#alex drawing stupid stuff
dear-alex-chill · 2 years
Late Night Spying...
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Some Gravesloose + their kids to end the year
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imobsessed123 · 1 month
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Face reveal but it’s a drawing my irl friend made of me
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ot3 · 2 months
Hey! The link to your FAQ wasn't working for me so I don't know if this question has been asked before. I really appreciate your perspectives on AI art. Do you happen to have any resources that you read/listened to on intellectual property rights and the issues with it? I just don't really know where to start with it.
[heres where i cut out a big paragraph of me, once again, bitching about how blog pages don't work on the tumblr app and i think that's fucking stupid]
anyway i dont have any generalized sources on the subject but the tl;dr of it is: intellectual property rights exclusively benefit people who have the resources to pursue sustained litigation. 99% of the time, what IP law is being used for is to reinforce corporate ownership of work that was done by their employees.
the whole disco elysium debacle is a great case study.
The shareholders of ZA/UM accused the trio of, among other things, intending to steal intellectual property (IP) from the company — a curious accusation, considering that the world of the game is based off of a novel written by Kurvitz himself. The case of Disco Elysium illustrates the shortcomings of IP rights as protection for artists. Consequently, it contains a lot of lessons for the labor movement when it comes to the arts, and serves as a reminder that creative workers are, at the end of the day, workers. But this is not just an academic exercise. It’s a human story about the intimate consequences of capitalist exploitation. “I got my soul ripped out of me,” Kurvitz told me over Zoom in April of 2023. “I got my skull cracked open and my brain lifted out of it by a fifty-five-year-old financial criminal.”
another example: alex norris of webcomic name, which you will probably recognize when you see it, has been raising hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past several years to try and keep up with the protracted legal battle over maintaining ownership of his own work.
I have been fighting this case since 2019. It arose out of an agreement to make a boardgame based on my webcomic in 2017 but the publishing company has used this as an opportunity to take all of my intellectual property, and has even claimed ownership of Webcomic Name as a whole. I can't go into more detail here, but the details of the case are publicly available to read online.
Then, in a 2024 update:
I have essentially won the main case based on the decisions made last summer. The Judge has clearly stated that I own my comics, and that the other party has infringed on my copyright. It is not over yet, as there are still a few things that need to happen. Hopefully things will all be wrapped up this year. After 6 years of legal battling, I can’t wait to be free of all of this. Hopefully, this second case will backfire, and they will be sanctioned for filing it. But to get to that point requires a frustratingly large amount of work, time and money.
An interesting thing about both of these two specific instances is that they involve creators who had entire bodies of work produced around the specific IPs that were stolen from them before they even began partnering with corporate entities to produce works. which is insane! you can spend years writing novels, drawing comics, and if a company comes in with enough lawyers they can own those ideas.
this is pretty distinctly different to me than instances of work you do while being employed by a corporate entity being owned by that corporate entity, because at least you know what you're getting into there to some degree, but i still think that's bad too. consider stuff like the owl house and gravity falls, two disney shows made by people who very very clearly did not like working for disney. disney owns their ideas, their characters, their worlds, because that's the price you pay for having an animated show produced.
essentially it's very very clear upon even the slightest examination that intellectual property in no way exists to codify who the creator responsible for specific creative concepts or works is. it exists to turn nebulous things like 'ideas' into market commodities, and to funnel the profits made by the labor of individual artists and writers into corporate bank accounts.
the only person who has ever really benefited from IP law as an individual trying to lay claim to their own work is ken penders, who notoriously won his suit to have ownership of characters and storylines he created. heartbreaking: Worst Person You Know Gets An Unequivocally Deserved Legal W.
The comics continued under Flynn’s direction as if nothing happened, but things started looking grim in late 2012, when Archie suddenly fired its entire legal team. The company had been unable to produce Penders’ work-for-hire contract, which would have given control of his creations to Sega. Penders claimed the contract had never existed. A heavily circulated Tumblr post outlining the case (which has been corroborated as a reliable source by Penders) explains that while Archie did provide a photocopy of a contract allegedly signed by Penders in 1996, Penders claimed that the document was a forgery. That it was neither an original copy nor a contract from the beginning of the writer’s tenure at Archie meant that its validity was questionable. Making things worse, Archie couldn’t produce an original copy of any previous contributor’s contract, meaning that any writer or artist who had worked on the Archie Sonic line could potentially follow in Penders’s footsteps and reclaim their work. “So are you saying prior counsel blew it?” the presiding judge asked Archie counsel Joshua Paul in a May 2013 court session. His reply was unequivocal: “Absolutely, your Honor.”
So yeah. Owning the work you do as an artist is only something that happens when the people trying to profit off of it show unprecedented and staggering level of incompetence in their legal teams.
Then, alongside not owning the concepts and ideas you produce while working with corporate entities, there's the issue of NDA regarding specific pieces you've produced. This causes a LOT of trouble for freelance illustrators/character designers/concept artists, etc. Looking for work is very hard when the past three years of pieces you've drawn can't be added to your portfolio. Some people have password protected pages on their portfolios that they use for NDA work, but I believe the right to do this varies depending on your contract. I'm not 100% sure. In cases where the project you worked on eventually comes out, that's one thing, but there will be instances where the entire project gets canned after all the work is done, but is still under NDA so essentially all of your work has been taken from you, crumpled up into a ball by a studio executive, thrown in the trash can, and legally you are not allowed to go pick it out of the bin and try and flatten it out again.
This has all been pretty art-focused because that's the kind of circles I run in and where a lot of my interests lie but the truth is none of this is even remotely close to as evil IP law gets. I've saved the most egregious for last: The Lakota Language Consortium
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The Lakota Language Consortium had promised to preserve the tribe’s native language and had spent years gathering recordings of elders, including Taken Alive’s grandmother, to create a new, standardized Lakota dictionary and textbooks.  But when Taken Alive, 35, asked for copies, he was shocked to learn that the consortium, run by a white man, had copyrighted the language materials, which were based on generations of Lakota tradition. The traditional knowledge gathered from the tribe was now being sold back to it in the form of textbooks.
When you're in defense of IP law, this is what you're siding with. This is the rational endpoint of IP and it is neither a fluke nor an example of the concept being twisted against its original design. Art, culture, language, it belongs to whoever is most capable of turning it into a product. The economic incentives of producing and distributing arts and culture demand this is how things be.
Meya says his work is a vital tool in preserving the Lakota language, which did not previously have a standardized written form. He estimated that there are fewer than 1,500 fluent Lakota speakers left and that over the last decade and a half, the organization has helped add 50 to 100 more. “Just because money is involved in it does not inherently make it an evil thing,” Meya said in a recent interview with NBC News. Most of the products his organizations make are free, he said, but the cost of printing textbooks has to come from somewhere. “That tends to be sometimes part of the rhetoric, ‘Oh, there’s money involved. It must be, you know, part of the overall colonization effort.’ Well, you know, that’s just not realistic.”
Artists looking to force their way into the class of people who gets protected by these laws are not looking out for their community. They are not protecting anything but their own perceived financial interests. Intellectual property will never, ever benefit the most marginalized members of creative communities and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is huffing some serious copium.
Frankly, I don't believe anyone can or should 'own' things like Ideas or Specific Aesthetic Flairs. But even if you do believe in that, IP law isn't the framework for handling it.
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siriuslyblack12 · 1 year
a drabble i wrote inspired by casey’s prince henry ama!!
“I can’t believe this does it for you,” Henry says matter-of-factly.
Alex can’t quite believe it either. Alas, he is only a man, weak to the impossible charm of his boyfriend. Especially when said boyfriend is wearing cowboy boots, jeans so tight they may as well be painted on, a flannel shirt and a stetson.
“Fuck,” Alex mutters, making Henry’s smile grow wider. “Baby, you look incredible.”
“I feel a bit silly, if i’m honest,” Henry says.
“You look like sex on legs, hen,” Alex says with a frown, fisting a hand through his hair. Henry is still standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest with his eyes firmly fixed on alex, who is laid back on soft bedsheets already palming himself through his sweatpants. “Fuck, c’mere.”
Henry obeys happily. He crosses the room with an almost unnoticeable skip on his step, falling on to the bed and crawling until he sits near alex‘s legs. Unable to take a moment longer apart, Alex pulls him forward by the hips until Henry’s legs straddle him - and if this wasn’t already one of the hottest sights he’s seen, he may have crumbled then and there. He lets his thumbs draw circles on Henry’s hips for a moment as his eyes greedily take in the sight, and he feels Henry’s arms wrap around his shoulders sweetly.
"I can’t explain it," Alex says, almost to himself. “You’re just… so fucking sexy, sweetheart. I can’t get enough.”
“If I'd have known you'd react like this, I'd have worn this a lot sooner," Henry says with a soft smile and blush rising on his cheeks.
“And I'd have had a heart attack,” Alex shoots back. “Do you want to kill me?”
“I suppose not,” henry says with a thoughtful look in his eyes, before leaning forward and letting their lips brush together gently. It's soft, teasing, intimate: slow because they both know they're not in a rush. They have all the time in the world. They can be vulnerable with each other, sweet, movements aching and belaboured as they kiss over and over, with neither of them ever getting sick of it. Their kiss becomes more heated - hands roaming freely, tongues dancing, Alex's teeth biting softly at Henry's lips - but there's still a tenderness to it that makes Alex's heart burst.
Henry pulls back for a moment, throughouly flushed and already half-hard, "How the hell will you survive moving back to Austin? You know I'll have to wear stuff like all the time."
Alex smirks, "I'm counting on it, baby."
"We are never going to finish renovating the house if you're as horny as this," Henry says, his stupid, posh accent making the words sound even more scandalous than they are.
Alex groans, pinching Henry's hips, "You complaining?"
Henry scoffs, "Of course not, love. I'm just worried for you're productivity."
"There's bigger things to worry about right now."
Henry leans forward to press a few kisses against Alex's mouth, smiling into it before raising an eyebrow at him, "Was that a dick joke, Alexander?"
"Why yes it was, Your Majesty," Alex mocks with a frankly terrible impression of Henry's accent. After all these years of living together, sharing a home and a life, he is still no better at it. "Now, are you going to put those riding boots to good use?"
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thanatophobia999 · 7 months
So.. What now?
