enby-at-the-pyschward · 2 months
Rian:So,are you two dating now?
Jack & Alex:Yes.
Jack:I happen to find Alex very appealing.
Rian:Yeah,I can understand that.
Rian:I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Alex.
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Aitana:is something wrong with our portrait..? It’s our brother birthday today so we want to put this as a gift to him as he helped us a lot…
Alex:you guys knew him…?
Rin:you could say that…
???: Well…look who’s actually here…
Tang: ?!
Zazhu: !!!
Tang: Mom…
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Luke:I JUST realized! RATatouille! The movie used a dish with rat in it! It’s a pun!
Alex:You better be doing this on purpose.
Luke:I just genuinely never looked back on it, and when I first watched it, I didn’t know any english.
Alex:Fine. What’s the polish word for rat?
Alex:Well, shit, Luke, I may have to let it go this time.
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alinalioness · 4 months
Little octopus lioness 4 Chapter:It's worth making an agreement.
Morning came and Alina woke up, ready to swim to shore.
Alina:Well... It's time to go ashore.
Fish postman:Good morning, Alina. (Gives the letter to Alina) A letter for you. (He leaves) Goodbye.
Alina has opened the envelope and is reading the letter.
Alina:There will be a party tonight at 5:00 p.m. What if I'm late?
SpongeBob№2:Don't worry. (Alina was scared) You can go another time. In the meantime, I'll take your place if you swim ashore.
Alina:I'm sailing there right now. I decided to introduce Fiona and Haoyu to you and Patrick.
SpongeBob№2:A different idea.
Alina:I have to go. Bye.
They anointed each other and Alina sailed away. On the way, she met Mink Mink.
Alina:Oh, Mink Mink, hi. Do you know where I've been? (Mink Mink squeaked) On land. (Mink Mink squeaked uneasily) Don't worry, no one recognized me. SpongeBob was there instead of me. (Mink Mink calmed down) Yes, I flew with them on a hang glider yesterday. Today I decided to arrange with Fiona and Haoyu about a meeting with SpongeBob and Patrick. Bye.
Alina had already left the water, but she felt hungry.
Alina:That's an ambush, I didn't have breakfast. (Noticed the bananas) Sweet moon. (I took out all the bananas and started eating them) It's delicious. (She got dressed) Phew, I'm overeating. Where should I go?
She was in the city looking for a place to throw away the banana peel and she found. She saw people throwing garbage in the trash can and she did. Until the fishermen and Alex showed up.
Alex:Well, well, well. (Alina was scared) And who do we have here? Ah, a friend of the driver and the pilot.
AlinaI'm sorry, but I've been confused with someone else.
Alex:I think I've seen you somewhere before. (He looked at the hair) Your hair is weird.
Fiona:Leave her alone.
Alex and the fishermen noticed her while Alina hid behind her.
Alex:I'm sorry, it's just that her hair is weird like tentacles.
Fiona:I think you're mocking me enough.
Alex:Yes? I didn't notice. (To the fishermen) We're leaving (He and the fishermen left).
Fiona:Are you all right?
Alina:Yes. I almost burned myself, not only in front of him, but in front of everyone.
FionaDon't worry, as long as you're with me, Haoyu is fine.
Alina:Good. By the way, I've been thinking about how we can meet SpongeBob and Patrick. Can we meet again?
Fiona:Sure. I wanted to go swimming with Haoyu tomorrow. We're busy today. Haoyu was asked to help fix something, and I went to practice. We can go together if you want, but you should hide.
The two girls immediately went to the training.
In Krusty Krab.
SpongeBob№1 calmly cooked burgers until thoughts appeared, frozen to distract from work.
SpongeBob№1:*In thought* I wonder if we could still be friends with people? Then it would be better. But what if Mr. Krabs doesn't want to and throws you out. And if he kicked them out, they could live on their own. But who could cook burgers? Although that's another question. Whereas we interacted with people even earlier before us, then-
Squidward:SpongeBob. (SpongeBob looked at him) Your stove is on fire.
SpongeBob was scared when he saw a burning stove and put it out with a fire extinguisher.
SpongeBob:I'm sorry, I got distracted. (Noticed angry customers) Oops.
Visitors:(Angry) Where's my burger? Why is it taking so long?
Later, SpongeBob ascended into Krusty Krabs in the form of Alina, who was shocked to see the angry visitors.
SpongeBob№2:That's the problem.
