#ahahaha! vampire au
bleubeurre · 6 months
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vicsy · 3 months
ohhh for the ship asks
strollonso (obvi) and the prompt: you should stay away from him
In a perfect echo of the hotel bathroom, Lance cuts himself over the edge of false convictions. His fingers close around the wide band of a custom-made collar.
You should stay away from him.
He addresses the reflection in the mirror, stern, but his voice is soft, too forgiving, nothing like his father's. A tremor wracking through his hands; Lance clasps the collar over his throat, living through a memory so crystal clear. Lawrence's heartbroken face when he slid a black box across the table in his office, just the two of them and a thick burden of the best interests kept at heart. A sharp point of a dagger prodding his skin where it's the thinnest.
Familial ties have no weight in blood. Lance still wants to learn he's worth his weight in gold.
"I won't tell you what to do," Sebastian said, then, a glass of wine next to his empty plate. Lance zeroed in on the silver of his fangs, peeking through his lips stretches in an easy smile. They were playing pretend for the night. "He and I are very different. Try to keep a healthy distance, yes?"
The want parched Lance.
"No. Don't," Esteban snapped a week later, frantic and desperate, cornering Lance near his driver's room in the sweltering Bahrain heat. He pointed at his parted mouth and pressed the pad of his index finger to the tip of his fang. "It's no good, Lance, please. Stay as far away from him as you can, ask your dad to– I don't know!"
"Or come to me," Esteban pleaded, his hold on Lance's shoulder bruising. "I'll do it. Don't risk it with him. Please."
Lance couldn't, ever. Esteban would have ended up loathing himself and Lance would have never made his peace with it. To Esteban, he still made a feeble promise, sealed with a bone-crushing hug. Lance hoped it wouldn't break the way his wrists did; it hurt.
The pain was his impediment. It lessened his resolve.
You should stay away from him.
Race after race after race. The pinprick on the back of Lance's neck from being watched, a touch to the small of his back; to his cheek. His lungs constricting and sweat pooling under the collar, unbearable chokehold. Lance wishes to crack his chest open, to leave the bridges up in flames, to stand on the podium drenched in champagne — up there, not alone, free. Lance detests the thrum of want singing under his skin. It never abates, haunting.
You should stay–
Lance goes for a drive. He pretends there is no destination in mind. His car doesn't seem real but the empty streets of Oviedo at night are more than enough.
A house on top of the hill greets him with a sound of shattered promise. The front door opens before Lance reaches out to ring the bell.
"I don't know," he says right off the bat and shivers. Then forces a smile he knows is crooked. He's lying. "Sorry. Shouldn't have come, really."
Leaning against the mahogany doorframe, Fernando appears mostly human, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. The eyes of a predator look at and through him. Lance never wanted it to be anyone else.
"Hm. I know," Fernando rumbles, his smirk as cruel as it is indulging. Lance feels lost; feels like he's on the wrong path. "You are doing a bad job at staying away, Lance."
Fernando's fixation on discipline fascinates him. With a trembling hand, Lance unclasps the collar around his neck; with the other, he grabs Fernando wrist, palm up. There is no pulse beating underneath his fingertips but Lance's heart is rabbiting out of his chest hard enough for the two of them.
Too perceptive to be fooled, Fernando waits him out. He knows the game well. Lance walks into the trap on his own volition, waving a white flag. Places the collar onto Fernando's calloused palm, closes his fingers around it.
"Show me why I shouldn't."
Then, Lance bares his neck.
Then, Fernando lunges.
Bare and at a mercy, wrists bound behind his back with the same collar he wore, a mere sheep to a slaughter, Lance's want crumbles into dust and all of his pain ebbs away. He can never go back now; he wants to forget the way exists when Fernando pushes him into the bedsheets, big hands gripping his waist tight. Lance bucks up against nothing, white-hot pleasure blinding him, rendering him bonesless, voiceless but frighteningly at ease.
Fernando's jagged fangs plunge into his throat without a warning and Lance wonders why he ever resisted going somewhere he belongs.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it
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ultrainfinitepit · 4 months
I personally would love non pride colors! That way I would know but wouldn't have to be flagging publicly. Plus your designs are so pretty I think they deserve the versatility :-)
Thanks for the input Anon! I do understand the need for subtlety - that's one reason I started the Pride Angels series to begin with.
For funsies I gave some Gay cowboy angel recolors a try. Perhaps a happy medium would be using some of the flag colors but not all?
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spookythesillyfella · 12 days
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one of my sillier drawings . so i think
★ original image under cut
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starheirxero · 2 months
Xero is therr perhaps something abt lunar that youd change... Something abt his teeth mayhaps~? /teasing
listen . can you EVEN BLAME ME. everyone always makes lunar the Sweet Lil Guy but what if that boy BITES. WHAT IF HE HAS FANGS TO RIP SHIT APART. ITS SO GOOD !!!!
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Oh no the mlem post had me thinking about vampire AU.
-I have said it before and I will say it again, Albus didn’t want to turn. It just happened and he was captured by a church. Church that burnt down with him in the basement and so, he ended up trapped there for 200 years.
-First contact after years of torment and then of maddening solitude was a bunch of urban explorers that wandered into the basement. The basement had a weird cell at the end of the hall and they didn’t have the preservation instinct to not get closer when they heard hissing.
