#agreste extended family
Round Two
Agreste/Graham de Vanily/Fathom family (Miraculous Ladybug) VS the Ushiromiya family (Umineko When They Cry)
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Agreste/Graham de Vanily/Fathom family
Members: Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste, Emilie Agreste-Graham de Vanily, Amelie Graham de Vanily, Colt Fathom, Felix Fathom
"Holy shit holy shit they’re a mess. Colt is toxic and controlling towards Amelie and Felix, Gabriel is insane, Emilie’s dead, Adrien doesn’t know what’s going on (and honestly neither do we as viewers)."
"BIG SEASON 5 SPOILERS—I was going to write the whole messed up story of this family, but then realized it would be too long. So here is a short list. We have:
Arranged marriage (on mother's side),
Another arranged marriage (now with kids!)
Magical children that are literally mindcontrolled by their parents into submission,
Rich people eugenics cult,
Man going against the wishes of his wife, becoming a supervillain while trying to revive her and then going insane with power
That same man threatening to kill his nephew
The nephew (temporarily) killing him (deserved tbh)
Another timeline where supervillain dad forcing his son to join him literally resulted in apocalypse
Horrific child abuse in general (physical and mental)
Man figures out that by having a magical son he developed a terminal illness and proceeds to ruin his life
Boy discovers he might not be quite human when his dad (who calls him a monster) almost kills him
At some point two children are put in pure white rooms. You know, the ones used for psychological torture
One child suffered so much trauma he almost killed everyone about it except his cousin and his two gfs (it's okay, they got better)
Another child doesn't even know he was brainwashed and that his dad was a supervillain and that his dead mom was in the basement. He is gaslighted into thinking his abusive dad was a hero"
The Ushiromiya family
Members: Kinzo, Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, Rosa, Jessica, George, Battler, Ange, Maria, Natsuhi, Hideyoshi, Asumu, Kyrie
"PEAK weird family drama. Fighting over the inheritance leads to multiple people dying in gruesome ways" "The whole plot of the game is that they all are so dysfunctional it would make sense for any of them to commit murder" "This family is dysfunctional and abusive on every levels. The parents are fighting for the inheritance, because the elder embezzled money. The grandfather, Kinzo, hides in his room and never shows up. Not unusual, he neglected his family his whole life. Seems that he preferred a mysterious mistress than his family. When he talked to his children, it was to scold them for being incompetents. The atmosphere is oppressive. The children of Kinzo were bully. Krauss bullied Eva, who bullied Rosa. Concerning the next generation: Battler is in conflict with his father because he cheated on his mother. Natsuhi is putting pressure on Jessica for her to become the heir of the family, and is losing contact with her daughter. Eva has deciced what the life of Georges is becoming, and that he will not marry a servant. As for the relationship between Rosa and Maria, this is just the best mother-daughter love-hate relationship ever. And everything ends in blood, for ever and ever." More propaganda here
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myreputatioooon · 6 months
MLB twitter fic Adrien openly flirts with Chat Noir's twitter account and tweets and likes and retweets too much Chat Noir appreciation and Adrichat for Gabriels' liking and when he logs into his Chat Noir account he beefs to high hell against Adrien.
I'm talking clowning, memeing, impersonation Jaboukie style
This shit also extends to the entire Agreste family and whoever collabs with them at the time. Other rich rich people
It causes multiple internet wars and maybe more than two akumas
never in favor of Chat Noir
Not that it stops adrien from giggling and kicking his feet in the air as he only fans the flames
it all comes to a head when Adrien gets home after a job well done, and tired af, judgement shitty, takes a selfie of his face disheveled as hell on a bed that deff needs to be done.
logs into his Chat Noir accy
and quote retweets idk Lila who claims to be dating him or something idk
with the screenshot adding "MINE pillow PURRincess!! get your own!! 🏀🏀🏀 (couldnt find the anger face)"
social media explodes. Adrien logs outta there, turns of his devices, and takes a well deserved nap
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bittersweetresilience · 7 months
sentitwins fic recs
running in the shadow by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,062 words)
Félix doesn’t miss the soul bond between him and Adrien until it’s gone.
La nuit, tous les chats sont gris by @ninadove (3,847 words)
In which the Cat Miraculous grants Adrien much needed freedom — even if he's not the one wielding it.
Everything I did (I did for you) by @ninadove (3,667 words)
He would have stayed there forever, if he could. This was how it was always supposed to be: the two of them together, united by something stronger than blood — stronger than magic. Adrien knew he was stalling, crushed by the enormity of the truth. He just needed a few seconds more. “I think your father has the Peacock Miraculous,” he finally whispered. “And I’m going to take it back.”
lose it in the morning by @bittersweetresilience (2,173 words)
Adrien feels it when Félix’s ring cracks. He doesn’t remember it afterward.
no one listens to the dead by @bittersweetresilience (857 words)
When Félix and Adrien switch places, they also switch homes.
mirror image by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,573 words, ongoing)
The voice in Adrien’s head is strangely familiar. It also tells him the truth (when no one else will).
Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish by @ninadove, @bittersweetresilience, @paracosmicat, @luckychatons, @trishacollins, @redundant-lava (4,436 words)
Someday, you will be a real boy... but monsters are always so much more interesting. Five times Félix lied to Adrien and one time he didn't.
Kitten-sitting by @kekepuaa (10,444 words)
Babysitter Marinette!AU. If there's anything in this world that Felix Agreste despises, it's liars and big brothers who never keep their promises. // It seemed unlikely that Felix would ever feel happy again, but his big brother said it’d be okay. And if Adrien promised that everything would be okay, then Felix had no doubts that they’d make it through this.
Found by @trishacollins (40,237 words)
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
dichotomy by @cutie-patoo-t (10,223 words, ongoing)
Adrien was just getting used to the new normal in his home, until his extended family shows up to visit, and bring with them more change than he is ready to handle. Meanwhile, Felix is less than thrilled about the impromptu vacation, and wants to pass the time living as quietly as possible to avoid getting involved with any more heroes or villains alike. He learns the hard way that it's not up to him.
I know there's been pain this year (But it's time to let it go) by @ninadove (7,003 words)
“What? Nooo! Adrien doesn’t hate Christmas.” “Are you absolutely certain? What was he like last year?” “Well, he —” Marinette furrowed her brow, scanning her own memories. Of course she was absolutely certain. At least, she thought she was.
Guarden by @clawsoutspotsoff (1,709 words)
There's a sound behind him, and Felix grabs his arm, wrenching him around. "Adrien, we have to go," he says, urgently. The color is starting to come back to his face, but he still looks panicked. "He can't find us down here." Felix puts his hand on the base of the coffin, and the metal cover slides shut again, returning it to the way they found it.
Blueberry passion fruit by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (2,511 words, ongoing)
He walked up to the counter, because he could not think of anything else to do. For all those times he had rehearsed their reunion, he had failed to consider the most obvious scenario: Adrien might want to run away once more.
fruit filled garden maze by @moonieratty (1,093 words)
A look into Félix' home-life in childhood.
nothing ever stops you leaving by @bittersweetresilience (2,591 words)
Adrien initiates a réunion.
metempsychosis by @bittersweetresilience (4,935 words)
Félix is always watching Adrien die.
Shadow Strike by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (39,334 words, ongoing)
“We have to get the brooch back,” Adrien said, his voice cracking. “So he can’t do this to anyone else.” His lack of hesitation took Felix by surprise. When he finally looked back at him, there was something new in his eyes - something that vaguely resembled hope. Or what if the kids actually shared basic plot info with each other for once?
Matter of Luck by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (14,833 words, ongoing)
When Chat Noir activates the curse of the Black Cat Miraculous, he must get a kiss from Ladybug to break the spell. If only they weren't sworn enemies, he might have better luck. An “enemies” AU, but fun :) featuring the PV kiss plot
a mannequin lamenting to a statue by orphan_account (716 words)
you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster are there anymore senitmonsters i should know about? (chat noir meow)
(feligami fic recs) (félix fic recs)
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imthepunchlord · 1 month
Here's the thing, Felix is problematic yes but I didn't mind it??? It even made his character more interesting to me???
Some of it (like him trying to kiss ladybug) was just ew, but most of it was amazing??? He's basically the curious cat Adrian was supposed to be. Since he entered the story and stirred the pot, the show has been pushed forward so much!!!
He found out about everything happening in the Agreste mansion, was deeply horrified by most of it and at the end made a deeply selfish decision that benefits him. He then used his miraculous to go on a fucking power trip with a dance number to boot. And he's the fanon favorite to pit against any character as a competent, smart and classy opponent, no Lila dumb down magic or Chloe daddy's influence required.
He's awful but he's fun awful.
He is!
I have watched some clips of him, really only his intro ep, and yeah, he was really fun. it was the first time in a while I was having a blast watching a character on this show. I do think part of it is that he's the official first "mean boy" to come in, as a lot of the guys are sweet and charming, they do have their moments but it's not usually acknowledged to be an issue. Felix immediately sets that tone though of being an antagonist and not supposed to like him (which he's such a breath of fresh air, he was pretty enjoyable as a character).
Yeah, I wasn't crazy about him trying to kiss Ladybug without consent, but unfortunately that's something we just can't get away from given that Chat does try to move to kiss LB without consent, it's probably something Felix did in the PV days, and it's something older concept Marinette has tried to do as well.
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But yeah, he also progressed things that no one has been able to do in 4 seasons, specifically Adrien who lives with the show's villain and discovered a Miraculous related book but never questions it. Come on, Adrien, what are you doing with your life?