A disgruntled Mr. Krabs came out of the office.
Mr. Krabs:What's going on here?
SpongeBob№1:I'm already running! (Gives everyone burgers, including his Alina shapes) Your order. (Removes the salad from the burger and gives it to him) Bye (Go away).
SpongeBob№2:What's happening?
Squidward:SpongeBob is acting strangely, as if he's thinking about something.
Mr. Krabs:Hmm, that's weird. Is there anything suspicious?
Squidward:There is nothing more suspicious.
Mr. Krabs:Then let's continue (He goes into the office).
SpongeBob:Phew, they almost burned it down.
In an hour on land.
Fiona came out of training and noticed that Alina was not there. But it turned out she was hiding in the bushes.
Alina:I'm sorry. I wanted to hide well.
Fiona:It's okay, we'll have time to have fun. For example, we'll go to the park.
Alina:(Happy) That's great! I'm running!
The two girls went straight to the park.
In A Bikini Bottom.
All residents of Bikini Bottom, including Ger, go to the park.
SpongeBob№1:Wow, I can't wait to have fun.
Patrick:Me too, I'm ready for anything.
When everyone came at once, they started hanging out. SpongeBob and Patrick decided to play on the obstacle course where the children were playing.
SpongeBob№1:Well, who's going to be the first?
Patrick:You go.
SpongeBob№1:(He did the starting position) Well, I ran.
He started running through toy mountains, tag, ladders and onto a trampoline. This made the children applaud.
Patrick:(Happy) Now it's my turn!
Patrick just ran through almost destroying it. Which made the children wonder.
SpongeBob№2:And now I am.
Spongebob in the form of Alina began to perform various tricks as Alina did. The children were happy about it.
Boy:How cool!
Girls:It's fun!
SpongeBob№1:It's good that I know Alina's tricks.
On land.
Alina and Fiona got to the park before Haoyu came here.
Haoyu:Oh, girls, hi.
Alina and Fiona:Hi.
Alina:How are things going?
Haoyu:It's okay, I just finished my business. While I was flying, I noticed you and decided to spend time with you.
Fiona:Of course, Chang.
The trio walked quietly while Fiona and Haoyu talked to each other.
Haoyu:Wow, the marine life seemed to think that the sun was going on a journey. That even the Moon.
Fiona:And she also said when they didn't know any food, they talked about something similar. For example, they called bananas sweet moon (Laughs with Haoyu).
Alina:By the way, what do you do when you're not busy?
Fiona:We only talk, swim, fly and celebrate on any holidays.
Alina:Such as New Year's Eve or Halloween. We're celebrating in Bikini Bottom.
Haoyu:(Nodded) Yes.
Alina:(She noticed the playground) Wow! It's a playground like mine.
Fiona:By the way, you can have fun.
Alina:Really? Thank you.
Alina began to perform various tricks, as she did in the water. That's why all the people have noticed and are starting to like it.
Haoyu:Wow! It's cool!
Fiona:Go Alina!
Alex was walking around the park and noticed a crowd of people, and then Alina.
Alex:It seems that a friend of the researchers decided to arrange a circus-
He was interrupted by people running past him. When Alina finished, that's it
Cotton Candy Seller:Hello, would you like some cotton candy?
Alina:(She looked at Fiona and Haoya and then at the salesman) Yes, I have five cotton candy. (Fiona and Haoyu were surprised and the seller gave her 5 cotton candy. In response, she gave 2 cotton candy to Fiona and Haoyu) This is for you.
Fiona and Haoyu:Thanks (They take cotton candy and eat it).
Haoyu:And to your two friends?
Alina:Yes. They will definitely like it (hugs Fiona and Haoyu, which they also hugged in response).
Later, Fiona and Haoyu escorted Alina to the sea.
Haoyu:We ourselves hope that there will be no fishing season.
Fiona:Since we do not know where we are better off, it is worth sailing to us at 10 am.
Alina:Good. (I noticed that Fiona and Haoyu are holding each other's hands) Uh, guys... (Points to their hands)
Fiona and Haoyu:Oh (They let go of my hands).
Fiona:Strangely enough, we're just friends.
Alina:It's clear. See you tomorrow (Goes to sea).
When Alina sailed out to sea, Fiona and Haoyu said goodbye and went home. When Fiona put her hand to her heart, she realized that she was hiding her feelings for Haoyu and left.
In the water.