-Half mad Albus attacks the humans and starved as he is, drinks a little bit too much of three before the fourth has the audacity to chomp on his neck in defense. Albus is so weirded out by the human he just stares at them while they run away.
-The other humans are in the hospital too scared to go back, but Santi (Sann) isnt. He was just as surprised his tactic worked and also, wtf was that? He needs photos and proof of what is down there.
-He gets down there again alone this time, but telling his sister he was going, just in case. It doesn’t end very well as he falls while climbing down and cracks his head.
-Santi is woken up by something warm and wet on his knees. When he sees the thing licking him, he kicks his face and paddles back. The thing scowls at him for such ungratefulness. But well, maybe he hadn’t just wanted to help him by doing that. A bit of his blood was a fair pay for healing him, tho.
-Albus can’t speak very well after 200+ years of not having a single proper conversation. So even when Santi tries to communicate, he can’t really say much. Santi doesn’t give up tho. After a while of carefully spaced visits, he chooses to set him free. Must be lonely down there, right? He also doesn’t seem to be that much of a threat as before if he brings blood bags.
-Albus sees the sky for the first time in 200+ years and cries. They gotta hurry before the sun goes up, but hehe, Albus doesn’t recognize shit and has one place to go before going wherever the human is taking him.
-Annie’s grave shows she lived a short life after he was taken away by the church. He had expected it, but he had hoped for centuries and so he is crushed by it.
-Santi brings him home and begins to document his findings about the creature. No sun, no garlic, not trespassing without invitation, many things in legends turn out to be true. He asks him if the coloring of his hair is also part of the transformation when he scowls at him and tells him he was like that since he was born. Human or not, the sun had always being a nuisance.
-Santi is very excited to hear (and partly read) the life of someone from 200 years ago. The question on how and why did he end up that way comes up of course and Al simply avoids the question like the plague. It’s possible the vamp that turned him is still around and kicking, so he tells him to be careful of someone that looks like a portrait he draws. (To Sann’s surprise about his unexpected skill)
-Person in the portrait is well known in their town, but Santi thinks maybe they just look similar. Wrong.
-Albus is kinda obsessed with modern stuff but also a bit of scared of it. Nothing that exposure can’t heal. But soon enough, the maker and the turned meet again. Not pleasant to have your vamp friend collapsed on the floor of a dirty alley with terrible wounds.
-When Santi picks him up he sees the other vampire heaving, making his way to him while shaking in an equally wounded shape, he ready himself to hit it with a stray pipe, but Albus jumps in front of him to defend him and even tho the other retreats, he says he will be back.
-Albus falls like a rag doll when he senses he’s gone for real, but when Sann rushes to pick him up, he maneuvers around and has him on the floor with his jaw open. Sann doesn’t fight it when he chomps down and drinks.
-Sann is then carried to the hospital by one guilty ridden Albus, who stays by his bed in the emergency room as he is given a transfusion. He lays his head in the bed as he watches him sleep and doesn’t expect to have his head patted. He doesn’t dislike it at all. Touch starved vampire is very happy about his friend being ok.
-Sann had already noticed he had no pulse, but when he is back home, he sees Albus on the bed reading something and he lays down with him, putting his head on his chest to hear. Albus is tugged to do the same and he gets lost in the sound of his beating heart. Pulling away when the memories of being captured by the church come back.
-The “I wish there was some way to turn back to normal” moment after saying what he lived through.
-the consequent melancholy of knowing they’re close and want to be closer, but because of what they are, they can’t really be together.
-By now Sann’s friends have met Al at least twice, and are all very shaken by how Sann talks about the inhuman thing that almost drank them dry. It’s almost like he loves him and that repulses them. But maybe it’s a good thing he got close to him and domesticated him. It makes it easier to manipulate him.
-Albus gets away barely and is so afraid of what they could do to Sann he chooses to run away. Sann doesn’t realize at first as he’s busy searching for a way to turn him back. but when the guy who turned him comes to “talk” he rushes to find him.
-Albus being Albus can’t do much against blackmail and hostage situations, so he drags himself back. He doesn’t intend to submit to him just like that, so violent fight ensues. Al comes prepared with blood bags hidden all over his clothes to heal, but that trick is old and the guy knows it too. So the fight extends giving Sann enough time to escape on his own.
-He could just leave him…right? But Sann is Sann. He’s loyal enough to go back and fight with him. Maybe they can make him spit out a way.
-Tied up there, he reveals Albus aggression towards him wasn’t simple revenge for turning him, but also for taking the biggest role on his capture and torture during the church stuff. He was actually discovered 200 years ago, when the mysterious killings Albus had nothing to do with kept happening and his damn sister went around yelling the truth. He had no other option than burning the whole town.
-After a very nice revenge beating and some torture Sann isn’t much of a fan, the guy finally tells them there might be a way, but it’s 90% sure to fail anyways. They say they will take the risk and so after preparing everything (a weird ass potion made with the guy’s blood, Al’s blood and silver dust) Al and the guy eat human food soaked on it.
-It fails. Al can’t stop puking blood and even the guy dies at his attempt. Thinking it was a suicide plan that will surely kill him, Al requests Sann to help him get close to the sea. He wants to see the dawn at least one more time.
