#ah shit I actually made angst lol
pampanope · 10 months
How would the shadow group react if Graves got hurt? Like almost died hurt?
(Goin down the asks lalala)
Tw: a bit of blood in first three pages; Graves got hurt pretty badly but nothing too graphic
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Prior to this, I hc Graves never having been hospitalized for that long. His Shadows hate seeing him so still and quiet.
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *part 1*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: Hi! Sorry it’s so late but here it is. I hope you guys enjoy. I’m making this into a series. I feel like it’s a little unprofessional not to have a masterlist but I’m working on that too. Just bare with me please in new to this lol. Also feel free to ask me any questions, or express your honest opinions Im all ears good or bad. Should I make a tag list?
‘How the fuck did I get here’
You thought as you sat in you car, filled with you things. You had just left the home YOU bought after catching your boyfriend Yunwoo cheating one you.. With your supposedly best friend. Sitting there thinking, you should’ve saw the signs. They were there right in front of your face. You felt like a fool. Luckily you’ve always kept a cool head, or else you would’ve done something you’d regret. You honestly wished you did. You wanted them to hurt just as much as they hurt you, but you knew if wouldn’t change anything so why stress yourself out about it. But silence is the best way to get under someone’s skin isn’t it. No matter how much he cried and apologized. You didn’t turn back, you’ll never go back to him. That a promise you made to yourself on you journey back home.
Earlier that day:
“Hey y/n what can I get you” the barista, you’ve gotten to know over the years asks, “Let me have my usual please Janine, oh! And can you serve it really hot please, thank you.” You were making you your normal daily rounds that day, which normally started out with a hot coffee at your favorite cafe when you realized you forgot you wallet back at the house. “Ah actually scratch that. I seem to have left my wallet at home.” You say, making the sudden realization. “You know what don’t walruses about it it’s on the house,” Janine says with a smile. “That you so much I appreciate the generosity, but I have to go back home anyway. I’ll come back and pay for the coffee.” You just couldn’t shake this strange feeling telling you to go back home. Your boyfriend of 5 years seemed was acting strange this morning. Being overly sweet all of a sudden, waking you up, making you breakfast. It just seemed like he was trying to get you out of the house.
when you pull into the driveway you see his car still out front, but you didn’t find that as strange as you best friend, Cristal car along side his. “Strange,” you say to yourself as you pull into the driveway. She never texted that she was coming over, but you check you phone to be safe. But you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling you have in your gut that something fishy is going on inside your home without you knowing. The calm rational you is telling you to just walk in your home as if it’s nothing, but the bad bitch part of you is telling you to unlock your fence and sneak in though the back door. So that’s just what you do. As you’re sneaking inside your house you notice clothes spread all across you living room floor training up the stairs to your bedroom. “Oh hell nah I know these motherfuckers ain’t- okay.” You whisper to yourself as you tiptoe up the stairs.
As you reach your bedroom you hear the faint sound of laughter behind the door. You decide to listen in on the conversation before letting your presence known. “Why don’t you just leave her already. She can’t make you happy the way I do.” You hear Cristal say. “I’m just waiting for the right time Cristal you know how she can be. She so clingy, she acts like she can’t live without me,” Yunwoo explains to Cristal. You scoff to yourself as head this. “Mmcht yeah right like this isn’t my house you’re freeloading it.” You number to yourself as you lean in closer to get a better listen. No one knew that you were he one that made all the money between you two. Yunwoo didn’t have a job and was too embarrée to move back in with his parents after he dropped out of college. So you bought this home for the both of you to stay in. You on the other hand were and heiress to one of the most biggest, prestigious designing companies in the world. In other words you’re the 1 percent of the q percent. But you’ve always kept it a secret, because it is taboo to mention your wealth in front of other people who are less fortunate.
“well I just don’t see how it’s right to keep pretending and leading her on like this. Im starting to get annoyed just looking at her. She’s so pathetic.” At this point you e already opened the door. They look at you in shock to see you home this early. “Y/n-“ you hold up your hand. Not trying to hear a single word coming out of yunwoo’s mouth, already disgusted. You don’t speak of give them the time of day. Of course you have lots to say, say you listened to their conversation you realized that these people were below you. These people betrayed your trust, and defiled your home. They’re worth less than the dirt on a dog’s paw. And what do you look like speaking to those who aren’t even worthy enough to lick the dirt off of your dogs feet? “Y/n please let’s talk about this like adults.” Yunwoo pleads. All you can do is scoff ass you go around the room and gather your things.
“Yunwoo baby just let her go. You don’t need something like that anyways. She’s not worth the time,” Cristal says picking through her nails. “You know what Cristal you’re right. I don’t need this. I deserve better and y/n baby you can’t give that to me. I’m on to better things in life. While you’re going to be stuck a sad, lonely, bitter, insignificant, bitch no one can stand. So go on. Leave.” Yunwoo, who has more than audacity says to you. You, the classy person you are smile at him, gather your clothes, jewelry, and dog walk away. Leaving everything behind.
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abeautylives · 2 years
Something About You
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a/n: A huge thank you to Stef and Evana for your help and input, I think this is my masterpiece lol
pairing: Joshxfemale!reader
word count: 15.5k get comfy
summary: Drawn to you from the moment you met, consumed by you before your first date, he would do anything for you. There’s just something about you.
warnings: 18+ minors stay far away, language, drinking, mentions of sex, extreme fluff, deception, explicit sexual content, mentions of oral (m. and f. receiving), fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, a twist, angst, breeding!kink, more fluff, it’s a novel so if I missed anything I’m so sorry
“I dunno Jake, what if they’re on a date?”
“I mean, maybe but… I don’t think so.”
Eyeing them from across the room, Josh takes another sip of his drink as his brother continues to assess the two women in question smiling across the table at each other in a booth.
“I don’t think they’re together, I think they’re just friends. We should just go find out.” Mind made up, the younger twin moves in that direction without waiting for a response.
Josh remains standing alone at the bar, watching Jake introduce himself and work his charm and within moments the two women are laughing with him. How does he do that? When Jake lifts a hand and gestures toward the bar, all three heads turn in Josh’s direction. Typically comfortable under scrutiny, he suddenly feels heat bloom across his cheeks as his brother waves him over.
“There he is, ladies, this is my brother, Josh. Josh this is… Nic? Nic and Y/N. They are not on a date, I asked.”
You’re both laughing again but Josh’s eyes are drawn to you as you lift a hand to him.
“Hey Josh, it’s nice to meet you.” He’s staring blankly at your mouth until Jake, as indiscreetly as humanly possible, nudges him with an elbow prompting him to look into your eyes and take your hand in his. “Do you guys wanna join us?”
They’re both very cute, but this one seems shy compared to the long-haired one that came over first and he hasn’t let go of your hand. His brother nudges him again and he appears to shake out of a trance as the most perfect smile you’ve ever seen stretches across his face, sullied only by a small gap between his two front teeth that somehow works to make it more alluring. Holy shit. You feel your eyes go wide as you drop them to look at Nic, who is also beaming at you as she scoots farther into the booth to make room for Jake. Josh, still holding your hand delicately in his, bends as he lifts it to his lips and presses a light kiss to your fingers.
“It appears that we already are! Are you sure we’re not interrupting?”
Ah, so he does speak. His voice has a similar timbre to Jake’s but their accents are completely different. You turn to him as he settles in next to you, ignoring his question completely. “Didn’t you say you guys are brothers?”
“Ha, yeah, we’re actually twins. Identical.”
“Bullshit.” You and Nic speak in unison and Jake chuckles while Josh just grins.
“We get that a lot,” Jake offers.
They’re easy to talk to, the conversation flows alongside the drinks and when Josh opens up you find that he’s soft-spoken but an animated storyteller. He uses his hands to emphasize his points and you watch them move through the air as he works toward a punchline directed at his twin. You use the moment to take in his profile - his haircut is interesting, shaved tight on the sides while the rest of his head is covered in long fluffy curls, but it leaves his face in full view for you. It’s a really nice face. His eyes, a light amber full of warmth, find you often and they lock onto yours when you’re speaking.
Nic convinces Jake to dance with a level of persuasion only she can achieve but you can still see him insisting that he’s no good at it as they cross the room. He loses the argument as her arms loop around his neck, as soon as their bodies are touching you know he’s done for. She has that effect on men and women alike and you’ve seen this play out before, she wants him and she’ll probably have him. As your gaze lingers on the two of them, you can feel Josh’s on your face.
“So,” he clears his throat, “Y/N, um…” You’re looking at him now as he transitions back into the shy person who had first walked up to your table. This side of him is baffling, he’s really attractive and he has to know that. There’s no obvious explanation for his bashful demeanor.
“Josh, do I make you nervous?” The thought is preposterous to you. Nic is usually the one that leaves strangers speechless or stammering over their words, but now that you’re alone, a distinct light pink has crawled its way over Josh’s nose and cheeks.
“Wow, um, yeah a little? What gave it away?” He finishes with a self-deprecating chuckle that’s charming in a way. “I’m sorry, I swear I’m usually more… normal. You’re just really pretty.” Good one. He’s being truthful though, he usually has no problem talking to… anyone, really. He’d swear he’s typically confident, sometimes even attention-seeking but, “There’s just something about you.”
Hours later you were standing outside the bar waiting for your rides, an Uber for you and yet another brother on the way for the guys, Jake and Nic were tangled with one another and making out right there on the sidewalk. Josh stood in front of you with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket and an awkward grin on his lips.
“You wanna…?” His eyebrows had quirked up as he nodded his head in their direction.
Smiling back at him and speaking softly, you’d said, “Maybe next time.”
He asked for your number and promised to call.
Next time proved to be difficult to arrange, you knew it would be but it didn’t deter him. He called, just as he’d promised but your schedule left you little free time and meeting him on one of the rare nights out that you allowed yourself had been serendipitous. The calls became regular occurrences and every night, as exhaustion set in and you’d try to cover a yawn, he’d ask when he could see you again.
“I’m actually free next weekend…” As soon as the words leave your mouth, you're nervous and fidgeting with the bottom hem of your sleep shorts. He’s so easy to communicate with and eager to see you, but you’re already overthinking things and you’ve never even hung out with him one on one. The phone starts ringing against your ear and you pull it away to see a FaceTime call coming in. From Josh. Confused, you click over before considering that you’re laying in bed, freshly showered and makeup free.
He’s staring at you again, lips hanging slightly open like he’s forgotten what he was going to say. It looks like he’s probably also in bed, sitting against his headboard and while you can’t see too far below where the neckline of his shirt should be, you can tell that it’s absent.
“Hi, sorry,” he laughs softly, “I just didn’t think you could possibly get even more lovely.”
The warmth of the blush moves up your neck but you can feel it spread through your chest even though you’re brushing off the compliment.
“Really, you’re beautiful. Let me take you out next Saturday. Wine and dine, the whole thing.”
You can feel yourself smiling like an idiot as your head starts to nod in confirmation. “Yeah… yeah, of course. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I can pick you up and-“
“No. No, let me meet you there.” Realizing how abruptly you’ve turned him down, you lighten your tone. “After all, I hardly know you. What if you’re a psycho?” When he laughs you let yourself relax into your pillow.
“Like the film? You a Hitchcock fan?” He’s graciously moved on, happy to do things on your terms.
“I’ve actually never seen it.”
Appalled, he makes you promise that you’ll watch it together someday and soon enough you’re holding back a yawn.
“Go to bed, beautiful. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Oh he like likes you.” Nic is sprawled across your bed watching you pull clothes from your closet and toss them haphazardly around your room.
“Nic, he doesn’t even know me.”
“Then why do you care so much about impressing him, hm? You like him too!” Her wide grin, usually contagious, is only serving to set your nerves on edge. “And don’t tell me ‘I don’t even know him’ because that’s BS, you guys literally fall asleep on the phone together every night. You know him, at least a little.”
“Okay, I get it. We know each other. Are you actually gonna help me find something?”
Once she’s standing next to you shuffling through your hangers, you ask if she’s been talking to Jake.
“Here and there. He’s great though, amazing in bed. Did I tell you how big-“
“Yes you told me, thank you. I don’t need another recap.”
“You know what they say about twins.” She’s stopped sifting through your clothes to wag her eyebrows at you. “Just sayin’. I bet he’s working with a hors-“
“Nic!” She wards off a slap from the back of your hand and then holds a dress out to you, wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks with her other hand.
“This one’s perfect. Plus he looks like his favorite color’s green.”
As the hostess leads you to your table, you’re pleased with Nic’s choice. The restaurant’s vibe seems pretty casual and the other guests are dressed in a variety of attire. You feel comfortable, like you’re not standing out at all until your eyes meet Josh’s. As he comes into view you can tell he was already watching and waiting for you, but when he sees you walking in his direction you feel like you’re the only other person in the crowded room.
You’re suddenly ecstatic over Nic’s choice. His mouth is open again but his eyes drop from your face to your feet before they take a slow journey up your body. By the time you make it to the table, they’ve reached your eyes again and he flashes that smile. God I forgot about the smile.
He stands to greet you with a hand placed delicately at the small of your waist and the other grasping one of yours, but then he leans in and places a soft kiss to your cheek. It’s barely a brush of his lips over your skin but you weren’t expecting it, or the way you felt it jolt through your body like crackling electricity. When he pulls away your other hand comes up to place your fingertips to the spot.
Hands still attached to you, he grins sheepishly with his bottom lip pulled between perfectly straight teeth. “You look… exquisite, really. Beautiful.” He drops his hold on your waist to run his hand through his hair and scratch the back of his head, shy again. “I love your dress.”
“Oh this old thing? Just threw it on.” You make a mental note to thank Nic. Exquisite is not an accolade you think you’ve ever received. He moves around you to pull your chair out and you’re pretty sure you’re hallucinating, or dreaming. Is he even real? When he’s seated across from you, you’re finally able to take in his appearance.
He’s in a white shirt again but this one has a small v at the neckline, and he’s added a long beaded necklace that ends below the edge of the table. You’re positive that ‘you’re one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen’ is not an appropriate compliment for a grown man with a mustache, but unfortunately when you open your mouth to tell him he looks handsome, a combination of the two escapes.
“You look pretty.” A hand is clasped over your mouth immediately as your face bursts into flames, but a loud bark of laughter causes several heads to turn in his direction before he reigns it in to a silent chuckle that shakes his shoulders. “I’m so sorry, that’s not what I meant-“
“No, please don’t apologize.” His smile stretches impossibly, every equally impossibly white tooth on display. “Thank you Y/N, I feel quite pretty right now.”
A waiter appears before you can fumble through another embarrassed apology and Josh orders a bottle of wine after asking what your favorite type is. He gracefully moves past the awkward moment and suggests looking over the menu, and when the waiter returns you’re ready to order.
You quickly find that you’ve covered so much small talk in the hours you’ve spent on the phone, that you pretty much have to dive into big talk. He tells you more about his job, which sounds like a dream more so than work, and you’re enthralled by the way he speaks about making music. When he asks about your life, you’re intentionally vague since your world seems a little boring and insignificant in comparison, but he hangs onto every word.
Hours later, after you’d finished your meal and given up your table to move to the bar, you found yourselves standing outside once again. Leaning against the driver’s side of your car, you watched as Josh slowly moved closer to you and placed his hand on your waist. This time when he leaned in, you’d been hoping for it and when he kissed your cheek and pulled away, you pulled him back in and pressed your lips to his.
He’d seemed surprised for just a second, but quickly his other hand was on you and he took half a step closer. Your bodies didn’t meet but you were sure that you were feeling exactly what they describe in books and cheesy movies. You could feel it across every inch of your skin, in every cell.
You felt his lips break from yours but they found you again, two more gentle touches of your skin against his before he moved away to look at you.
“I should be driving you home.” A hand had found the side of your face and settled back at the base of your neck, keeping you so close that his breath, lightly scented of grapes, had fallen over your still-tingling lips.
“Maybe next time.”
“Wait, so you didn’t fuck him?”
“Hey! You’re on speaker…”
“Sorryyy. But why not? Do you not like him anymore?”
“Nic, have you even been listening? I like him a lot. He’s like… kind of perfect, actually.” You can feel yourself making moony eyes at nothing in particular as you say it.
“So what’s the issue? Are you gonna fu- sorry, do it next time?”
Next time. Next time was already tentatively scheduled for two weekends from now, as long as nothing fell through on your end.
“I don’t know, I’m not going to plan getting laid in advance. If it feels right then, we’ll see I guess.”
“Y/N you plan your entire life in advance. And I know for a scientific fact that you haven’t gotten any since that guy… shit I don’t even remember his name. That guy you dated for like two months. That was over a year ago!”
“Yeah and I fu- I slept with him after our second date. See how well that worked out?”
“It’s not your vagina’s fault that he was an asshole. Sorry, but he was. And Josh has already been around for weeks and your date was ‘kind of perfect’ as I recall. I mean, how did he react when you told him about-“
“Ihaven’ttoldhim.” It comes out as one huff of air.
“Oh. Ohhhh no.”
“I just like him so much.” Nic can hear the sorrowful frown in your voice. “I didn’t want to ruin it… yet.”
“You need to tell him. No matter the outcome, you need to tell him. I dunno babe, I feel like Josh might surprise you.”
You let him pick you up in front of your house. Waiting at the window to see him pull up, you didn’t give him the chance to get out of the car and come to your door but he didn’t seem to mind when you hopped into his Jeep and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
“I would’ve opened the door for you, ya know.”
“I’m absolutely sure that you would have, but I’m a big girl. I can handle a little car door.” He lifts the corner of his mouth in a lopsided grin as he puts it in reverse and backs out of your driveway. “So where are we going?”
“Ah, to the movies of course.”
The movies ends up being a completely empty theater. There were plenty of people in the lobby when you’d entered, but you and Josh were escorted to an auditorium where he chose seats near the top in the middle. When no other patrons trickled in after about five minutes, you turned to look at him and found mischief in his eyes.
“Josh… what’s going on here?” You circle a finger in the air, gesturing to the empty room. “What are we even seeing?”
“An American classic, my dear.” Taking your hand in his, he brings it to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of it before lacing your fingers together and resting them on his thigh. He offers no further information but as if on cue, the lights go down and you can actually hear film as it starts rolling. The screen in front of you is lit but turns black before white letters appear in the center.
Snapping your head to face him again, you find the mischief is still alight in his eyes and in the grin stretching across his mouth.
“How did you…?” Your whisper trails off but he understands your confusion.
“You don’t have to whisper, really. No one else will be joining us.” He takes in the way your jaw has dropped slightly and your eyebrows are tilted upward. “I know the owner. I put in a special request, told him my girl has never seen the greatest psychological thriller of the 20th century.”
My girl. His girl.
Stunned into silence, all you can do is return his grin and snuggle into his side as the black and white film continues to roll. Familiar with the premise of the movie but having never seen it, you were appropriately shocked by the twist revealed about halfway through, much to Josh’s delight. With your head lifted from its place on his shoulder, he reaches across himself to press the tips of his fingers into your jaw and turn you to him. You feel it again when his lips, soft and searching, meet yours. The tingle spreads through your body and lands distinctly between your thighs. When you cross them in Josh’s direction, he moves his hand from your jaw to rest just above your knee as your lips separate. He watches it move higher until his fingers are squeezing the muscle and you can feel the heat radiating from your own chest.
“Come home with me when the movie’s over.”
The heat turns into a flush of slight panic and he sees it flit across your features as you pull away.
“Sorry, no, it’s no pressure. Please don’t look like that.” The panic must be more obvious than you’d hoped as you try to fix your expression into something resembling poise and confidence. “I just- shit, Y/N I’m sorry. I thought you’d want to, I thought we were-“
He’s starting to ramble but his eyes widen when you reach a hand up to cup his cheek and you run your thumb across his lips.
“Next time. Is that okay?”
“Don’t ask me that. Anything you want is okay, more than okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
The drive back to your house was comfortably silent, music playing softly through the speakers as Josh drummed his fingers against the top of the steering wheel. His other hand was in your lap, wrapped around yours. When he pulled into the driveway and put the Jeep in park, he tightened his hold on your hand before telling you to stay in the car. You watched him get out and walk around to open your door, and laughed as you hopped down into his open arms that wrapped around you as your feet hit the pavement.
At your front door, nervous that he was going to ask to come in, you’d fidgeted with the edges along the zipper of his jacket that your hands had made their way to. His own were resting at your hips as he studied your face in the glow from the porch light.
“Thank you, Josh. That was really special, and very cool. No one’s ever taken me to an exclusive private screening before.” You’d giggled as he watched your lips move in silence. “Aren’t you gonna kiss me goodnight?”
“Oh I absolutely am, after you agree to see me again. Sooner, this time?”
“I’ll try my best for sooner, maybe next weekend. I will definitely let you know. Tomorrow.”
“I look forward to it…” He’d inched closer to you, pressed his body to yours for the first time as he pulled you against him.
“Please kiss me.”
And he did. Once your lips were touching he changed his hold on you, slid a hand up your back until it was tangled in your hair and you were gripping his jacket. He hummed into the kiss, the sound pulsed through your bloodstream and you’d let a quiet moan slip out and over his skin. You felt his hand turn into a fist full of your hair before his tongue slid out and over your bottom lip. Your hips had pushed into his as your own tongue sought his out and tasted him for the first time. A groan pushed it’s way from his throat and you accepted it hungrily as your hips moved again, this time against his very obvious arousal.
“Y/N…” His voice had dropped an octave or two, his forehead rested against yours.
“Next time, Josh. Next time.”
He’d kissed you again, pressed his lips to yours with a tender kind of force before pulling away and smiling that smile at you. “I’ll see you soon. And I will talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night, beautiful.”
You watched him hop down the two steps from your porch and practically skip down the driveway.
“Hasn’t it been like, over a month? We met them,” Jake pauses to calculate the time on his fingers, “almost six weeks ago. What’s the hold up?”
“There is no ‘hold up’, we’ve only gone out twice. I’m sorry her friend skewed your expectations of women by fucking you the same night she met you.”
“Whoa whoa, first of all, don’t be sorry that I get laid more than you. Second of all, my expectations are not skewed. I respect the sexual decisions of all people, not my business.” Josh rolls his eyes and begs his brother to get to the point. “I just thought you said she seemed into you. And it’s been six weeks.”
“Since you’re so concerned, I’m seeing her again tomorrow. Here. She’s gonna come here for dinner.”
“That’s great! Wash your fucking sheets you lazy bastard.”
You’re running late on your way to Josh’s house, having gotten held up and you’re working through a string of poorly constructed excuses in your head as you exceed the speed limit as safely as possible. When he opens his front door and welcomes you inside, your worry stays on the front porch. He smiled that smile, looked so happy just to have you in his space, that you instantly forgot you’d even shown up late.
As the door closes, the click of the lock rings through the entryway and you turn to each other expectantly. You make the first move, by a fraction of a second, and your bodies collide in a tangle of limbs just before his back meets the door. The kiss is a little messy, frantic as your tongues slip against each other and your hands roam. You’ve hardly touched him the whole time you’ve known him and you're almost surprised to feel lightly sculpted muscle under his t-shirt. He hasn’t let his hands move farther than up and down the expanse of your back but his fingertips are dragging across it, you both need to feel more.
Breaking the kiss, you’re breathing heavily as you murmur, “Sorry… I’ve been thinking about that for a week.”
“Don’t ever be sorry for that. You can do that as much as you want, when ever you want. I’ve been thinking about you too.” His grin is shy and lopsided again and you get just a peek of his teeth before he kisses you again. “Kick your shoes off if you want, you can leave your bag here, get comfortable. The tour will have to wait, I’m in the middle of cooking.”
He’s cooking me dinner.
Tugging you along by your hand, he guides you through the house to the kitchen, pointing out the obvious along the way. Livingroom, hallway (there’s a bathroom down there), stairs are over there.
“It smells amazing in here, what are you making?”
“Nothing crazy, just pasta.”
Nothing crazy looked an awful lot like a whole production. Thin strips of already seared steak as well as mushrooms, garlic, and various spices are prepped along the counter and red onion is simmering in a skillet. He checks the pasta boiling on a back burner before turning back to you with a bottle of red wine.
“This is too much Josh, really. It’s so nice of you.”
“I promise you it’s nothing. Or it’s really impressive and you’re extremely turned on by my culinary talents right now. Want a drink?”
“Yes please.” Taking a seat at his kitchen island, you watch him pour two glasses of wine. “We’ll have to wait until I taste it before I decide if it’s nothing or if I’m extremely turned on.”
He laughs with you but the truth is, you’ve been thrumming at a low frequency of arousal for the last week. The memory of your last kiss on your porch has been on heavy rotation, especially at night after you’ve just hung up the phone with him. You’d considered just taking care of it, several times, but you’ve been sure about your decision to take things further and concluded that you wanted your next orgasm not to be self-induced.
It’s been a long week.
Holding a glass out to you, Josh is staring like he’s trying to read your thoughts. You think letting him in a little could be fun.
“Thank you.” He smiles brightly before taking a sip from his own glass and setting it down to turn back to the stove. “Do you always work this hard when a girl already wants to sleep with you?”
His hand, stirring the noodles, comes to an abrupt stop as he whips his head to look at you over his shoulder. He takes a moment to formulate a response, but you haven’t rattled him as much as you hoped. “Only for the exceptionally captivating ones, mama.”
You sputter around the sip you’d just taken.
Turning back to the food, he just chuckles softly. “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, my dear.”
The meal was close to complete in no time and you chat easily while he cooks. In moments of silence, he hums quietly and continues to add ingredients and stir, and as you watch his back move and flex beneath his shirt you realize he’s not using a recipe. It’s kind of sexy.
With a flourish, he wipes his hands with a towel from the counter and lifts them above his head as he tosses it back to the marble. “It is done!”
Clapping your hands softly and focusing on the strip of skin exposed by his lifted shirt, you congratulate him on his performance as he starts to plate the meal. At his wooden dining table, he pulls out a chair for you and waits until you’re seated to lean down and place a soft kiss to your lips. Once he’s sitting next to you, enough distance between your chairs so he can look at you easily, he smirks and raises an eyebrow.
“Moment of truth. Try it!”
He watches closely as you bring the fork to your mouth and close your lips around it. For effect, you pull it out slowly but the moment your eyes roll back in your head is not an act. After you’ve swallowed, which he also watched as if hypnotized, you take a sip of wine before speaking.
“I’m extremely turned on right now. Josh this is so fucking good! Do you cook a lot?”
His expression shows that he’s very pleased with himself, but his cheeks turn pink under your praise. “I do when I’m home and have the time, gotta keep things interesting. I’ve been working on perfecting this particular dish for a couple of years though… I’m glad it’s garnered the desired reaction.”
It doesn’t take long for both of your plates to be cleaned but you stay at the table slowly emptying the bottle of wine. Comfortable and satisfied, you’ve got a foot up in your chair, chin resting on your knee as you chat and Josh has put on music from his phone that’s bleeding out of some strategically placed and well hidden speakers.
“You strike me as a physical format type of guy when it comes to music. Don’t you have a record player or something around here somewhere?”
“Ha, I actually have three.” He’s not boasting, just stating a fact and also proving you correct. “I enjoy the concept of playlists though, creating a certain setting or mood appeals to me.”
At that moment, the silence of the last song’s ending is filled with soft acoustic guitar playing a familiar tune. Josh’s eyes instantly go soft as a wistful smile appears. Not wanting to disrupt the moment too much, you speak at a volume just above a whisper, “I love this song…”
He’s out of his chair instantly with a hand held out to you. “Dance with me?”
When you take his hand in yours, you’re pulled up into his arms that circle your waist as his palms meet your back. Looping your own arms around his neck, he moves in so that your cheeks are touching as he gently begins to sway. You’re not expecting it when he starts to sing along softly, his breath tickling over the shell of your ear.
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
He seems to purposefully only hum the next few lines, taking the opportunity to press his lips to your hair before singing the rest as you continue to shift back and forth, wrapped in each other.
You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
As the final notes float through the room, he kisses over your hair again before pulling back to look at you. The emotion swimming in your eyes is obvious and your pupils are blown wide, his own eyes bounce from yours then down to your lips and back.
“Josh…” Your mind is racing with thoughts that you know you need to speak out loud, this feels bigger than yourself but you can’t bring your mouth to form the words. Not yet. “Take me to bed…”
He doesn’t question it. He’s been sure that you’re exactly what he wants and he thinks you’re sure of it too, so he simply leads you to the stairs that he’d pointed out earlier and prompts you to ascend ahead of him. As you reach the top he moves you along with a palm against your lower back but at his open bedroom door, he pauses before guiding you through.
“You’re sure?” He feels like he knows the answer but couldn’t live with himself if he pressured you into it.
In response you take the lead and turn, pulling him into the room by the front of his shirt and into your body as your hands frame his face and then slip back into the curls at the base of his neck. He reaches back for the wall, searching for the light switch and you’re eternally grateful when it activates only a warm glow from two lamps equipped with Edison bulbs on either side of his bed.
“Interesting mood lighting you’ve got here, Josh.”
“Ehh, I don’t like harsh overhead light in my room. Ruins the energy.”
You’re giggling against his grin as you pull him into a kiss that quickly turns serious, and he moves you backwards until the backs of your knees meet the mattress. Lifting a leg, you move back over the surface then sink into it without hesitation and keep your grip on his shirt so his body follows, landing on top of yours. Held up by his hands pressed into the comforter on either side of your head, looking down at you with all sincerity, he asks if he can touch you.
Reaching up and circling his wrist next to your face, you guide his hand to move over your shoulder and down your chest until it reaches the bottom hem of your shirt that’s just barely ridden up your stomach. Once his fingertips meet the skin there, he takes over and slides his palm under your shirt and over your ribs until he’s got a handful of your breast. As he runs his thumb over the thin material covering your nipple, you answer.
“Everywhere. Touch me everywhere.”
He’d like to take his time, watch as every inch of your skin is revealed to him, but he’s been waiting for this. He’ll go slow next time.
Your shirt is being tugged up your body and you both shift to allow him to pull it over your head before you do the same to his. Leaned back and settled onto his knees, his chest is rising and falling with his breath as he tosses it to the floor to land next to yours. You let your eyes roam over each other for a moment before he’s leaned over you again and trailing his lips from your neck down to your clavicle. Propped up on one elbow, he lets his other hand explore your chest again, running fingers over the lacy material covering them before tentatively squeezing your breast. His hips move into yours involuntarily when you let a whimper slip out into the air next to his ear, but then he’s shifting his body to the side, next to you but still pressed fully against you. He captures your lips with his own as his hand slides down over your rib cage again and his fingertips meet the waist of your jeans.
Mouths still moving against each other’s, you nod your head in encouragement but he breaks the kiss to look at you.
You think he’s going to ask again but instead he moves his gaze down your bared torso until it lands where he’s touching you, and he watches as he pops the button and pulls the zipper down and skips touching you over your panties. His fingers delve past the lace and he groans as they skim over the little bit of hair there before landing on the soft skin of your core. When his eyes snap back to yours, you nod again as you shift and use your hands to push the denim past your hips and down your thighs until you can wiggle the jeans down and kick them to the floor.
His hand remains still, just cupped against you as you bend a knee and let your leg fall aside just enough that he can feel you spreading open to him under his fingers. Moving them, they slip through the arousal that’s pooled there and he bites back another groan.
“Fuck baby…” He slips them through again before moving them up and swirling a soft circle over your clit, your back arches off the bed. “So sensitive,” he chuckles lowly at your body’s reaction before circling over it again, “You want more?”
One of your palms is splayed out in the center of his chest but the other is gripping the bicep of the arm that’s extended over you. “Please, I’m gonna cum.” You’re not faking it, not being dramatic. The pent up sexual energy already feels like it’s threatening to spill over and while you’re not surprised in the slightest, his eyebrows have lifted in amused shock.
“Baby I’ve barely touched you.”
“Keep touching me.”
