#ahhh truly remarkable!!
yoonavii · 7 months
“Say Ahhh!”
Pairng: Sanji x single mother! Reader (short one shot)
Context: Sanji gets fed for the first time ever, and it’s by you.
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In the heart of the Straw Hat ship, the scent of adventure mixed with the warmth of camaraderie. As a new member of the crew and a single mother, you found solace in the midst of these lively pirates. Among them, you and Sanji seemed to share a unique connection that transcended the usual dynamics.
One day, as you lovingly spoon-fed your child, Sanji observed from a distance, his eyes softened with admiration. He couldn't help but comment on the heartwarming scene before him. "You're really something, you know that?" he remarked. "Your child is lucky to have a mother like you."
Your smile was grateful as you shared a bit about your experiences, and Sanji, in turn, opened up about his own past. The shadows of a childhood marked by a sickly mother and a strained relationship with his father colored his words.
Feeling a pang of sympathy, you offered him a chance to experience something he might have missed. "How about letting me spoon-feed you, just for a moment?" you suggested. Sanji's eyes widened, and after a moment of hesitation, he agreed. As you playfully made choo-choo noises, guiding the spoon to his mouth, a gentle atmosphere enveloped the scene. Each spoonful became a moment of shared vulnerability and care. To add a touch of whimsy, you surprised him with a quick kiss on the cheek after one particularly successful "landing."
Sanji's usual confidence wavered for a moment, replaced by a charming fluster. Yet, amidst the laughter and the joy of a makeshift family, the bonds between you and the Straw Hat crew strengthened, embracing the unexpected moments that made life aboard the ship truly special.
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©𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐈— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
'Under the sea stars! ☆
Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland) x Reader
authors note!!! ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ); I hate sassy men let’s kill them <3 second fic ever I'm on a role omg, or would this be considered a drabble? literally have ALWAYS wanted to post a twst fic on this app just cuz the community on here is literally so fun ahhh i love it, anyways! azul ily muah muah tbh didnt know where i was going w this ahhhhhwhjehd feedbacks appreciated!
"Y'know, I thought picnics were hmm I don't know, a daylight sort of thing??" You knew he was bound to have a sarcastic remark when you had daringly dragged Azul out of bed and to the hills behind campus for a picnic... at 11.
"Ha ha. very funny." You said in the most monotone voice you could muster as he began unfolding the lavender blanket you brought with you.
"Don't get me wrong! It's sweet! I just think a midnight picnic sounds kind of odd, no? Wouldn't this just be considered stargazing? And why'd we have to come so far out?"
You settle down on the blanket bringing the basket close to you, Azul sits right besides you with a playful smirk.
"Oh okay I see how it is-" you chuckled before taking out the light sandwiches you prepared for the two of you "His highness over here has gotten so used to fancy candlelit dinners that a thoughtful outing planned by his dearly sounds absolutely preposterous!"
He sighed dramatically rolling his eyes "Soggy sandwiches and lukewarm tea, truly, you spoil me."
Although he was pretending to be disheartened, he would be lying if he said he wasn't loving it. He was soaking up your affections like a sponge and he didn't want it to end anytime soon. He sighs lovingly appreciating the view for the first time since you've gotten here.
"I have to admit, midnight picnics do have a certain charm." He says with a smile while turning to look at you before reaching for a sandwich.
Your face lights up as you smile "See! I knew you'd come around eventually." You say happily as you pour yourself some tea.
"Only because you're so persuasive"
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bokyong · 1 year
- sleep talking
- jeongin
- jeongin (bf) x fem reader (gf)
: ̗̀➛ part of me feels like jeongin wouldn’t show much physical affection toward his s/o. but then he accidentally does it in his sleep and they realize how much he truly adores them.. i’m so soft ahhh
- 5:37 a.m
a few inaudible whispers slipped past his lips as he rested his head against your chest, your fingers raking through his dark hair. although you were a bit startled, you brushed it off. jeongin was probably just sleep talking again. you peered at the face still comfortably laid on your body. the way he stirred a little after you gently caressed his face with the tip of your thumb. how he buried his face deeper into you as you scratched your fingers lightly behind his ears. and you were still shocked after settling upon the fact that this was your boyfriend. these sights were reserved for you only. yet you were snapped out of this train of thoughts after his mumbling, still unintelligible, grew louder. as you tried making out some of the words you were hearing, you swore you heard a faint, i love you.
you murmured. maybe he was awake. you were proven wrong when his words stopped just as soon as they had started and he again returned to his usual quiet snores and his melodic breathing which matched subconsciously with yours as his chest heaved up and down. your heartbeat sped up at the adorable boy in front of you and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was matching the pace of your heart too. maybe he could hear the rapid beats in his slumber with his ear pressed soundly to your chest. his cheek was slightly smushed against you and a tiny trail of drool had begun to make its way down the side of his mouth. disgusting but adorable. and soon enough, the noises started again. listening intently, you could make out a vague breath of his sleepy comments.
“mmh.. i love you, babe,”
“you’re comfy, yn..”
were the words that obliviously made their way out of his mouth, mixed with distorted sounds, making you ponder on how you could even tell what he was saying. couple telepathy i guess.
nonetheless, you giggled at his remarks. at the words you knew he’d never admit out loud, just out of pure embarrassment.
we need more jeongin soft fics
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misshoneyimhome · 7 months
Ahhh okay normally I’m a reader that loves to enjoy your writing and not a requester but these Willy fics and how well you bring others ideas to life have inspired me! (I apologize if this is a weird ask) I am obsessed with the pictures of him with the lil journalist kids and the article that came out about him and Alex as kids playing hockey and being BFFs and was wondering if you’d write something about being in Sweden and having it be the first real moment when you realize you want Will to be the father of your kids and although you know neither of you are ready for one yet the admission of you wanting kids with him, being around family and not having a lot of alone time with you since landing down makes him broody and want to get some baby making practice in with you🤭
Oh honey, I am living for this! 😊 Willy with kids is just beyond what my ovaries can handle (in a good way of course) ❤️ and love, thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment and no requests are too weird on this page 😉 I’m always open for inspiration! (Sorry I didn’t include the smutty part; let me know if that’s a wish 😉)
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"I swear, those two were inseparable!" Camilla beamed, sharing heartwarming childhood memories of your boyfriend Willy and his brother Alex. "They competed in everything, and I really mean everything.
"That's so adorable," you chuckled, absorbing every detail of the proud Swedish mother's story.
"It truly was. These boys always shared something special between them. And watching them grow up while maintaining that connection makes a mother incredibly proud," she said, trying to hold back tears of joy.
"You have such an amazing family, Camilla," you expressed with genuine admiration. "You all seem so close; it's just truly wonderful." Your voice resonated with sincerity.
"Well, y/n, you're part of this family now," she chuckled. "We're all thrilled that William found you. He absolutely adores you."
You couldn't help but smile at her sweet words.
"Well, I adore him just as much."
"I know, we all can see it," Camilla remarked. "And who knows, perhaps one day, you and Willy will also contribute to this family," she teased with a playful wink, though her undertone hinted at a hopeful sentiment.
And as both of you smiled and chuckled together, observing William with his father Michael, you sensed a subtle shift within yourself.
You knew you loved William deeply. That much was certain.
And over the past couple of years of being together, you sensed that your relationship was slowly evolving into something more profound.
Initially, meeting Willy was meant to be a casual hookup, as you'd weren’t really looking for a long-term serious relationship. But things quickly shifted.
The more time you spend together, the deeper your bond got, and both of you found it difficult to let go.
Yet, being a typical young man, William struggled with expressing his feelings. Coupled with his demanding hockey schedule, being together simply wasn't easy.
And with those challenges, you had to gather the courage to bring it up. Through tearful eyes and a trembling voice, you knew you had to confront him.
"Either you tell me how you feel, Willy, or we can't continue like this! I have strong feelings about you, and I'm trying my best to adjust to your busy schedule. But if you don't want this, I need you to be honest with me so I can move on."
Those had been your words, which naturally had caused you a lot of discomfort and anxiety, yet deep down, you believed it was necessary and the right course of action.
And luckily, William had no intention of losing you. It took him a few days to realise and find the right words, but eventually, he found the courage to express his feelings.
And since then, you've been together, supporting each other through thick and thin.
And tonight, you were there with his family.
From the moment you met them, they welcomed you wholeheartedly into their arms. William wasted no time introducing you during one of their family video calls, and his pride in you was heartwarming.
Following meeting them in-person during the offseason was a truly wonderful experience. Right from the start, Alex and their sisters naturally teased William about you, and before long, you became an integral part of the Nylander inner circle, which became clear when the banter extended to include you.
However, you didn't hold back in returning the teasing, and the family absolutely loved your lively comebacks.
But something became different tonight, as you accompanied Camilla while William attended media engagements during the Global Series tour.
While observing your boyfriend amidst his bustling schedule, his broad smiles, infectious laughter, and his genuine radiance in his Scandinavian home of Sweden didn't escape your notice. It was clear that Sweden was where he truly belonged.
However, a new sensation emerged when a group of children approached the hockey players for a journalistic interaction. A sudden yearning for a child stirred deep within your abdomen.
Which was an unfamiliar feeling for you.
But watching your boyfriend exude such happiness and warmth around those children triggered a vivid image: a miniature version of Willy Nylander (or perhaps two), accompanying you both as you grew old together.
Maybe Camilla's words had triggered something, but regardless, you could almost hear your own ovaries clapping.
And your lingering gaze didn't escape the Swedes’s notice.
"He seems to be having a good time out there," she remarked, flashing a warm smile.
"Yeah, he truly does," you replied, trying to mask your thoughts with a deep breath, yet failing to conceal them entirely.
