#ah yes the face of true evil
maskednerd · 1 year
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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nah but like
they're "seiros lapdogs" because they're fighting back against the people who attacked them completely unprovoked??? also because it so happens that thales is at garreg mach so they have to go there to reclaim the area to defeat him???
i just hate this because it's just perpetuating things about faerghus and its people that just aren't true. it frames it like they jumped into the war willingly for the church and that they're only here for the church. like nah buddy, it's not faerghus' fault you're out here fighting to protect thales and ludwig.
it also is batshit to me how he and leopold are fighting to stop faerghus from advancing but like... they know what's happening to the empire and that edelgard isn't even calling the shots anymore, yet they still stupidly fight for the very person who is literally razing their country and burning their villages. they know the empire is in shambles and that the kingdom isn't targeting them and is specifically aiming for gm to get it back from who? thales; who, mind, at this point is in his real form and not posing as arundel anymore. everything is laid out plainly, but they still act like faerghus is the bad guy.
but yeah, okay. faerghus BaD for defending themselves, fighting back, finding out who is behind all the puppeteering and heading to take him out. sure, that makes them seiros lapdogs. like what are you, an agarthan mouthpiece??? may as well be like yeah you go retreat and leave you agarthan lapdog. if they don't realize it's Someone Else in charge of course, then ludwig lapdog works fine too.
and it sucks because other than this shit, i like waldemar just fine as a character. it's just like, it feels like they forced someone to have to stick in that final faerghus BaD insult before the grand finale so they just randomly picked someone to remind us that faerghus is Always Wrong as long as they continue to fight back and prevent being attacked in the future.
waldemar here is just basically ag caspar. fighting and risking his life for thales, who is destroying the empire and basically holding the emperor hostage. if the writing here had any decent plot points, they would've all stopped and have been like hey wait, shouldn't we be fighting to get our emperor back? why are we stopping these guys from killing the people who are destroying this country?
and like, they literally went from siding with ludwig during the insurrection to siding with edelgard in this timeline to... jumping immediately back to ludwig as soon as he was at the top of the food chain (thales notwithstanding). as soon as the person in charge changes, they jump ship immediately; then of course get mad that the people they attacked are coming after them... and fighting them as they defend the very people who are letting adrestia become a literal, physical ruin.
it really just tells me that these people don't care about adrestia itself, but status, power and wealth. they don't care about the country itself as long as they're doing well. that's like, the only thing i can get from still fighting with/for ludwig/thales. the fact that they just fight for ludwig again as soon as edelgard is out of commission is also pretty gross to me. they have no loyalty at all.
and it's like, i want to like waldermar and leopold, but they come across as just selfish, entitled and only there for their own asses to be covered. and i get that - that is a realistic take on politicians, but the fact that the game regularly loops back around to faerghus BaD despite that and despite portraying these people as opportunistically selfish is like... what are they even trying to write??
#DCB Three Hopes Run#ah yes. the hours i wait for to post this stuff.#it's like whenever i finally find an adrestian character i like they have them spew some bs like this#or in ferdie's case i loved him and hopes made him another edelgard simp instead of like#the one person around her who contested her views and BLATANTLY OUTRIGHT told her "you're wrong''#but ofc yes edelgardwash him bc that's too extreme in a fodlan game#and in this case with waldemar it's not EVEN edelgard. it's just ''faerghus evil for trying to retake gm''#''we attacked gm and won so it's OURS now the ppl who lived there first don't matter anymore''#''what do you mean it's being held by a threat to all of us? no such thing only you are a threat''#literally like they either killed off the adrestians offscreen or made them stupid as fuck just to have you#fight named characters. like if leopold KNOWS all of this then why is he STILL fighting and acting like it's for adrestia#when his actions in that moment were actively HARMING adrestia?#but yet somehow it like I said loops back to faerghus bad... but yet the writing in general#does portray faerghus as doing the right thing... and then has other characters insist they're bad#and so much so like they're purposely shoving it in your face TO believe it#it's like saying someone helped save a village from destruction and protected all the children in a safe shelter#but a bunch of characters say those ppl are evil and it keeps pressing and pushing that statement OVER and over#like rly what are you trying to write with this? i love ag but the last few chapters are just like#wow how dare you try to kill ludwig the one true future of adrestia who is being puppeteered by thales. like. okay.
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dancingbirdie · 1 year
Okay so on Astarion, I was reading this fic about him not knowing Tavs true intentions with him and it bothering Astarion a lot, so what if he goes to some mage or magic user and asks them to show Tavs true intentions to him, when he does the vision he sees is just... being snuggled. It's Tav on top of him and the both of you are falling asleep, his hands are under your shirt softly petting your skin as your sleepy self is contently snuggled up to him. I just start crying about him finding out that Tavs DASTARDLY and EVIL plan with him, their greatest desire from him... is to simply be held. 🥺
Hi @goblin-creatcher! Thank you so much for this BEAUTIFUL prompt. I, uhh, kind of took it and went a million miles an hour with it. This is honestly one of my favorite things I've ever written. I hope you enjoy it as well! xoxoxo
Something Imagined / Something Real
Word Count: 3.9K
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Astarion x f!Tav
Warnings/Tags: Brief but detailed description of rough consensual sex, descriptions and references to Astarion's trauma/trauma responses, minor Act 1 and Act 2 spoilers, FLUFF, angst
Suggested Song Pairing: Slow Dancing in A Burning Room (Stripped) - cover by ST LUNA
Summary: Astarion has been suspicious of Tav’s true intentions toward him. He persuades Gale to cast a spell and reveal her motivations. ANGST and FLUFF ensue. A rewriting of Astarion’s confession scene from Act 2.
The sun had just begun to set on the campsite when Astarion decided to put his plan into action. He had waited until Tav departed with some of the other party members before making his way over to the wizard. Gale was too busy reassembling the bookshelf inside his tent to notice Astarion’s approach. It wasn’t until he gave a polite cough that Gale jumped and whirled to face him. 
“No, no, no,” he began all at once, hands raised in a sort of shooing motion. Astarion stared at him in confusion. “I can respect Tav’s indulging in your need for blood, but as I’ve said before: I taste terrible.” 
Astarion scoffed. “Charming. Actually, wizard, I was coming to request your aid in a different, though somewhat related, matter.”
“Really? Care to elaborate?” Gale responded, still somewhat wary. It wasn’t often he found himself alone with the vampire. 
“Testy, I see,” Astarion crooned teasingly. His knee-jerk response to people treating him like a monster, to behave in the most false saccharine sort of way. 
But he drew up short, censoring himself before saying anything else he might regret. He knew he needed to get on the wizard’s good side if he had any chance of getting the answers he sought. 
“I was hoping you knew a spell to reveal someone’s true intentions. Their… motivations for behaving in a certain way, so to speak,” he finished more seriously. 
Gale pondered the question for a moment before answering. 
“Hmm… yes, there is magic to determine that sort of thing… Although it’s been some time since I practiced it…” He trailed off, rubbing his chin in thought. 
“Why are you asking for such a thing?” he asked suddenly. 
Astarion had been prepared for this question, of course. No one did anything for free, no questions asked. He delivered his explanation perfectly, as he’d been rehearsing in his mind.
“One might say our dear sweet Tav and I have been growing a bit… closer these days, but I can sense a master manipulator when I see one. I just simply want to ensure their intentions toward me - toward the party - are true,” he replied with mock innocence. 
“Ah, yes,” Gale nodded. “I gathered as much when the two of you slipped away from the tiefling’s party a few nights ago.” 
“But,” he continued on,”I needn’t think you should worry when it comes to Tav. She seems about as transparent as they come. I’m sure any intentions she has toward you are true.”
Yes, but the best actors always mask their motivations behind innocence and transparency, Astarion thought to himself. I should know. I’ve been doing it for centuries.
After the party’s unfortunate meeting with that Gur in the Sunlit Wetlands, Astarion realized he would have to take potential threats from Cazador even more seriously. He wasn’t about to lose his freedom, not now that he finally had some small taste of it. 
It didn’t hurt to be more suspicious of everyone he encountered, even the sweetling Tav. Anyone could be an operative sent by Cazador, and the best ones would be as skilled as he was in the art of manipulation. It was well-known at this point that the person he’d grown the closest to on their journey was their brave party leader, Tav. Unlikely as it may be that she was scheming for his master, Astarion’s paranoia wouldn’t let him indulge in interactions with her a second longer unless he knew how she truly felt. 
Given Gale’s hesitation, Astarion knew he would have to kick his acting up a notch. Press on that wizard’s heartstrings. Touch the one nerve he knew he was sensitive to.
“Gale, darling, from one literally damaged soul to another, indulge me just this once,” Astarion beseeched him. 
The wizard glared at him a moment, before finally relenting with a heavy sigh. “Fine. Fine. But I want it known that I don’t agree with this so-called solution one whit,” he grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Yes, yes, noted and formally documented, on my word as a former Baldurian magistrate,” Astarion replied cheerily. “So, let’s hop to it then, shall we?”
“What, right now?” Gale asked, shocked. “Shouldn’t we be, I don’t know, a little less conspicuous?” 
“What better time than now?” Astarion responded. “Tav’s out gathering firewood with Wyll and Karlach. They won’t be back for some time. As for Lae’zel and Shadowheart, well…” he paused, gesturing over his shoulder. 
Said two were engaged in a heated sparring session on the outskirts of the camp. Snarls and curses could be heard emanating from both warriors as they tried, and failed, to gain the upper hand against their opponent.
“That lovers’ dance could go on until morning,” Astarion finished. 
“Fair point,” Gale admitted begrudgingly, grimacing at the sound of swords clashing violently. “Very well. Let’s get started.” 
Clearing his throat, Gale began to utter a series of phrases completely foreign to Astarion. He watched as the wizard began moving his hands in a wavelike pattern, forming a circle before them. Suddenly, a mist began to form from seemingly thin air, taking shape according to the boundaries Gale’s hands were creating. The mist grew more and more opaque until it appeared before them like a clouded mirror. 
As the fogginess of the ethereal magic began to clear, the “mirror” became a confusing blur of scenes whipping by, too fast for Astarion or Gale to really comprehend. There were flashes of Tav and Astarion, together and separate, but they disappeared too quickly to ascertain their context. It was as though the spell was shuffling through the entirety of Tav’s thoughts, assessing each one at breakneck speed. 
Finally, the spell slowed to a halt, stopping on one scene in particular. Astarion was struck speechless by what began playing out in the foggy portal before them. So distracted, he didn’t even notice Gale’s tight cough, or how the wizard suddenly became intensely interested in a copse of trees nearby, rather than the revelation the spell was revealing.
Not that the scene was especially profound, objectively speaking. In fact, to anyone else, it might be viewed as the least revelatory thing possible that the spell could have shown. Boring. Inconsequential, even. But to Astarion, it was almost earth shattering. 
He saw himself - he could see his face! - with Tav, lying tangled together in some immaculate four-poster bed. 
That was the first shock that coursed through him, nearly causing his knees to buckle. He was seeing himself for the first time in over 200 years. Or at least, he was seeing himself as Tav saw him. And… the person he saw… Well, he was gorgeous. White blonde locks, curled and tousled in a devil-may-care sort of way. A strong, patrician nose that suggested good breeding. High, sharp cheekbones. Full lips, upturned in a thoughtless grin. Red eyes bordered by long, sweeping lashes. Delicately pointed elven ears. Smooth alabaster skin, without blemish or spot. 