(For the Alex Kister situation.) Well.. I don't know. I'm still struggling, trying processing what happened throughout the years with Alex and the victims, I'm struggling to know what I should do anymore.. Yes there are other VHS horror content creators/vids but.. I grew onto TMC the most. I just don't understand why this happens, whenever someone becomes popular they just abuse and use their fanbase. I feel like I don't have much of a purpose anymore now that this happened, yes "seperate the art from the artist" is a thing- but I don't know if that's a good thing to do.. it's kinda still supporting the artist by still liking the art, y'know? My mind is so fuzzy from all of this, I'm just worried about the victims and what's it for the future. I might post stuff every now and then, I don't know if I'll make anymore TMC content, maybe my own version.. like- a totally different thing from the actual TMC series, like an AU but not really. I don't know. The fact that I saw Alex Kister as my idol, the fact that I feel sick whenever I type out Alex Kister, my fingers freeze whenever I type the name out. and to whoever is saying "Oh! it might be fake!" I don't know.. I don't think he's going to bounce back with some shitty excuse, whoever is saying that is going through the stages of grief, you're trying to hold onto something that's so meaningful to you.. I understand that feeling, that's what I'm currently feeling, but please don't forget that this isn't a joke. This whole thing should NOT be taken lightly or joked around with. Please understand that I know how most of you guys are feeling, it's like a pit in my stomach that's aching very badly. I know I'm being dramatic but then again I've made so much memories on this fandom and series, it's so important to me and it's hard to just drop everything. This doesn't mean that I don't feel bad for the victims, don't get me wrong.. I just really loved the concept of TMC and the lore behind it, and the characters.. I just wanted to say that this is a farewell for the most part. Thank you ALL for sticking with me throughout my fanart and stupid comics i've made, thank you for supporting me! I love you all! I hope I could make another silly drawing for you all soon..<3
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monigote001 · 4 months
Silly pride facts about my canon that I may draw soon hi
So, starting for Alex
She's an agender creature and very bisexual, they use every pronoun but she just doesn't care and never talks about it so people just assumes shes a cis woman
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Now, my version of Clef
He's a masc presenting guy, no gender matters to him. Biromantic and demisexual. Francis and Ukulele are asexuals. In the beginning of the canon, he was heavily sex repulsed, he slowly started to become less and less until he felt finally comfortable enough with that topic
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Akal, the silly
That guy is a transmasc genderfluid creature, and very pansexual yes. He has no touch boundaries and forgets about it very often with other people, he says sorry and tries to not forget it next time, he's stupid
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The Calem
Hes very gay indeed, but also demisexual. Hes not sex repulsed at all. He's a touch starved mf really, he just wants to feel physically alive again someone please kill him
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Samuel, the sour one
He's demiromantic and asexual. If he has a partner, they are fine w doing stuff with them, but out of that hes TOTALLY SEX REPULSED. He will not tolerate any type of joke or interaction, is a no-no for him
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deepcollectionunseen · 4 months
Twink Death
CW: forced weight gain, hypnosis, nonconsensual, musk
Alex was enjoying the sensation of being filled. Josh’s thick cock was stretching him in all the right ways, but something felt off. His eyes fluttered open to see the dark figure leaning against his bedroom doorway.
“Cam!” Alex frantically shot upright, Josh’s frame turning to face the man in the doorway.
“Hi, Alex. So this is who you’ve been running to? I knew you were a size queen but this…”
“Cameron, it’s not what it looks like-“
“I was just coming by to pick up my stuff.”
Josh stepped in front of the fully clothed man, his naked body clearly meant to intimidate the twig in front of him. Cameron glanced between the heaving pecs in front of him, and the sprawled twink in the bed. Sweat was clearly glistening, running down the broad man’s body down to his- Cameron looked away.
“Clearly, his body is more satisfying to you. Is that what you always dreamed of? Or did you never feel like this when we were-? Nevermind. My books. Sorry.”
Josh intercepted hIm again, cock twitching slightly. Was he enjoying this? Bullying the poor cuck? 
“I don’t think now’s a good time, nard,” Josh spoke with a sneer. Oh, so he really was a bully.
Alex gave a frustrated whine, pitifully pleading, “Josh, please. I forgot he was coming by. Let him grab the box, and get out.”
Josh cocked his head slightly, then with a sweeping gesture, let Cameron pass into the room. Upon entering, Cameron was assaulted by the sweat and musk in the air. Bending down, he picked the box off of the floor, the books inside various tomes of magick and witchkraft. He sighed. His mind was racing.
“So, are you just waiting to watch the next round or…?” Josh taunted.
“Shut up, Josh,” Alex scolded. His eyes darted down to the books. A look of fear crossed his eyes. Cameron noticed. Well… it would be good, wouldn’t it. Curse them both.
“Sorry, lost in thought,” Cameron sighed.
“Please don’t, Cam. I’m sorry.”
“What?” Josh interrupted.
“Nothing,” Alex quickly muttered, “Just let him leave.”
Cameron looked down at the lithe figure sprawled on the bed. How many times had he caressed that body. He had become a top for that beauty. The perfect bottom, those luscious lips pulled in a pout. But potentially they had been too similar. And based on the hulk of man who’d just been going at him, Cameron was clearly never enough for Alex. Cameron pointed.
“Cam, please!” Alex begged, drawing a pillow to himself.
“Will never cheat again. You will be obsessed with his musk. Whenever you smell it, you will want his cock in your throat, and his bush in your nostrils.”
“Yes.” Alex said, his eyes glazed slightly.
“Yo, what the fuck is going on,” Josh demanded, quickly crossing the room to grab Cam’s arm.
“You,” Cameron quickly said pointing at Josh, whose grip became slack almost immediately, “will treat him like a cock-sleeve. You will make yourselves massive for him. You will make yourself a muscular god to make him happy. Your balls will never be empty, you will always be horny. And you will make him fat on your cum.”
“Yes.” Josh’s eyes glazed over, and his balls fattening almost immediately. Cameron gave them a soft feel, they were the size of eggs. But they could be bigger.
“Whenever Alex gains ten pounds, your balls will get bigger by ten percent. You want to have the biggest balls you can have”
“Have a good life you two.” And with that, Alex swept out of the room. The slam of the door broke the strange reverie.
“What was that?” Josh asked, his vision coming back into focus.
“Cameron cursed us I bet,” Alex groaned, “Probably something stupid, like we’ll never be able to avoid a hangover or something. That’s what he did to a one night stand one time.”
“Damn. He can do that?” Josh asked glancing at the twink. Alex’s body was beautiful, almost like he was carved from marble. But he could stand to gain a few pounds couldn’t he. His ass would look a little better with a little more heft. A little more jiggle. He moved closer to Alex.
“Yeah, he… what is that, mmmm, that smell. Is that you?” Alex breathed in hungrily, his nose like a bloodhound, sniffing out the source. It brought him down to Josh’s now flaccid penis. “It is you. God. You’re a beast. I need you. Josh, Daddy, ram your cock down my throat right now.”
“I feel like I ought to clean myself off first since- oh!” Josh bucked slightly as the twink buried his face into his crotch, “Oh, Daddy likes.” He grabbed Alex’s hair slightly, the urge to face fuck him taking over. He was horny. He was ravenous. And he wanted to fill the Twink with whatever he had. 
Alex was lost in the scent. He could feel his mouth aching and the bruise on his throat from the beating it was receiving from Josh’s cock. But he couldn’t stop, even as he felt the twitching pulse as Josh came down his throat. Josh’s balls were pulsing on his face, and the musk was driving Alex crazy. Almost immediately after he came, Josh was already pounding Alex’s throat again. The twink was his fleshlight, an object to be used and filled. And Josh was horny. He was ravenous.
The two passed out, hours of facefucking drawing all of their strength, fatiguing their bodies. The smell of sweat, and musk, and cum pervaded the air as the two fell into a deep sleep.
A few weeks later, Alex was noticing changes. His pants weren’t fitting quite as well. His belly had budged up a little. It must have been the change in diet. Josh had gotten really into bodybuilding again. He said he wanted to be massive for Alex, which made him blush remembering the way he growled it into his ear. Alex would have to start doing more exercise to make up for it, but it was hard to exercise with Josh. The moment he caught a whiff of the muscular man, he couldn’t help himself. The urge to drink him in was too much, so he had taken to just waiting for Josh to get home from the gym, so he could bury hsi face between the larger mans thighs. And Josh loved it. 
Almost a year later, the changes had really started to catch up. Alex was near the 300 pound mark. His lifestyle of gluttony had taken a toll on the slender twink’s body. What one was toned muscle was now a layer of flab. But his boyfriend was a  different story. Despite the near similar weight, his boyfriend was a beast. Nearly every inch was pure muscle, his body shook the ground when he moved. His biceps we mountainous peaks, his pecs were slabs of beef, and between the two was the beautiful armpits that Alex worshipped like a puppy, breathing in the intoxicating scent. Josh’s thighs were thick and corded, and Alex spent most of his time nestled between them, drinking the jock’s nearly endless supply of fresh cum.
“Drink up my little piggy” Josh said, emptying his balls down Alex’s throat for the eighth time this morning, “I want to make you a whale.”
Alex’s moaned around his boyfriend’s cock, the orange sized balls pulsing energetically. Alex hadn’t liked the nickname at first, but was coming around to it. He felt like a pig, a good pig with his face covered in cum. It felt like every drop of cum that was poured into him now was enough to keep him fed. He was stuffed, and he loved it.
It was three years later that Cameron finally dropped by again. The scent of the house made him gag at the doorstep. Wrapping a mask around his face, he knocked. 
“Come in” came a booming voice. Cameron opened the door slightly, and heard the heaving breathing and moving of weights down the hall. The house was a mess. It looked like the apocalypse had happened, cobwebs and dirt piled up everywhere. Empty takeout filled the table, and Cameron swore he even saw a rat sneak through the filth. He followed the sounds, but was stopped in the doorframe, and chuckling he leaned against it.
Inside was a massive man, clearly he had taken muscle growth to heart, His whole frame had blown up. It looked like he was struggling to move with how massive his body had become. His arms looked like gorillas, the musculature showed every vein, extending from two shoulders that deemed more like beachballs. They framed his head, where a thick beard hid most of his face and neck. His pecs were heavy; he was past slabs of beef, he was a whole bull waiting to be carved up. His waist tapered slightly, but the round gut he had showed he staring for strength, not for aesthetics. His thighs were tree trunks, but little more than could be said about them, because nestled between them was a mop of hair, furiously. Going to town on him.
The twink was gone, obliterated. In Alex’s place was a whale of human being, his throat seemed swollen from the sheer amount of cum he was constantly draining. Kneeling in front of his master, the former twink rested on his massive belly, his ass high in the air. Every inch of him was flab, soft and supple, too big to move. 
“So… looks like I was right. You didn’t cheat on him”
All that answered Cameron’s jeering was the muffled gags from Alex, and a deep sigh of release as Josh came again. Cameron walked around to view the handiwork. And like he imagined, Josh balls hang like two weights, solid watermelons, churning and pumping cum into the whale in front of him. The cycle now seemed permanent. Every time Josh came now, he was probably pumping a gallon of cum into his personal cock sleeve. It wouldn’t be much longer til the two were just growing each other constantly.
“I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking. But it looks like you’re happy like this.”
There was another sigh of release, and frantic gagging as Alex was pumped full again. Guess he really was a size queen.
