand with grungy, cigarette loving Simon.
LOVED the part where Reader was trying to entice him to touch, and he wasn't understanding what she meant. That was so cute and funny.
Nipple play, ofc. Surprisingly rare in fics without lactation kink. Extra special to me.
He takes one of your thighs and wedges it between his own, until you’re no longer grinding against his cock but instead his denim-clad thigh. “You the kind of girl who can cum like this? Just from this?” 
This made me stop and paste it in a note for my review, because WOW. I've never read anything like that before. *I'm* not someone who can enjoy that particular position, so every time it comes up in a fic it takes me out of immersion and my thumb is braced to scroll to something farther down that I can relate to. But for some reason, him just being aware of different styles of anatomy and knowing to ask that, allowed me to stay in it.
Three fingers!!! Again, so RARE but (imo) so considerate when writing massive dudes. *I* don't write three fingers very often, because I feel like there's this stigma about it, that no one else shares my feelings that it's actually a helpful option ahead of sex with like a 6'4" dude. So seeing you write it was like... wow. I'm being a lil bitch about this, I should just write what I fucking want, look at Wren, she's doing it.
“Alright,” he laughs, pulling his fingers free and wiping the wetness on his cock. “No need to beg.” 
No need to beg?!? TEARS OF JOY -- this is just so much hotter than the ick I get when they do make Reader (me) beg. Just the zero-pressure interactions here were gorgeous.
The realism of him pushing past the limitations Reader thought she had of her own body was extra special.
The position keeps the penetration blissfully shallow (otherwise he might give your cervix a painful beating)
*pounding my fists on the table* YES YES YES when you're with big dudes, you learn real quick which positions are the best (shallow!!)
His zero-pressure approach to her pleasure, specifically when she says she can't finish a second time and he's just like, “If you can’t, then don’t,” GGHGHDSIODFDOS HOTTTTTT "if it happens it happens, but I'm just going to keep touching you like this for as long as I feel like, okay?" PINNACLE SMUT for me. Elite of the elite.
“Not sure I want you to cum now,” he says. “Hold it. I’m thinking it over.” 
I had to go back and read this like four times because I didn't grasp at first that he was joking. I was just like, "Oh, okay, already doing orgasm control, hmm okay." And then was so confused right after hahahahaha
Aww the asking her out right after fucking is so good and sweet, and a wonderful way to cement his character in everyone's minds.
Just WOW. I'll be coming back for rereads of this.
This ask was such a treasure, YOU are such a treasure. You need to be put inside a safe, a lockbox, behind a tripwire or SOMETHING. I could not find you more endearing right now. Thank you for seeing nuance in this when I felt like there wasn't any. You're an incredible writer and it shows even in the way you read.
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning -> here)
While Ji Ho was logged in in his Therapy game, Jack was preparing dinner and has an eye on Ji Ho through the new opening. And Sai is sitting at the counter, programming the interface for the Therapy Game so they can throw out an early beta version to help other creatures, as planned. He could do this in the therapy room, but it's more important to watch Jack rather than Ji Ho. (lol) Jack: "He's back! Can Ji Ho continue cooking so I can have a quick session? I've already come so far! Two of my spots are already gone and maybe today the third and I'd be pain free after all these months! Please, Sai. Hm, hm, HM?" Saiwa sighed: "Sure."
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Jack is so excited to go back ingame and back to Lou ^^' Jack: "Lou and I will have a great day again. Maybe plan another fight at the Arena and then I will meet the Queen again and I will ask her out! Oh, I love this therapy!" Sai is a bit stressed about the release of their game but he's so happy for Jack. He had this painful rash for over 6 months now, after he left his fated mate and Alpha, Kiyoshi. Ji Ho and Jack changed gear and Jack was ready to go.
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He's dead. Lying there in a pool of his own blood. It's still bright red.
'His eyes, they closed and his last breath spoke He had seen all to be seen A life once full, now an empty vase Wilt the blossoms on his early grave
Walk away me boy, walk away me boy And by morning we'll be free Wipe that golden tear from your mother, dear And raise what's left of the flag for me'
What's left of the Flag - Flogging Molly (One of the best songs ever! As if it was written for this scene.)
Oh no.
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Meanwhile Ji Ho had put dinner in the oven and started to work on his Siren's Songs. He's still worried that his evil grandfather has his flippers in this and somehow managed that Ji Ho put a spell on Vlad when they first met so he can get a grip on his powers, like Morgan had claimed. They should somehow solve this and make sure they are safe before Ji Ho can start to have a real relationship with Vlad. And he's still afraid that the Council/his grandfather could try to influence his friends through his Siren's Songs. He should use them only sparsely and they should be very careful on the rare ocassions he sings them to calm his friends when they meet on the festivals in the wheel of the year so they can spend a carefree time together. If only for a few hours. But they also should be safe from the Council as long as they are here in the Otherworld.
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And while he was lost in his thoughts, Jack showed up again. Ji Ho: "Why are you back this early, you just left?" Time passes faster ingame. Here, in the real world, only a few minutes, so Jack must have stood stunned for quite a while next to his dead body before the game logged him out. Poor Jack. Jack: "Uhm - I'm dead." Ji Ho: "No." Oh no. It just went so well for all of them! Jack getting rid of his pain, Ji Ho finding his King (and his buried down feelings) and Saiwa living happily on his Flamingo Island.
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Sai heard them and came over and they had to tell him. Saiwa: "No." Well, getting killed in a therapy game is a big no-no. All the work and months of playtesting for nothing. What was Tiny Can thinking?
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They sat in their 'office' where already the first meeting for the Therapy Game had taken place. Saiwa: "This is game over for the Therapy Game. I told you, one little weirdness and it's over." Jack is more shocked than anyone else about his ingame death, but he can't let go. Not being able to see Lou again, and the Queen, and finally getting rid of his pain... Jack: "But Sai, we've come so far. Don't you want to go back to your Island and heal? And what about poor Ji Ho? He could finally get his buried down feelings back and get rid of his trauma. And Vlad and him could finally be together - for real."
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But Saiwa didn't budge. And Jack won't let go either. Saiwa: "There is a murder on the loose in the game. We don't know what happened to you and who it was. We can't go back. No way." Jack: "But what if this is part of my therapy? What if Tiny Can wants me to learn something from it and prosper? Maybe the death of the old me is just the beginning of a new, better Jack?" No one craves a new, better Jack more than Saiwa but: "Jack, what if Ji Ho gets killed? That would only deepen his trauma. You did not experience your death, didn't feel the pain and fear and cruelty that came with it. Maybe Ji Ho or me would."
