#akechi x pancakes
vvyvernicus · 10 months
I heard you like Pankechi.
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vetiverreverie · 2 months
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Look at this little gayboy…..
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lake-archive · 1 month
A Tank Filled With Lies
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AO3 Link - Persona 5 Jester's Expansion Masterlist
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC), Goro Akechi
Pairing: Lukanjakechi
Words: 1,700
Summary: An aquarium date... Even if they did not call it at the time... And yet even during that time they just can't be honest with him. It was too early for that.
It was sudden when they were asked over text about the following…
‘Someone handed me two tickets to the aquarium again.
Would you like to accompany me tomorrow? ’
This was baffling, them having been asked. Actually, it became more and more frequent as the days passed, with them being asked to ‘come along’ more frequently. All because Akechi just happened to get some things. That or he needed to go somewhere with company, because going alone would be dull or something of the like. Well, it was not as if they wanted to refuse, far from it. Any chance they got they took. It wasn’t as if this wasn’t fun after all. Though an aquarium, they never had considered visiting one. Then again, they barely had gotten out before to begin with. After all, they had no reason to. All they could really do was write and play games the entire time to keep themself entertained. And honestly they were convinced that this was all they had ever needed. There was no such need for anything else nor hanging out really. They could keep themself busy and entertained, no need for anyone else to be in the picture! Well, that had been their mindset for some time yet recently it had changed, somewhat. 
They had read about it all in some manga, when two people would hang out at an aquarium. Usually it was in the context of a ‘date’ yet this was anything but a date. At least they thought that it had not been Akechi’s intention. And two people could just visit a place and hang out. The two saw it as part of their job, becoming closer to ensure better cooperation. This trip was just a chance for that and they fully understood that part. So they were not reading too much into any of this. Just to ensure a better cooperation, nothing else, even if their mind was wandering to maybe some wishful thinking.
But it was also easy to witness how they got swept away by this all of a sudden. The aquarium in question was one located in Shinagawa. They had heard things from others, mostly from female friends who had been there before with (at the time) their time boyfriends. Just how massive it is and how the atmosphere was just right with the massive tanks, the blue light shining through thanks to the dim light inside the room itself. Not just that but they loved the tunnel especially, the one which made you feel as if you were almost in there, in between the fish swimming around. They found it hard to believe at first and had rolled their eyes at that. It was just some place to look at fish, what was the big deal? They found it lovely yet they could barely wrap their head around it. 
But now they were proven wrong. It was a ‘you have to be there to believe it’ type of deal. Because once they had set a foot into this tunnel they were… Taken aback, oddly enough. It was probably the highlight of the day… As ironic as it was. That and maybe the lesson on various fish specieses had gotten a little old. Akechi sure was trying there yet honestly only half the information would stay in their brain if lucky. Then again, they had also asked him silly questions in between which made him drop his head in defeat or shake it. His expressions were hilarious, to say the least.
In any case, back to the aquarium tunnel! They were looking around, watching the fish just passing by. The glass was in between, yes, yet it did not break the immersion, not necessarily. They looked up at the ceiling and then down on the ground. They were surrounded by water. If any of these glasses would break, water would leak out and it would probably not be so great for them. However, as long as they stayed dry, they didn’t seem to mind much if at all. 
Each step they took was met with another fascinated expression, unable to hold back their grin. It was actually… Impressive. Being part of the bottom of an ocean yet not getting wet. Or walking through a massive fish tank! Oh oh, and all the fish! They made it colorful! Their different shapes and colors pass by, making this less dull. Not just that but also the different sizes, some being bigger than the others. It was all uneven yet that was what made this a sight all the same. And then being surrounded by this blue light shining down, giving it all a certain bluish tone. It was a little dark yet it was still easy to see the surroundings as well as the other people. The sight was one which they could hardly forget and it made them curiously walk around. They just couldn’t stop moving their legs, said legs carrying them simply on their own. Looking and looking, unable to tear their eyes away… That was until they heard someone speak up… 
“You’re enjoying yourself more than anticipated.” It was Akechi’s voice, calm yet a light chuckle audible. It made them turn back for a moment, looking right at him, probably visible embarrassment on their face.