-He complies, crying the whole time. They sit there watching the sun go up before Albus closes his eyes and kisses Sann while saying goodbye.
-however, the sun goes up and Al doesn’t turn to dust like the other guy. Instead, his chest goes heavy, his hands get warmer and warmer and then, Sann plants his ear in his chest and hears the unmistakable sound of a heart beating again.
-Albus is just as surprised as Sann the guy didn’t lie, but it’s whatever. They’re both alive.
-Time later, Albus is angrily applying sunscreen cursing too much time under the sun will still burn him. Maybe the ritual had gone wrong and was actually gonna disappear some day? He told one Sann who rolled his eyes at his dramatic feet.
-Sann argues maybe it only worked because of that kiss of love, so maybe he needed more to keep the effect going.
-drowned in kisses and laughter, they keep on living.
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modmad · 5 months
OKAY, SO, I READ THE PRINCESS AND THE JESTER. AND THEN I READ IT AGAIN. I do not have the money to spare for the book, but I'd buy it! So hard if I could!!!
Then I watched SKIP! I was already deeply enamored with Arthur and Mesi's relationship, but this just cemented it!!!
Going thru ur tags, I found the revamped au!! And!!! Aughuhh love this ballerina Detective and her mute vamp boyfriend,, the concepts and arts and boards are all so,,, rgrgrghrhhhgghrgghh (chewing your arts)
Then I read TPaTJ again!!
(Interest piqued about the terrible Plague Doctor man!! If u have any thoughts to spare, I'd love to know more about them!!)
and I fired, and then I missed, and then I m- anyway THANK YOU i am glad! also hi people who just discovered SKIP and things ahahaha yeah these dorks are in love every time huh. I hope one day in the future to make the revamped comic (detective/vampire adventures yippeeeee) and then you will learn more about spooky plague doctor man! I won't start that until I finish TPoH though so uh. at least. 12 years to go!? y-yay....
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
I saw your "god of the multiverse" thing where reader tells them abt the other games theyve played and i just-- JFJSJFJEBOFJSNFEOFN I AM JUMPING SO HARD ON THIS HYPE TRAIN--
I only have two words for you.
Among. Us.
You're welcome.
BUT LIKE FR FR THO-- HOW WOULD THEY REACT?? Since the entire thing is literally cooperate or die for crewmate, or Eat Hot Chip And Lie / Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss for imp
And like, imagine them being named Dolos or Apate as a new epithet if they enjoy lying as crewmate to stir the pot or just regular lying as imp (dolos was the spirit of trickery, apate was the personification of deceit-- you can make either kaeya, albedo, ruebedo or dain give the title since theyre all from khanriah)
Or like-- they could also be rlly uncomfy with being imp and just being a model crewmate and they could be given the epithet Eleos or Anteros because of it
Just-- THSKFJSKDJWJ soooo many possibilities for reader/creator
The murder?? Theres gonna be a LOT
Sorry if there was a lot, i just rlly enjoy what you've written so far!! Have a nice day :))
First, explaing the game.
Everyones reactions will be diffrent about it, no matter how you explain it;
The scared ones
Noelle, Diluc (brother flashbacks),Barbara, Bennett, Razor (lupical PROTEC lupical!! NO KİLL), sucrose, Jean, Yelan (you... Kill your friends??)
The impressed ones
Kaeya, Childe, Venti, Hu Tao, Yanfei (sees it as a usefull skill), zhongli (MF is impressed by anything u do smh), Lisa, Ei, Yae miko
The confused ones (what why would you?)
Ganyu, Xiao, Diluc, İtto (doesn't even understand the rules), kuki shinobu, Kazuha
"İ WANNA TRY!!! oh wait does this count as blasphemy-"
Childe, Venti, Albedo, KLEE (actually thinks it like a game), Yelan (ok since you said its not actually killing them i wanna try), İTTO, Nahida (knows its a game), Heizou
Now if we were the imposter you are right. İt doesnt matter if you are bad at it, they are going to call you as some god that has been assosiated with trickery.
İ wrote a story about it. But didn't make the reader as imposter because no one wouldn't dare to say you are an imposter. Even as a joke
ESPECİALLY if it was a traitor!AU. Tough im not sure that they would even play if that were the case
İ made the story of how you got the title a bit long, i hope you like it :)
More under the cut!
"Have you guys ever played 'vampire'?"
Your voice echoed in the throne room, they looked confused, they weren't expecting your answer to be another question.
You were bored out of your mind. Watching people come and go in the room just for them to ask for your guidance about daily stuff was a pain, both phsicaly and emotionaly. So you opened your phone to get a bit of a downtime while no one was there to ask for your divine wisdom.
"Forgive my rudeness, Your highness. But... What does that have to do with it?" Said Albedo, who got there for your divine wisdom.
"You asked what i was doing in my device, so in order for me to answer, you must for answer my question."
"Vampires..." He mumbled "aren't those imaginary, humanoid monsters that drink blood to survive?"
"Ah, ok. i see that you never played."
"Play what exactly?"
"So its a game about a group of villagers trying to find a vampire/werewolf among them.
You choose one host, and that person controlls the whole game, The other players all close their eyes and the host walks among them, and picks a vampire.
Each night, the vampire chosses someone to kill and that person is eleminated, and each day, the other players try to find the vampire and kill them.
