#agnes armitage
rhywhitefang · 1 year
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The first three pictures for the blood meme
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bandy-draws · 2 days
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@/ Power Rangers
Hire me
In order:
PR Magic Strike
Hannah Bowen
Will Corin
Jenna Wesley
Boston Wesley
AJ West
Theo Morgan
Autumn Chhotalal
Abigail "Abby" Leo
Maria Casher
Eliza Carson
Lucas Dixon
Percy Carson
PR Disaster Squad
Rory Calloway
JJ Webb
Yasmin Duncan
Charlie Wells
Spencer Hudson
Darbie Walton
Josh Pearce
Lillie Roades
PR Kinetic Court
Blaize Romaro
Iris McKeel
Anubis Martin
Rai Malik
Eos Hayes
Alizee "Liz" Reid
PR Time Rush
Agnes Sweet
Chester Murray
Charlie Byre
Jennette "Nettie" Weger
Wiley Twitchell
Francis "Fannie" Goodwynne
Lenore Adamsky
Enoch Morgan
Armitage "Tedge" Jarman
PR Supernova
Brynn Lancaster
Louis "Louie" Atkinson
Freddie Barker
Jay Doyle
Darren Costanza
Vera Shaw
Mira Osborn
PR Mythic Fury
Zachariah Knight
Michelle Howard
Aaron Colvin
Chelsea Laxton
John Peters
Cassandra McQuiston
Deborah King
PR Phantom Railway
Jeffrey Sergeant
Aliya Randall
Ellis Fox
Aditi Elliot
Dexter "Dex" Wynn
Sasha Blackwell
PR Gem Charge
Katie Hughes
Javari Cook
Sean Ward
Luis Escudero
Emma Hunt
William Hunt
Takaaki Kannō
Wăn Róng
Jacob Bishop
Eilane Kennedy
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xtruss · 1 year
A New Map of the Universe, Painted With Cosmic Neutrinos
Physicists finally know where at least some of these high-energy particles come from, which helps make the neutrinos useful for exploring fundamental physics.
— Thomas Lewton, Contributing Writer | June 29th, 2023
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Since 2012, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole has detected a dozen or so cosmic neutrinos each year. Kristina Armitage/Quanta Magazine; images courtesy of IceCube Collaboration
Of the 100 trillion neutrinos that pass through you every second, most come from the sun or Earth’s atmosphere. But a smattering of the particles — those moving much faster than the rest — traveled here from powerful sources farther away. For decades, astrophysicists have sought the origin of these “cosmic” neutrinos. Now, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory has finally collected enough of them to reveal telltale patterns in where they’re coming from.
In a paper published today in Science, the team revealed the first map of the Milky Way in neutrinos. (Usually our galaxy is mapped out with photons, particles of light.) The new map shows a diffuse haze of cosmic neutrinos emanating from throughout the Milky Way, but strangely, no individual sources stand out. “It’s a mystery,” said Francis Halzen, who leads IceCube.
The results follow an IceCube study from last fall, also in Science, that was the first to connect cosmic neutrinos to an individual source. It showed that a large chunk of the cosmic neutrinos detected so far by the observatory have come from the heart of an “active” galaxy called NGC 1068. In the galaxy’s glowing core, matter spirals into a central supermassive black hole, somehow making cosmic neutrinos in the process.
“It’s really gratifying,” said Kate Scholberg, a neutrino physicist at Duke University who wasn’t involved in the research. “They’ve actually identified a galaxy. This is the kind of thing the entire neutrino astronomy community has been trying to do for forever.”
Pinpointing cosmic neutrino sources opens up the possibility of using the particles as a new probe of fundamental physics. Researchers have shown that the neutrinos can be used to open cracks in the reigning Standard Model of particle physics and even test quantum descriptions of gravity.
Yet identifying the origin of at least some cosmic neutrinos is only a first step. Little is known about how the activity around some supermassive black holes generates these particles, and so far the evidence points to multiple processes or circumstances.
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Merrill Sherman/Quanta Magazine; images courtesy of IceCube Collaboration
Long-Sought Origin
Abundant as they are, neutrinos usually zip through Earth without leaving a trace; a magnificently huge detector had to be built to detect enough of them to perceive patterns in the directions they arrive from. IceCube, built 12 years ago, consists of kilometer-long strings of detectors bored deep into the Antarctic ice. Each year, IceCube detects a dozen or so cosmic neutrinos with such high energy that they clearly stand out against a haze of atmospheric and solar neutrinos. More sophisticated analyses can tease out additional candidate cosmic neutrinos from the rest of the data.
Astrophysicists know that such energetic neutrinos could only arise when fast-moving atomic nuclei, known as cosmic rays, collide with material somewhere in space. And very few places in the universe have magnetic fields strong enough to whip cosmic rays up to sufficient energies. Gamma-ray bursts, ultrabright flashes of light that occur when some stars go supernova or when neutron stars spiral into each other, were long thought one of the most plausible options. The only real alternative was active galactic nuclei, or AGNs —galaxies whose central supermassive black holes spew out particles and radiation as matter falls in.
The gamma-ray-burst theory lost ground in 2012, when astrophysicists realized that if these bright bursts were responsible, we would expect to see many more cosmic neutrinos than we do. Still, the dispute was far from settled.
Then, in 2016, IceCube began sending out alerts every time they detected a cosmic neutrino, prompting other astronomers to train telescopes in the direction it came from. The following September, they tentatively matched up a cosmic neutrino with an active galaxy called TXS 0506+056, or TXS for short, that was emitting flares of X-rays and gamma rays at the same time. “That certainly sparked a lot of interest,” said Marcos Santander, an IceCube collaborator at the University of Alabama.
More and more cosmic neutrinos were collected, and another patch of sky began to stand out against the background of atmospheric neutrinos. In the middle of this patch is the nearby active galaxy NGC 1068. IceCube’s recent analysis shows that this correlation almost certainly equals causation. As part of the analysis, IceCube scientists recalibrated their telescope and used artificial intelligence to better understand its sensitivity to different patches of sky. They found that there’s less than a 1-in-100,000 chance that the abundance of neutrinos coming from the direction of NGC 1068 is a random fluctuation.
Statistical certainty that TXS is a cosmic neutrino source isn’t far behind, and in September, IceCube recorded a neutrino probably from the vicinity of TXS that hasn’t been analyzed yet.
“We were partially blind; it’s like we’ve turned the focus on,” said Halzen. “The race was between gamma-ray bursts and active galaxies. That race has been decided.”
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An illustration of IceCube’s interior during a detection. When a neutrino interacts with molecules in the Antarctic ice, it produces secondary particles that leave a trace of blue light as they travel through the detector. Nicolle R. Fuller/NSF/IceCube
The Physical Mechanism
These two AGNs appear to be the brightest neutrino sources in the sky, yet, puzzlingly, they’re very different. TXS is a type of AGN known as a blazar: It shoots a jet of high-energy radiation directly toward Earth. Yet we see no such jet pointing our way from NGC 1068. This suggests that different mechanisms in the heart of active galaxies could give rise to cosmic neutrinos. “The sources seem to be more diverse,” said Julia Tjus, a theoretical astrophysicist at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany and a member of IceCube.
Halzen suspects there is some material surrounding the active core in NGC 1068 that blocks the emission of gamma rays as neutrinos are produced. But the precise mechanism is anyone’s guess. “We know very little about the cores of active galaxies because they are too complicated,” he said.
The cosmic neutrinos originating in the Milky Way muddle things further. There are no obvious sources of such high-energy particles in our galaxy — in particular, no active galactic nucleus. Our galaxy’s core hasn’t been bustling for millions of years.
Halzen speculates that these neutrinos come from cosmic rays produced in an earlier, active phase of our galaxy. “We always forget that we are looking at one moment in time,” he said. “The accelerators that made these cosmic rays may have made them millions of years ago.”
What stands out in the new image of the sky is the intense brightness of sources like NGC 1068 and TXS. The Milky Way, filled with nearby stars and hot gas, outshines all other galaxies when astronomers look with photons. But when it’s viewed in neutrinos, “the amazing thing is we can barely see our galaxy,” said Halzen. “The sky is dominated by extragalactic sources.”
Setting the Milky Way mystery aside, astrophysicists want to use the farther, brighter sources to study dark matter, quantum gravity and new theories of neutrino behavior.
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IceCube has detected dozens of neutrinos coming from NGC 1068, also known as Messier 77 — an active galaxy located 47 million light-years away. The well-studied galaxy, imaged here by the Hubble Space Telescope, is visible with large binoculars. NASA/ESA/A. van der Hoeven
Probing Fundamental Physics
Neutrinos offer rare clues that a more complete theory of particles must supersede the 50-year-old set of equations known as the Standard Model. This model describes elementary particles and forces with near-perfect precision, but it errs when it comes to neutrinos: It predicts that the neutral particles are massless, but they aren’t — not quite.
Physicists discovered in 1998 that neutrinos can shape-shift between their three different types; an electron neutrino emitted by the sun can turn into a muon neutrino by the time it reaches Earth, for example. And in order to shape-shift, neutrinos must have mass — the oscillations only make sense if each neutrino species is a quantum mixture of three different (all very tiny) masses.