“Ahaha, is it that obvious?”
“It is. After all, you can hardly keep anything a secret. A terrible liar, if you will.”
“H… Hey! What’s that supposed to—”
“And probably the favorite suspect to interview~” He continued, the tone slightly teasing as he had that smile on his face. Though it was not one of the usual smiles he would put on public display, no, it had… Somewhat of a teasing playfulness around it, as if mocking them in some way.
“Do you have to put it like that!?” They asked in a bit of a shock, then a slight pout gracing their face. Or ‘gracing’ rather… 
“Haha, sorry. I couldn’t hold back that little quip~”
“As if you’re sorry…”
“Hmm… True, I’m not exactly sorry for stating a fact.” He then stepped closer, soon standing right next to them again. They had just then noticed that they had been walking right ahead. Was that how much they were running around at that point? Almost embarrassing… 
“What? Are you saying that I can’t act?” They asked while crossing their arms. 
“Preciesely. A terrible actor or actress, whichever you may prefer at the time.”
“I… I let you know that I’m perfectly capable of acting! Besides, lying and acting are not the same!”
“Oh, they aren’t? But if you presume a role in the public eye, isn’t that lying to your peers?”
That… They went silent for a moment. Acting in a way society expects it… Two roles… Hiding one side from them… Acting as if you are two different people… And Akechi may have to feel similarly. Because there was no way that there was someone ‘perfect’. He only showed what the public wanted, what they wanted him to be like. That took no genius to figure out yet the general public has been blinded either way. Regardless, was that the angel he saw it from? Because if he phrases it like that… “W… Well…”
They saw him turn to them, that light smirk on his face, as if up to something again. “Then please, enlighten me… Tell me if you are enjoying yourself or not. As a lie of course.” He said it out loud, challenging them right on the spot, no preparation whatsoever.
They flinched for a second, fumbling around for a good few seconds. They were supposed to lie!? He wanted to hear them say that they didn’t!? W… Well… How were they supposed to even– 
“I… I… I… do not… I do not… Well… I don’t—” They noticed their own non stop stuttering, this not wanting to escape their lips. They had to say how they didn’t enjoy this. And yet it never wanted to leave their lips. But how could it!? Saying it right into his face… How they didn’t like this!? That was just… It was absurd!
“I enjoy it a bunch actually!” They responded, shooting it out rather bluntly. It had him in a quick shock, they could see it on his face. It was as if it was something he didn’t expect to hear, even less when they added with a sheepish smile: “I can’t lie about that, sorry. It just feels wrong to do so…”
“A… Ah… I see…” He responded, first mumbling it, as if he was trying to find the right words, funnily enough. “That… Just proves my point.”
“Maybe so but… It’s probably just that I can’t exactly lie towards you maybe? Ever thought about that?”
Akechi turned then fully back to them, just eyeing them with a face of many questions. He just got more and more caught off guard, didn’t he? At least that was their guess. “You… Can’t? Really?”
They nodded. “Yeah. It just feels wrong… If that makes sense.”
He seemed to be truly speechless for a moment, his lips trembling. Did he want to say something or what had been going on in his mind right now? At the time they couldn’t tell, not by much at least. And maybe even now it was a little unclear. Yet they could only guess what he alluded to… And even then in that moment all guesses would have been incorrect. “You’re placing too much trust into me…” He soon said out loud. “Being so honest with me might be the end of you.”
“Will it?” They asked before letting out a soft huff, unable to hold back that grin on their face when looking at him. “I don’t get it. But… Then so be it~”
“Huh? Are you serious? Even if you have no idea?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Because who cares? Only the moment matters right now, doesn’t it~?”
Not like they were being completely honest with him either right now… This was a bit of a lie they had told him. But there will be a day where they can be honest to him… Even if it will be a mistake.
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mikeyismyboyfriend · 10 months
(Hey I'm back after 300 years
Anyways take a P5 x Reader headcanon thing AHSYJSJRIDHKS)
Persona 5 Thieves x Reader
Cuddling and what they're up for
Ren/Akira is mostly indifferent with it, but bro is down for anything. Snuggles? Sure. Basic cuddles? Of course. Lap cuddles? Fuck it why not. And he's damn good at it too. Protagonist power goes nuts.
