#alfonse x f!summoner
fe-fictions · 5 months
I’m being so fr I love you and your work but every time I come back to the blog I have to ask myself whether or not I’ve developed amnesia 😭 do you have any Alfonse tucked away somewhere in the crevices of the internet?
(I have one very sweet little drabble-y thing just for you!! U V U )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep.
Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about.
Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner?
Why was she asleep?
Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent.
The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets.
With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you.
Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in.
He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes.
Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed.
“Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
"Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed.
He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks.
His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one.
You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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iamdarkness · 2 years
In Darkness Bound
So I had a nightmare. Here have this horror fic.
It will be interactive. It will have a good ending and a bad ending depending on what you want to read. I am not even sure what warning to use except : Teens and up, Canonical character death and Horror. Enjoy.
Lif x F Summoner/ Lif x reader Alfonse x F Summoner /Alfonse x reader.
Caeda POV.
 I am sure the other heroes have noticed it as well. The Summoner has been acting quite not herself. It is true that as someone who hails from a far different world than most of us, she tends to be strange, but this behavior is far too different from what we are used to. She thinks she is being subtle about it, but the sight of her nervous demeanor and the slumped over figure of her sleeping body in the most random of places is anything but subtle. At least not for me or for some of the more sensitive of us.
  It has been so for the last week and every time someone finds her asleep on a garden bench or a training facility or even the kitchen, she comes up with some excuse like “ The night was so beautiful and quiet, I fell asleep.” or “ I was hungry and came to find a snack and fell asleep. “ . Yet I find it hard to believe that would be the case. Not that it did not happen before, because it had been a couple of times we have found them asleep on a garden bench or a library desk. “ Them” as in The Summoner and Prince Alfonse. Now it was just her.
 After the third time I started paying more attention to her. She looked nervous around people if Alfonse was also around and seemed to relax when he was gone. Those were very few times too, because nowadays you could see the prince would not leave her side. It is true they were always very close and that was the reason everyone knew not to flirt with neither of the two. They looked like they truly belonged together, like they say about Marth and I. Lately however he does not leave her to train or work on the fields the way he used to. It is as if he had completely moved his schedule to fit hers and be the most amount of time together.
  I have heard he had become very obsessive after the third year of war and I understand it. When you are about to lose someone dear and your own life the way he did when he was cursed by death herself, it is natural that you develop a deeper attachment and possessiveness towards those you love.
Indeed it was hard for me to just imagine that the man who had lost his head in anguish and anger over his beloved being taken by Prince Otr, would do what I thought he was doing to his beloved Summoner. Yet I myself had witness the green/purple bruises on her arm and her uneasiness to go back to sleep in her own chamber; where I knew by her confiding in me that they were lovers, that he slept in, every night.
  I wondered then about Alfonse. I had personally seen him wandering the halls during my watch one night looking for his Summoner. I had seen her last entering the greenhouse garden, but when he asked about her I outright lied to him and said I had not seen her. The guard on duty did talk. It was his prince after all and probably thought nothing of this, but my contract is with the Summoner and she is my friend. So when the guard told him she was in the Greenhouse Garden, I hurried to alert her on another way. I was able to reach it faster than the prince, but by mere seconds and since he had just seen me I did not think it prudent to let him see me alerting her of his presence. I decided to hide and see what he would do.
  I expected him to awaken her and ask her to go to sleep in her room. To be truthful I even expected him to be forceful towards her. I was then vexed by his figure quietly approaching her only to stop a short distance. He gave a sight and stayed looking at her sleeping form for a while. His face looked so sad and a little defeated. After some minutes he turned to leave, but looking sideways to where a statue stood in front of the bench in the shadows, he changed direction. He then sat on the floor next to it. He had perfect view of the bench, but was hidden enough by the shadows to not be seen if the summoner woke up.
  I had to leave since I still had at leas half an hour of patrol duty, but as soon as I was able to come back I found them both in the same place. The Summoner sleeping still and Alfonse keeping watch.
 That was five nights ago and since then I have been spying on them. I see the summoner falling asleep on purpose somewhere and him finding her out and staying with her. without her finding out. It would have been endearing to me if my mind was not full of doubt about him mistreating her.
Still I tried hard to remember a time he had been angry enough with her to be mean, and I could find none. Not that they never disagreed on something. The Summoner was friendly and very liberal for the Askr standards and their ideas mostly of friendship and entertainment were mostly the cause of their disagreements. Yet the most I had seen him do was close his eyes in a gesture that meant he was very annoyed and slowly but firmly explain why he disagreed and believed she was wrong. That one time it was not even the summoner being friendly with someone, it was the day The Summoner was explaining to him that Charlotte was indeed not a damsel in distress, since she could slice up a man with her giant axe, and that she was blatantly flirting with him and he was leading her on with his “charm”.
  I remember I thought it was very cute that she was so jealous of Charlotte seeing as Alfonse was head over heels in love with her, and angry at the fact that Charlotte was after his money to begin with. She felt personally offended that she wanted only his money.
 “ He is perfect and this …’hussy’ just wants his money ! Can you believe that!?”. Alfonse was trying to explain that he was not leading her on, but being polite because she was new to Askr and she was after all, choosing to lend them her strength.
  “Well next time she calls you ‘Darling’ and wants to lend you her hand with stuff she should not be touching, I will take her eyes out with my fingernails and then send her home in a wooden box.” Alfonse closed his eyes again and sighted to regain his patience and composure, all the while pinching the bridge of his nose. I had to intervene after that and Charlotte was dissuaded from pursuing his money and actually kept her head and eyes. Alfonse still did not lose his patience and not even raised his voice at her.
  I do not know what had changed between them but this was as resent as a week ago and I was determined to help my dear friend.
  So tonight I went looking for her directly after dinner. I asked her if she could do me a favor and help me plan something for a romantic day with Marth. She agreed right away. I made sure Alfonse would be busy with Marth at the time. Bless this man. He is a wonderful person and a much better fiance. He did what I asked for, without question. Although he also is very close to the summoner and had already noticed their change.
 Knowing I could not take her to her room, her study, office or the library; I asked her to walk with me to my room. Once in there, she sat on a chair by the hearth where a table was set to be used as a sort of parlour to entertain guests. All of the rooms in the castle were the same. Except the summoner’s and Alfonse’s who were joined by a parlor that served as a study as well.
  I put the tea in the hot water and served it. She took her cup and smelled it before talking with a small smile that did not reach her sad eyes.
  -So what do you have in mind Caeda?
  -I just want to talk. - I made a pause. I was a little ashamed of lying to get her to come with me, but I could swallow my pride for her sake.
  -Oh. I think we can make something simple, but at the same time romantic. I mean Marth is not the flashy kind of guy. I think a day of relaxation will be beneficial for the both of you. So my opinion is that a day of pampering in the Aether resort and then a play at the theater together. Laslow and Azura are playing a romantic musical this weekend! And for the finishing touches; how about a dinner in the rose garden? Unless you want a more secluded place of course. - Her words came out like a river overflowing and she sounded genuinely excited. I thought about it and it was an actually good idea. I think I was blushing like mad at the time.
 - That sounds perfect ______. I think Marth will be very happy too. Thank you.
  - Hey it is something small for what you actually deserve for doing so much for the order and Askr in general.
 -______ it is still very nice of you.-She nodded and took a sip of her tea.
- I really want you to be happy.- She said smiling.
 -_______ I did not bring you here only to talk about my petition.- She looked down at her cup, perhaps avoiding my eyes.- What is going on between you and Alfonse?
 -What do you mean?
 -We are friends. Please do not take me for a fool and think you can lie to me. I know it is not my place to make you tell me the truth, but I am worried he had been mistreating you.
 -What?! No!…He would never… You know him. He is sweet and…caring.
 -How about those bruises. How about you sleeping everywhere but your room to avoid him?
 -I know how it sounds. It sounds like a victim trying to find excuses for her abusive partner…but the truth is that…no matter what he has become I know this for certain. He would never hurt me.
 ==What he has become? What does she mean?==.
- Then tell me what is wrong.
 -I can’t.
  -Why? Are you this afraid of him.
  -He is not going to harm me…but I can’t tell you for your own good.- She paused and looked me dead in the eyes and that knowing look gave me chills. I knew what she meant. I had seen him angry enough when ______was threaten and taken hostage and when Fafnir had assaulted his mother. IT was not his anger that had sent shivers down my spine those times. It was the lack of fear and the cold determination to destroy his enemies that was scary to me.
For all the glory the title hero gave the warriors brought to Askr, it did not meant we were inhuman enough not to feel fear in battle. Even the strongest felt it and the ones that felt too confident not to feel fear were all fools. Alfonse was no fool. Still I had hear him threaten Gods and I have been told he has had defeated them as well. The only times I had seen fear in his eyes was when _____ was taken by Otr and we could not find their destination.
- Besides…you will not believe me.
  -If it will help you in any way, tell me. I am bound by contract and I can swear on it to keep your secret. He will not know you told me. As for believing you…-I smiled them.- I am in another World talking to a woman that comes from yet another world where people fly on metal birds and talk to each other anywhere around that world with the help of a compacted metal book. All of this without magic…so try me.- She looked around, mostly at the window like she was thinking it over.
  - You have to promise me then. On your honor and by the contract and most importantly the friendship that binds us, that you will not tell anyone.- I gave her my promise and she went on.- I know I have talked about this many times with you but, I feel I need to tell you again for context. I feel in love with Alfonse in a very short time after I came to live here. His sharp mind and intellect topped with his personality and good heart were enough for me to realize I had never met anyone as wonderful as him. You know how he is. Quiet but because his words are weighed and well thought of before coming out, unlike me. He was…so different to what I was used to. The way he played the violin so passionately just as the passion he puts into his fencing skills. And his shyness and innocence combined with his passion. How could I not love him. He was at his age more mature that all the adults I had met in my life. It must have been his childhood and his upbringing…the weight of his title and destiny.
  - We became more than mere friends when I told him I was not going back “home”. He opened his hear more easily after that. By the time we fought Srtur there was no one I needed at my side to feel safe but him, and he took his task as my guard very seriously.
 We became closer still after this. Surtr wanted to kill me personally and he was always there to protect me. We started dating after that. We were very happy just being together and since our rooms are connected it was easy to spend the time before bed reading together or listening to him playing…or just chatting. We even made our “promise” jewelry. We made a matching set of necklaces from a scale of his armor that was broken in a particularly difficult battle where he had been injured. I kept it and drove a hole through each of the halves so that when put together they formed the one scale. I have seen couples wearing those at home and I felt they were so corny…but ours were not the same…they did not have the same story.
By then he had told me he felt like we were soul mates and I could not agree more. I never felt this close to anyone. We were halves of a whole.