Dozens of experiments have allowed particle physicists to gradually build up a picture of the oscillation patterns of various neutrinos — solar, atmospheric, laboratory-made. But cosmic neutrinos originating from AGNs offer a look at the particles’ oscillatory behavior across vastly bigger distances and energies. This makes them “a very sensitive probe to physics that is beyond the Standard Model,” said Carlos Argüelles–Delgado, a neutrino physicist at Harvard University who is also part of the sprawling IceCube collaboration.
Cosmic neutrino sources are so far away that the neutrino oscillations should get blurred out — wherever astrophysicists look, they expect to see a constant fraction of each of the three neutrino types. Any fluctuation in these fractions would indicate that neutrino oscillation models need rethinking.
Another possibility is that cosmic neutrinos interact with dark matter as they travel, as predicted by many dark-sector models. These models propose that the universe’s invisible matter consists of multiple types of nonluminous particles. Interactions with these dark matter particles would scatter neutrinos with specific energies and create a gap in the spectrum of cosmic neutrinos that we see.
Or the quantum structure of space-time itself can drag on the neutrinos, slowing them down. A group based in Italy recently argued in Nature Astronomy that IceCube data shows hints of this happening, but other physicists have been skeptical of these claims.
Effects such as these would be minute, but intergalactic distances could magnify them to detectable levels. “That’s definitely something that’s worth exploring,” said Scholberg.
Already, Argüelles–Delgado and collaborators have used the diffuse background of cosmic neutrinos — rather than specific sources like NGC 1068 — to look for evidence of the quantum structure of space-time. As they reported in Nature Physics in October, they didn’t find anything, but their search was hampered by the difficulty of distinguishing the third variety of neutrino — tau — from an electron neutrino in the IceCube detector. What’s needed is “better particle identification,” said co-author Teppei Katori of King’s College London. Research is underway to disentangle the two types.
Katori says knowing specific locations and mechanisms of cosmic neutrino sources would offer a “big jump” in the sensitivity of these searches for new physics. The exact fraction of each neutrino type depends on the source model, and the most popular models, by chance, predict that equal numbers of the three neutrino species will arrive on Earth. But cosmic neutrinos are still so poorly understood that any observed imbalance in the fractions of the three types could be misinterpreted. The result could be a consequence of quantum gravity, dark matter or a broken neutrino oscillation model — or just the still-blurry physics of cosmic neutrino production. (However, some ratios would be a “smoking gun” signature of new physics, said Argüelles–Delgado.)
Ultimately, we need to detect many more cosmic neutrinos, Katori said. And it looks as though we will. IceCube is being upgraded and expanded to 10 cubic kilometers over the next few years, and in October, a neutrino detector under Lake Baikal in Siberia posted its first observation of cosmic neutrinos from TXS.
And deep in the Mediterranean, dozens of strings of neutrino detectors collectively called KM3NeT are being fastened on the seafloor by a robot submersible to offer a complementary view of the cosmic-neutrino sky. “The pressures are enormous; the sea is very unforgiving,” said Paschal Coyle, a director of research at the Marseille Particle Physics Center and the experiment’s spokesperson. But “we need more telescopes scrutinizing the sky and more shared observations, which is coming now.”
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blueywrites · 1 year
Come and get your love by Redbone is my favorite song of all time. One of my other favorite's is September by Earth Wind and Fire and I recently found a mashup of the two and I've had it on repeat ever since.
As for a movie/tv or book recommendation I'd have to say Dark on Netflix. It's a German show about time travel and it is one of the best told stories I've ever watched. There's murder and mystery and twists and turns and a sprinkling of love (although definitely not in the way you might think) and it's just so so so good. Another one I really like is a Korean Drama called Reply 1988. It's about a bunch of families who live in the same neighborhood during the 80's, centered on the teens mostly during their final year of high school and the years after that as they become young adults. The main storyline has to do with the female lead and the boy she ends up marrying in the end. They cut back and forth from the present when she's married and in her 40's if remember correctly and back to their past as teens but the thing is you don't find out who she marries until the very end. It's one big guessing game and it's done so well. There's so much heart in this show it's insane. So much to do with familial love and first love and friendship and the families are so adorable and the whole series is incredibly funny. I have to warn you that there is some heartbreak there too but overall, the show feels like the biggest bear hug or coming back home to fresh, steaming bowl of your favourite soup after a long hard, cold day.
What are some of your favorite songs and shows?
Thanks so much for sharing!! I really enjoy Childish Gambino, when he released his album 3.15.20 it became my COVID anthem. I played it on repeat haha. And I've heard great things about Dark, too! I'll have to look into the other one, I've never heard of it before, but it sounds really interesting.
I have such a wide variety of taste in music, it's hard to narrow it down to favorites. But right now I'm listening to a lot of Agnes Obel because her music is kinda spooky and witchy. Here's one I like!
As for tv shows... One of my all-time favorites is North and South with Richard Armitage. It's a historical romance/drama, and it has some great themes about class. I also like Call the Midwife, which is in a similar setting but is very heartwarming. I enjoyed Peaky Blinders too, but I haven't seen all of it!
Oh! And one of my favorite favorite favorites has to be Over the Garden Wall. I felt like it spoke to my soul when I watched it the first time haha
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missygoesmeow · 2 years
GUESS MY TYPE tagged by @r3ptil3 + @copiousloverofcopia <3 <3
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this is the hardest thing i've ever done - choosing ten only?!
Evan Rachel Wood (Sophie-Anne Leclerq - True Blood)
(Kathryn Hahn (Agnes/Agatha Harkness - WandaVision)
Miranda Otto (Zelda Spellman - (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Sarah Paulson (Cordelia Goode - American Horror Story)
Gillian Anderson (Dr Bedelia Du Maurier - NBC Hannibal)
Ben Barnes (Logan Delos - Westworld)
Richard Armitage (Guy of Gisborne -BBC Robin Hood)
Henry Cavill (Geralt of Rivia - The Witcher)
Tom Hiddleston (Sir Thomas Sharpe - Crimson Peak)
Gerard Butler (The Phantom/Erik - Phantom of the Opera)
tagging @ryuzatodraws @waricka @monstranceglock @abusivegreed @tsukaiyomi @bewitchingmoonlight and whoever else wants to join!!
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hi dany!! what are your favorite period dramas? tv shows or movies i've just been in a mood and i would love some recs if you have any! hope you're doing well <3
Hello dearie! !
So the ones that came right to mind for me:
Ever After. I could not tell you how many times I've seen this movie.Great if you enjoy Cinderella. Also Angelica Houston is PHENOMENAL. 
Pride and Prejudice (1995). No shade to 2005. I was raised with the 1995 version, so it will always be the Supreme in my mind.
Emma (2020). The costumes!! The vibes!! The ambiance!! The scenes of Mr. Knightley just rubbing his eyes and throwing himself on the ground! ! !
Gentleman Jack. Gay! Gay! GAAAAAAY!
Call the Midwife. Admittedly I have not seen this one for a while, and if pregnancy is a trigger for you, this one is not it fam. If it's not, 10/10 recommend.
The Gilded Age. I mean.............If you've been following me and you don't already know that I'm Ob Sessed my question would be uhhh how. I adore it. The walking declarative sentence that is Agnes Van Rijhn. The Precious Cinnamon Rolls that are Gladys and Larry Russell. The Queen that is Bertha Russell. The hottie hot hot hot hot hot hottie that drinks his Respecting Women and I Love My Wife Smoothie that is George Russell.
North and South. Oh, you like Pride and Prejudice vibes? You like yearning? You like Richard Armitage? Well have I got the SERIES for YOU, pal.
Stage Beauty. You like Shakespeare? You like yearning? You like Claire Danes? PERFECT.
I may add more to these later but these were the ones that popped for me!!
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babbushka · 3 years
Biting Dust - Ch. 5
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Life ain’t too easy for a woman, ‘specially not a woman on the run like you. With a bounty on your head and gunpowder in your nose, you’ve grown adjusted to a life of solitude away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. That is, until you meet one particular man who’s got a face you’d only ever seen in your dreams – or on wanted posters. And when he offers you a proposition that sounds too good to be true, well. You don’t think your life will ever be the same again…
Outlaw!Kylo Ren x Reader
Tumblr Masterlist | Available on AO3
6k; Warnings: Attempted assault, attempted murder
Red clouds of earth kick up behind your horse’s hooves as they gallop far past the town line, hootin’ and hollerin’ all the while. The wind whips your hair around, your bonnet flung right off your head, held onto your person only by the wide ribbon that’s kept it tied ‘round your throat. Adrenaline pumps through your body, makes your vision spotty, makes your heart beat fast fast fast, ridin’ like lightning away from Ragrock.
Kylo’s right beside you, makin’ just as much damn noise as you, his crooked teeth gleamin’ gold in the blazin’ Arizona sun. You ain’t never see him grin this big, as he shouts and jeers too, challengin’ the canyons and the desert, darin’ them to take this moment away from the both of you.
