riyo-soka · 2 months
The Organas and the Lars family are all well aware that the children they’re raising each have a sibling somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy. They can never say anything, since Luke and Leia would be in grave danger if the truth of their heritage were to get out, but sometimes the twins’ adoptive families can’t help but think about the other child that they will never know.
Breha notices her daughter’s title causes her to struggle with finding companions her own age and wonders if that loneliness might have been lessened had the twins never been separated. Sometimes, she imagines taking Leia’s brother by the hand and introducing him to the people of Alderaan as a beloved member of the Organa family just like his sister.
Beru starts stitching a family tree -a tradition among slaves and former slaves on Tatooine, meant to bring together families that were separated by slavery- but struggles to finish it when she realizes it’s too dangerous to include her niece. After the war, Luke and Leia create their own, and Leia displays her connection to the Lars family line like a badge of honour.
Bail is always concerned about Luke’s wellbeing somewhere in the back of his mind. The Lars family are supposed to be good, hardworking people, but even under Obi-Wan’s protection, Tatooine is a hostile place to live: especially compared to a temperate core world planet like Alderaan. Since he is unable to directly intervene so far out in Hutt Space, his contacts within the rebellion are occasionally tasked with checking in on the state of things in and around Tatooine’s settlements. On the occasions where Owen and Beru found themselves struggling to put food on the table, an off-world traveller would soon arrive offering to pay handsomely for something like mechanical help or a ride to Anchorhead.
Owen tries not to dwell on what-if scenarios and focus on keeping his nephew safe, but raising a force sensitive child -much less a force sensitive child of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala- is stressful on the best of days. When people in town murmur under their breath about how odd the Lars boy is, he worries. Both that the empire will take the whispering about Luke being odd seriously, and that the little girl Obi-Wan told them about when he arrived with baby Luke hidden under his cloak might be put in danger by those same whispers.
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smoosey · 11 months
you often rec fics, do you have any codywan fics that you consider hidden gems/underappreciated?
Oh!! Immediately, I think of germinate by @alderaani, and its companion piece mycorrhiza. They're short (less than 2k together), but they explore loss and grief and connection so perfectly, so powerfully, in that short space. They're about love in war, they're about things that endure!! I have so much love for these little fics, and I can't recommend them enough!
I also thought of A Figurative Sense by @elwenyere. Intimacy and eroticism unmatched tbh. I know this author's longfic is extremely popular, but listen to me. Read this one. It's only 1200 words, but 🤌 it's like good chocolate. Let it sit, let it melt on your tongue a little bit. It's absolutely beautiful from start to finish. The last line takes me out every time.
Tbh I really appreciate this ask! I think it's easy for beautiful little oneshots to get buried over time on AO3, and it’s no one’s fault, but I do think it’s a shame sometimes! These fics seem so skillfully and lovingly crafted, and are such a delight to read, and I'm glad you gave me a chance to ramble about them.
Anyone else with recs, please feel free to reblog with additions!! ❤️
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ospreyeamon · 1 year
some heads are not fit to wear the crown
Houses Ulgo and Rist’s assassination of Price Gaul and Queen Silara Panteer is one of those decisions where – though murder is wrong, though it triggered great strife – I absolutely understand why they did it. Ulgo and Rist removed what they viewed as dangerously incompetent leadership because they believed it was necessary to protect Alderaan.
The Galactic Republic agreed to sign the Treaty of Coruscant because they lost the Great Galactic War. The Imperial fleet had succeeded in occupying Coruscant’s skies, giving them the ability to launch an orbital bombardment at will, while the Republic lacked the means to dislodge them. Imperial troops had taken the Galactic Senate hostage and killed the Supreme Chancellor. Because the Empire had already been winning the war even before they seized the capital to use as a bargaining chip, the Sith Emperor was the one to set the terms of the frosty peace.
The Treaty of Coruscant was a shockingly good deal for the Republic under the circumstances (which is why many in the Empire were so resentful of it). The only territory the Empire demanded they cede which the Empire had not already occupied or was actively contesting was seven uninhabited star systems, when the Republic did not expect to be able to hold most of those fronts. The Empire had Republic representatives followed around by droids to monitor their adherence to the Treaty, but did not demand any Republic citizens be handed over to stand trial in the Empire for crimes real or invented. Crucially, Empire set no caps on the Republic’s ship building or military expenditure and extracted no economic reparations.
Those like Gaul Panteer, Leontyne Saresh and Elin Garza who publicly decried the Treaty, saying that the Republic should have kept fighting rather than accept peace with the Empire, were in denial about the political reality of the situation. At that time, the Republic had no prospect of being able to swing the tide of the war to put themselves in a stronger position in the peace negotiations. If the Republic had refused to ratify the Treaty the Empire could have levelled its capital, killing billions and decapitating institutions like the SIS headquartered on the planet. The only meaningful blow the Republic was dealt by the Treaty of Coruscant was to its pride.
Bouris Ulgo hated the Sith Empire, but he wasn’t an idiot. The Treaty of Coruscant, humiliating though it may have been, gave the Republic the perfect opportunity to rearm itself in the breathing space provided by the Cold War. The Republic was bigger than the Empire – bigger economy, bigger population – so given the opportunity they could out produce and out recruit the Empire. If the Republic was patient, then they could have their vengeance and victory.
But being protected by the Treaty of Coruscant long enough to rearm required remaining part of the Galactic Republic, because the Empire made the Treaty with the Republic. The moment Alderaan seceded, it was no longer protected by the Empire’s promise to withdraw, and the Imperial Military could launch a second invasion without breaking the Treaty. And why wouldn’t the Sith Empire invade Alderaan? What else did all their forces ordered to break off the attacks on Coruscant and other Republic worlds have to do? Gaul Panteer’s very loud and public removal Alderaan from the Republic must have looked like an open invitation for the Empire to come and conquer some beautiful new camping sites.
And for what? Was Gaul Panteer arrogant enough to believe Alderaan so important that he could manipulate the Republic into abandoning the Treaty of Coruscant? Was he so myopic that he imagined he could sit on Alderaan feeling self-righteous with no consequences he hadn’t considered in the heat of the moment? Did he think that he could leverage Alderaan’s status as a Core Founder to extract concessions from the Republic to undo the cessation and stop opposing the Treaty – is that what his secret negotiations with the Republic were about?
Declaring the secession was an act of short-sighted rage. Failing to walk it back was self-absorbed irresponsibly. He placed his people in the firing line of a second invasion without so much as a warning, let alone a consultation.
Gaul Panteer was Alderaan’s senator, not Alderaan’s head of state. He wasn’t the elected monarch, just the reigning Queen’s heir. The decision to take Alderaan out of the Republic never should have been his to make; the question should have been decided by Queen Silara and the aristocratic assembly at the Elysium (and, if Alderaan were actually a democracy during this period, a general referendum).
This raises the question of why Queen Silara didn’t countermand her son’s declaration of secession. Maybe Gaul inherited his lack of strategic acumen from Silara. Maybe she disagreed with the secession, but decided that it was more important to avoid undermining the son she had appointed senator than to keep Alderaan in the Republic; that risk of House Panteer losing face took precedence over the risk of the planet being invaded. Or maybe Queen Silara, who suddenly fell ill upon her son’s return from Coruscant, lost control over the situation because Gaul took advantage of her poor health to usurp her authority.