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stampsthemeow · 4 months
their rooms :3
Characters included; Jeff the killer, Twilight (OC), Ticci toby, EJ, Ben, Sally, Brian, Tim, Missing (OC), Alex, Jay, Dale (OC), Halo (OC), Zach (OC), Nina
Jeff the killer; Upstairs, MESSY, dawg does not clean up. who needs laundry baskets when you got the floor !! Bed upper left corner (he only got a bedframe so he could shove shit under his bed), dresser besides it (covered in pill bottles and monsters), desk in bottom left corner. Lights almost always off, shitty band posters on his walls (most have tears on them) Window covered up with blackout curtains. Door is painted pink (prank done by Ben and Toby that never got painted over), Walls are painted black
he and twilight have a connecting bathroom (door on right wall for jeff, left wall for twil)
Twilight; upstairs, little messy, no where near as bad as jeffs room, its mostly just old drawings on the ground. Bed also upper left corner, has closet on left wall, large desk in upper right corner, main light almost always off, but unlike jeff she got lamps and window (on back wall). Most of the glass that used to be in the window is broke. thin flowy curtains. Beige walls (she never painted over them) multiple shelves with little trinkets and items. Floor is covered in paint/hair dye
Toby; downstairs in the proxy area (they got their own little zone so they dont gotta deal with the others + so they can get to slender's office faster) Messy, but in a its just cool decor way, brown walls, Bed is upper right corner (under his bed is used for storage), Has a big closet on the left side of his room, main light isnt used much but he has alot of lamps/smaller lights, fan always on, window on back wall with a cool patterned curtain he found, he has tons of posters and has stolen road signs just to add to his walls, a few plants (somehow alive), He has a box full of CDs and vinyls he's been meaning to display (some are on shelves but alot are still in boxes cause he is lazy) multiple small tables/ shelves to store cool shit he finds.
EJ; Downstairs, clean, dark blue painted walls, bed in upper left corner (why do all these fuckers have bed left wall), has wardrobe against right wall, no window, lights always off (broken), Has LED lights, though when on they are set to blue and only blue. One of the few people to have a tv in their room (attached to front wall), has bookshelf in room (how he read if no eyes and dark ???), has a shelf full of rocks & crystals (gifted to him by toby)
Ben; Basement, dirty, stupid child, no bed, couch, against back wall, Tv on front wall ontop of his dresser, Zelda posers (that have been drawn over to make link into Ben) all over his walls, a bunch of different consoles + their games sit ontop of his dresser aswell, main light on alot, but when off LED lights on. idk what else to say about him.
Sally; downstairs, Pink vertical stripped walls, clean-ish, Bed in upper right corner, big low table in the middle of her room (for tea partys), Window on back wall + pink patterned curtains. dresser on the end of her bed, small (whats meant to be a bookcase) used to store her tea party supplies (and a few books) Kitchen play set in the lower left of her room, Big dollhouse pressed against window, alot of stuffed animals and drawings/drawing supplies scattered in the room. Big light almost always on.
Brian/Tim/Missing (they share a room);, Downstairs in proxy area, clean, beige walls, big bed in lower right corner w/ bedside table on the left, closet is on the right wall, one of those long L shaped desks on the left wall, Missing's stupid stuff is all just stored upper left corner (hes okay with all it just being there so they dont do anything about it), window with black curtains on the back wall ,not much going on in their room tbh,
them and Jay/Alex have a connecting bathroom (door on left wall for Brim+Missing, Door on right wall for Alex and Jay)
Alex/Jay (they share a room cause there was only the one room remaining in the proxy area)(the only reason why there is a room left is cause Tim and Brian used to have diff rooms); Downstairs in the proxy area, clean-ish, beige walls, Two beds on opposite sides of the room, dressers on ends of the beds, Jays half of the room is messier, (he too busy eeping to clean), Alex surprising keeps his half clean. Theyve been meaning to buy shit to actually decorate their room but theres only 1 car, and Tim is like the only one with a vaild drivers license (everyone else is legally dead or just doesnt have one). Jay and Alex are still very iffy with eachother but L to them gotta share a room. Jay likes it dark so alex just has lamps, Window is covered with thick curtains (but not blackout)
Dale/Halo/zach ; Downstairs in the proxy area (they are not proxys, why the fuck are they here) Clean-ish, Gray walls, bed in middle of front wall, window with seating area thingy :3 (zach likes sleeping on the seating thingy), Bathroom connected on right wall, Closet on right wall, mutiple boxes full stuff related to dales special interests, desk at upper left corner
Nina; Lives in an small apartment like right outside of Slenderwoods, lives on 5th floor, messy, stuff all over, bathroom has so many bows just chilling there (+ covered in hair dye), shitty gray carpet, without her landlords permission he painted her walls purple, some fandom + band posters on her walls, has stolen some of the slender pages to hang on her walls. Bed on the middle of left wall, with her dresser on the head of the bed + a beanbag chair at the end of her bed, stickers & plushies everywhere.
Corrupt- Corrupt dimension, she just kinda sleeps wherever tf she wants so i havent made a specific bedroom for her
Jane/Mary, they live in a big, old, house, very cool gothic house, idk about their bedroom tho they just live in a coolass house
Clockwork/liu/anyone else i didnt mention- I dont fucking know i havent planned it out yet (clockwork lives in the same apartment complex as Nina, Liu lives far away from the mansion, everything else idk)
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irekae · 1 month
HIHH IUH IJHI JJII HIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My name is.. heh.. Apollo (or leslie..) .. so cool. ..
Pronouns are He/She/thecauseofnineeleven
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I’m an artist and have been drawing for 12 years but started taking it seriously 9 years ago (still not professional level pls help me)! working to hopefully get into Calsarts!!!
- i have two great bestest of the best friends ever yayy!! @pennylambchops and. @n1kkykz :33
- fun fact: i have 8 weighted dinosaur plushies!! they all have their own names ^_^
- Gender-fluid and unlabeled sexuality FREAK
- i hate those.. gender switcher-roowers..
- very much a furry stupid stupidSTUPID STUPID DUMB AHHHHHA
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Artists i listen to are (in order from favorite to occasional listen): The Crane Wives, Dazey and the Scouts, The Family Crest, Chappell Roan, Beetlebug, Adrianne Lenker, Mitski, Cricket, Kiltro, Destroy Boys, The Smiths, Yaelokre, Cosmo Sheldrake, Will Wood, Miracle Musical, Dirt Poor Robins, The Dear Hunter, Alex G, Mommy Long Legs, Grimes, and other artists that i probably don’t listen enough to to call myself a fan!
- I love the Sun and just warm colors (mostly yellow) in general!! i also love sunflowers a lot, they’re my favorite flowers :3 and you’ll never guess that summer is my favorite season
- Some fandom i’m in are Warrior Cats, SDRA2/DRA, Legoland Play, Ride the Cyclone, Heathers, Bugbo, Pokemon, Animaniacs, Pokemon, Pokemon: Starters (south park parody), South park, Hellpark, etcc!
- My favorite animals include Cats, Foxes, Coyotes, Starlings, Deer, and many more, i’m an animal lover if you couldn’t tell
- LY / NI / AN / CH / BR / PI / EM / CO >>>>
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going to post more stuff soon (most likely art)!
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toxic3mmy · 6 months
hiiii ive been rlly obsessed with pjo lately, and this idea's been stuck in my head sooo
a pjo au where reader is a child of eros, and accidentally shoots q with one of the love arrows while practicing archery?? and then he gets a puppy crush and starts following reader around, just a cute romcom :)
woah, this idea sounds awesome! thanks so much for the request babe!! i’ll try my best to satisfy your pjo obsession hehehe
(also, i tweaked some junk like powers of the children of zeus and stuff just to make it easier, JUST PRETEND ITS CORRECT PLZ)
(thinking of adding original art to this IDK GIMME TIME)
prompt: you’re practicing archery and shoot alex, child of apollo, with a love arrow which leads to an accidental crush on you
no warnings! super cute and fluffy and romcom!!
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part one ~
[listen at each star *]
it was a quiet spring morning. you were up and ready for your day and you decided that it would be perfect weather to practice your archery skills. you collected your materials and head off to your usual practice area.
you spruce up your target on the beautiful willow tree trunk in front of you and you begin.
you put your things out on your practice table in a neat manner. you play some of your “weird” non mythological music and begin.
you relax completely, hold up your bow and with a deep breath in, you let go.
“god.. that’s just terrible” you mumble to yourself as you spot the arrow almost a foot away from the practice board.
you draw back again and let go.
“no wonder i need the damn practice” you’re a bit annoyed seeing the arrow land in the grass at the base of the tree but continue to practice.
you draw back again, feeling a slight tingly vibration in your fingertips, and you knew this was a good sign. you were going to hit it right on the bullseye. the moment you begin to exhale, your music makes an odd doppler effect-like sound and it freaks you out a bit. you still absentmindedly let go of the arrow but don’t see where it landed.
“puta madre!”
a blood curdling shriek escapes you. you frantically try to hide from whoever it was that yelled.
a boy with dark hair came up from behind the willow tree and as soon as your eyes met, he holds both his hands up in defeat.
“don’t shoot, please!”
“dude, what the fuck are you doing here?! i almost had a heart attack! ew what’s wrong with your skin?” you made a face of disgust at him
“huh? look, i was just trying to find where that music was coming from and you shot me! like seriously, can you help me get this stupid arrow out of my ass?! god it’s like really deep in my butt meat”
“okay firstly, ew. secondly, ew.”
“im serious, can you give me a hand?” he pleaded, and as you approached him you noticed way too many things at once;
one: his skin was seriously looking freaky
two: he was a child of apollo, a sworn enemy of your eros parents
three: the arrow was really deep in his buttcheek
four: ….
“oh fuck me”
his skin was literally glowing. like… with love and junk.
you look down at the arrow you just removed from him and… oh no, how?!
you shot him with a love arrow. that’s just your luck, huh?
“hey… come here often sweetheart?” he smirked and you seriously had to choke down vomit
“really, that’s what you call flirting? you are such a little virgin boy”
“maybe you can change that” he holds your hand in his and pulls you in closer “maybe you want to put something else in my ass tonight besides that arrow” he smirked once again
you couldn’t believe the words he was saying to you.
you began laughing uncontrollably at his poor attempts at being suave and hot. you bent over laughing, you laughed so hard your abdomen was in absolute pain.
“see? i knew you’d come around, sexy lady” he pulled you up to be chest to chest with him
you quickly pushed him off and dried your tears from laughing so much.
“shut up dude, what even is your name? never mind, we need to get you a cure because i am definitely not going to deal with you and this… love crush thing” you began to collect your things in your backpack and you reached for the same arrow the raven haired menace did, as he was trying to help you.
“my name is alex… but you definitely have permission to call me papi” he said as your touching hands were intertwined in his and you quickly yanked your hand away
“blegh! you seriously need help, you creep! come on, we don’t have time to waste! our parents will absolutely kill us if they see us together” you yanked his arm to follow you and your head snapped at him as you heard a lewd moan come from alex.
“oh yeah, i love it when you’re rough baby” he moaned even louder and you plonked him in the head.
rolling your eyes, you continued to drag him to the only person who could help you out with no hesitation.
it took about fifteen agonizing minutes of walking to your friend thalia’s home as alex would not stop flirting with you and it wouldn’t be that bad of an issue but the dude had absolutely no game so it was just a lot of secondhand embarrassment you were dealing with.
you knocked on thalia’s door and prayed she was in.
thankfully, she opened the door a second later with a sweet smile,
“oh y/n! what a lovely surprise and… um excuse me what the actual frick is going on here??”
you pulled alex in and closed her door hurriedly.
