#aka planet!vic
I'm not sure if you've already said this but I'm asking anyway. Since you're the local Flashfam expert and also a PJO lover (you have no idea how happy I am that we like the same things), what godly parents would the Flashfam have? Like, all of the fam. Counting characters like Linda and Iris
And it'd also be cool if you assigned a cabin for the Titans and/or the Young Justice too-
I mean it has to be Hermes. It literally has to be Hermes for the speedsters. Like, maybe we throw in a Roman twist and say Mercury every once in a while, but that's just gotta be the answer.
Jay literally wears Hermes' helmet. Max named himself after Mercury. Barry wears Hermes' winged shoes and has wings on his head. Same with Wally. Jay is also literally given Hermes'/Mercury's powers on Earth-2.
And it makes sense, it really does. God of travellers? Check. The winged aesthetic? Check. God of messengers? Check! God of tricksters, liars and thieves? Look, the speedsters are all of the above just in a VERY chaotic good way. They don't rob people but also when Wally found out that the museum had the bones of a fallen soldier from another country without said countries permission or consent? HE STOLE THEM BACK. Bart has absolutely no qualms taking things, Max has been a thief in the past, Jay and Barry work by pirate rules aka 'if I defeat you, I get your stuff', ect. They don't do armed robbery and they don't like stealing from random citizens, but bad guys are free game.
Iris I have to go on the nose and say Iris because Iris is the goddess of messengers and rainbows, and Iris is literally a reporter? So her whole thing is spreading information? While looking stunning.
Linda is an Athena kid 125%. Linda writes books, she was a kickass investigative reporter, she went to med school, she knows more about speedster biology and how it works than literally anyone else in her home dimension, she regularly fights aliens with no powers and just whatever weapons she finds laying around. Linda is intelligent, she's cunning and witty and she will cut a bitch.
Joan is a Hestia kid. Just... family, love, warmth. Need I say more?
As for the Titans... well, Donna is already taken care of. Garth... is technically also taken care of I think?? Atlanteans exist in Greek mythology so Garth is just the same I think. Roy... fuck it, Ares. I said what I said come at me bro. For Dick I would want to go with a minor god or goddess, I like the idea of him being a child of Psyche (Goddess of the human soul) because he is very human and he understands people on a level that might be considered supernatural. Lilith would be the oracle. Karen would be a child of Hephaestus and Mal would 100% just be a guy who can see through the mist and has a shield.
Gar is the last son of Pan because that's cool AF. Raven would be the daughter of Tartarus I think. Vic would be a son of Apollo. I know it's really easy to go for Hephaestus for Vic but honestly, the key part of Vic's story to me isn't that he's a cyborg, it's that he's human. He's a survivor, who, against all odds, received bat shit crazy medical treatment from his father and survived a fatal accident. I like the idea that Apollo saw a guy doing crazy stuff to advance medical science and was like 'Hey there 😉😉😉😉'. Also pre accident Vic was a football player which has a lot to do with aim, so idk, I just like it. Starfire would be a demigod child of the sun deity on her home planet.
For Young Justice, Cassie and Bart are already covered. Kon would be a legacy of Nemesis (Lex) and a legacy of a deity from Krypton. Cissie would be a daughter of Ares and a legacy of Apollo. Greta would be a child of Morpheus. Tim would be the son of Lachesis. Slobo is Slobo. Anita.... Tbh I want to say she's a legacy of Aphrodite? Love is a huge part of her backstory and I dislike giving the non powered characters godly parentage that explains away their abilities. They worked hard for those skills!
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sequinsmile-x · 9 months
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Everywhere, Everything
Ever since they started trying for a baby she’d felt this pressure that it had to work. That sex was no longer one of the things they did to express how much they loved each other, but it had a functional purpose too. One that so far, didn’t seem to be working. 
AKA - The one where Aaron overhears Emily talk about her concerns about their sex life as they are trying to conceive, and he assures her they have nothing to worry about.
Hi friends!!
This is a very so slightly early birthday present for the lovely @cloudlessly-light!! It's her birthday tomorrow, and it seemed fitting that I'd write her some filth to mark the occasion.
Thank you for being my friend, for putting up with the constant snippets of fics and photos of my cat, and for generally just being such a lovely amazing person <3 Love you very much!
I hope you enjoy this, I purposely attempted to make it my filthiest fic yet (but with the classic Vic twist of all the feelings)
Words: 4.7k (we all know I can't control myself)
Warnings: Smut, 18+, pregnancy, discussion around trying to conceive
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
It was starting to get to her. 
She and Aaron were trying for a baby. It was something they’d spoken about for a little while, both of them aware it was something they wanted and something they didn’t have a whole lot of time to make happen. Emily could practically hear her biological clock ticking, every negative test and arrival of her period making the sound louder, reverberating around her head in a way she was struggling to ignore. 
Before she’d allowed herself to get her hopes up she’d spoken to her doctor, Aaron’s hand wrapped tightly around hers as she went through a barrage of tests, to find out if she could have children. If the damage Ian had left behind had impacted her ability to conceive or carry a child, a thought that in her worst moments would make her chuckle darkly, the heavy irony of it not lost on her as it sat on her chest. 
The doctor had assured her that everything looked good, that there was no physical reason why she couldn’t get pregnant, and she let hope take over. She let herself start to imagine it, a little boy or girl who was half her and half Aaron, doomed to be the most stubborn person to ever walk the planet. 
She threw away her contraceptive pills two weeks before they got married. She gets carried away with fairytale thoughts of falling pregnant on her honeymoon, of coming home with more than they’d left with. 
She hadn’t been that lucky. 
It had only been four months since their wedding, and she knew she was being hard on herself, that in the grand scheme of things it really hadn’t been that long, but she could feel the hope start to fade. Sadness starting to creep its way in when she took a test only for it to be negative, her period only ever a few hours behind her making the decision to pee on a stick as if her body was mocking her. 
She’d fallen pregnant the first time she’d ever had sex. A quick fumble with a boy who later blamed her for it all, leaving the decision he’d got to walk away from solely on her 15-year-old shoulders. It felt wrong, almost cruel, that the same wasn’t true now. That it was proving more difficult now she was married to the love of her life, now this was something she could want and have.
She blows out a steady breath and pours herself a glass of wine, rolling her neck slightly as she places the bottle back in Dave’s fridge, mentally preparing herself to slap a smile back on her face and rejoin the merriment in the next room. Pasta nights had become a staple in their lives, something that the team had as often as they could. Usually, she was grateful for it, for the distraction, but right now all she wanted to do was wallow in her misery. 
She turns to see JJ walking towards her, an empty glass in her hand, “Sorry,” she says, pulling the bottle back out of the fridge, “I should have asked if you wanted something.”
JJ shakes her head and hands her the glass, “No need to apologise,” she says, and Emily can feel her staring at her. She turns and smiles at her friend as she passes her back the now full wine glass, “I thought you were off alcohol.” 
Emily smiles tightly at the tone of her friend's voice, the gentle push to it. She knows JJ would accept any answer, that she’d let her wave it off if she wanted to, but she finds herself sighing, her hip against the counter as she takes a sip of her wine.
“I am, mostly,” she says, her smile turning sad, “No need to be for the next few days though,” she shrugs, “I’m definitely not pregnant, so I thought I’d indulge myself.” 
It was slowly becoming a custom of hers, a glass of wine or scotch when she got her period. The rest of the time she avoided drinking, a measure she took just in case. 
“Oh, Em-”
“It’s fine,” she says, waving off the sympathy she doesn’t want to hear, sure it will somehow mean there was something that was wrong, “I know it hasn’t even been that long. My OBGYN said it could take a while. I just…” she shakes her head at herself and clears her throat, “I just want it so much.” 
JJ nods and places her hand on Emily’s arm and squeezes gently, “Have you spoken to Hotch about this?”
Emily sighs, “Yes and no,” she says, blowing out a breath as she thinks of how he’d hugged her tightly in their bathroom just a few days ago when her period started, his lips against her forehead as he told her it would be okay, “It just feels like so much pressure. Sex is already starting to feel a little…regimented. Like there is no spontaneity.” 
Their sex life had always been healthy. They never seemed to tire of each other, and their need for each other hadn’t faded as they moved from a new couple to a long-term relationship to husband and wife. If anything, as time went on she found she wanted him more, something she knew was reciprocated. Something about their life together, about the way they loved each other, making the sex even better than it had ever been. 
Ever since they started trying for a baby she’d felt this pressure that it had to work. That sex was no longer one of the things they did to express how much they loved each other, but it had a functional purpose too. One that so far, didn’t seem to be working. 
She’s pulled out of her thoughts by a crashing sound that sounds like it’s coming from the living room, and she shakes her head, smiling briefly at the thought of Derek and Spencer once again breaking some of Dave’s belongings. 
“Don’t get me wrong,” Emily says, taking another sip of her wine, “It’s still incredible, Aaron has never…” She smiles as she clears her throat, well aware her husband wouldn’t thank her for divulging too much, “Let’s just say he’s never let me down.” 
JJ raises an eyebrow, “Never?” 
Emily smiles, “Never,” she confirms, and her smile slips slightly as she shrugs, “I think I just miss how it was before we were doing it on specific days because a stick I peed on tells me it’s the best day to try.” 
JJ squeezes her arm again and smiles reassuringly, “You’ll get there, Em.” 
Emily nods, wishing she could share in her friend's optimism, “Yeah. We’ll get there.”
Aaron was worried about his wife. 
He’d watched as she got increasingly disappointed over the last few months. He’d felt her hugs get tighter, more desperate when he’d try to comfort her as she threw a negative pregnancy test into the trash. 
The most recent time had only been a few days ago, and he could still see the tension in her shoulders. He’d tried to get them out of going to Dave’s, offering to make it his fault they weren’t going so she wouldn’t have to explain anything, but she’d shaken him off. Insistent that it was easier to go along and pretend everything was okay.
He’d offered to get her drink for her once she’d finished her wine, but she’d smiled at him and said she was fine and she went herself. Her hand briefly squeezing his before she let go. He watches the time and he starts to worry when she’s gone for longer than expected. He makes his excuses as he leaves the room, desperate to seek her out. To provide whatever comfort he can.
As he gets closer to the kitchen he hears his wife's voice, the way she sighs as she speaks.  “I know it hasn’t even been that long. My OBGYN said it could take a while. I just…I just want it so much.” 
He comes to a stop, frozen in place by how sad she sounds. He knows she’s been struggling more than she would admit. Her disappointment internalised, pointed inwards as if she had done something wrong, a thought he couldn’t seem to free her from no matter how much he tried. 
“Have you spoken to Hotch about this?” JJ asks, and he suddenly feels bad for listening, but finds himself unable to move, wanting desperately to know what Emily was going to say so he could help. 
Emily sighs, “Yes and no. It just feels like so much pressure. Sex is already starting to feel a little…regimented. Like there is no spontaneity.” 
It feels like a punch to the gut, guilt he wasn’t expecting almost knocking him breathless as he takes a step backwards, almost knocking a framed photo from the wall. The sound of it hitting the wall as he rescues it spurs him into action, his body finally moving as he walks away to give his wife and their friend some privacy. 
As he walks back to the living room he starts to formulate a plan in his head. He might not be able to fix it all for her, but he could certainly make some things better.
And he’d start with date night. 
Emily lets out a slow breath as she walks into her house, tension seeping out of her shoulders the moment she’s over the threshold. The peace she found here, the first place that had ever felt like home, unmatched.
She shrugs off her coat and kicks off her shoes. She yawns and rolls her shoulders as she does so it’s only when she hears the familiar click in her joint, how loud it echoes around her, she realises how quiet the house is. It was unusual, the halls usually filled with Jack’s laughter or his favourite TV show. She frowns, she knew Aaron was home because he’d seen his car in the driveway. She steps further into the house and calls out. 
“Aaron, honey?” 
“In the dining room.” 
She smiles as she follows his voice, “Where’s Jack, it’s so…” She drifts off as she walks into the dining room, her words stolen as she looks at the set-up in the dining room.
The table was set for dinner for two, the smell of her favourite meal in the air. There were candles in the middle, and a vase with a bunch of wildflowers, the lights in the room dimmed so the candles flickered across the walls. She smiles as she looks at her husband, dressed casually in a polo shirt and a pair of jeans, a far cry from the suit she’d seen him in just a couple of hours ago. 
