#agent coulson x reader
strawwritesfic · 2 years
Phil Coulson x SHIELD Worker!Reader: Hyperlink
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Summary: Office romances are awkward, even when your office is the headquarters of a bunch of secret government agents.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Pre-Avengers (2012); Desk Agent!Reader; IT!Reader)
Challenge: “120 Bits of Random” challenge by SugarLandBabyGirl on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
When you told people that you worked for a secret government agency, their flights of fantasy usually took care of the problem of making you explain what exactly that involved. What came to mind (high speed chases, martinis, gunfights, and beautiful women) were much more interesting than your actual job with SHIELD entailed. Some of the agents might have got caught up in those sorts of things, but you were not one of them. You spent most of your time on the clock in the basement working with the computer system.
It was an absolute mess from the get go, which probably explained your easy hiring. A student fresh out of college didn’t normally get offered such a high profile job so quickly. In the years since, you had tried your absolute best to clean things up. Though the system those days weren’t perfect, they were better that the state you'd found them in, and better enough that you were bored most of the time. Cleaning viruses off the field agents’ computers wasn’t exactly exciting–but at least it kept you in contact with people outside your staff.
“Hello? Is anyone home?” You looked up from your laptop to see a familiar face smiling at you from the entrance to your office. Phil Coulson, upon catching your eye, nodded and stepped inside. “I need some help and they sent me here.”
“Again?” You spun your chair in his direction.
“Well, you are the boss.”
“But you need help again? Last time you didn’t even have a malware problem,” you said. Looking closely at Phil, his eyes appeared to widen a bit at your words, but perhaps you were just imagining things. Best not to get your hopes up after all. You pointed at the chair opposite your desk and waited for Phil to settle in.
“It’s not malware this time,” he assured you, sliding his laptop to you. “I haven’t had a problem with that since you installed that one program.”
“And you’re not clicking the links of every single e-mail sent to you?”
He hesitated just a moment too long before shaking his head. “No.”
Smiling knowingly, you hummed and popped open the screen. “So if it isn’t a virus, what seems to be the problem this time?”
“It’s not a problem, per say,” Phil said. “I just hit a bit of a roadblock writing an email.”
You chuckled, clicking open Phil’s email program. There was a new e-mail, but you didn’t open it. Privacy policy and all that. As you tucked your pen behind your ear, you turned your attention back to your office guest. 
“You field agents send so few emails you get stuck doing so?” you asked.
“This one is special,” Phil said with that same blithe smile. “And I haven’t tried sending any links before.”
“Links.” You blinked. “You realize you can just copy and paste those, right?”
“They’re not those kinds of links. What are they called again?” He tapped a finger against the surface of the desk. 
You watched with a tiny smile. Really, Phil wasn’t all that old in comparison to the rest of the agents in his department. Everyone that was his age knew enough about computers to explain to you what they wanted. 
After a moment of squeezing his eyes shut, he snapped his fingers and opened his eyes again. “Hyperlinks! They’re called hyperlinks.”
“Oh. Yeah, those are a little different. I can show you how to set those up, if you’ve already got the document ready.”
He gestured at the computer. “By all means.”
You maximized the email without further ado. There was a PowerPoint presentation attached to it. As this was the focus of your conversation, you did not bother to look at the body of the email, or even who the slideshow was being sent to.
“It should already be on the right slide,” Phil said. 
You nodded absently as the program pulled up, revealing a simple white slide with black text. A bullet-point list took up all the space. Your eyes danced over several of the points, which spelled out things such as I am very neat and organized, I will respect your personal space, and I’m good at writing letters.
“Which one did you need hyperlinked?” you asked slowly.
“The last one,” he answered.
Your eyes fell upon the final point on the list: I will let you touch whatever you want in my Captain America collection.
“And to where?”
“There’s a picture on the last slide.”
You scrolled down to find a photograph of what could only be Phil’s incredibly extensive collection. After that, it was a simple enough matter to set up a hyperlink. 
“So what are you making this for anyway?” you asked. “Some sort of Captain American fan contest?”
“No,” said Phil. “Nothing like that.”
“Then what…” 
But you didn’t finish that sentence, because the question was soon answered for you. Due to force of habit, you had scrolled back to the first slide before hitting the save button. The title of the slideshow had nothing to do with Captain America at all. It read: Why You Should Agree to Go Out With me.
"Oh, did you see that?” Phil said, just as mildly as he’d said everything before. “I suppose I won’t need to email it to you, then.”
You gaped first at the slideshow, then at Phil. It took you nearly an entire minute to recover enough to say, “You’re asking me out via PowerPoint presentation?”
“Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Phil shrugged, leaning backward in his chair. “I know I’m old fashioned, but I thought if I could prove to you that I could use a computer, you might give me a shot.”
Words! You needed to speak words! But your heart drummed too hard in your chest for you think properly. All you could manage was continuing to look between the computer screen and Phil’s face. 
To his credit, he waited a very long time for a response, and patiently, too. When the silence continued, however, he gently snapped the laptop shut, picked it up, and began to walk from the room.
“But I guess,” he said, looking not the slightest bit perturbed by your implied rejection, “now that I’ve revealed I can’t even hyperlink things, you probably wouldn’t be intereste–”
Phil paused in the doorway.
You left your chair and rushed up to him. “I–I didn’t mean I wouldn’t. I was just surprised, is all.”
“Meaning that I would love to go out with you, Phil.” And you would. You just hadn’t been expecting your little crush to ever pan out. 
His smile grew. “So should I email you the details?”
“Maybe just give me them in person for now. One step at a time.”
Pick you up at seven Friday?”
“Seven sounds great,” you answered. “See you then.”
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For those who have been waiting, If I Could Be More has been updated!
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upat4amwiththemoon · 15 days
can I request a Daisy Johnson x reader fanfic where reader works at shield and is the (secret) daughter of Coulson and May and only a small circle, not including Daisy knows who readers parents are. Reader and Daisy met at shield hq and Daisy ends up ranting to Coulson about the girl she met and after a while Coulson realises Daisy is talking about his daughter?
Accidental oversharing
Summary: The secret daughter of Phil Coulson and Melinda May.
Pairing: Daisy Johnson x female!reader, Philinda x daughter!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 772
a/n: day 1000 of wishing Marvel gave us more Daisy Johnson content
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
masterlists | guidelines
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“Oh shit!” A stack of papers falls to the ground as Daisy’s body bumps right into someone in the middle of the SHIELD headquarters’ hallway.
“I’m so sorry.” The other woman mumbles as she kneels down, starting to gather all the papers from the ground. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“No, it’s my fault,” Daisy picks up the few papers that flew further away.
The woman gives Daisy a small smile as she stands up, now holding all of her papers. She takes a double take, her brows scrunching together. “Aren’t you the Quake?”
“Oh god,” she cringes at the mention of her superhero name, “please call me Daisy. I hate that name.”
“Okay, Daisy. I’m Y/N.” Freeing one of her hands, Y/N reaches it out to shake Daisy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
It’s not that Daisy doesn’t pay attention to the people working at SHIELD, because she does, she makes sure to be at least polite to everyone (who deserves it), but right now she can’t help but stare at the woman in front of her, taking her in fully. “Uhuh.” She nods, shaking Y/N’s hand softly.
“Okay.” She lets out a small laugh before pulling her hand away from Daisy’s weak grip. “I really have to get going, but I’ll see you around, maybe.” Y/N waits for a couple of seconds before walking away.
“Yeah…” Daisy whispers, her eyes following her until she finally registers reality. “Wait what?” Her eyes widen as a visceral need to get the woman’s number comes over her. She desperately looks around to find the woman, but the sea of people has already hidden her from sight. “Shit.”
Daisy has no choice but to continue her way to Coulson, who called for her at least 30 minutes ago.
“Hey, Daisy?” Coulson’s hand waves in front of her face. “Are you listening to me?”
Daisy sighs, coming out of her dreamland as she focused her gaze on Coulson. “No, sorry AC.”
“What’s going on?”
Leaning her head over the back of the couch, Daisy smiles softly as she reminisces what happened not too long ago. “I bumped into someone, a woman, today. I don’t think I’ve seen her around before, because I’d definitely remember her if I had.”
“Someone finally caught your eye?” Coulson has a small grin on his face as he listens to her talk.
“What do you mean finally?” She scoffs, rolling her eyes before going to explaining. “She was so beautiful and nice, so cute, and I was acting so weird around her.” Daisy lays her hand over her face, a small grimace on it. “But I couldn’t help it! I got completely mesmerized by her.”
Though Coulson wanted to tease her at first, his grin turns into a genuine smile. Daisy hasn’t really paid attention to people after everything that happened with Ward and then Lincoln, so he is truly happy for her.
“I didn’t get her number though.” She mumbles. “But her name is Y/N, do you know her?”
At the mention of her name, Coulson’s brows raise. “Y/N? About yay tall, great hair, smiling all the time?” He gestures with his hands, wanting to make sure they’re thinking about the same person.
“Yeah! So you do know her?”
“Ask her number from May. I’m banner from that duty since I apparently don’t know how to judge a person’s vibes well enough.” He says it as if it’s the moat ridiculous thing he has ever heard, but there’s fondness in his tone.
Daisy furrows her brows, now lifting her head up properly to watch Coulson. “You know her well? May too?”
“Mhm.” He smiles, his arms crossed over his chest. “She is our daughter.”
There is a prolonged silence as Daisy tries to wrap her head around the sentence. “Daughter? You-“ she opens and closes her mouth, her wide eyes stuck on Coulson’s grinning face. “I know you two are together, but long enough to have a whole adult daughter?”
“Very few people know.”
“Why wasn’t I one of those people?”
“Security reasons. Don’t worry, none of the people on the team know.” Coulson takes out his phone, informing May that Daisy is now aware of their daughter.
“But-“ Daisy huffs before shaking her head. “Philinda daughter…” she mumbles.
“Please don’t call her that. May might hurt you.” Coulson pats Daisy’s shoulder. “Do you want her number?”
“Yes! Yes, I want her number.”
“Go get it from May-“ Daisy is already on her feet, “she is getting the bus ready.” And Daisy is gone, leaving Coulson to chuckle by himself.
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Crisis of Conscience
Grant Ward x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Grant and his girlfriend met after being recruited to Hydra, and have spent the past decade or so in love as double agents at SHIELD. When they both join Coulson's team and Y/N has a crisis of conscience, however, it might put everything at risk.
Word Count: 2,824
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Kind of an ambiguous ending that could be read as fluffy or angsty, but in my head they get their happy ending for sure.
Requested by anon! Hope you like it, this idea was super fun to write!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"I'm just saying, if I went on Chopped, I would've learned not to use the ice cream maker by now. Like I would've watched a single episode before this."
I chuckled, smiling from my spot on the loveseat in the Bus's living room as Skye critiqued the Chopped contestants from the couch. After another successful mission with Coulson's team, the Bus 'kids' had crashed in the living room together to watch Chopped and eat foods that were bad for us. I was tucked under the arm of Grant Ward, my long-time boyfriend and friend, who I'd had to drag in here with us.
"It is kind of wild how often people continue to use it when it almost always goes wrong," I agreed. Skye threw her hands up, pointing one of them at me.
"Thank you!"
"I just want to try to make some of these things now," mused Fitz. "It's made me hungry."
Simmons and I hummed in agreement, and then the group of us fell into comfortable silence as the show came back from its commercial break. I could hear Grant's heartbeat through his chest, and the warm safety and comradery of the room put a warm feeling in my chest. I sighed, looking around at each of my friends while they watched the show.
Suddenly, the warmth in my chest turned to a cold, hard knot.
Soon, I'd be expected to betray these people. Like Grant, I'd been recruited by John Garrett a long, long time ago to be a Hydra agent hidden within SHIELD. Never once had I had a doubt, but sitting here with these people and knowing just how much harm might be on the horizon for them sent my stomach roiling.
"I... think I'm gonna call it a night," I said, standing up abruptly. I didn't bother to keep the discomfort off my face, especially as all my friends turned to me with curious looks.
"Is everything okay?" asked Skye. I gave a little shake of my head.
"I just... feel a little sick to my stomach. Probably it's a tiredness thing. I'm just gonna go lay down, I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning."
"Come see me if you don't," said Simmons, her brow creased in worry. I nodded, promising her and saying hasty goodbyes before turning and heading straight for my bunk. I could feel Grant's eyes following me as I went, but I ignored him.
Over the next few days, the little kernel of doubt that had started in the back of my brain took root. Every time I interacted with any of the team, it grew, leaving me overwhelmed with guilt for the moment I knew was coming, when I'd be asked to betray these people I'd come to love. Especially as we sought the Clairvoyant, the mystical person putting our team at risk, and Grant and I both knew full well that the person in question was John Garrett.
I'd continued to do my job through bullet wounds, freezing temperatures, broken bones, and just about every other hurtle imaginable. But after a few days of fighting through the guilt, I just couldn't stomach it anymore.
"Hey, Grant? Do you have a sec?"
Grant raised an eyebrow, immediately stepping away from the direction he'd been heading to step closer to me, concern written on his face. We knew each other well enough and had been together long enough that he'd definitely noticed something was wrong with me.
"Everything okay?"
"It's just... I don't know Grant, do you ever... wonder if we're doing the right thing? With... uh..."
"You don't have to say it," he said. I bit my lip and nodded, trying to read something in his face. He still looked concerned, mostly for me, which didn't tell me much about how he felt about what I was saying.
"Well... what do you think? I mean, I can't imagine after everything we've been through with this team... just leaving them out to dry."
"I understand how you're feeling," he said, reaching out to take my hand in his. My heart leapt for a second, then dropped all over again as he continued. "But we have to remember what we're doing this for. John Garrett picked us. He pulled us out of terrible situations and gave us the chance nobody else would give us. We owe him. We can't turn on him now."
"Right. Of course, yeah, right." I plastered a shaky smile onto my face and met Grant's eyes. He still didn't look totally convinced, but I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he could question me. "C'mon, we better get back before they wonder where we went."
"Are you-"
"I'm fine, Grant. Just a little late-game nerves. But I'm fine."
He nodded, looking at least a little more convinced, and we continued through the bowels of the Bus to join our team in the lab. I tried to smile and pretend like everything was normal, but the pit in my stomach had turned into a black hole. For Grant, Garrett had saved his life. He felt loyalty to the man, if not to the cause. But for me? Garrett had recruited me from a less than ideal situation, sure. But he'd sold me on the idea of Hydra, which suddenly looked more like a rotten apple than anything else. I had no personal loyalty to him.
Unfortunately, I did have a lot of personal loyalty to Grant. I spent hours laying awake at night, agonizing over the position I'd gotten myself into, between my boyfriend and best friend and love of my life against every single other person I cared about. I tried to ignore it or push away the worries, to try to convince myself to just ignore the thing telling me to do something, but I just couldn't. Grant clearly wasn't willing to betray Garrett, and I wasn't willing to betray Grant. But I could still do something to warn our team.
Subtly, anonymously, using every skill I'd ever learned as a SHIELD or double agent, I managed to leave enough information with Coulson that he put it together. He didn't waste a single second before telling the rest of the team, and we set up an ambush for Garrett to get him once and for all.
The hardest thing I'd done in my entire life was lying to Grant's face when he pulled me aside, shocked and worried, to try to come up with a plan with me. He'd never asked me if I'd been the one to share the information, because he trusted me. It sent new pangs of horror roiling around in my stomach, but this time I didn't let it get to me. I could tell Grant what I'd done once Garrett was safely in jail, and then we could see if he could forgive me for it.
Unfortunately for me, I never got the chance to have that conversation with Grant. Somehow, Garrett managed to slip through the trap Coulson had laid. His cover was blown, which made him much less of a threat than he'd been before, but he was still out there. The whole team had landed and taken a temporary pause to figure out our next moves when Grant and I got identical texts.
"Garrett's calling us to meet up with him," muttered Grant, sidling up next to me out of earshot of the rest of the team. I nodded.
"What do we do?"
"We have to go to him. He probably needs our help dealing with this mess."
I nodded again, my brain working through all of my possible options. I could just share the text with Coulson, but somehow, that felt like a bigger betrayal than just giving them hints about Garrett. Probably since it would involve Grant, too. And even if he'd never forgive me for what I'd already done, I knew I'd still follow him to the ends of the Earth.
"Should we make up something to tell the team? Or should we just go?" I asked.
We ended up making a quick, somewhat thin excuse to the team, then rushed to where Garrett waited for us. We found him in a beaten-down, empty warehouse, waiting for us with his arms crossed in the back of the space. My heart leapt into my throat, but I kept my face carefully neutral as Grant and I came to a stop before him, side by side.
"Do either of you know why I've called you here?" asked Garrett, not bothering with a hello. His voice had a dangerous edge to it that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up; every instinct I'd honed over the course of years screamed danger.