Astarion could scarcely believe his own eyes. 
The second shock to his system was the nature of their activities. He would have been less surprised had the vision shown them fucking. Him taking her roughly from behind perhaps. His name a cry of ecstasy from her lips as he pistoned in and out of her with a feral sort of determination. 
Fantasies of lust, of total domination, now those were things he was familiar with inspiring in the minds of the victims he had taken as lovers. It was what he strove for, in all honesty. Desire like that all but ensured he would capture his prey and live to serve another day for his master. 
But nothing of the sort was occurring between vision-Tav and himself. Instead, they were just… embracing? What in sweet hells was this?
She lay halfway on top of him. Her hair was mussed, perhaps from sleep or perhaps from previous lovemaking. One hand was drawing absentminded shapes across his chest, her lips trailing behind, leaving kisses in their wake. He watched as vision-Astarion chuckled softly, as his hands slipped beneath her sleepshirt to caress her waist, as he placed an innocent kiss on the top of Tav’s head. Eventually, she reached for his hand. They both watched their fingers intertwine, blissfully content.
It was the purest, unadulterated expression of affection that Astarion had ever seen. Something in his heart quaked at the sight of it. He wanted that moment. He envied, he hated, vision-Astarion for enjoying such apparent happiness.
So absorbed in the vision and its implications, Astarion failed to notice the soft padding of feet that indicated someone’s re-entry into the camp. 
“If the two of you are quite finished poking around in my head,” an angry voice suddenly spat from behind them, “I’d appreciate you preserving what little privacy I have left and shutting that damn spell off.”
Mortified, Astarion and Gale turned to see Tav, arms crossed and visibly seething with rage. Gale quickly dispelled the magic with a flick of his wrist. A blush was slowly but surely rising up Tav’s neck to reach her cheeks. Whether from rage or embarrassment, Astarion couldn’t be certain. 
“Tav, let us explain-” Astarion started.
“It was his idea-” Gale blurted at the same time, pointing at Astarion. 
Both paused, glaring at one another. But Tav would have none of their feeble attempts at backpedaling. 
“The explanation doesn’t matter. Whose idea it was doesn’t matter. The fact is that both of you violated the privacy of my mind, which I’ll remind you, has ALREADY been violated by having a bloody tadpole forced inside of it!” Tav shouted. At their words, the camp became enveloped in a heavy silence. Even the crickets ceased their chirping.
Astarion cringed inwardly, knowing the other party members could plainly hear this altercation and had likely stopped whatever it was that they had been doing to listen in. He noted the sounds of swords clanging together had ceased. He was certain Lae’zel and Shadowheart at least were aware of what was happening. Nosy bastards, all of them.
But what disturbed him even more was the realization that Tav’s eyes were welling with tears. She was too proud to acknowledge them or wipe them away. Such was her nature. But they were there nonetheless, and the knowledge that Astarion had brought her to the point of tears was enough to spur a rush of utter self-loathing inside him.
Without another word, Tav turned on her heel and marched stiffly out of camp, toward the direction of a nearby creek they’d identified as a water source earlier in the day.
“I can’t believe I let you convince me to perform that spell,” Gale said as she disappeared between the trees. He dragged his hands down his face. 
“How could we have been so doltish, forgetting that all of our privacies have already been violated with this tadpole business?”
Astarion didn’t have an answer to that. At least, not one the wizard could possibly understand. 
The thought hadn’t occurred to Astarion, he realized, because violations of privacy had been something so intrinsic to his being for over 200 years. He didn’t even recognize it as something abnormal. Like a fish unaware that the water surrounding it is, in fact, water. 
Violations of privacy were a part of life, at least for him. So much so that his request for Gale to perform that magic hadn’t even occurred to him as an overstepping of boundaries. To Astarion, it had simply been a matter of survival. He had needed to know another potentially manipulative person’s true intentions, and so he had found a means to uncover it and maintain the upper hand. 
Belatedly, he also realized that Gale’s hesitation to cast the spell had had nothing to do with being inconvenienced for the evening, but because the wizard had known that it was improper to do to another person. If he had misread that, Astarion wondered, then what other truly benevolent behaviors had he mistaken as pragmatic manipulation?
“I need to go find her,” Astarion murmured, clenching and unclenching his fists in an uncharacteristic fit of uncertainty. 
“Yes, you do,” Gale asserted. “We both owe her a sincere apology… if she’ll even accept it.”
“I’ll see if I can convince her to come back to camp,” Astarion replied, making to leave in the direction Tav had stormed off. 
“Wait,” Gale said, a hand on his shoulder. Astarion turned to meet his gaze. 
“Look, well, I’m obviously not an expert in healthy demonstrations of affection. But I do think it’s obvious from what you saw in that spell that Tav well and truly cares about you. In perhaps the purest way possible. Treat that carefully.”
Part of Astarion wanted to laugh aloud in utter hopelessness at the wizard’s advice. Someone cared for him? Truly and purely? No hidden games, no strings attached? Oh certainly, that wouldn’t be a problem for Astarion at all. Obviously, his 200-year existence as a master-manipulator-fetch-hound for a power-hungry vampire lord had perfectly prepared him to respond to this situation in a healthy manner. Obviously.
But all that was too much to reveal to someone he barely knew and too heavy to say aloud. Rather than giving some smarmy retort, Astarion opted instead to give a stiff nod and continue walking toward the edge of camp. He had no idea how he could make things right with Tav, but at the very least he could try. 
He found Tav sitting on a fallen tree near the edge of the creek bed. Her legs were drawn up to her chest, arms wrapped around them as she rested a cheek to her knees. In the waning twilight, she reminded Astarion of some misbegotten gargoyle perched on the roof of a temple, solitary and so very sad. 
Her ears twitched as she noted his arrival. Astarion wasn’t trying to be stealthy. On top of everything else, the last thing he needed to do was scare her. 
“Can I join you?” he asked softly, wincing to himself at the awkwardness of the question. 
The reality was that there was no way to broach this conversation without some stilted beginning, and he hated it. Navigating tricky conversations was normally something he excelled at. But as he was quickly finding, when it related to Tav, nothing in his past life had prepared him to respond to her well. 
“If you’d like,” Tav answered tonelessly. 
Knowing it was probably the best response he was going to get, Astarion swallowed thickly and moved to sit down on the log next to her. 
“I… wanted to… apologize for what you saw, back at camp,” he began.
“Apologize for doing it, or apologize for getting caught?” Tav asked as she turned her head to look at him, resting her other cheek on her knees. 
Astarion balked at the question. Her piercing gaze unnerved him. He hadn’t really thought that far. 
“Both, I suppose?” he answered honestly, although it sounded more like a question to Tav. She huffed a laugh.
“You know, part of me really wants to yell at you. Scream in your face. Tell you off proper,” she mused.
“So why don’t you?” Astarion asked, perplexed. 
Tav didn’t respond at first, just sat there studying him. As if by staring at him long enough, she could project the answer into his mind. 
Astarion didn’t interrupt her, much as he would have liked to. Part of him always bristled when people gazed at him for too long. It was unfair that they could study him, when he hadn’t been able to so much as glance at his reflection in over 200 years. 
Finally, Tav released a heavy sigh, her body curling further in on itself. She closed her eyes as she spoke.
“Because then I would be just like every other bastard in your life who’s mistreated you.”
Astarion flinched in surprise. Those had not been the sort of words he’d been expecting. The truth of them cut deeper than had she raged at him like she wanted to. It left him feeling even more vulnerable, and that in turn made him want to retreat into the comfort of viciousness.
“I don’t need you to pull any punches,” he scoffed, glaring at her. “Go ahead and say what you will.”
She straightened up at his tone, opening her eyes and returning his glare. 
“No. I don’t want to,” she said testily.
“I don’t need your pity,” he hissed. “It’s insulting.”
“Gods damn it all, Astarion!” Tav exclaimed suddenly, causing him to jump in surprise. She threw her hands up in defeat. “I’m not doing anything out of pity! I don’t want to rage at you, because I know that whatever I say right now, I won’t mean it come the morning!”
Astarion blinked. Once again he was left feeling flat footed by the turn of the conversation. Sensing his surprise, Tav continued on with her deluge of words.
“You hurt me tonight, and I’m angry at you - and at Gale, for that matter - for what you did. But you’ve shared enough of your… history… with me, that I realize your behavior is just… just a byproduct of centuries of abuse and manipulation you’ve endured! And I won’t be another abuser in your life. I won’t,” she asserted. 
Astarion continued staring at her, as if she were some otherworldly creature that had just wandered across his path. He watched as Tav inhaled a deep breath, releasing it shakily. She turned away from him to peer out into the forest, uncertain. She opened and closed her mouth several times before actually speaking. As if whatever she was about to say was more intimidating to her than anything else she’d said tonight. 
“I… care deeply for you, Astarion,” she said quietly. “You obviously saw that in the vision. I’m not playing any games. There’s no hidden motive. I’m not trying to manipulate you.”
She turned to look at him again before continuing, her breathing a bit unsteady. 
“I didn’t sleep with you that night of the tiefling party as some sort of maneuver to gain your trust. Although I understand if that was your motivation for doing so.” 
Astarion’s expression morphed into one of guilt. But Tav nodded soberly, as if she had already expected it, before continuing on. 
“It’s okay. I’m not angry. But I’m putting all my cards on the table now, so to speak. Actually, your decision tonight forced my hand, but I had been planning on telling you soon anyway. So, there you have it. The truth of my intentions. What you do with that information is up to you.”
She turned back to gaze out at their surroundings. Like she was giving him the opportunity to bolt away without her watching him. As if she expected him to flee from her confession. 
But Astarion didn’t flee. He remained seated, staring at her in complete wonderment. 
“Why?” he asked quietly.
She looked back at him again, confusion evident on her face. 
“Why what?”
“Why do you care for me? You’re so… well-adjusted. And I’m well… this,” he finished lamely, placing a hand on his chest. 
Tav pursed her lips. “It would be a mistake to misconstrue my empathy for you as me being well-adjusted. Everyone has their own demons, Astarion,” she murmured. “Mine just look different from yours.”
Astarion mulled her words over in his mind, considering them. He leaned forward to brace his forearms on his knees, his head drooping slightly. 
“I…,” he started, unsure. “That vision… what it implied… You deserve something real, Tav. You’re incredible… truly.” 
Tav closed her eyes, bracing for the fallout. Even though she would accept his decision, whatever it was, she didn’t think she could bear to watch him deny her. It would hurt too much. 
“Look. When we met, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan,” he blurted all at once. Rising swiftly to his feet, Tav watched as he began to pace before her, near to bursting with frenetic energy. 
“Seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me,” he counted off, laughing half-heartedly. “It was… easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it. And all I had to do… was not fall for you… which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart,” he finished, stopping to stand before her. 
She held his gaze, speechless. 
“I want you,” he whispered fervently. “I want what was in that vision… I want us to be something real.”
Never in a million years had she thought he would respond to her like this. She opened her mouth to speak, but Astarion cut her off with another sudden exclamation. 
“I just don’t know what real is,” he confessed, his tone a touch hysterical. Tav knew from his body language that being this transparent was completely out of Astarion’s comfort zone. 
“Being… close to someone - any kind of intimacy - was something I performed to lure people back. For him. Even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels… tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust, and loathing. I… I don’t know how else to be with someone. No matter how much I’d like to,” he finished, staring at her with beseeching eyes, willing her to understand.