“What’s all this?” She asks as she walks over to him, her hands skimming his waist as she wraps her arms around him. He smiles softly as he stamps a kiss on her lips. 
“Date night,” he answers as if it was obvious, pulling her close. He runs his hands up and down her back, “Jack is with Jessica for the night,” he says, kissing her cheek and then her lips again, “It’s just us.” 
She smiles and leans in closer, soaking up the warmth and comfort only he could provide, “You know,” she says softly, biting the inside of her cheek, “I’m your wife now, you don’t have to try to impress me anymore.” 
He frowns, furrowing his brows at her, “Of course I do,” he says, kissing her once more before he leads her to her chair, pulling it back for her so she can sit down at the space he’d set. He kisses her shoulder before he stands up straight, “I’ll never stop dating you.” 
She shakes her head at him as he sits down and narrows her eyes, “I’m assuming all of this is why JJ insisted I went for coffee for her after work?”
Aaron nods, “I may have asked for her help.” 
She hums before she leans in to kiss his cheek, “You’re sweet.” 
They sit and enjoy their dinner, talking about anything and everything as they eat. She feels the tension that had been building in her chest ease a little, the pressure she was putting on herself lifting as she simply spent some time with her husband. Eventually, once their food has settled down and the candles have almost burnt out, he reaches for her hand and guides her to stand. He kisses her, stealing the breath from her lungs and she sighs, burying her hand in his hair, scratching at his scalp as she holds him close. He smiles as he breaks the kiss, pulling away just enough that he can link his fingers through hers, gently tugging to guide her away from the dining room table. 
“Wait,” she says gently, coming to a stop, “The dishes.”
He cups her cheek and kisses her again, “I’ll do them later.” 
He leans down and blows out the candles before he leads her out of the room. He’s insistent as they make it up the stairs, his hands on her hips and his lips on her neck, nipping and licking at her skin, drawing out moans she couldn’t control if she wanted to. 
As soon as they are in their bedroom he turns her, his lips against hers as he leads her to their bed. She sighs as he lowers her onto the bed, his weight against her all too briefly before he pulls away, putting space between them as he unbuttons her pants, tugging them down her legs, taking them and her socks off all at once. She pushes herself up on the bed, resting on her elbows as she looks at him, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as he kneels on the floor at the end of the bed. 
He presses a kiss to one of her ankles, groaning at the softness of her skin against his lips, something he still wasn’t used to after all this time. He works his way up her leg, pressing kisses to her skin as he goes, maintaining eye contact with her, watching as her breath catches in her chest as he reaches her thigh. He kisses a bruise he’d left days ago, licking against his fingerprints, proof that she belonged to him. 
She fists her hands in the sheets beneath her as he licks her through her underwear, groaning at the taste of her through the cotton barrier. 
“So good, sweetheart,” he mutters as he pulls away, leaning back in for a moment to breathe her in, wanting nothing more than to get lost in the feel of her, “So fucking good.” 
She lifts her hips as he pulls her underwear down her legs and she takes the chance to pull off her shirt and bra, unceremoniously throwing them somewhere into the corner of the room. She squeals, something she would deny later, when he pulls her further down the bed by her ankles, settling her legs over his shoulders as he knelt back down on the floor. 
He ignores the ache in his knees, the pain he knows he’ll feel tomorrow, because he just wants his. Her. A moment between the two of them that was about nothing other than them. 
They let out simultaneous moans as he licks through her, tasting her directly from the source as he dips his tongue into her. She rolls her hips at his face, her eyes flickering closed as everything except him and the way he was making her feel disappears. She lets him build her up, none of her usual impatience anywhere to be found. He pulls her apart with his tongue and his fingers like he’d written the manual for her body, something he’d been able to do since the very first night they’d spent together. 
She didn’t believe in soulmates, the thought that there was just one person out there for everyone ridiculous, but if she did, she knew he’d be hers. In the moments when she let herself get carried away by it all, by the way he made her feel, she thinks this was what everything in her life had been leading to. Every bump in the road, every crack she’d fallen down and had to climb back out of had been part of her journey to this. To him. To the life they had together. 
He presses his hand onto her lower belly, keeping her hips in place, as she comes. She moans as it washes over her, her entire body on fire as she tips over the edge. For a moment, she loses her ability to think and when she opens her eyes he’s looking at her, unadulterated affection in his eyes. 
“What?” She asks, her voice breathless, and he smiles as he gently lowers her legs down off of his shoulders, her calves shaking as her feet hit the floor. 
“Nothing,” he says, leaning forward to kiss her, pressing the taste of herself onto her lips, “You’re beautiful.”
She smiles, chasing his kiss before she reaches for his belt buckle, but he stands back, putting space between them as he quickly undresses himself, “What?” 
He smiles as she repeats herself, seemingly only capable of one word at the moment, and he steps out of his pants and throws his polo shirt over his shoulder. 
“Tonight,” he says as he encourages her further up the bed, laying on top of her as she widens her legs, letting him settle between her thighs as he kisses up her chest, “Is all about you.”
She doesn’t have a chance to argue with him, to ask what he means, because he steals the breath from her again as he licks over her already hardened nipple, laving at it until she’s sore, squirming beneath him as he switches his attention to her other breast. 
“Aaron,” she mutters, hooking a leg around him, her heel against his ass as she tries to encourage him to stop teasing her, “Please.” 
He smirks against her skin, licking the sweat from her collarbone before he carries on moving upwards, switching between kissing and gently biting her throat and then jaw. When he kisses her, his lips stamped against hers, it’s softer than she’s expecting. She cups the back of his hand and holds him in place, rolling her hips up against his, making them both moan as he notches against her. 
She reaches between them with her spare hand, smirking into their kiss when he groans as she pumps him up and down a couple of times before she guides him into her. They both moan at the familiar stretch, pressing their foreheads together as his hips meet hers, their skin slapping together in the otherwise quiet room.
“Sweetheart,” he mutters, his breath skipping across her skin, “You feel so good,” he says, kissing every part of her he can reach. Her nose, her cheek, her lips, “So good and all mine.”
“All yours,” she says, rolling her hips against him again, a silent request for him to move, something he does immediately, “All yours.”
She knows that no matter how many times they do this, it is still as amazing as the first time, if not more incredible. It was familiar but not in a way that was boring, but in a way that felt like coming home at the end of a long day. A comfort she can’t believe she ever lived without. 
Something she didn’t want to lose, ever. No matter where life takes them. 
They match each other’s rhythm, their hands linked on the bed next to her head, their foreheads pressed together as they look at each other. As connected as two people could ever be, physically and emotionally. He feels her tighten around him, her thighs twitching at his hips, and he reaches between them to circle her clit, wanting nothing more than to make her feel good. 
She comes, her vision going dark as she tips over the edge, and she pulls him in for a kiss. She smiles against his lips as she feels his hips jerk against her, and she encourages him to move off of her, shifting onto shaky arms and legs as she flips over, looking at him over her shoulder, her smile turning into a smirk. 
He kneels behind her, the sight of her like this, ready and waiting in front of him, enough to make him lose his mind. He leans down and licks through her from behind, smiling when she gasps in surprise, looking at him again with a look in her eyes that he could only call feral. He rests his hands on her hips and pushes into her again, groaning at the feeling of her around him, at the way she immediately clenches. 
She moans loudly, her body sensitive but desperate for more as she pushes back, desperate for the stretch of him that feels impossibly bigger from this angle. She lets him set the pace, harder than it had been already that evening, and she moans, never having really had the chance to recover from her previous orgasms. 
He pulls her upright, his arms around her middle as he holds her in place, thrusting up into her in a way that steals the breath from her lungs. She lets out a strangled noise, turning her head to bury her face in his neck, unable to do anything other than roll her hips against his, gasping with every thrust he pushed up into her, carving a space inside of her only he’d ever been able to reach. 
“Aaron,” she says, his name catching in her throat, “I…”
“Are you going to come again for me?” He asks, his voice rough, an indication he is close too. Her only answer is a nod, her forehead pressing into his cheek, and he reaches for her clit, careful as he gently rubs circles on her swollen skin. 
“Fuck,” she moans, her hips stuttering as she rushes towards the edge again, every nerve ending in her body on fire. 
He tips over the edge with her this time, spilling deep inside of her as they both come, the only sound left in the room their heavy breathing. He places his hand on her cheek, his fingers slippery with her and pulls her into a kiss. 
“I love you,” she says, her lips barely away from his, her words skipping over his skin.
“I love you too,” he replies, kissing her once more before he encourages her to sit up just enough that he can slip out from under her. He kisses her forehead as he stands, “I’ll be right back.” 
She nods as she flops back onto the bed, still trying to catch her breath as she looks up at the ceiling. She smiles at him when he walks back into the bedroom with a towel, cleaning them both up before he disposes of it in the hamper in the corner of the room and joins her on the bed, shifting them both to the top so he can pull the covers over them. 
She curls into his side, resting her head on his chest as he pulls her as close as possible. She reaches for his hand and links their fingers together, smiling at the sight of his ring on his finger, memories of the day she’d slipped it on flooding back. She bites her lip as she thinks of the promises they’d made each other that day, of the excited undertones to everything they said as they both thought of the future they were planning. 
She sighs as she tilts her head to look up at him, “Did JJ say something to you?” She asks, making sure her voice is even so he knows she’s not mad, “Is that why you planned tonight?” 
He smiles down at her and runs his hand up and down her back, “No,” he says, kissing her forehead, “No I…I overheard you talking to her at Dave’s a couple of weeks ago,” he admits, smiling tightly at her, “I didn’t mean to, but I did and I heard you say you missed the spontaneity, so I wanted to give you some.” 
She smiles, unable to hold it back as she sits up just enough to rest her arms on his chest, “Wait a minute, you overheard me saying I missed the spontaneous side of our sex life, so you spent two weeks meticulously planning a date night right down to the detail of having my best friend distract me whilst you set it up?” 
He frowns, his cheeks burning with embarrassment at the amused look on her face, “Well,” he clears his throat, “When you put it like that-”
She cuts him off with a kiss, her lips firm against his before she pulls back, “I love you so much. You’re…” she trails off as she shakes her head, lost for words, “You’re the best man I’ve ever met.” 
“I love you,” he says, pushing her hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear, “And that isn’t dependant on anything. It’s unconditional. I’ll love you no matter what.” 
She hears what he hasn’t said. That he’d love her if they had a dozen children or if it was just them and Jack for the rest of their lives. She hadn’t realised how much she’d needed the reassurance, the doubt and everything else had that slowly crept in over the last few months never too far away. 
She doesn’t want to lose this moment to it, to let it be marred, so she smiles and nods, resting her head back on his shoulder. 
“Right back at you.” 
9 Months Later 
It was starting to get to her. 
She groans as she tries to get comfortable but gives up almost immediately, well aware it is a lost cause. 
“Your days in there are numbered, sweet girl,” she grumbles, rubbing her hand over her bump, her skin stretched almost to its limit over her daughter, “Consider this your eviction notice.” 
She smiles as she feels a kick that almost feels like a response, the sass their little girl had seemed to have from the very start, something Aaron said she’d inherited from her, making itself known. There were still moments, no matter how massive and uncomfortable she felt, when she still couldn’t believe that this was real, that she was days away from having a baby. The baby she’d half convinced herself she’d never have. 
Emily smiles as she hears the front door open quickly followed by her husband's voice, “Sweetheart?” 
“In the living room,” she calls back, “Right where I was when you left this morning.” 
He laughs and walks to the living room, his smile only getting wider when he sees her on the couch, one of his old shirts stretched over her belly, “There are my girls.” 
Emily hums as he kisses the top of her head before sitting next to her, his arm immediately around her, “How was work?” 
“It was fine,” he replies, placing his hand on her bump, “The team miss you. How are you?” 
She groans as she rests her head on his shoulder, “The usual mat leave crap. Heartburn, swollen ankles, tears and the odd practice contraction.” 
He kisses the side of her head again, “You won’t believe the number of routes I have planned to get us to the hospital when you go into labour. I have every eventuality planned for.” 
She can’t help but smile, a joke that had formed between them months ago on the night she’s sure they conceived their daughter already on the tip of her tongue. 