Whatever the reasons, House Panteer was not doing a good job of fulfilling one of the most ancient traditional functions of any monarchy: making sure your lands won’t be conquered by an external power. Alderaan’s other great noble houses were not doing a good job of encouraging House Panteer to take their job more seriously. Probably the Elysium was already bogged down in the gridlock which would later prevent them from electing Queen Silara’s successor.
Bouris Ulgo was the head of the Alderaani military, its planetary defence force. It was his job to protect Alderaan from invasion. Gaul Panteer had made that job impossible. House Rist, infamous as spies as well as assassins, agreed with his assessment. Possibly the Rists had gotten wind of the Imperial Diplomatic Services overtures to House Thul.
Bouris Ulgo was a soldier, who had killed many times before in defence of his homeworld. Everyone and their pet Thranta on Alderaan seems to know the Rists are assassins; the nobility tolerating a house of assassins among their number implies a tactic approval of the occasional convenient murder.
To protect Alderaan, Ulgo and Rist decided, Gaul and Silara Panteer had to die. Only by killing them could they instigate the election of a new monarch – a monarch who would return Alderaan to the safety of the Republic before the Empire could take advantage.
According to his lore entry, Bouris Ulgo didn’t return to Alderaan after the Treaty with any ambitions of becoming king. I suspect he came back to see to the wellbeing of his lands and his vassals as he hadn’t been able to after the Battle of Alderaan, to keep an experienced eye on the planet’s defences during Panteer’s foolishness, expecting to soon leave again to assist in the Republic’s preparations for the anticipated second war. While some sources say he intended to usurp House Panteer, if that were true it would have made far more sense from him to announce the imposition of martial law and declare himself king immediately after the Panteers’ assassination while loudly denouncing the murders as obviously the work of the Sith Empire, not wait until it was clear that the election of Queen Silara’s successor had ground to a holt because of the assembly’s bickering and House Thul had appeared, plainly planning on letting the Empire in by the back door.
To me, Bouris Ulgo is a deeply tragic figure because his assessment that he alone of the heads of the Great Houses cared more for the good of Alderaan than petty politics was correct. Unfortunately, he was a military man with a military mindset who lacked the skill at political manipulation to achieve his desired goal of returning Alderaan to the Republic, falling back to military tactics inappropriate to the problem he was attempting to fix out of desperation. It feels unfair that Ulgo should be saddled with blame for the civil war over Panteer, when Gaul Panteer’s decision to secede was the pivotal domino in the chain of events which resulted in Alderaan becoming the stage for an Imperial-Republic proxy war.
It really says something about House Panteer that in their planetary missions they accept both factions’ solicitations of alliance and can be swayed to either side. Organa or Thul, Republic or Empire, Jedi or Sith – one is as good as the other if vengeance on Bouris Ulgo will be reaped.
Gaul Panteer claimed such outrage that the Republic conceded to a frankly beneficial peace with the Sith Empire that he took Alderaan out of the Republic, drastically increasing the odds the Sith Empire would launch another attack on the planet. The surviving members of House Panteer claim such outrage that the heads of their house were assassinated because they put the planet in incredible danger that they are willing to support the Thul puppets of that same Sith Empire Gaul Panteer deemed it unacceptable to compromise with, even at the cost of billions of lives. House Panteer’s effective foreign policy is that the last attacker to have assaulted Castle Panteer is the devil who must be destroyed, regardless of the potential cost to Alderaan. Truly, some heads are not fit to wear the crown.
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michelangelo-sky · 1 year
Never let a good crisis go to waste… chapter 5 is up
“I’ve never agreed to this, it sounds ridiculous.”
“Better than the truth.”
“It’s the most ridiculous lie I’ve ever heard. Are you always so abysmally bad at making things up?” It rattles him, mainly because he is not used to people challenging him so bluntly, well, not anymore. But before he can answer, she mutters, possibly more to herself then him. “I can’t believe Mon took it at face value.”
“She didn’t, of course.”
Eyes narrowed, hands clenching. Worry lines crossing her forehead. She is wondering if he shared the full story behind the debacle, and what it may mean for the talks as well as her own relationship with her mentor.
“But the Chancellor has enough common sense not to ask questions if she doesn’t want to hear answers. Chandrilan culture fosters appreciation for a willful ignorance of small transgressions for the sake of the greater good.”
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
☕️ Coffee’s Fic Recs: Fives, Part 1
This man is my husband and I have way to many to recommend
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I miss you by @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky
Good Morning by @danger-xylophones
All the things You Say by @alderaani
Look at Me by @rowansparrow
Priceless by @clonewarsimagines
Reunited by @photogirl894
Coming home by @showerthoughtsonly
The long way home by @frostycatblr-fandom-files
Fives x Reader by @arcsimper5
Turn the Page by @the-rain-on-kamino
Be my lover by @moonlightwarriorqueen
If Trouble Smiled by @eternal-transcience
Rebel Yell by @moonlightwarriorqueen
I want you forever and always by @jedipoodoo
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new-anon · 1 year
In begging, please tell me about the Mafia AU!!!!
Not sure what to reveal first 😳! The setting is timeless-- think film noir meets cyberpunk in that star-wars-underbelly kind of way.
It's no secret that the city of Coruscant is run by the long established gangs since it's founding (think old money).
Over generations, newer gangs sprout but rarely ever take root, except for "The Super Bodacious Fett Gang" (name pending). They are steeped in the customs of mafia tradition which it part of what they attribute to their underdog success.
Cody is (currently being heavily considered as) the heir to this crime syndicate, currently being headed by his father and the organisation's patriarch, Jango Fett. Cody was born into this life and takes the creed very seriously.
Obi-Wan/Ben is a Coruscanti native who moved to Alderaan for college to become an ER nurse, and is where he also had his residency for several years afterwards (Alderaani Medical, the monogram on his college jacket that he still wears to this day). In this setting, Obi-Wan moves back to Coruscant for family, but immediately throws himself back into work.
This is where our unknowing lovebirds meet! Cody, for all of his trips to the ER (whether for himself of his brothers) notices Obi-Wan as being a new nurse in the triage and is almost immediately smitten... And Obi-Wan is too cranky and tired for dating anyone, let alone stern and "flirtatious" gangsters.
There's a lot more trope-filled story beats I have for this AU but there's some other things I wanna hash out and I kinda wanna save the story for a project 🙊?
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clonemando · 7 months
Waxer*Boil Month Week 1: Hobbies
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In order to better prepare the clones for their new lives as civilians, Commander Fox got support from different senators and artists to put on a hobby convention. Waxer and Boil attend to try to figure out what works best for them and make a few new friends along the way.
Written for @waxerboilmonth and posted on AO3 here.
(image is public domain from pixabay)
Boil clenched his hands as he stepped into the auditorium, looking around for the exits and potential escapes first as Waxer dragged him along toward the refreshment table that had been set up against the back wall. He knew he was being difficult, but even if the majority of the room was filled with the familiar chatter of clones, there were enough natborns there to set him on edge. He blinked at Waxer when a cup was shoved into his hands, forcing him to release some of the tension that had been building. 
“You’ll like this caff. Cody told me that Senators Chuchi, Amidala and Organa were really kind to sponsor this event for us and that the caff is Alderaani. There are cookies from Pantora and the little sweets are from Naboo. They all also pitched in for the supplies we’ll be using and got all the people who will be leading the different exhibits to come,” Waxer explained with a little smile that helped ease a little more tension away. 