So Felix progressing things was appreciated.
But there were a few things I didn't like.
One was canon Felix bringing in the concept of the feather babies, I really don't like the concept of the sentikids, especially with how they went about it. Given that Emilie we knew for sure was the only one using the Peafowl to make sentis, for a period of time, I was actually afraid of the possibility that Adrien and Kagami were going to technically be siblings as they came from the same creator. Also I got the impression that Emilie made herself twins, picked her favorite of the two, and passed the other onto her sister.
With nothing being clear on the feather babies for a while, there was so much "I don't like this" I was feeling.
Two were his actions in the s4 finale. Now, I didn't watch it, it's just based on what I've heard, which didn't include anything of his reasoning (if it was even given), but I felt it really clashed against Felix based around his first few eps, and defining him as a smart, clever character.
So Felix is defined by having a dislike of Gabriel, which is understandable given that Gabriel is an ass, didn't attend his brother-in-law's funeral and show support to extended family, and refused to hand back the family heirlooms that it sounds like Emilie just took and made to be their wedding rings. And then Felix finds out that Gabriel is HM, who threatens Felix and his family.
So, defining Felix to be smart and disliking Gabriel, does he:
A. Approach Ladybug/the heroes about this, as the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and it could be a quick way of getting Gabriel handled, or Felix could potentially get a Miraculous out of this given Ladybug has a record of handing out Miraculous and she gave one to freaking Chloe of all people despite nearly causing a train accident.
B. Make a very stupidly reckless deal with Gabriel, trading 15 Miraculous that he probably has limited knowledge on what they can do over for 1, which Gabriel will know he has, and just hold faith that Gabriel will not come after Felix with his 16 Miraculous to reclaim the one that is pretty OP and useful and he knows where it's located.
Hearing that Felix does B was very baffling. Especially as he does this after Gabriel has threatened him and has a magical jewelry to power him and have an edge over Felix, what Felix logically should do is find his own Miraculous ally or get a means to have a Miraculous himself to even the odds.
His best bet is with Ladybug, which I will say, she probably wouldn't trust him, but she's the safer option than believing he can make a deal with Gabriel and believing that Gabriel will keep his word. Which I know it seems like Gabriel catches Felix when he tries to steal the two brooches, which if that's when a deal was made, I would probably vote having Felix act as a double agent. Ease in the idea that he's going to help the heroes, but right now, the villain has a literal blade over his head.
Also, I feel like his actions done in the s4 finale, make a lot more sense if it was Lila. Lila who actually has a grudge against Ladybug and works with HM. It would be in her own interest to get HM those Miraculous, not Felix.
While I don't get the impression Felix has a grudge/dislikes Ladybug, even if he did, it just doesn't make sense for him to help Gabriel over her when she could be his greatest ally against his uncle.
I think he was a great and needed inclusion the first few eps, but s4 fianle and from what I hear s5, he wound up dropping the ball as a character. At least for me.
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rosie-b · 9 months
Centuries Overdue
Chapter 2
The first thing Marinette noticed on opening the leather journals when she inevitably returned to the South room one week later was the grayed ink flowing across the pages. The second thing she noticed was that this particular journal was not written by Adrien Agreste, like the first one had been, but by his mother, Emilie Agreste.
There were perhaps twenty to thirty books on the shelf, with two-thirds of them being written by Adrien’s parents and the last third being written by Adrien himself. The time during which the journals were written spanned from the years just before the French Revolution to 1810, just before the end of the Napoleonic Wars. They all seemed to be travelogues detailing the Agrestes’ long journeys to various historical and legendary locations in Europe as they evaded the worst of the fighting, met different groups of people, and moved on to new adventures.
It all seemed normal enough until Marinette noticed a passage describing a magic ritual done under the full moon in striking detail. Even then, she assumed it was just some forgotten tradition, not an example of true belief in magic. But as she skimmed through the rest of Emilie and Gabriel’s journals, she realized that each of them truly believed in magic, and so did the people they met. Even the places the Agrestes journeyed to were all associated with magic through legend or myth.
And Adrien? He grew up going on these extended journeys; he was brought up on old stories and spell castings and the peace treaties of mages. For him, magic’s existence was a solid fact of life, not a hypothetical or something to be questioned.
The more she read, the more disappointed with Adrien’s parents Marinette grew.
The moment they realized they were having a child, they left France (it was in early 1789, which Marinette begrudgingly admitted made it kind of a smart move, since the Agrestes were part of the aristocracy). They went to Britain, heading straight for Glastonbury Abbey, and never looked back. They raised their son on legends and then, predictably, died during one of their more extreme displays of faith in the supernatural, leaving a twelve-year-old boy to deal with the fallout. It was hardly good parenting.
Even so, she found the story intriguing. Marinette began to sneak into the South room during breaks and read through the journals, one by one. She decided that Gabriel’s entries were all bland and didn’t add much to the story, while Emilie’s were too long and flowery most of the time. There were only so many times she could read about Adrien’s “golden, glowing locks and paper-pale skin” without wanting to throw the fragile book across the room, so eventually, Marinette decided that she would stick to reading Adrien’s journals instead. They were much more interesting, anyway.
But there was one thing that annoyed her about all of the journals: The nouns were capitalized (seemingly at Random!) throughout the entire series.
That haphazard style was something Marinette would have expected from old books written in English, not French, so she decided to blame the situation on Emilie, who, as her journals noted, had come to France from England when she was a child. She must have taught her family about the new style being developed across the channel, and when they moved to Glastonbury Abbey and then around the British Isles for the first years of their traveling, improper capitalization must have become habit for the Agrestes.
At least it wasn’t a problem when Adrien was writing in German. Most of the time.
His journals were really quite interesting, Marinette found as she pored through them day by day. Reading the books during her lunch break and even after her shift ended became something of a habit for her, and she found herself declining lunch invitations from her friends in favor of reading about the long-dead Agreste’s adventures throughout Europe.
Adrien, like his parents before, mostly stayed out of France on his journeys, which made some sense, but even as the Napoleonic empire expanded, he continued to make regular visits to occupied countries. He kept his trust in magic spells to keep him safe from enemy eyes as he traveled by foot or on horseback through the rapidly changing world.
Even if he was obviously exaggerating some parts of his tale and making up others (please, no amount of spell-casting could help him defeat an entire platoon of soldiers), Adrien Agreste was much more interesting than anyone Marinette had met in real life. And his writing style, for all its capital crimes, was masterful and compelling. She could tell he was in charge of every aspect of the story he wrote, because he came off as too good to be true, but in such a genuine way that she couldn’t help but sympathize with his struggles. If he was someone Marinette had met around modern Paris instead of just another dead guy in a book, she might have been tempted to date him.
She hoped that wasn’t too weird.
It probably was.
Excerpt from the ninth journal of Adrien Agreste, written in Leipzig, Germany, on the sixteenth of January, 1810.
Leipzig is a good place to get a new Journal. They have many good publishing houses, and as such they must have good Bookbinders as well. I was able to purchase this particular Journal from a kindly man in Anger-Crottendorf with ease and no questions asked . . . But I am only somewhat put at ease by the City’s Peace, such as it seems.
There is talk of a Darkness in Venice. And again, a Darkness in the Dolomites, and in Scotland at the Loch Ness, and still more Talk about nearly every place I have visited in my years as a Mage and as a boy with my parents. Still no reported Darkness in the Harz, and none in Paris yet, and still it is clear that the Danger is not shrinking but burgeoning.
Time, like a Candle too well loved, is growing shorter, and soon it will run out entirely. I must make my Attack before it is too late.
I have gathered several like-minded, strong Mages, and a dozen Talents as well. They have agreed with me that Blå Jungfrun is the proper place for our Fight, partially because it is so isolated, meaning no Lives save our own will be risked, and partially because it seems to be the Home of the Darkness. It is its place of birth, and its Lair.
If Blå Jungfrun is truly the Heart of this dark Magic, then our Mission ought to see victory. For I do not see how any group of Mages of this size and Heart could ever fail in their Quest.
I did venture to the Cave to ask Plagg if he would join us, but the Kwami was not in the Cave. The Mages there told me that his Absence is more common than his Presence these past months, and he spends more time with Tikki than with his Mages. But this information has not broken my soul, for it was Plagg who taught me all I know of Magic. He will be with us in Spirit if not in body, and that gives me still greater hope.
Come this time next year, the Darkness will be vanquished. I have sworn it on my parents’ grave…
Marinette had never believed in magic, not past the age of seven, anyway, when she’d stumbled on her father peeling a fake Santa beard off of his face on Christmas Eve. That year’s holiday season wasn’t the best in her memory.
But some parts of the journals she’d found in the library made it seem almost like magic truly was real, like questioning its existence was something only fools did even though the opposite was true. (Some parts of the journals. Not all of them.)
Gabriel’s journals, for example, were too preachy about magic, proudly explaining the ‘gift’ from the ‘kwamis’ that let him sense magic even though he couldn’t wield it. He was a ‘Talent,’ not a ‘Mage,’ but the way he wrote made it clear that he thought he was above all the Mages he met. His writing made Marinette want to write an essay proving the dead man’s views on magic all wrong. It certainly didn’t convince her to give magic a chance.