“What, you’re not going to be spontaneous? That’s so unlike you.” 
He sighs and shakes his head at her, the glint in his eyes letting her know he was suppressing a smile, “You’re never going to let that go are you?” 
She chuckles, “Absolutely not.” 
“You’re lucky I love you.” 
She leans in and kisses him, her hand on his cheek as she pulls away, “I really am.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
Fictional Characters Who Would Slay in S.T.E.M. Part 9
NOTE: Making a post of a number of fictional characters who specialize in a form of science. Also, to inform all of you, fashion, music, and cooking are considered a form of science. The list is not me deciding who is the smartest, the order is the way it is from who I think of first. Please be respectful.
1. Mystery Gang
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2. Chuck (Motorcity)
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3. Shinich Kudo (Detective Conan)
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4. Tennie and Dutch Gordy (Motorcity)
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5. Hunter Noceda (The Owl House)
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6. Amity Blight (The Owl House)
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7. Alador Blight (The Owl House)
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8. Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
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9. Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina)
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10. Scanlan Shorthalt (The Legend of Vox Machina)
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11. Miguel O’Hara (Marvel Comics)
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12. Alex Dunphy (Modern Family)
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13. Rapunzel (Tangled franchise)
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14. Varian (Tangled the Series)
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15. Sabine Wren (Star Wars)
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16. Dr. Nora Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
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17. Franny Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)
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18. Kitty Foreman (That 70s Shown)
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19. Vic Palmero (The George Lopez Show)
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20. Izuku Midoriya aka Deku (BNHA)
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21. Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
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22. Edna Mode (The Incredibles franchise)
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23.  Megamind (Megamind)
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24. Matilda Wormwood (Matilda)
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25. Valeria the Librarian aka Spider-Woman (Marvel)
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26. Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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27. Wybie Lovat (Coraline)
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28. Beth Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
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29. Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
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30. Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 franchise)
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31. Jane Porter (Tarzan)
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hydralisk98 · 10 months
Ocean of Clades (part 0x1 / 0x? )
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User-generated content submission to the "Queerbook 2024" book jam. (Realized too late I am not legible for it due to being 25 years old of age now and not living within the bounds of the 'US of A' but yk, still gonna try my hand at it and see where it leads)
Content key
Subtle & humble, down-to-earth honest caring linguist mother (Falah Becker);
Creative & motivating / inspiring toymaker father (Gustav Hayden);
Transfem aroace ASD+ADD erudite (Kate "Olivae" Kér), offspring of the two parents;
The serene black angora house cat, named Shoshona;
(No need to really integrate the two brothers, and also either Ava nor Tano Blackhand into such a short scene just yet. But I can introduce one or a few of their friends / tribes / hives (Valenz Webb, Aurel Caeden, Ulli Elke, Tekla Karol, Vera Hervaga, Idefix Pawel...))
Set in the 16^12 setting in some Shoshoni contemporary mall with bookstores, video rental shops and a couple more cool things... the intrigue boils down to a nice hangout to the mall with her peers and small talk + window-shopping, exposing through show not tell the present day world (aka Angora, the mainline planet for 16^12) that they reside and live in.
Keywords: True Polymorph, Manifestation Toybox, spiritual & technological empowerment, Morphological Freedoms Charter, Queer Joy, life-long learning, aroace, ASD, ADD, transgender, communal spirit, community, gender euphoria, contemporary solarpunk* (not heavily far far futuristic, simply different and somewhat more comfortable), LGBTQ+ culture & its history, authenticity & identity, embracing activism, charter of sapient rights & morphological freedoms...
Also hi there, folks! I want to provide you some nice emotional warmth and mindful support value for you that have chosen to live here. I really wish the best for us all.
I may have a feeling this very story might become one of those major speculative fiction scenes of my craft that gets ported elsewhere by inter-textuality… Likewise to how "Doom" from (1993) gets ported to pretty much every single turing-complete computation device from high-end servers to the Commodore VIC-20, down to fridges, printers, toasters and other IoT even… But that's only a speculation. Feel free to prove me right or wrong as you wish, but do so constructively please. Thank you.
And before somebody asks, yes I like to count a couple things with hexadecimal, octal and senary number systems even for titles and the like, at least as one more mean to customize the linguistics involved when I get to communicate with myself and other people. Take care and keep on caring about your more silly and less silly topics!
First part of the short story by itself
ZHE START (often implicit granted but I really like to mess about the conventions and rules as to make them my own and keep them flexible enough for others to re-use... )
As she navigates the ocean of clades, lady Kér was sitting just by the super-mall's entrance. Coming from the subway, she took her time on the side bench as to text both of her parents that she arrived and was faring all well and good from her commute to the bigger city. Awaiting patiently on the side for a friend of hers, she observed other people some with vague curiosity & distracted attention.
And then as she saw her friend, one amongst a couple more in her social tribe, coming just around the corner calling our autistic erudite by her first name, Kate.
Vera Hervaga: Long time no see Kate! How are things going along for you sweetie? Kate Kér: I was about to ask you the exact same Vera, but sure. I am going about nicely. Still seeking my way into a job but each of my projects is progressing along steady and fast. How about you? And how is Idefix? Vera Hervaga: Oh, he is currently with Tekla at the veterinarian clinic, just a simple health check for him, nothing serious really. As for myself, I am doing great albeit I had next to no time to spend with you the other week, sorry about such. However, I was about to ask you if I could join one of your tabletop roleplaying game... things. I don't really know much about this game genre and did not research the details, but knowing you I felt safe as you would... like, introduce me to such. Only if you can, of course. Kate Kér: Oh ok, fantastic. Yes I can, got plenty of free time on my hands as of late. And I am more than happy to introduce you to such games, no questions asked. I would go sail the seven seas, figuratively, for friends like you Vera. And yeah, it is all nice and fair here, especially because I wanted to take a look at a few specific shops today. Don't mind if we do? Vera Hervaga: Yes Kate, I would be happy to follow suit. Kate Kér: Great! You tell me if you need anything from me, specific or not? Vera Hervaga: Sure thing, I will tell you when I have any mighty need you can help me with.
And therefore, as they went walking to go shopping some, Kate felt a grandiose emotion occupying her heart gently, one of euphoria & joy, both of gender, shape and social context. And because she is very well aware of our reality compared of hers and to some farther key planets in the galaxy ahead, she thought of her endless gratitude for the scale of existence, the way she was gifted of so much abundance and how she is living by in such a comforting world system early-on in its history... And still, she thought with her own blend of nihilistic optimism that even our reality has plenty of wonders and marvels to be unraveled and explored by every sapient-kind individuals in the wide vector array of time. And that is worth being curious and caring over, despite all the pain and failures we come across on the way to success.
ZHE ENDE (at least for the time being, will apprend more content and hyperlink such farther ahead in time storytelling segments / article entry sections / "data chunks" for you all to enjoy! )
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danny-chase · 3 years
For anyone curious about Planet!Vic here's more about that time he assimilated the moon.
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JLA/Titans #2
Image description under cut
The first image shows Garfield talking, there are images of each of Cyborgs forms with descriptions on the left.
The first reads Cyborg, AKA Victor Stone. Group affiliations: Teen Titans, Physiology: Bionic human, Powers/Skills Include: Cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance, and durability, can interface with computer systems, discharge electrical and laser blasts.
The second reads Cyborg, AKA Victor Stone. Group affiliations: New Titans, Physiology: Bionic human, Powers/Skills Include: Cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance, and durability, can interface with computer systems, discharge electrical and laser blasts, infrared and x-ray sight, white noise generation, fully-armored "combat mode" includes shoulder and wrist-mounted canons and chest-located lasers.
The third reads Cyberion Technis, formerly Cyborg, AKA Victor Stone. Group affiliations: New Titans, Physiology: Alien robot, Powers/Skills Include: Superhuman strength, flight, durability, force-field creation, energy projection, the ability to survive in a vacuum, and the ability to pass through solid objects.
The last reads Planet Cyberion, formerly Cyborg. Group Affiliations: New Titans, Physiology: =System Pause= =Files Updating=, Powers/Skills Include: =Systems Pause= =Files Updating=
Garfield Logan's speech bubbles: Look, I know what happened, I was there. I've been there for Vic all along. We... I... never had a better friend. But he went through some crazy changes over his many years as a Titan - not all of em good. I mean all he ever wanted was to be more human, right? But you all saw what happened. He just kept getting less and less so over the years, until finally he just let himself get absorbed into the Technis - that cyber-alien collective all into exploring and cataloging and stuff. They needed his humanity, his soul, I guess, and in exchange, they gave him a new body and a new name - called him Cyberion. And maybe they kind of gave him a family, too. One to replace the titans - because that's what we were to him, you know. We were his family. But then the rest of Technis got destroyed in that battle with the Gordianians. And that really messed him up... It even kind of shook loose his "Vic-ness" again... I thought I had my old friend back, finally, but he decided he wanted to honor the Technis imperative, and he asked me to keep him company while he kept on exploring the universe. And sure enough, the further we got from home, the weirder he got...
From here we cut to Raven's explanation: The technists imperative was to reassemble itself should it ever be destroyed. Frightened by Victor's total embrace of technology, Garfield returned to Earth... In Cyberion began collecting space debris to rebuild the Technis world. After Garfield left him, so too did the alien Jarra the minion who was then with the New Titans. What you may not yet know, is that Jarras, a sworn pacifist, made Victor a gift of his omegadrone war suit before he left. The omegadrone allowed Victor to metamorph the materials he was collecting, making a literal re creation of a Technics planet possible... In addition to the morphing power as we have seen him exhibit here on Earth. As he lent more power to is assimilation program, he was forced to shut down the program which essentially guarded his humanity. Less human than ever before, and confused by lingering feelings of loneliness, the only command Victor came to understand was his Technis imperative about reassembling his family - now cross circuited with the titans. Probes he sent to Earth to begin collecting his old friends made their way into important files - files which included comprehensive Titans rosters. He has no ability to differentiate between titans, simply a master order to collect them. So great is this programming confusion, he even sent a probe out to collect his younger self as Cyborg. Captures from these list were placed in virtual reality tanks such as the ones you have all recently occupied - his way of striving to please you with his idea of your perfect fantasies. While building a strong hold on his former Earth home - this island - he proceeded to fuse his collected space debris with our moon, still attempting to create a new Technis planet. It was all begun in innocence, you must believe that. I wish I could have done something more. I had been attempting to soothe the distress and in his soul - but finally abandoned him as well. I felt I must come here to warn you of the danger.
The pictures alongside Raven’s explanation show Victor morphing with a planet and doing some of the things described (I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here though... it’s pretty weird lot’s of floaty metallic looking stuff)
End description.
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djnobreakfast · 3 years
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🔚💀🪙 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙀𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙍𝙎𝘿𝘼𝙔 𝙫𝙤𝙡. 10 A deep politically incorrect exploration of nowadays extra prolific U.S. underground Boom Bap Hip Hop scene, mixed with fucked up movie dialogs.
📡 Thanks to all the radio stations: Le Grigri Radio 🇫🇷Paris Campus FM 🇫🇷Toulouse Pigalle Paris Radio 🇫🇷Paris Internet Public Radio 🇲🇽Guadalajara ZANJ.RADIO 🇯🇲Kingston Radio Alhara راديو الحارة 🇵🇸Bethlehem Radio Karantina راديو كرنتينا 🇱🇧Beirut
🎤 featuring : Ty Farris • Big Twins & Dirty Diggs • Planet Asia • Th1rt3n • SmooVth • Gripz • Hus Kingpin • The Hidden Character aka ??? • Vic Spenser • Fastlife & Madhattan • Conway • Benny The Butcher • Westside Gunn • Estee Nack & Al.Divino • Heem • DJ Muggs • Flee Lord • Crimeapple • MF Doom • Milano Constantine & BodyBagBen • V Don • Willie The Kid • Rasheed Chappell • Buckwild • WateRR & Flu • Roc Marciano • Observe • Knowledge the Pirate & Cuns •
Artwork by DONOTEAT.
#djnobreakfast #stonedthursday #hiphop #mixtape
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aion-rsa · 3 years
From Man of Steel to Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Complete DCEU Timeline
This article contains spoilers for Zack Snyder’s Justice League and other DC movies.