Boil didn’t like crowds. He trusted Waxer and the other brothers present would do the right thing in case of an emergency, but it felt wrong to not be in proper lines and the lack of order twisted his stomach with stress. Announcements and events on Kamino were never this chaotic. 
He tried to focus on the back of Waxer’s head as his best friend led the way toward some well positioned seats that gave them a good view of the stage as well as easy access to an exit. “What exactly are we doing here again?” he asked and Waxer turned back to grin at him.
“The flier I got from Hound said it was a Hobby Expo. We start off here to get instructions and more detailed information on the exhibit halls and then, once the talking is done, we’ll be able to go walk around different stands where different people will be sharing how to do different activities. I asked Cody about it once I saw Fox was the one who came up with the idea, and he said that Fox likes to do some weird craft where you tie a bunch of knots together and you can make blankets out of it. Plus, a lot of the Guard wanted to learn, and I guess many of the activities can be used to sell things and earn credits? So it could give some brothers who don’t know what they want to do now the war is over some sort of idea for a job,” he said with a shrug and settled down with his own cup of caff. Boil settled beside him to wait for everything to begin. 
Eventually, a voice announced that they were going to start and for anyone still standing to find their seats, and Fox actually walked out onto the stage to give everyone the rundown on the event. He went into more detail, but it was mostly like Waxer had said. The activities and vendors were all situated in different rooms based on what planet they were most popular on, and maps would be available at tables all over to help everyone navigate. 
There were also food stalls throughout, and the Guard would be available if anyone needed help. The point, it seemed, was that many clones would soon be moving to new planets and homes. Fox had thought that it was wise to give them all a source of information on what sort of things were popular to do in those new homes and what to expect once they got there, rather than just having everyone tossed out blind. Many senators (particularly the ones who helped pass the Clones Rights act in the first place) agreed. 
Once the announcements were done, Boil and Waxer tossed their empty caff containers in a bin and got their maps from a helpful Guard shiny who was handing them out by the doors to the hall. 
“We should go to the Ryloth rooms! We can learn what sort of things Numa might like and maybe even make something for her!” Waxer suggested while rocking on his heels, looking like he was ready to sprint his way across the building already. 
Boil put a hand on his shoulder to keep him in place, “We have all day, we should probably start with the Galaxy Favorites hall and work our way around. That one is apparently showing things that many worlds have in common, so it would be the most helpful to learn even if we are planning on eventually going to Ryloth,” he offered and felt a little bad that it stole a little of Waxer’s enthusiasm.
Waxer’s nose scrunched up a little as he thought for a moment before nodding,“You’re right. We can save Ryloth for last so we can spend the most time there before we leave,” he suggested, and Boil nodded, fine with that plan. 
With their course decided, they started making their way through the crowds of brothers who were likewise discussing the best choices for themselves to enter the hall marked Galaxy Favorites. Inside there were stalls set up in rows, many of which had seats and signs explaining what they were showing off, and most had a little shop stall beside them offering materials that could be bought if someone liked the activity. That way, they had what they needed to do the craft at home. Waxer immediately dragged him to a booth that had a fuzzy harnessed creature bouncing around its owner’s legs to try to greet everyone who came close enough. 
“Hello! This is Sparky, she’s a tribble, please don’t mind her, she’s friendly. Do you want to learn how to needle-felt today?” the Pantoran running the booth asked them. Boil’s lips twitched up knowing that Waxer had just wanted to pet the extremely fuzzy creature more than anything else. 
Realizing she was talking to them Waxer looked up from making friends with the living fluff-ball, “Sure… what is needle felting? Is it, like, a medical thing?” he asked. The woman laughed a little while shaking her head but showed them some items she had made with the technique and explained how it worked. Other clones had stopped to join in and listen. Finally, all of them were set up at several rows of tables with little packets that would allow them to try making a simple project. 
Boil liked the repetitive motions of stabbing the needles into the wisps of fluff. He didn’t mind that it was something that seemed to take a good amount of time if you wanted things clean looking and smooth. 
Waxer quickly got frustrated when his needles kept breaking and he clearly felt bad for using the extras provided when not everyone seemed to be having the same trouble as him. 
“I don’t think this activity is right for us, but thank you for letting us try,” Boil told the woman kindly while Waxer cheered up since he got to pet the tribble again. 
She waved off their apology “That’s alright, keep the little kit in case you ever want to try again. Thank you for stopping by!” she said, and they started walking to find what they wanted to try next. 
The tie-dye booth was very popular, so they tried that one and got some new shirts out of it, but Boil didn’t really see that as something they’d use often. He wasn’t surprised that many of the booths that offered different forms of painting were all flooded with interested clones since that was one of the things they did all get to have some sort of experience in. 
They ran into Fox himself at the next booth they went to. Boil ended up enjoying crochet a lot more than he had expected. Enough so that, when Fox pointed out he could make Waxer hats to cover his cold ears and head, Boil did buy some hooks and a few balls of yarn to take with him. 
When they finally got to the Ryloth section, they both were already carrying a few bags. They stopped to try some of the food being offered first and to wave down one of the droids that were available to take their purchases to be delivered to the apartments – where most of the clones were currently being housed – so they didn’t have to keep carrying so much around.
Now empty armed and fed, they started to go through the booths about the planet they wanted to return to with a renewed energy. They started at a booth that was about the different colors and types of clay that could be found on Ryloth and how they were best used to make jewelry or pottery. 
Waxer sat down at the station there determined to make a mug that was shaped like his bucket while Boil decided to use the opportunity to make something a little more practical. He focused on the steps offered to make a few plates they’d be able to eat off once glazed and baked. 
Rika, the Twi’lek in charge of the booth, was happy to help them both and chat about their plans. Boil blushed when she cooed over Waxer’s admission that they wanted to find Numa again. 
Brightening she had them stay put for a moment while she vanished behind her booth “Hold on, I have something for you!” she squeaked before returning with a box containing a turquoise dish set that was carefully set in cloth to keep everything safe from breaking. 
“On Ryloth it’s common to give friends gifts when they move to a new home to help welcome them. Dishes and other items that will help make their first days in the new home easier are the most common. I hope you find your little sister again and find a good home once you move,” she explained and didn’t give them a choice as the set was placed in Waxer’s arms. 
Boil felt as flustered as Waxer looked as they accepted the gift and Rika promised to send their projects to their apartment once they had been fired. 
The rest of the booths were also very helpful, teaching them about some of the livestock and what sort of things could be made from different leathers or some of the plants on Ryloth and which were good for dyes for painting and how others were used to make clothing.
Boil was surprised that so many people were happy to help them and excited to share their culture and home so easily. It left him feeling warm and bright, even if he felt like he had just run back to back campaigns at the same time. 
By the time they made it to the end, their arms were even more loaded with materials and gifts and more than a few com codes from the people running the booths who wanted updates on if they found Numa and offers of help with their Ryl if they needed it.
Waxer was even dragging his feet at this point, “I might sleep for a month after this. I think more was stuffed into my brain than when we went through flash training,” he whined as they finally got out of the building and hailed a taxi to go back to their apartment. 
“It was actually really fun though. You were right about coming here,” Boil offered.