Alina was sailing home, where she meets SpongeBob and Patrick.
Alina:Oh, hi SpongeBob! Hi Patrick!
SpongeBob and Patrick:Hi (We noticed cotton candies on Alina's hand.)!
Patrick:What do you have there?
Alina:It's cotton candy. The name of objects on land is completely different. Try.
SpongeBob and Patrick are trying cotton candy and they liked it.
SpongeBob:How sweet.
SpongeBob:By the way, how about tomorrow?
Alina:Tomorrow I will meet with them at 10 a.m., as they do not know where we will meet so that we will not be seen.
SpongeBob:It's great idea.
Patrick:There will be five of us now.
Alina:To be honest, six. Since Mink Mink will join us.
SpongeBob:Is Mink Mink here?
Patrick:He didn't swim away from us.
SpongeBob and Patrick:Hurray! (They're leaving) See you tomorrow!
Alina:See you! (She went to bed in the cave) Oh, how great it will be. I've never had a freer word on land.
To be continued...
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Movie misunderstanding
director:alex i need you to slap daniel because the scene takes place after the you find out he cheated ok? Alex and daniel:ok! Director:And ACTION!! Alex:*B!tch slaps daniel across the room* Daniel:*knocked TF out* Director:wtf why did you do that?!? Alex:you told me to slap him as if he cheated on me.so i did. Director:...
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
Alex:you okay-? *he's also taller then calvin*
CAL: "yup, I'm all good"
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“ i’d marry you with paper rings. ” / grey, def real high n sleepy ,,,
for @lighthouscd
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    “ What a fucking charming proposal.”
He was laying kisses on the back of her neck but she shoved him away, he wasn’t going to get away with that kind of soppy statement so easily. Alex span on the spot, grabbing his collar to bring him down to her level as she tried desperately not to laught.
    “ How dare you, I’m worth Haribo at the very least. Better get down on one knee if you’re serious, fuckwit.”
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camscendants · 3 years
Steph:Salem! The Halloween capital of the world, Or so they say. Who do I hang out with?
Alex:You join a coven
Steph:A lesbian Coven
Alex:is there any other kind?
Please I love them
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the-wolfverse · 2 years
A Wolfverse Group chat
A debate so iconic it takes place on three earths
(Mk)- Megntos kids
(FR)-Falling in Reverse
(Obj)-Our broken justice
Pietro:"Lets settle this once and for all" typing on phone
Wanda:"What did you just do?!"
Pietro:"I asked the group chat is Diehard a Christmas movie"
Wanda:"You have doomed us all"
Group Text
(MK)Pietro: Is Diehard a Christmas movie?
(MK)Kaitlyn:Ofcourse it is!!!
(MK)Scott:You people are insane
(MK)Kurt:What is Die hard?
(MK)Kurt: no...
(MK)Alex:It is only one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time
(MK)Jean: Die hard is not a Christmas movie
(MK)Crystal:FIGHT ME!!!
(Obj)Lorna:We have Die hard on our earth and it is most certaincertainly a Christmas movie
(Obj)Wally:No it is not
(FR) Wally:How dare you!
(Obj)Wally:It's about guns and hostages
(FR)Jason:Sounds like Christmas to me
(FR) Tim:That was one time
(Obj) Connor: Does this really matter?
(Obj) Pietro: This is only the biggest debate of all times
(FR)Damian:I think I lost brain cells just reading this conversation
(Obj) Artemis:Welcome to my world
(MK)Peter:Want to see some real chaos?
(MK)Wand:Peter no
(MK)Peter:Pina apple on pizza
(FR)Jason:What is wrong with you
(FR)Tim: heads will roll
(FR)Roy:It's not that bad
(FR)Tim:We are no longer friends
(FR)Damian: I've seen West eat a lot worse
(Obj) Lorna:Our Wally is a walking garbage disposal
Pietro:"that went ..."
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snowcrystaltodoroki · 2 years
Julie and the Phantoms meets Demon Slayer
Julie:Where are we?
Reggie:It appears we have entered a forest
Alex:Oh ReLlY YoU tHiNk?
Luke:Guys Chill
Tanjiro:Zenitsu calm down it's Okay
Reggie:Hello there,It's cool you don't have to answer. Is it bad I forgot they couldn't see us?
Luke and Alex:Yes
Julie:Guys shush
Zenitsu:Uhh who are you talking to?
Tanjiro:Hi I'm Tanjiro Kamado and who are those boys behind you?