The timeline of the DC Extended Universe began in a fairly clear manner, with most of the events of Man of Steel set in 2013. As more films were released, containing flashbacks, or lacking a clear chronological setting, things became increasingly complicated. And by the time we got to Birds of Prey film, its precise placement in the DCEU is downright murky. But there are contextual in-universe clues in the form of media, gravestones, mugshot photos, or throwaway lines of dialogue that provide some clarity. 
With the long-awaited release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League hitting HBO Max, it’s a good time to break down what we know so far about when some significant moments in DCEU history took place.
100,000 B.C.
The Kryptonian Expansion: Krypton begins interstellar exploration and launches scout ships into the void of space. They colonize and flourish for 100 thousand years until artificial population control is introduced. (Man of Steel)
18,000 B.C.
A Kryptonian scout ship crash lands on Earth; one Kryptonian escapes the craft, leaving behind an empty pod. (Man of Steel) According to a Man of Steel prequel comic that may may not still be canon, her name was Kara Zor-El.
Thousands of Years Ago
Darkseid seeks to conquer Earth, but is foiled by the combined forces of man, Atlanteans, Themyscirans, Olympian gods, and at least one member of the Green Lantern Corps, Yalan Gur. Three Mother Boxes are hidden across the planet: in Atlantis, on Themyscira, and with mankind. (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)
Millennia after the Amazons are created, Ares goes to war with the Olympian gods, and kills all of them, including Zeus. Themyscira is created with Zeus’ remaining power. Somewhere during this period, Atlantis sinks beneath the waves. (Wonder Woman)
The ancient wizard Shazam imbues a champion with the powers of six mythological figures, only for him to become corrupted by the power. (Shazam!)
Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta, grows up on the hidden island, and trains to become a warrior under General Antiope. (Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984)
Diana saves Steve Trevor who has crashed on Themyscira. He warns her of the great war, World War I, raging across the globe. She joins him in the world of man, and together they seek to stop the evil Dr. Maru and General Ludendorff (who Diana incorrectly believes is the God of War, Ares). Steve Trevor dies. (Wonder Woman)
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Wonder Woman Movie: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Does Zack Snyder’s Justice League Set Up Wonder Woman 3?
By David Crow
Thaddeus Sivana is magically transported to the Rock of Eternity and fails the test of worthiness conducted by the wizard Shazam. (Shazam!)
After the explosion of his homeworld, Kal-El of Krypton crash lands on Earth, and is taken in by Jonathan and Martha Kent of Smallville, Kansas. This date is approximate, but while being interrogated in Man of Steel, Superman says he’s been on the planet for 33 years. (Man of Steel)
Thomas and Martha Wayne are murdered in Gotham City, leaving their young song Bruce an orphan with a serious grudge against criminals. (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
Diana Prince operates in secret as the heroine Wonder Woman, while also working by day at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. After unwittingly using the Dreamstone, she resurrects Steve Trevor (who inhabits another man’s body). Barbara Ann Minerva, also through the use of the Dreamstone, gains superpowers and is ultimately transformed into Cheetah. Businessman Max Lord wishes to become the stone itself, and uses his powers to create global chaos. (Wonder Woman 1984)
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Wonder Woman 1984: DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Delia Harrington
Wonder Woman 1984 Post Credits Scene Explained
By Mike Cecchini
Lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry rescues and falls in love with Atlantean queen Atlanna; Arthur Curry, aka, Aquaman is born shortly thereafter. (Aquaman)
Circa 1995
Bruce Wayne begins operating in Gotham as the vigilante Batman.
Jonathan Kent dies in a tornado after discouraging Clark from using his powers to save him. (Man of Steel)
This is a bat-signal in the dark, but this is a reasonable estimate on when both Dr. Harlene Quinzel becomes Harley Quinn, and when Dick Grayson, Batman’s partner Robin, is murdered. Suicide Squad lists Quinzel’s date of birth as July 1990. It seems unlikely she would have become a psychiatrist, and assigned to the Joker in Arkham before age 23. Still, Robin is dead by October 2014 (and presumably dead by the Black Zero Event in late 2013, as shown in Man of Steel). This allows for about a year for Harleen to help Joker escape Arkham, take a transformational acid bath, and help the Clown Prince kill Grayson.
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Man of Steel: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and References Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Superman Movies Ranked: The Best and Worst of the Man of Steel
By Mike Cecchini
Batman apprehends Floyd Lawton, aka the hitman known as Deadshot, while he’s Christmas shopping with his daughter. (Suicide Squad)
General Zod invades Earth, and Superman reveals himself to the world. Bruce Wayne witnesses the battle between the two, and sees the Wayne Financial Building in Metropolis collapse. (Man of Steel)
Harley Quinn is captured by Batman after Joker drives their car into the harbor, and abandons her. When she is introduced in Suicide Squad, she is listed as an accomplice to Robin’s murder, which is what leads to her arrival at Belle Reve prison. (Suicide Squad)
Victor Stone and his mother are in a car accident which kills her, and puts him on death’s door. Victor’s father uses Mother Box technology to keep him alive and transform him into an incredibly powerful cyborg. (Justice League)
The holy trinity of DC meet! Batman and Superman duke it out before joining forces against Lex Luthor’s Doomsday creature. Meanwhile, Diana joins the action, and dons her Wonder Woman suit in battle. Sadly, Superman dies, but Bruce and Diana decide to form a league of heroes. (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Suicide Squad: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Character Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Amanda Waller establishes the government sanctioned Task Force X, also known as the Suicide Squade, to respond to metahuman threats (and following the death of Superman). Enchantress enslaves Midway City, but is ultimately thwarted by the squad. (Suicide Squad)
Bruce Wayne and Diana assemble a team including Barry Allen, Vic Stone, and Arthur Curry to battle Steppenwolf, who has returned to Earth. Superman is resurrected, and ultimately joins the fight. Shortly after Superman’s return, Lex Luthor breaks out of Arkham and reveals Batman’s secret identity to Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke. (Justice League)
After defeating his half-brother Orm and stopping a war between the underwater kingdoms and the surface world, Arthur Curry ascends the throne as king of Atlantis, wielder of the Trident of Atlan, and ruler of the seven seas. (Aquaman)
Billy Batson is granted the powers of Shazam, and thwarts Dr. Sivana’s evil plans. While this could take place a little earlier, it is pretty well established within the film the events occur after those of Justice League, so we’ll just default to year of release here. (Shazam!)
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Shazam: DC Comics Easter Eggs and References Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Shazam 2 Will Have a Sinbad Cameo and a Cool Title
By Delia Harrington
Barry Allen encounters a parallel universe version of himself in STAR Labs. Though it is unclear when in his timeline the encounter occurs, it is before he has adopted the moniker of The Flash — which is given to him by the Arrowverse’s Barry. Based on his reaction to the meeting, it can be assumed this takes place before Barry has explored other realities via the Speed Force. (Crisis on Infinite Earths)
Harley Quinn and Joker break up, and she establishes a new life in Gotham. She goes to war with Roman Sionis, and the Birds of Prey are formed. The events of Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) take place after both Suicide Squad and Justice League — and at a time when Batman has gone missing.  (Birds of Prey)
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As seen in the epilogue of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, in a potential future, Superman has succumbed to Darkseid’s anti-life equation following the death of Lois Lane. As a result, he becomes a powerful weapon wielded against humanity, and his former teammates, including Batman and Flash, as well as Mera, Slade Wilson, and Joker. Many heroes of the past, meanwhile, have perished. (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)  
The post From Man of Steel to Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Complete DCEU Timeline appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2OTXe2G
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thecanadianowl · 3 years
Justice league Snydercut review
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Wow talk about a long movie. Remember Mass Effect's 3 shit endings that were later improved (sorta) with DLCs. Well that is kinda how this movie is.
Before we start this, I just wanna say that I was very impartial throughout the whole snydercut movement. I wasn't part of it but I do see the good that they did in regards to some of their charities and with how the fandom itself has been painted in a negative light. So its good that they got what they have been demanding for quite some time. Snyder as director for me, I really am not the biggest fan of. His movies have some great cinematic moments that look amazing but the context around it is what muddles it for me.
Is it better than Whedon's JL? YES. To start I'll look at some of the things that I do like.
I do like how it was split into parts.  Gives it that miniseries/Comic book feel
Thank god they removed that stupid cringy flash landing on top of Diana's chest scene.
Darkseid looks good. I know some people have issues with it but I liked it. I mean looking at it first glance has me convinced its Darkseid. His voice isn't too bad either. Reminds me a bit of Injustice 2.
As much as I have issues with Darkseid being introduced so early I do like that he had a brief confrontation/glaredown with the League, foreshadowing a possible in person encounter and that the League needs to expand if they are going to fight against Darkseid.  
Steppenwolf's design has greatly improved and looks better than before.
Loved the scenes between Alfred and Diana.  Wish there was more of that.
I loved how the movie added Cyborg, Aquaman and Flash attempting to stop Superman from getting to Batman. I also liked how in this version,  Batman pleading to Clark's humanity telling him that world needs him and he needs to snap out of it.  Also bonus for taking out that scene of Batman on the ground groaning about how old he is getting.
Okay seeing Clark get the black suit and having the voiceovers of both his father's merge together works in terms of Clark's arc into becoming the person he was meant to be. Also like the use of Zimmerman's Ideal of Hope score wished they let it play out a little longer.  Probably my favourite moment in the film is where Superman just takes Steppenwolf's Axe like its nothing and freezes it.
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Now to go into some of the more critical stuff that bugged me when watching.
For a movie that is 4 hours long, pacing issues were bound to happen. I think the first example of this can be found in the opening with the Superman scream wave (which started to get a bit hilarious when his screams could be heard every now and then) hitting all three mother boxes. they are shown individually reacting to it and it takes time, where it could have just showed them together or an compilation of each of the motherboxes waking up. I know it Snyder's thing but tone down on the slow mo. Like some instances its fine (like with bullet time or Flash's scenes) but other instances I'm just like alright I get it.
The scene involving Cyborg transferring money into that single mother's bank account. Is he gonna do this for all the people suffering just like her? or just for that one person? I mean if you can hack into the world monetary system, you can solve a lot of financial issues affecting  the majoirty and not just one person. Did I miss the scene but why did Cyborg go from helping one poor person, suggesting the potential good he can do to change the world for the better  to "Fuck the world". Seems a bit inconsistent in character. Especially since he knows who Diana is (from what he says)  and that Parademons are after the motherbox. Maybe her offering help, you should take it? idk Vic. Also the whole Auto defense system malfunction, would it not be better if this was established beforehand where we see Vic struggling to maintain his body's autonomy leading up to the Superman confrontation? Prior to that it seemed he had it under control and his biggest conflict throughout the movie seemed more to be with him coming to terms with his new body. With that being said, Cyborg's character here is much more interesting and better than it was originally. I can see why Ray Fisher is so pissed (well that and the abuse he faced).  I am glad this was improved and gave the character a lot more to do.
The movie still has the same issue as before in regards to the whole motherbox plot and how convenient it was that all three are located on earth. You would think that with the involvement of Darkseid/Steppenwolf that separating them to distinct locations across space would make it more difficult to collect them. I mean we know that the Green Lanterns exist (we saw one get chomped), you'd think that they or the guardians would take one and secure it on Oa. The pushback to this would be "well there was only one green lantern and he died, so how could they retrieve the box?" which begs my question, why send only one? I mean it has been established that Darkseid is a known conqueror of worlds, you'd think the Guardians would be smart enough to send more than one Lantern to aid Earth in their fight.  Did they not think it would be a good idea to have the corps be more involved/keep an eye on earth since it is the only planet that was able to repel Darkseid's forces?
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Why is it that the best idea of security when it comes to humans is to bury it? Would it not be better in optics to look over it and know its location instead of dropping it somewhere on the off chance that someone might find it due to being  curious or the land changing/altering  making the box more easy to attain? A situation as dire/serious as this, you would think that the Amazons/Atlanteans would have been better prepped with armor/weapons for such an event. I mean you have the arrow of Artemis that shoots quite a distance to give Diana a message but not some kind of weapon that hurts/cripples Steppenwolf? Or better yet, how about the moment that the boxes started acting up after Superman's death, that Atlantis/Themiscarya would put aside any differences they had with one another and to the outside world to come together to secure the boxes?  How could Darkseid forget the name of the only planet that was able to force him to retreat? nor does he know that it harbors the anti life?