Waxer beamed, “Of course I was. I’m always right,” He laughed and bumped their arms together the same way they’d normally tap vambraces. 
Getting into the cab, Boil felt for the first time fully hopeful for their chances in their new lives. If even half the people of Ryloth were as kind as the people they had met here, things wouldn’t be nearly as difficult as he had imagined, and they would have help if they needed it. They would finally have a home.
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shadowmaat · 22 days
Void Crows
Something positive to balance all the negativity.
Void crows are a species I made up for a non-serious Star Wars idea, though they'd probably work in D&D and other settings like that.
No one is sure of the origin of void crows, or even if they're a true part of the corvid family, but scholars agree that they almost definitely exist. Or existed. Or possibly will exist.
Void crows are approximately the same size as Alderaani Fish Crows. They have black, matte feathers that seem to drink up the light. Up close, if you're lucky enough, you can see what looks like starlight gleaming in the black.
Void crows, like other corvids, are highly intelligent, although attempts to figure out just how smart they are have failed. It's almost as if the crows know scientists are testing them and deliberately mess with the results. Some claim they're sapient, others say that's wishful thinking. The crows themselves haven't weighed in on the matter.
Void crows are named such because, in addition to their eye-catching black feathers, they have an ability to shift in and out of existence. Whether this is similar to how purrgils can move through hyperspace, or if it's its own unique dimension-folding capability (such as teleportation) remains undetermined. Any trackers attached to the crows vanish during a "jump," and no one has been able to perform a necropsy on a dead crow since the bodies vanish upon death.
Sightings of void crows are incredibly rare. They remain an elusive species, perhaps deliberately so. If someone manages to befriend a void crow, they have a friend for life. If they're particularly lucky, they might be introduced to the rest of the flock, and perhaps even considered part of it.
Anyone who crosses a flock is in for a bad time. While not known for their violence, void crows have a sharp beak and claws, and enough strength in their wings to cause bruising. Victims of a void crow mobbing have also reported hallucinations and a sense of disorientation, although some scholars attribute that to head trauma.
When not angered, the crows are considered a friendly, if mischievous species. Not that different from other corvids, really. There are stories of them leading lost children home, or of luring hunters off the trail, but nothing has ever been confirmed. The stories about them seem to be more common than the birds themselves.
The best advice for anyone who thinks they've seen a void crow is to be polite. Whatever you do, don't throw things at them or try to shoot them. What one crow sees, the whole flock will remember. It's better to part on good terms than bad ones. And remember that like so many of us, they are easily bribed with food. Their diet is varied, and seems to include whatever a particular crow happens to like. Carrion definitely figures into most diets, though fruits and nuts are also common. There are several anecdotes from Takodana of a void crow who liked to steal Keshian spice rolls from patrons of Kanata's Castle.
Maybe, if the bird is feeling generous, it will even give you a shiny trinket in exchange for a few morsels of food.
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sophieakatz · 1 year
Thursday Thoughts: Playing the Best Version of Myself
I’m not intending to permanently turn this blog series into a “Sophie listens to podcasts and talks about the Starcruiser” thing, but… this week I found myself once again listening to a podcast episode about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser. It was The No Proscenium Podcast this time, and the episode was titled “Last Call at the Sublight Lounge.” One of the panelists, Kathryn, said the following about Halcyon passengers:
“I believe that a lot of the people on the ship were roleplaying that idealized version of themselves… Maybe you’re braver, bolder, more confident, more willing to stand up for what you believe in. Maybe it’s a version of yourself that you want to wish into being, but you’ve never had a chance to articulate it before.”
Funnily enough, this wasn’t the first time I’ve heard someone express this idea about the Starcruiser. On the final night of the show, I met up with a bunch of the performers after closing time. Emotions were running high, understandably, but a lot of those emotions were positive. There was so much love and gratitude in that space – for each other, and for what we had created and accomplished. Everyone kept talking about how much we’d grown because of the Starcruiser. Late in the evening, one of the performers attributed that growth to how we’d created a space where everyone who participated, everyone who came to play, could come be “the best version of yourself” – and playing as the best version of yourself changes you forever.
It gave me pause, when that performer said it, and I’m thinking about it further after hearing Kathryn bring it up again – because when I entered the Starcruiser as a guest, I didn’t think I was playing the best or idealized version of myself. I fully intended to not be myself. Sophie Katz knew too much about the Halcyon and its characters. I spent six months running around that ship, making sure that everyone else knew everything they needed to know about where to be, why they were there, and what to do while they were there. The beats of the whole two-day show are imprinted on my brain. So I thought that in order to have fun, and to avoid ruining anyone else’s fun with metagaming, I had to separate my guest-self from my writer-self.
Shira Alderaani Khesed was a character I made up almost two years ago. I wrote a poem about the destruction of Alderaan in Star Wars, and afterwards I fleshed out the character behind that first-person perspective. She was a woman without a homeworld, the daughter of Alderaanians who just happened to be off planet on their honeymoon when the Empire destroyed their lives. And as far as I could tell before my voyage, playing Shira would be about as far from acting as my real self as I could get without outright sacrificing my morals. Shira was a mechanic; she’d never had the good fortune to be able to pursue art as a career. She was cynical and cowardly, weighed down by the trauma she’d inherited and unable to imagine a better future – in direct contrast to my real-world optimism. She didn’t have a family or community to support her; her late parents kept her intentionally ignorant of her culture, believing that would protect her from her people’s genocide – unlike my real-life parents, wonderful and alive, who raised me to take pride in my culture. I wouldn’t have called Shira my ideal self; I certainly wouldn’t wish to be her or live her life!
I thought I’d successfully separated my real self from my Starcruiser-self.
But the performers on my voyage were quick to prove me wrong.
I mentioned last week that some of the performers dropped hints that they knew me. Gaya said I looked familiar. Raithe said he knew I understood what was going on better than anyone. Lenka outright added a bit to my backstory, saying she remembered how I helped repair the ship before this voyage.
There’s another example of this that I should mention now.
Captain Keevan’s path did not cross much with mine, but at one point late on the first day, I was standing with a friend in the lower concourse when the captain came out of the dining room. She approached us and asked how we were doing, mentioning she’d heard that I’d had some issues with Sammie the mechanic. I responded in character, explaining that Sammie had asked me to do something that I wasn’t comfortable with (lying to First Order Stormtroopers, which from Shira’s cautious-and-cynical point of view was a good way to get killed).
The captain told me that I shouldn’t have to do anything that made me feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Half joking, I looked at my friend and said, “Does that mean telling my friends to not sing anti-First Order fight songs?” (Which, yes, is another thing that happened. Video evidence here. Sophie loved that scene; Shira did not.)
“Well,” said Captain Keevan, “something like that could be a useful distraction, at times. I find that some people work well on the front lines, and their actions make it possible for others to do the important work they need to do in the background.”
“I do well in the background,” I said.
And she smiled and replied, “And I know you’re good at keeping things on schedule.”
As she walked away, I realized something about Shira. I’d thought that by making her a mechanic, I was making her unlike me. I’m not a hands-on hard-science building-things sort of person. I’d even been a bit nervous that someone might ask me something technical that I wouldn’t be able to answer.
But as Lenka had pointed out, as a mechanic, Shira was someone who had helped prepare the ship for this voyage. And as Captain Keevan had pointed out, Shira was someone who worked well in the background, supporting the people who were visible on the front lines.