Emilie’s journals were nice, but she wrote mostly about the people she met and the delicate peace treaties that allowed her and her family safe passage from country to country in the midst of a war that spread across most of the continent. For her, a Talent’s job was more similar to that of an ambassador’s than a magician’s. She was humble about her powers, and her belief in magic was quiet, not presented in a way that brought out the spells holding the world together, that could make Marinette reassess her own beliefs and take a chance on the impossible.
But Adrien’s journals…
Adrien’s journals were gripping, seizing Marinette’s attention in a way that popular published books might; they were as captivating as seeing a fashion design on the catwalk for the first time. They made her want to believe in magic. Want to, but Marinette lived in the real world, not the crumbling pages of a tantalizing, yet obviously fictional, journal. She couldn’t afford to start believing in magic, even if something about the way Adrien wrote made her ache with the desire to trust, to believe in its existence like she had long ago.
At one point in the journals, he’d written about discovering that he could wield magic. It was something that his parents had kept secret from him, even though they had known about his potential. It felt like seeing the world in color for the first time, he’d written about the first time he’d wielded the magic his gift gave him.
Gifts, according to Adrien’s journal, were something each Mage was given at birth. Sometimes, they seemed to be genetic, passing down from family member to family member over generations, but the gifts were actually random. The kwamis, the first holders of magic, determined who would be given a gift based on each baby’s character and situation. They knew the past, the present, and the future, and so they knew who deserved to be given a gift.
There were many kwamis, and so there were many gifts. From creation to destruction, each young Mage learned a different style of magic. When they were old enough, they joined a group of other Mages with the same gift, often leaving their home country behind to focus on their magic.
Talents, like Adrien’s parents, moved from group to group, bringing new Mages to the fold and serving as messengers while keeping magic a secret from those without a gift. Talents could not wield magic, but they could sense it, and they played a vital role in the Mage community. It was said that Talents, too, had a gift from the kwamis, just one that worked in a different way from most. They were responsible for finding new Mages who might not know about their gift and teaching them about it.
From the journals, it was clear that why Adrien’s parents hadn’t done this for him was beyond his understanding. And even though he didn’t want to be mad at the dead, he couldn’t help but be hurt by what seemed to be a lack of trust in his ability to handle his gift. Destruction could be dangerous, but only without training, and to its enemies, of course.
And if Adrien had been taught about his power, couldn’t he have even saved his parents from the death they had suffered? Fought off the Darkness together with his parents?
Marinette wondered these questions along with Adrien as she read his journals, and she doubted whether anyone would write something so open, so vulnerable, if there was not some truth to it. She kept reading, day after day, promising herself that she wouldn’t fall for Adrien’s lies but knowing that maybe, she already had.
Once he moved past his hurt, Adrien began taking lessons from a Mage in the city he was staying at. He wasn’t the best teacher, but Adrien learned a few good spells from him, so he wrote them down in the journal.
Marinette eagerly took a picture of the spells and uploaded them to Google to be translated, since they were written in a foreign language she didn’t understand.
It was a made-up foreign language, Marinette discovered when the search results were fruitless.
Maybe magic was fake, after all.
But Marinette kept reading.
Halfway through the third journal, Adrien moved on to another teacher, a Mage of Plagg in the Harz mountains. He learned how to use simple spells accessible to all Mages, called Universal Spells, as well as more specific ones that only Mages chosen by Plagg could use.
Then Plagg himself returned to the cave. And he decided to train Adrien, though according to Adrien, it had been in an almost condescending way, like he had no choice but to train Adrien or leave him “as defenseless as a newborn kitten.”
Marinette thought Plagg’s description of Adrien was hilarious and somewhat accurate.
Adrien went on to describe Plagg as being “monstrously tall and blacker than the night, with a glowing green aura, three eyes, and six arms.” So that was another strike to his story’s credibility, as far as she was concerned, because no one had six arms and three eyes, ‘kwami’ or not.
Maybe one of the ‘spells’ had included smoking some hallucinogenic plant, and Adrien had dreamed Plagg up while high. But he remembered everything in such detail, and wrote about the kwamis he met with such consistency, never mixing his story up. Could a drug-addicted man spreading lies really do that?
Maybe, just maybe, the magic Adrien wrote about was real.
There were more incomprehensible spells recorded in his journals, sometimes accompanied by descriptions in French, English, or German. Hoping to find one that could be translated (so she could check its veracity), Marinette flipped through one journal seemingly dedicated in full to the spells, landing on a page of one with a described purpose for it.
The title read, “A Spell for the Preservation of Leather Journals.” As Marinette looked at it, the tip of the dog-eared page fell off and landed on the floor.
The spine was threatening to crack in her hands, so despite the lies Adrien had been told, this spell clearly didn’t work.
Marinette set the book down, glanced at her reddened, dusty fingers, and scoffed.
Still, the next line of the description had said to replenish the spell’s strength every decade, so the evidence might not be as conclusive as she’d thought.
She kept returning to read the books and held off on judging them one way or the other.
By the time a week had passed, Marinette was determined to figure out once and for all if Adrien’s journals were just a fantastic tale or an actual record of powers beyond humanity’s ken. And she’d found a way to tell the truth from lies, assuming the Paris tavern Adrien described in one journal was still standing.
The tavern was, supposedly, a meeting spot for Mages as well as Talents. They met in the tavern every Wednesday at one hour past sundown.
Assuming it was real, Marinette planned to join one of their meetings, herself.
A few searches on the internet revealed that there was a restaurant by the same name as the one Adrien gave in roughly the same location as he described, so she headed there after work on Tuesday. It wasn’t a tavern, but the restaurant’s website had bragged about its long history in Paris, so she was willing to go out on a limb and say that it was the same place Adrien had described.
Marinette arrived at The Clockwise Fox precisely thirteen minutes after her shift finished. It was a very average-looking café; its cream brick walls and large glass windows were unassuming and woefully unmagical.
She walked inside anyway; discreetly took an average-looking wooden seat at a standard wooden table; and definitely-not-at-all-suspiciously glanced around for a secret magic symbol. If Adrien’s journals were trustworthy, it would be carved into at least one of the beige walls. If it wasn’t there, then Marinette would give up on magic once more and assume that Adrien Agreste was a bald-faced liar who should have gone into writing fiction. But if the symbol was there, she’d be coming back the next day for a longer visit.
Marinette scanned the wall near her, first, then the far one. Nothing yet. Maybe—
“Would you like something to order?”
Marinette blinked at the café worker, who’d seemingly popped out of nowhere to take her order.
“Uh,” she replied, slapping herself internally.
“See, normally people order at the desk before they sit down, but we’re not busy right now, so if you know what you want, I’ll take your order,” the worker continued in a bored manner.
Marinette stared blankly at them, taking in their white, orange and blue uniform and bubblegum pink hair. It should clash. It did clash, but it wasn’t like the café could expect their employees to color coordinate their hair to go with their uniforms.
Marinette shook herself and forced herself to focus.
“Uh, thanks! I’ll take a hot mocha, then.”
Marinette dimly realized that she did not want a hot mocha on this hot and humid summer afternoon.
The worker gave her an odd look, probably judging her for ordering caffeine this late in the day (hot caffeine at that), and went back to the desk.
Marinette cringed. All of this and she still hadn’t found the symbol, though who could tell if it had lasted through the past centuries? Hmm — come to think of it, the café looked as if it had been renovated not so long ago.
Marinette was on a wild goose chase.
A different worker called out Marinette’s order, and she got up to collect her unwanted mocha.
As she collected the still steaming cup from the obviously amused barista, she noticed something.
The barista was wearing an apron with a symbol, presumably the café’s logo, on it. And the symbol looked awfully familiar. It hadn’t been on the sign outside the café or carved into the walls, but still…
Marinette turned her coffee cup around as she slowly walked back to her seat. The same symbol rested there, in the middle of the mug! It was a white circle outlined in black, with two chevrons inside it. One was a red-orange chevron pointing to the top of the circle and an inverted, light blue chevron pointing to the bottom.
In Adrien’s faded drawing, the symbol had no color, but just like in the symbol on the cup, the chevrons met together and formed a diamond inside the circle. And just like in his descriptions, at the very center were two black dots like eyes.
With the café’s name and now this symbol’s appearance taken together, there was no doubt — Adrien had been telling the truth in his stories!
But just how much of what he’d written was true, or was he inventing fiction set in real locations?
Marinette would have to return to the cafe to find out, but in the meantime, she had an unwanted beverage to drink.
When she reached her seat, she set down the coffee cup and slid into the chair. Just then, a young girl slid out of her own seat; and she excitedly ran around until she bumped into Marinette’s table and fell down with a squawk.
The steaming cup of coffee fell over, spilling most of its contents on the table before Marinette could catch it.
She could only shrug and smile as the child’s mother ran over and started apologizing. It wasn’t as if she’d been looking forward to having the hot drink, after all!
Coming back to the café later and testing Adrien's claim that a group of mages used it as their base, though... that was an entirely different story, Marinette thought as she exited the building.
Written for @mlbigbang
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mmikmmik2 · 7 months
I do love the vibes of like, 85% of the plot of Miraculous Ladybug is a direct result of the Agreste extended family horseshit but then Marinette is the main character. Like sorry not everything revolves around your weird rich people drama, the future will be determined by this random baker’s daughter instead due to her courage and responsibility.
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
Let's wrap up the paradise set with the butterfly, the only miraculous aside from the ladybug that has appeared in every au.
Oh shit, you right. Damn. Alright, Butterfly of Transformation, let's go.