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Ji Ho: "But we can exit the game anytime if something happens. Maybe Jack is right. And we could try to solve the murder of Jack. This must have a meaning. Otherwise Tiny Can wouldn't have implemented it. Time only passes by ingame when one of us is logged in, we could plan our log ins to not loose precious time, find clues and look for witnesses and solve the murder of Jack." Jack: "Oh! That would be awesome! A Criminal Therapy Game!" Ji Ho is already two steps ahead, on the case ^^' : "In which area did you die?" Jack: "Uh, I was a bit out. But it looked like the clearing where Lou and I sparred, in the woods near Goldshire. And now that I recall it - it looked like my heart had been ripped out." Saiwa: "WHAT?" His heart? Ji Ho already has a hunch. He told the others about the incident in Saarburg and that he wants to research what has happened when Greg made the wish at the crossroads. That 'their hearts would change'... Maybe someone took it too literally? But who? Jack: "Detective Duath, we have a case!" Saiwa threw up his hands in surrender: "Fine!" Ji Ho: "But none of us is near Goldshire to look after Jack's dead body. You are still on the Island and I want to stay in Saarburg to investigate and I don't know if I'm free to leave whereever I want when we're back at the castle since I'm supposed to look for my King." It was quiet for a while. Until Jack remembered: "Lou mentioned his friend, the owner of Valerian. He's living in the village nearby. That must be NPC Jeb. Maybe we could send Jeb ingame to investigate the crime scene and look for evidence?" Saiwa took a deep breath in. Jeb. They haven't spoken since Saiwa, Ji Ho and Jack left for the beach house after Saiwa broke down. But this was months ago. And they'll have to go home eventually and solve this case too and have a talk with the others so they can live together again. Maybe this was Tiny Can's plan? Bringing them back together before they drift further apart and the happenings of the message from future Jeb take place? Now that he thinks about it again: They also found Tiny Can at that temple in Selvadorada where future Jeb had left them the message... Saiwa sighed: "Ok. Let's go home. Are you ready for this, Jack?" Jack: "I'm ready when you're ready, my friend."
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Locker Room
Part 3 of my M!Hufflepuff Readerx Sebastian Sallow Smut
Part 1 Part 2
You are ever so excited to support your Slytherin during a game of Quidditch. Only problem is, it's Slytherin vs Hufflepuff and Lenora has some feelings about you being a turn cloak.
Sebastian makes you feel better.
M/M 18+ 4.6k TW: Mild Homophobia
You woke up easily, having had dreams of Sebastian most of the night, all of them being him kissing your knuckles, or looking down at you; all of them wonderful. You looked up at the ceiling of your dorm, the gentle sunlight streaming from the skylight waking you further. Noticing all of your dorm mates had already gone off to breakfast, you let yourself smile, thoughts racing to Sebastian once again despite yourself. 
He had really chosen you. Out of all the beautiful witches at Hogwarts, and even all the handsome wizards, he had chosen YOU. Your face becoming pink with happiness, you kicked your feet, letting out a soft sigh. Were you a bit lovesick? Perhaps. But it was also the happiest you had been since transferring to Hogwarts, and you were going to allow yourself to drink in all the warm emotions. 
After basking in the feeling of Sebastian's afterglow effect he always had on you, you finally got up and began to dress. Grabbing your favorite jumper and button down, you walked over to one of your dorm mate's desk, looking down at a large golden flag that read ‘Badgers Eat Snakes!’. You pulled on your trousers and let out a small gasp. 
It was the Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff quidditch game today. THAT'S what Sebastian had meant when he said ‘tomorrow’, he wanted you to go and watch him. You brought your hands to your face, which was warm and pink, a soft noise of happiness leaving you. 
The common room was full of happy, chittering Hufflepuffs, some of them patting the quidditch players on the backs as they left for breakfast, then would more than like head down to the pitch. Your eyes looked around and noticed all of the Hufflepuff pride flags, megaphones, and buttons. Not ever having been one to enjoy the sport that much, preferring to spend your free time reading or painting, you only smiled as your eyes landed on who you were searching for. 
“Good morning Poppy. Can I ask you a favor?” 
It was a very sunny November afternoon, not nearly as cold as it had been recently, which you were immensely grateful for. Pulling your jacket closer about your neck, you and Poppy found your way to the stands, looking down at the pitch excitedly. 
“At least he will be able to see us easier when we wave and cheer!” Poppy said happily, her green-dyed Badger on the scarf she wore about her neck flapping behind her as you walked. You looked down at your own scarf, a wide smile appearing at Poppy’s quick thinking. 
“I hope so! If not, this will have to do.” You said as you held up the moving emerald sign that read, ‘Slytherins Do Them In’, in bold silver letters. Poppy beamed at her handiwork as you both found seats in the very front of the Hufflepuff stands. 
As the stadium started to fill up, you saw Sebastian and the rest of his team walk out onto the field, having to squint from the sunlight bouncing off of the metal on the players' brooms. He looked up at you, and the brightest smile you have ever seen on his face lit up the field. You felt your heart swell and you waved animatedly, receiving a small wave in return as he had to return his focus on whatever the captain was saying. 
“Are you serious right now?” 
The voice behind you pulled you from your Sallow-filled euphoria, turning to see who the person was talking to. Lenora was standing there, fully dressed in gold and holding an obnoxious yellow megaphone. 
“I’m sorry?” You said softly, turning a bit more to look at her, now realizing it was you who she was talking to. 
“Didn’t realize you could switch houses this late. Why are you even on our side?” Lenora sneered, motioning to all of the other Hufflepuffs, most of whom were avoiding eye contact with the three of you, just wanting to watch the game in peace and not caring in the slightest. 
“Lenora I’m still in Hufflepuff I ju-“
“You do know they’re playing against YOUR house then, right? Don’t you have any pride? Slytherins always look down on us, and here you are supporting them.” Lenora's voice was getting louder, having to yell a bit to be heard over the announcer talking about the game that was happening before them. 
You had hardly even noticed the game had started, a slightly annoyed look finding your usually calm and quiet demeanor. 
“My friend is in Slytherin and I just wanted t-“ You started, Poppy’s small hand finding your shoulder in comfort. 
“Lenora, please stop, it's not that serious…” Adelaide said as she tugged on Lenora’s jacket, her round face pink with cold as she shot you an apologetic look. 
Lenora shook her hand away and glared at you. “Then go sit on the Slytherin side, they’re all a bunch of prats anyways.” 
Your anger flared, standing as you glared back at Lenora. “Shut up! No, they aren’t!” Poppy stood as well, but you hardly noticed, all of your attention on Lenora, your fists clenching at your sides. 
She stared at you and laughed. “You only think that because you follow that Sallow boy around like a lost puppy, you poof.”
Your heart sank, your anger immediately turning into anxiety as you shrank away from her. What if a rumor started going around that Sebastian was hanging out with… well, someone like you. What if he started getting called things, or getting looks in the hallways, or, Merlin forbid, he heard the rumors from a friend. 
Lost in your turmoil, you hardly had time to process that Poppy had shot past you, and Lenora was suddenly on the ground. You panicked, your hands going up to your mouth as you saw blood trailing from her nose. “Poppy!” You whispered into your hands. 