“I can’t fuckin’ believe you!” You laugh, voice nearly gettin’ lost in the wind, cheeks hurtin’ from the way you’re smilin’ so much, “Goddamn you’re so -- so -- stupid!”
Kylo laughs at that too, a deep rumblin’ sound that feels so much like thunder that you’re sure it’s shakin’ the earth. Or maybe that’s Sam and Agnes, the way they’re throwin’ their heads back and whinnying and stampin’ their hooves into the caked dirt below. Either way, it’s a good sound, one of them sounds that makes you ache in your bones; you can’t remember the last time you heard someone else laugh so genuinely.
“Yeah?” He finally decides to slow Sam to a halt, and you do the same, tuggin’ on Aggie’s reigns to get her to calm just a little bit, the horses powerful legs comin’ to a gentle trot, both you and Kylo gulpin’ down air.
“Yeah. Why the hell did you bring us through there knowin’ there was bad blood?” You reach into the saddle bag and pull out a canteen, measurin’ a careful sip or two of the fresh river water, before decidin’ to pass the jug over to Kylo himself.
Gratefully, he takes the same size sip as you, and you think that’s mighty chivalrous of him once again, on account of he’s a much bigger person than you, and should clearly need more water. Still, you don’t protest when he hands the canteen back to you, the lid screwed on nice and tight to avoid spillin’.
“It was the only place I could think of that’s close enough.” He shrugs, and you frown ever so slightly at that, knowin’ that really, as long as you stay close to the Colorado River, you’ll have just about anything you need.
Well, almost, anyway.
“Close enough for what?” Your curiosity gets the better of you, especially when he starts rummagin’ around in his own saddle-bag for somethin’. You lean over, tryin’ to be nosy and get a peek inside, but he only clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, and you duck your head, embarrassed at bein’ caught.
“For this,” Kylo doesn’t make you wait though, pullin’ out a couple boxes of bullets, but much more importantly, “And these.”
When Kylo pulls out the burlap sack filled with coins, your eyes widen. Right there in his fist has to be over five hundred dollars in gold and silver, more money than you’ve ever seen in one place save for the banks you burn. It makes your mouth go dry, and you wonder how he got a hold of it all, if he took it from the cash register by force, or if he stole it discreetly.
“Holy shit, no wonder you were takin’ so damn long.” You urge Aggie a little closer to get a better look, darin’ to stick your hand in the bag and scoop up a handful of the coins. They were heavy, heavy and real.
“I figured you wouldn’t be opposed.” Kylo speaks quietly as your hands let the coins fall between your fingers, clinking together back in the sack. He gives you the sack then, lets the weight of it rest in your hands, clearin’ his voice, “We’ll need it for Ruby City.”
Without a thought, you push it back into his hand. He was the one who had stolen it, it belonged to him. Yes you were out of money, your own coin purse completely empty, but...but you had more pride than that, to accept someone else’s hard earned coin. Even if he had earned it wrongly, it was still his.
Besides, you reckon as you shake your head when he tries to give it back once again, Kylo was right -- it’s less suspicious to travel with a man, and if you’re traveling together, he better be the one to handle the money.
Kylo seems to read your thoughts, and he just nods, before taking a couple coins out and handing them to you, fifty bucks weighin’ on your palm.
“Just take the fuckin’ money.” He says with a small smile. “I won’t hear any ‘no’, it’s yours too, for helpin’ me by distractin’ the townfolk.”
You sigh, and reluctantly put the coins in your own small purse. For the first time in a while, the fabric is bulged out and heavy. Kylo puts the burlap sack back in his saddle-bag, and you resolve to ignore its existence until you need him to pay for a room at an inn somewhere.
“Should’ve warned me that you knew the damn bartender.” You scold him then, a little disgruntled that he had kept that information from you. If you were going to be a distraction, you would’ve liked to know exactly who it was you’re distractin’. “Should’ve told me y’all hated each other.”
You don’t tell Kylo that you were flirtin’ with that Armitage, certain that he wouldn’t like it. He sure as hell didn’t like it when Amos was gettin’ a little too friendly with you, anyway, and he was just a stranger. To your surprise though, Kylo scoffs out a laugh, and fishes out his old cigarette from the inside of his boot, lightin’ it with a match and puffin’ smoke through his nose.
“Hate?” He’s got humor in his voice as he urges Sam forward, needin’ to get back towards the water’s edge before the sun sank too low in the sky, “Nah, Hux and I go way back. He’s a good friend.”
You level him a dirty glare at that, if only he had told you he coulda’ saved you a world of panic! You think about the way that Armitage shot out his own windows, the way that Kylo managed to murder Armitage’s brother without any guns of his own, and all the damn fallout that came from it.
“Didn’t seem to be actin’ like a good friend when he was aimin’ his shotgun at your face.” You point out, thinkin’ to yourself, men are so goddamn strange.
Kylo laughs again, and you find yourself growin’ dangerously used to the sound, so you just sigh and shake your head. He smokes and smokes, both of your horses leadin’ you closer to the water, havin’ galloped away from it ever so slightly.
“He likes when I come rollin’ through, trust me. He always complains about how quiet his lil’ town of Ragrock gets, likes to give the folks somethin’ to gossip about every now and again.” Kylo explains, patton’ Sam’s neck and flashin’ you a gold-tipped smile.
“So he really wasn’t going to kill us then?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Oh no he probably would’ve if I let him.” Kylo answers quickly, “‘Specially after what I did to Brian. But he’ll be fine with it in a couple weeks once folks tell him I wasn’t the one that started nothin’.”
You stare at him for a little while, and he can feel the weight of your gaze on him, but he only gives you a crooked smile and a wink. You weren’t so sure what that wink meant, but if you had to guess, it could really only mean trouble.
“You’re somethin’ else, you know that?” You lick across your teeth to prevent yourself from smilin’ and givin’ him the satisfaction of knowing that he entertains you. The grin he gives you tells you he knows it anyway.
“Nothin’ that you can’t handle though, I reckon.” Counterin’ with a slight smile, Kylo ducks his head and blushes, and that alone is enough to make you tap your heels against Aggie’s hide, to get her to go gallopin’ down the canyons again.
Some hours later, when the world around you starts to cool off from the settin’ of the sun, you and Kylo set up camp near the river. He had gone ahead and scouted the spot out, made sure there weren’t any folks who had already laid claim to that particular stretch of the bend, no one that could go cousin’ any trouble.
There was more than enough money now, to buy new stocks of food whenever y’all got to the next stop along the route, but that didn’t mean that you were about to let Kylo blow through the supply. So instead, you ask he hunt you down another rabbit for dinner, which he does in less than a half hour, impressin’ you once again.
It’s quiet, out there by the river. The sky has faded to a gentle purple, the silvery moon high in the sky. You’ve got a fire made, nothin’ too big or roarin’, just tall enough to heat up the cast-iron pot that you’ve got hangin’ over it by an iron stake. That rabbit is stewin’ in the pot, along with some water, beans, cut up carrots and a little bit of rice. You stir the pot, listenin’ to the sound of the river as it trickles past.
The sweet sound of a harmonica sounds then, and your gaze snaps up to see Kylo with the instrument against his lips. His eyes are closed, and he’s breathin’ nice and even, the high tune of a melody makin’ your throat choke up. It was a tune you knew all too well, once upon a time, a long time ago.
You stir the stew, chewin’ on the side of your cheek, until somethin’ in you compels you to sing. Your voice is a little rusty, but it doesn’t deter Kylo one bit, in fact, when he catches wind of you singin’ along to his tune, he plays a little louder, a little clearer, switchin’ to the harmony as you take over the melody to the sad cowboy song that you once used to teach yourself,
"O bury me not on the lone prairie."
These words came low and mournfully
From the pallid lips of the youth who lay
On his dying bed at the close of day.
He had wasted and pined 'til o'er his brow
Death's shades were slowly gathering now
He thought of home and loved ones nigh,
As the cowboys gathered to see him die.
"O bury me not on the lone prairie
Where coyotes howl and the wind blows free
In a narrow grave just six by three—
O bury me not on the lone prairie"
"It matters not, I've been told,
Where the body lies when the heart grows cold
Yet grant, o grant, this wish to me
O bury me not on the lone prairie."
Kylo sets down his harmonica then, and you blink away a light mistiness in your eye. It ain’t good to dwell on the past, you know, but sometimes, times like these, you can’t help but think ‘bout it. Kylo’s blinkin’ away somethin’ too, you notice, so as you stir the stew and determine the rabbit and vegetable and rice are all as cooked as they need to be, you ladle a big bowl for you and for this man who has become the closest thing to a companion you’ve ever had in your life, and you take it over to him.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak, not for a while. You simply sit down next to him, as close to him as you’ve gotten since that time in the river, and hand him the bowl and spoon. He accepts it gratefully, his own gaze cast into the fire, and not for the first time, you wonder what’s goin’ on in his head.
After a couple bites of the stew, you rest your head on his shoulder. It’s a tentative motion, a hesitant one. Kylo holds his breath, you can feel it in the way he tenses ever so slightly, but he doesn’t tell you to move, and that’s as good of an invitation to stay as any, you reckon.