Also noticing how the butterfly tends to stay in the Agreste family and extended family
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Pimp Gabriel Agreste, aka Papillon was first in this all with Miraculous AU. His lesser power is known as Diminish, which infects a host and twists and distorts their darkest emotions, blowing them out of proportion. And of course his greater power is the Akumas.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Lesser Power: Diminish
Greater Power: Akuma
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This bitch a piece of work with Colt Fathom (However he doesn't quite hold a candle to another certain butterfly) as Emperor in Salvation. Colt is among the Avatars and gets four powers, which are: mutation inducement, construct creation, mental manipulation, and transmutation. In his Avatar form, he gains the ability of reconfiguration and amalgamation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: None/Innate
Power: None/Innate
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I think of all the truly villainous butterflies, this bitch is the most twisted and broken. Nathalie Sancoeur as Papillon in Absolution. I'm back to make some alterations to this bitch's powers. So, her transmutation power is "downgraded (upgraded?)" to her passive power. Her main power will all into the vein of mental manipulation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: Alter
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Oh, look! The only Butterfly holder that isn't a villain. What are the odds? Anyway, Adrien Agreste is Iris in Separate Worlds. Their passive is being reworked. Their main power is transmutation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: None/Innate
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What butterfly listing here would be complete without the whole family? (Not counting Amelie rn). Emilie Agreste as Echidna in Paradise. Her power is transmutation as the other butterflies, but would almost fall in line with the type of butterfly that Nathalie is, just not as dark and broken.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: Mold
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Can... can it be? Another good butterfly holder? What are the odds? Anyway, this is Nathalie from All That Remained as Faerie. Her power won't be what it is in the show, but the ability to transform objects and matter into other things. Basically transmutation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: Alter
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Another good butterfly? Holy shit! And, yes, this one does still count as an Agreste but a technicality. Marinette Dupain-Cheng in Siren's Song as Iridescent. Her power will be Transmutation, like all the other butterflies before her, but more in the vein of Salvation!Colt with being able to transform objects and people. Though I suppose the same for Absolution!Nathalie and Paradise!Emilie.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: Alter
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Don't mind me cackling in the corner over big baddie Adrien as Adonis in Amaranthine. Like the rest of the butterflies, his power is transmutation. Much on par with Absolution!Papillon and Salvation!Colt.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Nooroo, Wings Rise"
Power: None/Innate
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Zoe steals away the butterfly from the Agrestes in Court of Miracles. She is among the Lowborns and has a very limited range of power(s), which include:
Activation phrases: None/Innate
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pisoprano · 11 months
Trick or treat
I had to reformat all of this to be comprehensible to someone who isn’t me, but here is the old version of the scene that takes place during pages 16-18 of Runaway Catwalker (i.e., the scene where Mayura tries to dig for any dirt about Adrien).
In this version, there isn't a lie detector sentimonster keeping the heroes restrained and honest yet, Mayura instead makes a senti of Chat Noir to use as a mouthpiece while she stays safe and sound in her own bedroom. Ladybug is not included in this version of the conversation—she sees Catwalker and SentiNoir talking from afar, but she doesn’t hear anything they say to each other. Catwalker is also a bit more willing to play Mayura's game here, whereas in the comic I thought it made more sense for him to simply stop answering all of Mayura’s nosey questions. While I think a lot of the changes I made were better for the story overall, there are parts of this that I wish I could have included in the final version, I just couldn’t quite manage to find a way to make them fit.
SentiNoir holds up his hands in surrender.
Catwalker: “Is this a set up for making Ladybug guess who the real black cat wielder is? Because I doubt you know her partner well enough to fool her when lesser akumas have tried.”
Mayura (via SentiNoir): “This is Mayura. I only want to talk to you.”
Catwalker: “Don’t come any closer or make any sudden movements, and I’ll consider it. Also, use your powers to destroy something so I know you can’t use it against me.”
SentiNoir destroys his own baton.
Mayura: “Shadowmoth remains unaware of Chat Noir’s secret identity.”
Catwalker: “You expect me to believe that, with all the times you two have tried to unmask the heroes, you wouldn’t immediately tell your partner in crime who one of them was?”
Mayura: “That was before I discovered that I was personally acquainted with Chat Noir’s secret identity. Enough to care about his well-being and not want to put a target on his back. Enough to recognize that it is in everyone’s best interest that no one learn Chat Noir’s identity, Shadowmoth included.”
Catwalker (internally): She knows me? In person? And I never suspected a thing? Thank goodness I was paranoid enough to cut off everyone in my life or I would be so screwed right now.
Catwalker: “Interesting. I presume that your charity towards Chat Noir does not extend to me?”
Mayura: “Our goals have not changed. The wielders of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses are still our enemy. But it is convenient that Chat Noir has removed himself from the line of fire, and for that I will hold off on attacking you today.”
Catwalker: “Very generous of you. Why tell me of your connection to Chat Noir at all? Or is this merely a ploy to get me to reveal information about where he has gone or get him to come back? One problem with that: he never told me anything about his secret identity or intended location. So I couldn’t corroborate your story even if it was true.
Mayura: “You expect me to believe that you don’t know who he is?”
Catwalker: “Ladybug didn’t even tell Chat Noir any of the temporary heroes’ identities after someone else found out. There is no reason for him to leak his identity more than it has already.”
Mayura: “What about to protect his family? You can’t protect them if you don’t know who they are.”
Catwalker: “We protect all of Paris. Chat Noir’s family would be included in that if they were ever put in danger, whether or not we knew who they were to him.”
Mayura: “And what if I were to say that Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste?”
Catwalker (internally): Time to sell this. She needs to believe that I am useless as a source of information about where Adrien is now.
Catwalker: “You really have no shame, do you? Adrien is a missing child and you’re just going to twist his circumstances to spin a narrative that no one in their right mind would believe?”
Mayura: “It’s true: Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir.”
Catwalker: “Let’s assume you’re not lying—leaving aside the logistics of how someone that famous could possibly pull off a superhero double-life. That completely undermines your other outlandish claim, that Shadowmoth somehow doesn’t know who Chat Noir is. Assuming that he is Adrien, the fact that recent akumas have been hunting Adrien would be proof that Shadowmoth knows he had a secret identity.”
Mayura: “Shadowmoth knows that I do not wish Adrien to come to harm and just wants to help me to reunite with him. Nothing more.”
Catwalker: “Whether he was Chat Noir or not, sending akumas after the poor kid is hardly going to make him think that he’s safe to return. Try akumatizing someone else for once and Adrien might consider coming back home.”
Mayura: “He might not come back at all if something doesn’t make him!”
Catwalker: “If you really believe that, then you don’t ‘care about him’, you just want to control him.”
Mayura: “Believe what you want. But know this: if Chat Noir ever wields a miraculous again, I will tell Shadowmoth the truth of his identity. Yes, I could be lying, but do you really want to take the chance that I’m not?”
Catwalker: “What is your proof that you know personally know Chat Noir’s civilian identity as well as you claim?”
[cut a couple alternate exchanges that are redundant here]
Mayura: “You are able to talk to the kwami that powers your miraculous, yes?”
Catwalker: “He starts blowing bubbles if he tries to mention the name of his previous holder to me, so he won’t be a useful source of information.”
Mayura: “No, but he does know the boy well enough to confirm that I know things about him that only someone sufficiently close could know. That should help prove my sincerity, hm?”
[scene break]
Catwalker: “Alright then. Prove you’re close to the real Chat Noir. Tell me something like, I don’t know, his favorite cookie flavor?”
Mayura: “Passionfruit.”
Catwalker (internally): Pretty sure that was published in a magazine somewhere, but the fact that she knew without hesitation means that she doesn’t just know my name and face by casual reputation alone.
Catwalker: “I suppose I don’t have enough information to tell if you’re right, so I’ll just file that tidbit away for now. Does he have any allergies? Wait, never mind, he was always sneezing at Mr. Pigeon, so that isn’t private enough. What are his parents’ names?”
Mayura: “That sounds more like you are the one fishing for Chat Noir’s identity. If I am not telling Shadowmoth who he is, why do you think I would tell you?”
Catwalker: “You come up with something, then.”
Mayura: “Chat Noir at one point was—and perhaps may still be—under the misapprehension that his father made him something for a recent birthday. The gift was actually from someone else entirely. You can tell because the true creator signed it.”
Catwalker (internally): The scarf wasn’t from Father? If it really wasn’t… Wait, this is absolutely a trap. I didn’t take the scarf with me when I left—I didn’t want to chance anything that Father or his company had made being seen on my person. So now she’s baiting Chat Noir to break back into the mansion to retrieve the scarf while she’s on the lookout so she can capture me once and for all.
Catwalker: “If Chat Noir is mistaken about something, how do you expect me to fact check it? If he didn’t know something, it’s unlikely his former kwami does.”
Mayura: “Anything more specific would risk exposing my secret identity. Take my information or leave it.”
Catwalker: “Very well. Anything else you feel like sharing?”
Mayura: “Just that if your predecessor had learned what Shadowmoth and I have been working towards this whole time, he likely would have wanted us to succeed.”
Catwalker: “Somehow I doubt that. You have proven yourselves more than willing to abuse, assault, and murder to get what you want. Nothing is worth that.”
Mayura: “The powers of Ladybug’s miraculous still fixes everything in the end, does it not? In Shadowmoth’s hands, that would not change. But I see I will not convince you. Too heroic for your own good, I suppose. And since my time is almost up, I bid you good evening, Catwalker.”