İf they choose the wrong person that person is also eliminated."
Acolytes look at eachother, that sounds so fun?!(deffinetly not the kill eachother without killing eachother one is the reason not at aaaallll)
"Ohh, İ see," Kaeya said, impressed "so this game also tests you ability to not get caught and lie, as well as finding lies. This is interesting!"
"...turnes out, you might have a chance after all, since the creator favors imposters and all." Diluc half whispered to him.
Lets pretend we didn't hear him for his sake.
"Yeah so on my phone im playing it but this version is harder."
"OHHH i wanna try!" Klee said exitedly!
Jean stoped her "Klee, the creators device is a holy one, so we cant just ask them to give it to us for our desires."
"Actually i dont mind! Does anyone else wanna play?"
The smartest yandere ones were having a light yagami moment ("if i agree to play they might think im a murderer and discard me but if i don't play they will think im avoiding these types of games because im a murderer myself and i would get discarded again. Oh i know, i will wait someone to take the bait and say 'of everyone is playing then i will too' then no one will suspect me hahahahHAHAHA İTS ALL ACORDİNG TO PLAN-)
"İm... Sorry your Grace but... İ think i will just watch." The depressed Yaksha said, he hates to dissapoint you but he doesnt want to kill people that he concidered friends, even if its fake.
Zhongli looked at you and his gaze softened.
"İ shall join if Your highness would join as well."
"But of course!!" There is no way you're going to miss THİS OPPORTUNİTY.
The game.
This isn't the game where you taught them how to play. (Which... Took like.... 3 whole days. İm not writing that)
Yae and Venti (a dangerous duo smh) asked for your permision to make the event prised. You agreed, this might make things more fun! They didn't told you what it was though.
PLAYERS: ChildE, Bombombaku (Klee), windbornbard (Venti), foxlady (Yae miko), Rockhead (zhongli(venti messed it up)), (your choise of player name), COOLGUY (itto), Al Haitham, Ei, Dreamy (Nahida)
İt started as you being a crewmate. The god team were immediatly on your side, attempting to keep an eye on you. But as soon as you shot them an angry glare from across the room, they left you alone.
you were a bit worried that the imposter was going to get too scared and not kill you for the whole game just because you are the creator, and having the gods in Real life be at your Side even in the game might scare them even more.
You watched as rockhead leave the caffeteria, Ei going to the opposite direction from him. But windbornbard did not move at all. Not even an inch.
You made your character walk up to him, wondering if he is having connection problems, just as you tried to get him to move, he killed you and ran away.
..... That smart mother fu-
Honestly, you weren't mad at all, (just a bit if you game rage alot like me) because this could help to ease tention in the first few rounds.
You followed windbornbard a little, wondering if he is going to get another kill. You both passed the boiler room and through security camera room. Seeing other players and fake tasking.
Your toughts were cut short as they discovered COOLGUY's body.
Windbornbard gasped "the creator is dead?!"
Your throne room was filled with whispers, and angry mumbling, completely forgetting that COOLGUY is also dead (poor itto).
"Who would dare such a thing?! İ tought the gods were going to be at their Side the whole game!" ChildE said panicing, as if you actually got killed.
Al haitham picked on quickly, "if there was an agreement on protecting them. That can only mean that one of the archons is the traitor."
"Maybe, both of the imposters are gods?" Foxlady spoke in her teasing voice, profably to see Ei's reaction. "After all, theres only one way that they can get away with this, trap them and leave no witnesses behind."
"What you are saying is unlikely," Dreamy objected. "if that were the case, one of the archons would be dead as well, as all of us promised to protect them, one of us would have to witness the murder and the second imposter would kill the other god."
"Uhhhh... Guys?? İm also dead??? HELLO???"
Rockhead cutted in. "Sadly, we cant make any assumptions on who killed our creator, since we all parted ways to do our tasks by ourselves when..." He trailed off in the end, Coughing to hide his emberrasment, he didnt want to admit that he got scared.
"Then im voting to skip the vote." Windbornbard said. Someone find this man, you can't deal with his smug face if he wins!!
And thus, everyone skiped the meeting an no one got voted out.
Next round you decided to do your tasks. That might help the crew a bit. While you go through the corridors you noticed Al haitham and windbornbard is going to somewhere together, and its not the first time you caught them walking Side by side. You're not sure if Al haitham got suspicious of venti or he is an imposter as well. Either way its an interesting duo. Maybe you should check the cameras.
You went to security room and looked through.
Blockhead was standing in the corridor, watchin Ei from a distance.
ChildE was avoiding everyone, immideatly leaving if the room has a player inside, he is taking it so seriously, he is profably not an imposter, you thought.
Klee was getting in and out of the rooms, Following random people and waiting just besides the door. İt suspicious but it could be that she is just exited to play.
You closed the security camera window, and looked across the real world room instead.
İtto placed the phone you gave him to his side and crossed his arms, pouting because he was the first one to die. Trying to look at other peoples phones from where he stood, to find the other imposter.
You could see the sweats forming at zhongli's forehead. He was SUPER concentrated. Why was he, amongst all of the other acolytes, being so serious about it anyway?
You looked at the traitor, who realised you were looking at him and smiled at you. You smiled back, at least one of them is having fun!