Tav rose to her feet, coming to stand before him. 
“I don’t want you for your body,” she whispered. “Or to perform any acts of intimacy. We can be together, without sleeping together, for as long as you need.”
“Really,” he asked softly, his voice pitched low, rough with emotion.
“Really,” Tav asserted, giving him a small smile. “Would it be all right if…” she paused, conflicted. He eyed her curiously.
“Could I hug you?” she whispered.
The fact that she asked before doing so caused a well of emotion to spring up inside him. Eyes watering, Astarion nodded. 
Slowly, Tav moved forward to wrap her arms around his waist. Her head nestled into the crook of his neck and shoulder. A perfect fit. He felt her exhale a deep sigh.
Tav hugging him was a sensation unlike any he had ever felt. At least, any he could remember feeling. The act of being touched, embraced, without any desire for something more. She just wanted to hold him, feel him close to her. It was incomprehensible to him, but utterly enjoyable, at the same time. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, Astarion raised his arms to return Tav’s embrace. Drawing her even closer, he bowed his head to rest his cheek against her hair. It was soft, like the finest silk. He closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply, appreciating her sweet, floral scent.   
She made to pull away after a moment, not wishing to overwhelm him. But Astarion gripped her more firmly, a silent urge for them to stay that way a little longer. 
“This… this is nice,” he whispered. 
He both felt and heard Tav hum contentedly in response. 
It wasn’t identical to the vision from Tav’s mind that he had seen, but Astarion reveled in their embrace nonetheless. It felt like the beginning of something new. And for the first time in his very, very long life, Astarion felt excited at the prospects of what would come next. 
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nmakii · 6 months
Hi! I'm not the one that requested no one is better than I am.... BUT I loved it so much! I was wondering if you could make a part two say maybe the person we ran away with turns out to be abuse or something like that and we're kinda like 'I fucked up' and realize maybe running wasn't such a good idea.... Anyway you can add your own little twist and you can ignore this if you wish <3
- rose anon 🌹
— this relationship wasn’t meant to last long. all is forgiven though. alastor will forgive you.
— tangled reimagined 😮‍💨 didnt even realize it until i finished writing HAHAHAHAHA
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a month later, the honeymoon period had died out. to be fair, you hadn’t exactly made a plan…crashing at a motel on the edge of mississippi, not exactly what you had in mind.
living off the scraps of what you took, pawning off your belongings. oh, this was not ideal at all. and, how your lover got when he was angry; he’d bruise your arm from gripping way too tightly whenever you didn’t get enough money. how you started to miss alastor, it’s true what they say— you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
if you were able to run once, perhaps you could just one more time? he is not as smart as alastor, you should be able to get away easily in the night.
yes, you should. after trading away many of your items, all you have left is but a satchel worth of dresses. new orleans is not particularly far with a car either.
and so, a familiar memory of running away at the dead of night. only now, it is you returning to alastor, just like he knew you would.
when you returned home, it was 2 AM. the house was just as it was when you left, albeit quite dusty now without your care.
you dropped your satchel on the dining table, just as you left it. it’s almost as if your home was abandoned when you left.
in the bedroom, your husband, sleeping peacefully— an arm clinging to your side of the bed, as if holding onto what little scent of you there was left.
when you opened the bathroom door, a silk nightgown was hung, simply waiting to be worn.
after you had changed, you sat back on your bed, the familiar smell of home coming back to you. as you laid in bed, you found yourself facing alastor.
your hands moved to bring him closer, the warm touch waking him scarily quick. “my love, you’ve returned.” he smiled, bringing you close.
your muscles tensed at the pet name, frightening reminders of the last month coming back. “hey, calm down, dear. i’m not mad.” he reassured you, awfully calmly at that. “running away; it was a mistake, wasn’t it?”
you nodded as you relaxed under his touch. “he was awful… im sorry, alastor…” you frowned. “oh, darling, i told you, didn’t i? no matter, all is forgiven.” he cooed, brushing your hair gently with his nimble fingers. “i’ll protect you from all that is bad in this world. no evil will meet you as long as i live. all i ask… is that you stay here, with me, forever— take care of our house, cook dinner, and perhaps even care for our little ones in the future?” he rambled on, a wide smile upon his face as he thinks of your future together. “ah, i’m rambling, we can discuss that in the future. in the meantime, could you do that, dear?” he asked, offering it to you as if you had a choice.
you nodded, not even looking at alastor. “good. i love you very much, don’t you know that, my dear? all i want is for you to be safe.” he told you. “…i” you started, thinking carefully of your words. “i love you too, alastor…” you said.
did you truly love him? of course you did. he took you back after you betrayed his trust, he’s a wonderful husband.
the moment the words fell from your sweet lips, a wide smile found its way onto alastor’s face. a kiss pressed upon your forehead.
his little doe finally returned his affections. it’s only a shame of his that he had to hurt your delicate heart first.
why would a single man be in a luxury store? oh, words cannot describe how thankful alastor is for your foolish naivety.
word on the street, that eugene was quite the heartbreaker. not to mention, that criminal record of his.
convincing him to go through with it wasn’t hard either. seeing a new toy that knows nothing of his record, he was more than eager to play with you. all it took was a bit of cash for him to keep up the sweetheart act.
and now that his doe was home, there’s no use for trash like that man in this world. the bruises on your arm, they were not what was intended.
all he asked was a simple grab, but it seems he got carried away, that piece of garbage.
as alastor forcefully swallowed his anger, he held you close, massaging the bruises on your wrist. “rest well, darling. you’ve been through a lot this past month.” he cooed, slowly lulling you to sleep.
oh, how excited he is that his little doe is home. to celebrate, we need a special meal, don’t we? say, there is a rare meat that alastor has been dying to try.
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rosevette · 6 months
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·.༄࿔ TAKE ME TO PARIS pt. 1 my mlist
𝒋𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒌 & 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
💋ྀིྀི résumé : meeting the man of your dreams at an art auction in Paris isn’t too good to be true, right ? Well, your bodyguard thinks just the opposite.
1.0k words + tags : dumb, ‘naive’ !reader, manipulation, fantasizing, smut, age gap, pet names, fingering, slight non-con, evil intent ⭑
୭ৎ … this is lowk based on one of my bots with marquis here … this is my first little blurb, I don’t really write but this idea is too good to not share w yall. if u see any spelling or grammar mistakes , ignore !! part two here - sincerely, rose
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IN THE HEART OF PARIS, amidst the elegant splendor of an art auction, you found yourself captivated by the beauty of the pieces on display. Adorned in a gown of midnight blue silk, you moved gracefully through the room, your eyes alight with fascination as you admired each exquisite masterpiece.
As you lingered before a stunning portrait, a voice broke through the murmurs of the crowd.
"A breathtaking piece, is it not?" Turning, you found yourself face to face with a tall, green eyed brooding man. Dressed in a tailored suit of charcoal grey, he exuded an air of effortless charm as he regarded you with a knowing smile.
"Yes, it truly is," you replied, unable to tear your gaze away from his piercing emerald eyes. Engaging in polite small talk, you found yourself drawn into conversation with the stranger, his wit and sophistication captivating your attention.
“Marquis De Gramont. And you?” He spoke with a thick French accent, his thin lips forming a smile as he extended out his arm, opening his hand for you to shake. Flattered by him already, you shake his hand, your other one clutching onto your purse as you introduced yourself.
How charming, he was, you thought to yourself. He was not only handsome, but was a gentleman as well. You could tell by the way he just suited himself, and that sparkle in his eyes you glanced at whenever you two conversed.
One thing you didn’t know was that in fact, this man was the complete opposite of charming and well, a gentleman. Yes, he held himself with impeccable style and his composure was kept controlled, but the thoughts that came across his mind were just pure sin. He thought of how pretty you would look with your dress rolled up to your stomach as he pounded into you in the back of his limousine, maybe even perhaps hidden in an empty aisle of this very art auction.
The way his hands are would just fit around that small neck, the pearls that would fall on the ground as he pulled it off of you, and finally, your watery puppy eyed face he’d enjoy seeing begging and pleading for him to stop , or maybe even for more.
As the auction commenced, you both found yourselves bidding on a magnificent painting—a Madonna and Child by Duccio. With each raise of the paddle, the tension between you grew, the excitement of the bidding war fueling your competitive spirit.
In the end, it was you who emerged victorious, the winning bid earning you the coveted artwork. As you basked in the glow of your triumph, the Marquis offered you a gracious smile, masking the flicker of his ulterior motives in his eyes.
Later that evening, as the auction drew to a close and guests began to depart, the Marquis De Gramont approached you once more, his charming smile never faltering.
"Ah, ma chérie, it seems fate has brought us together once again," he murmured, his voice smooth as silk as he took your hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. A blush crept onto your cheeks at his bold gesture, and you chuckled softly in response.
"Perhaps our paths will cross again during your time in Paris," you replied, returning his flirtatious banter with a playful glint in your eye.
As you turned to leave, blowing a teasing kiss in his direction, you couldn't shake the feeling of his lingering gaze on your back. Climbing into the waiting limousine, you settled into the plush seat beside your ever-watchful bodyguard, John Wick. His eyebrows furrowed in concern as he glanced at you.
"Was that the Marquis?" he asked, his tone laced with suspicion.
You rolled your eyes, dismissing his worry with a wave of your hand.
"And what about him, John?" you retorted, feigning nonchalance as you closed the door behind you.
"You shouldn't be so friendly with strangers," John admonished, his concern palpable as he turned his attention back to the road.
Returning to the luxurious confines of the Ritz Paris, you found yourself lost in thought, the memory of your encounter with the Marquis lingering in your mind. Despite John's warnings, you couldn't shake the feeling that the Marquis's intentions were harmless. Little did you know, danger lurked just beyond the facade of charm and sophistication.
The next morning, as sunlight streamed through the silk curtains of your suite, you awoke to find John reading quietly on the sofa.
"I ordered some room service," he informed you, his gaze never leaving the pages of his book. You greeted him with a playful smirk, teasing him for his lack of a proper morning greeting.
While indulging in breakfast, your attention was drawn to a shiny box nestled among the pastries on the cart. With curiosity piqued, you opened it to find a stunning Van Cleef necklace in your favorite shade of sapphire blue. Your heart skipped a beat as you read the accompanying note, the words "for mon chérie" sending a chill down your spine.
Assuming it was a thoughtful gesture from John, you were taken aback when you realized the true sender. The Marquis's charm had ensnared you once again, his gift a reminder of the dangerous game he was playing. With a sense of foreboding settling over you, you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the Marquis had in store.
End of part 1. Part 2.
© rosevette 2024 . do not copy !
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heartaces · 9 days
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“there is a time and place for violence. i mean - this place is perfect. but is it the time?”
“heaven forbid. we’re all entitled to our secrets.”
“sitting by the fire while you do all the hard work sounds marvelous, actually.”
“couldn’t you wait ten minutes before being an absolute freak?”
“you’re welcome to try and kill me, of course. but i don’t die easily these days.”
“ugh, don’t be so nice to me. it makes me want to be nice back.”
“a horrible death is always just around the corner with you.”
“stabbing someone a dozen times can be many things. but ‘the right thing to do’? hm, i doubt it.”
“immortality is only as good as the life you’re living. an eternity of luxury sounds a lot better than an eternity of struggle.”
“what are you doing? this isn’t safe. you can’t trust him.”