"To try to deal with SHIELD figuring out who you are," said Grant, with the confidence of somebody who hadn't betrayed the man before us. Garrett scoffed.
"I guess that's technically true. But there was no way for them to find out. There was no way for Coulson and his team to get that information about me, to act with such certainty, as early as they did. At least, there shouldn't have been a way."
His hand wandered to his hip, and he unholstered his gun, holding it lightly in his hand as he considered it for a few moments. He looked back at me and Grant.
"There were only two people with the knowledge and the opportunity to out me. I know it was one of you. So one of you is going to tell me who did it, or I'm just gonna cut my losses and shoot you both."
Like the slow motion part of a movie, I saw Grant turn to me out of the corner of my eye. I took a deep breath before facing him, trying to express just how sorry I was without words. Hurt, shock, betrayal, and disbelief all played out across his face, his brow furrowed, his mouth slightly open. All of it felt like a knife to the heart, a sensation I'd likely experience for real in the next few minutes. I mouthed 'I'm sorry', willing him to believe it, then turned back to face John Garrett.
Grant's POV
My heart stopped as I looked at the woman I loved and realization crashed over me at what she'd done. I knew she hadn't been satisfied after our conversation in the hallway, but I'd convinced myself not to follow up on it. A stupid, stupid decision.
She met my eyes, John still hovering just past us with his gun in hand, and a fear I hadn't felt since I was a kid took root in my stomach. Garrett had warned me, time and time again, and especially when I'd started dating a fellow double agent, that I couldn't trust anybody. My family had proven that from day one, and Garrett had been the only one to consistently be there for me. Now, Y/N had betrayed me like everyone else, and I could see on her face that she was going to do it again.
She mouthed 'I'm sorry' and turned back to John, and I got ready to defend myself after she tried to make me take the fall.
Then, she spoke.
"I did it."
I couldn't believe it. She'd owned up to it, knowing full well Garrett would most likely kill her. She was literally willing to take a bullet for me. A vice tightened in my chest.
"I did it."
I spoke the words with a clear confidence I didn't feel at all as I looked Garrett dead in the eye. If I had one thing still guiding my decisions in the wake of everything that had happened and that I'd caused, it was a desire to protect Grant. I loved him, and no matter what else came of this, I didn't want him to take the fall for me.
The silence hung, Garrett staring me down. The hand he held the gun with twitched, and I braced myself to run or fight or I don't know what else, but Grant's voice rang out before Garrett or I could make another move.
"No, I did it."
I whipped around to look at him, and this time it was my turn for wide eyes and a mouth open in shock. Grant didn't look away from Garrett to me, even though I knew he knew I was staring at him.
"Grant, no. You didn't. I did it, and I didn't tell you anything about it."
"No, I-"
He stopped short when Garrett held up a hand, the one without the gun, to stop us both.
"No Ward, you didn't do it. Everyone in this room knows it wasn't you." Garrett strolled the short distance between him and Ward, effectively turning the field so he and Grant stood shoulder to shoulder against me. "But clearly it is a weakness for you."
Grant's eyes widened ever so slightly, and I knew him well enough to recognize it as fear. I shifted on my feet, no idea what to do anymore. Grant seemed to feel the same way as Garrett tapped the gun on Grant's hip.
"Weaknesses have to be weeded out, Ward. Take care of her."
Garrett and Grant both kept their eyes on me, and I could see sweat coming down Grant's face as he slowly reached towards his holster and pulled out his gun. With him and Garrett both armed, I didn't stand much of a chance, even if I was willing to shoot Grant.
As the man I loved raised his weapon, I blocked out Garrett completely. I met his warm brown eyes with my own, silently willing him to ditch Garrett, to choose me like I'd chosen him. My heart pounded in my chest, and in a split second everything changed.
I heard a shot and felt pain explode in my stomach as Grant moved at lightning speed. A moment later, as I sank to the ground, I realized he'd turned to face Garrett. He'd shot his old mentor in the chest, for me, but Garrett had managed to get a shot off before he went down. I brought my hand up to my stomach and touched something warm and wet before the hard concrete of the floor bit into my knees.
"No!" Grant cried, rushing over to me. I screwed my eyes shut and tried to breathe through the pain as he wrapped me in his arms. "Hey, stay with me, alright? Stay with me."
"Grant... you... you shot Garrett."
He grimaced, then tried to fight the expression off his face a moment later. He brushed a strand of hair back out of my face.
"The alternative was shooting you. John may have gotten me out of hell, but you were the first one to make me care about staying here in a long time."
I couldn't quite hold back a choked sob, which sent a flash of panic shooting across Grant's face. Still holding me with one hand, he reached into his pocket with the other and dug out his phone.
"Everything's going to be alright," he said, his voice taking on the calm assuredness we needed for missions. "I'm gonna call Coulson, and when they get here, they're going to help me take care of you. You're going to be alright."
I nodded, turning my head as Grant dialed to look at Garrett. He was splayed out on the floor a few feet away from us, the life clearly gone from his body. I refused to join him.
"They're on their way," Grant announced, setting down his phone once the call ended. "They'll be here soon."
"What did you tell them? About us? What we did?"
"Not a lot, but I'm sure we'll have to explain everything once they get here and you're stabilized."
I nodded. "Grant, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you, for going behind your back, I just couldn't let our friends get hurt-"
"Shh, it's okay. I get it, alright? I do. We'll talk more about it when you're on your feet again."
"I think you should tell them you were part of it," I continued, forcing the breath out. My vision had started getting darker, and I could feel my consciousness slipping, but I didn't want to be saved only to lose Grant after doing so much to try to save everyone else. "Tell the team you helped me tip them off, that we did it together. Make up whatever lie works but... I don't want to lose you..."
He leaned down, planting a soft kiss on my forehead as the last of my consciousness drifted away. The last thing I heard before everything went black was Grant, his voice low and whispered, echoing after me as I went.
"Don't worry. You could never lose me."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten
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redroses07 · 2 months
Day Off // Deke Shaw
Deke Shaw x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is stressed out with shield agent life, and Deke encourages her to take a day off and discover earth with him.
W/C: 2k
Warnings: Kissing, violence, end of the world, yk just basic stuff.
A/N: Hey guys!! This took much longer to write than anticipated, my apologies I've been insanely busy recently. I've really been wanting to write for Deke though because there is a LACK of fics for him on this app. Anyways, I really hope y'all enjoy, love you guys! ₊˚⊹♡
You and your Shield team had finally arrived back from the future, and you were relieved to say the least.
Being trapped in an unfamiliar place was horrifying, not that you and your team hadn't been through worse.
Just because you were back didn't mean you were in the clear, and discovering Daisy was the one who was going to cause the destruction of planet earth only made things more distressing.
Even though Daisy didn't currently have her powers you could see the fear in her eyes. You were worried for her, and so was the rest of your team. You had all been working tirelessly to stop the end of the world, and as important as it was the exhaustion was beginning to catch up to you.
Right now you were heading down the hall to meet with your team about the ever concerning anomalies that had been appearing in the lighthouse.
As you rounded the corner you felt yourself slam into something...or rather someone.
"You okay darling?" The all too familiar voice mused from above you.
Deke, the boy from the future. With his gray eyes and rugged features, who you had somehow managed to fall for. You knew he felt the same, but between the plethora of near death experiences the two of you hadn't had time to address your feelings.
"Shit! Deke, I'm sorry." You jumped back, examining where you had slammed into him.
Thankfully there was no noticeable damage.
You ran your hands through your hair, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Hey, it's okay! It barely hurt!" Deke spun around quickly, and did a silly little dance.
"See, I'm in tip top shape." He put on a goofy smile, causing you to give him one in return.
"Where are you off to?" Deke asked, you forgot that the team didn't always include him in their meetings.
"Oh, just, uh, meeting Daisy and everyone,"
"But I honestly just need a break, I'm so tired of running around all the time."
You leaned against the wall, the stress you were under feeling heavier than the weight of the world.
Deke gave you a sympathetic smile and lightly squeezed your hand.
You began to lean into him, and you began to feel as if you were handing him some of the stress you were carrying.
"Hey I have an idea." Deke exclaimed, taking your hands and turning you to face him.
"You should spend the day with me!" He suggested, his face just beaming with excitement.
"Deke...I don't know, they're expecting me-"
"Please! If they ask, just tell them you got sick or something." Deke pleaded, giving you the saddest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen.
You thought for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of your decision. Yes, you would waste the day having fun when you could be helping your teammates. Although, you would be getting a much needed recharge, and with your favorite person at that. And by the way, how could you say no to that face?
"Okay fineee." You gave in.
Deke pumped his fist in the air with excitement, earning a laugh from you.
"Oh my god, you can show me all of the cool earth things I've been wanting to try! Like every flavor of ice cream, and football! You know, since I only got here like a week ago.."
You truly didn't understand why he got on everyone's nerves so much. He was just excited to have a chance at living the life he always dreamed of in the future, and there was honestly something so refreshing about that. Deke didn't take advantage of anything, because he knew what it was like to have nothing.
"Of course, let me get dressed and then we can go. We've gotta be sneaky about it though."
"You've got it babe." Deke replied, shooting your finger guns and a wink. You rolled your eyes and walked off.
Once you got changed out of your casual clothes, and packed a small bag you hurried to meet Deke outside. You were sure to dodge any Shield Agents that were coming your way.
When you arrived at the exit, Deke was already waiting. When He saw you he excitedly pulled out a notebook and flipped to a specific page.
"I made a list of everything I want to do today! I know we might not be able to do it all but i put little stars next to my favorites." Deke pointed to the tiny stars he had drawn next to several items on his, not so short to do list.
"You make me laugh you know that?" You said, snatching the notebook from his hands to look over it.
"Is it too much?"
"No, It's perfect." you looked up to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, causing his cheeks to turn a bright pink shade.
"Okay lets go!" You pulled him behind you as you headed toward your car that was parked in the nearby parking garage.
"I think this is my first time in one of these." Deke exclaimed as you drove towards your first destination.
"Well, is it everything you dreamed it would be?"
"Honestly, it's kinda underwhelming."
You let out a laugh, quickly turning to the side to make eye contact with Deke who was also laughing.
"I totally agree."
When you arrived at your first stop, Deke was practically jumping up and down with excitement.
"You brought me to the beach?"
"I noticed that one had two stars next to it." you replied, pointing to the notebook laying on your console.
"I know it's not warm enough to get into the water, but we can at least walk on the sand and put our feet in."
"Are you kidding? This is amazing." Deke reached over into the driver's seat and hugged you tightly.
He quickly jumped out of the car and started racing towards the shore.
"Be careful! It's easy to fall on sand." You called, remembering how you had to get used to the way your feet sunk into the sand when you were a child.
Just as the words escaped your lips Deke fell face first into the sand.
Your heart raced worriedly as you rushed over to see if he was okay.
"Oh my god! I told you to be careful!" You snapped, leaning down to examine Deke who was still laying flat in the sand.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Deke rolled over, spitting sand out of his mouth.
You reached out your hand and helped him up, rolling your eyes as you did.
"Please watch yourself from now on." You said, refusing to loosen your grip on his hand.
After that care, not that the two of you hadn't gone through worse, you kept Deke close.
Were you really concerned, or were you using it as an excuse? That wasn't a question that needed to be answered.
As the two of you strolled towards the sore, hand in hand, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. Wander back to the unspoken feelings between the two of you. It's not as if nothing physical had ever happened between the two of you, holding hands and cuddling wasn't uncommon and you had even shared a kiss a few times, but nothing was ever really discussed.
Now was your long awaited chance, just the two of you, without impending doom hanging over your heads.
Well for the moment at least.
"Hey Deke..."
"mhm?" Deke stopped and looked up at you, tracing his thumb over your palm as he did.
"You know how I feel about you right?"
"Everything that's happened, it's not just nothing. I really like you, just between the end of the world and time traveling I don't think I've remembered to tell you." You said all this without taking your eyes off Deke's.
You loved the way he looked at you, with such adoration.
For once, Deke didn't respond with his words but rather his actions. Without hesitation, he cupped your face and pressed many kisses to your lips, cheeks, and forehead.
He stopped to look at you, a giddy look on his face.
"Wait? So are we like, boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Deke said half jokingly.
"Only if you want to be." You got your answer when Deke kissed you again, this time with much more force. It was unlike any of the other kisses you two had shared, there was a sense of raw emotion behind it that hadn't been there before.
On your walk back to the car you leaned comfortably into Deke, no longer needing to worry about if it was 'too much'.
You began driving to your next activity, something that was a favorite of yours that you hoped he would really enjoy.
You pulled into the parking lot of your favorite dockside diner, and you could already smell the greasy french fries, and sizzling burgers. You watched as couples and groups of teens strolled down the dock, holding ice cream cones from the shop nearby.
Once you and Deke walked inside you found a waiter to get you a seat. You were seated quickly, and ordered drinks.
"So, is this somewhere you come a lot?"
"Yes, this is my favorite restaurant, and you haven't lived if you haven't had greasy American diner food."
Deke looked around at the place, excitedly examining everything. Once it came time to order, Deke couldn't decide between a bacon cheeseburger or chicken and waffles, so you agreed to get both and have half each.
Once your food arrived, you both ate quickly. Deke continuously snatched fries from your plate, stating each time that it was his last one. You ended up having to swat his hand away, claiming the rest of the fries.
Once you were finished you paid the bill and led Deke out to the dock.
You noticed him eyeing the ice cream parlor, so you asked him if he was up for dessert.
He happily agreed and ordered as many flavors of ice cream as they could fit on the cone. You doubted all those flavors would even taste good mixed together but as long as it made Deke happy.
You walked slowly down the dock, ice cream in one hand, and Deke's hand in the other.
At this point in the day the sun was beginning to sink below the clouds, and the temperature had dipped even lower. You realized you had forgotten to bring a jacket, as you had not planned to be out this late.
You began to shiver, and Deke took notice quickly. He pulled off his jacket, the one he wore nearly every day and offered it to you.
"Well won't you be cold?" you protested.
"Nah, temperatures were crazy in space, a little wind doesn't bother me."
You gave him a sympathetic smile and allowed him to wrap the jacket around your shoulders.
You decided to end your day sitting at the end of the dock and watching the sun sink between the clouds. Deke slipped his hand around your waist as the stars began to fade into view.
"It's so beautiful here, there weren't many beautiful things to look at where I used to live."
This filled you with sadness, and reminded you of the suffering Deke experienced his whole life.
"Deke, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve to live a life like that." You whispered softly, nuzzling your nose into his neck.
"Well it may have sucked, but you know what? It led me to you."
You looked up to make eye contact with your boyfriend. He tucked a few loose pieces of hair behind your ears, and kissed you on the forehead.
"And you are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky combined."
Taglist: @nikki-is-a-nerd @somestardeww
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jackiequick · 8 months
The truth hurts, doesn’t it? | Agents Of SHIELD Fanfic
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Summary: Everything good must have been an interesting lie underneath it all, waiting to be uncovered, but the question is how will you take it?
Pairing: Grant Ward x OC, Grant Ward & Amelia Parker (WardParker)
Setting: Captain America The Winter Solider and Agents Of SHIELD season 1
Spoilers for Agents Of SHIELD 1x17–1x20
Warning: Blood, mentions of anxiety, heartbreak, a bit of manipulation, betrayal
Characters mentioned: Nikolai, Marlene, Melissa, Coulson, Fury, May, Skye, Fitzsimmons, Tripp and The Young Avengers
It felt like madness. The air was thick and colder than they would’ve liked. The team was tired, confused and more or less worried. Trying to figure out what to do next and how to stick together while doing so. There were some agents coming in and out of the bunker, they were even set underneath an lie detector and all passed with flying colors.
The cell service was better than expect, they had food, water, and shelter that’s what matters.
It was a late afternoon when it happened.
Practically night.
Everyone was doing their own thing. Some were trying to rest like Fitz and Jemma, some were on computers doing research such as Skye, and others were training themselves for the bigger fight near the locker area.
Amelia felt on edge, these last few weeks it was like a nervous twitch creeping up on her waiting to snap. She wasn’t thinking straight about anything, as far as they knew Fury is dead. Hell, she wasn’t sure if Nikolai, Marlene, or Melissa were fully aware of the situation in place, even though she sent an critical message to them.
She knew that none of the young avengers or adults one had any clue about what exactly was happening, due to the truth of Coulson’s death was kept from most of them. But HYDRA creeping around wasn’t something truly hidden per say…
Sometimes she felt like it was this shivering headache that reached from the back of her neck toward the front of her forehead. This whole situation bothered her to the inch of her bones, this chilling adventure she didn’t remember signing up for in the first place.