“Don’t EVER talk about him like that!” Poppy yelled, her small stature not hindering her ability to be intimidating in the slightest. Lenora quickly gathered herself off of the ground and wiped her nose, looking down at the red on her sleeve. In an instant, Lenora had grabbed for her wand, and so did Poppy. You grabbed Poppy's arms, holding her back, and almost hoisting her off the ground. She was a lot stronger than she looked as she struggled against your restraints.
Adelaide had barely wrapped her arms around Lenora quick enough to stop her, the surrounding Hufflepuffs were now scrambling to get away from the fight, one of them calling a professor over. 
The fight was quelled by Hufflepuff's head of house Professor Garlick, and both Lenora and Poppy were sent to Headmaster Black's office. You were left at the entrance to the pitch, watching them walk back to the castle with a pit in your stomach, your emerald-dyed scarf swirling about your frame from the wind. 
Slytherin had won the match shortly after the fight was over, and the two teams' captains were shaking hands now, the players getting ready to change. You turned back to the pitch, leaning against the rounded entrance, watching Sebastian talk to one of his teammates. You smiled, seeing his freckled face light up with laughter at a joke, getting patted on the back, his curls sticking to his face. He suddenly caught your gaze, and you looked down at your feet, embarrassed and slightly ashamed, not sure what to tell him. 
Suddenly, he was jogging over to you, broom still in hand, his uniform framing his waist perfectly. You mustered a smile for him and he looked at you curiously. 
“Hey… everything alright? You look a bit down-“ he looked at your attire and smiled again, however. “I like you in green.” Sebastian's lips curled at the corners and his cheeks flushed a bit, to your amazement. You looked down at the scarf and blushed as well. 
“I uhm… Poppy helped me dye them for the game. We weren’t able to get a hold of authentic ones before the match so we used a color-changing charm.” You said softly, dropping the scarf you were playing with and looking back up at Sebastian. 
“No need. You can have one of mine.” He said confidently, a wider smile on his face now, gorgeous as ever. You shrank away from the affection, worry filling you. Sebastian cocked his head to the side, his smile falling. “Puff, what’s wrong?” He asked, hand finding yours. 
You pulled away and looked around to see if anyone had seen, which it didn't seem they had, and you ran a hand through your hair. “Sebastian I need to tell you something…” you started, looking down at your feet again, your boots covered in dirt from Care of Magical Beasts and Herbology. Sebastian shuffled and grabbed at your jacket collar, making you look up at him. 
“Come on, I need to get changed. Walk and talk.” He said as he looked down at you, motioning towards the changing rooms. You sighed and shrugged, knowing he wouldn't listen otherwise. As the two of you walked, you noticed a large group of Slytherin players exiting the changing room, all brightly smiling and cheering in their normal clothing. One of them spotted Sebastian and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Let’s go Sallow! Party in the common rooms tonight, and make sure Gaunt doesn’t make a fuss about it, yeah?” 
Sebastian smiled back at them and nodded. “Yeah alright, let me get changed and I'll be right up.” He said as he tugged on his dirty uniform, the players shrugging and leaving the pitch, all of them apparently not even having noticed you at all. 
Entering the changing room, it was covered in emerald and silver drapings, bags, and uniforms scattered about haphazardly. You assumed house elves would come and clean up shortly, and shrugged it off. You leaned against a wall and waited for Sebastian to gather his clothing and go and change, but he didn’t. He sat down on a nearby bench and looked up at you, dirt on his nose. 
“Right then. What's wrong?” Sebastian asked quietly, his big brown eyes looking up at you with concern, and your stomach flipped. 
You brought your hands up to your face, rubbing it and sighing. “Sebastian… Poppy and Lenora got into a fight, and are in the Headmaster's office right now… all because of me.” You said pathetically, guilt washing over you. Sebastian stared up at you, a somewhat shocked expression on his face. “But, why?” He asked, a crease between his brow. 
“Lenora was mad about-“ You held up your scarf dramatically. “This. And a sign I had and just… she…” The words caught in your throat, even though you weren’t looking at Sebastian, you almost couldn’t bring yourself to say it. “I’m worried she’s going to start rumors about you, Sebastian.” You spit it out, your fists clenching. 
Sebastian looked even more confused when you finally caught his gaze again, his shoulders shrugging a bit. “About…?” He urged, motioning with his hand. 
You sighed in annoyance. “She called me a poof, Sebastian. Said I follow you around and… I don't think we should be seen together.” It broke your heart to even say, but you cared more about Sebastian's reputation than your own. People could say whatever they wanted about you, but never about him. You would make sure of it. 
Looking like you had just sprouted antlers, Sebastian's eyes were wide with shock, his face unreadable. 
“I… did she really say that?” He asked after a bout of silence. 
You just nodded, mind flashing back to the scene. You were incredibly grateful to have a friend as good as Poppy, knowing she would stick up for you like that made you warm inside; however, the fight only made your suspicions of Lenora going around telling everyone every mean thing about you that she could. Which didn’t bother you, but when it concerned him… you looked down at Sebastian, and the guilt consumed you again. 
“You don’t think I care about that, do you?” Sebastian said as he stood, looking down at you now. You looked up at him, stunned. “You… don’t?” The question came from your lips very quietly. 
“My uncle hates me already, and my best friend Ominis is also solely interested in Wizards… I have nothing to lose.” Sebastian caught both of your hands in his and brought them up to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. “Let the birds talk, let them chitter. Ominis is the biggest gossip of them all, he will put a stop to any bad rumors, I can promise you that.” 
The reassuring tone he was taking with you made your heart break, and the vulnerability he was showing made you feel like you weren’t able to take in enough oxygen. “But-“ 
Any protest you were going to put up was silenced by Sebastian’s lips, salty and grounding. He smelled like sunshine and grass, like outside, and it was more than welcome. He broke away from you then, his lips barely touching yours as he spoke. 
“If you want to keep this between us, I’m okay with that. But I want you. Only you.” He whispered, and your face caught a blaze. “We don’t have to be open with it, we can keep it between us.” He reiterated. 
“Between us.” You whispered back, and slung your arms around Sebastian’s neck, dragging him down a few inches to crash your lips against his. You felt Sebastian smile against the kiss as he slid his hands under your button-down and jumper, warm and rough. 
All thoughts of Lenora, Poppy, and rumors were extinguished from your mind as you felt his hands run over your stomach, their warmth radiating through you. A similar feeling to that morning washed over you, thoughts of Sebastian only wanting you leaving you breathless and love-struck. Not only was Sebastian the only wizard you had fallen this hard for, but he was also the only one to declare for you so openly, so intensely. Your head was spinning, and before you knew it, you were tugging at Sebastian's uniform, his shirt off and your fingertips running over his bare chest and back. 
You let your eyes linger on his frame for just a moment, freckles absolutely covering his torso. This was the first time you had seen him shirtless, the majority of them spilling over his shoulders and collarbones. You leaned down and placed a kiss on his right shoulder, then peppered them down to his collarbone, as if you were trying to count the freckles with your lips. Sebastian hummed pleasantly, his head tilting to allow you more space. 