His fingers dip down to circle through the wetness at your entrance before he pushes one slowly past it. Your fingernails are digging into his arm, sure to leave tiny crescent-shaped marks on his otherwise flawless skin and he can feel your body clenching around his finger inside you as he pumps it slowly.
“Relax, I’ve got you.”
You try, you really do, and he can feel the tension release but as soon as he slips a second one inside, your body reacts the same way. He figures if it’s gonna happen, he should just enjoy it so he presses his palm over your clit while his fingers move and curl, buried deep. Your back has left the mattress again, he admires the way your skin stretches over your ribs for a moment before leaning down for a kiss. When his lips meet yours, your hand flies from his arm to the base of his neck to keep him there as your tongue begs for an entrance that he welcomes. Your hips are moving to meet the gentle thrust of his fingers, but he slides them from your cunt to press them to your clit again. He swallows the cry that rips from your throat, hums into it as he draws tight circles into your sensitive skin. His kiss moves from your lips to your cheek and when he reaches your ear he whispers, “Let go for me.”
The soft command grips your body and pulls you under. The string of oh and fuck and Josh spilling from your lips on repeat shoots straight to his dick and he’s silently praying that he’ll figure out a way to hear those words tumble from your mouth every day for the rest of his life. His fingers, swirling slowly against you, come to a stop as your body sinks back into the mattress and the fist curled into his hair releases its hold.
Your body is flushed and you can feel the heat on your chest and your cheeks, and when you’re able to crack your eyes open the sight of him is something to behold. The warm amber of his irises has almost completely disappeared around the deep black of his pupils, he looks drunk, and hungry, intoxicated and starving for more. Before he pulls his hand from your underwear he swipes his two fingers through your release, then brings them up to his mouth without thinking twice about it. You watch his lips, pink and perfectly shaped, close around them and his eyelids flutter the way yours had at your first taste of the meal he’d prepared.
When he pops his fingers out, he mumbles, “Next time. Next time, I need you to do that on my mouth.”
“Next time…”
Silence falls over the room and he lets his fingers trail over your skin, from your chest and over the lace of your bra, then down to circle around your navel. As soon as he’s paying closer attention to your stomach, it tenses and you hope he won’t notice your reaction but of course, he does.
“Sensitive everywhere huh?” His lips are stretched into a grin and you allow his question to be the explanation.
“Yeah… Josh?” His reply is a soft hum. “Are you gonna fuck me now?”
It sounds vulgar coming from your mouth, but he feels his heart rate speed up and blood rush to his dick again.
“No.” He answers simply.
“No. It’ll be a little more romantic than that, I think.”
With that, he rolls and stands from the bed and you scoot yourself up to the pillows as you watch him move to undo the button at the waist of his pants. The muscles of his arms and chest bunch and flex as he moves, his stomach tenses when he pushes the fabric over his hips and it drags over… oh.
Nic was right.
Still covered by the cotton of his briefs, his dick is hard and sitting to the right, and it’s… impressive. He looks up to find your eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. He’s not unused to that reaction but something about it being you causes his dick to twitch under your stare and he reaches a hand down to rub his palm over it. The small groan that passes his lips snaps you out of it and you look him in the face, expecting some kind of cocky grin or retort.
“Stop looking at me like that or I’ll get a complex.”
Of course he finds the humor in the situation, but you’re a little intimidated. You decide to be honest about it, “We can’t have that. Um, Josh?”
He’s slipped his thumbs under the elastic at the top of his underwear, about to pull them down but he pauses. “Hm?”
“I haven’t- um… it’s been a while, since…”
Understanding softens his features and he smiles as he abandons removing his briefs and kicks his pants from his ankles before crawling onto the bed. “Do you… wanna stop?”
“No. I don’t. Just…”
“I’ll be careful with you, gorgeous girl. I promise.” He crawls over your body, knees straddling one of your thighs and presses a kiss to your forehead before placing another on your lips. When your arms circle him and your hands skim over the smooth skin of his back, he shifts his knee until it’s resting against you between your thighs. Your hips move, grinding your still covered pussy over him but he makes no further moves even as you whine into the kiss.
“Mm, do you wanna take these off?” A fingertip is running along the top of your underwear and dips just below it. You nod your head and he pushes himself up to slide them down your legs, trailing their journey down with his eyes until they slip past your toes and he tosses them away. His hands take that journey back up and when they reach your knees, he gently pushes them apart. He only lets his gaze linger on your bare cunt for a moment before he raises it to your face and asks if you want your bra off too. When you nod again he smiles and pulls you to sit up, reaches around you and unclasps it expertly with one hand. You let it fall forward, nervous for him to see every part of you but when you pull it away and toss it to the floor his eyes light up.
“Undeniably worth the wait, my pretty, pretty girl. You get more lovely every time I look at you.”
“I wanna see you too.”
He flashes that smile, wide and bright. “By all means, my dear.” He gestures down to his body with both hands.
You scramble to reach for the waist of his underwear, impatient and embarrassed that he’d felt the need to stop removing them just to soothe your nerves. Tugging them down his hips and over the length of him, his cock springs up once it’s freed but hangs heavy between you.
“Oh my god.” You hadn’t meant to say it out loud but it’s out there now so you figure you might as well go with it. “I know I’m not the first person to tell you this but… you’re kind of perfect, everywhere.” He responds with a sharp laugh and before you can get your hands on him he pushes you softly back to the pillows and begins to push the fabric the rest of the way down to his knees. Once he’s wriggled out of them he kicks the briefs away, the last piece to join the clothing’s now scattered over his bedroom floor. Lying across his bedding, spread out for him, wet and waiting, he wonders over how it is that you still look so innocent and completely untainted.
“You look like a flower.” You lift an eyebrow in question alongside a hand to coax him back to you, which he accepts. When his body is hovering over yours again, his dick nestled between your thighs and resting against the slick moisture coating your flesh there, he leans in closer to whisper, “Soft and pink, delicate and naturally beautiful. You look like a flower. My flower.”
You crane your neck to capture his lips, and he kisses you back firmly, pushing you back into his pillows. Snaking a hand down between your bodies, you run it over his stomach until you reach the base of him, wrapping your fingers around him. A soft hmph huffs against your mouth at the contact, the first time you’ve touched him there. You’ve hardly touched him at all but he doesn’t seem to mind right now as you’re guiding him to your cunt and the head of him is nudging you, begging for entry. He reaches down to replace your hand with his, rubs himself through your arousal before asking if you’re ready.
“So ready, please…”
Slowly, so so slowly, he pushes into you. As your hands move up his arms and over his shoulders he keeps his eyes on your face, searching for any sign that he should stop, but he doesn’t find one as he rocks his hips and eases in inch by inch.
“Jesus, flower, you’re so fucking tight. Relax for me.”
“I am relaxed, keep going…”
Not sure that you’re telling the truth, but positive that you can handle him, he thrusts into you to the hilt.
“Fuck!” You can’t help it yelping out of you but there’s nothing but pleasure behind it.
Throat tight, he asks if you’re okay and you’re quickly assuring him with a nod of your head, soft words of confirmation and finally pulling him in to connect your lips. You move your hips, encouraging him to do the same and the drag against your walls as he pulls back draws a low moan from deep in your chest. His thrust back into you knocks the air from your lungs and your mouths part as you gasp to get it back.
He rests his forehead against yours as he moves inside you, settling into a slow rhythm of deep strokes that are lighting you up from the inside out.
“So fucking good, you feel so good Jesus fuck,” his typical eloquence leaves the room as you squeeze around him. “Mm tell me, let me hear you.” He delivers a harder thrust, punching a string of expletives past your lips. Instantly drunk on your hazy murmurings, he picks up the speed of his hips until your legs wrap themselves around him and a heel is digging into the flesh high on his backside.
“Just like that, it’s perfect, perfect…” He doesn’t change a thing as you trail off, but your own hips are pushing into his and the sounds of skin meeting skin are echoing through his room.
“Gonna move, just a little bit. Need to see you.” When your head nods he pushes up from you, the skin of your chests audibly separates, a thin layer of sweat having formed between you. Hovering over you, you watch his eyes move down your body but they stop and focus on your chest, tits bouncing with every thrust of his hips. When he moves lower and realizes the view he wants is still obstructed, he lifts further and settles back on his heels, hands wrapped around the small of your waist and pulling you into him. Now he can see everything, but what he’s interested in rests between your legs and he zeroes in on it. His eyes squeeze shut as he shakes his head, like he’s trying to wake up but when they open he’s still watching your pussy suck him in, over and over again.
“God, look at you. Taking it all, I knew you could. A perfect fit, fuck…” His words have you clenching around him. “So good for me, perfect.” He lifts his eyes to your face and finds your eyes closed and mouth open, soft sounds of your pleasure floating from it. “Look at me, beautiful.”
You obey, opening your eyes and instantly moaning a low oh my god at the vision above you. You’ve never seen anything like him, he’s definitely meant to be naked, every inch of him is flawless. His normally fluffy curls have gone loose, damp and sticking across his forehead and his jaw is clenched tight even as he smiles at your expression.
You let your gaze roam over his chest to his stomach, the muscles there are tight as he pumps his hips into you. The v that leads down to where you’re connected stands out, the low light from either side of the bed casting perfect shadows.
“How- ohh… how are you real?” The thing you’ve been wondering for weeks leaves your throat as a whining question.
“Mm, I’m real, my flower. Don’t you feel me everywhere? Here?” One of his hands moves from your waist and comes to rest flat against the skin under your navel, pressing into it. You confirm, yes yes I feel you, and he moves his hand higher, skimming it up your stomach and the center of your chest and letting it land there, over your heart.
“Here? Do you feel me here too?”
You do, you know you’ve been holding him there since well before your first date, your first kiss.
“Yes, yes Josh. I feel you there.”
His expression goes soft and wistful, as it had downstairs before he’d asked you to dance. “I feel it too. I think before I even spoke to you…” The rhythm of his hips has slowed again as he lets himself get lost in his feelings for you. “There’s just something about you…”
One of your hands that have been anchored to him wrapped around his forearms, moves to rest over his on your chest, you want to remember this moment exactly how it is. Just you and him, bodies connected and letting yourselves admit that something more has been happening here. Lacing your fingers together, you’re gripping this moment tight because you know it’ll change, and soon. You pull his hand up to your lips and place kisses to his knuckles before moving it down your body until you’re pressing it into your mound, just above where he’s still moving when gentle purpose.
“Touch me, make me cum. I wanna cum for you, give you everything.” You can feel his cock pulse inside you before he starts thrusting against the backs of your thighs harder and faster again, and he slips his thumb to run over the slick arousal that’s spread over your skin. As soon as he swirls it over your clit, your back leaves the bed.
“Are you always so… responsive?”
Breathless from the emotion and burning under his touch you tell him no, it’s him, it’s all him. The words squeeze his heart and he feels you fluttering around his cock as he adds just a little pressure to his movements over your flesh. “Yes just like that, just like that, I’m there Josh. Don’t stop!”
“Give it to me, beautiful. So pretty when you let go.”
Your body obeys, the explosion of colors behind your eyelids when they snap shut is just like him. Bright and consuming, all that you can see and feel around you as everything else disappears.
Above you, he watches you writhe against his pillows, feels your cunt clench around him impossibly tighter, basks in the sweet curses rolling off your tongue. He’s hanging on by a thread to his own release, fucking into you softly as yours moves through you. When your legs slip from around his hips and your feet hit the bed, he whispers a request for you to open your eyes and look at him again.
You can barely hear him over the buzz in your head, but as soon as you can crack your eyes open and focus on him he’s pulling out of you quickly and stroking himself over you. You watch his mouth fall open as he spills over, his hot release hitting your stomach and pooling there. When the last of it lands below your navel he whimpers before he pulls his hand away and takes a few heaving breaths. You open your mouth to speak but he leans over you and swallows your words, lips and tongues pushed together and bringing your pairing to a soft closing.
He lets his body drop and tucks his face into the crook of your neck, unconcerned about the mess now trapped between you. As you bring a hand up to run over the dampened curls at the back of his neck, he speaks into your skin, “Absolutely worth the wait. I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you.”
You think it might be a poetic version of the truth, and it’s heart wrenching. Your feelings are the same but you’ve been hiding a part of yourself that you should’ve revealed the first time you met. Now is not the moment, and you’re not sure exactly when the right time could possibly present itself, too far gone. Resigning to the fact that as perfect as this feels, you’re going to ruin it soon, you decide to let it wait. Just a little longer.
Josh eventually, begrudgingly lifted himself from you and left to clean up, returning with a warm cloth to do the same for you. He asked you to stay and you agreed, but told him you had to leave in the morning, you have to meet someone sort of early. Not questioning it, he settled you both under his comforter and pulled you close, lulling you into sleep with kisses pressed into your hair.
You wake up before him, the sun is already high in the sky and you can tell by the way it’s streaming across his face when you open your eyes.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Jolting up, you leave the bed without bothering to wake him or attempting not to, plucking your clothes up from around his room and tossing them onto the bed as you find them. When he sits up and finds you pulling your shirt over your head, the rest of you already clothed, he asks what time it is.
“I slept too late Josh, I have to pick up Sam-“
“Wait, what? You have to pick up Sam? Why are you picking up my brother?”
Oh god.
“Not your brother. Josh I don’t have time for this, I have to go.” He watches you leave his room as he jumps out of bed to find his pants, tugging them on as he follows you. You’re almost at the front door when his hand wraps around your arm.
“Y/N stop. Talk to me. Who is Sam?” His eyebrows are knitted together as he searches your face for an answer. “What’s going on?”
You let your head fall back as you stare at the ceiling, willing the right words to come to you. None of the words you come up with are going to make this any easier, a defeated sigh floats from your lips and up into the air before you face him. He looks confused, obviously, but there’s a little bit of fear in his eyes.
“I’m sorry…” It’s hardly a whisper, you’re not sure you even said it but the fear behind his eyes slips into sadness.
“Y/N… please just tell me what is happening here. I’m very confused.”
“Sam is my son.”
His hold on your arm loosens until his hand falls to his side. He’s studying your face as if your expression will bring him some clarity but he only finds regret there. “What?”
“I have a kid. His name is Sam. Ironically enough.”
Now that you’ve repeated it, it’s sinking in. “You have a child.”
You wonder how many times you’ll each have to say it out loud before he’s kicking you out of his house. “I do. And he is my whole world, Josh. Or he was, until I met you.”
He shakes his head and huffs out a sardonic laugh. “And you didn’t think I should know about that? You didn’t think you should tell me that before I let myself fall for you?” It chokes you into silence, the hurt tightens your throat and burns your eyes as your vision blurs. “I think you should go. Go get Sam…”
You turn and walk out the door before he can see you cry.
How many times can a toddler ask you why you're sad before you have a full mental breakdown? You’re pretty sure you’ll soon find out, Sam is too smart for his own good and too intuitive for yours.
Josh hasn’t called. You haven’t spoken to him in weeks and all you could do was fall back into your regular routine of wake up, drop Sam off at daycare, work, pick him up, playtime, dinnertime, bathtime, bedtime. Every day, and Josh hasn’t called. Hasn’t texted. Hasn’t asked his brother to ask your friend how you’re doing. It’s been over two weeks.
“You’re being a fucking idiot.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You’re being stupid.”
“Jake she lied to me. And not something small, she failed to tell me about an entire human life that she created. A whole child. For months.”
They’ve already had several versions of this conversation. Josh had called his brother the same day that you’d left his house, screaming incoherently about sex and lies and Sam but before Jake could make any sense of it his twin was crying over the line.
He’s pissed off, sure, but more than anything he’s hurting. Jake had told him to reach out to you, to clear the air, and most importantly to apologize for shutting you out.
“I get it, Josh. I do, I fully comprehend why you’re upset. But correct me if I’m wrong, you have feelings for her, yes?” Josh, head in his hands propped up on elbows rested on his knees, grumbles a confirmation. “And you miss her. You’ve been moping around here for weeks. What’s the issue?”
Snapping his head up to face his twin, he throws an incredulous look in his direction. “What’s the issue? She hid him from me. I had no fucking clue. I’m sitting here building a fucking life with her in my head and I don’t even know her.”
Jake nods in understanding, turning Josh’s words over in his head before responding. “So it’s not that she has a kid, it’s that she didn’t tell you.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being serious right now. Yes, she deliberately lied to me.”
“You like kids.” Josh just shakes his head, suddenly infuriated with how flippant his brother is being over something that he deems extremely serious. “You actually love kids. Everybody knows that.”
“Your point?”
“Like I said, you’re being an idiot. Do you love her?”
Josh sits up and leans back in his chair, scrubs his hands over his face then runs his fingers over his mustache before scratching at his chin. “Yeah, I think I do, but-“
“And you don’t think you could love her child? Why? Because he’s not yours?”
“I never said that. It has nothing to do with-“
“Stop being stupid about this. Call her.”
The days crawled by, each one the same aside from nights that Nic would come over for dinner, help you put Sam to bed and then sit with you for hours. Filling the empty time that you used to spend on the phone with Josh.
Tonight is not one of those nights, and you’re sitting in front of your tv as some mindless reality show drones on. You almost jump out of your skin when your phone starts ringing on the table in front of you, but your heart is hammering in your chest when you pick it up to see Josh on the screen. It’s a picture you took of him at the bar on your first date, he’s leaned on one elbow over the bartop, smiling that smile, cheeks rosy and eyes focused beyond the camera lens. Focused on you.
You almost miss it, your hesitation to answer losing out right before it can go to voicemail.
“Hello?” You’re met with silence, he doesn’t answer right away and you think maybe he’s called accidentally, phone in his pocket as he’s out living his life without you. “Josh?”
“God, it’s so good to hear your voice.” His own sounds constricted, tight with emotion though you can’t imagine why. He cut you off and you’ve wallowed in your own misery alone.
“What do you want?” You can’t help but cut to the point, almost angry that he’d dare reach out and open with a line akin to I miss you.
“Just to talk. I know I should’ve called you sooner. Actually, I know I shouldn’t have even let you leave. Not like that… Y/N I’m so sorry.”
“You’re right. You should’ve called.” You know he had every right to be upset with you, but to go weeks with complete radio silence and call out of the blue with an apology seems too little, too late.
“I’m actually outside.”
You’re on your feet and moving to the window before you respond, and you move the curtain aside to find his Jeep in the driveway. “Go home, Josh. Now is not the time, Sam’s here and he’s asleep- actually I don’t owe you a reason. Just go home.”
He immediately does the opposite and you watch him climb out of his car and walk toward your porch. “Come outside and talk to me. Please, flower.” By the time he says it, he’s looking at you through the window with pleading eyes.
You sigh deeply before ending the call.
When you step out onto the porch you can see him fighting the urge to touch you, and you keep your body close to the closed door behind you.
Looking you over, he takes in your outfit, sweatpants and a hoodie, your hair tied up in a knot at the top of your head, eyes tired and a little sad. Also a little angry. “Beautiful as always.”
Unfortunately his words have the same effect on you that they always have, and you feel a blush creep over your cheeks. “Don’t. Please just say what you need to say.”
“Okay…” He takes a deep breath and you know he’s about to deliver a monologue. It’s just how he is, so you try to mentally prepare yourself but anything you could’ve expected is tossed aside immediately.
“To say I reacted poorly would be an understatement. I hope you can understand that my complete shock was not unfounded, I’m sure you know that. But you may not know exactly why I was surprised to find out that you’re a mother, especially after hours, and hours spent getting to know you.” He pauses to take another deep breath, you nod at him to continue and he inches just barely closer to you.
“I thought I knew you already. I spent a lot of time thinking about you, when we weren’t together or on the phone, I was thinking of you constantly. Dreaming of you. I’ve always dreamt of you. I think that’s why I was so drawn to you when we met… I’ve known you in my dreams for years.”
He’s taken a full step closer to you now, his fingertips are aching to reach out and touch you but he doesn’t. Not yet.
“The problem is, in my dreams we built this fantasy life together. The whole thing, we fall in love, a whirlwind romance really and you let me whisk you away. Travel the world with me, do everything you could’ve ever imagined. We have babies, if you want them, and they’re perfect little manifestations of our love.”
You haven’t moved from your spot, arms crossed as he speaks but silent tears have spilled over onto your cheeks and you let them fall, dropping to the ground at your feet. His fantasy of you is exactly that, and it’s something you could never give him. Not the way he’s imagined it.
His hands come up to cup your face and he moves in until the toes of his shoes are touching your slippers. You let him wipe your tears away with his thumbs and he keeps your jaw cradled in his hands as he continues.
“Now the other problem is, when you told me about him, about Sam, I suddenly felt like I didn’t know you at all. Like you had kept such a big part of yourself from me, that that life I had dreamed of was impossible. It took awhile but I’ve realized something.”
He wants you to speak, to let him know that you need to hear his next words.
“What?” It whispers past your lips and he leans in to press his against them. You can’t help but to kiss him back. When it breaks, he rests his forehead against yours and continues.
“I’ve fallen in love with you, my beautiful girl. My flower. And I could love him too, if you give me the chance. How could I not love every part of you?”
You release a sobbing breath and he pulls back to look at you. “Please stop crying, I don’t want you to cry anymore. Not because of me.”
“It’s just not that easy Josh.”
“It can be. Let me try. How old is he?”
“How old is Sam?”
You can feel him trying, he wants to know more so you wipe your tears and give him more. “He’s three. Three and a half, really.”
“Three… it’s a good age. You know, Jake started playing guitar at three. Prodigy, that one.” It makes you laugh, exactly as he’d hoped. “Y/N… will you give me the chance to show you? I can do this, I want to.”
“Okay?” There it is, that smile, perfectly imperfect and wide and bright and all for you.
“Yeah… yeah. On one condition.” He raises his eyebrows and tilts his head. “Kiss me again and then go home. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Oh absolutely, my dear.”
“What have you told him about me?”
You’re sitting across from Josh at a table in the same restaurant he’d chosen for your first date. His curiosity makes you chuckle.
“I already told you, he still doesn’t know what a boyfriend is. No concept whatsoever.” Boyfriend. He grins like a little kid every time you say it, and it’s probably why he asked, again, if you’d talked to Sam about him. “He’s seen pictures of you. He knows your name, and knows I spend time with you when he’s at grandma’s house. He also knows that you like movies and you play the vocals, as requested.”
“When can I meet him?” Ah, that question. Though you’ve technically been with Josh for almost four months, you’re still not sure what the right answer is.
“Soon, I think. Maybe you can… I don’t know, go to the park with us or something. I just don’t want to confuse him too much, babe.”
Satisfied for the moment, he leans back in his chair and smirks at you over the table. “Ya know, if you’d let him get to know me, I wouldn’t have to sneak into your house after bedtime to fuck his pretty mama while she bites the pillows to keep quiet.”
“Josh! You’re disgusting.” You feign offense but you’re laughing with him as you throw your napkin at his face.
When you leave the restaurant, he drives you home and follows you inside. You lead him through the house, past the scattered Hot Wheels, monster trucks and Legos that tend to litter the floor of your living room, into your bedroom where he lets you undress him slowly. With your lips wrapped around him, cock nudging the back of your throat, he reminds you that he loves you. When his tongue is lapping at you, softly drawing you nearer and nearer to release, he shows you that he loves you.
When he’s buried inside you, whispering praise into your ear, calling you his flower, a goddess, you feel that he loves you.
One more month. You gave it one more month before you told Sam you were going to meet Josh at the park.
“Josh at the park!” He’s going through a phase where he repeats everything you say.
“Yep! Remember, Josh is mommy’s boyfriend. Is that okay?”
“Mommy’s boyfwiend is okay. Go outside?”
His beautiful one-track mind makes you giggle. “Yes sweet boy, let’s go outside.”
You’d told Josh where to meet you, instructed him on how to approach your child, coached him on what to say.
“Flower, I love kids. I myself am just a slightly bigger kid. I can handle this.”
Nervous as you make your way to the park, hauling Sam behind you in a red wagon, you think that maybe you should call Josh and remind him of what to do. On cue, your phone starts to ring in your back pocket and you stop walking to keep your eyes on Sam as you answer.
“Hey babe, we’re almost there.”
“I thought you might be. Do me a favor?”
“What’s up?”
“Tell him I’m excited to meet him, and stop worrying. It’s gonna be great.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right. I’ll tell him. We’ll be there in a few.”
“See you soon, my love.”
Minutes later you’re rolling the wagon to a stop next to a red and blue bench and Sam is already bounding out of it and toward the slides. You know you don’t have to worry about him on the smaller ones but you hesitate to sit down, preferring to stand a little closer to the playground just in case. When a pair of hands come to rest on your shoulders, you grin as Josh leans into your ear and immediately asks where is he? Having seen hundreds of pictures and videos of Sam, he easily spots him amongst the few children begrudgingly taking turns going up and then coming down the slides when you point in their direction.
“Can I go, mama?”
He’s literally vibrating with excitement, you can feel it in his palms that have moved to hold onto your upper arms.
“Go ahead. Have fun!”
He presses a kiss to your cheek and then whispers against it, “I love you. Thank you.”
With that he leaves you, and you watch closely as your worlds are about to collide. Josh approaches the playground casually, and waits until Sam comes down the slide. Crouching down on one knee, he waves your baby over to him and the only part of the conversation you can overhear is the very start.
“Josh at the park!”
You smile as your vision clouds and you blink the tears away before they can fall.
When Sam reaches him, Josh smiles brightly. “Hey Sam, I’m Josh.”
“Mommy’s boyfwiend Josh.”
“That’s right, that’s me! It is sooooo nice to meet you, bud.”
“Nice to meet you bud.” Josh chuckles, remembering what you’ve said about how he repeats things in lieu of actually replying.
“Hey, Sam. Do you think I could play with you for a bit?”
“Play on the swide?”
“Yeah, can I go down the slide with you?”
“Go down the swide Josh! C’mon!” Sam reaches for Josh’s hand and grabs onto two fingers before tugging at it. Josh stands and let’s him “pull” him to the steps, looking back at you over his shoulder. His eyes find yours as you flick a stray tear away with your finger tips and smile. He uses his free hand to give you a thumbs up before he’s being pushed by the backs of his knees to climb steps.
You watch your son push your boyfriend up the tiny steps to go down the slide ahead of him. Josh is laughing when he comes down, the trip especially short for a grown man, even a rather small one. When he reaches the bottom, he turns and squats at the end of the slide, and you watch with fresh tears in your eyes as your baby lands in Josh’s arms. He’s wrapped up and lifted into them, smiles stretched across both of their faces and you can hear Josh’s raspy laughter mixing with Sam’s giggles that you love so much.
What you can’t hear, when Josh shifts Sam onto his hip and points in your direction, is Josh telling him, “Hey buddy, let’s go see your mommy real quick. She looks like she needs a big hug.”
Josh sets him down and he runs to you, arms wide open so you kneel to meet him with open arms of your own. Over his tiny shoulder, you watch Josh walk toward you both, hands shoved into the pockets of his pants and a soft grin on his lips.
“Mommy needed a big hug.”
You pull away to look at your son, his face so similar to your own, for which you’ve been grateful for the last almost four years. “Yeah baby, I did need a hug. You give the best hugs.”
“Are you sad?”
“Not at all, I’m very happy. Are you having fun on the slides?”
“Fun with Josh on the swide. Josh is fun!”
You look up at him, a man you’d completely underestimated, and find him swiping his fingers over his cheeks and grinning that sweet lopsided grin. Eyes still on Josh, you reply, “He is fun isn’t he? Go play some more sweetheart, I need to talk to Josh for a minute. Then we can go on the swings.”
“I go on the swings!” Sam repeats your words before bouncing away, past Josh and back to the slide.
Josh steps forward and offers his hand to pull you to your feet. “I told you it would be fine. He’s so great, Y/N, really.”
You keep his hand in yours and pull him to sit with you on the bench, with your eyes still focused in the direction of the playground. “He’s really special. I- um, his dad has never been in the picture. Didn’t want anything to do with either of us when I told him I was pregnant.”
Josh hasn’t ever asked for further information on Sam’s father. It was clear that he wasn’t involved, your mom and sometimes Nic being the only people you ever mention helping you with him, but this admission only further solidifies what he’d already been feeling. He squeezes the hand that’s clasped in his, his eyes also on your son. “I’m here. Look at me, just for a second.” You both pull your eyes from the playground to look into each other’s. “I love you. Don’t you think I can take care of you? Both of you?”
“I love you too… Josh this is a big thing you’re offering, I don’t think you understand how big. He’s… not yours. You don’t have to-“
“Hm, that’s where you’re wrong, my beautiful girl. My beautiful girl, you are mine to love and take care of, yeah?” He waits for you to confirm, which you do with a nod of your head. “Then he’s mine too.”
Hours later, after many trips down the slide, careful pushes on the swing and lots of baby giggles, Sam began yawning and showing Josh another side of himself. He’d gotten easily upset with another child over whose turn it was to scramble up the tiny climbing wall, and when you’d reminded him that he needs to share, he’d yelled a frustrated no in your face. You knew what needed to be done but Josh seemed to know as well, and he’d scooped Sam up into his arms.
“Hey buddy, I think it’s time to go home and chill out. Let’s go, what do you think?”
Rubbing his eyes, Sam had said, “What do you fink?”
“That’s what I thought you’d say. Let’s go home.”
“Josh go home too.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna take you home.”
He moved toward the bench, you thought he was going to place Sam down in the wagon but he grabbed the handle and started to pull it toward where his Jeep was parked.
“Josh you can’t drive us home.”
“Why’s that, flower?” You’d followed behind him as he reached the Jeep and unlocked it, swung the back passenger door open to reveal a car seat. You stood there, open-mouthed and wide-eyed as he turned to face you, Sam’s head rested on his shoulder. “I did the research, I know it’s the right one for his weight. I even drove to a fire station to make sure it was strapped in the right way. Did you know they do that? You wanna buckle him in? I’ve never done it before.”
Struck speechless, you’d taken your child from his arms and climbed up to buckle him in as Josh pulled the wagon around and stuffed it into the back of the Jeep. Once you were in the passenger seat and Josh had climbed in beside you, you’d told him he didn’t have to do all of this.
“I think that I did, babe.”
“Oh fuck, just like that baby, just like that.”
Josh growls in response and you can feel yourself clamp down around him. He feels it too and leans to the side to see your face, cheek pushed into his sheets, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hanging open.
“Like that?” He’s pumping his hips against your ass, one hand gripping it tight and the other wrapped around your hipbone. He delivers a sharp thrust that pushes your body forward but the sheen of sweat on your face keeps you stuck in place. “Pretty girl likes it a little rough?”
He knows that you do, sometimes, when the mood strikes. It had struck hard earlier in the night, and you’d practically tackled him the moment you heard his front door click behind you. His back had slammed against it as your body collided with his, a hand immediately sliding down his torso and lower to palm his cock over his jeans. You’d felt it begin to harden under your touch as your tongue slid against his, before you pulled off of his mouth to lick a wet stripe over the sharp angle of his jawline.
“Want you in my mouth, let me taste it.”
He’d groaned against the shell of your ear.
Not long after, he’d lifted you off your knees from the floor and thrown you over his shoulder, hauled you up to his bed and you’d torn the clothes from each other’s bodies.
Now, he’s fucking into you, eyes bouncing from the delicious view of himself retreating and disappearing into your pussy stretched around him, to the expanse of your back, the graceful curve of it arched below him. He hears you mumbling against the mattress, begging for harder and more, and as always he’s trying his best to give you whatever you need despite the bruises you might have on the backs of your thighs tomorrow.
“Christ, I can feel you baby, are you gonna cum for me?”
You’d snaked a hand between your body and the bed and you’re doing your best to swirl frantic circles over your clit, moaning in response to his question. He needs to feel you let go, he wants to flip you over so he can see your face when you do but you’re so close already. He can wait.