Maybe she needed a nap? Watch a video to relax her mind? Hell, splash some water crossed her face to try and clear her head?
Walking past the supply room, she left oddly enough weary like she was missing something. It was just her anxiety seeping itself, as she thought. An odd feeling recklessly filled the rest of the area, as she scurried into one of the restrooms.
Closing the door behind her, she let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Her joints hurt, twisting themselves into her shoulders as she rested her arms against the bathroom sink. Her vision went blurry for a moment, her back arched froward as she unzipped her jacket to breathe and roll up her sleeves.
She turned on the knobs as she splashed some cold water on her face, wiping her eyes browns and rubbed her eyelids facing the mirror for a quick second. She mumbled a few things to herself, wishing she was back on the bus with her friends like nothing happened, but she knew it couldn’t do a blasted thing about it. She grabbed an towel to dry her face, as she wiped her face out of the corner of her eye she noticed something that set her off.
An automatic sliding painting that was supposed to set to afternoon, was lowing a hushed flickering light. She clenched the towel against her fist stepping forward to notice an dagger, a small knife, stabbed into the edge of the painting. It was waiting to bent over and break, there was a hatch breathe in Amelia’s throat as she removed it from the placing.
The painting slid upwards to display a horrific glint of flickering lights as the slashing words ran across the screen. The sunset frame brushed against the wording in deep gashes.
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Amelia blinked, gasping a shaky breath that catches in her throat. She shakes her head at the wording in disbelief, as if she couldn’t do anything but freeze. Her fingernails were pressed so hard against her palm, she would’ve drawn blood.
“N-no..” She mumbled underneath her breath, “..no, no..no!”
Suddenly her voice became so small, her eyes waters and her mouth went dry. The denial sinks in so fast, she stumbled back hesitant to run her fingers across the painting.
“It’s not him..” She muttered softly accidentally dropping the towel on the floor, unable to breathe once again and laced in shock.
Ward Is Hydra.
The words ran by her eyesight in pure shock. She thought it was a trick, some sort of joke being made to use her own wits against the team. Amelia heard people saying that Coulson or May might be Hydra, that even one of their agents might play a game to see who’s loyal or not.
Someone knew about this before her, but they couldn’t. They all passes every single test with—
An loud noise startled Amelia, hands of her hips as she ran her hands above her waistline stumbling out of the room shaking her head taking another glance at the sign. She practically slid down the hallway, tripped over her steps stopped inside one of the supply closets to find Jemma racing out of the room at the same time as she entered.
She narrowed her vision in confusion, sending a odd look to her teammates. They were field agents but also scientists and technicians who weren’t used to this whole thing, so it was understandable if they was uneasy with whatever they saw. But it couldn’t be that bad, right?
The moment she wiped her head inside the room, the sight would’ve had her screaming if it weren’t for her biting her buttons lip and gripping the doorknob. There was a blush of heated dripping liquid slowly hitting the floor from above, as her gaze followed it towards the red drops, her eyes widened.
Blood from a fellow agent, laying dead against the ceiling and high shelves. Their eyes were closed, killed in the late hours of the afternoon in a dark supply closet. Amelia was left in utter tears, silence and shockingly loud noise ringing in her heads. She felt hurt and heavy, wonder where the hell is the rest of the team.
Amelia felt like she might throw up, fumbling with her pocket trying to reach her phone as her other hand cover her mouth. She tried reaching Nikolai and no response, Marlene and no response and even Melissa had no single response. There was a mole in the bunker.
Skye was still upstairs doing research, as Amelia raced upstairs to face her as she whisper yelled, “Skye! What do you know?”
She looked up with a gasping glare, “I’m guessing you know?”
“Yes! And it’s not him..it can’t be him!”
“You don’t know that..Ward has lied to us, Amelia..he’s Hydra.”
“He lied to the team! But I have known that man for 4 years, Skye! 4 years!”
“You think I like this?! I fell for the man, I kissed him..I still think I love him..”
“Oh god..okay, maybe this is just a game right? Ward treats us different, something’s not right..”
“…you still feel like you love him, don’t you?”
“Well the truth hurts, doesn’t it Skye? We just gotta play along.”
“I’m already doing that, I feel hurt Amelia. But I’m gonna follow Ward, see what’s going on in his head and if something happens.”
“Okay, yeah..okay. I’ll try to see who I can contact and prepare for whatever Ward thinks he might pull..”
There was an unspoken sense of urgency in their eyes. Grant Ward is Hydra but that concern and confusion hurt both of their feelings.
Mainly Amelia’s heart.
It felt like the five stages of grief, sadness and anxiety was rushing across her veins. She felt alone, betrayed and abandoned, even though she wasn’t, it felt that way.
The next 48 hours was a world wind..
So many things happened, from unexpected agents trying ambushing the bunker and buildings to the news about some of their fellow agents dying protecting the property of SHIELD. No one knew who was right or wronged here, who’s good and who’s bad. Fitz and Simmons were off doing their own thing for Coulson, May have gone with a couple of glares, Tripp rushed off to get extra stuff, and John Garrets got into a fight with Coulson.
Hell, Skye was sharing a few short moments with Ward himself.
Honestly Amelia felt bad for Skye, she knew she felt deeply for Ward since their chemistry climbed upon the time they all spend together on the plane. She also knew Grant felt some very similar feelings for her, as he was teased about it from the team.
She was still trying to contact her friends but nothing came up, tears rising to be released. She felt nauseous, a little numb and bruised. As if she was in the middle of a hot flash.
Currently, she sat nearby couch of a decently small room with her head in her hands, tiredly sighing. The door gently opened as in came the man of the hour, noticing her downing look as he looked at the girl in concern.
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He sat down beside her, leaning against one of the chairs and asked, “Sweetheart..are you okay?”
“Hm?” She replied, peeking in between her hands to look at him.
“What happened?”
“You really asking me that?”
He scoffed, “Yeah, I know what’s happening. I wish it wasn’t like this but we can’t do anything about it.”
“It feels like I’m being caught in a horror movie.” She added.
“What? Like Scream? Who’s the killer?”
“One of our agents..we don’t know who’s on our side or not.”
“More like multiple agents, you don’t know who is really involved in SHIELD or HYDRA. You probably think I can’t be trusted, Ames.”
“Ward, honey, I trust you. I do. But the question is, will you actually be telling me the truth or not..”
“I alway try to tell you the truth, even if it hurts.”
At that moment, she removed her hands from her face and turned to face him, “Oh really?”
He straightened his shoulders seeing the look on her face as he sighed, “Amelia, are you seriously asking me that?”
“Grant, you lied to me before about missions to keep me and the team safe. You could be lying to me right now.”
“And you lied to me more than once to keep me in the loop. I’m being honest here. Do you trust me?”
“Do you trust enough to tell me the truth?”
And there it was again. The line that has been repeatedly said by one another the moment they trained, to the times the group was on the road for missions. Even in moments of daring action, where it might result in something serious or stupid.
The glances, the nods, the smiles or smirks, the pointing and the questions..
Do you trust me?
It hurts how much those words carried so much, such as a heavyweight question to them.
They both sat there in silence. The silence was so loud, it was painful to even notice the smell of their perfume and cologne that filled the room. Ward could see the oddly wave of emotions that washed over her face, it honestly felt like he was ripping her heart out of her chest.
He hated seeing her upset, it’s why Grant practically took a beating from his boss, Garret, when the man told him how soft he gets around the people he cared for. And he won’t admit it but it’s true. Deep down he cared about Amelia, Daisy, Fitz and Jemma. He respected Coulson and May. Especially with how much time he spent with the team was placed into.
“Do you trust us? Did you even love me?” Said a small broken voice that belonged to Amelia, looking down at her hands, her fingers were laced with cuts and small gashes.
“Oh my god, Ames..” He replied, standing up as he went to sit down next to her grabbing her hand gently, “..of course, I trust you. You know I love you, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you if it meant you would feel like this.”
“I’ve known you for 4 years Grant. 4 years, I have stood by your side fighting on the ground and the skies to make sure everyone was safe, to come home safe and sound. As a team and now..”
“4 years and I don’t regret anything, none of our time together. I can explain whatever it is that is crossing your mind.”
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She knows. He knows.
Amelia wiped her head over to see him and asked, “Can you?! Can you look me in the eye and tell me you are on the same team?”
“You weren’t meant to get hurt! You and I were always on the same team, don’t you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you!” Grant replied yelling, hesitant to let her hand go.
“I swear, you weren’t even on the same team to beginning with! You were loyal to HYDRA.”
“No. I wasn’t ever loyal to HYDRA, if anything I would say I’m loyal to Garret.”
“You killed people.”
“And you haven’t?”
“The last few days you have shot down unexpected agents, not knowing if they were on your side or not. You and I are just trying to protect ourselves here! That’s all what we’re trying to do.”
“Were you ever gonna tell me?”
“Of course I was. Garret wanted you dead! I couldn’t let that happen! I’m trying to protect you here, I was just trying to protect all of us.”
“By keeping this secret from me? I know you are never one to talk about how you feel, but this..this should’ve been something you should’ve told me..”
“And have you act like this towards me? I told you years ago, I’m not a good man, Ames..and yet you stood by me. You and Skye decided to stay beside me no matter how bad it got.”
“And I said ‘yes you are.’ But right now, i just can’t imagine what I should and shouldn’t believe here. Was I pawned in your little lie, huh? Was I?”
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At some point both of them were standing up, pacing the room grunting and groaning in annoyance. The room felt like it was heating up due to the argument that forming between them.
Tears were forever forming in her eyesight, running her fingers across her hair as her eyebrows furrowed as her glares softened. She was hurt, she more than hurt and her emotions were breaking in front of her. Tears that being hold back for more than 48 hours finally were getting to see the light of day.
He sighed deeply, wishing he didn’t see those tears, knowing that he will have to deal with Skye later on but this, he looked away from. His hands rested on his hips shaking his head, his anger was rising and his annoyance was taking form. This wasn’t the plan, she wasn’t supposed to get hurt. It wasn’t supposed to be personal for any of them.
“No. You weren’t ever part of the plan nor a pawn, Ames. Believe me, I didn’t expect you to come into my life and change things up!” Grant admitted closing his eyes shut, “It’s over. It’s done, i can’t do anything about it. For once in my life I wanted something that was for me, not Garret giving me orders here! And you came in, yes I lied to you but it wasn’t personal..I swear it wasn’t!”
“Oh, but i think it was! Please, Grant I’m begging you..you’re living a double life here! Getting so close, yet so far to people. I didn’t expect for you to come into my life but you did!” She admitted, “..you were..you lied to me. You lied to me. Don’t hurt Skye, more you than probably are already.”
“I won’t regret getting here and I won’t think about hurting Skye. But Ames, someday you will understand what i have gone through to keep you safe because I love you..”
“So why does it hurt so bad? What are you gonna do next? Lock me up in here? Because your definition of keeping me safe from it all sounds like a hell lot of lies..why?”
“Everything i ever felt for you was real, don’t you get it?! But I won’t betray Garret..”
“..because me and the team woke up a weakness inside of you. I..i don’t know what to think, or believe right now, alright?! I..i..”
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Amelia felt weak, not like an agent of shield or anything. Just hurt, broken, betrayed as she crumbled underneath her feet about to walk away.
That was when Ward gently swiftly her back in effort to calm her down as she tried fighting back.
She tried pulling away, hitting him in the chest as hard as she could, causing him to stumble back regaining his stance. Grant just held her in his arms, grabbing her wrist as she repeatedly kept hitting his chest.
“Stop! Stop it, Ames!” Ward said, practically growled at her, “You’re embarrassing yourself here. I won’t kill you or our team, i promise!”
“You promise?” She said, mumbling and stopped hitting his chest, resting her forehead against his chest instead.
“I promise. You can tell them or shout it from the rooftops, but HYDRA is already here.”
“I failed..you failed me, Grant. HYDRA is here..oh god, there’s nothing else to say.”
“I know, baby. I know..”
She just cried into his arms, banging her fist softly again his best. He wrapped kept his embrace tightly, closing his eyes and kissed her forehead before walking away.
“W-where you going?” She asked.
“It’s for your own good, Ames.” He replied.
Without a second later, Grant speeded away out the door, locking the door behind him as you can hear Amelia screams and shouted trying to unlock it. He squeezed his eyes shut and made his out of the hallway.
Amelia grunted realized what he was about to do and scrambled to search for her phone, quickly she texted Skye a message.
‘He’s coming to you.’ She messaged
She responded, ‘On it. You okay?’
‘Will be..’
Amelia Parker was on the verge of tears once again, anger filling up her mind and conflicted onto what was happening next.
Her next move was informing Coulson, Hill and whoever else was online about what she knows from her research. At the same time, she tried finding a way out, possibly crawling across the vent.
“T-this is agent..Amelia Parker..we found one of the moles, Hydra is dead set of seeking into whatever corner they can. Garret is one of leaders, i don’t know who’s his boss but we need extra weapons, load up the power grids at every SHIELD Facility we can. You should know that Project Insight is part of it. Keep a-any updates coming from any scanners and detectors available. And most importantly, watch your six, you..you don’t know who is your friend or foe..” She said into her voicemail, messaging anyone on her contact list.
She knew that her voice message may have come out choppy or a bit rushed per say due to the sound of her voice, but it was all she can mange at the moment. It sounds like she was exhausted and most likely finished crying before starting that message.
She was practically locked in a bunker in what feels like the middle of nowhere, with not the best service but it manageable if you knew how to handle some technical problems. She just found out that the organization, she has been working for has a lot of issues and the people she thought she knew had more secrets than she ever expected…
Of course she was a mess!
Her only hopes were that she can get out here soon, and her message was sent out to her friends and fellow actual agents. Oh heavens, did she hope her friends and loved ones were safe..
Thank you for reading this! Tell me what you think about it
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Tags: @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @gaminggirlsstuff @mandylove1000 @mallowbee4 @sherloquestea @whitewiccan @starkleila @parisparker269 @thisgirlisonfayeeer @topgun-imagines @rooster-84 @yetanotherwells @blueboirick and etc
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 8 months
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark chapter 25: All The things Lost
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Ben Parker x May Parker, Ben Parker, may Parker & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, M.J and Peter, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis, Skye. Fitz, and Simmons, Phil Coulson & agent may, Harley Keener, Adrian Toomes & Liz Toomes, Nick Fury & Maria Hill, Maria Hill & Reader Summary: The reaction from people that reader met Warning: Mentioning of child abuse (look up maria's hill dad from marvel comics) , flashback
Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique
In their Queens apartment, Ben Parker was trying to explain your story to May.
Since the two had come home, it was all they could talk about. Ben had to reveal he had known the truth all along and that Fury organized everything between you and them. It was a lot for May to process, and more than once she found herself taking a break just to comprehend the stories.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked tearfully.
Ben sighed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."
"But you told me about your brother and Mary being with SHIELD right after we got engaged. What was so different with Ellen? O-Or... (Y/n)? I would've understood."
"I'm so sorry. It was a sensitive topic and we were all worried for her."
"I'm your wife, Ben."
"And I'll never forget it. That day, our vows, how beautiful you looked in that dress..." He closed his eyes. "It was the hardest thing I had to do, keeping this from you."
"We vowed that we wouldn't lie to each other." She reminded him. "Do you remember that bit?"
"Of course I do, sweetheart. If it was my choice, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you everything. It was Fury who made the call to keep it quiet. (Y/n) wasn't comfortable with people back then either."
"What does that mean?"
"She didn't want to be known as the Stark Runaway or some rich guy's rebellious kid. She wanted a clean slate, to just be a person, a friendly neighbor. And she was going to tell you herself eventually. She just didn't want you to see her differently."
"I wouldn't." May looked away. "I love that girl so much. She's still going to be Ellen Campbell to me. She's not a runaway. She's her own person."
She found herself gazing at the apartment door. It was right on the other side of it where they first 'bumped' into you.
"She's always there when we need her, Peter loves her like a sister... And now that I mention it, she's practically a daughter to us too." She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. "Is she going to be in danger?"
Ben wished more than anything that he could give a definite answer but the truth was that he simply didn't know. His silence gave that away too.
"Oh, my God." May whispered, hiding her face in her hands. "She told everyone who she was, said people would be after her... What's going to happen? Are we in danger too? The SHIELD leak-"
"Hey, hey, hey." He quickly wrapped her up in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to worry about that. Fury took precautions. He destroyed the files about Pete's parents and us when they died so he wouldn't ever be a target."
"And Ellen?"
"I... I don't know. But you know what she's like."
She managed a little nod, looking up at him. "She's strong."
He nodded, kissing the top of her head. "That's right. She's like a superhero."
"She'll be okay. She has to be."
"Before I left the station, the guys were showing off these videos of some car chase in Battery Tunnel. This car was driving up the walls and there were guys on bikes shooting at it. It had to be her."