 She made a pause and then proceeded.- Then Hel came. We were so scared. You know we always sleep together by the fire when we are on the go, or in the same tent with Anna and Sharena; but one night he knocked on my door and we slept together on my bed. Something sacred to him.  We did nothing else but hold each other while sleep would not come.
The following nights were the same until things got serious and…we felt threaten enough to want to be together. As I have told you before…we promised each other to be married as soon as the war ended and became lovers.
  She sighs in remembrance.- There was so much pressure on him. From the people, the army, the heroes and God! His father. It was a good thing you were not here yet to witness all the horrible things we had to endure.
 You know how Embla helped us find a way to stop her. Sometimes I feel like my mind was so stressed out I can’t remember things correctly. I never told you, but I felt like… like we lived more horrible things that I can actually remember…We used to call it the Mandela effect in my world. It is when a big group of people remember history in a way that is different from the reality.
A man Named Nelson Mandela was in prison for his ideals and then he was elected president of the same country that had imprisoned him…except we all remember hearing he had died in prison. That is how I feel about the situation. He told me it was the effect of the ritual to kill Hel. I lost a lot of memories…we all did. Except Alfonse…
  She takes another sip of her tea and the pause is longer this time. Her face was downwards and I was only aware of her crying when she started shaking.- All I know is that he found a way to defeat her. We all were so tired. I was told I slept for two days and he took to care of me. Caeda…I never told you because it is a delicate matter and I know it is way too graphic for you and your sensitivities.
  At this point she had talked about only good things about her relationship and to be honest I did not see the problem in their relationship neither. I did not see even it going to a bad place by the devotion Alfonse always seems to show and if it was true that by her words he “ will never hurt” her. Then why was she crying so? What had turned so bad in their relationship for her to be even avoiding him so?
For a second the unbidden thought came to my mind that my friend had fallen out of love with Alfonse and had fallen in love with another. But I banished the thought, because she would have told me and even if she did not, I new her enough to noticed if she was in love with someone else and there was no sign of this.
The thought of them falling out of love game chills, because if their love that seemed to be destined and we all could see they were soul mates could fall out of love…what could we expect of a regular love? Would Marth fall out of love with me? Could I one day not love him? That was such a sad tragedy in my mind
  These thought that invaded my mind in mere seconds gave pause to her story and coming back to reality I realize she was waiting for me to tell her she could or could not tell me about those things she would not usually tell me.  
  I nodded at her to go on. -______ you can tell me anything I will not judge you.
  She nodded and went on.- When we became lovers, Alfonse was very innocent in a way and inexperienced. It is true he had read bout everything, but had not much experience with a woman  beforehand. His personality and desire to be always better made up for whatever inexperience he had. He was in short, a great lover and a caring one at that…
 I blushed at the thought. Marth and I had yet to reach that level of intimacy and I had always wondered about what kind of lover he would be.
- After Hel, he became …more passionate, a better lover if you can believe that. The night we were together again…how to explain?…Tell me Caeda. Do you remember that one time we were forced to ration the food at a campaign in the desert, because some of the food went bad? - I nodded.- The last two days we marched home, I discovered some of the heroes had given their share, as had I, for the younger and older soldiers and heroes. I remember Marth and you were among them.-I nodded again. It had been my idea and Marth offered me his share, but I told him to give it to young Leon. It was after all not the first time Marth and I were faced with such predicament in our own world.- Do you remember the first meal you had after those days of hunger?
  -Of course! You said it yourself! It felt like heaven! I think I inhaled it.- I would have smiled at the memory thinking back at the time; if it wasn’t for the sadness I felt coming from my friend.
  She nodded at me ,still crying.- Alfonse made love to me that way. As if he had waited a long time for that moment. He touched me in such a way…I have not have a night like that in my life. He was so passionate and loving and at the same time possessive and …He was so perfect. The nights that followed were about the same and have been since.- I felt my eyebrows knit at that, concentrating in every detail to see the meaning of all of this.
- But he not only changed in that matter. When I awoke from Hel, I noticed he had moved all of his belongings to my room and the adjacent parlour. I felt it was very endearing that he wanted to spent all our free time together. I even saw him place some of his belongings on the way to the door to his room. It was understandable right? I noticed there were flowers every day and even saw some herbs hanging from the walls. He claimed they were gifts from some of the heroes that work on potions. Different but not out of this world. Still sometimes he made me self conscious with his new affinity with “bad odors”. Sometimes he would sniff the air and knit his brow in distaste and take some aromatic oils or burn incense.
  She took a long look at her cup but did not drink.- I thought…well he is not used to sleeping or living in the same room as another person, maybe or…I don’t know. I know I am a little messy, but I did not think it was that bad considering people come every day to clean. ..and that is another thing. I did not noticed it at first but then I discovered he had in fact banned every cleaning person to enter his room. Yet he would always come and hug me and say how much he loved how I smelled, even after training. It was not my smell that bothered him but I could find no reason for him to be that way.
- I feel like an idiot now…Like Sharena I thought that he had changed due to…well trauma. We all changed in a way…I choose to believe he had as well… Time passes and beginning our fourth year of war we had “The Sleeping Sickness” right before I summoned you.
She looks at me then and I can see a hint of a smile.- As I have told you, we lost our memories of the dream for a while, but what I did not say was that, I remember when I woke up, I was so stressed out…so worried about Alfonse and when I saw him standing before me I could not explain why I was so worried and distressed and then relieved to see him. He was so happy to see me awake and when I said I did not remember my dream …. I could not help but notice a sort of relief crossing his face. I thought at the time he did remember and it had been an unpleasant memory. I though he was relieved I did not remember. The elves came to live at the castle then, but they seemed to think it was better for us not to remember and never helped me to regain those memories. Every time I asked, they would just avoid the conversation.
She pauses and I hear the most heart wrenching sob I had ever heard. She starts to cry harder still and tries to keep the sounds down and at the same time looks to the windows like expecting to see a ghost appear outside on the balcony.- Some weeks after we woke up…I had a fall and fainted…that was the day after I summoned you.
 I remember the day. ______ had been so embarrassed that she had to call me to fight so soon after my arrival.
- I remember. The horse that was was carrying you got frighten for some reason and you fell down. Alfonse was able to break your fall. I have never see someone move so fast.
She nodded.- He was wearing a coat just like mine, because he was going to be my decoy…God I do not know who had that idea…the man is huge compared to me, but he would not let anyone else do it. Caeda. I did not hit my head that day. I fainted because, looking at Alfonse wearing my coat and laying on the ground made me remember that dream…the dream of the sickness.
-What did you remember?- I asked intrigued.
  -The memories came so fast I was dizzy and fainted. In the dream we fought a goddess. I will tell you all the details if you want to but…the important part for this story is that I was not my self in my dream. I wasn’t even aware I was not my self in the dream. I was Alfonse. We were there for days and all that time I was convinced I was Alfonse… then I figured it out and Goddess Freya sent a person like a “ Summoner” to fight us. That was Alfonse and he was wearing my coat and he was on the ground lifeless…dead! How Freya mocked me…she said to me “ Do you want to know why you took that form? Because you can not take the reality that Prince Alfonse…your prince Alfonse is dead. He is dead in the waking world…you know it to be true, but you can’t accept it. The Alfather saw he had grown too powerful. Alfonse is dead.” The Alfonse in my dream was but a puppet to remind me of “ the truth”. We defeated the Goddess…and you want to know something? She offered me to stay in the world of dreams where Alfonse could be alive again…and Alfonse? He was never in the dream…he was really not in that dream Caeda! That made me suspicious but try as I may I could not find a trace of Loki impersonating him or someone with the same power. Even another Alfonse from another Askr would not have the same memories we shared. Right?
She gave another sob in her arm and seemed to be biting it to be quiet. I moved to prevent her to hurt herself but she stopped on her own to keep talking.- Days later he went on a mission with the heroes and I stayed on his order. He had already been gone for over two weeks. I remember something alerting me. I thought at the time there was a sound in the room, but I could hear nothing. Then an idea came to me. I decided to get inside his room and see if I could find something that would explain what was going on. - She closed her eyes.
-….GOD DID I FIND SOMETHING!…The smell came first…it was stale but still recognizable. There were so many herbs to keep the room from smelling bad, but the odour still remained in a small measure. It took me by surprise that it smelled this way, when Alfonse was such a tidy person. I followed it to the closed bathroom door and I opened it….I…I… I still do not know if…no…I needed to find it. It was the bathtub…it was covered in flowers…and not just any flowers….his favorite flowers…they were …all over his body…his hair…
-What…what do you mean? - I asked confused. This is not what I was expecting…not even close at all and I was not prepared for something like this and I could feel this was only the beginning.
-It was Alfonse…he was dead…he had been dead….for months!! He…his armor was broken everywhere…his hands….GOD HIS HANDS!- She was in hysterics now. She was trembling like a leaf, crying with despair so deep I could not describe, and I was there helplessly looking on at her. I felt lost like walking in a blizzard, with the chill of her words and unable to make out a single thought to comfort her.
-What? …but….I ….I don’t understand…- Those where the only words that came from my mind. I could not process anything else. It was so over saturated by feelings of sadness, anguish and confusion. She did not even register my whispered question.
- His hands…they were close to his chest holding the necklace I had made for him out of his armor with his right hand while his left held my own….he died…he died holding them…clutching at them….like…like…like….
She stopped talking and was crying in a full force holding herself in a tight embrace. Her feet came up and she balled up like a new born babe while her hands came to hide her face.
 I closed my mouth that had opened on its own, perhaps to say something comforting but nothing seemed to come out again. I looked down to where her cup and saucer had been left on the table unceremoniously and about to fall off. It was funny that my basic instinct was to to move them out of the way, but doing this small gesture cleared my clouded mind enough that I stood and still stunned by the tale and thinking all of the time “ What if that was Marth! What would I do?”. Injuries of war and sickness I could take but this was out of my league to even understand and much less help alleviate. As if my mind was working of its own accord I walked over to my bed and took a shawl I had knitted in my free time,a small blanket as the air in the room had gotten as chill as winter, and a pillow. I left the shawl for me in a chair and covered _____ with the blanket while her hands tried to silence her loud sobs.
I went to the bathroom and took all the handkerchiefs I had and some hand towels as well. As I was doing this I looked at myself in the mirror and until then I noticed there were tears flowing down my face. I used one of the towels on my face and went back to the room. I placed the towels by her side and handed her the pillow and a towel. The soft touch of the towel brought her back to me and sniffing she took the pillow and placed it in her lap and then the towel and stated drying her face and wiping her nose.
-Thank you. -She said between sobs.-Sorry….- She said a little calmer now and referring to the towel she had used to clean her red nose. I waved at her doing exactly the same thing to mine.