“You can’t go lookin’ at me like that, by the by.” Breaking the silence, you slurp down a spoonful of stew yourself, lookin’ into the comforting vision of the flames which flicker and flare gently in front of you.
“If we’re meant to be cousins,” You explain, voice soft and kind, knowin’ that you’ve been too hard on him these past couple days. “You can’t be givin’ me those eyes of yours. Folks might see through the ruse.”
Kylo surprises you by shruggin’ with his other shoulder, his cheeks crinklin’ into a smile. His dimples crease, and he chews on his lip a little, keepin’ his eyes down as he blushes.
“Folks marry their cousins all the time, it wouldn’t be so strange.” Kylo nearly whispers, almost like he’s afraid to speak the words, rushes quickly to try and change the subject as soon as he’s said it, “Hell, my mother almost married her own damn brother on accident -- but that’s a long and complicated story.”
“Oh so we’re married now.” You smile, feelin’ the heat rise to your own cheeks. It’s less of a question and more of a statement, the way you say it, and you find that against your own better judgement, you like the way it sounds. You like the idea of it, and that makes butterflies spark up in your stomach, a feelin’ you ain’t so used to.
“We could be.” Kylo doesn’t dare look at you, idly stirring his bowl, “We could pretend, anyway.”
You think for a second about what that might be like -- but then you shake your head a little and sigh, “I made a promise I’d never be a meek housewife.”
“Ain’t no one here callin’ you meek.” Kylo reassures you, and now it’s your turn to duck your head, to rest it against his shoulder a little more. Your heart beats wildly in your chest, you wonder if he can hear it out there in the quiet of night.
“Be my cousin, for just a little while longer.” You whisper, a silent plea to just give you some more time, “Until we make it to Ruby City.”
“I can’t get a good read on you.” Kylo hums, and you’re relieved to hear that he’s not got an angry or disappointed edge to his tone.
He really does respect you, you realize all of a sudden. Maybe it’s foolish to come to that conclusion so soon, so quickly after you’ve met him, but you can’t help but come to it nonetheless. He’s done nothin’ but respect you this whole time, and you don’t know what to do about that. It’s never happened before.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, a hint of a smile on your lips.
“It means that you’re the most mysterious damn woman I’ve ever met.” He replies easily, a smile on his own.
“I have to be.” Shrugging, you eat another bite of the stew, wishin’ you had some spices to throw in it. You hope Kylo doesn’t think it’s too bland -- before growin’ bashful again, at the thought that you want him to enjoy your cookin’.
“Why’s that?”
“Because the more people that know about me, the less safe I am.”
“I told you -- ”
“I know, you ain’t gonna hurt me, I know.” You interrupt him, before sighing, wondering if you were really going to do this, if you were really going to tell him. “That’s not what I meant.”
Kylo senses a shift in the air, a change in the atmosphere, and his teasing playful smile melts into something a little more somber, more serious. He watches you, and waits for what you have to say, and you decide that what the hell -- if you couldn’t tell Kylo, you couldn’t tell anyone at all.
“I didn’t always used to be an outlaw, you know.” Setting down your bowl of stew, you fidget with the hem of your blue dress’ skirt, and look into the fire, your memory transporting you to a place and time that felt like a million years ago. “There was a time, a long time ago, that I was a school teacher, in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere Utah...”
You were young, when you started teachin’ at the school. It had always been your favorite place when you were growin’ up, and when the teacher herself got married and moved away, you jumped at the vacancy at once. This was the only way a young woman like yourself could earn a living with her clothes on, you knew that, and though you were barely older than the students that came to your classes, you took your job seriously.
It had been a bright sunny morning in Spring the day you turned sixteen, when the bells tolled for all the school children to come rushing to your door. Standing outside the single room schoolhouse, you had a cheerful smile on your face as you welcomed the students that you had come to love and care for, as they bounded up the few steps and into the wooden building. Ranging in age from as young as five, to as old as twelve, two dozen students took to their seats, fresh faced and recently washed, hair combed for their lessons.
“Good mornin’ class!” You walk to the front of the room once the bell finishes tolling, picking up a piece of chalk and writing out the first line to a popular sea shanty turned folk song, your delicate cursive spelling, ‘O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie.’
“Good morning Miss (L/N)!” The class responds in happy unison. One of your students, a young girl named Wendy quickly gets out of her seat to place an apple on your desk before hurrying back.
You smile at her, at all of them, having grown so fond of this mis-matched group of kids that have been placed in your care for the weekdays.
“I trust y’all had a good weekend?” You ask them, met with a chorus of overlapping affirmations, and you chuckle at their response to immediately wantin’ to tell you all about everything they did on their days off. “Good, I’m glad. Now if you would buddy up and please take out your textbook, we’ll pick up where we left off on Friday.”
The McGuffey reader was your go-to book to teach the children with, it had everything you needed -- reading, writing, and arithmetic that was easy enough to understand by even the littlest of your students. It was broken down into repetition, phonetics, and even had lines to trace the letters and numbers, but more than that, it was the book you yourself had learned to read by, so you were familiar enough with it.
“Who would like to be the first to read what I’ve got written up on the board?” You ask, once they’ve all opened their books to the appropriate page, a handful of eager students at once clamoring to volunteer.
And so, like any other day, the morning turned to afternoon, and the afternoon turned to evening. When the bells rang to dismiss the class, the children groaned, knowing that meant they had to go home where their family would likely put them to work in the field or in the kitchen for an hour before supper.
“Thank you for another wonderful day children, y’all be good for your parents now, you hear?” You try to encourage them to cheer up, even if it did warm your heart that they liked learning from you so much. “Oh, Rickie? Could you come here for a minute? You’re not in trouble, I promise.”
Sitting at your desk for a moment, you saw the earring that you had stashed in your drawer from the evening prior, and you fish it out as the ten year old skips over to you, his mousy brown hair flopping around as he does. You smile, thinkin’ that he might do to ask for a trim when he gets home.
“Yes ma’am?” Rickie stands before the desk, and you hand him the earring, his eyes going wide as he recognizes it.
“Could you do me a big favor and deliver this to your Mama? She must’ve dropped it here last night and I’m sure she’s goin’ crazy lookin’ for it.” You smile, and he nods happily.
“She sure is! Earned myself a smack upside the head I did, when she thought I snatched it from her dresser!” Rickie laughs, clearly glad to have been vindicated.
“Well I’m sure she’ll be sorry when you bring it back to her, let her know I was the one who had it, not you.” You smile back warmly at him, but he’s already runnin’ out of the schoolhouse, callin’ another thanks and a goodbye behind him as he goes.
Only a moment or two before the last of your students are gone, is there a knock on the door.
He doesn’t wait for an answer before coming in anyway, and you look up with a frown to see who would be so rude as to invite themselves, until you recognize the sheriff and put a forced smile upon your face.
“Hello sheriff, how are you this fine evenin’?” You present yourself as politely as possible, as the man’s spurs clink while those heavy boots of his walk across your floors, trackin’ mud in from the outside with little care.
You didn’t like him, the sheriff. Didn’t like the way you caught him starin’ at you sometimes, didn’t like the way you caught him starin’ at the girls in your class. He was one of the oldest fellas in town, maybe three times your age. He’s starin’ at you now, eyein’ you up and down in a way that makes your skin crawl.
“I’m doin’ well honey, thank you.” The sheriff chews on some tobacco, a habit you can’t stand, before pointin’ out the door behind him and askin’ with a stern voice, “That boy wasn’t givin’ you any trouble, was he?”
“Rickie? No of course not, he’s a good kid.” You’re quick to reply, not wantin’ to cause any trouble for the young farmboy. You and the sheriff look at each other for a moment or two, before you grow more and more uncomfortable, busyin’ your hands with the worksheets that’ve been left on your desk to grade. You clear your throat, “Is -- has somethin’ happened?”
“Naw, I just wanted to come by and see ya before your night class starts.” The sheriff’s spurs clink clink clink over to the desk where he sits himself down, right on the wooden table-top.
“Well, here I am. Can I offer you somethin’ to drink? Coffee?” You try your best to be polite, hoping that one of your night students -- adults from the town who never got to go to school when they were young -- might show up and come to your rescue.
“Not tonight, thank you.” He replies, making you sigh out with relief against your better judgement. He doesn’t notice, instead you can feel his gaze on your chest, “But, if you’re free this friday evenin’, I’d love to take you up on that offer.”
“Oh...I see.” Bile rising up in the back of your throat, you shake your head and try to reject him as politely as possible, voice clipped yet firm as you move from around the desk to the chalk-board where you erase the children’s lesson and prepare for the adult’s. “Sheriff, I’m sorry but, I’m not quite interested in seein’ anyone at present.”
“And why’s that?” He doesn’t leave you alone, and you begin to panic with the way he’s steppin’ closer to you, knowin’ that if he traps you against the board, there won’t be a clear path to escape.
“Well it ain’t allowed for a woman to be datin’ while she’s a schoolteacher.” You explain, your voice starting to wobble.