“look man, i was practicing my archery right?”
“uh huh…” thalia replied
“because i simply suck balls at it right??”
“no you don’t darling! you’re a natural beauty and not to mention a talented one at that!” alex sighed, admiring you and inch from your face.
you shoved away his big head with your hand, and continued,
“oh no! my honey is in distress! fear not, sweet maiden—”
thalia blows a green dust in his face and alex plops down on the ground like a sack of potatoes and he’s snoring away immediately.
“oh my god, thank you so so much! you don’t understand, he was literally like moaning all the way here and he calls that flirting?! he—”
“okay girl, do you need some eepy dust too?? just take a deep breath okay?”
you nod and calm down
“okay, as much as i know you need my help and as much as i want to help you, i can’t. we literally just ran out of the potion for that yesterday and i can’t make any new batches because im missing the main ingredient”
“well that’s okay! tell me where to get it and i’ll go right now and we can fix this whole mess and get rid of the buffoon!”
“no y/n, you don’t understand… the ingredient we need isn’t something you can just go get…”
you looked at her with a really confused face
“the ingredient is uh… spider legs, really weird i know! but you know the all mighty zeus, my pops, yeah he’s not as big and bad as he seems. he’s actually terrified of spiders so he banned them here in our world and i don’t get any spiders in stock until christmas because that’s the only time i can get my guy out here and… yeah”
“are you serious? god damn your dad and his arachnophobia..” i pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration
“yeah well, it’s either wait eight months for this potion or… get your father to undo the love spell”
i sigh and put my head down in my hands, feeling really defeated. what the hell do i do now?
“well… on the bright side, that dust i used on him will have some good effects when used alongside a love spell” thalia offers and you perk up
“wait really?? is he going to stop being so creepy with me?”
“well, maybe? it differs from person to person. but i do know that it most likely will make him act more in tune with his regular personality when he’s into someone, if that helps?” she smiled nervously
“let’s just hope he stops moaning every time i touch him” i say hopefully
“so.. you should probably try telling your dad. it was all a huge accident and i don’t think he’s going to be too upset. yeah he’ll probably give you the old ‘you need to be more responsible’ speech thing but im sure he’ll help you… unless he punishes you by not helping” thalia laughs deviously at the idea
“well thanks anyways, man. also, how long til he wakes up?” you ask, pointing at alex on the floor
“oh, one sec” thalia moves closer to him and kicks him in the balls
alex immediately shoots his eyes open and groans in pain
you look at thalia and the two of you laugh together.
thalia hands alex a pain reliever lollipop as a parting gift and you say your goodbyes to one another.
now it’s just you and alex.. and you were nervous about the way he was going to act with you.
“hey.. i uh, im really sorry about the way i was acting earlier. i seriously was acting super virgin-esque huh? i kinda heard everything you guys were saying even though i was asleep and yeah… but hey, at least now i’m not moaning at you like a harlot right now?” he laughed softly
“that’s so embarrassing that you heard us… but hey, at least you’re somewhat normal again?” you asked and offered him a smile
“i uh.. i never even asked for your name”
“oh, its y/n” you reply in a quiet voice
“that’s a really beautiful name… did i ever mention what my powers were?”
“no actually, you didn’t” you shook your head
“well, can i borrow your bow?” he asks sheepishly
you hesitantly nod and hand him your bow and a normal arrow
he places the arrow in its rightful position and comes up behind you. he’s still holding onto it as he places it in your hands. his arms are completely around you and his head is right next to yours.
“okay, relax. now, you see that small red flag thing on the tree over there? imagine the arrow landing right in the middle. take a deep breath” his hands were atop yours as he pulled the bow back and he whispered almost seductively,
“let go”
you both let the arrow go and it shoots right where you imagined it to. you gulped at how close he was to you. he smelled of pine and cinnamon. it was wonderful..
“you just needed a little push.. you did great y/n” he said in a low voice, still holding onto your hands on the bow
why did you want to lean in and kiss him?
wait, what?!
you immediately pulled away, putting as much space between the two of you as possible.
“y-yeah.. um thank you alex. should we keep going now?” you ask, unable to make eye contact with him
“whatever you’d like to do y/n. i’m honestly just enjoying your presence right now. it almost feels like it’s just you and me here, doesn’t it?”
you didnt know what to say. you agreed completely. you wanted nothing more than to waste your time with alex and his handsome smile and his sweet way with words and—
“y/n? can i show you my other power?” her broke the scary thoughts you were having
alex began to sing the same song in was listening to earlier, without missing a single beat. how did he even know this song?
he took your hand and sung his heart out to you. you felt a swarm of butterflies flutter at the pit of your stomach. it feels like you were the one that got a love arrow stuck in your butt.
“your voice is beautiful… how do you know that song?” you asked, continuing to walk alongside alex
“well, i heard it a long time ago. sometimes i can hear it in my dreams, too. it’s not music we can listen to here, it’s mortal music i think. how do you know it?” he asked curiously
“i’ve always had an interest in mortal music.. i was actually playing that song this morning when the whole incident happened, i think you may have interfered with the sound waves when you were trying to find where it was coming from”
“that’s right… i guess this is our song then, huh?” he stated, grabbing me gently by the arm as we stopped in our tracks
“yeah, i guess so” your face was gently raised up by alex’s fingertips, forcing you to look into his entrancing brown eyes
“y/n, are you sure you’re not a siren?” alex whispered, his lips practically touching your lips
“it feels like you’re luring me to my sweet demise.. and what’s a death sentence without me being given a last meal? please, let me taste your lips before you take my soul away. it would make me feel oh so complete in this bittersweet end” he claimed proudly
with a flutter of your eyes, you shut them softly and gently press your lips against his
you feel his arms wrap around you in a tight but gentle way, and you reciprocated by holding his torso tightly
your hands grip his shirt tightly in fists as alex deepens the kiss, a small whimper leaving his soon to be bruised lips
alex pulls away and says softly,
“i can die a happy man now, y/n”
you had no idea what just happened or how it happened or even why you let it happen???
there was just something about him that lured you in. you wanted to take him in in every way possible, because to consume him would mean to be one.
god, what the hell were you even thinking?
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dear-alex-chill · 2 years
Day 4 of @fenroweek2022
Prompt: Music/Favorite Trope
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I took inspiration from one of my favorite songs: Photograph by Cody Fry
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Greta Van Fleet having their own Disney Channel show like imagine if they were brought up that way omg
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Synopsis: In this pilot episode of a Disney Channel-esque show, the members of Greta Van Fleet all face their own personal challenges: Josh struggles with writer's block, Jake is convinced the studio is haunted, and Danny and Sam are in the midst of an intense prank war
Words: 5k (but it goes by fast since it's a script, trust me)
Warnings: ghosts/spookiness/hauntings, allusions to insanity, chimpanzees, James Hetfield
The scene opens in the studio. Josh is pacing back and forth while murmuring to himself, Jake is perched on a stool with an acoustic guitar in his hand staring blankly at a wall, Danny is behind his drum kit attempting to twirl his drumsticks around, and Sam is sitting at his keys cradling an impressive cup of coffee. 
JOSH: I can’t believe this. 
JAKE: It’ll come to you, don’t worry. It always does. 
JOSH: No, it’s just, I don’t know. It feels different this time. Like, my brain isn’t coming up with anything. 
DANNY: I think the song you started writing about your rhinestones had potential. 
[Flashback to Josh brainstorming the rhinestone song]
JOSH: Twinkling, glittering, glimmering musical colors radiating on my face, my shining face, beaming at youuuuuuu…
[Cut back to the present]
Josh squints at Danny. It’s obvious he knows Danny is lying. 
JAKE: We have time before this song has to be done, Josh. No need to force it out. 
SAM: [to Jake] Actually I think he would work better under pressure. [to Josh] If we don’t finish this song in the next hour, I’m leaving the band. 
Josh drops to the floor and folds himself up in the fetal position with a moan. 
JAKE: Great idea, Sam. 
Jake sets his guitar down and squats next to Josh so he can place a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
JAKE: [to Josh] Why don’t we give you some space to work out the lyrics? 
Behind Jake and Josh, Sam takes a drink from his coffee and spits it out with a loud “BLEGH!” Everyone turns to look at him. 
DANNY: [cheekily] Burn your tongue? 
SAM: This tastes awful, like a salt lamp! 
JOSH: How do you know what a salt lamp tastes like? 
With a wide grin, Danny removes a handful of empty salt packets from his pocket and holds them up to Sam to see. 
DANNY: Gotcha. 
SAM: No! 
JAKE: Is this a part of your stupid prank war? 
SAM: It’s not stupid. 
DANNY: I’m beating Sam by a landslide. I only have to prank him three more times and then the crown will be mine. Sam, you have what? Seven more pranks? You’d think with two older brothers and all, you’d be a lot better at this. 
SAM: You haven’t seen my best pranks yet. 
DANNY: I’m hoping they’re better than drawing a banana on my drum kit. And my car. Actually, why do you keep drawing bananas on my stuff? 
SAM: It’s funny. 
DANNY: It’s annoying. 
Josh groans from the floor. 
JAKE: C’mon, Josh. Get up. 
Jake helps a limp Josh back to his feet and makes sure that he’s going to stand upright when he releases his grip on his shoulders. Josh looks dazed but stands vertically, which earns him a pat on the head from Jake. 
JOSH: I’m gonna get the studio to myself? 
JAKE: Yeah, we’ll give you some space to actually hear your own thoughts.
In the background, Danny crawls on his hands and knees to Sam’s feet where he proceeds to tie his shoelaces together. Sam is blissfully ignorant, giving his rank coffee another testing sip, which he spits out again. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, hear my thoughts, good, yeah. 
Jake grabs his guitar and leads the way out of the studio, giving Josh a quick wave which Josh returns. Danny follows behind Jake and Sam stands to his feet, still unaware of his shoelaces. 
SAM: [whispering to Josh] Hey, give me a call if you need any help. 
JOSH: Thanks, I won’t. 
SAM: I’ve got some good ideas to motivate you to write something. 
JOSH: I don’t trust you. 
SAM: I’m only a phone call away. 
JOSH: Please leave the room, Sam. 
SAM: You’ve got it, brother. 
Sam starts to take a step forward and promptly tumbles to the ground with a thump. Danny and Jake pop their heads back into the room and start to laugh and taunt Sam, who is staring down at his feet in awe. 
DANNY: [calling from outside the room] It’s too easy! 2 pranks to go! 
Sam grumbles, hastily unties his shoes, and then ducks out of the room, hanging his head in embarrassment. The door slams shut, finally engulfing Josh in silence. He closes his eyes and lets in a deep inhale, followed by a long exhale. He opens his eyes and sits on the floor next to a notepad and pen that had obviously been discarded in frustration earlier. 
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica] 
From the fires we emerged anew, 
Singing, playing rock and roll, 
Reviving a genre just for you. 
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace, 
Enchanting crowds with our guitar. 
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature, 
Standing up against a culture of hate.  
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky, 
Discovering words of wisdom to live by. 
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love. 
[end theme] 
JOSH: [to the camera] It’s one song. Just a single song. What does it matter? People can never understand what I’m saying anyways, I could write literally anything. 