Julie:I'm Julie,Wait you can see them??
Zenitsu:What boys? I don't see anyone
Tanjiro:Weird I see three boys with Julie
Julie:How can you see them they're ghosts
Zenitsu:YOU CAN SEE GHOSTS? *faints
Reggie:Welp he's dead
Alex & Luke:Yeah
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blackrachel-e-dare · 4 years
Another Riodanverse characters (mostly percy jackson) as things my friends have done/said
Alex: *french braiding Magnus' hair*
Will: hey Nico you good
Nico: *goes to under desk and screams in rage and pain*
Will:o-kay noted
Sadie yelling across the room to carter: SIMP
Percy and Leo: *competitively RAGE "TWERKING"*
(Do I have to explain, so basically it's when mainly three of my friends call them Jaylin Nolan and Jamarion throw it back while mad and out of nowhere that's what me and my friends now call rage twerking. Also sometimes it turns into a full-blown competition)
Hazel: *walks in and sees the scene*
Hazel: what are they doing and are they okay
Annabeth: I dont know but they've been at this for about 15 minutes and I'm pretty sure the answer to your second question is no
Leo: I'm officially scared of Annabeth until I grow taller and actually gain more muscle which is probably going to be never so yeah ✌
Percy: *pulls out a plastic container of a slice of cake out of a Louis Vuitton bag randomly and starts eating it*
Annabeth: did you know that the queen bee in a hive usually kills all the other females so they can't take her spot
Percy:so does that mean there's a possibility for gay bees
Rachel:no that means the queen bee is a wh*re
Magnus: did you know that the queen bee in a hive usually kills all the other females so they can't take her spot
T.J: Does that mean there's a possibility for gay bees
Alex:no that means the queen bee is a wh*re
Rachel: *pulls sweatpants all the way over chest and just walks around the room*
*karaoke night on the argo II*
Annabeth:We're half way there~
Annabeth: The Duolingo owl now has gotten to a point where instead of just saying "hey you haven't practiced in a while" it's has full-blown threats like this one time it said "you're never going to learn if you don't practice" and "I thought you were learning french* and many other things in a very disrespectful tone, so I deleted it and now I depise it with every fibroid of my being
Alex: everyone's like "the birds work for the bourgeoisie" and like yeah they do but you don't acknowledge the bees work for the gays and I that's why I freaking love bees
Magnus: is that also why you have pictures of bees in different Pride flag colors saved in your phone and on your wall
T.J: is that why you you occasionally send this link and recite the entire Bee Movie script
Alex: well that al-
Mallory: and is that also why you screamed "THE BIRDS WORK FOR THE BOURGEOISIE AND THE BEES WORK FOR GAYS" at breakfast yesterday
Alex: well, yes b-
Halfborn: so-
Alex: nope, you know what f*ck you guys
Alex: *storms out of room*
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tanakavox · 4 years
Zwei(10) slowly trotted on way home when 4 figure block his way. He looked up to see the kids that his school. Huge fans of Pyhrra nikos tgat decided to make him a target of their bulling. Sam- a blonde pretty boy and their yes man.
Franklin- a Red haired bastard as Zwei liked to call him.
Gimmy-Who just stayed quiet like a punk most of the time.
And the one Zwei hated the most. Alex. A raven hair dog fanaus like him who looked down on Zwei simply because he wasn't a stupid German shepherd dog fanaus like he was and just a mutt corgi mutt in his eyes. Adding om to the fact he has a creepy fixation on Zwei's best friend Rosemary addes fuel to that flame.
Zwei glared at them specifically eyeing the bat Alex had in his hand, wondering why they were there.
Zwei:What do you guys want.
Alex gave Zwei a fake smile.
Alex:I overheard you talking to rosey Zwei.
Zwei:Don't call her that. She doesn't like when you call her.
Alex:You call her that.
Zwei:Because I'm her actually friend. You aren't.
Alex smiles drops for a second a he glares at zwei.
Alex:Stop talking to Rosemary. I heard you bad mouthing Pyhrra too so that too dick. You think your cool enough to talk about either od them? Your just a mutt. A stupid stupid Mutt. I'm better then you and alway will be. So just stop.