Mayura snaps SentiNoir out of existence.
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usagirln12003 · 5 months
Lila Rossi: Hogwarts AU
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Lila Rossi is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 1st of April 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Slytherin house.
She has a Dogwood wand with a Dragon Heartstring Core.
Her Patronus is a Kitsune.
Her favorite subject is Transfiguration and her least favorite is Care of Magical Creatures.
She was one of the Slytherin Prefects in her year until she got expelled.
Lila is proud and loves attention, which she is willing to obtain with her pathological lying. This even means going beyond words to support her lies, like buying a necklace that looks like the Fox Pendent to convince Adrien that she is a descendant of the fox-themed witch or cause situations that can discredit whoever can threaten her lies. She gets jealous if someone gets more attention or love than her and doesn't like it when someone reveals that her lies aren't true, showing no remorse for lying in the first place. If anyone attempts to expose her, she won't hesitate to try to make them miserable or break them down just to get them out of her way. She also doesn't take advice from those who try to make peace with her or encourage her to be honest like Ladybug or Adrien. At first glance, it appears that the reason why she acts like this is probably because her mother is away a lot with her busy job schedule, making Lila feel disheartened and using lies to cover up that loneliness to her mother and others that are around her.
Lila doesn't easily forgive people who she feels wronged her, as she is still furious at Ladybug for ratting her out harshly and ruining her chance to woo Adrien. Aside from being adept at lying, her desire for vengeance is so great that Gabriel Agreste decided to form a formal alliance with her, not just to put her under the Imperius Curse.
Lila is also not afraid to get her enemies' friends against them by manipulating and lying to them, portraying her enemy as the villain, and not having any care for the consequences that her lies may have on others, as she doesn't feel any remorse after almost causing some of her classmates and teachers to be put under the Imperius Curse after blaming Marinette of cheating, hurting her and steal her necklace to turn everyone against her.
Another example of this is shown when she lies and manipulates Kagami into thinking Marinette is a bad person.
Due to her talent to create the most convincing lies, Lila is extremely intelligent and observative, being able to notice the most subtle details, especially when she is motivated by her hatred and grudge.
Similar to Félix, Lila was able to deduce Gabriel Agreste was Monarch and used that information in her favor, manipulating the dark wizard for her gain, like convincing him to put Kagami under the Imperius Curse again to separate Adrien and Marinette.
The extension of her lies goes further than her school and social life, as they also extend into her family life. It's revealed that Lila has at least three identities, along with three different mothers, keeping them ignorant of the existence of each other by making them believe she does a lot of travel around the world due to works such as acting and conservation of endangered species.
As Volpina, her personality is still intact, while additionally determined to get revenge on Ladybug. Wanting to make Ladybug suffer, she nearly convinced Ladybug to give up her earrings twice, almost tricking her with illusions of people she threatened to hurt, such as civilians like Adrien.
As Chameleon, because she was put under the Imperius Curse voluntarily, her personality remains the same, using her powers to get even with the ones that she believes wronged her. For example, she took Adrien's form to make him look bad and at the same time to lead Ladybug into a "trap". Her desire to defeat Ladybug is so great that she would rather advance to battle her than take an unconscious Cat Noir's ring to Hawk Moth.
As Hoaxer, her vengeful personality becomes much more intense, as she uses her power to convince everyone that Marinette is Monarch to turn them against her, as well as convincing them that Ladybug and Cat Noir are dark wizards that will destroy the ozone layer to defeat them, as the duo wouldn't use their powers against civilians. Not just that, but Hoaxer showed to be very intelligent, keeping herself inside the system of the Alliances to avoid physical confrontation and even using her pursue over the teenagers to keep Monarch distracted and prevent him from realizing the vengeance she was about to enact on him by manipulating Nathalie to deliver her all of his secrets.
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arcadiasfiction · 5 months
Can the Son of a Villainess Ever Be Happy? Ch 1
~This is an alternate universe fanfic where Adrien's deceased mom was the notorious villain, Mayura. The pressure from her unsavory legacy pushes Adrien to make his Miraculous hero debut as his alter-alter-ego, Cat Walker, until he realizes he doesn't have to be perfect to be a competent hero.
Chapter 1: Keeping Up Appearances 
Cat Walker couldn't stop himself from marveling at Ladybug's lithe frame as she leaped into the sky. She threw her yo-yo, tying up the akumatized victim and yanking him off his feet.
She pinned the akuma, aka "The Grandmaster," to the pavement, putting a boot to his chest. He squirmed under the pressure of her foot.
"We don't have to do this, Ladybug. Just give me you and Cat Walker's Miraculous and Mayura's ring that's in the possession of the Agrestes, and I may let you win."
She rolled her eyes. It's amazing how akumas think they can just talk their way into getting anything they want. "Tell Night Moth he can keep his laundry list of demands. Cat Walker, do your thing!"
"You got it, Ladybug!" Cat Walker refocused. He leaped from the light post where he was perched and landed next to the akumatized victim. He removed the ivory crown that the akuma wore.
"Cataclysm!" The crown disintegrated in his gloved hands, releasing a purplish black butterfly.
Ladybug caught the butterfly with her yo-yo and purified it. Then she threw her Lucky Charm, a ladybug themed chessboard, into the air. A stream of magical ladybugs swept through and restored things to normal.
The akuma was revealed to be an older man. They asked him if he was okay, and he confessed that he had lost his temper after losing a game of chess in the park. He shook his head.
"I don't know what came over me."
Ladybug patted his shoulder sympathetically. 
"It's okay, Mr. Laurent. That's why we're here to keep everyone safe. Here, take this charm."
She handed him a ladybug shaped charm that materialized out of her yo-yo.
"Keep this on you. It’lll protect you from getting re-akumatized."
He thanked them both again and went on his way.
Ladybug turned to Cat Walker with frustration. "You heard the villain's demands, right?"
He let out a sigh. "Yeah. Gabriel made a public statement saying that Night Moth's singling out his family for Mayura's ring is delusional. But, it hasn't stopped him."
Ladybug bit her lower lip. "The Agreste family has a lot of resources, and they've been able to stay safe so far, but I'm still worried about them."
Cat Walker lightly touched her arm. "They're going to be okay. I told you I'll look after them."
Her eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed a deeper pink. "I know you're captivating--I mean competent. Competent. I know you're fully competent, Kitty."
She grinned sweetly after saying his nickname, and he couldn't hold back a closed lipped smile that made his eyes twinkle.
Cat Walker patted her head with a gloved hand. He loved the silkiness of her night sky hair. Both of their Miraculous beeped. They were going to transform back soon.
He pulled out his baton and shot a narrow look at Ladybug over his shoulder. "Well, spending time with you has been captivating. Goodbye, Ladybug."
Ladybug's mouth dropped. "Are you--are you teasing me?"
The left corner of his lips twitched.
"I never tease."
Ladybug nodded slowly and smirked at him. "Right."
With that he extended his baton and bounded away.
Next is Chapter 1 : Keeping Up Appearances--Part 2 
Click here for the next chapter and archive of this story.
Click here to read my much shorter fanfic, Chat Text
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artzychic27 · 2 years
More fancy villains au please?
Metamorphosis: Perpare for trouble!
Prince Paon: And make it double!
Metamorphosis: To protect the world from devastation!
Prince Paon: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Metamorphosis: To renounce the evils of truth and love!
Prince Paon: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis!
Prince Paon: Prince Paon!
Metamorphosis: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light’
Prince Paon: Sureender now or prepare to fight!
Ladybug: … Do you have to do that every time?
Metamorphosis/Prince: YES!
Sometimes for the hell of it, they go out transformed. They aren’t doing anything. They’re just walking and talking
It’s the citizens that got a problem. Always staring at them like some attraction
Prince Paon: So, she says… *Notices a lady staring at them* … Uh, can I like, help you?
Lady: … *Looks away*
Prince Paon: Yeah, I thought so.
As fancy villains, they go to fancy restaurants. They drink expensive tea bought with Audrey’s credit card and look badass while sipping that shit
Somehow they sparkle. It’s weird, just… When they pose, there are sparkles coming from out of nowhere
They like to show up where they’re not invited. Imagine the scenes from Cruella where she crashes each event in those outfits
It’s mostly at Audrey and Gabriel’s fashion events. They show up in extravagant versions of their usual outfits and cause a fucking scene amongst all the gaudy glitter and conservative outfit wearers
They’ve never heard of gender roles. Metamorphosis is in a suit and carrying a cane, Prince Paon has heels, a tiara, and a hand fan
And of course, they’re going to show up to events where Ladybug and Chat Noir are invited, just to be little shits since they can’t fight at an elegant black tie event
Prince Paon: Those pigtails make you look five.
Ladybug: You motherfu-
Prince Paon: *Smirks* Language. Let’s not upset the Prime Minister.
Chat Noir: Easy, m’lady.
Metamorphosis: So, is that leather suit like a kink for you?
Chat Noir: Say what, motherfu-
Metamorphosis: Oh, is that the President with his five year old niece?
Prince Paon: *Whispers* We could do this all night, motherfuckers.
