#agile adoption
arpita0321 · 4 months
Thriving in the Digital Age: The Imperative of Agile Transformation
Introduction: Navigating the Digital Landscape
In the rapidly advancing digital landscape, businesses are presented with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The emergence of new technologies, changing consumer behaviors, and global market dynamics have transformed the way companies operate and compete. To thrive in this digital age, organizations must embrace agility and adaptability, making agile transformation a necessity rather than an option.
1. Understanding Agile Transformation
1.1 What is Agile Transformation?
Agile transformation involves adopting agile principles and practices across an organization, with the goal of improving flexibility, innovation, and responsiveness to change. It encompasses a shift in mindset, culture, and processes, empowering teams to deliver value more efficiently and effectively.
1.2 Why is Agile Transformation Important?
In today's dynamic business landscape, traditional and rigid project management and product development methodologies are inadequate. Agile transformation enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve, responding quickly to market shifts, customer feedback, and emerging opportunities.
2. Key Principles of Agile Transformation
2.1 Customer-Centricity
Agile transformation highlights the importance of aligning with and satisfying customer needs.By prioritizing customer value and feedback, organizations can deliver products and services that truly resonate with their target audience.
2.2 Iterative Development
In agile methodologies, iterative development is encouraged, with projects segmented into smaller, manageable increments. This allows for frequent testing, feedback, and iteration, leading to faster time-to-market and higher-quality outcomes.
3. Implementing Agile Transformation
3.1 Leadership Support
Successful agile transformation requires buy-in and support from leadership at all levels of the organization. Leaders must champion the agile mindset, empower teams, and create an environment where experimentation and innovation are encouraged.
3.2 Cross-Functional Collaboration
Agile transformation breaks down silos and encourages cross-functional collaboration. By bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets, organizations can foster creativity, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing.
4. Overcoming Challenges
4.1 Cultural Resistance
One of the biggest challenges of agile transformation is overcoming cultural resistance to change. Organizations must address mindset shifts, communication barriers, and fear of failure to create an environment conducive to agile practices.
4.2 Scaling Agile
As organizations grow and evolve, scaling agile becomes increasingly complex. It requires careful planning, coordination, and alignment across teams and departments to ensure consistency and effectiveness at scale.
Conclusion: Embracing Agility for Success
In conclusion, thriving in the digital age requires organizations to embrace agility and adaptability. Agile transformation enables companies to navigate uncertainty, seize opportunities, and deliver value in a rapidly changing landscape. By understanding the principles of agile transformation, implementing best practices, and overcoming challenges, organizations can position themselves for long-term success in the digital era.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1.What are the core principles of agile transformation?
The core principles of agile transformation include customer-centricity, iterative development, leadership support, and cross-functional collaboration.
2.Why is agile transformation important in the digital age?
Agile transformation is important in the digital age because it enables organizations to respond quickly to market shifts, customer feedback, and emerging opportunities, staying ahead of the competition.
3.What are some common challenges of agile transformation?
Common challenges of agile transformation include cultural resistance to change, communication barriers, fear of failure, and scaling agile across large organizations.
4.How can organizations overcome cultural resistance to agile transformation?
Organizations can overcome cultural resistance to agile transformation by addressing mindset shifts, fostering open communication, and creating an environment where experimentation and innovation are encouraged.
5.What are some key strategies for scaling agile across large organizations?
Key strategies for scaling agile include careful planning, coordination, and alignment across teams and departments, as well as leveraging tools and frameworks designed for large-scale agile implementation.
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atlantic-grave · 1 year
Hollow from my au cleaning out their kill
Mm yummers
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thalys-artcorner · 2 years
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“You showed the spirit of a True Warrior”
Finan and Eadith from The Last Kingdom. Or as I like to say, one badass lady and her simping, lovestruck himbo.
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fayeandknight · 6 months
Guess what dummy got professionally filmed today and didn't realize that was going to happen until about 15 minutes beforehand?
My boss sent out an email a week ago saying we were going to be filming media content today. It outlined dress and appearance and what she wanted us to be doing. (For me it was agility stuff with Forte.)
I really thought it was going to be her videoing us doing stuff for social media on her phone. Turns out she hired a professional to film content for the website.
To be fair to me, she has been on a social media kick lately and I just thought we, collectively, weren't giving her enough so she was setting time aside for that. If I had realized it was for the website I'd have brought a spare company sweatshirt to change into and taken more time with my hair. Instead I had muddy paw prints on my sweatshirt because someone left a water bucket in with a puppy and he was soaked when I took him out for training. I also just had my hair up because ya know - working, but it wasn't nicely styled or anything.
Bonus points for me hastily putting together a course and running it perfectly with Forte in practice. Only to trip over my own feet and dump treats all over the floor on the first obstacle. Thankfully we got a second take but man it was embarrassing.
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wasatchmountaindogs · 2 years
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Sauce is the last of the breakfast club hanging out with me these days! Everyone else found their homes. He’s an absolute idiot but I love him anyway.
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transboykirito · 1 year
*suguha voice* father daughter bond ended with minetaka now andrew is my dad
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jcmarchi · 2 days
How big companies risk obsolescence without generative AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-big-companies-risk-obsolescence-without-generative-ai/
How big companies risk obsolescence without generative AI
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Generative AI is no longer a futuristic concept—it’s a transformative force reshaping today’s most innovative industries. Companies like Klarna and J.P. Morgan are making bold moves by integrating Generative AI into their operations, challenging the status quo and enabling unprecedented efficiency and creativity.
This shift isn’t merely an incremental upgrade; it’s a paradigm change that allows organizations to automate complex processes, generate creative content, and make data-driven decisions more effectively than ever before.
Yet despite its clear potential, many large companies hesitate, caught in the throes of Clayton Christensen’s “Innovator’s Dilemma.”
They are torn between the safety of their profitable legacy systems and the uncertain but promising path of investing in disruptive technologies like Generative AI. For these companies, the risk extends beyond lagging behind competitors; it’s the danger of becoming irrelevant in a landscape that rewards agility and punishes complacency.
In today’s fast-paced market, comfort zones have become liabilities. Companies that cling to legacy approaches while ignoring the winds of change are playing a dangerous game—one that could end with them being outpaced, outperformed, and ultimately pushed out of the market.
Disruption is relentless: Comfort zones are a liability
Christensen’s “Innovator’s Dilemma” illustrates how companies often lose their edge by focusing on existing products while ignoring larger shifts. Generative AI represents one of these shifts, transforming industries with innovations that enhance efficiency and open new possibilities.
Klarna’s recent decision to move away from well-established SaaS platforms like Salesforce and Workday exemplifies this transformation. By developing an internal AI-driven solution, they are not only replicating but surpassing decades of customization and workflow automation offered by industry giants.