In other words, Shira was the me I aspire to be, as a professional creative writer – not the person in the spotlight, but the person who makes it possible for other people to do well in the spotlight. The person who builds the world, who takes care of the details in the background, and who, if I’m doing my job right, goes unnoticed. You don’t notice a mechanic unless something breaks; when things go smoothly, you praise the captain. Similarly, you don’t notice a writer unless the dialogue is bad; when shows make you laugh and cry, you praise the actors and directors. That’s how it is. That’s the space I work well in and take pride in. Sure, I want people to know what I can do, and I want to get credit when I do a good job – so that I can continue to do this work that I love and make a living with it. I don’t dream about being a big flashy hero with crowds chanting my name. I want to be quietly essential.
I realized that Shira had an opportunity here – to learn to be that quiet, essential background player.
And as the show progressed, moments kept coming up that developed her story in that direction. When Lt. Croy ordered that a restraining bolt be put on beloved droid SK-620, Shira whispered to Sammie that he needed to go through it, despite the boos of the crowd, to keep the ship safe. The next day, Shira helped lure Lt. Croy and the stormtroopers downstairs to give Lenka and Saja Fen a chance to rescue SK. During the heist, Shira didn’t get one of the many “noisy distraction” jobs; instead, Raithe secretly passed Shira the gem, and she stood far away from the action, quietly keeping it safe while Captain Keevan ordered Raithe to turn out his pockets. Moment by moment, act by act, decision by decision, Shira was learning how much of an impact she could have on the galaxy from the background, even if – perhaps even because – most people didn’t know she was there doing the work that needed to be done.
Everything culminated in a scene that caught me off guard just as much in reality as in character. Shira wound up in the middle of the atrium, with a whole crowd of people’s eyes on her, telling Lt. Croy a series of objectively terrible lies.
It would be impossible for me to exaggerate how uncomfortable I am with improv. I’m fine with public speaking – I’m honestly pretty good at it – but I always prepare a lot in advance. If you’ve ever heard me say something cool, it’s because I spent at least ten minutes beforehand planning it out. I did not plan for this moment. And so, in that moment, even though I objectively knew that no real-world harm would come to me, my fear and Shira’s were one and the same. All I wanted to do was run away.
But I didn’t run away. I kept talking – babbling, really – because I had to keep Croy’s attention on me, so he wouldn’t turn around and see Raithe sneaking up to the mezzanine to steal the coaxium. Because that’s what Shira would have done, after everything she’d been through on that ship. She would play her part. She would make it possible for other people to do the more obviously important and visible job. And, as soon as the job was done and it was safe to do so, she would run away… straight towards Raithe, who promptly handed her the suitcase of coaxium. He knew he could trust her with it.
And me? I want to be trusted. I want to be someone that people can rely on. I may not literally want to be Shira Alderaani Khesed, but I want to have the kind of impact she had on the story unfolding around her, just by being me, hard at work in the background. Building worlds, preparing experiences, and keeping everyone around me on schedule. Relied on and appreciated by the people who matter most. Quietly essential to a life-changing experience, and given the chance to be so again, and again, and again. That’s the best version of me.
You wanna know the best part? Those two days I spent as Shira was not the only chance I had to be that best version of me. I now understand that the role that Shira played on the Halcyon was the role I played with Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser. I see it now more clearly than ever before. We don’t often get the chance to see ourselves so clearly, and I am so grateful to this cast for helping me see. They gave me such a gift. They gave everyone who set foot on that ship the gift of getting to be – and to learn that we are – our best selves.
I know what I can do for others – for a creative team, for an audience, for the world. I want nothing more than to do it again, and again, and again.
Let’s do it again, together.
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antianakin · 2 years
If Anakin tries to somehow convince Leia that he is her father post-ROTJ, I would like Leia to start citing Alderaani sperm donor law at him that states he is explicitly not her father.
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
alderaan’s political system from swtor to the prequels
From the point of realism, we really should see more differences between the galaxy of the prequel trilogy and SWTOR given that they occur more than two thousand years apart. In fairness to the writers, sketching out two thousand years’ worth of social-political-economic shifts is a prohibitively enormous task. Still, the differences that do exist are always worth digging into, even though they may not always be intentional.
Alderaan of the Prequels is a constitutional monarchy. Its head of state is its monarch with the title being passed down the line of House of Organa. While the title is hereditary, heirs are required to demonstrate their worthiness to inherit by overcoming their three trials on the Day of Demand; declining to engage in the trials would function as a soft abdication, opening the way for a younger sibling to become heir apparent.
Though the monarch and a couple of other hereditary roles like the Viceroy confer an automatic right to be part of the executive – Queen Breha serves as her own Minister for Education – the legislature is presumably all democratically elected, as are some other members of the executive. Alderaan has a monarch, but they are a democracy.
While the lore entry for the Glarus Valley describes it as the “seat of culture and democracy on Alderaan” what the game actually shows us is an elective monarchy so deep in crisis it has reverted to aristocracy. Alderaan’s elective monarchy is interesting because the throne is regularly passed between its noble houses rather than its aristocratic electors ratifying the previous ruler’s heir or choosing among competing candidates from the royal house. The most likely point these elections would be held is on the death or abdication of the previous monarch, though there would be advantages to a tradition of the reigning monarch signalling their intention to abdicate on a set date to call for the election of their successor to improve the odds of a smooth transition of power.
Electorships tend to be short-lived because reigning electors usually try to use their period of rule to deepen their powerbase and secure the eventual election of their own heir, eroding them into hereditary monarchies. To last for centuries, Alderaan’s electorship must be enshrined in its constitution with many legal and institutional safeguards designed to ensure its perpetuity. One obvious way of doing this is to prohibit the holding of successive electorships by the same house – Queen Silara’s son Gaul Panteer was titled as the Crown Prince, but that may be a poor translation and Gaul was only ever the heir of House Panteer rather than the Alderaani throne.
The position of Alderaan’s Senator is usually held by the reigning monarch’s heir, implying that the Senator is appointed, rather than elected, to the office.
SWTOR makes no mention of an Alderaani House of Commons which sat alongside its House of Lords in the assembly at the Elysium – no body of representatives drawn from the working, or even landowning, classes. I believe this is because Alderaan does not have one in this period, for if they did surely we would hear about them in relation to the civil war. A House of Commons would be quick to grasp the opportunity to play kingmaker and the noble houses – Organa, Thul, Ulgo – would be eager to court the Commons to secure valuable endorsements. It is likely a House of Commons would also aggressively push for peace negotiations; if none of its representatives are members of the noble houses they cannot win the war and the throne, but their constituencies would likely be demanding an end to the conflict. The absence of an Alderaani Commons is one of the major factors in my categorising this political system as definitely not being a type of democracy.