“look, i’m a not a details person, all right. but turning up and causing chaos has worked for us so far.”
“they were clearly artists. you can tell because it’s a mess in here.”
“you know, there is a point where bravery becomes stupidity. and walking into that thing would be very, very stupid.”
“i’ve had enough of bad poets singing of my looks - urgh.”
“is the plant bothering you?”
“until then, try not to die.”
“oh yes, i’m fine. i just feel… awful.”
“shut that oversized chicken up.”
“you know, the only way to cure temptation… is to give in to it.”
“next time, just warn me before you do something stupid.”
“there certainly is a strong ambience down here. i don’t know if it’s the bats or the decaying - everything. it’s quite homey.”
“it’s nice to see heroes are as awful as the rest of us.”
“unusually polite for a god.”
“of all the places you dragged me, this might just be the most foul. and that is saying something, given some of the things you exposed me to.”
“i mean, i hate to judge the proverbial book, but that oath may be all cover and no pages.”
“a shapeshifter? it could be anyone. i mean - it’s not me. but it could be anyone else.”
“sometimes we need to think with our heads before our knifes, dear.”
“you could watch for anyone acting strangely, but - well, you know the lunatics we camp with.”
“thank you. for being that evil bastard.”
“can you feel that? the dark, it’s - hungry. best watch the shadows.”
“this place brings back the worst memories.”
“well, that’s disturbing. still, better than having an actual conversation with him though.”
“oh no. not again.”
“honestly, just once, could we end up somewhere normal?”
“i prefer to travel in smaller groups. it’s more… intimate.”
“nice as it is, she still doesn’t have the best hair in the camp.”
“thank goodness. i was worried i’d have to get involved. now, let’s keep our hands to ourselves.”
“i much prefer it when i’m the one prowling in the shadows - about to strike.”
“ah, nothing says ‘true love’ like faking your own death to avoid someone.”
“you’re not going to eviscerate him? i was hoping for a show.”
“it’s just a waste of a perfectly good cult we could be controlling.”
“can you - ugh, can you shut up and let me read?”
“i hate to be negative. but they’ll carve you up like a goose.”
“my, she sounds positively demented. i love it. let’s tell her everything.”
“you villain. i didn’t know you had it in you.”
“a well-presented face can open a lot of doors.”
“hardly a promising introduction.”
“do you mind? i’m brooding.”
“i’d rather be the only dark power inside your body, if it’s all the same to you.”
“easy now, let’s not do anything hilarious.” 
“i’m with you, my dear. wherever this leads.” 
“i appreciate anyone who opens a conversation with bodily harm.” 
“nothing like a little camp drama to spice up the evening.” 
“it’s almost a pity things ended up amicably.”
“what do you see when you look at me?”
“i would’ve liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.”
“do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here?”
“all i want is a little fun. is that so much to ask?” 
“don’t be so sour. i like a good time as much as anyone.” 
“this seems like a lovely little spot. the sense of impending doom aside.”
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teriri-sayes · 1 month
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 338
Brief summary: More info about the first wanderer. God of Justice is suspicious. Cale sets up a flag and still stubborn with his slacker life dream.
Much of the chapter was info dump. To summarize:
The first wanderer was said to have gone missing while doing a commission for the God of Justice.
Newbie wanderers were warned to only take commissions they could handle, with the first wanderer's missing case used as an example of what would happen if they handled commissions beyond their capacity.
However, the God of Justice never once said the commission failed. They also did not reveal what the commission was.
Before CJG fainted, he told Aurora that the leader of the Five-Colored Bloods was the first wanderer, so Aurora decided to save CJG.
Thus, Cale and Aurora's groups found the God of Justice to be suspicious, and wondered if they were on the side of the God of Chaos.
Cale planted another flag 🚩 today... 😂😂😂
Looking at them, Cale felt a small twinge of anxiety. The God of Chaos. A way to deal with them was being created one by one. '…I won't have to fight a god, will I?' I only have to deal with hunters, right? Cale tried to redirect his thoughts. 'No, I won't. This is all for the purpose of fighting the God of Chaos's followers!' If I want to fight them, I'll need to have power of the God of Chaos, right? Cale was satisfied with his own thoughts.
Yep, you're definitely fighting a god in the future, Cale. 🤣🤣🤣
Meanwhile, Aurora continued to flatter Cale who was upgraded from golden calf to golden bull... 🤣🤣🤣
Cale: Let's ask the gods to solve it. GoD, or if it doesn't work, GoB or GoH. They can handle it on their own. Aurora: (Balance, hope. How can you so easily mention those two gods? How wide is your connection to the gods? He's not a golden calf. He's a golden bull!)
One more:
She glanced at Cale, then spoke more cautiously. “Well, from what I hear, you're quite weak. I've heard you're like a candle before a storm.” Cale's face crumpled. At the sight of it, Aurora hastily blurted out something considerate of the golden calf's feelings. In her own way. “Ah, yes, I've heard that you are like a flame before every storm and wave, a small but unwavering flame, a lifeline!” “That's true. It's a tenacious lifeline.” Rasheel agreed. Cale's face crumpled further.
That description... Isn't that like the description of the God of Hope? 😂😂😂 And Rasheel... 🤣🤣🤣
The last part had the chapter title drop, and had the most hilarious lines... 🤣🤣🤣
The worst scourge. The contamination of chaos. It was one of the three worst evils passed down from generation to generation in the Demon Realm and the Divine Realm. A legendary but real scourge, an absolute disaster that made one bow down to the gods. “…Y-You can get rid of the contamination……?” “Ah, yes. Maybe?” Aurora asked absently, looking at Cale, who shrugged lightly. “What is your goal, your end?” At the suddenness of the question, Cale just blurted out honestly. "To have a slacker life."
Cale, you haven't given up yet? 😂 Okay, okay. You can just be the God of Slackers then. 🤣🤣🤣
BTW, Cale's solution to the contamination was to find someone who could use the power of chaos because SEW and Fire AP needed to study the power of chaos more before they could purify it. So he told his group that they had to catch the GoC saint or any GoC follower.
Ending Remarks Lots of new information today. With the God of Justice suspected of being an enemy, what about the last ancient god, the God of Injustice? Next chapter would be Aurora's reaction to slacker life dream... Why do I have the feeling that she wouldn't believe Cale? 😂
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo x HornerDaughter!
Part 12 - ahhh I am evil for making you all wait so long, I just don’t know what direction to take this story in but I’ve got some ideas 😏 the next chapter will be more interesting so pls stick about, over the summer break we’re gonna see them go public. Intentionally or unintentionally?! Who knows…
After both Daniel and her admit their true feelings to one another it comes clear what they need to do. Christian becomes suspicious of their close nature.
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“Daniel.” I whispered, my legs beginning to shake as he slowly pushed himself off me. Not before he kissed me so tenderly, so gently, it made my head spin. “You okay?” The Australian asked as a soft smile appeared on my face, I reached up, brushing back his curls that were stuck to his forehead.
“I’m good.” I borderline whispered, “me too.” Daniel nodded, the after sex bliss lasting a while as I fingered at his hair. I was in a slight shock that Daniel and I ended up like this again, of course it felt right, but it’s like we could stay away from one another.
He let out a slight sigh as he eventually pulled out of me, the feeling of his seed leaking out of me shortly after. I grimaced, having to do that awkward run to the bathroom as he laughed in amusement. “Not funny! It’s gross!” I called out before closing the door to the bathroom.
I wasn’t in there for long cleaning myself up, but I began to doubt if he wanted me to stay over. I really wanted a toothbrush if we were gonna do that, but I didn’t quite know how to ask. I didn’t have any spare change of underwear or clothes, realistically I could just run down the hall, but that was effort. I walked out, but naked, feeling his eyes trail over me as he held out a hand. “Ah, I need clothes, don’t look.” Somehow I felt more nervous now than ever before.
“We literally just had sex.” Daniel commented as I giggled, running around the bed to hide under the sheets. “Y/n.” He muttered with a chuckle.
“I know but…” I eventually answered. “I’m just shy.”
“No you are most definitely not.” Daniel rolled over, sliding a hand over my exposed breasts. “Like… in the slightest.” He was speaking gently, sounding tired as his body pulled mine closer in for a cuddle. I hummed out a gentle moan, the sheets covering my ass and below as I pressed my cold feet against his legs. Daniel let out a tired noise of discontent.
“Nice to know your feet are still freezing.”
“Always.” I nudged them closer, resting my head on his chest, feeling it rising and falling with each fired breath.
“Daniel?” I muttered after a few moments of silence. “Mmmh?”
“Do you want me to stay over?” My brain wouldn’t stay quiet unless I asked him. “Yes.” The Australian squeezed at my arm, his fingers grazing up to drag through my strands of hair.
“Okay.” I myself was growing tired. The mix of sex and alcohol (and arguing) tiring me out. “Is everything gonna be okay now?” I then gently asked. This caused Daniel’s eyes to open as I gazed back up to him nervously. I was worried a repeat of last time would happen.
“I love you so much.” The words caused my heart to swell. “I want this to work, we’re gonna be fine.” Daniel assured as I felt the knot between my brows soften when he poked at it. I leant forwards and kissed him gently. “Do you?” He then questioned, voice much quieter than before.
“Do I what?” I traced a finger over his tattoos. “You know… want this to work?”
“More than anything.” ——— “You see here, you can clearly see why it’s so different from the RB’s.” Daniel pointed out, hand resting on my upper back as we leant over to peak inside the Alpha Tauri.
“Oh yeah.” My eyes widened slightly as I stole a glanced towards him. He looked so focused as he checked out his car one last time before the summer break would begin. I was positive in between then all he’d be thinking about was driving. All the boys were like that, but nobody was more dedicated than Daniel.
“Makes it harder to drive.” He amused, whispering in my ear as I snickered back to him. “What’re you two whispering about?” My dads voice emerged. My heart jumped slightly, face warming. I never realised he would come in the Alpha Tauri garages, unless he was desperate. He eyed up between Daniel and I with a smirk.
“Just the car.” Daniel lowly spoke in amusement so nobody else would hear. “Oh yeah? Different from the RB’s?”
“Very.” Daniel amused, hand still grazing over my back. My dad walked over, assessing it slightly, of course he’d had to point out some tips on what he think would work better. I was about to get a little bored of the mechanic talk before he turned back to me.
“Anyway, I’m getting carried away. I was needing a favour, from you. My lovely daughter.” “Oh no.” I teased. “Would you be able to help Monty with some homework? It won’t take long, he’s struggling and his tutors not around.”
Cock blocked by my younger brother, great.
“I mean I can try. I don’t know how good I’d be at… Year 1 homework. Hasn’t he finished for summer yet?” “Nearly, anyway I’ll see you later, Daniel. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you over the break.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you soon.” Daniel politely smiled as I offered him one for myself. “See you, Daniel.” Before we headed off.
When we were out of the building, I just knew my dad would bring it up. I could feel the tension in the air. “So.” Oh here we go…
“You and Daniel seemed close.”
“Close? He was just showing me the car.” I shrugged, feeling my face warm at the topic of conversation. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed, I just felt a little shy talking about it with my own father.
“But you seem closer than close.”
“Do we?” I breathlessly asked, a smile growing on my face as an accidental bubble of laughter escaped my mouth.
“You must think I’m stupid, you kids. Are you together then? Is that what it?”