Ryuji is kinda nervous about it at first but he gets used to it. Sleeps on your shoulder at least weekly and at most after five weeks.
(Platonic) Morgana is a cat. Daily.
Ann is the type of girl to say she likes to cuddle and only knows basic cuddling. You hold her and she holds you. She's alright at it, but it's her voice that does it in. It just feels so soothing.
Yusuke sees cuddling as an art form once you introduce him to it. You two will cuddle in the most extravagant poses for no reason. Not much else to it.
Makoto is incredibly inexperienced and incredibly nervous. But when she learns you will get lap cuddles all day. She likes to play with your hair and it's instantly relaxing.
Futaba is just all over you, she loves it. Whether it's because she had a stressful day or what have you. You are always the big spoon, no objections. She falls asleep instantly.
Haru is avid in cuddling. She reads a lot of romance books so she knows a thing or two. She's strong, but gentle. She is always the big spoon and whispers sweet nothings in your ear. She'll ask if you want her to give you head scratches or anything while she holds you. 10/10.
Akechi is... an interesting case. Pancake boy Akechi is always willing, but Murder Death Akechi will tell you no, straight up. He's a Two Face. Depends on the day. He holds you protectively even though there's nobody but you and him. You will not escape.
Sumire is a mix of Ann and Makoto. Super nervous at first, but says she likes to yet only knows basic cuddling. Her voice helps too, it sounds really sweet. That and she'll give you positive affirmation.
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icespur · 11 months
Akeshu/ShuAke proposal but they both planned to propose and it quickly turns into a competitive game of trying to one up the other in increasingly extravagant proposal methods.
"You look flustered."
"Uh----well, I----"
"Just spit it out, I won't bite."
Akiren quickly brings out a tiny box, and slides it over to Akechi. There's a pause, Akiren looking away in embarrassment, Goro staring at the box before slowly opening it.
"You fool---" Akiren looks back at Akechi, startled by his voice and worried it was a direct refusal.
"I should have known you'd try something like this--" A sly smirk on Akechi's face.
As if slamming down a game breaking playing card, Akechi dramatically places a slightly bigger box, already open displaying the shiny engagement ring.
Akiren suddenly bursts into maniacal evil villain worthy laughter, the shy embarrassed facade completely gone. "You fell for my trap detective, now I show my real hand!"
Plops a second also already open engagement ring box, same color as Akechi's but with an embroidered romantic message on it, also taped to the open engagement box an engagement written on a signature Phantom Thieves Calling Card.
Akechi stands up, Last Surprise music starts up in the background. "You think I'd be moved so easily by such a predictable gesture via cute nod to your alter ego, two can play at that game!"
*Akechi rips off his current outfit, revealing a Prince attire straight out of a storybook. He spreads his right arm out, as on cue seeming out of nowhere a Crow flies though the window, and lands perched on Akechi's arm, a custom made bird themed ring between its beak.
Akiren stands up from his own seat, to match the same energy, claiming he's got something better.
In the background, a random family sits at their own dining table, a little boy approximately seven to nine lightly tugs at his mom's sleeve and innocently asks why the two boys across from them are yelling and throwing engagement rings at each other.
The competition keeps increasing, Akechi snaps his fingers and a random dart flies through the window, nearly hitting Akiren but landing in a wooden beam luckily. Paper wrapped around the dart unfurls upon contact revealing a "Be Mine" message, surrounded with Diamonds and Roses.
Akiren points Akechi's attention to a TV in the Diner broadcasting the news about a crowd in utter bewilderment of the giant TV screen showing a cryptic video of an animation of Crows flying and black cats following by, text saying: May I Steal Your Heart And Hand? Ending with an image of two Engagement Rings crossing in an X position.
It all eventually culminates in Akiren whipping out a walkie talkie, ordering "Bring It In". Yusuke, Ann, and Haru come bursting through the door wheeling a waiter food cart, a large plate of pancakes towered to almost touching the ceiling. Delicately placed at the top a lone diamond ring.