This bold move challenges the narrative of SaaS ‘stickiness’ and highlights how companies that remain in their comfort zones risk being outpaced by more agile competitors.
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Consider how Blockbuster, a giant in its heyday, ignored the rise of digital streaming while Netflix evolved from a niche DVD rental service into a streaming powerhouse. Companies that fail to adopt Generative AI today risk a similar fate. Disruptive technologies don’t pause for established players—they redefine industries and leave behind those who can’t or won’t adapt.
Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point” emphasizes that transformative shifts often begin subtly, with small, almost unnoticeable changes that eventually reach critical mass.
Many companies entrenched in their comfort zones overlook these initial signs, dismissing them as inconsequential until the tipping point is reached and transformation becomes unavoidable. Finding a balance between existing customer needs and innovation is essential for long-term survival.
Balancing current needs with future vision
While addressing current customer needs is important, it’s equally critical for companies to anticipate future market demands. Generative AI technologies often start small, catering to niche markets or solving problems not immediately apparent to mainstream customers.
However, as these technologies evolve, they can redefine entire industries. Gladwell discussed how niche innovations, initially overlooked or even ridiculed, can suddenly become the next big thing when they reach a tipping point, rapidly gaining acceptance and disrupting established markets.
Focusing solely on present needs can leave companies vulnerable when market dynamics shift. To stay competitive, leaders must balance immediate demands with a clear vision for the future, ensuring their strategies include investments in disruptive technologies like Generative AI.
Klarna’s pivot to Generative AI illustrates the importance of this balance. While traditional SaaS platforms had been integral to their operations, Klarna recognized the potential of AI to streamline processes and reduce complexity.
By standardizing workflows and leveraging AI, they’ve created a more agile solution that meets current demands while positioning themselves for future growth. This move underscores Gladwell’s point about niche innovations gaining rapid acceptance when they reach a tipping point.
AI implementation: Costs and complexity
Having a vision for Generative AI is only part of the equation; the real test lies in execution, where costs and complexities can become formidable barriers. Implementing Generative AI requires a comprehensive, multi-year strategy.
The expenses associated with AI software, infrastructure, and staff training are significant hurdles that can deter many organizations. According to a 2023 report by McKinsey & Company, companies investing in AI can expect to allocate 20-30% of their IT budgets toward AI initiatives.
Klarna’s success wasn’t just about adopting new technology; it involved reengineering their tech stack from the ground up and embracing standardization to reduce complexity.
This approach demanded a significant commitment but resulted in a more agile and cost-effective system. Their experience demonstrates that while the barriers to AI implementation are real, they can be overcome with a strategic, long-term vision.
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Integrating Generative AI is not just about acquiring technology—it’s about embedding it into the organizational DNA and aligning it with strategic business goals. This involves substantial investments not only in technology but also in people and processes, requiring a commitment to long-term change rather than short-term fixes.
Organizations that hesitate because of these initial hurdles risk being left behind as others recognize the potential and reach the tipping point where Generative AI shifts from experimental to essential.
Established organizations often value stability and incremental improvements. Generative AI challenges these norms, requiring businesses to rethink how value is created and delivered. The psychological barrier—the fear of undermining one’s own success—can paralyze decision-making and lead companies to stick with what’s safe rather than explore new frontiers.
Success amid challenges: J.P. Morgan
Despite these challenges, companies like J.P. Morgan are successfully navigating this complex landscape. J.P. Morgan has launched an AI-powered chatbot for its research analysts, streamlining access to insights and data across the organization.
This initiative reflects a broader strategy to embed Generative AI within the company’s operations, enhancing decision-making and fostering a culture of agility and innovation. By taking a proactive approach, J.P. Morgan is not just adopting Generative AI—it’s transforming how it does business, setting a blueprint for other companies on how to integrate AI successfully.
While measuring success in Generative AI can be challenging due to the early nature of the technology, the initial benefits are already reshaping business operations. One significant hurdle is establishing clear ROI and KPIs, as many AI projects are still in exploratory stages.
However, a Deloitte survey found that over 50% of early AI adopters reported a positive return on their investment. Leaders need to invest with a long-term vision, understanding that while specific metrics may still be evolving, the transformative impact of AI is increasingly undeniable.
The flexibility of small players: How nimble newcomers are disrupting the status quo
While established companies are adapting, smaller, more agile newcomers are often best positioned to capitalize on Generative AI’s potential quickly. Without the burden of legacy systems and entrenched processes, these newcomers can experiment, adapt, and scale AI initiatives more effectively.
Companies like Writesonic and Gamma.app are leveraging Generative AI to reshape industries such as content creation and business communication. They exemplify how agile players can outmaneuver larger, slower competitors.
As Gladwell describes in “The Tipping Point,” these innovations can shift from fringe concepts to mainstream essentials, catching larger companies off guard when they reach that critical tipping point.
Klarna’s bold strategy doesn’t just signify a shift for one company; it poses critical questions for the entire SaaS industry. If AI enables enterprises to replace decades of deep integration with more agile, customized solutions, the traditional ‘stickiness’ of SaaS platforms is under threat.
This development forces CIOs and IT leaders to reconsider their reliance on established providers and explore the potential of in-house AI-driven solutions. The financial stakes are high, as enterprises could save millions annually by reducing dependence on costly SaaS products.
According to Gartner, organizations can reduce operational costs by 20 – 30% by 2025 through AI-driven efficiencies. Klarna’s example may well be the tipping point that accelerates a broader move away from traditional SaaS, emphasizing the urgent need for companies to adapt or risk obsolescence.
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Ethical and social considerations
As companies embrace Generative AI, it’s crucial to address ethical and social considerations. Issues such as data privacy, security, and algorithmic bias can pose significant risks if not properly managed.
A 2022 survey by PwC revealed that over 55% of consumers are concerned about how companies use their personal data. Implementing robust data governance policies and ethical guidelines is essential to build trust with stakeholders and ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR.
Moreover, the impact of AI on the workforce cannot be ignored. While AI can automate routine tasks, it may also lead to job displacement. Companies should invest in retraining and upskilling employees to work alongside AI technologies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.
Taking action: A roadmap for embracing generative AI
To move from theory to practice, companies must take deliberate steps to integrate Generative AI into their operations. Here’s how leaders can begin this transformative journey:
Gain executive buy-in: Executive-level support is critical for success.
Conduct an AI readiness assessment: Evaluate your organization’s current capabilities, identify gaps, and set clear objectives for AI adoption.
Develop a strategic AI roadmap: Align AI initiatives with business goals, prioritize use cases, and create a phased implementation plan.