"He's always had a way with kids, you know," she winked before heading off to meet her husband.
Well, that did not calm down your uterus…
Later in the evening, you found yourself back in the hotel room with William after a day brimming with interviews, conversations, and hockey training - a schedule that left him longing to be with you.
Since their arrival in Sweden, he had yearned for your company, yet his packed schedule hardly allowed for it. However, witnessing your radiant smile around his family had put him at ease, and made him even more sure of the fact that you belonged with him.
And as you were getting yourselves ready for bed, you paced between the bathroom and the bedroom, seemingly indecisive. Abruptly stopping, turning, then hesitating before retracing your steps back to the bathroom.
"Babe," William chuckled from the bed, casually lounging under the covers. "What's going on?" His playful tone filled the room.
"Nothing... it's nothing," you replied, attempting to sound confident. But with a raised eyebrow, William sat up on the bed, prompting him to question you further.
"Come on, I can tell something's up," he insisted from the bed.
With a small sigh, acknowledging that he was on to you, you slowly approached the bed.
Glancing down at your palm for a moment, you then met his expectant gaze.
"Do you... ever... think about us... as a family?" you asked, a tinge of uncertainty evident in your voice.
The question itself didn't necessarily embarrass you, but a part of you wondered if it might be too early to broach the subject.
But William's response caught you off guard.
"Of course," he chuckled. "I mean, it's not a daily thought, but seeing the other boys with their families has made me think about it once in a while."
His smile exuded pride and confidence, yet a hint of embarrassment lingered beneath the surface.
William had never been the type to envision himself having children, not with his previous girlfriend or at any other point. However, witnessing more of his teammates embrace parenthood and witnessing the joy of family moments at the rink and in their homes reminded him of his own time with his family.
All the cherished moments he had experienced over the years with those he held dear, moving across North America and spending summers and holidays in Sweden.
In fact, something had happened a few months ago, during the off-season when he had taken you along to travel with his family; he realized that you were the one he wanted to build his own family with. However, he hadn't voiced these thoughts. Uncertain of your feelings on the matter, he struggled to initiate the conversation.
With a wide smile adorning your face, you joined him on the bed, pulling him into a deep kiss. In that moment, you were more certain than ever that this man would be the father of your children and the person you'd spend every day with.
Pulling back slightly, you maintained a smile, keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you.
"But, just to clarify, it doesn't have to happen right now... right?" You asked with a light chuckle.
"No, not right now. But I'm glad we both agree that it's in our future," he replied with a smile, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as your eyes locked.
"But... how about we practice for it? You know, just to make sure we'll be well-prepared," he teased, wearing a mischievous expression.
"Oh, I definitely like that idea," you chuckled.
William returned your smirk, drawing you in closer by placing his hands on your waist and connecting your lips once more.
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theemporium · 2 years
Little blurby-
So everyone knows/thinks Billy is this scary guy dom guy. But I want smut with Billy when he’s been with you for a bit- it’s hot a sensual make out sessions…then the truth comes out. Your a virgin and nervous and embarrassed. Billy turns into this still dominate but sweet loving caring sexy man. And the rest is on you to write.
ahhh i am quite a sucker for soft billy ngl🥹enjoy!!
“Oh fuck.”
His hands were roaming over your body, squeezing and pulling you closer until the distance between you was practically non-existent. You were settled comfortably on his lap, the fabric of your dress bunched up at your hips and your knees digging into the couch on either side of his hip. 
“So responsive,” Billy mused, a feline grin painted on his lips as he kissed the exposed skin along your neck, making his way back up until you were practically pulling his head towards you, lips meeting in a heavy and needy kiss. 
“Shut up,” you murmured, cheeks heating up in embarrassment but you didn’t really care. Not with Billy, never with him. 
“Watch that mouth, sweetheart,” he murmured, pulling away enough to hear the small whine you let out. “Gonna put it to good use if you keep acting like a lil’ brat.” 
It was a truly instinctive reaction, you didn’t even mean it. Images flashed in your head of sliding between his legs, carpet digging into your knees and Billy’s hand on the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair as he guided you. You didn’t mean to try to squeeze your legs together, thighs desperate to release some of the pressure. 
But the grin on Billy’s face was so fucking smug, it just made it even worse. 
“Aw, she would like that, wouldn’t she?” Billy coeed, his fingers gripping your chin before you tried to duck away and hide your blush. “Is that what my girl wants, hm? Want me to teach you a lesson?” 
Your mouth went dry. “I–” 
“Such a needy little princess,” he commented as his hands began to roam once again, sliding down your sides and along your thighs as he squeezed the meaty flesh in his palms. His fingers danced with the hem of your skirt, teasing the material as he slowly ventured underneath. 
“Billy,” you sighed out, your heart beating wildly in your chest, and you weren’t sure if it was from nerves or excitement. 
“Bet I can make you scream,” he grinned, and it was boyish and a little wild and it made your head spin. 
You knew Billy. You knew Billy long before you even spoke to him. You knew the reputation that preceded him, you knew the stories girls would whisper to each other in the locker rooms and the giggles they shared in the cafeteria. You knew what he liked, and you just didn’t know if you could give him it. 
And that thought alone—lingering in the back of your head, whispering away in between soft praises and dirty remarks—was enough for you to blurt out. 
“I’m a virgin!” 
Billy’s hands paused, resting on your upper thighs as he raised his brows at you, almost as though he seemed amused by the sudden declaration. Still high on his touch, his words and your own embarrassment, you couldn’t seem to stop the words spilling out of your mouth.
“It’s just…I know the girls you are used to are more experienced and—” But you were cut off when you felt his fingers digging lightly into your cheeks, letting him pull your head down a little so you couldn’t avoid his gaze. 
“I don’t care how experienced those girls were and neither should you, princess,” Billy stated bluntly, hooded eyes focused on your pouting lips. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
“I want to,” you whispered, big doe eyes staring at him so pretty. “I just…wanna do it right, Billy. Wanna make sure you like it too.” 
His lips twitched. “Oh I’m sure I’ll fucking love it, baby.” 
Billy’s hands quickly took your shaking ones in his grasp, pressing a soft kiss along the knuckles before he leaned up to kiss you properly. It was soft but assertive, and you let him take control as his hands slid down to your waist again, finally pushing the material of your skirt out of the way.
You knew Billy could be sweet, in his own little ways. Small things that maybe others would never notice but you did, the times he would open the door for you or put his jacket over your shoulders when you were cold. But you had never seen him quite like this. 
The way he gently pushed you back until you were lying on the couch, his body warm and heavy above yours. His kisses were soft and his touch was tender, almost like he was scared of hurting you. But he was still your Billy, he still nipped the spot just below your ear when you whined for more, he still pinched your thigh when you tried to roll your hips against his. 
You may have him wrapped around your finger, but he was in control. 
“Good girl,” he groaned, slowly sinking into you with one hand braced on the back of the couch to keep his weight off you, and the other intertwined with your own. “Taking me so well.” 
“Billy,” you sighed, a breathy moan following as he bottomed out inside you. You squeezed around him, eyes fluttering shut at just how full you felt. 
“You good, princess?” he murmured and all you could do was nod, but that wasn’t good enough for him. He ripped his hand away from yours, holding your face in his palm and his nose lightly nudged against yours. “Words, baby.” 
“Yes,” you moaned and nodded, eyes a little teary at just how good it felt as he began to move. “You feel so good.” 
“That’s my girl.” 
It made your head spin just how gentle Billy was. The slow but hard thrusts, the kisses along every inch of your skin he could reach. The soft praises whispered in your ears, the murmured reassurances as you climbed closer and closer to your high. And when you finally came, he didn’t stop. 
It was too much. All too much but it felt so damn good, you didn’t care.
“You did so well, princess,” Billy whispered as he pulled you onto his chest, the towel he used to clean you up abandoned on the floor with your clothes but he would deal with it later. All that mattered right now was his arms wrapped around you as you nuzzled your face against his shoulder. 
“Did I make you feel good, Billy?” you sleepily asked, your eyes drooping and he knew you were seconds from passing out. 
“So good, princess,” he said as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
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hoothalcyon · 6 months
Unfinished Ruthari mild spicy times ficlet
I've had this WIP for a few months, but I can't think of a single other place to take it, or if I even want to. however, I like what I have here, so I wanted to share it. feel free to leave comments in the replies if you'd like.
Tags: Husbands being husbands, flirting, writing about sex in an unmistakably asexual way, horn stimulation
Ethari slid off his shirt, his eyes roaming appreciatively as his husband did the same. Runaan laid against their bedsheets, flashing a smug expression upwards. Ethari took the bait and leaned down to press his lips against his, emboldened by the mirror reflection of a smile against his own. His hand slid downwards until his thumb pressed into the waistband of Runaan’s pants. Runaan made a needy sound against him, urging him to continue. He soon slid both his outer layer and underwear off all in one swift motion.
“You’re not wasting any time, are you?” Runaan laughed, bringing Ethari down for another kiss.
Ethari took the opportunity to sneak in a second peck. “And why should I?” He winked. 
Runaan trailed a hand down his bare chest, making a sound of contented approval. “True. And now it’s your turn to disrobe.”
“Would you like to do it for me?” 
Runaan propped his chin on his hand. “I want to watch.” 
Ethari brightened. “Ah,” his stomach did somersaults. “Good, then,” he smiled. He fumbled out of his pants, feeling a rush of both relaxation and thrill as his skin met the air. Runaan did not hide the wandering of his eyes as he took a moment to appreciate every inch of his husband; nor did Ethari hide. Instead, he rolled over for another kiss. 
“So, what did you want to do now?” Ethari asked. 
Today was a day for intimacy, in whatever form it took. Nothing was too small or too uneventful to embrace.