“You're getting braver-“ He breathed into your ear, soft and low, his own hands tracing down your spine and receiving a shiver from you. Not answering, you bite down on Sebastian's collarbone, his taunting ceasing immediately and a half-concealed moan barely escaping his mouth. “Easy, ‘Puff.” He purred, but the way his hip jerked up to meet your thigh gave him away. You smiled against his chest, a flush of embarrassment and pride filling you before you bit again, all the way down until you were on your knees in front of him. 
As you looked up at him, you suddenly felt like you were going to puke again. Sebastian looked gorgeous, his chest rising and falling with lust-labored breaths, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes. Your hands trailed up his thighs cautiously, as if you still needed permission; all the permission you needed was in the way Sebastian was looking at you, his lips parting in encouragement and brows upturned. 
“Please don't keep me waiting.” He whispered, hand finding the side of your face and tracing a thumb over your lips. “As much as I love looking at you like this, fuck-“Sebastian's voice cracked as you placed a kiss on him through his trousers, a jolt of arousal going straight to your core at the sound, so you did it again. And again. Sebastian's hand left the side of your face and found the back of your head, restraining himself from pushing you down with every fiber of his being. 
Finally unlacing and taking him out of his pants, you let your tongue loll out of your mouth, barely touching the tip of his cock. Sebastian clenched his jaw above you, big brown eyes dark with lust. You felt yourself twitch in your own trousers at the sight and knew there was nothing you wanted more than to make him satisfied. You ran your free hand that was previously gripping Sebastian's upper thigh through your hair, pushing it away from falling into your eyes and blocking your view of the gorgeous face above you. 
Sebastian's fingers laced their way into your hair, and you began to feel him tug lightly, obviously trying to restrain himself. 
“Is this your first time doing this?” He whispered, his freckled lips parted in pleasure as you sucked the tip of his cock, just barely taking the head fully into your mouth. You nodded, eyes locked on Sebastians. The movement of your head made the boy above you curse, his fingers clenching in your hair. “Could’ve fooled me.” He practically moaned, head falling back as he rocked his hips forward into your mouth. 
You were able to keep him from going too far back as your palms were on his thighs, but you knew you would have to give him more soon or he was like to start begging. That thought did not help the problem in your pants, the image of Sebastian's lust-filled face above you contorted into a begging plea made you shift, the lacing on your trousers becoming uncomfortable. 
After Sebastian's cock twitched in your mouth again, you decided to try and take the entire length, wanting to give him whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you took him as far as you could. You gagged, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Sebastian let out a long groan of pleasure, and you froze. If you could hear that again, you would gladly let him gag you a few more times. 
And so, you did. Every time you leaned down and let him hit the back of your throat, Sebastian's thighs would shudder and the most intoxicating noises would fall from his lips. Because your eyes were filled with tears at this point, you didn't know if he was still looking at you, however, his fingers were now tugging at your hair rather forcefully, almost guiding your head down and holding it there. As you gagged around him once more, Sebastian held you there, his large hand pulling your hair hard now, and you tried your best to stay put. Thankfully, it seemed the Slytherin wanted you alive because he released you, air returning to you in a rush. 
Looking up at Sebastian with tears in your eyes, you could’ve came. He looked like something out of a dream, curls falling into his face, cheeks scarlet, and lips parted. Suddenly, you couldn’t stand it anymore, the feeling of need becoming too much to ignore. You stood, and the look on Sebastian's face almost made you smile, that is if you weren't so hard you couldn’t think properly. You brought your hands up to Sebastian’s chest, finding broad, freckle-covered shoulders, and gently guided him down in a sitting position to the bench directly behind him. 
“‘Puff, if you don't finish I think I-“
But you never got to hear what Sebastian thought, because as soon as he was sat, you quickly slid off your trousers and straddled him. “Merlin-“ he gasped, feeling your ass against his painfully hard cock being almost too much of a relief. You couldn’t help but smile, even if this was one of the boldest things you had ever done in your life. Not only were you straddling a boy, but you were also straddling a, very handsome, boy in a locker room, where anyone could walk in. The thought seemed to cross Sebastian’s mind as well, because his cock twitched against your ass, and yours against his stomach. 
Sebastian's hands found your hips, his thumbs tracing your hip bones as he absentmindedly rocked his own hips up, rutting against you. His cock, wet with your spit, made your mind go blank, wanting nothing else than to give him exactly what you knew he wanted. And so, you did. Reaching between your legs, you found him and positioned yourself above, eyes locked on Sebastian's brown ones. His face was entranced, looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted, he ever cared about; and when you finally pushed him inside, his head fell forward between your neck and shoulder, a low moan leaving him. 
“Fuck-“Sebastian's hands tightened on your hips, but you didn’t move. You were still getting used to the feeling of him filling you completely, his cock hitting the spot it did that night in the hidden Herbology corridor. Sebastian went to move, but your hands found the collar of his uniform, nonverbally telling him to wait. You wiggled down on him, pushing him even farther inside, a whimper escaping your lips. Not being able to obey your commands, Sebastian licked your neck and moved your hips with his hands, rocking you down on his cock. 
You let out a little cry of pleasure, the subtle size difference between you meaning he could easily pick you up if he so desired, including moving you on his cock with ease. “Fuck, Sebastian- please-“ you barely managed between gasps as he brought you down on his cock over, and over again. Each time hitting that spot deep within you that made your thighs shake. Your own cock was tapping against Sebastian's stomach every time you came down, and to your embarrassment, was starting to leak precum on his stomach. “Shit, Sebastian- im-“
But you didn't have the chance to apologize, Sebastian was abusing your neck again, to your absolute delight. You had grown to crave the feeling of his teeth in your flesh over your past two meetings, and this was no exception. Your mouth fell open as you leaned into the bite, and you must’ve squeezed around him because he hummed gratefully against your neck. 
He was relentless, and you didn't even have to move, Sebastian doing all the work for you. You let your arms drop around his neck as he pounded into you, your own cock rutting against the smooth skin of his torso with every jolt of his hips. You were starting to see stars, and before you could stop yourself, you came. Pleasure wracked through your entire body as you spilt all over his stomach, painting his freckled stomach white. Of course, that didn't stop him, and he continued to bring you down on his cock until you were whimpering, stuttering his name in broken praises and pleas. 
Suddenly, you felt his fingers tighten and his hips falter, a moan being breathed into your ear as he filled you. Your cock hardened at the feeling, and you did him the favor of rocking your own hips down on him as he rode out his high. Sebastian let out a hurried string of curses as you did so, almost stuttering as he said your name softly. Cum began to pool between his thighs, spilling out of you as he had finished. Finally bringing his face away from your neck, you were able to look down at him. 