When it hits you, he slows his hips to work you through it slowly, drawing it out as long as he can. The way you’d yelped out his name and then continued to murmur it softly into the sheets let’s him know that it’s working. He’s not there yet, and when he feels your muscles relax around him he slips out of you and lets you sink to the mattress. Using his hands to encourage you to roll over, he soaks in the dopey smile on your face once you’re looking up at him.
“Did that feel nice, flower?” You nod your head lazily and reach for him, running your hands over the sticky skin over his ribs before wrapping your arms around his back. “Are you gonna let me back in? I’m not done with you yet.” You let your legs fall open wide, inviting him to settle between them. He slips back inside as he tucks his face into your neck, pressing his lips along the column of your throat. His hips start moving again, he’s really just rocking into you but it’s deep and persistent and you know that sometimes this is just exactly what he needs.
“Mm, I love you like this mama, so sweet and soft for me after you get what you want.”
“Lucky for you, I always get what I want.” He chuckles at that and nips at your neck.
“You do, don’t you? Aren’t I always so good for you?”
His question warms your cheeks and tugs at your heartstrings. He wants to hear your praise and you know him well enough to know that he’s probably about to surprise you with some other minor kink he’s been hiding. You’re correct of course, and you’re definitely surprised.
He pulls away from your neck to hover over you, pets a hand over the damp hair at your temple and settles his hold against the side of your head. He nudges the tip of his nose against yours before he pulls a gentle kiss from your lips. When he opens them again, his eyes are begging for the words.
“You’re so good Josh, always perfect for me.” It causes his hips to break their rhythm momentarily as he twitches inside you.
His voice drops to a whisper. “Let me fill you up, give you another baby.”
Your brain turns it over rapidly. It wasn’t a real discussion you’d had, but even though you’d gotten back on birth control months ago and you’ve been together for almost a year, you’ve been using condoms all this time. Unless you didn’t, in which case he’d never even asked, he just didn’t cross that boundary. He’d paint your body with his release and you’d welcome it.
“Please.” His voice sounds strangled now, he’s hanging on by a thread and begging again for a response, his eyes locked onto yours.
“You wanna be a daddy, Josh?”
He clamps his eyes shut for a moment, a deep groan rumbles through him. He liked that, that’s obvious but it’s not a confirmation. “I’m already a daddy, my love. A damn good one. But I wanna see you all round and glowing with my baby inside you.”
A soft moan passes your lips. This is working for you in a way you would never have expected, and you can tell by the way he’s trapped his bottom lip between his teeth that it’s working for him too.
“Do it, cum for me. Inside.”
“Yeah… m’gonna knock you up, pretty girl. Make you a mama again. Fuck-“ His hips push into you hard and you can feel him spilling deep inside you as his mouth crashes into yours. You let him inside you there too, connected everywhere that you possibly could be. He stays tucked inside after he cums, and you whisper love into each other’s ears as you run your fingers up and down his back and over his shoulder blades.
When he finally lifts himself from your chest, propped up and smiling down at you, he surprises you again.
“You and Sam should move in with me.”
Things were not always perfect, but they usually came pretty close.
Josh had to leave sometimes, which you’d always known, he’d traveled for weeks at a time over the years, sometimes months and while it was never particularly easy, you and Sam got along just fine at home alone. As you always have.
He would call often, as much as he possibly could, and over FaceTime he would tell you all about what’s gone wrong, what’s gone right, and how he wished you were there with him.
“Where’s my boy? Isn't it almost bedtime? Lemme talk to him.”
You called for your now six-year-old who came running into the room, sliding to a stop and jumping onto the couch.
“DAD!! Dad I lost a tooth today, look!” He stretches his lips into a wide grin, showing Josh that one of his front teeth is in fact missing. “Mom said I have a gap like yours.”
You’re stifling a laugh with your palm as Josh flashes his own gap-toothed grin.
“That’s awesome buddy, I heard the tooth fairy is giving out crisp hundred dollar bills for high quality teeth like that one. I hope she delivers.” Your eyes roll back in your head, knowing you’ll have to make that happen. Josh notoriously spoils this kid. “Hey, someone else wants to say hi real quick.”
Josh passes the phone off and you see both of his brothers squeezing together to fit on the screen at the same time. Sam squeals in delight as Uncle Jake and “Big Sam” tell him that they’d heard that front teeth were worth $200.
“Nice hair dude, you’re gonna look just like me soon!”
“No, he looks like me. His namesake.”
Little Sam had decided he wanted to grow his hair out, and you’d let him give it a go. In reality, it just makes him look even more like you but you’ve decided not to hurt their feelings. Which is why you also choose not to reveal the truth, that he’d told you he wanted long hair because “Uncle Jake is so cool, Mom.” Sorry, Sammy.
When Josh takes the phone back, he tells you both how much he loves and misses you, and tells Sam that he better be good because he’ll be home soon and if he’s not good, he won’t get any of the gifts that are packed in Josh’s luggage.
The reunions were sweeter after the two of you had moved into Josh’s house, just a couple months after he’d first floated the idea. He would come home, to your shared home to be greeted first by your little boy and you’d watch as Josh kneeled to the floor to envelop him in a crushing hug that would make them both laugh wildly. He would scoop your baby up as he stood, keep him propped on his hip as he made his way to where you stood. His other arm would circle your waist and he’d pull you in to press his lips to yours, and Sam would make exaggerated sounds of disgust until Josh delivered a kiss to his forehead.
“It’s good to be home. I missed you guys so much.”
“Hey Sam, can you come with me real quick? I need to talk to you about something.”
You lift an eyebrow in question that Josh ignores as he leaves the kitchen with Sam, who’s happy to abandon his homework at the dining table.
Up in Sam’s room, which used to be a second guest bedroom (why Josh needed a house so big when he lived by himself, you’ll never know), Josh sits on his bed and asks him to sit next to him.
“First of all, you need to clean this room. What the hell are you doing up here?” Sam gasps and then giggles. “Don’t tell your mom I cursed.”
“She’s gonna be mad if I don’t go finish my homework.”
“You’re right. And she’s right, she’s always right, don’t forget that.” Sam’s looking at him expectantly, waiting for whatever he needed to talk about. Josh takes a deep breath and Sam knows this is gonna be a long one, Dad talks a lot.
“Sam, I love your mom very much.”
“Smart ass. Let me finish. I also love you very much, and I’m so lucky to be your dad. Incredibly lucky that she was willing to share you with me.” Sam knows that Josh is not his real dad, but it doesn’t matter to him. “You two are my whole world, you know that?”
Nodding his head, Sam’s hoping he’ll get to the point soon so he doesn’t get in trouble about the homework.
“I wanna ask your mom to marry me. But I wanted to make sure that was okay with you first.” Josh is chewing over his bottom lip nervously while Sam stays quiet.
“Does that mean you’d be my real dad?”
“Oh, buddy I’ll always be your dad. No matter what. But, we could make it more official, if that’s what you and your mom want.” He’s holding back tears that are burning his eyes as his son studies his face.
“Yeah that would be cool. I hope she says yes, you’re kind of a dork.” The tears spill over as Josh laughs loudly, totally and completely in love with the little boy in front of him.
Later that night, long after that pesky homework is completed and dinner has been eaten and dishes cleaned up, after having sent Sam off to bed at least an hour ago, Josh is leaned against the pillows scrolling on his phone. Waiting for you.
The bathroom light goes dark and he looks up to find you leaned against the doorframe of the en suite, draped in a short forest green robe that’s belted around your waist.
“Don’t you look lovely? You know green is my favorite color.”
“No kidding? How fortuitous that I bought a sexy little slip of satin in your favorite color. Who would’ve known?”
Blood is already rushing to his dick, your voice is low and seductive and having the exact effect you’d hoped for. The robe is for show however, and as you walk toward the bed your fingers pull the belt apart, allowing him a glimpse of the bare skin underneath.
“God I love you.”
“Mm, why don’t you show me how much?” As you reach the end of the bed, you let the satin slip over your shoulders and flutter to the ground.
He’d moved quickly to pull you in, limbs and heart tangled with yours, and he showed you how much he loved you, over and over again, leaving you both breathless and sweating, chests heaving as you rested your head against his.
Drawing soft circles over the shape of his muscles, he stopped the motion of your fingers to grasp your hand and bring it to his lips. When you lifted your gaze to his face, he knew anything he had planned wouldn’t compare to this moment
“Flower?” You hum in response, eyes not leaving his as his expression turns serious. “Baby, I want to adopt Sam.”
You push off of him to sit up and see him clearly, whispering, “Really?”
“Yeah. And I think he wants that too. I should’ve talked to you about it first but it sort of just… came up when we were talking earlier. Would you want that?”
You’re nodding your head enthusiastically before realization hits you and your smile slips. “Josh, I don't think you can if we’re not-“
“Married?” You’re nodding your head again, mouth turned down into a full frown. He sits up to lean into you, a hand coming up to wrap around the back of your neck and pull your lips to his and then rests his forehead against yours, as he so often does. “The thing is, more than anything really, I would love it if you’d marry me.”
Pulling away, eyes wide and jaw slack, you stare at him until he speaks again.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?”
There’s a ring hidden away, but the plan has been abandoned and he has nothing to offer you right now aside from himself.
“Yes, absolutely yes.” You’re crawling into his lap, kissing over his face held in your hands and he’s laughing as your kiss lands on his lips.
When you pull away again, love swimming in both of your eyes, he says, "Thank god, Sam said you might say no because I'm a dork. Am I allowed to start grounding him now?
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sunasrintarhoe · 6 months
To You. To Us
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warnings: swearing, talk of sex, talk of a threesome, implied dubcon (didn’t actually happen), slight angst, implied mxm, lowercase intended
a/n: i know i said skz dune!au but this felt like a way to ease into writing for skz lol. constructive criticism is welcome!! enjoy
“the sexual tension between you two is killing me…”
“what the fuck are you talking about?” your head snapped to jisung, your boyfriend of two years.
“i’m just saying that if you two fucked it would cure this whole stupid rivalry thing you have going on!” he threw his hands up in exasperation. you had been in your apartment, cuddled up to each for the last two hours, watching anime, not a word had been said prior to this.
“i still have no idea what you’re talking about.” you separated yourself from him and he pouted.
“jagi, don’t be like that. you and i both know what i’m talking about.” he tried pulling you back into his arms, whining.
he was talking about minho. the guy you didn’t acknowledge when he walked into a room, the guy you avoided with everything in you, the guy who told you that you weren’t good enough for jisung…
looking away, you stayed silent, your mind whirring with the memory of minho warning you to stay away from his best friend.
‘if only you knew…’ you thought as you turned on your side away from him.
“jagi-” jisung tried to get your attention. “i’m not- i don’t-“ he huffed, unable to find the words. “i just want my two favorite people in the world to get along…” he sighed.
you could feel your eyes stinging with tears as you sat up. he would never understand- he couldn’t. minho hated you because he was in love with jisung and you took him away.
you sighed softly and stood up, “i’m gonna go shower.” your words soft as you walked toward the bathroom. jisung stayed quiet, his lip aching between his teeth. he needed to know what was going on.
minho felt like shit. his head pounding as he sat up in his bed.
“why is it so fucking cold?” he groaned. the breeze on his balls made him tense. “what the fuck?” he jumped as he realized he was naked. he never went to bed naked.
he threw his blankets off in a rush threw on boxers. the last thing he remembered from the night before was going out with the others.
“what the fuck did i do?”
he rushed out of his room to look for one of the other members. he could hear talking in the kitchen, making him run over.
“i’m surprised he kissed you.” seungmin said as he opened a water bottle, handing it to felix.
his neck was covered in bite marks and hickies, a blurry memory of blonde hair and freckled skin passed through minho’s mind. fuck.
his eyes widened in realization for the second time.
he fucked felix.
“good morning, lover boy~” chan seemed to appear out of thin air, his hand ghosting the skin of minho’s lower back.
it was then that minho registered the ache in his hips and back side. what the fuck happened last night?
chan, recognizing the faint panic in minho’s face, entered his line of vision. “lino?… what’s wrong?” his pretty mouth was pulled into a frown of concern. minho shook his head. “hyung… what happened last night?”
chan groaned and rubbed his face. “fuck… fuuuuck!” he walked away from minho. “i’m so fucking sorry, mate. it-it was a mistake, i didn’t realize you were that drunk and-and-“ minho tuned out chan’s rambling as the memories of last night filtered in. the kissing, the biting, the moaning. he remembered it all.
minho’s sigh of relief made chan pause. “oh thank god, i thought i brought someone home.” min groaned and rubbed his face.
“ah, so you remember?” felix’s deep voice cut through the silence.
“yeah” minho laughed out, “and it was all very consensual, hyung.” he turned to chan. “i wanted it, just as bad.” he reassured the aussie.
chan groaned and rushed out leaving behind a laughing seungmin.
“i’m surprised he can even walk, hyung. don’t you remember?” seungmin pretended to moan, “it’s so tight, you can’t even take this c-“
“KIM SEUNGMIN!” chan came barreling back into the room. the room went silent again.
seungmin sprinted out of the kitchen and to his room, chan following closely behind.
“and then there were two. “ felix smiled, making min look at him.
“you know, this could be a regular thing if you were to join us…” felix’s tone was suggestive.
minho smiled softly.
“i know…”
felix’s smile fell. “you don’t have to wait for him.”
minho nodded.
“i know.”
he walked back to his room, choosing to get ready for the day.
he needed to talk to jisung.
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Love Actually - George Russell x Reader
Pairing - Prime Minister!George Russell x Reader
Word Count - 3.8k
Content Warnings - Swearing, an overwhelming amount of biscuit-related metaphors and jokes, awkward British flirting, sickeningly sweet fluff, very slight angst, Christian Horner is the bad guy, happy ending.
Synopsis - You are the new catering manager at number 10 Downing Street, starting your job on the same day as newly-elected Prime Minister George Russell. What you don’t expect, is to fall for him so quickly, and for him to reciprocate your feelings.
Author’s Note - If you can’t tell, this is totally based on the love story between Hugh Grant’s character and Martine McCutcheon’s character in the film Love Actually, which is one of the best Christmas films ever made! Sorry for getting off track with these, I will be writing the fics I didn’t post before Christmas between now and new year, so I should hopefully be able to catch up with what I’ve missed! I felt like this was perfect for George, I think he’d be a good prime minister, though honestly, with the state the country is in right now under the fucking tories, I’ll take anyone with their head screwed on right lol 😂 Anyway, without further ado, let’s go!
You stand in the grand hallway of 10 Downing Street, your hands shaking slightly by your sides as you hear the shouting of journalists and the clicking of camera shutters from outside the door.
Honestly, you hadn’t expected to get the job when you had applied, only going for it on a whim. Your mother always said ‘the worst thing they can say is no’ but at this very moment you realised she wasn’t exactly right. The worst thing they could say is yes, and then you’d be stood, shaking like a leaf, as you wait for the new Prime Minister to enter his new home and greet you.
George Russell had barely won the election. From what you’d overheard during your induction shift, it had been almost too close to call, and the party were already scouting out coalition partners to affirm their position as heads of state. But the final constituency clinched it, a historic Conservative stronghold turned red for the first time in years, giving the party enough of a majority to lead the government alone.
You were happy, after all, you weren’t sure that you’d be able to serve tea and biscuits to a Tory. It wasn’t something you’d really considered when you applied for the job, but you were overjoyed to see the man you voted for celebrate onscreen as you finalised your contracts for your new position.
The door to Number 10 creaks open, and a serious looking man walks through the door with Larry the cat at his heels. Larry immediately runs over to you, taking a seat beside your feet and meowing up at you.
You bend to stroke him between the ears, and he immediately begins purring at your touch. The cat sprawls out at your feet, revealing his fluffy belly to you which you stroke gently.
The housekeeper, a kindly woman in her late fifties, gives you a tap on the shoulder and you look up, to see Prime Minister George Russell stood before you.
You shoot up, smoothing down your skirt with an awkward smile. George holds his hand out for you to shake.
“I’m sorry sir, I never could resist the urge to pet a cat.” You say, taking his hand and shaking it firmly.
“It’s okay, I heard Larry is quite the judge of character, so it’s a good sign, I assure you.” George says, offering you a nervous smile.
“(Y/n) is new here too, sir, she’s to be your catering manager.” The man stood beside George says.
“Ah, so it’s your first day here too? The first day in a job is always quite scary.” George says, and you nod your head.
“I was absolutely shitting myself when I first got here sir.” You say, immediately wincing at the fact you had just sworn in front of the new Prime Minister.
“Oh god, I’m mortified, I really just said ‘shit’ to you, didn’t I?” You say, your cheeks instantly turning red. “And I just said it again, I’m so sorry, sir!”
“It’s alright, I believe what you said was ‘shitting’ actually, but you could have said fuck or some variation of fuck which would have been much worse.” George says, offering you a small smile.
“Well, thank fuck for that, eh?” You say, your eyes immediately going wide, your cheeks burning even more as you urge your brain to do something about the situation you had found yourself in.
“Thank fuck for that indeed.” George says, chuckling slightly as he is pulled away by the man beside him towards the large staircase in the centre of the grand hallway.
The housekeeper places her hand on her shoulder, and you exhale a shaky breath.
“I was so nervous I didn’t know what to say and then all these words just came tumbling out of my mouth. I’m going to get fired, aren’t I?” You say, and she gives you a sympathetic smile.
“Don’t worry dear, we all get nervous, and he doesn’t seem the type to fire someone over something as silly as a swear word or two.” She says, and you sigh.
“I hope so. I think Larry the cat has already gotten attached.” You say, looking down at the feline who was circling your legs, brushing against them gently to urge you to pet him some more.
Everyone clears the hallway and you bend down to pet Larry once again.
“I bet you don’t have this problem, do you?” You say to the cat as you scratch between his ears, and he lets out a satisfied meow.
“I thought not.” You say, before standing and walking over to the kitchen, with Larry following you every step of the way.
Not long after your first meeting, you find yourself walking up the staircase of Number 10 towards the office of the Prime Minister himself, a tray in your hands containing a China cup and saucer, and a plate of chocolate biscuits.
Larry had refused to leave your side since first meeting him, and now followed you up the stairs a little too closely. You stumble slightly as he steps between your feet, and you fight to find your balance without the aid of your hands which were occupied by the Prime Minister’s refreshments.
“I can see you’re going to be trouble.” You say to the cat as you find your footing at the top of the stairs, and Larry meows at you, stopping to lick his paws in the middle of the hallway.
You reach the door to the office, balancing the tray on one hand to knock lightly on the door.
“Come in.” George shouts from behind the door and you twist the handle, stepping into the office.
George offers you a warm smile when he spots you, and you offer him the same smile in return, a light blush dusting your cheeks.
You set down the tray before him on his desk, and he immediately takes the cup in his hands, swallowing a large gulp of hot tea.
You turn on your heels to exit, but quickly reconsider and whirl back around.
“I’m sorry, about earlier. I didn’t mean to be so… crude with my language. I’d understand if you’d want to hire someone else instead.” You say, and George looks up at you over his cup.
“Crikey, no, it’s not a problem. Everyone gets nervous, especially on their first day on the job. Between you and me, I’m shitting it too. First thing on my agenda is ‘fix the country’ which, based on the state my predecessor left it in, isn’t going to be an easy job. But it will be made considerably easier if you keep making perfect cups of tea like this one.” George says, and you smile.
“I’m glad you won. I would have done the job if the other guy had won, but it was you I voted for, sir. I just wouldn’t have made him good tea, I’d have used the cheap tea bags and skimmed milk.” You chuckle, and George laughs too.
“Call me George, please. It feels a bit weird having people call me sir when really my job is to serve the people. That’s what we’re supposed to do, anyway, as Prime Ministers, but most of them end up cocking that part up and just serving themselves instead.” George says, before taking another sip of tea.
“You’re right there, sir, I mean, George.” You say, leaning forwards slightly to lift the plate of biscuits off of the tray and set them down on his desk.
You glance up at him for a moment, and realise his eyes are very much not on your face but are instead looking much lower, and you blush.
George notices you looking at him and his eyes immediately find the wall, his own face decorated with a light blush.
You lift the tray and tuck it beneath your arm.
“Is there anything else you need, si- George?” You ask, and George’s eyes finally find your own again.
“No, this is perfect, I mean, the tea is perfect, thank you.” George sputters, and you smile at him, before turning on your heels to walk back towards the door.
What you didn’t realise, was that Larry had followed you into George’s office, and had sat himself beside your feet once again. You trip over his fluffy body, managing to regain your footing just about and avoiding the embarrassment of falling onto the floor.
You rush over to the door, almost disappearing behind it before popping your head through once again.
“Let me know if you need anything at all, more tea perhaps? I imagine fixing the country is going to take a little longer than that cup will last.” You say, before shutting the door behind you.
You exhale a shaky breath and rest your head in your spare hand, your back pressed up against the door.
“You’re going to be a real problem for me, aren’t you? You fluffy little thing.” You say, looking down at Larry who was once again pressed up against your leg.
Larry meows happily before running away down the staircase of Number 10 as you roll your eyes.
You had quickly settled in to your role as catering manager at 10 Downing Street. Just two weeks into the job, you found that you were able to predict when George would be wanting a cup of tea or a snack brought up to his office, often you would be on your way up the staircase before he had even called you to make his request.
After being told not to bother knocking anymore, you push your way into George’s office to find him stood before the fireplace, one hand resting against the mantelpiece while the other contained a half-empty glass of scotch.
“Are you okay, George?” You ask, setting down the plate of jammy dodgers on his desk before taking a tentative step toward him.
“I know I wanted this job, but fuck, it’s hard.” George says, turning to face you.
You offer him a sympathetic smile as he downs the rest of his scotch.
“I brought you some jammy dodgers, but I don’t think they pair so well with scotch. Maybe a bourbon biscuit instead?” You chuckle, and George smiles, exhaling slightly through his nose.
“What would you do, if you were me?” He asks, and you shake your head.
“I genuinely wouldn’t have a clue. That’s why you’re the one running the country and I’m the one bringing you biscuits.” You say with a smile.
“I don’t have a clue either. You know, I thought that being Prime Minister I could do some good, undo all the shit that ten years of Conservative bollocks sprayed across the country. But I’m just being pulled from pillar to post by my party members who all want different things. How can the people of one party all have such different opinions?” George says, setting his glass down on the mantelpiece and throwing himself down in his armchair.
“They may all want different things, but they chose you to lead them, George. They all feel that you were the best choice for the country, and all of us, the voters, we agreed. Some people like custard creams, some people like jammy dodgers, and there are even weirdos out there who like rich tea biscuits despite how boring and bland they are. But you’re the one at the shop looking at the biscuit aisle and you get to choose what to buy. You may know which biscuits people like and which ones they don’t, and that’ll help you to make your choice, but ultimately it’s about choosing the right biscuit that will satisfy the most people, even if it isn’t their favourite.” You say, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Somehow you biscuit-themed analogy makes more sense politically than anything I’ve been told by my cabinet in days. Thank you.” He says, placing his hand on top of yours.
You feel your cheeks heating up at the sudden contact, and instinctively want to pull away, but decide against it. The feeling of his soft hand on your sends shivers through your body.
“I also really want a biscuit now after that, you brought jammy dodgers, right?” George says, jumping up from his seat, your hand sliding off his shoulder and immediately missing the contact with him.
He runs over to the desk and grabs the plate, sliding one into his mouth before offering them to you. You oblige, taking one and crunching away half of the biscuit.
“I just have to find my political jammy dodger, a policy that will satisfy the most people in the best way, but will also satisfy me and my policies too. Thank you, (y/n), you’re wonderful, as always.” George says through as mouthful of biscuit, and you smile.
“No, you’re wonderful. I heard that the last guy forced everyone to eat rich teas all the time because they were his favourite, despite knowing that only he and his rich friends were the only ones that liked them.” You say, and George laughs.
“You know, I think I heard the same rumour.” He chuckles, and you turn to walk towards the door.
“Enjoy your biscuits George, I’ll see you later with your evening cup of tea.” You say, and George furrows his brows.
“Evening? What about dinner?” He asks, and you roll your eyes.
“You have a meeting with the Japanese ambassador at five so you won’t be around.” You say, and George nods.
“You’re honestly a better PA than my actual PA, he never tells me half of these things. I’ll be looking forward to my evening tea, then.” He says, giving you a warm smile as you disappear behind the door, closing it with a click behind you.
Larry runs beside you as you take brisk steps towards the door of George’s office, meowing loudly for your attention.
“Not now, Larry, I’m busy! I’m sure Lewis will be more than happy to rub your tummy if you ask him nicely!” You say, and the cat looks up at you, becoming quiet for a moment before resuming his meows.
“Someone wants attention.” You hear a voice say behind you and you turn to see a man you do not recognise stood behind you.
“Larry spends more time watching me make tea and sandwiches than he does catching mice these days.” You say, giving in to the cat and scratching him behind his ears.
“He’s a smart boy. I too would rather spend my time following a beautiful woman like you around, rather than catching those filthy creatures.” He says, taking a step towards you.
You flinch slightly as his hand reaches out to tuck away a stray strand of hair behind your ear. It’s at this point you recognise him, the leader of the opposition, Christian Horner. The man you probably would have been making tea and biscuits for had the votes swung in the opposite direction.
“I’m sorry, sir, I really should get going, I have a lot to organise for the meal with the French President tomorrow.” You say, pulling away from his touch which lingered slightly too long at the side of your face.
“Oh, so soon? Well, maybe come election time you’ll be working for me instead, and we can have more fun together then, hm?” He says, and you take a deep breath to hide the disgusted look on your face. You knew for a fact that the bastard already had a wife and kids, and yet he was so shamelessly trying to flirt with you out in the open like this.
Even if he wasn’t married, you would never be interested. You’d realised only a week into the job you’d only ever have eyes for one man, the man whose schedule you knew off by heart, who always complimented you on your tea-making skills, and valued you as a human being, and didn’t just see you as some pretty young thing in a skirt. You knew you were in love with George, and you didn’t want anyone else, especially not some smarmy git in an ill-fitting suit like Christian Horner.
You hear someone clear their throat a few metres away, and your head snaps to face them, your face dropping instantly when your eyes meet his.
“Okay, right, you, um, left this on my desk.” George says, holding out a folder marked confidential towards Christian.
You look up at George, your eyes now glassy as you see his are devoid of emotion. Oh god, you hope he hadn’t gotten the wrong impression after Christian’s advances.
“Thanks George, I’ll see you in the House of Commons tomorrow for the debate. Maybe this time you won’t embarrass yourself, hm?” Christian says, before walking away down the staircase.
“George, that wasn’t what it looked like, I promise, he just… I didn’t…” You begin, but you’re not entirely sure of what to say.
“Don’t worry about it.” He says nonchalantly, before walking past you and into his office, slamming the door behind him.
You jump at the loud noise, and Larry cowers behind your legs.
“Oh god, I’ve cocked this all up big time, haven’t I?” You say, and Larry meows at you, almost as if to say ‘yes, yes you have.”
The time comes for you to bring George his afternoon tea. Following the earlier events with Christian, you decide to knock rather than just walking into George’s office.
“Enter.” He says, and you tentatively turn the doorknob, stepping into the room and closing the door behind you with a soft click.
“I brought you your afternoon tea.” You say, taking a few steps towards George who was scanning some important documents, a pen in his hand following along with every word as he reads.
“Just leave it on my desk, thanks.” He says, not even looking up at you as he speaks.
You place the cup and saucer down gently next to the many documents that littered the desk with a clatter.
“George, please, let me explain.” You say, fidgeting with your hands before you, feeling almost as nervous as you had done on your first day.
“You don’t have to explain anything. It’s fine.” George says rather firmly.
“I do, I do. It’s all Larry’s fault, he was meowing for attention and then he appeared and before I could stop him his hand was on my face and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted him to stop but I’m just the girl who brings the biscuits and he’s the leader of the bloody opposition. But I knew I wanted him to stop because there’s only one man I’d let touch me like that and it certainly isn’t him.” You say, speaking faster than your brain could think.
George looks up from his papers, making eye contact with you over his glasses.
“He didn’t ask you before touching you?” George asks, and you shake your head.
“No, it happened too fast and I hadn’t even had time to ask him to stop once I realised what was happening.” You say, and George stands from his desk, taking a few steps toward you.
“It’s okay. You shouldn’t let him, or anyone else for that matter, get away with that sort of thing. You’re not just the girl who brings the biscuits, you’re a damn human being and you deserve better. And if they threaten you, well, they’ve got me to answer to.” George says, offering you a small smile.
“Thank You George, you’re a real gentleman.” You say, mirroring his smile back at him.
“You said there’s only one man you’d let touch you like that, I’m sorry, I never asked, do you have a partner? Boyfriend? Husband?” He asks, and you shake your head.
“No, there’s just this guy that I know, he’s really sweet and kind and funny. I haven’t known him long, but I’ve found myself falling for him rather quickly, even though I know it would never work out.” You say, your cheeks blushing red.
“Why wouldn’t it work out?” George asks, his eyebrows furrowed.
“He has a really important job, but I’m just a caterer. I don’t think he’d ever give me a second glance.” You say, and George’s hand finds your own, lacing his fingers with yours.
“Oh really? Well, if I was him, I’d snap you up before some other guy had the chance to.” George says, and you chuckle.
“Okay then, so what would you do, if you were me? If you fancied a very important man but were too nervous to tell him you fancied him?” You ask, your eyebrow raised.
“I genuinely wouldn’t have a clue. That’s why you fancy an important man, and I fancy a girl who’s metaphors are almost entirely biscuit-related, but we’re both still single.” George says, taking your other hand and intertwining your fingers together.
“I don’t have a clue either.” You chuckle, before George’s lips find your own in a sweet kiss.
Your lips are only together for the briefest of moments, but the contact sends an electric sensation throughout your body, and you instantly want more.
George releases your hands and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer, and you throw your now-freed hands around his neck, pressing your lips together once again in a deeper, more passionate kiss.
At that moment, the door swings open and Lewis looks over at the two of you, his mouth agape.
You immediately pull away from George, and the two of you begin to chuckle.
“I’ll, uh, come back later?” Lewis says, before closing the door behind him.
“He won’t say anything, I trust him with my life.” George says, and you nod, pressing the tip of your nose against George’s own.
“He might not, but our fluffy friend here has a real loud mouth on him, and loves to gossip.” You say, gesturing down at Larry the cat who must have entered the room when Lewis had opened the door.
Larry weaves between yours and George’s feet, meowing excitedly at the two of you.
“It’s a good job none of my cabinet knows how to speak cat, then!” George says, and you shake your head while chuckling slightly.
“I love you, George.” You say, pressing your forehead to his.
“I love you too, (y/n)” George says, before claiming your lips once again in a sweet kiss.
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sempsimps · 7 months
Drunk Alastor x (fem reader)
oof here we go second fanfic ever, i loved the support i got from the first one and honestly i was confused and inspired (sorry if my writing sucks :] but im taking advice and using ,'s also this took me a week to write lol) also its a little head cannon of mine but i feel like Alastor would actually really like Shakespeare idfk
angst with comfort
description of a panic attack (writing from experience oop)
sub Alastor soft dom reader (be gentle he's sensitive lmao)
drinking ikik shock horror
some biting and hickeys mentioned
blowing off steam i guess
might be ooc becuse I've never written (anything) Alastor before
more tags to cum :P
i hate to say it but mimzy was right, put on some jazz and pour some rye and alastor becomes a kitten, so i did just that. when husk left he was my only cover from mimzy so i was stuck with her. all she talked about was either alastor and her "amazing dancing skills" 'yeah right, yesh talk about self centred' it was so obvious she liked alastor more than a friend but t did apreaciate the tips even if she didnt know we were a thing, the whole loan shark situation clearly was the last straw for alastor especially after lucifers whole uh well "fight", he claimed to have to let off some steam with the loan sharks but i could see right through him, although i secretly cheered when alastor told mimzy to leave the hotel the irritation was clear on alastors face his smile seeming off and so with my newly learned information to use i turn to husk he seemed shaken as well.