Start with pilot projects: Implement small-scale AI projects to demonstrate value, set measurable metrics, and iterate based on insights.
Invest in talent and training: Upskill existing employees, hire specialized talent, and foster a culture of innovation.
Address ethical and governance considerations: Establish ethical guidelines, implement governance frameworks, and engage stakeholders transparently.
Leverage partnerships and collaborations: Collaborate with AI vendors, join industry consortia, and engage academic institutions.
Monitor and measure impact: Set clear KPIs, conduct regular reviews, and scale successful projects.
Plan for long-term sustainability: Stay informed on AI developments, budget for ongoing investment, and anticipate future needs.
By following this roadmap, companies can navigate the complexities of Generative AI adoption, mitigate risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly AI-driven world.
The path forward: Embrace generative AI or face extinction
The lessons from the “Innovator’s Dilemma” speak volumes: focusing solely on today’s successes without investing in disruptive technologies like Generative AI is a risky bet. AI isn’t just another tool; it’s a fundamental shift in how businesses operate.
Companies that fully integrate Generative AI into their operations will not only survive but thrive, setting the pace for their industries. In contrast, those who fail to adapt risk meeting the same fate as Blockbuster and BlackBerry—left behind in a world increasingly driven by AI that rewards the bold and punishes the complacent.
Jim Collins, in “Good to Great,” emphasizes that truly great companies continuously evolve and align their strategies with the future. Klarna’s decision to harness Generative AI reflects this principle, demonstrating proactive leadership and a commitment to innovation.
Their approach serves as a blueprint for other companies: not just to adopt new technology but to redefine their operations and strategies around it. Without such commitment, companies risk stagnation—going from good to gone.
For leaders, the message is simple: adapt, innovate, and lead, or risk becoming a cautionary tale. Klarna and J.P. Morgan’s transformations illustrate that the future belongs to those willing to embrace change and leverage disruptive technologies to their advantage. The decision isn’t just about adopting new technology; it’s about ensuring your company is poised to excel tomorrow.
As Generative AI continues to advance rapidly, the window of opportunity to lead is narrowing. By taking proactive steps—assessing readiness, developing strategic roadmaps, investing in talent, and more—companies can overcome barriers and seize the transformative potential of AI. Embrace the change because Generative AI won’t wait, and neither should you. The time to act is now. 
1. Christensen, C. M. (1997). The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press.
2. Treiber, M. (2023). Klarna’s bold move: What it means for the future of SaaS in the enterprise. IKANGAI. https://www.ikangai.com/klarnas-bold-move-what-it-means-for-the-future-of-saas-in-the-enterprise/
3. Gladwell, M. (2000). The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference. Little, Brown.
4. McKinsey & Company. (2023). The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year. https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/quantumblack/our-insights/the-state-of-ai-in-2023-generative-AIs-breakout-year
5. J.P. Morgan. (2023). J.P. Morgan introduces AI-powered chatbot for research analysts. J.P. Morgan News. https://www.jpmorgan.com
6. Deloitte. (2022). State of AI in the enterprise, 5th edition. Deloitte. https://www.deloitte.com
7. PwC. (2022). Consumer intelligence series: Trusted tech. PwC. https://www.pwc.com
8. Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: Why some companies make the leap… and others don’t.
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anthrobytes · 2 months
It's all a process problem
Most problems in product development are process issues. Process problems can cripple your product development team and all downstream teams. Read about how process problems impact your team. #Productledgrowth #ProductDev
In my experience, most problems in product development are process issues. Most problems in product support are process issues. Honestly, most business problems are process problems. But let’s focus on product development problems today. Process lets us identify and define the ways we do things to get the consistent and repeatable result. Processes are living things because as we learn more, we…
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hsmagazine254 · 7 months
Unleash The Fun: The Benefits Of Dog Agility Training - H&S Pets Galore
Keeping Your Pup Fit, Happy, & Sharp Dog agility training is more than just a fun pastime – it’s a rewarding activity that offers a wide range of benefits for both dogs and their owners. In this article, we’ll have a closer look at the many advantages of agility training for dogs and why it’s becoming increasingly popular among pet owners worldwide. 1. Physical Exercise: One of the most obvious…
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pawsensedogs · 7 months
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Website: https://www.pawsense.org/
Address: Dallas, Texas, USA
Pawsense is a premier Dog Enrichment Center based in Dallas, Texas, specializing in Fear Free Training, boarding, adoption consultation, and nutrition consultation. Established in 2019, Pawsense is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for pets and their owners, emphasizing the importance of pet safety and security in all services offered. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pawsensedogs/
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ourjobagency · 1 year
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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the cloud has emerged as a transformative technology that empowers businesses with flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Migrating to the cloud is no longer an option but a necessity to stay competitive. 
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thalys-artcorner · 1 year
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Finan x Eadith Wedding.
“Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter sister You are the best thing, that's ever been mine”
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benzneconsulting · 1 year
Opt For A Safe Agile Adoption With The Master Training By Benzne Consulting
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Unlock your organization's potential with SAFe Agile Adoption. Benzne Consulting offers master training programs to equip teams with the skills needed for successful implementation. Align strategy, foster collaboration, and deliver value at scale through our comprehensive curriculum and hands-on exercises. Gain practical insights for seamless project navigation. Know More:- Benzne.com
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doctormead · 2 months
DP x DC prompt: Dick adopts de-aged Danny
Because I don't see anywhere near enough of these where Dick Grayson gets to be a daddy...
It's a relatively quiet day in Gotham, so Dick decides he's earned a day off. The afternoon finds him reading in a park which, although it's TECHNICALLY not in Crime Alley, it's close enough that it's well known that Red Hood will have no tolerance for people messing with kids. As the sun goes down, the kids on the jungle gym are gradually collected by parents, older siblings and guardians until there is a lone, black-haired boy who appears to be about 5 years old clambering about on the bars with surprising agility. Worried, Dick wanders over and asks when his parents will be picking him up. The kid shrugs, shakes his head and mutters he doesn't have any. Even more worried, Dick asks if he lives nearby. Kid shrugs and points at a box-cluttered alleyway.
Well...this won't do.
When Bruce comes home from Wayne Industries, he's greeted by an ominous creak from overhead. He looks up to see Dick and a strange little boy perched in the chandelier eating what look to be peanut butter sandwiches.
"Hey, Danny!" Dick says cheerfully. "That's your new granpa!"
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gojoux · 8 months
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· Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
· Summary: Gojo is absolutely enamoured by you, even from the smallest thing you do, he’s always there to compliment you.
· CW: 5.2k // Fluff. Slight hurt/comfort. A bit suggestive. Being Gojo’s girlfriend means having a whipped boyfriend.