Josh immediately stares daggers at his notepad, deep in thought. His face is starting to turn red and his eyes bug out. He stops before his head explodes and throws himself on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the studio. 
JOSH: Nothing. 
Across the hall and a few doors down, Jake is in an empty studio, walking in circles while strumming his acoustic guitar. 
JAKE: [singing] What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor ear-lay in tha mornin’! Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up-
Jake is cut off by the sound of something scraping against wood. Jake’s face pales in fear and he whirls around in a quick circle, searching for the source of the sound. 
JAKE: I just wanna say, for the record, I can kick really, really hard. 
The scraping suddenly stops and Jake lets out a sigh of relief. Then, he catches a glimpse of a water bottle quickly jerking across a table in the corner of the room. It seems as though it moved on its own. In a blind panic, Jake drops his guitar and books it for the studio door. He jiggles and pushes on the handle to no avail. The door appears to be locked. 
JAKE: Ruh roh raggy.
Jake is breathing heavily now, well beyond the brink of panic, and starts to kick the door with all of his might. The threat he threw out earlier has some merit: he can kick really, really hard, but the door doesn’t budge. Jake squeezes his eyes shut and smacks his forehead.
JAKE: C'mon, brain. Give me something.  
Jake grabs hold of the door knob again. He twists the handle and tries pushing out, but the door is still sealed shut. Jake turns the knob again and pulls the door towards him. The door opens. 
JAKE: [staring at the door warily] You’ve got to be kidding me. 
Now free from the haunted studio room, Jake runs down the hallway as fast as he can, past Danny, who is sitting in the studio lobby. 
JAKE: Ghosts! 
Danny watches Jake run past and then, unbothered, looks back down at his phone. Behind him, Sam sneaks along the wall of the lobby like he’s in Mission Impossible, armed with two bananas. He creeps closer to Danny and can’t help but let out a soft laugh, which makes Danny turn around. 
DANNY: What’s going on? 
Sam quickly retracts both hands behind his back to hide the bananas. 
SAM: Nothing…
DANNY: What have you got behind your back? 
SAM: Oh, you know, stuff. Taxes. I have taxes. 
Before Sam can react, Danny springs to his feet, barrels towards Sam, grabs his arms, and tugs them out in front of him so Danny can see the two bananas. Danny and Sam both stare down at what’s in Sam’s hands, and then Danny shoots Sam a tired look. 
DANNY: More bananas? 
SAM: Hyah!
Sam tosses the two bananas at Danny’s chest so they hit him with a soft thump before dropping to the floor. Danny stares down at the bananas, expressionless. 
DANNY: You just bruised two perfectly good bananas. 
SAM: Pick them up, you’ll get the prank. It’s a really stellar one. 
Danny looks like he doesn’t want to, but he grabs the bananas and turns them around in his hands with his eyebrows arched. 
DANNY: Oh my god. You drew my car and drum kit on these? 
SAM: I’m on my A-game now, Daniel! 
Sam runs off, cackling loudly. Danny watches him go and shakes his head. 
DANNY: [to the camera] What does he think a prank is? 
Danny places the bananas on the lobby table and then sighs and walks in the direction Sam went, passing by the studio where Josh is currently holed up. In the studio, Josh is stationed in front of a whiteboard. 
JOSH: What story should I tell? What needs to be added to the Greta Van Fleet universe? [Speaking aloud as he writes on the whiteboard using a sharpie] I get carsick. No. Jake’s feet smell bad. No. Womb memories. No. European architecture. No. Argh! 
Josh launches the sharpie off to the side and it crashes against one of Danny’s cymbals. 
JOSH: This is impossible. I can’t do this by myself. 
Josh eyes a landline phone sitting in the studio. The screen splits in two as Josh calls James Hetfield, and he answers the phone. 
JAMES: Howdy, it’s the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head. What can I do for ya? 
JOSH: Hey, quick question, do you ever have such a hard time writing a song that you want to pull your brain out of your head and play basketball with it? 
JAMES: Can’t say that I have. 
JOSH: Darn. 
JAMES: Want some advice? Don’t answer that. I’m gonna give it to you anyway. Write about the things that make your skin crawl, that make you shiver, that your brain actively avoids thinking about. That’s where your most complex emotions lay. 
JOSH: Eighteen wheelers. I’m certain they can’t see me when I’m driving next to them. 
JAMES: No, I’m talking about like the lowest of lows here. Think war, famine, plague, climate change, scary stuff. 
JOSH: Chimpanzees. Ooh, I’m getting shivers. I think it’s working, James!
JAMES: Oh, um, okay, get to writing then, Josh. I won’t keep you. 
With an air of triumph, Josh slams the phone down. 
Outside the studio, Jake is talking on the phone with a 9-1-1 operator. 
JAKE: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, the water bottle moved. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: No, I get what you’re saying. That’s not an emergency, sir. 
JAKE: Listen to me, the water bottle moved on its own. There’s something paranormal happening here, and I don’t want a poltergeist situation going down. Being sucked into a spooky closet is one of my top 10 fears. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: I’m going to hang up. I have other calls to get to.
The line disconnects. Jake huffs and jams his phone back into his pocket. 
JAKE: How do they not have a paranormal sub-department? 
In the background in the parking lot of the studio, Danny tiptoes into frame with a marshmallow gun and a pair of goggles on. He scans the area and then crouches down, on the prowl, trying to find Sam. 
DANNY: [softly] Sammy, come out and play. I’ve got a little treat for you. 
Danny continues creeping around the cars and, as he moves past Sam’s Tesla, Sam jumps out of the trunk, decked out in a banana costume. 
Sam reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a new banana, which he once again throws at Danny. 
SAM: How does it ‘peel’ to get pranked this hard, Daniel? 
Sam proudly removes himself from the trunk and stands in front of Danny, placing his hands on his hips with confidence. Danny can’t help but silently unload his marshmallow gun on Sam, pummeling him with mini marshmallows. Sam squeaks out in shock and ducks into a ball on the pavement. Danny continues until he’s out of marshmallows. 
DANNY: [down to Sam] One more prank to go. 
SAM: [coughing up marshmallows] You’ll never win. 
Jake runs over to his band members. 
JAKE: [still unbelievably on edge] There is something creepy afoot here. 
DANNY: I’ve told you before, Jake, the moaning sounds you keep hearing are coming from the experimental band’s sessions down the hall. 
JAKE: A water bottle moved right in front of my eyes. 
SAM: [mocking, from the ground] Ooh scary. 
Jake picks up a marshmallow from the ground and proceeds to chuck it at Sam. 
JAKE: [back to Danny] There’s a ghost in there and it’s upset that we’re invading its space. I’m gonna get sucked into a closet if I go back in there, and I can’t risk it. 
Danny and Sam exchange a glance. 
DANNY: I’ll go back in with you and show you that there’s nothing to worry about. 
SAM: And I’ll stay here because I really don’t care.
Danny shoots Sam a look and then guides a reluctant Jake back towards the studio. 
JAKE: Do you have any holy water on you? 
DANNY: I don’t think that works on ghosts, Jake. What do you think we’re up against here? 
JAKE: I want to be prepared for anything. 
Even though Jake is dragging his heels, Danny succeeds in pushing him through the front doors and guides him past the lobby, towards the “haunted” studio. Jake once again looks pale as a sheet. 
DANNY: See? Nothing supernatural going on here. Except you. God, you look like a ghost. 
JAKE: [whispering] I’m a ghost? 
DANNY: No, no, come on, show me the room where it happened. 
Jake starts to cautiously step towards the room when they hear Josh belting out lyrics down the hall. Danny and Jake stop in their tracks and listen. 
JOSH: Ooh! Ooh! Aah! Aah! Chimpanzee on my mind, coming near me, he’s by my side! 
Without uttering a word, it’s mutually agreed between Danny and Jake that they need to step in before Josh writes any more terrible lyrics. They both move to his studio door and storm in. Josh is sitting on a stool, shaking a tambourine, but stops when he notices them. 
JOSH: Something wrong? 
JAKE: What the hell are you singing? 
JOSH: [cautiously] The new song? 
DANNY: Chimpanzee on my mind? 
JOSH: You don’t like it? 
JAKE: Our album is called Starcatcher, Josh. Could you write about something a bit more on theme than apes? 
JOSH: [matter of factly] They sent a chimp to space.
DANNY: This is a good starting point, Josh. Maybe try to work with something a bit more abstract. How do chimps in space make you feel? 
JOSH: Confused. 
DANNY: Okay? Try to work off of that. 
JOSH: Yeah, yeah, okay. 
Josh shoos Jake and Danny out of the studio and looks back at his notepad with a sigh. Jake and Danny step out of the room and move back towards the haunted studio. Jake stands by the door, glued in place. Danny watches him. 
DANNY: Should I? 
Jake purses his lips and nods. Danny slowly pushes the door open and steps in first. Jake hesitantly follows behind him. Danny scans around. 
DANNY: Everything looks normal to me. 
Jake has peeled himself away from Danny and is stationed in front of the haunted water bottle, where all of his problems began. 
JAKE: [pointing a half centimeter to the right of where the water bottle is now sitting] It used to be here. But now it’s here. 
DANNY: Uh huh. 
JAKE: It jerked over on its own. I was nowhere near it. And there were weird scratching noises too. Maybe there’s something in the walls. 
DANNY: Like a squirrel? 
JAKE: Like a ghoul. 
DANNY: You know, what is a ghoul? 
JAKE: A force you shouldn’t reckon with. 
DANNY: I wish you could be a bit more specific sometimes. 
JAKE: I can’t help that I’m mysterious. 
DANNY: No, actually I do think that’s something you can help - 
A chilling sound fills the studio. 
MYSTERIOUS GHOSTLY VOICE: Oohhohohooooohhhhhoooooooooo
Jake screams and jumps into Danny’s arms. Danny instinctually catches Jake. The lights start to flicker.
Danny runs out of the studio anyways and bumps into Sam, still dressed in the banana costume, in the hall. 
SAM: What’s going on? 
JAKE: [not making any sense] Water bottle and wood and oohhhooooohooohooo sounds and ghouls and spooky and closets and - 
SAM: Danny? 
DANNY: The studio is haunted. 
SAM: Oh, word. 
Jake squirms out of Danny’s arms and faces Sam. 
JAKE: You’re not freaked out? 
SAM: Why should I be? 
JAKE: Ghosts, Sam! They’ll get you! They’re always two steps ahead. 
SAM: Ghosts don’t have feet. 
JAKE: It’s an expression, Sam! 
Cut to Josh in his studio. Jake and Sam’s argument is muffled outside the door, but still audible. Josh sits back on the ground in front of his notepad and pen. 
JOSH: C’mere, lyrics, pspspsp, come to papa. 
This obviously does not work. 
JOSH: [tapping his pen on his chin] Maybe I’d be inspired by our old lyrics? Uhhh what’s a good one? Light My Love? Your mind is a stream of colors. Stream of colors, stream of colors, stream of co-lors. Stream of co…Hmmm. That’s it! A stream of consciousness! That should give me something to work with. 