-All this time Freya was telling the truth. My Alfonse was dead. I broke down in there….looking at his broken armor and his faded blue hair hanging from that mummified body. The scarce light from the closed windows should have made his golden tips glint with light,…but they were a faded silver on almost black hair… Still I could never mistake his form. I left the room…I wanted to take the pendants and shove them on Alfonse’s face and demand an explanation. I was so angry and at the same time scared. I knew I had done the tests to make sure it was not Loki and I knew we shared the same memories so what exactly was going on? Freya Knew it! She told me and I did not believe her and what was worst is that I never killed Freya but someone sure did and Alfonse…this Alfonse was never in the dream. That was not Alfonse it was just an illusion Freya had made. I now this now because I asked Peony days ago and she had no other option but to tell me the truth.
My friend was still crying profusely but now there was a glint of anger in her eyes and voice.- I told Anna I was sick and spent the day thinking on what to do when Alfonse came back from his mission with the heroes. I left the the room exactly the way it was just in case. His presence in that room …knowing he was there…I felt so sad…but at the same time it gave me strength for whatever was to come. I spend the rest of the day and night crying and thinking about everything I had lived with this “new Alfonse”. Trying hard to remember something of importance. I felt that those memories everyone had lost had something to do with this. I wanted to kill him! To torture him the the cruelest of ways ! The way my Alfonse was tortured knowing he was about to die and his last thought had been of ME!
She smiles bitterly.- The next day came and I had to pretend to be the same and go about my day. Yes I looked sick still and all…-She gave a bitter laugh.- They all thought I missed Alfonse… I mean yes I did …but they could not know…they never knew. I had three days and nights to think things over and watching what we had done together and the people of Askr who loved him not knowing who he was. I made my mind. I knew gilt would haunt me for the rest of my life but…what would we had done without him? He killed Hel. He killed Freya because I will not believe otherwise and I new it was going to be much more difficult to win the war without him and not even talking about the political turmoil it would start. It was a weakness we could not afford to have during a war! Everyone knows Commander Anna gives the orders but he is the real leader! He is the one with the plans and the people follow him.- It was true. We heroes followed and trusted his plans more than the Commander.
She sighs sadly and goes on.- The night before he came back I went back into his room and talked to him… to My Alfonse. I asked him to forgive me for not being with him when he died. I told him…that I loved him and swore to him I would take care of his home and I apologized for letting the other Alfonse take his place, but Askr needed him…I could not voice that I loved him as well because at the time I was so angry I hated him. I spent most of the night there…sitting on the floor by the door with only a small lamp to not be seen from outside. I swore to my self that I would do everything to appear normal, like nothing had happened; at least until I found out what had happened.
 -The day came and I knew it was going to be very hard not to say something and even harder not to avoid him. Three days were very little time to “go back to normal”. I new he would want to be together at night and I thought I just could not do it…But when he came back…the way he looked at me.
 -You cried…I remember…I thought…we all thought…- I said thinking back to that day.
 -That I missed him…so did he… but you see…I did miss him and I hated my self for that. I hated myself for loving that person that had taken over my Alfonse. I made up an excuse and went to have a pajama party with the kids. He wanted to join in and I told him he needed rest. That night I had an idea because…if he was doing the best he could to save Askr and he was a good man like MY Alfonse and besides the corpse in his room, which I could not prove he had killed; I had nothing to think him a bad man…So…what if he had fought Hel alongside my Alfonse? What if my Alfonse with his dying breath had asked him to care for us? I wanted …no I needed to believe that he was without fault because someone evil would not have taken the care he did with a world that did not belong to him. He would not have taken the care for the body of a fallen rival that way and I wanted to believe that all the other Alfonse were as good as mine and would not do what I so horribly had thought him capable of…also…I missed him…how I missed him. I went back to him the next day.
 -I … I did not meet the…other Alfonse, but I always thought this one was a good man. Up until I thought he was harming you…I always thought he was a good man.- I said. I thought about all the things she had said and of the last days and I could not help but ask in my head “What did you find out?” but I wanted her to tell me in her own time.
 She nodded and resumed her tale.- I tried to have a “ normal” life and he was just as great as ever. There was no trace of him faking being someone else and I had more test done to see if he was not something else and he passed all of them.
She pauses to wipe more tears.- One day I came and the door to his room was blocked by a bookcase. I could not help but look at it questioningly. He looked at me and said “ I got another bookcase since we are always bringing so many books to study. This way we will not need to have them laying around. What do you think?” He asked me with that sweet shy smile he has when he does something and wants to know if he did it right. I told him it was a good idea. “aren’t you going to enter that room anymore? We could use it as storage.” He looked at the bookcase and bit his lower lip. “ I confess I did not think about that. I suppose I can ask the carpenter to put some means to slide it to the side. Would that be fine?”. I agreed to it and left it at that. I thought that day would not come. I thought that it was an empty promise to ease me into the idea; but some days later he himself installed the devise that would move it. “ Just let me know when you do need to store something inside. I am a little ashamed but, it must be very dusty in there and …I did not want to tell you, but I saw some rats and killed one of them. I do not want you to get hurt.”
 She sighs.- Most of the time I forgot the room was in there and I could see now the wisdom of placing that bookcase there and even more, the placing of the moving mechanism. You see…It gave off the idea that he was not hiding something… that I could go inside as I pleased…but in truth the effect was to forget to even think of going in there. And it worked most of the time…but not all of it. I still went inside and so did he, because I could see his tracks on the otherwise dusty floor. He kept the bathroom clean though and the times I went I always found flowers in there with him.
-During these past two years I convinced myself that he was good and I would go and talk to my Alfonse about all the good we were doing and how the war was going. I know it sounds …strange….bizarre even, but I always felt good after talking to him. It washed away the insecurity and I felt what I had done was the best option.
-Considering what you say about political turmoil and the war I think you took the right decision. Especially after fighting the dwarves. I do not think we could have made it without his plans and his bravery.
She nodded.- After what happened with Otr...You have to understand that we had been together for two years and what I feel for him is so strong. It was already strong but it grew so much more. Remember when he saved me?… tell me something. Was he always present and leading you? Did he take patrols during the night it took for you to get here?
I thought about it for a moment and I remember something.- During the day he was always leading the heroes, but at night he never took patrol duty. I supposed we did not think much about it because we knew how worried and stressed out he was. How did you know?
 -I thought so. You see I…saw something, but I did not relate one thing to another until days ago; but I will get to that later. I remember the way he held me when he came to rescue me. His face when he entered the building and saw me tied up and about to be killed…How not to love him? To me it was impossible not to fall in love with him once again… but his face when he learned that Eitri wanted to take my soul out was…I have not seen him so angry since Hel. Yet it was different too.It was a cold anger, filled with hate I had never seen mare his ever warm eyes before. When we were finally alone he took me in his arms and he made love to me again as if it had been months without seeing me. I understood the feeling I almost had a fate worse than death …- She scoffs and laughs bitterly.- Worse than death…He does not want to lose me…I never told you that mission I took alone after I was kidnapped ended in a very scary conflict between Anna and Alfonse. That was the reason they had come to us that night. They were supposed to wait for us to return, but Alfonse would not stay.
She looked at me then.- We did not want to tell you guys about the conflict. I did not even know about it, but I saw Anna so tense when they arrived. I asked Sharena and she would only say that Alfonse was livid when he heard Anna had sent me alone on a mission. I was so confused because I was in no way alone with the heroes and well I was not an incompetent or reckless leader. I know very well what I can and can not do. So I asked her to tell me how Alfonse had convinced Anna of coming to assist us. She said that when Alfonse found out I was gone which was like a day later, because Anna was …not ready to tell him until I was home safe, he was very angry. Caeda, knowing Alfonse and Sharena’s relationship you will understand that for Alfonse to show anger in front of Sharena he must have been livid indeed.
 I nodded my ascent.- Well Sharena tells she went to talk to Anna as well because she also thought it had not been a prudent idea after what I had gone through. As soon as they reached the office door however Alfonse dismissed the guards outside and they must have been scared of him because they hurried away. Alfonse then turned to her and asked her to do him a favor to which she said yes. He told her to go and ask which heroes I had taken with me and make a list. Zelgius whom was coming out of the office and had not agreed on my going by myself either,told him he would assist her on the task. Now knowing Zelgius I am sure he knew the reason Alfonse was there and he was making sure to keep Sharena away. Zelgius is a good reader of character…he knew just looking at him what kind of conversation was about to take place.
 -Did you ever find out what happened?
 -Anna would not talk. I have to tell you that they have known each other far longer that I, but their relationship even thought it is one of friendship has to be kept a little more formal and professional  as she is the Commander. You know Alfonse had never tried to pull his title over her commands and she listens to him, and lets him decide a lot of things mostly because we all know he is right. Whatever he had told her, had shaken her up enough to keep her quiet. Sharena did not know what it was but after less than half an hour Alfonse and Anna were already making preparations for the “rescue mission”.
She looked to the window for a second. -I would never have found out anything if it wasn’t for…someone with good ears and good judgment who was passing by.This person heard part of the conversation because they had gone to talk to Anna about some personal issue I would have help them with, had I been there myself.
They told me they heard Anna’s voice telling him firmly to not forget she was the Commander and he was a subordinate; to which Alfonse answered…and he even quoted him on it. “ Anna. I will not take command from you as of now, but do not forget who you are talking to. You know what I am. I may want to be under your command, but I do not have to and you know it. You are my friend, and I do not like to do this, and you know that too. Anna…don’t ever send my sister and much less MY Summoner on this kinds of missions without asking me first.”. The person told me it was not their intention to listen to them, but they were so stunned by Alfonse’s words and threatening tone, they could not move away. They say he sounded cold and even his voice had changed. They heard Anna gasp. “ Now. I will take a group with me to assist them. It is up to you if you want them to think it was your idea. I do not want them to stop respecting you. You are our Commander after all.”  
  - I can’t even picture him saying that to Anna…well to be honest…I do not know what to expect now. - I said in a small but honest voice.
  -That was one of the two reasons I made up my mind about confronting him. My second one…-She sighs.- I had to understand what had happened. I could not longer keep quiet about it so I went to his room and took some flowers for my Alfonse. I heard him come inside the room and I came out to meet him at the door to the parlour. His eyes when he saw me coming out of the room. He looked scared. I was about to take my pendant with me but I did not want to take it from his had if it had been his last comfort. I closed the door and walked towards him. He said nothing…just kept looking at the closed door over my head.
“ I want to know the truth. Who are you? who killed him? Was…was it you?” His eyes got even bigger if you can believe that. He looked at me and after looking at the anger in my voice he looked bewildered at me.
“ How can you go about telling me you love me and hide this from me? I gave you enough time for you to tell me and you never did.”.