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When you’re training by yourself.
You took a deep breath as you adopted your fighting stance, feet spread shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands raised and ready. Focusing your cursed energy to enhance your physical prowess, you began your training regimen, flowing through the intricate movements you had practiced countless times before. Your body twisted and turned gracefully as you performed each strike and kick with perfect form, having honed your skills through years of diligent work.
Sweat dripped down your forehead as you moved through the rigorous routine, not allowing yourself to slow down. With each punch, you visualize an enemy being struck down. With each kick, you imagined yourself growing stronger and more agile. The exertion left your muscles burning, but you pushed through, determined to improve.
After finishing the last set, you finally allowed yourself a moment of rest, chest heaving as you caught your breath. A sense of satisfaction washed over you at having completed such an intense workout. You knew all that effort was making you a better sorcerer.
“Look at you go,” a whistle was heard behind you.
You turned to see Gojo walking up, an admiring grin on his face. Even with his eyes obscured, you could tell he was looking you over appreciatively.
“Thanks,” you said, wiping the sweat from your forehead. “Just trying to stay in shape.”
“You kidding? You’re in incredible shape!” he said. “The way you moved was like watching poetry in motion.”
You smiled, flattered by his high praise, and happy to have your efforts recognized. As one of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers alive, compliments from Gojo meant a lot.
“I still have a long way to go before I’m anywhere near your level.”
“Of course,” he grins cheekily.
“But your dedication to training is really paying off, you know? Just look at how toned your arms are now,” he emphasized his point by gently grasping your arm, squeezing your bicep.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, swatting his hand away.
He laughed playfully. “What? I can’t help but admire my girlfriend’s incredible physique.”
You shook your head in amusement. Only Gojo would be shameless enough to fawn so openly over your body. But his compliments, as ridiculous as they were, filled you with motivation. Knowing he was watching and supporting your efforts spurred you to work even harder.
“Alright, lover boy, as much as I’d love to hear more about how attractive you find my sweaty post-workout look, I need to get cleaned up.”
“Need someone to wash your back?” he asked slyly, waggling his eyebrows.
You shot him a pointed look.
“Kidding, kidding,” he said, raising his hands.
You gathered your things and started heading towards the showers. As expected, Gojo fell into step beside you, seemingly not done singing your praises yet.
“In all seriousness, you’re really good. I mean it,” he continued earnestly.
Warmth rushed through you with his heartfelt words. “Thank you, I appreciate that,” you said sincerely. “But honestly, it’s not anything extraordinary, stop complimenting me too much over that.”
“Heh, I’m just calling it like I see it,” he replied. “My girlfriend’s a total badass who’s only getting more incredible every day. What can I say, I’ve got an eye for talent,” he added with a cocky wink.
You laughed, giving him a light shove. “You’re too much.”
“And you love it,” he retorted, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close.
You leaned into him, smiling up at his handsome face. “Yeah, I really do.”
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When you’re on your mission.
The dark alley was dimly lit, shadows stretching across the cramped passageway. Your footsteps were light and cautious as you scanned the area, senses on high alert. You were tracking a cursed spirit that had been terrorizing this neighborhood, attacking innocent civilians.
As a jujutsu sorcerer, it was your duty to stop threats like this.
Up ahead, you spotted your target—a grotesque, hulking creature with twisted features and elongated claws. It had a young woman pinned against the alley wall, ready to strike. With no time to lose, you leaped into action.
“Hey! Over here, ugly!” you shouted, firing off a blast of cursed energy to get its attention. The creature turned with an angry roar as you placed yourself between it and the cowering woman. Adopting a fighting stance, you are prepared to take it head-on.
The cursed spirit charged, swiping at you with ruthless force. But you were ready. With agile movements, you dodged and weaved, avoiding its attacks while looking for an opening. When you saw your chance, you struck—aiming your cursed technique at its chest sending it stumbling back.
Not letting up, you pressed your assault, pummeling the creature with your attacks. It tried to fight back but was no match for your superior speed and skill. With a final, devastating blow, you landed the finishing move, obliterating the cursed spirit in an explosion of energy.
Panting, you turned to check on the woman you had rescued. “Are you alright?” you asked gently to calm her down.
She stared at you with gratitude. “Th-thank you! You saved me!”
You smiled warmly, helping her to her feet. “Just doing my job. Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
After escorting her from the alley, you headed off to report your completed mission, satisfied at having eliminated the threat and protected an innocent life.
As you walked, a familiar voice suddenly spoke up behind you.
“Great moves back there,” he grins, walking towards you with his hand in his pocket. Looks like he got it easy on his task.
You turned to see Gojo beaming at you proudly. “When I felt that burst of energy, I knew it had to be you kicking some cursed spirit booty. And I was right.”
You laughed at his dramatic phrasing. “All in a day’s work. I’m just glad I got there in time.”
“Let me guess, you finished earlier and spied on me ‘kicking cursed spirit’s booty’,” you crossed your arms playfully, earning a chuckle from him.
“Yeah, it was a good show.”
Gojo stepped closer, gazing down at you admiringly. “It’s also that compassion that makes you such an amazing sorcerer,” he said. “You’re always focused on protecting people, even at great risk to yourself.”
His tone turned a bit calmer. “Watching you throw yourself in harm’s way like that… it scares me sometimes.” He gently caressed your cheek. “But it’s also one of the things I love most about you. Your drive to help others.”
You placed your hand over his, touched by his heartfelt words. “I’ll always do whatever it takes to keep people safe. I just have to.”
He smiled. “I know. And you do it with such skill too. The way you took down that cursed spirit was awesome. Your technique control has gotten better.”
“High praise coming from the strongest sorcerer around.”
“I’m just being honest here. You would’ve given me a run for my money, I bet."
You quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? Care to put your money where your mouth is and take me on sometime?” you challenged playfully.
A devious grin crossed his face. “Is that a date? You know I love any excuse to get handsy with you.”
You laughed, giving him a light shove. Even after a tiring day, he could always lift your spirits.
“Maybe later,” you said, taking his hand. “For now, how about lunch? Fighting cursed spirits really works up an appetite.”
“It’s a date then!” he instantly entwined his fingers with yours. As you walked off together, he added, “You take my breath away, you know that?”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. “Aww, aren’t you my own personal hype man?” you teased.
“Always!” he declared with his usual wide grin.
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When you’re dressed up for a date.
“Satoru, can you come here for a second?” you called out from your bedroom.
“Be right there!” Came the reply, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. Gojo stepped into the doorway, a signature grin on his face. “What’s up?”
You turned to him with a shy smile. “I just finished getting ready for our date tonight. Wanted to get your opinion on the outfit before we head out.”
