lostuntothisworld · 6 months
Okay so I think it's time for another spaghetti theory:
Lilamoth isn't collecting moms. She's collecting sisters (or siblings)
Let me explain my thought process here. So a big complaint the fandom has is that we don't have a proper rogue gallery for villains. It's just the butterfly, and nothing else. It worked for early seasons, but things might be getting stale for some folks.
Enter new characters connected to Lilamoth somehow.
So she has 3 moms so far (that we know about.) All but one have something in common: dark hair and blue eyes.
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From left to right we have Mrs. Rossi (red), Mrs. Bianca (white), and her third mother who is deaf could possibly be Mrs. Verdi (green).
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Then we have this fourth lady that we see Lilamoth watching on her phone in the season 5 finale. I would NOT be surprised if Odille is going to be her 4th mom. Dark hair and blue eyes, and she is also disabled, just like her third mom.
(And I would not be surprised if we find out her surname is Nero (black), or Viola (violet). More on that aspect of this crack theory in a bit...)
Anyway, back to the concept of a rogues gallery. In the finale we see Lila in a disguise that 's VERY reminiscent of one of her moms:
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Certainly she can't expect to disguise herself as a woman in her 30's-40's, and especially not with glasses and bangs. But she can pass reasonably as a teenage girl with a dark bob and glasses. You know, a sister.
So we know a certain main character whose name is in the title and wears red with black polkadots has dark hair and blue eyes. We don't know Lilamoth's motivations and and end goal, but we can surmise that she wants to take the place of Marinette.
(And I KNOW I've seen at least one other person theorize this, and I cannot find the post(s) so if you can find it please let me know so I can link it here!)
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The pictures we see is one of Marinette with her classmates on the Liberty where Zoe is accepted in the friend group, Marinette with her parents, 3 pictures of Marinette with Kagami, and one picture of Marinette with Luka.
It's interesting to note that there isn't a picture of Marinette and Adrien together shown to the audience. You'd think they'd emphasize that, but no, it's mostly Kagami. I know it's because it's because the episode focuses on Kagami, but still. Other than her, it's just Marinette's parents, Zoe and Luka (Luka! Marinette's ex!) showcased in the closeup screenshot.
I got sidetracked! Anyway, I think other than similar coloring (and color-themed surnames haha) Lilamoth is trying to find other teenagers who are willing to join forces with her. She probably will get her hands on some Miraculous for them, somehow. But I don't think the new jewels will be from the Chinese box.
Here's where things start REALLY going off the rails with this theory:
All of Lilamoth's rogue gallery of villains are her adopted sisters (or siblings) and they are all Luka's exes. He's got a type for Italians with dark hair and blue eyes...
Going back to the surnames, all the surnames have something in common: they share the colors of all of Adrien's various transformations over the course of the series so far:
Rossi: Mister Bug
Bianca: Chat Blanc
Verdi: Aspik
We're just missing Chat Noir (could possibly will be the surname Nero, as it's Italian)
and Ephemeral (it's interesting to note that the surname Lee in Chinese can mean plum, which of course, is purple)
So naturally, my crack theory circles back to Lukadrien is endgame.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
{{{{{{Edit as of April 3, 2024.}}}}}
I will NOT be surprised if this girl with black hair in an extremely recognizable style is a disguise of another sister.
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Is Lilamoth collecting blackmail to manipulate them later? She's very obviously walking disguised in areas where there would be lots of cameras (The inside of the Agreste mansion, and the hotel).
(Edit as of April 27, 2024!)
Now we know the synopsis of the London Special, I believe the disguises are to hide Lilamoth's tracks because she knows Maribug's identity. Bonus points if these girls were previous Ladybugs in past time lines that Lilamoth stole the identities of...
[[[Edit: May 4, 2024]]]
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I think I found the names of the previous Ladybugs: Marina, Shone, and Mio. (Please enjoy a silly extremely rough draft of where I'd personally go with the show)
As for the rest of the spray paint on the walls, this mural is an actual feature of the Paris Catacombs:
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And while I think that most of the other tags on the wall are functionally meaningless and just there for ambiance, I do find the 777-777 tag to be of note. 7 Ladybugs till Lilamoth's goal? What's the deal with the arrows and the floating away 3 7's? Are 3 already "gone"??? Fascinating stuff! My mind is reeling!
[Edit for May 6, 2024]
Possibly figured out the source of the lightning in the season 5 finale. For whatever reason it's not showing up in the tags lmfao tungle is a functional website
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raindear-a · 1 year
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I drew all the character I root for in the series!
Root for the villains? The antagonists?
Um.. yea
I know they will end up losing just like every other predictable plot out there but at least it’s feels better than rooting for the protagonist in this series somehow 😔🤷‍♀️
Personally tho
And I love how the three (Chloe, Luka, Kagami) is the only three who got more than one akumatized form.
Especially Chloe (my queen👑🐝)
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 11 months
And if this world won't write me an ending
How can I write love into reality?
(read tags for tws)
Marinette woke up, and she was a normal girl, with a normal life.
She got ready like every other normal girl. She would tumble out of bed, eat a banana, brush her teeth, do her homework minutes before she had to leave for class, do her hair…
She hummed to herself as she brushed her hair, forcing it into her signature pigtails, tying little ribbons around them and smiling at the way the bows bounced, at the way they stuck up like miniature antennae.
She turned her head to the side, her mouth opening, ready to ask for another opinion…
But there was no one there.
Of course there was no one there. Why would there be someone in her room?
She shook her head to herself, frowning, feeling lonely for a reason she couldn’t quite place.
Her phone buzzed. She pulled it out, expecting a text, and a tiny gasp left her when she realized that it was her alarm going off.
She yelped and started scooping everything from her desk into her backpack, not even bothering to try and keep the papers unwrinkled, and rushed out the door, zipping it closed as she went.
She was late, of course, how could you expect anything different? She was always late, she always seemed to get caught up doing other things. Or, at least, that was what she claimed, terrible excuses spilling out of her mouth with reckless abandon so she wouldn’t have to admit the truth. Not because it was bad, just embarassing. In reality, she often found that time slipped by her for no reason at all. Sometimes, she wondered just how long she could go on, sitting and doing nothing, letting time pass her by.
The doorknob to the classroom clicked, and she was jolted back into her body at the unexpected sound. The door was new, or at least it was supposed to be, it had been destroyed recently, though she couldn’t exactly remember how. It shouldn’t have clicked – never had before – and she took this as a sign to pay more attention to her surroundings.
What was she thinking?
She shook her head to herself. There she went again, always thinking about something else.
She slipped into the class, sending her teacher a halfhearted excuse about her alarm that was only met with an exasperated smile, and then headed to her seat. She sent Nino a wave, and he glanced up from where he was totally not playing on his phone in the back of the class briefly to send her a smile.
She took her usual spot by Alya, and pulled out her things. Her eyes flicked to see what page of the textbook they were on, and it didn’t take long before she was dragged into the monotony of a normal school day.
Her fingers tugged on her earlobe as she listened to her teacher explain Shakespeare book #61255, playing with the place where she had had her ears pierced as a toddler, wondering why she was bothered by the fact that she hadn’t opted to wear any earrings that morning.
A boy with blue hair made his way into the room, and she swore for a moment that her heart might just beat out of her chest.
She had been dating Luka for ages now, but he still gave her butterflies.
How could he not, when he smiled at her so dopily? When he took the time to give her a quick kiss before taking his usual seat in front of her? When he made bunny ears behind his sister’s head just to make Marinette smile?
Of course, he could definitely try putting in the effort to get to school on time, but she didn’t mind. She, of all people, could not judge him.
Not for that, at least.
She watched him, a smile playing across her lips. He was much more interesting than her literature lecture. She rested her head in her hand.
Alya punched her in the shoulder, and Marinette looked over to see her making a gagging gesture.
Marinette snorted. “It’s payback.”
Alya grinned. “Oh, yeah? For what?”
… for what?
Marinette looked at the seat in front of Alya for a second. It was just Juleka.
As always.
Except… Juleka hated sitting up front. Almost as much as Nino did.
Why was she sitting there? Because of Luka? Luka could have been convinced to sit in the back, he shouldn’t have cared…
She was starting to feel a little sick.
“For being evil, of course,” Marinette decided.
Alya laughed a little, rolling her eyes with a fond smile tugging at her lips. “You need to work on your comebacks.”
She searched through her pencil bag, in search of that singular red pen that she had to use for corrections, only to pause. Because it had a strange set of lines written into the inside of the canvas. And that, on its own, didn’t mean much. If you leave pencils in your pencil bag, it is pretty much inevitable that you will get some marks on it… but these lines were too dark, too deliberate.
They spelled something:
A minute shiver ran through her.
It was undeniably her own handwriting, though it looked rushed, frantic. Like that time she had realized ten minutes before class had started that an essay was due and had spent the next several minutes frantically scribbling down anything she could think of. But why would she have done this?
Why was that in her pencil bag? Had she gotten too sleep-deprived one day and, in a fit of rage over getting a bad score on something, scratched it in there? She didn’t think she would do that, but what other explanation was there?
What was wrong?
She could agree that something was off. She had felt strange all morning. But what was it?
A hand wrapped itself around her wrist in a vice grip, and she suddenly became all too aware of Luka’s face, so close to her own. He was her boyfriend – was he? since when? – she should be happy about this, but she couldn’t bring herself to be anything but utterly terrified. Her stomach twisted, bile rising in her throat.
Blue eyes were just a smidge too sharp as he stared at the word. His gaze cut to hers, and for just a second she realized that his face looked wrong. That his eyes were pupilless, yellow things, and if she really concentrated she could see two tiny clocks dancing in the irises, ticking down time she didn’t have.
“I have to give it to you, Marinette,” Luka said, his lips curling into a wry little smile that made her feel like ants were crawling up the back of her shirt. “You really are… smart.”
She tried to pull away from him, but his hand held tight.
She screamed, but no one seemed to hear, and she was left to try and wrestle away from him. But her body didn’t feel like her own, and she felt weaker than normal, and everything was wrong, and she knew, somewhere, somehow, that it was all for naught, anyway.
Marinette woke up, and she was a normal girl, with a normal life.
She got ready like every other normal girl. She would tumble out of bed, eat a banana, brush her teeth, do her homework minutes before she had to leave for class, do her hair…
She tilted her head this way and that in the mirror, looking for a hair out of place. She couldn’t see the back of her head, so she wasn’t sure how that looked, but the back of her head was the epitome of ‘out of sight out of mind’ in her not-so-humble opinion.
She nodded once to herself, deeming herself ready for the day.
And then glossy lips pulled into a frown.
When had she put on her clothes?
She squinted down at her usual outfit. She swore she hadn’t yet changed, she certainly wouldn’t fall asleep in jeans no matter how tired she was, she should not be in her clothes yet.
She… must have forgotten. Done it without thinking, as one normally does with things you do habitually. Like putting on clothes.
Except, Marinette put a lot of thought into her outfits. She was a future fashion designer, of course she put time and effort into looking good. It only made sense.
This… didn’t.
She ran a hand through her hair, pushing her bangs up and out of her eyes.
And then she headed to school. The traffic she sprinted past wasn’t quite as congested as it usually was. Despite all of the slowed cars, she didn’t spot a single wreck to cause them. The tardy bell didn’t sound quite as needlessly loud and annoying as she rushed to class. The doorknob clicked more than it was supposed to when she finally managed to fumble her way into turning it, her sweaty hands sliding right off. Nino was in the back, and Juleka was in the front.
Everything was wrong. Just ever so slightly off.
She wanted to go home, but even her home wasn’t safe, because her parents hadn’t been behind the counter, serving customers, when she’d left. Instead, they were having a ‘lazy day’, the sign in the bakery window declaring them ‘closed’. Not a single person paid the sign any mind, nor were any of the other bakeries in the surrounding area more full than usual.
Her hands gripped her hair, pulling, almost tearing it out at the roots. Alya was trying to talk to her, asking what was wrong in that concerned tone she always used, but was this actually Alya? Everything else was wrong, why should she believe any of it was real? Maybe this was just more of an accurate ruse than everything else.
The door opened, and Luka strolled in, heading towards his – it wasn’t his – seat.
Their eyes locked.
Her heart thudded in her chest, beating against the bars of her ribcage, as if trying to escape.
Luka tipped his head back in a groan.
Marinette woke up and she was a normal girl, with a normal life.