Disaster Gays when they’re not Distinguished Gay villains
Marc will never forgive himself as Prince Paon for flirting with Nath. Fortunately, Zoé knows not to make that mistake… Maybe
The worst excuses to transform
Now, as for why they are doing this… Spite. They want to spite the Bourgeois family, Gabriel Agreste, Lila Rossi, The Austins minus Tomassian, Lucien Rebois, and anyone else they don’t like until they crack and end up in a mental ward
As you can see, they have a very valid reason to be villains
Next on their list is Tomoe. She’s had it too good for too long
Marc goes feral when he hears about Nath’s ex, and Zoé is considering a pyrotechnic Akuma to take care of Cosette’s family. They’ve also had it too good for too long
They’re the people who walk away from an explosion and look badass as they put on a pair of shades
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Round One
Agreste/Graham de Vanily/Fathom family (Miraculous Ladybug) VS the Wattersons (The Amazing World of Gumball)
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Agreste/Graham de Vanily/Fathom family
Members: Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste, Emilie Agreste-Graham de Vanily, Amelie Graham de Vanily, Colt Fathom, Felix Fathom
"Holy shit holy shit they’re a mess. Colt is toxic and controlling towards Amelie and Felix, Gabriel is insane, Emilie’s dead, Adrien doesn’t know what’s going on (and honestly neither do we as viewers)."
"BIG SEASON 5 SPOILERS—I was going to write the whole messed up story of this family, but then realized it would be too long. So here is a short list. We have:
Arranged marriage (on mother's side),
Another arranged marriage (now with kids!)
Magical children that are literally mindcontrolled by their parents into submission,
Rich people eugenics cult,
Man going against the wishes of his wife, becoming a supervillain while trying to revive her and then going insane with power
That same man threatening to kill his nephew
The nephew (temporarily) killing him (deserved tbh)
Another timeline where supervillain dad forcing his son to join him literally resulted in apocalypse
Horrific child abuse in general (physical and mental)
Man figures out that by having a magical son he developed a terminal illness and proceeds to ruin his life
Boy discovers he might not be quite human when his dad (who calls him a monster) almost kills him
At some point two children are put in pure white rooms. You know, the ones used for psychological torture
One child suffered so much trauma he almost killed everyone about it except his cousin and his two gfs (it's okay, they got better)
Another child doesn't even know he was brainwashed and that his dad was a supervillain and that his dead mom was in the basement. He is gaslighted into thinking his abusive dad was a hero"
The Wattersons
Members: Richard, Nicole, Gumball, Darwin, and Anais watterson
"Richard was abandoned by his father. Nicole's parents didn't want her to marry Richard Richard is lazy, never got a job and most of the time he doesn't run errands, so Nicole is the head of the family. Nicole has anger issues. Gumball and Darwin (and sometimes Richard) causing troubles that Anais or Nicole help to fix. (Sometimes this problems were caused with good intentions thou). Anais hits her face every time her family says something stupid which eventually sends her to the hospital. Gumball being traumatized because he accidentally kissed his grandma in the mouth. The fact that Darwin used to be Gumball's pet fish until one day he just grew legs." "nicole is struggling"
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shipcestuous · 2 years
(another Miraculous submission)
It's been wonderful to see Miraculous Ladybug** mentioned here!  I'm the anon who sent in asks about Adrien Agreste (one of the main characters) and his dynamics with his parents, Gabriel and Emilie, a while back during the first or second season!
**This show is called so many different things.  In the US, it's called Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.  It's also called Miraculous Ladybug, or Miraculous, so there can be some confusion that way. (Sorry for making your tagging system harder....)
Anyway, since we're in the fifth season, we've seen more of Adrien and Gabriel's relationship, which continues to be chock-full of dramatic irony, seeing as Adrien is a superhero and his dad is his and his partner's supervillain nemesis.  Lately, Gabriel has been making more of an effort with his son, paying more attention to him and being less neglectful.  I suspect he has ulterior motives, just because he's the Big Bad, but whether that turns out to be true or not, it's so sweet to see how happy Adrien is anytime his dad does anything remotely nice for him.  He gets these big, earnest "kitten eyes" and it's cute, but also so sad because we know his dad is a supervillain and he doesn't.
But I'm actually here because, since my last ask, we've met some more of the family--so I'm mostly here to talk about Adrien's cousin Félix.  Who is a bit of a mysterious character in terms of his motivations sometimes, and doesn't have a single relative who he doesn't have a noteworthy relationship with, in one way or another.
First off--I'm aware of which blog I'm sending this to. But Adrien and Félix's respective moms--Emilie and Amelie (whos matching names are adorable even if we don't know much about their relationship--are identical twins, making the boys genetically siblings.
Plus, they themselves are identical.  Legitimately identical.  Félix is just Adrien with a slightly different hairstyle.  There are a few different theories about why this is: some people think it's just for plot convenience (more on that in a bit) or animators not wanting to make another character model.  Some people think maybe one of their moms actually gave birth to twin sons, but gave one to her sister who wasn't able to have a child for some reason.  And there's a theory that's slowly gaining more canon support, that one or both of them are magically-created beings instead of natural-born humans, so some people think either one boy was created based of the other, or they were both created at the same time.  (I have no idea, but I figure if one of the magic ones are true, they'd still be genetic siblings?)
Anyway, while Adrien is a fairly well-behaved teenager--aside from "constantly sneaking out his window in a cat costume to fight his supervillain dad to save the city"--his cousin(/genetic brother) Félix is... to be blunt, a little sh*t.  When he comes to visit, he likes to impersonate Adrien and stir up trouble for him.  And Félix is one of the only people who Adrien will actually show dislike for, even if Adrien still cares about him.
From the sound of it, the boys were really close when they were younger.  (Félix's dad died within the past year, so maybe that's when he started acting out more? We don't know for sure.  We do know Gabriel didn't let Adrien go to Félix's dad's funeral, which may explain some of the resentment.)  And even if Félix pesters Adrien a lot, he does seem to care about Adrien in some way--he's been shown encouraging Adrien (in a jerky way, sure, but still) to do what Adrien wants to do, instead of blindly obeying what his dad tells him.  When Félix finds out Adrien doesn't want to go on an extended trip for his modeling job, Félix volunteers to impersonate Adrien to talk to his dad for Adrien, and tell Gabriel that Adrien doesn't want to go since Adrien has trouble standing up to his father.
(It's implied, around this time, there might be magical reasons why Adrien can't disobey Gabriel, hence support for the magical theory I mentioned before.  Which is kind of horrifying if true, but even if it is, part of Adrien's unwillingness to stand up to Gabriel is just because he loves his dad and doesn't want to disappoint him.)
On to Félix's relationship with Gabriel: like I said, Félix resents how Adrien obeys Gabriel seemingly without question.  Félix has a long history of tricking his uncle-by-marriage--by impersonating Adrien, and then in his first appearance in the show, Félix steals (back) one of Gabriel's rings (which might have something to do with the magic control I talked about? seriously, this family/show is complicated).
The next time they meet, Félix has actually figured out Gabriel's identity as a supervillain--something that nobody else in the show has managed to do.  (He may be a little sh*t but he's also one of the smartest people in the show.)  Félix later confronts his uncle about it in a very tense scene.
However, despite his obvious disdain for Gabriel, Félix--when disguised as Adrien--siezes the chance to get hold of a lot of the magical jewels that supervillain!Gabriel wants, and Félix offers to trade them to Gabriel in exchange for the one magic jewel that can make those magical sentient beings I mentioned before (another point toward that theory).
His motivations for all this still haven't been explained to the audience, as of the time I'm sending this, but no matter what they are, Félix is an interesting character who has these interesting, tense, complicated dynamics with both his cousin and uncle.
But onto Félix's relationships with his mom and aunt, because those are interesting too! But in a different way.
First, Félix and his aunt Emilie--since Emilie "disappeared" before the start of the show, we don't get to see them interact.  But from everything we see of Félix, he seems to have really cared about her.  (Makes sense, she is his aunt but also, biologically, has the same genes as his mom--and he loves his mom a lot. More on that in a sec.)
Since he and Adrien used to switch places as kids, we can assume Félix liked to play jokes on Emilie.  But unlike with Adrien or Gabriel, he seems to be actually sweet with her.  We see him smiling with this soft, genuine affection at a painting of Emilie that hangs in Gabriel's office.
And then--huge spoilers--when he first stumbles on Gabriel's secret underground lair, where he keeps Emilie's comatose body in a Snow White-style coffin (that seems to be life support?), Félix is visibly shaken and distraught in a way we've never seen him before.  So he clearly cares about Emilie a lot.
But the most suggestive (unintentionally) relationship here is between Félix and his mother Amelie.  Like I said, Felix is a jerk to basically everyone--but he's far sweeter toward his mom than most teenage boys are.  They have a strong bond.  When I mentioned that he stole Gabriel's ring, Félix stole it in order to return it to Amelie.  But then, it turns out Amelie had wanted it back in order to give it to her son!
Whenever we see them together, their interactions are very cute and sweet.  A notable example is here in this gifset: Amelie kisses her hand and presses it up against Félix's hand, and then he presses his hand up against his cheek.  By the looks of it, it's something they do pretty often, even if he's somewhere around 14 or 15 by now.  From the way he acts around everyone else, it's surprising to see how soft and happy he seems around his mom.
And it turns out Amelie has a sneaky, cunning side of her own--after Félix  steals most of the magical jewels and gives them to Hawkmoth, the main characters come to his house looking for him.  Amelie tells them, seemingly sincere, that Félix hasn't come home.  However, after Ladybug and Chat Noir leave, Félix comes out of hiding, and we realize that Amelie lied to protect him (even from Paris's beloved superheroes!).  It's not clear exactly how much she knows about what he did, but I don't doubt she would protect him even if she knew everything.  Their bond seems that strong.