Josh picks up his pen, suddenly filled with a new surge of energy, and starts to scribble on his paper. A montage of Josh writing in different dramatic angles plays with a song similar to Gonna Fly Now blaring in the background. He finishes writing and drops his smoking pen to the floor. 
JOSH: There. 
As if he’s dealing with an ancient relic, Josh carefully lifts the notepad up to his eyeline and carefully scans over what he wrote. 
JOSH: [reading aloud] All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. Oh god! It goes on for four and a half pages! 
Josh crumples the pages into tight balls and eats them, removing the evidence. Josh approaches the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth and looks at his reflection, jabbing his finger into his reflection’s shoulder. 
JOSH: No one can know about this, you hear me? No one! This is between you and me. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: Whatever you say, boss. 
Josh shakes his head and backs away from his reflection. 
JOSH: Woah. [to the camera] I wonder if Carole King has to deal with this. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: She doesn’t, but James Taylor does. 
Josh hops away from the glass in shock and returns to the whiteboard in a daze. 
JOSH: [to himself] It’s all in your head. 
He attempts to wipe his previous notes away, but it’s not working since he wrote them out in sharpie. Josh drops his arms in defeat. 
JOSH: What’s the point? 
Josh reassumes his spot on the ground in the fetal position. In the studio lobby, Jake is in a similar position on the sofa, staring down at his knees in muted shock. Sam is sitting next to him, still in the banana costume, awkwardly patting his legs. Danny enters back into the room and takes a seat across from Sam and Jake. 
DANNY: I didn’t hear any weird noises in any of the other studios. Well, actually, I think I heard Josh talking to himself, but that’s not out of the ordinary. 
SAM: [to Jake] Hear that? The spooky ghost is on vacation. 
JAKE: [softly] Ghosts can’t go on vacation. 
SAM: How do you know? Are you a ghost? 
Jake huffs but doesn’t continue to argue. 
SAM: [to Danny] One of the assistants brought in some smoothies if you want one, they’re pretty good. 
DANNY: Oh cool, thanks. 
Danny grabs one of the smoothies from the table and takes a long sip. Sam is staring at him, looking on the brink of laughter. Danny sets the smoothie down and eyes Sam. 
DANNY: What? 
SAM: Got you! 
DANNY: [paling] What? What did you do? 
SAM: I put a little extra something in your smoothie. 
Jake untucks himself out of his fetal position to watch the exchange between Danny and Sam. This is some interesting stuff. 
DANNY: Sam, what did you do? 
Sam, beaming wide, pulls out a banana peel and drops it on the floor in front of Danny. Danny looks down at it. 
DANNY: I don’t get it. 
SAM: I put a banana in your smoothie! 
DANNY: Are you being serious? 
SAM: Samuel Francis Kiszka does it again! 
JAKE: Sam, smoothies already have bananas in them. It’s literally one of the main ingredients.
DANNY: Oh thank god, I thought you put laxatives in there. 
SAM: The banana strikes again! I’m right on your tail, Daniel! 
JAKE: I don’t think putting a banana in a smoothie counts as a prank, Sam. 
Sam pouts. A bang and a crash comes from down the hall where Josh is. Jake springs to his feet in alarm. 
JAKE: Josh? 
Completely forgetting about his paralyzing fear of the haunted studio, Jake rushes down the hall to Josh. Danny and Sam trail behind him. Jake throws open the door to the studio and gapes at Josh, who is bashing a tambourine against the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth. 
JOSH: Stop! Talking! To! Me! Get! Out! Of! My! Head!
JAKE: Josh! Our insurance doesn’t cover trashed studios! 
Josh continues banging on the glass. It’s as if he doesn’t realize Jake is there. Jake tries to turn Josh around to face him, but Josh doesn’t budge. From Josh’s perspective, he’s smacking his reflection with the tambourine while his reflection laughs and taunts him. 
JOSH: Your treacherous ridicule will never break me! 
Danny rushes to Josh’s side and drenches him with a bucket of ice water, finally snapping Josh out of his spell. He stumbles back from the glass a few steps and then holds at his head and grunts. 
JOSH: [dejected] I didn’t write the new song. I got distracted. 
SAM: Yeah, obviously. 
Josh looks Sam down in his banana costume. 
JOSH: Did Danny and Jake tell you about my chimpanzee song? Did you like it or something? Is this an act of solidarity? 
SAM: Wait, you wrote a song about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: James Hetfield told me to write about something that scares me. 
SAM: And you wrote about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: He shot down my idea about eighteen wheelers. 
Sam doesn’t know how to respond to this. 
JOSH: I’m sorry, you guys. I’m just not getting inspired in the right way. I don’t know if the lyrics are ever gonna come to me. 
DANNY: Hey, they will. It just takes some time. 
JAKE: I say we call it quits for the day. I wanna get out of here. 
JOSH: [finally taking in Jake’s face for the first time] You look like you saw a ghost. What’s up with you? 
JAKE: [whispering] That’s exactly what happened to me. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, let’s get out of here. 
Jake and Josh move for the door but then stop when they realize Sam and Danny aren’t following behind them. 
JOSH: You guys coming? 
SAM: We’ll be right behind you, just give us a second. 
Jake and Josh shrug and leave Sam and Danny behind. They move down the hallway and, when they pass the haunted studio, clawing noises sound inside the door. Jake and Josh exchange a terrified look. 
JOSH: Is that? 
JAKE: Yeah. 
They’re both stuck in place, staring at the door in fear. The door starts to thump and spooky sounds come from inside the room. Before Jake or Josh can react, two sets of hands pop out of the door and drag them into the room. 
JOSH: Oh mama! 
Jake and Josh are standing in the dark as the door slams shut behind them. 
JAKE: Josh? 
A bunch of crashing noises sound and Jake lets out a yelp. 
JOSH: Sorry, I tripped over something. 
Jake fumbles for his phone and turns the flashlight on. Across from him he can see a panic-stricken Josh, his eyes darting around looking for danger. Jake slowly moves the flashlight around the studio, taking in the empty space, and then lets out a holler when he sees a shadowed figure standing in the corner of the room. Josh sees what he’s looking at and screams as well. 
JOSH: It’s a chimpanzee! 
JAKE: What? No, it’s a vengeful spirit! 
The shadowed figure starts to slowly move closer to them and Jake and Josh embrace in a tight hug, screaming. 
JOSH: [shrill] Stay back! 
JAKE: I’m gonna kick you so hard in the gonads! 
The shadowed figure stops about 20 feet away from Jake and Josh. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: [in a large and booming voice] Jacob Thomas Kiszka and Joshua Michael Kiszka! 
Jake and Josh scream at the top of their lungs, still hugging. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You have continually trespassed on my territory. You must face a reckoning for your carelessness. 
JOSH: Would a simple sorry suffice? 
Jake and Josh cower further. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You must go through the spooky door to another dimension. 
JAKE: Oh god, no! Anything but that! 
The door to the studio flings open on its own. Strobe lights and smoke flood into the studio from the door and Jake and Josh shield their eyes in fear. They both back up against the wall farthest from the door.
SHADOWED FIGURE: Whatever you think is beyond that door, it’s worse. 
JOSH: [whispering to himself] Eighteen wheelers. 
JOSH: Oh god not a countdown. 
JAKE: What do we do? 
JOSH: It’s been nice knowing you, little bro. 
Jake whirls to face Josh. 
JAKE: By five minutes! 
Sam jumps between Jake and Josh, still in his banana costume. 
Jake and Josh jump about 4 feet in the air. 
The lights to the studio flick back on and Jake and Josh are greeted by the sight of Sam and Danny standing in front of them, laughing hard. Danny is wearing a cloak, revealing him to be the shadowed figure. Jake pushes out of Josh’s embrace and storms up to Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: You need to start explaining yourselves now. 
Sam puts his hands up, guilty as charged. 
DANNY: I thought Sam was easy to prank, I guess it’s actually all the Kiszkas. 
SAM: It’s amazing what a voice changing microphone and some strobe lights can do. 
DANNY: And a fishing line. 
JAKE: A fishing line?
Sam moves over to the haunted water bottle, steps behind the piano, and tugs on a string, making the bottle lurch to the side. Jake stares, dumbfounded. 
JAKE: It was all you? 
Sam and Danny share a glance. 
DANNY: I mean, yeah. 
JAKE: Why I oughta…
Jake moves his foot back, ready to kick Sam and Danny with all of his might when Josh speaks up, capturing all of their attention. 
JOSH: I felt like such a massive chicken back there. But I think I finally understand what James was trying to tell me. I’m terrified of the unknown, of a feeling of hopelessness, where everything is crashing and burning around you, but you have to try and hold things together.  
SAM: My god, he’s doing it. 
Josh is already booking it back to his studio. 
JOSH: The lyrics are coming! They’re crowning! 
Jake looks back and forth between Danny and Sam like he still really wants to kick them, but ends up shaking his head and following behind Josh. Josh needs supervision in the studio moving forward - he can’t be left alone anymore. 
SAM: That was one hell of a prank, Danny. 
DANNY: I’m glad we could team up against Jake and Josh. They need a little humbling from time to time. 
SAM: I couldn’t have said it any better. 
Sam clasps Danny on the back and then motions towards the door. 
SAM: Wanna watch Josh’s creative genius at work? 
DANNY: I do like it when he yells, “BAJABULE!” every time he gets down a verse. 
Danny walks past Sam and moves through the door. Sam happily follows behind him. When Danny turns into the hallway, he subtly drops the banana peel that Sam had thrown in front of him earlier. Sam doesn’t notice and steps on it, slipping backwards and falling with a loud THUD. 
DANNY: Victory, baby!! 
SAM: [dramatically groaning from the ground] What a tragic end to a war. 
DANNY: Eat it! 
Danny does an impressive victory dance over Sam, who is still sprawled on the floor in defeat. Transition to Josh, Jake, Danny, and Sam playing The Falling Sky in the studio. As the song finishes, they all come together. 
JOSH: For a while there, I really thought I would never be able to write a song again.  
DANNY: We’ve got a real winner on our hands. You know, like me. 
SAM: Drop it, Daniel. 
DANNY: I think you owe me something, Sam. 
Sam grumbles but takes his bass off, retreats to the side of the studio, and returns with a crown made out of bananas. He brings it to Danny and places it on his head. 
SAM: [emotionless] I hereby pronounce you, Daniel Jean Louise Marie Wagner, King of the Pranks. All hail the king. 
Jake approaches Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: As a congratulations, I would like to extend my foot into both of your shins. 
As Jake is about to do this, the lights in the studio flicker out. 
JOSH: The same joke twice isn’t very funny, guys.
JAKE: I didn’t think it was that funny the first time around. 
DANNY: We didn’t do anything. 
SAM: Yeah, that wasn’t us. 
Chimp noises sound around the dark room. The band screams. 