“I want to put a butt plug in. The fox one.”
The somersaults grew flames which flickered curiously. “Would you like help with that?”
Runaan shook his head. “That’s alright. You can watch, though.”
“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he snarked. Runaan responded by pressing him further into the pillows, subtly telling him to get comfortable. 
He then retrieved the butt plug and some lube, applying enough to ensure comfortable insertion. Spreading his legs, he took a breath, relaxing his muscles so the toy could slide in easily. Ethari watched in rapt amazement as the plug was lowered inside, opening him up beautifully. Runaan sighed, thoroughly enjoying the subtle feeling of being filled; the quiet intimacy of penetration without action. 
“Good?” Ethari asked.
Runaan nodded, moving to rest his head on Ethari’s bare skin, sinking into the warmth he exuded. Wrapping his arm around him, he pressed a kiss to his throat. “Perfect.” 
Ethari looked down at the long fluffy tail resting across the back of Runaan’s thighs and smiled. “It’s so cute,” he remarked. “I love it. You’re my sweet night fox.” 
“Mmm? Sly and cunning, more like. Deadly,” he chided, directing his attention upwards as he nibbled Ethari wherever he could. Runaan shifted upwards until he was seated in Ethari’s lap, where he languidly slid his tail against his husband’s thighs. Ethari gasped, feeling the nerve endings in his skin awaken with eager desire. Runaan smirked.
“Truly a devil,” Ethari added. 
Runaan hummed in pleased agreement before studying him further. A smile crept to his face as he noticed how Ethari’s eyes had fallen shut so he could enjoy each sensation for what they were. He slid his hands down, touching him along his chest and the ridges of his pecs. Ethari made a soft sound as Runaan’s fingers splayed across his skin, gently massaging him there. 
“Mmm,” Ethari breathed, coils of arousal slowly winding themselves together in his belly. “That feels really nice.”
“Hmm?” Runaan hummed noncommittally. He channeled strength from his upper body, pressing into Ethari’s muscles more meaningfully. Ethari moaned beautifully in response. 
“Ahhh! There, darling, that’s wonderful,” he said.
Runaan continued as asked. “Is it reliving any pain, relaxing, or sexy?” 
Ethari laughed. “Second and last.”
“Ah. The best answers,” Runaan replied. With the knowledge of the seductive qualities his motions held, he grew more experimental with his caresses. He hummed a song under his breath as he drew circles around his husband’s chest, occasionally skimming over his taut nipples. Ethari reacted as Runaan had wished: a resounding gasp and an unmistakable shiver. Good. 
“Your body is a sight to behold,” Runaan murmured, “and a treasure to touch. I feel very lucky to have you in this way.” He cupped a pec and squeezed it indulgently, his own heartbeat stammering at the delicious moan Ethari let out. 
Ethari’s eyes opened with a start, amber glinting wildly. “Ru? I want to suck those horns off. C’mere.” 
Runaan dipped his chin to show off what was desired. “Where would you like me?”
“Right here. Lean back,” he instructed, placing his hand on Runaan’s waist as he turned around. Runaan shimmied into place, fitting into the warmth below. 
Leaning forward, Ethari ran his tongue along the underside of his horn. He traced every patterned whorl he could find, savouring the thick weight he was granted. Runaan shivered at the wet contact, carefully dipping his head back with a groan. 
Ethari moaned, low and hungry in his ear. “Take off those cuffs for me. I give you my permission,” he added with a playful lilt. 
A ricochet of easy laughter rang against his chest. “Well, if the very creator of them obliges, then I mustn’t disobey,” Runaan agreed. 
Ethari nibbled his ear cheekily. “Mmm. Indeed—never disobey me,” he mused. 
Runaan sat upwards, bowing his horns as he carefully took the precious cuffs off, placing them on the bedside table. He handled them with the utmost care, and nearly felt entirely naked without them. 
Thankfully, Ethari soon filled them with sensation once more, touching and sucking them indulgently. As he closed his lips over the dull point of his left horn, he groped the right, caressing and winding his hand around its thick shaft. Runaan writhed with pleasure, equal parts aroused by the pleasing sensations and his husband’s deep devotion and appreciation. His horns, usually wielded as an intimidation tactic, were seen as many things by Ethari: endearing, precious, and delicious. The intricately designed horn cuffs were removed only for certain practices, whether they involved grooming or rituals such as this. Pure worship.
Ethari cupped a hand around the wide base of Runaan’s horn and squeezed, then pinched the winding spiral found higher up. Although he couldn’t come solely from these ministrations, Runaan enjoyed them nevertheless—especially when he felt teeth fit against ivory, igniting his senses. A whine hitched in his throat, lodging itself there as desire climbed through him. He was about to make a move when the contact had suddenly ceased, ending with a final kiss to the point of his horn. 
He felt Ethari rubbing his shoulder dotingly. “My jaw is a little tired now. But I have another request, if you may.” 
Runaan smiled then, and turned to press a consolatory kiss to his thoroughly worked jaw. He reached out, his fingers curving around the structure of bones hidden underneath and gently rubbed him there, easing away the dull pain. Ethari’s expression relaxed as he leaned into the soothing motion. 
Runaan broke the silence. “Of course. What would you like?”
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may i ask for a one shot of a scaramouche x reader with this prompt?
instead of moving on from reader’s death in a healthy way, he attempts to raise them from the dead. he accidentally isekai’s reader from the modern world to teyvat instead. the two readers are completely different from each other.
(thank you very much if you decide to do this!)
Ooooo! Inspiration has been acquired! 🤩
Second Chances
Scaramouche had believed he was immune to betrayal at this point. Three times he’d been backstabbed, he wasn’t going to let there be a fourth opportunity. Until that is, he met you.
Something about you was different in a way he couldn’t quite describe. You felt… ‘real’. You made him feel real.
Despite his insistence to not let himself be hurt again, some way, somehow, you managed to slip past the walls he’d built up, through all the safeguards and fronts he’d constructed. For far too long he’d chosen to ignore this fact, to pretend as though you were of no significance to him, even when the thought of something harming you made his face curl up into a snarl and his hands turn to fists in anger.
The Balladeer’s arms shook ever so slightly as he pulled your weakened form into him.
“H-Hey! Don’t you dare die on me [Name]!”
The words were hollow, and he knew it all too well. Scaramouche was no stranger to death, he’d witnessed it countless times. But this time it wasn’t just anyone at the crossroads to death’s door, it was you. He knew it, even as he lied to himself that you’d be fine, he knew he was lying to you both. He knew enough about death to know that there was nothing he could do now, not anymore. He knew, yet he still kept telling you to ‘hang on’, that ‘you couldn’t just leave him too’, that ‘you weren’t allowed to go yet’, even as the warmth of your wounded form was replaced by the chill of the dead, he continued.
Some say that the Balladeer was broken in some kind of way.
After losing you, those words took on a different meaning.
Loosing you had truly broken him.
The sacrifices he’d had to make just to learn how to reach you had been blood-soaked and brutal. Despite that he’d done it all without hesitation, even his usual hostility absent in his actions. Gone were the snappy remarks, the annoyed huffs, and the frustrated insults. Scaramouche was indifferent throughout his search, completely unphased by everything that happened.
Violet eyes scanned over yellowed pages as he read a tattered book. It was penned in a language he’d been unfamiliar with, but for the sake of seeing you again, he’d kept trying to learn it again and again. The ink on the page had long since become faded, enough that his eyes were nearly aching from the strain, but he refused to wait. He’d waited long enough, he wasn’t going to wait a moment longer.
The dim room was lit by flashes of light as a crack seemed to form in the air itself. It grew longer, before the deep cracks gave way to a void. It was somehow as black as night, yet the more he looked at it, the more bright it became, flashes of color illuminating the dim room. Scaramouche managed to tear his attention away from the rift, suppressing a shudder. Looking at it felt wrong, it was as though it was entirely right, but also somehow wrong in every way.
A thump comes from the rift, and he quickly turns back around. There’s a figure lying on the floor under the rift, which seems to shrink away into nothingness in front of his eyes. The person’s clothing is odd, but they begin to stir before he can observe more.
“Ahhh, fuuuuck. Okay that is the last time I mix caffeine and sugar with an hour of sleep!”
They sit up with a groan, annoyance clear on their face, though upon examining the surroundings, it quickly becomes confusion.
“What the hell? The fuck am I?”
They finally see the other occupant in the room, and waste no time in making a snide remark.
“Oh lovely, a weeb with a frisbee hat. Great, fantastic, wonderful, why the hell not at this point?!”
The Balladeer meanwhile, was frozen in shock. That voice was yours, and that was your face, no question about that, but you were acting… odd.
Your familiar [Color] eyes narrowed slightly with suspicion. “…Ayo how the hell do you know that?! You a stalker? Where the fuck am I? And who the fuck are you?!”
His world froze for a moment. Who was he? Surely you were joking right? This had to be a trick, right? You knew his name, both his codename and his real one, so why did your eyes look so confused? There wasn’t a single hint of familiarity in them, none at all. The harbinger tries to speak, but his voice fails him. It takes him a few more attempts to find his voice.
“You’re back… Don’t leave me like that again [Name]!”
“Back? Leave? Huh? The fuck? Look do you usually have a hobby of picking up random incapacitated people or just me?! Actually wait don’t answer that, I’m still going to think your creepy regardless of your answer.”
The man was stunned silent. The person in front of him looked like you, they sounded like you, but they clearly weren’t you. Not the you he knew at least.
But that was fine. He would have plenty of time to get to know this ‘new you’. After all, it’s not like he could risk losing you again, so he’ll make sure you stay close to him just in case.
You weren’t getting the chance to desert him a second time, he’d make sure of that.