Something about that makes him chuckle, somethin’ sinister, his blackened teeth from all that damn tobacco too close to your face when he grins.
“Must be awfully lonely,” Sheriff runs his hand up your arm, “Missin’ the comfort of a man at night.”
“It’s not.” Your body shudders in revolt, and you try to side step him, blood pounding in your ears, eyes wide in distress as you feel sweat bead up and trickle down the back of your thigh, “I appreciate your concern but -- ”
“Let me just get one kiss then.” He doesn’t let you go that easily, grabbing your arm harshly and dragging you over to one of the desks where he pushes you with a rough shove. His hand grips your cheek too hard, forcing your mouth to pucker as you fight him.
“Sheriff, I said no -- please get away from me -- I don’t -- don’t touch me!!” You knee him hard straight in the groin, your panicked scream alerting the adults who had thankfully, miraculously, decided to show up for evening class early.
“Miss (L/N)!” A couple of cattle ranchers kick the door open and run to your side, tugging you away from the sheriff who laughs loudly. You smell the stench of alcohol on him, realizing he’s drunk as all hell, and cling to the strong rancher, tears threatening to spill over your eyes.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch our teacher again!” One of the ranchers, a nice man named Francisco, holds you tightly, protectively. You always liked Francisco, he treated you like a daughter he never got to have. The other, Jedidiah, stands firmly next to you, so ready to lunge at the sheriff that you can’t help but feel immense gratitude towards them.
“Everythin’s just fine son, run along now.” The sheriff chuckles, but neither Francisco nor Jedidiah move a muscle.
“Sheriff I think you need to leave.” Mustering up as much of your courage as possible, you speak clearly, willing your voice not to shake as the safety of Francisco’s arms give you strength, “Class begins soon, I’m sorry.”
The ranchers stare the sheriff down, and he stares back, before noddin’ with a sick understandin’ that you reckon means this won’t be the last you see of him. Spittin’ his tobacco onto the floor, that same floor he sullied with the mud under his boots after the children had so lovingly cleaned it with you, the sheriff turned on his heel and left, pausin’ at the doorway for a moment to send you a dark, threatenin’ chuckle, “You will be.”
“Are you alright Miss (L/N)? Did he hurt you?” Jedidiah takes his cap off and kneels in front of you, tryin’ to appear as non-threatenin’ as possible. Francisco releases his hold on you, and checks you for any marks or signs of stress, but you just let out a shudderin’ breath and shake your head. You’re not sure which question that’s meant to answer, but they don’t press you.
“Who do we call when the sheriff’s the one acting out?” Francisco wonders aloud, and you feel like there’s lead in your belly, because he’s right.
The only way you’d likely be able to avoid the sheriff and his wrath would be to leave town altogether, and well, you couldn’t do that. Who would keep after the students then?
There wasn’t any trouble during the lesson that evening, much to your satisfaction. The later it got in the night, the more you felt relieved, surely if the sheriff was going to cause trouble, he would’ve done so by now. Your students can tell that there’s something off about you though, a few of them approachin’ you after the class was done, wonderin’ if there was anythin’ they could do.
In hindsight, you wonder how different your life would’ve been, had you asked to stay with one of them for the evening, or had you asked one of them to stay with you.
The chokin’ woke you up, before anythin’ else. Smoke, thick black plumes of it pouring out of the windows, the doors. Smoke in your lungs that had your body joltin’ up and out of the little bed up in the attic where you lived above the schoolhouse, had you rollin’ onto the floor in a panic.
“No!” You shout, as the heat of red orange yellow flames begins to lick up the walls, eatin’ away at the wood structure of the building, the whole thing two steps from bein’ a blazin’ bonfire out in the field, “Oh god, oh god no!”
Frantic, you run, mind going blank, trying to focus on grabbin’ the important things, only the important things; a photo of your family, the money out of the dresser, a copy of your favorite book. That was it, all you had that you could think to grab, before trying for the door.
The handle burns, and you scream, shaking the pain away from the blisteringly hot doorknob. You’re fucked, oh you’re so fucked, you think as you back up enough to barrel your way through the door, the wood shattering and splintering. The fire reached all the way up to the attic, there was nowhere you could escape. You could jump out the window, but you’d break your neck landin’ on the hard ground. Outside, someone yells, revelin’ in the way that you scream.
“If I can’t have you, ain’t nobody gets to have you, hear that? You hear that bitch?” The sheriff cackles tauntingly, and the fear of death drips icy cold down your back, compels you to run as fast as you can down the wooden rickety stairs, into the blaze.
If you can just get out, if only you can get out of this building, maybe you’ll survive, maybe you --“No!”
One of the stairs has shattered beneath your feet, your foot stomping straight through it, trapped. You cough and hack up the smoke, it’s stinging your eyes, it’s in your lungs, soot in your mouth, you can’t see, oh god it’s so hot, the flames are surrounding you, and your foot is stuck through the stairs.
“Please, please come on you’re strong enough for this, you have to be strong enough for this, come on.” You sob, willing yourself, yanking your foot out in harsh movements as the laughter screeches around you in a drunken stupor.
Eventually, in all your efforts, the structure of the stairs give away entirely, and you try to grab onto something as the floor falls beneath your feet, sending you crashing down into the classroom below. The fire’s taken everything here; the wallpaper, the tables and chairs, even the shiny apple that Wendy sat on your desk, all reduced to ash, cracking and spitting in the flames.
You’ve hit your head from the fall, you can’t move. Somethin’s pinned your legs, you can’t feel nothin’. At least there ain’t any smoke down here, all of it risin’ up up up through the building. The smoke pushes the bells, make them toll. You wonder if they’re callin’ the Reaper, tears slippin’ down your cheeks.
“All the books, oh the poor children.” You whisper, thinkin’ of them all, watchin’ as the textbooks singe to nothingness, knowin’ that soon your body will follow, “Who’s going to teach the children?”
Kylo’s arm is around you, you realize, out there in the present. He’s stock-still, face gone pale, somber. He’s crying, you realize, jaw clenched tight, the muscle in his cheek flexing from the force of it. You’re crying too, wetness on your face. You watch as a tear plips into the rabbit stew, and you’re not entirely sure if it’s one of yours, or Kylo’s.
“The rest of the town came to my rescue, once the flames got so bright you could see ‘em from across the fields. They thought I was dead, when they found me.” You clear your throat, rememberin’ the details of the story that you had only found out after the fact, “I was covered in soot, breathed too much of it in, I wasn’t wakin’ up. I later found out that the sheriff didn’t let them give me a funeral, just told them to stick me in a coffin and gave me a shallow grave.”
Kylo remains quiet, but the arm around you tightens. You’re reminded of Francisco then, how he had protected you. You wonder where he is, what he’s doing. If he ever got to have a daughter.
“I was glad for that part at least, it wasn’t too hard to dig my way back out when I woke up. I must’ve only been there for a couple hours, the dirt wasn’t packed tight or nothin’, thankfully.” You sigh, not knowing when to stop, now knowin’ how to do any of this, how to be vulnerable like this. You ain’t had to be vulnerable in a long, long time.
“Must’ve been out of my mind, I had never thought about killin’ anyone before, you know. I was more angry about the loss of the school than I was for my own life, if you can believe. I hunted him down, the sheriff. He thought I was a ghost, and he hid from me. I found him in the end, doused him in kerosene and lit the sonofabitch on fire right on his front porch.”
You lean your head on Kylo’s shoulder, and ever so gently, he rests his cheek against you back.
“I was sixteen then, and “I’ve been burnin’ shit down to the ground ever since.” You whisper, voice almost lost by the trickle of the river as it flows down to Colorado.
“I’m sorry.” Kylo says, snuffling into your hair a little bit, holdin’ you close, a silent promise.
“It ain’t your fault.” You reply, fightin’ that sour feelin’ in the back of your throat, nudging your face a little closer into his neck.
“If I had been there, I would’ve helped you.” He says, even though you both know that there ain’t no changin’ the past.
“You’re here now.” You pull back enough to look at him, really look at him right in the eyes.
“Yeah, I am.” He nods.
You wonder, sometimes how life might’ve been different, but after all is said and done, this is the life you’ve got.
Kylo lies down then, one arm extended out from his body, an offer.
You don’t think twice about it, when you lay down next to him, your head usin’ that arm as a pillow. It wraps around your shoulder, tuggin’ you to Kylo’s chest, and for the first time in a long time, when you sleep, you don’t dream.
"I've always wished to be laid when I died
In a little churchyard on the green hillside
By my father's grave, there let me be,
O bury me not on the lone prairie."
"I wish to lie where a mother's prayer
And a sister's tear will mingle there.
Where friends can come and weep o'er me.
O bury me not on the lone prairie."
"For there's another whose tears will shed.
For the one who lies in a prairie bed.
It breaks me heart to think of her now,
She has curled these locks, she has kissed this brow."
"O bury me not..." And his voice failed there.
But they took no heed to his dying prayer.
In a narrow grave, just six by three
They buried him there on the lone prairie.
And the cowboys now as they roam the plain,
For they marked the spot where his bones were lain,
Fling a handful o' roses o'er his grave
With a prayer to God his soul to save.