 He looked angry at me now. “ You mean to tell me you knew all along about this and you said nothing? You thought I had killed Alfonse and still fucked me every night? Did you fantasized I was him all along?”. He asked in my ears. His words were so cruel…but I knew he was right. “ Did you lie to me every time you told me you loved me? Or did you actually fell in love with your dear Alfonse’s killer?…Oh Summoner…- He says angrily but a ghost of a smirk showing on his lips.-…You have the wrong question. The question is not who I am…The question is what am I?.” He was looking at me sideways while he paced around me in circles like a stalking predator. “ Do you want to know what I am? What she did to me?” His voice changed suddenly and as tall as he was he seemed to grow taller still. He stopped and facing the door said.
“ That, Summoner! That was the price I had to pay to save my people… to save Sharena and to save you…And that is not all it took…Look at me Summoner. Look at me ! Your dear prince is gone! I am Lif…look at what she did to me…”There was anger in his cold words but also hurt.
He took my arm and made me look at him because to tell you the truth I was speechless and I could not move. Hel had killed Alfonse but what did it all mean?.I still did not know what he meant. I did not even register his hand using more force than necessary. As soon as I looked at him…his whole body changed…How to describe it…The eyes were the first thing to notice…they were ruby red and there was a light in them like hell fire with dark circles under them. His hair was ….just as dark as the corpse in the bathtub and … and just like it, the golden tips had faded silver…I looked down and was met with…half his face down was …he looked like glowing blue crystal. He had been wearing a simple shirt and trousers because it was our day off and as he took it off….I could see his bones inside his glowing body. It was all so strange…
” What?..” I started but he cut me off.
“ I am your Alfonse. This is the price I had to pay to get you all back.” He said it now and looked away. There was no anger in his voice anymore only sadness.
“ I did not tell you because I was afraid of you leaving me. I know I am a monster… but …I…all this time …you knew I died and never did anything…you did nothing and stayed with the person you thought had killed me?” He asked and even thought there was not trace of disgust in his voice, only hurt, I felt dirty.
 I felt disgusted about what I had done. “ At first… I thought you had killed him…but then I thought back to the time we had spent together and all the memories we shared…and I could not believe you would have done something like that. I have been so confused all this time, because You feel like him but then his corpse was there and I thought… I was so sad, but I had to think about everyone the way Alfonse would have and not just about my feelings so at first I did it for the good of Askr. We all need you and…and by this time I loved you. I did not know what was going on, but I knew there was some explanation and I knew I loved you. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“ You loved me…when did you find out?”
“ About three months after the sleeping sickness.”
“Oh…so you did not suspect anything beforehand?”
“ I thought you changed because of what you had gone through. After Hell we all changed in a way but… it affected you more…or at least that is what Sharena and I thought. Then I remember my dream and what Freya said to me …that You were dead…then I suspected something was going on.”
“ I see…no wonder I kept running into those anti Loki wards all the time.” He actually laughed at that and his laugh… it sounded so different, so deep and humorless.
“What do you feel for me now? Now that you know I am a monster because of her?” He asked not looking at me. He was facing his room and as he did so. Suddenly he was enveloped by a dark miasma that transformed into an black and purple armor that covered most of his body and half his face, but left part of his chest and abdomen exposed so that you could see his bones. Even Hell did not look as intimidating as he did now.
- So…all this time…all the time Alfonse has been your Alfonse and he was dead?- What to say in a a situation like this? All of this tale was so unexpected. I sat there, with eyes watering at the thought of the anguish both of them had gone through because of Hel and because they were afraid.
She nodded looking down.- I told him that I felt love for him. That I had fallen in love with him time and time again. He looked disbelieving at me.
He gave a big sigh and said “It was all my fault for being a coward and not tell you first…” anger had evaporated and his yes looked sad. “ you need time to think about what you feel and if you feel that you can not stay with me…I will understand…but Summoner…I love you still and I can not promise you I will leave you…I can’t.” He said this and entered his room and closed the door behind him.
-After this I left the room. I genuinely fell asleep in the garden the first night. I was thinking about all the loose ends I had and how all was tied together. I knew I needed to talk to Anna and I did. She said…she knew but had promised not to say anything and she, like me, had thought it was the best for the kingdom. She gave me a piece of advise too. She said:
“Now that you know who he is….you may want to watch how friendly you are with the heroes if you decide to stay with him.” That was the one reason I was nervous the first few days you see; but really…Alfonse may be possessive and jealous but I knew he would not harm the heroes because of me. At least if he was sure I loved him… and I do… Gods I do…I loved him like I always have and now, I love him even more…Caeda I… I have not been avoiding him because I am afraid of him…I am ashamed of thinking the worst of the man I love and have known to have a good heart. I am ashamed for not telling him sooner and avoid this situation…I am so ashamed of my self for all the over thinking and bad judgement I took thinking of him. I don’t even know how to ask for his forgiveness. I know he should have told me but …given the situation he is in…I understand.
- Is he really that hideous?
-Hideous? Him? No…on the contrary…he… is so beautiful. The problem is that he thinks he looks like a monster.- I looked at her and tried to understand what she meant when she described it and think…put myself in that situation, imagine my beloved Marth suffering so and looking the way she describes Alfonse. I knew the love I feel for him would permit me to see beauty where others may not. I know I would love him non the less. Still there was something in her narrative I was worried about but I could not put my finger on.
-My dear friend I do not know what to say…all of this is so much to understand… I am so sorry you had to go through all of that in silence…I want to say that…I am happy you found your Alfonse and have a chance to be with him even after all of this… but…at the same time I am so sad that you two had to suffer so.
-He has suffered more than I and that is why I need to ask him to forgive me.
-I do want to ask you to tell me something. Why did you asked about his patrol during the march to rescue you?
-Oh…The night before your arrival…the place was crawling with troops. They were guarding the perimeter for Otr. I was being held in a room in a second floor for whenever they needed me. They wanted me to “rest” my power. I was not tied up because they were confident I could not escape and much less without the sacred weapon. When they left me there I looked out the window to see a lot of those men walking around the place.Later at night, I do not remember why I had the feeling but I went and looked out of the window and I think I saw something. There was a blur of light among the trees and at the time I thought it was fire flies, but -She gave a small laugh.- it was a silly idea because I was high up and that light could not have been an insect with that size. I also came to me that I did not see the men walking around the place anymore. The next day Otr seemed very nervous and wanted to go and get more troops but Eitri called him a fool and a coward. I remember she said something like “ Do you want to suffer their same fate?”. I thought she meant the fate of the heroes she had called and were but shells without a soul. Then when I was rescued I heard some of the heroes comment on how they thought there were less troops than there were before when Otr had taken me, and it had been easier than they had thought.
- I remember Marth said the troops had either deflected or had gone to join Fafnir in Askr.- Then the idea suddenly came to me.- Oh! You think he went out every night to find the best way and that was why he did not patrol and why it was so easy for us to find the place without being found by the enemy patrols. He was the one that disposed of them! He really is smart.- She gasped and looked at me.
-The pits were full of fallen people…but did Reginn not say no one goes into that forest?- I nodded.- So that is where the troops went…
She smiled fondly probably by the idea of Alfonse doing all that for her and I did not judged her for that. I am sure Marth would brave whatever he could to save me as well and that was…well very romantic.
-_______? What was the other reason you finally talked to him? - I asked remembering her words.
-It has been almost three months since I was kidnapped right? -I nodded- I am pregnant.- That was all she said. There was a small smile on her face but her eyes had a glint of sadness.- I am so ashamed Caeda. When I found out my first thought was “ This baby should have been ours…My Alfonse…” in fact that was the reason I had gone in there the day I confronted him. I was telling My Alfonse the news…now…I do not know what to do. I have no words to tell him I am pregnant without him thinking…that I… am just going back to him, because I want a father for my child. I feel like a stupid teenager afraid of rejection…I love him..and he probably hates me… I’m a horrible person.
This outburst surprised me. She was unsure of herself after what happened I supposed but it was a silly fear since I was sure Alfonse loved her and would get over this misunderstanding. -_______ my friend… you have nothing to fear. I am sure he loves you. I am also sure he will be very happy to know he is going to become a father. I have seen him move his tasks to be near you all the time and he sleeps near you every time you fall asleep somewhere. He always leaves before you wake up or when he hears someone coming. I know because I have seen him.
 She sniffles and looks at me.- Really? He does that?
 -Yes. In fact I was afraid he was following you to prevent you to ask for help…I suppose I also thought very badly of him but…given situation I am afraid I can not ask for forgiveness. I sent Marth to distract him so we could talk.
-Oh my dear Alfonse.- She thought for a minute and smiled.- I am so sorry I worried you. I am sure it looked very bad and well it was bad but…not in the way you thought.
-Thankfully so. As long as he loves you and protects you even from himself everything will be alright. I think you two need to talk more deeply about this, but if you need time. I want you to know you are welcome to stay as long as you need.
-Thank you Caeda. I do need to talk to him. I need to clear all things up and besides…I miss him. He also needs to know he is going to be a father.
With this she got up to leave. She thanked me again for listening to her and helping her clear her mind and appease her worries. She apologized for ruining my night and my towels. I told her where Marth had said he would take Alfonse. By this time they would be over their talk and as smart as my Marth was I am sure Alfonse would have left and was somewhere near, looking for her. The talk had gone on for far longer than expected after all.
 I was not wrong, to think he would be out there looking for her. I looked out of the window and saw Marth and Alfonse standing under my balcony. Marth had a very strange face. He looked sadly at me and smiled. I told _____ they were outside and she thanked me again and left still holding the towel I had lent her. Marth turned to Alfonse when I motioned that my friend was going down and Alfonse nodded his assent. Marth left him then after taking Alfonse’s hand in his in a gesture of friendship.
Alfonse looked up at me and smiled as well but his eyes were focused on the door where he knew  my friend would be coming from. I felt Marth enter the room just as I saw _____ approaching Alfonse.
Alfonse looked expectantly at her, and after a second the tension that seemed to have been possessing him washed away with a small smile from her. He seemed to give a sigh of relief and very slowly opened his arms. Tentatively as to give her time to think about it. ____ stepped into his embrace and he closed his arms around her. His eyes closed and his face was one that portrayed the  Pain/happiness of someone who had almost lost a loved one and had regain them. He gave a tender kiss to her head then separated to lead her inside. I felt a smile on my face and turned to find Marth doing the same. We went inside and looking back noticed they both had gone inside the building as well.
Marth looked intensely at me with a knowing look. He took me in his arms and said.-Marry me Caeda. Marry me here. I do not want to wait.
Something had changed in him and in myself. I could feel tears rolling down my face as I answered that I would.
That night I learned love can last even after dead and theirs had not only endured but had grown stronger. I could not say I wanted the same for me. I would not wish for such a thing on anyone, but I knew I would love Marth that way and I knew Marth did too. I also knew death could take us any time and I did not want to wait to be by his side in every aspect.
