#aaron marin
garadinervi · 2 years
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Mumia Abu-Jamal, A Sad Love Song (Wadiya's Song), 2021, Originally released on CD in 2011 by french collective 'Libérons Mumia'. Music & Lyrics: Mumia Abu-Jamal. Piano & arrangement: Alain Jean-Marie. Vocal: Morena Fattorini. Bass: Michel Rosciglione. Percussions: Roger Raspail. Drums: John Betsch. Cello: Mathias Allamane. Collage Art: Aaron Marin (Neutokyo)
rip Wadiya Jamal
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shirtlessmoviestv · 5 months
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The Inspection (2022)
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
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Here lies Namor. Invader. Avenger. International Terrorist. - Namor (2024) #1
I am Namor. The Terrorist Propaganda says I have issues. Don't trust the Terrorist Propaganda. - Bucky Barnes: Winter Solider (2014) #1
You know what annoys me about Aaron's writing, where is Defender? Namor is part of and actually is the instigator in creating Marvel's The Defenders, the first trio called Titians Three consisted of him recruiting Hulk & Silver Surfer to aid him in stopping humans from hurting the Natural World in The Sub-Mariner (1968) #34. This would later spin out into Doctor Strange recruiting Namor, Silver Surfer, Hulk, and later joining them Valkyrie for the main and first wave of The Defenders. A team made up of outsiders who defended the world from supernatural threats. Namor is literally a founding member of (in my very strong opinion) the best modern team he's ever been on.
Yes, he's Namor the Avenging Son, but he was only ever called Terrorist by his enemies. Namor wouldn't think of himself in that way, he'd call himself a Defender, a Protector of his people, of the seas, his home. If Aaron means Invader as in he was part of the Invaders team then that also is a defense because he and the Invaders were fighting in WWll.
Namor knows the humans see him as a threat and for the most part he doesn't care if they label him as a monster because he's always had this strong belief of defending his home and people, he worked past his hatred of humans to help them all the way back in the golden age, but time and time again the humans do something that he has to respond to.
If you ask me for 2 panels to understand Namor in a nutshell then it would have to be;
The Defenders (1972) #53
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Sub-Mariner (2007) #4
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He's actually so easy to understand if people actually took the time to read his freaking comics. He's complex yeah, but that's what makes him so interesting as the first comic Anti-Hero!
Aaron focusing on Namor's outsider status isn't something new, it's been explored in his comics a lot of times. What really frustrated me was back in Avengers (2018) #9 Aaron had the chance to set up Namor to combat Captain America in terms of ideology of what is right and wrong, how is the defense of his homeland wrong? how is resistance against oil drillers, and poachers, and corporate greed, and polluters, and giant space robots falling and crushing his city and people wrong???
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Human Laws have always been in favor of Humans, not the Atlanteans, not the Sea. Instead of exploring the concept of Namor being a Defender of his home and his people, Aaron constantly labels Namor a Terrorist. The he makes Namor want to atone for the wrongs he's done (never specifying exactly which ones, just a general "crimes against surface humanity") while never addressing or exploring the wrongs done to him by the humans/surface world!
Even now Aaron sets up Namor for conflict under the sea, and states it's for the best interest of the human world that their shipping lines and cruises be uninterrupted by the "shrieking blue skinned warriors who've invaded their coasts". Basically it's "We humans don't care if the Atlanteans are suffering so long as they suffer in silence and don't bother us or disrupt our money & lives".
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Aaron writes in Avengers that Captain America offered aid to help the Atlanteans, but it's Namor who's rejected it, why would he accept help from the people who constantly hurt his people? Why would Namor ever trust them when they've broken his trust so many times in the past? Humans make promises and then break them all the time. Why should Namor ever accept the crumbs they deign to give him in return for obedience and silence so the humans can keep doing whatever they think is right? Why is the Surface World more moral and more right than the Undersea World? It's Namor's land, it's his home, they broke his laws, they broke his home, his people, his seas.
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I've always said the biggest obstacle and mistake writers often encounter when writing Namor is they come at him from a very surface world mindset, where the humans are right and Namor isn't. Namor was never meant to be a champion of humans, but of the Atlanteans, the Seas, and all it's creatures.