Before Akechi can open his mouth to respond to either pull out another trick or accept, Maruki--who has been sitting behind them in trenchcoat and hat and not-at-all-intentionally-spying-on-them, breaks the silence and blowing his cover by yelling in exasperated frustration "JUST SAY 'YES' ALREADY!"
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boonsmoon · 11 months
Emoji = Genre Request
Oneshot 🎉
Headcanons 🎊
Fluff 🌸
Angst 🥀
Character x reader (m + f) 💞
Character x character 💕
Platonic 🪭
Romantic 🧪
Ragna Crimson: Traitors Love (Series) Be Your Inspiration (Crimson x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪 Betrayal (Crimson x m!reader)🎉🥀💞🧪 Jealousy Of A Magician (Crimson x m!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪 Record of Ragnarok (RoR): Funny Bunny (Buddha x f bunny!reader)🎊🌸💞🧪 Funny Bunny (Qin Shi Huang x f bunny!reader)🎊🌸💞🧪 Together in Death (Hades x f Anubis!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪 Howl's Moving Castle (Movie): N/A Legend of Zelda (LoZ): N/A Heaven Official's Blessing (TCGF): Kiss of Winter (Mu Qing x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪 Unrequited Love (Mu Qing x f!reader)🎊🥀💞🧪 Foundation of Love(1) (Mu Qing x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🪭 Foundation of Love(2) (Mu Qing x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪 Puddles of Bliss (Mu Qing x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🪭 Jealous of a Cat (Hua Cheng x f!reader)🎊🌸💞🧪 Jealous of a Cat (Hualian)🎊🌸💕🧪 The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS): N/A Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (MGRR): N/A Devil May Cry (DMC): Split in Two (Mini-Series) A Date With Date (ADWD): N/A Other: Pancakes in Spring (Goro Akechi x f!reader)🎉🌸💞🧪
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liquidlycan · 5 months
Goro akechi stimboard??
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with themes of crows, coffee, and delicious pancakes...
cw food
requested by anon
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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kirakirastims · 11 months
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˚₊‧꒰ა 🥞 ✮⋆˙ ~ Goro Akechi stimboard for myself! The pancake slime is a personal favourite heheh☆☆
(OH YEAH and I forgot to turn on asks, but they’re on now! Feel free to request!!)
x x x / x x x / x x x
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akirawrites24 · 1 year
Can I request HC of Goro Akechi who his an older sister (she is also his a title as the Ace Attorney) and takes his place as the black mask (but plot twist she also become a model Idol/older sister figure for the phantom Thieves and doesn't hold anything against them and no they didn't know she was a persona user)
Yes, because Akechi is best boi. Also, there is a bit of Akeshu here.
Goro Akechi x Sister!Reader
Fandom: Persona 5
You refuse to tell him that you are an assassin and you found their father.
Akechi is still the Ace Detective, and it is real this time.
You found Shido when you were 16, and are working for him for 4 years now.
Shido promised to keep you and your brother wealthy for as long you work for him.
You are an Ace Attorney and win the cases you caused of course.
You met the Phantom Thieves when you came to pick up Goro, and yes, you made the pancake comment.
Goro was wondering what you were talking about as no one was talking about pancakes. (As he has never been in the Metaverse, he can't hear Morgana, so it was just a cat he heard meowing)
You got pissed off when Akechi found out about the Metaverse after the Phantom Thieves ended up dragging him in Okumura's palace.
He joined the Phantom Thieves, hoping to find the Black Mask (you) and stop the mental shutdowns and breakdowns once and for all.
After doing Sae's Palace, the ambush was still there, but was not Akechi's fault. It was yours.
Unfortunately, they didn't know a plan would be needed, so Joker did die.
When Akechi found out it was you all along (he noticed your strange behavior recently) he screamed at you and how he loved Joker and you took him away from him.
Yeah, he wants to turn you in, but has no proof.
Good luck fixing this sibling relationship.
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nyxcaelum · 1 year
My Fanfics Masterpost
These will be sorted by length, and each by fandom underneath. They are all on AO3, I moved all my works to their archive.
I keep this list up to date as good as I can. In this case, all fics unless stated otherwise are written romantically, just to make it easier I use & instead of / for the Ships.