Zwei:Make m-
Before Zwei could finish his sentence or put up his aura, Alex swung the bat at zwei's face, landing a clean hit up side his head. He falls back, blood streaming where he was hit, and his head being to ache with pain. He tried his best not to cry as he didn't want then to get the satisfaction of seeing it. Alex's friend as so as Zwei hit the ground began to stomp all over him, hiting hard ebough that Zwei hears a sicking crack as his noise got broken. He put up his aura and fuel by adrenaline grabs Gimmy's foot and twists it cause hin to scream in pain. Zwei rolled out of the way from another kick from Franklin stood up and decks him across the face hard enough to knock out a tooth and to the ground, then turned to sam grabs him by the collar and smash his head onto the blonde,knocking him to the ground as well.
Alex makes another swing at zwei and hits him in the stomach, knocking the wind of him for and goes for another another but this time Zwei grabs the bat and yanked it out of his hand and throws it away, getting punch to ground by Zwei. But Zwei didn't stop there, he aim a good few hard kicks at Alex's side, causing him to yelp and scramble up of the ground still getting kicked as he began to run away with his gang. Zwei didn't chase after them instead he watch them leave and then began to walk home again, Tears finally streaming down his face from the pain,the adrenaline wearing off. He clutched his still bleed and broken noise He kinda didn't want to go home and let his sisters see him in this state. Maybe he could find a way to hide it.....
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isaacameloxd · 4 years
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Alex:you would have told me before.....
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Alex:I’d like to use Curse Weapon, to increase Dailin’s weapon damage.
Luke:You could also aprimorate the- ........actually, I should be quiet during the PvP.
Alex:Yes, that’s what I was gonna do, aprimorate the ritual. I was checking something.
Jenny:Why would you say something!
Luke:My bad!
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colorful-dragon97 · 5 years
*When Winn finally comes back*
Winn: So... You are dating James’ sister... Brainy is daiting Nia, who is awsome btw... What about Kara and Lena?
Alex:They are single at the moment
Winn:They are the only ones single beside James...
Alex: Wi-
Alex:You said it yourself... They are dumb af
Brainy:I’m confused
Alex:When Winn left, he bet me 200$ that Lena and Kara will be together by the time he came back...
Brainy:You bet against him right?
Alex:Pffff NO! I bet that they will find out at least three years from now... We lesbians are not very persuasive
Kelly:Tell me about it, we’ve been together for 6 months and she sometimes ask me if it’s ok for her to call me her girlfriend...
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Poly hamilsquad quotes # 13
Alex:*is play super Mario 64*
John:Hey Alex?
Alex:Hey what?
John:Can I share something with you from earlier today?
Alex:What is it John?
John:Well I sent you a text early in the morning in our group chat.
John:Because me and Laf needed to go shopping at one point.
John:And so I was like, I won’t give any specific dates, but I was like, “Do you have any preference weither me and Laf go this weekend or the next weekend?”
Alex:mmm hmm.
John:Your response-
Alex:*starts to laugh uncontrollably*
John:At 9:30 in the morning…
Alex:*is still laughing*
John:Mother fucking Jessie Essinburg Jesus Christ fuck dude mother fucking Facebook movie bullshit Jesus can you fucking believe this shit
Alex:*is losing his shit*
John:N-no punctuation.
Alex:You just made me fall
John:Random capitalization. So I respond, “I have no idea what we’re talking about right now.”
Alex:*is dying*
John:45 minutes pass… I get a text from you… God damn created Facebook and fucking lawyers and shit right fucking winklevoss twins God damn rowing the boat fuck yo shit I can’t even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just watched this shit fuck Jessie Essinburg man…
Alex:*has given up in the game and has his head laying in John’s lap, he is dead*
John:Then Herc responds with, “Alex, you’re scaring me.”
Alex:*is having trouble breathing*
John:An hour passes, you respond, Mother fucking spiderman spiderman you put in the time Fuck put in the time Mother fucking built the shit with his bare hands Fucking best friend shit Jessie essinburg… I’m very tired.
Alex:*literally can’t*
John:And I’m just like, “No problem man, Me and Laf will do most of the shopping this week.”
Alex:*is starting to calm down a bit*
John:Immediate response, I’m talking like 5 seconds later…
Alex:*delves back into madness*
John:No man I’ll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jessie essinburg man he fucked over spiderman crazy winklevoss twins rowing Trent ressinoar did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook I don’t like die I can’t think of who the fuck invented Facebook all I can think is the guy who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook?
Alex:*is completely dead*
John:And then in all capital letters, 2 hours later, “MARK ZUCKERBURG!”
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