“Dad- no.” I swatted, attempting to move on from that particular topic. “Because Daniel’s a great guy, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.” He shrugged, going on a ramble. “Little bit of an age gap, though, wouldn’t you say Y/N/N?”
There was no point denying it. I didn’t know how he was so adamant about it, but I figured once I’d told him, everybody else was a breeze in the park to tell.
“Yeah.” I shrugged, holding my shoulders up awkwardly. “Well as long as you’re both okay with that.”
“Yeah it’s… fine.” I laughed, “alright, well… wow I didn’t expect you to be with Daniel, thought you always hated drivers for your boyfriends.”
“Ah, he’s not my boyfriend, and I said that when I was 8.”
“Same thing…” As we walked into the Red Bull garages where I figured my brother was, Max was stood there, smirking back to me with a knowing look. I suddenly put two and two together knowing he could hear exactly what we were talking about and did a double take at him. Had Max told my dad? You wouldn’t think Verstappen had a loud mouth, but he did. I squinted, sticking my middle finger up at the Dutch man as he laughed out loud. “What does that mean?” Monty suddenly appeared, the six year old staring up to my gesture. My eyes widened, dropping my hand. “Ah well done y/n, means nothing Monty, not for you to know.” Oops…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @dinodumbass @mccall-muffin @allabouthappiness @benbarneslut @ricciardhoe-3 @headinthecloudssblog @f1wintermoon13 @hrlzy @topguncultleader @victoriaholland
thank you guys for all your support, sorry for such a long waiting time, and I promise next chapter will have a bit more excitement too it! <;3
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 5 months
When asked why he doesn't display the same level of power as he did against Trigon, Shego Danny says the more power he brings forth, the closer he gets to being dead. It's true from a certain point of view
Shego was't surprised at the teens dumbfounded expressions. It truly filled him with such glee as their faces twisted with the donning realisation.
Ever since it got out that ''Shego used to be a hero'' the comments about him " joining the good side again" had ramped up!
'"Oh Shego join us and use your powers for the good"' or a remixed version of "'you have such power but you use it for evil"'. Danny had heard it all and it got tiring fast.
So yes Shego would enjoy the horror stricken Faces of the kidi-heros. Because they would. Not. Shut. Up. About. It!
The older heroes had eventually slowed down but not these little twerps. Was it because he held back too much? Should he start hitting them harder so they learned to concentrate on the God damn fight in front of them!?
It had worked great for him so it must be an effective solution!
(He thought he heard a face slap suspiciously sounding like Jazz's echo in the back of his mind.) A quiet swish followed by humming started up, right on que!
"Well brats I gotta go my ride is here and I don't want any of your twerpyness getting on me!" The kids were hit with whiplash by shego's words still and slight guilt.
Aww look at the little baby Heros feeling guilty. Constantly having forced Shego into annoying situations and forcing him into using his powers. How cute they are thinking about what they did.
He still wouldn't forget it and he sure as hell doesn't forgive them but they really are just kids. Isn't it practically teenagers' job to be annoying to adults anyway? Ah to be young again. But speaking about annoying.
"Oi, Shego stop standing around and hop on already!" His boss's filtered voice cracked to life in his com and had him flipping backwards in a rather Nightwing-esk maneuver (not that Nightwing existed quite yet in this dimension) and gave the kiddos a final wave goodbye before jumping on the revving motorcycle his boss drove. Robin looked even more shocked as the bike shot off.
Danny sighed slightly, apparently his boss still loved a flashy exit! The red helm should really have tipped him off about his dramatic nature or the heads in the duffle bag thing a while back. Or maybe future, that was the thing with interdimensional hopping!
Now what he really wanted to know was how much Red hood was going to pay him in compensation for helping out. Because the annoyances Shego would get for "helping" were going to cost Red hood dearly. Mark his words.
"Oh stop being pissy Shego."
"Fuck off Hood you aren't the one that will have to deal with the hero's and their savior complex constantly now." The laugh Danny got in return just cemented his hatred for his boss. :D
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Wip of Shego Danny fighting his boss before he became his boss:b Boss was still fresh free from the LOA.
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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your history with love was a little evil, causing you to aid to your own broken heart. when you finally stray away from the dating scenes, popular boy myung jaehyun asks you out. however, you don't know if he's being truly sincere.
PAIRING myung jaehyun x fem!reader WC 3.1k TAGS fluff. angst. popular boy jaehyun. he needs better friends. reader has fear of heights. misunderstandings. OMI NOTE inspired by queen yena but i might've put shame on her name cuz idk if i like this or not. too tired to proofread, and too tired to care.
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love had always been extremely evil. a forbidden force that always ended with you, a broken heart, and multiple wet tissues crumpled up in the trash. you weren’t perfect, but every boy you’ve ever loved taught you a valuable lesson. don’t let the next one fuck you over.
and while your list of lovers wasn’t long, you’d never let it define you; considering many in your grade were already stupid enough to waste their firsts. each boy that seemed to be the one that would sweep you off your feet, left you disappointed and still painfully single.
the never - ending yearning to feel something was simply ignored however, as you decided not to try as hard for your senior year. there wasn’t much of a point on wasting it away on someone you couldn’t guarantee the rest of your life with.
despite this, he made your heart skip a beat, maybe two. it was only last year that he had transferred, and many girls couldn’t keep their gazes off of him.
myung jaehyun, the captain of the sports team, was what could only be described as pretty boy eye candy. talented in multiple departments, and had crazy amounts of energy. most of it sounded too good to be true, but you still admired him a lot. 
envisioning someone like him with somebody like you was a difficult task though. he wasn’t normally in the dating scene, so you gave up on the romantic idea.
school rolled around after a long summer. the trees bloomed fragrant flowers that sometimes fell onto the pavement, only to get ran over by passerbys. mornings like these you always got to school a little earlier than usual. first days always excited you.
when you finally arrived at the familiar building, there were big banners and booths for incoming freshman, making you smile. just a little years back you walked into the gates completely clueless. however now was not a time to reminisce, as you were too distracted to see where you were going.
you tripped over your feet, colliding with the person in front of you in the process. hands quickly flew to your side to stablize you so you wouldn’t fall. as you were back up, you quickly bowed and apologized, earning a chuckle from the victim you accidentally fell on.
“it’s okay, be more careful next time, alright?” he spoke in a voice that you remember distinctly, making you shoot your head up to be met with him.
“ah– myung jaehyun! i’m so sorry.” you felt embarrassed before he pat you on the back. “don’t worry about it. you’re y/n, right?” jaehyun questioned, squinting to analyze you a bit more. the sudden attention made you even more nervous than you already were.
“yes, i’m y/n. how did you– how did you know that exactly?” he read the confused expression on your face before cracking a smile.
“you dated that popular senior last year, didn’t you?”
“wow so everyone remembers me from that? he wasn’t my smartest decision.” you laughed, feeling anxiety bubble up in your stomach.
“maybe not, you dropped on the grade list after you guys went public. i only know that because my friend was dying to beat you all year.” he put his hands into his pocket, looking around to see if he could spot his friend.
“i’ll make my comeback this year, now that i’m in books and not his bedroom watching him play valorant.” you scoffed, feeling slightly more competitive.
“i’m sure my friend will be very happy to hear that then.” he joked a bit, “well um, i guess i’ll see you around, y/n.”
you nodded him off, waving a small goodbye before watching him go towards a sports booth. the interaction left you very confused and a little sheepish. your first interaction with the cute boy and you were falling into him. 
the best thing to do was ignore it for now, and maybe avoid him for the rest of your life to prevent yourself from humiliation. putting your best foot forward (not the one you tripped over), you walked into the school to find your home room.
it wasn’t difficult, considering you knew the school like the back of your hand at that point. there were a few people that littered the desks, wearing identical uniforms as you did. you sat yourself down at an empty seat, fixing your skirt appropriately.
the atmosphere was quiet despite the loudness from outside, it was still quite early so the first bell wouldn’t ring for another hour. to busy yourself, you pulled a book from your backpack. the hardcover made a quiet noise as you placed it on the desk softly, flipping through the worn pages.
you were immersed in the story at hand, barely noticing how quickly time flew by and how crowded the classroom became. quiet laughter and desks moving around became background noise as your eyes scanned the pages. you wished you had taken note of where all this noise came from, before there was a tap on your shoulder.
“hey, y/n, can i ask you something?” it was jaehyun. he never spoke to you until this morning, and suddenly he was coming back for more? his friends laughed behind him in the background, trying to shut eachother up.
“of course.. what’s up?” you asked suspiciously.
“i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime? i know we met kind of rocky but you seem pretty cool.” he rolled back and forth on his heels, awaiting a response of some sort.
“oh– um, you want to go out? when were you thinking?” you asked shyly.
“next weekend? the fair is in town and i think it would be fun to take you and get to know you. if you’re down, you know. it’s sudden but a bunch of people from school are going so we could spend the day together.” 
any form of words felt like they were suddenly stripped from your throat. you mind told you it was a bad idea, and that it was way too soon. but your heart was telling you yes. 
“that sounds nice jaehyun. i’d love to go with you.” you smiled fondly in which he mirrored, handing out his phone for you to input your number. after punching it in, he walked back to the group of his friends to show them your name in his contact lists.
when the school day passed by, you got a moment to properly reflect on what had happened. the myung jaehyun thought your one minute interaction was interesting enough to willingly hang out with you. the same jaehyun that had girls dropping like flies and shoving miscellaneous gifts and letters in his face. 
it felt like a prank, some twisted shit that only immature school boys would pull to mess with poor hearts. yet that wasn’t the reputation that jaehyun put out, so you didn’t give it another thought.
the two weeks came and went, but in between it felt like forever. counting down the days that you get to officially hang out with him. but in this time you got to know him more, so in the end, the wait didn’t even matter.
sometimes during class he’d pull his desk by yours and talk to you forever until the bell rang and he had to scurry back. he’d shoot you glances or funny faces everytime the teacher had their back turned, making you bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
jaehyun made sure to take care of you too, despite not knowing you for long. he had some sort of motherly instinct, asking if you had eaten or if you’ve been sleeping instead of studying all night. and afterwards, he’d use the excuse that he didn’t want you to die from starvation or lack of rest before he had the chance to hang out with you.
moments like those made you blush, swallowing back any doubt that he wasn’t sincere in wanting to be around you. his friends definitely made an impression that they thought you were lame, but he was different.
through all of this you started to like him, picking up on the small things that happened. how he would laugh too hard he had to grip onto your hand to keep himself from falling over; in which he’d forget to let go. or when he gave you big hugs whenever you helped him understand a stupid grammar question.
maybe you liked him a lot, just after you swore off relationships the school year. after all, your heart moved quicker than your brain.
these thoughts buried your head as you got ready to leave your house, using your phone camera to make any further adjustments to your appearance. you wore pretty jewelery that complimented the outfit you were wearing. overall, you felt confident that this night would go good. it was almost impossible for him to awkward.
it didn’t take long for a text notification to pop up on your screen, jaehyun telling you he was outside. after one final look you tied your shoes and left to his car parked in front of your house. your proximity grew closer and he waved at you from an open window.
“hey, y/n! you look good.” he unlocked the doors, allowing you in.
“thank you.. you look good too!” you complimented back trying to seem casual.
“i’m flattered, but that’s all you. i hope you’re excited.” he brushed it off, starting down the road.
“haha yeah um– i’ve never really been to a fair before so this is my first time.”
“oh shit really? we have to go on the ferris wheel the view is really nice from up there!” he suggests.