"The other nurses showed me that too!" May gasped. "I thought it was, but there wasn't a clear line. I don't know if I'm more proud or terrified."
"At least we're on the same page about that."
As they continued to discuss the matter, Peter was sitting in the living room. He was busy with homework and completely oblivious to the conversation happening a few feet away.
However, it wasn't the homework that had him distracted. Coincidentally, it was also you.
Just because he'd spent the entire day stuck in middle school, it didn't mean he didn't know what was going on in the city. The teachers talked, but the kids talked even more. He'd heard all about what was happening in the capital and how you were being chased by what sounded like evil agents.
In his head he kept envisioning that you made it out okay and that you finally got to reunite with your dad. He hadn't forgotten about the day when you told him who you really were, so for you to get a hug from your dad was all he wanted for you at that moment.
He almost jumped a foot in the air when the laptop screen on the table started flashing to signal an incoming video call. He recognized Ned's username and quickly accepted, hoping his friend could distract him.
If the call wasn't surprising enough, it was even more of a shock to see Ned with a girl from their class. She was extremely quiet and they hadn't really talked before, but he was pretty sure her name was Michelle Jones-Watson. She seemed to avoid all forms of human contact unless absolutely necessary.
"I'm telling you, he probably already knows!" She was saying.
"Well, I'm telling you, I'm telling him anyway!" Ned argued back, the pair unaware that he had accepted the call already.
"Fine! But don't be shocked when he remains emotionless."
"Yeah, you'd know all about that."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Uh, guys?" Peter spoke up, startling them both. "Yeah. Hi. What's going on?"
"'Sup, nerd." Michelle greeted.
"Peter!" Ned exclaimed, grinning. "I need you to look at the news!"
He frowned. "Why?"
"It's Ellen! You'll never guess who she is!"
"Ellen?" He frowned. "(Y/n)!"
While he launched himself out of the seat to find the TV remote, Ned and Michelle resumed their argument. Ned was pondering how Peter already knew the truth and Michelle was all too happily gloating with several 'I told you so's.
Peter scrambled to find the right channel, eventually settling with CNN, where a blurred image of you in a fancy car was stuck on the screen.
He had a huge grin on his face, glad that you were okay. Maybe the news was reporting on you finally returning to the world. It certainly seemed so with the way the reporter was talking about everything.
But then the headline changed.
Peter felt sick as a sudden wave of disbelief, shock, and sadness overwhelmed him all at once. Despite the wailing of alarms outside, the rain battering the windows, all he could hear was the reporter's voice.
"The missing daughter of famed billionaire and Avenger Tony Stark has been reported dead this afternoon after a failed surgery in an attempt to save her life. (Y/n) Stark shocked the country when she revealed her identity to the world several years after apparently running away from home. There are several eye-witness accounts who claim she was shot at long-range just feet away from the entrance of Avengers Tower. They also report that Tony Stark himself witnessed the act and was last seen carrying her inside the building."
May and Ben had returned to the living room at this point and had heard every word. They watched in horror as a picture of you at sixteen showed up with the words '(Y/n) Stark - Daughter of Tony Stark - dead at 21'.
"Uncle Ben? Aunt May?" Peter looked up at them with tears streaming down his face. "Ellen... (Y/n)... She-"
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(I couldn't find kid! peter hugging aunt may, so this will do!) He started to sob and May rushed to hug him, trying to quieten her own cries so she could comfort him. Ben slowly dragged himself towards them, putting his arms around them both as he closed his eyes tightly.
It didn't make sense. It didn't seem real. You were so precious to them all, and now you were just... Gone.
It wasn't fair.
Coulson had been sitting in his room in the dark for a while now.
Maybe a few hours had passed but he couldn't be sure. He didn't really care about it. He was just tired after all the chaos that had unleashed during the HYDRA-SHIELD reveal. He had his team in one piece - save for Ward who turned out to be a traitor - and they were all safely on the Bus. It was a good time to take a break.
The silence was only interrupted when Agent May opened the door, letting in a stream of light from the other room.
"I see the notion of knocking has become old fashioned." Coulson commented.
"You need to see this." She said, getting right to the point.
She held out a touchpad, her expression holding an emotion that even Coulson couldn't quite figure out. Curiosity got the better of him as he accepted the pad and looked at the reels playing.
He felt cold as the news of your death reached his ears. The whole room seemed dark again.
Elsewhere, in the rec room, Skye and FitzSimmons were also unfortunate enough to find the news channel.
They couldn't believe it either.
"Oh, my God." Simmons gasped, a hand over her mouth.
"(Y/n) Stark?" Skye questioned, eyes wide. "How did we not know that?"
Fitz didn't say a word, his arm around Simmons as she continued to stare at the TV with a saddened gaze.
Their time with you may have been short but it didn't mean it wasn't meaningful. After all, you were the one who brought laughter and jokes to the room, bettering a bad day. You got a smile out of everyone, even Agent May. No one could ever forget that.
You really were the rich girl in the end.
Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis stood in their rented London apartment, watching the news report in stunned silence.
It had taken them a while to remember why you looked so familiar, and it had been Jane who pointed out that they saw you way back in New Mexico after Thor got his powers back.
How could they have known back then just how important you were?
The next person to discover your death was Harley Keener.
He was in the garage working on the latest version of the potato gun when he heard your name on the news and almost dropped the weapon in his hands.
He didn't understand half of what the reporter was saying when the man talked about organizations named HYDRA and SHIELD and then a leak exposing secrets about both of them. Of course, in contrast, the news about you dying was as clear as day.
He knew you looked familiar.
You weren't just the Mechanic's friend, you were family.
The latest update didn't mean much to the people that hadn't encountered you before, but to those that had, it was indescribably shocking.
There was now a video of you being carried into the Tower up on the Internet. It was posted anonymously but naturally people ate it up.
It was the people of New York who took the grief the hardest. The Parkers, Ned and his family, and even Mr. Delmar. For them, it wasn't just (Y/n) who had been killed, it was Ellen Campbell. They loved her, and now she was gone.
You were gone.
People searched through all the different channels and websites to find a version of the story where you survived. They needed to believe it was a hoax, that you were going to show up the next day with your usual smiles and jokes.
Even a spokesperson from Stark Industries was forced to armor up in the end and confirm the news. They requested time to grieve the loss of the company's heir, refused to let anyone question Tony, and promised to answer any questions in due time.
Another New Yorker had discovered the news as well now.
It was the girl you had saved two years ago during the Battle of New York.
Liz was in the car with her father and watching the news on the small screen between the seats. She hadn't been paying much attention until she caught sight of your picture and gasped so loud the car almost swerved.
"Dad!" She yelled, pointing at your picture. "That's her!"
He looked between her and the screen in confusion. "What's that, honey?"
"She said her name was Ellen but that's the girl who helped me when the aliens came!" Liz insisted. "It says she was shot!"
Now, Adrian Toomes held a deep hatred for Tony Stark, but unfortunately he couldn't help but be grateful to the woman who had saved his little girl's life.
He may have vowed vengeance on the father, but he wouldn't be able to forget the daughter.
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Surprisingly enough, the last people to hear about your death were the real SHIELD agents.
Fury, Hill, and the very few people they trusted enough with the truth were gathered in a base while they waited for the Triskelion incident to calm down.
Fury stood by the window, a somber look in his eyes as he watched the rain slide down the glass. The sky was dark and the clouds gray, but he could also make out the several plumes of smoke wafting into the air from the crash sites of the helicarriers. It was hard to believe that a day hadn't even passed yet.
There was a buzz from inside his coat then. He cautiously took a phone from the pocket and saw a notification light up the screen. It was an unknown number, but he knew who - or what - had sent it. Fury always knew.
I am sorry, sir. I have failed my mission.
Fury, who was never one to show his feelings, let out a barely audible sigh. No tears fell, he didn't say a word, but he did feel a pang of remorse.
He was proud of you in a way. Not many would have the guts and strength to reveal themselves as you did, certainly not after so many years of hiding and paranoia. You had done a lot for SHIELD, and he respected you for it. You saved good agents, built valuable weapons, and even if you thought a plan was ridiculous you still listened.
Yet you were only human.
After being informed of all the details, he was extremely wary of the fact that HYDRA had repossessed the scepter. It was a dangerous weapon anyway, but now it was guaranteed to be used for bad.
Agent Hill entered the room then, her feelings vexed and torn.
"Sir?" She asked hesitantly. "Is it true?"
Fury kept his gaze on the phone in his hands and didn't even look up. "Agent Campbell is dead."
Hill immediately looked away, quite astounded by how much emotion she felt by the confirmation. It felt like just yesterday that you had awkwardly approached her for the first time and asked if she could train you to fight.
She had spent more time with you than she realized due to all the training, making projects, and even getting coffee during breaks. Not many saw it, but she could have considered you a genuine friend.
It was about a month after Thor had returned from Asgard in 2012.
Loki would be awaiting trial and for now the world was at peace once more. Well, the outside world anyway. You had just finished yet another practice round with Hill in which she had completely destroyed you.
Hill watched with an amused glint in her eyes as you dropped to the ground with a huff.
"Tired?" She quipped.
"Too much cardio." You grumbled in response.
She raised a brow, having heard that phrase at least three times during every session.
"You need to work out more." She said.
"I do!" You whined, picking at the mat aggressively. "I walk to the fridge and I run to the coffee machine and... And other stuff."
She crossed her arms, waiting for a better answer, and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but me plus effort equals no go."
"You'll need to get used to it if you want to defend yourself." Hill shrugged, sitting beside you. "If you have any ambitions of becoming better, it'll take years of focus and hard work. How do you think I got here?"
She passed over a bottle of water which you eagerly took a long swig of before twisting the cap closed again.
"I'm not you." You eventually said.
"I know." Hill shrugged. "But we're more alike than you think."
You scoffed, clearly not believing the claim. "Oh, yeah? What's your poison? Did your dad also pretend you didn't exist for your entire life too?"
You blinked. "What? Really?"
She nodded. "Yeah."
You waited for her to elaborate, but she remained silent. "Well, come on! Don't leave me hanging, Hill. Spill the gory deets."
Maria Hill didn't trust a lot of people, that much was true, but she'd known you a long time now. She'd spent hours giving you advice on how to survive as an agent and knew pretty much all there was to know about you. Perhaps you were one of the few who deserved the favor returned.
"I never really knew my mom either." She confessed. "My dad didn't care. He was a drunk. Said I was responsible for all his problems. I got into the bad stuff, ended up with the marine corps, and then SHIELD. Haven't spoken to him since."
There was a silence after the short yet oddly detailed summary and you just stared at her for a moment before letting out a low whistle.
"Damn, girl." You mused. "I guess dads really can't do their jobs right."
While Hill smiled, she didn't encourage the mindset. "At least yours wants you home."
"Ha. That's funny."
"I mean it, Campbell."
"Okay." You sat there for a moment, considering it. "But what if I don't want to go home?"
Another silence followed your question and for a moment you thought the subject was being dropped. With that thought in mind, you raised your hand expectantly.
"Gimme five?" You offered. "Shitty fathers club? You can be the treasurer."
Hill cracked a smile, shaking her head as she reluctantly accepted the high-five.
"Yay!" You exaggerated a grin. "We're, like, totally besties now."
"Even so, I still gotta train you. Up you get, Campbell."
You whined again but she only laughed, easily hoisting you back to your feet.
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Back in the present, Hill's mind had been running wild with possibilities and solutions.
"Project TAHITI." She finally suggested.
Fury looked up at last, an array of feelings settling inside. Of course he wanted you back, but he also knew exactly how you felt about that particular project.
You had said 'If I die, don't ever do that to me.'
He respected you too much to go against your wishes like that. Even if it worked for Coulson, he couldn't do the same for you.
"She wouldn't want that."
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ask-missparker · 5 months
The reckless denial | Agents Of SHIELD Fic
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Setting: Takes place during season 2
Characters mentioned: Skye, Fitzsimmons, Mack, Coulson, Rick Banner, Luna Marsh, Cole Lehnsherr and Liane Felton
Established Pairing: Rick & Luna
Fic type: Blurb
—Last said in the last post…
And most importantly, Amelia undergoes an even more shocking turn of events due to shield discovery of alien, inhuman and mutant activity across the country. During an trip to Puerto Rico, one of islands underneath the caves held the rumbling ability to unlock unhinged truths.
While Skye and Tripp were down there, in the mist of the explosive wave that resulted in Skye’s odd transformation, Amelia was effected in the blast getting hurt as she watched Tripp die.
But that wasn’t the only thing that happened…
Amelia woke up on the thick warmly crumbling ground with a splitting headache cause she was throw against a deep wall in the cave. She bleed a bit from the blast, seem to have taken a strong impressionable hit.
She rolled onto her chest, pushing herself to stand up as she winced racing around to the edge to only looked over to notice Tripp’s in crumbling ashes. Dead, as if he was turned to stone then been destroyed within a matter of seconds.
She noticed Skye on standing there, surrounded by dust and rock, as the whole place was rumbling and pillars were falling apart within the cave. She looked at her with fear, confusion, and surreal shock as her fists were uncurling themselves.
Amelia didn’t hesitate to hover a hand over Skye’s back ushering her out of the cave, as she helped lead everyone out of there as safety as possible. The rumbling continued frequently as they all moved along the path then stopped by the women they reached most of the other half of the team.
Some time later, everyone returned back to the SHIELD facility, being looked over and being patched up for any damage. Skye was quickly moved into a separate clear room, being watched up machines, scientist and medical staff until further noticed.
She was basically in quarantine for a while, meanwhile everyone else was doing their best to figure out happens next. Everyone was quarantined for a bit to heal and release whatever might’ve been in their system from the swimming blast.
Fitzsimmons were suspicious as they ran tests on her state. They all were suspicious at how Skye was still standing but seemingly hurt.
Her vitals were interesting to say the least, Amelia was more than curious about it as she took recommended Advil for her headaches during the whole situation. Hell, they were grieving Tripp’s death in their own way! She noticed everyone’s cyclone ways of dealing with the aftermath of the storm they were all hit with.
A storm of emotions filled with sadness, anger, anxiety, depression and straight up denial of it all. Trying to forget everything happened but they couldn’t. Hell they were ready to fight one another and throw a few chairs. Skye was shaking and crying at the mere thought because she was the one to see the process of his death, everyone just saw the aftermath. Blaming herself as Amelia and Coulson comforted her, knowing it wasn’t her fault even though it felt like it was to her.
To keep herself from getting too overwhelmed and wanting to smack someone like Mack or race off to use Hunter as a mini punching bag, she decided to escape to Avengers Tower for a bit due to not being there in a while.
The consuming energy that floated around Amelia as she watched and hung out with friends such Rick, Liane and Luna calmed her down. They asked her what happened but she was under strict orders to not say much of the circumstances to her visit, despite the fact that she wanted to let them know. Assuming it was on the news right now of the rumbling from Puerto Rico and tunnels being collapsed.
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Rick being the more cautious person there, sensed something was off about her energy. He sniffed an underwhelming amount of concern and denial from her but he sensed something more, after hearing about the strong headaches. And the fact that seemed to have not slept in a long period of time. Luna was more than curious about it all and wondered what happened, promising to not tell the others as Amelia pointed to the TV screen and slowly explained how there was a swimming blast that knocked her out cold. She tried to connect the dots.
Liane’s firey personality was suspicious and skeptical of Amelia Parker, wanting to figure out what exactly happened to her physically after hearing the story beats of her tale. She watched her fingers tinker, her eyes narrow as of she was having another headache, almost nervous like Luna. Imitating her impressions and anxiety from curiosity that surged into her veins, as Liane grinned as her and Rick went to talk.
It confused and concerned Amelia as she stayed talking with Luna at how much they felt about the situation. One moment she’s fine and another she’s feeling ticked off due to Rick and Liane’s dispute as Luna kept wanting to ease her mind.
It felt like her head was hurting, spinning as she sense the uprising engulfed energetic personalities bounce off from one another. Like she can sense their feelings battling to stay a bay. Amelia thought back to the argument at the SHIELD between Mack, Bobbi, Coulson, May, Hunter and herself as she sensed Skye’s discomfort for a split second, yelling over everyone to cool down separately.
This anxiety written feeling crept up her back, feeling hot and heavy blinking between Luna and the table in the living room. As if her vision went blurry for a moment, like she might pass out. Luna held her up and asked if she was alright, with her own powers she could sense she was freaking out as she called for Rick and Liane for help.
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Luna gasped greatly noticing a flicker in Amelia’s eyes then disappeared just as quickly. She barely saw any color in her eyes.