Suddenly his smile grew bigger and went back to his phone. Uh-oh he has an idea doesnt he.
"AL HAİTAM STOP FOLLOWİNG ME" he partly screamed.
"You misunderstand me, i was just following to make sure you are not a traitor."
"Oh realy?! Then explain why while we were in the room to the east, the doors were locked and you started to chase me?"
"...that did not happen."
Foxlady cutted in "now that you mention it, i do remember that one of the rooms that had my tasks was blocked by a door."
"İM VOTİNG AL HAİTHAM" windbornbard said. İts all going acording to plan hehehehehe. Some other started to back him up as well.
Everyone in the room turned to Blockhead.
"İ understand that all the evidence seems to be targeting hım. But i know my bard friend here for quite long, i can tell when he is being serious." He looked at windbornbard, "could it be that you are trying to blame Al Haitham for your crimes against our creator?"
"You seem to have quite the imagination old friend" he said calmly, imitiating him "it is as you say, we've known eachother for a few thousand years after all. So i too, can read your emotions."
Venti once again turned to you "your highness said so themselves, it is just a game afterall, so theres no need for me to treat it as a war between rivals. Of course im not in my serious mood."
He turned back to him "now thats out of the way, i must ask, why did you gets so offensive and tried to protect Al Haitham? Kind of... What was the world? SUS? don't you think?"
You almost burst out laughing, it was so funny hearing it from him, he sounded like a grandpa who is learning internet lingo, despite his youmg voice.
"Are you suggesting that, i am the one who killed the creator?"
"Now i didn't say that, you could be the one that killed 'COOLGUY', since you have strick policies when it comes to the creator."
They glared at eachother while Ei voiced her opinion. "What bard sais sounds very belivable, while mr Zhongli also made a convincing point. İ suggest that we vote Al Haitham, and if he does turn out to be an imposter, we can figure out from there."
"Well, it seems i can't get myself out of this one even if i try. İt was a very fun game." Haitham sighed. He accepted defeat, just like that? This isn't like him.
"İ expected for you to fight a bit more over this, not gonna lie"
"İ was more interested in the gameplay, rather than the prize itself. So being able to see the working mechanics was enough for me."
"Ah i see, maybe i can teach you sometime?" You asked innocently, not caring of the angry glares that turned to him as soon as you said that.
"İ belive the academia would bother us as soon as we got out, so that wouldnt be productive." He crossed his arms, knowing that this knowladge could profably get him killed. "But i do appriciate the tought, thank you, your highness"
Everyone hold their breath as the result was written in the stars.
Everyone, including the ghosts stayed in the positions they spawned in. What now? Do they do an emergency meeting again and vote zhongli off? But is this right to assume right away? Should they wait a bit longer for evidence?
Before the meeting cooldown ends, everyone finally made up their mind. They all went back to their tasks.
You almost finished all of them, but the bar was only half full. Acolytes are too busy trying to find the last imposter that everyone seem to forget doing tasks causes instant win.
This round was worse, the lights go out, random doors closing and opening, causing panic among people, but venti was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is doing this because he paniced, He has to kill 6 players all by himself afterall.
Ei, Klee and Dreamy died
"hOLY shit- 3 people died?!" İtto screamed.
"This can only mean one thing.." childE said, he was the one that pressed the meeting button. "Mr. Zhongli, care to explain?"
Everyone in the room looked at both of them
"İm not sure what you mean, Childe, would you be as kind as to enlighten me?" He said calmly, but it was obvious that he was getting irritated.
"The whole round, the rooms were randomly opening and closing. İ can tell that was a trap to create confusion, windbornbard has experianced the same thing. Only the smart ones that are experianced with faking their identities can think of this trick."
Oh this was a personal attack-
"İ agree with your opinion, however, i suggest that you choose the next words carefully, afterall, there is only 3 players left. İf we happen to fail finding the imposter now. We might not win this game."
Foxlady stoped both of them, realising this conversation contains topics from Real life"now now, lets not fight, even though the prize is grand, it is just a game after all."
Yeah what is the prize anyway?
She added "But i must say, what you said is quite right, only the ones that has an experiance to fake their identities can in fact create confusion skillfully"
"See? She agrees with me-"
"Hey now, have some manners. Don't you know that it's rude to interrupt while a lady is speaking?" She teased. ChildE cursed himself for being overly exited while she continued;
"However, the reasoning for you to claim blockhead- ah i meant Mr Zhongli- is an imposter is not realy a strong one. Since everyone in this room have experianced acting as another person."
Venti jumped in "yeah, aren't YOU the one that uses a fake identity in the first place? Harbinger of shneznaya?"
"How curious," zhongli added "blaming people is exactly what the imposter would do. İf i hadn't known better, i would have said that you are the imposter that is trying to cover up."
Yae raised a Brow "hmm? Do you have something else to say?"
"Not that it matters of course, but i have noticed that my usually talkative friend seem to be rather silent." He eyed Venti "And we have accused hım for being an imposter before."
"İm just watching, as you guys make this whole game about yourselves. İ have been having fun with my tasks!"
"Oh realy?" Yae teased, "what was the last task that you have done?"
"İ... Uh... The wires?"
"Which ones?"
"İn the.... Upper part of the ship."
"İs there even wires on there?"
