#agent carter memes
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The man has a Type™
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I will die on this hill
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team-iceflower · 3 days
Weiss: Oscar suggested tea, but I thought whiskey was more the order of the day.
Ruby: Bless you.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 41/?
The rest of the series
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peggysthetic · 10 months
Peggy in the Agent Carter one-shot:
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Her actually holding a bat makes it funny 😅
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zolakin · 16 days
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deadpool and wolverine
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all-that-jazz-93 · 10 months
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I am hilarious
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incorrect-multiverse · 6 months
Jarvis *falls down the stairs*
Daniel: I hope you’re okay.
Peggy: Stop falling down the stairs.
Jack: How’d the ground taste?
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soinspiredbyyou · 3 months
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Incorrect Argylle Quotes
Aidan: Want me to kill him?
Aidan: Come on, it’ll be quick! Won’t take a minute.
[Images courtesy of FanCaps]
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glossytreasures · 1 year
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mbti personality types according to the personality database
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ssr-archives · 4 months
I want to do this too. Spin this wheel to get a random Agent Carter character!
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@steggyfanevents Steggy Month – Week One with @peggynet – theme – Peggy
Peggy Appreciation Week day seven – free choice
Agent Carter + text posts { × }
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faememes · 1 year
Feel free to change pronouns/titles as you see fit.
"Kinda thing might really catch a man's eye...say, on a date?"
"Well, don't hold your breath. Especially with tuberculosis."
"You know there's a difference between being an independent woman and a spinster."
"Is it the shoes? Clock out, pull the curtains, and sleep. _______'s orders."
"Agent ______, we just pulled a red ball out of DC. All hands on deck. Meaning cover the phones."
"_______, redirect all calls to the briefing room. Covered. Shall we?"
"I knew __________ during the war; his help was invaluable. He may be a great many things, but he's not a traitor."
"I saw him once at a U.S.O. shown in Passaic. You could eat him with a spoon."
"Yes, I understand he was quite something."
"Everything all right, English?"
"Fine actually, if you don't count work."
"Boys at the phone company giving you a hard time?"
"No more than usual, it's just... During the war, I had a sense of purpose. Responsibility. Now I connect the calls, but I never get a chance to make them."
"Now that's the _________ I need."
"When you're not humiliating him, that fellow up there is my butler, __________. He will help you any way he can."
"What now, ________?"
"Now, I go to work."
"You were trying to do something good, and I believe you accomplished it."
"But was it worth it?
"Keep your eyes open."
"But I'm coming with you."
"Where are you?"
"Just keep driving!"
"Could you be slightly more specific?"
"Just to be clear, this is pressed into your brachial artery, it may be dull but I'm determined. Keep smiling. Once you start to bleed, you'll lose conciousness in fifteen seconds, you'll die in ninety unless someone comes to your aid. Now given your recent behavior, how likely do you think that is to happen? To prevent this not entirely unfortunate event from occurring, I suggest you find another place to eat. Do we understand each other?"
"Good. Oh, and one more thing... tip generously."
"I figured you'd never have a problem finding a man."
"The trick is finding the right one."
"You wouldn't believe me, if I told you."
"We'll keep an open mind."
"I don't have long, so listen very carefully. I need you to dispose of ________'s car."
"I beg your pardon?"
"The SSR are looking into Roxxon at this very moment. That car sustained damage at the site, and it's likely to be teeming with vita radiation. Make it disappear."
"Very well. Let's see, the linens come out of the wash in thirty minutes..."
"Fine. I shall forego the linens."
"I told you I don't need your help."
"An ideal butler provides service without being asked."
"Oh! Put it back. I need to drive this thing out of here."
"You're very fortunate that I ignored your instructions."
"Oh, you're so right. How I managed to stay alive before I met you, I have no idea."
"I can't tell if you're being arrogant... or ignorant."
"Both, I imagine."
"Your line of work requires support. People who care about your wellbeing, who will be there to stitch up your wounds."
"If I allow people to get close to me, I'm putting them in danger."
"So your solution is to remove yourself from the world you wish to protect. Where's the sense in that? There is not a man or woman, no matter how fit he or she may be, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders."
"... ______ was."
"From what ______ has told me, _______ relied heavily on you. For courage, strategy, and moral guidance. You were his support. Your desire to help others is noble, but I doubt you'll find much success unless you allow others to help you."
"Hi, Mary! That's Mary. She's a legal secretary at Goodman, Kirksberg and Holloway. Evelyn. Evelyn is a lounge singer at a club in midtown. Hi, Sarah! That's Sarah. She's a slut."
"How long do you see yourself working for the telephone company?"
"Only until I'm married, Miss ______."
"In a city filled with temptation, debauchery, and mischief, the Griffith Hotel is a haven for proper young ladies. Our code of conduct is indisputable. Attire should be demure and elegant. Curfew is 10:00. No drinking. No men above the first floor. No exceptions. Is that clear, Miss _______?"
"I may not always be truthful with _____, but I am always honest."
"What's your name, Darling?"
"No girl is gonna trade in a red, white, and blue shield for an aluminum crutch."
"I got a bottle of schnapps and half a rhubarb pie; let's see which one makes us sick first."
"A lot of stuff gets stolen from _________; cars bombs, death rays..."
"Actually, the death ray's accounted for. It's in Nevada, I believe."
"I haven't been in the back of a car in years."
"What brings you here?"
"My landlady gave me an idea."
"Oh splendid, now if we can get an opinion from your butcher."
"Sorry, you're counting the ransom in front of me."
"Our boss is a very precise man."
"Your manners never cease to disappoint."
"Get in."
"What? I hate small spaces. What if the chain snaps and I fall to my death?"