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powerful-niya · 8 months
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AHHH! Today's the day! Finally, it's my birthday, everyone! I'm absolutely overwhelmed with emotions, and I can't even find the words to express how I feel. 💗💗
Once again, I find myself here, celebrating another year with all of you, and I genuinely treasure every moment of it. The content I create, the comments, the love, and the support from each one of you - I love and cherish it all. I can't thank you all enough for being by my side, through thick and thin. It's been a true blessing. 🩷🩷
It's amazing to reflect on the growth I've experienced over the years. I began writing back in high school, and the journey has been truly remarkable. Throughout this journey, I've crafted a plethora of Naruhina content, connected with amazing readers, and even forged friendships with Naruhina authors I once admired from a distance. I've been an active part of various Naruhina events, celebrated two graduations, and I'm now wholeheartedly devoted to my university education! 💙💙
And here I am, still going strong, eager to keep providing you all with Naruhina content. My love for Naruhina led me to you, and I'm genuinely grateful for the existence of Naruto and Hinata, their love story, and the fact that they're canon. Equally, I deeply appreciate the love and support from you, my readers. 🤍🤍
In truth, I owe much of my journey to all of you. Your willingness to click on my fanfics, immerse yourselves in my writing, and offer me a chance has brought me to where I am today.
Every year has been a unique journey, filled with ups and downs. I'm thrilled that you all have stuck with me through my extended breaks and even my darker Naruhina content (apologies for that!). I'm genuinely happy for all of you, and I want you to know that I think about each and every one of you. I'm truly blessed to be part of such an amazing community, and I'm proud to be a member of the Naruhina community. 💕💕
Thank you for everything, my dear friends. Thank you. 🫶🏽🫶🏽
(  ̳• · • ̳)
/    づ♡ I love you ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 3 months
hello my darling lin 💞 i'm afraid i can't keep it to myself any longer, i must know all about your character tags, they're simply too intriguing 👀.
Ahhh, my loveliest Lizzie! Thank you so much for sending this ask my way, it was such a lovely and generous surprise to find in my inbox today! 🥹❤️ I have a lot of different tags for five separate works so, please, bear with me as I briefly try to elaborate on all of them skdskfjsksfjsk. I apologise beforehand for my seemingly endless rambles, though I hope it will turn out to be interesting nonetheless! 🥰✨️
The majority of my tags come from my medieval magnum opus sksksk because numerous distinct characters are already detailed and elaborate in my mind — let’s dig into them! I do have to confess that some of these tags have yet to make a proper appearance, but I have prepared them in advance, just in case.
( oc: if i cannot move heaven i will raise hell ) — Vlad Dracula. This phrase is a well-known quote from Virgil’s Aeneid: “Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.” I have always felt that it perfectly encapsulates Vlad’s entire life — he is quite the prototype of a Machiavellian ruler willing to resort to more violent methods if needed (which we know very well from history, after all). Throughout the works, he repeatedly acknowledges his belief that he is destined for hell and expresses his willingness to sacrifice his soul for the greater good of his people. And he is also a very strong-willed and stubborn person who will always find a way to achieve his goals, whatever it costs him.
( oc: sanctuary ) — Cătălina. At first, I greatly hesitated to use this symbolism as I truly believe this remarkable woman is defined by much more than her role as the royal mistress and the mother of the voivode’s sons, and I try to depict that individuality of her character. However, this role does significantly influence her life and defines many of the decisions she makes. Throughout their relationship, Vlad sees Cătălina as his sanctuary because she accepts him as he is, loves him despite his perceived defects, and offers him a sense of belonging and peace. Sure, he loves that she keeps him on his toes, but this acceptance and the notion of having a kindred spirit give him the feeling of healing and safety. He can take off the many masks and let himself be exposed as he is, deep down. She also serves as a sanctuary for their sons, acting as the family’s anchor since they spend most of their time with her.
( oc: golden child; lion boy ) — Mehmed the Conqueror. His tag comes from the beautiful poem written by madzieloss on Tumblr, with the whole quote going, “Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it’s like to conquer.” I initially tried to use one of Mehmed’s poems from his diwan to make it a bit more personal, but this particular poem works perfectly because it encapsulates Mehmed’s whole essence — the Sultan of the Empire, the gifted child, the great conqueror. I also love using the recurring theme of gold and sun for his character. Gold represents the splendour of the Ottoman Empire, as well as his personal visuals (a lot of rich clothes and jewellery, the gilded Ottoman armour, his ginger hair and beard). Sun is the lovely little dichotomy seen in his character as it is both radiant and invigorating (his manners, generosity, education, intellect, aspects of rule), and merciless and blazing (his cruelty and the destructive sides of his politics towards other countries). Like the sun, he can either help grow or burn everything down.
( oc: the dragon ) — Vlad Dracul. I hate admitting that I could not come up with anything even remotely unique for Vlad’s dad as his moniker Dracul literally means “the Dragon” skdhskfskdks. However, the nickname was used for a reason, and we do not fix what isn’t broken in this house. The dragon’s role in medieval symbolism reflects a complex interplay between themes of heroism, morality, and the battle between light and darkness — on the one hand, the creature is seen as a protector and symbol of power, strength, and courage, but on the other hand, a dragon also represents a cunning and dangerous figure. He is called “the Dragon” both by people who admire him and despise him, so it shows the double meaning and the complexity of a ruler’s nature. At the same time, the meaning also spills over to his private life as he is both a figure of protection and (unwilling and unintentional) destruction to his family.
( oc: of burning martyrdom ) — Mircea Dracula. The eldest sibling is without a doubt the most tragic figure in the entire story, and I wanted his tag to reflect the tragedy and inevitability of his fate. He was killed at nineteen at the hands of his father’s enemies and in the cruellest way imaginable, and the “burning” part hints at some of the circumstances of his death. In his own way, he dies as a martyr because he dies refusing to give up his beliefs — and he is a martyr figure because the majority of his short life is marked with great struggles.
( oc: keeper of secrets ) — Alexandra. This tag is supposed to represent all the inner turmoil and complexities fighting one another inside Vlad’s younger sister. Because the two siblings share most of their personality and physical traits and are also close in age (there is a three-year gap between them), Vlad has always had a fond spot for his little sister and always considered her his little confidante — hence the meaning of keeping secrets. In return, Vlad has always been the brother who has granted Alexandra the most freedom and experience. She also keeps many secrets because there is a lot of her she has to repeatedly suppress inside of her — as I have mentioned, Vlad and Alexandra are quite alike, but Vlad’s personality tends to be accepted more while the same traits in Alexandra are often frowned upon.
( oc: cel frumos ) — Radu Dracula. My laziness shows here once again as that is Radu’s moniker, meaning “the handsome” or “the beautiful”. Radu has been given a fair share of horrible portrayals in media over the years, so I aim to further develop his character and show the varied aspects of his personality that are frequently overlooked. I initially tried to find something that would suit his complicated character but eventually settled on the nickname itself as it nicely shows the irony of his life and the most defining issue of his life — always being disregarded and reduced to only a sliver of his being.
( oc: cel mare ) — Ștefan the Great. (Or, as I like to call him, Fane.) There is no possible tag that would fit the famous Voivode of Moldavia and Vlad’s cousin (Vlad’s mother was a Moldavian princess) more than his own nickname, “the Great”. He is considered a national hero in both Romania and Moldova and undoubtedly earned his monicker through his actions.
( c: i rise with my red hair and i eat men like air ) — Laura Levchenko. Her tag comes from Sylvia Plath’s poem called Lady Lazarus and, although I wanted to find a fitting quote from Lesya Ukrainka to represent Laura’s roots (that form a great part of her being), this one has the right amount of sharpness and edge fitting for my darling spitfire. Her fiery hair is undoubtedly one of her trademarks, and the quote also represents an independent spirit that will not be pushed down by being seemingly “inferior”. It also shows her own stance towards men, beginning with the painful experience with her dad and marking her whole life, as well as people who look down upon her.
( c: veni vidi vici ) — E.R. This is incredibly embarrassing because I was desperate to find something better for Ethan, something more fitting for his character… but there it is skdksfksldls. I do not think this quote even needs any introduction, so I will mention instead that “I came, I saw, I conquered” expresses the way Ethan achieves everything he sets his mind to, as well as the ferocity with which he pursues all his goals. When we compare his character to Laura’s, it might also imply the briskness with which he achieves certain things in life as a straight white American man — as opposed to Laura who is not only looked down upon for being a woman but also has to face a lot of xenophobia in her life. (You also want to re-enact the Ides of March on him sometimes but… I digress sksksk.)
( c: this ghost sitting year after year upon my heart ) — Milena Rosa. This quote comes from Federico García Lorca’s play Yerma, in Spanish being, “este fantasma sentado año tras año encima de mi corazón”. I have to admit that I have yet to get myself familiar with Milena and craft her character in detail the way she deserves, but we know from canon that Jimmy’s tragic death greatly defines not only her own inner life (because she battles with all the demons his loss has inflicted upon her) but also the trajectory of her future career and the purpose she finds in her mission.
( c: bleeding sun ) — T.T. Trystan’s tag is from Lucie Thésée’s Poem, and the full quote goes, “Handsome as life and poison. Sun-blood handsome. Bleeding sun.” This was an instant fit because Trystan is undoubtedly the product of the environment he grew up in — Drakovia is both a place of beauty and vibrance, but we know its regime is bloody and deadly. Trystan will also never suppress the essence of who he is, and his character is both full of life and somewhat fierce (sometimes even violent) in nature. A lot of my worldbuilding for the story comes from my own experience as an Eastern European, and this little corner of the world is brimming with endless contradictions, so I tried to come up with something that would evoke that as closely as possible.