It was your anniversary, and Gojo was taking you somewhere nice. You had agonized over what to wear, trying on ten different dresses before finally settling on the dress you’re wearing right now with delicate jewelry and heels to complete the elegant look.
Gojo’s eyebrows shot up above his glasses as he took in your appearance. “Wow…” he breathed, staring openly. “You look… beautiful.”
Your face heats up at his praise. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely stunning,” he affirmed, moving closer. His hands came to rest on your waist, head tilting as if to see you better from all angles. “This dress is perfect on you. It hugs your body just right.”
One hand slid sensuously down your side to emphasize his point. You hold his hand still with flushed laughter. “Down. boy. Keep it PG for now,” you chided playfully.
He held up his hands in acquiescence, though the desire in his gaze was palpable. “PG. Got it. I’m just appreciating my gorgeous girlfriend’s breathtaking beauty.”
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, but his compliments made your heart flutter.
“The way the fabric drapes over your body…” he continued to admire you, “It’s like each detail was designed to accentuate your natural assets.” His voice dropped an octave. “Truly mouthwatering.”
“Satoru!” You swat his chest this time from embarrassment.
He grinned unrepentantly. “What? Can you blame me for being so captivated by you? You’re a vision right now. I’ve got the hottest date in town tonight, that’s for sure.”
You smiled, mollified by his sincerity beneath the teasing remarks. No one could make you feel as special and desired as Gojo.
“Think you can control yourself through dinner at least?” You asked archly.
He laughed. “I make no promises. But I’ll do my best to keep public groping to a minimum,” he replied with a wink.
Taking your hand, he led you downstairs and out the door, ever the gentleman. As you slid into the car though, his composure momentarily slipped.
“You look unbelievable in that dress,” he blurted, eyeing you up and down. “The things I want to do…”
He trailed off with an exaggerated groan. You dissolved into laughter, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze. Only Gojo could be so simultaneously sweet and shameless.
Dinner was an intimate, romantic affair. Gojo was on his best behavior, focused entirely on you. His compliments came often, praising everything from your smile to your witty banter. By dessert, you were practically glowing under his constant stream of adoration.
“Have I mentioned how stunning you look tonight?” He murmured, grazing his thumb over your knuckles. “Because you are dazzling, baby. I’m the luckiest guy here.”
You bite your lip, smile stretching wide. No matter how many times he said it, those words never got old.
The ride home was charged with anticipation. Gojo’s hands, so well behaved earlier, now roamed your body eagerly. Your pulse quickened as desire ignited.
Once inside, his control broke entirely. You found yourself pressed against the foyer wall, his mouth hot on your throat.
“I’ve been dying to get my hands on you all night,” he rasped into your skin. “This dress should be illegal… even the way you walk in it got me feeling hazy.”
You sighed blissfully as his lips and hands explored. When Gojo wanted you, he made sure you felt cherished, beautiful, and desired. It was intoxicating.
Later, lying enveloped in his arms, he nuzzled into your hair. “Have I mentioned you look sexy as hell in that dress?”
“Only about a hundred times tonight.”
“Well let’s make it a hundred and one,” he replied, rolling you beneath him to properly worship every tantalizing detail.
No matter the occasion, Gojo never failed to make you feel like a goddess. His passion and praise knew no bounds.
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When you failed your mission.
The cursed spirit’s claws tore through flesh and bone before you could react. The young boy’s scream pierced the air, then suddenly went silent as his broken body hit the ground. Shock rooted you in place for a critical moment before rage took over. With a cry, you unleashed the full force of your power, obliterating the cursed spirit in an instant.
But it was too late. The child was gone, his sightless eyes accusing you of failure. Sinking to your knees, anguish crashed through you in waves. You were supposed to protect him. Instead, your hesitation had cost an innocent life.
By the time Gojo arrived, you were numb with grief. He assessed the situation swiftly before kneeling and enveloping you in his arms. You collapsed against his chest, finally releasing the tears you had been holding back.
He didn’t speak, just held you close and let you cry. There was no judgment in his embrace, only compassion. So you wept bitterly for the life lost, for your mistake, for the cruelty of this world.
When the torrent finally passed, Gojo gently wiped the moisture from your cheeks. “Talk to me,” he said simply.
Haltingly, you explained what happened. The guilt was a crushing weight on your heart.
“I should have been faster. I could have saved him,” you choked out.
Gojo gripped your shoulders. “Listen to me. This was not your fault.” His voice brooked no argument. “You didn’t hesitate from incompetence or cowardice. It was empathy. You saw a scared child and your first instinct was to protect, not attack. That compassion is what makes you an amazing sorcerer.”
You shook your head bitterly. “A lot of good it did him.”
“You can’t save everyone,” Gojo said sadly. “As much as we try, we can’t prevent every tragedy. What matters is that you care so deeply, that you refuse to harden your heart, even when it hurts this much.”
You wanted to believe him, but the stench of blood was thick in the air, a constant reminder of your failure.
Sensing your doubt, Gojo took your hands in his. “You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Don’t let this make you afraid to keep caring. There are so many people out there who need that compassion.”
He tilted your chin up to meet your eyes. “This pain… means your humanity is still intact. That’s something to be proud of.”
A sob caught in your throat as you clutched his uniform jacket, anchoring yourself in his steadfast strength. The grief was still raw and raging, but his words lit a faint glow in the dark. Not of absolution, but of hope. That you could keep fighting and caring, without losing yourself.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured. “You’ll get through this. I’m here for you.”
The next few days were filled with more tears, self-doubt and sleepless nights. But Gojo remained your constant companion, providing reassurance when the shadows loomed.
His praise never wavered. Each time you began slipping back into despair, he was there with an uplifting word.
Slowly, the light began to return to your eyes. Gojo’s unrelenting positivity and belief in you provided a lifeline to cling to. He reminded you of your own strength, even when you doubted it.
Not long after that day, Gojo took you out to dinner. Upon returning home, he presented you with a single white lily.
“This is to honor that boy’s memory,” he explained. “But also to show you that beautiful things can still grow, even from tragic circumstances.”
You accepted the flower, eyes stinging with bittersweet tears. Looking up at Gojo, you found no trace of pity there, only love.
“Thank you,” you whispered, for this gesture, and for everything he had done to see you through the darkness.
He kissed your forehead tenderly. “You never have to go through anything alone. I’m always here.”
Clutching the lily close, you rested your head against Gojo’s heart.
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When you’re happy.
You stared down at the official letter, reading the words over and over. You have been chosen by a revered sorcerer in Hokkaido for a mission that requires your skill. Better yet, you have always admired this sorcerer.