"Don't worry. I'll never reveal that _______'s dead body is lying, rotting in the bottom of a dumbwaiter shaft."
"You don't have to get changed with the door closed. I thought we were friends."
"What the hell do you think of me?"
"I think you're a man out for his own gain no matter who you're charging. You are constantly finding holes to slither your way into in the hope of finding loose change, only to cry when you're bitten by another snake. You're a man who says "I love you" whilst looking over a woman's shoulder into the mirror. _________ dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the SSR, and to this country, not to your bank account. I made the same pledge, but I'm not as good as ______ was. I forgot my pledge running around for you like a corporate spy. So thank you, ________, for reminding me who _____ was and what I aspire to be. For all I know, you did steal your inventions."
"If you want to get to know New York--if you want to get know any place, you have to start with the people first."
"I talk to people."
"Real people with real jobs. Not the, uh, phony, superficial ones that pervade the city. Uh, you should start with Brooklyn first."
"But I-I'd rather see the Statue of Liberty."
"Oh, she'll still be there. But what she represents, the spirit of Lady Liberty, is founded is found in its people."
"Wow. You sounded like Captain America just now."
"That's not a bad thing."
"What would ____ say if I left his best girl behind?"
"He'd say, 'Do as ____ says'."
"He can be thoughtless. Inconsiderate. Vain. Childish. Unreliable. Arrogant."
"You flatter him."
"The Germans are geniuses when it comes to beer. But, no one knows bourbon like the US of A."
"You guys are the Howling Commandos!"
"I hate that name."
"I came up with that name."
"That you did."
"Does anyone else feel a chill going up their knickers?"
"I would if I wore knickers."
"Stop wahooing and help!"
"Not bad. For a girl."
"I hate you all."
"You sure you wanna get on that plane? Commandos could always use another good fighter. We just need to come up with a nickname for you."
"Tempting, but I think it's time I put my days on the front lines behind me. Someone needs to mind the wheel back in the States. And I suppose someone needs to convince the SSR of _____'s innocence, wanker or not. I'll miss you."
"Miss you, too, ____. Wait a second. Miss you... Miss Union Jack! Whaddya think, fellas? Huh?"
"Never speak again."
"She's a cute broad. When she's not punching me in the face. Who is she?"
"Not who I thought she was."
"How could he possibly meet this many women?"
"The Academy Awards is a very busy time... What are you doing?"
"A large portion of the women on this list are well known actresses, models and socialites. Publicly established for several years. They can be disregarded."
"Well, I wouldn't dismiss her."
"You think Ginger Rogers is a Russian assassin?"
"You should have seen her eyes when I escorted her from Mr. Stark's villa. The darkest gates to the abyss."
"_____. Don't run. If you run, I'll know it's true."
"I'm sorry, ______."
"You don't look like federal agents."
"We're with the Strategic Scientific Reserve."
"Well, I'm with the Queens County 4H. Take it down the hall."
"I think it had something to do with her sick grandmother."
"Oh, gee. Um..."
"Please don't... do that."
"She's got a grandmother who's doing poorly. And whenever I think about it, I think of my grandmother who's so supportive of my acting career. I performed for her, and she said, you belong on stage, angel. Even though I'm living hand to mouth, I just, uh..."
"Please stop."
"Could you do something here?"
"No. Actors wear their emotions close to the surface. I could no more stop her than I could Laurence Olivier."
"What's your grandmother's name?"
"Gam Gam."
"Uh, we should go... talk to some more of the neighbors. C'mon, _________."
"There, there."
"_______, how would you feel if we smashed that mirror with this table?"
"I would feel splendid about it."
"Alright, we pick it up, and then on the count of three--"
"Battering ram. Ready? One... Two... Wait. What if there are people behind this mirror that we're breaking?"
"Then they may get hurt. There'll be a spray of glass."
"I see. One... Two... Wait! What if those hypothetical people behind the mirror have guns?"
"Then we may get hurt. There'll be a spray of bullets."
"I see. One... Two... Three! No people. Everybody wins."
"I've just thought of something."
"We're still attached to a table."
Promise me you'll get the son of a bitch who did this. Say it!"
"We'll catch him."
"'Atta girl."
"To you, I’m a stray kitten left on your doorstep to be protected. The secretary turned damsel in distress. The girl on the pedestal, transformed into some daft whore."
"And I suppose the confession portrays me as what? A patsy? A doe-eyed idiot succumbed to the charms of America’s mustachioed Casanova?"
"I conducted my own investigation because no one listens to me. I got away with it because no one looks at me. Because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I am invisible."
"How's that look?"
"Like a nest of spiders with very short legs."
"That's good enough."
"______ ... I know you loved him. I loved him, too. But this won't bring him back. ______, you are the one person on this earth who believes in me. I cannot lose you. _____ is gone. We have to move on--all of us. As impossible as that may sound, we have to let him go."
"You were gonna shoot me out of the sky?"
"Well, I thought that was what you would have wanted."
"No! No, it's not. And for future reference, under no circumstance would I want anyone to shoot or otherwise hurt me. You got that?"
"Your point is amply made, sir."
"How refreshing to meet someone who appreciates the finer things."
"I appreciate the finer things. I just don't want to know what's happened in and on the fine things."
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likea-black-widow-baby · 10 months
Jack, looking concerned: Oh hey, hi...
Angie, her arms full of weapons: Well, Peggy, I see our preparation for the uh street-pep-parade-dance-drill contests are coming along. Bring it on!
Peggy: It's okay, I filled him in on everything.
Angie: Oh thank God. If I had to explain all these weapons, I had nothing
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bonusholegent · 2 years
Agent Carter + Rusty Quill Gender.
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