 Today I also had learned Alfonse was not human and was not only a very intelligent man, but also very powerful; more even than I had first thought of . He was dangerous but he was also smart and had a lot of self control and being a prince he had to be tactful. There was no other place for my friend to be safer than at his side. I was happy for her. She loved him and I was sure they would get over this and be happy together. Especially now that their love was given life.
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princeaskr · 4 years
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[26] [+Summoner OC] As it turns out, Cole moves a lot in his sleep
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avi-stella · 5 years
What’s in a Name? | Alfonse x Reader
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》 RATING: General | GENRE: Drama/Angst(?) | 348 words 》 SUMMARY: Alfonse won't call you by your name.
"I appreciate your help, Summoner." Alfonse kindly offers his words of gratitude with a formal nod of his head in your direction. Underneath the obscurity of your hood, the Askran prince sees your lips fall into an unsatisfied frown, causing confusion on his part. Had he said something wrong?
There's an awkward and tense silence in the air as you try to gather your courage. "Can you... stop calling me like that?" You request awkwardly with a fidget of your fingers. "I did give you a name that you can call me by. I don't expect us to befriend each other so suddenly, but there's no hope of getting to know each other better if you don't bother to try calling me by name."
The young man grimaces slightly. There is truth in your words, but... he's been hurt before. He has no choice but to keep his guard up. The royal prince clumsily responds, "I, er, apologize. I had no intentions of getting close to Heroes..."
Alfonse can't see your expression as your eyes remain hidden by the hood of your cloak, but he can definitely sense the change in the air and notice the shift in your body language. Your mouth parts slightly before your lips press together in a firm line, quivering, almost. Your arms cross over your chest, and your shoulders rise by a fraction. You've taken a defensive posture, Alfonse notes, before realizing that he may have come off as rude with his response.
"...I see," you reply with a frightfully unwavering and quiet voice that sends a pang of guilt towards the prince's heart. "If all you see me as is a title—a tool to use in your war—then I won't waste any more of your time, Your Highness."
Alfonse visibly flinches from the sudden hard tone to emphasize his title, and he bites at his lower lip. Before he can make amends, explaining that wasn't what he meant, you sharply turn on your heel, your cloak billowing behind you as you take your leave, leaving the prince all alone.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this work, you can help support me by either commissioning me or donating via ko-fi(.com/avistella)! Masterlist
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leavaloo · 4 years
The Moon’s Kiss [Alfonse x F!Summoner; FEH fluff]
So I always tend to get inspired when I read anything Lif or Alfonse related by @pokemagines because they portray the beans so well, and I wanted a little bit of a break from Pokemon, so take it. Alfonse can have my entire life and I’d be okay with that.
The castle was always eerily quiet at night. With so many heroes wandering about, talking, sparring, sometimes yelling, the quiet seemed out of place. It was always a culture shock to Alfonse, but in a way he preferred it. There was no one here to see him when he was crestfallen or pondering.
His room was a good place to go, yes, but one can only do so much thinking in the confines of their own prison. So the night air wafting through the halls was always a much needed relief when he found that he couldn’t sleep. He could smell the scent of the various flowers drifting through the air, and the night brought just enough chill to counteract the growing summer heat. Without his armor, he found himself moving about the halls silently; a habit he had picked up from sneaking about from kitchen to room.
He smiled. Sharena was doubtless to remember those nights, what with him snagging some bread for them to share on the quiet hills near the castle. Sneaking back was more of an issue than getting there, but getting caught didn’t do much for a deterrent. There was more punishment for him since he was older, but the smile and happy giggles from his sister always counteracted those.
Alfonse made his way towards one of the many balconies around the castle, more towards his room. The night air felt silky smooth, and he wondered if he was allowed to sleep in the grass tonight. As he rounded the corner, he found that tonight he wouldn’t be alone in his night adventure.
He had seen you without your cloak multiple times, but something about you tonight was just... striking. His summoner, in her nightgown and leaning over the ledge of the balcony, the moon kissing her skin and the wind through her hair. You were never one to express too much; your smile now said otherwise. Eyes drifting lazily over the countryside, your cheek resting on your arm... you looked like you belonged in a painting. Somehow, Alfonse didn’t feel like he deserved to see you in such a light.
He didn’t realize that he was staring at you, leaning against a pillar next to the balconies. Nor did he realize the small smile he had on his face. Alfonse always found himself becoming more casual around you. Him leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed was not something he would have done in the presence of others. His navy blue night shirt and brown trousers shifted slightly in the breeze. That breeze wafted your hair, and when you went to fix it, you saw him out of the corner of your eye.
“Oh! Alfonse! I didn’t see you there!” Damn it, there was that smile again. Alfonse had studied you on countless different occasions, how you interacted with everyone. And he realized that this big smile of yours when you saw him was reserved for him only. You popped up on the balcony, straightening your posture and giving him a big grin. Alfonse thought he could see a slight blush, but he disregarded it as a play of the light.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His smile didn’t leave. It never really left around you to begin with.
“Oh no, I was just surprised is all. Usually you’re so loud!”
“It’s the armor.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wow, I could have never guessed.”
Alfonse chucked, ignoring his fast heart beat and moving to the balcony next to you. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Aren’t you usually studying during this hour?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you retorted. You sighed, leaning once more. “I figured that when I was about ready to claw my eyes out that it was probably a good time to take a break. And lucky me, I picked the perfect time.” You looked over at him and winked. While he, externally, just chuckled, inside he was screaming very loudly. “What are you doing up?”
Alfonse shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Insomnia again?”
He nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, it makes it worse that I can’t stop thinking.”
“About what?”
About you, he wanted to say, but he held that side of him back. “About our recent events. How crazy things have been, and how none of it seems to really stop. Kind of like how my brain just... doesn’t stop.”
He felt a hand on top of his head, and he looked over to see you patting the top of it. He couldn’t help but laugh at your goofy grin. “You don’t have to go through this alone, you know that right?”
There you go again, he thought. Somehow, you always did the silliest actions when you gave the most needed advice. “I know. I’m getting better at it.”
“I can see that. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself now. It’s not fun to see you in pain.” You pulled your hand away, and Alfonse could clearly see the scars on your arms. The sight of him made his heart hurt. All those times you ended up getting hurt in battle. It was just a reminder that those were all times that he couldn’t protect you.
“It’s not fun seeing you in pain either.” He allowed himself a small touch to your arm, the back of his fingers tracing over a fairly gnarly scar. If he remembered correctly, that was from a jagged and rusted hand axe some enemy militia has picked up. The scar was rough and weathered; while it had healed as best as it could, there was still an obvious dip in your skin where the flesh has been cut from. “Perhaps you could do me a favor and let me protect you more in battle?”
He didn’t think it came off as a very loving statement, but the hitch in your breath and the blush on your cheeks said otherwise. You looked away from his eyes, your grin turning bashful. His stomach erupted into thousands of butterflies. He’d never seen this side of you before, and he wanted to see more of it.
“M-Maybe... You still need to lead a bunch of people though, right? How are you going to lead them if you’re protecting me all the time?”
“I can easily lead by your side.” What kind of Hel infested demon was taking over his brain? Alfonse didn’t even know he could have this side of him. It was weird, but to be honest, he dug it.
You wouldn’t meet his eyes now, your face as red as a cherry. Alfonse couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him, his fingers still brushing your skin. “You look like you’re about to pop.”
You reached peak cuteness when you hid your face in your hands. Alfonse laughed, pulling away as to not make you overly uncomfortable. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to be so callous.”
You shook your head, dropping your hands but still not looking him in the eye. Alfonse, now that he had learned that other summoners existed, vowed to let all the worlds know that he had the cutest one. You took a deep breath, but your little bashful smile was still there. “I-It’s okay! I’m just... not used to that yet.”
“Maybe I could help change that?” Alfonse bit the inside of his lip, internally cursing for the shameless flirting that his brain insisted he continue. But you looked up at him, finally, the twinkle in your eyes against the light of the moon luring him into a trance once more. Now, it was your turn to retort. Alfonse gulped heavily as you walked up to him, centimeters away from his face. You were a slight bit shorter than he was, but that didn’t mean your presence was any less mesmerizing. You always smelt like freshly baked goods, and being this close to you made him wish that he could hold you every night.
“Maybe... I’d be okay with that. Especially if I get more nights like this.”
Alfonse found his hand running up and down your arm, the smoothness counteracted by the rough scars. He smiled, taking in the light of your eyes. “I’d agree, my dear. But I believe we’d need to keep it quiet for a little bit.” He could feel your breath on his skin, and he just wished he could connect. Your hand rested on his chest, and Alfonse pulled you in closer. He couldn’t resist you anymore. Your body rose when he kissed your lips, and with nothing but the wind and the humming of crickets to watch, he found himself melting.
How long had he wanted this? This embrace with you? Far too long. Months? Years? The silence was intoxicating, the rushing of his heartbeat ringing through to your hand on his chest. He didn’t want to break the kiss, as simple as it was. Nothing extravagant in it, just a loving connection. His eyes fluttered open when you two parted. You pulling away was the worst thing in the world for him; he wanted nothing more than to steal you away to his room. In a way, he felt so naive and small. Kissing someone like this was very new to him, and slightly terrifying in a way. You played with a his hair for a little bit, the strands that had started to meet his neck.
“Good night, Alfonse. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
You laughed, giving him one big hug before you practically skipped off to your room. There was something that Lif had said that Alfonse was reminded of in that moment. A King and his summoner shall always be bound. Alfonse didn’t think that he meant in this way, but as he wandered off to his room, he found himself fairly giddy at the prospect of what that meant. Alfonse finally got the first good night sleep he had gotten in a while, and it was all worth it to see the immediate blush on your face in the morning.
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Líf x Reader - Specter
Previous Writing Post: Dimitri N/S-F-W Alphabet!
aye...so that last story chapter gave me some feelings...and I feel bad disappearing from the blog so often (๑o̴̶̷̥᷅﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑)
Summary: Líf is an edgy brooding (with good reason) man and the Summoner is a curious puppy with no boundaries + Angst = This
You tried to ignore Alfonse's terrified face as you pushed him past the dismantled entrance to the ruined Askr's hero hall.
His eyes were wide with shock and fear, and he reached out to grab you but the boulder and rubble that Líf had set as a precaution took over his view.
You disappeared behind it, and he was left to cry out your name, having to be pulled back from the unstable collapsed rock by his men.
Luckily, for both you and Askr's future, you pulled yourself back hard enough and far enough to the side to avoid being crushed or hurt significantly. You escaped with a couple scratches and a bruised ankle that you cried out a little for when a stray piece of stone smashed onto it.