Sebastian looked wrecked. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his eyebrows upturned, cheeks blazing. You couldn’t help but let yourself drink in the sight, relishing in the fact that you had brought him to this, that you had made him this way. He glanced down then, and so did you. To your embarrassment, you had become hard at the feeling of him cumming in you, and the sight of his face. You covered your face with your hands and laughed softly. “Sorry- it's fine, I'm good…” You whispered, but felt the tip of his finger graze against the tip. 
Letting out a soft gasp, you peeked out from the slits in your fingers and watched as he smeared the cum still leaking from your cock over the head with his thumb. You cursed, body shaking with overstimulation, but not daring to stop him. And he knew you wouldn't, because he just lazily started to move his fingers over you, slowly. So slowly it made you want to hit him, but instead, your mouth was open in a pathetic moan, your hips jerking up as his hand started to pump your cock. 
“Oh fuck- please, Merlin- please please-“ you started to beg, not realizing Sebastian was smirking until you completely removed your hands from your face and they found his hair. He looked up at you, shaking on top of him, eyes lidded and a satisfied grin on his lips. “You're so cute.” He whispered, and stopped stroking your cock, and instead drug his fingers over the tip again, causing you to break. 
Once again, you painted the already splattered freckles, your head tilting back as you restrained your moans as much as you could, which was not a lot. “Wow, twice.” He teased, and you could hear the smile still on his lips as you collapsed against his shoulder, your breathing labored and body shaking with the pleasure of him still inside of you and his fingers lingering. 
After a few minutes of you both catching your breath, you sat up and gently got off of him. Your legs shook as you stood, and Sebastian noticed, a wide smile appearing on his face again. “Hush.” You scolded, grabbing your trousers from the floor and tugging them on. “You're going to need your scarf too.” Sebastian said as he handed the green-dyed scarf to you, which had apparently fallen off sometime during your… activity. You wrapped it around your neck, the pleasant pain radiating from the area becoming a memory of Sebastian that, if you had it your way, would be there all the time. 
It didn't take long for Sebastian to change and soon after the two of you were back outside in the crisp November air. You shivered, having become used to the warmth of the locker room. 
“Are you going to come to the party with me tonight?” Sebastian asked as you left the pitch, the castle slowly growing closer. 
“Do you want me to?” You asked, remembering what had happened just an hour prior, your stomach tightening. “I’m not sure I should…”
Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. “Please?” He asked again. You felt your cheeks heat up, even after what had just happened, still feeling like a schoolgirl around him. 
“Well… alright.” You gave, not being able to deny Sallow anything, ever. And it seemed he knew that, because he smiled and wrapped an arm around you, to your dismay. “I thought you said we were going to keep this betw-“
“Yes, ‘Puff. Between us. I promise. No one is going to question me having an arm around my mate, alright? Calm down.” He reassured you, and you could’ve melted into his touch. 
“If you say so.”
“And I do. Trust me.” The authoritative tone he took made you believe every word he said, and as you entered the castle, you wondered what the Slytherin common room would look like that night, filled with people and full of celebration. 
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weenwrites · 11 months
Hey hey Ween! I wanted to ask about you writing something for bots reaction to a human who is new to the team and trying to get too make friends and make conversation with the bots? But they have poor memory and stiff/rough social skills so they may fidget when speaking and too remember their names they have a paper that they carry around w/ all the bots names written in said bots corresponding color scheme (doesn't have to be this I just thought it would be a cool idea 😊). Also tries to offer help in any numbers of ways. Uhh I don't really have any particular bots in mind besides Wheeljack and while I do enjoy scenarios I'm just as cool with headcannons if that ends up working for you and/or inspiring you more🤝🫂. Feel free to add any other bots if ya want👌! (Also it's still Friday where I am as I send this in I don't want ya to think I'm ignoring your post.)
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"What was your name, again?"
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Summary - How are you supposed to remember all these weird names? Characters - Wheeljack Content - Crack, Gen Category - Scenarios Trigger Warnings - None
✎ A/N: Sorry it took a LONG while! And also what I meant back then was that the request had to be sent in when it was Friday where I was. I can't remember whether you sent it in while it was still Friday my time or not, but eh I'll do it anyway. And I'm sorry if it's a bit short, but I didn't really want to specify anything in the end to try and be more 'immersive'.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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"Don't forget Bulkhead and Bumblebee!"
"Yes, yes... I've got them down," Y/N mumbles.
They don't bat an eye at the shadow that looms over their shoulder and onto the table, because it's far more important to concentrate on remembering all the names that Miko had mentioned to them. Their colored pencil in their hand glided across the paper with ease, of course occasionally stopping to switch colors.
"Hatche—wait no, it's Ratchet... And... Who was the other one you said, Miko?" Y/N asked, looking up from their paper, "The uh... The one that started with—oh! Wait! Uh, Spokelean!"
"Smokescreen." She corrected with a giggle, placing particular emphasis on the 'screen' part to his name, "So you're done with writing down all their names?"
"Yeah, just about..." They mumbled, brushing some eraser shavings aside and reaching over for their pencil to correct their mistakes.
But they felt nothing but empty space where the correct colored pencil used to lay, and after a quick look around, they had found the escapee-pencil laying underneath the table. With a sigh, they had stooped down onto all fours and scooched underneath the table, reaching out to fetch it when all of a sudden, the heavy thumping of metal footsteps shook the ground.
With a startled yelp, they shot up and the back of their head met the underside of the hard, wooden table. Through gritted teeth and a set frown, they retrieved the pencil and slowly stood back upright, rubbing the back of their head as they looked up to see who had walked in, but they were met with an unfamiliar face.
A white bot sporting red and green streaks on his chest, and a pair of gray... For lack of a better word, finials, on the sides of his head, and a large crest on top. Aside from the fact his paint-job bore a striking resemblance to the flag of Italy, another notable feature of his was the pair of twin swords sheathed on his back.
"Wait... Who's that, again?" Y/N's face scrunched into confusion as they further scrutinized him.
"Oh, hey Wheeljack!" Miko hollered.
And at the girl's beck and call, the bot shoots her a grin upon sight, and he closes the distance between them in mere seconds.
"Hey kid!" He pauses and shoots Y/N a glance, "oh, and who's this?"
"Oh uh, my name's Y/N, and you must beeee..." Their voice tapers off for what almost feels like eternity, and they scramble their mind for a clue—any clue as to what his name was. Miko had literally mentioned his name mere seconds ago, yet now of all times, their brain decided to blank. "Uhh... Your name was..."
"Wheeljack." He finishes.
"Ye-yeah! Wheeljack! Wheeljack. How are you? It's nice to meet you."
"Never better, Bulk and I just got back from patrol."
"Ooh! Did you find anything while you were out?" Miko grinned.
"If by 'anything' you mean 'decepticons', then 'fraid not. We thought we picked up one of the cons' energon mines so we tracked it down."
Miko sprung forward on the couch, "Was it a trap?"
"Nah, it was just an old crater, the cons had sucked it dry and left a long time ago."
Y/N frowns, "did anything good come of it at least?"