Taggin' some Kylo lovin' friends!
@mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @kylo-ren-is-alive @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea @princessflip @goddessofsprings @mrs-gucci @baubub @bucky-j-barnes @mindyoshiii @beachwoodmonet @darkhairedmenrule @eagerforhoney @nekonaomitard @einmal-im-traum @justlenastuff @0nihiime
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Zukunftsvisionen, am Hoftag, das siebte Jahr, Ein Drahtseilakt :)
Zukunftsvisionen – Hast du eine Theorie/Vermutung, an der du festhältst? Nenne deine Verrückteste.
Öhhhh pffff … verrückte Theorien? Secret Serial Killer Jade vielleicht? :-D Keine Ahnung. Also, Dari-Redemption schon mal nicht, daran glaubt hier nur einer. 8DD (Wobei ich mir mit Phi aber auch bei NICHTS zu hundert Prozent sicher bin, mit irgendwas haust du mich immer aus den Socken!)
Ich glaube, Delta bekommt noch irgendeine Möglichkeit, ihren Punktestand ganz radikal zu verändern, ansonsten wäre es einfach irgendwie extrem witzlos, sie so aufzuziehen. Und was eher eine Hoffnung als eine Theorie ist: Turis’ und Cars letzte Worte, die sie miteinander wechseln, werden irgendwas mit »Car …« - »Nicht von dir« sein, ich würde es einfach so feiern. :-D
Am Hoftag – Was ist dein liebstes Pairing?
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich bei Inner Shadow erstaunlich wenig (ausschließlich) romantisch shippe, aber das hab ich ja auch schon mal angesprochen. Sie haben einfach alle so große Friendship-Energy … ich würde mal sagen June und Idokras? Es haut einfach … auf sehr vielen verschiedenen Ebenen rein. Und ich mag auch Tave/Acorn sehr gerne, aber das ist so ziemlich eines der am wenigstens dramatischen und am meisten gemütlichen Tave-Ships out there und wie ihr alle wisst, mag ich Leid und Verdammung einfach zu sehr. 8D (Bitte nicht zitieren.)
Das Siebte Jahr – Wie sieht es gerade in Agnes’ Dorf aus?
ALSO, als Vater des Opferdorfes …! >:-D
Nach dem Reveal von Kyras Aufgabe hat Bart sich erst mal ganz langsam und dramatisch zu Thomasina umgedreht, um sie zu fragen, was das bitte heißen soll, und dann wurde er spontan von ihr geköpft, alle sind durcheinandergerannt, Blut spritzt, Schuhe fliegen, Tante Ethel fällt endgültig ins Koma, Abe ist einfach nur froh, dass währenddessen niemand die Sache mit der Bewerbung mitbekommen hat, er brennt mit Agnes’ Vater durch, und am Ende des Tages brennt alles. ^w^ Das war meine freie Interpretation der Geschehnisse. (Also Josh Armitage fucked off into the prairie during the chaos and met Maverick, Fortsetzung folgt …)
Ein Drahtseilakt – Top drei Tribute, die du umarmen willst!
Das ist schwierig, weil fast alle eine Umarmung verdienen, aber Nummer eins ist natürlich Barny, weil er bestimmt ganz weich und kuschelig und warm und mein absoluter Lieblingscharakter ist und er braucht ganz dringend eine Umarmung, nicht nur wegen seiner Depressionen, sondern auch um sein gender zu transen, denn das ist ja nur für Mädchen. (-:<
Auf Platz zwei cheate ich mal ganz hart und sage ALLE Lads, weil ich Elvin so süß und knuddelig finde, Mikesh eine weiche Fluse ist, und Fir … riecht wahrscheinlich nach Deo, aber ich will ihn da jetzt auch nicht einfach so auslassen, sonst ist er noch traurig und das will ich dann auch nicht. Außerdem nutze ich die Möglichkeit, um Turis kräftig in den Arsch zu treten und rechtmäßig seine Vaterrolle einzunehmen.
Und als drittes … Tave. Ich muss nicht erklären warum. Guckt mich nicht so an! Wir lieben uns okay! )///:<
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jazzfic · 4 years
Writer Question:
Have you ever cried writing your own fics and does it usually happen at the point you think it will or sneak up on you unexpectedly?
It’s sort of rare -- and nowhere, absolutely nowhere near the sort of stuff that has me crying when reading other people’s work (that’s another post to write). And it’s usually just on the edge of crying... but it has come up unexpectedly.
I wrote (many a moons ago) a Modern Family one shot (I Can be Brave, Like You) which had a very bleak ending, and it was all planned out to be that way, but still the ending kind of got me. And there was a Robin Hood fic (remember that BBC adaption, the one with Richard Armitage? I was very much into that in ye olde LJ days) in which I had a side character return to his love and they kissed all caught in some drying linens and it was very romantic and teary to write. But with old things I may be peering back a bit rosily, it’s hard to remember there.
In brush off the clouds where Emil gently tells Agnes something of herself, I definitely cried, and because of that I had Agnes cry at that point as well in story just because we were all in a little weep fest... I probably needed to drink or eat something, to be honest.
Cheers very much to @procrastinatorproject​ for the tag!
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broomsandbrews · 6 years
Witchy Playlist and Inspiring Songs for Different Spells/Curses/Rituals (Masterpost)
Jill Andrews - No One 
Donovan - Season of the Witch 
Within Temptation - Neverending Story
Kelli Ali - Psychic Cat
Local Natives - Mt. Washington
Fleetwood Mac - Gold Dust Woman   
Cocorosie - Smokey Taboo 
Within Temptation - Mother Earth 
Libana The Circle is Cast - The Earth is our Mother 
Marilyn Manson - Salem
Halsey - Garden  
Eagles - Witchy Woman
Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love 
Alina Baraz - Maybe 
Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour 
Son Lux ft. Faux Fix - No Fate Awaits Me 
Dolkins - Mountains 
Tove Lo - Out of Mind 
Culte de Ghoules - Children of the Moon
Gary Stadle - Fairy Nightsongs 
Amy Nuttall - Scarborough Fair 
Meg Myers - Numb 
Tori Amos - Lust 
Vienna Teng - Lullaby for a Stormy Night 
LEAVES' EYES - Hell To The Heavens 
Florence and the Machine - My Boy Builds Coffins
Within Temptation - Memories 
Myah - Circus Freak 
Trobar de Morte - Summoning The Gods 
Denean - Angels Calling Me 
Heather Dale - Mordred’s Lullaby
Evanescence - Whisper 
Birdy ft. Rhodes - Let it All Go 
Inkubus Sukkubus - Wytches
Secret Garden - Sleepsong
Wolf Gang - Lions in Cages 
AMBERIAN DAWN - Magic Forest
Apocalyptica ft. Lacey - Broken Pieces
Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go
Within Temptation - Our Farewell 
The Neighbourhood - A Little Death
Russel Brower & Derek Duke - Lament of the Highborne 
Evanescence - Lacrymosa 
Peter Gundry - White Witch 
Culte de Ghoules - Vintage Black Magic
The Bird and the Bee - Witch
Nicholas Hopper - In Noctem
The Brothers Bright - Blood on my Name
Ruelle - Monsters (Acoustic Version)
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Little May - Hide 
Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath The Rose
Emily Afton - Lost 
Sofia Karlberg - Crazy in Love 
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited 
Gothica - The Cliff of Suicide
Sparklehorse - Piano Fire
Within Temptation - See Who I Am
Lana Del Rey - Once Upon a Dream 
Lisa Thiel - Samhain
Indica - Children Of Frost
James S. Levine - La La La 
Wardruna - Fehu 
Meg Myers - Monster
Silversun Pickups - Future Foe Scenarios 
Joseph Van Wissem ft. SQURL - The Taste of Blood 
Raffertie -  Last Train Home
Halsey - Haunting 
Irfan - Invocatio 
The Civil Wars - Poison & Wine 
Olafur Arnalds - Raein
Florence and the Machine - Only If For a Night
Aurora - Under Stars
Warbringers - Jaina (Daughter of the Sea) 
Ross Copperman - Holding on and Letting Go 
Love Spit Love - How Soon is Now 
XANDRIA - Nightfall 
Angus & Julia Stone - The Hanging Tree
Loreena McKennitt - Incantation 
Marina & The Diamonds - The Outsider
Meadowlark - Fly (Acoustic) 
Omnia - Wytches Brew
Panic! At the Disco - LA Devotee
Culte de Ghoules - Storm Is Coming, Come the Blessed Madness
Deadmau5 ft. Colleen D’agostino - Seeya
Gandharvak - The Time Machine: Eloi 
Lana Del Rey - Born to Die 
Ella Vos - Down in Flames
Nouvelle Vague - The Killing Moon
Joji - Don’t Wanna Waste my Time 
Michael Holborn - Sunbird
Ed Sheeran - I See Fire 
The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a House 
Crystal Fighters - Follow
Phildel - The Wolf 
Skillet - Hero 
Evanescence - Hello 
Calla -  Custom Car Crash
Ordo Funebris - A Witches Song
Daughter - Improve 
Blue - Birdshake (Remix) 
Evanescence - Going Under
Within Temptation - Angels 
koethe ft. Riley Hawke - Taking You There 
Within Temptation - The Howling 
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow 
Bjork - Frosti 
Within Temptation - Aquarius 
Loreena McKennitt - The Old Ways
Fleurie - Hurricane    
Corpo Mente - Scylla