“ferris wheel? is now a good time to tell you that i’m deathly afraid of heights? last time i went on one i almost passed out!” the mere thought made you shiver.
“come on, what if i hold your hand or something? i won’t let you fall off i promise.” his offer made you blush.
“maybe i’ll think about it.” you mutter while sinking down into your seat. 
the two of you maintained a steady conversation on the short car to the fair. fun lights crowded your vision the closer you got, blurring together to create one big mush of colors in the night. people walked around with popcorn, cotton candy, and numerous prizes. 
the scents filled your nose as you got out of the car. jaeyhun walked alongside you, pointing out all of the best rides.
“only crazy people go on that ride, it’s totally insane! looks sketchy too.” he shook his head, “the more tame ones are the few roller coasters, gravity ride, and of course, the ferris wheel.”
“i still don’t know if i wanna go on that one! i promise i’ll try everything else.”
“once you get up there and see the skyline, it’ll be beautiful. trust me.” 
“okay okay i’ll go, only if you’re right next to me.” you sigh.
“good! let’s go meet up with my friends first and see what their plan is, and we can go.” he leads you through the crowd, searching around for his group. it was difficult in such a busy environment, but he called out their names loudly once he spotted them.  they waved the two of you over as you followed behind.
“jaehyun! hey!” his friends called him over.
“whats up guys? me and y/n just got here, we weren’t around for long.” jaehyun grinned, fixing his hair from the slight wind.
you poked out from behind jaehyun and waved. the relationship between you and his friends wasn’t great yet, they didn’t seem to like you at all.
“jaehyun can we talk to you in private for a second? just us dudes you know..” one of them spoke quieter into his ear. “yeah, uh.. y/n you wait here, we’ll be back.” jaehyun knew what they were going to ask him, and he dreaded it.
once the group was out of your vision, one of them spoke up sounding agitated.
“dude when are you break her heart? the dare wasn’t supposed to go this far.”
“i know i’m– i’m going to do it i promise.” jaehyun muttered.
“you better. just ditch her on the ferris wheel or something so we can go hang out without her dragging onto you.”
“i can’t leave her on the ferris wheel, that’s fucked. she’s afraid of heights.” jaehyun tried to argue.
“that’s not our problem. she’s lame and we didn’t even want her around in the first place. it was supposed to be a joke.”
“exactly, just leave her.”
not every popular student could be exactly whole - hearted, and because of this jaehyun wasn’t sure he was with the right crowd. their words stung his heart, knowing he’d have to get rid of you eventually. he was too deep into this stupid friend group that he didn’t want to risk leaving it all.
initially, it was an innocent conversation of who would do the worst dare. but then you became an unknowing victim of their game. get the girls number, make her like you, then shatter her idea of love. it sounded less dramatic at first, but he was too deep into it once he finished the first two steps.
jaehyun didn’t want to hurt anybody, at first he thought that since he barely knew you, it’d be okay right? 
the more time he spent with you, the more he started to genuinely like you. he suppressed the idea of hurting you until it was too late. now he was running back to you with a huge smile on his face. underlying something much more disappointed.
“hey, sorry about that! let’s go on the ferris wheel, yeah?” jaehyun turned your body around swiftly, and leaded you with his hands on your shoulders. the line wasn’t very long, so surely it wouldn’t be awhile until you got up. 
“i can do this, i can do this.” you attempted to hype yourself up as you neared closer to the front.
“it will be fine trust me! i’m just gonna throw away my trash real quick and i’ll run back in line, okay?” he was lying.
“hurry please! theres only a few people left and they’re not letting anyone leave the line.”
“i will!” he crouched under the chain holding together the lines and ran to his group of friends, taking a look back to make sure you weren’t paying attention to him.
jaehyun’s stomach tightened as he watched you enter by yourself, calling out his name frantically. his friends pat his back, laughing at your reaction.
“jaehyun!” your breath quickens as the operator closes the middle bar. “please sir, let me off my friend was supposed to go on with me!” 
“sorry kid, we have to keep everything running.” 
the wheel started going and you panicked, anxiety beginning to run through your veins. you kept calling out for jaehyun, but there was no point. you scooted yourself as far into the back of the seat and blinked back the hot stream of tears running down your face. 
through your hazy vision you barely saw him in the crowd before you got too far up. he was with all of his friends as they watched you freak out in mid air.
feeling betrayed was an understatement. but you couldn’t focus on your anger when you were going to have a panic attack. the higher you got, the heavier you breathed. your hands felt sweaty as you gripped onto the bar that held you in.
maybe the skyline was as beautiful as he said it was, your eyes were wired closed, unable to tell.
you drowned out any other noise, focusing on the creaking of the metal bars as you circled around. once voices became a little more clear, and your feet hit the ground, you opened your eyes and watched the operator lift up your bar and let you out.
your legs felt shaky as you stepped to the side, settling yourself on a bench. jaehyun came running towards you, seeing your tear stained face and balled fists.
“y/n! holy shit i– i’m so sorry i didn’t want to–”
“what the fuck is this, jaehyun? you force me to face my biggest fear just to ditch me for your friends?” you choked out, wiping your face with your sleeve.
“it was a dare, y/n.” “what?”
“i was dared to ask you out.” he admit, staring at the floor.
“so this was just one sick joke? you talked to me for two weeks straight then planned to blow me off the first time we hung out?” your face burned up.
“at first it was but–”
“i should’ve known better. i’m never falling in love ever again.” you cursed, getting up to leave him before he grabs your wrist and yanks you towards him.
“wait y/n!”
“what the hell?!” you yell trying to break away from him, “this isn’t funny jaehyun let me go–”
you couldn’t even process what was happening before his lips were on yours. the kiss enveloped you with a warmth much greater than the one burning in your heart. in that moment you felt your stomach dropping, yet feeling too guilty to indulge in it.
when he pulls away, you stare at him with shock and fresh tears welling in your eyes.
“why would you do that jaehyun.. you already hurt me.” you cry, attempting to get away from him while he held you still.
“because i don’t care about the stupid dare anymore. through all of that bullshit i started to like you a little more than i thought i would. so please, don’t run away.” he confessed, “you can hate me all you want, y/n. i deserve it. just know that there was a point where i stopped pretending.”
“what about your friends i thought–”
“i don’t care about my friends at this point, y/n. they weren’t good influences on me anyways. introduce me to your friends for all i care, i want something real. something like you.”
“you’re not just saying that, right?” you hesitated before he kissed you again, this time you kissed him back.
“do you believe me now?”
“maybe a little bit, but you still hurt my feelings jaehyun!” you pout, relaxing yourself in his grip.
“and i’ll work forever to forgive you. let me take you on an official date, yeah?” he let go of you, letting his hands trail to yours. 
“you’re lucky you make my heart melt, myung jaehyun.”
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Vogel’s Extravagant Leisure Time - All Characters Inclusive
Not 100% Accurate. Cybird owns everything. This is their twitter campaign that is available for viewing on the X account.
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Post #1 Nica: So, now that there’s three of us free with free time, what are we going to do? Darius: I was thinking of playing a game of giving each of the Crown members a nickname. Ring: ….What great way to kill time. Are you a genius? Nica: That’s the height of boredom. OK, let’s start with the Self-Righteous Monarch.
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Post #2 Nickname Target #1 💟William💟 Darius: He’s so flawless I can’t choose one♡ Nica: Red King Ring: Piano Man Nica: Dari, you really like William don’t you. Darius: Yes♡ Ring what’s Piano Man? Ring: I saw him playing the other day. It was good. I want to listen to it again. Darius: I want to hear Will’s performance too.
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Post #3 Nickname Target #2 🐈Liam🐈 Darius: Mr. Beautifully Shaped Cat Nica: Smooth Talking Stage Actor Ring: Sparkly Pink. Nica: But I can’t see past the sparkling pink. Ring: …Because he’s flashy? He looks sparkling. And, his hair is pink and cool. Darius: You look like a child looking up to a hero, Ring. Ring: Ah, n-not really…..it’s not like I particularly admire ….him.
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Post #4 Nickname Target #3 🦊Harrison🦊 Darius: Mr. Troublesome Fox Nica: Lie Detector Ring: Droopy Tear Mole Ring: Harrison Gray. Is he troublesome? Darius: Perhaps. He might seem aloof, but I think he’s quite compassionate. Having a kid like that makes things nice and unified. Nica: Ahhh, well then my hard-work has increased.
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Nickname Target #4 🍎Elbert🍎 Darius: Mr. Greedy Beauty Nica: Bisque Doll Ring: The Desired Nobleman Darius: A bisque doll is rather blunt, Nica. Nica: Elbert was looking at a butterfly in the garden the other day, and I thought it was a real bisque doll. Ring: …..Maybe someday, we can talk about butterflies together. Nica: What was that, Ring. Ring: N-no…..nothing!
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Nickname Target #5 🪞Alfons🪞 Darius: Mr. Lewd Illusionist Nica: Shameless Mirror Man Ring: Perverted Mirror Nica: Ahaha! “Perverted mirror”, that’s a bit much. Ring: I- no different than you calling him “Shameless Mirror Man.” Darius: When I look at both of you, there are times I realize, you really are twins. It’s amusing. Nica & Ring: Really?
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Nickname Target #6 ⌛️Jude⌛️ Darius: Mr. Ruthless President Nica: Extremely Heinous President Ring: The Angry One Darius: I get the strong impression that he’s a President. Nica: Hey, Ring. That evil looking guy probably has a lot of money, next time why not ask him out to treat you to a meal? Darius: It’s as if my family doesn’t eat. Ring: Sorry, I eat a lot, but…it’s never enough.
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Nickname Target #7 🔫Roger🔫 Darius: Mr. Double-Crossing Doctor Nica: Muscle-Glasses Doctor Ring: Dog Loving Brother Darius: Roger has a dog? Nica: According to my intel, it seems he has one kept at home. A corgi named Ale. Ring: Her butt is plump and cute….I wonder if they’ll let me play with it if I ask. Darius: I want to play with it too. Nica & Ring: ……
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Nickname Target #8 ⛓️Ellis⛓️ Darius: Mr. Dangerous President’s Assistant Nica: President’s Personal Assassin Ring: Kind Bean Pole Ring: Ellis Twilight’s an assassin? Nica: That’s right, he approaches as easily as breathing and then- whoa! Ring: ! T-that surprised me…. Nica: Ahaha, what’s with that face? Just like you when you were a kid! Darius: Yes, both of you should make sure you don’t get killed.
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Nickname Target #9 💀Victor💀 Darius: Absolutely not, I don’t want to give one♡ Nica: Long-Haired Eccentric Guy Ring: Energetic Cooing Pigeon Nica: I’d like to pursue an investigation of Dari’s secret dislike of the Queen’s Aide, but Ring what’s with the cooing pigeon? Ring: He’s amazing. He can send out pigeons at will, and there’s lot of them. Nica: That can’t be true!/Das kann nicht wahr sein!* Darius: Ah, that sort of thing irritates me.
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Final Post: Darius: Ha~♡ It was fun to see so many cute Crown members. Ring: As usual, I don’t understand Dari’s meaning of cuteness. Nica: Hey, let’s go now, I’m hungry. Darius: -Before that. Did you two notice that I’ve been dropping hint the entire time?
Ring: Hints? Darius: The initials related to the cursed from the Alice In Wonderland group. Nica: Ah, ahaha, I see. Certain words pop up in the order they were targeted. Ring: I am the only one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about? Darius: Maybe something fun will happen if you solve the mystery.