( c: i am the sea and nobody owns me ) — Kimberley Cunningham. Kimble is my TWC newborn that I have only recently crafted into a character she should have been from the very beginning. Her tag is actually the legendary quote uttered by Pippi Longstocking which, apart from its fierceness, also fits Kimberley’s playfulness and carefree approach to life. She is a rebel through and through in every aspect of her life, which stems from the disastrous nature of her relationship with Rebecca. Her main objective in life is to do the exact opposite of what she is told, and she enjoys shocking people around her. But, just like the sea, she can be tempestuous and unpredictable, and some of her decisions can be quite destructive. Kimble ends up in the love triangle which kind of mirrors the rest of her life — initially harmless fun turns complicated and messy.
( c: a ribbon of loneliness ) — Sydney Brannagan. My poor baby Syd has been characterised through his melancholy since the very first moment, so I needed to find this little nugget that would instantly evoke his inner world. Then I found this quote by Jenny Slate that goes, “I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who I am.” Loneliness runs through Sydney not only in the sense that he is such a sorrowful soul, but also because a part of him always feels so detached from others. All his life, he has felt like he has to prove his worth to his mother to feel accepted, and he also unconsciously builds a wall around him as the time goes by. In the professional setting, his personality does not stand out in any particular way — he is diligent and polite, some might even consider him a bit bland.
I do feel like I need to give a bit more context for this interactive fiction beforehand, especially because there is only Chapter 1 out so far. The story is a retelling of Bram Stoker’s Dracula through the point of view of Mina Murray, and the first chapter already explores several wonderful themes I cannot wait to get my grubby little hands on! I have a very clear idea of who I want Mina to be, how she struggles in the setting and society she lives in, and how her personality drives her emotions and decisions. I do not know if my personal HCs will align with the story as it progresses, but there is nothing this user cannot tweak to her liking skdhskfjfksks.
( c: growing fruit around cyanide ) — Wilhelmina Murray-Harker. Mina’s tag is a part of a poem from a collection called Swallowtail by Brenna Twohy and goes, “Peach pits are poisonous. This is not a mistake. Girlhood is growing fruit around cyanide. It will never be your for swallowing.” Essentially, it encapsulates the conflict between who Mina seems to be on the outside and who she truly is on the inside. I have always felt like the Victorian times were one of the most suffocating periods for a woman to live in, and Mina always has to suppress a huge part of herself to somehow “fit the mould”, hence how she grows fruit around cyanide. Just like the society, her relationship with Jonathan also suffocates her — her engagement is a choice made out of reason, but she does not feel fulfilled with him in practically any way, which ultimately drives her into the arms of Dracula.
( c: the master of the night ) — Count Dracula. His tag is just the tweak of the quote from Bram Stoker’s Dracula: “Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!” Since he commands all the creatures and phenomena of the night, I have changed the bit to the “master”. I wish I had anything interesting to add to his character but, so far, I am waiting to see what he turns out to be like in Bleeding Heart — I know we are able to make him be the big villain or give him redeeming qualities, so I will wait and see which route will seem more fitting to me though I do play around with the idea of making Dracula more redeemable and a different character more villainous). Also, Count Dracula the Vampire has absolutely nothing to do with Vlad Dracula the Voivode in my fictional world — I know merging the two into one character is very popular, there is even one novel that did this that I absolutely love, but… not happening here lmao.
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dainty-fingertips · 2 years
Hey, it's me again, I requested the tssm sinister six and the engineer, and I crave more of that good stuff. How about y/n getting kidnapped by someone and they rescue them? Maybe some angsty moments of "please they won't come to save me." YOU'RE SO GOOD AND I CRAAAAAVE.
songbird you are amazing and you know just how to scratch that little itch I’ve had since middle school of COURSE YOU CAN HAVE SECONDS
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(literally went and found this on google I am still humbly requesting tssm sinister six gifs)
being a resident engineer for the sinister six, and how they come to save you from getting kidnapped
Not every villain has the same idea of how to properly ask someone out on a date
Which is normally fine! Everyone’s different!!
But Green Goblin/Harry Osborn needs to learn that holding someone bound in his warehouse lab for days isn’t usually the best way…😬
“Alright, baby. Listen to me very, very closely.”
“I don’t know what you want with me! I’m j- I’m just a freelance engineer!”
“Is it really freelance if you only work in one place, dear? Besides, I’m afraid that’s not quite why I’ve brought you here with me…”
He’s constantly got a very sharp smile on his masked lips while he talks to you
Every time he walks in you start to feel queasy
“Can you… loosen the rope some?”
“No can do, baby. Hehehehe…”
He would probably call you shawty at some point and you most likely started sobbing like that was it that was your breaking point
“Tell me, Yn. Where oh WHERE are your knights in shining armor? It seems they’ve not put in as much work to come find you as I did ♡”
“Shut up! They care about me too much to let someone like you kidnap me!”
“Oooh, kidnap is such a strong word!”
You’re not even quite sure how he knew you existed
Certainly unsure of why he (like every villain in the state) liked you so much
Such is the fate of Yn🫡
But as the days passed… you began to worry.
He got more smug with every hour
“Oh, dear, hehehehee! It’s been how long now?” He’d try to flirt with you.
“What’s that? No more remarks about your saviors?”
“Please. They aren’t coming to save me.”
You had really actually kind of lost hope. You’d been here almost a week, sleeping and waking in the same position more times than you could count, having to swallow her pride and eat the food he gave her himself
It had passed the point where she had hoped for something to happen.
She woke up with no idea what time it was or the date. This had become common.
She had impeccable timing, truly, because Goblin ran in immediately after. Maybe sprinting would be a better word.
“Ahhh, rise and shine, doll! I need you to do me a teeny favor. SHUT UP.”
He swiftly grabbed thick tape from one of the tables and covered her mouth.
He undid her bounds but kept her wrists tied, and he shoved her in the storage closet.
“This will only be temporary, doll. Be back soon.”
The force of the push knocked her into the ground, and she was too stunned and too tired to fully grasp what had happened
Why was there so much noise?
What even is all of that?? She strained up to her feet and leaned against the door.
An over-saturated bass line, 70,000 tasers, sledgehammers, and… oh my god, it was them.
The realization struck you like a bat and quickly you fully woke up.
You turned around to try and open the door with your hands, but something outside was preventing it.
The most you could do was just try and make as much noise as you could and hope they could hear you.
Doc Ock/Otto Octavius would be the one to hear the noises made inside the closet
“In there! She must be in that closet!”
He used an actuator to take the chair propped against the handle and fling it across the room, busting it into pieces.
He unlocked the door and opened it just as Goblin fled the warehouse, severely wounded and just barely standing
You stood in awe when you saw him behind the door, and the sudden look of relief that crossed his face when he looked into your eyes
“That moronic brute…” he mumbled, carefully peeling the tape away with his thumb and forefinger.
The rest of the five were crowded over his shoulder calling out to you, desperate to see you again and make sure you weren’t hurt.
His actuators cut your bounds and on pure instinct you fell into him, capturing him in a frightened hug.
He immediately wrapped his arms around you, placing one hand on the back of your head.
“It wont ever happen again. The Green Goblin won’t be showing rearing his ugly teeth again, rest assured.”
Electro/Max Dillon shimmied around him and hugged you from behind
“You… you’re not hurt, are you…?”
You shake your head silently.
“Thank God, okay.” He sighed shakily.
“Ey, come on!! We gotta see er too, doc!” Rhino/Alex O’Hirn voiced, only being able to see the top of your head.
Reluctantly, the Doctor let you go, but Electro pulled you in for one last embrace before he lost you to the others.
“I swear to you, I’ll never leave your side again.”
You turn around and give him a hug as well before turning to the other four.
“Sweetheart, c’mere…” Shocker/Montana said, taking his mask off and holding you close to him.
You wrap your arms around him as well, telling him that you were happy to see him as well.
“If anyone thinks to lay a finger on you again, let me know. They won’t make it out alive.” He assured her.
“Stop hoggin’ er!!” Sandman/Flint Marko complained, shoving Montana out of the way.
“We’re just glad to see you alive, doll.” He said, placing a warm hand on your shoulder.
Alex got on his knees and looked at you in enamor.
“You’s pretty tough, you know dat?” He said, sighing.
You looked up at him with a small smile and approached him with your arms open, wrapping them around the thick plating fused to his neck.
“… you’s pretty sweet, too.” He (VERY carefully) hugged you back, making sure he didn’t accidentally crush you
Vulture/Adrian Toomes waited calmly for your embrace himself in the air, eye-level with you as you hugged Alex.
He pulled you into his arms and hugged you tightly as he slowly descended to the floor, afterward looking at you in shameful sorrow. He felt guilty.
“Im so happy to see you again, Doctor Toomes.” You told him, smiling.
The old man only blushed and smiled back, tucking hair behind your ear so you could see a bit better.
“Agh, come on!! I didn’t even get a hug!” Flint complained with a snarl, making you laugh.
“Come here! I’ll give you one!”
He groaned and walked to you, swiftly embracing you in his strong arms. He smelled like the beach.
“I missed ya, you liddle broad.” He said, burying his face in your neck.
“I missed you too, Flint.” You said back to him, placing a hand on the back of his head.
“Alright, alright! That’s long enough!” Max shouted, manually breaking the two of you apart.
“Come on, Electro! Its been a whole week nearly! Whaddya want from me?!” Flint argued, and the two began to squabble again
Doc placed a hand on your shoulder and you turned to look at him.
“I’d say we’re homebound.”
Home, yeah… that sounds nice, doesn’t it?
The group walks out of the warehouse under the cover of night and they begun their relatively short journey back home.