"yo husk you wouldn't happen to have a full bottle of rye?"
he looked at me one eyebrow raised and turned around to a locked box with a padlock and everything from under the counter 'the fuck'.
"i know you and al are uh whatever the fuck you are but j-just don't tell him i gave this to you because well hell probably make me pay in some way"
"oh, okay then no problem i wont say a thing"
Husk handed me the bottle 'oh shit okay then he really loves ....' i turn the bottle to read the label, it said straight whiskey 'ah that makes so much sense, okay' i slowly nod at husk as he opened two more bottles 'oh shit that bad okay then' i gave him an awkward salute and walked off the bottle in hand, i headed to my room to grab a blanket and my speaker thing to play jazz/electro swing from my playlist with some of my favourites on there, after todays events i knew that he would need a drink and i wanted to save husk some trouble and ya know spend time with al. so i got to work setting up i had the only spare key to his private study and i thought that the swampy area would look nice, i brought a black and red plaid picnic blanket from my room to put on the ground using random rocks to keep the corners in place i found a short stool it was wooden and looked right at home in this room the deer accents on the legs added a nice touch i used that to place a candle, it said it was "black cherry" on the label 'that name isn't really fitting the candle its red, but it certainty dose smell like cherries' i placed it onto the wooden surface i stood up and walked towards the wooden side of the room looking back at my small display and smiled 'not as shit as i thought it would look, improvement !' i looked around the room and found some glasses they were cool looking 'oooo fancy' i set onto the stool along with the untouched bottle of rye, i connected the speaker to my phone Alastor disliked the fact i had it to begin with but accepted it as a safety measure if i ever needed it which he made sure i didn't, anyway the devices connected and the first song posing started to play i nodded my head along before i left the room i made sure to light the candle 'okay now to find the unusually grumpy deer' i exit his study and locked the door behind me, the rest of the staff and residents were off in their rooms or busy with somthing, it was quite late now. i heard the click of the lock and pocketed the key and off to search for the strawberry man, it didn't take me long to hear the static and loud screeches coming from the lobby i was now hurried in my steps i approached the sound of Alastor and seen him leaning over the bar half demon mode towering over husk his antlers protruding from his head and the green symbols slowly floating around him, no doubt dials in his eyes.
"husk for your own soul,where is it!?"
"i told you b-boss its not here"
'oh shit oh shit oh fuck, okay i fucked up' i seen husk slightly trembling ears pulled back, wings tucked behind him and our eyes meet he asked for help silently, i half ran and half jogged towards Alastor, i gently tugged at his coat getting a large radio feedback screech jumping a little at the sound, before he turned around around with an audible snap to see me and i reacted by rushing out my words.
"hey! al i know you hate being touched but i didn't know how to get your attention safely but that's not important right now! come with me"
i spoke rapidly briefly confusing the deer he froze. antlers going back to normal shape and size before i kinda dragged him out of the lobby towards his study by the tail of his coat giving husk a last look of apology, i felt a light tug at my wrist and i let him go immediately and i held my head down in slight embarrassment as we walked down a hallway.
"although i don't completely despise the touch from you my dear, but-"
"no no its okay sorry i know i pushed a boundary. just didn't know how else i was suppose to calm the situation and uh i have the rye Mimzy said you liked it so i asked husk for some that's why he uhh didn't have it...."
i seen his eye twitch momentarily as we walked. the silence was deafening low sound of static emitting from him echoing in the hallway eerily, but as we got closer to his study his ears fluttered up at the muffled soft sound of jazz that was coming from the room, his slightly strained smile fell into a smirk his whole face softening, he snapped his fingers to open his study greeted by the set picnic blanket and the sent of the candle wafted in the air masking the dead venison that was all around in this room with cherries instead.
"i know its not a lot but i thought it would help with the shitty day you've had, well i don't even know what to call the thing you got with lucifer.... b-but that's besides the point i just thought i would keep you company if you need too vent or just relax"
"thank you my dear, i appreciate the gesture"
his smile was soft as he walked over to the blanket and sat down i slowly trailed behind him, he took of his coat and folded in onto the stool his dress shirt looking a little dishevelled as he unclipped his bowtie resting it on top 'oh thank fuck i was scared he would be mad or kill husk, welp he isn't so ill take that as a win' i sat next to Alastor and he opened the whisky and poured us both a glass, his glass had more in it 'i guess he dose need this' Alastor sighed and took a large sip leaning back onto his elbows landing just at the end of the blanket i took a swig of my glass feeling the strong liquor on my tongue my eyes squinted at the taste.
"hey.....do you want to talk about it?"
the silence was now more comforting now the white noise of Alastor's static taking a soft spot within the wordless jazz songs, i still held my glass and decided to quickly down it i felt like i needed it for this conversation, it is liquid courage after all. he obviously felt the same taking a sip before answering.
"i didn't want to send Mimzy away.... we were in the same circles when alive... she's a dear friend of mine! but the danger she carries with her often causes trouble due to her very nature"
his ears pinned back to his head his smile straining ever so slightly his eyes showing his true emotion as he carried his rant i listened intently as he's now sitting up.
"and-and i just loath this feeling of being so controlled i was.... sad? to make her go but they made me! i feel that I've betrayed her my dear"
his head rested in his hands covering the sides his face, body hunched over suddenly his eyes scrunched closed in pain? 'wait pain!?' hands moving to his throat wrapping around like he was choking laboured breathing could be heard, his slight shivers running throughout his body, ears twitching, opening his eyes focused on the grass in front him the body movements seizing up smile ever present 'oh fuck uuhhh i need to do somthing' my voice slightly wavers as i softly spoke to not scare him.
"hey hey hey al its gonna be okay hey....'
i knelt to face him slowly putting my hands in front of were his eyes were focusing on the floor as to not scare him, the grip around his head and neck loosened and he removed his hands to place them gently in mine, they were shaking so i closed my hands around his softly. i looked towards his face his eyes were shut closed to try too banish the tears smile still present but barely holding emotion i knew he hated to show weakness so this was a very rare occurrence but the distress was clear. he moved my hands to his face i let him guide me so he could be in control, he reviled in the soft contact calming himself down, his breathing evened out and i felt heat leave his face and his body relaxed as he leaned back onto the blanket pulling me with him and i lay next to his form.
"heyyy al i know this is.... difficult but ill always be here. okay? ill always be here for you no matter what"
"t thank you...."
no words were said from there as we both had another glass clinking them before downing it each laying down again, i softly rub my thumb against his palm to be comforting 'im not good at this shit'. i sigh and i let go and reached out to refill my drink again i lifted it to my lips the smooth jazz ended and the next song on was "eat you by carnival of thieves" and i only had a sip of my fourth drink before i was on my feet 'when did he get up!' i placed the glass down on the stool.
"come on my dear lets dance!"
"are you sure?"
"why wouldn't i be?"
i looked to his face he seemed happier now 'ah alright then, glad he got that out' i linked hands with Alastor he pulled me into him almost crashing into his chest. i looked up to see in his eyes now looking at me with soft passion as we danced along the grassy area of the room, my feet not as accustomed to dancing as my steps were out of rhythm to the surprising fast pace of the song, Alastor just laughed in response and he carefully moved in step to guide me, hips swaying to the sound. our feet now moving in sync to the beat of the song, he looked happy as he started to sing to the song joining in staggering my steps and signing along to the chorus.
"i go hungry every night~ ,but not this time around~~.... I'm gonna eat you, your my desire~"
"im gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire~"
"im gonna eat you~ ,cook and defeat you~ ,gonna breath you in my lungs and make you mine~"
his hands loosened in mine as we gently moved across the grass together letting all the stress of the day be released in the playful dancing. Alastor spun me around with a fancy flourish carefully so his face could rest in my neck, as the slower verse played we began to slowly sway back and forth i accidentally stepped on his foot from the odd angle
"oh shit sorry"
"haha don't worry my dear it was an accident"
"okay still sorry though"
" l'amour ne regarde pas avec les yeux mais avec l'esprit, donc Cupidon ailé est peint en aveugle" (love does not look with the eyes but with the mind, so winged Cupid is painted blind)
"such a charmer as always my love"
once the song ended we continued to dance together for many more enjoying the time we had, until i tripped on a rock falling backwards Alastor caught me with one hand on the small of my back other one still in my hand he made it look like this was practiced and i wasn't a dumbass 'wow maybe I've to much to drink already' i was pulled back onto both feet before being lead to sit down.
"maybe that's enough for now my dear wouldn't want you falling for me again, the run of true smooth never love course. wait no that's not right"
i rolled my eyes as we laid together yet again having another drink each Alastor having two, i was feeling giddy from the whiskey and so was he showing his more comfortable loving side that was a rare sight, his hands resting on my hip tracing circles not that he doesn't do all of this already but he was letting me do the same guiding my hands to his side to mimic his movements tracing patterns as we just talked together enjoying the company but the funny thing is that Alastor is a lightweight when it comes to drinking so its not even after the 5th round he is slurring his words around.
"these mortals be fools lord what!"
"uh huh?"
"in shine ink my may black still bright love"
"al what are you talking about?"
we laughed and talked some more but Alastor rolled my body to lay upon his, maybe it was the drinks were getting to both our heads but Alastor face was slightly red and i was feeling a little hot under the collar myself, sighing adjusting my position on top of Alastor i moved down to feel somthing against my thigh 'oh what the hell?- OH' my eyes snapped back up to meet his gaze that was looking away ears pointed flat against his head face competing for his hair shade.
"oh shit i uh i can get off?"
only response i got was a tight grip at my hips when i was about to get off, i felt claws lightly scratching at the skin holding me in place my face getting red 'oh shit okay then' and a low static emitting from his chest it was similar to a purr 'heh like a cat cute', i attempt to sit up only to have a harsh grip on my hips, i lightly tapped his hand so i could do that i sat up my thighs on either sides of his form feeling his excitement more prominent against my thigh 'i did not think that's how this would go' i slowly move against him grinding my hips in a slow rhythm looking at his face for conformation his eyes darted away ears still back but he didn't look upset in the slightest.
"you okay?"
i leaned down softly kissing his lips his pressed hard into mine savouring every moment 'he was touch starved has to be' moving my hand down to unbutton my shirt once down i sat back up to slide it off my body before i unbutton Alastor's dress shirt looking to his face for confirming it was okay which he gave a nod still grinding in my body i moved harsher and then i heard it. i halted myself completely 'holy shit this man whimpers' wide eyed he stared at my face i started to move again eliciting another breathy gasp and whimper. i reached down between our bodies to undo his belt with little effort and let his arousal out, the heat from it was intoxicating, as the precum smearing on my thigh my hand wrapped around it surprisingly big, plenty to fill me 'Jesus fuck he looks amazing' Alastor whimpers a little as i slowly pumped his length more low and quite sounds spilling from his lips i leaned down hands either side of his face to keep myself balanced his tongue asked for entry and i allowed it as i swallowed every sound he made i was getting out of breath and pulled away from the passionate kiss my body still moving against Alastor. his hands claw at my hips silently begging asking me to speed up, i lightly grasp at his wrists with both hands before i gripped them and pinned his hands either side of his head, ears perked up the look of shock and "fuck, do i find this hot?" in his face was worth dying for as i continued the teasing slow pace against his length he could easily stop me. he was powerful enough to, but he didn't, he let me take the lead and overpower him. i increased my speed feeling his ever heightening arousal he was quite vocal I'm guessing it was the alcohol because he doesn't tend to be like this the endless gasps filling the room 'holy fuck who would of thought that the great radio demon would want to be under me' i suddenly heard a low growl from his lips.
"stop teasing me dear"
"okay i will"
i moved my shorts and underwear to the side and lowered myself onto Alastor both of us crying out in pleasure as i fully went down, i didn't move 'fuck this feels so good fuck' i stayed still letting us both get comfortable again looking to him for a nod, in which he provided biting his lip. i slowly moved up and down along his length eliciting gasps from both parties. i had only moved so much before Alastor thrusted desperately into me needing the release i matched his pace quickly approaching my climax as i felt his cock twitch inside of me, the slick that pooled between my legs serving more than enough to glide it constant praise falling from my lips the demon under me turning into putty, a string of i love yous and gasps mixed with moans the outside world oblivious to us. i felt my body shake as i was close to cuming my thighs shudder as i hit my high, body slumping forward to kiss his lips. Alastor kept thrusting up into me he growled and snarled as he back arched and teeth sank into my collar bone, cock twitching as he came into me we both laid there in each others embrace finding comfort in one other as he lapped at the bite wound in apology. i phased in and out of sleep listing to his heartbeat 'I'm surprised he even has one' i felt him sit up keeping my body pressed to his.
"eh bien, c'était du sexe splendide, ma chérie"
Alastor took his cock out of me pushing it back into his boxers before he picked me up and walked us towards the wooden area of the room and opened a door into his actual bedroom laying us both down on his bed peacefully sleeping in the warmth of our bodies.
sorry if the ending seemed rushed i am completing this before i need to be up in like an hour and this has been driving me mental for a week sorry if my writing sucks :]
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voltstone · 9 months
LYCOS | tacet anima mea | (wenclair)
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Wednesday is waning. In her dreams, or by touch, she has been locked to one moment. Her visions know no peace. There is Enid, beneath moonlight, skin a dying shade. Then there’s herself, between the trees, drenched in blood, with the knife at hand… Her true nature writhes. This is just what happens when someone like herself snaps. It’s happened before, will happen again. Because Enid and Ajax have been together through several moons. And he knows his way around her heats. And Enid seems…happy, until she isn’t, and Wednesday has to put her back together. Enid has been stuck in a heat for a while now. And she smells good. She smells really, really good, and Wednesday will kill for it.
or, wednesday still doesn’t know what to do about enid, and enid’s biology really doesn’t help matters. she is going insane. (there will be bodies.)
— — —
hi wenclair fandom. im a shit updater. my last account bonked itself to death i guess. so i'm trying to rebuild on this one. this be the fic i'm working on now.
anyway uh. yeah. um. don’t be scared of omegaverse. i write it not how it’s done typically, if that's…a comfort. anyway. there’s angst and hurt/comfort and aro!wednesday and alexithymia to explore. :D
and  m u r d e r.
Okay, I am actually going to be genuine here. This is an explicit story, and I don’t just mean like, oh it has some smut. It does, but that’s not really why. This is a darker fic, with a lot of the focus being on (and through) Wednesday’s perspective.
Because Wednesday is fucked in the head. Which, like, no shit. But it is beyond what the show has for us since I’ve removed a lot of the sanitization.
Which explains this tag in particular.
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Yeah. Dead Dove solely because of Wednesday. Dark, angsty, and everything in between. But also just bizarre. It gets weird because Wednesday is a freak, and Enid becomes a consenting one. Sorry, but also not really. I find these kind of stories cathartic to write. Lol. 
(The rest of the tags from AO3 will be with the first scene down below. The first “chapter” of the fic is an A/N that also reiterates this, and kinda explains more as well.)
Also, this will be available on only AO3 because this story is very much designed to be read using a skin I made consistently throughout. (Essentially, it’s supposed to emulate Wednesday’s typewriter.) The catch is, I also utilize the default in some instances for specific reasons. 
ah well.
hope you enjoy!
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(read more for the first scene, and the AO3 tags.)
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SCALDING | moon | Pt.1
“…you’re not doing this to, like, try and mate with her, are you?”
enid is in heat. ajax tends to her. not well. not good enough. wednesday can do better, and when the boyfriend slips one too many times, she does just that. 
— — —
She bleeds wine. You expected something lighter — rose, or ruby. Like the hue to her lips, or what has bloomed across her face, then her ears, to a moment’s obscure discretion. Yet, perhaps it’s the wolf which dwells beneath her moonlit skin, and the nectar of its hide merely dreams to serve the full moon its bounty. 
As wine — the godly, goat’s blood incarnate.
Her hand reaches for a shadow between the trees. She’s broken. She’s weeping. Nevermore’s breath is a cold, dismal fog. It sticks to her as dew. The moon, ever the melodic sun, steams what life escapes her. Scalding moonlight, waning before her very eyes.
With the shadow, there’s a glint. Stained by red. Like blurry agony.
She screams of day. 
Reaches for the shadow.
For you.
And you’re calloused. A face like the Devil. Eyes as lit oil.
And you’re painted by Enid’s godly incarnate. Leeched to your clothes, down your hands. As for your lips, smeared across.
You bleed too — the Addams’ velvet. Though with each step forward, you can’t tell where velvet ends, and wine flourishes.
“Will it hurt?”
You don’t answer. Your eyes, lit, crack to glass, and the glass within them force a cruel swallow.
“W-Will it hurt…?!”
Again, you don’t answer.
Across your blade…
Wine gleams melodic sun instead.
continue: AO3
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roseofcards90 · 9 months
Ah, before I forget. What were your overall thoughts on Link Click? Like, s1 vs s2, favourite characters or arcs, that kind of thing? ^^
Omg!!! I'm so sorry about the wait 😭 I was trying to get all my thoughts together so I can type something coherent here so it's not just me rambling about how amazing the show is LMAO
Link Click spoilers below btw!!!
First off, I just wanted to say the overall mystery??? Executed very well! I was definitely not expecting both Tianchen and Tianxi to have powers (I thought something else was going on like they both swapped places/identities or something 😭), but it makes sense since they're siblings and they're meant to parallel the Shiguang duo! Even in the first season, I assumed it was only going to be one person that was the culprit behind the murders, but the show pleasantly surprised me with that! The siblings themselves were also just pretty tragic omg 😭 that whole flashback sequence with them being the foxes in the story, and Tianxi slowly sees Tianchen go down his dark path was so good. You already saw that post I made about them, but yeah I love tragic and doomed siblings as a trope it's great <3
One of my absolute favorite parts from the whole show tbh is the entirety of Season 1 Episode 11. That was a perfect final episode to end things off on and tease a season 2. Like the nonstop twists they kept pulling??? Like how they first initially present Emma's death as a suicide as a red herring but it turned out to actually be the case is so much more impactful and tragic than just having her be another person who was possessed by Tianchen. That whole scene with her and CXS on the bridge OUGHHH IT BROKE ME 😭 THAT WAS SO WELL DONE!!! The song, combined with the montage of all the people he and Lu Guang helped, him talking her down from ending it all and reaching out his hand to her with the sunshine rising above him...EMOTIONAL DAMAGE FR. Like I knew it wasn't going to end all happily, but the emotional impact was definitely there. And that ending omg — having Qiao Ling, one of the main characters we've gotten attached to and love dearly, be shown to have stabbed Lu Guang was brutal, especially for Cheng Xiaoshi 😭 the angst that came out of that and Qiao Ling feeling guilt for hurting Lu Guang even if it wasn't really her was all really heartbreaking. That whole thing, as well as Qiao Ling knowing what Lu Guang did to save Cheng Xiaoshi's life, really makes their relationship pretty rocky but also interesting!!! I want to see more of their duo together since the show has had plenty focus on Qiao Ling with CXS and CXS with LG, and also angst I want to see them both go through the horrors while CXS is standing there like :D LMAO
I would definitely say that Cheng Xiaoshi is my fave character out of the whole cast. I absolutely adore everyone else don't get me wrong, but I think what makes CXS so special and unique to me is how they made empathy one of his core defining traits. Because he’s lived through so many different lives and experiences, he just has a lot of compassion and understanding for all kinds of different people, and that's pretty admirable! Idk, I don't see that often much, especially in a time travel story of all places, but the premise works here very well along with how CXS is initially characterized as a very easygoing person who wants to help people at his core.
As for other stuff exclusive to season 2, I'm very curious to see what direction they'll go in for season 3 just with the way season 2 ended with that bombshell lol. When a season 3 does roll around, I hope we get more character exploration on the guy who's seemingly the main antagonist, Liu Xiao. I know we got some characterization with him because of his past with Tianchen, but I would love to see more of him and what his plans really are with trying to "bring more parallel lines together". Also Lu Guang betraying his own rules to save Cheng Xiaoshi I don't have anything else to say other than GOOD SHIT!!! I love it when characters are hypocrites I love it when characters in time travel stories break time itself to save the person they love <333 it's like crack to me I swear lol.
Other extra things!!! Soundtrack absolutely amazing, I've been listening to all the ops and eds on spotify lol. Character designs, voice acting (I watched the original Chinese version), and overall animation was amazing. High marks all around for me fr!!! I think personally I enjoy season 1 just a bit more? Only because that final episode was beautiful for me and I loved seeing all the different clients the duo had, but in terms of overall plot, I would put season 2 above season 1.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
fav authors?
surprise to literally no one i actually don't have one because i don't read much in real life, (like the ones I ever bought in real life were horror stories compilations) but i really like sarah hogle's humor, and rick riordan oh and!! diana wynne jones!!!
i also like humayun ahmed's short stories and anuja chauhan's novels ( funfact i read all of them) are my guilty pleasures tbh.
never forgiving red chillies for ruining the zoya factor by casting sonam WHEN THEY CASTED MY BABES DULQUER?!? (ik im going off tangent lols)
my favourite author is my inspiration, my muse, my mentor, my lover, my best friend—my rahrah!! no like fr tho i don't think i would have taken up writing seriously if it hadn't been for her. i got into writing as a means to like extend my overactive imagination onto somehwere so i didn't care about making it sound coherent or like organised until i met my favourite author. i read her stuff and it made me realise ah well fuck i gotta pull my shit together and took a hiatus from writing while trying different genres ( i had never wrote a drop of angst before that) and tried to replicate her writing by reading dozens of romantic era poetries because when i tell you her writing is literally flowing poetry while heavily based on action. like. you're behind the camera with her as she effortlessly narrates what is happening ad though youre experiencing it herself. it's safe to say ill never be able to reach her level but i geneuienly feel so blessed that i can call her my best friend and send my stuff to her bc like i dont think world recognition would as much her word does to me.
now onto TUMBLR,
who else other than @wildernessuntothemselves i had stopped reading on tumblr becase everything I was reading was getting boring and so many people were deactivating, UNTIL I stumbled across like this one drabble of yeonjun from them and oh my GOD WHEN I SAY SOME EMOTIONS WERE UNLOCKED IN ME it's like i had opened this whole new fucking chest of wonderful things—this is when i realised how much into dark stuff i am. and I feel like I really clicked with their writing because their dark writing, the obsessions and themes stems from the things like love which is like the best kind of motivation ever lmao ( it sounds so weird trust me im not a coherent person) and SO I READ ALL DO THEIR WORK, and again and again so i finished the loser lover series, the enhypen series they had and it was during yaqmn when i realised im into this shit for like i was SO FREAKING INTO IT like beomgyu is my favourite character ever from them ( close second to taehyun in hogwarts au sshhhhh) but yeah yaqmn made me realise that i wanna stay on tumblr but like also interact with them and be active in my own writing endeavours. also the author gave legit introduced me to so many cool authors with similar writing tropes and I am so so so thankful that I have found this side.
@hyewka gotta thank mort for introducing me to THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF rana like fr tho, like from the first story it was a hit on the nail on me. i love love love the way rana writes so so so much like they way they articulate their works, the whole situation and the emotions and their TROPES AGH CHEFS KISS. i love that their works are so long because it leaves room for me to see the development between the two characters making it feel so much worthwhile when they fuck in the end lmao like even their toxic works ( BRO HOW DO THEY ARTICULATE THEIR TOXIC CHARACTERS SO WELL) LIKE I'm literally always in awe bc it doesn't ever come off surface level? it's always so so detailed in the plain sight like whatever fucked up shit they do it notion they have it comes off genuine like this person isn't a caricature which is so hard to pull off. i can only ever wish to ever plot a detailed one shot like rana.
@itz-yerin the angst queen fr she is. okay but i know yerin is quite literally famous for her angsts( I'll come back this later) but what drew me to her stories were the fluffs. as someone who doesn't write fluffs because i feel i come off phony ( wow go off edgelord) but dude i read works and the way it's crafted with so much simplicity and love that you genuinely feel the love the characters have for each other and its done in the most mundane situations of life and i love that so much!!!
and her angst too omg, like i think ive never seen anyone tumblr yet use the trope she does in her angst and it's such a wonderful touch that makes me wanna keep reading ans ik most of her works don't really have a happy ending but it creates such a bittersweet ending that leaves this biting feeling in your heart. yerin truly the queen of hurt-hurt genre.
@channoticedmeuwu i know i haven't read much of kai's works YET BUT BRO listen the drabbles that ive read from like the flow of them genuinly makes me believe it's like those pretty lores and fairy tales that you are meant to narrate out out. the vocabulary choices and the way she structures her sentences gives me so so much joy like a number of time. ive literally sat there in awe rereading her sentences again and again. ALSO PACING!! the pacing makes me feeling like I'm walking the character, sometimes they way it indulges you into storyline is literally so magical. i swear to god i wish i could write like that man it's so so so soooo pretty!!
@ox1-lovesick was legit gobsmacked by sav's writing the first time i read them. it's so beautiful, and it's like so soft that makes you feel like. you have something swirling on the pit of the stomache—the fluff is so genuine and it doesn't come off performative at all WHICH IS LIKE SO FUCKING HARD TO DO?! bc you're reading stuff so you feel like ah yes I need to make them look like they are in love BUT NOT SAV even if it's the shortest passage the way they write genuinely makes you see the love the characters share and im out here shoving a pillow in my mouth or SHOVING IT IN THERE TO STOP laughing like THEY ARE SO FUNNY?!? SO FUCKIN FUNNY LIKE THEIR ONE LINERS GET ME SM OR SOME SHIT THEY WRITE LIKE got me giggling and cackling like a witch.
i actually don't read much but I'm trying to change that so when that happens this list will get WAY MORE LONGER!!!
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hey so are you telling me everything from season 1-5 happened in 2 YEARS?? ALL OF THAT IN 2 YEARS???? what the fuck actually
And y’know if I was lenient and not obsessed with stupid details and hurt/comfort potential, MAYBE I’d go “hm oh well maybe the turtles started their story earlier in life! Or maybe the show runners just wanted a good looking number and five looks best.”
But c’mon. A bit of a stretch to say that the 2k3 ninja turtles started all that bullshit at, say, thirteen years of age, no? Rise Mikey, sure, perhaps. But not these guys.
My theory is they didn’t wanna lose the ‘teenage’ in ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,’ which, if they were around fifteen in 2003, at least Leo would be an adult by 2006, meaning that if they wanted to anchor Fast Forward in a specific time (something you probably wanna do when fucking with time travel), they had to pick a year before 2006. Meaning that we now have another reason to consider Fast Forward somewhat disrespectful to the franchise because it was like “wow guys! Sure were two Busy Busy years huh!” And on one hand they constantly do shit and their life is full of danger and enemies so maybe all of that horrible horrible time could be shoved into two years and that would make for some pretty good angst potential, imagine!
“Mikey, hey, it’s okay! The Shredder’s defeated, we’re legendary across space and time, things will be better now!”
BUT on the other hand it feels, to me, personally, kinda unfair to shove all of it into two years? It feels like.. “let’s shrink all of this drama and trauma and character development into an impossibly short timeframe in the name of keeping the franchise alive.” Just Leo’s absence when he went to get therapy from the Ancient One was said to have lasted several months, and pretty early on we have a Christmas, meaning a year is ending soon, which cuts down our two years to one and maybe a week after Christmas Aliens.
Ah, I’ve pinpointed what frustrates me about this from the storytelling perspective — it makes the characters’ journeys feel too fast in retrospect. While we obviously can’t see every day of the rigorous training with the ninja tribunal, or of Leo’s stay with his crazy old man of a therapist, or the time spent healing at the Jones farm, we assume that it all happens gradually, slowly, that a significant amount of time passes. By shoving Fast Forward so close to all of this previous history, they basically took weight away from all the healing done overtime, from the lessons learned overtime, from the length, trust and weight of April and Casey’s relationship, all of the relationships in fact. And that kinda sucks ass!
A solution to this would’ve maybe been to shove Fast Forward somewhere earlier into the show. It did end up airing before the Ninja Tribunal season, but this wasn’t the original plan (NT season was made to be before this originally, and is now viewed as so, as intended) and they didn’t really try and edit it to happen before the Ninja Tribunal season either, obviously, as evidenced by the FF journal episode mentioning the Ninja Tribunal as though they were already an established and known part of canon. Also, yeeting the turtles into the future and then having them come back and do the Ninja Tribunal season would not have worked at all, it would be so jarring and sorta… a downgrade in danger I feel? Who’s gonna be scared of losing a fight if there’s already an established good future proving that they win, right?
Another solution would’ve been avoiding a set time altogether and just saying they got brought a hundred years into the future. What year is it? [shrug] How old are they? [another shrug] We’re just in the far future bitch. Don’t worry about it lol. That way anyone could bullshit around with the timeline as much as they wanted.
Thank god this show never did anyone’s birthdays as an episode. I think I would explode. [try not to think about how Splinter was never human and so he might not know what birthdays are or how they’re celebrated and so neither do the turtles. It’s not important rn haha]
Sorry for the ramble I am just so abnormal about this now. Because I am so happy for the FF season because we got the Dark Turtles, we got a happy ending for Stockman that I genuinely think he deserves at this point, we got Cody who I think is very fun, just overall so many fun concepts. But also. Fuck, dude! FF and BTTS were both a tad disregarding, a tad disrespectful to the history that came before them.
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Sideline Love ~ Chapter 15 ~ Most Stressful Time of the Year
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Pairings - NFL! Chris Evans and OFC Rebecca Rooney
Series Summary: All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he meets someone who could change his life... if she wasn't the bosses daughter. Can Chris change her mind with a little sideline love?
Word Count: 3K
General Warnings: smut! angst, cheating, parental interference, fluff, football Chris has beard ( 😏 ), injuries during the game, special appearance (don't @ me lol)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Becca Rooney and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
I am trying out a taglist. Please let me know if you would like to be included.
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
On the other side of families, it is actually peaceful.  With the animosity between Becca and her father ended, the little family began to prepare for its grand tour.  While plans for Boston had already been made, Becca made sure to plan a day with her family so they could do Christmas right before. Charlie had been thrilled, opening presents early and getting to spend time with her grandparents.
Becca, on the other hand was nervous. As she was packing for Boston, she recalled the first meeting between Chris’s family and herself and she panicked. “Chris what if your mother just remembers me as…”
“As what?” cutting her off. “Angel, I explained what happened to Ma and she was fine.”
“Of course she’ll say she’s fine but she could be harboring dark feelings about it.  I mean Scott was ok but your mom was only concentrating on you at the moment.”
“Sweetheart, please relax.  My mom is a very understanding woman.  I send her pictures of Charlie and you all the time. She asks all the time about you.”
“Really?” Becca chewed the side of her mouth, her tell that she didn’t believe him.
Chris sighed.  “Look, I know that we had that bump in the road and it just so happened while we were in Boston but trust me, my family is going to love you.”  He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too. But…”
Chris kissed her slow and deep, effectively shutting her up.  He pulled her close to him by her hips as her hands floated up to his hair, dragging his fingers through it.  He finally pulled away, leaving her breathless.  “Gonna keep talking?”
“Maybe.  Chris, I’m serious.”
“So am I”.  He kissed her again, this time walking her backwards against the wall. He pulled away. “Stop thinking Becca.  Everything will be ok.”  He started to work her neck, nipping and kissing.
“Chris,” she moaned, “we have to stop.  We need to pack.”
“Hmm, I know but you need a moment to relax.”  He started to pull her on her jeans, thumbing open the button and pulled the zipper down. His fingertips grazed the top of her panties.   
“Baby, ah shit,” she moaned as Chris dipped his fingers into her panties.
“Shh, quiet Angel.  Don’t want to wake Charlie do you?”  He stroked her gently, making sure to hit her clit with his palm. Becca’s head leaned back as she closed her eyes and pushed her hips forward. Chris chuckled against her neck.  “Enjoying it love?”
