#alain jean marie
garadinervi · 2 years
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Mumia Abu-Jamal, A Sad Love Song (Wadiya's Song), 2021, Originally released on CD in 2011 by french collective 'Libérons Mumia'. Music & Lyrics: Mumia Abu-Jamal. Piano & arrangement: Alain Jean-Marie. Vocal: Morena Fattorini. Bass: Michel Rosciglione. Percussions: Roger Raspail. Drums: John Betsch. Cello: Mathias Allamane. Collage Art: Aaron Marin (Neutokyo)
rip Wadiya Jamal
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roses-in-hollywood · 2 months
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Marie-France Pisier in Trans-Europ-Express, 1966
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fidjiefidjie · 1 month
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Alain Delon à St Tropez 1966, Photo de Jean-Marie Périer
Hommage à la légende du cinéma français Alain Delon 🌹🖤🎈qu'il repose en paix 🙏🕊
Bon Dimanche ☕️🥐
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trans-europ-express (1967)
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france-cinema · 6 months
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Alain Delon par Jean-Marie Périer, Saint-Tropez, 1966.
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russellsblvd · 5 months
senna was one strong man because if it were me i'd have decked the shit out of balestre
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Trans-Europ-Express | Alain Robbe-Grillet | 1966
Marie-France Pisier, Jean-Louis Trintignant
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genevieveetguy · 2 months
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Six Days, Six Nights (À la folie), Diane Kurys (1994)
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yorgunherakles · 1 month
kimseyle alay etme hayır, asla kimseyi gülünç duruma düşürme, kalbinin en ücra köşesinde bile yapma bunu. insan yaşamı alaya alınamayacak kadar hüzünlü ve ciddidir.
pessoa, pessoa'yı anlatıyor
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pr0scenio · 2 years
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Trans-Europ-Express (1966) dir. Alain Robbe-Grillet
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Jacques Alméras, Jean-Marie Alméras & Alain Iannetta (Porsche 962C) 24 Heures du Mans 1989. © Didier Laporte. - source Carros e Pilotos
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fairytalemovies · 1 month
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Marie-France Pisier and Jean-Louis Trintignant in Trans-Europ-Express (Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1966)
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france-cinema · 6 months
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Plein soleil, 1961. Illustration de Jean Mascii.
Avec Alain Delon, Marie Laforêt, Maurice Ronet. Réalisé par René Clément.
Synopsis : Mandaté par un riche américain, M. Greenleaf, Tom Ripley a pour mission de convaincre Philippe, le fils prodigue de ce dernier, de quitter l'Italie et ses vacances prolongées aux côtés de sa compagne Marge, pour revenir à San Francisco. Rapidement, Tom s'immisce dans la vie du couple, devenant l'assistant personnel de Philippe. Ce dernier l'entraîne dans ses péripéties, tout en ne manquant pas de lui témoigner du mépris.
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histoireettralala · 2 years
Changing sides
The first know reference to Alain Chartier is in the household accounts of Yolande of Anjou, Queen of Jerusalem and Sicily, which run from 19 February 1409 to 19 September 1414. His name is included among the "gens et officiers de l'ostel de ladicte dame [Yolande] et ses enfans" ("the members and officers ot the household of the said lady [Yolande]") to whom money is owed, but the accounts do not tell us when he joined the household or what office he filled. In the early stages of the conflict between the Burgundians and the Orléanists, the sympathies of the court of Anjou inclined towards Burgundy; King Louis II and Queen Yolande hoped that John the Fearless would provide them with the material support they needed to make a further attempt to conquer the kingdom of Sicily. Steps towards an alliance between the two houses were taken in 1410 when Catherine of Burgundy was betrothed to the young Louis of Anjou and came to live at the Angevin court, in accordance with the custom of the time. It was not long, however, before events in Paris, particularly the Cabochian revolt in the spring and summer of 1413, led the house of Anjou to change sides.
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Following the Peace of Pontoise, negotiated in August 1413, the Burgundians lost control of the capital to the Orléanists or Armagnacs, as they came to be called. Realising that their interests would be best served by severing their ties with Burgundy, Louis and Yolande cancelled the marriage agreement and Catherine of Burgundy was ceremonially returned to her parents in November 1413. The insult was public, the break complete, and years would pass before those two princely houses could be reconciled. A month later, on 18 December 1413, the process of realignment was taken further by the betrothal of Marie of Anjou to Charles, Count of Ponthieu, and third surviving son of Charles VI. In the closing months of 1413, therefore, the court of Anjou lost Catherine of Burgundy and gained Charles of France, who came to live in the house of his future bride. That news must have caused John the Fearless more irritation than alarm, for who could have predicted that less than four years later Charles would find himself Dauphin after the death of his two older brothers ?
From early in 1414, then, the queen's "children", to use the term employed in her accounts, were to include Charles, who was brought up from the age of ten under the tutelage of Queen Yolande and her servants, at a court which had small love for Burgundy, and increasingly supported the cause of the Armagnacs. The circumstances in which Charles was brought up were important, as Malcolm Vale has pointed out:
"Between [Charles' betrothal], as a child of ten, in 1413, and his accession, as a youth of nineteen, in 1422, a governing group had formed round Charles. It was to be the source of many of his most able and most trusted servants. With the future wife of the dauphin came her formidable mother and her servants."
Those servants included Alain Chartier, whose appointment as a royal secretary seems to date from the time when an independent household was formed to serve the new dauphin.
Christopher Allmand - War, Government and Power in Late Medieval France
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