And on a completely different note--I wanted to talk about the Couffaine family too, since another anon mentioned Luka and Jagged Stone on your other blog.  Long story short, two supporting characters are the twins Juleka and Luka Couffaine.  Juleka is the MC's friend and classmate, and Luka is the MC's secondary love interest.  They live with their rebellious mom Anarka on a houseboat on the Seine.
We haven't seen too much of the twins' relationship, but from what we've seen, they're very close and sweet with each other.  They're in a band together along with some of their friends.  (I love siblings who do music together!)  Juleka introduces Luka into her friend group, and Luka listens to his younger twin sister when she talks about her dreams of modeling despite her shyness, and he encourages her to go for it.  After Luka's relationship with the MC falls apart (due to her always having to sneak away for superhero things), Juleka encourages them to be friends because she wants her brother to be happy.
And! They both eventually get to be part-time superheroes, and so far, we've seen them work together once.  Naturally, they make a good team, and so far, they don't know who the other one is!  (So hey, "siblings as superheroes" anon--half of what you wanted is canon already.  And there are actually a couple of fics out there where the two get crushes on each other in their superhero forms without knowing they're twins IRL... even if they're more crackfics than real shipping fics.)
(Juleka does have a ~very close friend~ who it's implied is her girlfriend--and they're very cute--but the show has never explicitly said they're dating or not.  And even if they are, Rose has openly crushed on someone else before and Juleka seemed to encourage her, so they might be polyamorous.  Who knows?  Honestly, polyamory would solve most of the romantic problems on this show...)
And then there's the twins' parents.  As mentioned, their mom Anarka is cool and rebellious. She used to be a musician too, and she seems like a good mom who has a fun dynamic with her kids.  But what about their dad?  Their mom has tried to keep his identity secret from them, but...
Their dad, it turns out, is famous rockstar Jagged Stone.  (The whole family is into music, and I love that for them.)  Both Luka and Juleka have been fans of his for a long time, and Juleka even met and asked him for his autograph earlier in the show before the reveal.  It's fun because a lot of Juleka's class is a fan of his, and some might even have celebrity crushes--it's not hard to believe that Juleka and/or Luka might have had a celebrity crush on him too, at some point, even if it's never stated in canon.
Eventually, their mom does tell them Jagged is their father, and Jagged tells Luka that the reason he wasn't part of their lives before was because Jagged feared he would be a bad father to them. The twins start to get to know him better as their dad.
For a bit, Juleka fears that Jagged favors Luka over her, because she sees them getting closer and sees Jagged give her brother a cool record on their birthday.  She feels neglected, until Jagged gives her his first bass guitar as her gift.  (Awww!)  Juleka's first venture as a superhero is actually in this episode, as both her parents get akumatized (basically turned into a mind-controlled villain) and she has to help save them.  Afterward, she and her dad have a heart to heart.  Jagged reassures her that he loves her and he always wants to be there to listen if she needs to talk, and she tells him that she loves him.
That's the last we've seen of these relationships in canon so far, but there's so much good material there.  I love them.
On another note: one of Adrien's childhood friends and the MC Marinette's bully is Chloé, and her family is also interesting.  Her mom Audrey is usually on another continent and she makes Gabriel Agreste look like a good father by comparison.  She barely remembers Chloé's name, but on the other hand, Chloé idolizes and adores Audrey and is desperate for her attention.  It's really sad.
On the other extreme of bad parenting, Chloé's dad André spoils her rotten, lets her get away with anything, and throws around his weight as mayor to get her special treatment.  It isn't healthy, and he could stand to show his love in better ways, but he seems intent on making up for her lack of motherly affection.
And then eventually, we learn Chloé has a half-sister around the same age, Zoé, who comes to live with her and André in Paris.  Chloé resents her and calls her only "half a sister," but in the meantime, Zoé really wants Chloé's love and friendship.  At first, she tries to act more like Chloé in order to have a relationship with her, but gives that up after Zoé realizes that isn't good for anybody.
Still, Zoé keeps trying to reach out to her sister.  When Chloé is akumatized out of jealousy for her sister, Zoé tells her (quoting a movie she's acting in, but still), "You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will, even if the whole world hates you, sister."  Chloé is startled that Zoé would still reach out to her and want to be around her, after the way she treats her.  (I suspect that, if the show ever follows through on Chloé's redemption arc, her relationship with her sister will be involved in that.)
Zoé also has an interesting, touching bond with her stepfather André.  Both of them feel like they've had to hide their true selves and their interests from their family in order to be accepted.  In contrast, they're able to be a bit more open around each other, and André starts growing a spine to stand up for Zoé, even disagreeing with Chloé in order to stick up for his stepdaughter.
(tl;dr: Zoé seems like she's going to be a good influence on both of them, and I hope we get to see an arc for the whole family.)
And finally, just because it feels weird to talk about one main character and not the other, I want to touch on Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her family.  There's not a lot of overcomplexity or tension there, but a whole lot of sweetness.  Marinette and her parents, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, are always shown to be supporting each other.  Marinette helps them out in their bakery, and they encourage and love her.  Sometimes, Tom and Sabine worry about their daughter, since she disappears a lot (and they don't realize she's a superhero because she doesn't want to endanger them with that knowledge), but they still believe the best of her.
Even though they don't know she's Ladybug, they are still encouraging and supportive of Ladybug whenever they're around her.  They're big fans and have absolute faith in her.
Despite not knowing this huge secret, they still know her very well.  Sabine is so used to her daughter's clumsiness and forgetfulness that she usually has something prepared to help Marinette out (even placing a basket of soft clothes at the bottom of their steps because Sabine knows she'll trip, lol).  And she is very protective of Marinette, willing to fight for her sake.
Tom is also very fond and proud of Marinette. The two share a lot of interests, like playing video games together.  When Tom is akumatized, it's actually because of Marinette--he thinks she's had her heart broken by Chat Noir due to a misunderstanding, and he becomes "Weredad," basically putting his daughter in a tower like a princess to protect her from ever being heartbroken or hurt again.  It's really sweet.
Her extended family's relationships are also sweet.  Marinette loves her grandmother Gina, even if Gina babies her, and she pretends to still enjoy the things she enjoyed as a little kid just to avoid hurting her feelings.  (Also, Gina gets her a motorcycle for her birthday!)
Marinette doesn't actually meet her grandfather Rolland until the events of the show, because he and her dad had a falling out about Rolland's traditionalism.  But even if he's stubborn, he still ends up caring about her and she about him.  And despite the short time they've known each other, Marinette trusts him, even enough to leave him with the kids she was babysitting when she has to slip away to save Paris.
And then on the other side of her family, there's her great-uncle Wang.  At first, Marinette doesn't speak Mandarin well, and Wang doesn't speak French well, but both of them make an effort in order to be able to communicate with each other.  She helps him as he enters a cooking competition, gets furious on his behalf when his food is sabotaged, and saves him when he's akumatized.
During a special, she goes to stay with him in Shanghai, and his French has improved a lot.  She goes missing during this stay, much to his concern.  There isn't a lot to say about their relationship, it's just sweet.
It's also mentioned in this special that, apparently, Wang raised Marinette's mother Sabine when she was a girl.  It isn't stated why, and we don't know too much about their relationship, but they seem to have a good relationship, as he's both Sabine's uncle and her adoptive father.  (Which I guess makes him another grandfather for Marinette,as well as an uncle?)
As you can tell, there's a lot of big families in the Miraculous Ladybug universe.  Some
Anon, I'm so glad to hear from you again! You always make Miraculous sound like such a fascinating show. Wow, I can't believe all of the family relationships, it's so wonderful to have all of that on one show. Poor Adrien's family is so complicated. I love the introduction of Felix into the mix, so many possibilities there.
It looks like the ending of your submission got cut off, but hopefully we got all of the ships. Thanks so much for this great write-up. It certainly makes this look very appealing to fans of incest shipping!
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tabbyclaw · 2 years
I did warn you all that I was going to post my exchange letter here. Under the cut so it’s not interrupting those who aren’t interested.
(note: As with all of my fanfiction and AO3 activities, I’m signed up under ‘hematitebadger.’)