You didn't notice Líf clench his fist at seeing you in pain, nor how he had shut his eyes and covered his ears when the trap came down and he thought you'd die.
"Ow...", you whined as you tried to stand up, stumbling clumsily for a moment.
"What is it that you want?", you looked up at Líf who was giving you a piercing glare. Red eyes were cold and impassive.
"You are no fool. You could have escaped with them. What are you after?"
You wiped your hands on your coat, ridding your gloves of the mucked up dust, before tilting back on your heels and smiling sheepishly at him.
"Eheheh, you caught me! I wanted to talk to you...alone."
He studied you for a moment before turning away.
"Go back. We will end this another day."
You sighed and started walking towards him, stopping just a few feet from him. Gods, what hardship he must have endured to become so jaded. He was nothing like the Alfonse who's eyes twinkled when he looked at you.
"No. We have to talk."
He turned his face to the side, trying to burn his stare through you.
"We've nothing to speak of. Go back."
You frowned for a moment but then broke into a laugh and smiled teasingly at him.
"Yeah, that's exactly what you were like when we first met."
You bounded up the rest of the way to him, and he flinched when you grabbed at his cape.
"Uwahh...how do you even fight in this?? It's so long!"
Líf tugged your hands away when you started flapping his cape up and down. He only managed a "Stop that." before you moved on to gape at his shoulder plate.
"Woahhh...do you stab people with your shoulders? Those spikes are so pointy! And..oh its attached to the cape thing..you guys have some strange fashion going on..."
Líf had enough of you standing on your tippy toes to touch the top of the spikes, and grabbed your wrists roughly, holding them in place so you couldn't go back to fondling his garb.
"Enough! I said to leave! Go, and don't come back."
Please, go back home where you'll be safe.
"I can't." You looked up at him confused, "You blocked off the exit."
Líf froze. He looked to you, the mess of gravel behind you, and then back to you. For the briefest of moments, he felt the long forgotten tickle of laughter in his chest.
But he quickly snuffed it out, he didn't deserve to, not when they couldn't.
"Besides, I want to talk to you."
When he realized he was still holding your wrists, he let go like you had burned him.
"Why don't we work together? Why do you...why do you have to suffer alone?"
He knew he shouldn't, but he wanted it anyway, to be at your side. He'd missed you so much, when you had left him, a part of him died with you.
"Don't be ridiculous. You and I are enemies, nothing more. Don't be a fool, I must destroy your world to regain mine."
You studied his face for a moment, he was so bleak now, and you cursed Hel for having made him so. You thought his words over for a moment before you gave him a bitter smile.
"To save someone from your world, you have to sacrifice one in ours."
He said nothing.
"..Then...when the time comes...will you kill me too?"
Neither of you spoke, you only stood staring as his facade finally broke. He looked so disturbed and distraught by the idea that it might be his own hands striking you down.
For once since you had first seen him, you saw the full extent of how tired and worn he was. He looked like he wanted to die.
And you felt your eyes sting at the sight of it, heart breaking for the one you called your other half. He didn't move when you closed the space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his waist in a tight hug.
He was so so cold.
"You don't have to anymore...you don't have to be alone, it's not your fault, it never was."
He swallowed thickly.
"You.." he sounded so small, "..are still the same..."
You hadn't changed at all. You were still so selfless, so caring, so inviting...so warm.
He could never.
He could never harm you, no matter what world he hailed from. His precious Summoner, his treasured partner, his other half, he'd rather be cast to the pits of damnation than to be the one to take your life.
He'd already failed you once, he'd never wish for you to befall the same fate again. Even so, even though he knew he should be pushing you as far away as he could, to somewhere where you'd be free of the danger of this entire ordeal, his arms still snaked around you, pressing you tighter against his chest.
It had been a reflex, his body had long grown accustomed to wrapping his arms around you in comfort. Though you were considered the "Great Summoner", you were still human, a human that could still get lonely.
So far away from your own world, at the start, Askr had done little to feel like home. When he'd first happened upon your shivering form, furiously wiping away tears you intended on keeping to yourself, he'd felt his heart shatter and from there on, he was at your side every moment he could.
"..Y/N..my Y/N..."
Your name seemed so foreign on his tongue now, how long it had been since he last called it. Your scent was the same, you might be from a different dimension than his but his soul longed for you regardless.
He said your name so tenderly that for a second, you forgot it wasn't your Alfonse. After a couple more moments of quiet bitterness, you pulled back just enough to look at him. There was just glimmer of his old self in the way he looked at you.
"..Please don't make that face..."
He hated it on you, that pained expression, it made him want to shelter you from everything. A dark dark part of him whispered that he should just take you.
That he should steal you away from the other Alfonse, it would crush him, the same way it had him when he himself had lost you.
But he couldn't.
You would be so sad, and he'd rather relinquish ever meeting you again than for your smile to never grace your lips again. That smile was slowly blurring in his memory but he remembered loving it with every ounce of his being.
When he thought of it now, he'd feel an echo of fondness mixed with the twisting feeling of guilt, but when he was truly alive, it made his heart beat wildly.
You hadn't even noticed when you'd began crying fully, it felt like he was saying goodbye and it was so painful.
"I-" You swallowed, it hurt and your throat constricted in protest,
"I want to help you.."
He gently wiped away traces of tears from your face,
"You can't."
Sweet sweet Summoner, don't waste your time trying to save me. You won't listen, and you'll try again, but I will in turn stay as far away as I can from you.
I have already spent too much time near you, Hel can sense the living, those who she has not turned into her minions. If she knows you're precious to me, she will hunt you down. So stay away, as far as you can be, in a place far away from a war of the living and dead. A place far away from me.
lo e
y u
You were growing frustrated, did he truly believe working together would accomplish nothing?
"But-" You opened your mouth to speak but an ear piercing explosion cut you off. Shrieking, you shut your eyes and felt yourself being pulled under Líf's cape.
As the rubble settled, you felt the cape slip off and rubbed at your eyes from the unsettled dust having brought a stinging sensation to them.
You heard hurried footsteps from where the boulders blocking your way had been blown to bits. Turning just in time to see through teary eyes as Alfonse burst through the cloud of dust.
He looked panicked then relieved when his eyes locked onto you. Practically flying over to you, you were almost knocked over by the force of his sudden embrace.
"Oh thank the gods.."
Alfonse had buried his face in the crook of your neck, brows furrowed in both relief and the surge of emotions taking their toll...before they quickly became furrowed in anger instead. He took hold of your shoulders in a firm grip and you were a little shell shocked at his sudden change.
"Y/N, don't you ever do that again."
The full force of guilt hit you like a truck, he looked absolutely wrought with worry, and your guilt only festered when he continued.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?"
He held your face in his hands and studied every inch of your face, searching for even the smallest scratch. The effects of Zacharias' disappearance made clear. You pulled him back into a hug and apologized.
"I'm sorry, Alfonse..I'm okay, I'm alright, I'm safe."
You physically felt him deflate against you, his shoulders loosened from their tense state and he relaxed against you, taking a moment to calm down. By the time the two of you separated, his adrenaline was gone and a wave of tiredness hit him.
His attention was on you when you gasped, "Ah! I totally forgot!" You turned around to face Líf, "The two of you need to...Líf?"
He was gone.
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emotionaldepravity · 4 years
AaaaAA could I get some f!summoner x jealous/yandere jakob hcs both sfw and nsfw if that’s okay?
Lol this is a super old request. Sorry about only doing it now.
- Though his loyalty still lies with Corrin, he would never want you near another.
-If you dare talk to anyone but him he will be furious. Even when he doesn’t really want your company at the moment, he doesn’t want you to enjoy being around others. 
-However, he makes an exception with Corrin. If others want to tell you something, they have to go through him or Corrin. If you have orders to give the other heroes or questions for Sharena and Alfonse they also have to go through him or Corrin. 
- Of course, he manages to make a precarious situation where Corrin, being the kind and gentle person they are, makes Jakob feel jealous that they can make you smile in a way that you don’t seem to with him. Despite his feelings of betrayal, he could never hurt you or Corrin so his jealousy festers inside him. 
-Eventually, he prohibits you from summoning citing that with him there you don’t need anyone else to protect you. Though it is really because he is afraid that you will summon a hero that will try to take you from him.
NSFW Warning
- He likes to tie you up and blindfold you before sex so that the only thing you can sense is how much he loves you.
-Jakob makes you beg for him to let you orgasm otherwise he will leave the room, you still tied to the bed and all. 
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summoner-stones · 5 years
Masterlist containing every prompt I’ve made so far all in alphabetical order! For a total of 193 prompts!
Insecure Summ
Unrequited Feelings for Summ
Snuggle Headcanons
Why would anyone like me?
Summ flirting
Alf walking on shirtless m!Summ
Making up after a fight
Henriette catching Alf and Summ acting as couple
Summ gets injured in battle
First Fight
Gustav catching Alf and Summ acting as a couple
Doting Summ
Summ x M!Summ (SMUT)
Secret Admirer F!Summoner
Summ makes Alf chocolate
Alf gets relationship advice from Sigurd, Chrom, Hector and Eliwood
Alf x f!Summoner (SMUT)
Alf gets jealous over the gifts f!Summoner gets
Alf gets chocolates just for him
Modern!Au with Alf and M!Summ
Angst: Summoner runs away from Alfonse
Summoner sticking up for Alfonse
Summoner with stomach aches
Alphabet Ask
More Fluff Alphabet Ask
Yandere HC’s
Unrequited Alfonse dealing with Summ’s S/O
trans male Summoner w/support from Alfonse
Walking in on F!Summoner bathing
Loki disguising as Summ to tease Alfonse
Summoner comforting Alfonse after seeing dead Gustav
Hel cursed Alfonse yelling at f!summoner
Partners in Crime
Happily Married Couple
Friends with Benefits (suggestive content)
Summ comforting grieving Alfonse
April Fool’s Prompt: Summ screaming out Homer Simpson
Ghost Rumors in the castle
Alfonse Injury Recovery
Drabble: Kiralfonse Raffle
King Alfonse x F!Summoner f*** on the throne (SMUT)
Alfonse kissing disguised Summoner Loki
Summoner listening to Alfonse’s heartbeat
Summoner and Alfonse get injured in battle, Alfonse carries them to medical tent
Vampire Summoner
Alfonse proposing
Summoner with bad nightmares
Flirty Summ confessing
Jealous Alf because Summ hangs out with Marth, Ike, and Chrom
Shy Summoner
Lovestruck Alfonse blurting the truth to the Summoner
Ask Game
Betting Pool on who gets with Summoner
Valentine’s Confession
Summoner who’s good with money
Askr Trio
Possessed Summ
F!Summ dealing with period
Askr Trio help with math exams and studying
Askr Trio reacting to modern items
Summoner with bad habit of bottling up emotions
Helping a disabled Summoner
Trio babysit Summoner
Azura confessing to M!Summoner
Join the Order
Bruno confesses to Summoner
Fluffy Bruno x Summoner
Ask Game
Chrom is Summ’s Secret Admirer
Summoner x Clair HC’s
M!Summ falling for Adrift Corrin
F!Corrin with Insecure Summ
M!Summ cheering M!Adrift Corrin in VG
M!Adrift Corrin cheering up sad Summ
F!Corrin confessing
Love Letter from Adrift M!Corrin
M!Corrin cheering up F!Summ over VG
F!Corrin with M!Summoner that couple who won’t admit that they like each other, but obviously do
Summoner petting Duma’s horns
Falls for the Summoner
Summoner x Eir Fluff HC’s
Summoner sibling-like
Eliwood crush on Summoner HC
Eliwood going to McDonald’s
F!Summ overworking herself
Ask Game
Reacting to flirty Summoner
Summoner with candy addiction
Gaius confessing to Summoner
Indirect candy kiss
Headcanons w/Summ
M!Grima falling for M!Summ
Summoner with bad nightmares
M!Grima with insomniac Summoner
M!Grima fighting over a shy summoner
Crush on Summ
Summ gives Helbindi spicy chocolates
Summoner and Henry make chocolates
Ask Game
Why would anyone like me?