She had never realized how much her home with them meant to her until this, but… she would never forget it. Even if they’re all still fighting about who gets to sit next to you at the table tomorrow morning for breakfast, you still get to laugh at them and choose yourself.
Its a nice life, engineering for a bunch of supervillains.
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
The conversations you're bound to have as a Funtastic-type character
AT A DINER SOMEWHERE ALONG US 20 IN INDIANA: "So we all know," saith I over lunch (soup-and-sandwich such, for the most part), "that the Cattanooga Cats don't purr or meow ... nor do they have acne, for that matter!"
Which certainly brought quite a bit of laughter to our modest little company, including as it did Huckleberry Hound and a certain Touché Turtle. And some fellow diners, not to mention at least one waitress somehow bowled over by that last item.
"And speakin' of them Cattanooga Cats, or whatever you call them," one particular waitress noted, "have I ever told you about the time they performed at the ballroom several miles down the road, and how it managed to outdraw a polka band that had played there a couple weeks back?"
"I don't quite think so," remarked Huckleberry.
But suffice it to say that Kitty Jo and Scoots from that particular band have charm factors which rival that of Peter Potamus, from what I understand. Especially Scoots, and especially when he pulls off the story segment as begins the second part of their performancers; how he can't resist opening such in the Southern manner with "Y'all ain't going to believe this ..."
"Though I have to admit," remarked Touché Turtle with his common meekness, "that trying to be a superhero with a bent foil tip can get to have hilarious consequences."
Which had me asking Touché if it's perhaps his getting the idea all wrong, to begin with, with Touché responding "It's bound to happen on occasion."
"Not unlike that Loopy De Loop character," Huckleberry pointed out, "forever insisting that he's 'ze good wolf,' only to have his endeavours backfire."
"Though it's our understanding that he's diving on occasion with Hokey Wolf, Mildew Wolf and a few other close friends of Peter Potamus," added yours truly.
"Otherwise, where you heading exactly?" the waitress was asking.
"Out along the Mississippi River," Huckleberry noted. "Bristlehound and Dum-Dum invited us unto some houseboating."
"Ahhh, Dum-Dum," remarked Touché Turtle wistfully, "my boon companion."
"And I suppose you remember that time," added I, "when The Great Gazoo actually encountered Dum-Dum to the point of greeting him 'Hello, Dum-Dum!' as usually accorded to Fred Flintstone ... and Gazoo realised that there must have been a mistake in the time-space vacuum allowing him to so greet Dum-Dum the dog! An Old English Sheepdog, if memory serves me right...."
The namedropping was bound to continue, as if things came up right out of thin air over lunch in a diner which seemed to have last been updated when Scooby-Doo and Captain Caveman were the must-sees on your Saturday-morning TV ... or was it?
@warnerbrosentertainment @iheartgod175 @jellystone-enjoyer @artistic-octopus @cosmo-shell @zodiacfan32 @archive-archives @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @railguner34 @indigo-corvus @theweekenddigest @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @warnerbrosent-blog
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lily-janus · 2 years
The Awful Truth
Summary: Janus finds out Remus' true feelings about him
Pairing: platonic Dukeceit
Warnings: lots and lots of angst, some cursing, a lot of yelling and arguing. If there's anything else lemme know.
Word count: 1,090
Ahhh dukeceit week started I'm so excitedd!!! I chose to focus on the truth prompt for today, prepare yourself for angst and heartbreak... this doesn't have a happy ending... enjoy!😉
@dukeceitweek day 1: truth/dare
Janus sighed in relief as he appeared back in his room, quickly putting the glove he took off back on, shivering as he remembered how he exposed himself in front of Thomas, Roman and Patton.
Strange, he didn't think of himself as someone who would take a leap of faith like that… he certainly didn't plan on doing it today… but he saw an opportunity and he took it. Janus did see himself as an opportunist, that was all it was, nothing more.
He didn't have much time to contemplate the matter further as someone burst into his room and flopped dramatically on his king-sized bed. Janus didn't even have to turn around to see who it was.
"Hello, Remus, glad you listened to my latest knocking lecture I gave you, truly appreciate it." Janus said as he turned around to face the creative side sprawled on his bed.
Remus huffed. "Knocking's boring, this place is boring, what the fuck took you so long?" He whined needily and Janus rolled his eyes.
"Some of us are actually getting things done you know, making progress and all that nonsense." Janus remarked.
"C'mon Janny, all you do these days is work! Let's have some fun like we used to. You know, before you became all serious and uptight." Remus provoked him, as usual knowing exactly how to get a rise out of the deceitful side.
Janus smirked. "Is that what you think? Well, will 'uptight and serious' do this?" He snapped his fingers, turning into Patton. 
"No, Thomas! You can't say anything other than the truth! Otherwise you'll be…" he gasped exagertavley. "Like everyone else." With that he clutched his heart dramatically and fainted with mocked horror.
Remus grinned. "There's my snakey! Do me next! Do me next!" He sat up on Janus' bed and clapped his hands excitedly.
Janus smirked proudly as he got up, changing into Remus next, and then Roman, until he impersonated all of the sides in turn.
They were both giggling and snickering at the end of it and Janus finally changed back into his fabolous self.
"So, what happened with the dorks this time?" Remus asked blatantly as they both laid on the bed next to each other.
Janus huffed. "They were impossibly frustrating as usual, Patton even more so, had a total moral breakdown, his tiny brain unable to process that sometimes you need to prioritize yourself." He rolled his eyes. 
"But luckly I was able to knock some sense into him, Roman didn't take it well but he'll get over himself. I get that Patton had made his world view so narrow and it's hard for him but that's no excuse to make fun of my name." Janus' heart clenched painfully as he remembered that moment.
Remus turned on his side to look at him. "Your name?"
Janus turned to meet his friend's eyes, then sighed. "Yeah I… I'm not sure what drove me to reveal it myself but… I did, big mistake but at least that seemed to make Patton and Thomas warm to the idea of listening to me from time to time." Janus said bitterly.
Remus huffed. "Well that's not what happened when I revealed my name." He said, sharp tone surprising Janus.
He almost sounded… jealous.
"Remus?" His forehead wrinkled in confusion, studying his old friend carefully.
"You know, I don't know why I'm even surprised, this is sooo typical. Of course, I'm always brutally honest and always tell the truth, but you're the one ending up getting listened to. Perfect sense right?!" Remus was getting frantic with every word, getting up off the bed and pacing around the room.
"Remus, can't you see? This can only be beneficial to both of us in the future-"
"Is it? Is that why you did it, Deceit?" Remus turned around to face him, jabbing an accusatory finger at him.
Janus swallowed at the title. "Of course, why else would I do it?"
"You tell me mister keeping-things-close-to-the-chest, the embodiment of Thomas' selfishness!" Remus was yelling now, voice even more high pitched than usual.
"I don't appreciate what you're implying, Remus." Janus hissed. "Besides, I told you I didn't even plan on doing it-"
"Exactly! Since when do you ever stray from your own brilliant plans hm? Something else pushed you to do it. Am I not enough? Is that it? You prefer them over me now?" Remus was clutching Janus' shoulders now, knuckles white from the tight hold.
"Are you… going to leave? Like him?" Remus suddenly whispered, a sob escaping his throat.
Janus swallowed the bile in his throat, his stomach flipping uncomfortably in his belly. He looked down. "Is that… really what you think of me? After all those years we spent together, just the two of us, cast out from the rest… you still think I'm just selfish and deceitful? That I'll leave you behind the first chance I get? Is that… is that all you see me as?" His voice was sad and defeated.
Remus staggered back, not expecting this reaction. "That's not what I… I'm just scared-"
"Well I was scared too! You think it was easy for me? Do you think I felt comfortable exposing myself in front of them, of all people? But I did it anyway! You know why? Because I finally saw a chance to show them a different side of me, of us. I did it for us, I put myself on the line for the slim chance of changing their goddamn mind about us!" Janus was the one yelling now, standing up and shooting daggers at Remus.
"But no, I only think of myself, right Remus? I'm just lying all the time! Playing endless games with everyone for my own amusement, I don't care about anyone else! Right, Remus?!"
Remus was wimpering in front of him, suddenly seeming small and fragile. Janus sighed.
"I really thought we had something special…" he said quietly, hugging himself. And then his expression darkened. "But truth is... you're just like the rest of them." He spat bitterly. "Get out of my room."
"Jan I-"
"I said, get out of my room!" He slammed his hand on the wall and heard the sound of broken glass. He turned to see it was the wine glass Remus made for him after Virgil left, the green and yellow shards now all over the floor. He turned back towards Remus but he was already gone.
"Good riddance." He snarled. Not like he needs him anyway, he doesn't need anyone… not anymore.
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chillychive · 2 years
Episode 1 {SEASON TWO BABY!!}
"I expect you to be friends." -Sarek, oddest dad of the year.
Tilly yelling LMAO
yet again, being a transporter guy is awkward lmaoooo
Do not covet thy neighbor's star ship. LMAO
he's hilarious omg.
think of all the syllables that wasted their lives im dying.
his interaction with Tilly I'm dying
He's such a good Captain
poor paull
OH!! The engine room is the spore drive room but they moved it at the beginning of season two and they're converting the room back to a standard engineering room! Thanks Tilly for explaining! lmao.
poor paulll :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
that was sweet until the last thing he said and now im sad. poor tilly. They need to stop telling her to be quiet. :(
"I was expecting a red thing. Where's my damn red thing?" LMAO
Nhan's so pretty.
I feel like I should stop writing down every funny thing Pike says... I'm not trying to become a transcription lmao.
Also Connolly... dude. Just stop.
I wish there was a closed captions mode that only captioned dialogue, not sound. The sound captions can be rather annoying if you are hearing and don't need them, but you also can't delete them for the people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Connolly you idiot. and he jeopardized everyone else's lives as well.