Hello, assigned creator or person who is considering creating for me! Thank you for reading this; I look forward to seeing what you make and I hope you enjoy making it. This is the first exchange I've done in many years, and thus the first exchange letter I've written in many years, so forgive me if it's a bit unpolished and feel free to ask for clarification if I've been hazy or left unanswered questions. General Likes: humorous stories, happy endings, casual physical affection between friends/family members, banter, unexpectedly romantic moments, imitation of canon style (but don't feel like it's required!), low-stakes/personally important adventures, "what if [canon event] had happened differently?" AUs, character exploration, mutual pining. First and third POV both welcome. I signed up specifically for fanfic, but I am open to treats in any medium! DNWs: porn (implied/referenced sex is fine, but no detailed on-screen sex), unrequested non-canon pairings, non-canon character death, tragic/bleak endings, mundane/modern/setting change AUs, non-canon severe illness/injury (canon-typical comedic, non-permanent injuries in comedy canons are fine), animal harm. Fandom-specific The Murderbot Diaries This is one of those canons where I really like the narrative voice, so stories that imitate that are always appreciated. I love how prickly Murderbot is, and the way it expresses itself when it's being emotional and trying to pretend it's not, and the way it gets annoyed at how much it cares about the people around it. I would love to see something with Murderbot settling in on Preservation, and the survey team trying (with varying degrees of success) to help it acclimate and feel included. Maybe something about the documentary, as well? If you're writing about Murderbot and ART, possibly something about Murderbot going on extended missions with ART and its crew, and the little adjustments to their relationship that come from interacting while having other people around for an extended period of time. My prompts for this fandom are less specific than most of the others, but it's not because I'm any less interested in it! I just love these people in a very broad and general way and want to see more of them interacting with each other. Miraculous Ladybug PLEASE NOTE THAT AS I WRITE THIS I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY OF SEASON 5 YET AND MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CATCH UP BY THE TIME THE SIGNUP PERIOD ENDS. I know a little about what's happened so far, because this is the internet and spoilers are inevitable, but it's a vague knowledge and I've been avoiding leaks about the series bible and episodes that haven't yet aired, so I'm writing these prompts without taking any of what I think I know about the new season into account. As is probably clear from my requests, the complicated dynamics of the Agreste household are my favorite part of the show. All the adults involved have done terrible things but I love them dearly (including Emilie, if you choose to include her), and so I'm hoping for a "flawed but sympathetic" portrayal of them. I would love to see what the household and the people in it were like before canon, the kind of parent Gabriel was as Adrien was growing up and there was someone else there to act as a buffer between them, and I'd like to see him trying to be better at it. I would also be interested in a scenario in which they have to work together in their Miraculous identities, and the tension that arises from both their adversarial relationship and from the things they're saying to each other unwittingly hitting home a little harder than expected. For Gabriel and Nathalie I would be equally happy with &, /, or something that blurs the line between the two. Once again I'd love to see a pre-canon story showing the evolution of their relationship over time, and its translation into the working relationship between Hawkmoth and Mayura. For a more shippy route for these two I'm less interested in an established relationship than I am in sexual tension, pining (mutual or otherwise), and/or an emerging relationship. What was the moment when Nathalie realized she was in too deep, and what will it take for Gabriel to have his own realization? And when are they going to notice the other person's feelings, as well? I would also be interested to see an exploration of how this interacts with their secret identities, where maybe it feels "safer" to flirt as Hawkmoth and Mayura and they're more willing to take risks and cross lines. And while I would hope for something hopeful for these two and I don't want one of them to unilaterally reject the other, I wouldn't consider a mutual acceptance that they can't act on their feelings because of the complicated situation they're in to be a violation of my 'tragic endings' DNW. Megamind Roxanne and Megamind were already pretty flirty in their first interaction in the movie! I'd be interested to see a pre-canon take on that, with the two of them gradually getting bolder and more flirtatious in their interactions as Megamind starts to develop an interest in Roxanne and Roxanne realizes that a) Megamind is basically harmless and b) it's really fun to push his buttons. Possibly even an exploration of what they would have been like if "Bernard" had never happened, and if they would have ever gotten to an 'openly interested in each other' stage on their own. Alternately, post-canon it would be fun to see the two of them learning to live in each other's worlds, with Roxanne helping Megamind get used to being around people and interacting with the public like just another citizen, and Roxanne getting used to being with someone who approaches romance with the same level of drama and spectacle that he approaches villainy. Even when they're in conflict in the movie there's a level of familiarity and sincerity between them that I love, and that's what I'd love to see reflected in a fic. Oxventure These incredibly silly people and the incredibly silly ways they solve their problems while still being lovable and sincere and that special mix of antagonistic and caring towards one another. I would be equally happy with a canon-style problem or mystery they need to solve, or just all of them having some down time and bothering each other. Maybe something goes wrong with the dragon eggs and one or more hatches early, and these people who should not be trusted with anything are now responsible for a baby dragon for a while. Or maybe the less murder-y members of the Guild decide it's finally time to have some kind of intervention with an unrepentant Merilwen regarding her various crimes. For Prudence/Corazon specifically I love them being terrible people who are trying very hard to pretend not to care and failing at it. Anything that involves accidentally realizing and/or revealing their feelings for each other would be great, but specifically I think these two would be perfect for a fake dating plot (as part of a plan that made sense at the time? To piss off Corazon's dad?) that gets more real than either of them ever intended it to. BBC Ghosts I love how sweet and ridiculous this show and its characters are, and it's one of those canons where my prompts are more like "Really, I just want to see more of them, whatever it is they're doing." Alison trying to come up with some new kind of enrichment for the ghosts, both for their sakes and so they'll give her a little more time alone and not bother the guests. Mike doing his best to keep them happy while Alison is out of the house for a couple days (with Julian attempting to communicate their needs via the laptop keyboard and other small gestures), or maybe temporarily gaining some ability to perceive them and trying to rearrange his perceptions of them now that he knows a little bit more. I also think it would be fun to see Alison try to use the ghosts as an excuse to lie to Mike to get out of something she doesn't want to do, but that's entirely because I want to see it backfire on her in some ridiculous way. I have never in my life known how to end a letter gracefully, regardless of the context, so I'll just end this one by thanking you for reading it again. I hope your exchange experience is awesome.
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coralcatsea · 5 months
For the Fandom Meme: Come At me Friend/Fandom ABC ask game A, O, P, T, X, and Y
Thank you for the ask!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
OTPs: USUK & PrUK! I also love MidLink and SidLink (Zelda), Entrapdak (She-Ra), and Viravos (Dragon Prince).
OT3: PrUKUS, of course. 😆 Oh, and Kishigoyama (Tokyo Mew Mew), as it's just too funny NOT to ship.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
I always imagine the UK sisters singing and dancing to Téir Abhaile Riú.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Does my Disney Fairies AU count? 👀 I feel like Hetalia + Disney Fairies is a pretty rare combo, nobody really makes content for it.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Arthur is bisexual and prefers to top. Alfred is also bisexual with a preference towards men and prefers to bottom. You cannot change my mind.
1. England (Bashing him is the "cool" thing to do, now.)
2. America (Too many fans fall for his facade and miss a lot of important details about him. 😅)
3. Belarus (There's a lot to her that people don't acknowledge.)
4. Kisshu. (I mean, he's problematique and I will call him out, but some people forget he's a young teen who was thrust into a war to save his entire species. Does that excuse his actions? No, but he's more complex and interesting than some think).
5. Adrien Agreste. (So many people hate on Adrien while excusing Marinette for similar – if not worse – things).
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Steven Universe, I guess? I don't see it so much anymore, but I used to see it all the time to the point I learned a bunch of stuff about it without even trying. 😆
0 notes
onenettvchannel · 7 months
BALITANG INTERNASYONAL: Eiffel Tower temporarily shuts down due to unforseen strike
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(Written by Adrien Agreste / TF1 Info reporter for OneNETnews)
PARIS, FRANCE -- Paris' very own The Eiffel Tower, an iconic representation of Paris and French culture hits the spotlight, where they grab the world's attention. However, it is not for the incredible panoramas, nor the architectural wonder in the point-of-view, but for an unforeseen closure caused by a strike among its French-based workers.
Reaching a towering height of 324 meters, the Eiffel Tower has magnetized tourists globally, attracting millions annually to behold its regal charm and sweeping views of the City of Light. From romantic proposals to family excursions, the lattice iron structure has been witness to numerous cherished occasions, cementing its position as a requisite destination for voyagers from all corners of the earth.
Yet, amidst its magnetic allure, the Eiffel Tower finds itself embroiled in a labor discord (but not on the actual chatting-based platform, nor the American-animated series of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'). Staff members, voicing grievances regarding salaries, working conditions, and job stability, have mobilized for industrial action, halting regular operations. The timing of this unrest is poignant, aligning with the centenary of the founder's demise in the early New Year of 2024, further accentuating the tower's significance in the French populace's collective psyche.
Travelers anticipating an ascent to its zenith or a close-up view of its intricate metalwork now face disappointment, encountering barriers and closures. While some had meticulously planned their journeys months ahead, others are now hastily re-arranging their own schedule, heeding advice to delay their visits until the strike reaches a full legal resolution.
The repercussions of the closure extend beyond the Parisian cobblestones, striking a chord with tourists and authorities alike, acknowledging the Eiffel Tower's symbolic value, not solely as a tourist magnet but as a cultural cornerstone. As one of the world's most identifiable landmarks, its closure acts as a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of labor rights, tourism and national identity for the aforementioned people in France.
Negotiations to mediate the conflict are underway, with governmental bodies and local union representatives immersed in talks to seek a resolution that caters to the workers' concerns while mitigating the impact on visitors. Nevertheless, as the strike endures, uncertainties loom regarding the broader implications for France's tourism sector and its reputation as a hospitable destination.
In the interim, tourists like you must be strongly advised to stay informed via official social media channels, and explore alternative attractions like Roubaix in a different French city, as they navigate the vibrant Parisian streets. While the Eiffel Tower may currently be overshadowed by the said labor discord, its legacy as a symbol of tenacity and human innovation remains unwavering, a tribute to the enduring fortitude of the French people.
SOURCE: *https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67827438 [Referenced News Article via BBC News] *https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/paris/greve-a-la-tour-eiffel-les-visiteurs-appeles-a-decaler-leur-venue-2926905.html [Referenced News Article via France 3 Info - Paris] *https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2023/12/27/eiffel-tower-closes-as-workers-strike-on-100th-anniversary-of-founder-s-death_6380413_7.html [Referenced News Article #1 via Le Monde] *https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/02/19/eiffel-tower-closes-as-staff-go-on-strike_6539005_7.html [Referenced News Article #2f via Le Monde] and *https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower
-- OneNETnews Team
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