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*I'm not sure if I translated this line correctly or not.
Tags list: @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @sh0jun @letter-from-afar
Divider: @/natimiles
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welcome to demon school! iruma kun
♥︎Yandere Asmodeus♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Iruma-kun♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Kirio♥︎ × Reader
◆Advanced apologies; sorry, some of the pictures I do not know◆
Bold is reader
1st important note; I know their age. But in this setting, the school is college. And all of them are high school age; 18 college age; 19
2nd Important note; if you want a gerne like angst, smut, etc. For a specific person, ask/request me.
A friend asked me to do this and also they didn't know their age so ima change the settings that they are 18-19 and the story plot a bit
!¡Warning⚠️!¡; a bit nwfs
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1 Manga 'welcome to demon school iruma kun
2 Tumblr artist: @cromahi
3 Danbooru artist: shigatsuchichi
4 ????
Setting; senior year, high-school
You two met before he was with Iruma - kun of course, he wanted to challenge you because rumor says you could be stronger than the demon king. You were stiff, but somehow he didn't land a hit at all! He even used a fire sword to attack you. You just maybe flicked his forehead and tripped him to make him lose.
Well, he may or may have not made a deal to be your devoted slave...well of course you declined but it was awkward when he kept following you around, getting what you needed or want. You were getting annoyed a bit. It was rather cute and nice to have someone to stick around, getting you what you want. He kept his distance too, but why is he keeping looking at you like that? An expression you have never seen before.
"...Asmodeus, come here." His eyes perked, it was the first time you asked him to come close to you! The only contact he and you had was handing over things. He was so grateful! If he had a tail, it would've been aggressively wagging right now. "Ah, yes master [name]? Do you need something— eek!" Was he....on your lap right now?! Oh no, he needs to calm down, his face is going bright red!
"First, call me by something casual like just my name, not some 'master' thing...second as I said, you can be casual. No need to be so stiff and lastly, I am grateful for your company. Truly, I am but I think I need you to—" he turned his body around to face you, hugging you. "N- no! I'm not gonna leave! I can do anything for you, no I will! So please don't leave me!"
He snuggles closer as you rub his back in circles. "I meant to say to maybe hang out with some other people."
"So..your not leaving me, right?"
"Yes. I promise"
It got a little better, although he still calls you master...you will just fix that later.
Setting; College
1 year later. Now you both are in the same school/college. Honestly, you didn't need to since you have already proved your capabilities. But he would cry if you didn't come with him. 'What? But you promised to stay with me!'
"Hey, did you hear? The old grandpa, grandson is coming here."
"Ah, yes master. I heard about it. Although, is he perhaps bothering you?"
"No, just curious. You know, having some new people to hang out with is pretty fun. Isn't it?"
You watched in the background as the student called 'Iruma' is fighting Asmodeus. You were surprised that Asmodeus lost. The good thing is that they became so-called 'friends' but the bad thing is he kept crying on his knees, apologizing that he lost. But you assured him it was fine. Back to the present...this moment with him is quite uhh..troublesome you would say.
Currently, Asmodeus is in his evil cycle. He had already told you about his true power but physically and mentally dealing with it? Uhm... how can I explain this. Iruma was apologetic to you since now you have a clingy demon snuggling you, and sending glares at anyone who looks at you besides Iruma. At least it was funny when you experimented on him with a random demon. Asking the demon to talk about you. It was quite amusing to see him go back to his normal self and then back to the evil cycle self.
Warning; slight nwfs!
"A- AhH! Hngh..t- too much! Please!" He doesn't even know what he's begging for. He moans as you played with his chest. Trying to grab something to keep him stable. You let him put his arms over your neck and his legs wrapped around your waist as he sits on your lap. You tried to pull back but he pulled you closer, whining at the loss of contact. He tugged your sleeve, quietly asking for more.
Hmm...Now, now. What are you gonna do? Hmm?
(If you actually want a full smut then comment and I'll make a part 2 specifically for this one)
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 ????
3 Tumblr artist: @neeeee69
4 anime
When you heard of this student, you became interested....is he perhaps fierce, scary, menacing?
No. He was an absolute cutie. He looked absolutely different from what you thought he was to be. This guy defeated Asmodeus?
Hanging out with him, Asmodeus, and Clara was quite fun. Although you like to tease him by lifting him up in the air and calling him a shortie.
No offense to you short people :)
Although you always find yourself seeing him staring at you. At first, it was concerning. But later you thought he was just curious about you or something.
You confronted him about it. He was flustered to say at least, turns out he just wondered what hugging you feel like. You let him sit on your lap, snuggling onto your neck when you two are alone. He was always happy to have moments like this with you. When you heard that he learned how to use a bow, you wanted to learn it too. You have tried many kinds of weapons but not a bow. So he teaches you how to use it.
"Hey! I'm over here. I—"
He tripped on a rock while running, you caught him but didn't keep steady so you fell too. He opened his eyes and found himself on top of you.
"Sorry, I'm really am sorry! I didn't mean to."
He began panicking, you reassured him it was alright. Although it was cute seeing him flustered. He was even more flustered since he was so close to you when he was teaching you how to correctly hold a bow and shoot it.
When his evil cycle came, it was....ok. just some more private time than usual and more touchy too. And was he flirting? Surely not, he's too innocent. He just put a rose in your hair, and just called you beautiful/handsome/pretty
He pulled you down by the collar of your shirt. Kissing you, you were taken aback. Before you could even move away he slithered his arms to your waist, making you stay with him.
"Who said you could leave? Stay put."
He grabbed your hand, putting it on his chest. As your other hand, he kissed the palm of your hand. "Alright, I'll stay put. I'll make this enjoyable for us."
This is gonna be quite a night.
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 anime
You were in iruma group for the festival. You guys weren't really talking to each other that much but he began talking to you more when you two had to get some materials for the fireworks.
He was interesting, but you noticed his horns. You kinda wanted to touch them, when you asked him about it he agreed. Although you did notice that his horns were sensitive since he kept flinching and his breath hitched whenever you touch his horns. Maybe ruffle his hair too.
Although sometimes you see him staring at you. One time he began salivating, he apologized but you thought he must've been hungry so you gave him your food.
"Oh. Thank you for giving me your food." He was hungry for you.
Warning; slight nwfs
"HGNH! Wait— ahh~!"
"Oh dear. I didn't know you were such a masochist."
You grabbed his horn and pulled it as you bit his neck. He moaned, gripping the sheets. He couldn't take it anymore!
He tugged on your shirt.
"I want more...please.." he whined. Whimpering at the contact of pleasure.
What would you do? Hmm?
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the-lady-bryan · 5 months
So Voldemort right
He's supposed to be this really super smart wizard on top of super powerful dark evil crazy guy, right.
Now lemme just say right now yes, I know the man was utterly fucknuts insane. But I can't help but question why he never thought to use, I dunno, literally any other deadly spell on Harry Potter. Keep in mind this fucker did not know Harry was a horcrux too. So he fully wanted this kid dead like super dead.
Like the first time this man used the avada kedavra on him as a toddler his body was vaporized. Okay, maybe he screwed up. Kid got lucky. It happens.
Second time he throws an avada kedavra at him they end up with priori incantatem. Okay, so it clearly didn't work a second time.
Third time he's like "ah, brother wands. Gotcha. I'll use someone else's this time." - so CLEARLY he is applying some thought to this process. He throws another one at the kid and once again, and I need to reread the battle of the seven potters section again as I can't be sure this happens in it or just the movie, but his borrowed wand... It breaks when their wands connect again. Oh and Hedwig takes a hit. So he gets lucky twice.
Okay... So now he realizes he not just needs a diff want he needs a stronger wand. So again, this highly intelligent, although insane, man is still applying logic here. He goes, gets powerful wand, and when they face off he uses it.
He hits Harry point fucking blank with an avada kedavra. Again not knowing about the horcrux thing which is why Harry survives.
But you would think, at the very least, when they square off ONE MORE TIME old Tom Riddle would have finally FINALLY realized the avada kedavra is NOT going to work on this little bastard. He has the single most powerful wand in existence and yes, I know Harry was it's true master yadda yadda yadda, but tell me you weren't just so exasperated when old Tom Riddle, this extremely intelligent and billed as a genius level intellect, chose to use the one single spell he now has explicit tangible proof DOES NOT WORK ON THIS ONE PARTICULAR CHILD.
Fucker would have stood a better chance if he'd just, I dunno,thrown a cutting curse at Harry's head.
Because what really were the chances, after point blank shooting him in the face with the killing curse who's only purpose in existence is to instantly kill, and the kid STILL BEING ALIVE AFTER, that it was actually going to work this time?
Like, I know the hero had to win and all that, and Voldemort was literally cray cray, and what he was doing was the definition of being insane, but still.
Dude was the dumbest smart person I've ever seen.
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sadistic-kiss · 4 months
House of Alphas
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse/Smut with Plot/ Reverse Harem
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Getou x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Gojo
Chapter 32: Slumber Party
“Careful there Sukuna we don’t want you transforming~.”
“Maybe I should-nm- to teach her slut ass a lesson.” Sukuna growled within his heat of passion. Your ass slaps against his hips with each powerful hit. You could barely catch your breath. There was no way you could handle his cocks in his true form.
“N-no please-ah!” Your arms were already so weak, you trembled above Dove, doing your best to hold yourself up but the animalistic way Sukuna was fucking you was making the task more and more difficult. “Su-Sukunaah~ Satoru~ Please~I-I said I was sorry ahhh~” Your concentration was split. From doing as they told you (so Dove doesn’t get mauled) and enjoying the double penetration you were receiving. You were going crazy.
“Doesn't she make the cutest expression?” Gojo teased. You didn’t know if he was saying that just to say it or if he actually wanted you or Dove to answer. “You can speak omega.”
Guess it was the latter.
You heard the audible gulp before she spoke, “Y-yes…sh-she’s so pretty sir.”
Your pussy fluttered around Sukuna’s cocks, the way she spoke about you had you swooning. Giant mouth Sukuna decided to announce his new findings with an evil chuckle.
“She likes that Satoru.”
“Yeah~? You hear that? You are pleasing our omega. Didn’t we pick a good one?”
“Mhm…yes… yes she- she’s gorgeous… a beautiful omega you have picked alpha...”
“She says we picked a good one Kuna~.”
“Damn right we did.”
“I-I wish I could touch her, please, may-may I please?”
“No.” They both said in unison making the omega whimper.
“Oh-oh nn-“
“She’s cumming- mm.” Sukuna didn’t let up, but once you clenched around him he leaned over you with a grit of his teeth. You could tell from the grinding of his teeth he was trying to not cum with you. That asshole was trying to drag this out, he wanted you to fail.
“Sukuna- please- please knot me ah~” You pushed into him and ground your hips
“You- ngh- dammit-“ His body twitched before his hips became frantic. He was weak to his own orgasm. Cumming right along with you.
You let out a cry, almost collapsing but you waited until you felt the two knots swell inside you. Your eyes rolled as you finally fell. You felt so bad having Dove right under you. You could feel her dress soaked from your essence.
“I-I’m sorry-“ You murmured to her.
“It’s okay…” She kept her hands away from you, even as Gojo let her wrists go she didn’t dare touch you. Sukuna was probably glaring down at her with his threatening red eyes.