One who smiled when she saw that a contact in her phone, labeled ‘bf<3’, had sent her a good morning text.
Only to find that the text didn’t have the usual paw print beside the words.
Marinette woke up.
Marinette woke up and hissed out a curse when she saw her alarm hadn’t gone off. She glanced out the window to check the time.
There was nothing to see out the window. Just a pure white expanse.
Marinette woke up and laid there, not wanting to get up, dread unlike any she had ever felt before clinging to her, dragging her back into her too-plush bed. She didn’t know why she felt this way, but she did, and she wanted it gone.
What she wanted didn’t matter.
And she woke up.
She always woke up.
Marinette woke up and she was a normal girl with a normal life. Her head was buried in her arms, trying to ward off the hot sun and the even more scalding metal of the table she was leaning against. If she wasn’t careful burns would form even through her long sleeves.
Not that this was the biggest of her problems.
Her problem was –.
A finger poking her shoulder relentlessly. She lifted her head just enough to glower at the offender.
It was Alya, grinning widely at her. “Hey, sleeping beauty, we were gone for ten minutes.”
We? Marinette thought, her mind sluggish thanks to a bone-deep exhaustion that was less than normal, looking around to find Nino and… Luka?
No. It shouldn’t have been Luka. Who was it supposed to be?
Who was he replacing?
Either way, he was – he was wrong, and dangerous, and she needed to run.
The world whirled out of color before she had even gotten out of her chair. The last thing she saw was his frustrated expression.
Marinette woke up to something touching her cheek.
She peeked an eye open and found Luka standing over her, offering a bowl. She rolled her eyes just slightly at the offered food, taking the silverware. She shouldn’t be handling the hot plate with her bare hands, but it wasn’t like it mattered.
Because she was a baker’s daughter, and her hands were already hopelessly covered in callouses. A few more wouldn’t hurt her… or, well, they would, but she didn’t care enough to prevent this.
And the burns would be gone by the next reset, anyway.
She pulled it into her lap and smiled when he took a seat beside her with his own meal. If it could even be called that.
“Oh, wow, thanks for the gourmet meal,” she joked, twirling the ramen around her fork.
She hadn’t eaten in so long. Even this looked like heaven.
She didn’t need to eat at all.
He took a seat beside her, chuckling lightly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and dragging her into his side.
She sunk her knife into his eye.
Her last thought before his soft expression fell away, disappearing with the rest of the world, was wondering why he had even given her the stupid knife in the first place.
Marinette woke up and –.
Marinette woke up.
Marinette was –.
What was Marinette again?
Did it really matter if she woke up again?
She would always wake up again.
“Why?” Luka hissed, his fingers digging into her shirt, his nose so close to her own that she could feel his breath wash over her face. Despite the fact that he was practically panting in his rage, it was cold. “Why do you insist on making things difficult?”
She thought it over for a long moment.
And then she spat on his face.
He lifted a hand to rub it away, scowling.
“We can keep doing this forever, you know. No one is coming to save you – they couldn’t even if they tried. Everything you do, every breath you take, that all belongs to me, and I can take it away.”
“Do it, then,” she said, and she couldn’t help the way her voice cracked just slightly when she said it. Not because she was scared, but because she was only a step above begging. “Just… kill me, if it’s so difficult.”
He set his jaw.
And then he sighed, his forehead coming to rest against hers.
“I just want us to be together. And happy. Don’t you want to be happy?”
“I… I want to go home. That will make me happy.”
He closed his eyes, and he looked much more human like this. With the clocks in his irises hidden by long lashes.
It didn’t last long. He opened them again, a steely look on his face.
“We will be happy, I promise.”
Marinette woke up, and she was a normal girl, with a normal life.
Well, she wasn’t, but there was no point in saying otherwise, anyway.
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silentmagi · 11 months
Akumatized Ladybug vs. Rena Rouge, Carapace, Chat Noir, Ryuko, Viperion - But I Couldn’t See That The Monster Was Me
Standing over the broken, the beaten, and the damned heroes of Paris, Ladybug reflects on her victories of these monsters that wear the forms of her former allies. Little does she realize, the true monster is not without, but within.
The Stories Untold
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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maddascanbe-blog · 6 months
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Part 2 of the life-swap series! Oddly enough when I asked those close to me, none of them anticipated that I'd swap Chloe and Luka. Honestly it made more sense to me? Both have sisters, have at least one obscenely rich parent, and have crushed on the two leads?
Now onto the plot-
After finding out about the twins Jagged decided to battle for custody. He managed to get full custody of Luka, but not Juleka, and out of spit decided to cut the twins off from each other, causing Anarka to move to the the US. But despite having a young son now, this didn't stop Jagged from touring, often leaving Luka behind in Paris to be looked after by whoever was available. Even when he was in Paris he often avoided Luka, instead leaving Penny to watch him.
Luka grew up bitter at his fathers lack of care for him, and took it out on everyone around him. Mostly the staff of both Le Grande Pari, where he lives, as well as whatever caregiver his father/Penny had hired. When he went to school, he immediately began taking his anger out on everyone there too. Once Adrien's mom passed he took a special hatred to the blonde, in some ways seeing himself in Adrien. Both now children of single fathers, but Gabriel is in his sons life (whether that's good or bad doesn't matter to Luka).
And Luka, being an empath knows exactly how to get under ones skin. Because even if you don't show your emotions outwardly, he still can tell when he's struck gold. The only person he doesn't hate is Marinette, his childhood friend and the only person unaware of his attitude.
And yes, we are going for Cannon Chloe swap here, so no redemption for Luka. Sad. I'll draw Akuma-Viperion later.
Onto Chloe, once Andre found out about Audrey's infidelity he gave her two options. The first, he expose her and her career be permanently marred. Or she give him full custody of both Chloe and Zoe and the could divorce peacefully. Chloe hasn't seen her mom since she was 3 and quite frankly had no interest in her. Zoe only being a half sister to Chloe is a carefully guarded secret, one that Zoe thinks even Chloe doesn't know.
Chloe, not wanting to emulate her mother grew up with a very different mindset. Instead being taught that being both too aggressive and a pushover will lead to a mess. So she instead learns to govern her hive with a firm but steady hand. The staff of Le Grand Paris greatly respect her, and she is often the one sent to head off a Luka temper tantrum, as the only person unimpressed by both him and his father. She's more of an Clara Nightingale fan anyways.
She fast tracked her way through school, and decided to take Highschool online as to give herself more time to work both at the hotel and at her event planning company. As Queen Bee, she is fierce but kind. The favorite of the secondary heroes, since she is not only efficient at stopping the akuma, but will stick around to comfort and reassure both the victim and the civilians who were caught in the attack.
Due to her calm voice and good advice, Ladybug and Chat Noir have turned to her many times for comfort on both the chaos hero life and civilian troubles. She's always willing to listen when they need her. As such Hawkmoth sees her as the most beneficial to target. Only he seems scarred to akumatize her for some reason...
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lukaslosteyelashes · 14 days
Why is it important that Luka trained with Su-Han
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Luka found out Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s true identity in "Whishmaker". He might feigned ignorance for a short amount of time and also tried to play it cool, but knowing this secret surely weighting on him.
He not only has to play the therapist to basically everyone and be emotionally there for them and give them advices while he just wants to play his music; but he also have to be careful with his emotions if he is not intending to get akumatized and spitting out Paris's iconic superhero duo's civil identity.
Just look at what happened in "Migration".
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He almost got akumatized because he felt that what happened between Kitty Section and Bob Ross was his fault. Not only that, but his emotions also told Monarch that he knows Ladybug's and Chat Noir's identity. And because of all that he couldn't calm down to resist the akuma, the only way he saw to escape from that dreadful situation was to break his precious guitar. At the end of the episode he had to flee Paris; he didn't trust himself, his emotions enough to stay, he was afraid that Monarch might try to akumatize him again. Furthermore, he wasn't safe from other akumatized villain's attack either, he couldn't became Viperion, and he didn't want to rely on Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect him.
That's what so frustrating in akumatization. People can't feel their negative emotions and they have to bottle it up or forcefully resist them, which is really unhealthy. Our emotions, be it positive or negative, they're essentially not our enemy we just have to find methods to deal with them.
And that's where Su-Han comes in the picture.
Do you remember what he did in "Furious Fu"?
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"My anger is mine, but I'm not my anger."
This dude just got snaped back to existance into a time when everything is completely different from his time, and the first thing he did was to search for the Miracle box. A dutiful guy, indeed. Obviously, he was angry at Fu for a lot of thing, but as soon as he saw the Akuma, he didn't fall into despair or started panicking. No, instead he started chanting the line above to himself, as if he was casting a spell that chases off the butterfly.
What I think he actually did, was that, he controlled his emotions. He accepted his anger, not suppressing it and transformed it into protective barrier, instead of letting it take a hold of him. This method looks more effective than Ladybug's Magical Charms that Shadowmoth easily overpowered.
So, there's a boy who can't seem to cope with his strong emotions; what could be the best solution for him? Mastering the ancient teachings of a guy from an ancient time (I know he's actually not that old). I can't imagine how could they've met or if they know about each other (that Luka's the Holder of that Snake Miraculous and that Su-Han is a celestial guardian of the Miraculous); but Luka's time in Tibet could be very important for his character. He could've learned, not just kung-fu, but also how to repel Akumas, and knowing this technique allows him to return to Paris and become Viperion again since the chances for him to get akumatized lowered.
Last but not least, his Holder friends could take lessons from him for free (he might as well charge them tho) to further decreasing the possibility of any Holders getting akumatized. Jagged, Penny and Fang also learned kung-fu, and they might as well learned the Akuma repelling stuff too, how cool would that be! They could also open studio or something where they could teach those things.
Anyways, I really hope we'll see more Luka in season 6 and that he actually learned how to repel Akumas.
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Bug-a-boy ~ Luka & Adrien x Male Reader
Idk about this one... but I wanted to write it. Basically a miraculous holder reader x adrien and luka College Au: Luka - 19 / Adrien - 18 / Reader - 18 word count: 1.2k m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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Your college class is huge
But it's to be expected, you do go to the most popular college in Paris
You share the class with a group of friends that came from Francoise Dupont
Luckily, the groups appointed leader befriended you pretty early into the year
Marrientte Dupain-cheng was the kindest girl you knew
And her friends: Alya, Nino, Adrien and Sabrina weren't too bad either
Actually, you liked them a lot, and you were glad that they wanted to be friends with you
There was also this other guy from the year above, Luka
You didn't talk to him much, but the others were fond of him
But the few times you two did talk, he was nothing but calm and welcoming
All in all, you love your college and your friends
The one setback to coming to Paris for school, was the Akuma's
After Hawk-moth's fall, a new owner of the Butterfly miraculous came to power
But to counteract that, Paris has its own team of Miraculous bearers
The only problem was, currently, Paris has no ladybug...
During a massive fight against a very powerful, akumatized villain, Ladybug was hit, and her powers disappeared
Well, not literally, she remained transformed, however the villains power made it as if she were a regular adult wearing a superhero costume...
After sending Chat Noir, Rena Rouge and Viperion off to distract the villain, a now powerless Ladybug was running over to your college
After swapping out her miraculous from the Ladybug to another one, "Ladybug" finds you, hidden inside of a locker
"AHHHH! ANOTHER VILLAIN!" You shout, not recognising Ladybug with a new miraculous
"Not quite, (y/n)" she chuckles
"It's me, Ladybug. But my miraculous has been rendered useless..."
"Oh... I'm so sorry, Ladybug, wish I could help you somehow" you sympathise
"There is." Ladybug looks into your eyes with determination
"(Y/n) (L/n), here is the miraculous of the Ladybug, it offers the power of creation. I entrust you with this miraculous to fulfill my role while I can't, after that, you're to return these earrings to me - understood?" Ladybug explains with a grin
"Yes, Ladybug! I won't disappoint you"
After putting on the earrings the kwamii appears, explains the whole shtick and you get going
"Tikki, Spots on!" You shout and then you're set
"Once I'm fixed by the miraculous ladybugs, I'll use the horse miraculous to teleport you back to me, okay?"
"Of course Ladybug!"