One in a million opportunity. It makes you feel special to have someone notice you to the point they requested for you because they need your skill. Just maybe, you’d have the opportunity to be trained by that sorcerer to improve yourself.
Hands shaking, you looked up at Gojo, seeing his face lit up with a brilliant smile. In an instant, you were swept off your feet as he spun you joyfully around the room. You clung to him, dizzy with euphoria.
When he finally set you down, he cupped your face in his hands. “I’m such a proud boyfriend,” he said. “All that hard training paid off, huh?”
Happy tears pricked your eyes. Having Gojo’s wholehearted support and belief in your abilities meant everything.
You can’t help but pull him down into a fierce, grateful kiss. His arms immediately enveloped you, lips curving into a smile against your mouth. When you finally broke for air, foreheads touching, the depth of emotion in his gaze took your breath away.
In the weeks that followed, Gojo went out of his way to celebrate your accomplishment at every opportunity.
There were bouquet deliveries to your door, with notes reading:
“To the future best jujutsu sorcerer!”
Gifts would arrive filled with your favorite treats:
“For my hardworking girlfriend who deserves something sweet!”
Even when you were curled up on the sofa, just spending a quiet night, he would randomly take your hand and announce:
“I’m the luckiest guy alive to be with you.”
His little displays of pride and support never failed to make you smile. Gojo genuinely reveled in your success as if it were his own. Your joy brought him joy, a sentiment you fully reciprocated.
On the morning you were to start the intensive program, Gojo made you a lavish breakfast in bed. As you ate, he detailed an elaborate training regimen to prepare you for the challenges ahead.
“And I’ll be your personal sparring partner of course. Have to keep those combat skills razor sharp!” He grinned. “I won’t go easy on you just because you’re my girlfriend.”
You laughed. “I’d be insulted if you did.”
His expression turned serious then. Taking your hand, he met your eyes earnestly. “You’re going to do amazing things, I just know it. And I can’t wait to stand back and watch you shine.”
Emotion clogged your throat. No matter how far you go in this field, Gojo will always be your biggest supporter.
“As cheesy as it sounds... as long as you’re by my side, I know I can handle anything,” you told him with a rather bashful smile.
He smiled softly. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”
Leaning in, he kissed you sweetly. When he pulled back, his usual cocky smirk was firmly back in place.
“Now finish up. Time to go show off why you’re the badass jujutsu sorcerer they’re lucky to have!”
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When you’re sick.
A violent cough wracked your body as you huddled under the blankets, trying in vain to get warm. Your head was pounding, your throat raw, and your limbs heavy with fatigue. The flu had hit you hard and fast, leaving you miserable and bedridden.
A light knock at the door heralded Gojo’s arrival. He poked his head in, his usual playful grin replaced by a look of concern.
“How’s my girl doing?” he asked gently, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You offered a weak smile. “Been better,” you croaked out before dissolving into another coughing fit.
Gojo rubbed your back soothingly until the spasms passed. “Sounds nasty. Let me get you some water.”
He returned swiftly, helping prop you up to take small sips. The liquid soothed your inflamed throat but did little for the chills wracking your body.
Noticing your shivers, Gojo piled on more blankets and slid in behind you, pulling you close. The warmth of his body enveloped you, finally easing some of the shudders. You sank gratefully into his embrace.
“There we go, just rest,” he murmured, one hand gently stroking your hair. You sighed, comforted by his presence.
Gojo wasn't usually one for tender quiet moments. His boundless energy and shameless mouth tended to dominate any interaction. But now, he was the picture of care and concern—keeping his touch light, his voice quiet and soothing.
You were moved by this rare glimpse of his gentle side. Having someone see you like this—sweaty, sick and pathetic—would normally make you self-conscious. But with Gojo, you felt safe letting your guard down completely.
“Sorry you have to see me like this,” you mumbled.
He tilted your chin up. “Nonsense. You’re beautiful no matter what.” His thumb lightly caressed your cheek. “I’m glad you’re comfortable enough around me to be vulnerable.”
Warmth bloomed in your chest, and not from the fever. Even wrecked by illness, he could still make you feel cherished.
“What did I do to deserve you?” you whispered.
He grinned. “I ask myself that every day.” Dipping his head, he placed a feather-light kiss on your forehead. “Now, hush. No more talking, just rest.”
You settled against him once more, lulled by the steady rhythm of his heart. Time passed in a haze of fitful sleep and coughing fits, but Gojo stayed dutifully by your side.
When the chills returned, he bundled you uptight, acting as your own personal furnace. He patiently fed you soup and medicine, made sure you were hydrated, and kept the tissues handy.
True to form, he also kept up a constant stream of praise and encouragement.
“There’s my tough girl, fighting this nasty bug off.”
“Even under all those blankets, you’re still the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“Look at you powering through these coughs like a champ!”
His little comments never failed to make you smile. Only Gojo could find something positive even in your current state.
After two days of attentive care, your fever finally broke. The aches and fatigue gradually receded until you were able to sit up without assistance.
Gojo beamed at you. “There she is! Knew you could kick this flu’s butt.”
Taking your hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, and his eyes shone with affection. “I’m so proud of you for pushing through this. You’re strong.”
“I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
He waved it off. “I just gave you a nudge. You did all the hard work.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he gazed at you earnestly. “Never doubt your strength, or hide your struggles from me, okay? Ask me anything, I’ll give them all to you.”
You nodded, heart brimming with love for this man.
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When you’re annoyed at him.
“Satoru, I swear if you don’t stop messing around I’m going to—argh!” you yelled in exasperation.
The infuriating man just laughed, dancing easily out of your reach as you swiped at him. He had been pestering you all morning with juvenile pranks and teasing remarks, fraying your last nerve.
“Aww, is someone a wittle gwumpy today?” he taunted in a baby voice.
You saw red. Lunging forward, you tackled him to the ground. Caught off guard for once, he landed hard on his back with a grunt. You pinned him in place with your body weight, glaring down at him.
“Call me grumpy one more time and I’ll show you just how nasty my mood is,” you growled.
Gojo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Then a slow, wicked grin spread across his face.
“Well, damn, baby. I love it when you get feisty with me,” he purred. His hands came up to grip your hips suggestively.
You swatted them away in irritation. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m still mad at you.”
Rolling off him, you crossed your arms with a huff. Gojo sat up, smile fading.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry for riling you up too much,” he grins. “Didn’t realize you were actually that annoyed with me.”
Your anger deflated at the apology. He may act like a brat sometimes, but Gojo is always quick to make amends when he crosses a line—well, only for you, at least. (Don’t tell Geto and Utahime about this!)
With a sigh, you uncrossed your arms. “It’s fine. I overreacted too.” Glancing over at him sheepishly, you added, “And I know I’ve been… prickly lately. The stress has just put me in a bad mood.”