“Fuck yes,” she whispered trying to hold in her noises.
“I can tell. Cum for me Angel.” He continued to work his fingers until he could feel her tightening.  “That’s it.  That’s my girl.  Look at her, cumming on my fingers.” Becca bit onto his shoulder to quiet her moans. He slowed his movements as she came down from her high. He removed his hands and licked them clean.  “Feel better Angel?”
“I don’t think I can stand,” she replied, still holding on tightly to his forearms. Chris smirked and scooped her into his arms.  He carried her over to the bed and laid her down.
“Better.” She yawned but snapped her eyes open.  “What about you?”
“I’m ok Angel.  You can take care of me later.” He kissed her forehead.  “Take a nap. I’ve got some tape review to do for the game. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
The day before they were set to fly to Boston, Becca’s phone rang. “Hello?”
Becca, its Robert.
“Hi. What’s up?”
Tom has asked for a meeting with you while you are in Boston.  Just you.
“Me?  What the hell for?”
I don’t know.  I told him under no uncertain terms that you were meeting without counsel present.  But his lawyer called and explained what was happening. I think you should take the meeting.
“Robert, what is going on?”
I can’t say yet.  Just, think about it.  I promise, it would be worth it.
Becca said goodbye and hung up, sitting on the bench by the window.  Charlie was spending the day with Sebastian and Lizzy so Becca got lost in thought. She jolted up when her phone buzzed.
Tom: I promise it’s a good thing
Becca: You said that last time
Tom: I know.
Tom: But I need to say what I need to say to you in person
Becca: I don’t trust you
Tom: Bring Evans.
Becca: What?
Tom: Bring Evans.
Becca starred at her phone until Chris’s voice pulled her, starling her.  “Angel?”
“What time is it?”
“Almost six.  Angel, what’s wrong?”
“Tom wants to meet with us in Boston. Both of us.”
“Oh.”  Chris scratched his chin. “Okay.”
“Just like that.  Okay?”
“Well Angel, he must have something important to say.  We are Charlie’s parents so we have to decide what’s best for her.  If Tom wants to talk we should acknowledge that.”
Becca smiled softly. “We?”
Chris’s smiled faltered.  “I mean you are her…” but Becca stopped him.
“I love that it’s ‘we.’ You’re right.  We are her parents.  So the day after we fly in?”
“Its Christmas Eve Angel.  You sure?”
“If its going to ruin Christmas I would rather it be done sooner rather than later.”  She picked up her phone.
Becca: we fly in the 23rd .  We’ll meet you on the 24th.
Tom: Chris is from Boston right?
Becca: Yeah
Tom: Holy Grounds. 10AM
Charlie bounced in her seat for the short flight from Pittsburgh to Boston, her excitement being exaspertated by Chris’s own hyper energy.  The Steelers were going into a small Christmas break with the lead in the standing and Chris was riding the high. He had Charlie on his lap for most of the flight, describing things out the window until the pilot advised they were going to land.  “I can’t wait to show you around Angel.”
“I’ve been to Boston before love.”
“Yeah but not Sudbury.”
Coming off the plane with a 5 year old, a dog and three carry-ons, Becca and Chris tried to navigate to find the rental car desk when they heard.  “Yo Evans! You suck!”
Chris turned around to see who was yelling and a big smile graced his face. “Not as much as you do Evans!” Scott bounced forward and pulled his brother into a big hug.
“Its so good to see you and not in a hospital bed,” Scott said.  He let go to see Becca holding Charlie’s hand.  “Becca, its nice to see you as well.”  He pulled her into a gentle hug.  He let go and turned to Charlie, dropping to a knee.  “You must be Charlie.”
“Hi,” she said shyly before hiding behind Chris’s leg.
“Munchkin, this is my brother, Scott.  He’s…uh…”
“He’s your uncle, Charlie.  Uncle Scott,” Becca stepped in.
Charlie looked at Scott and then stepped towards him.  “You look like daddy.”
Scott chuckled.  “And you look like your mommy.  Can I give you a hug?”  Charlie stretched out her arms and Scott picked her up and hugged her before setting her on his hip.  “Ok Pitt gang, to the car!” Scott guided them to where he had parked and drove them home.  “Ma is excited to see you bro.  Its been Chris this and Chris that.  Geez, leave some love for the rest of us.”
“Don’t be jealous.”  They all laughed. 
“So Becca, how’s work.”
“Its ok.  Still not sure where I’ll end up after the season ends but at this rate I won’t know until February.”
“You think the Steelers have a chance?” Scott used the chance to rile Chris up but Becca answered.
“As long as I don’t distract the quarterback too much we should have a decent chance,” she deadpanned.
Scott roared with laughter as Chris threw a smirk her way. “I’m ok with you trying as much as you want Angel.”
“Oh gross,” Scott said, fake throwing up.
“Uncle Scott, are you sick?” Genuine concern crossed the little girls face.
“Nice one,” Chris said.
“Uh no sweetie.  Just playing around.” Scott looked in the mirror at his newest niece.
The arrived to a big house fully decorated for Christmas. “Momma look! They have a Santa on the lawn!”
“They do monkey.  Let’s get you out.”
Chris came and got Charlie out of the car and then helped Becca out.  He walked them over and the door opened revealing a nice looking woman in an apron.  “Chris!”
“Hey ma!” He embraced his mother hard.
“And who is this?” She looked at Charlie who leaned into Chris.
“This is Charlotte. Or Charlie. Charlie, this is my mom.”
Charlie waved but kept her body close to Chris.  “Hi Charlie.  I’m grandma Lisa.”
Charlie perked her head up.  “Like my Nana?”
“Yep.  I’m Chris’s mommy.”
Charlie studied her for a moment before reaching out for the woman.  Lisa held the little girl tightly before setting her down.  Lisa turned back to the couple.  Becca stood next to Chris, although shielding herself a bit with his arm.  “Becca, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.  Its nice to see you again,” Becca says, extending her hand.
Lisa takes her hand and pulls her into a hug.  “Thank you for making my boy happy,” she whispers. She pulled back.  “Let’s get inside and warm up.”  She took Charlie’s hand and led her into the house.
“That’s it?” Becca squeeked.
“Were you expecting her to yell?” Chris look amused at Becca’s facial expressions.
“Well… yeah.”
Chris kissed the top of her head.  “I told you Angel.  My ma is very happy for us.  Now c’mon, its time to meet my sisters.”  He pulled her hand and tugged her into the house.
“UNCLE CHRIS!” Three voices yelled as they tackled the quarterback.  Becca took a step back, smiling at the scene of two boy and a girl attacking Chris.
“Ok, alright, relax,” as Dodger added to the frey. He collected the children in a hug and then sat with them on the floor.  “Guys this is Becca.  Becca, this is Miles, Ethan and Stella.  They are Carly’s kids.”  Lisa stood back with Charlie.  “That over there is Charlie.”
Stella immediately ran over to Charlie.  “Do you like Barbie?”  Charlie nodded and Stella took her hand.  “Come to my room and we can play.”  They ran off together as Chris stood up.  He noticed his sisters in the door way. 
He took Becca’s hand.  “Becca, these are my sisters, Carly and Shanna.”
“Its nice to meet you.” Becca said as the girls eyed her up and down.
“So you’re the one that almost cost my brother his career,” Shanna said.
Becca began to panic. “I, uh…”
“Shanna that’s enough,” Lisa said sternly from behind them. “This is neither the time or the place.” Shanna looked away as Becca kept her head down. “Chris, why don’t you show Becca your room.  I set up the cot in Stella’s room for Charlie.”
“Sure Ma. Angel?”
Becca looked up at him and he could see the sparkle of tears in her eyes.  He threw a murderous look at his sisters before wrapping his arm around his girl and walking her away.  As they made it upstairs, Becca was able to keep the tears at bay. She took in Chris’s room. “Surfer?” she asked, looking at the poster.
“I haven’t had a chance to update it,” he grumbled as Becca laughed gently.
“So this is pre college Chris, huh?”
“This is it. I’m sure Ma has all the photo albums ready for you to look at and embarrass me with.”
“I’m sure.”  Becca walked around the room.  “I love it.”
“I love you,” he said, pulling her onto his lap.  “You ok?”
She shrugged.  “I guess your sisters hate me.”
“Ignore them.  They don’t know the whole story.  Ma does and Scott doesn’t care.” He caressed her cheek. “I love you Angel.”
“Love you handsome.”  She kissed him softly.  “We should head down and be social, I guess.”
“If you are ok.”  He took her hand. They went back downstairs as Lisa was serving hot chocolate to the kids.  “Oh, Becca, I forgot to ask if Charlie is allergic to anything.”
“Bananas. Not anything severe,” she assured Lisa. “You have a beautiful home.”
“Thank you.  Please sit, let me get to know you.  I know I saw you at the hospital but I was…”
“Distracted.  I know.  I was too.  But ask me anything. Open book,” she replied.
Scott bounced in just as everyone is sitting.  “Hey Bex, so can you really get me field passes to see Chris?”
Becca looked at him curiously.  “Bex?”
“Oh, well, Rebecca, Becca, Bex.  Is that cool?”
“Just for you Scottie.” She winked at him and they laughed.  “Sure, I can get you passes.”
“Awesome.  Me and Steve really want to get up close and personal, ya know.”
“Oh my boyfriend. You’ll meet him tomorrow.  Do you guys have plans?”
Chris cleared his throat.  “We have a meeting tomorrow in the morning but afterwards we should be free before the Christmas stuff starts.”  He could feel Becca tense in his hand.
“Meeting? I thought you weren’t working Chris,” Carly asked looking at Becca.
“I’m not.  We just have to meet with Charlie’s father,” he replied without thinking. “Shit.”
“Charlie’s father?  You’re dragging my brother into your issues?” Carly asked.
“Carly, stop,” Lisa said.
“No! I want to know what is going on.  I read all about her court case and she’s dragging Chris down, making him get benched and I want to know the truth,” Shanna said.
“Kids, why don’t we go into the playroom,” Scott said. “I’ll watch them.” He gave Becca a sympathic look.  Becca waited until her daughter and Chris’s nephews and niece were out of the room before rounding back to his sisters.
“I didn’t drag Chris into anything.  I broke up with him to try and protect him from all of this.  But instead he stood next to me and held me up at my lowest point.  I love your brother with everything I have. My father didn’t want me to date any players and I tried to stay away from him so he wouldn’t ruin his career.”
“No Chris, they want the truth well here it is.  I had a relationship with Tom Brady for a couple of weeks six years ago. He cheated on his wife with me.  And I ended up pregnant with my daughter.  I raised my daughter all by myself after he denied being her father.  Now he wants back in and Charlie has to spend Christmas Day with him. He’s trying to take her away from me and now I have to meet with him tomorrow.  He asked that Chris be there as well.  I tried.  I tried so hard to protect Chris that it cost me a month without my family.  I quit my job to follow Chris wherever he goes because he deserves this.  So hate me, curse me, whatever.  I would do anything for this man.”  Becca turned and ran up the stairs.
Chris looked at his sisters.  “Really?”
They looked dumbfounded.  “Chris, we didn’t realize…”
“You guys are seriously the worst. She’s been through hell and back.  She’s worried about losing her daughter. She’s been so nervous to meet you guys. Thanks for this.”  He followed her out. He got up to his room but didn’t see Becca.  He walked around until he heard her quiet cries from the closet.  “Angel?” He opened the door to see her in a ball. “Oh Angel.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell,” she wailed.
“I know baby, I know.  Its ok, they deserved that.”  He sat next to her. “You wanna stay at a hotel?  We can.”
Becca shook her head. “No, I know you want to be with your family.  I think I’ll just stay out of the way.”
“Angel, you can’t do that.”
“Yes I can.  I’ll just stay in here.”
Chris sighed.  “Angel, please, you can’t stay in the closet. At least let me put you in the bed.”
She nodded and he picked her up. He laid with her until she fell asleep before heading downstairs to get her a drink and some food.  His mother was in the kitchen.  “Is she ok?”
“She’s refusing to come down.” Chris leaned on the counter with his arms crossed.  “What is their problem?”
“I think they are just being protective of you, Chris. I’ll talk to them.” Lisa wiped down a counter. “I didn’t know Brady wanted to meet with her while she was here. I’m sorry she is going through this. All I wanted was to meet her and her daughter. I really just wanted to get to know her.”
“I know Ma. I wanted you to get to know the woman I love too.  Maybe we can do something just the three of us.” He gave his mother a hug before he grabbed the food and water. “I just want to protect her.”  He walked out just as his sisters were coming in.  He ignored them and walked around just as he heard his mother round on them.  “I am so disappointed in you…”
The following morning, Lisa reassured Becca that Charlie was in good hands before Chris drove them to Higher Ground.  They snagged a table in the back and ordered a couple of coffees.  Becca hadn’t said a word, her knees bouncing.  “Angel, please relax.” She gave him a small smile.  Chris was worried.  Becca was always talkative but the last 24 hours had taken its toll.  He looked up and saw Brady approaching their table.  “Brady.”
“Morning Chris, Becca.”  He sat in front of them. “How are you?”
“We’re fine,” Chris answered, with Becca still looking away. “Rough landing here in Boston but we’re ok.”
“Sorry to hear that.” Tom swallowed. “I, uh, wanted to talk about Charlie.”
Becca jerked her head up to look at Tom.  “What now?  Not enough time.  Need more from me, from us.” 
“Becca, I…”
“No, you can’t have more. I can’t… I can’t bare it anymore.” A single tear slipped.
Tom looked at Chris.  “You hadn’t told her?”
Becca looked at Chris as he said, “you asked me not too.”
“Tell me what?”
  “I want to change the custody arrangements. I’ve submitted a petition to the court.”
@patzammit @texmexdarling @jennmurawski13-writes
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noirfos · 1 year
Episode 6 wahoo, I am ready for extreme pain rivalling and exceeding the end of OFMD
Battery operated candles! He learned fire safety, good job Mr. Fell
Aziraphale knows so much about human history and books and humanity, but he still understands so little about them
Crowley what is that walk 🤣
YES MAGGIE girlboss them
Oh no she invited them oh no Maggie oh no
Poor Eric
ANGEL CROWLEY HISTORY ANGST HEHEHEHUHUE "Throne or a dominion, or above"
Let's goooo magic heaven telephone circle!
That's the opposite of the Lil Nas X Call me by your Name video
He said "Nah"
Ohhh Crowley's snake tattoo in gold, gorgeous
Surely she's down to like 10 demons now after they all got discorporated?
The fire extinguishers stock 🤣 part of me is remembering the library of Alexandria comic and also 4dango's Haikaveh angst but I will just pretend those thoughts do not exist
"Jolly well hurry up about it" where's that gun you have a license for when you need it?
What if holy water fire extinguishers
This institutional problem bit is a metaphor for something but my after work brain cells are not enough to figure it out
The Metatron... The Master... I see you BBC
They're so surprised he has a desk lol
So Gabriel's plan was actually pretty decent then, he just didn't tag in the people who were part of it. And I'm still hanging onto Beelzebub having similar sentiments of dissatisfaction with the wishing for positive words of affirmation in hell
The Metatron went "ok good luck with Gabriel, his disappearance is your problem not mine"
Oh my god it's a ringlight frisbee
Rip Eric again
Crowley just falls into a leadership position, natural girlboss ✨ meanwhile his husband starts a war but we can ignore that
The way his smirk turns on hehehe
So everyone's an idiot then
I like how Nina and Maggie are just chilling in the background
The fly is bigger on the inside? Or is he going to eat it like All Might's hair
Eyyy Beel face explanation! Also Gabriel x Beelzebub canon we love to see it
So Beelzebub said they liked the song and then Gabe inexplicably made it play forever then?
Ah no it was intentional ;) He miracled the jukebox to play their song
When the fly showed up in the first episode I KNEW it would have an important role. I got faked out with Beel showing up in Crowley's car though.
"Silly silly angel" bro??? Have you been hanging out with Crowley too much
So all the leadership are traitors LMAO, also Crowley and Zira in the back watching their bosses do what they forbid them from doing all this time.
"I found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides" INEFFABLE HUSBANDS DID IT FIRST
Crowley's proud little smile watching Aziraphale handle the host of heaven and hell like kindergarteners :)
Oh my god Beelzbriel are so cringe, I love it
Ohhhh so Shax took Crowley's flat, that makes sense why she has all his mail now hahahaha
LOL is that The Metatron in the coffee line?
Crowley knows where everything in the bookshop goes and is putting it all back 😌
So Nina calls Maggie "Angel" now too, eh?
Muriel my baby I will protect you with all my heart
It's even worse they're gonna get Destieled aren't they
But Aziraphale wasn't THERE when any of the heaven people showed their true colours!!! Crowley sees heaven and hell for what they are but Aziraphale still believes in inherent good 😭
Can I also just say, David Tennant's acting holy shit, the super subtle facial changes, the shaking throat, my GOD
All he's wanted was to go off together with his angel all this time!!!! AHHHH
the put the glasses back on FUCK
You don't get it Aziraphale, you don't Understand 😭 He needs you too!! But it has to be on both your terms not just yours,,, meet him where he stands! It's been so long surely you know him better than this
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
yeah I saw the kiss I'm not ok
the fuck do you mean I FORGIVE YOU???!!! This hurts more than destiel and blackbonnet
LMAO Muriel in the window watching all this go down
what was he going to say before The Metatron walked out, was he going to change his mind??? What did he want to take with him, PLEASE
THE SECOND COMING? I've read the bible I'm raised religious I know what the fuck that means, Aziraphale PLEASE tell me you've read enough books to know what that means and that it's NOT GOOD for your little life and your husband and your book shop 😭
Oh ok his face fell. there is still time. change your mind, goddammit don't ignore Crowley he is looking at you disapprovingly for a reason, USE YOUR HEAD! please.
Crowley bared his heart just to get betrayed right after, this is his superhell
The Bentley with her sense of humour, girlie why are you playing Nightingale in Berkeley Square now of all times
Why did he smile at the end, what does it all mean,,, Amazon better pay their employees I need season 3
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2) Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to? 10) Top three favourite fic tropes. 19) Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
2: Honestly? ... everything. The imposter syndrome is real and intense and permeates like. Everything, especially writing |D A good third of why I take forever to do much is it takes so long to get over the 'ah fuck I'm a fraud' hurdle to even try putting the words down. It's also why I'm so intense on wanting feedback like. Genuinely. Grade me tell me what I'm doing wrong or right so I know what actually works cause lord knows I can't judge this myself lol
But for a more specific answer: That vaporwave post-apocalyptic furry thing I've been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now.
10: Mutual pining, hurt/comfort or whump, straight on angst.
[Adrian's] immediate instinct was to shrug off the question and leave, but something stopped her halfway out the door. What [Thane] had said about his health, what she'd been thinking about this whole mission- 
Neither of them would be alive, this time next year.
Adrian stood up a little straighter, hoping she didn't also look like she'd been sucker-punched upside the head; had she been that tense since- god, even that first time she'd awoken to Wilson and Miranda talking over her? She'd been clenching her teeth then and ever since waking up for real.
 Thane had no connection to her past. No specialized knowledge that might be withheld if he lost faith in her; no gulf of experience one way or the other that left her feeling she owed him more than basic competence. Their conversations so far made it apparent he wasn't the most social, not many - if any?- friends, and (unless she was wildly off, always possible), he didn't seem… spiteful, like he'd spread anything around for shits and giggles. 
And... in his own words. He'd abandoned people, before. A dying man who didn't care about anyone, and had no one to care about him when he was gone; what did he have to gain, knowing Commander Shepard was a wreck?
What did she have to lose, in talking openly to someone like that?
The door had barely closed- she wasn't even consciously aware of deciding to stay- when the words spilled forth: "Have you heard about Akuze?"
Shit shit shit no-
“A human colony lost to thresher maws,” Thane said. “An Alliance platoon was lost, with-” He paused. Adrian could only glance at him as she sat down across the small table, enough to see the rapid double-blink as the pieces fell into place. “Only one known survivor. ‘The Shepard Memorial-' " The last three words were clipped, an eerie echo of the soundbite that had been floating around news stations for the last couple of weeks.
“Yeah.” The word was half a sigh. Adrian clasped her hands together on the tabletop, focusing on them as she spoke. “Not- not the only survivor as it turns out though, found there was another one a couple months-” Her voice caught, and she gave herself a slight shake. “-years ago. But yes, I’m- I was involved.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, squeezing her hands together, nails just biting into her skin. Good, kept her focused. “A colony had gone dark. It was- at the time it was the closest Alliance-funded colony to Terminus space, so they ordered a full platoon. Just in case. "Akuze was quiet, though, that was what bugged us. Ten years and there hadn’t been any reports of… violence. No slavers, no mercs or pirates - the most exciting news out of the place was that it was perfect for apple trees, for god's sake." She raked a hand through her hair, shaking her head. ". We figured it was a comms issue. Fifty men just in case it was dangerous, but it most likely wasn’t, so… good field test for a fresh officer.”
Adrian nodded. Thane’s voice sounded far away, nearly lost under the thunder of fifty marines drumming their fists on the table or tapping out on the floor, dozens of voices raised in some song whose lyrics she couldn’t remember - just the voices. The elation of responsibility, Shelly and Dreyfus' arms around her shoulders rocking her back and forth in time with the beat, heavy and warm and so real, even nearly ten years gone.
Her eyes snapped open, and she thought she saw something move. Thought she caught a glimpse of green - but Thane hadn’t moved much, only to lean forward, hands folded under his chin, looking something alarmingly close to concerned- 
“Me. Right.” She forced her eyes to meet his, or at least focus on some point close enough to fake it; forced her breath to remain even. “We had been on the ground for about… fifteen hours? Not too long, but enough to find the settlement was… gone. I mean, gone, gone- no houses. No sign of fields, no people or animals, not even bodies. Just-” For a second, the cramped room vanished, she was looking out over that flat, barren plain ringed by hills, trying to figure out what to do next.  “We were prepared for a lot of things, but not… not nothing. Not like that.”
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
So I read your part two of bo and reader you posted.... Wow the angst is real because they failed to protect the kingdom and protect another and now both died but at least they were together when they died! I really liked the story!
Wait lived at your work site? Did you have a apartment in there or it provided housing? Oh my god just leave people! If someone isn’t working right they don’t have to do Jack shit for you. I hate it when they try to make you do work when frankly your human and want some downtime.
Pfft dude if we ever meet then you see me running away when you put the movie because damn I need sleep and don’t wanna stay up scared that someone is going to kill me. True crime as long as I don’t actually see the murder how it happened all the way I’m good. I’ve become kinda desensitized to it save unless for a few cases that actually either horrify me or even make me mad. This isn’t good for my gallbladder lol. Yes because like you hurt me so bad it made me have this scenario trauma now suffer the repercussions XD.
Makes sense since like also with a tattoo you won’t have to worry if your being a good parent or not and trying to make sure your kid isn’t going to be a future serial killer or be depressed for all there life. It’s hard out there. Aww man, wished they added a feature for that on asks.
Fine truce, you’re still amazing though. And I will remind you if you ever say otherwise!
Also what those this 🥺 and 💕 exactly mean? Yes I’m stupid sorry. I know their good and heart maybe mean love but I need a guide for this because I suck at emojis and at my age I’m supposed to know but I don’t!
Ah! I'm glad you did! I'm honestly really proud of it. As you can see I don't do many fighting scenes, but I wanna slowly get better at it.
It was lodging paid for by the company. Since most of their lodges are in small towns or in between small towns there aren't enough locals to fill the positions so most of their employees are from out of town or state. I got to meet all kinds of people. It was a really cool experience. The job sucked tho lol. You had to work a full six weeks before you got your two weeks, and it was 12 hour shifts.
Lol don't worry I'm not the type to force someone to watch horror with me. We could watch a good fantasy like Lord of the Rings! I love that series. Also honestly I understand that because I know the difference real gore terrifies me because all I can imagine if the pain they must have felt. I can barely listen when they try to describe it.
It's terrifying to know you're responsible for a life for 18 years. I have a lot of respect for both parents, but especially for moms. I'm sorry hun I wanna see the gifs you would send :(
Hehe truce
Your fine hun I usually use 🥺 💕 awwww I love you or what you've sent. It was a cute little habit I picked up 😅
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mieohmy · 3 years
i wanna be okay. | lee jeno
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PAIRING: bodyguard!jeno x fem reader
GENRE: strangers-to-lovers, e2ls, SLOW BURN, celebrity! au, rich kid! au, romance, fluff, angst, humor
NOTES: profanity, alcohol consumption, lots of arguing lol, somewhat heavy violence, blood, hospitals, injuries and im not a doctor so pls don’t come for me, flirting that kinda makes me wanna p*ke, slightly suggestive scenes, kissing
SUMMARY: the one where your rich CEO dad hires you a mysterious bodyguard to stay by your side 24/7. on the contrary, as much as jeno tries to stay away from you- it’s just utterly impossible.
authors note: wow. it’s finally done. akbskdjdks after so many months of hard work, i’ve finally finished and any feedback would be greatly appreciated <33 anyways, so much work and effort has been put into this, so i really hope anyone reading/waiting for this enjoys! thank you all- jae (also yes this is set near christmas time bc i was writing then and just only finished now :))
edit: epilogue here!
TAGLIST: @mrkcore @moonbeamsung @neonvision @sunzwoo @neocuddlytechnology @itsveronicaxxx @keemburley @rynshyuckies @neochaeryeong @terjeno @lighthyucks @blank-velvet @kaexloey @aedreamzy @kodasity @dnckfwk
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The split second the door is opened for you to exit, the flashes start attacking you with bright and harsh lights, fighting alongside with strong and sturdy hands helping you out of the car. You won’t lie, it put you off a little. You were used to the cameras all your life, but especially today it seemed like the loud, intruding voices and crowded bodies actually made a dent in your hardened shell.
Nonetheless, the party was a success. The articles and pictures of you online were newsworthy (as per usual) even when the process of getting them was quite in contrast to what was actually put out to the public.
‘CEO of Meija Tech’s Daughter, y/n y/l/n, Makes Striking Appearance for the Opening…’
You sigh, scrolling past the articles and comments- the majority were commenting on the harsh conditions of the paparazzi at your entrance.
Ha, can’t they leave her alone for once?
They follow her everywhere… can’t they just let her walk where she wants?
I feel bad… she can’t even walk out of a car before getting mobbed…
Tch. The biggest company in the country can’t even afford bodyguards for the daughter of the CEO?
Enough. You turn your phone off with a sense of finality. You knew this was going to happen. As the years passed and your exposure to the outside public grew, it was inevitable that your life would be invaded by parasites that feed off you and your every move. You’re the host. And they’ll take anything.
The incoming sound of heels clicking against the hard marbled floor catches your attention. You glance up. Your father’s secretary stands with her hands on her hips. “Yes?” you question innocently.
“Your father wishes-“
You get up from your spot in the workers' lounge (as if you belonged there), not caring to hear the rest of her words. “Yeah, I got it.”
Now, the sounds of your heels clicking fill the hallways, people murmuring as you walk past with that air of superiority and your head held high. In reality, it was just the habit formed by countless lessons your father forced you to take beginning at the mere age of six. Not to forget the fact that you didn’t care to hear the people working under your father talk shit about you and the people you cared about.
Exiting the elevator, you’re surprised to see that there’s no one in your father’s office- besides himself, of course. You clasp your hands together.
“Father.” He tilts his head slightly in acknowledgment.
“Is there a reason you called me to your office at this time?” Your father clears his throat, and you know he’s being serious. Then again, when was he not?
“I’m sure you’ve seen the news articles.” Ah. That’s what it is.
He continues, “and I’ve been thinking for some time now…”
Your hands clasp tighter.
“Perhaps we should hire you a bodyguard. A strong and reliable one to stay by your side at all times to keep you safe.”
It sinks in, and you bristle. “Father!”
He shakes his head. “This is imperative now. Especially as your popularity continues to grow and it exposes you more and more to the outside world.”
“But I don’t want one?” you frown. “I think I’m perfectly fine. I feel content with how it is now.”
He sighs. “Your safety, my daughter.”
You cross your arms. “Yes, that’s true, but I really don’t believe I need to-“ He holds a hand up, and you fall silent. This is a one-sided argument.
“That’s all. You can leave now.”
You end up trudging out of his office towards the elevator with no destination in mind. Your mind flashes back. Is it really that bad to have a bodyguard? Why are you so hesitant about getting one?
You don’t actually know. Maybe it’s because you were scared. That’s all. Scared to acknowledge that you were already at that level of fame. It was really scary to face that fact. You, y/n, were at risk enough that you needed a bodyguard to protect you from things you didn’t want to happen. Things you really would want to imagine to either.
But who actually knows, right?
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Four. That’s when you lost your mother and instead got raised by family caretakers while your father was busy running just one of the largest franchises in the world. Obviously, you didn’t have a family. Or friends. Or anyone, for that matter.
You suppose you should thank your father for the boarding school he sent you to at age thirteen. Most people would probably object and detest going with all their being, but you saw it as a chance to explore. Explore life past the strict rules, regulated behaviors, constant empty house, and everything that surrounded you.
And people you did meet. Mainly other rich (snotty) kids and teachers, it was a prestigious boarding school after all, but some of them you actually clicked with. And stayed with to this day.
“Minjeong!” You call out happily, running to meet your friend. It’s been almost a month since you last saw her, work being the main priority and barrier between the both of you.
She gives you a small hug, a smirk on her face. “Hey, daughter of CEO y/l/n, whose face is all over the news still.” You roll your eyes.
“Don’t remind me. I hate it.”
“But I like having a famous friend.”
You roll your eyes before abruptly standing up straighter. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Father plans on hiring me a bodyguard to accompany me the entire day, like a pet dog. I think it’s a bit much.”
“If I recall, that’s what a bodyguard does.” She then nods her head. “It makes sense, y/n. You need one.”
You raise an eyebrow. “You’re on his side?” Her eyes widen and you slump over. “Ugh, Minjeong, I really don’t know what to do. I just don’t want one. Not one bit.”
A hand comes to rest over yours. “Hey, I’m always on your side. That’s why I think having a bodyguard would be good. They’ll keep you safe, y/n,” she insists. “Just think about it. If you really don’t want one, maybe your father will reconsider it. Truly.”
It’s not likely.
But two weeks go on, and it seems like your father has forgotten about it. You feel a bit more relaxed now that it seems to have passed, and you enter the 20-story building that your father runs.
It’s going too well, to be honest. Enjoying a nice, steaming cup of coffee with the bright and sunny weather outside, it was bound to go downhill from here.
A familiar voice calls your name.
You raise an eyebrow. “Chaeryeong? Why are you up here?”
Your other close friend who also attended the same boarding school as you and Minjeong when you were younger, walks in. She decided to get a job at your father’s company just to start her off somewhere since her father and yours were business partners.
She puts a hand on her hip. “Haven’t you heard?” You pause mid-sip. “Huh? Heard what?”
“Lee Jeno’s here.”
You blink. “Who?”
She gets even closer to you, placing both of her hands on your shoulders with an astounded expression. “The bodyguard? Good looking? The kind where everyone is talking about him good-looking?” She emphasizes with wide eyes. You open your mouth but you don’t even know the next words that are about to come out. “I-wha-“ Quickly, you collect yourself, tucking a strand of hair behind you. “Why is he here?”
Minjeong bursts into the room with a wild look in her eyes, the door banging against the wall with a loud bam. Your heads whip towards the door.
“That attractive guy is your new bodyguard?!”
“Father,” you pout, hands placed together as you try your best to work your way out of whatever this is.
It feels as if a cold breeze blows past you, and you shiver. Sneakily from underneath your eyelashes, your eyes shift to the person sitting stiffly in front of you.
It’s been five minutes, so you quickly give up. Sighing, you cross your legs, and then your arms as if it would assert your dominance. “Alright, shall we head off?”
The figure says nothing, only imitating your actions as you get up and walk out of your father’s office.