Another reason we can be sure this government isn’t a democracy is because, while the House Ulgo’s lore entry calls the assembly at the Elysium the Alderaani parliament, its House of Lords lacks the legislative and/or executive authority wielded by real-world parliaments with the ruling family instead able to make unilateral decisions on major issues of interplanetary security and trade. Specifically, Gaul Panteer takes Alderaan out of the Galactic Republic without the decision being debated – let alone ratified – by the assemblage of nobles at the Elysium. If the issue had gone to a debate in the Elysium and Bouris Ulgo had been given the opportunity to loudly and publicly explain that the reason the Galactic Senate signed the Treaty of Coruscant was because the Republic lost the Great Galactic War, that if Alderaan ceded from the Republic it would lose the protection of both the Sith Empire’s Treaty commitment and the Republic’s military mutual defence pact, and that under those circumstances the Sith Empire would immediately pounce on the opportunity to launch a second invasion, even if the Panteers has still tried to go through with their dangerously stupid piece of political theatre the other noble houses would have put a stop to it. Instead, because the monarchy’s power was unchecked, Houses Ulgo and Rist assassinated Gaul and Silara Panteer in an attempt to force the election of a new monarch whose first act would be take Alderaan back into the relative safety of the Republic – and the Empire took advantage, using House Thul as a catspaw to justify their military presence on the planet.
From Alderaan’s aristocratic elector-lords to its constitutional monarchy there is a logical trajectory – at some point the guardrails supporting Alderaan’s elective monarchy failed and it slid, as electorships tend to, into hereditary monarchy.
Given how few mentions of Alderaan’s other noble houses there are in the prequels era, it appears House Organa succeeded in completely shutting its rivals out of power and is instead sharing power with other bodies – my guess would be independent courts and the House of Commons style elected legislative body (ie parliament) that Alderaan lacked during the Old Republic. Ironically, between the two Queendoms of Alderaan it is the hereditary rather than elective monarchy whose government is more representative and egalitarian.
That, I believe, is the clue to how House Organa overcame its rivals. The Organas’ hold authority not through the support of the aristocracy but the proletariat. Winning over the ordinary people living in their rivals’ fiefdoms by supporting the expansion of their rights at the expense of noble privilege, promising representation at the Elysium, funding public bodies accessible to all regardless of rank pulled the other Houses’ support bases out from under them. Alderaan has free universal education at every level, Alderaan has all sorts of other free universal bells and whistles, Alderaan’s royalty spends their lives in public service because that is the social contract House Organa made with the Alderaani people in return for sole possession of the throne.
I feel comfortable saying that we are looking at an early transitionary period between relatively stable forms of government. House Ulgo attempting to seize the throne by force and the other Houses wading into the war to fight for the crown rather than uniting to slap Ulgo down and finish the election has set a precedent likely to be repeated in the future.
Whichever House wins the civil war will not have a truly legitimate claim on the throne even if they take care to hold an election to validate the ascension of their head as the monarch because everyone will still know that the House secured victory through battle, not diplomacy. Further problematising the situation is the fact that all three front runners have factors muddying the view of their potential win; Ulgo for being the first to resort to violence, Organa and Thul for requiring backing from foreign governments because they lack sufficient domestic support (this goes triple for Thul because their backer is the Sith Empire).
The throne being won by warfare before being rubber stamped by Alderaan’s Elector-Lords once seeds the idea it could be done again – every crisis coinciding with a future election becomes an opportunity one of the noble houses might try to take advantage of. More immediately, it will undermine the legitimacy of whoever becomes the new monarch and of their rulings – the legitimacy of that government and the system itself. Having gained control through violence the ruling House will likely need to resort to violence again to keep it.
Somewhere between the Old Republic and the new one born in the Ruusan Reformation lies the forging of the Rhindon Sword and the days when the heir to the crown fought their way to the throne room to secure their birth-right. While we know that peace and democracy await in Alderaan’s future, it can only have been a bloody road to reach them.
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merlyn-bane · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
I know, I know, I just did WIP Sunday and a LLC. Just pretend I didn't.
Since I'm currently working on the second-to-last chapter of Foelu, and I've already decided to poll for the next WIP to try to focus my attention on, I thought I'd go ahead and post a snippet from another one of the poll options. This is the very beginning of my Sith Empire, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Lovers(?) ObiMaul AU.
Honestly, Obi-Wan and Dooku's relationship might actually be my favorite dynamic in this universe.
There is a wretched, bedraggled thing darkening Yan’s doorstep. Hazy, dilated blue eyes gaze at him through its mop of disheveled red hair and even redder blood seeping out of what appears to be a head wound. It is shaped vaguely like his grandchild, Yan thinks, but he cannot imagine what this particular grandchild of his would possibly be doing dripping blood all over his stoop when he knows they’ve talked about this. It is early enough in the cycle that Yan is still in his bathrobe—the finest fleece Serenno has to offer, draping clear down to his slippers as is only appropriate and sporting his initials over the breast pocket—cup of caf firmly in hand. He typically prefers tea but has been known to also occasionally enjoy a rich dark roast when the fancy takes him. The Force had prodded him in the direction of higher caffeine content this morning; he thinks perhaps that he sees now why.  “You’re getting blood all over the place,” Yan feels compelled to point out. “I just had that stoop replaced.” The wretched thing looks down at said stoop as though the shift in angle will not only encourage the blood to drip down onto it faster. “Marble. Rather ostentatious for somewhere intended for people to put their muddy feet, isn’t it?” Yan feels every frown line engraved into his face deepen at once. “Anyone who deigns to come up to my door with muddy feet will have bigger problems than I will.” “Even you can’t control the weather, grandmaster.” Obi-Wan grins. “Do you have any more of that Alderaani tea blend?”
The current options for the WIP poll are the Codywan Teacher AU, Codywan War Widow AU, Codywan Restaurant AU, and this one. Feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have regarding those AUs in the lead-up to the poll :D :D
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
Princess and the Scoundrel Thoughts
Spoilers ahead:
First of all, the title and cover of this book are ridiculous. The art is pretty, but the pose looks like a cheesy romance. I think they’re paying homage to Courtship of Princess Leia, which while that story is hilarious, is one of the worst Star Wars books ever. But we get the Dathomir witches so it’s fine I guess.
On the other hand, Princess and the Scoundrel, is one of the best Star Wars books. Despite everything, despite all of the obstacles this book had from the beginning, it succeeds as having some of the best and most subtle character work in the entire franchise. Which is hilarious, because this book literally only exists to market a hotel. But Beth Revis said, “yeah, but what if it was good and I actually tried?”
Now, Beth Revis has clearly read COPL. You can tell and it’s kind of hilarious. For example, in COPL, there is a really long scene where Han plays sabacc (space poker) during a bout of insecurity and wins a planet to give to Leia and he uses THE MILLENNIUM FALCON for collateral. Han Solo would never do this. Now in PatS, Han plays sabacc while Leia is working to help her out by gathering intelligence. One of the players mentions that he wants to kidnap Leia (not knowing who Han is), and Han almost murders the guy. It’s awesome.
Here’s the thing, you can tell when Leia is being written by a woman instead of a man. In COPL, there is one moment where it’s brought up that if Leia marries Isolder there will be a planet for the survivors of the Alderaani genocide, but it’s only mentioned a few times and not by Leia. So any opportunity for a duty vs love internal conflict is not used. Her conflict is “Han and I are distant and space Fabio is hot so…”. Then HAN KIDNAPS LEIA USING A MIND CONTROL GUN. And she doesn’t murder him. So…I don’t care about this relationship anymore because both of them suck and it isn’t even clear why Leia falls in love with Han all over again.
Beth Revis gives Leia a very multi faceted internal conflict. Part of it is her dealing with her feelings about Vader, about being part of a team, and her guilt over Alderaan. It doesn’t take up too much time, but they inform a lot of her character.