The "we have him, right ladies?" and Owo and Detmer looking at each other like ????? before saying "absolutely"
I love Nhan
The fact that Pike didn't die here is truly remarkable.
Poor Saru was so worried. oof.
Eww Tellerites have purple blood.
why did the main screen on the bridge crack when the asteroid hit it?? Are you telling me they made a bridge where a single pane of glass is all that protects from space.
OWWWW. i love that they let her scream at the pain and all of that. like points.
oh my gosh nerdssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love them alll
not them catching an asteroid. I love them.
yes pike :) i love him
I love a lot of these people, as I'm sure you can't tell lmao
I love Tilly <3
DID YOU SEE THAT {ofc ik you didn't im the one watching it but like ahh} The fortune cookie Pike was holding said "Not every cage is a prison, nor every loss eternal." They knew exactly what they were doing when they zoomed in on that. POINTS!
ahhh I love this episode.
How does she have clearance to be there???
And to listen to his personal log?????
the signals.
That's why it's called brother!
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teasinterests · 1 year
Within my reach. pt 2
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God this was.. and looks a bit messy.. hopefully you enjoy nonetheless to the anon that requested this!! I’m pretty quick at writing, but I was still up all night working on it!! I felt awkward following canon and ended up replacing Mitsuru with Chiaki due to the scenario… 😭
❗️ Major spoilers for “The mission of the spy” scout story! ❗️
Characters: Madara Mikejima, Eichi Tenshouin, Kuro Kiryu, Chiaki Morisawa, and Adonis Otogari.
Lee! Madara - Ler! Eichi, Kuro, Chiaki, and Adonis.
CW / TW: Physical threats and tickles..
Now that the doujinshi was gone, Eichi had to face the consequences. After being chewed out by Keito, and somewhat defended by Kuro. Whom had strangely shown up at a convenient time.. nevertheless Eichi had to retrieve the doujinshi to return to his old friend. Which should have been easier said than done, but a certain ‘Mama’ had to go snatch it from the library before he could even get there. Of course Madara had to make things complicated.. even going as far as to show up and practically rub it in Eichi’s face.
Those points in events lead up to their current situation. Eichi panting softly as Madara had successfully gotten away from the planned ambush with him and Kuro. Unfortunately Eichi hadn’t thought too far ahead. His physical attributes were no match for Madara’s. Be it strength, and speed, Eichi was completely out matched. Whilst Kuro and Madara seemed to be at a stand still when it came to physical power. Though unfortunately Madara seemed to hold the upper hand when it came to swiftness. Whilst Kuro outmatched him in strength.. they truly were remarkable against each other.
“Tenshouin.. is something on your mind? We have to stay focused if we want to retrieve ‘D’ for Hasumi..”
Kuro’s input tore Eichi from his thoughts. Remaining silent for a moments longer.. the blonde gave a small chuckle.
“Actually… I noticed something during that scuffle just now… though i’ll explain later. I think i’ve thought of another plan…”
Meanwhile outside in the gardens, Madara gave a stretch and a heavy sigh upon recognizing safety.
“Mmm this chase sure is amusing.~ I almost got caught for a second there! If it weren’t for Eichi throwing himself in head first, I probably would’ve been done for, Haha! Surely it’d be best to switch the roles.. then Kuro-san could break my wrist and retrieve ‘D’… or that’s my hypothesis anyway.~ What will you do now though, hmmm?~ Come and show me what you’ve got next!”
Madara practically declared whilst rambling to himself. Holding the doujinshi in hand, only to pause as Eichi soon came within line of sight. How convenient…
“Since attacking from the left or right won’t do the trick. It’s time we face our opponent head on.”
The blonde says as if he were replying to Madara’s previous declaration.
“Indeed.. it’s time to use our bodies over our brains.”
Kuro added in which earned an eyebrow raise from Madara.
“I see you’re both here then.. so there won’t be anymore surprise attacks?”
The brunette questioned with a smirk of amusement. What were they planning on doing? Charging at him at full force?! He could easily outrun the duo with a blink of an eye!!
Watching steadily.. Eichi slowly began approaching. Madara didn’t dash off so swiftly this time though due to Kuro remaining in place..
“Fufu~ I wouldn’t exactly say that.. though I have discovered a little something that makes me feel… say.. less worried about what may or may not happen to ‘D’.”
Eichi comments with a faint smile. Eyes practically radiating mischief as he reaches out in attempt to snatch Keito’s doujin from Madara’s hand.
“As if! This is some priceless work here, Eichi-kun! Have you lost your mind-?!”
The brunette exclaimed, only to be interrupted as he turned to rush off once more. Instantly colliding right into another familiar face.
“Whoops-! Sorry Mikejima-senpai..”
“Ahhh, Otogari you’re finally here.”
Kuro chuckled with amusement as the purple haired idol grasped onto Madara’s arms. The taller brunette looking between the advancing trio in surprise.
“Fufu! What’s the matter, Mikejima-kun? Cat got your tongue?~”
Eichi practically sang as he poked at the idols side. With realization immediately dawning upon him, Madara was quick to jerk from Adonis’ grasp. Turning on his heels and dashing away from the trio. Two of which whom were rather hot on his tail.
“Haha! You’re gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna get me do— GAH?!”
The fleeing brunette was cut off once more as a yelp broke past his throat. A sudden harsh force slamming into his side as if on cue! Another attack?! He could barely even catch his breath as he collapsed to the ground!! A slight daze dawning over him, with Loud laughter practically filling the air.
Chiaki exclaimed, punching the air as he practically straddled the older idol beneath him. Hands soon placed on his hips, and laughing proudly as ever.
“Haha, that was indeed an amusing sight, Chiaki-kun. Good boy, good boy!~ ♪”
Eichi sang as he ruffled up Chiaki’s hair gently whilst passing by. Picking the doujinshi up from the ground, Adonis and Kuro were quick to.. well.. basically dog pile Madara since he was down.
“Haaaa? Chiaki-san? I thought heroes were against working with the villains?”
The taller brunette exclaimed in question, struggling beneath the trio whom were quick to pin him down. Chiaki flashed an amused grin.
“Eichi-san is an old friend of mine despite his status! He’s a good person at heart, and i’d trust him despite those deathly tales!~”
“Not to mention that Eichi’s plan was indeed a rather interesting one. Albeit childish if you will..”
Kuro added in as he gripped firmly at Madara’s wrists. Hoisting them over the idols head. Green eyes were quick to widen as he felt Kuro pin them to the concrete ground. With Chiaki proudly straddling his waist, and Adonis silently taking his position upon Madara’s legs. He practically felt his heart sink.
“Fufu~ You look like a scared little rabbit, Mikejima-kun.~ Looks like you’ve got nowhere to run though..”
The blonde said, with Madara swearing he saw the devil behind those angelic blue eyes.
“Now then.. a punishment fit for a thief… i’ll never resort to violence against you for such a trifle reason though, Mikejima-san….”
He begins before crouching down beside the pinned idol.
“I just happen to know a thing or two.~”
Eichi says whilst directly copying Madara’s own words. The brunette’s eyes staring in silent shock before nearly jumping out of his skin. Fingers suddenly digging into his stomach a bit too harshly, in which Chiaki seems to notice.
“WHOOPS! My bad Mikejima-san! Guess i’m a bit excited is all! What a weird turn of events, haha!~”
The hero in red exclaimed as fingers explored around Madara’s torso.
Fighting back the intense giggles, he internally cursed Kuro for his strong grip. A gasp soon leaving him as he felt gentle fingers at his thighs.
“You seem lost Otogari-kun?”
Eichi questions as the purple haired idol gently scratched around Madara’s thighs. Though he seemed a bit clumsy about it.
“Apologies.. I’m actually not too used to being on the giving end of this?”
“HAHA! So Otogari-san is ticklish too ehh?~”
Chiaki laughed as Kuro seated himself on Madara’s arms. Reaching over to flick the hero’s nose, whom jerked his hands back to cover it in response. Giving a dramatic whine afterwards.
“No need to bully, Otogari. We’re focusing on Mikejima here, are we not?”
The redhead questioned as his hands now lowered onto both of Madara’s exposed armpits. Expertly clawing at the sensitive spot, before gently scratching up and down the brunettes arms.
“I WASNT TRYING TO BULLY!! Ahhh, sorry Otogari-san!! I’ll buy you a delicious drink afterwards to make up for it!!!”
“Haha, that isn’t necessary…”
“Can you three just focus please?”
Eichi eventually chimed in with a slight huff followed up. The trio before him seemingly amused with their conversation, but more so after noticing Madara’s struggle.
“C-Can you… lot just get oHOHOHOFF?!”
The brunette exclaimed before finally bursting into laughter as thirty fingers resumed their positions. Typically Madara would be good at stifling this type of thing, but with a group of people?! He stood no chance at withholding the high ground…
“Haha~ Yes but.. thieves still need to be punished.”
Eichi hummed as he finally reached forward after settling on his knees. Madara now squeezing his eyes shut as Eichi’s delicate fingers attacked his ribcage. It felt intense having his entire torso targeted by so many people. One person he could handle.. but four?! Especially planned by Eichi nonetheless.. he couldn’t think properly now though. Hysterics we’re practically bursting past his throat all too forcefully. Though the laughter that left was genuine, something that sounded different than Madara’s constant boisterous laughter. That of which was similar to Chiaki’s or Rinnes.
The brunette exclaimed as Kuro’s fingers continued expertly targeting Madara’s pits. Alternating between swift pokes and gently clawing at the area. Then suddenly skittering his fingers up and down at random moments.