“No funny business, daughter of mine,” yup father calls out with a stern expression.
You roll your eyes.
The sound of the elevator beeping as you go down the many floors of the building fills the air. Soon enough, you can’t stand the silence.
“Y/n y/l/n, but I’m sure you know that already. And you?”
This may be the first time he’s properly looked at you. He clasps his hand behind his back like a typical bodyguard and you observe him carefully.
“Lee Jeno,” he responds curtly.
Carefully, you make a note in your head. “How old are you?” You wait for about a minute before his response comes. “I don’t believe I am inclined to answer that.”
You tilt your head to the side, not paying any heed to what he just said. “2000, right? Nice to meet you,” you comment briefly. Jeno stares out the window with that stoic face of his.
The rest of the ride down is in silence.
Serious about his job, much?
The silence appears to be there for you to contemplate how the rest of your life is going to play out with this man at your side. Or…. perhaps he would get fed up with you. That would be funny, and sadly at this moment, a dream come true.
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Jerk. Annoying, straight-faced asshole.
You continue writing furiously at your desk, the pen sounds scratching and stamping against the lined paper while the memory from earlier in the day replays in your head for the nth time.
You scoff, “Mr. Lee Jeno, it’s just a hangout, that’s all. Just my two friends and I. Why can’t you let me go? I don’t think you-“
He stands there with no expression. “Your father said you couldn’t go out past 11 pm, Miss, so I’m not letting you go out. Please get into the car.” You feel your face flush with anger.
“Who said you could command me like that? Huh?”
The air feels cold and hot at the same time. The only thing that cuts through your heated expressions is the lowering of the window by the driver.
“Miss y/l/n? Is everything alright?”
You unfreeze, immediately smiling towards the man. “Of course, mister.”
Jeno next to you quickly bows, voice void of emotion. “Yes, sir. I apologize. I believe Miss y/l/n left something inside the building but it’s too late to get it. We’ll get into the car now, I apologize once again for the inconvenience.”
You stand there for a second, too astounded to do anything except stare at the person dressed in all black in front of you.
The audacity of this man.
You barely make it into the car (or home for that matter), accompanied by a glare from jeno.
You groan loudly, head falling onto the table with a thud.
A face peeks into the room. Your grandma (who wasn’t your grandmother by blood but you still liked to call her as such) stares at you, concerned. “Are you okay, y/n? Frustrated with work?”
You look up with an uneasy smile. “Oh, yeah, something like that…”
After she leaves satisfied with your answer, you properly smile. After all these years, she’s stuck by your side and taken care of you in replacement of your real family. Even now, she stays with you at your own place as the housekeeper.
You hope she never has to deal with dicks like Lee Jeno. You pinch your nose bridge, irked again.
It’s only been a week, and you’re at your wit's end. Why? Just why does the person you have to see every day for 24 hours on repeat have to be him? An aggravating, cocky, expressionless, handsome douch-
You stop yourself. And smack your face three, no, four times for good measure. You stand up violently with your palms planted flat on the table.
Let’s sleep.
You nod to yourself. Great idea.
You stare holes into the man following after you into the building with his hands behind his back. You sincerely hope he gets the memo that you’re cursing him with your eyes.
You remember the first day of having Lee Jeno employed as your bodyguard. You remember the words you exchanged then.
You're fed up. You stop in your tracks, spinning around with your arms crossed and eyes glinting. “Do you have to follow me everywhere?”
Jeno stands there a few feet away, as he has been the whole day. “Do you know what a bodyguard does?” he retorts, unfazed.
You groan. “You know what? Go home. You can come back whenever my father’s around, so he at least thinks you’re doing your job. How’s that?” You point a finger at him aggressively. “I’ll pay you more. How much? What about-”
Jeno cocks his head. “Are you that much of an idiot?”
You scowl as you cross the lobby. Your bodyguard follows you into the elevator without a word and exits onto your floor without a word.
He’s even got his own personal desk now in your office, and you want to smack all the papers piled on his desk flying off.
Why the fuck does a bodyguard have his own papers to file?
You go to your desks respectively, not a single word exchanged. It lasts for about fourish hours until you give up. You stand up from your chair, exhaling as you glance at jeno. “I want to get something from the cafe. Let’s go.”
He gets up quietly, hands in his pocket as he follows you.
You tap your hand on your chin thoughtfully. This order was especially important, as your day was already horrible enough and this one choice could quite literally change it.
Jeno sighs from behind you, reaching for his walkie-talkie. “No sir, we’re at the cafe. Miss y/n is taking a while with her order, I apologize on her behalf." It’s as if he was purposefully speaking louder for you to hear. You ignore him, gritting your teeth.
You practically start skipping in your designer heels, the taste of the drink makes you feel so giddy inside. Then it hits you. You left your layout plans back at home, so you switch your directions to head back there.
“Hey,” Jeno interrupts. “Where are you going? This isn’t the way back to the office.”
You ignore jeno once again.
Then a rough hand grabs your wrist, pulling you back with so much force. So much that you lose control and your drink is flung at jeno, soaking his neatly ironed suit.
Time pauses for a moment. You gasp, the air rushed out of you. Jeno freezes, the cold drink chilling his bones.
And then, it starts again. You snatch your hand out of his grip. “Are you crazy?” You yell, pissed. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
Jeno grits his teeth, closing his eyes in an attempt to control himself. You raise a finger, directing it straight at his face, just in-between his onyx eyes. “Who said you could touch-“
You’re prevented from saying anything else as you feel your body being ripped from its spot and slammed against a nearby brick wall, the pain almost making your eyes well up with tears.
A hand slams harshly next to you, and your eyes flick towards the culprit. You swear you can see his eyes flash red, and his chest heaves heavily with anger.
“Why are you always acting like a bitch?”
He steps even closer and instead of backing down, you meet his intense gaze. After a few seconds, you scoff and roll your eyes, crossing your arms once again.
“Have you always been this spoiled?” He breathes out shakily, nostrils flaring. “Perhaps you should open your eyes to the people around you instead of being a selfish and egotistical brat.”
You notice a prominent vein sticking out in his neck from the close proximity and swallow. You look away and then push him hardly off of you, disgust in your eyes. “I don’t think you have the right to say anything like that as my bodyguard. I also don’t think you have the right to prevent me from going to my own home. Don’t you dare follow me anymore.”
Fuming, you stomp off.
If there was ever a time you wanted to kill someone, now would be the perfect chance.
“Mr. Lee will be moving into your place.”
You clench your jaw. “Father, you can’t possibly make that person live in my home!”
“Who, again, is the one paying for your current residence?”
You falter before gathering your resolve. “Sure, you did. I’m grateful for that. But you only got it through connections.” You sigh, turning your head away. “It doesn’t matter. There’s no way I’ll ever let him take one step in my place.”
Your father’s eyes narrow. “You need surveillance hourly after that cafe stunt, and the only way to do that is by having Mr. Lee stay with you. At all times.”
You don’t like this. Not at all.
Shoulders rigid and tense, you stand in front of the door to your penthouse located on the top floor. Still being a young adult, your father pulled some strings to let you live in an apartment building near the office with your care-taking staff.
Well, from now on, your bodyguard, Lee Jeno as well.
Hesitantly, you type in the passcode and watch the door swing open. Not bothering to look behind you, you call out, “The passcode is 0418. Remember that from now on because I won’t tell you again.”
You see your grandmother and immediately smile. She stops in her tracks, shocked at the appearance of a man in your home.
Jeno quickly bows. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs… ?”
She laughs, already taken in by his appearance and apparent manners. You watch uninterestedly from the side, picking at your nails.
“No need for formalities, just call me auntie,” she smiles kindly.
You clear your throat, calling out sweetly, “Grandmother~”
She raises an eyebrow. You carefully tiptoe over to her, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “That man is my bodyguard. You know, the one I told you about…”
She pulls away, surprised, before looking back at jeno. “Really? You’re that handsome man?”
You choke on your spit. He smiles bashfully, and your mouth almost drops. The first time you’ve ever seen lee jeno smile, and it was… You look away.
He bows again. “Thank you, auntie.”
Flustered, you call for a maid. “Take him to his room and tell him all the rules for staying here,” you order. Then you turn around and head towards your bedroom, desperately wishing for this to be a dream. For lee jeno who is currently staying in your home to all just be a dream.
It’s no use.
You get up, sighing. Hours later, you still can’t sleep. You can’t sleep knowing that lee jeno is a few bedrooms away, doing who knows what.
Probably sleeping, you remind yourself with a sarcastic laugh.
But for some reason, you can’t help but wonder about him. You groan, trying to get settled back into bed. And then you see his face again.
Lee jeno, smiling with those stupidly pretty eyes.
You want to rip your hair out.
Quietly tip-toeing, you walk out into the dark living room and across the hall to his guest room. Heart pounding, you stop at the door. Your hand slowly rests on the handle, and you contemplate for a second. Knocking and waiting give you no answer.
So you open it. Only to find the room empty, as if he was never there in the first place.
If this feeling was disappointment, perhaps? you don’t know what you would do, so you head back to your room, feeling as if you could finally shut your eyes.
You get it, after a few days of coming home late at night with him always a few steps behind.
Jeno leaves. That bit was obvious, but it all made sense now. He always left late at night, and always came back early in the morning for you. At first, you thought it was a waste of time (and precious sleep) before you recalled what he said to you that one day.
“Perhaps you should open your eyes to the people around you instead of only being a selfish and egotistical brat.”
You laugh, upset when you really shouldn’t be. That’s right, jeno probably has his own family that he has to return to, that he never sees because of his demanding job. His job where he has to see your complaining, spoiled face every day. He probably has a girlfriend, or wife even-
You slap yourself. Stop wasting your time thinking about jeno. You know what? It’s time to say goodnight.
You needed to rest, after all, tomorrow was a big day. Another one added to the countless big days you’ve already had in your youth and age.
“I conclude my proposition for the upcoming 2022 schedule. I thank you all for your attention and attendance.” You bow, and rounds of claps fill the room.
Unbeknownst to you, jeno stands out to the side of the meeting room, leaning against the wall as he waits for you. He stood planted like that for hours since the beginning of the meeting.
He looks down at the ground, still hearing the lasting effects of the applause from your presentation. Jeno won’t lie- he’s impressed. Okay so maybe at first he thought you were just another snotty rich kid with nothing better to do than spend all your money, but it turns out you can be more than that. He almost scoffs at the thought.
The way you exuded confidence- it was oozing out of you and into everyone in the room, and your voice speaking melodies (and many things he didn’t understand), but it was enough to make him shiver.
After finishing the ending remarks, you finally notice jeno’s presence. How long has he been there?
You walk over with a neutral expression on your face. You’re waiting, you’re not sure what for, but you’re waiting for him.
And all he does is stare.
You don’t get flustered. Not easily. And lee jeno staring at you for a long time made you flustered.
You bite your lip, frustrated. “What?” You finally bark. No response.
“What are you looking at?” You demand, looking disgusted. You walk off without another word. If you were being honest, you may have seemed rude but you were actually fretting internally, heart racing.
Was it your hair?
Self-consciously, you pat the top of your head, looking for a nearby mirror.
No way- this morning you purposely set your alarm early to do your hair for the meeting and so a certain someone would notice- you cough suddenly, thoughts interrupted by the approaching executive director. Immediately, you stop and put your act on, smiling and bowing. “How are you, sir?”
If you had just stayed back one more second, then you might’ve heard jeno murmur,
You bite your lip, searching through desk after desk.
Where could it be?
You swear you saw your father put it in the bottom left drawer, but it wasn’t there.
Running a hand through your hair, you quickly double-check that no one else is in the room, and continue the search. Your eyes gleam.
Found it.
The car keys dangle in your hand, practically shining in the light. It’s been months since you’ve last seen your precious baby, months since your father forbid you from driving. Probably to keep you from escaping late at night and doing things you shouldn’t be doing as the famous daughter of a CEO.
“What are you doing?”
Shit. You scramble to your feet, fixing your outfit.
Jeno stands in front of you, looking unimpressed. “What are those?”
You grow defensive, trying not to look as guilty or suspicious as possible while silently cursing him in your head. “Is asking questions the only thing you do?”
He shifts. “Maybe, if those car keys are yours.” He opens his mouth again. “I-“
In two seconds you’re in front of him, hands behind your back. Maybe just this once, it’ll work…
You look up at him from under your eyelashes, trying to muster the most pitiful (and childish) expression you can. “Please, oh please, my wonderful dear bodyguard, will you let me off just this once?” You squeeze your eyes shut. “I promise I’ll never treat you horribly or yell at you ever again. If you want, I won’t even talk to you anymore. I swear, these are the keys to my happiness-“
You peek an eye open, waiting hesitantly for his reaction.
You pout using your special pitiful eyes, leaning in closer. “Please, Mr. Lee, I really need this…”
Jeno stands there, still as a rock and completely unfazed by your little stunt. He blinks, clasping his arms behind his back and clearing his throat. “Are you done?”
You stop the act, deflated. You tilt your head to the side, anger building inside you once again.
He seems oblivious, looking outside the window at the scenery. “I believe your friend requested to have lunch with you at this time, miss.” You stand up straighter, temporarily distracted. “Huh? Who?”
The CEO eventually calls Jeno into his office later that night.
Jeno bows, awaiting his next words. “You called me in, sir?” Your father sighs, hands clasped together at his desk. “I happened to see y/n exit my office earlier today, although I’m certain she did not have any engagements or reasons to be in here. Is there something you need to tell me?”
Jeno inhales, thinking back to this morning with your hands cutely clasped in front of you and eyes shut. That side of you he never would have expected- that made his hands clammy. When was the last time he had clammy hands?
He swallows, bowing once again.
“No, sir.”
The CEO cocks his head. “Really?”
“I believe she was just grabbing her jacket that she left there earlier this morning.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes sir.”
He gestures with a hand, “If that’s all, you’re dismissed.”
Jeno turns to leave, a storm brewing inside of him.
It’s been a week and your father hasn’t said anything. You giggle to yourself before looking up.
“Mr. Jeno!”
He sighs, walking to your desk. “Yes?”
You look around animatedly, humming. “I wonder… could you get me two coffees?”
Jeno’s eye twitches. You never break eye contact, staring deeply into his eyes with a sparkle. “Pretty please? I’ll pay you back. Extra if you want.”
You smile brightly up at him, and he turns away. Once jeno leaves, you get back to your work, humming happily.
Chareryeong’s mouth drops open from across the table after seeing your interaction. She quickly glances around before turning to you and whispering, “I thought you hated that man? All you did was talk shit about him to me.”
You tap your pencil against your papers quickly scribbling something down.
“Well… it’s turned out to be better than I originally thought.”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug. “Not sure, he’s just an interesting man. He only talks when talked to, and doesn’t show an ounce of emotion.”
“Except when he’s pissed at me,” you add quickly, frowning.
You dramatically whip your head towards the nearby window, sunlight shining through to light up the best features of your face while you study the beams of light.
“I want to be the one to get him to open up. I want to unlock those secrets of his,” you murmur wistfully.
She shakes her head. “Are you crazy? Or a pervert? No, both?”
You send a deadly glare towards Chaeryeong. “I’m not, I’m just hungry.” You frown, “How long do you think he’ll take to get back?”
Two cups of coffee are slammed onto the desk, and you almost flinch before proceeding to let out a blindingly breathtaking smile once you realize who it is in front of you. “Thanks, my dear bodyguard.”
He stands there, unamused.
Sighing, you pick up a cup and offer it to him. “I got it for you.”
Oh, really? He thinks mockingly to himself. “I don’t drink coffee,” he states simply before turning away.
You stare down the back of jeno, from his perfectly styled hair to his broad shoulders and down to neatly tied shoes. Tch.
There’s no need for you to worry, after all, you’ll have plenty more chances.
This game of cat and mouse continues on, to jeno’s pure dislike. He would never admit it, but intrigue fills him just as much. You intimidate him. Your dramatic 360 change in behavior around jeno confused not only him but the people around you. Either way, jeno refuses to fall into your trap. No matter how sweetly you talk to him with that infuriating (read: cute) look on your face.
-except for times such as these, when you act so stubborn and do such idiotic things jeno can’t stand to comprehend you.
So there was a reason you didn’t go far away from your house or father’s building into the public that often when alone.
Your eyebrow twitches. You quietly clear your throat, lowering your head even closer to the ground as if it’ll hide your identity anymore. You prayed that the baseball cap you wore purposefully to cover your face would work, but obviously, it didn’t- judging by the whispers around you.
“Excuse me, are you by chance, y/n y/l/n?”
You smile sheepishly, lowering your head even more while cursing internally. “Oh, uh, you see-“
“Guys, that’s CEO y/l/n’s daughter.”
“No way, you’re right.”
“Do you think I can get a picture? I’ve never been this close to a celebrity before..”
“Damn, she’s a lot prettier in person…”
Before you know it, a crowd surrounds you in the store while alarms go off in your head. You hear their insistent demand for pictures or autographs and see the confusion by the workers in the store. Cringing, you look around for the exit, avoiding hands reaching towards your body as you scramble to escape.
Jeno… you think, panicking. Jeno. Where is he?
That’s right. He said he was going for a walk while you were shopping in the store. Fuck, you curse.
And then, it’s like heaven appears right before your eyes. Amid the mob, you see a hand reach for you, and then a firm grip on your wrist pulls you out.
It’s jeno, gritting his teeth as he takes you away and makes a break for it. You feel like you’re in an action movie, running away in slow motion as jeno drags you along.
He turns left, then left again, and then right. You’re such a mess, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you and jeno turn a corner, almost running into another couple.
Jeno halts immediately, aggressively but still somehow politely commanding something from them. You’re confused, brain feeling like it’s running a thousand miles per hour. He knocks off your hat quickly while still on the lookout- you’re not even sure how he’s doing all these things at once.
You feel something shoved on top of your head and it finally clicks when you spot jeno wrapping the (hideous) jacket the lady was wearing just a few seconds ago around you.
He puts a cap on, presumably the man’s, and quickly thanks the confused couple before pulling you to a secluded corner by the edge of a building.
“What are you-“
You hear voices and you’re sure there was a quick hint of your name, causing you to gasp in fear.
Jeno bites his lip, looking around in desperation before he continues past the corner, revealing a sketchy, dark alleyway.
He starts toward it but you resist, pulling back without budging.
His head whips back toward you. “What are you-?”
You glare indignantly back at him. “I’m not going down that alley. You have no clue what’s in there.”
He rolls his eyes. “We don’t have time.” You pull your hand out of his grip, crossing your arms as you look to the side. “I will not.”
“You’re being a brat,” he snaps, and you nod stubbornly in acknowledgment. “Sure- I am. But you’re not making me go in that awful place.” Right as you finish, you hear multiple voices getting closer, and it takes a lot in you to not whimper.
“Idiot,” he hisses, before peeking past the corner as the voices get louder and louder. You don’t have time to process before you feel jeno push you against the wall with that seemingly inhumane bodyguard strength of his, just like that time before, except this time he leans into you, caging you underneath his arms.
“What are you- why-“ you splutter, but his face comes so close to yours that you simply shut your eyes tightly in response. You wait, feeling his soft breathing right above your mouth and lips hovering- almost touching yours.
But he never does. Even when the crowd walks by, unknowingly passing you two with your disguises, you grip tightly onto his jacket.
Jeno doesn’t let go until you’re safe. He releases you from under him, and you finally feel like you can breathe.
You hate the fact that jeno smelled really disgustingly good. Especially good- you can almost imagine, a pine forest with a woody and fresh scent that was stuck forever in your head. Perhaps the scent just reminded you of things you wished for that jeno carried with him.
You walk behind jeno, following like a lost puppy back to the car pickup area. You feel like you just ran a 5k, the adrenaline still not having faded yet.
You can just tell by jeno’s tense shoulders that he is probably, absolutely furious. When you reach the designated spot, waiting for the car to come pick you guys up, he turns to you with fists clenched.
“Why,” he shudders, “why did you think it was a good idea to go out in public without me? Did you really think no one would recognize you? Are you that fucking stupid?”
You look away, fidgeting. “I thought the hat would be enough to cover my face but…”
He scoffs, putting his hands on his hips. “A baseball cap isn’t enough to hide your identity- you know people can still see you with a hat on, right?”
He looks away, sarcastically chuckling. “Or maybe not, since you don’t even go outside.”
The car finally pulls up as you feel the anger boil through your body.
“Sure. Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself, you entitled prick!” You yell indignantly, two seconds away from flipping him off and calling for an uber.
“You can’t for shit,” jeno growls back. He takes your arm, opening the door, and forcefully putting you in the car. He thanks the valet driver, exchanging places and getting into the driver's seat.
You wait until he gets adjusted on the road again before speaking up, looking straight at his side profile. “I’m fine. Nobody got hurt, so it’s alright. I understand what to do from now on, so you don’t have to be mad anymore.“
The car rolls to a stop at the red light.
“You could’ve died. How can you not get that into your dense brain?” He snaps. “Your life is of uttermost importance- why do you even think people like me exist? To protect people's lives, your life, because you can’t afford to get hurt. You don’t understand the repercussions of your actions.”
The rest of the ride is in silence. You don’t dare to look at him anymore. When he reaches your apartment building, you get out and walk in without a single look back.
He sighs, reaching to move the car out of park when he spots an unfamiliar item.
Your jacket. Jeno sighs, deciding that he doesn’t want any of your belongings left in this car. He hesitates, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue before finally unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out.
When he reaches your door, he’s about to knock before he remembers you told him the passcode before.
“Remember that from now on because I won’t tell you again.”
The door unlocks with a quiet beep, swinging open gently. Jeno goes in silently as it’s in his nature, contemplating if he should just leave your jacket on the couch when he sees your room door open.
Peeking past, the only thing in sight is you, huddled by the foot of your bed and looking so small, perhaps the smallest he’s ever seen you. Jeno stops, confused. It’s silent.
He places your jacket down and takes a few steps towards your figure. As he gets closer, he can hear only one thing.
The sound of your quiet sniffles. That’s when he sees your body shaking.
Instinct kicks in and jeno bursts through the door and runs to your side, grabbing your shoulders and whipping you around so he can assess the damage.
You freeze awkwardly, bewildered. “W-what are you doing?”
He stills, equally as confused as you are. And then you gasp, horrified. “Did you follow me in? Did you watch me the entire time?”
Jeno feels shock and embarrassment course through his veins. You weren’t hurt.
You were crying.
How could he not notice before he saw your fluttering, watery eyes, and red nose?
Jeno looks down, voice soft. “Why… what’s wrong?”
Abruptly, you wipe your eyes and clear your throat. Sheepishly, you laugh. “It’s nothing, I just thought-“
You cut your sentence off midway, bringing a hand to run through your hair while you collect yourself.
This time, your voice comes out small and slow, as if you were a child that just got scolded. “I’m scared, jeno. You were right.”
You look away, head down so your hair falls in front of your face. “It was really scary.” Your voice is timid and hesitant. “What am I supposed to do now when I can’t even go outside without fearing for my life? When did things get like this?”
Your eyes slowly raise to look at him as you try to hold back from quivering. “I just… i wanna be okay.”
A few beats of silence pass. Eventually, Jeno’s hand reaches out, and it falls on the back of your neck, pushing you forward until your forehead rests against his.
Your breath hitches.
“I’m sorry.”
The sound of his voice, so soft and tender, sends shivers throughout your body.
“I promise I’ll protect you. You don’t have to be scared any longer, because I’m here, okay? I’m here to keep you safe, remember it’s my duty to make sure nothing happens to you. I’ll be the one to make you okay.” He stares at you, gazing deeply into your eyes. You can’t seem to break away from his dark eyes, full of compassion and sincerity.
He exhales, slowly releasing you. “Come on,” he stands up and straightens himself, “it’s been a long day and you should go to sleep.”
You nod, head empty except for exhaustion.
You stare up at the ceiling after getting tucked into bed. You can see jeno standing awkwardly by the door at the edge of your view, waiting. Shifting under the covers, you call out hesitantly, “Will you stay? Just-” you swallow, “just stay near me until I fall asleep? So I can feel safe?” Your voice ends in a whisper.
Jeno does. He watches you for a while, not knowing if he should stay or go. Just so he doesn’t feel like those creepy stalkers in movies, he goes to sit by the chair near your bed, staring at your peaceful face and your breaths soon evening out.
Jeno leaves after cleaning up the place a little bit, putting your shoes by the door and jacket up even though he knew you had workers hired to do those jobs.
Jeno leaves after delicately brushing the stray hairs off your face.
It’s a beautiful morning. You wake up feeling strangely refreshed, getting out of bed and padding over to your master bathroom to get ready for the day.
You see swollen eyes staring back at you in the mirror, weird. Leaving over the sink, you turn on the faucet, about to run your hands under the water-
when it hits you.
Everything that happened yesterday. Everything comes rushing back.
You freeze, a hand covering your mouth as you let out a muffled shriek. The crowd chasing you, jeno almost kissing you, him catching you crying, the “will you stay?”
You silently hyperventilate, pacing back and forth across the marbled flooring. There’s no way you can go to work today. Absolutely no way.
You sit rigidly at your desk in the office, too distracted to focus so your hands type random words onto the computer, keyboard clacking erratically.
So far, Jeno hasn’t said or done anything differently. He’s greeted you the same, spoke the same- nothing seems to be off. Except you, obviously.
Your father’s secretary walks in, accompanied by the sharp clicking of her heels. “Y/n, dear, your father was wondering when you would submit the instruction plans.”
You sit up straight. “Instruction plans?” you ask, blinking. She raises an eyebrow. “The one due today?”
Well, shit.
You already knew the moment you screwed up you would be sent to the one and only- your father’s office.
It’s deadly quiet, and you stand with your head lowered to the ground and hands clasped behind your back.
You bite your lip. “Father.”
“How can I have such high expectations of you when you forget imperative things like these plans? You knew they were due today. We were counting on you, and we didn’t dare expect them to come in five hours late.”
You breathe in, and then out. “Forgive me, father. It was a one-time mistake that I know I will never do again. I promise to keep track of all my schedules from now on.”
“Should I get you your own personal secretary-“
“No!” You blurt out instinctively, although you catch yourself a second later, swiftly composing yourself. “No thank you. I had some issues yesterday but I assure you it will never happen again.”
He dismisses you with a hand.
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Things seemed to settle down again after that. Surprisingly, you and jeno hadn’t gotten in many major arguments after that. It was more of bickering. Friendly bickering that actually left you laughing more times than fuming. It was a nice change to see jeno smiling more often. And unbeknownst to you, he felt the same.
Before jeno clocks in one fine morning, chaeryeong rolls her chair over to your desk. You look at her, waiting for her next words.
“So… you and jeno?” An incomprehensible sound escapes your mouth without warning, causing her to raise her eyebrows higher. Quickly, you clear your throat. “What are you talking about?”
She holds back a laugh. “Every time I see you two around the building, you’re always talking. And smiling.”
You look back towards your computer screen awkwardly- suspiciously. “So? Are we not allowed to do that?” She sends you another knowing look, one that you ignore, instead focusing back on your work.
Jeno comes in strangely late, specifically 40 minutes late. And he’s never late. You watch him plop down at his desk with a disgruntled grunt, sluggishly getting his things prepped for the day. A frown settles on your face unconsciously.
The whole day, he acts strange. He looks exhausted- not the kind that you’re familiar with- not the one you usually have when there’s a big presentation the next day and you can’t sleep, but more just like when you’re tired of life. Done with living. Exhausted from life.
His responses to your questions are short. Even when you ask if there’s something wrong, he just brushes it off or looks away. It throws off your whole day. It's difficult when he spends all his time with you, constantly at your side, and it bothers you much more than you would have liked.
Even the drive home is completely silent. You study him from the side, his eyebrows furrowed and jaw tense like they have been all day.
You wait until he reaches your apartment building before speaking up hesitantly. “Are you really alright, jeno?”
He murmurs an unconvincing, “yeah.”
“Are you sure? You’ve been-“
“I said I’m fine!” he snaps, turning to you with a spark in his eyes before it dissipates. He looks away, fidgeting with his fingers. “Sorry, didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s nothing you did. Just don’t worry about me,” he says, voice considerably lower.
A tiny nod escapes from you. You both make your way up quietly to your home, the silence feeling strange as you and jeno usually chatted during the way up, but obviously, that didn’t happen today.
Once you enter and greet all the workers, you excuse yourself to wash up in your master bathroom, leaving jeno to linger in the living area. You assume he’s going to leave sooner than later as he always does, never once having stayed the night at your place since your father directed him to do so.
You take your sweet time, allowing yourself to wash away all the stressful things of the day as you get ready for bed. But before you do, you go outside to get a glass of water and chat with your grandmother.
What you did not expect was to see jeno’s sleeping figure on your plush couch, body rising and falling peacefully with his breaths. He must’ve been exhausted, having fallen asleep like that. You stop in your tracks, processing the sight. What in the world?
Swallowing, you decide to carefully walk closer, examining his face and how even in his slumber he still looks stressed.
A sound diverts your attention, a couple of the maids standing there patiently. You silently signal for them to leave you two in peace.
You study him with an unreadable expression. “Did you have a rough day?” You whisper softly, a concerned look on your face. “You seemed so off the whole day, I have no clue what happened to you.” You look around before exhaling and reaching out a hand to fix a piece of his styled hair that fell out of its place.
“I’m- uh, I’m sorry?”
You’re unsure of what to do or say next, so you grab a blanket from the guest room and attempt to cover him as best as you can, especially for the fact that you had never done anything like this to someone else before.
Before you head to bed, you inform the workers to let him sleep on the couch for the night. You have no idea why this instinct comes over you- why it makes you do these things for him.
Jeno wakes up with the sun in his face, an unfamiliar background coming into focus. He rests there for a moment, allowing his body to fully wake up.
He shifts- his clothes, he’s still in his suit- and where even is he?
Sitting up, it eventually comes back to him in pieces. That’s right, he fell asleep at your place on your couch. But the blanket? He has no recollection of anything else.
Jeno spots a glass of water on the table, and he glances around before figuring it must be for him. He takes a gulp, and then another one, and then another before he realizes he’s finished it all.
He hears a familiar voice. “Mr. Jeno?”
It’s your grandmother. She smiles kindly at him. “The missus informed me to tell you that you have the day off. Just rest, alright?”
His eye twitches. “Pardon?”
She laughs. “You don’t have to work today, dear. Don’t go to the office. Y/n especially enforced that.”
He stares at the white blanket still covering him, thinking back to last night. Before your grandmother leaves him be, she has her last remark. “She was really concerned for you after last night. Please take better care of yourself, jeno.”
“Y/n? Really?” All jeno can do is wonder why.
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You sit there, as still as a statue while the makeup artists and hairstylists work their magic. It’s been a while since you’ve gone out to a public event due to your father’s advice that the was best to let things cool off after those crazy fan situations. It’s been a while since you’ve attended one of these events as a brand ambassador.
You stand head to toe dressed in their clothes, practically a walking advertisement. The last time you remember doing any activity related to their brand was when you shot for a photo shoot to be printed on magazines sent out all over the country.
After the last finishing touches are put on your face, you thank everyone and head for the car to take you to the event’s location.
Jeno greets you in the car, and you nod with a grim smile. There wasn’t a feeling of nervousness in you, more of a numb sense filling your body. You watch the night lights zoom by through the car window, and occasionally sounds beeping from jeno’s walkie-talkie would fill the air.
You know when you’re getting close because the sounds of fans and chatter and just about everything get louder and louder. When the car rolls to a stop, you brace yourself. Jeno gets out first, and that’s when you suddenly freeze. Someone opens the door, and suddenly all the sounds are amplified. The screams from fans, cameras clicking, employees of the event are all there. But again, just as it once happened before, a hand extends out to you.
It’s Jeno’s.
You gulp, internally commanding yourself to put on your public face while taking his hand out of the car.