Did this movie break Aquaman's continuity? because from the dialogue between Mera and Arthur, its implied that Atlanna abandoned/left Arthur at Tom's doorsteps whereas in the movie,  we see Atlanna spend a couple of years with Tom and raising baby Arthur before she was forced to come back. You'd think Zack being a producer for the Aquaman  movie would have edited that line or made it more clear. Well that or James Wan F'ed up when making the movie.
"I've never seen a being as strong as Steppenwolf" Did Diana just forget Ares aka the god of war who killed the Greek Pantheon/Old gods and orchestrated the first World War? Hell from the looks of the flashback it seemed Ares (I'm assuming its Ares, if its Hades, my bad) was getting some good hits in on Darkseid, who is superior to Steppenwolf.  While we are on the topic of Diana, it's a bit odd that Snyder who  was a producer on WW84 where one of the biggest focuses on the movie that Patty Jenkins talked about was how Diana doesn't solve her problems with violence (even though her primary weapons in this movie are a sword and shield but okay. Then again New 52 hasn't done a good job in disproving that), yet in this movie we see her using her gauntlet smash to fucking kill the one remaining terorrist. Like sure you can argue that they were terrorists and deserve to die, but given how easy and quick it was for her to take out the previous guys, why do something that runs the risks of destroying the very building that you are in (with hostages). I mean from the look of the blast and how much debris fell from the building outside, and it was a miracle no one (but the terrorist) got hurt/killed.
Why did Steppenwolf  kidnap  them in the first place? Just use that mind extracting device you used on the Atlantean soldier to see if they know. Seems like a waste of time to collect them in one location only to interrogate them later.
Okay, I'm sorry but even in this cut I still don't like Miller's Barry Allen. He isn't as bad as he was in the theatrical cut but man does it stick out. When he is helping to escort the kidnapped civilians out, why doesn't he just grab them and transfer them to a safe distance? He even makes a comment about how slow they are going. Can I also just say how weird it is for Barry to take time saving Iris to caress her hair and look at her more creepily in slow mo? Like yeah its in slow mo but still I think your priority should be to get everyone to safety as quick as possible and check if anyone else could get hurt.  I will admit that Barry's speech as he is running so fast to reverse time at the end was really good. Tho the more I think about all the slow mo Flash scenes are good.
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They still kept the "Let's use the mother box to bring back Superman plot". Why? This is a piece of tech that you don't fully understand how it works and you are going on the whims of someone you just met. Especially if they come back as a different person/mindset all together.  If Superman 's death was the reason that allowed for the Mother box to call to Steppenwolf/Darkseid, what the hell were they doing prior to Superman's arrival on earth? I mean we've seen how easy it was for Steppenwolf to attain the two boxes even if they were guarded, so why the wait ?. I get that Batman is going through an arc and trying to change from the person he was but how does go from "1% chance of absolute certainty" to "let's go on a whim and have faith" when it comes to resurrecting Superman? 
Its gonna be awkward as to how Clark will explain his sudden return from the grave around the same time Superman came back.
I was wondering when the Knightmare scene will play out. Jared leto's Joker isn't over with me, it seems way too try-hard to be edgy. Other than that yeah, not much I can say about it. Tho do we seriously need another iteration where Superman (or someone with Superman like powers) is evil?
I also love how nonchalant Bruce is about J'onn appearing in front him. However the revelation that J'onn was that army general all the time breaks so much of continuity (and just why now did you decide to show up and help and not idk the time Zod invaded and nearly  terraformed earth, HELL WHY TF DIDN'T SHOW UP TO HELP THE LEAGUE IF YOU KNEW ABOUT DARKSEID, I'M SORRY TO RAG ON BUT REALLY THIS CAMEO JUST OPENS UP SO MANY QUESTIONS, IT JUST SEEMS LIKE AN "PALPATINE WAS BEHIND THIS ALL ALONG" KIND OF THING ).
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In terms of getting a sequel, I am not sure if WB is going to go through with it given that their current vision seems to be a different route than the one Snyder intended so who knows. Despite my criticisms I do believe this is Snyder's best DCEU film to date and probably one of his better films. You could tell that he put in a lot to make this. The movie itself does have issues mostly due to the plot surrounding the motherbox as well as pacing. I would say it's worth the watch at least once, though I think its best to watch it in doses rather than one sitting. Ultimately this is the version that we should have gotten and I can see why so many people who were supportive of Zack wanted or vouched for him to finish it. Regardless, I think the very least I am happy for Snyder. If you like Snyder's previous stuff, you will like this one, if you don't, your perception of the film won't change significantly other than some cool bits here and there.  
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redshirtgal · 4 years
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Two days ago, we discussed the sad story of Lt. D’Amato along with some interesting factoids. Now it’s time to learn about the actor who played him, Arthur Batanides. His interest in show business started during World War II when he would entertain his fellow soldiers with his comedy routines. Once the war was over, he began classes at the old Actor’s Studio. Before long, he was finding plenty of work in television and in film as a character actor. If you watch enough TV reruns from the 60s and 70s, you probably have seen Arthur Batanides in a small guest part. Trivia - During the late 1940s, Batanides shared a rented house with Fred Freiberger while they were both taking classes at the Actor’s Studio. It was Fred who hired his friend for the part of D’Amato in the third season of Star Trek. But Fred also helped him land a few roles in another show, The Wild, Wild West. (Freiberger wrote one of the episodes in which Arthur appeared - “The Night of fthe Dancing Death").
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Arthur Batanides is mainly known for playing a heavy in movies and television. In the first photo on the left, he plays Clay Boudreau in an episode of 87th Precinct,  one of three crooks who decide to hypnotize Greg Brovane into confessing to a robbery (and killings) he did not commit. In the middle of the group is another Star Trek guest star, Morgan Woodward. Mark Lenard (left) and Arthur Batanides (left) appear in the Mission Impossible episode “The Rebel.”
However, he first became known as an actor in a sci-fi series and went on to act in many other science fiction shows.
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Art Batanides got his first acting start in the 1949-50 KTLA TV series The Armchair Detective. But his first semi-regular role was as a recurring villain in the sci fi television series Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers. In an interview for Starlog 189, Batanides remembers being followed on the set by one of the extras who would drive him nuts practicing his comedy routines which often involved sound effects like that of a machine gun. It turned out to be comedian Jonathan Winters. He also did a few cheesy sci fi movies. In the first one titled The Unearthly (1957) he played a good guy trying to stop John Carradine’s evil plot. A few years later, Batanides appears as one of victims of June Talbor aka “The Leech Woman” in the movie of the same name. Both films have been lovingly reviewed in Mystery Science Theater 3000. The actor chuckled during his Starlog interview as he recalled how terrible these were, so bad that he and the other actors had to bite their lips.
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He was cast in two Twilight Zone episodes, “Mr. Denton on Doomsday” and “The Mirror.” In the latter episode, Peter Falk plays a Castro-like revolutionary named Ramos Clemente has a mirror that tells him which of his trusted supporters will attempt to assassinate him. One of his victims is played by Arthur Batanides and is named Tabal, ironically the leader of Clemente’s execution squad. Supposedly Tabal was based on real-life Che Guevera who had played a similar role in Castro’s rise to power.
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He played a character named Lt. Garvin, one of the astronauts in “Specimen: Unknown” for The Outer Limits along with two of his former acting school friends, Russell Johnson and Richard Jaeckel. The plot involved astronaut/researchers bringing back plants that they discover on the planet. Unknown to them, the plants soon begin to emit spores and then a deadly gas which threatens the crew. The spores allow them to multiply rapidly. Does this plot sound familiar to Trek fans? Hmmm..... There are several other Star Trek connections as well. 1) this episode was directed by Gerd Oswald who would go on to direct “The Alternative Factor” and “The Conscience of the King.” 2) Robert Justman was the assistant director on the set just as he was for the first two Star Trek pilots. He eventually wound up as the associate producer and then finally the co-producer. 3) Bob Johnson and Vic Perrin both did voice-overs for this episode and also provided the same on several episodes of Star Trek. Vic was most famous as the Control Voice which was heard at the beginning of every show. 4) Finally, Fred Phillips was the makeup supervisor for this episode and performed the same duty on all three seasons of Star Trek. “Specimen: Unknown” earned the highest ratings of the first season. But Batanides bemoaned the fact that the whole show had a low budget and that none of the astronaut suits matched. A complaint we Star Trek fans are familiar with.
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In The Time Tunnel’s episode titled “Attack of the Barbarians” Batanides was Batu Khan, Kubla Khan’s grandson. The actor has quite vivid memories of this character because he had to sit in the makeup chair for two hours and then they covered his head with a stretchy cloth so he appeared bald. But if you look at the results above, it appears the makeup artists did a wonderful job. Star Trek connections abound in this episode as well. Of course Lee Meriwether (Dr. Ann McGregor) would appear with him a few years later as Losira in “That Which Survives.” Another major character, Lt. General Haywood Kirk, was played by Whit Bissell, who also played the beleaguered station manager Lurry in “The Trouble with Tribbles.” There were also connections with two stunt people. Charlie Picerni was James Darren’s stunt double on the show itself (his brother Paul played a Mongol warrior in this episode). We saw him on Star Trek as a security guard in “Day of the Dove.” David Sharpe also performed stunts not only in this episode of The Time Tunnel, but he was also James Daly’s stunt double in “Requiem for Methusaleh” and was a stuntman in “Day of the Dove.”
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Batanides next appeared as a caveman leader named Rongah in “The Space Primevals,” a 1967 episode of Lost in Space. Art remembers having to wear the animal skin and wig and doing an impromptu caveman dance in one scene. Rongah and his people worship a giant computer named Protineus. The machine convinces the cave people that the humans are a danger to their people, ordering them to lock up Major West and Dr. Smith. It becomes clear that Protineus is acting much like Landru in “Return of the Archons.” There is even a scene where The Robot tries to confound Protineus by performing a series of magic tricks, much like Captain Kirk confounding computers in many episodes. Not many other Star Trek Connections here except for Sandy Gimpel (a Talosian in “The Cage”) as Will Robinson’s stunt double and Fred Steiner’s music.
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For the most part, Art was not too enthusiastic about taking roles in science fiction, despite the number of them in which he appeared. He was afraid it was going to wind up getting him typecast. When Freiberger offered him the part of D’Amato in “That Which Survives,” he was pleasantly surprised that his character was not the heavy nor did he have to do anything ridiculous like jump around the stage doing a caveman dance. D’Amato was pretty much a straight up role and Batanides enjoyed doing the show. Ironically, the role of D’Amato is one of the two roles for which he is most remembered. Asked what he remembered most about the episode, Batanides recalled they had the planet set on rollers to make it easier to simulate the earthquakes that rocked the planet. He was impressed with all the cast members, especially Leonard Nimoy. Trivia - During the late 1940s, Batanides shared a rented house with Fred Freiberger while they were both taking classes at the Actor’s Studio. It was Fred who hired his friend for the part of D’Amato in the third season of Star Trek. But Fred also helped him land a few roles in another show, The Wild, Wild West. (Freiberger wrote one of the episodes in which Arthur appeared - “The Night of the Dancing Death.”
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Freiberger was not the only influential friend he had. Over the years, Batanides had worked on many movie and television shows with director Jerry Paris, another friend of his from the Actor’s Lab. Jerry was made director of the first sequel to Police Academy. As he was looking over the script, he noticed a character who had been scratched out. However, he decided it was a great role and called Art to play Mr. Kirkland, father of the Kirkland family. Batanides today is still most often remembered for his role as Mr. Kirkland and as D’Amato. He retired after doing one last Police Academy movie (City Under Siege) and spent the last ten years of his life doing a few roles but mainly traveling various places with his wife. He died of natural causes in January of 2000.
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bisexualsforprompto · 4 years
You know what else BeastBoy and Kim have in common, a smart tech guy they're friends with, Cyborg and Max!!
Lol I was also thinking that. I feel like Max would be able to enhance Vic’s tech if he told him how it worked.