Works in Collections will not be listed each one by one, but instead can be found under the "Collection" tab.
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Yuukoku no Moriarty/Moriarty the Patriot
Rated 18+: All are Sherliam unless noted otherwise
Three Minutes in Heaven
The color of Depression - Albert & Mycroft
Sinful Indulgence
Desire, Flavor, Bliss
On Fire
General Audiences, Teen and Up:
Memories lost at Sea
Watching Fireworks together
Dancing in the Moonlight with you
Between Strawberry cake and coffee
And we took the leap (explicit), Vash x Wolfwood
Love your next like you love your coffee, with or without milk and sugar. (CW: Incest) Plantwood /Vash x Wolfwood x Nai
Bungo Stray Dogs
Kissing Strangers
Addictive Whispering
Oda & Ango:
A Promise of a lifetime
Sunshine & Pancakes
I´ve always liked you, you know
Hypnosis Mic
A heartfelt talk at dusk - Hitoya & Jakurai
Sugary sweet Sleepover time - Fling Posse Fluff
Drunken Confessions - Doppo & Hifumi
Signs of Love - Protag/Akira & Akechi
Cold, cold, twisted hearts and an unusual proposition - Doctor & SilverAsh & Gnosis
Sk8 the Infinity
Usagi to Yuki - Reki & Langa
Prickly like Soda, Sweet like Juice - Reki & Langa - unfinished, probably will never finish it
Shall we Date? Obey me!
Maybe you´re the reason I can´t sleep - MC & Belphie Sleepy Fluff
Idolish 7
A Confession - Tsumugi & Gaku
Vanitas no Carte
Tarte Tatin, for my beloved - Vanitas & Noe
Fate Series
Under the Christmas Tree in NY - Saber & Gilgamesh (was a work for secret santa)
Be naughty and you pay the price- Gil & Gudako R18
Dango, Dango - Miyamoto Iori & Yamato Takeru
In rememberance of a good time gone by - Bazett & Krei R18 + Warnings apply!
Deeds, not words - Ritsuka & Murasaki Shikibou
Oh so bitter sweet, is young love - Gray & Waver Velvet
And do they? - Roy & Riza
Fairy Tail
A drop of Sake - Jellal & Erza
Tears of Themis
Curry together tastes better than having it alone - Rosa & Vyn
Honkai Star Rail
Always make sure to pay your bottoms well - Sampo & Stelle R18
Desire and blood, between spider lilies of another world - Luocha & Blade R18 - Collab Event Fic
Ohh to be the ducky in his tub... - Ratio & Stelle R18
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Sleeping Together - NuCarnival Fluff One Shots (All guys)
Tunas DOA & Hunting Dogs Crack One Shot collection
Tunas Genshin Reader Fics (Eng, Ger, and 18+ available separately inside)
Tunas Writing Requests (EN, mostly Prompts Fulfillfing for Fate Series Kink Prompts. Some 18+)
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Yuukoku no Moriarty/Moriarty the Patriot
Oh woe me, my sick heart - Will & Sherlock
In solving Crimes, we find Love - Will & Sherlock
Tales of
The sun and the moon and the stars Mikleo & Sorey mainly
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These are all basically German works.