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I could not care less that you are breaking the Laws of Man. What you do here violates the Law of Namor. And thus you shall now endure Namor's Justice. - Defenders (2012) #1
Namor being seen as a Invader/Terrorist began back with his first fight against The Human Torch in Marvel Mystery Comics (1939) #8, Jim was championed as the Hero of Humanity, while Namor was labeled as Public Enemy No. 1. and even now 85+ years later Namor faces persecution for doing what he was raised to do all his life, be a king, be a protector of his people, take justice and vengeance for the wrongs done against his home and people.
Aaron wants to focus on Namor's outsider status of being born half human/half atlantean. He's already shown Namor being bullied and nearly killed as a child for being born different by his people, but that isn't anything new, that's been canon that Namor is an outsider among humans and atlanteans, it's canon that the Atlanteans are just as racist as the humans, but often they're framed as worse than the humans.
One comic reviewer questioned if Aaron is making statements about the current political climate but honestly anyone who reads Namor comics can see these themes, the tensions among atlanteans and humans, have always been there. What remains to be seen is if Aaron can actually deliver on some good writing.
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Logan Grimnar - 40k Novel Portrait by Aaron Griffin
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namorthesubmariner · 5 months
Jason Aaron interview for Namor (2024)
I've been saying for years, Namor needs to have his undersea world explored, he needs to be central to the plot, to see Atlantis's history, bring on the dark epic undersea court fantasy! Now I'm getting everything I want in the hands of a writer I despise. Life is so cruel.
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aaronofithaca05 · 6 months
As you may have seen @katerinaaqu and I have been discussing about a head canon of hers, tatted Odysseus.
For a while we searched for Scythian tattoos as they are the closest society that allowed tattoos, we weren´t sure if in Mykenean Greece they were frowned upon but in classical Greece they were (criminals, shady or barbaric people wore them).
So to make it plausible we came up with this idea: in the middle of the Troyan war in a resupply day, Menelaus and Agamemnon find Odysseus been tattooed an olive tree by a Scythian, perplexed by this they told him that it was a nothing a king should do, shady look.
But Odysseus told them it was a memory of his home of Penelope and Telamachus, that at least if he died there it would have died with his family. Also is a display of Ody´s more flamboyant personality traits, he didn´t tattoed a small olive or branch, nonono, he tattoed a whole tree!.
As the real design is composed of branches inspired by Scythians tattoos of deer´s antlers, (the lack of trees in the steppes prevented them from forming a more floral and plant style; being deer's antlers where we find more plant 'like designs),
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The olive flowers are simplifications of the actual flower,
Flowers for my beautiful wife, whom I longed for, for years
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The leaves are blackouts of the originals and the olives are also simplifications.
The sweet fruit of my dear Telemachus whom I never saw growing
The images below are the sketches I made for having an idea of the placement and elements we wanted to include.
We chose the upper arm as it was more concealable and only be fully revealed to Penelope.
As you can see there´s a swallow drawing, it has it reasons, swallows (Hirundo rustica) have a year migration and came back to Europe and Greece in spring, being heralds of the season and all that entails (hope, regrowth, fertility...) but the most important attributes for us were; (Athena transforms into a swallow and flies away from Telemachus in the Odyssey). Also it is mentioned that the chord of Odysseus's bow "sang like a swallow" when he used it to kill the suitors symbolizing his homecoming.
Swallows have always been linked to journeys specially to homecoming. They idea was of one swallow (Odysseus) but swallows are paired and as a small reminder, the biggest and most ornate is Penelope, fully in flight and more artistically and Odysseus is the one below more naturalistic as he is lesser in his eyes than her. The swallows are more linear and not painted as it also seems more secretive and blank spaces for everyone except him (So he can say everything I have been writing to her)
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These is the final rendition of the idea!
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I hope you have enjoyed and that it becomes your new headcanon!
@katerinaaqu thank you so much for everything! It has been a pleasure!
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transmechanicus · 4 months
I feel like you’re giving me a warped impression of what 40k is like.
Is this because of the adorable catboy dark angels? Do you hate me bc i like it when my power armored kittens yell "REPENT FOR TOMORROW YOU DIE"?