Anyway now that you say that I’m gonna give y’all my own personal headcanons of who’d be besties with who on the miraculous squad and TT squad (OG and TV Show line up)
(AKA brotp list that nobody asked for):
Dick and Marinette— as the leaders of their respective squads, i think they’d really have to get along at first. I can see them becoming friends though because of their positive attitudes, tenacity, flexibility, and yeah—tendency to obsess. (Marinette with Adrien and Dick with Deathstroke +other villains, but Slade is the most obvious).
Garfield and Kim— We’ve already said why, but these two dumbasses would get along so well. They’d probably burn down both the Titan’s and Effel Tower though
Victor and Max— I can see them geeking out together. Video games, tech, and I think Vic would help Max to try new things. I think Max can hyperfocus on one thing (kind of like his mom) and lose his chill sometimes. I think Vic would help him loosen up.
Kor’i and Adrien— two sunshines. That’s it. I can see them bonding over new foods (Adrien because he couldn’t eat them with his model diet and Star cuz...well she’s an alien). I think Adrien would be genuinely interested in what Star has to say about her home planet, and oh god Adrien would definitely introduce her to anime.
That would create a nightmare for everyone else, but I guarantee they’d both love geeking out over some anime.
Raven (Rachel) and Alya— I know this might sound weird at first, but I can really see them getting along. Honestly, both Raven and Alya are pretty chill people most of the time, I can see them meditating together. I think Raven would be interested in the magic behind the miraculous so I can see both her and Alya trying to learn more about magic together. Honestly, I can kind of see Alya fangirling over all of the Titans, but I think she could actually have a normal, genuine friendship with Raven because she kind of avoids the spotlight. Alya probably wouldn’t know a lot about Raven to begin with and of course she’d want to, so I think that would spark their friendship.
Btw I know I didn’t do everyone on the Miraculous squad, but I can really see everyone getting along, I just think those would be the strongest bonds.
What do y’all think?
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surejo · 4 years
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( victoria pedretti, cis woman ) hey ! have you seen JOSEPHINE “JO” CORMAC around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 24 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +OPTIMISTIC & +EMPATHETIC, but can also be -IMPRACTICAL & -PASSIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE IDEALIST. thanks a lot ! ( the few nights the stars can be seen, books worn down by dog-ears and marks left throughout the years, the first crisp breeze of autumn, the duality… of t.s. eliot ) 
OK. a few notes before i get started:
1) i hope everyone loves how i literally j copied my ivan stuff. url format? ‘sure jan’ lives on. theme? too lazy to find a different one that’s easy to work with. luv that for me. 2) speaking of this theme i forget if i addressed this on ivan’s blog but tabbed bullets don’t appear tabbed.... so if anything seems like it doesn’t make total sense.... it is supposed to be tabbed™. 3) get ready for drama!!!!! you may ask yourself “but the app looks so tame! there will be no drama!” but you are wrong........ because she loves cats. the t.s. eliot book......... the musical........ even the movie.
ok jo,, is also a resurrected character,,, hence how i already kno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that she loves cats. anyway ! let’s begin ! (listen,,,, the intro format will at least be a little different from ivan’s ok im evolving)
full name: josephine “jo” rose cormac
date of birth: march 6, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: pisces sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: bachelor in english - literature that she is doing nothing with
enneagram: 2w1
mbti: infp
various inspirations: eleanor crain ( the haunting of hill house ), dolores price *as a child and towards the end of the book ( she’s come undone ), fox 8 ( fox 8: a story ), “why try to change me now?” - fiona apple (cover), “be still” - the killers
triggers: verbal/mental/emotional abuse/gaslighting, very slight implication of spousal abuse, brief mention of car accident/death & drowning
( ivan and jo’s breakout pop-punk single: “fuck happy backstories!” stream it on spotify ! )
jo......... was born into the wrong family, let’s get that out of the way.
it was pretty clear she was a ploy to save the marriage of her parents ( who have names: lucy and benjamin, luv that for them ). it didn’t seem like they’d ever picked up a parenting book, gone to a parenting class, rly prepped for being a parent at all...... in their entire lives.
that being said, her mom was actually decent at parenting. her major flaw, though? ok, so you know how kids usually have that one bedtime story that they love and want it to be read to them over and over? well lucy complied ! but y’all wanna know what that book was ?
t.s. eliot’s “old possum’s book of practical cats” whfeiuldjkn
anyway ! when jo was seven, after many failed attempts and simple threats, her mom was finally divorcing benjamin for realz. due to his volatile nature, it was becoming very clear that she was the more fit parent and she almost got sole custody ( the only reason benjamin was motivated for it in the first place was the power so?? )! how exciting!
but the keyword is ‘almost’!
alexa, play ‘my heart will go on’ but the off-tune flute version
just as the proceedings were going through, jo’s mother was hit by a drunk driver on new year’s eve. the car skidded onto some ice, minimal damage done... then the ice broke.
jo and benjamin both devolved after that. jo withdrew more into herself and pretty much coped by..... just reading old possum’s a LOT (hate that for her). all mopey, benjamin became much less outwardly violent. the keyword is ‘outwardly.’
ya, instead of j bein like “i will just chill” he was like “i will just make my rage more subtle because in this house, we love intimidation, manipulation, hostility, the blame game, and gaslighting! uwu” managed to convince jo that her mother’s death was somehow her fault, that he was the only person she could trust, that she will never be able to live without someone else, etc., etc.
a few years in and a cycle of many impromptu sleepovers began. luv that for her. hate that for her, but luv that for her. 
there is a lot i cld talk abt here, but it all seems like it cld j be tl;dr’d as: “basically became the surrogate daughter of a bunch of other people”
as for things that r not tragique™, jo was v much a drifter when it came to friends. managed to make a fair amount bc she does not seem like she will put a tadpole in ur hand like ivan. also j a people-pleaser but that’s starting to get into her personality which is another section.
did go to college. luv that for her. has NO CLUE what she’s going to do with her degree, but she can make some really sick niche william faulkner jokes. 
began seasonally working at big bear during the winter break of her last year in college because bitch needed some money!! wound up loving it and was like “i think,,,, i will continue to do this,,,, the people here,,,, r cul,,,,”
still visits benjamin every once in a while. not a way to say that uwu you should forgive ur abusive parent(s) uwu rather that jo.... still has slight belief in him. just to end on something emo.
started life out as a saddie, not a baddie. still not a baddie, but no longer as much of a saddie. loves “cats” and there is no irony to that statement. can make good niche literary jokes, but that’s about it.
a child. a literal child. a child to the point that she should have supervision when she goes on grocery trips because she falls for marketing ploys so easily. can’t believe she hasn’t fallen into a pyramid scheme yet.
an absolute dumbass. again, can make some great niche william faulkner jokes, but ask her the order of the planets? “...well mars is somewhere in there.”
unironically LOVES cats - both the musical and movie. thinks jennifer hudson’s grizabella is the best. will start sharing random facts about it or old possum’s book of practical cats if she runs out of things to talk about but feels pressured to keep talking. was broken when she first read a different t.s. eliot poem and realized he was actually super dark. the only thing that got her through it was a comparison to batman :\ bruce wayne is old possum’s, batman is everything else.
to take a brief break from fun personality facts, v down on herself bc benjamin’s words rly!! stuck with her!! convinced she is an absolute idiot and does not trust her own memory. v indecisive bc of this and always longs for someone to help her figure things out. tries to distance herself from memories of her mother because, again, benjamin got to her. her love of cats doesn’t help that, but... can you believe that’s her coping mechanism? makes up for it by giving all of her love 2 everyone else!! we love tragedy!! and needing to go to therapy!!
secretly knows her love of cats is weird and dumb. a part of her knows why it’s considered one of the worst musicals ever. but LISTEN. we luv rly weird coping mechanisms!
big dreamer. will develop the most impractical goals. she usually knows they are impractical, but still..... uwu
has decided everyone is good until proven bad! except for,,,, like,,, murderers and rapists,,,,
is #StraightEdge for the most part,,,, literally has a drink maybe three times per year
says “like” a whole lot for someone who majored in english with a concentration in literature and should therefore be more eloquent.
i am not great at these sections!! feel free 2 j refer to her zodiac, personality tests, and character influences!!
literally fox 8. i put the others there bc she’s similar but wow,,,, if u read fox 8 (it’s a short story i recommend it i luv george saunders u can find a pdf online),,,, she is fox 8. 
here u go here is a sample that doesnt need context: "Fox 4 woslike: No ofense, Fox 8? Your ideas are not super praktikal. Dreem, dreem, dreem, said Fox 11. Fox 41 woslike: Fox 8, does this honestly never get old for you?"
OH ALSO. she has a slet. a cat,,,,, named asparagus,,,, whom she calls “gus”,,,,, and y’all know WHY.
recent development: has downloaded tor so she can get on the dark web. why? because she thinks there will be more funny animal videos on there. is shockingly good at navigating it.
close friends bc we luv that –– roman (nuanced), aylie (nuanced), hazel (nuanced), cleo (nuanced), vic (nuanced), marco (nuanced)
childhood friends whom she possibly had impromptu sleepovers with bc that is v soft and,,,,, y’all i left the city blank for a reason. –– hazel, marco, 
on that note, the person who was like “wait,,,,,,, u know that book was turned into a musical right,,,,,, like,,,,, a musical literally everyone knows” and shook jo’s world
good influence / bad influence –– cleo, vic, 
exes –– ian,
reciprocated pining
unreciprocated pining
someone..... who has accepted..... that she likes cats.... in a way that is not ironic. will see the movie with her. –– aylie, 
an enemy,,,,,, aka this person was like “cats is literally the worst thing in the entire world” and now they r on jo’s very short hit list –– riley
idk!!! im also obvs up for brainstorming!!! luv that!!!
** descriptive connections page is here ( only people who i’m messaging are on it, but i ?? would love to plot w everyone ?? so don’t make the short list make u think i’m trying 2 limit it 2 these ppl auhfoeidla )
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tildytwo · 5 years
so somebody tweeted to my local comicon that they should invite vic minionga (sp?) aka that anime dude what got fired from everything because he was groping people. Comicon tweeted that they wouldn’t invite him because they had no space, and I suggested maybe we don’t invite people with a bunch of sexual harassment accusations against them just on principle, and hoo boy did the whining whiners come out of the woodwork for that.
I have to laugh though. I wrote that VM has “approximately one zillion” accusations against him and immediately had 43 replies all along the lines of “That’s not a real number.”
Yes, children. I literally believe VM has more accusations against him than there are people on this planet. I am filled with shame and will never complain about shitty entitled men ever again.
We will return to “Megan Turns into the Salt Monster from Star Trek” after this message from our sponsors.
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bestspuds · 5 years
Iceland Saga : Volcanoes Hlaciers and Bankruptcy
We arrive in the dark which is a common theme in Iceland in January, 5.5 hours of daylight is the norm in winter months. We quickly learn that Iceland is maybe the most expensive country on earth (5th apparently). The bus to the station near our hostel 30 mins away in downtown is $50 US. We try to hitch s lift with a few people renting cars but no luck so there goes the budget. We hike through the blowing snow and sludge with our backpacks and find the hostel, make a quick pasta and turn in.
Up at 6 as we’ve to catch the seldom seen public bus to the stop near our camper rental. The bus ticket app barely works with our shockingly slow coverage but the bus driver takes pity on us. At goCampers we pick up Reno, our Renault van and luck out that the chap doubly applied our $50 off coupon! The roads have a thick layer of ice and snow and it quickly becomes clear that its like an icy version of Mad Max fury road with locals flying along at breakneck speeds, Asians driving huge camper vans very slowly in the middle of the road and tour buses dragging a blizzard behind them as they pass.
We strike out for the huge geyser spewing hot gas through thermal pools and after warming up in the hut push on for Gullfoss waterfall which is like a frozen Vic falls with the spray freezing on our eyelashes. That evening we drive out into Thingvellir National Park yo stargaze and await the northern lights. We grab some shut eye on the back of Reno and hop up when our alarm goes off to realize our car is surrounded by buses apparently we picked a popular spot! Some clown opens our door and tells us to dim our lights, he quickly retreats after a few harsh words from Johney and we emerge to gaze skyward with the masses and the shimmering green lights dancing across the sky. Just as suddenly as they appeared, the crowd disperses and leaves us with the lights to ourselves.