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thescenealexcatxd · 3 months
👽 HOlAS, bienvenidos al blog de un gato torpe anexado🕸️
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REBLOG ACCOUNT: @alexthecoolercat
💚GO FOLLOW MY FELLOW TOONIANS! THEY ARE AWESOME!!! @silly-mug-artist @gladeoffiction
🕸️ I HAVE 100 18 YEARS OLD
💚 LOVE IS NOT MY THING, SO, AROACE!! (But when it comes to fictional characters, I'm gay af)
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🐾 Basic DNI
🐾 Anti-Toonians/Kin/Therian/Neopronouns
🐾 Kitty Kat kin/Toonian (only if you harass)
🐾 Felix the cat stan/simp (I really hate when his stans compared me with him, please don't do that)
🐾 Ships Alex the cat x Kitty Kat
🐾 Fujoshi
(Basically all mean people and weirdos go f*ck yourselves 🖕)
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Hey hey! Check this au!! @singers-au-qftim
Check this au too! @timeoutcartoonnetworkau
Dat is all, byeeeeee! See you around bud👋
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If you want to talk with me, here's my discord!: alextherainbowhoe_
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smalls-words · 2 years
It's Not Okay
Summary: Being bullied at school is never fun - especially when parents try to blow it off as crushes.
Pairings: Mama!Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Mommy!Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor (unmarried partners), Auntie!Uncle!Superfriends x Child!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: nightmares, name-calling (ugly), broken glasses. nothing too serious for you all :)
A/N: I've been feeling a bit little today but I haven't actually dropped, so I kind of fell into a younger mindset for the reader. To the anon that requested a storyline similar to a teenager reader, I can write that one too if you'd like? Just wasn't feeling it today, sorry :)
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*how i imagine their clothing at the end, but you can imagine anything you'd like*
*not my gif*
Many people at school thought you were weird. The fact that you wore these ‘dorky’ glasses and ‘stupid’ clothes was slowly eating away at you. Nobody knew your moms were Supergirl and Lena Luthor, two of the biggest names in pop culture - Lena had kept her publicity quiet whilst Kara hadn’t revealed her identity to the world.
You spotted Kara as you walked out of school, another horrid day of year two eating away at your young and boisterous personality. 
“Hi Mama!” You yelled excitedly, running up to her and tackling her in a hug.
“Hello, my darling inah (daughter).” She kissed your forehead before buckling you into your seat, making your jaw drop as a gasp came out.
“Hiya, sweetheart.” Lena grinned from the front passenger seat, making goofy faces at you in her mirror as she touched up her mascara.
“Are you ready to go home, baby?” Kara asked after buckling herself into her seatbelt.
“Mhms! Is cousie Esme at home?” You replied.
“She sure is!”
“And Auntie Alex? Auntie Kelly?!”
“Yep and yep!” Lena answered this time, the two of them surprised at your excitement.
“How was your day at school, honey?” 
“It was so fun, Mommy! We had somebody come today and I got to pet a lizard! He had a blue tongue too!” You giggled at the memory, looking out of the window.
“That sounds amazing, Y/N/N.” Lena smiled warmly at you, tickling your leg.
As you all made your way back to Lena’s penthouse loft, you immediately ran up the stairs. You threw your bag down, not caring about the stuff inside, and went back downstairs to see everybody.
You tackled Alex and Kelly in a hug, the two of them almost losing the air in their lungs whilst Esme quickly copied Kara so you wouldn’t hurt her. “Hey, little cousie.” 
“Hi hi!” You grinned, seeing an assortment of crayons on the table in front of you. “Can I draw you something?” You whispered in Esme’s ear, to which she nodded.
You immediately sat down and began to draw your masterpiece, making sure the sun was in the top corner and the sky was blue. Everybody was on the page in their correct spots, your Mommy and Mama holding either of your hands whilst everybody else stood beside them.
“Y/N, dinner is ready!” Kara called out to you from the kitchen, your head popping up to see everybody making their way over.
You scrambled to get onto your chair at the table, waiting patiently for everyone to sit before you pulled out your drawing. “Look! Do you all like it?”
Gasps and applause came from them all, with the drawing being passed around as dinner was served. You giggled at Kara’s heat vision on the chicken, wanting to use yours but you weren’t quite in control yet.
When Kara got the drawing, she smiled at herself in her Supergirl outfit before putting it on the fridge along with some of your other creations. You enjoyed the dinner consisting of the carbonara pasta for you, whilst others ate from the other dishes on the table until Alex decided on watching a movie.
You snuggled up between Kara and Lena, to which Nia guided a blanket on top of your trio which made you beam at her. “Thanks, Auntie Nia!” 
“You’re very welcome, Y/N/N.” She beamed back, kissing your forehead gently before she cuddled up to Brainy. 
As the movie played on, you grew bored as you didn’t understand some of the older references, so you decided to draw again. As your mind wandered to what school would be like tomorrow, your drawing began to reflect that. The crayons you used were usually bright, but now they were full of shadows and darkness.
Eventually you grew tired and climbed back up to Lena, having no space to sit between Kara and the noirette, which left you with your toes hiding underneath Nia’s blanket. As you fell asleep, her mind fell into your dream and she watched the bullies teasing you for your glasses and clothes.
When she woke up, however, she didn’t want to disturb Kara and Lena’s special time together, so she kept it to herself and gently manipulated your dream into something more fun and exciting.
Kara was not expecting a call from your school as she sat in Lena’s office on her lunch break. She looked up at Lena and the two made their way to your school, seeing you sniffling and shaking in your seat.
“Honey baby, what happened?” Kara knelt in front of you, gently wiping away your tears.
You shook your head and your tears poured, making Kara very distressed as she picked you up easily, bouncing you and herself instead of flying like she used to when you were little. She turned to Lena, who had spoken with the receptionist, and gently put you back down in your chair.
“Y/N/N, lovey, we will be right back, okay?” She kissed your forehead, noticing your glasses were crooked before righting them.
She stepped into the principal’s office with Lena, her in a blue argyle style whilst Lena was in her dark maroon suit. They sat down in a set of chairs next to what they could only assume was the other child’s mother and father, the plaque at the end of the desk reading Principal Johnson. 
“What happened?” Lena asked, a tinge of annoyance in her tone.
“Ms Luthor, Ms Danvers, this is Mr and Mrs. Kepler. There’s no easy way to say this, but… Y/N hit their son Will and broke his nose.” Mr. Johnson sighed.
Kara’s eyes widened behind her glasses. “What?!”
Lena’s hand fell onto Kara’s in assurance. “Can someone tell us what happened? Possibly what caused the fight?”
“Unfortunately, the teacher on duty wasn’t watching over their spout and only saw the end result.” He shrugged.
Lena immediately stood and opened the door, picking you up from your chair and bringing you inside. You’d never been inside this room before, this was the principal’s office. This was where the bad kids were sent - you weren’t a bad kid, were you?
“Y/N, honey, can you tell us what happened? The silly teacher wasn’t watching and Mama and I want to know.” Lena asked you gently, noticing how the unfamiliar surroundings and new people were scaring you.
“W-Well, I was playing in the sand pit a-and Will came to play. I di-didn’t want to play with him so I said no.”
You looked over at the scowling parents before Kara adjusted her seat so you didn’t see them, only your Mama and Mommy. “Keep going, darling. Take your time.” She cooed, brushing some tear-soaked hairs out of your face.
“N-n he didn’t like that. Mama, he took my glasses!” You took them off and showed her them -  the middle part that rested on your nose was broken.
“Did he break your glasses, honey?” She asked carefully.
“Mhm! He stomped on them.” You sniffled. “I like my glasses. B-But he says he doesn’t like them, ever. And he doesn’t like my clothes either. He says I look ugly in them.” 
You watched your Mama and Mommy’s faces fall with sadness, worry building in yours. “No! Didn’t mean to make you sad!”
“Honey, did you punch Will because he called you ugly and broke your glasses?” Kara asked, not even listening to your heartbeat.
You shook your head frantically. “No, Mama! I just pushed him out of the sand pit! He tripped on the side and fell on his face, promise!”
She nodded, carefully taking you into her arms before she readjusted her seat and looked at the other parents who held Will. “Well then I think this whole situation has been sorted. Just a simple misunderstanding.” Mr. Johnson smiled sheepishly.
“I don’t think so.” Lena stood, folding her arms.
You knew this wasn’t soft Mommy - this was Mommy the Boss, and Kara took you outside of the room.
“Will has been bullying Y/N for her glasses and her clothes. He needs to learn that bullying isn’t okay.” Lena stated.
“He’s in year two, Ms. Luthor. It’s nothing more than teasing - he might even like Y/N.” Mr. Kepler replied.
“I expect my child’s glasses to be paid for, Mr. Kepler. And summing up this bullying to something so weird as Will fancying her is wrong. It shouldn’t be okay for this to happen. If this continues, Mr. Johnson, I will pull Y/N out of this school.” 
With that, Lena closed the principal’s door behind her, seeing you and Kara in the reception. She immediately smiled at you and hugged you when you made some grabby hands, your head burying into her neck. 
“Mommy, can we go flying later?” You asked softly.
“Of course we can, baby. Let’s go home first so we can get our special clothes on.” She answered, which was your code word for the super suits.
You were quiet on the walk to the car, which surprised the two women before they realised you were asleep. “Maybe we can go flying tomorrow.” Kara teased, gently kissing your forehead as she buckled you into your car seat.
You opened your eyes to see everybody waiting for you at home, including Uncle Mon-El and Auntie Imra with Uncle Winn. You ran up to Imra who easily lifted and hugged you, giving you sporadic kisses on your face.
“How about we go and have some fun inside? Maybe we can test out your flying!” She giggled with you.
Whilst everyone else went inside, Nia stopped Kara and Lena. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the bullying.”
They looked at each other before turning to her. “I dreamt about it last night when she was touching me. It was actually terrifying to watch her little mind dream that, let alone comprehend it. I know I’m not a mom, but I wouldn’t make her go back yet.”
“Can you show us the dream?” Kara pleaded, to which Nia took their hands and showed them.
It brought them to tears instantly.
“Oh, baby…” Lena whimpered, running inside to find you in your room.
“Mommy? Mama? What happened?” You asked quietly, watching them kneel in front of you before sweeping you off your feet into their arms.
“We are so sorry we didn’t see this earlier, inah.” Kara cooed, holding you tight but not too tight.
You felt those big emotions surface before tears began to run down your face, squirming further into Kara’s hold whilst Lena hugged your other side. “W-Want ev’ybody.” You muffled against Kara’s shirt.
“Yeah? Everybody?” She asked, to which you nodded.
“Hope?” Lena looked up at the ceiling.
“The members downstairs have been notified of Y/N’s request.” The AI replied.
Soon enough, they all piled in and looked down at your crying form. Nia was the first to start the group hug, with everyone piling on until you felt truly loved.
As they pulled apart, they all gave you an individual hug and some even said some encouraging words. But at the end of it, you turned to your Mama and Mommy and tackled them in a hug, making giggles spread through the room whilst you held them tightly.
“My Mamas.” 