Between juggling studying, missions, and training, you had been spread thin. Gojo’s antics had been the last straw.
He scooted closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You have nothing to apologize for. I should’ve realized you needed me to dial it down and help you decompress.”
Leaning into him, you gave a tired smile. “Well, tackling you did feel pretty therapeutic, actually.”
Gojo’s laughter rumbled against you. “See? Violence solves everything!” he joked, squeezing you playfully.
You push his chest slightly, but couldn’t help chuckling too. Only Gojo could vex you one minute and make you laugh the next.
He pressed a conciliatory kiss to your temple. “Tell you what, why don’t you go take a nice long bath to relax while I make us dinner?”
The offer was extremely tempting after the high-stress week you’d had.
“That does sound really nice,” you admitted. “But you don’t have to cook, I’m sure I could throw something—”
He held up a hand. “Nope, you just focus on unwinding. Doctor Gojo’s orders.”
The mental image of him in a doctor’s coat and nothing else briefly distracted you. At your silence, he grinned knowingly. “I’ll take that as an agreement to my plan.”
Rolling your eyes, you stood and stretched. “Fine, you win this round.”
“I always do,” he retorted cockily.
True to his word, Gojo prepared a delicious meal while you soaked in the tub. The aromas wafting in from the kitchen made your stomach rumble eagerly.
By the time you made it downstairs, the table was set with your favorites. Gojo greeted you with a flourishing bow.
“For the lovely lady, a feast fit for a queen.”
You laughed at his antics, touched by the effort. Over dinner he kept the conversation light, making you laugh recounting silly stories. For the first time all week, you felt your tension finally easing.
Later, as you lounged together on the couch, Gojo spoke up softly. “Feeling more relaxed now?”
You nodded, snuggling closer. “Definitely. Thank you for all this, it was just what I needed.”
Strong arms wrapped securely around you. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, no matter what.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Even when you get grumpy and violent with me,” he added teasingly.
You groaned. “Ugh, I’m sorry for tackling you like that.”
“What do you mean? I loved it,” he said, weirdly eager about it. “Seeing you all fired up and feisty was incredibly hot.”
“You’re so weird.”
“You know you love me,” he shot back smugly.
Rolling your eyes, you stretched up to kiss him. “Hmm, you’re right.”
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He just loves everything about you.
“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”
Gojo’s voice boomed across the crowded hall, quieting the others in this luxurious restaurant he took you on a date with after high school graduation.
“Thank you. Now I know speeches aren’t usually allowed during meals, but I convinced the manager here to let me have the floor for a few minutes.” He flashed his most charming grin. “After all, it’s not every day a man gets to proudly proclaim the love of his life to a crowd.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as he pulled you up to stand up with him. Taking both your hands, he continued earnestly.
“This person right here is the most incredible human being I’ve ever met. Smart, strong, kind-hearted, and breathtakingly beautiful.”
Murmurs spread through the hall listening raptly. You felt your cheeks grow warm at the public praise. Trust Gojo to be so shamelessly romantic.
He went on, tone utterly sincere beneath the dramatics. “Her passion for helping others inspires me daily. The way she fights with skill and compassion in equal measure is a marvel to watch.”
Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a folded piece of paper. “I could spend hours listing all the reasons she amazes me, which is why I wrote it down.” Winking, he unfurled the lengthy scroll with a flourish, clearing his throat.
“Ahem… ‘The top 100 things I love about my girlfriend, revised edition’. Reason one…”
Your jaw dropped as he proceeded to read the entire list out loud to the captive audience.
It was mortifying. It was ridiculous.
It was so utterly Gojo.
As he extolled your praises, you buried your flaming face in his shoulder. “You’re crazy, you know that?” you mumbled against his suit.
He just chuckled and kept reading. “Reason 37, The way she scrunches her nose at me when I tell a bad joke…”
Despite your embarrassment, warmth blossomed in your chest. Trust Gojo to turn a simple dinner into a grand spectacle of devotion.
When he finally finished, he rolled up the scroll with a flourish and grinned down at you. “Of course, the list could go on forever. But I think I’ve sufficiently made my point.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he said loud enough for all to hear, “You are the love of my life. My soulmate. My one and only.” Then he brought his lips to yours in a fiercely passionate kiss.
Catcalls and applause erupted from the watching audience you (and him) don’t even know. But you were deaf to it all, lost in Gojo’s embrace.
When you broke for air, faces still inches apart, he murmured, “I’ll spend every day finding new reasons to love you.”
Emotion clogged your throat. You had gotten used to his easy affection and endless praise over the time. But this loud, public proclamation was on another level entirely.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, your feelings laid as bare as his.
Ignoring the continued hoots and chatter around you, Gojo lifted you effortlessly in his arms.
“Now then, I believe we have some private celebrating to do,” he purred suggestively in your ear.
“You’re terrible. What am I going to do with you?” You laugh in happiness.
“I can think of a few ideas,” he replied with a sly wink.
As he carried you out of the hall, you shook your head in amusement. Life with Gojo was never boring, that was for sure.
In between chaotic battles and daily life responsibilities, your relationship has grown into something truly profound. A partnership built on unwavering trust, passion, and laughter.
Gojo adored you loudly and unapologetically, just as you loved him.
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Also writing this as a practice dump for my upcoming English creative writing competition lol
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jcmarchi · 3 days
Nabil Hannan, Field CISO at NetSPI – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nabil-hannan-field-ciso-at-netspi-interview-series/
Nabil Hannan, Field CISO at NetSPI – Interview Series
Nabil Hannan is the Field CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) at NetSPI. He leads the company’s advisory consulting practice, focusing on helping clients solve their cyber security assessment and threat andvulnerability management needs. His background is in building and improving effective software security initiatives, with deep expertise in the financial services sector.
NetSPI is a proactive security solution designed to discover, prioritize, and remediate the most critical security vulnerabilities. It helps organizations protect what matters most to their business by enabling a proactive approach to cybersecurity with greater clarity, speed, and scale than ever before.
Can you share a bit about your journey in cybersecurity and what led you to join NetSPI?
I’ve been programming since I was seven years old. Technology has always excited me because I wanted to know how things worked, which consequently led me to take a lot of things apart and learn how to put them back together at a young age.
While studying computer science in college, I began my career at Blackberry, where I worked as a product manager for the Blackberry Messenger Platform and became interested in hardware design. From there, I was recruited to join a small company in the application security domain – I was so passionate about it that I was willing to move to a new country to get the job.
When I consider my journey in cybersecurity, it started from the bottom up. I began as an associate consultant doing penetration testing, code review, threat modeling, hardware testing, and whatever else my bosses threw my way. Eventually, I worked my way up to building a penetration testing service for Cigital, which later got acquired by Synopsys. All of this led me to NetSPI to help support its growth trajectory in the proactive security space.