"Nothin that I can see, but it is what it is," he shrugs, "Anyway, you're the newcomer, eh?"
"Yes! That would be me."
For a hot second no one said a word. Wheeljack looked to them expectantly, thinking they'd run him through the whole story, not lead him straight to some rather awkward silence. And once Y/N caught the gist of the conversation, they simply pressed their lips shut even harder.
Would it be too awkward to continue now? No one's said anything for some time now, so maybe they shouldn't continue? But if they change the subject now, it might seem like they weren't really listening to him, so maybe they should—
"Soo, Y/N, why don't you tell Wheeljack about how you got here?" Miko spoke up—thankfully being the one to break the ice, "How you met the team and that kind of stuff."
"Right! Right, I should probably do that..." They chuckled, "alright so... it all started like this..."
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
i love your prompt fills! <3 so, a prompt for me: jamie and roy go out for a beer again, they don't have a fight this time! platonic or romantic is fine, wtv you prefer, i just want them to have a nice time lol
I actually had so much fun writing this and it very quickly became what could be the start to my post-S3 universe that I've been spinning headcanons and lore for.
Because of that, it ends a little weird, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
Jamie was picking at the edges of the label on his beer bottle. His thumbnails had scraped a nice little mound of soggy, gluey paper onto the shiny surface of the bar and didn't show signs of stopping.
He'd elected for a seat near the door. If this all went sideways, he wanted to make a quick retreat before it came to blows. Again.
His phone buzzed.
From: Roy Running behind. Be there in 5.
Well, he wasn’t being stood up, at least.
To: Roy No worries mate. I’ll get a round in 🍻😜
Jamie flagged down the bartender and asked for another beer, not bothering to replace his own barely touched bottle.
True to his word, Roy strode into Bones & Honey a few minutes later, predictably dressed down in jeans and a leather jacket. Jamie had opted for a nice shirt this time, since his (albeit designer) hoodie had left him feeling out of place on their last outing, even before it got ruined.
He gave Roy a little wave to catch his attention and smiled when he drew close.
“Heya, lad. Just got you a beer, that okay?”
Roy grunted, taking in the two drinks and the pile of scraped up label. His eyebrows did something complicated.
For a moment, Jamie thought Roy was going to berate him for having alcohol and felt indignation swell in his chest. He could do what he fucking liked during the off-season, thank you very much.
He didn’t, though. His gaze lingered on Jamie’s hands around the bottle for another second before he took his seat without complaint and all the fight response deflated from Jamie’s hackles as Roy took a sip from his own waiting beer.
“Sorry I’m late,” he offered, clearing his throat. “Had to drop Phoebe off at her mum’s.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jamie said. “How is she?”
Roy narrowed his eyes, unfairly suspicious of a perfectly innocent question. “My niece or my sister?”
Jamie snorted, freeing up some of the tightness in his chest. “Phoebe. But if Ruth’s been asking about me…?”
“She fucking hasn’t.”
“Right, then, the nine-year-old it is.”
He grinned cheekily in the face of Roy’s eyeroll, sure he wasn’t imagining the faint twitch of a smile.
“Phoebe spent two hours explaining why she’s planning to cover her room in magic plants or some shit for the summer solstice and only shut up when I gave her ice cream so, apparently, she’s getting weirder. But, yeah, she’s fine.”
Jamie nodded, considering. “Mint. Kids are fucking bizarre. It’s brilliant.”
The quick little exhale of air from Roy might have qualified as a laugh if Jamie were feeling generous. As it was, he was more preoccupied by how… weird Roy was sitting.
He was rigid as a board on the plush stool, leaning decidedly away from Jamie with a hand gripped on the edge of the bar. It looked as uncomfortable as fuck.
“D’you want to move?” Jamie suggested, wondering if the high seat was messing with Roy’s knee, or back, or some other old man body part. “There’s a free table over there.”
Roy’s eyes followed Jamie’s gesture to the booths set along the back of the room and he shook his head. “This is fine.”
“You sure? ‘Cause you look one sneeze away from falling over.”
Roy sighed heavily and made a visible effort to relax, settling more comfortably. “There. Better?”
“You tell me, mate,” Jamie said, bewildered.
Roy grunted again and took a long pull from his beer. It seemed to fortify him for voicing whatever was spinning around in his head.
“Thank you,” he eventually settled on, growling like the words had been dragged unwillingly through his clenched teeth. “For. Suggesting this. We didn’t… I didn’t know if you still wanted to be… Friends. After.” He waved a hand around, gesturing to their surroundings and clearly referencing the last time they’d been there.
“Oh.” Jamie blinked, pleasantly surprised by the admission. “Well, yeah. Didn’t get much of a chance to straighten all that out, did we? I were on a plane fairly quick after the season.”
Roy nodded, staring back at the bartop with that same intensity Jamie could now recognise as discomfort with the subject matter. Or, at least, mostly that.
“Keeley didn’t go with you.”
It wasn’t a question but Jamie answered it anyway. “Er, no. Doubt you’d have wanted to be trapped with me on the other side of the world after all that, either.”
He had been disappointed when Keeley emailed to say Barbara was going to be accompanying him ”for the sake of their professional relationship”. It was fair - it still hurt.
Barbara turned out to be a surprisingly good laugh, though, and was very protective of their contract. In turn, that meant she was militant about ensuring Jamie was taken care of on every shoot and that he got a say in what went to production.
She even kept up with their entirely GIF-based text thread after returning home. It was nice.
“Wouldn’t have minded a free holiday.” Roy broke into Jamie’s thoughts with a shrug and it took him a second to catch up to the conversation again. When he did, he scowled at Roy’s poorly disguised smirk.
“Eh, it weren’t an holiday! I was working! Don’t need to be rude just because no one‘s wanted to take your picture in the last century.”
Jamie sniffed and took a sulky swig of his beer.
“Oi.” Roy knocked their shoulders together. “I’m just joking. I know you work hard.”
“Yeah, well, everyone would do if it were easy, wouldn’t they?”
Roy tilted his head in a ‘fair point’ kind of way and shifted to face Jamie, instead of being actively primed for an escape. “Got anything else lined up for the summer?”
Jamie hummed and shrugged. “Driving up to Manchester next week. Not staying long, though. Mummy and Simon are going on holiday for most of August. Might see if any of the City lads are about.”
“Didn’t realise you still talked to that lot.”
“Not many of the first team. But there’s guys on the reserves and doing PT stuff now that I came up with. We still try to hang out when there’s a few of us in the same place.” Even though Roy seemed more curious than judgemental, Jamie wondered if he was about to be accused of divided loyalties.
He would definitely be at risk of a hefty fine from the team for ‘cavorting with the enemy’ if he ever went on a night out in Manchester during the season.
“You got any friends like that?”
“A few.” Roy’s face turned pensive. “No one from my Sunderland days is playing anymore but I’ve been invited to weddings and shit. Stopped talking to anyone at Chelsea when I left.”
Jamie scoffed. “What’d you do that for?”