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sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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‘Like a bolt of lightning piercing black clouds, this small common squid exploded on to the scene before me. Falmouth, UK.’
Photograph: Aaron Sanders
Ocean Photographer of the Year
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starsandgutters · 1 month
Our Wives Under the Sea AU but it’s KevAaron and Kevin doesn’t care how wrong he came back he doesn’t want to let him go he has never learned how to part with things easily everything he cares about that has ever been ripped away from him it has been with Kevin’s nails leaving claw marks in their wake it has been the bones of his hand literally shattered to make him release it and he will let Aaron destroy him before he willingly gives him up
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evilhorse · 15 days
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What’s it to you, pretty prince?
(Namor Volume 2 #2)
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Dadron HCs always fuck me over
Like I hc Aaron with tattoos and just the idea of his kids getting pens to colour them in 🤭🤭🤭
Especially because he has kind of edgy/realistic tattoos and they’re just absolutely covered in sparkly gel pen.
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whynot-movies · 11 days
Rebel Ridge (2024)
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unassumingastartes · 1 year
Part 2 of Heresy Era Primarch fan casts.
I'm still in the stage of my selections where I have very solid choices as to who I would like and why; I may reach a stage where I struggle either due to not being able to find a particular actor or due to not being very familiar with the character themselves.
Particularly for this post, I have had these actors in mind since becoming a fan of warhammer.
[The writing is subpar on the post imo at the moment :c but I'll edit it over the next few days to where I'm happy.]
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Lion El'Jonson-
Charlie Hunnam.
In the wild forrests of Calaban ruled by chaos corrupted, warp tainted carnivorous beasts. There was one animal that survived by itself; it was small, ferocious and brave. It fought, killed and consumed all challengers.
Until it was discovered by a Knight named Luther. Just as the animal was about to be slain, Luther realised it was a small blonde haired boy. The boy had done the impossible and lived in a forrest, in which brave knights went to die. Luther named the boy Lion el'Jonson and raised him like a son; like a knight.
The Lion is powerful, honourable, knowledgeable yet secretive. Even amongst his brother primarchs he is a gold standard, he has proven himself time and time again. Charlie has also proven himself time and time again of being able to perform as a powerful leader. Especially in Sons of Anarchy.
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Gustav skarsgård.
I tried to stay away from casting multiple people from the same series, but I couldn't help myself with Gustav's performance in Vikings as Floki especially during his time in Greenland, being very reminiscent of Mortations time on Barbarus not just visually but the emotional performance was so powerful (which is saying something for that to stand out as Gustav is phenomenoal throughout all of Vikings). Through the harsh environment, the confrontations, the craving for hope where it's not. He cemented himself in my brain immediately as Mortarion.
Floki in the early seasons of Vikings all though he is an extremely tall, lanky unassuming ship builder but is utterly terrifying to even the most warforged veterans when he has to be.
As I referred to in part 1 Gustav has a something that is required to play a primarch a completely unique aura and ability to bring such characters to life.
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Aaron taylor-johnson.
I have a very special place in my heart for Sanguinius as it was an image of him that got me interested in warhammer in the first place. Which is very fitting as his beautiful angelic appearance has the power to draw people to him and want to fight alongside him, but under resides the red thirst; a powerful curse of vampirism that afflicts sanguinius and his sons.
He is equal parts charismatic as he is fierce. People are drawn to the angel from Baal. Loved by most of his brothers especially loved by and close to his brother Horus Lupercal "The Warmaster."; The Angel was also afflicted by another curse one he shared with his brother Konrad as they both saw visions of the future... it gave Sanguinius hope but it did not do the same for Konrad.
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Here is the link to part 1 incase you have stumbled across these posts out of order :3
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Premiere throughout the years
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smashpages · 5 months
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Jason Aaron, Paul Davidson + Alex Lins explore Marvel’s undersea world in ‘Namor’
The eight-issue miniseries kicks off in July.
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la0istouden · 4 months
literally begging people to take 5 minutes to learn about the american military industrial complex, the poor/poverty to military pipeline, and how the american military treats its soldiers before condemning every single veteran because you think "muhmuh all soldiers evil!!1!!!1!1!11".
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