"Yes there is! İ meant the caffeteria!"
"You were having fun with matching colors? My aren't you childish~"
"İ uhh well- you asked me the last task i've done! Not my favorite one!"
"Why are you stuttering bard?" Zhongli pressed on.
"You never got questioned by the shrine Maiden?! She is scary" he whispered
"Of course not, unlike you, i am not someone that causes trouble."
"OH come on! Why are you all mean to me all of a sudden?!"
"Yeah im voting him." Said childE.
"İm only voting for you because you told me im scary and that hurt my feelings" she laughed.
"Well, Barbatos, any last words?"
"İ was sooo close, thats not fair ;;"
Crewmates win!!
Childe stoped you from leaving. "Your highness, do you have a moment?"
"İ guess? What is it?"
"Since this competition doesnt realy have öne winner. How do we know who won?"
"Zhongli, Yae miko and you won, because all of you survived untill the end."
"....does that mean you will go on a date with all of us..?"
"Wait what-? A date??"
"Fox lady said that the winner is going to have a date with you."
The whole tevat was mourning their loss. The day you were killed by the hands of someone they knew you held dear, there were offerings to your shrine, silent appologies were made.
The weather was rainy, as the world cried with your followers.
This is the scene you were greated with as you walked towards the shrine that made for you, after giving the winner the... Prize...
"Uhh guys.. im not dead?"
"Sometimes we can still hear their voice..."
Your acolytes was eternaly happy for your short visit ("guys i didn't leave-"). You never died. Anyone could still feel your presence when they looked at the sky, to the infinity.
You are the
The undying one...
"Oh your Grace welcome how have you been? :D"
"The game was fun and all, but do you guys have to make everything dramatic?"
"Speaking of the game, were you the one that found the imposter? But got killed because of it? "
"Man i wish. Maybe next time i won't die immediatly!"
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Arrax: (radio demon Alastor! Vampire!Vox AU)
Yeah, they're very interconnected because of the blood sharing. And the scale is that Vox is Overlord level, same as Alastor! So if Alastor ever finds a way to bring Vampire Vox to hell, he'll be safeish.
But Alastor NEVER forgets what that Vampire Lord did. He purposely goes back to hell once Vox is sated and sleeping the night he kills Vox's master and makes him his Thrall. Then he goes back up (and it's TAKEN so many, many years to be able to go back and forth like this) and cuddle closer to a still healing Vox, gently nuzzling Vox's nape. "I have a wonderful surprise for you when you wake, my beloved."
yoohoo mk . more vampires for u from arrax :3c
oh wait so like, endgame *would* be to get vox to hell? ahahaha i can imagine the sort of stir he'd make in hell: i mean, can a vampire really even truly die down in a place like hell? i dont even mean permadie, i just mean like regular crushed by truck die because afaik the only way to properly kill a vamp would be like. stake through the heart or uhhhhhhhh. the sun burn Explode thing. and, well. There isn't really a *Sun* in hell.... and so because if vox CANT die.... hell had better watch out for their new greatest power couple, i guess?
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zarvasace · 3 months
i love when i get a notification that youve posted something, bc its always either fs or vampires, and either way its what i want to see
Well sounds like I need to write more of my 1931 LU vampire AU ahahaha
I'm glad that I have brought some enjoyment to your days! XD
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thatsrightdollface · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Ahhh, thank you so much for the tag, @milkteamoon and @cnnmonbimee !!! 💜💖🤗
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Oh my goodness — 297!! But a lot of them are pretty short. Many one-shots.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1,051,086 words!~ I’ve had this account for over 10 years now hehehe. Crossed a million words this last year!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for many many fandoms tbh — mostly Homestuck, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun and New Danganronpa v3. But if I have Stuff to Say About Characters or Worlds, I often say it through fanfic.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
- Alright, Place Your Bets! —> part 1 of my first Saiouma phantom thief AU from way back when~ NDRV3… 3,212 words!
- Hey, Deal Another Round! —> part 3 of that same Saiouma phantom thief AU. This one’s 5,421 words.
- Now, Show Your Hand! —> lol, and this one is part 2 of that AU! (A bit curious that part 3 has more kudos than part 2, mm?) 4,535 words!
- Things Could Be Worse… No, Really. —> here’s another Saiouma AU. >:D A take on that Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team side-game. All three of these are from 2017 + early 2018!! This one’s 3,253 words.
- Surprise Visit —> and here’s the outlier! This one’s about Dionysus and Ariadne in Percy Jackson. She pays him a visit hehehe. 3,631 words~
5. Do you respond to comments?
I definitely try!! 💜💖 it can take me a while sometimes, but yes, responding is always the goal.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ahahaha that’s a tricky one!! If we’re talking about analysis/character study fics, possibly Little Clown Frozen… as I lament certain developments in Homestuck. If we’re talking about AUs, possibly Terrible Wanting’s dark end… (that’s one of my JSHK Hananene vampire AUs! It has multiple endings, one of which is a looooot softer than the other)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of my AUs have pretty happy endings, with at least a tinge of hope. I’m not sure what the happiest might be!! Maybe Supernatural Stakeout at the Kamome Science Museum! — the longest thing I’ve written for Hananene… even Natsuhiko ends up doing more okay than expected in that one. But I guess “happiest” is subjective, and I’ve written a looooootttt
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hmm I’ve gotten some weird comments and bot comments and all, but not what I’d call “hate.”