Nur jeweils eine Fic:
When the Devil meets the Fox - BSD Soukoku
Empty Dreams - LoL SettPhel
-> LoL Novel lange Fanfic Collection
Cantarella - Arknights Doctor & SilverAsh
Blindfold of Love - Riza & Roy
Mein Servant und Ich - Fate Grand Order Misc. Geschichten
Rabenschwarz - Tekken Jin & Reader
The little Sweets - My Hero Academia - Ochako & Bakugo
In the name of Love! - Soul Eater - Blackstar & Tsubaki
At the end of a long escape - Resident Evil - Sherry & Jake
Grandiose Stadt - TEWY - OC & Joshua - freundschaftliches Ship
Der der die Sonne stahl - Noragami - Iki & Yato
Winterwunder und blaue Jeans - Miraculous Ladybug - Adrien & Marinette
Schwarzer Kaffee - Protag/Akira & Makoto
About the Pleasant Boy - Nur Goro Akechi
Tales of
Abends in der Taverne - Zaveid & Eizen
Memories of Brother - Eizen & Edna Drama
The tale of the time traveling Girl - OC/Autor Insert & Zaveid
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy x Reader Short Stories - Collab mit Schwester , mit den 15. Protagonisten
Nacht des Kristalls - Generelles Abenteuer mit Luna, Noctis, Ignis in AU
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jester-writing · 2 years
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I posted 2,537 times in 2022
That's 2,537 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (2%)
2,479 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 209 of my posts in 2022
#jester speaks - 33 posts
#legends arceus au - 26 posts
#p5xpla - 21 posts
#persona 5 au - 19 posts
#tma - 12 posts
#writing - 12 posts
#subway boss ingo - 8 posts
#fun times in the discord server - 7 posts
#persona 5 - 7 posts
#prev tags - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#i am so hard wired for the mag 160 statement that i saw hello next to sorry jon and thought about that
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really should get back to writing.
10 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Persona 5 and Legends Arceus have taken over my brain, so with the help of the Twin Spirits Au discord server (thanks @mass-piplup-outbreak ) I made a crossover au.
It has:
Rei in the role Ren/ Joker.
Akari in the role of Ryuji.
Adaman in the role of Ann.
Giratina simultaneously in the role of Morgana (Girgana) and another.
Arceus in the role of Igor and another.
Dialga and Palkia in the role of Caroline and Justine.
Kamado in the role of the Principal and the first palace. (Kamoshida get wrecked)
Melli in the role of Yusuke
Cyllene in the role of Makoto
Cyrus in the role of Sae
Irida in the role of Haru
Prof. Laventon in the role of Mishima
Ingo and Emmet in the role of Futaba
Drayden in the role of Sojiro
Volo in the role of Mr. Pancakes himself Akechi
And in the role of Shido...
Drum roll please
Feel free to ask questions regarding this and check out @mass-piplup-outbreak 's Twin Spirits au.
17 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Whoops! Made another au.
Ingo gets sent to the past with an old radio that his father used to mess around with. He only has memories of his name and how to operate the radio. It is constantly on and scanning frequencies.
One day, after 4 years of living in Hisui, the radio picks up someone. Ingo scrambles to answer hoping that the person on the other end would have answers about himself and the strange radio. The person on the other end introduces herself as Johanna.
Yes this is building up to an eventual Ingo x Johanna
19 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
I had to make up so many names. Why doesn't Game Freak give us full names?
21 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Y'all need to see this wizard I found in my piano book.
@evilwizard @normal-horoscopes
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See the full post
3,042 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Akechi: Look, I don’t care about your past.
Akechi: I don’t care where you’re from...
Akechi: Whether you don’t get along with your family...
Akechi: Or even if you used to be a criminal.
Akira, teary eyed: Oh Akechi, that’s so sweet-
Akechi: BUT...
Akechi: *voice deepens* If you EVER dare to touch my pancakes again, I will kill you on the spot.
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echodelta36 · 4 years
People say Akechi is gay. Others think he’s bi. I say he’s attracted to pancakes XD
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lake-archive · 2 months
Scene 38
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC), Goro Akechi
Scene 37 - Masterlist - Scene 39
The 18th of July, the day of the festival! Or so it had been planned but… Ugh, talk about inconvenience. Honestly, maybe they had secretly been looking forward to that. Maybe more than they should have been looking forward to it or them wanting to admit to it. They even wanted to pick out a yukata for this occasion. And before knowing it they had been almost eager to follow that date plan. No, this wasn’t a—
Actually, who were they even lying to? Investigating was one thing and they could separate the two. But some personal fun… In hopes to get closer. But even then the progress was… Nonexistent. In fact, has there ever been progress? Even when the two met up at the station. They were ready to brush it off yet once the rain had started the mood just went sour. Get shelter for a short while and that was what happened. They were standing there as Anja, right next to Akechi yet it has been silent since. 