Smol Summoner intimidated by Hrid
Summoner’s Hands are cold as icicles
Inseparable Sweethearts
Ask Game
Trans Male Summoner w/Hrid
Love Letter
Confession to M!Summoner
HC’s with small and feisty M!Summoner
Vampire Summoner
First Date
Insecure Summ
F!Summoner asking Ike to stay the night
Summoner self-conscious over scars
Berserk Ike with F!Summ
Summoner doesn’t want to go home
That couple who won’t admit that they like each other, but obviously do
Insecure Summ
Ask Game
Crush on Summ
Ask Game
Star-crossed lovers
Crush on Summ
Secret Admirer with sad Summ
Prank War
Inseparable Sweethearts M!Summ
Insecure Summ
Insomniac Summoner
Love Confession
Romantic HC’s with unskilled Summ
Confesses to F!Summoner in gardens
Reacting to flirty Summoner
Lon’qu going to Mcdonald’s
Lyon gives Summ chocolates
Vampire Summoner
Summoner Sibling-like
Crush on Summ
M!Summ S/O HC’s
Romantic HC’s
Raven going to Mcdonald’s
Summoner shaving Rein’s mullet
Reinhardt Fluff
Reinhardt going to McDonald’s
Buenos Dias Reinhardt
Summoner comforting Rein over mullet
Summ tending for wounded Reyson
Fluff with F!Summ
Rhajat tricking others
Platonic Friendship HC’s
M!Grima and M!Robin fighting over a shy summoner
M!Robin pining over F!Summ
Parent and Child
Small Summ with smart mouth
Insecure Summ
Birthday Hc’s
Love Letter
Soft HC’s
Proposing to Summoner
Valentines’s Confession
F!Summoner gives Silas Valentine’s Gift
Ask Game
F!Summ teasing Silas (SMUT)
Reacting to flirty Summoner
Won’t admit they like each other
Insecure Summ
Takumi confessing
Ask Game
Takumi learns Uno
Takumi plays rhythm game
Vampire Summoner
More Vampire Summ
Even more Vampire Summ
Tibarn hugs
Tibarn interupted by both Grima’s 
Join the Order
Insecure Summ
Why would anyone like me?
Insomniac Summoner
Thirsty f!Summ
Birthday HC’s
Summoner doesn’t want to go home
Human FEH x Xander
Smoll summoner confessing
Small F!Summoner wearing lingerie (suggestive)
Love Letter
Ask Game
Future Daughter
Summoner calling Zelgius Dad
Summoner doesn’t want to go home
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pokemagines · 5 years
slipping. (alfonse x reader)
anon asked: “I know FE requests are closed...but can we maybe have a little angsty thing about Alfonse's impending doom? Pwease? You're good with these things..”
a/n: LISTEN THIS IS SO GALAXY BRAIN IVE BEEN IN AN ANGST MOOD AND I SAW THIS AND ??? im screaming miss hel please give back my blueberry boy !!! please he is my husb i have children ,,,,
also this is def nothing canon i just really wanted to write angst but stil @ intsys hire me --mod touko
day one:
   you had not had enough time to process what was going on. in some strange way, it was like a fever dream. her words, cold and bitter as ice didn’t even seem to reach you. you were far away in your own thoughts, as you tried to push down any proof that your boyfriend was going to die. it wasn’t real, and you weren’t going to accept it. 
   and then he got sick.
day three:
   it started out with a small cough, one that he tried to hide from you as you spent all day at his side, refusing to leave. alfonse assured you that you would find a way to undo her curse, but you didn’t know. it seemed impossible: odds that you had beaten before, yes, but you weren’t sure your luck would hold on for much longer. he notices how distant you look despite keeping a grip on his arm at all times as you flip through ancient books on curses and anything you can find on the realm of the dead.
   alfonse sits beside you, flipping through book pages with one hand and letting you hold his other. every so often he finds something that could prove useful for you to write down in your notes. so far you really don’t have anything besides a bit of information on hel and others who have succumbed to her curse. 
   eir doesn’t seem to want to speak on it, as she says she doesn’t remember much about her mother’s curses, but she looks grim when you ask her if there’s any way you can get rid of it. 
day five: 
   each day you spend time with alfonse, trying desperately to find answers in askr’s library, but it seems hopeless. the prince seems determined though, reassuring you over and over that you would find a way to fix this. anna was working to help eir remember anything, while sharena was keeping watch. if hel struck again you would be ready.
   you started noticing physical changes in alfonse, where it was just once a cough, now he seemed paler and more tired. when you mentioned it, he said he was fine, that he just didn’t get enough sleep last night (despite the fact he slept soundly beside you from what you remembered. if anything, it was you awake worrying about the next few days). he even fell asleep on your shoulder during the day’s meeting, something that he would never do were he well.
   you let him sleep, while you listen to all of anna’s intel gathered while talking to eir and some of the villagers who had heard of hel. it wasn’t much but you were clinging to every bit of knowledge you could get. anna’s gaze softens as she looks at you, the prince still asleep on your shoulder.
   “we’ll save him,” she says, her usually chipper voice now serious. “i promise.” you want to say you know, that you’ll do it together like you always did, but your voice catches in your throat. 
   “gods, i hope so.”
day six:
   it’s over halfway to the day where hel promised to take alfonse. you feel desperate, like an animal slowly being cornered with no where else to run. 
   you can’t stand how people shoot you sympathetic glances in the hallway like he’s already dead. he’s not, not if you had any say in the matter. despite the pessimism of the first few days, it’s like a fire had ignited in your chest. you couldn’t mope around and do nothing, reading books and trying to find a way around this was better than nothing. 
   meanwhile, alfonse refused to leave your side, despite the some of the healers pleading for him to go to the infirmary ward. he didn’t seem to be showing signs of any certain disease. every day he grew weaker, until the point he could hardly walk without leaning against you for support. you didn’t mind helping him, you could handle helping him around for the rest of your life if you needed to. 
   he can’t keep his hands off you. you don’t know if it’s weakness or what but seems to have lost all his inhibitions as he kisses you over and over no matter where you are, even in front of others. 
   “why all the affection?” you chuckle, as he places another kiss to your cheek. you’re in his lap as you continue to rummage through books in the library, your tired eyes hardly able to understand what it is you’re reading, but you press on nevertheless.
   “just... in case.” he mumbles, resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms encircling your waist. “you deserve so much love, [name], i’m just giving you everything i was too afraid to give you when i wasn’t... sick.” it sounds like he’s given up, so you turn to face him, straddling his lap.
   “hey, you’re going to be around for a long time, okay? don’t say things like that...” tears threaten to spill over, but you force yourself to be strong. for him. 
   “...of course.” his voice sounds sad.
day seven:
   he could now not walk. he was confined to the bed in the medical ward, you and healers surrounding him all day. nothing seemed to be working though, and with each hour, it seemed like he was slipping through your fingers.
   “i brought you something.” sharena says, and despite a smile stretched out on her face, it doesn’t reach her eyes. you know she’s suffering as much as you, and so you accept the small gesture. placing the soup she has on the bedside table for later. 
   “any news?” you ask her, your voice gravelly from lack of use. she grabs your hand, squeezing reassuringly.
   “no, nothing we haven’t thought of.” she sighs, leaning her head on your shoulder. “hel’s forces have been silent. there’s nothing we can do now but wait.” hearing that from sharena, a carefree optimist somehow hurt more than the words from hel herself. 
   “when hel comes to take him... i’ll...” you clear your throat, “i’m going to ask her to take me instead. maybe she’ll--”
   “no. you can’t do that!” she squeaks, “you mean so much to this army and--”
   “but he means so much to you. and to me. he’s a prince and i’m sure there are other summoners out there the universe can choose but--”
   “but none of them are you!” her voice breaks, tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. “you... you can’t... you think alfonse will ever forgive himself if you do?”
   “i’ve decided. i’m sorry sharena but...” you squeeze her hand, “i have to. it’s the only way.” she’s silent, the gears turning in her head. it’s then she makes up her mind. she smiles at you, a real smile this time, full of warmth.
   “i don’t think you’ll need to do that, [name].” 
day nine:
   you sob, holding onto alfonse’s hand as he slowly slips out of consciousnesses. he’s so deathly pale and weak he hardly looks like the man who confessed to you, nervously spilling his guts to you with the brightest blush on his face as he awaits rejection. it never came, much to his delight. you could never reject someone as sweet and kind as him. his eyes were bright and full of hope as he thanked you after you told him how you felt in return. you can still remember those words loud and clear: 
   “i don’t know the true reason why you were brought here but… without you, i dare not think where we would be… where i would be. you make me want to be a better man, so… stay by my side forever?”
   he promised forever. he promised. it wasn’t fair. 
   hel sits on the railing of the balcony, looking at you with pitying stares. you, sharena, and anna all hugging each other and crying. you begging for him to keep his eyes open, stroking his face lovingly. despite his weakness, he told sharena to be the responsible leader he knew she could be. asked anna to continue leading the army with courage. he assured you that you could be happy, even without him there. to not lose your optimism and hope that you gave to everyone in the army. alfonse apologized for not being able to be there for you three.
   you couldn’t save him. you lost. he was going to die and you had to sit helpless and watch him suffer until his last breath. god, why didn’t he listen to his father for once? why did you encourage him to take on hel? you sob harder into his chest, his hand gripped tightly in yours.
   hel creeps closer, slowly as to let you say your goodbyes. the three of you finally notice, and anna draws her weapon. she looks to the redhead, then back to alfonse. 