And you were off, using your yo-yo to swing around the streets of Paris until you reached the action
A now powerless Rena Rouge trying to distract the villain as Chat Noir and Viperion try to figure out a plan while fighting the thing
"What the fuck..." Chat mumbles when you catch his eye, waving at him in a coy manner from a roof top
Both men watch you, confused as you jump down to them
"Who are you? Where's Ladybug??" Viperion questions frantically
"She decided to pass her miraculous onto me for a little while until we solve this little issue"
"Fine by me as long as you know what you're doing, bug-a-boy" Chat noir slyly remarks as he leans on his pole
"Bug-a-boy... I like that" you giggle and then get to business
Immediately you call on your lucky charm
"Yep, defiantly a real Ladybug holder haha! What you gonna do with that bugg-a-boy" Chat noir laughs as you hold onto a seemingly useless looking lucky charm
"I do, actually!" You say with a smile
"Just follow my lead boys, if you can keep up" you chuckle as you use your yo-yo to swing into action
"Damn, that boy has more charisma than you Chat Noir" viperion chuckles
"He does, doesn't he..."
The two of them follow you quickly
"Rena! I'm gonna need you to get that thing under the arc-de-triumph!" You shout as you wizz past
"I'm on it"
"Viperion, once that villain" is under the Arc, use your second chance immediately please"
"Of course bug-a-boy" viperion smirks
Chat Noir looks at you smugly
You start to mark X's on the Arc using the bucket of paint your lucky-charm gave you
"I can see where this is going" the black cat chuckles
"Then you know when and where to use your cataclysm, kitty noir" you tease and spring into action when you see Rena Rouge and the villain coming your way
Once the villain is under the Arc, you use shout for Chat noir
He heads to one of the marks but before Chat can call his power, Viperion shouts
"Not that one! Try the one below it"
And so, once Chat Noir cataclysm's the Arc, it crumbles to pieces and buries the villain, one of the pieces crushing his akumatized item
"Bye bye little butterfly" you say with a chuckle, as the 3 other hero's watch you
The 2 men chuckling as a faint blush cover their faces
"Not a bad job for your first time, bug-a-boy"
"Do you really need to flirt with every Ladybug holder, Chat?" Rena jokes
"Yeah! Look at him, he's creeped out by you, he'd much prefer a snake over a cat" Viperion joins in
"What is up with you two"
"Haha, I like this team.... Miraculous Bug-a-boy!" You shout as you throw up the lucky-charm
5 seconds later, a portal appears next to you
"Good work, everyone!" A horse miraculous bearing Ladybug pops out
"Ladybug?!" Everyone questions
"Good job picking this one, Ladybug" Viperion chuckles as he puts an arm on your shoulder
"I look forward to seeing you soon again, mi'lord~" Chat Noir teases as he kisses your hand
"That's enough Chat Noir, you'll see him soon enough!" Ladybug chuckles as she brings you through the portal after your goodbyes
After handing back the miraculous, life went back to normal, except that Ladybug started to call on you more often, but with a different miraculous this time
Life at school was normal as always
However when you were out with the hero gang, you'd noticed Chat Noir and Viperion becoming cosier to you than they were to the others...
Like when Chat Noir started bringing you roses every time you were called on
Or one time, Viperion used his second chance to have "a perfect conversation" with you during patrol with you
You were flattered, but a little worried that the two were taking it too far
It had gotten to the point where the two of them were fighting, passive aggressive remarks and even disrupting fights against villains with their arguing
That was until Ladybug struck then a deal
"I will tell you his identity if you both stop this bickering, its becoming a problem. If you don't, I will take your miraculous"
Of course they both agreed
And that's when your school life changed as well
Because Adrien and Luka started bombarding you during your school day
Adrien already sat next to you in class, but during lunch Luka was on you like a snake to a rat
You were getting overwhelmed, but then again you loved the attention you were getting from them
After all, you hadn't ever had a boyfriend, this could be a nice change
Soon, the two of them started noticing that the other liked you
So they decided to combine their efforts
"Which one of us do you like the most!?!?" The two of them shout at you in frustration after weeks of trying to win you over
"I... I don't know! Okay?! I like you both... I don't wanna hurt one of you by rejecting you for the other"
"Then.... date us both?" Luka suggests with a smile
It took some convincing but the two of them managed to convince you
And life has been so much better since
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fandom-smut-shots · 2 years
Luka Couffaine x Reader - Ride
Request: Do you accept requests right now? Cuz it would be nice if you could write something smut with Luka with him first as Viperion
Smut warning. Luka/Viperion and the reader are both legal adults.
Again, totally open to any gender for the reader, but if it’s not specified (especially with smut) I automatically write female. Use of one feminine pet name.
Words: 2,985
             Your heart hammered in your chest as you clung to the wall of the back alley, hiding in the shadows to the best of your ability. Akuma attacks were scary enough to watch on TV, but experiencing one yourself was absolutely terrifying.  Everything was loud – the thunderous roar of the akumatized villain, the adrenaline-fueled cries of Ladybug and Cat Noir, the frightened shrieks of victims and passersby. You panted heavily as you sank to the ground, tucking your knees against your chest and willing yourself to appear as small as humanly possible. All you wanted to do was hide. Utter helplessness stabbed at your heart, urging a round of tears to well up in your eyes.
           A wave of something washed over the city, and you gasped at the sudden serenity you felt in the air. Rising to your feet, you tentatively glanced around the corner to find the streets full of normal, non-victimized citizens. A sigh of relief fell from your lips at the realization that the miraculous heroes must have defeated the villain once again.
           “Are you alright?” came a soft, soothing voice from your right. You jumped at the sudden noise, turning to face one of the heroes that Ladybug and Cat Noir must have called in for backup. Viperion, his name was, if you remembered correctly. The snake hero. Damn, he was so much more attractive up close. You’d only seen him at a distance before, across town or on TV. But with him here, standing in front of you, you were likely to lose yourself in his electric blue eyes, gazing at you tenderly as though you were a close friend instead of just a civilian.
           “I’m fine,” you finally managed to exhale. “I ran over here to hide. The villain didn’t see me.”
           “I’m glad you’re not hurt,” Viperion smiled softly, and damnit if his tone didn’t send a chill up your spine.
           “Thanks for your help, Viperion,” came Ladybug’s familiar voice, and you turned to see her approaching from the left. “Oh, hey there. Are you okay?”
           You nodded. “Yes, I’m okay, thank you. You guys were amazing out there.”
           She smiled sweetly. “Just doing our jobs, but it’s nice to be appreciated.” She then turned to Viperion. “Thank you so much for your help. We wouldn’t have been able to capture the akuma without you.”
           The snake hero bowed politely. “It was my pleasure, Ladybug. I suppose you’ll be taking my miraculous back now?”
           Ladybug nodded. “I’m afraid it’s time.”
           “I should go then,” you murmured. As much as your curiosity was eating at you, you understood that their true identities absolutely must remain secret, even from a single random citizen.
           “Thank you,” Ladybug nodded towards you, and you returned it. You crept away from the alley, sauntering through town and making your way home.
           Moments later, a hand grasped your forearm, and you turned around with a gasp. The hand belonged to Luka Couffaine, your friend’s twin and your long-harbored crush.
           “Where did you come from?” you inquired, your eyes darting behind him towards the alley.
           “I was so worried about you,” he murmured instead, taking your hands in his.
           “What?” you questioned, tilting your head in confusion. “Why?”
           “I thought the villain had gotten you,” he admitted. “I looked for you in the crowd, but I couldn’t find you.”
           What? Luka was looking for you?
           “I was hiding,” you explained, ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks as he tightened his hold on your hands. “Why were you looking for me?”
           The softest blush dusted his cheeks, and he ducked his head in the cutest way possible. “I wanted to make sure you were safe.”
           Warmth spread through your core as you gazed at the blue-haired boy. You gnawed at your lower lip, feeling a surge of confidence as you stepped closer to him.
           “Why were you so concerned with my safety?” you inquired, standing close enough that when Luka lifted his head, you could feel his breath on your face.
           Electric blue orbs bore into yours, and you felt your knees weaken. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine, but you forced yourself to remain upright and confident.
           “I like you,” he murmured softly, lacing his fingers through yours.
           “You do?” you whispered back, your eyes darting between Luka’s eyes and lips.
           He dipped his head, resting his forehead on yours. “Yes, I do.”
           “I like you, too,” you informed him, removing your hands from his in order to place them on his chest.
           His hands found your hips, and his breath ghosted over your lips. You watched his gaze drop to your lips before meeting your eyes once again.
           “Can I kiss you?” You barely heard his voice, your eyes already closing from the proximity. You managed a nod, exhaling a sigh as his lips pressed tenderly to yours. Warmth flooded your chest at the contact, spreading through your belly before settling in your groin. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but as Luka’s grip on your hips tightened, you found yourself growing more and more comfortable in his arms.
           “Can I take you home?” he whispered huskily against your lips. “We don’t have to do anything. I’d just really like to spend more time with you.”
           Your heart hammered in your chest. You’d had a crush on the blue-haired boy since high school, but you were certain he was in love with Marinette. You didn’t consider he’d ever see you in that light.
           “I’d like that,” you exhaled with a nod. “I have an apartment not far from here.”
           He pulled back to smile softly at you. “Lead the way.”
             It was a short walk back to your place, but it felt like forever as Luka laced his fingers with yours, gently squeezing your hand. Your entire body was tingling from the kiss, and you hoped it wasn’t too soon to take things further with the boy you’d loved for so many years.
           When you finally approached your front door, your fingers trembled as you fumbled with your keys. You hoped he didn’t notice as you struggled to insert the key into the lock before finally managing to click it open. He followed suit as you opened the door and stepped into the apartment, his soft gaze wandering across your furniture and belongings.
           “Would you like something to drink?” you offered awkwardly, standing in the middle of the kitchen. “I’ve got water and tea, or I could make some coffee.”
           Luka shook his head, padding closer until he stood before you. “All I need is you.”
           You exhaled a shaky breath at his words, gazing up into his cerulean eyes. “Are you sure?”
           In lieu of a verbal reply, he lifted a hand to cradle the side of your face, bringing your lips to his. You melted into the kiss, your eyes fluttering closed as you pressed back against him. Your hands rested on his chest as his other hand found the small of your back, pulling your figure to his. He began walking backwards, his lips still tangled with yours, leading you out of the kitchen. He managed to find the hallway before he reluctantly broke the kiss.
           You offered a nod, claiming his lips as your fingers fisted lightly in his jacket, keeping him close as you walked him towards your room. You reached blindly behind you to turn the knob, kicking the door open as you led Luka inside. He spun you around, closing the door and pinning your back to it. You exhaled sharply at the contact, surrendering to him completely. You could feel his smirk against your lips as he kissed you again, his hands sliding down your sides until they wound behind you to grope at your ass. You whimpered into the kiss, sliding one hand to the back of his head and tangling your fingers in his two-toned locks. He grunted softly, and the sound went straight to your core, adding to the heat pooling between your legs.
           “We don’t-“ he panted in between kisses, “we don’t have to do anything.”
           His lips peppered kisses across your jaw and down your neck, despite his considerate words. You gasped as he bit down on your collarbone, nibbling at your skin.
           “I want to,” you managed, lifting his head up to meet your gaze. “If you do.”
           He nodded quickly, kissing you hard. “I do. Very much.”
           His hands gripped the backs of your thighs, tugging you close to his body. You jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He carried you to your bed, kissing you passionately as he sat down with you on his lap. His hands groped greedily at your ass, and you moaned into his mouth, sliding a hand into his hair. You tugged experimentally at the two-toned strands, drawing a low groan from Luka’s throat that sent another rush of heat straight to your core. He broke the kiss, and you opened your mouth to protest. Before you could form a single word, his perfect lips latched onto your neck, sucking a deep hickey into your skin, and you whimpered, throwing your head back. You tugged harder at his hair, feeling him groan against your neck.
Your fingers pushed at the fabric of his jacket, prying it off his shoulders. He unwound his arms from your waist in order to pull at the sleeves, tossing the garment to the floor. His hands, warm from his natural body heat and calloused from years of strumming his guitar, slid beneath your shirt, over the bare skin of your sides, and your breath hitched in your throat. He removed himself reluctantly from your neck, gazing up at you to ensure the sound hadn’t been hesitation.
           His lips pressed tenderly to the underside of your jaw. “Are you good?”
           Cupping his face in your hands, you ducked your head, capturing his lips with your own. “More than good,” you huffed against his mouth.
           He smirked softly, a gesture that you felt more than saw, as his hands slid further upwards, pulling the fabric of your shirt along with them. You raised your arms above your head to allow the garment to removed completely, leaving Luka to stare wantonly at your breasts, still nestled in your bra.