How has your experience in the financial services sector shaped your approach to cybersecurity?
While working at Synopsys, I helped build the strategy for selling security services and products to the financial services industry. So, while I wasn’t directly working in financial services, I was responsible for building strategies for that sector, which required diving deep into that vertical to understand its drivers and pain points.
Growing up in the technology space, I spent quite a bit of time working with large financial services organizations across the globe. Having that background, I focused my time and skills on developing a strategy for targeting and building services tailored to the financial services industry as a whole.
The biggest thing I’ve learned from exposure to the financial services sector is that hackers go where the money is. Hackers are not in this just for fun; it’s their source of income. They go where there’s the most financial impact – whether it be actually stealing money in some form or causing financial harm to an organization. That mindset has helped shape my understanding of cybersecurity and led me to be successful in my current role as a Field CISO.
With cyber threats evolving rapidly, what do you see as the biggest cybersecurity challenges organizations face today?
The biggest challenge today is the speed at which every organization needs to operate to combat evolving threats and keep pace with emerging technology, like AI. Historically, there was a waterfall methodology for building software, which wasn’t necessarily a fast process compared to how quickly software is deployed today. Now, we have a much more agile methodology, where organizations are trying to build software and release it to production as fast as possible and do more bite-sized implementations.
The last 10 years have shown rapid change and acceleration in the security ecosystem. This is causing many issues for large organizations, like shadow IT, making it harder to gain insight into their attack surface and assets. You can’t protect what you can’t see.
Cloud adoption adds to this fire – the more people adapt, adopt, and migrate to the cloud, the more elastic the software systems and assets become. The ability to scale software and hardware up and down in an elastic way makes change even more difficult to manage. As systems are built with elastic potential, you cause challenges where assets change ownership more frequently and create opportunities for bad actors to find ways into an organization.
How do you think the cybersecurity landscape will change over the next five years?
The need for greater visibility into both external and internal assets will continue to be important over the next five years and change how customers work with vendors. It’s already an area we’re heavily focused on at NetSPI. In June, we acquired a cyber asset attack surface management (CAASM) and cybersecurity posture management solution called Hubble Technology. Adding CAASM to our established external attack surface management (EASM) capabilities enables our customers to continuously identify new assets and risks, remediate security control blind spots, and gain a holistic view of their security posture by providing an accurate inventory of cyber assets, both external and internal – something that was missing in the industry up until this point.
Merging our EASM and CAASM capabilities into The NetSPI Platform allows us to provide customers with the tools they need to address ongoing visibility challenges. This also enhances the ability to accurately prioritize risks associated with assets and vulnerabilities. Additionally, it helps security leaders assess the exposure of their most important assets in relation to these risks.
How does NetSPI’s approach to vulnerability management differ from other companies in the industry?
Recently, we unveiled a new unified proactive security platform, which marries our Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS), External Attack Surface Management (EASM), Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM), and Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) technologies together in a single solution. With The NetSPI Platform, customers can take a proactive approach to cybersecurity with more clarity, speed, and scale than ever before. This new proactive approach mirrors trends we’re seeing in the industry, and the shift away from disparate point solutions, and toward the rapid adoption of more holistic, end-to-end platform services.
How is AI being used to enhance cybersecurity measures at NetSPI?
Like any cybersecurity leader will tell you, AI has the potential to catalyze business success, but it also has the potential to feed adversarial attacks. At NetSPI, we’re trying to help our customers stay ahead of the curve by implementing AI/ML penetration testing models, which ensures security is considered from ideation to implementation by identifying, analyzing, and mitigating the risks associated with adversarial attacks on ML systems, with an emphasis on LLMs. In cybersecurity, AI capabilities have enhanced and adopted our ability to monitor and remediate threats in real time.
What are the potential risks associated with AI in cybersecurity, and how can they be mitigated?
Based on conversations I’m having with other cybersecurity leaders, the biggest AI risk is organizations’ lack of basic data and cybersecurity hygiene. As we know, AI solutions are only as effective as the data the models are trained on. If organizations don’t have a firm grasp on data inventory and classification, then there’s a risk that their models will suffer and be prone to security gaps.
When people see the word “intelligence” in AI, they mistake it for being “inherently intelligent” or even having some type of sentience. But that is not the case. Security practitioners still need to program AI models to make them understand what assets are personal, private, public, and so on. Without those mechanisms, AI can descend into chaos. That, in my opinion, is the biggest concern among CISOs right now.
Can you elaborate on how NetSPI’s Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) helps organizations maintain robust security?
Penetration testing is critical to an organization’s overall cybersecurity posture because it gives teams greater context into vulnerabilities specific to their business.
Penetration testing is also a great litmus test to see how effective other security controls, like code review, threat modeling, Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), and others that you may have implemented previously, are.
Regular penetration testing fosters real-time collaboration with security experts which can bring another perspective that adds more depth to data. At the end of a successful pentest, organizations will have better insight into which parts of their IT environment are more susceptible to breaches. When a pentest detects vulnerabilities, they will often highlight gaps in controls earlier in the lifecycle or controls that are missing altogether. They’ll also understand how to achieve compliance, where to focus remediation efforts, and how IT and security teams can work together to stay on top of potential business implications.
By working with vendors that specialize in PTaaS to supplement a robust security posture, organizations can be more prepared to proactively prevent security incidents.
How do you integrate both technology and human expertise to provide comprehensive security solutions?
NetSPI believes you need both technology and humans to provide a sound strategy to stay ahead of known and unknown threats. Humans must be in the loop to validate, prioritize, and contextualize the outputs that tools generate. We’re not in the business of giving people false positives or generating noise, leading them to spend more time figuring out what really matters. In other words, you can have great technology, but you need someone to actually use it and interrupt it to be successful.
There are a lot of mundane tasks that AI can do faster and more accurately than humans. If technology can be built in a trustworthy manner, then that will allow us to automate certain tasks and free up time for security teams to turn their attention to more creative thinking and critical problem-solving that AI simply can’t replace.
What strategic advice do you typically offer clients to strengthen their cybersecurity posture?
A common trap people fall into is investing in things they understand. For example, a company may bring in a leader with a cloud security background. Naturally, they then focus on building out a cloud security team, instead of, say, compliance, network security, application security, and so on, where the organization might actually need the support.
It’s better to have a more well-rounded program that focuses on everything holistically. Then, you start building defense in depth and have controls that mitigate other failures you might have in different parts of the organization. Building a well-rounded program is better than investing more time, effort, and tooling into one particular sector.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit NetSPI. 
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