Now, in a different canon book, that came out previously, it was mentioned in passing that Han and Leia got married on Endor. Now, at that point in both the EU and Canon, Han and Leia have been forcibly separated for a year and only actually got together a little bit before that. So, that’s really weird. But Revis is stuck with this. So she says to herself, “Why would they do this? Why would they move this quickly?”
And she remembers that this is Star Wars. They are living through war, they all almost died, and just spent a year forcibly separated. And they’ve decided that they’re done wasting time. Han just kind of…proposes and Leia (in typical fashion) debates for a second before deciding to take a leap of faith for love. It’s genuinely very, very sweet. Despite the title and cover this is not a romance book. There is no “will they won’t they” bullshit. Thank. God. They just get married and it’s really happy and Lando pranks Han into dressing nice, and it’s great. Then it’s a Star Wars adventure featuring Han and Leia.
That’s not to say Han and Leia don’t have any tension between them. The difference is it’s interesting. Han and Leia, especially her, do not know how to fully let each other into their lives. It isn’t that Han forgets for a bit that he married a very driven woman. He absolutely knows. His frustration stems from the fact that they are literally on their honeymoon, and Leia keeps leaving to work, because that is all she knows how to do. It is how she has coped with her trauma for three years. On the other hand, Leia feels like she is solely responsible for saving the galaxy, and that Han doesn’t understand that. Both sides of this argument are understandable. The book switches between Han and Leia’s perspectives. There are no stupid cutaways to Luke or space Fabio, there are no space witches. It is a focused relationship/ character study of Han and Leia while they’re on a decently interesting mission.
And the build up to the fight they end up having, is great. It’s a slow build up, you can feel their mutual frustration, and once they have the fight it is very cathartic. They don’t fight for the entire book either. They flirt and tease and have real conversations too.
So, after this huge fight, Leia is trying to divert the cruiser they’re on to this other planet, and Han finds out and helps her. Together, they succeed, but Leia is confused. They haven’t made up from their fight yet, and she asks why he helped her fight to go on a mission that’s going to take up more of their time. And Han says, “You’re my wife. If you’re running a con, I’m going to help you.”
Now, this might just be one of my favorite lines. Beth Revis understands that Han Solo is very loyal to the few people he cares about. He loves Leia, it’s why he goes back for her on Hoth at his own risk, why he saves Luke at Yavin and on Hoth. (She also understands the little bit of dorkiness Han Solo has beneath the posturing, up to the point that she gives him a sweet tooth.) Neither of them are overly mushy, they just love and respect each other.
There’s this great symbolism with their wedding rings. They’re made of hardened amber by the ewoks, and their fragility is a constant reminder of Han and Leia’s issues. They crack under pressure, and have to be maintained carefully. They eventually end up breaking under immense water pressure, but Han gives Leia a new ring (the one she wears in the sequels) reminiscent of the amber ones, symbolizing that they’re coming out stronger. It’s so sweet, and while it’s a little bit on the nose, it’s a great literary technique.
He’s acknowledging that he recognizes this part of Leia’s character, Leia realizes she needs to also put him first. In the aftermath, they both feel bad, apologize, and resolve to work on their issues together. And when they make-up, it feels real. This runs through the entire book, and the way it ends is really satisfying. Now, we know what happens to them in the sequels, so we can see how this conflict may come back into play later and lead to their eventual separation in canon. But, it’s also easy to see a different path where they work through these issues and live happily ever after. It’s just ambiguous enough to be read as either a prelude to eventual tragedy or the beginning of a long, happy life between two complex people. (I prefer the first one, but whatever).
Other things I liked:
- Han proposing. It’s literally that “I want you” “For what?” “A really long time.” quote on the internet.
Han: I want you.
Leia: Me? For what?
Han: Forever. Marry me.
- Leia tells Han about her true parentage and he just does not care. Like, he’s sympathetic towards her feelings, but is like, “why would this impact my love for you?”
- Leia finally lets herself do something spontaneous.
- Luke and Mon Mothma ship it.
- This quote:
Leia: About time.
Han: For what?
Leia: You once promised me a good kiss. I’ve been waiting.
- The conflict on Madurs is also pretty interesting. Leia is unwilling to let another planet die, giving an insight into Leia’s feelings about Alderaan, especially since Madurs values art like Alderaan.
Honestly, I want Beth Revis to write the canon “trip to Bespin” book.
This book kind of implies that Leia is bi? There’s a scene where Leia is remembering a conversation with her mother. So, when Alderaanian royals get married, their parent straps the ceremonial Rhindon sword (also used during their coronation) around their waist before the wedding.
In the flashback, Breha specifically says “whoever you marry” and “your husband or wife”…
Some people may say that it’s just ‘forced inclusion’ but that’s boring. Now, in the EU, fanon, and canon, Leia always puts emphasis on how close she and her parents were. This is something that I don’t think is ever particularly well illustrated, especially in canon. In parts the Kenobi series (she gets better later) and Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Breha in particular comes off as really unlikable.
But, if Leia isn’t over romanticizing (and there’s no indication that she is), she was really close to her parents. So, it stands to reason that her mother would know her sexuality. They at least seem really accepting in this passage, so it doesn’t seem like something Leia would keep from them.
I have no other evidence, and as far as I know, Leia is always seen in romances with men in both canon and legends, but in this context, it is a very interesting hint of something new about her character.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano Fic Recs
I'm posting this today for @theadmiralbitch happy birthday!!! 🎂
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
a worthwhile endeavour by wrennette -Rated G
They were currently at nearly 36 hours since Obi-Wan last slept, which meant that tonight, they'd be breaking out the big guns. Ahsoka knew the routine by now, the major points practiced enough that she could improvise a little to keep her Master from catching on. Co-Commanders Tano and Cody have a plan.
Mall Rat Ahsoka by phoenixyfriend - Rated G
Ahsoka falls into the mall fountain, gets fished out by a security guard, and gets Obi-Wan to lie and claim he's her father to get out of trouble. It works.
Diplomacy by Phosphorescent - Rated G
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's mission to Tatooine does not go according to plan. Anakin's really going to be sorry he missed this... “The Mighty Jabba has been looking for a new dancer ever since our last one… required replacement,” the droid said. It moved closer, head swiveling back and forth between the two Jedi. “You are a fit specimen. Please report to the tailor droid for a fitting of your dancing outfit.” Ahsoka had her lightsaber in hand and ignited practically before the droid had finished speaking.
The Thread That Binds Us by Did_you_see_the_light_in_my_heart - Rated G
Ahsoka is running out of time to get her formal robes for the Yearly Ball For All Sentient Beings and no matter how hard she tries, she can't seem to get Anakin's attention long enough to help her solve the problem. But maybe someone else can help her. “Tell me, my dear, what’s troubling you?” Master Kenobi asks. She lowers her fork and stops, swallowing hard. “I… I don’t have anything to wear for the ball,” she says quietly. Set early in Ahsokas apprenticeship. Relationships are still fresh.
Accepting Emotion by LazarusII - Rated G
Dealing with the stress and anxiety of being a prospective Padawan, Ahsoka Tano struggles to manage her emotions. Obi-Wan Kenobi finds her practicing in the dojo, confidence in tatters. His words make all the difference.