Rick raced in surprise to see Amelia having a anxiety attack, it was rarely a thing to see with her always being just fine, but it concerned him watching her as he tried to help calm her down. It reminded him of himself but less strong but still there something that didn’t match up, sensing a slight denial difference taking in her whole appearance as it clicked. She was effected, traumatized by it all.
Luna moved over to let Amelia have some space to breathe, as she never good at calming others down without getting scared or anxious herself. Especially after seeing what she saw and whispered it into Liane’s ear.
Liane gasped and almost screamed hearing her, noticing some things as Luna did more promptly. The subtle shifts and movements that Amelia made, as she glanced at the girls and back at Rick with almost a glare, sensing the same as him, something was going on.
She quickly calmed down, as her glares soften thinking about Skye for a slip second and the whole fact that Fitzsimmons was suspicious of everything, running test on a couple of people like Mack while she was gone. Her focused returned to the trio because as she zoned out, they were talking among themselves.
Then she heard it.
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Liane out of curiosity and excitement yelled, “OH MY GOD SHE IS ONE OF US! Another mutant of some kind?!” Luna gasped looking back at her friend questioning how is it possible but she was interested. Rick was the most confused being a man of espionage and science fiction, he wondered the extent of this difference, if it was something semi-permanent or long lasting. But a part of him was intrigued.
But Amelia was recklessly in denial about all of it. The shock, sorrow and questions didn’t wrap around her head, yet. She was a normal human being, an agent of SHIELD and got examined earlier by Fitzsimmons, her vitals were fine.
Suddenly Cole busted through the door and shouted, “Ah ha! I knew something was suspicious was going on the second she wanted into the room!”
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Rick rolled his eyes and snorted as Luna chuckled. Liane smirked. Meanwhile Amelia raised an eyebrow at her best friend, “Your unbelievable sometimes, you know that?”
Cole just grinned.
—> Thanks for reading. ✨That’s what I got! Comment down below with ideas and reblog your thoughts
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @starkleila and etc
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ioveskye · 2 years
Wonder| Leo Fitz x reader chapter 2
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A/N: Heyy! finally the first chapter! let me know what you think <3
The ride to the S.H.I.E.L.D airbase was long and exhausting but for Y/n it was nothing but nerve-wracking. The last time she had a mission with S.H.I.E.L.D. it went horribly wrong, so she really hoped a repeat of last time would never happen again.
When she stepped out of the car she was immediately met with one of the biggest planes she's ever seen. Flying in smaller planes all her life probably changed her views on the plane even more now that she was in front of the big aircraft. After a few more moments of looking up, she saw another car approaching that stopped right beside hers. A tall man with raven black hair and a black suit walked out and she immediately recognized him as Agent Grant Ward. Coulson sent some background information that could be necessary about all the agents that would be on this team to the detective so she at least knew who she was working with.
"You must be Agent Ward," Y/n said as she approached the tall man.
Ward looked over at her and gave her what she thinks was a smile but she didn't quite catch it. It even looked like it annoyed him a little. "That's right, and you must be Y/n L/n? "
"That's me."
After the brief introduction, they both headed towards the plane that would become their home for the next few months.
As soon as she entered the plane voices of two arguing agents were heard. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, watch it! That's the Night-Night Gun." The curly headed man said, a Scottish accent filling Y/n’s ears.
The two new equated teammates looked at the pair of scientists that had been unloading when they arrived. Y/n observed the two for a bit, already knowing these were the two top-scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D in the past few years, agent Fitz and Simmons. Y/n may not have been an official agent but she knew enough from her past visits and cases.
Y/n crossed her arms in amusement and watched the pair, silently observing them before making herself known. To her surprise, Ward seemed to be doing the same thing.
"Well, it's on my stuff, and it doesn't work, and there's no way we're calling it the night-night gun." The brunette scientist replied, who Y/n knew to be Jemma Simmons.
The curly headed man, Leopold Fitz scoffed at her reply, not taking her comment lightly. "The bullets work. Nonlethal, heavy stopping power, Break up under the subcutaneous tissue–"
"Oh, with a dose of only .1 micro liters of dendrotoxin. I'm not Hermione, I can't create instant paralysis with that." Y/n laughed at her comment a little bit, the nerd in her coming up. Simmons grabbed a few bags and walked into the lab on the plane. "You should have run the specs by me before building the molds."
"The bullets are hollow! It's a marvel I can keep them from breaking apart in the chamber!" Fitz was getting agitated with his friend now, although Y/n wasn't sure if they were based on the bickering she was witnessing.
The pair seemed to not have noticed the two other people present with them in the cargo-hold. They kept up their bickering until Y/n saw Ward walk up to the two in the corner of her eyes, annoyance clear on his face. Right in front of the lab entrance, Ward dropped his large duffel bag on the ground- loud enough for Fitz-Simmons to hear them. The bag landed with a loud thud, and the two heads turned to him, the pair then quickly noticing Y/n behind him with a smirk on her face. Simmons seemed to be surprised while Fitz just carried an embarrassed look.
"Fitz-Simmons?" Ward questioned the two, the annoyance in his voice was just as present as in his facial expressions.
Y/n came to stand next to Ward again and pointed at the Scottish man in front of her, "That there is Doctor Fitz," Fitz gave the two a lopsided smile, putting up one hand to send them a small wave. Y/n smiled at him and then turned to the woman opposite him and then pointed at her, making sure Ward saw. "And this is Doctor Simmons."
"Hi, yea uhm." Fitz trailed off, his confidence dissipated a little when he looked from Y/n to Ward, the look he had was not welcoming. "I'm engineering and Simmons is Bio-chem."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n, you can just call me Y/n though. Did Agent Coulson tell you I'd be joining you?" the woman walked into the lab, shaking the hands of the two scientists, hoping to make a good impression.
"Oh yes! Fitz and I have been reading a lot about your cases, it's an honour, truly." Simmons shook her hand cheerfully. "And call me Jemma!"
"Thank you so much Jemma, I've read a lot about the two of you when Coulson send me it. You guys are incredible. Although I think I'm the only one who did the reading." Y/n cheekily looked up at Ward who was silently judging the pair.
"Coulson said I'd need my comm receiver encoded." Ward handed Fitz the receiver which he grabbed swiftly. "Don't know if you've worked with that model before. It's.." Ward was interrupted when a loud noise filled the room. Both Jemma and Y/n looked at where the noise came from and met Fitz's gaze who had apparently just smashed Ward's receiver. "Brand new.." The agent trailed off and Y/n’s eyes widened, finding the situation kind of hilarious.
"Right, I need to find Coulson. It was good to meet you all." Y/n walked out of the lab, catching Fitz's look who gave her a small smile. Jemma had already ran off to do some scientific stuff, much to Ward's dismay. She still heard the three bicker a little bit when she walked up the stairs of the Bus.
After a brief introduction with agent Coulson, who had explained her role on the team- that being the private detective for their missions- she received her bunk on the Bus. It was a little small but it was really cozy which she enjoyed a lot. The brunette had found a place for the handful of books she brought along, making the place feel a little more like home after. Now all she needed were some pictures and it'd be perfect, but being the chaotic woman she was, she forgot them.
Coulson had gathered the new-found team to a briefing after they all had the time to settle in. He explained that there had been a sighting of a new enhanced person, right in the middle of the streets in Los Angeles. The hacker group- The Rising Tide- had shown up again after this ordeal and Coulson's plan was to use them to get to him. The plan itself was simple but they had to get one of them on board to interrogate, and Y/n had to admit she was a bit skeptical but since she was just a consultant she had no place to speak. While Coulson and Ward would get the Rising Tide lead they found the rest of the team would inspect the site of the incident, the part where Y/n came in.
Agent Melinda May was behind the wheel, driving the four to the broken apartment building in LA. Jemma had been sitting next to the Asian female, chatting away while May did her best ignoring her. Y/n smiled at the interaction between the two, finding the contrast quite funny. Fitz caught her look and smiled a bit, nudging her. The detective looked at the man beside her and smiled.
"So, I know we only met for a moment today, but I just wanted to say I'm glad Coulson got you on the team."
"Thank you, Fitz. I appreciate it." Her smile got a bit wider when he had complimented her, not many people showed appreciation to her besides her work so she appreciated it a lot.
"Have you ever worked with Shield before?" Fitz asked, hoping to continue the conversation before they arrived.
Y/n’s smile dropped for a moment and she avoided the mans eyes next to her, fumbling with a lose thread on her shirt for a bit.
"Yeah, once or twice." She said and finally looked back into his eyes. When she saw him already looking at her with a soft smile she couldn't help but smile back. "Coulson and I worked together before so since he was in charge of this team he asked for me."
"That is so cool. Going in the field and all." Y/n noticed how his left leg had started moving up and down out of nervousness. "I mean, the field is not always dangerous of course.." He trailed off as he finished his sentence.
Y/n put a hand on his leg, stopping it from bouncing up and down. Fitz looked at her in shock because of the sudden touch which caused her to let out a small giggle.
"Calm down, Fitz. Agent May is there with us, we'll be fine-." May's eyes looked directly at the woman in the rear view mirror after she had mentioned the agent. The look in her eyes caused her heart to sank. She forgot that Fitz-Simmons didn't know about her situation and quickly shut up.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh look! We're here!" Jemma exclaimed.
May drove straight into the street where the accident had happened. Y/n was secretly glad they had arrived before she had to talk about what she almost spilled. And if she had to tell them how she knew- that would be even a longer story to tell. And she wasn’t ready for that.
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she-wolf09231982 · 11 months
Chapter 2-The Prodigal Soldier Returns
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Summary: The day of the Super Solider Serum infusion arrives, and you may or may not emerge as the next gender bend Captain America. Either way, you survive Howard Stark’s experiment, and carry the torch supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…and possibly intergalactic.
58 years later, Nick Fury and agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. discover Steve Rogers still alive and cryogenically preserved in ice. Rogers is returned immediately to New York for rehabilitation and recovery from his 66-year slumber under ice. When Steve is finally acclimated to his new 21st century life, he eventually bumps into you at the compound.
Author Note: Steve Rogers x Female!Avenger, Captain America x Female!Avenger, Y/N, L/N=Wolf, Reader!EnhancedAvenger, Avenger name She-Wolf, Avengers, Marvel movie references, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D., story begins in 1953 ends in 2011, Military and Medical terminology, Pre/Post Captain America: The First Avenger, Pre Avengers
*Bold Italics represent character thoughts and flashbacks
The lab room suddenly became chaotic. Alarms started to sound off on the heart monitor connected to the Vita-Ray Chamber and red warning lights flashing. Your face began visibly wincing from pain in the window of the encasement you were locked into.
The serum made your blood pressure spike, edging you close to what could be a heart attack.
“Howard! Cut the infusion! Her heart rate is dangerously high!” Peggy called out over the commotion of white lab coats running around.
Howard Stark began to rush over to the main controls to shut down the serum transmission when he suddenly heard your voice through the container.
“NO! Keep going!” You pushed. You’ve worked too hard to stop now.
Peggy and Howard exchanged concerned glances.
“Stark, she’s only at 70% completion. If she’s already struggling now imagine what will happen to her at 100%.” Peggy cautioned.
Howard looked at the serum percentage meter indicating how much of the I.V. was imported into your blood stream. The meter continued to rise… 75%...80%...85%...
He glanced at your face in the viewing window of the chamber. Your eyes shut tight; jaw clenched doing your best to not black out.
“Stark??” Peggy yelled.
Your heart can take no more. Your heart rate reaches its limit causing you to go limp inside the box.
“Shut it down!!” Howard called out as he raced to the Vita-Ray Chamber door to force it open as fast as he could. Peggy joined him to assist.
You had flat lined. The sound of a steady drone from the heart monitor filled the room.
The extreme heat of the chamber had expanded the metal from within, making the door almost impossible to open.
One of the lab coats brought a crowbar to pry the latch. After a little bit of muscle and leverage, the door sprung open. Steam projected outward overflowing the room, blocking the view of you. Howard and Peggy began fanning the air so they could see you.
There you were, still vertically strapped in, head resting on your shoulder, eyes closed…still not breathing.
“…Howard.” Peggy said with breathy distress while looking at you.
Howard walked up to your lifeless form, placed two fingers to your carotid artery on your neck to locate a pulse. As soon as he pressed into your skin your eyes sprang wide open.
You gasp loud and harsh, frightening everyone in the room, causing Howard to fall backward into Peggy.
Exceptionally confused and panicked, your eyes darted side to side trying to get a grasp on what had just occurred. As the heart monitor machine came back to life beeping frantically, the lab started humming again, everyone calling out results and observations over eachother from their stations.
“Heart rate is detected and, on the rise…”
“Oxygen levels at 100%…”
“Blood pressure is getting high, Mr. Stark…”
“Her muscle mass increased by 70%!!”
“If we don’t calm her down, she may go into shock, Agent Carter…”
Peggy took the initiative.
“Everyone, simmer down!” She commanded the room. All the lab coats froze.
She walked over to you and in a soothing tone, spoke to you.
“Y/N, you’re going to be alright. The experiment was a success. You did it.” she said calmly.
She held your face firmly between her hands, so you focused on her. Your breath was short and fast as Peggy continued.
“Deep breaths, Wolf. In…” She inhaled with you.
“Out.” She exhaled with you.
You repeated this until you finally relaxed.
Howard approached you. “Y/N, how do you feel?”
You took a minute to assess yourself.
You noticed your white pajama set was suddenly quite snug. Some parts were even torn especially in the shoulder and thigh area. The hem of your pants that once hung closer to your feet were now shorter revealing your ankles and calves.
“I feel…taller?” You respond first. “And sweaty.”
Stark’s mouth curved into a triumphant grin. The serum worked. And it showed.
Your body was evidently more toned, developed muscles straining against the fabric of your white outfit. Pants now hanging at your calves instead of below your ankles, you’ve obviously grown at least 5 inches. You were a colossus compared to former your self.
Howard offered his hand to help you out after releasing the safety harnesses, but you stumble out like a newborn giraffe as both he and Peggy catch you before you hit the ground.
“Get a wheelchair over here now!” Stark called out.
He looked back at you. “This is the beginning of something big, Y/N. You are going to be part of some of the greatest stories in America’s history.”
You only nod at first since you are too weak to be excited about anything yet.
“Mr. Stark, I’d like to take a nap first if you don’t mind?” You finally responded.
The room chuckled in unison.
You spent the next 58 years battling local crimes in New York, and eventually deploying overseas mostly assisting medical squadrons or rebuilding critical structures for allies and joint forces in combat zones. You were utilized during conflicts such as The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and The Global War on Terrorism. You were especially useful during Operation Iraqi Freedom clearing potentially hostile locations with Special Forces and patrolling with convoys to secure safe passage for American military to travel.
The Super Soldier Serum’s organic preservatives left you looking and feeling your best since the infusion in 1953. You didn’t look or feel a day over 25 in over five decades because of it. However, you were only able to withstand 90% of the serum’s deposit, therefore you weren’t at full potential of your superhuman capabilities, unfortunately. Nonetheless, you were still a success story in Howard Stark’s eyes.
Sadly, in December 1991 while you were tasked to a recovery detail in Eastern Europe, you returned to American soil to be met by an Agent Nick Fury with grave news. Howard Stark and his wife, Maria, were killed by a HYDRA assassin while you were away. This information absolutely ruined you. You didn’t take Howard’s death very well. You progressively became a shell of your former self, sinking into a depressive state. Since then, you became quite an introvert and kept a low-profile spending most of your time at the gym, in the library reading, or in your sleeping quarters.
Through it all, you still led a life of service to your country when called upon in memory of your surrogate father. Nick Fury assumed command of S.H.I.E.L.D. by this time and took you under his wing, making sure to commission you with new assignments to continue Stark’s legacy.
Even though you were one of Howard’s greatest accomplishments in decades, a resurfacing discovery by S.H.I.E.L.D had the entire compound particularly energetic today. You were leaving the gym and noticed all the lab coats buzzing back and forth whispering to eachother. You also hadn’t seen Fury in a few days, which was unusual because you would usually get a debrief from him of your assignments every night for the following day.
As that thought crossed your mind, he appeared before you.
“Y/N, just the woman I’m looking for. Come with me.” He ushered you down the hall.
You were utterly perplexed, but continued to follow him down the halls having no idea where he was taking you.
“Director Fury?” You began.
He continued walking at a brisk pace. “Hm?” was his response.
“Forgive me if I’m not up to speed on what’s happening here, but….”
You tread lightly about asking too many questions because Fury’s mind was obviously busy, and you weren’t sure if he was really listening to you. You pause as you arrive at a long observing window that peered into what looked to be a hospital room. He gestured towards the window.
“Have a look for yourself.” He invited.
You walk up to the glass and look through. In the hospital bed laid a man peacefully asleep.
Your heart stilled as you stared at this alluring stranger.