The immediate tension in Roy’s jaw made him regret asking but, to Jamie’s surprise, a moment later he took a deep breath and offered an explanation.
“I didn’t want reminders. Wanted to… fucking… disappear. Fuck off and… be forgotten.”
Jamie gaped. “But you’re Roy Kent.”
Roy barked a laugh. “Yeah. Suppose I forgot that for a bit.”
Jamie huffed and shook his head, draining the rest of his beer to cover the warm feeling in his chest at making Roy genuinely laugh.
“Alright, then, you’re an old weirdo with no friends. What are you up to for the rest of the summer?”
The good humour deflated out of Roy again and Jamie immediately regretted whatever had tumbled out of his mouth to cause that reaction.
“I, uh, I’ve been talking to my doctors a lot.” He looked down at his beer, grip turning white-knuckled around the glass. “Looks like I need a partial knee replacement. Soon, if I want to be… fucking upright by the start of the season.”
“Fuck,” Jamie exhaled lowly, glancing down to the leg in question and worrying again about the high bar stool. “They can fix it, though?”
“Theoretically. Said that last time, though, didn’t they?”
Jamie blinked. “What last time?”
Roy turned to him with a furrowed brow. “Oh, right. That was before you came back.”
“You, er, you had to have surgery, then?” Jamie felt vaguely ill. “When you retired?”
“Yeah. Small one. Didn’t help like it was supposed to.” Roy shrugged. “Artho-something. Just made it worse, then better for a bit, then back to a shitting mess in the span of a month.”
Jamie nodded, processing that. Any thoughts he’d spared to Richmond that summer had revolved about Ted and the little army man he still had in his trophy case. He’d avoided thinking about the game that got them relegated as much as possible. Fucking awful night all round, that had been.
Thoughts about Roy, when he let himself linger on them, had been ugly, tainted with guilt and resentment.
His tongue darted out to nervously wet his lips.
“Well, let me know when you’re out of commission this time, yeah? Need me coach to get me back in shape, don’t I?”
Roy chuckled again, smaller this time, and Jamie instantly felt lighter.
“Alright, fair enough.” Roy indicated the empty bottle Jamie was still titling around between his hands. “Same again?”
“Yeah. Yeah, go on then.”
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j0hnj4ej3n · 1 year
i crave for some nct dream's angsty imagines🥺 can you do it if you are free? thank you in advance!
nct dream falling out of love with you
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Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: angst angst angst, some of them really are red flags and assholes but this is just a work of fiction we all know our 7dream boys are a bunch of sweeties, curse words, mentions of drinking
Notes: anon asked for an angsty post and i am here to deliver one! and honestly i think the writing style is a little different? it's a bit more stream of consciousness vibes but yes, i am also an angst lover so this was quite fun to write :”) i am so sorry that this took a while, i’ve been really busy but i am back to posting more regularly now~ so continue to send in more request if you have any! until my next post, be well and take care my loveys <3
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𔘓 Mark: 
mark has been so busy but at the same time, he loves his job. these days, he much rather spend time working than anything. or maybe these are all excuses for himself to justify why he hasn't been making time for you. it's getting easier and easier to forget the plans you've made or the things you've said. seeing you at the end of every day used to be something he looks forward to, he remembers how he always gets so excited. when he finally sees you, when he gets to just soak you in at the end of his busy day. it relaxes him, he'd look into your eyes, tell you he loves you and everything just feels right. but now, even when he gets to go to sleep next to you, it just isn't the same anymore. you still look at him with so much love in your eyes, but it's been harder and harder to return your 'i love you's while meaning it. he doesn't know what went wrong or if anything went wrong in the first place. did the two of you move too fast? was it because you had thoughts of settling down and mark didn't have the heart to tell you he wasn't ready? is the pressure of marriage getting to him? or is it the fact that he never really wanted to get married at all? it kills him to admit it, knowing how much you love him still. but it's been a while since he noticed that his love for you has faded. and he wonders if it'll be kinder if he just lets you go.
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𔘓 Renjun: 
renjun has always been a fighter. you mean it in the best way, it's not unusual for you two to get into fights. everytime you do argue, it almost makes you love him more. he has always fought for your love, and you do the same. that's why he loved you so much. you two would never let each other go to bed upset. despite being quick to anger, he always reminds you that the two of you are on the same side. "i'm not trying to fight with you. it's us against the problem, not me against you." so really, you don't know when it started. the longer you've been together, the harder it's been to solve your problems. "why are we even fighting about this again?" "cause you just can't seem to let that shit go" "me? you're the one who-" "let's just stop, i'm not going to argue with you again" renjun is growing tired, it's easier for him to just walk out sometimes. you've gone to sleep angry and crying. "where the hell are you going at this hour?" "can't sleep, going out for some fresh air. don't bother waiting up." and some nights renjun never comes back at all. he usually goes to drink his thoughts of breaking up away, he doesn't want to be the one to say it. but he no longer wants to fight, maybe it's better this way. to stay with you till the end, until you say you're tired too and you can both part ways.
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𔘓 Jeno: 
is love supposed to be like this? it never used to feel like this. jeno has a lot on his mind. with you, he used to always feel like his floating. on cloud nine. really, you used to be the person who could put him in a good mood just by looking at him. so what changed? when did this love you shared start to feel burdensome? when did it all get so heavy? jeno isn't usually phased by burden, he has carried loads throughout his life. but for some reason, this load is one that he doesn't want to bare. love isn't supposed to be unpleasant like that. has he fallen out of love with you? is that why it's so difficult to leave his friends to meet you these days? it never used to be a problem, he'd always run to you in a heartbeat. he caught himself sighing when his phone lit up and it was a call from you. a frown found it's place on his face because he had to pause his game to pick up your call. and you didn't even have anything important to say. "i miss you jen" "mm, me too" he hated how easy it was to lie to you like that, he promised to always be honest. maybe it's true, his friends always used to tell him that your first relationship never lasts long. and perhaps it's time for him to be cruel to be kind, he'll break your heart sooner than later. he believes you'll come to thank him some day.
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𔘓 Haechan: 
"you really don't see why i'm upset?" "no, no i really don't," haechan tells you, annoyance laced in his voice. "it makes me uncomfortable, i don't like the idea of you going to lunch with her so often" "it's just lunch? i need to eat, don't i?" "so why don't you ask me then? it's not like i was busy?" "babe, i was already with her! we just went to get lunch after class, what's the big deal?" "it's not about just... lunch," you tell him, trying to stay calm even though your eyes are already stinging. "then what is it? all i'm hearing is that you're jealous. can't you trust me when i say we're just friends?" "yes. so what if i am jealous? you've always known that i'm insecure and that i don't like the idea of you hanging out with girls one on one.  and you promised me you wouldn't, we made a deal, and you broke your promise..." "oh my god...." "h-how do you expect me to trust you when you keep going back on your word?" haechan takes a deep breath, he's so sick of having the same god damn conversation with you. he runs his hands up and down his face, before running them through his hair. "okay, fine. i'm sorry... i'm really sorry, you're right. i fucked up again... i'm the bad guy." haechan stares at you as you shake your head, beginning to break into sobs. it's like the two of you are stuck in an endless loop, never escaping this miserable cycle. and his heart used to break seeing you cry like that, knowing that he was the cause. but now his hooded eyes are tired and empty. so he stands up and walks to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of wine, before he comes back out to join you on the couch and turns on the TV.