Whilst Eichi seemed to be exploring. Nimble fingers practically dancing across Madara’s ribcage. Skittering all over, up and down, and side to side. Occasionally digging between the gaps of each bone. In which Madara would kick his legs out and try twisting and turning within his trap beneath the four.
He could feel tears beginning to form within the corners of his eyes, though the attack still seemed to continue.
“I’ve never heard Mikejima-san laugh so hard!! Haha! Are ya doing alright down there?!”
Chiaki questioned in amusement as he swiftly skittered his fingers across Madara’s belly. His attacks seeming more swift and unfocused unlike Kuro and Eichi, who seemed to be properly experimenting with their prey. Though occasionally Chiaki would jab at Madara’s sides, in which he would jolt, and yelp in between hysterical laughter.
“Doesn’t matter, Chiaki-kun. Don’t show him mercy so soon. He’s a thief remember?~”
Eichi pointed out as Adonis gave a faint chuckle in response.
“It is a bit amusing though. I can’t help but feel concerned as well. Perhaps this is too harsh of a punishment?”
The Undead member questioned as Madara struggled and laughed beneath his four attackers.
Though the tickling continued for a moments longer. Adonis’ fingers gently scratched the tops of Madara’s thighs before sliding downward. Getting at the soft underside as he gently squeezed and tickled there. Occasionally did he reach back to curiously pinch at Madara’s knees. Earning a kick and yelp of surprise from the unit leader beneath them.
“Alright, alright. I’m sure this punishment is suffice enough. The poor guy can hardly breathe.”
Kuro pointed out as his fingers slowed to a stop. Watching the way Madara squirmed and gasped between each bout of laughter. Thankfully the other three seemed to follow in Kuro’s footsteps.
Despite Eichi’s silent yearn to continue Madara’s punishment.. oh well.
“Fufu~ His face is so red, it almost matches your hair, Kiryu-san.~”
Eichi chuckled as the four finally released the one below them. Madara, who was now panting heavily, rolled onto his side and wiped at his face. Surprised to feel that tears had begun falling in the midst of his hysteria.. there truly was too much going on to focus on one thing at a time. The embarrassment should be setting in, yet he was too exhausted to even think about such a thing.
Slowly raising his gaze, he watched as Eichi stood to his feet. Smirking as he held up the prized doujinshi from earlier. Then tore the paperwork in half.
Madara merely staring for a moment before forcing himself to sit up. Wiping at his eyes a few more times.
“So…. When did you notice it was a fake?”
The brunette questioned as Eichi laughed a little from the others weakened state. That of which absolutely irked Madara.. but there’s nothing he could do about it as of current…
“After you had thrown it down the stairs during our previous ambush… You are reckless, Mikejima-kun, but not reckless enough to do something like that. Nonetheless the work is quite clean. I noticed that as well when I had grabbed ‘D’ earlier from your hands.. as it’s an older piece, despite Keito’s craftsmanship.. there’s no way the paper should be this nice after such a time in storage.”
Staring up towards Eichi. Madara gave a heavy sigh, accepting the help offered by Chiaki, and getting up on both feet. A slight chuckle escaping him as Kuro fixed his hair.
“Enough of that you two.. Mama’s alright.~ You’re a smart boy though, Eichi-kun. Well played!~”
The brunette beamed as Kuro crossed his arms shortly afterwards.
“But why make such a fuss over something like this, Mikejima?”
“Haha! In all honesty, I have no clue myself!”
“Not all of this would have been done without reason.”
Eichi immediately added in. Earning a more serious look from Madara afterwards.
“There’s no need to get physical again.. is there, Mikejima-kun?~ So why don’t you just tell us everything..”
Glancing between the four, Madara already got the sense that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Sighing heavily, he gave a nod of agreement. Guess it was time to spill the beans huh? Although Chiaki and Adonis pretty much had nothing to do with the situation, other than being involved by Eichi due to their abilities in the track and field, and sports survivors clubs. The duo had made their way out of the scene as Chiaki promised that drink to Adonis he had offered earlier. Whilst Madara explained the situation, in which Eichi and Kuro listened intently…
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lokorum · 2 years
Shanah tovah (if you celebrate)! I just wanted to say: I stumbled across your art via elder scrolls tags and had to send an ask despite normally being very shy online.
I am absolutely astounded. I am staggered by the beautiful painterly style as well as your grasp of color, light, anatomy, perspective, and framing. You have truly a unbelievable talent. Your work feels alive and bleeding. I’m sure you get these sorts of messages all the time, but I had to say something because, genuinely, oh my god. How??? The mesmerizing swirling colors and the remarkable feeling of melancholy injected into so much of your work just make me want to cry in the way only great art can.
Absolutely no pressure to respond to this, by the way: I know there’s a lot going on in your life and nobody worth worrying about would blame you for deleting asks or not responding to them. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous art, and may the new year bring better days to you and your kin. :) <3
hey!! ahhh firstly two things!11! - hope i havent made you wait for too long with reply!! i love to save asks and just look at them this is my little guilty pleasure ahah and - i literally know next to zero about jewish culture!! and im super afraid to say something silly or gosh something that can accidentaly offend you?? tho i've read couple of articles -> understood nothing because they all was on english. honestly now when im thinking about it i have no idea why i didnt google it on russian. and i cant believe it - you like having a new year right now?? thats so cool!! we're going to have NY only at the end of february this year jeesh!! but uhh my nerveous system could use some delicious curd cakes right now tbh
but i get distracted! all i wanted to say is - (if you're celebrating) - hope you'll have a wonderful new year!! ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
ahhh and thank you thank you thank you for taking time and effort to put this incredibly sweet message - tho it will whooosh from my ask box for forever once i'll post it phphhhh i've made screenshot of it. and then another one just to be sure ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)૭✧
it was so heartwarming to read and to reread and when i rereread it at the next day i was still having this stupid wide smile as at the first time. you're just..ahhhh......amazing piece of the most delicious pie and i cant possibly explain how cat-in-the-shoes-box-level im happy that you think my art is worth looking at. if i could just teleport at your place (not in a creepy way!! well okay its creepy from every perspective but at least let it be like funny creepy? im digging my own grave here arent am i.........) wrap you in the blanket, give you the biggest cup of hot cocoa and call you precious little bean- it would be a crime!! but also! it would be less then 10% of how cozy and nice and great you made me feel with your ask
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thank you so much!!! (̂ ˃̥̥̥ ˑ̫ ˂̥̥̥ )̂
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justaduckarts · 1 year
Hello, hello hello! I am once again here to gush over One Who Holds A Star.
Firstly, *man* my heart broke at Eclipse’s reaction to the lives lost in his own attack. He planned it, it’s without a doubt his fault, but he didn’t *want* anybody to get hurt. He made a point to tell his troops that, Julian remarked that he tried to be merciful and get people to leave… but it just doesn’t work like that when people have so much to protect that they’d rather fight than run. And in that case… Eclipse can’t just let them have their way.
The difference in how Eclipse views his own actions versus how other gods like Sun and Moon believe him to view them is so so interesting, and I love it just as much as it hurts me that he has to pretend to be colder than he is as to not show weakness. AND OF COURSE. THE SAME GOES WITH PLUTO.
Oh my heart breaks for her she’s so sweet and caring. The way the little Star Holder immediately warmed up to her despite having been told she’s dangerous, without even a second thought as to Lunar’s threat (being unkind was never an option), made me both so so happy and so so sad that they’ve been missing out on this for years now. I can’t wait to learn more about her… and I’m so very intrigued by how a conversation would go between the Star and her regarding Sun, seeing as the Star Holder has so much resentment and fear… but Pluto is still so guilty and clearly cares about him still.
And then, of course, there’s Lunar.
I love him. I love him dearly. He’s so charming and funny and I’m so convinced he’s not just some random “lesser god” like Sun believes (speaking of which OHHHH how grumpy I was when he was disrespectful to him when he was doing WELL. “The Star Holder is so hard to befriend” - proceeds to belittle Lunar in front of them). BUT YEAH. Illusionist who Star Holder detected as strong enough to be considered “your grace”? I believe them 100%. Anyways I love his demeanour and how protective he is, even if he’s also a little twerp. Thought he would’ve noticed Aurelia’s vibes were horrid when he went to get blessed… but he already had his own preconceived notions to get over.
AS ALWAYS I’m so dearly excited for more. Thank you for your lovely story, and I hope you’re taking care of yourself! <3
-🌻 Daye
OMG HI! <3
Eclipse does not enjoy needless bloodshed. He's a deeply compassionate god. Unfortunately, you're right. People fought to defend the temple and their homes and Eclipse had to make a tough call.
YES. Eclipse carrying himself as this force to be reckoned with. Pluto presenting herself as hostile and unapologetic for what she's done. When, deep down, they carry deep regret and wish there was a better way.
Ahhh Pluto. A darling, truly. As much as Star Holder melted when they met Pluto, Pluto melted right back. I DO wonder how their eventual discussion of Sun will go, hmm... They have such differing views of him. And what's most funny is that Pluto has seen a much, much worse side of Sun (read: more aggressive) than Star Holder. Yet Star is the one who resents him.
LUNAR! He is such a funky guy, right? I'm so glad you love him! I love him <3 There's so much to his character. Is he really just a 'lesser' god of illusions? (Sun ugh fumbling AGAIN.) He is an absolute menace, I adore him. ...Was it that he didn't notice? Or that he pretended not to? :) I will let you decide. You're right, though. Lunar let his assumptions about the Star Holder influence his behavior, which was foolish. Buuuut I wonder how he will evolve after knowing the Star Holder a while? :)
AS ALWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love hearing from everyone who enjoys my work! I am so so honored to have so many kind readers and the asks and comments I get on my work make me SO excited to keep sharing my works!! Thank you, Daye! Have a great day and be well! <3
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