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agniyagrif · 4 months
look . Listen to me funny shape girl I came to you initially for your funny jrwi shapes but now I NEED to hear about your OCs. Do you understand I Am locked in I Am interested. Any details you have on any of them I Would love to hear about. You've lured me in with your strange shapes and captivating ideas and now I would Like to hear your Homemade Character Thoughts pretty pretty please /nf
Ah that's sweet) Ah)))
I planned to write about them something anyway BUT SINCE YOU ASKING WELL- I now just have to oooh haha)
Well ok, I have many ocs because I like different creatures i draw and i just HAVE TO give them some personality and then I don't want to just throw them away(( (unless like... I forget about them of course haha)
Recently I remembered about my old Minecraft pony ocs that i wanted to turn into humans or something and so i did it. I turned them into creatures, gave them again some personality because they didn't have much and put them at my setting Omniplan where I put most of my ocs now because this setting just build for that.
Anyway here they go
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I posted them at like... Other... Site... You know. BUT HERE I CAN TALK ABOUT THEM MORE HEHE! I call them Sitcom Five because I thought they had such... Vibes. Don't know, maybe they don't actually or won't in the future but I like the name anyway)
OKAY I'm putting more info under here)))
Oh no that's a lot of text... oh no what have i doneeee...
Also cw: S E X (i just mention that it exists and that's all haha. I for some reason feel the need to say that idk... I'm- I'm stupid ok?)
So here some general info about them and maybe later I will write more) because I have more)
These five (Lutic not with them)... People, let's just say people, live together at a house near woods... 30 minutes(?) away from local town. Half of them aren't very social and all of them quite content with living away from town, just with this group. Also none of them are local. Well... They live here so they are? I mean none of them were born there, in town.
So first, Edvin. He's the owner of the house. This place used to be maybe a part of town? There are some ruins of houses around them but nobody lives there. Edvin got this house maybe from his relatives. He fixed it and since he didn't need much and house was too big to just live alone in it he decided to rent out rooms. And don't know how much time passed but Carrot, Alex and Gleam became permanent residents of the house. And recently Peter moved in.
So Edvin. He's the oldest, serious and hardworking. Used to be a sailor (because many lizard folk are sailors and well I don't have anything original for his background). He works as blacksmith in the town or take some other physical work. Sends money to the family. Ah... Old mother and his sister. (If i had nickel for every lizard man i had that sends money to his sister i would have two nickels. Idk why i don't wanna think about itANYWAY) He loves to make weapons, make them like pretty and stuff like light knives with elegant handles and engravings on blades. Some masterpiece to be proud of. But unfortunately he doesn't get such orders often. So he just works all day and then sleeps at home.
Next Carrot) She's a siren which in my setting are a kind of bird people who have wings at hands. They also stereotypically like... Hedonistic? Is it the right word? Probably not... Don't bother about stuff, live to have fun and enjoy pleasures. Cheerful, carefree, colorful birds. And well Carrot is stereotypical siren. She likes gardening and cooking. She loves to bake and sometimes sells goods in the town. She also often cooks for others in the house. Ah... She's vegetarian. She probably leaves the house during winter, flies to some warm place. She's never sad. She likes to drink sometimes, sing, dance, laugh and sleep around.
Alex is often annoyed by her.
Alex is another bird person in the house but this time he's an avian which in setting are bird people with wings on their back. His mother is avian and his father is siren. So he has some siren traits in his character. He's also my favourite eugh... He almost never leaves house by which i mean he dislikes to go to town and talk to people there. Any people other then his neighbours to which he's used to. He kinda... Ah... Selfish? A thoughtless person? By which I mean he often doesn't think about other people if they're not in front of him. He doesn't even writes to his mother although he does love her, she's a good woman. He's like... Not malicious, but yeah. Just in his own world i guess. And his world right now is this house. He's a mechanic(?) engineer (?) he likes to work on different machines. Maybe he makes some toys or fixes clocks and stuff or even repairs local robots (YEAH THERE ARE ROBOTS IN THE SETTING I KNOW I KNOW SHUT UP). He likes to do that.
Speaking of his siren ahhhh side... Well maybe it's ehhh... Presented(?) in his thoughtlessness. But it's also presented in him being fucking horny. He really annoyed by this because it results in intrusive thoughts which doesn't help with him being already quite awkward. He overthinks stuff a lot sometimes too. (I don't actually know what is cause and what is the result here so maybe I'm wrong somewhere here anyway) He tries to fight(?) it. Like he does physical exercises, focuses on work, drinks some... Stuff idk that Carrot recommends him. And he gets really annoyed at Carrot after she tells him to just relax about that. He probably also jealous of her because he also wants to just not care about that.
how dare that shithead get 2 paragraphs??? Well it's because he's my favourite anyway...
Gleam ah... She's stone demon. (Nothing religious just people with horns) :') i have very little info about her... I feel guilty. I'm sure, I'll fix it sometime later. She often is not at home but she pays and Edvin is content with that. But they end up giving her room to the new resident (Peter) because she didn't actually even used her room. So... She likes to cause chaos? Maybe she does something illegal when she's away or maybe she saves kittens(probably not). She doesn't talk about it anyway so i don't even have to think about Haha!) I'm kidding... Well yeah. Chaos. She likes to break and burn stuff and fight. That's what she does. And then she comes home and just sits as a rock (ha) while Carrot rambles and laughs about her day to her. They are girl friends) not girlfriends though( because Carrot doesn't want any commitment. But yeah they like to hang out together. Kinda fun dynamic I think) that's all about her :' | maybe she likes to bully Alex by breaking his stuff... That dynamic was in their pony versions, so...
Next Peter)))) he's bard. He has a guitar or something similar I'll think about that. He used to travel around the land before he settled here. He goes to town to play and get some money. Chill guy, kind and hard to get angry. Likes to chew grass and lay on it under warm sun. The most sociable and caring among them. Well i guess Carrot is quite sociable too... Anyway, everyone likes him just because he's so nice and chill. Just a ray of sunshine anywhere he goes. Ah... I need to say something negative about him... Or it's a boring character... Not quite negative but maybe he doesn't have any plans for the future? He doesn't have anything going on in his life right now? Maybe he's not content with his music? Like everyone likes it, it sounds nice. Nice enough to earn money. But that's all. Maybe he wants it to be more impactful, maybe it's not good enough. Or it seems to never be good enough for him. Maybe it makes him sad but he doesn't want to show it to others so he just smiles and keeps being caring ray of sunshine.
Heeeyyy... What is this depressing shit doing in my funny ocs hey... I made them to do funny loser things haha and make out. It's time to end before i care about them too much. Haha)
I had a thought to make him a pushover... Well... He's kinda? He doesn't say no a lot, when it comes to help or just some activity and he can tolerate even some quite rude behaviour towards him but it's because well he just goes with a flow, likes to help or if we talking about rudeness he used to travel a lot and well why he would start a conflict with a person if he goes away the next day? So he just became used to just be quiet and go away if he doesn't feel comfortable and then forget about this experience. But he does have some boundaries and he will tell about them if he can't leave. He can stand up for himself if he needs to. But he rather stand up for his friends thought when it comes to it.
Ok and Lutic) She's Edvin's little sister. She's a bright and kind girl. Likes flowers and cute animals and not very cute ones, like insects (it's not an animaSHUT UP OK I'M TRYING). Everyone in the house loves her like she's their own little sister and everyone behaves their best when she visits and entertain her as they can. They are so normal that Edvin is kinda surprised and frustrated about that. But it's a good thing so he can't even get mad about it. It's just funny yeah.
So if you read that, the person who is reading it. You now can look at different shitty and not shitty pictures i have of them)
This is about Lutic visiting
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Both birds find Peter attractive. But like also... Well Edvin said that already...
And dynamics) Girls being friends and bros being bros. Though... Now i draw and write a lot of situations with Alex being awkward dumbass. But they do hang out together. Because Alex finds Peter cool (and ghm attractive...) and also he doesn't demand from birdman any commitment as a friend and Peter is chill and likes to hang out.
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I wanted to make this kind of a... Things with them for fun but couldn't find any good enough. So i have only this. Idk I googled it or found on Pinterest, I'm sorry idk
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GIGGLES HAHA... WELL... IT'S FUN TO PUSH CHARACTERS ON EACH OTHER HAHA. IT'S LIKE A CLASSIC OR STH (I'm cringe.) Anyway it's not canon... Well... I just tried to write a situation but it's not quite what i wanted. HE WOULD NOT FUCKING KISS HIM LIKE THAT i know, it's canon but it's one of the Alex's modest dreams
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Just a little thing
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Again. Guess my favourite.
Alex probably does have a body pillow if they have them in the setting idk... He also certainly have some magazines with pretty bird ladies and big hot (beast) man. Totally reads them "for the plot and characters and like relationships and stuff" Carrot teases him about that and he HATES her for that(((
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Horny birds. I sympathise with Alex but I also will call him a loser and do want to strangle him and throw into the wall.
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Somehow too much gays so I'm apologising even if you probably don't care about that.
I clearly have a favourite guy and favourite relationships... Well... I'm not really a good ocs owner. I just want to draw them kissing or something and haha funny
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maybe i write more if i have at least 1 picture to put above it...
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k1ttycvlt · 12 days
new intro!!!! (*≧▽≦)
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hello!!!! I am Niko or Xeni!!! ☆
I use any pronouns!!
I am genderfluid, mostly fem presenting ♡
I am 14 years old!! (^ᴗ^)
this account is 13+!! for occasional gore, suggestive topics, cursing, and touchy subjects!!
It may be hard for me to communicate and I tend to go nonverbal at times. I can also be very clingy and sometimes loud. I also tend to struggle with knowing what is okay to say and whats not. Many apologies in advance. ^^‘
I am currently learning to play the guitar and potentially starting a band!
Also learning Norwegian and want to learn russian! ☆
Likes: lucky star, pink, orange, flowers, fruit, sleep, candles, music, the ocean, animals, shojo, bracelets, video games, tv shows, art. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Dislikes: judgmental people, being alone, stupid people, being yelled at. (;¬_¬)
About my interests and hobbies! ≽^•⩊•^≼
Art: I have been drawing for 10 years, and mainly I draw traditionally, but I do draw digitally and occasionally I paint! I have many OCs and I also draw furries!! Im currently trying to learn the Moe/2000s anime art style. Inspired by Lucky Star! (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
Music: I luv luv luv music. I listen to plenty of genres, but I mainly listen to black metal, rock, slam metal, vocaloid, breakcore, and alternative! My favorite bands/artists are, Weezer, Mayhem, SOAD, Tentacle Witches, Penelope scott, Schoolgirl apon thy corpse, Alex G, Mareru, Kikuo, Mitski, PPcocaine, Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship, and much more!!! I am open to many genres. ‧₊˚✩♬ ₊˚.
Witchcraft: I am a witch, but I dont practice it much 😅, I believe in the worship of nature, and spirits and stuff and I even have my own altar!! I have been haunted by spirits many times before, so im not very good at it, but I am learning. ⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Video games: I play many games, such as: Overwatch, Fortnite, Minecraft, PJSK, sometimes guilty gear, and many others!! But I mainly play Overwatch! I main: Juno, Junkrat, Dva, Cassidy, Sombra, and Mercy!
TV: Some shows I watch are: Shameless, Lucky Star, The bear, MHA, Madoka Magica, Danganronpa, smiling friends, and much more. I am currently hyperfixated on Lucky Star!
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