“Don’t forget about me, sweetheart.” Your head was picked up by your hair,
you could barely look up to see the tip of Satoru’s cock and the fake lip pout he gave you.
Of all the times for you to face Satoru’s sadistic side you did not expect it to happen through his jealousy for Dove. They must genuinely see her as a threat. You mentally sighed as you weakly accepted Gojo’s cock in your mouth, you truly underestimated your yandere alphas.
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atrueneutral · 5 months
Just read the last chapter of HWBASK (I somehow missed that chapter 😅) and... I've got to ask...
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client insults Tav?
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client tries to flirt or make a pass at Tav and/or tries to include some funny business involving her as part of their contract with the devil?
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client does both?
“Color me not surprised to see the Hero of Baldur’s Gate here,” said the brute of a man who had come to the Devil’s Den seeking a deal - as anyone always ever did.
Since arriving a minute ago, full of swagger, he was pegged by Tav to be ugly, arrogant, and unpleasant.
“Is it true, hero? You’ll fuck a devil to save a person’s soul? How many fiends have you spread your legs for?”
Ah, and what he had for brawn was there to compensate for his lack of brains.
But, to answer his question, she’d spread her legs for two fiends to be exact. One of which she fucked on a regular basis - irregardless of a soul hanging in the balance.
The very fiend (who looked quite handsome as a human) stood not too far away from where she sat pretending to read her new favorite romance novel. Being a lawful fellow (though still evil in many regards), Raphael cooly leaned against the writing desk with no outward reaction to the salacious attack against her reputation - outward being the key word. She snuck a glance from over her book and could tell he was visualizing a future where the man’s soul was nothing more than a tasty meal.
“Are you deaf, hero?” asked the man.
“Speak to me, not to her - you are here for a devil’s deal, are you not?”
The man snorted in her direction before turning his attention to Raphael.
“Alright, devil. Let’s talk.”
“Then we have an accord?” Raphael oozed warmth - his steps slow in taking him from the desk to the man. “You are to procure a Bag of Devouring and personally deliver it to me in this very room - in three weeks time. In return for completion of this task, I will see to the end of your rival and his gang. If you are unable to deliver the item I seek within the allotted time, then there is the unfortunate matter of a price to be paid.” 
“My soul, is that it?” asked the brute, smiling with yellowed teeth.
“Why, yes - your soul would be a fine price,” responded Raphael, smiling with devilish charm.
Anticipation burned in his eyes.
The brute was not so brainless to accept on the spot; he mulled it over for about half a minute, but it was clear he predicted a favorable outcome.
“Agreed - and I think I’ve heard of this schtick.” The brute regarded Tav. “You’re gonna travel with me, yeah, sweetheart? Help me out?”
Rather than read (for the fifth time) the paragraph in which the protagonist and antagonist expressed their hatred for one another before kissing, Tav pondered on ugly, arrogant, and unpleasant souls and what they tasted like to fiends.
Something flavorful, she supposed, for behind his mask of congeniality, Raphael was gnawing at the bit for a bite.
An infernal pairing of contract and quill appeared in front of the brute’s face - conveniently obstructing his view of her.
“All that’s left to do is sign,” Raphael said evenly.
The brute snatched the quill from the air with his meaty hand, pointed tip and ink was put to parchment, and the words blazed after a quick scrawl of a signature. Little time was given to the man to read anything (as if his tiny brain could understand Infernal in the first place) for the signed contract quickly disappeared in a plume of smoke and embers.
“Best of luck to you,” Raphael purred, allowing a sneer to eek through.
“I’ve had worse odds before,” the brute replied with a cocky shrug. “But, speaking of luck, how about it, sweetheart? How about you give the devil a good fucking when I leave? A good fuck for good luck - all for my dear, sweet soul.”
“Infiltrating Zhentil Keep for a Bag of Devouring…” Tav whistled as she flipped to the next page. “I remember doing something eerily similar not too long ago. Whether or not you make it out as I did… well…”
She pulled a face that said: unlikely.
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
“I might be too busy fucking the devil - not for luck or for your soul, mind you.” For the first time, she met the brute’s stare - his arrogance was fraying into worry. “But because I enjoy it.”
“You’re obligated to do this with me!”
Tav laughed, “Says who or what? The rumors?”
“I put my soul on the line because of the guarantee!” The brute snarled, moving towards her in anger.
There was a flash and burst, and a large, pointed red wing fanned out to block the brute’s path. Tav was saddened that she could not witness the man’s reaction to seeing Raphael’s true form -  especially when her cambion looked so wonderfully antagonistic.
“A fool shall run a fool’s errand,” Raphael announced. “Run along, little fool.”
The brute snarled again in anger, and his bootsteps stormed for the door.
“Wait!” Tav shouted. The steps halted and Raphael refocused his glare on her. “If I were feeling up to a journey, when and where would I meet you? No guarantees, of course…”
An audible sound of relief.
“The bridge from the Lower City to Wyrm’s rock - dawn.”
After a moment, the door opened and then shut with a slam.
There was another flash and burst of fire as Raphael returned to his mortal disguise.
“Don’t look so peeved with me,” Tav scoffed. “I’m peeved with you! You know I hate Zhentil Keep…”
“You are under no obligation to go. It’s the fault of your own moral code - helping any and every mortal who steps into this den...”
“He’s not the first asshole and he won’t be the last.” Sighing, Tav closed her book and stuffed it into the pack that laid at her chair’s feet. “But, in all honesty, I won’t be too upset if you win this one either. The odds aren’t looking favorable - given your stipulation of three weeks.”
Raphael smirked. “A fair stipulation.”
“Says the devil,” came her droll reply. She stood while throwing her pack around her shoulder. “I think I’ll walk home tonight and will probably hit the hay as soon as I get back - early rise and all.”
“Mm, I’d join you on your stroll, but there are other matters I must attend to.”
Tav headed for the door. “Don’t take too long - I’ve unfortunately grown accustomed to you being in my bed.”
When she reached for the handle-
“Does it bother you?”
Raphael did not need to clarify his question; the remnants of his play, particularly the gossip that overran the city and followed the local hero wherever she went, had evolved into other less-than-savory rumors. Seeing the futility in denying the slander, Tav leaned into taking each blow on the chin and hoped that rumors of her good-deeds would one day overtake the bad.
“Some days more than others,” she answered truthfully.
Raphael blinked at her, something on his mind, but he merely nodded for the exit.
“Hurry home, dearest.”
“I will, under the fair stipulation that you hurry with your business - it’s cold out and I’ll want to wrap around my personal furnace.” She twisted the handle and opened the door. Pausing, Tav threw a last look his way. “I’m happy, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“And I’ll be happy when this man’s soul is mine,” said her beloved antagonist.
To counter, the protagonist held her head heroically high. “Not a chance in Hell, you rat-fucking-bastard.”
At that, Tav left the Devil’s Den with a smile on her face.
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
Crown’s S Class Mission - Roger Barel (Bitter End)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Roger: Hold up. Not gonna let you kill my cute student. Now then, it’s time for Instructor Roger’s fun and exciting punishment.
Master of the estate: Oliver, shut that guy up!
Instructor Oliver: The one who needs to shut up is you.
Oliver grabbed the man and pinned him to the floor.
Master of the estate: *cough* Wha-what are you doing!
Instructor Oliver: I can’t lie to myself anymore. That’s all.
Roger: Capture everyone involved.
What awaited was an unimaginable scene.
Roger used rigorous muscle training to punish those involved.
When they were no longer able to stand, they were handed over to the police.
Kate: The Beauty Muscle Club has pretty much dissolved.
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Roger: That’s good. And all the hospitalized women will be compensated.
Kate: While money won’t fix their situation…I hope it’ll help, even if just a little.
Oliver the instructor also came forward as one of the accomplices.
After atoning for his crimes, he planned on running his own sports gym.
He wanted to establish a place for women to work out together.
???: Um, excuse me…
Kate: Emilia…
Emilia’s wise gaze caught mine when I turned around. 
(...If she overheard us, she knows that she got deceived, doesn't she?)
(...What can I say to her—)
Emilia: Um, thank you so much!
Kate: Huh?
Emilia winked and smiled.
Emilia: I’ve faced a series of disappointments, but I can’t let that get me down.
Her strength revealed how much she had gone through in her life.
Kate: …I’ve also faced a series of disappointments. I could only think about how useless and pathetic I was. But I can’t stay depressed.
Emilia: I agree. I’ll see you around. Take care of yourself, Kate.
While I waved goodbye to Emilia, I noticed Roger’s gaze on me.
Kate: What is it?
Roger: Nothing. Just thinking about how you’re growing into a fine woman.
Kate: D-don’t praise me out of the blue. Besides, it’s not like you raised…
Roger: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, as a reward for growing up well, I’m taking you out somewhere nice.
Roger took me to a restaurant by Big Ben.
Roger: Been coming here ever since Ellis told me about it. Basically, everything here’s pretty good.
(...Roger brought me to such a nice restaurant)
Alarms bells started going off in my head.
Kate: …Are you’re going to make me do something again?
Roger: What do you take me for?
Roger stifled back a laugh and stared straight at me.
Roger: Don’t worry. There’s nothing behind the reward today.
Emma: …Reward?
Roger: I saw how hard you’ve been working…Good job.
Hearing those words, it was clear that he brought me here as a reward.
Kate: Thank you…But, I don’t deserve it. I got too emotional to make rational decisions.
Roger: I suppose that’s true. But I would’ve slapped that guy myself if you didn’t. He deserved it. Getting angry for the sake of others is admirable.
Kate: …
Roger: Kate.
Kate: Yes?
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Roger: You’re strong enough.
(What do I do…I’m going to cry)
Roger’s carrot and stick method always disturbed my heart.
If he did this on purpose, then he’s pretty evil.
Roger: Oh it’s here. The roast beef here’s delicious. Here.
The simple look on Roger’s face when he looked at the meat blew my sentiments away.
Kate: Hehe…It really does look delicious…
Roger: … Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes?
Roger: Being strong doesn’t mean doing things alone. Being able to rely on someone’s also a strength. So you can rely on me.
After saying that, Roger took a huge bite out of the meat.
Roger: Mmm, yum. Come on, it’s getting cold.
Kate: O-okay. Mmm…Wow, it’s really good! It’s so juicy and tender. It’s amazing.
Roger: …o_o Hahaha! You’re as restless as ever. Remember to chew. My family’s corgi used to eat so fast that they’d choke. They look just like you.
Kate: There you go again comparing me to a dog!
Roger: All that barking’s the same too.
Kate: Ugh…
We argued like usual, but my heart felt warmer.
Roger’s words made me feel really happy…and I kept arguing with him so that he wouldn’t notice.
Some time later, I joined Jude and Ellis on another mission.
Ellis: Kate, you’ve been moving pretty smoothly.
Kate: Thank you. I’ve been doing strength training.
Jude: Ya still lookin’ pretty soft.
Kate: I-I’m planning on gaining muscle!
Ellis: Good luck, I’ll be cheering you on.
Ellis smiled and put his lips close to my ear.
Kate: Ellis…?
Ellis: Kate, Roger’s going to be in the lounge tonight.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: You want to report your hard work and get praised, don’t you?
Ellis smiled gently at my surprise.
(I didn’t say that…)
Ellis: Or do you want to go out to dinner?
Kate: I’m heading back. I…have things to do in the castle.
I wonder how Roger will react when I tell him how I did today.
I definitely didn’t want him to know that I was walking a little faster than usual.
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