           “God damn,” he exhaled, his hands slowly lifting to cup your boobs, squishing them experimentally. He tilted his head up to claim another kiss, to which you responded eagerly, as his hands slid around your back to unclasp your bra. You slid your arms out of it, tossing it aside and guiding Luka’s hands to your bare chest. He groaned into the kiss at the feeling of your skin beneath his hands, his fingers dancing across your nipples. You pressed closer, arching your back, and he took a nipple between his fingers, twisting it gently. You whimpered into his mouth and he broke the kiss, ducking his head to wrap his lips around the hardening bud. You tangled a hand in his hair, tugging at the cerulean locks until he groaned around your nipple. He sucked on it until you moaned loudly, detaching himself only to switch sides and repeat his assault on your other breast.
Lustful clouds fogged your brain as you lost yourself in his hands and lips, your own hands across his shoulders. Finding fabric where you wanted to feel skin, you reached lower, taking handfuls of his shirt and tugging upwards. Luka released your breasts and lifted his arms, wiggling out of his shirt before you threw it somewhere behind you. Your fingers danced down his chest and your teeth gnawed at your lower lip as your eyes raked over his toned figure. You’d always known he was the type to eat well and work out, but goddamn you hadn’t expected him to be chiseled like a marble statue. His lips split into a grin as he watched desire pool in your eyes, his hands resting on your hips and tugging them against his own. You moaned in surprise, grinding your hips down to repeat the sensation. The action pulled a moan from his throat as well, and you offered him a satisfied smirk.
           “How do you want me?” you found yourself asking, grinding your hips on his lap. You were almost certain there would be a stain on his jeans from the wetness seeping through your panties.
           “Just like this,” Luka replied, leaning back and gripping your hips in order to thrust upwards, drawing a whimper from your throat. “Is that okay?”
           “Fuck yeah,” you gasped. You braced your hands on his chest, pushing yourself off of his lap. He opened his mouth to question you when your hands found the fastening of your jeans, undoing the button and zipper before hooking your thumbs into the waistband. His mouth hung agape as you slowly slid your pants down your smooth legs, revealing more skin for him to grope and kiss and suckle. His own pants grew uncomfortably tight as he gazed at you in nothing but soaked panties, which you slowly shimmied out of, kicking them to the side once they reached your feet.
           “Your turn,” you grinned, watching as he scrambled to peel off his jeans and boxers. Shoes had already been discarded, and you both stripped off your socks before you climbed back onto his lap. Feeling his hard cock rubbing against your dripping cunt had you moaning lowly, resting your forehead against Luka’s in an attempt to ground yourself.
           “Condoms?” he questioned softly, trying to focus his mind on something other than how good your pussy was about to feel wrapped around his length.
           You reached out your arm, blindly feeling around for the drawer of your nightstand. Upon locating it, you pulled it open, thrusting your hand inside before pulling out a string of condoms and passing them to Luka.
           He offered you a husky chuckle. “How many do you think we’re going to need?”
           “Let’s find out,” you grinned. He mirrored your expression before separating one wrapper from the rest, tearing it open with his teeth. You rose up on your knees to give him room to slide it on, wrapping your arms around his neck and peppering kisses down his jaw. He tilted his head back as he took his length in hand, lining the tip up with your entrance. You moaned in unison as you sunk down to the base, your cunt clenching at the stimulation of being so full.
           “Fuck,” Luka groaned lowly as you began rocking your hips, lifting upwards and grinding back down. You braced your arms on his shoulders for leverage as you picked up your pace, rocking and grinding against his cock. He tilted his head up to capture your lips, swallowing your moans as you sloppily returned the kiss. Luka’s hands found your hips, pulling you down harshly on his length, moaning into the kiss at how deep he was inside you. He used his grip to thrust upwards into your heat, breaking the kiss to dip his head and sink his teeth into your neck. A moan ripped from your lips as you tilted your head back, granting him more access. Your nails dug crescents into the skin of his shoulders as you struggled to match his thrusts.
           “You feel amazing,” the blue-haired boy panted against your neck. “So much better than my imagination.”
           “You’ve imagined this?” you whimpered as he shifted his hips to thrust at a different angle, finding the special spot inside you that had you clenching around him. “Fuck! Right there!”
           He smirked, holding the angle to repeatedly hit that spot. You moaned shamelessly, dropping your head onto his shoulder.
           "Of course I've imagined this," Luka growled into your ear. “I just never thought you felt the same way.”
           His grip on your hips tightened as he felt you clench harder around him. His thrusts came faster, sharper, chasing your release and pounding relentlessly into your tightening heat. Moans and whimpers tore from your throat at the assault, your fingernails dragging across his broad shoulders, leaving red lines in their wake.
           “Cum on my cock, princess,” he groaned, nipping at your earlobe.
           “Fuck!” you yelped, your body seizing as your orgasm crashed into you. Luka moaned as you clenched impossibly tighter around him, biting down on his shoulder as you came.
           As you rode out your orgasm, the blue-haired man’s thrusts grew sloppy as he chased h8is own release. He wrapped one arm around your back, pulling your chests flush together. His other hand remained on your hip, holding himself as deep inside your heat as he could.
           “Oh, fuck,” he moaned lowly into your ear, his hips going completely still. His release unloaded into the condom as he remained inside you, both of you panting heavily.
           You lifted your head from his shoulder, gazing up at Luka. He offered you a smile, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. The hand on your hip rose to cradle the back of your head, gently carding his fingers through your hair. You rested a hand on his neck, the other caressing his toned chest.
           “I know we did things a little backwards,” Luka commented, resting his forehead against yours, “but I’d really like to take you on a date.”
           “I’d love that,” you grinned, stealing another chaste kiss from his lips.
           He began trailing kisses down your jaw, his hand on your back shifting to caress your side. You tilted your head to allow him more access, sliding a hand into his hair and gently tugging on the two-toned strands.
           “But right now,” he murmured against your skin, “I think we should see how many of those condoms we can go through.”
           You gasped as you felt his length twitch inside you. “That sounds like a fucking plan.”
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frickingnerd · 1 month
a second chance for life
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pairing: luka couffaine / viperion x gn!reader
summary: you take a hit that was meant for viperion and bleed to death in his arms. but he's not giving up on you, even when things seem impossible…
tags: a lot of implied stuff, angst with a happy ending, reader dies, viperion rewinds time, mentions of blood, reader & luka know each other's identities, (best) friend!luka, reader crying
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“l-luka…?” tears were rolling down your cheeks, as viperion cradled you in his arms. you were bleeding heavily and despite trying to stop the bleeding, nothing seemed to work. “it hurts… so bad.”
luka's heart broke seeing you like this.
“i wish i knew how to make it stop…” he whispered, gently wiping the tears off your cheek. “just hold on… please, keep fighting a little longer.”
“i'm so…” your eyelids began to flutter, your breathing getting more hectic. “…t-tired.”
“no, stay awake! don’t close your–” but it was already too late. you never heard the end of luka's words, as your eyes fell shut before he could finish and you stopped breathing.
luka softly held you in his arms, simply staring at your lifeless body. this didn't feel real yet. just an hour ago, the two of you were laughing together at his place, talking about what you'd do on the weekends. then suddenly, an akumatized villain showed up and when you shielded an attack meant for luka, you ended up getting killed.
“this isn't fair…” luka whispered, his grip around you tightening. “it should've been me. if i could rewind time, i'd–”
but he had already used his miraculous. he could only rewind time once, those were the rules. yet despite knowing better, luka's hand found its way to the bracelet, praying that if miracles truly existed, that he'd be blessed with one. just rewinding time once, to make sure you'd make it. with a trembling hand, he twisted the bracelet…
before he knew it, he stood right where the battle had begun moments earlier. and by his side were you, nervously smiling at him, as you noticed that your partner had been lost in thoughts.
“you–” luka didn't find the right words, simply wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug so tight that it almost squeezed the life out of you. “you're… alive.”
“of course i am ali–” you laughed confused, before the weight of his words suddenly sunk in. “wait… did i…?”
luka pulled away from you, trying to avoid telling you about what he'd seen before he rewind time. but it was clear that the mere thought of it terrified you deeply.
“you'll be alright. i've seen the future and i know what i'll have to do to protect you.” luka stated firmly, gently squeezing your hand, in hopes to reassure you of his words. “i won't lose you another time, i promise.”
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quindread · 1 year
Red Robin: -and that’s that losers.
Chat: [walks in] hey batfam! what’s poppin’?
Spoiler: hey chat! red robin was just bragging about his body count.
Chat: [pauses] like partners or…?
Spoiler: murder
Chat: [oddly brightens up and addresses red robin] oh! so what’s your number?
Red Robin: [shrugs] a few hundreds
Chat: like in one go?
Red Robin: …uh yeah- why are you being so casual about this???
Chat: well with the miraculous cure and all that, almost everyone in the court has ended a life somehow.
Red Hood: well, don’t hold back on my account. spill.
Chat: i know viperion had to remove certain variables to succeed in time loops. maybe a few hundreds for him too?
Signal: it’s always the quiet ones, huh?
Chat: oh yeah! the dragon miraculous is our aoe damage dealer. i don’t think most of the victims recovered after being hit by a bolt of lightning. huh, i always wondered why she always used that one.
Signal: …well, there’s no way my dude carapace could have done damage- he’s like your tank or something, right?
Chat: …
Signal: …. right?
Chat: his shield can shrink….
Signal: ….
Chat: … people inside don’t shrink with it
Signal: jesus
Nightwing: oh, do you! do you!
Chat: [suddenly sheepish] well…
Nightwing: ?? well???
Chat: there was this deleted timeline where i became akumatized and drowned all of paris.
Nightwing: holy shit- that’s like what? millions?
Red Robin: 2 million. damn, are you okay?
Chat: mhmm! ladybug made us all go to therapy.
Robin: … what about her?
Chat: oh! oh. oh….
Red Hood: ???? don’t tell me that tiny thing did more damage than you did! isn’t she like creation and shit??
Chat: no! actually when you think about it, ladybug would be on the same estimate as viperion.
Red Hood: oh, thank fuck!
Chat: multimouse has me beat though.
Red Hood: who??? and how???
Red Robin: [pulls out computer from who knows where] marinette dupain-cheng. temporary hero. was outed in battle-
Spoiler: -oooh pretty-
Red Robin: -powers: dividing into smaller copies, retains original strength. what did she do?????
Chat: it’s not in there but each copy can merge with another miraculous. i think the story goes is that she wore all the miraculous in the mother box and destroyed 3 galaxies including ours.
Everyone: …….
Ladybug: [walks in] hello, everyone! [realizes the tension] errm, what’s wrong?
Robin: [without skipping a beat] is it wise to keep marinette dupain-cheng alive?
Ladybug: [is marinette but they don’t know that] ?????????!!!!!!!!
thought of this after reading that tim freaked out after bruce “died” and blew up a lot of people
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comics-and-fanworks · 2 years
Idea for you class salt after the class is out of school and in the real world.
Marinette's phone gets broken so badly she needs a new number. She only tells a few her new number no one from her old class has it.
Some of her old class goes to bakery to ask why she hasn't called them back when they called her. They get told her phone got broken and all that.
The class member goes okay tell her to call me when it gets fixed or replaced it is important.
Only her parents forget and when said class member comes back later is told that but is also told Marinette has a new phone now. But not a new number.
Classmate rushes out to call her so she can fix their problems like always only it goes to voicemail as the person whom has her old number is like I don't know this person calling me. It goes on and on till it gets bad and the person with the new number goes to the police with worry over the threats they are getting.
Should I be worried for myself or the person they are trying to reach
It comes to a head when alya talks max into hacking the location of the phone and they go to have a talk with Marinette only it's not her
Thank you so much for the request! It's my first one so I went a bit overboard and wrote a lot! So sorry it took me so long to get to this! I'm taking organic chemistry over the winter so that has been kicking my ass. The first draft was deleted, so hopefully, this is a better version! Thank you for your patience with me!