Thingvellir National Park is situated between two tectonic plates, the only place on land that can claim this mantel. There is a huge fissure between the plates filled with the purest glacial water on earth. Water temperatures hover at 2C kept from freezing only by the fact the water is flowing through the fissure. Naturally we decide snorkeling in the fissure is a once in a lifetime experience and we don gear that Neil Armstrong before plunging into the fissure and floating along for and hour. The water is so pure that visibility is only limited by the reach of our eyesight and we can see 350m down into the fissure where there’s an abundance of aquatic life and mermaids. When we emerge and waddle to change in the van our Estonian and German guides save Tori from hypothermia with hot chocolate and chocolate biscuits, once she stops shivering enough to walk, we explore the National Park along the walls of each tectonic plate. A few hours driving across deserted roads in whiteouts and we come across a massive waterfall pouring off a cliff near the road and illuminated by huge spot lights, the mist from the falls freezing as it lands and creating a gleaming forest of stalagmites. We obviously camp nearby and explore the waterfall again in the morning, finding another only accessible through a crack in the cliff with an ice cold river flowing through it.
After a couple days in the van we need a bath so we head off in search of an abandoned hot spring pool up in the mountains. 15 minutes hike and 2 river crossings later we come across the swimming pool sitting on a ledge and surrounded by snow covered mountains. The hot spring water is just warm enough, diluted by snow melt and we dive in to swim lengths, we’re joined by a Wisconsin and German couple and shoot the breeze with them as our hair freezes. A frantic towel dry and relayering and fast hike back and we head off to search for the wreckage of a US Navy plane that crash landed in 1973 on Solheimasandur beach. The crew survived the crash but the carcass of the Douglas DC-3 adds to the dystopian scenery, abandoned on the snow covered dunes of the black sand beach.
Iceland doesn’t have many towns, with 65% of the population living in Reykjavík. One of the next largest towns is Vik and we stop here to watch the sunset on the beach, the black sand and sea stacks even darker against the fresh snow and whitecaps of the crashing waves. After the sun goes down it’s another harrowing drive across the frozen tundra to arrive late at Vatnajokull National Park (Europe’s largest) where we setup camp beside a glacier. The 10 mile hike the next day takes us past Black Falls aka Svartifoss which is crashes over cliffs of geometric basalt columns, to several view points, Our foot steps are the only thing marking the trail and we regularly sink to our knees in the deep powder but it’s worth it Ashe finally get a birds eye view out over the blue ice glacier.
Jokusarlon is a glacial lagoon where huge blue icebergs calve off the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier and float to the sea. The massive chunks of ice glitter in the sun as the slowly drift out of the lagoon mouth and down to the sea where they rest on the blank sand at low tides like frozen meteors. We stroll around pretending we’re in Batman Begins and then head back to the glacier. T stays in the warm van with the heater on while I don crampons and helmet to join a glacier walk. I speak broken French/English with a French chap on the walk and our Hungarian guide leads us up and into the blue ice caves furthering the other planet vibe. The tonnes of ice glisten menacingly overhead and in places the ice has an almost polished look to it. We tramp back across the glacier as the sun goes down and myself and the Frenchman get tired of the chattering fatties slowing the group down and strike ahead for the campsite, arriving right before the freezing rain hits.
Our last day in the coast we spend strolling along the beach and then stop into the lava factory, we’re too early for the show but the owner allows a free look behind the scenes of the machinery they use to produce molten lava, the kiln hits temps of 800C and the lava chef is just a lad with goggles and a shovel!
That evening we find another ‘free’ campsite up near the blue lagoon and wait out the storm in our toasty van. The blue lagoon is the best known attraction in Iceland, it’s a black lava field where they have built a state of the art spa fed by the bluish green water from the futuristic looking geothermal plant. We check in and thrown on our swimming togs before splashing around in the blue water of varying temperatures. After washing off our silica masks and drink our green smoothies we proceed to people watch, the main draw being heavily made up English and Irish girls wading around panicking with their faces beginning to melt. On to Reykjavík and I return the van with the help of the public bus (only not expensive thing in the country). Our hostel is downtown so we head to a spot called Icelandic Streetfood which was the best decision we’ve made in our lives. The place is run by a few young Icelanders and the recipes are all from one of their grannies. The menu contains just 5 dishes but there are legitimately unlimited free refills and free desserts so we order lamb stew and potatoes, stuffing ourselves to the pumping 80s soundtrack. We stroll back in the snowstorm fit to burst passing Tjornin lake and the peaky roofs of the traditional houses and climb the hill to the hostel. Tomorrow it’s on to Hungary.
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gotakuofficial-blog · 5 years
Kyo - Impressionist Vignettes: OFFICIAL REVIEW
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Written by Kisai The Spooniest Bard
To begin, Mike Faris AKA Kyo (FKA Demon Eyes Kyo) is an artist I respect immensely. He is also a dear friend and someone I consider a kindred soul. I take every verse he writes, sings and/or raps as a chance to understand more of his worldview and thought process. That said, I'm extremely honoured (so much so I just spelled honored with a FARKING letter U) to have been chosen as one of the trusted to review this, his debut album. I am Darris Marcell Kisai Parker, and this is Impressionist Vignettes by Kyo.
[Track 1ne] - Yasiin (prod. by kaptain planet): So from the start we get a gritty, dark boom bap jawn produced by the impeccable kaptain planet. It's always lit when planet links up with Kyo because Kyo starts to slip into his particular brand of what he calls "sophisticated ignorance", a glorious combination of swagger, hyperbole, and good old-fashioned dark humor. In this instance, however, Kyo's lyrics are more sober, less grandiose. He chooses to lampshade how basic and one-note some artists tend to be in their portrayals. He even pays homage to one of his fellow CPC member's songs (Views by Savior Monroe). And most of all, Kyo just makes it plain how serious he is in this outing. This one is less about stellar bars and schemes and more about the human experience as interpreted by Mike Faris. I'm here for it. Quotable: "Ain't my fault if the truth hurtin' ya feelin's. You ain't puttin' work with writtens murkin' the rhythm. You just jerkin' the listeners like jamaican chicken."
[Track 2wo] - Highland (prod. by Lé Real): An autobiographical stroll over a jazzy lofi road paved by a Castle In The Sky faithful, the uber-talented Lé Real. Here, Kyo talks about his old stomping ground, a place in Michigan called Highland. He highlights the rough yet sensitive nature of the milieu, the roaming opinions of passive observers looking in from the outside, the desperate grab for tough guy points by those who probably can't get into the Salty Spittoon otherwise, the ones who live in nicer areas, who don't really HAVE TO be in such an area. Kyo warns these folks about greenness of grass, and tells them in no plain terms to get a life of their own. This is the stuff I was looking for. And he delivered. Quotable: "A double-wide was like a luxury home! Havin' both parents there the rarest of luxuries tho and I know; I'm one of the lucky ones when it comes to that, Most of my homies wasn't tho, that's just the facts..."
[Track 3hree] - Flowers From The Old Vic Stage (prod. by Medical Nindo, guitars by Kyo):  Kyo sings, by the way! I feel like typically when artists try to be multi-layered it's an attempt to appeal to a public all too swayed by gimmicky shallow bullshit. But in Kyo's case, he really carries all the musicianship and artistry necessary to sustain the various mantles he's borne over the years. That said, on the singer/songwriter tip, Kyo is something to witness. But if you've followed his work at all, you've probably heard this on display on his previous work, "The Imposter's Muse". His poet's soul is on display here in track three, a somber, romantic ballad produced by the smooth/savage master himself, Medical Ninjutsu aka Medical Nindo. Some of y'all might know him as Diggz Da Prophecy. Kyo accompanies our resident "Hood Nerd Sage" on the guitar, providing weepy, melancholy-yet nostalgic licks that carry the heady tone of his musings. A song from the perspective of a tragic lover of a former star of the stage and screen, a person with whom our hero was enraptured, with whom he was close, a flame that perhaps burned too bright and sputtered into dying embers. "I wonder..." The words pass his lips several times over, each time a different thread carried on their doleful, mournful wind. Quotable: I'm not giving you one. Listen to the song.
[Track 4our] - Summer '09 (prod. by River Sanzu):  So, ironically, Summer '09 is a time of major importance to me because it was a time when I was ambivalent towards life. I was holding down a job I truly loved, but not seeing much of the money I was getting paid due to familial obligations, I was dating one of my current best friends, a relationship I look back on fondly even now. But it seemed like everything in the world conspired to keep us apart and as such I felt like I was failing her. I was writing some of the best bars of my life, but I had no way to record and couldn't afford to hit anyone's studio. I was dependent on music to keep me going and every month I had an issue with my mp3 player. I was finally seeing some measure of freedom, but at the same time I was constantly being appraised by family members as an adult acting like a child. As if they alone held the yardstick by which adulthood is measured and everyone's lived experiences were supposed to be uniform with the same milestones at the same times as if life worked that way. And to top it off, my father's genes were kicking in and I started to lose hair, just when I was getting ready to pimp my afro to the max! (RIP afro dreams). I just felt like I was languishing in some sort of middleground hell where everything was awesome but terrible at the same time. I constantly questioned whether I even wanted to be alive. Looking back, I always tell myself it wasn't that bad. It was just growing pains and every adult has them. But you couldn't tell me shit in the moment. I'd've said "Life is iffy af for me right now." On another side of the country, here is Kyo, driving drunk on his way to kick it with his friends. The same ambilavence towards the idea of continuing life present in his thoughts and actions. Instead leaving it to the "Most High" to determine his fate, he arrives unscathed at the function, has a rowdy old time with his buddies, the sort of things youths get into when together. "Freestyling and clowning", card games, even more drinking, some squabbles-nothing that really matters between friends however, and just being in the moment, then Kyo drives (possibly even more drunk) back home. Again he tosses the dice and leaves it up to higher powers to determine if he will make it home. And there you have it, a square out of the quilted tapestry that is Kyo's life. River Sanzu aka Lit Yagami AKA Ish1da creates a city pop-infused backdrop that perfectly encompasses the nostalgic feel of Kyo's ride through memory lane. One of my favorite songs on the album honestly. Also I'm really mad I didn't produce this because it's amazing. Not quite as mad as Ethos made me that one time but I may still turn into a dog for 3 seconds... GRRRRRRR (DAWG MODE) Quotable: "They say seeing is believing, these demons I'm seeing in my rearview mirror keep chasing, I stay weaving through lanes and I'm.... still thuggin' it, drunk in public and unequpped to handle the mental stresses I struggle with but it's just... One mo' night in Summer '09!"
[Track 5ive] - You Go To My Head (prod. by RealVenom):  Kyo’s strongest quality as an artist is his ability to depict the various aspects of his point of view without sacrificing impact. In “You Go To My Head”, he croons, raps and waxes poetic to the subject of his affection. It’s tender, but in a truly relatable fashion. I consider myself strongly in the romantic camp, so endeavors like these speak to me. I blame my soft heart. The warm lofi provided by RealVenom just makes you feel like you’re by a warm fireplace, keeping warm inside from the harsh winter. A glass of wine, a bag of marshmallows for roasting and some good-looking company and you’ve got a night. Kudos to both Kyo and Venom for making such a dope jam. Quotable: “And if you got me seein’ double... That’s twice as many chances to say I love you...”