The flashing lights and desperate paparazzi reaching out to you are familiar. Instead, you just try your best to smile and keep a cool head. But it’s difficult when there are so many people surrounding you, trapping you.
You look up at jeno.
And once again, it feels like time freezes. Suddenly he’s the one that seems so cool in the midst of flashing lights, the stoic expression on his face as he holds a hand out to make way as your bodyguard takes your breath away.
You’re so caught up in staring at him, gulping, that you don’t know if you’re even moving forward. Or paying attention.
Well, evidently not since you don’t notice a mic shoved at you until it’s right in your face. You flinch, and jeno immediately shields you, pushing it away. He guides you to another route that’s not blocked by as many people. Jeno waits until there’s a moment for you to breathe before asking with the same concern he once showed you before. “Are you okay?”
Throat dry, you can’t bring yourself to respond so you nod quickly. Then you’re swept into the rest of the event and all of its happenings. Luckily, you’re professional enough to compose yourself for the rest of your appearance at the show.
You pose for pictures just like those professional models, answer questions flawlessly, and interact with the other famous people there all while keeping a smile on your face at all times. There’s a chance it all came off looking fake, but you’re hoping that it was enough to convince the public and the people.
The people. The fans. Your fans. Your fans that you love and appreciate the most. (Excluding the crazy ones that completely disregard your rights as a human being.)
It’s only when they ask for pictures or signatures from you that you truly smile. And jeno can clearly see that. Even when he’s farther off, not the one in the spotlight, he can see your felicitous smile as you pose with your adoring supporters. The times when you’re not right in front of the camera, you’ll nudge him, muttering about how cute your fans are or how talented they are with the creative banners they make for you.
Jeno has never seen this side of you before. He’s only seen the fear in your eyes when those intrusive fans suddenly surrounded you. He’s only seen the crying, upset you who’s scared to be who you are.
But when you smile at them, he unknowingly smiles at you.
The event lasts for five hours, including preparation beforehand and closing statements. Not necessarily a long time, but jeno isn’t used to constantly watching over one person's every move or constantly being in fear something will happen to you after those previous times. Every time you leave his sight, he can’t truly breathe until he sees you again.
Finally, when you wave goodbye to all your admirers and get into the car, can jeno’s heart relax. You breathe a sigh of relief, buckling your seatbelt as jeno shifts the car into drive.
“You looked nice today,” he comments out of the blue.
You glance at him, observing as he drives out of the venue. But perhaps, you might’ve looked too much for too long. You didn’t pay attention to how long you really were staring at him.
“Why are you looking at me so much today?”
You inhale sharply, turning away. “H-huh? What are you talking about?” You pretend to act oblivious, murmuring something random about the weather finally getting cooler. Jeno chuckles quietly, driving the rest of the way home.
When he pulls up and opens the door for you, you finally realize the extent to which your feet hurt, having stood around in heels for far too long. You can’t wait to get up to the comfort of your penthouse and take them off- quite actually the best feeling ever.
You take a few steps before unexpectedly turning around to face jeno. He stops, somewhat surprised.
“Why don’t you actually sleep at my place? Why do you leave in the middle of the night and come back early in the morning?”
His eyes widen. A few beats pass with no answer.
At last, you look down, shrugging. “I was just curious, that’s all. You don’t have to answer,” you reply, reassuring him with a smile.
“Go home and get some rest. Thanks for sticking with me today.” You quickly bow and run inside the apartment, heart pounding erratically.  Jeno can only stand there, shocked while watching your silhouette get smaller and smaller until it disappears into the building.
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What could this be?
It keeps happening. Whenever he holds a hand for you to take while stepping out from the car or opens doors for you- or does anything more than his job doesn’t necessarily entail. Jeno’s been doing it since the beginning, whether you asked him to or not. So why is it suddenly affecting you like this? Why does it even make a difference? It’s just manners, but to you, it’s more.
When you open the door to the car in the morning and he turns to look at you from the driver’s seat, it’s like a scene from those movies. It always plays out in slow motion, jeno in his clean suit and freshly styled hair turning around to greet you. The first time you experienced this, you almost shut the door and quite literally walked back into the building. It made you feel weird- an unavoidable feeling building inside each time it happened, and you couldn’t describe it.
Things like that would make you wonder. Is it just formality? You’ve seen how jeno acts around others, he’s truly a polite and well-mannered person. Is he just being nice to you since he was hired by your father? Those thoughts would invade your mind from time to time. Then again, you didn’t always have that kind of precious time to dwell on that, you were the famous daughter of the biggest CEO in the country. But that didn’t mean you still couldn’t try.
Tuesday. 8 am.
“Jeno!” You greet enthusiastically as he walks into your office as if you hadn’t seen him just sometime earlier when he came to pick you up to head to work.
“Good morning,” he responds calmly. You watch him get settled in at his desk.
11 am.
You blow a stray hair out of your face, tapping your pen against the table repeatedly as you think of a solution. Your brain feels like it’s hanging on a thin wire, about to snap. This is why you didn’t want to follow in your father’s footsteps, you remind yourself.
You frown silently, eyes wandering around the room. Naturally, they fall on jeno whose attention was focused on his phone, and you assume he’s playing his weird shooting game considering his furrowed eyebrows and hunched shoulders. You’ve watched him play it a couple of times before, whenever he was bored while waiting for you after some long meeting or discussion.
A lightbulb goes off in your head, causing a mischievous smile to appear on your face. Target acquired. You position yourself in your wheely chair and push. If your father saw, you would be scolded for “improper office etiquette.”
The wheels make a satisfying sound as they cruise against the ground, going straight in the direction you wanted. You roll up right next to jeno’s desk, one arm on the armrest as you place your chin in the palm of your hand, lingering. He doesn’t seem to notice your presence so you wait by peering down at his screen, eventually getting into his game.
He gets shot, his fingers flying wildly over the screen, and you let out a horrified gasp. Jeno’s head whips around before his sight lands on you and he visibly relaxes. “Fucking hell, you scared me.”
You smile innocently.
He shuts off the device. “What are you doing? Aren't you working?” You roll your eyes. “I can’t. I’m stuck. Help me, my dear bodyguard.”
Jeno pauses the game thoughtfully, looking at the clock on the wall next to him. “It’s almost lunchtime. Do you plan on going out?”
A wide smile breaks onto your face. “Well, now that you mention it…” Jeno stifles laughter as you eagerly grab your stuff and get ready to head out together.
Friday. Noon.
“Do you like your bodyguard?” Minjeong unexpectedly asks in the middle of your girls’ lunch.
You tilt your head to the side, sipping on your drink. “Do I like Jeno? I mean, sure. We don’t fight as much as we used to…” you nod pensively.
Chaeryeong snickers while Minjeong rolls her eyes.
“Y/n, sweetie. I mean like as in feeling attraction towards him. Any romantic feelings?” she emphasizes. You stop sipping, your mouth parting off the straw habitually.
“What,” you swallow, “makes you ask that?”
They both shrug simultaneously. There’s a certain look in their eyes that you can’t decipher. “You see,” Minjeong starts, “this is the first time in our lives that we’ve seen you act like this towards someone of the opposite sex.”
You think you hear crickets chirping off from far away. In what language would you possibly be able to understand what that means?
Chaeryeong bursts out laughing at the dumbfounded expression on your face before adding, “yeah, and he even calls you by your first name. Did he ask you or did you ask him to do that-”
You clear your throat, “You know what? I think I have to go. Jeno must be waiting for me,” you cough. “Oh dear, look at the time- I need to head out. I’ll contact you guys later!”
You pathetically smile for a split second before gathering your things and dashing off, looking for the nearest exit and private area for you to call jeno to come pick you up.
“Hello? The bill!” Minjeong calls out indignantly.
You curse. “I’ll get it next time,” you yell back before squeezing your eyes shut and pushing past the doors.
While walking away, you round past a corner without paying attention, too distracted trying to contact jeno. You bump into something firm, stumbling back.
You look up, it’s a random man that you’ve never seen and don't want to anymore after seeing how his face changes when he takes in your appearance. You try to smile politely, although you don’t feel like it.
“Excuse me.” Your attempt to sidestep the man fails. He steps in your way purposefully, trying to laugh and smile as if it was a coincidental accident. This has happened to you too many times to count, so it only annoys you even further at this point.
“Hey, are you interested in-"
“Sorry. "I’m busy at the moment.” You don’t even attempt to smile at this point. He frowns, and you try again to pass him.
“Wait-“ he takes your arm and you feel disgust rise through you. “Let me go,” you command. He doesn’t.
“Oh, come on-“
“What do you think you’re doing?” You both turn around, and your heart sinks in relief when you see him. Jeno takes your hand, and you gasp when he pulls you closer to him. “Excuse you, but she’s with me. Thank you and goodbye.”
You can barely stutter anything out as he guides you to a secluded area, sitting you down on a nearby bench. Jeno places his hands on his hips. “Don’t go off like that without letting me know,” he scolds gently. “You scared me.”
You inhale sharply, avoiding his gaze. “A-alright.”
He raises an eyebrow at your reaction but his next words get interrupted by a call on his phone, and he turns around to answer.
You take this chance to place your hand softly on your chest, right above where your heart was. Your heart that was racing.
This is the first time you’ve gone to a party with jeno. A formal one, but it’s still a party nevertheless.
You already spilled all the details to jeno in the car, informing him on what these ‘parties’ were really for. It was for those old snotty rich people to either set up their kids together or gossip to gain information and get an upper hand for their businesses. Essentially- a damn waste of your time. But as your father once said, any way to boost your reputation and public standing is good enough.
He nods, soaking in all your words. You take his hand and squeeze it gently. “Sorry, Jen,” and the nickname makes his chest tighten, “but it’s going to be a whole lot more boring than my father’s meetings.”
Turns out that you’re very right.
Jeno spends most of his time people-watching. Of course, he was still guarding you, his eyes would flick over towards you occasionally, but there’s wasn’t much to see when 99% the time you had a fake smile on your face. Yes, the business-friendly one that most people wouldn’t catch, but jeno has seen it enough times to know what was a real or a fake smile from you.
He can easily describe the way your eyes crinkle and your mouth splits into a wide grin- he swears your dark orbs sparkle every time. But that wasn’t the kind of smile you wore now.
Jeno politely declines an offer for a glass of champagne for the 10th time- he doesn’t dare drink on the job. He looks over to where you are, and immediately his eyes capture the picture of you by the bar, drink placed next to you as you stare up at whatever stupid show is on the widescreen tv, the colors flashing back down onto your skin.
His gaze never breaks until he sees an unfamiliar man slide next to you. His bodyguard instincts go off but you don’t seem to notice the man and he doesn’t do anything to interact with you. Jeno hesitates, it wasn’t his duty to cut in whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. He watches you talk for a couple of minutes, not paying too much attention.
He sighs, about to turn away when he catches a flash of something in the man’s hand, reflected off from the tv screen’s lights- the hand that’s moving away from your glass.
Well, shit. You’re completely clueless, having looked in the opposite direction of that man and therefore didn’t see anything suspicious of the sort. Immediately, jeno gets up from his spot leaning against the wall, making his way over to you. In the process, he encounters at least five groups of people that get in his way and prevent his path towards you.
Puffing a breath of frustration, you’ve moved to another part of the room with the glass in your hand by the time he gets over to the bar, seemingly very deep in conversation with a few important-looking people judging by their outfits.
Jeno’s sweating nervous sweat in his suit and he absolutely hates it. Every single time you raise the glass to your lips only to bring it back down because you have something important to contribute to the conversation, he feels like a piece of him has shriveled up and died.
It’s not as simple as it seems. More specifically, it’s just not his right to jump in whoever he wants. It’s rude etiquette and one of the first things he’s ever learned at his training school. Yes, there’s the whole you could die shit, and yes that’s a huge deal. But for some reason, all his instructors also made it a huge fucking deal not to interfere in business talk. Because for some ridiculous reason jeno will never get, rich people can’t stand it when “lower class” people interrupt them. And it makes jeno utterly furious when he just wants to walk over to you and rip that cursed drink out of your delicate, manicured hands.
He waits for a good moment. Any moment. He also forgets how popular you are. Jeno doesn’t want to admit it but it certainly irks him to see so many guys confidently walk up to you as if they think they can even get close to receiving your number. Except, jeno also feels a gratifying amount of satisfaction seeing the look of rejection on their faces just mere seconds later.
Jeno wants to go to you. He also wants to find the dumbass who spiked your drink in the first place, but the fear that you’ll take a sip the second he looks away overpowers him. It seems like there’s never going to be a moment he can jump in, and he contemplates just interrupting your conversation. What would the consequences be?
The split second you turn away from those dumb entrepreneurs or whoever jeno doesn’t care about, to raise that glass to your lips, he practically charges forward, ripping your wrist away and effectively spilling the drink in your hands all over the floor.
Astounded, you look up to see Jeno’s intense stare, breathing heavily. There’s complete silence around you, and luckily only in your proximity did by-passers notice.
Your expression says it all. What the hell?
He clenches his jaw, leaning in. “Spiked,” he mutters. Your eyes widen, and a bazillion thoughts course through your head before you remember where you are.
The people next to you are still just as speechless as you were, and once again you thank your years of practice that have led you to this day.
Your face automatically corrects to your business face and you start laughing, making eye contact with all the bewildered people in front of you. You throw a hand out, pretending to cover your mouth to stifle the laughs.
“It’s my father. Apparently, he gave directions to make sure I didn’t drink tonight.” You smile apologetically to the servants cleaning up the mess.
“I have an important meeting tomorrow,” you add, and the people begin laughing nervously and in relief. “-you know my father,” you quip and the laughter after that seems more relaxed. Crisis averted, you internally pat yourself on the back.
Most of the drink is already spilled all over the ground, but just to seal the deal you smile reassuringly to everyone nearby again before just completely trashing it, dropping the entire glass and all in the trash can without a second thought.
The rest of the night goes by quickly- mainly since you ask jeno to take you home asap, and he quickly obliges. When he drives off, he shifts his gaze over to you. He can’t read the expression on your face as you stare straight ahead at the road.
“Are you okay?”
You exhale, looking at jeno. “Honestly? I have no idea.” A beat passes before you speak up again.
“But thank you for saving my life, again.”
Jeno swallows. He’s familiar with this. You’re doing it. Deflecting.
The sound of your hand slamming against the side of the car door almost makes him jump. He looks at you, concerned. There’s a determined expression he sees on your face, one he hasn’t seen often- if not at all.
“I’m not doing this anymore.”
He almost has a heart attack the moment you say that. “What-“
“I’m done being scared. I’m done pretending I’m okay and that nobody is trying to kill me, and I’m done doing nothing about it.”
You press your lips together. “Jeno,” you state firmly. The car rolls to a slow at the stop sign. “Did you happen to see who it was?”
He bites his lip, almost ashamed. “No. It was a man. Dark styled hair, gray suit. All I got was his backside, I’m sorry y/n.”
“No,” you shake your head. “That’s good. That’s better than nothing. But,” you fidget, wanting to curl up into a ball, “Why would anyone try to do this to me?”
Jeno tilts his head, “Most likely it’s someone trying to get to your father through you. Don’t worry, we’ll report it and find whoever’s behind it if there’s one at all.”
“Right.” Your head falls against the window with a thud. “This is annoying.” Jeno and you share a look, a grin coming up on both of your faces.
“Well, all I can say is that I’m impressed by your cover-up. It’s just like you were a professional actress in a movie. You handled that very well,” he speaks up.
You feel heat creeping up the back of your neck, and you clear your throat. “Thanks,” you mutter. Jeno cocks his head. This isn’t the first time you’ve reacted like this.
He calls your name, and your head shoots up. “yeah?”
“Do you always get this flustered when I compliment you?”
You scoff exaggeratedly, looking anywhere but at jeno’s face. “Yeah, right.” You cringe, your sudden voice crack really did you dirty.
Jeno bites the inside of his cheek to suppress the smile and laughter that so desperately want to bubble out of him.
This is bad. This is very bad.
It seems as if jeno is taking advantage of this newfound weakness against you, and you do not appreciate it one bit. You enjoyed holding the power over him, but now that he can make you become the sweatiest, stuttering mess in the room when you were specifically trained to not do that since you were (basically) born, it makes you wonder if you took it for granted.
“You look pretty today.”
“Your hair smells so nice.”
The one time he called you princess you swear you almost fainted.
And the worst part is?
You have no clue why this occurs. Your body simply reacts without thinking. It makes you want to pull your hair out and keeps you up all fucking night long.
Jeno’s cocky smirk shows up in your nightmares or in reality, dreams.
“Hey, y/n,” he asks one day. You hum in response. “Who’s that one friend of yours that works here?”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “Chaeryeong?”
If you would have bothered to look up, you would have seen the cockiest and most mischievous smile on jeno’s face. “Right, that one. I just thought she was pretty,” he states casually, preparing for your reaction.
Your pen falls flat on the table. Your eyebrow twitches. Three, four, five seconds pass.
“What?” You ask in the quietest, calmest voice Jeno has ever heard since he’s met you.
Was it just him or did the temperature in the room drop three degrees?
He looks so innocent you don’t know if you want to punch him or hug him as a five-year-old would do to a teddy bear. “Hm? I just said she was pretty, that’s all. Right? I mean, she’s your friend.”
“Yeah, right…” you reply, distracted. Jeno counts five seconds, pretending to walk off a little way.
You let out a huge scoff, suddenly scribbling furiously in your notebook like you did the first week you met jeno.
“…are you okay, y/n?”
“Perfectly fine,” you respond with gritted teeth. You weren’t bothered at all. You didn’t care about jeno at all. No, none. Nothing. You don’t care about the fact that jeno and chaeryeong would look so good together and no, you don’t fucking care at all.
You hear small snickers off to the side, and you glare furiously at jeno before he quiets down.
It’s not until you wake up in the middle of the night at 2 am with a horrible pillow head that you realize it.
That fucker’s been doing it on purpose.
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Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, name it and Jeno has seen you wear it before. You undoubtedly possessed one of the most extravagant wardrobes with pieces from famous designers all over the world. Decorated with expensive, rare crystals and accessories that probably cost more than jeno’s life and worn all on you like it was nothing.
But it was never like this.
No one can deny your beauty, radiating from every part of you. It’s always been there, only today the clothes you wear make it even more noticeable. Your bold, sleek (and quite revealing) dress paired with sharp high heels. The first thing that catches jeno’s eye is your hair, styled up high so delicately that makes him think it must’ve taken at least 3 hours.
They all make a huge dent in Jeno’s shield.
The whole day he was told that you were busy, and now he suddenly understands why, gulping. “W-where exactly are we going again?”
You smirk, pretending to act innocent although nearly the whole room stares at you in shock. “A cocktail party. I have to meet a potential partner.”
Jeno’s too dumbstruck to ask you what kind of partner (and he later regrets it.)
Alright, so maybe the idea popped in your head soon after your father informed you that a potential business partner was attending the party later today. It gave you an excuse to get dolled up- who doesn’t like to do that every once in a while? Besides, there was no way you would pass up an opportunity to catch jeno off guard.
This strange, foreign feeling that derives from the bottom of his stomach and rises up his throat makes him sick. It forces jeno to want to punch a wall or anyone nearby, and he almost obliges. More than once, the wine glass in his delicate hand almost shatters and he doesn’t drink. Jeno hasn’t, and he most certainly will not, but he’ll accept anything to just ground him, ground him before he does something he’ll definitely regret.
Bodyguards weren’t allowed in private rooms. Jeno can only stand outside the door, pacing back and forth as he tries to identify what this horrid sensation is. The only thing that reaches his ears is the sound of your laughter. Pressing his ear against the door in an attempt to eavesdrop (he was that desperate apparently), produced no results when the only noise was your soft murmurs muffled by the door. Your giggles were ones that he got to hear, not whoever this “potential partner” of yours should even deserve.
It just irks him. That’s it. His worst fears come to light when he recalls this afternoon. You look ready to kill in that attire of yours, and your mention of a partner.
There’s no way…
The glass in his hand cracks and it immediately breaks his stupor. He awkwardly places it down before he does any more damage. Anything, jeno does anything ranging from squats to lunges to distract his wild mind. Until finally, the door opens and in a split second, he’s back to his formal self. One man walks out, then another, and finally one last one who waits for you to shake your hand politely before bowing and heading off with the others.
He tries, hard, to pretend he’s unbothered, but his eyes flicking back between you and the leaving men reveal his true intentions. Still smiling, you sigh contently before greeting your bodyguard.
“How,” his voice is gruff and scratchy from not having used it for a while, and he swears your smile grows just the teeniest amount, “how was it?”
You start walking at a casual pace, dress flowing behind you as jeno deftly avoids stepping on it while following. You could get used to this.
“Good.” Suddenly, you turn around to face him. Taking a step closer to jeno creates a ripple effect as he takes a step back, and another one, and another until shit- the wall’s there.
You search jeno’s eyes, unwavering no matter how close your body gets to his. You’re much taller with those heels, jeno notes as he avoids eye contact.
Keeping a distance you deem appropriate between your bodies, you lean the slightest in, and jeno gets a whiff of your sweet perfume- it’s almost sickening as he pleads for his eyes to stay open. Jeno prays that someone walks past the corridor so you’ll step back, give the man some room to breathe, but it seems that he’s out of luck.
Your voice is so full of fake concern, even he can see through it.
“Are you alright?” you look at him from under your eyelashes. His nod is almost indiscernible as you lean in closer, eyebrows furrowed.
He chokes out a ‘yes,’ and you finally take it, stepping away. You pretend you don’t see his sigh of relief and give him a couple of breather seconds.
“So,” he finally gets out, “who was that?”
You feel giddy. Exiting the party into the chilly night, you shiver before shooting him a look. “No one important. Why? Are you jealous?”
Jeno actually scoffs at that, shoving his hands in his suit pockets. “Yeah, right. I don’t care at all who- but uh, if it’s really a mar-“
You continue walking, allowing the smile to break fully on your face. “It was just a potential business partner for our upcoming exhibition. No need to get jealous, Jen.” He stops walking at that. You can hear the lack of footsteps and turn around, crossing arms to keep in the heat. That’s when jeno notices. His eyes rake over you, and suddenly, the cold doesn’t bother you. Jeno sniffs, looking away as he grumbles, “Then there was no need to wear all that..”
A puff of air leaves your mouth as you laugh, visible in the frosty air. You open your mouth to respond but your lips part without any sound leaving. The feeling of jeno wrapping his suit jacket around you has your blood-chilling even more if that was possible.
“Come on, let’s go home, y/n.” When he receives no response, he turns to find you as still as a statue, staring off into the distance. He squints. Are you blushing?
His hand waving in front of your eyes allows you to unfreeze, jeno’s concerned face coming into focus. “Why is your face red?”
“What?” You jolt, “N-no it isn’t,” you lie, although you quickly start hitting your cheeks as if it would magically will them to stop.
“You know doing that is only going to make it worse,” he remarks, amused.
“Stop being a smartass and drive me home, will you?”
He salutes jokingly. “Anything for the missus,” and you push his shoulder playfully.
It’s nearing the Christmas season. For you to get into the spirit, there’s only one thing that you do every year. An unbreakable rule, a small self pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done this year.
Of course, it’s splurging-
on yourself.
Jeno rolls his eyes at the sight of you. You couldn’t decide between an orange Hermes bag or a Gucci handbag, so you weigh the two options in front of him, frowning. Both ridiculously expensive that he doesn’t bother looking at them.
“Which one looks better on me?”
You pout, “Come on, I’ve been switching back and forth for two hours now.” You continue, “the orange looks better with my-“
Two hours too many, his eyebrow twitches as he tunes out the rest of your words. Puffing out a breath of exasperation, he pinches his nose ridge. “You look the prettiest, alright? So don’t go asking me anymore because either doesn’t compare to you…” he trails off in frustrated mutters while pinching his nose bridge.
You fall silent.
The gift is held out, a dainty box with a glittering silver bow wrapped around it. While jeno was answering a call, you quickly ran off to the designated store that had been in your sights since the moment you arrived at the shopping centre. Having brought proper disguise to wear this time, you felt safe enough entering without him.
Jeno’s eyes widen in surprise. “What’s this?”
You shrug. “Just something for coming along with me today,” and before he can say anything, you swiftly intercept, “I know you’re forced to since it’s your job, but really.” You glance down at the ground in embarrassment. “It’s a thank you gift, so I won’t allow you to return it.”
He holds the box in his hand, admiring the packaging. Throat dry, he swallows before opening it.
A pristine silver watch presents itself to him, almost mockingly- something he could never afford. Reading the brand, he grasps a rough estimate of the cost, and honestly, jeno can’t expect less from you. It’s beautiful, yes, and he’s been needing a new one for a while now, but…
“Y/n, you know I-“
You raise a hand out to effectively stop him. “None of that. I won’t have any of it.”
He presses his lips together, examining the watch once more as it ticks silently, the sleek finish gleaming against the streetlights. “Okay then,” his voice floats over to you softly, “thank you, y/n.”
“I owe my life to you-”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s my duty, and… I never want to see you hurt.”
You nod, replying with a tender, “I know.”
And with that, you quickly bid him goodnight with a pacing heart.
Your father calls you early in the morning to his office. You’re greeted by his stern expression, a usual that you’ve come to expect. But what you don’t expect is to see jeno sitting across from you, akin to the first day you met him. The look on jeno’s face makes you stop in your tracks. His hands rest on his knees, hands clasped firmly together as his eyes stare at the floor and the floor only- the unreadable expression makes you frown unconsciously.
Your father calls out your name, and you bow with your gaze still focused on jeno.
“Why… why did you call for me?”
The CEO lets out a long, heaving sigh. “I’ve been thinking. After I found out about your spiked drink at the party three weeks ago, a suggestion was made that we obtain a proper squad -a team of bodyguards- to protect you. Lee Jeno is a fine man,” he pauses to glance at the unmoving silhouette, “but it seems that more protective measures need to be taken.”
You get the underlying message. Everyone knows, Jeno doesn’t work with others. That means replacing- you fucking hate the word- him with a whole squad just to watch over you all the time.
You tense. “What are you implying about Jeno? Are you saying that he can’t protect me? Father, that’s completely absurd. He has been trained-“
“You know very well that’s not what I have said.”
You bite your lip. “And therefore? Jeno has been protecting me since day one, and he will continue to. I allowed you to hire me bodyguard, how much more do you want from me?“ your eyes flicker to jeno. “I put my faith in you to trust Jeno wholeheartedly and have done so. Don’t tell me false lies without thinking of your daughter.”
At that, Jeno is stunned. For once, he looks at your asserted figure, unable to move until you call out his name, instructing him to follow you out of the room. Jeno follows you silently as you cross the hallway into an empty staff room. He patiently waits for you to speak up.
There’s so much you want to say, and no words to put it into effect. You turn around, and he automatically notices the storm brewing in your eyes. That conflicted look makes him want to bury you in his arms. He does.
The wind is knocked out of you, body freezing in his warm embrace. Eventually, your arms come to wrap around his waist. Your head falls to lay on his shoulder, and it feels way too natural to make sense. “Jeno…”
“You’re not going. I’m not letting you.” You pull back, letting him see the sincerity in your eyes, and he does, adam’s apple bobbing slightly. Then a certain thought strikes your head, and you quickly release him, embarrassed.
“Unless- you, unless you want to stop being my bodyguard.”
He frowns. “I never said that,” he quirks an eyebrow, and you sigh in relief. He places a hand on your shoulder and you meet his gaze. “Don’t worry y/n, I’ll never leave your side.”
The evident happiness shown in your eyes is enough to make him happy too. Perhaps it’s the new environment you’re placed in or the situation that just occurred, but it’s almost as if a filter was placed over jeno’s eyes when he looks at you. His eyes can follow your every action and he becomes conscious of your remaining warmth that came from being pressed against him. Your outfit, hairstyle, scent, all feel so fresh to him. He wants to shake it off- it’s somewhat overwhelming.
After seeing you stand up for him, stand up against your father, it’s like a switch flipped and there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.
The long-awaited holiday of the year is coming up, and Jeno soon realized the extent to which he desperately needs to buy gifts. Desperately so, or else his friends would beat him up. Not that they could or he would let them, but jeno’s generally known in the friend group for lagging behind due to his work schedule, and he’s determined to make a difference this year. Jeno doesn’t have much time off- barely any at all, but the one day he does, a sense of loneliness washes over him. The one day he convinces himself to go out to buy presents, the reluctance of being alone stops him and before he knows it, his phone is dialing a number- your name flashing on the screen.
The rush of delight that fills him when you almost immediately agree unnerves him. Before hanging up, jeno quickly reminds you to cover your identity- mask up, wear a hat, do whatever- and you reluctantly comply. You don’t question who or what he’s buying gifts for, you just tag along.
At the crowded shopping plaza, the festive cheer fills the air, and finally, it sets in. Jeno grabs your hand instinctively as you weave through the crowd. You go through a total of six stores until jeno feels satisfied with all his gifts. You helped him pick out an ugly sweater and he swore he’s never laughed harder than at your expressions of surprise and confusion from all the bizarre patterns. "Why do people like to wear these... kinds of clothes?" you wonder out loud, and he bursts out laughing.
Before you leave, there seems to be a band playing celebratory music in the center of the plaza, and you can’t help but drag jeno across to the growing crowd that listens. Finding a good spot near the back of the crowd just for safety measures, you and jeno stand there. He silently watches you bounce along to the music, body swaying back and forth as you listen in glee. Chuckling, he almost glances away until he hears your voice. A strange man stands to the left of you, leaving over to ask you a seemingly harmless question. It really shouldn’t bother Jeno, but an unsettled feeling unnerves him as you answer casually, quiet enough he can’t hear what you said. Still, he stays silent.
That’s when he catches the man’s hand and glint reflecting across the light, the distance between his knife and you decreasing. Instinctively, Jeno lunges forward and grabs your arm to pull you to him quickly as he tries to get between the two of you. It all happens in a split second- in one moment he’s wide-eyed and springing forward and the next he’s gripping onto you tightly, almost shaking your body as he questions you. For a minute he thinks you’re fine, your wide and flustered eyes staring back at him as you hold just as tight onto his tensed arms.
Then he follows your eyes, your very eyes that trail down to your side, and his blood runs cold. He sees the blooming patch of red, and immediately he whips around to find the damned culprit but there’s no one. You stumble, and that’s when Jeno begins to panic, no longer caring as he yells out to the people around you to call for an ambulance.
The last thing you remember before blacking out was jeno’s eyes shining with alarm and distress as he calls out your name.
This may be the first time Jeno’s completely out of his senses. His leg bounces in front of him as he clasps his hands together, praying that you’re okay. The hospital is mainly quiet, the noise dying down after the couple of hours that have passed since you were admitted. Once the sound of footsteps approaches him, he jumps up to see the doctor, waiting with a neutral expression.
You’re going to be okay. You’re alive and well. It was just the situation and sight of blood that must’ve caused you so much shock that you fainted. Fortunately, you were pulled away by jeno enough so that the knife wasn’t able to impale you- jeno nearly gags- but only leave a long scratch that ran across your side. It was enough to keep you in the hospital for a set amount of days, but nothing that would impair you. Jeno isn’t allowed to see you yet, and he goes to testify to the police and your father. It pains him to describe the scene in detail- the sickening man who did that to you, but he finishes one way or another. Jeno knows it’s deeper than this, there’s more to this and he’s had a feeling for a while. All he’s told is that your father is keeping the situation quiet in order not to arouse the public media (although it obviously has) and that a private investigation surrounding the attempted murders is ongoing. Jeno’s left to sit in the cold hospital waiting room, alone with his thoughts and feelings.
He feels the guilt breaking him- he’s the one who made the promise and he couldn’t protect you.
The first time he saw you, his eyes almost well up with tears. No matter how much you’ve been through, how much you’ve suffered- you’re always so strong. Your gentle smile and tired eyes tear his heart even further. Jeno states your name quietly, trudging closer. You pat next to you, implying for him to come closer. Where does he even start?