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah. I do write gory stuff/stuff I’ve rated M for other reasons, and very occasionally I’ve hinted at suggestive topics, but… nah.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Hehehe yeah I do! The craziest one? Hmm. I was the first person to write about The Starlight Calliope on Ao3, when I crossed it over with Homestuck… but that mash-up’s not really so bizarre, given how both properties were made by the same guy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I really hope not!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, I have!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, but not a lot of that’s made it to Ao3 so far. I’ve written quite a lot of casual stuff with my friends over the years/I still have some more formal projects in the works with friends. Some of which involve OCs, but I’m still gonna call them “fic” for my purposes here. :p
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I’m most invested in Gamkar, Hananene and Saiouma……… I love all those ships. My favorite might depend on the moment.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I always have a lot of ideas/half-started things floating around in my Notes app. I guess one example would be a NDRV3/Magic the Gathering crossover I drafted completely but ended up unhappy with. Maybe someday I’ll go back to it and see if there’s stuff worth salvaging, but… idk.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm… I really like writing descriptions and atmosphere and stuff. I like Narration Voices and flavor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting out longer-form things is more of a challenge for me, I think. Devoting a lot of emotion and time to one project — I can get impatient. Also, knowing for-sure that something is finished… sometimes I hold onto things for months, other times I might post them before they’re ready because I just want to Peel Off The Band-Aid. Also, I get really shy!! I am probably going to worry about these answers once I post them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don’t write out dialogue in other languages in my fics, though if they’re speaking something besides what the perspective voice is speaking/if they change the language they’re using in a scene I might say that. Sometimes I’ll use words/honorifics from another language, but that’s different, I think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
lol I used to pass notes/messages back and forth with wild, unafraid crossovers of everything my friends and I liked. Idk what I personally introduced first. Maybe Fullmetal Alchemist? I only started posting fanfic online under my current name thanks to an irl friend’s encouragement, and that was much later.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh geez. That probably changes from moment to moment, too!! Idk! (I typed up a paragraph here about my longest fic, and which fic made me most nervous to post, etc etc etc, but that ended up being kind of a lot!)
Hmmm….. tagging peopleeeeee…….. if you’d like to be tagged by me, please consider yourself hereby tagged!! (And if you let me know you’ve answered, I’d love to read what you have to say!)
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m34gs · 8 months
Word Tag
Tagged by @voxofthevoid; sorry it took me so long, friend! Life has just been so busy!! (see Vox's post here!)
Assigned words: teeth, feral, sear, blood, white
I was super excited because I have a vampire au I've been working on, which seems to fit the theme very well ahahaha!
Idia’s blue lips slid into a small smile, just wide enough for Ortho to see the gleam of his teeth. His pointed teeth.
Twisted Wonderland: Human Ortho, Vampire Idia AU
"He needs blood to survive. And if he goes too long without it, he can go feral"
Twisted Wonderland: Human Ortho, Vampire Idia AU
Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. It knocked into every corner of his mind, echoing in Lewin’s voice as the syllables seared themselves into his brain.
Blue Exorcist: Inconvenience Store (BonRin) (I know it's technically not the same, but this was the best I could find! lol)
He looked around. Other empty blood bags were scattered across the floor. Ortho felt his mouth go dry.
Twisted Wonderland: Human Ortho, Vampire Idia AU
Skin so white it reminded Ortho of snow, with the same bluish tint to it. Long blue hair that tumbled down his back, the same shade as Ortho’s and his father’s.
Twisted Wonderland: Human Ortho, Vampire Idia AU
So, most of these are from the same fic, but like, a vampire fic is just gonna have most of these words in there somewhere lol!
Tagging: @kimium, @sithmonarch, @kamikazequail, @backwardshirt
Your words: magic, often, sly, pieces, trust
No pressure, but have fun if you want to!
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the-starry-lycan · 6 days
i couldnt find the emoji but what fic would get u arrested
…..I’m honestly not too sure. I’ve written lots of deranged and random stuff in the past but hoo boy. The worst ones are:
I’ve mentioned my Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure x Beastars crossover a few times, and it’s just so mentally insane that it’s really funny. Basically, Legoshi finds out he’s a Joestar, and Dio uses the Vampire Mask on Louis, turning him into a carnivore with a stand, too. And they fight. And Legoshi was apparently in love with Kakyoin. It’s probably the most demented thing I have ever written, and I doubt it will ever see the light of day.. 😌
My old Naruto Werewolf AU fic, but solely for the reason because I wrote it in 8th grade and it was so damn bad. It was just.. so bad. So bad. I want to remake it so it’s good, but… aughh.. i can’t even bear to read it, ahahaha….
That one fic I did where Lurien the Watcher and Monomon the Teacher get married and have two kids, Luromon and Monorien. Feat. the insanity of Hornet trying to babysit their kids when those two are gone. My bestie and I also made a whole punnett square to determine which traits from each that their kids would get. Those were the good old days..