He had a thick head of blonde hair, disheveled strands laying softly across his forehead. A chiseled jawline, perfect nose, flawless skin, and the longest lashes any woman would be jealous of. And dear God, arms that look like they could crush concrete.
You stood there with your mouth agape staring at this brawny, angelic creature in front of you.
Fury tilted his head to the side observing your reaction. He was mildly entertained by your moment of shock that rendered you completely speechless.
“You know who this man is, Y/N.” He finally tells you.
You shake your head to snap out of your hypnosis. You look at Fury and raise an eyebrow at him. Clearly indicating you didn’t understand.
“Is that a question or a statement, sir?” You ask.
Fury chuckled as he continued.
“This, my friend, is the one and only Steve Rogers…TheCaptain America.” He explained.
You narrowed your eyes at him in disbelief.
“But sir…” You began.
“Yes, I know, but we discovered him conserved cryogenically under ice a few days ago.” He explained.
You look back through the window.
“Alive? But…how?” You manage to ask.
“Well, blood tests revealed that his blood contained excessive amounts of glucose as a result of his liver processing his glycogen storage, thus lowering the freezing temperature of blood-borne water and creating a 'cryoprotectant'. This process is similar to those of hibernating bears and wood frogs that metabolize glycogen in their liver to circulate ample amounts through their body to reduce the osmotic shrinkage of cells and prevents them from freezing. This, however, has never been seen before in humans.” Fury explained in a ‘matter of fact’ manner.
Your confusion must have reflected on your face because he reiterated by simply saying,
“Howard Stark’s preservative components in the serum allowed Rogers to survive freezing temperatures.”
You nod, “I see. You could’ve just led off with that, sir.”
With Captain America resurrected, the atmosphere at the facility completely shifted. Agent Phil Coulson addressed the public to officially confirm Steve Rogers’ return. Which was an absolute honor for him since he was a huge fan of Captain America and everything he represents. All the lab coats walking around were all a flutter about Captain America’s presence in the building…especially the females which made you utterly nauseous.
You, on the other hand, thought everyone was being overdramatic. You were particularly curious about what would happen next, though. What did this mean for S.H.I.E.L.D.? For America? Where did this leave you? Questions stirred relentlessly in your head for days. Every thought of what could happen next now that Steve was back didn’t have a good outlook for you no matter which way you spun it. These intrusive thoughts keep your brain busy, causing you to lose sleep at night.
You became very irritable with the few people you came into contact with throughout the day, so you decided to spend more time training in the boxing gym hitting the heavy bag. Fury frequently gave you direct orders to hit the showers and sleep it off, which you begrudgingly comply with out of respect.
Fury knew you were less than pleased by Steve’s return, and he was correct in assuming so. Your mental and emotional balance was already thrown off by the passing of Howard and Maria. Now you felt your livelihood hung by a thread because of the sudden homecoming of the prodigal soldier. You felt resentment and anger with every passing thought. And as assignments grew scarce, there were less deployments to redirect your attention leaving you with little to no outlet for your concentrated emotions.
One sleepless night, you once again find yourself hooking deep punches into the midriff of a 100 lbs (45.359 kg) Everlast boxing bag. Your hands only ever wrapped in sports tape, your knuckles are constantly bruised and swollen by the excessive number of times you spend pummeling the cylinder sack.
Sweat beading on your forehead and soaking through your shirt, hissing out loud every time each hand makes contact, you’re so deep in the zone surrounded by fire and wrath that you didn’t notice Steve had entered the room. He stood there watching you intensely while holding his gym bag in one hand, as he held a towel in the other. You deliver one final blow to the bag, sending it across the room like a projectile into the brick wall opposite you. You stood there panting, staring at the pile of other destroyed boxing bags that you’ve launched with your fits of physical rage.
“Wow.” Steve said impressed with a half-smile.
You turn your attention to him, meeting his blue eyes from where you stood. Your eyebrows furrowed still trying to catch your breath. You realize it was only him, so you turned away without responding, (not before pursing your lips together in disdain while rolling your eyes). You pick up your hand towel and wipe your face, then retrieve a new heavy bag, lifting with one hand effortlessly hanging it, replacing the one you just demolished.
Steve coughed awkwardly, sensing the thick air in the room between the two of you.
You started to stretch in front of one of the mirrors that had a ballet barre, completely disregarding the man behind you.
“We haven’t formally met yet.” Steve stated.
You let out an audible exasperated sigh. You barely glance over your shoulder, almost acknowledging him, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m Steve Rogers. Brooklyn. It’s good to finally meet you…”
His voice was smooth and resonating…Like honey. He spoke deep from the chest and his voice projected, yet he didn’t need to yell. His voice just traveled through the room to you like music and almost had you melting into a puddle.
“Get it together, idiot…” You told yourself.
You decided to remain cordial. Even though you’d rather not engage with him at all, it’s what Howard would’ve wanted.
“You know who I am?” You finally responded with your back still facing him.
“I know of you, yes. Word is you were my protégé after I disappeared.” He replied.
“Is that all that was said about me?” You asked.
“Of course not.” He assured confidently.
You turned around while dabbing your neck with your towel, then draped it around your nape holding each end with your hands. You looked at Steve and started to walk towards him. Steve was positively handsome, and although he appeared intimidating and confident, he still had little experience interacting with women…especially if he found them attractive. As the gap closed between the two of you, his heart proceeded to beat faster. Your supersonic hearing picked it up right away, and you relished the effect you had on him.
Steve tried to diffuse his ascending apprehension as you stood feet from him.
“Um,” he started to scratch the back of his head bashfully, “if you’re up to it, maybe you can show me around the compound sometime?” He suggested.
You raise your eyebrows and inquisitively squint at him. Your mouth involuntarily curled into a grin because he looks so stinkin’ cute standing there tensed up in suspense, holding his breath, waiting on your response.
“Sure, Cap.” You say curtly. Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Wanna start tomorrow?” You ask him.
“Uh, sure.” He replied.
“Meet me here at 0800?”
You nod at him, shoulder your backpack and breeze past him without another word, leaving him slightly stunned and bewildered.
He watched you leave until he couldn’t see you anymore.
“Phew…that was exhausting.” Steve said out loud to himself.
You chuckle to yourself because you were totally close enough to hear that.
You kind of felt bad messing with him, but you’re the one that has seniority here. Even though he’s older than you and is the original super soldier, he’s “the man out of time” having been asleep under ice for almost 70 years. The horrific things you’ve seen and experienced during those years have hardened your heart and you weren’t one to coddle anyone anymore. Not even America’s favorite poster boy from Brooklyn.
At 0745, you walk into the gym and see Steve sitting on a stool in a corner of the boxing ring. You shoot a perplexed look at him and smirk.
“How long have you been here?” You call out to him.
He looked up.
“Long enough.” He said simply smiling back.
“Waiting to go a few rounds with me, Cap?” You ask almost too flirtatiously.
Steve scoffed then stood up.
“No ma’am, I would never hit a lady.” He responded.
“I’m no average lady, Rogers.” You replied sternly. You weren’t about to let him categorize or underestimate you.
Steve’s smile faded to a look of fascination and curiosity.
“Should we head out then?” You ask.
Steve nodded and exited the gym with you.
“I never knew a place could have so many…levels.” Steve said as you walk off the elevator where the living quarters were.
Up until now, you were the only one residing in dorms. Now Steve shared this building with you but had his room in another wing. It had a common area, an impressive kitchen, dining and living room and a full gym on a separate floor.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously spared no expense.” You stated.
Steve nodded in agreement. He continued to admire the surroundings.
“So? What do you think, Cap?” You finally ask.
Steve looked at you confused.
You gesture to everything around you.
“All of this. What do you think?”
Steve let out a puff of breath and looked around again in thought.
“Well…” He started “it’s going to take a lot getting used to.” He finished.
“Mmhm.” You hum.
He continued.
“But I’ll manage.” He added confidently.
“I sure hope so.” A voice rang out from across the living room area.
Director Fury stood at the doorway, then proceeded to walk towards you.
“Director.” You greeted as he approached. He nodded at you.
“I see you two are getting along just fine.” Fury said with an almost visible smirk.
You released a faint laugh.
“Y/N has been very hospitable.” Steve responded earnestly then looked at you with a soft smile.
You felt yourself blushing when your eyes met his.
“Snap out of it, you idiot.” You scold yourself.
“Good, because one day, you’ll need to work as a team.” Fury explained.
You snap your head at Fury with anger rising in your chest like lava.
“Director??” You ask almost with panic in your voice.
Nick Fury released an irritated sigh, rolling his eye before facing you.
“Y/N, we discussed this. Why do you insist on acting this is the first time you’re hearing this?”
“Because, sir, I never agreed to it.” You pointed out.
“Last time I checked, Wolf, my title is ‘Director.’ I don’t need your consent nor your approval.” Fury retorted in a very parental tone.
Steve just sat, arms folded across his chest while his eyes flitted between you and Fury like he was watching a tennis game.
“With all due respect, Director, I refuse.” You declared.
“Excuse me?” Fury dared you to repeat.
“I refuse.” You restated boldly.
Fury began to open his mouth to reprimand you until Steve cut in.
“Ok now this is escalating quickly.” Steve said while inserting himself between you and Fury.
“Director, perhaps allow Miss Wolf and I to build more rapport before talking about working in the field together? We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” He suggested.
Fury studied Steve, then looked at you.
“Fine. Understand this now, though, when you two are called upon, you will be responding…together.” Fury declared.
You only respond by crossing your arms. Fury turned on his heel and exited, leaving you there with this annoyingly reasonable and infuriatingly gorgeous super soldier.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Phil Coulson x SHIELD Agent!Reader: Hollywood
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Summary: Even a sourpuss like Ward can’t overcome Phil’s skills at diplomacy.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T (Agents of SHIELD canon; set during season one of Agents of SHIELD; established Phil/Reader; Ward/May; referenced Fitz/Skye; Ward is not portrayed positively; Iron Man 3 references; mild language)
Challenge: “120 Bits of Random” challenge by SugarLandBabyGirl on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Oh, to finally have a vacation from saving the world! You might have felt excitement anywhere, from a tiny bed and breakfast in New England or a hole-in-the-wall motel in Oklahoma. What you got was a dozen times better: Hollywood. The sights! The sounds! Ward’s constant whining!
“This is ridiculous,” he said for the fifteenth time that morning. 
By then, even the others were getting frustrated. Skye and Jemma went as far as to roll their eyes. Only May seemed unperturbed. She lifted her eyebrows at the statement, like she agreed with his work obsession-- and she probably did. 
If Ward meant to ruin this trip, he was succeeding. Who else but Ward would take offense to the team eating a quiet breakfast on the street instead of talking strategy?
As usual, Phil didn’t seem the least bit annoyed. He smiled as he swallowed a mouthful of cinnamon roll, then asked, “What’s ridiculous?”
“This,” Ward answered, gesturing toward the nearby Chinese Theater. 
Phil looked over at the building and the throng of tourists surrounding it before settling his gaze back on Ward. “Well, they did only finish rebuilding it after the bombing a year ago,” he said mildly. “It’s kind of a big deal.”
“No, I mean us being here. You think so, too, don’t you, May?”
May didn’t answer. 
Jemma took a deep breath and tried to take one for the rest of the team: “We all need a little break, Agent Ward,” she said.
Ward shot her one of his most aggravating looks and opened his mouth with a retort already clearly formed. Just the idea of him telling her off looked as though it terrified the poor girl. Luckily, Skye came to her rescue:
“Yeah. We’re not all robots like you.”
“I’m sorry I have a little something called work ethic,” Ward snapped.
“I’m sorry the rest of us don’t care to work until we collapse.” 
Skye half-stood as she said this. Ward followed suit. As usual, you flicked your eyes back and forth between them. Those two were always at each other’s throats, and it only got worse when the latter didn’t have work–or the BUS’s training equipment–to distract him.
“Guys,” Leo said tiredly. “Do you have to bicker now? It’s only nine in the morning and–”
“Only?” Ward repeated, rounding on Leo. 
Leo lifted his eyes heavenward, as though to ask why he had deigned to get into the argument in the first place. You wondered as much yourself. 
“Only? If we were actually doing our jobs, you wouldn’t say ‘only,’” said Ward.
“Actually, I-I probably would.”
Ward eyed him for a long moment, then sat back into his chair with an annoyed snort. “Whatever. We all know we’re only here because of [Name] anyway.”
“Me?” you echoed indignantly around a mouthful of muffin. “What did I do?”
“You’re the one that wouldn’t shut up about Hollywood.” He waved his hands in the air with mock excitement. “If you hadn’t kept talking about how nice it would be to take a vacation, Coulson never would have agreed to it.”
Your cheeks burned. Thereafter, you decided to focus on your plate rather than any one member of the team’s face. The relationship you shared with Phil, while not exactly on-again, off-again, was a lot more tentative than it had been prior to his pretending to be dead. Ward only wanted get a rise out of you because of his own of temper, of course, but he left you little way of responding in kind. Much as you wanted to fire back with a reference to walking in on him and May in a rather intimate position, that would likely only make him even less fun to be around.
“And now,” he continued, “I have to sit here on my ass for the rest of the weekend, and everyone will be upset with me for not playing happy tourist.”
“Who said anything about sitting on your ass?” Phil asked.
Ward covered his eyes with one hand. “Walking around squealing about celebrities does not count as work.”
“I know.” Finished with his food, Phil dug around in an inner pocket of his jacket. He did not search long before drawing out a folded sheet of paper upon which Ward’s eyes fell immediately. “Just because there’s nothing official going on in Hollywood doesn’t mean there won’t be. We’ve got a few trickles of information that sound a lot like something we’ll need to look into. Isn’t that right, Skye?”
“Huh? Oh!” Skye nodded vigorously. “Yep. Trickles of information. Almost rivers. Agent Ward should go dam them up before the common people get ahold of them. Wouldn’t want just anyone finding out. That would be unhelpful or what–”
“Thank you, Skye.”
Ward’s eyes narrowed. He reached for the paper, but Phil pulled it out of his reach. “I was hoping you and May could do some recon for us. I know it’s not much, but it’s work.”
“We’ll do it,” May said. 
She took the paper from Phil, got up, and walked briskly away. Ward watched her go, then sighed and stood up. He left without another word. The rest of you watched after them until they rounded a corner and disappeared.
“Okay, I don’t know what that paper had on it, but it was nothing I told you about. There’s been no activity in this area whatsoever,” Skye said.
Phil stood and pushed his chair in. “I know.”
“Then what was all that for?”
“For getting rid of Ward. He’s right about why we’re here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our break.”
“Fitz and I were hoping to check out the nearby museum,” Jemma interjected hopefully.
She squealed, squeezing Leo’s shoulder. Even he looked excited, especially when Skye got up with them. 
“I’ll go, too. Give these two a little,” she winked exaggeratedly in your direction, “alone time.”
The three of them raced off, leaving you mortified in their wake. Phil waited patiently for you to get over your embarrassment and to your feet. 
“What,” you asked, “was all that for?” 
All Phil did was smile and gently take your hand.
“For getting rid of the rest of them,” he said. “Now come on. I know a great place we can go for lunch.”
You did not bother to point out you’d only just finished breakfast. Protesting would do you no good after all the work Phil had put into not only getting SHIELD to approve the vacation, but also making sure the two of you were alone. So instead, you smiled, too, and allowed him to lead you down the street.
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Marvel cinematic universe Masterlist
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Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Phil Coulson
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Agents Of Shield
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Phil Coulson-
none yet
Daisy Johnson-
none yet
Leo Fitz-
none yet
Melinda May-
Yandere Headcanons
NSFW alphabet
Pity Party- After a mistake on a mission that led to another member of the team getting hurt May is there to help bring you back to earth(mentor!may x reader, not romantic)
Jemma Simmons-
none yet
Grant Ward-
Yandere alphabet
Al MacKenzie-
none yet
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I’m still here (phil coulson x fem!reader)
Requested; no
Relationship; Phil Coulson x fem!reader
Type of fanfic; angst with a happy ending
Warnings; kidnapping, slight depictions of violence, murder (let me know if I missed something)
Wordcount; 1190
Timesetting; S3 i believe, Wards girlfriend has just been shot yk?
Summary; You have been in a relationship with Phil Coulson for a few months, but he never told you he was a shield agent. After Grant Ward saw his girlfriend bleed out in his arms, he kidnapped you to get revenge on Coulson. Coulson comes in to save your ass.