“Talk about a ruined occasion. But what can you do?” He sighed, an attempt to start a conversation maybe. But it would be just the same mundane one again. Like the two had been at it for months. If there was fun involved maybe they could look past that but… Not now. It has been months and they still had to listen to his voice. This softness is still a shallow one all the same. It was just… They couldn’t take it. It made this all difficult. “A shame. Even after making some time.”
“Y… Yeah…” Anja agreed and that was true. But they really couldn’t hide it. Day in and out they just played pretend, the both of them. And for what exactly? It was just… Hah, maybe the rain was bringing the mood down. Maybe that was why they were a little more tense. Well, not just that but it was a big contributor. Actually, while he was talking they just couldn’t face him, at all. 
“Are you really going to make a long face because of the rain? That’s not like you at all.”
“I was just looking forward to it all… And then they cancel the festival altogether.” But that was not the only reason. “I wanted to enjoy it at least a little bit.”
“There’s always a next time, isn’t there?”
“M… Maybe… I suppose…” And yet they let out the sigh, leaning against the wall nearby. No, this was not why they were in such a sour mood. There was a bigger reason. But when to bring it up? Why did they even feel like suddenly bringing it up? Was it because the two were spending more time together than usual due to this investigation thing? They were looking at him from a different perspective but… 
“Don’t tell me you’re going to act like a little kid now.”
“Can you not talk like that? That tone of yours is annoying.” Ah— It suddenly slipped out. Drat! That was not the intention! 
They didn’t need to see him to hear the confusion on his face. That gasp had said it all. “My tone? Was what I said inappropriate?”
“Ah… That’s not what I—” Anja turned their head towards Akechi again, coming face to face with him. They wanted to say it. They had started now but… Looking at him now… Did he even know what they meant? And besides, this came out of nowhere. They felt more embarrassed however. And worst of all, he didn’t say anything. He was waiting for their response. Hence why they let out a nervous smile all of a sudden. Even they knew that it was forced. Yet they kept their upbeat tone as well. “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. The rain’s got me in a bad mood.” A lie, wasn’t it? Again… They started to lie to him.
“Just the rain huh…” He said, leaving a small pause in between. Before something got him to chuckle all of a sudden… ‘Hey! Wipe that smirk off your face!’ It was what they wanted to say but it didn’t come out of their mouth. “I didn’t know that you could be so childish.”
Akechi had said this with no hesitation whatsoever. In fact he was awfully confident in this observation and it drove them a little insane in the head. Was that part of the act? Or was that him talking!? Though he had dropped the tone a little, there was a hint of snark in there… Or they were imagining it. Though it was a little different from the usual suddenly. Or that was wishful thinking. “Who said I couldn’t be?”
“If you don’t watch it people will call you a brat.”
“Then they can~” Anja huffed, turning away… For a short moment. Because he had the audacity to counter it in a way they did not expect.
“So you won’t mind if I called you brat? Because that’s what you act like sometimes.” It was… Wait, hold on what—
“H… Hey! No fair! Unless you want a stupid nickname too!” They retorted quickly, though they could feel some redness… Ah, what were they doing at this point!? But it got him to hold back from laughing. They could see it again, how he was just trying not to let it slip. 
“I’ve had worse from you than a nickname.”
“What’s with you today? Being like that out of nowhere.” They had decided to point it out yet the moment they did they noticed him suddenly dropping that smirk. Instead he looked shocked, then embarrassed before suddenly turning away. Wait… Did he not notice or something? “Akechi? Are you ok? Is it the wea—”
“Ah!I almost forgot, I have to take my leave!” He interrupted them however. “You know how it is! I… Bye!”
And before they could ask something else they saw him running off, not even facing them. And it had them confused. What was that? Huh, weird… Maybe his mask slipped? The thought of that made them smile a little. His masking slipping off, just like that… Naturally… 
Actually, if this was what Akechi was actually like… Then they wouldn’t mind seeing it more often. Beats the ‘Perfect Prince’ personality for sure. 
“Well, looks like I won’t point it out next time then~”
Scene 37 - Masterlist - Scene 39
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daskpr01 · 6 years
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If Akechi doesn’t mention or eat pancakes at some point, I swear to god I’m flipping tables.
92 notes · View notes
sarah-bbee · 2 years
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In the case of Goro
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