TW: swearing, minor threats of violence
"Well shit," Marinette's day was already bad, but this was just throwing salt into the wound. She had started her day with her phone blowing up with requests from her (former) classmates and friends. Ever since she returned from College they had gotten right back to their usual B.S. "Mari I need a new dress for a meeting with Prince Ali," "Marinette! I told my team you'd design some sick jackets for us and you'd have them done by our next swim meet!" "Girl! I need three new outfits! Adrien and Lila are taking me with them to a fashion show and this is my chance to interview some top designers! Oh sorry, you're not invited." She was up to her neck in demands and requests, to the point she was seriously considering closing her commissions, not like her former friends paid her anyways. THEN Hawkmoth decided that she hadn't suffered enough, she had to deal with Volpina, Frozer, AND Prime Queen and it was not even lunchtime. Volpina was easy enough to take down, why Lila was akumatized is anyone's guess. Frozer was a bit trickier, and since Chat had no plans of showing up she had to bring in Ryuko and Viperion. The trio ended up fighting Prime Queen, who was convinced that LadyNoir would still happen and the Cat Hero's absence was due to a lover's quarrel. Marinette was finally able to return to the alleyway she had transformed in... only to find her shattered phone. It must've fallen out of her suit's pocket (she had redesigned her costume since returning to Paris, she wanted a more mature, fashionable look) when she was rushing to get to the battle.
"Great! Just Perfect! This is just what I need now!" She sighed picking up the shattered phone. There was no way this was salvageable, the impact of hitting the ground had practically broken the thing in half. Tikki knew her chosen was stressed, between being Ladybug, being the Guardian of the Miraculous, building a blossoming fashion empire from scratch, and having to deal with her former friends' constant demands it was only a matter of time before she lost Marinette to Hawkmoth's akumatization. The goddess recognized that this was just the opportunity she needed to help her chosen, and she would start by helping Marinette cut off the people hurting her most. "Marinette! I have an idea! Why don't you get two phones? One can be your work phone, and the other can be your personal one. That way you won't have to worry about your work stuff getting lost in your personal stuff. You can get new numbers for both too!" Marinette looked at the Kwamii with some confusion, "Why would I need to change my number?" Tikki sighed, "Marinette, they haven't been very good friends to you, they haven't even been your friends for a while now. Think about it, your former classmates don't talk to you unless they want something, they expect you to use your connections to benefit them but won't return the favor, and they promise you and your time to other people without your consent.  That isn't right babybug, friends don't treat friends like that. They don't even pay you for your time, effort, and the cost of materials!" Marinette knew that Tikki was right, but she was still hesitant, "But..." "Would Kagami text you expecting you to make her something and refuse to pay? Would Luka text you telling you that he promised another musician you'd make their wardrobe by their next concert? Would Kagami and Luka use your work to get ahead, and then refuse to extend the favor? No, they wouldn't! Those are healthy friends babybug, you can give them your new number, I know they'll understand!" Marinette thought about it for a moment and decided that Tikki was right. With a renewed conviction she made her way to the nearest tech store to begin to take control of her life again.
Adrien was frustrated, he had been texting and calling Marinette all afternoon but she wasn't answering! That wasn't like his princess, so something had to be going on, but there wasn't an Akuma on the news, Ladybug, Viperion, and Ryuko defeated the three earlier today. He did feel a little guilty that he didn't go to help, but he was busy! He had modeling shoots all morning and then joined Lila and Alya for lunch discussing their upcoming trip. The topic eventually turned to the Wayne Gala that was approaching as well, with both models confirming they had been invited. Well, Lila had only been invited because she was an official Gabriel representative, but she didn't need to know that. The brunette was currently making a big show of bringing Alya as her plus one, which brings Adrien back to his current predicament. When he arrived home, his father told him that he had to invite Marinette Dupain-cheng as his plus one no matter what. Both Agrestes had been shocked when she had rejected Gabriel's offer to join his company, but her answer had been reassuring, "I greatly appreciate your offer but cannot accept it in good conscious. Adrien has been my friend for years and I would hate to potentially harm his, the company's, and my reputation by accepting. I am worried it could be misconstrued as me gaining the position, not by my own talent, skill, or merit but because I had a connection to someone with considerable sway." His father didn't seem to pick up that the last bit was about Lila, but seemed content. In fact, Gabriel had complimented Marinette's business savvy and remarked how good it would be if she followed in his footsteps by building a fashion house from scratch. He had mused that it would be even better to have the two great fashion houses merging together instead of just taking Marinette in as a designer. Now that Miracle Design Clothing (MDC) has risen to compete with the likes of Gabriel and Style Queen, his father had decided now was the time to begin winning Marinette over.
Adrien would never admit it to his father, but he had his own motivations for being so on board with the plan to invite Marinette to the Wayne Gala. They were now in their mid-20s, and everyone in Paris wanted to know everything about the Agreste Heir's love life. Lila had hinted multiple times that Adrien was dating her, so much so that the media was beginning to spin her narrative. However, Adrien wasn't entirely out of the running yet. He knew that the Wayne Galas were always a media frenzy so if he, a fashion empire heir, showed up to the Gala with Marinette, a rising star in the fashion world, on his arm the media would quickly assume they were dating. It was a brilliant plan, Marinette was charming, beautiful, intelligent, and incredibly talented. His father held her in high regard, and he knew that if Gabriel approved of him dating anyone, it would be Marinette. Besides Adrien had a trick up his sleeve, he knew Marinette was in love with him, or at least that was what Alya had told him. She told him about Marinette's crush right before the ravenette left for college, hoping to embarrass her former best friend. Their old class still believed what Lila had said about Marinette being a bully. In their get-togethers they would often mock the designer's success, reassuring Lila that the only reason they talked to her was to get stuff from Marinette. While it upset him a little to know Marinette was being taken advantage of, a larger part of him felt like she deserved it since she didn't listen to his advice about Lila. Oh well, it was her own fault. Adrien was brought out of his thoughts by Alya's shriek.
"OH MY GOSH! The Waynes just announced the Designer they got their Gala outfits from, and it's Marinette!" Adrien choked down a laugh at the sour expression Lila wore, as Alya continued to read, "The article says that Marinette and Timothy Drake Wayne met while they were in college, and he thought her designs were so incredible that he referred her to Bruce Wayne himself! She's considered a family friend and received their order along with an invitation to the Gala! Why didn't she tell me any of this??" 'Maybe because you only talk to her when you want something' Adrien thought as their former classmates began to text. Alya was trying to call Marinette, most likely to scream at her for not letting Alya in on such a big story, but she couldn't get through. "Ugh! Marinette is ignoring me! Who does that stupid bitch think she is?" Lila's eyes sparkled as she saw a chance to jump in and control the narrative, "I know right? You'd think she'd be more grateful after I introduced her to Timmy- oh I've said too much," She batted her eyelashes and made a show of covering her mouth. "YOU introduced Marinette to the Waynes? Girl you've gotta give me the details!" "Well, Marinette was going to college in Milan, and I happened to be there for a modeling shoot," That part was actually true, Adrien was sick and couldn't make that shoot, "We happened to bump into each other at a cafè, and Marinette apologized to me for how awful she was to me in our youth. She told me that the only reason she did what she did was that she was jealous and felt threatened by me, you were right Alya." That was how Lila worked, she mixed a little bit of the truth with what someone wanted to hear, which caused the lies she told to pass by noticed. "Anyways we had lunch and caught up, she was showing me some of her amazing designs," as much as it pained Lila to admit it, Marinette was truly talented. In fact one thing she regretted was not working harder to deceive Marinette back when they were still in school, if she had known Marinette would be so successful she would've fought like hell to take the spot of Marinette's Best Friend away from Alya. She would've been MDC's top model, instead of having a stagnating career as just another practically nameless model for Gabriel. "I remembered my dear friend Timmy, we met when my mother was stationed in Gotham, he had told me that the Wayne family needed suits and dresses for their upcoming Gala and that Gabriel was too busy." Another partial truth, Lila didn't know any Wayne, but she knew Gabriel was too busy being Hawkmoth to make their outfits. "I gave him Marinette's number as an olive branch because I had thought she changed, but I guess she was lying. Oh and Alya? Adrien? Please don't mention my friendship with the Waynes, I don't want people thinking they can get to them through me." Lila smirked as both Adrien and Alya promised her they wouldn't say anything.
When Marinette told them she was cutting off her former friends for good, Tom and Sabine were over the moon. They knew about the Lila situation and all its complexities after the faux fox tried to infiltrate the bakery and convince them their daughter had stolen her necklace. They almost fell for it, until Tom remembered that Marinette had been helping him in the bakery during the time Lila said their daughter took the necklace. He had sternly told Lila that there was no way Marinette could have done it, and even offered to show her security footage that proved Marinette was not the thief. Instead, the brunette stormed out of the bakery, and Tom and Sabine knew they had to talk to their daughter. After a bit of gentle prodding, Marinette broke down and told them everything. She told them about Lila, her classmates, and Adrien, and she told them about everything they were putting her through. They were horrified, and that feeling was solidified after Lila got Marinette expelled. After their daughter's name was cleared, that useless principal was trying to dodge removing it from her record, until Sabine threatened to contact the school board about how their daughter was expelled without an investigation. They did everything they could, but it seemed Lila had everyone else in her pocket, and it seemed to stay that way once Marinette returned from college. She had swung by the bakery and explained that her phone had been shattered while she avoided the akumas, and she was taking this opportunity to change her number and cut those leeches off. Sabine and Tom promised that they would say nothing because it was only a matter of time before her former friends wound up at the bakery because of the radio silence from Marinette.
The chiming of the doorbell confirmed their fears. In stormed Marinette's old class, with her former friend Alya leading the pack. They could see Lila hiding in the back, and decided it would be better to say nothing. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng! We have a problem and thought you could help us. We've been trying to get in contact with Marinette all day, but we can't reach her and we wanted to make sure she was okay." Sabine smiled as she tried to hold in her rage. They weren't here because they were concerned, those brats wanted something. It would appear that Alya and co didn't know that Marinette's parents knew Lila was lying or what they did, so Tom decided to answer in a way Lila couldn't twist. "Oh, she came by earlier today and let us know that her phone was broken. She dropped it during one of the Akuma attacks, and it was pretty smashed up. She told us to let you know if you came by since she would be off the grid until it was fixed. It might be a while though, it was almost as bad as the time it got caught in the bread mixer!" His answer seemed to calm the group down, typical clumsy Marinette strikes again. "Ok, well can you please let her know to reach out to us once her phone's fixed?" The two nodded and promised they would, and watched as the group of adults left. Sabine turned to the freezer, "They're gone! You can come out now!" The two chuckled as their daughter slowly poked her head out of the walk-in freezer, ready to dash back in at a moment's notice. Yeah, they're glad Marinette was finally cutting those people off and the bright glow in their girl's eyes confirmed it.
The Gala was in a few weeks, and Marinette was STILL radio silent. Adrien was pacing back and forth in his room, trying to figure out what to do. Her social media was most likely controlled by an assistant like his was so he couldn't message her there, he couldn't get into her studio without an invitation or employee badge, and he realized he had no idea where she lived so he couldn't even pay her a visit or send a letter! "I don't know what to do! No one has heard from Marinette and her parents promised they'd talk to her about it!" "Maybe she finally got tired of your bullshit and decided to cut you and the rest of those users off," Plagg snapped from somewhere in his room. After The Paint Incident, Plagg's attitude towards him seemed to change. He snapped at Adrien more, called Adrien out on his behavior, and started giving Adrien harsh (and desperately needed) advice. Other than that, Plagg was getting on his case about slacking off on his duties as Chat Noir, claiming that his behavior was a disgrace to the legacy of the Cat Miraculous. Adrien was getting fed up with him, hadn't the stupid cat heard the saying 'if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all?' "Marinette wouldn't do that! We're her friends!" "Some friends. And some friend YOU are. You knew Lila was lying and let her wreck Marinette's school life, get her expelled, and continue to lie to everyone. You told Marinette to shut up and take it, news flash kid, the high road does not mean stay quite and let people hurt you! YOU currently know that YOUR friends only care about what they can get from her and that Lila is planning to pull some bullshit at the Gala, but all you're concerned about is making sure karma doesn't bite you in the ass!" Plagg roared. It was hard to argue with the little god without sounding like a hypocrite, but Adrien was going to try. "Well... When Marinette agrees to go to the Gala with me I can fix everything! She likes me, so we can get together, and I can get Lila to apologize! Once everyone knows they're on good terms things will go back to how they should be!" Plagg was paying more attention to the cheese he was juggling, but he did glance back at Adrien, "One, IF she decides to go with you. Two, she may not even feel that way it's been years. Three, How are you going to get a narcissist to admit to wrongdoing? Four, How does Lila apologizing change how your ex-class treat Mari when that's how they treated her before Lila showed up?" Adrien chose to ignore Plagg and tried calling Marinette again.