You were casually sitting on a bench, in the quiet park you chose to eat your ice cream in. It always amazed you how little people came here, because the nature around you looked magnificent. Maybe it was for the best; if a lot of people came strolling around here, it would not look as clean and beautiful as it did anymore. You saw a notification pop up on your phone and smiled when you saw it was Phil, sending you a message. “Would you like to go eat something at the Italian across the street the evening? I’m paying an unexpected visit because of work” it said. You immediately answered; “Great, does 8.30 sound good to you? Or do you still have work?”. It took him a minute to respond, and his reply said; “Sounds great, I’ll call the restaurant asap. See you there!” You always loved it when Phil had time for a date, even though you would keep dating him even if you never got to see him in person again. The fact that such a wonderful man was ebough to make you forget about the suspiscions you had about him being some type of mafia boss. He had the muscles for it - and the stamina- but that could just be his training schedule. You got up from the bench, grabbing your purse and heading home to get ready, you wanted to be on time to savour each moment you got to spend with him. He was gone because of work most of the time, saying he worked with some type of billionairs company you had never heard of. Well, it’s not like you are spending most of you time looking up the names of company’s anyway.
Time skip brought to you by; Mack chopping Coulson’s hand off
You arrived at the corner of the street at 8.24. You were wearing a red flowy wrap skirt that stopped right above your ankles, topped off with a white blouse. You knew you were early, but Phil was always either late or early. The fact that he wasn’t here yet ment that he was going to be late. You sighed, but then grabbed your phone and texted him, “Hey Phil, I’m here a bit early; would you mind if I went inside of the restaurant already?” It only took him half a minute to respond -that’s weird, he never responds that quickly, even if he expects a text it takes time...- the answer was; “Ofcourse I don’t mind darling, I’ll be there any minute.” You stopped thinking about the fact that he responded that quickly, or about the fact that his texts didn’t sound like him at all and walked inside the restaurant. Big mistake.
5 guns were pointed at your head the moment you stepped into the restaurant. They all had masks on, making it unable for you to see who they were. You froze in shock, your mind going a thousand miles per hour, and every possible scenario was running through your head. They concluded the same thing; Phil wás a mafia boss, and they were his enemies. They hacked into his phone, using it as bait for me, to later use me as bait for him. Someone grabbed you from behind you, and you screamed. You felt a gun on the side of your head and the man behind you said; “Stop screaming or I won’t give Coulson a chance to explain himself and leave your lifeless body here for him to find”. You immediately shut up, but internally you cept screaming. Hoping Phil would hear it, and come save you. The man behind you was given a cloth by one of the masked men, and he put it in front of your mouth. You immediately stopped breathing in and out, pretending to slowly fall asleep in his arms. He calmely said; “I know you are not passed out yet. Breathe in. Now. Or you will never see your beloved Coulson again.” You couldn’t hold your breath anymore, and breathed against the cloth. You slowly felt your conciousness slipping away, and the only thing you could do was pray that Phil would come and save you.
Time skip brought to you by; “Hey, Mack hammer; can’t touch this” ~can’t touch this track begins to play~
You slowly woke up, feeling you were tied up in a chair. “I see you have finally woken up, took you long enough”, said the voice of the man who had held the cloth in front of your mouth before you passed out. You assumed he was the leader of the “team” that had kidnapped you. You looked at him, and smiled at you. Not a friendly smile, but an “I’m going to skin you alive and enjoy it” smile; it scared you. “Do you know why you are here, darling?”, he said tountingly. Only Phil was allowed to call you that. “I’ll take that scilence as a ‘no’ then.” He slowly stepped closer to the chair, and you almost believed he could smell your fear. Than he said; “Coulson has wronged me. You are going to fix that.” “Whatever you think I know about Phil; I don’t. I didn’t even know he wasn’t a normal buisness man untill today.” You answered with a shaky voice. You startled when you heard a gun shot. And were even more startled when the man who was talking to you fell forward; right on top of you. You heard a fight happening, but closed your eyes. You just couldn’t look at it. 
After a while it stopped, and you heard Phil’s voice saying;  “Darling, darling can you hear me? Please, say something.” You were still in shock and didn’t answer, and you heard Phil sobbing softly. “Please, I can’t lose you like this.” You snapped out of it and said; “I’m here Phil, I’m still alive” You heard footsteps and felt the man being lifted up and thrown to the side. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Phil looking at you with concern in his eyes. “Phil? Phil what’s going on? Are there more men coming?” He started untying your wrists, and said; “It’s alright darling, it’s over now. Nothing can hurt you now, it’s just you and me.”
After he had untied your hands he looked at your face, and wiped away the tears you hadn’t realized were falling. “I’m sorry if you don’t trust me anymore after this. I promise you I tried to shield you away from this, but I guess I should have known it wouldn’t work out. I’ll explain everything soon, and after that you can choose wether you ever want to see me again.” You looked at him and said; “Phil, do you hurt or kill people who don’t deserve it? Are you cheating on me?” He quickly answered; “No I would neve-” He got interupted by you when you said; “then I couldn’t care less. I just want you, no matter wether you are some type of mafia or not” He smiled and said; “I’m not in the mafia Y/N, I’m an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
(bc i lost motivation and still wanted to post something)
A/N; The requests are open if anyone wants to send one in it would be awesome :D
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Art is Chaos
Grant Ward x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by anon
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: "Adaptable, I like that"
Summary: Ward's going undercover in his nightmare scenario - as a hippie art teacher named River. He'll need all his training to pull this one off, but the combination of a pretty girl and a terrible coincidence of his co-art teacher being named Grant might be too much for even Agent Grant Ward's training to manage.
Word Count: 3,541
Category: Uhhhh probably like fluff with humor and a little bit of angst?
A/N: Guysssss this is my 500th post! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Here’s to 500 more I guess lol!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Grant's POV
"I'm going undercover as an art teacher? Sir, you've got to be kidding me."
"What's the matter? Don't think you can pull it off?"
I scoffed and crossed my arms, looking at Coulson still sitting behind his desk. He just stared back at me, his face completely blank. I hated how easy it was for him to get under my skin.
"Of course I can do it," I replied, knowing full well I was giving him exactly what he wanted. "I just don't think 'art teacher' is really my type."
"What is your type, Agent Ward?"
I fell silent, unable to come up with an answer that didn't sound like a five-year-old would say it. I huffed and looked at the ceiling, then turned back to Coulson with a slight scowl.
"Fine. We'll stick with the planned cover. But if Skye or FitzSimmons says anything, I'm throwing the nearest can of paint in their faces."
The corner of Coulson's mouth quirked up. "Duly noted. Now get going, we don't have a lot of time. The sooner you get teaching, the sooner we catch our target trying to arrange an illegal technology buy in the middle of your class."
"Yes sir."
I nodded and headed out of the room, trying not to look too bothered as I passed Skye on my way to grab my bag. The last thing I needed was her or anyone else asking questions about my cover.
The world outside the bus was about to meet River West, the hippie art teacher from Portland, but I didn't need anyone on the bus besides Coulson to know about him.
I smiled to myself as I pulled open the door to the painting studio just a few blocks from my apartment. It had been open for a while now, and had been offering art classes for months, but today was the first time I'd actually gotten around to taking one.
The studio was bright and airy, with tables and easels set up all around the room. Several of the easels were already taken, and two men stood chatting at the front. I wandered over to an easel in the middle, which stood right beside one a friendly-looking woman already stood at.
"This easel taken?" I asked as I approached. She turned to me with a friendly smile and shook her head.
"Not at all, be my guest."
I nodded my thanks, then dropped my bag and took a second to look over the various art supplies piled around my canvas. I hadn't painted in a long time, but I'd seriously loved doing it when I was in high school, so I couldn't have been happier to have the chance to do it again.
Once I was satisfied with my setup, I turned back to the woman next to me with a smile.
"I'm Y/N, by the way," I said, holding out my hand for a shake. She took it and smiled back at me.
"Sarah. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Sarah. So, have you taken one of these classes before?"
"Oh, yeah. I absolutely adore painting, so any chance I find to get behind an easel and spend the day like this, I take it."
"That's awesome," I said, completley meaning it. "I want to paint more often, so maybe I'll follow your lead."
"You should. The teachers are all great, too, although that guy on the left is new."
She nodded towards the tall, handsome man with dark hair, and I watched as he set up the last few supplies for the class. After a second, I realized I'd been staring, and turned to find Sarah grinning at me.
"I guess he's already got one fan," she teased. I felt my face heat up, and I waved my hand at her in a shushing motion, but she just laughed. Mercifully, I was spared from further teasing by the beginning of the class.
"Alright everybody, welcome to Art and Soul," said the guy I hadn't been staring at. He smiled out at all of us, his bright red hair fitting in with the bright colors around the rest of the room. "I'm Grant, and this handsome man to my right is River."
River, the one Sarah had caught me staring at, gave us all a smile and nodded with his hands behind his back.
"We're going to be your instructors for today," Grant continued. "Don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions or need anything, and remember, there's no 'right way' to do art. The most important thing today is that everyone has a good time. So, without further ado, let's get to painting, yeah?"
We all let up a small cheer, and I smiled as I focused in on both instructors. They walked us through the basic steps of a painting we could create if we wanted to, and I decided I might as well follow the prompt, at least for today. After doing a quick pencil sketch to get an idea of the lines and shapes I wanted to build, I was finally painting again, and damn it felt good.
After the first few minutes, the teachers started walking around to look over our paintings and see if we needed any help. I tried not to freak out too much when I saw River, the handsome teacher, coming my way.
"Hey, this is looking good," he said, coming to a stop beside me. He gestured at the different brushstrokes on my canvas before looking at me with a smile. "You've got some real talent here."
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I glanced down at the floor. River didn't budge, just stayed right over my shoulder until I finally looked up at him. He grinned right back.
"Thanks," I said. "I haven't done it in a while, so we'll see if it stays this good, but..."
"Hey, what's the matter, you didn't hear my co-teacher earlier?" he asked, hands on his hips and a small smile on his face as he fixed me with a look. "There's no such thing as bad art."
My lips slowly pulled up into a smile, and I nodded to River.
"Anytime. I'll be back in a few, alright?"
I nodded my thanks, and River shot me a wink before striding off to the set of easels behind me. I stared straight ahead at my canvas while I tried to get my giddy expression under control. I finally widened my horizons from my tunnel vision when I felt more confident, only to find I hadn't done a very good job.
"So... River, huh?"
I threw my hands over my face as Sarah gave me a sly look. She just laughed, and I sighed as I picked up my paintbrush and tried to distract myself by adding some brushstrokes to the canvas. Sarah nudged me and I shook my head, but I couldn't keep a smile off my face.
"What do you want me to say?" I finally sighed. "He's handsome."
"That he is," she chuckled. "No judgement here. You go get him."
We carried on working with minimal River interruptions for a while, as my painting of the ocean beyond the trees of the forest started to take shape. I set down my larger paintbrush and looked over my remaining supplies for a wiry brush to make the leaves of the trees, but it was missing.
I looked around, but both River and his co-teacher Grant were busy. Sarah was across the room talking with another student, and I didn't want to interrupt any of them, so that meant I needed to improvise.
I furrowed my brow as I looked around for inspiration, finally finding it when my eyes landed on my bag. I dug around for a few seconds then pulled out a handful of bobbypins and a hairtie. Perfect.
I used my hairtie to bind the narrow ends of the bobbypins together, and then dipped the splayed-out unconnected ends into the green paint. I gave them a few experimental swipes over my trees in the furthest corner to make sure I liked the way it looked, and was pleased to find that I did.
Art hacking like a pro.
Now that I had all the tools I needed, I completely zoned in on perfecting my pine trees. The world around me faded away as I worked, and I lost myself in my painting so much that I didn't even notice River showing up beside me until he spoke.
"You're using bobbypins as a paintbrush?"
I jumped, jerking my makeshift paintbrush up and thankfully away from the canvas. I laughed as the adrenaline faded a little, looking to River with a smile.
"Geeze, you scared me," I breathed.
"Sorry. You were really into your painting, weren't you?"
"I mean, yeah. You must know how it gets when you're in the zone."
River looked down and nodded, but didn't say anything. His lips were pursed and he didn't meet my eyes until a few moments later, with a smile on his face again.
"So... the bobbypins?"
"Oh! Yeah, I didn't have a wire brush, and you and the other teacher were busy," I explained. "I was gonna borrow one from Sarah, but she was talking to somebody on the other side of the room, so I improvised."
River glanced from me to Sarah when I mentioned her, but his eyes quickly came back to me. His smile had dropped for a second before returning, and he leaned in a little closer to me.
"Improvising art supplies," he said, sounding impressed. "Adaptable, I like that."
I pressed my lips together tightly to try to suppress my smile and glanced down at my feet again. When I looked back up at River, his eyes were still on me, a kind smile on his face. We held each others' stares for a few beats, and it was like he had his own gravity, pulling me slowly towards him. The distance between us closed, bit by bit, and I thought we were actually going to kiss in the middle of an art class before something seemed to snap River out of it.
He pulled back quickly, his eyes darting to a place over my shoulder before looking back at me. He cleared his throat, for once looking as flustered as I felt.
"I'll, uh- hm, I'll be right back. Sorry."
With that, he hurried off to the other side of the room. I watched him go, unable to help the disappointment pooling in my chest. What had happened?
I tried to shake it off as I turned back to my painting. I'd finished with the trees, so I didn't have to go back to the bobbypins, and Sarah was mercifully on the other side of the room so she couldn't tease me about anything.
The class continued, and River mostly kept to the other side of the room. Sarah floated between the easel next to mine and one in the back left corner, but she never failed to bring up River when she came back to our neighboring canvasses. Despite the unexpected stressors, however, I still found myself enjoyinig the experience.
Finally, it was time for me to put the finishing touches on my painting. Once the last brushstrokes were in place, I took a step back to admire my handiwork. It certainly wasn't perfect, but that was just part of the art. I'd had fun making it, and I liked the way it looked, so as far as I was concerned, it was a success.
The only thing left to do now was to sign it. I glanced down at my station, but all my brushes were filthy with other colors, and the pencil marks would fade faster than I wanted them to. I debated digging into my bag and seeing if I could find some liquid eyeliner, but for my signature on my masterpiece, I didn't really want to find an improv solution.
I glanced up and scanned the room for River, but he was in the far back corner again, hovering around the easel that Sarah kept visiting. Sarah, this time, was next to me, one eye on River. I sighed heavily and decided I didn't want anything to do with that, especially since I was here for a nice, relaxing day of art. I turned and found the other teacher, Grant, instead.
"Grant!" I called across the room. The redhead turned, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw River whirl around too. I turned to look at him, and found Sarah staring at him from next to me too. Nobody moved for a few beats, and a strange silence fell over the room. Then, the man at the canvas Sarah kept visiting whirled around with lighting speed and levelled a punch at River.
"Oh my God!" I cried. I thought for sure he was about to be laid out, but he ducked the punch with lighting reflexes of his own. Before I could blink, he returned fire, knocking the guy out in a single punch as the rest of our class screamed and ran for the exits.
"I knew it," I heard Sarah mutter as she dug into her bag. To my shock and horror, she pulled out a gun and started heading across the room for River.
The room was basically empty now, aside from me and Sarah. River had disappeared in the chaos, although Sarah was clearly searching for him as she prowled across the room. I took a few terrified steps backwards, away from her, trying not to make any noise or sudden movements.
I kept moving backwards, and thankfully, Sarah didn't notice me. I felt like I was about to have a heartattack, but I forced myself to stay calm as I slowly edged backwards. It all crumbled in an instant, however, when a hand clamped over my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist before pulling me backwards.
I started to scream, but it quickly died in my throat as I was yanked around a corner, out of sight of Sarah. My back hit the wall, but not very hard, and I came face to face with River staring at me intensely.
"I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth," he said, his voice soft and barely above a whisper. "Don't scream, alright?"
I nodded, and slowly, he pulled back his hand. I stared at him, trying to calm my racing heartbeat, but considering the events of the last few minutes I really couldn't do much.
"What. The hell. Was that?" I hissed, finally finding my breath. River grimaced and looked at the ground.
"A rookie mistake," he muttered. I raised my eyebrows and gave him an exaggerated look, so he sighed and continued. "My name's not River."
"My name is Grant Ward-"
"Whoa whoa whoa, Grant? Like, the other art teacher Grant?"
River–Grant, apparently–huffed an irritated sigh. "Believe me, I was so much more pissed about that than you."
"Why did you need a fake name to be an art teacher?"
"I'm not an art teacher. I'm a SHIELD agent, here undercover to find your friend Sarah and her buddy in the back of the classroom. They've been using this space as a cover for meetups and scheduling illegal trades of highly dangerous alien technology."
My mouth dropped open, and I couldn't do more than gape at Grant in shock. He gave me a sympathetic look, then took a step back.
"You need to get out of here," he said. He nodded down the hallway, where there was a back exit out of the building. "Go meet up with everyone who's out on the street. You'll be safe out there."
"Wait! What about you?"
"I'll be fine. This is my job, I'm used to it."