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𔘓 Jaemin:
you and jaemin both knew long distance wasn’t going to be easy. that much was clear the week leading up to jaemin’s departure, the two of you spend every waking hour together. sometimes even breaking into tears over the fact that you two would be miles and miles away from each other. but they always say distance makes the heart fonder right? so you and jaemin, you two were going to be fine right? it’s been 4 months since the two of you started long distance and jaemin is literally on his wits end. everything was going well initially but now he just thinks you’re asking for too much. he is literally on the other side of the world, trying to begin a new, exciting chapter of his life. and of course he misses you too but that doesn’t mean he has to sacrifice his sleep every night, choose staying at home to pick up your call instead of hanging out with new friends and going on new adventures. he’s trying so hard to just begin chasing his dreams and it’s like you’re doing everything in your power to hold him back. he knows in his heart that you’re not doing this on purpose but he can’t help but grow annoyed at you. he’s growing comfortable to this new life, without you. and he begins to wonder if you’re just another chapter in his life, one that doesn’t last till the end.
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𔘓 Chenle:
chenle thinks he made a mistake. yes, he really did find you attractive. and yes, he really really did like you, very much. but maybe he was never really ready for a relationship. it was, to him, just too much commitment for right now. it definitely helps him feel less lonely but it was more of an inconvenience than anything. it wasn’t like he wanted to have other casual relationships or anything, mainly, he just wanted to be free. free to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and not having to be accountable to someone all the time. but it was nice to have someone care for him like you do. he doesn’t think he has anyone around that loves him like that, he can tell you love him and it makes his heart ache a little. because he came to realise that he mistook his infatuation for you for love. but it was too late to retract any of these things without breaking your heart. chenle is conflicted, he thinks he could choose to love you if he wanted to. love isn’t just mere feelings after all. but he doesn’t really want to, chenle doesn’t really want to be in a relationship anymore. you’re a beautiful girl, both inside and out, who deserves a lot more than he could offer you right now. and he knows you know it too. you might be naive, but you weren’t an idiot. you could tell that something in your relationship shifted, though you weren’t sure what exactly did. and maybe one day, when chenle gets the courage to finally settle down, maybe then he could be someone deserving of the love you have so readily given to him.
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𔘓 Jisung: 
when the two of you just met, jisung thought you were the most interesting person he has ever met. you were so different from him, from your passions to your personalities. and personally, jisung saw that as a great thing. afterall, opposites attract, right? yes, the two of you were indeed really attracted to each other and eventually fell in love enough to get into a relationship. but that only began to test each of your patience towards each other. a relationship is hard work and it proves to be even harder when both partners simply fail to see eye to eye. “but ji, you’re not listening to me,” you kept telling him. “baby, i am… but i just don’t agree with you”. it’s really draining, when the two of you are so persistent and stubborn in your own opinions. after a while, jisung just doesn’t feel very happy being together anymore. things seemed to be better when you two were just friends, maybe things should have stayed that way. it saddens him to even think like this, because he still likes you so much. but he sees how destructive this could eventually become. you’re already beginning to say hurtful things to each other just to try to get the other person to understand. you’re both unhappy and the feelings have definitely begun to fade. would it be better to just call it quits? jisung doesn’t know what to do but he wants to do something before it’s too late and it comes to a point where even being friends becomes impossible too.
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deesi-academia · 3 months
hey, I saw the anti swiftie post. If you're comfortable mag I know the reason why? I am kinda neutral about her but I feel like I should know stuff. I understand if you don't wanna answer this. Take care <3
(also I agree the swiftie fandom is kinda annoying lmao)
hello old old old anon ask I'm so sorry for replying so late but yeah hi 😭
I have tons of time on my hands for the next.... 30 minutes so let's get into it. I'll list a time line of my thought process to how I came to the 'ex-swiftie' conclusion:
1. She released a song called "renegade" which is good, but I found some lines problematic and unexpected, because I used to hold swift to a pedestal (guilty as charged).
The lines were 'is it insensitive of me to say get your shit together so I can love you' and 'is it really your anxiety stopping {something love something idk} or do you just not want to?' SOOOOO yeah these thew me off a little.
2. Her album Midnights came out which I ADORED, became my fav so quick. But then her multiple variations of vinyls etc threw me off again. This is when the Bad Feeling About Her started setting in.
3. Then she released the song 'You're losing me' which just BLARED red flags to me even though the song is actually good. It's the first time I think, where she hinted that she broke up with her bf (Joe Alwyn) because of his mental illness.
4. The ongoing carbon emissions controversy lol, and her buying carbon credits... like it just felt like a "hah I'm rich so I can do whatever wrongs i want and buy it out" moment. I really hated that, since I live in a pretty polluted city so it hit close to home.
5. She threatened to sue the teenager who published PUBLIC data about her flights. Bad.
6. The entire free palestine movement gained momentum and she stayed silent. She has her image as the American Princess and Activist Who Can Do No Wrong. Feminist Queen. Speaker For Those Who Can't Speak. Yada Yada.
I simply hated her billionaire self as she chose to stay silent (and still is). To call off the criticism she and her bestie Selena went to a live comedy show where the comedian donated his earnings for Gaza relief. LIKE. ??????? Basic billionaire below underground level of "donation"???? This had to be a joke. It was not.
I think this incident was the final straw for me where I realized I can't support her if she's such a human being. That's not what my morals stand for thank you very much.
7. I REALLY tried to separate the art from the artist but I couldn't. Not with my sane mind and strong ethics. AND THEN the entire Matty healy debacle. He's a misogynistic, racist, zionist, ugh of a person.
I don't think anyone can date someone with such drastic opposing values. So the Taylor-Matty era further tarnished her image in front of me.
8. Fast forward and she releases her new album The Tortured Poets Department. That's it this was my final straw. You can just Google and go on a reddit thread about how problematic this album is. I'll probably write a long ass essay on it. Anyway this is where I decided I'm done, back in April.
Since then I've just been trying to cope with losing my fav artist because of the person she turned out to me. And people say we shouldn't hold celebs to such high standards but bro. Taylor PROMOTES parasocial relationships. SHE held her image to that standard until recently. There's an entire documentary on Netflix about that - Miss Americana.
So yeah she let me down from the pedestal she put herself on. It's been 2+ months and I'm still coping, because I genuinely lost a very important part of my life - her music. It has got me through tough times and I have many good memories associated with those songs.
Anyway, here's to new artists to love ONLY for their music lol 🥂
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