Alya was STRESSED. The Gala was coming up and she needed a new dress that would wow everyone and make her stand out from other reporters. She had already secured her Press Pass, and because she was Lila's plus one she could actually get into the Gala. The only other reporters with that privilege were Clark Kent and Lois Lane, close friends of the Wayne Family. Lila offered to get her a Gabriel Original but she turned it down, both girls shared a sentiment that Gabriel's designs had really been declining. "I think it was the loss of his wife. She was his greatest inspiration, and especially with Hawkmoth on the loose, I can understand not wanting to leave your house. Maybe he's just out of touch," Lila had told her, and Alya agreed. What she needed was a Marinette Original, something to show she was in with both designers. She was thinking of something fox-inspired, to pay homage to her time as Rena Rouge. She'd talked to the other girls about why Marinette had never told her she would be designing for the Waynes, and they reassured her, "Well, maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested or were too busy?" Rose offered. "You didn't really report on fashion until Adrien and Lila took you to that fashion show. Maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested." Juleka suggested. "Als, you're overthinking it! Mari didn't tell you because she couldn't! A family like the Waynes has wicked good lawyers, they probably made her sign an NDA." Alix concluded. They were probably right, Marinette would have told her if she could have, and Alya needed that dress. So there she was at Tom and Sabine's bakery again, asking about Marinette. "Oh, she just called this morning! The damage was too severe, so she had to get a new phone." Sabine told the young reporter, who thanked her lucky stars. As she left the bakery, she sent a text 'Mari's back!'
Adrien nearly dropped his phone when he got the text from Alya, before excusing himself to run upstairs and call Marinette. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, before the call was answered, "Hello? Who is this?" A woman's voice answered, but certainly was not Marinette. Adrien was floored, he was sure he dialed the correct number. "Um hi. I'm looking for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm a friend of hers and was calling to speak to her." "Oh really? Well if you're her friend maybe you can explain to me why the second I had this number activated my phone was bombarded with calls and texts demanding things from dresses, to invitations to some Gala, and all kinds of other demands." Wait, had Marinette changed her number? No, she wouldn't have. "Listen, lady, I don't know if you find this funny but I KNOW Marinette wouldn't change her number. If you're her assistant you better give the phone to Marinette NOW or I'll see to it personally that you're fired!" Marinette should really have taken care to not hire such incompetent people. It was unfitting of an eventually-to-be Agreste. "I don't know who you think you are but I will make one thing clear: I DO NOT KNOW A MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG!" The line went dead. Adrien pressed the redial button, and felt his stomach drop as the call didn't go through, he had been blocked. From the way the group chat was blowing up, he could guess the others were getting the same response. Lila was going on and on about how Marinette was abandoning them in their time of need, and adding fuel to the fire. Adrien decided he was going to do damage control. He had thought a bit about what Plagg had said and realized that he needed to show Marinette that he was still on her side, besides it would be tougher to get everyone to make up if they were mad at her for something her crappy assistant did. He sent the chat a message, 'Guys relax. The woman on the phone wasn't Marinette but has her number, so she's probably a new assistant! Miracle Design Clothing has really exploded since the Waynes announced she made their outfits for the Gala so Marinette probably hired some help and the lady didn't know who we were. We can try again later.'
Lea Dubois was having the roughest week in all of her fourty-three years. She had gotten a new phone, since she her old one was stolen, and decided to get a new number with it. Not even a couple of minutes after activating her phone it began blowing up with calls and demands for a Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After a particularly snobby boy threatened to get her fired from a job she didn't even have, Lea decided to do some snooping and figure out who this Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Googling the girl's name directed her to a Miracle Design Clothing website, and after scrolling through she found a tab labeled, "Founder." Clicking on it, she saw a picture of a smiling young woman with shiny black (almost blue) hair and sapphires for her eyes. She was a truly gorgeous woman, and from what Lea read very talented. That explained the demand for clothing. She decided to check social media next, and quickly found articles about how the rising star had been personally invited to the Wayne Charity Gala! That explained all the calls from people claiming to be Marinette's friends and demanding to be taken to the Gala, to that one girl who demanded an interview and a dress for the Gala. Lea went through the messages that quickly went from demanding to insulting and toxic, and thought to herself, 'I see why that girl changed her number, I hope she knows these people aren't her friends.' She decided to look up the people who had called her, and see what she could find out about them. A girl named Alix and a boy named Kim were both athletes, although both played for the minor leagues of their respective sports, but it did explain the requests for jersey designs. A boy named Ivan and two girls named Juleka and Rose had been calling about outfits for their next concert, apparently they were in a band called Kitty Section. Lea vaguely remembered that it was a popular group, before their lead guitarist was kicked out and went solo. Two girls named Sabrina and Mylene had asked her to create costumes for a production in the Théâtre du Châtelet, a boy named Max called asking for a suit for his new tech reveal, and another boy named Nino asked her to design a couple of album covers!
A few other people called, but they seemed to be genuine friends. One standout was a boy named Nathaniel who had called twice, once to congratulate Marinette on her work with the Waynes and invite her to an event for his comic. The second time was to apologize to Lea when he found out Marinette had changed her number. He had also apologized for the harassment his (and apparently Marinette's) former friends had been throwing at her. He explained that when they were younger, Marinette didn't know how to stand up for herself, and was pressured by her teacher to constantly put her needs on the back burner to help her classmates. Nathaniel told her it had gotten better when Marinette left for college, but now that she was back in Paris, things had gone back to the way they were. Instead of their teacher, the role of pressuring her had fallen to three people, Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire, and Adrien Agreste. That last name caught her attention, could that have been the bratty boy who threatened to fire her? "Sweetie I hate to do this to you, but if you have time could you meet me in person? We have a lot to discuss, and I'm beginning to worry for Marinette." Nathaniel had agreed and had said he was bringing a couple of Marinette's friends, her real friends. "They've been harassing us too, maybe we can look into getting a restraining order or something." And that was how she ended up in a cafe sitting at a table with some of the most impressive people she'd ever met. There were Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel, the power couple of comics. She hadn't read comics since she was a little girl, but her nephews talked nonstop about the Ladybug comic the two had started in collège. Olympian fencer Kagami Tsurugi, and hit rock artist Luka Couffaine. There was academy award winner Zoé Lee and fortune 500 company founder Chloé Bourgeois.
The group exchanged pleasantries and got right to business, "So we heard from Nathaniel that you got Marinette's old number and that your phone has been blowing up with all the shit she used to get," Luka said. Lea nodded, "Yes. They refused to believe that she'd changed her number and one man even threatened to get me fired! I don't know what job he thinks I have that he can influence, but I digress. " "Ugh. That sounds like Adrien alright. I swear it was like a switch flipped in his head during Collége, he's acting like I used to," Chloé had come to terms with the kind of person she was, and had taken the steps to apologize and change for the better. A part of that was she swore never to touch a Miraculous again, she had become aware enough to realize that when given that much power she would be tempted to fall back into her old ways. "It's telling that their first reaction to being cut off is to harass an innocent person instead of reflecting on their actions and what lead them to that point," Kagami said, "I think we owe you an explanation since you have unfortunately been dragged into this." Lea nodded, that sounded good. "They weren't always this bad, well they weren't always this blatant about it. For a long time, Marinette was happy and popular, hell even when I bullied her she didn't seem bothered. Then Lila Rossi transferred. That girl is the type to convince people that two plus two equals five, you know what I mean," Lea nodded, her ex had been like that. "Well anyways, Marinette saw through her bullshit and called her out for it, so Lila declared war. Before anyone could process what happened, Lila had convinced the class that Marinette was the Devil's spawn. She even managed to get Marinette falsely expelled, and while that was reversed, it was the moment Marinette realized she couldn't rely on her classmates. Alya was an up-and-coming journalist and her best friend, but if she couldn't bring herself to fact-check this girl's stories..." Chloé paused to take a sip of her drink, and Lea thought of something, "Maybe Alya did fact-check and knew Lila was lying. I did some research before I came here, and I know that Alya ran the Ladyblog. I also know that her videos featuring Lila are her most viewed videos, but when I looked at the comments I noticed that a ton had been deleted. Maybe she knew but saw how much attention her blog was getting, and chose to ignore Lila's lies, or maybe she believes them, I don't know." The group continued to chat about their situation and were snapped out of it when the door to the cafe was flung open.
Alya was gonna kill Marinette when she found her. How dare she hire someone and not tell them who she was?! How dare she do that to her friends?! Doesn't she realize they need her? It didn't take much to convince the others, specifically Max, to ping the location off of Marinette's number and track it down. If she was going to be bitchy and ignore their calls and messages and hire some dumb assistant to annoy them, they were gonna make her pay! They had tracked her location to a cafe in the fashion district and were waiting for the last of the group to arrive. "I don't understand why she's being so petty," Lila whimpered, fighting back tears, "You all have been nothing but kind to her even when she's been such a nasty person!" "I don't understand it either," Sabrina said, "It's like a switch flipped in collège or something." Well whatever it was, they weren't gonna let her get out of this! Once Kitty Section had arrived, the group stormed into the cafe ready to give Marinette a piece of their minds! To their surprise, Marinette wasn't there. Their old friends turned enemies were there and sitting with them was a middle-aged woman, was she the one who had been answering from Marinette's number. "Where's Marinette?" Alya demanded. Chloé and Kagami lept to their feet. "She isn't here, and unless someone is dying you are not getting in contact with her!" Chloé was a lot less polite about it, "Wow, I'm surprised none of you got the memo. You've been cut off!" The older woman turned to face them, and Adrien snapped at her, "You! Are you Marinette's assistant or something? Get her here now!" Oh, that was it, Lea walked right up to him, ready for war. "I will do no such thing because I am not her assistant! I did not even know who Marinette was until you people began blowing up my phone with demands! I have never met more selfish people! And you," she pointed at Lila, "I've heard all about you and what you've done to that poor girl!" Lila began to sob, wailing about how she didn't do anything, and that she had been trying to mend bridges with Marinette by introducing her to the Waynes.
"Woah, Woah, hold on! You did NOT introduce her to the Wayne Family," Luka stood up and walked over, Lea noticed how Kitty Section seemed to shrink under his gaze. "Marinette met the Waynes at a fashion show in Gotham that Jagged Stone took us to. She met Selina and the two hit it off like a house on fire," Luka pulled out his phone and showed off pictures of a much younger Marinette with a woman who could have passed for her mother. "Notice the date? She was in high school when she met them. Here she is at Selina and Bruce's wedding. Know why she's there? She designed Selina's dress." The dress was a stunning white with elegant black lace. The top resembled the head of a cat, and if you looked close enough you could see little cats and bats hidden within the lace. "Marinette's been the Wayne Family's go-to designer for YEARS. Hell, the Waynes were at her graduation party, and the opening of Miracle Design Clothes Studio, and have been to every major life event she's had since she met them." Luka showed them More photos of Marinette and the Wayne family. "I don't know how you could introduce her to people she's known for years," Luka said, "Not to mention Stephanie tells me they're desperate to either adopt her into the family or have her marry into it," Marc added. All eyes were on Lila now, she had told them all that she'd introduced Marinette to Timothy Drake Wayne and that was how Marinette got the job, but with all this evidence it was clear her lie was dead in the water. Lea turned back to the group, watching as the realization crossed their faces that Lila had lied, and had most likely lied about various other things. Turning back to the people she had met she said, "It was very nice meeting you all. Please pass on my concerns to Marinette, and let her know if she ever needs friendly advice, she knows what number to call,"
The Wayne Gala was very... Awkward for Adrien. After their failed attempt to confront Marinette, Lila got exposed, and in the excitement, it came out that he knew about what she had been doing. Simply put he was excommunicated from the group. They figured that if they cut him, Lila, and Alya (who had doubled down on Marinette being the problem until it came out she knew Lila lied and had said nothing to protect her views) out that they could apologize to Marinette and she'd take them back. Their pleas on social media brought attention to the situation, and Marinette's friends and parents were more than happy to tell the world what happened to their favorite designer. When he, Lila, and Alya walked into the Wayne Gala, they turned heads but not for the reasons any of them had hoped for. People were polite to their faces and when speaking to them, but Adrien could hear them whispering behind his back. He needed to talk to Marinette, if he could smooth things over with her then maybe, just maybe this could be salvaged. However, the Wayne Family seemed to personally take offense to his plan, because whenever he saw Marinette (and she stood out in an absolutely jaw-dropping sparkling red mermaid cut dress) she was whisked away before he could say anything. First, it was Selina, who lead her over to some of his father's former clients and proudly told them the story of how she met the young designer. Then it was Bruce Wayne himself who came to introduce her to the Kents, who much to Alya's dismay didn't even glance her way. Finally, it was the Wayne Kids who were determined to dance with Marinette all night, Adrien swears Jason was smirking at him. Eventually, she broke off from the main party with Tim and the two were chatting on the balcony. This was as close of a chance as he would get.