With that, he ducked back around the corner and into the room where Sarah presumably still waited with a gun.
I stared after him, completely unsure what to do for a few beats. I glanced back at the door behind me that Grant had pointed out, and took a few steps in that direction when I heard Sarah's now-familiar voice.
"You really had it bad for her, didn't you, Grant?" she taunted. "That was an embarrassingly stupid mistake you made, giving away your identity just because a pretty girl called your real name."
I grimaced. I needed to get out of here. Grant was trained, and I was not. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd probably get in the way and be more harm than help.
"And now, that little mistake is going to cost you. Let's send a little message to SHIELD, shall we? About what happens when you try to meddle in places that were better left alone."
Against my better judgement, I turned back towards the classroom and quickly crossed to the doorway Grant had snuck me out of. I don't know if it was curiosity, stupidity, or something else, but I just had to go back. I peeked around the corner to find Sarah with her back to me, arms up, and a gun pointed at Grant. There was enough space between them that Grant had no shot at getting the gun from Sarah, and I could see in his face that he knew it.
"Any last words, Grant?" Sarah taunted. He took a deep, fortifying breath, and in that gap, I followed my gut instincts and threw caution to the wind. I sprinted into the room at full-speed and tackled Sarah from behind with all the force I could muster.
We hit the ground together, and she shrieked as we went down. It only took a few seconds for her to flip me off of her, and I saw my life flash before my eyes as she whirled on me. Then, at the last second, she collapsed unconscious to the ground instead.
I looked up to see Grant standing over her, a painter's palette that he'd used to knock her out in his hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked, quickly dropping to a crouch in front of me. I smiled at him and nodded, the terror turning into giddyness as the adrenaline dump hit.
"I'm great. Is that a painter's palette?"
"What? Yes, it is. Y/N, what were you thinking? That was incredibly dangerous-"
"Adaptable," I said, breaking in and giggling as I fixed him with what I hoped was a flirty look. "I like that."
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but I caught a faint smile on his face despite how hard he tried to hide it. He straightened and held out a hand to help me up, which I took.
"You should've gotten the hell out of here," he said. We stood almost chest to chest, and he hadn't dropped my hand.
"And where exactly would you be if I had?"
"I would've been fine." I just raised an eyebrow at Grant, and after determinedly holding my stare for a few moments, he sighed. "Alright. You might've saved my life."
I grinned, although I wasn't completely sure why. This was not the kind of situation that should've had me smiling.
"So..." said Grant, dropping my hand and taking a half-step back as he surveyed the scene around us. Police sirens sounded outside, and we could hear the nervous chatter from the evacuated crowd, too. "I need to clean this up. But... I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee afterwards, if you'd be interested. Since you saved my life and all."
I beamed back at him as I answered. "Honestly? You definitley owe me a coffee and a little more explanation after all of this."
Grant let out a small laugh as he stepped a little further away from me and grabbed some drop sheets from the far side of the room to start tying up Sarah.
"You're on. I'll call you when I'm done here," he said. "In the meantime, you should probably head out. I've got a badge to get us out of any questions the cops might have, but it'd probably be better if your name didn't come up at all."
I nodded and took a few steps towards the back door, grabbing my painting and bag as I went. I paused just on the threshold and stared at Grant as he continued to round up the apparent criminals and made sure their weapons were accounted for.
"Grant... do you... need my number? Or something?"
He paused his work to look up at me with an arrogant grin.
"I'm an agent of SHIELD. I'll find you." I raised an eyebrow, and after a second, he dropped the act. "Your number's on the class roster. I'll call that."
I laughed and nodded, giving Grant a small wave as I headed down the back hallway. I probalby wouldn't be coming back to this painting class, if I were being completely honest with myself, but I didn't mind. I could pick back up painting on my own just fine, from the safety of my own home.
Besides, the class wasn't going to be a total wash. I'd found Grant, after all, and every time I thought about him my heart leapt. And since everyone had come out of it okay, I felt perfectly comfortable saying a little chaos was worth the result.
Chaos was my favorite kind of art, after all.
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jackiequick · 9 months
Bonds were made | Agents of SHIELD Fanfic
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Pairing: Amelia Parker & Grant Ward
Timeline: Pre-Avengers (2012), Pre-Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-2020)
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Summary: Sometimes the person you see so much respect and kindness for, isn’t the one who you expect it to be. Doesn’t matter how different you may seem, it’s this challenge to themselves and you are going through the process together.
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Natasha Romanoff, Mockingbird, and others
Setting: During SHIELD Academy
Her heart was racing. Pumping. Hunched over her knees as she squeezed her eyes shut. It was late. The sun was coming down. Close to the dead of night. Her phone was buzzing as she let out a deep breath and glared at the guy in front of her.
He chuckled, wearing hid dark clothes and shook his head watching her. Glancing over at the street light, choking on the heat as the world spins around as they’re frozen on the top of the street.
“What you looking at, Ward?” She yelled, as her glares softened as she tossed a water bottle and he lead her to sit down on the bench nearby.
“Nothing.” He repiled, placing a gentle hand on her back and gave her a certain amount of time to rest.
“I can’t do this. I give up. Can we go home? Please?”
“No, sweetheart. This is what it’s all about. You need to build up your own strength and stamina.”
“Now it just feels like I’m not getting everywhere. I’m done.”
“You just started! What are you gonna do when the real mission comes, huh?”
She gave him an odd look and scoffed chuckling, “Stand behind a set of computers and code my way across the hardware. Sitting!”
“Ames, you said it yourself last week. You want to be versatile! Be a field agent and get out there on the action. I’ve seen it before, you can run and give a good punch to defend yourself.” He replied with an certified look.
“That was different, Grant! I was trying to escape stores, get away from cops and stuff.”
“No, it’s the same thing! You gotta—no, we gotta make this a challenge.”
“More challenging than it is?”
“Yes! You gotta race me, y-you wanna race me? Make it a bet!”
“You’re serious? Your not kidding me, right? Cause you like to cheat sometimes to get me riled up!”
“That’s my point! I gotta find your center to get you moving and want to keep going. I think I know exactly what makes you go for the moment! You do too.”
“…I see your point! Make the connection, search for what they want and stand your ground. That’s how I get it.”
Grant just grinned at her words. He only spent a short few weeks with Amelia but she was something else, she always wanted understand the assignment and plays with the ball she’s given. Something he didn’t have to teach her, she just knows.
Just like him.
It surprised him how young she was but how she tended to keep herself grounded. It like playing a game with her, making sense of what she meant and wants. There was a difference she carried in the way she wanted to things and the balance she tried to keep.
However he always needs to keep her up float, it was his self defense and self doubt she carried but hid behind very well.
He respected it, a lot.
Amelia grinning ear to ear. It was this sweetness she carried, this childlike attitude towards others, wanting to see them in a different light. She always knew she saw something different in Ward. The determination, the guilt of challenging himself to do better for someone can give a chance and the away he treated others.
The self doubt, keeping everything leveled and an confidence she saw in him.
It amazes her how he balanced it all so young.
He carried this look on his face like he gave everyone the cold shoulder, but he really just wanted to see what they’re made of. It’s hard for him to let loose and not be so serious with her, due to way he were so different. But it’s this challenge Amelia had with him, to keep Grant bouncing around and smile where his shoulders dropped in relief, keep him in a position to breathe.
She respected him, so much. She seen the tapes of him in action and honestly she would trust Grant Ward with her life.
She love t—
“Amelia?” He asked with a smile, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Hm?” She repiled with a little smile.
“Do you trust me enough, to race against me?”
“Well you do trust me enough to get the job done?”
His smile grew with a nod, “Yeah, I do.”
“Good. I do too.” She replied this time with a bigger smile.
Do you trust me?
Little did they know that one line, would be the thing that chained the relationship they would have.
The bond that would make and break them..
The bet, or more like the challenge, Grant made to race down 2–3 blocks and make a left onto a few streets as they would reach the step to the museum.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art to be exact.
Amelia found it to be sounding easy enough, jumping in pace to hype herself up as she popped in her earbuds. Grant found it funny at first and sorta cute that she needed music to get the job done, but he couldn’t blame her. Music alway make everything better as he decided to join on the fun and throw on his headphones.
There a timer on both phones for 15 minutes tops.
Once the countdown started, Amelia speeded off a second half quicker than Grant who smirked at her pace. The two started out going down the same direction across the blocks, becoming careful for people who were walking around and watching traffic.
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It was going well. Hearts racing, beats pumping in their ears as Amelia glanced at timer and tried following Grant. He was more athletic than her, so it made it tricky for her to keep up.
“Keep up slow poke!” Grant yelled, flip to start pacing back and sending her a small wave.
His real test was to see her determination and agility to keep up with the task, like running towards a con artist for example. In his eyes, she wasn’t doing bad so far as he turned back to run the correct way.
She sighed taking a breath and grunted, “Ohh—not fair!”
She on the other hand was testing his strategy a bit, since Amelia thought of taking a short cut past a few people and across the street, since sometime you had to take a little detour to get somewhere.
So she whistled at him and pacing over to the around a group of people, sending way at Ward. He rolled his eyes as she then race off.
But Amelia Parker being well..Amelia Parker. She didn’t think her idea would thoroughly lead her towards an narrow end. There were buildings, fire escapes, people walking from different backgrounds, alleyways, dogs, and vehicles passing by her.
“Shit..” She muttered, whined as she started wondering where Ward went and added, “..stupid Parker..”
The girl decided to climb up a fire escape nearby an apartment complex close to a few store, such as H&M and Rainbow, hoping she can get a better look. It kinda stunk due to the dumpsters close by.
She took to the top of one of the buildings, feeling a little fuzzy and groans at the garbage. 
However once she over the smell, using her phone Amelia zoned in and saw the somewhat crowded streets followed by, the lovely Metropolitan Museum so close. Her location wasn’t so far away, so she glad.
She even saw Grant running before noticing she wasn’t behind him. He looked confused for a moment, almost terrified he lost her amongst the audience of people and started playing back his latest memory as he run off.
Amelia on the other hand shrugged, texting Grant she was on her way sooner rather later. It was looking pretty good until Amelia started to get down the stairs to fire escape she saw it. Both guy, around the 18 or so, jogging up to the alleyway floor started to lock eyes with her.
She tried getting down as quick as possible and jump over to the dumpsters for higher level. But she was too late as they were speeding up towards, about to jump down when they started shaking the latter.
The girl paced herself, taking a breathing trying to fight them off using whatever was nearby to hit them as she jumped down the latter.
She was new to this whole thing, fighting off more than one person and finding their weak spots. But still Amelia tried her best, being pushed and tossed onto the groundwork by one of them guys.
“Guys, come on! C-can we talk about this? Huh?” She asked, douching a hit and grabbed a glass bottle to use as a weapon.
But before one of the guys could swing tightly over her face, he was pulled back against the top of his head and whacked hard stumbling backwards. There was one holding Amelia by the side, letting her go and tossing the girl onto the ground.
She stumbles, standing up against the dumpster and gagged at the smell balancing herself then swinging the glass bottle across his guys head. She hit him so hard he was knocked out cold.
“Ames?!” Yelled the rough voice of her partner of the race.
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She turned over to face him, as she connected the dots that it was him who whacked the first guy in the head so hard. Grant just finished fighting him off and grunted, racing over to her helping her stand.
“H-hey, hey, look at me. You okay?” He asked, worry in his eyes as he gently takes her face in his hand searching for damage, “Where did the bastards hurt you?”
“Heheh you really fought him for me, huh?” She replies, with a dry laugh giving him a half smile as she looked at his face.
All Amelia saw were the small bruises, snatches and shiner that could form anytime soon on his face. His hoodie fell off as his chest was still huffing. She never saw him worried before, but then again she just got attacked in an alley.
Grant didn’t realized he was taking her face in his hand and search for damages in just a concerned way. He saw the small bruises on her arms. As well as tiny snatches on her face.
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“Damn it, Ames!” He grunted, huffing at her humorous laugh and half smile, “You’re hurt. Where does it hurt?”
“I’m fine now and don’t be concerned or blame yourself. It’s part of..training, getting hurt and standing up right?” She replied, running her thumb over his jaw to notice the bruise there.
“You took a detour and got attacked in the process. Of course, I’m concerned!Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m okay! You saved me, didn’t you?”
“I’m serious.”
“So am i.”
“Always a humorous moment with you, isn’t there?”
“Ames, I’m not kidding!”
“I’m fine, your hurt too. A pretty strong attack to the face..a-are you okay?”
“I’ve been hurt far more worse than that. So I’m alright. Coulson’s gonna kill us..”
“He doesn’t have to find out, unless we don’t say anything..”
“At least we’re not bleeding to death, so that’s a plus..”
“I hate you, a lot.”
“Aw, i love you too.”
She huffed pushing the hair out of her face and smirked. He sighed deeply shaking his head, seeing the look in her eyes and returned the smirk.
“No, don’t. You are not going continue the race against me.” He told her with a certain look, smiling softly.
“Come on, we might as well get the job done. Do you trust me to keep going with your challenge?” She asked him with a small grin.
“Serious? Okay I’ll bite. Do you trust me when i say we’re gonna regret this in the morning?”
“Possibly. But um, are we still itching to get it done..i hope..”
“God. One last lap to the museum, Ames. I mean it.” 
“Yes! Then off to 7-11 for pizza and extra water bottles…and um, thank you.”
“For what?”
“Having my back.”
He smiled at that, hearing those words.
Parker was a wordsmith with a smile that can make or break something inside someone.
He understood that. It’s something that could help or hurt a person, make you want to watch your step.
Almost like Coulson.
She returned the same smile, watching his face considering her words.
Ward was a engineer with his attitude that can sending you spiraling down a wormhole of questions and a smile that can lead you down a certain path.
She knew that. It was this skill level and an great balancing act with a mind that help or hurt you if you mess up. 
As close to Agent May or even Romanoff.
And once again they were off.
Racing against one another, keeping up the pace watching the other person’s six and matching sure they’re alright after the attack.
It was more like jogging.
Sharing tiny smiles. Grant rolled his eyes at her silly little grin as Amelia scoffed at his cheeky wink he would give in return.
Reaching the street across to the location. He stood behind her watching over to see anyone was nearby and if there was space to make the jump up the steps.
A few steps up to the top of the stairs, kneeling to take a breath and nodding as they ran gently.
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Grant reach up the steps first, he smile holding out his hand for her to take. Amelia giggled softly, taking his hand gently as she was pulled into his embrace.
He was honestly proud of her and so was she.
“What you giggling at?” He asked with a smile, his arms wrapped around her shoulder as he looked down at the girl in question.
“You listened and kept going.” She replied with a smile, leaning into his embrace as she looked up at him.
“Your proud?”
“Yeah. You’re a good guy, Ward.”
“You make me feel like I’m a good guy. I’m proud of you. You passed my test.”
“Yeah, i wanted to see your determination and I made sure of it. You kept going even if i wasn’t on the same page about it”
“Of course, i took a page out of your book. To keep going and stop when you can’t anymore. And you passed mine, I think.”
“Hmm, i guess so. You’re gonna be a good agent some day.”
“As good as you or better?”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, Parker.”
He walked away from her, nodding for her to follow him as he held out an hand.
She raised an eyebrow and added, “You didn’t answer my question!”
“I didn’t need to!” He responded, waving his hand waiting for her.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Isn’t that my line?”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Not happening.”
“Good answer.”
Amelia paced up, taking his hand gently and walked with him down the path. Grant nodded, taking the lead glancing down at her every once in a while.
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As they walked down the street, he notice her smile and tiny bruises that started to take shape.
But she wasn’t angry about it nor upset with him about leading the way. It was her choice and she made a mistake, learning from it.
He knew why she is the way, she is and admired her for it. Hell, he thanked his timing and the position he was in to have her in his life.
Knowing that Amelia Parker would make a great deal of decisions one day and in result make people shine or question their tactics.
And he hopes he can be there to see it.
What happened today and the damaged that cause him to end up hurt—both of them to be hurt—it wasn’t his fault per say. He knew the risk and she knew the way he would think about it.
She noticed the smile on his face, making her own grow. She never expected to find someone like Grant Ward in her life and thanked the whole situation she was in for it.
He made a mistake not watching his back, but he will learn as the time goes and the keystone that follows along that path.
She admired that part of him, since Ward isn’t one to to make small mistakes very often and it shows her that it’s part of the job.
Knowing that Ward will have to become an leader one day, having to help a group during highly trained mission of some kind and make decisions that might cost his life or save it.
And something tells her that she might be there to see it.
Little did they know that those hopes and suspensions will become true.
Leading different paths within the same field and bumping into one another weather they like it or not.
But that’s an tale for another day…
Thanks for reading! I wanted to write an story about this pair for a while now. I hope you enjoy it
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