Beth - Waves
Within Temptation - Stand my Ground 
Sofia Karlberg - Berlin 
Helios - A Rising Wind (Instrumental) 
Florence and the Machine - Blinding
Evanescence - Bring me to Life  
Elle Vee - Fly Low 
Koethe - Amber 
Verite - Echo
Within Temptation - Faster
Little Red Lung - 50 Fingers
Little May - Boardwalks
Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen
Iko - Heart of Stone 
Beach House - Levitation 
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Ejkoszonto 
Suuns - Pie X
Austin Wintory - Bloodlines 
Loreena McKennitt - The Heart of the Witch
Lana Del Rey - Love 
Jose Gonzalez - Crosses
Peter Gundry - The Forest Queen 
Within Temptation - All I Need
Dead Can Dance - Yulunga (Spirit Dance)
Breaking Benjamin - Failure 
Lisa Gerrard - Swans
Glass Animals - Holiest
Ingrid Michaelson - Turn to Stone 
Bibio - Dye the Water Green 
S.J. Tucker - Witch’s Rune 
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Face to Face
Daughter - Dreams of William 
Bjork - Dark Matter
Within Temptation - Forsaken 
Widowspeak - Harsh Realm
Wolf Alice - Soapy Water
Erutan - Come Little Children 
Artie Shaw - Nightmare
Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muse (Remastered) 
Tove Lo - Habit 
Legs Occult - Breathe
Agnes Obel - Riverside
The Soft Moon - Want
Willy Moon - I Pull a Spell on You 
Fleetwood Mac - Sara
Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz
Bahari - Wild Ones
The Zombies - Time of the Season 
Evanescence - Haunted
Lia Marie Johnson - Relapse 
Ella Fitzgerald - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Evanescence - Tourniquet 
The Eastern Sea - The Snow
Gabriel Rios - Broad Daylight
Maty Noyes - Haunted
Kim Petras - Boo! Bitch
Lorde - Biting Down 
Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils 
Plumb - Cut
Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine 
Olivia Foa’i - Tulou Tagaloa
Gorillaz - Sleeping Powder
Masha - Come As You Are
Agnes Obel - The Curse
Richard Armitage - Misty Mountains
Lera Lynn - Ring of Fire
An Danzza - Hekate
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek 
Evanescence - Lithium 
Gin Wigmore - Written in the Water
Russell Shaw - Temple of Light 
Loreena McKennitt - The Mystic’s Dream
Lana Del Rey - Black Beauty 
Marika Hackman - Deep Green
Faun - Walpurgisnacht
Agnes Obel - Stretch Your Eyes
CHVRCHES - Broken Bones
Decyfer Down - Fading 
The Weeknd - Earned It
The Changelings - Melusine
Sonic Youth - Halloween 
 Les Rita Mitsouko - La Sorciere et l’inquisiteur 
Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers
Florence and the Machine - Third Eye
In this moment - Witching Hour 
Portishead - Magic Doors
Myrkur - The Serpent
Arcade Fire - Abraham’s Daughter
James S. Levine - Violet Theme
Lauren O’Connell - House of the Rising Sun
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Spellbound 
Haroula Rose - Lavender Moon
The Chainsmokers - It Won’t Kill Ya
Hozier - Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene
Stranger Things - Theme Song
Eivor - Trollabundin
Carina Round - Do You 
Son Lux - Flickers
Fever Ray -  Keep the Streets Empty 
Ibeyi - River
Benjamin Wallfisch ft. DiSA - New World Coming
Emily Browning - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 
Igorrr - Probleme D’emotion
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather and Lace
Whilk and Misky - Love Lost 
Amorphis - Amongst Stars
Cocorosie - The Moon Asked the Crow 
Linkin Park - My December
Nightwish - Turn Loose the Mermaids 
Black Lullabies - Black Lullabies
Florence and the Machine - Which Witch 
Kehlani - Gangsta (Harley Quinn & Joker Flashback Version) 
Sara Bareilles - Winter Song
Exxus - Glass Animals
Najwa - That Cyclone
Pierce the Veil - Tangled in the Great Escape
Dotan - Let the River In
This Mortal Coil - Dreams Made Flesh P.S.: Keep in mind a lot of these songs might not be ‘‘witchy’‘ or have ‘‘witchy’‘ lyrics but some people suggested them to me because they help them with their craft, put them in a ‘’witchy’’ mood and inspire them with certain spells for certain situations like strained/toxic relationships, breakups and heartbreaks, not feeling accepted, family problems, mental illness (although if you are feeling like you want to end your life, please talk to a professional), etc. (or curses, though I’m pretty neutral about curses and hexes.) Use the ones you like, and ignore the ones you don’t or don’t do it for ya. Thank you!  
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My Regular Writing Playlist
Sleepsong - Bastille
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Lovely - Billie Eilish
I Love You - Billie Eilish
B*tches Broken Hearts - Billie Eilish
I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young
Video Games - Lana Del Rey
Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Carmen - Lana Del Rey
This Is What Makes Us Girls - Lana Del Rey
Immortal - MARINA
Teen Idle - MARINA
Starring Role - MARINA
R.I.P 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Icarus (Live) - Bastille
From Eden - Hozier
Movement - Hozier
Way Down We Go - KALEO
September Song - Agnes Obel
Dorian - Agnes Obel
Perfect Places - Lorde
Everybpdy Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
Honeythief - Halou
Gods & Monsters - Lana Del Rey
Glory And Gore - Lorde
Prom Queen - Molly Kate Kestner
Arsonist's Lullabye - Hozier
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae
Meet Me in the Hallway - Harry Styles
You Don't Own Me - SAYGRACE
I Found - Amber Run
Secret - The Pierces
Lowlife - That Poppy
Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend
Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
Head Space - Bastille
Invisible - Skylar Grey
Beauty From Pain - Superchick
Idfc - blackbear
Coffee and Cigarettes - Augustana
Creep - Radiohead
Elastic Heart - Sia
Blue Lips - Regina Spektor
Not About Angels - Birdy
anxiety - blackbear
Don't Deserve You - Plumb
Misty Moutains - Richard Armitage
Mordred's Lullaby - Heather Dale
Loreley - Blackmore's Night
Battlefield - SVRCINA
Paralyzed - NF
Already Gone - Sleeping At Last
Runaway - AURORA
Complicated - Olivia O'Brien
the broken hearts club - gnash
Water Fountain - Alec Benjamin
The One That Got Away - Brielle Von Hugel
Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin
Sweater Weather - Alyzon Stoner & MAX
Gone in Bloom and Bough - Caspian
Crazy in Love - Eden Project
All I Want - Kodaline
Let Me Go - NF
Everything's Alright - Lizz Robinett
Sick of Losing Soulmates - dodie
Surrender - Natalie Taylor
Power - Isak Danielson
Puppy Dog Eyes - Ida Laurberg
Dancing With A Stranger - Sam Smith
Slow Dancing In The Dark - Sora
July - Noah Cyrus
Liability - Lorde
all the kids are depressed - Jeremy Zucker
Toxic Thoughts - Faith Marie
crash - EDEN
The End of All Things - Panic! At The Disco
Strawberries & Cigarettes - Troye Sivan
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rhywhitefang · 2 years
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Inner Shadow References Part 2
Remember Deokind? I do! I miss Firrrrr he was a cutie.
Wren looks like a little green bean 🫛
Couldn't resist making Delta hot, with her shirt slightly unbuttoned just how Jade likes it and a loose tie. I noticed that I forgot her gloves which actually pretty important but uhhhhh sorry 🙈
My girl tile..... 💛💛💛 Honestly I should've put a bit more effort into her dagger but I'm not super good with inanimate objects yet sorry 💔 I know the canon names her in a plain jeans and a black T-shirt for the quest but I couldn't resist the iconic bungaree dress.
Mittelgroßer Elvin looks so weird but I had to do it. There's truly nothing between those ears, either.
I don't know what it is about this uniform but it makes Kyra, specifically, look like a chef. It was even worse before I colored her in.
What can I say about Laure? I started drawing her in a ponytail before I remembered that these are for Inner Shadow specifically. I'm very happy that (in my opinion) I conveyed her goth vibes even while she's wearing this preppy ass outfit.
Anyone remember the era where Agnes walking around in her fancy Queen dress and her little crown? Honestly it's so adorable, and I remember when I used to always draw her with it. This dagger is a bit more intricate than Tillys because I already designed it before for the Agnes sketches for Wills birthday^^
Turis' outfit was also free real estate - and Fir's dad is also more laid back which does fit him as well. I knew for sure that I wanted to give him some sort of floral pattern, and I just love this pink on him. I think it really fits him!