Marinette was having an amazing night! She met so many amazing people and made so many new contacts! She even set up an interview with Lois Lane! She could feel Alya fuming on the other side of the room, and tried her best not to think about it. She knew Adrien, Lila, and Alya were at the Gala, and she knew what had happened a few weeks before. While she was happy Lila was finally exposed, she had moved on. She got to dance with each of the Wayne siblings, but her favorite dance had to be with Tim. When Selina had introduced her to him, their reaction to each other was to freak out. Tim was over the moon to meet the designer he'd followed for years, and Marinette was ecstatic to meet the young Wayne CEO (whom she may have had a bit of a crush on). The two had exchanged numbers and talked constantly, building up a close friendship. As time went on her crush on him grew as well, but she was too nervous to risk their friendship and say anything. Eventually, when she thought her feet were going to fall off, Tim led her over to the balcony. There they talked quietly about anything and everything when a cough interrupted them. There was Adrien, with a charming smile, but Marinette had learned not to be fooled. "Hello, Adrien. Enjoying the Gala?" Marinette asked, she knew he was up to something, and from the way Tim looked at him, he could sense it too. Marinette decided to take control of the conversation, "I heard what happened. With Lea Dubois and the phone number and everything. To put it lightly that certainly wasn't your best moment." "Well, I... I never thought you would change your number, so it kinda threw me for a loop. Anyways, I wanted to apologize for the part I played in all of this. I really dropped the ball and it lead to you getting hurt I never intended for that to happen," "Yet you continued to let Marinette's former friends use her for free things?" Tim butted in, holding up his phone and showing various text messages between Adrien and his friends. Adrien's face darkened, "How the hell did you get those?!" Tim just threw his head back and laughed. "I'm a tech prodigy. Finding texts is a piece of cake. I started looking after Nathaniel told me about what happened in the cafe. I also found the texts between you and your father, and no I won't let you use my girlfriend as a publicity stunt. We were gonna announce our relationship tonight-" Adrien turned around and stomped off before Tim could finish his sentence. Marinette sighed, he really hadn't changed. Turning back to Tim she asked, "Since when are we in a relationship?" The raven-haired boy blushed a little, "Well Unofficially since your graduation party, but neither of us knew it at the time. Officially now... If you want. If not that's cool and we can just pretend this never happened. Damn Adrien! I had a plan for this but he had to show up and ruin it!" Marinette chuckled and brought Tim's hand up to her cheek, smiling up at him fondly, "Officially now is fine with me."
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miracaron-ladybug · 2 years
My personal top 10 mind blowing scenes (so far)
(In no particular order)
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Marinette: I was almost akumatized.
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Ladybug: He has the yo-yo! And that means he has the miraculous!
Hawkmoth: You’ve lost Ladybug! Finally!
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Ladybug: I’m ready now. Spots off
Marinette: please. Say something.
I guess now that you know it’s me…
You don’t like me anymore?
Adrien: No! It’s that I just found out that one of my closest friends is the person I love and admire most in the world!
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Master Fu: Ladybug!
You are the best miraculous holder I’ve ever met!
You hold all the keys Ladybug. You always have.
And you will be the most magnificent of guardians!
Hawkmoth: What?!
Master Fu: I Wang Fu, hereby relinquish the miracle box and name Ladybug the new guardian
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Viperion: Ma— Marinette?!
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Adrien: I believe… I think I’m in love!
Marinette: I think I’m falling in love!
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Alya: Marinette, I’m your very best friend.
Marinette: And I— am Ladybug.
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Just the fact that Marichat won the love square first
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Just wow. Even if it ‘didn’t really happen’
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Cat Noir: Has he… lost his memory?!
Wayzz: it’s the rule of the guardians. Their memory gets erased when they pass on the box to protect the secret identities of the miraculous holders
And the fact that Ladybug is a guardian and she will one day lose her memory :(
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Luka is such a cool character and he has been a rock for marinette when things got rough for her, but beyond just being a really good and supportive friend I’ve gotta say that if anyone was going to find out both ladybug and chat noir’s identities, luka was definitely the best person for the job. like Marinette better be happy she was basically stuck giving that boy the miraculous of the snake because he might actually be the only one who can handle that level of responsibility.
First of all, he’s ridiculously level-headed until it’s his friends or family who are threatened. I don’t think he’d be akumatized unless someone came directly after his family or friends instead of him- the dude’s ridiculously patient and even-keeled, and as we know from Silencer, a gentle soul. Still though, this guy handles the information of who ladybug and chat noir are ridiculously well.
Like ignoring the weight of the responsibility for a second, just look at how hard it’s got to be to keep his mouth shut on a frustration level- he’s got so much on his plate already and now he’s got to watch these two knuckleheads be the level of oblivious and awkward that they are as civilians knowing full well how close they are as superheroes and how in love both of them are with each other (without knowing it) with a patient smile? The frustration we feel from watching the love square? This boy is living it.
Plus we know from Truth just how important that honesty is to Luka- he values it so so highly and holds himself to such a high standard, but when ladybug asks him point blank to his face whether or not he found out their identities, he lies without hesitation. He literally says that they were never hit (side note: why would he have used second chance then? idk ladybug didn’t ask so she probably assumed something else went wrong or they got stuck since he did seem to let her know that they had used multiple chances so whatever).
He lied to this girl who he cares about so much and compromised his own principles so soon after them being emphasized in Truth without questioning it because he
1. obviously cares about marinette/ladybug and chat noir/adrien and wants to protect them but also
2. because he understands that the responsibility that has been given to him as Viperion has to come before his own principles for the greater good.
He takes his hero-ing seriously, which is what you need from someone who’s going to be given the ability to play with time and potentially be your last resort if everything else fails. He’s known this, but I think after having that responsibility really play out in this episode at the expense of his own principles, he probably understands Marinette and the pressure she was facing and the weight that comes with being a miraculous holder even better than before. He probably went home and rethought everything, especially what happened in Truth with Marinette.
And speaking of the RESPONSIBILITY? All that while trying to not get akumatized and not hint EVEN TO LADYBUG/MARINETTE HERSELF (his friend and the guardian who trusted him with that miraculous) that he knows her identity or chat noir’s? And not hint that they really know each other in real life? And not slip at all even though he hangs out with both of them as civilians all the time?
Like he’s just gonna sit on that information and that responsibility of being the only person in Paris who knows both of their identities and not physically implode from the stress or tell anyone? Knowing that if anyone finds out he will become Shadow Moth’s number 1 target? But he won’t jeopardize his friends by even letting marinette know that he knows so he can talk to someone about it? Like I know he isn’t getting paid but someone get this boy a raise 😭
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g1itchtree · 9 months
Divulgence- Part 2
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SO I'm really only going to be updating this when ideas hit me. Which takes a while tbh so yeah very sporadic updates sorry
Also I really like writing dialogue but that comes at the expense of actual like scenebuilding or whatever lmao
“You WHAT?!”
“Shh, not so loud!” Marinette scolded, covering Alya’s mouth. “I’m really trying to not let my parents know, okay?”
Alya rolled her eyes, licking her hand in retaliation. Marinette immediately pulled away, wiping her hand on Alya with a laugh. “Okay girl, geez. But I thought you were over Luka?” Alya asked.
“Well, not really. I just knew I couldn’t feasibly be with him and be Ladybug at the same time,” Marinette shrugged, averting her gaze. This next part was the one she was most worried about sharing. “But… he may have found out who I am?”
“He WHAT?!”
“Alya!” She laughed, mostly to shake off the nerves.
“But how? You’re so careful!” Alya pressed.
“Well, you know how Wishmaker revealed people’s dreams, right?” Marinette started, receiving a nod in return. “I brought Viperion along in case me or Chat got hit… and Viperion may or may not be Luka.”
Alya opened her mouth, probably to scream again, but Marinette shot her a look and she smiled sheepishly. “Okay, so he saw your dream?”
“…and Chat’s.”
“…It’s like you’re looking for a reaction.”
“I’m not, really! Yesterday was just a lot, that’s all.” Marinette shrugged, tapping her fingers together. “But it should be okay, since Shadow Moth has no idea.”
Alya let out a little huff, crossing her arms. “That’s still a big risk.”
“I know, I know! But really, it shouldn’t cause any problems. We talked it over a bit, and unless he gets akumatized then there’s basically no way for Shadow Moth to know. And I already gave him a charm, so we’re totally fine.” Marinette explained, knowing she won when Alya gave an overly dramatic groan.
“Okay, but what about Adrien?” Her friend asked, giving her a look. “We both know you have feelings for him, don’t even try to deny it. Is Luka okay with that?”
“That’s a whole other thing,” Marinette sighed, slumping over slightly. “Apparently Luka likes him too?”
“No!” Alya gasped, smiling wide.
“Yeah! That’s what I was like!” Marinette exclaimed, standing up as she tries to explain the whole thing. “And he told me about this thing called polyamory? Basically just having multiple partners at once.”
Alya snapped her fingers, eyes shining at the realization. “So you guys can both date Adrien!”
“Well, if Adrien wants to,” Marinette held her hands up, shaking her head. “He might not be into that sort of thing, or even like either of us. Or maybe just one of us.”
“Well duh,” Alya said, brushing it off. “But this makes so much sense. No wonder why you couldn’t choose. You literally love them both the same!”
Marinette gave a tiny laugh at her enthusiasm, relieved she didn’t find it super weird. “I’m not really telling a bunch of people though. I mean, Luka and I just broke up, so it’ll be a bit weird to be back together so soon without explaining why.”
“I guess you can’t just say you only broke up cause you were Ladybug, and now he knows so it’s chill,” Alya conceded.
“And we both know I won’t be able to stop gushing over Adrien,” Marinette pointed out. “I don’t really know how everyone would react to the whole ‘multiple partners’ thing either, so please don’t mention it until I do?”
“Of course girl, you know I wouldn’t out you like that,” Alya immediately assured, zipping her lips. “I’m glad you felt you could tell me.”
“You know I can’t keep anything from you,” Marinette giggled, pulling her into a hug.
Alya smirked a bit, messing with Marinette’s hair. “Yeah, I’m too charming~”
“Oh my god you sound like Chat.”
“Well maybe he had the right idea!”
Marinette gives her a disapproving look, eventually dissolving into more laughter with her friend. This was good. More than that, this was relieving. She didn’t expect it to be more nerve-wracking than the first time coming out (was this even coming out?). Obviously Alya wouldn’t react too bad, but hopefully her other friends would react like this too!
Maybe Adrien wouldn’t mind either?
“You seem happy today, m’lady,” Chat Noir hummed, swinging his legs from his place on the roof.
The two of them were just relaxing after their patrol, as they often do. It was tradition at this point. But today, she had this sparkle in her eyes and her whole demeanor seemed… lighter.
Ladybug gave an awkward little laugh at his comment, scratching at her cheek. “Is it that obvious?”
“Nah, I just know you too well~” He grinned, bumping their shoulders together. “So what’s up? Something good happen?”
“You could say that…” Her cheeks went a little rosy and she played with fingers a bit. So it was embarrassing then? That just intrigued him more.
“Come on, what is it?” He pressed, turning to fully face her. “Give me the deets!”
“The deets? Seriously?”
Chat snickered at her incredulous look, starting to chant. “The deets! The deets! The deets!”
Ladybug broke into laughter, waving her hands to stop him. “Okay, okay! I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you, but… don’t freak out, okay? And… tell me to shut up if it upsets you?”
He paused at that, curious and a bit concerned. “Okay…? Though I doubt you would be able to upset me so easily.”
She let out a sigh, tracing the edge of the roof with her finger. “Well… I kinda have a boyfriend now?”