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bthump · 9 months
hi ahaha may i randomly notice a weird unintentional (who knows after the “guts” album tho) berserk reference in the song “vampire” by olivia rodrigo
btw if it doesn’t suit your musical preferences just check the first lines it actually seems like a guts’ passive-agressive pov as if he casually roasts griffith ahahaha
omg haven’t seen a recent post about rodrigo’s song that’s a crazy synergy right here ngl
sorry for the spam but “all you had to do was stay” by taylor swift is also soo suitable for griffguts
Wow yeah Oliva Rodrigo's writing a lot of griffgutsy songs I guess lol, very fitting for the album title. Vampire does feel very fitting from a bitter Guts' pov. Could easily be modern AU vibes too lol.
And yeah All You Had to Do Was Stay is almost like a Griffith response when you put them together like this lol.
Thanks for the recs!
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sparklyslug · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @aidaronan and @softbrah thank yewwwwwww!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's all Stranger Things, all the time baby. But you never know when the madness might strike for something new. Or re-strike for something I thought I was done with haha.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Focus (Check Please) Up the Punks (Stranger Things) we're gonna fight til we do it right (Check Please) If you want him, come and claim him (Stranger Things) t'hy'la (Stranger Things)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I'm usually really good about it for the first day or so after a fic has posted, and then I kind of.... fall off with it usually. I read all comments! I appreciate all comments! Usually what happens is I see the email notif on my phone, mentally go "ah I will craft a perfectly thoughtful and appreciative and stirring response to this later when I have time to do it justice!" and then I do not do that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The one that comes to mind is a fic I wrote for the Hobbit, hands too small to hold it, which is an AU where everyone lives but Bilbo still has the ring and the events of LOTR are still barreling towards them.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Let Us Dwell in Fair Ithilien and There Make a Garden with @greenlikethesea is ONE BIG MASSIVE HAPPY ENDING (after 10+years of tragic angsty pining but w/e). I also wrote a little happy family ever after Garak/Bashir for Star Trek DS9, between the noise.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
noooo it's never happened! If I'm getting hate it's behind my back ahaha who knows what goes down in y'alls discords, that’s none of my business! Im a Leo and I work in marketing, so I am not terribly tortured by that kind of thing ahahaha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
SURE DO! I don't know what "what kind" means. The smut kind. I've done closed door fade to black, I've done some explicit stuff, I try to give you range baby.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I LOVE A CROSSOVER! Star Trek/Stranger Things is pretty crazy. My current project is Stranger Things/You've Got Mail put in a blender with Supernatural, so that's decently zany too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I thought Quorum had been translated into Chinese, but I can't find any evidence of it, so might be all in my head ahaha.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I love to collaborate with folks! When the creative chemistry is right it's RIGHT, and it's so fun to ping-pong ideas and paragraphs back and forth. I co-wrote Check Please fics with @softbrah, have written a universe of Stranger Things fic with @greenlikethesea, and it's all been a blast. Me and @aidaronan are cooking up some ideas, if the two of us can ever stop signing up for bangs and things long enough to get to em.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well of course I will say Steddie right now because I've been living here for over a year and a half. It truly does have just the most delicious dynamic, however the setup and wherever you take their characterizations.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't know if I'll ever finish my Vampire Eddie immediately post-canon fic, I didn't have much direction with it, just Vibes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good with atmospheric sensory details, it's something I really care about when writing at least. I definitely enjoy dialogue, too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes are hard, and I struggle with nailing (heh) the physicality of sex scenes. My haters in their discords are welcome to chime in here 😂😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have no thoughts in particular. If it works in the fic and you've made sure your translation is right if you're not fluent in that language, hell yeah.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings. You will never see this fic.
N E V E R.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
IT IS REALLY HARD TO CHOSE AMONGST MY CHILDREN. I put a lot of my heart into I was open to pain and crossed by the rain (Wayne Munson my beloved) and I'm really proud of what I did with that one. I truly wrote Can't We Be Seventeen knowing it was really just for me, to scratch one of those desperate writing itches after an intense period of fixating on the Heathers musical soundtrack, and I really like that fic too.
Tagging @occasionaloverboy@greenlikethesea @thefreakandthehair @henrystars @capriciouslyterminal
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ahahaha friend you don't even know what you're asking for, you are about to be emotionally devastated
I have like 20 million fic ideas bouncing around in my head that have never seen the light of day
I'll give you two. One is a malex one in which....ummm.
So it's an AU. There's monarchy. Aliens are feared and therefore enslaved by humans. Jesse manes is the king of this hellscape. Michael is...one of the alien prisoners, and he and Alex fall in love....and then stage a coup and make Alex king. But, for both their safety, have to put up a facade that Alex is a cruel monarch who mistreats Michael. Cue a lot of kinky funtimes.
The other is...yet another variation on the vampire Bojan AU, which, when I suggested it, made @touchyourblood go OH MY GOD YOUR MIND
In which there's a network of hunters (sort of like Supernatural). These hunters believe that vampires cannot really exist and function in society, so when they encounter vampires, if they don't kill them but decide they deserve to keep living, they essentially take them captive. Keep them away from society, keep them in indentured servitude, and believe they give these vampires "purpose" and the only kind of life it's possible for them to have.
Bojan...is a vampire.
Jan...is raised by hunters.
But the more he gets to know Bojan, his family's captive vampire, the more he realizes that he's a person. A good one. Not a monster but...a human being?
Cue all the deliciously angsty possibilities of this scenario XD
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