Chosen, not assigned by Lysore - Rated G
"It looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps they brought my new Padawan with them," Obi-Wan had said. Though there seemed to be a misunderstanding regarding the identity of the Master of said Padawan.
carried in your heart by grumpyhedgehogs - Rated G
“I am always with you.” Obi-Wan tells her. Her heart thumps painfully in her chest as her grandmaster rests his palm over it. The organ betrays her, beats away like it can crack her ribs apart and slip between them to leap into Obi-Wan’s chest and stay there with him, always. Slowly, tentatively, Ahsoka lets Obi-Wan guide her to rest her own palm over his heart. It pulses under her fingers, reminding Ahsoka at least one Jedi still lives on. “You are always with me.”
Negotiator's Garden by NyeLung - Rated G
The curious thing is that the clone troopers keep bringing Master Kenobi those cuttings, he accepts them gratefully and then he puts them in soil and waters them and they don't wither and die. They should wither and die. That Alderaani snow zherry cannot withstand hyperspace travel. That Kashyyyk begonia is carnivorous and what Master Kenobi has put into the soil as roots are actually the tentacles it uses to catch prey. The oneshot where Obi-Wan is most likely some kind of space fae, Ahsoka is a botany nerd and there's debatably sentient plants.
these battle scars (don't look like they're fading) by CallToMuster - Rated T
If there was one thing Ahsoka knew about her grandmaster, it was that he hated medical treatment and those who gave it. She just never knew why.
Waiting and Learning by otherhawk - Rated G
During a brief period of time when Ahsoka Tano is working with the 212th under Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka takes part in a mission to obtain separatist codes. Unfortunately the mission involves a lot of downtime without much entertainment as they wait for an ambush. Along the way Ahsoka gets to know her grandmaster better and makes some new friends.
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
WiP bit: Late Bloomer
Ilyana gets dressed when everyone else has gone out. The party dress in gold and black that falls just above her knees in front and to her ankles in back. The shoes have something called 'kitten' heels and she can run in them if need be. She does her hair up with combs, and puts on the delicate Chandrilan glass and aurum jewelry. At the last moment she bokboks and puts on the detachable sleeves and beaded chiffon wrap. the cosmetics feel as odd on her skin as the clothing does on her body. The little bag - no pockets to be had on any of her new outfits - holds her credit stick, mini blaster, cosmetics, and a little bottle of perfume that she hadn't quite dared to put on. Being in uniforms from the age of fourteen made her uncomfortable, sticking out like a beacon.
Reclaiming her rented aircar, Ilyana set out to the Thousand Fountains district, nearly fainted at the parking charges, and walked to the Famous Roses Show Bar. Sure enough, there were ladies dancing in the windows, and a smiling Twilek all but herding her in the door and taking her money. Two drink minimum, the kitchen never closes, why not sit right here, poppet?
'Right here' turned out to be the stage, and the drink was a sweet and frozen thing with garnishes and a little paper umbrella. Cautiously looking around confirmed that, yes, the clientele was composed only of women. Some of them looking right at her as if she were a slice of blackout cake. The music started and a lady came strutting out on stage in boots to her thighs, a dress that didn't have enough bottom to reach the top of the boots, and also didn't have enough to keep her generous boobs contained. How did anyone dance in heels that high?Ilyana followed the others seated stage-side in tapping her credit stick on the receiver and sending credits to the dancer's account.
Ohbrightstars. The lady came over to dance right in front of her and Ilyana blushed. It wasn't indecent - she still had all of her scanty clothing on and-
No, she didn't.
Ilyana mentally smacked herself and remembered her manners.
The lady cooed and pinched her cheeks. "Oh, sugarbun, are you new to the team?"
In the next few minutes a crowd of dancing ladies plucked her from her seat and relocated her to an ornate couch, then all of then proceeded to dance on tables and even grind on her lap. If Ilyana blushed any more, her head would explode. Maybe this had not been the best idea, but they were all being so nice. She bought drinks for them, and was often placed in a lap when the lap she currently occupied had to perform. Likewise, a number of the clientele were looking at her as the Big Bad Howler looked at Little Masha. Even worse, Ilyana could recognize Captain Daala and Captain Sloane. An icy blonde was looking her over as if Ilyana was something she wanted to try on.
"It's late and I wanted to get my aircar and go find some dawnmeal-"
Six of the ladies bunched around her. "You have an aircar?"
And, "Don't worry, Poppet. We won't let the she-wolves get you."
"Er, yes. It's parked over at Guitta's-"
"Oh, the Hutt. Don't worry, she won't charge you a clipped credit."
"I know the perfect place. My sister's waiting tables at the Allisandre Grill-"
Honestly, maybe they ought to put dancing ladies in uniform because, bright stars, they plowed through everything like an ISD on full fire. True to their word, Ilyana was refunded her parking charge, and ten dancing ladies piled into the aircar. Noemi - a sweet-faced Alderaani gave her the directions and Giama got them the parking spot, while Maddein led a little parade of scantily-clad ladies and Ilyana into the grill, calling for a table in her sister's section. Ilyana checked her credit balance and tapped it on the receiver set in the table.
The enforced socializing made Karyn wish that she was a junior officer again. Sit and sit until you ass was sore, stand around until your feet hurt, smile until your face was fit to fall off your-
A few times in one's life, one witnessed such doings that the inside of one's skull was utterly silent. This was one of them. Pyro had said she didn't have plans for the evening, and that was technically true, but it failed to explain how her weapons officer and freshly-minted senior lieutenant was seated in the midst of a line of showgirls. Karyn reached over and tugged at the hem of Thrawn's tunic, drawing him from a conversation with a glassy-eyed Siward Cass about Delayan Clone War-era art.
The silence was positively ringing and Karyn caught Cass and Tarkin (and Vanto) counting the ladies surrounding a pink-cheeked Pyrondi.
"I'm going to ask her for pointers," Vanto muttered.
"This explains a few things," Jashin Agral agreed.
"By the UCNJ, she's not breaking any rules or regulations," Thrawn cut to the heart of the matter. "We'll have a talk with her later. While she didn't lie, there was not a lot of truth in her words. Humans are so strange about sex."
The Allisandre Grill was drawing a crowd. Mostly men. Mostly flag rank or connected. All of them homing in on the windowside table. Karyn picked up the pace, altering course, going to rescue her weapons officer before a talking-to that would blister ears. Of all the numbskulled capers-
The caf was freshly roasted and the pancakes were delicious; on the whole breakfast was solid as the decks of the Chimaera. The ladies were a flight of chattering tropical birds in colorful feathers, and Ilyana just listened for her name and got her cheeks pinched a lot. From time to time, rankers would come up to the window, stare, and then leave. As long as they were not in the restaurant, Ilyana did not have to come to attention.
"Ah. Senior Lieutenant Pyrondi." That voice, despite not being Navy, had her at attention as if there was a cable to the top of her head. "Delightful evening."
"Yes, Colonel Yularen, sir!"
Major Partagaz heeled his superior officer, and fixed her with a look that made cadets and midshipmen shake in their boots. Both men looked over the women at the table for long, voiceless moments.
"As you were, Lieutenant Pyrondi." The old wolf had a reputation as one with a high rate of return for the ladies. "Carry on."
"Sir." Ilyana resumed her seat after coming to attention for Major Partagaz, who had been Professor Partagaz not too long ago."
"Indeed, do carry on, Lieutenant Pyrondi," the major echoed before following Yularen. "Goodness, Wullf. She was always one of the quiet ones-"
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