The track suit colors weren't all stated, so I gave Acorn blue because he's calm and intelligent. You know, color theory^^
The fucking burglar outfit looks so silly on Blake and I don't know why, because it looks completely fine on Soleya. Sad life, I guess.
Mikesh is so small... honestly I'm still debating making his hair a little darker? Thoughts?
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goldfishbymatisse · 5 years
tumblr colour exercise
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1.  achromatic colour palette
Charlie Billingham
The Human Body: a series of etchings
Etching on Soft Ground and Aquatint
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2.  monochromatic colour palette
Pierre Soulages
Peinture, 202 x 143, 6 novembre 1967 
oil on canvas
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3.  primary triad colour palette
Marine Hugonnier
Art For Modern Architecture (New York Times – Moon Landing – 21/07/69
Silk screen paper clips onto vintage newspaper front pages
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4.  secondary triad colour palette (purple, orange & green)
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Oil paint on canvas
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5.  predominantly cool colour palette
Vincent van Gogh
Path in the Woods
Oil on canvas
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6.  predominantly warm colour palette
Georgia O'Keeffe 
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7. predominantly desaturated colour palette
Alex Hanna
Pill Packaging 4a
Oil on board
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8.  predominantly saturated colour palette
Jules de Balincourt
Oil and acrylic on panel
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9. contrast of saturated & unsaturated
Lisa Brice
Untitled (LBTTF002)
Ink, water soluble crayon and synthetic tempera on unprimed calico
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10.contrasting complementary pair on colour wheel with chromatic greys 1
(orange and blue)
Édouard Manet
Oil on canvas 
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11.contrasting complementary pair on colour wheel with chromatic greys 2
(red and green)
Michael Armitage
Giraffe grows a Doum Palm
Oil on Lubugo (a traditional bark cloth from Uganda)
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12.contrasting complementary pair on colour wheel with chromatic greys 3
(yellow and purple)
Cuno Amiet
Self-portrait in Rose
Oil on canvas
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13. high contrast values
Peter Eastman 
Deep Chine V
Oil on Aluminium 
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14.  low contrast values
Agnes Martin
Oil on Canvas
Chromatic Grey Reference
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 Color Theory blog - WordPress.com 
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woodelflady · 6 years
Someone made this 10 years ago and even though I don't support all the matches in this montage, it's still wonderful work of 'beauty and the beast tropes'. It's honestly one of the best music video montages that still makes me happy 10yrs later.
Per description :
'We included characters who feel like monsters within based on what they look like, who they are (vampires, aliens, demons, werewolves ect.) or even metaphorically because they have darkness inside them
We showed a lot of the Beast characters wanting Beauty to save them. And we showed a lot of the Beauty charactera being fascinated by the Beast. They see the beauty and humanity in what other might only see a monster. And, yes, sometimes the girl can be the Beast type character and the guy can be the Beauty! And maybe even a few characters have a bit of both in them.'
Smallville: Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack)& Davis Bloome/Doomsday(Sam Witwer)
Moonlight: Mick St John (Alex OLoughlin)& Beth Turner(Sophia Myles)
Twilight: Edward Cullen(Robert Pattinson)&Bella Swan(Kirsten Stewart)
Roswell: Max Evans(Jason Behr)& Liz Parker(Shiri Appleby)
Edward Scissorhands: Edward(Johnny Depp)& Kim( Winona Ryder)
Penelope: Max/Johnny(James McAvoy)& Penelope (Christina Ricci)
Let the Right One In: Oskar (Kare Hedebrant)& Eli(Lina Leandersson)
Spiderman III: Mary Jane( Kirsten Dunst)& Harry (James Franco)
Hellboy: Hellboy(Ron Perlman)& Liz Sherman(Selma Blair)
Charmed: Cole(Julian McMahon)&Phoebe Halliwell( Alyssa Milano)
La Belle et La Bete (1946): Belle (Josette Day)& the Beast/Prince (Jean Marais)
King Kong: Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts)& Kong( Andy Serkis)
Blood and Chocolate: Vivian (Agnes Bruckner)& Aiden (Hugh Dancy)
The Phantom of the Opera: Christine Dae (Emmy Rossum)& the Phantom (Gerard Butler)
The Incredible Hulk: Bruce Banner/Hulk (Ed Norton) & Betty Ross (Liv Tyler)
Robin Hood (BBC): Guy of Gisborne (Richard Armitage)& Marian (Lucy Griffiths)
Angel: Doyle (Glenn Quinn)& Cordelia/Cordy(Charisma Carpenter)
Blood Ties: Kyle (Henry Fitzroy)& Vicki Nelseon( Christina Cox)
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Books of 2019 - my very late list continued
November books!
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Soulless by Gail Carriger
This was a re-read via audiobook and I enjoyed it a lot. We all know by now that I love Gail Carriger, and as I have to talk about a lot of other books I’m going to move on - however, I would highly recommend, Alexia Tarabotti is one of my favourite characters and this whole series is a joy to read.
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
I read a lot of this book via audiobook again, and I would highly recommend anyone looking to tackle Dickens does read the book with something to accompany it (my version was read by Richard Armitage, cannot recommend more tbh!) David Copperfield is a classic, even for Dickens, and for good reason. Despite being enormous, the story captivated me from the get go and I couldn’t put it down. Everytime Betsey Trotwood came onto the page I was ecstatic and I came to really love David, the Peggotty family, Mr Dick, and so many other characters. Of course characters are what Dickens does best, even as comedic charactures, and they are always the highlight of his novels.
However, as always with Dickens, the young women always let him down. I loathed the way he portrayed Dora and Agnes and pitted them against each other in the reader’s mind. It was infuritating to see Dora just cast aside very quickly (for the reader) and perfect Agnes put in her place - particualrly when both women could have been incredibly interesting on their own. I have very little faith Dickens will ever write a young woman I love, but I am going to read all his novels eventually!
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
This was a let down. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is such a well known gothic/horror story that now I’ve finally read it I was underwhelmed. I can appreciate it for the impact it’s had and I’m glad I have read it but I doubt I’ll ever reread it in the future. 
The Masked City by Genevieve Cogman (Invisible Library #2)
Much like The Invisible Library, I had a lovely time reading this book. It was an enjoyable second book in a series, but did suffer slightly from second book syndrome. It took a while for the plot to get going, and for the majority of the book I really missed the rappaport between Irene and Vale. However, once we were in the alternate Venice I was entralled in the plot and eager to see where we went next. I really appreciated exploring the Dragons and Faries in Cogman’s world, which had only been introduced in The Invisible Library, and became viable spiecies with their own cultures in this book. I’m looking forward to carrying on with this series in the near future!
A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan 
At this stage there’s not a lot I can say to summarise what this book is about - 7 books into a 14 book epic fantasy! I enjoyed Crown of Swords, it was far from my favourite entry into WoT but I always enjoy plunging back into this amazing world.
Spoilers for Wheel of Time
My major problem with this book in particular (could be the rest of the series) is the Aiel, particularly the Aiel Wise Ones. They’re DRIVING ME UP THE WALL with the constant hypocrisy and dismissal of anyone except themselves. Their sudden hatred for the Aes Sedai because they aren’t the perfect heroes from their legends makes very little sense. They’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands, of years putting the Aes Sedai on a pedestal, and now, because they don’t meet their expectations (Aes Sedai are still human after all), they’ve lost all respect for them completely. They’re now treating the Aes Sedai like children and, while a part of me can appreciate the Aes Sedai being knocked down a peg or two, the Wise Ones treatment of the Aes Sedai is completely inappropriate. I can understand Rand’s unease and distrust of the Aes Sedai, however, his strategy of handing over the Aes Sedai SWORN TO OBEY HIM and then ignoring the, quite frankly, abuse the Wise Ones are putting them through is unacceptable. It’s becoming a major turn off for the series because it’s just too much and the Wise Ones need a dose of their own medicine at this point for how they’re treating women who act JUST LIKE THEMSELVES! (I’ll stop ranting now, I may discuss this at length in a separate post...)
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akinsman · 7 years
Who are your favorite poets and why?
I mean that’s a tough one really.
Leonard Cohen will always have a very special place in my heart just because I don’t think there’s a writer whose personal philosophies line up so well with mine. I love him as a musician as well. I was really devastated when he died.
Simon Armitage is the reason I started writing poetry and also has been my tutor at MA level, but I think I’ve grown out of him. Also it’s a very British kind of poetry, so it’s not for everyone. My other tutor, Agnes Lehoczky is also a very good poet - a lot more experimental and she writes in two languages.
I know a lot of poets IRL. Kate Garrett is a good friend, my managing editor at Three Drops and an incredible poet. Rosie Garland is 10/10 and one of the best live performers I’ve ever seen. Grant Tarbard is another editor at Three Drops who is really very good. I also really rate some friends/peers that are just starting out getting things published (Loma Jones, Sam Kendall, Katie Smart).Those last three can be pretty incredible experimental poets as well.
As far as what I’m into that I’m reading right now, I’m into Richard Siken (I think I prefer War of the Foxes over Crush), Ocean Vuong, Natalie Wee and Anne Carson (Float is amazing. Highly recommend it.)
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