“I’m so sorry. It was all my fault. If only I had-“
“Why are you apologizing?” You stare at him with an incredulous look, and he blinks.
“What do you mean why? You got stabbed, y/n. I wasn’t fast enough so you got hurt and now you’re here, in the hospital.”
“Are you serious? Or is this some kind of joke?”
Jeno can’t believe it. Was it the medication making you loopy? “You’re hurt. I couldn’t even do my job properly and he was right there-,” he clenches his fists and lowers his face in regret.
Your warm hand placed on top of his gets him to shut up. He looks up and sees your tiny smile, hidden with a secret emotion he can’t discern. “Jeno,” you say.
“Stop looking at this,” you gesture to your wound, “and start looking at this.” You open your arms wide, showing you in all your glory- including the dumb hospital gown and iv drip attached to your arm. Your eyes soften. “You saved my life, and I’m only here because of you. Think of how much worse it could have been,” you press and he doesn’t say anymore or want to imagine anything more.
“Okay, y/n. Just please forgive me for breaking your trust. You put your faith in me and-
You roll your eyes stubbornly. “I forgive you, now please stop with that depressing talk. I’m completely fine and honestly more irritated at the fact that I have to stay here confined while everyone gets to do exciting stuff.”
“Chaos happening at the office because of your almost death isn’t exciting- at least, I don’t find it to be,” he jokes, finally feeling the mood lighten. You scoff.
Your father spending most of the time conferring with the police and media sources instead of visiting you at least once could mean more or less to you at this point.
He scoots his chair closer to your hospital bed. “You’re not… bothered by him? It’s like your own father and only family doesn’t even care for your safety, just the public’s opinion on the company.”
You manage a tiny shrug in order not to mess with your stitches. “That’s just how it is when your father is the CEO of the largest shareholding company in the country.” You look down to fiddle with your fingers. “Besides, I don’t know what I’d do if he did care.”
That’s when Jeno realizes how alone you are. You have friends but they have their own appointments. You have family but they never visit. Jeno resolves to make up for all of the absences in your life.
You’re surprised by how much Jeno stops by and keeps you company at the hospital. Without fail, he brings snacks or random stories every visit. He’s not officially on duty since you’re restricted to the hospital, but he still tells you the happenings at the office, or which two workers have been revealed to be secretly dating (and every time you clap your hands together and yell “I knew it!”), or sweet messages from co-workers that aren’t able to visit you in person. And, the update on the case. They got the guy who stabbed you- the same one who tried to poison you that one night, and it makes Jeno feel a little better. For now, the motive is just trying to get to the CEO by using you and he hopes the police stick with it.
“You know,” you speak up one afternoon, “you don’t have to be here. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get a break from being my bodyguard and seeing me 24/7.” The look Jeno sends you in response effectively shuts you up.
On the days you force him not to come in or he’s reached the maximum limit of visiting you for the week- stupid, he knows- he sends you messages that leave a smile on your face and your heart fluttering.
Well, this a certainly a predicament you would have never thought to find yourself in. Jeno’s foot taps the floor in a random beat as he recounts the drama that occurred at the office today. Your eyes keep slipping towards the simple clock on the wall, and you feel your palms grow increasingly clammy. Jeno, of course, takes note of this. You always listen intently to his stories, so the one time he feels the absence of your gaze on him, he knows something is wrong.
“What is it?”
You almost jump. “Huh?”
He purses his lips together, “Something’s bothering you.” Internally, you debate the consequences of revealing the issue. Would you regret this? And then you remember you have almost been murdered multiple times. This one thing couldn’t possibly kill you, right?
You take a deep breath. “The nurse said that today, I could finally change into my normal clothes and you know how much I hate wearing this stupid hospital gown.” You bite your lips and jeno’s eyes subconsciously follow the action. “But it’s four o’clock and she still hasn’t come in to help me so… couldyoupossiblyhelpmetakethisoff?”
As if realizing what you just said out loud, you shoot your gaze to the nearby window in the room, heat filling your body. Silence permeates the room and you so desperately wish you could reverse time and keep your damn mouth shut. Why, of all times, do most hospital gowns not have zippers, and the one you’re currently wearing does?
“You know what, forget-“
You speak at the same time. You whip towards him. His ears are flushed red as he avoids your gaze awkwardly.
“I-I won’t look, I’ll-“
You blink, a sudden feeling of helplessness rising within. “I know. I can’t reach it because of my stitches so can- can you just unzip the…”
“Y-yeah, I got it.”
You hold your breath as he approaches you, fingertips delicately placed near the top of your back. His hands hesitate before softly reaching for the zipper, pulling down slowly. You can feel the coldness of his fingers seep into your back but you grit your teeth and mention nothing, heart pounding.
“I promise I’m not looking anywhere like that,” he mutters while zipping it down further. You reassure him that it’s fine before shivering when his cold fingers come in contact with your bare shoulder to help take the gown off. There’s this sudden urge to turn around to face him, but it’s practically impossible in your current state, so you close your eyes instead and focus on your breathing. He stills for a second, but his eyes can’t help but slowly get pulled into your wound now in plain view, and he swallows. Luckily, most of your body is covered still by the gown, but he still sees the broad amount of smooth skin that wasn’t attacked or worked on.
Jeno whispers a soft, “I’m done.”
The door clicks open noisily and your heads both whip towards the source of the sound. A nurse stands there, one hand on the clipboard and another still on the door handle, observing the scene.
“It’s not-“
“I wasn’t doing anything, I…“ he splutters.
Excuses and explanations fill the air until eventually Jeno feels it’s best to leave and he practically dashes out of the room. You can only sit there, astounded.
The nurse clears her throat, “Well then, I guess I’ll finish helping you change.” You nod wordlessly.
“Is he your boyfriend?”
You jump and it stretches your stitches, causing a wince to erupt out of you as the nurse calms you. “Oh my, I didn’t mean to startle-“
“It’s fine,” you mumble distractedly, apparently more preoccupied with the aforementioned thought. Does jeno look like your boyfriend? Has the media noticed and misunderstood? Was there even something to misunderstand about?
December 25. AKA, Christmas Day.
You receive the green light from the doctors to go home. After expressing your uttermost gratitude to the doctors and nurses that took care of you, you feel the rising excitement at the prospect of finally returning home. You get to see your grandmother who wasn’t able to visit with duties at your penthouse and all your friends consumed by work.
And there was one other person. The one that you wanted to see the most, but you sent him home. It was Christmas- there was absolutely no way you would make him work, forced to stay next to you the whole day. (although, he wouldn’t be complaining, and neither would you.) You remember commanding him to stay home the night before, Christmas Eve, and celebrate with whoever he wanted. No matter how pleased you were when he protested, you make him promise to not worry about you and enjoy the day off.
“It’s Christmas, Jen.”
“Yes, but…”
“Go home and stop worrying so much- at least for one day, okay?” Your thumb softly smooths out his furrowed brow. “For me?”
Reluctantly, he responds, “Fine. As long as you promise to text me tomorrow night.”
You beam. “Of course, I promise.”
On the other side of town, Jeno checks his phone anxiously. He swears his anxiety (or possible separation issues?) has never been this bad.
“Dude, how many times are you gonna check your phone?” Haechan snorts, jumping over the couch to plop down next to him. “Every time it goes off you’re scrambling for it like you’re in the Hunger Games or whatever.” He slides even closer, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, and jeno grimaces.
“Could it be," he taps his chin cheekily, "your secret girlfriend?”
When jeno’s ears turn red and he doesn’t respond, haechan’s eyes grow wide, contrary to Jen’s belief. “No way, is it actually? I was just joking but-“
“Leave him alone,” Mark shakes his head helplessly. “It's probably his work- you know he’s always on call. Give him a break,” mark finishes while leaving haechan to splutter and jeno to heave a sigh of relief.
Although jeno agrees with you, it was nice to finally see his friends and have a day off while celebrating Christmas, he can’t help but wonder what you’re up to. How are you? Are you home now? Are you alone- who’s celebrating with you? Is he the only one thinking this much about you?
Hours later, jeno finally returns home before midnight. His excuse to his friends? He had to wake up early tomorrow to work. Lame, yes, but he needed to see you. He exhales, finally in solitude after spending the whole day with his rowdy friends. Throwing his jacket on the couch, he lays on the bed before taking out his phone.
His stomach flips- two unread messages from you.
[11:38 pm] you: Hey jen
[11:38 pm] you: How was your Christmas?
[11:40 pm] jeno: it was good!
He sighs while typing out a response, before shaking his head and backspacing to write another.
[11:42 pm] jeno: are you free
[11:42 pm] you: Right now?
[11:42 pm] jeno: uh
[11:43 pm] jeno: yeah
If any bystander were to see the scene in front of them, they would almost believe it was a clip playing from a k-drama. Jeno smiles shyly, giggling at his phone as if he was a teenager talking to their crush.
[11:46 pm] you: Yeah, I’m free ❤️
Jeno gasps audibly, placing a hand on his chest as he lights up like a little child. No way, you sent a heart?
[11:46 pm] you: Sorry!
[11:46 pm] you: That was a typo…
He quite visibly deflates at your text. He presses his lips together in a thin line while his fingers briskly move across the screen.
[11:47 pm] jeno: then ill see you outside your place in 5 min?
[11:48 pm] you: Sure ❤️
Beaming at your next message, he throws his phone haphazardly somewhere while getting ready as fast as possible, scrambling all over his apartment.
[11:48 pm] you: That wasn’t an accident this time ;)
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His breath floats away from him in the cold air, coming out in visible puffs while he runs towards your apartment building. It’s never once felt that long of a walk with you, but now it seems as if it stretched on for miles.
His legs come to a stop once he sees your figure just feet away. It’s far enough that you could barely shout to each other, but enough to see the expression on your faces. A wide split grin, eye-smiles, sparkling pupils, cheeks protruding so much it hurts.
It’s been a while. It’s taken a while, too. Jeno finally sees you. He finally sees your rarity-the one lone, twinkling star in the sky- and he never wants to lose it. The time it’s taken to build up the courage over fear is uncertain, but the sight of you in a matching set of purple pajamas with cute designs printed all over and is that his suit jacket that you’re wearing? Either way, he’s certain he can’t hold it back anymore (and probably couldn’t for much longer).
“I don’t think I can run right now,” you call out, and he laughs from his spot. Jeno looks on as you hold your arms open wide, so welcomingly, and he runs.
Right as he reaches you, he purposefully slows to embrace you in a gentle hug without hurting you.
“Welcome back, y/n,” he murmurs into your hair. You squeeze tighter, inhaling his comforting scent. Pulling back after a couple of moments, jeno looks down at your choice of outfits. “Wow,” he breathes, “you look beautiful.”
You raise an eyebrow. “In my pajamas?” He nods. “Of course.”
You look away, face burning, but the white powdery substance falling onto your face grabs your attention. Your head shoots up, as you look on delightedly. “Jeno! Look!”
He can only stare at you admiring the snowfall with a red nose and bright, twinkling eyes. You glance towards him, catching him in the middle of staring at you. You call his name out. Jeno bites his lip, taking one of your hands. Your face turns to one of confusion at the sudden change of atmosphere.
“Yeah?” He pulls you closer, taking in a deep breath before looking into your eyes.
“You mean a lot to me. Like, a whole fucking lot.”
Your eyes widen. Alarmed at the sudden confession, you bring your two cold hands up to hold his face, searching his eyes with a question hidden on your tongue.
On impulse, jeno leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss. At first, you can’t move, only noting the warm and foreign sensation on your lips. Then it hits you.
Why aren’t you pushing him away? …why doesn’t it feel wrong?
At the lack of a response, jeno pulls back. You stare at each other for a second before he opens his mouth to say something, and you cut him off.
“Kiss me again,” you command, and he enthusiastically does. His arms wrap around you as you grip the sides of his jacket in your cold fingers, allowing warmth to envelop you both inside and out. The taste of his lips on yours becomes addicting, and you force yourself to stop.
Breaking part, you share bashful smiles. Jeno swallows.
“Merry Christmas, y/n. I didn’t really think about getting you a gift but….” he trails off.
You giggle, “Merry Christmas, and me neither.” You beam at each other, the unspoken feelings shared between you two.
“How do you feel?” Jeno asks, bringing you close to him as he admires the tiny snowflakes resting on your eyelashes.
Although it’s freezing outside, and there’s a big fat chance you could get caught by paparazzi right now, you could care less. You can’t help but reply with a tiny smile,
“i think i’m okay right now.”
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p.s. there will be an epilogue released jan 28 ;))
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
"Sex pollen? Nah sex gas, er liquid..?"
Hi, I'm back to give you new fanfic, I'm really happy with this one.
this was written with no pronouns (other than 'they' obvi), for the smut I do use female anatomy.'
This is based off of tasm and comicverse spiderman :)
Anyways! this 18+ but, the sex is like waaaayyy down the line, I'll even mark when the smut starts so you can skip the sex if you'd like :)
Okay CW time!: Swearing, drugging? (the sex pollen lol), mention of Gwen's death (gotta add that angst), praise kink, lil teasing, pet names n nicknames wounds/blood mentioned (not graphic!), switch peter, switch reader, mention of loving boobs.
Summary!: After you and spidey try to figure out how to reverse the effect of a new gas goblin has created but things go south.
She's a loooong one!! (forgive me if there are some mistakes, one-man band)
As always please comment, reblog, and like! I might write a sequel if you do!
your journey awaits my love <3
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You twist the knobs on the microscope, and carefully notes are scattered around the walls of your lab. “Ah? Busy bee hmm?” You shriek, tripping over your chair, and you embrace for a hard fall. “Shit shit shit- I am so sorry, I did NOT mean to scare you like that!” you look up, The masked hero cradled you in his arms, his white lenses widened in horror. “I-it’s okay!” You leap outta his arms dusting yourself off. “Just been a Lil jumpy since the villain kidnapped me and all, haha..” you turn away from the costumed man. 
The whole reason you and spidey became friends recently is that you were kidnapped by Doc Ock. Somehow he got hold of some old studies of yours and thought he could use “another brilliant mind” of course you said no you weren’t gonna help with his evil conquests and then, well he kidnapped you, forcing you to help him kill Spider-Man. Then Spider-Man saved you but pretty banged up in the process, you felt pretty guilty so you decided to help him with his gear and occasionally with taking down criminals- with science of course! 
“Right right, sorry again..” you shrugged, still not facing him, pretending to be busy scribbling away so he won’t see your flushed face. A light thud hit the table, “I bought us tacos from your favorite place” you smile, you only told him about that place when you were trying to keep him from passing out from blood loss. You had read somewhere that you should keep talking to a patient to keep them from flatling, you were surprised he still remember considering he was fading in and out of consciousness. 
You turn to face him, “You only buy those when I’m gonna have to do extra hard work” you bite your lip as you speak, if he didn’t have a mask on you’d swear Spider-Man was checking you out. 
“I-uhm! Yeah haha, I do actually have work for you” he pulls out a vial from behind his back (where the fuck did he even hide-?) handing it to you, and you examine it holding it up to the light. “What is it?” 
Spidey tsked, pulling himself up on your desk to sit while pulling his mask up to chomp on a taco. “Well, it’s a liquid version of a gas the green goblin used today on a crowd of people when we were fighting.” He stated, swallowing a bit of taco. “Once they were sprayed they became incredibly violent. It took me 2 hours just to web everyone down!!” Your eyes widen and you put down the vial cautiously in a container. “It wore off after a while but, I think we should try to reverse engineer it, perhaps even make a calming spray to combat it..!” He pulls down his mask and dusts off his fingers. “Ready to get to work?” His white lenses half-lidded in question, you nod. “But first lemme eat some tacos I’m starving!”
You stretch, looking at all the progress you and the spider made. He had stepped out to do patrol, but he helped you make a lot of progress with the serum. Who knew he was so smart? You kinda assumed he was a jock, not like dumb, but not genius smart. You chew on your pencil, enough about Spidey, focus on the task at hand, Y/N. You stare blankly into the microscope again, the red liquid turned into a delectable bubblegum pink now. You and Spider-Man figured out a way to make the serum “attack” Serotonin receptors, effectively making it, well, a stronger “happy gas” to combat Goblin's next attack. 
You fall back into your chair sighing heavily, and you stare at the ceiling. You wish you could talk to him more, spidey only really came when he needed to pick your brain, “because two geniuses are better than one!”. You chuckle to yourself, It’s almost been a full year of knowing him now, your eyebrows knit in the thought of the times you had to patch him up at the lab and occasionally at your house. It took a while for you to open up to him, considering he’s a superhero they tend to attract trouble so you tried not to be TOO involved, strictly business on your side. Of course that didn’t last long, he was too sweet for you to keep playing coy. Yes, the time you spent with him was little and far in between but every laugh and stupid story he told in that short time made you fall more and more.
you liked him, like like him. 
You drag yourself up from the chair, scribbling the results of the serum before pouring the serum itself into a vial, sealing it. Not too long after you hear a THWIP! As you turn your head to face the masked man. “Hey look what the cat- holy shit are you okay?!” You run over to check on the wounded spider, you’ll never really get used to seeing him in pain like this. “D..Don’t worry, still kicking” he kinda groaned out as you helped him into the chair you were once sitting in. “Please don’t joke at times like this. Here sit like this it’ll keep pressure on your wound...” you quickly dismissed his remarks frantically looking for your first aid kit on your paper-filled desk. You could hear him shuffle a bit, you turn quickly to stop him, “Nononono don’t move if you do you’ll stop the pressure-!” Spider-Man pouts “You’ve patched me up before, I know” You lean on your desk about to scold him again when you lose your grip. 
Suddenly Spider-Man lunges towards you, you instinctively close your eyes, you hear a crash, and suddenly you feel a cool liquid drip down your back. “Shitshitshit!” You open your eyes to see a terrified spider-man, no, you didn’t- you couldn’t have, shit the happy gas- Well liquid? Fell on you! You get knocked out of your state of shock by Spider-Man’s groans again, gripping his side. You rush over to him, “I’m fin- healing already, it's just a flesh wound.” His hands whip towards you pressing his hands on your arms with a crushing force. “Weneedtoworryaboutyouthehappygasgotyouwhatare-” spider speaks faster than you can keep up. You try to calm him down by gripping his shoulder.
 “Spidey, sh. I'm fine! See??” You stood up quickly dusting yourself off, you helped him back on his feet as well. 
“God, this is all my fault. I should have been fast enough to catch you, I’m sorry” The masked hero ranted to the ground he was too ashamed to look in your eyes.
“It’s not your fault I’m clumsy, Webhead” you sighed, and looking back at your research, one test tube survived the fall. “Plus, I’m fine!” You gently grabbed his head lifting it to look into the white eyes (soulless) eyes. 
“See?” You start doing the robot dance, it was something he did when you were sad and always made you laugh. You get a small chuckle from the sad man, You pause carefully before continuing. 
“Spider, please be honest with me..That- catch me comment, that wasn’t really meant for me was it?” You're coaxing the answer out of him slowly, as he looks back at you and then back to the ground. 
“I- yeah.” He sighs, you don’t remember grasping his hands but somehow he holds your hand in a vice grip. “My, uhm. First love.. she died- I wasn’t fast enough to catch her, she-“ he stops himself, you from breaking away from his bruising grip to hug him pulling him to your chest. 
“It’s okay, we don’t need to talk about it anymore, okay?” He nods as steps away from you. “I’m sorry about- I shouldn’t tel- I don’t know why I-“ You put your hand up “Nope! We express our emotions here! You should never apologize for that. Especially considering all you do for this city.” You could tell he was smiling, even if you couldn’t see it. 
— (smut starts here)
You rush to get your feet to touch solid ground as Webhead gently sets you down on the fire escape, you’ll never get used to soaring through the sky. “T-thank you” you grip his chest, and his logo twists as you bunch it up, god you fucking hated heights. “I would open my window but I'm a little scared to move haha.” He exhaled through his nose, snickering. “Hey, hey I got you” he bends down as he pulls it open, you sit on the window seal and slide in, thankful to touch actual solid ground. Spiderman turns to leave but you grab his hand, “I-uhm.” Shit, you really didn’t have a plan to make him stay. “I- should check your wounds to make sure they’re okay.” He laughs.
“I assure you I’m fine, honey.” You felt a zing through your body straight to your clit, you have to stop yourself from moaning. God, keep it together! 
“I-uhm still would feel better if I check” you fiddle with your clothes letting go of his hand.
“Mm, I think it’s something else.” He sits on your window seal, and you step back. 
“I-well” you rock back and forward on your feet. 
“If you want me to stay, you don’t have to make an excuse y’know” you look up, his head is tilted at you, he hops down and closes the window. 
“Now what should we do now?” He clasped his hands together, you smiled so big your cheeks hurt. 
His hands landed on your shoulders squeezing you, and you felt that zing again. “Fuck” you muttered, you definitely have a waterfall in your pants now. What the hell is going on with you right now? Yeah, spider is hot but you’ve never been this horny over just his touch. 
“Hmm? What’s up?” spidey eyes quirked, and his hands slid down to your arms. You moaned, FUCK you moaned. You instantly pull away from him, “ IAMSOSORRYIDIDNT-ITI-“ you rushed out as many words as you could as he stood in bewilderment. 
“Hey, are you okay?” You tilt your head, and you rub your arm anxiously. “Y-yea uhm why wouldn’t I be haha..” you stutter out, he walks closer to you. “Your...eyes are very dilated.” He tries to take a step closer but you move back, this continues until you fall on the bed. 
“Gotcha! Now for the love of god just- please stay still” you fidget as he comes closer to examine you, you hear him mutter some mental notes to him before he slowly attempts to put his hand on your cheek, you immediately flinch and move away. “D-don’t touch me! ” you did not want another waterfall to happen tonight. You bit your lip, why were you acting like this? This is definitely not normal.. that’s when it hit you. The liquid, you and spiderman thought you only neuralized the angry effect on the liquid which is why nothing happened to you after it fell on you. I guess you could check that theory off, clearly, something was happening. 
“Spider-Man, the serum..I think it’s affecting me. When you touch me I get ..hot..” you could barely get words out.
“You- you should leave spidey, this could be dangerous, even contagious.” You hug yourself, the heat was getting unbearable but you couldn’t undress in front of him, that was a line you aren’t willing to cross, yet. You also needed to run a few tests on yourself to make sure this- sickness wasn’t permanent. 
“No! I don’t wanna leave you like this, this is my responsibility too. Let me help you” he held your face gingerly, and you bit your lip to keep from whimpering. “You feel so good on my skin..” you mutter to him. Wait- did oh god you said that out loud, that wasn’t supposed-.
The wall-crawler's eyes widened, “Oh?” You nodded “I’ve always wondered what you’d be like in bed, spider.” What the fuck are you saying?? Why can’t you control what’s coming out of your mouth?! 
“I-is that so?” He was strangely quiet. You move your head and give a lick to one of his digits, he makes a strangled groan. “I shouldn’t- you're sick..serum must be making you a-act” he moves his hand away but you grab his wrist before he can. “I’ve been liking you for a while now, Spiderman. I’ve just never had the guts to say it, this serum is giving me a boost in confidence, let’s say” you were so clear and concise, you couldn’t stop the words flowing from your fault. 
You could see Adam's apple move as he mulled it over, you crawled towards him, reaching for his mask. “Ah- wai-“ he grabs your hands at lighting speed. “Don’t worry spidey, I just wanna kiss you.” You whisper “Can I at least have that, hm?” You were gone, the you knew was locked up, the new you came out to play, apparently, they were very dominant and flirty.
 The masked hero nodded slowly, you slipped your hands under his mask pulling it lightly. His hands are still tightly banded around yours. You push a kiss lightly to his lips, and he drops your hands instantaneously in favor of putting them behind your head to deepen the kiss, soon you’re full-blown making out. 
He pulls away first, panting. “Shit.” His hands travel to your waist, and you shiver. “You were definitely right about this being contagious..” his hands roamed your body as he took you all in. 
“Mm, you are so beautiful like this. You were so cute asking me to stay earlier, I couldn’t resist teasing you about it.” 
Spider-Man’s voice was low and raspy as he pushed you down on the bed. “If I knew you wanted me to, I would have fucked your brains out 20 times by now, honey.” You moan as he unbuttoned your top. “I love the nicknames you give me, mm..” His hands glide on your skin. “Oh? Mm, you’re too cute” he chuckles. 
Suddenly you were back, well back to normal. “S-Spidey, god I’m so sorry I didn’t-“ you yelped as you felt teeth on your neck. “Hah, cute reaction.” Holy shit.. Spider-Man, New York’s friendly neighbor Spider-Man was literally on top of you, giving you a hickey. 
“Sp-spidey I- mm” his tongue traveled lower to your breast. “This is in my way” you hear a snap as your bra is ripped off you, and you gasp covering yourself immediately. 
 “Hm? What’s wrong you were so into this a minute ago?” He sat back a bit to look at you, you squirm under his eyes, he thinks. “Tsk. Oh, I see the serum made you have a pseudo personality to make you get laid then you revert back to yourself when the process is put in motion..” he stated you cocked your brow. “You thought that up in 30 seconds?”
 He nodded. “Well I am still Spider-Man, consider me to be his ego.” He dips back down to kiss your neck, as he pries your hands off your boobs. “Mm- Wait-! what if he doesn’t want this?” Spider-Man pulls back to hover over you, and he smirks. 
“Really? Do you truly think he doesn’t want to fuck you? He’s literally had a thing for you since you met. Sweetheart, I can’t make this body do anything that it doesn’t. I’m a reflection of his desire.” You feel like a hot coal, and he’s the fire. “Oh..but- why haven’t you changed back yet?” Spider-Man groans. 
“God you ask a lot of questions, I guess that’s partly why he likes you..Mm, basically I have the controls now, and mm I don’t wanna give it back, quite yet .” He pauses to give you another hickey, on your breast. “Give you a spin before I do, darling. Now enough talking.” 
Spider-Man hand slips in your underwear, and arch your back. Your senses are still very heightened, “Aw, I have even started rubbing your clit” he kissed the side of your mouth. “P-please.” You whisper to him, “please make me feel..good, spidey.” You could feel his dick harden more in his spandex. 
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me.” He frantically pulled his suit as you do the same to your pants. You looked at each other, his body was insane, he was beautifully sculpted, and you gulped. “Did I-? Wha-oh god.. I thought I was just dreaming again.” Spider-Man quickly covered his very large cock you giggle. “ You dreamed about fucking me?” You tease. “I-I mean- sometimes but like not in a weird way I would never-..well..uh..shit” he rubbed his head sheepishly. 
You both stare at each other before you speak up again. 
“Well, we-.. should finish what we started d-don’t you think?” You spluttered out. 
“Are you sure..we..I-“ His lips were moving but nothing was coming out. God, at this point you just wanna get laid. 
“Look! We both know what we wanna do to each other!! We basically confessed already!! Let’s just.. fuck already!” He looked at you stunned before, slowly getting back on the bed with you, laughing. “Mm, I guess you know what you want huh?” He teased you. “Well..I had some time to figure it out..” you flushed. His hand hovered over your breast, and you nod. He knead your beast softly, as he licked and prodded them. “So beautiful. I love them, I love you” he looks at you through his lenses, you could feel the love. “I love .. you too, though I’ve never seen your face. But I guess that proves I do love you for you.” You whisper, as he sits up, he stares at you for a moment before ripping off his mask like a second skin. 
In front of you is this gorgeous man, with slightly long brown hair, delicious chocolate eyes, and the cutest nervous smile. 
“A-are you okay? You’re being very quiet.” His voice was small. “Oh! I-I’m perfect, you're perfect.” you caress his cheek, and he closes the distance as he slips his hands down. You moan in his mouth as he toys with your clit, you buck up grinding against it, “Can I eat you out?” His voice was light, and you nod. “Honey I need verbal communication.” He moved down your body as he spoke, opening your legs but not keeping his eyes level with yours. You squeak a bit “Y-yes, please eat me out, spidey” you covered your face with your hands looking through the cracks of your fingers. “Actually, my name is Peter, Peter Parker .” You beam, “Well hello Peter, nice to meet you.” You chuckled, ruffling his hair as he softly lowered himself down, you jumped as he licked one long stride up. “You taste wonderful” before you could reply he sucked your clit. “Oh god, Peter!” You threw your head back, “Shit- you’re so-Mm” you tugged on his hair as he buried his mouth deeper into you, that’s when his fingers felt his fingers fill you with a delicious ache. 
“Oh my god- Peter!” You thrashed around, Peter put his hands on your legs to keep you in place. “Wai- I’m gonna cum, S-Stop!” He pulled away, a string of cum and saliva stuck to his mouth, he grins his eyes low. “Well that’s the point, It’ll make it easier for you cum later on my cock.” His fingers started pumping and curling into you again, you threw your head back again, whimpering, and you whining his name. “It’s okay, let it go” his voice soothes your burning soul, and you unconsciously ball up. “Shh, that’s it come on” you couldn't even moan, you just shuddered as you finally came. He lazily kissed your lips as you recovered. 
“I-I think I’m ready for you, n-now” you stare at him, and he smiles back as he leans back rubbing your pussy, to get some of your juices to pump his cock with. He lines himself up with yourself. He slowly pushed himself into you, His moans were delectable, and his hands found yours as he leaned over you. “Move, plea- god.. please move.” You groan, and he obliges. 
“Fuck, I feel like I’m gonna cum already. You feel amazing. My god, you know that? You're amazing, y’know?” He rambles, you mewl. “You are too, spidey- mm. God you’re- so so good at th-this. I-I'm -fuck.. I’m gonna cum a-again.” You seize up, Peter rubs your clit in circles and you buck against it, whining harshly. “P-Peter! Please- t-too much” you come feel yourself go numb. “Shh baby, just feel it.“ your eyes closed as you came again, and you pant. 
“I’m not done with you yet, Hold on just a little more baby.” His voice was husky. You chuckled and nod “You and your inhuman st-stamina” Peter smiled touching his nose with yours. “Hey love, uhm- are you on? “ you snickered “Yes I’m on birth control. No worries, don’t wanna have any mini spideys around here” he chuckles as he starts Impaling you once more, and you gasp. “Holy fuck you’re so big-“ you gasp once more, gripping his arms. “Mm s-sorry” Peter groaned. “N-no it’s a good thing, oh-!” You start seeing stars as he slams into you once more. 
“Good, mm- I’m almost there-“ he was breathless, your hands rubbing through his hair. “I-I can take it, p-please. Cum in me please, Peter.” Peter replies with a guttural moan as he pounds into you. You finally feel it, as his seed fills you, you see white, gripping his shoulder as you cum again. 
(Smut ends here)
You jolt up, promptly regretting it as your sore body compels you back down on your bed, you grunt. You look down, an arm wrapped around your waist. What? Whose? How-? The mystery figure groans. Oh shit- you fucked Spider-Man last night. Well, Peter, he said his name was Peter. 
“Morning love” you cast your eyes down again, He looked like a god with the sun rays on his face. His hands brushed against your face, “Morning Peter” 
“So- I.. wanted to take you on a date to this coffee shop around the corner.” He traced circles on your skin and you hummed at the sensation. “Mm yeah that sounds nice, I’d love to go on a date with you.” You laugh. “Plus afterward, we can figure out how to not make a powerful sex potion.” He poked your nose, snorting at your joke. “Mm, I dunno I thought you liked it?” His eyes crinkled as you covered your hands up with your face. “God Peter no more teasing I’m already still cringing from what I said last night!” Both of you burst out laughing. 
“Come on, let's go get some breakfast.” He sat up. “Check in the drawer I have some guy clothes in there from an ex a long time ago.” He nods that you're thankful he didn’t ask questions. You do the same, putting on some clothes. 
You two hold hands as you both step outside, “Ready to face the world again, Spider-Man?” Peter nods. “I am when you're by my side.”  
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