[Track 6ix] - Moving To Detroit (prod. by Camp Phire Connection, guitars by Kyo): Here is a fully acoustic affair. Just Kyo, his trusty guitar, and us, the listener. In “Moving To Detroit”, he intimates the lonely predicament of a single man deciding to move to what is considered the saddest city in the country according to a study. He mulls over dating the local women hoping for a shot at love, relates his hopes that any local toughs don’t harass or assault him, and mentions his prior OWI (An incident he explained in detail to me in a conversation we had.) and the consequences thereof. “Moving to Detroit” is a somber, reflective look at both himself and his environment, and rather than feeling like a fly on the wall, we are put right there in the passenger seat as he takes us along for this ride. It’s an eye-opener, for sure. Quotable: “It’s not as bad as everyone says in the city, but every time I head home I feel such relief when I hit the freeway. If I move down there and my friends come visit me, they’ll also get to know how good that feels. I guess you’re welcome...” [Track 7even] - Vignettes feat. Savior Monroe (prod. by Camp Phire Connection): The only vocal guest feature on this album comes from fellow Camp Phire Connection artist and founder Savior Monroe. “Vignettes” is gorgeously produced, a shoegaze-y blues waltz number by Kyo and Savior. Both artists give amazingly heartfelt accounts of grace. of friendship and of humanity. The feeling is just abstract enough, just specific enough. Truly these are just vignettes. But that’s all we needed. Quotable: “But for now I can still paint you with an impressionist’s view. I might not remember the facts, but I still remember the truth.” [Track 8ight] - French Lessons (prod. by Camp Phire Connection, guitars by Kyo): Kyo’s trusty guitar returns once more, fair accompaniment for a sultry number about SEX. Yep. Sex. Who among us doesn’t simply long for the next chance to be intimate with a special someone. There’s something magical about when two souls connect, REALLY CONNECT, for those precious moments. Even sometimes when it’s empty, it’s still grand. Here, Kyo says it all. Quotable: “Sex is empty, sex is death, so baby please kill me then hold me in your arms until I resurrect. Sex is endless, sex is French, le petit mort, the little death, and rebirth and first breath and back again.” Track 9ine] - Snow (prod. by Lé Real): Snow, to put it plain an simply, is hard. Hard as pavement. Once more, we’re right there in the room with Kyo as he relates some tales from his life. I don’t even wanna talk too much about this one. It’s something that just needs to be heard. It’s too real for me to adequately put into words.  Quotable: None, just peep the song. [Track 10en] - Philip Seymour Hoffman (prod. by Kisai The Spooniest Bard): Iono who the hell this Kisai The Spooniest bard dude thinks he is, but we gonna fight because this beat is fire. He could have at least let me rap on this. Not that I’m salty because Kyo did his thing. But seriously this is a great closer. Something about that japanese jazz sample makes such a great backdrop for Kyo to compare himself to Vincent Van Gogh and Philip Seymour Hoffman (RIP to two of the greats). As artists our art is what we use to combat the negative feelings that dwell in our mortal minds. Not everyone can win this fight, but Kyo is dead set on winning. If I hadn’t heard this song before judging, I’d have told you that the beat used doesn’t fit the theme of the album, but I’d have been wrong. Kyo made it work like only he could and the result is a track that both producer and artist could be proud of. Quotable: “In a world of visigoths and vandals I’m Vincent Van Gogh, battle depression with insufficient ammo.” [Afterword]: Impressionist Vignettes is a ride, friends. Tonally, It starts low and ends high, moodwise it’s as human as we are. And from an artistic standpoint, it’s probably Kyo’s strongest work to date. I recommend you give it a spin. I learned something and so might you. One final note. Big ups to Savior Monroe on the engineering end. This album sounds great beginning to end. Kisai out. Ja ne~ Peep Impressionist Vignettes here!: https://campphireconnection.bandcamp.com/album/impressionist-vignettes
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jaimistoryteller · 6 years
BLOOP - your choice - one of each 'verse maybe? :)
Hiya anon! I can do a bloop per verse, sure!
@converginglives - the AIs occasionally like to cause ‘bad guys’ [aka people who harm others for no logical reason, killers, terrorists, you get the drift] havoc by screwing with any and all electrical devices that they can. Viral and Vic often make it a competition to see who can make more trouble. 
Shadow’s Sight - no one will ever find the remains of Khronthises meals as Thalon takes them so deep into the planet that they are completely destroyed. 
Thank you for the bloops! Send a bloop, get a fact!
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prabhupadanugas · 4 years
Four legs of Dharma
Morality (Dharma the Bull) has four legs, morality (Cows milk is morality), (four kinds of piety):
4.Truthfulness (Satyam)--> no gambling --> no deceitful behaviour --> immorality tries to do this now by destroying the last leg.
2.Cleanliness, purity (Saucam)--> no sex before marriage and after marriage no sex for pleasure --> no infections
1.Austerity, simplicity (Tapah)--> no intoxication (alcohol, smoking, caffeine, tea) --> be simple in life
3.Mercy, kindness, compassion (Daya)--> no meat, fish, egg, union and garlick eating --> kind to eachother
King Pariksit confined Kali personified in these places:
4.Gambling, deceitfulness is found places of gambling and contest
2.Illicit sexual behaviour, copulation is found in places of sexual promiscuity
1.Taking intoxicants, intoxication is found in places of drinking
3.Eating meat, fish, eggs, union and garlic, aka arrogant behaviour is found in slaughterhouses
After Kali begged for a little more, the King gave him a fifth place:
5.places wherever money accumulates. In such places there is always: cheating, maddening, desire, passion and enmity
The King ordered Kali to confine himself only to those five places. But from them Kali can certainly spread and encourage immorality.
If a human desires his and all other humanbeings well-being, then NEVER, EVER go to such places, especially if you are a role-model.
If you want to prosper, encourage well rounded and thoughtful restoration of the Bull's three broken legs:
1.simplicity, austerity --> TAPAH
2.purity, cleanliness --> SAUCAM
3.kindness, mercy --> DAYA
Puranas are histories in bygone yuga's (era's) and itihasas are recent histories (transcendental stories about  the Supreme Lord and His associates in the current and previous catur-yuga). What are described in these histories? The life and deeds of the devotees of Lord Krishna while following the Veda's. Also the deeds of the demons are described and how they are always eventually defeated by the Lord and His devotees. So the Veda's contain all knowledge. But where is the prove that it ever worked and that all that is written in sanskrit is true? What is the proof that the Rg, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Veda as well as all Vedanga's, Upaveda's, Upanishads, Yoga's etc all work? The proof is there in the Purana's and itihasas. This is why the Mahabharata is called, the 5th Veda.
In Satya Yuga, all four legs of Dharma were standing
In Treta Yuga, one leg (Tapah) became diminished, this made sure that it was not possible for humans to practice meditation. The itihasa (history) Ramayana occured in a Treta yuga. Sacrifice to Lord Vishnu was prescribed. If you have attachment for worldy things, you should give those worldly things for the service of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. In this way you can concentrate on the ultimate target of worship. This could be accomplished in Satya Yuga by meditation and in Treta Yuga by sacrifice.
In Dvapara Yuga, two legs (Tapah and Saucam) became diminished. The itihasa (history) Mahabharata occured at the end of Dvapara yuga. People became more influenced by the senses and became incapable of uttering mantras correctly. Thus they could not perform sacrifice anymore. So the people of that era were told to worship the Deity of the Lord and engage all the senses and the objects of the senses in this way. All indriyas, all gross and subtle senses including the mind should be engaged in the service of Sri Krishna. If you serve the Deity, you have dedicated all the sense organs and all the objects of the sense organs. The purpose of this is to develop concentration on the object of devotion.
In Kali Yuga, three legs (Tapah, Saucam and Daya) became diminished. People cannot perform Deity worship because they are deceased. A diseased person is prohibited from Deity worship. We are incapable of rising early in the morning. We cannot sit in the temple for a long time. Two or three hours are required for worship. After half an hour, we become distracted. We are diseased, so how can we worship? So three legs are now broken in Kali Yuga (by Kali the agent of immorality) by arrogance (destroys mercy), copulation (destroys cleanliness) and intoxication (destroys austerity). Arrogance destroys compassion. Copulation destroys purity. Intoxication destroys simplicity for which sobriety is a synonym. Deceit destroys truthfulness. Kali the agent of immorality tries to instigate deceits (making people tell lies).
Dharani (Prithvi, Mother Earth) holds everything up for us (planet Earth). She once said that she can hold any thing up. Except those who lie. Those who have deceitful behaviour.
The last leg standing is Satyam. Deceit (telling lies) destroys the last leg and Mother Earth has said that she CANNOT bear those who lie! (they are to heavy to bear).
This heavy burden of immorality disappeared from the Earth while the beautiful footprints of the All-Attractive spread happiness everywhere. Now that she is bereft of those foorprints, this saintly woman feels forsaken and unfortunate, and weeps thinking, "Now low-class small-minded men masquerading as kings will exploit me"
The agent of immorality (Kali) will spread greed, falsehood, thievery, unkindness, violence, decay, delusion, bickering and vanity among the citizens of King Pariksits kingdom.
He cannot tolerate this in his truthful and moral society: a spiritual place where sacrifice is done for the master of sacrifice with a full abundance of deep realization.
The All-Attractive Hari, the soul of all worshipable forms is worshiped in King Pariksits Kingdom. Hari expands the happiness of the worshipers. His desires are unfailing.
He is the soul that is inside and outside of everything that moves and does not move, like the sky.
See Vic DiCara's books Volume 1 from page 129
Also check Nectar of Instruction
So Truthfulness, is destroyed by telling lies, by deceiving.
The four defects of human beings, those who are conditioned in the bodily concept of life:
There are 2 processes for acquiring knowledge:
-The ascending process (aroha pantha), which is imperfect (pratyaksa and anumana)
-The descending process (avaroha pantha), wich is perfect (sabda)
How come that the ascending process (which is done through the senses) is imperfect?
Because this knowledge is acquired by the conditioned souls through their own endeavor because of four defects:
-Imperfect Senses (Karanapatava) - The senses are limited and can easily be misled. For example, one cannot see hands in the dark
-Under illusion (Pramada) - Accepting as real something that is not real. For example misidentifying the self as his body and mind
-Mistakes (Bhrama) - "To err is human." All humans are prone to make mistakes and when we do, we say: Oh, we are human after all aren't we?
-Cheating propensity (Vipralipsa) - To propagate falsehood, to present yourself as something you are not. For example foolish people who pose themselves as intelligent
ŚB 12.3.52
कृते यद्ध्यायतो विष्णुं त्रेतायां यजतो मखै: ।
द्वापरे परिचर्यायां कलौ तद्धरिकीर्तनात् ॥ ५२ ॥
kṛte yad dhyāyato viṣṇuṁ
tretāyāṁ yajato makhaiḥ
dvāpare paricaryāyāṁ
kalau tad dhari-kīrtanāt
kṛte — in the Satya-yuga; yat — which; dhyāyataḥ — from meditation; viṣṇum — on Lord Viṣṇu; tretāyām — in the Tretā-yuga; yajataḥ — from worshiping; makhaiḥ — by performing sacrifices; dvāpare — in the age of Dvāpara; paricaryāyām — by worshiping the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa; kalau — in the Age of Kali; tat — that same result (can be achieved); hari-kīrtanāt — simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.
Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Viṣṇu, in Tretā-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvāpara-yuga by serving the Lord’s lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.
A similar verse is found in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (6.2.17), and also in the Padma Purāṇa (Uttara-khaṇḍa 72.25) and the Bṛhan-nāradīya Purāṇa (38.97):
dhyāyan kṛte yajan yajñais
tretāyāṁ dvāpare ’rcayan
yad āpnoti tad āpnoti
kalau saṅkīrtya keśavam
“Whatever is achieved by meditation in Satya-yuga, by the performance of sacrifice in Tretā-yuga, and by the worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet in Dvāpara-yuga is obtained in the Age of Kali simply by glorifying the name of Lord Keśava.”
Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī has further quoted from the Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa concerning the degraded condition of people in Kali-yuga:
ataḥ kalau tapo-yoga-
vidyā-yajñādikāḥ kriyāḥ
sāṅgā bhavanti na kṛtāḥ
kuśalair api dehibhiḥ
“Thus in the Age of Kali the practices of austerity, yoga meditation, Deity worship, sacrifice and so on, along with their various subsidiary functions, are not properly carried out, even by the most expert embodied souls.”
Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī has also cited the Cāturmāsya-māhātmya of the Skanda Purāṇa concerning the necessity of chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa in this age:
tathā caivottamaṁ loke
tapaḥ śrī-hari-kīrtanam
kalau yuge viśeṣeṇa
viṣṇu-prītyai samācaret
“In this way the most perfect penance to be executed in this world is the chanting of the name of Lord Śrī Hari. Especially in the Age of Kali, one can satisfy the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu by performing saṅkīrtana.”
In conclusion, massive propaganda should be made all over the world to induce people to chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, by which human society can be rescued from the dangerous ocean of the Age of Kali.
Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Twelfth Canto, Third Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “The Bhūmi-gītā.”
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