Ladybug must have seen something in his expression that she didn’t like, because she immediately went into fix-it mode. “I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to get over me, and I really appreciate it, and I didn’t want to rub this in your face! I know how much it sucks when the person you like is with someone else, and-”
“It’s okay, bugaboo,” Chat cut in, grabbing the arm she was waving around, like she did whenever she rambled. “I was just surprised, that’s all! And you don’t need to apologize for dating someone, that’s your right and I don’t mind.”
“Really?” She asked. “‘Cause I’d totally understand if you did mind.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy for you, if anything!” He assured. “You deserve to have someone to love and for them to love you, even if it’s not me.”
She let out a sigh, though she was still hunching her shoulders uncomfortably. “Thanks, Chat. I appreciate that. But… there’s something else you should know.”
He raised a brow at that, concern seeping into his expression. “Alright…?”
She glanced around them, probably looking for any cameras or potential eavesdroppers. So this was something confidential, then? How could this be related to her boyfriend?
Satisfied that no one was listening, she leaned in, voice just above a whisper. “He kinda figured out my identity.”
“How did that happen?” He asked. She was more careful than anyone he knew, it was definitely weird.
“Well, I dated this guy before,” She started, which honestly surprised him more. “I didn’t tell you right away in case you know me, since it would be suspicious that Ladybug me and civilian me started dating someone. But… it didn’t last long. I couldn’t devote enough time to him because of this whole superhero thing.”
“Ah. That sucks.” Chat could relate. He hardly had enough time for his own friends. Not because of his superhero identity, but his jam-packed schedule.
Ladybug nodded, a bit of a sorrowful, wistful look in her eyes. “It was my decision. I didn’t want to keep lying, and he deserved better. But I guess he connected when I had to run off to the time Ladybug appeared. He asked me about it the other day.”
“So now you’re back together?” He finished, smiling a bit. “That’s such a sweet love story! Definitely fanfic worthy.”
Ladybug laughed, her nose scrunching up in a way that had his smile widening involuntarily. “I think I’ve actually read this exact scenario before, now that you mention it.”
“But why tell me this time?” He asked. “Not saying I don’t appreciate it, but that risk is still there.”
“We’re not telling that many people right away,” She explained. “It would be kinda awkward to explain why we got back together so quick.”
He nodded at that, getting her point. “So he’s good to you, then?”
“Amazing,” She confirmed, her smile gentle but so sweet it could give him a toothache. “Even before he knew my identity, he was such a big comfort… He always knows what to say to make me feel better.”
“Sounds like a good guy. Hopefully I can meet him eventually, make sure he’s treating you right.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that. The thought’s sweet, though,” She replied, patting his arm.
The two of them sat in companionable silence from that point, content with watching the sunset. Chat excused himself when it started to get seriously dark, not wanting to risk being caught by his father or Nathalie. He could only “shower” for so long, after all.
Dropping through his window and releasing his form, Adrien flopped onto his bed with little grace. He dug some cheese out of his pocket for Plagg, tossing it towards the kwami before shoving his face in a pillow.
He could feel Plagg’s eyes on him, probably out of a modicum of concern. “So you are upset about Ladybug’s new boytoy?”
“Plagg, that’s rude,” Adrien scolded, reluctantly sitting up.
“Don’t avoid my question!”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against his backboard with a huff. “I mean, yeah. I really am happy she found someone, don’t get me wrong, but it’d be weird if I wasn’t somewhat sad.”
“You’ll find someone else, kid,” Plagg said, though Adrien couldn’t quite tell if he was being sarcastic. “Plenty of cheese in the world! Sometimes you have to taste many different kinds before you find the one right for you.”
“You and your cheese metaphors,” Adrien shook his head. “Don’t you have any other material?” 
Plagg scoffed, looking thoroughly offended. “Why have more when cheese is so applicable anyways?”
That one earned a laugh. He scratched the top of the kwamis head, letting himself think the night over. He really was trying to get over Ladybug, at her request. And strangely, he didn’t really mind that she was dating someone else. What bothered him more is that he would never be able to hold the same kind of place in her heart. He knew she cared about him, but it just wasn’t the same.
He supposed he would have to learn to be satisfied with what he could have now.
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kawaiichibiart · 10 months
I can't find it (although chances are I never posted it :/), but to this day I think about the post where I share possibility of past akuma victims just, remembering everything. All of them remember.
All. Of. Them.
And, it just sets off this series of support systems.
Individual and group therapy is something that is set up for those who need it.
August's mom starts a forum after her son starts remembering his time as an akuma, and it leads to more parents speaking up about their children, very young children, having nightmares and needing to sleep with their parents or older siblings because their memories as an akuma is hitting them hard.
People who work call off in order to process what's going on.
School gets cancelled for a brief period (like maybe a week or two) of time, some students stay home for longer.
Friends support each other whenever the memories get too intense.
We see so much support and love between everyone who remembers and is remembering...
...but then we have Adrien.
Adrien who can't bring himself to look for support. Adrien who feels like he shouldn't get help.
Everyone who's been akumatized is remembering what they did, what happened, and people can back up what's happened with clear evidence (articles, blogs/vlogs, clips from past livestreams or news reports, etc.) but he doesn't have that.
Chat Blanc's timeline is gone and Ephemeral's was reversed. There is no existing evidence that he's been akumatized. No one remembers he was akumatized, except for Marinette.
Marinette, who's Ladybug.
Ladybug, who's kept things from him. His akumatization, the fact she must of planned on having him reveal his identity just to not tell him hers (and she must of planned on having Viperion in on it, too, which makes it worse).
The girl he no longer knows if he can trust.
He doesn't have anyone who can support him. He doesn't want to say anything in case people thing he's making it all up.
After all, can he prove Chat Noir got akumatized, killed everyone in Paris, maybe even France, split the moon in half and almost killed Ladybug again? Could he prove he was Ephemeral and helped his father win (and God, if that isn't just another peachy thing to find out)? That Ladybug lost her Miraculous because he couldn't break out of his father's control?
He's remembering killing the people he loves and finding his mother (fuck, his mom is under his house) and not being able to resist the akuma and the world ending and being alone surrounded by water and just the continuous thought of "I killed them...it's all my fault..."
He's alone, moreso than he normally is. He shows to school and photoshoots looking dead. He slowly stops talking to his friends, eventually stops showing up to school (Nathalie informing them that he's unwell, since that's what he told her) and eventually leaving Paris to find someone he can talk to because his memories won't leave him alone.
No one knows where he went. No one knows where Chat Noir went. Both of them just, vanished. No one knows why. They can't come up with a reason for him to run.
Nino thinks he's runaway after finally having had enough of how Gabriel treats him, and he took advantage of everyone remembering their akumatizations to leave.
Lila thinks he didn't run away and instead was shipped off to who knows where in case Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch sends out an akuma and he he can target past victims who have this new found guilt, she'd just hate it if she got turned back into Volpina or Chameleon and target him :(
Some people think Chat Noir is running away from his responsibilities. Some think he ran away to get real training, maybe an extra weapon in case he needs it.
Meanwhile, Marinette is having a crisis, because if everyone is remembering what happened while they were akumatized....but the time line got erased. Chat Noir couldn't possibly... he'd find a way to leave his Miraculous with her, right? Maybe he wanted to prove he could still be a reliable hero? Maybe she's looking too deep into it (look deeper, honey, you hit the nail on the head, keep hitting it and be a better partner).
I honestly don't know where Adrien would go, part of me wants to say London, because if he could vent to anyone who might possibly believe him, it could be to Felix. Part of me wants him to literally still be in Paris/France, just with a new found ability to wield shadows and be able to hide in them without being noticed. And yet another part of me wants him to run to an entire different continent and leave everything behind.
Just, it's one of the worst ways he can find out what secrets are/were kept from him, and he's not able to say anything because:
He can't know anybody's secret ID, despite it being important he does in case he has to get help on the off chance Ladybug can't (she's captured, she's affected by the akuma's powers, etc.). Look what happened when he found out who Ladybug was. Death on the one hand and his father winning on the other.
Ladybug likely had to go through so much in order to defeat Chat Blanc, why would she want to hear his POV about it? The damage was reversed. He should be happy everyone is still alive alive again after he killed them.
Ladybug is the Guardian, of course she had to know his secret identity. Right? Maybe if she didn't hand out the miraculous, Fu would have and he'd know everyone's secret ID. But she's the Guardian now, so it has to be important for her to know who holds what Miraculous.
He should have known his father was the villain this whole time. Wow, you lived with the villain and didn't suspect him at all? You could have saved time by taking them time to look further into things, but no.
He got akumatized twice and the second time he just handed his miraculous over. It doesn't matter that he wasn't in control, maybe this is a sign he doesn't deserve a miraculous, let alone one of the two most powerful.
#adrien agreste#miraculous#ephemeral#chat blanc#cat blanc#this is something i genuinely think about often#if people who were akumatized remembered what they did#no matter what#he wouldn't feel like he deserved any support#because very few people remember either event#aside from him who remembers?#marinette is ladybug so she likely remembers what happened#and he can probably add bunnyx but does she really count???#....do the kwamis remember?#it's essentially that thing where it doesn't matter if you just broke your arm and the person next to you is in a full body cast#you're both in pain and healing#adrien has every right to getting support and talking about his akumatizations (both as himself and as chat noir)#but he's putting off what he went through as nothing compared to what literally everyone else went through#solely because both times he's been akumatized no longer exist#why should he get help for something that doesn't exist?#why should he get help for something that doesn't matter anymore?#it's a mindset that'll take a toll on him and one that has to faced head on#and lead to him finding support and the reassurance that what he went through did matter. that just because it didn't exist anymore#it doesn't mean he has to shut everyone out and pretend like he didn't go through something traumatic twice#the process will be messy as fuck#but he can get help#let marinette realize the chances he remembers are higher than she thinks#let her realize her errors and work on bettering herself#because if no one would be there for chat noir#at the very least he could talk to her
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awholelotofladybug · 8 months
(Stammering Adrien AU: Babylon's Lady, an Akumanette prompt. Basically Chat Noir and the other heroes like Viperion, Queen Bee, Renabella aka Alya's unify Fox and Ladybug Miraculous name, etc try to make Marinette snapped out of her evil mind but she didn't listen to them and then she left.)
(Note about Babylon's Lady's design: Her design is mostly based on the Woman of Apocalypse from New Teslament. She wore a purple and scarlet glittering dress with a transparent red cape, a purple feathery shawl, and a golden crown on her head. She bears a golden goblet on her hands full of akumas and amoks that could allow her to turn a person into an akumatized villain. Her sentimonster is a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven crowns.)
Babylon's Lady: *evilly laughs at Lila and Katrina* I am feeling great today! What misfortune this is for you! Let the feast begin!
Chat: *cries* Marinette, stop it! This isn't you at all!
Chat: Marinette, stop! This isn't you at all!
Babylon's Lady: And why not?! Why do I have to be the nice one all the time?! Why do I always have to take the high route?! *starts tearing up* Do you have any idea what it's like to spend all your time being someone else's punching bag?!
Chat: *sigh* I do. I r-r-really do. And you and I b-both know how much strength it takes not to... not to lash out. You are so strong, Marinette, stronger than you could possibly know. *hugs her* Please, be strong again. Reject Hawkmoth. If n-n-not for us, then for yourself.
Babylon's Lady: *weeps for a bit, then hugs Chat, sobbing as she slowly turns back into Marinette* I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...
Chat: Shh shh, it's okay. *pats her back* It's okay.
One De-Evilization later:
Marinette: *handing Master Fu the earrings* I don't deserve these. I don't know what made me think I could be a hero.
Master Fu: Marinette, If mistakes were all it took to disqualify us, none of us would be guardians. Besides, I didn't loan you the earrings, I gave them to you. They are yours.
Marinette: W-What? B-But what about the guardianship? What about the Order?
Master Fu: The Order is gone, and those of us who are left are too old and too frail. That's why I have come to a decision. From now on, you will all keep your Miraculouses. You will ALL be guardians, and create a new order with new rules.
Marinette: *deep breath* Okay. Okay, this sounds super dangerous, but I'll do it.
Adrien: And I'll do it.
Alya: Me too.
Nino: I'll do it.
Chloe: So will I... Wait, what about the other guardians around the world?
Master Fu: I have already spoken to most of them. Everything will fall into place. And when the last Miraculous is handed out, the old guardians will depart.
Marinette: You mean... You're gonna leave?
Master Fu: Yes. I know it's sad, but sooner or later, you must all continue your journey without me. *smiles* But I will stay put until then. *bows*
*the whole team bows to their old master*
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