   “hel! please,” you beg, voice breaking off, “take me instead, i p-promise just... don’t let alfonse die. please.” you’re desperate, and now that you’ve got her where you want her, you have to say your part. nothing could kill her, she was death itself, but maybe she would make a trade.
   “it is not destined for you to die, little one.” she touches your head, her fingers ice cold and you feel like lunging at her. hel floats above alfonse, readying her scythe, and you scream at her not to. “i would say my last words, if i were you.”
   “wait, if not them, than me.” sharena’s voice is defiant, angry tears in her eyes. “you want a child of askr? then take me.” anna grabs her arm, telling her to stop, but hel freezes, turning her steely, indifferent gaze to sharena. 
   “very well.” she says, “either child will suffice. and i see a determination in your eyes that intrigues me.” you scream at sharena, telling her to stop. hel extends her hand, and the blonde gives the two of you a smile, leaning over and kissing the tears on your cheek. you grip onto her, telling her not to do this, before she extends her own hand to hel.
   “i'm sorry.” she whispers to you, “take care of alfonse for me, ‘kay?” she tries to sound chipper, before the two disappear into nothingness.
   “...[name]?” alfonse whispers, rubbing at his head, “i’m... what happened?” you sit in shock, both you and anna silent as you try and process what just happened. “you did it.” he squeezes your hand, which you had been gripping the whole time.
   “where’s sharena?” he asks, and you can’t look in his eyes. once more, he repeats the question. hot tears fall down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and red from all the crying you’ve been doing. anna looks to you to see if you’re going to answer. his grip grows tighter.
   “where is she, [name]... anna?”. he says, much quieter and scared this time. you can only whisper out a weak: 
   “she’s gone, alfonse, i’m sorry.”
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softer-fe-imagines · 5 years
Hey! So i wanted to ask if you could show us which requests you are working on, i sent mine a few weeks ago now and i'm starting to feel like tumblr ate it lol Sorry for the inconvenience
It’s not an inconvenience at all - rather, I’m just slow at writing so it does take a while, it’s only natural that you’d wonder about it;; I’ll have everything listed below, so let me know if you don’t see what you sent in;;
Regular Requests
Congrats on 300! I'm glad you hit a new milestone! You deserve all the love~ could I request a hrid x f!summoner where they're stuck playing spin the bottle and get picked together? Keep up the great work! ♡
Alfonse with a summoner who constantly wears their hood over their eyes finally letting him see their whole face. Also, congrats on the followers, you’re deserving of each an every one of them 💗💗💗
Could I please request Saizo cuddling hcs with a m!summoner? bls
How about ah,, Cecilia relationship hcs with a self-doubting s/o?
Hello!! Could I maybe get HCs for Shura with a physically affectionate SO? Thank you so much!!! 💖💖💖💖
Could I please get some headcannons for Camilla and a soft s/o who doesn't really like fighting? 🌼🌼
Can I get some cute silas x reader where he keeps trying to get a kiss but keeps getting interrupted.
Headcannons on brave Lucina with a hella chivalrous male fafnir S/O? If that’s better?
Hi!! Hope this isnt a wierd ask but would you mind writting HCs for Flavia with a nervous female SO? Like shes never been in a relationship before? Thank you and sorry if its wierd!!   
Ciao! Can I get a drabble about proactive summoner proposing to Reinhatdt please ,:3
i've had a pretty bad day today, so i just need some soft tobin relationship hc's to make me better, if you don't mind
Hi!!! Could I request Seliph with a sweet and soft summoner SO? 
Maybe something hurt/comforty with Fell Corrin? I feel bad that she seems to be in pain a lot and I want someone to give her a big hug and help her cope with the pain + cope with having to deal with her dragon side.
Hnghhhh I want to just hug Grima’s dragon form and cuddle with it so badly so can I ask for a request with M!Grima and summoner hugging his dragon form UwU
Prompt List (Really Old)
ahh! can i please have a 34 ("are you hurt?") from the prompt with xander? if you're done with them, i'm sorry!
For the 100 followers thing, could I please get 10 with Linus and a male s/o? Thanks in advance and congratulations, I hope you keep doing good content, I love to read what you post :)
36, 55, or/and 58 with Niles?
Is it it possible for you to make a a combination of 44 “I need to tell you something.” 71 “Don’t push me away.” 34 “Are you hurt?” 72 “Can I hold your hand?” For Innes or Marth for the prompt thing sbsbsbsb (If not you can just narrow it down to what you’re willing to do) and Angst with a happy ending? Thank you very much your writing is lovely as always! Uwu
Prompt List (Kind of Old)
a good portion of these sound like they can be said by or about Owain, so uh... a number 2, and a number 18 with a summoner and her new hubby Owain
For that new prompt list, Soren and 24 might be funny.
Prompt List (Summer)
there is probably enough Grima content on this blog for now, so can i get uh... Mia with and her summoner in no particular order #11, #16, #20 and #21 for the soft summer prompt thing? big thanks and excellent work as always
Heya! I'm the anon who sent the Florina request a while ago, could i get summer prompt 20 with her? Thx!!!
What about 21 with Ryoma? 💕
*Vibrates* soft summer rain with Muriel from awakening? Bc i love her and im Mmmm very gay but no one else requests her and im weak
Something somewhat similar to what's listed with the soft summer prompts, but could I actually ask for catching fireflies with Alfonse or M!Corrin? Thank you so much!!���
hello! could i get #17 from the summer prompts w xander please? 
6) making lemonade with m!grima please? How's the summer heat been treating you? Triple digit heat should not be allowed by nature so I hope the summer heat doesn't get too awful like past years.
Could I request #19 fireworks with Soren? :)
For the soft summer prompts, may I request number 13 with Chrom?
For the summer prompts could I get 16 with Eirika
Can I get 10 with Linde
hewwo,,, could we get either 8. ice cubes or 17. soft summer rain for laevatein? i'm really having problems picking so just choose whichever you like best? i just discovered your blog and i love it and your writing a lot!
hi hi! if I’m not too late, could I have summer prompt 16 with ryoma? if I’m too late or this is too troublesome, I sincerely apologise! i hope you have a nice day uwu
Thunderstorms with Grima and S/O! Modern au or FeH it's up to you 💖
may i request for the summer prompts #16 with soren please? thanks so much! ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )☆彡
hello!! can i get number 5 from the summer prompts with laslow?? adsfdjfk i love your writing
Could you do #4 with Summer! Laegjarn and Summer!Cordelia with a feminine [not necessarily female] summoner? (Sorry if that's a lot to ask!!! [Ugh I love them both so much!])
hello!!! could i get 4 or 15 for gaius? this blog is absolutely amazing and is everything ive been looking for!!!
could I get 25 from the summer prompts with Xander, if possible? thank you bunches in advance!!
I’m not sure if your still taking summer prompts, but if you are could you do #21 with hríd? Thank you so much 😊
Alfonse + 5 of the summer prompts? I dream of princes and Fireflies
Not sure if your still taking summer prompts or if this has been done, but may I humbly request the "watching fireflies" prompt with Frederick?
7 with shigure? I just love gardens so much;
The soft summer prompts are so cute!(mainly because i'm freezing here in my country ;u;) so i was hoping you could do N.5 for Henry? It's okay if you don't want of course, thanks~
Would you be okay with summer prompt 1 with Lukas?
Total Count: 46
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Up for some Alfonse? I saw you wrote that you couldn't find any more in your archive, so I'm here to help! How about he finds Kiran passed out due to exhaustion? I doubt she gets much sleep anyways, what with welcoming all the new heroes, commanding the battlefield, studying tactics, and all that jazz.
(It's been ages since I've done some Alfonse fluff! Enjoy ;; U ;; )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep. Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about. Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner? Why was she asleep? Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent. The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets. With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you. Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in. He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes. Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed. “Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
“Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed. He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks. His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one. You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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iamdarkness · 2 years
Chapter 1 Letters.
Alfonse x F Summoner/ Alfonse x OC, Lif x F Summoner/ Lif x OC
Bel was summoned to Askr by mistake. Oly is summoned many years later. The ties than bind them are strong and unbreakable and they have to be if they wish to survive and save the men they love, their family and friends and the land they call home.
  A/N: This is an AU. Lif is his own person and much older than Alfonse, but his name was also Alfonse. Alfonse Andreas Viscount of Nibelheilm. Alfonse and Gustav are second cousins which makes him Prince Alfonse’s third uncle?
-Oly. You need to go to sleep. Your father will not be coming back tonight.- A woman said to the 6 year old girl sitting by the window. Her black hair falling down her back in silken waves.
-But mom! I can’t sleep without him.- Wines the child, rubbing at her dark eyes. Her short hair almost as dark as her mother’s.
  -Neither can I sweetheart. I feel much better when he is home, but your father is a very important man and the Prince needs him now.- She looks down at her daughter’s face. Her big eyes water and her mouth forms a pout. She knew her daughter had no notion of the importance a general was to the King. Especially now that the Empress of Embla had married and her husband was trying to invade Askr.
  Her daughter had no idea what war was, nor what it meant for her family. She did not understand her father was not only the Highest ranking General of the Royal Army, but also a great tactician and a second cousin to the Crown Prince Gustav. She only knew her father used to lay in bed with her every night until she fell asleep curled up in his protective embrace. This had been her life until this last two months when her father had been home only a couple of times and arrived home so late she was already asleep; if he even came home.
  Bel could never tell her the truth. She was too young to know the danger her father was in, every time he did not come home. It meant he had gone to investigate some attack in the borders or some report of spies.
  -Would you feel better if I read you his favorite book?-
  -Fine…-Oly says morosely.
  Bel takes the book from the coffee table and searches for the first page. From the yellowing pages of the ancient book a smaller piece of paper falls down. Oly who was now sitting by her side caught it and took a look.
  -Alfonse! Look mama a picture of Alfonse.
  -No darling that is your father when he was 10 years old. He was in fact Alfonse’s age.
  -He looks a lot like Alfonse.
  -Well they are related and I do think it is because of this and because your father is so dear to Prince Gustav that he named Alfonse after your father. I am sure Alfonse will grow up to be as handsome as Prince Gustav.
  -Alfonse is very nice. When are we going to visit them again?
  -Hopefully we visit this weekend. Princess Henriette did ask me to take you. Alfonse has been asking for you I hear.
-I like playing with him and his sister, but Sharena likes to climb up trees and I get scared. Alfonse is always worried about her and he has to go up the trees to save her because she can’t get down by herself! He says that when she was little she was a crybaby and was very annoying mom. I don’t want a baby sister.
-I bet Alfonse does not feel so alone with her anymore. He was a very lonely boy before Sharena was able to play with him.
- What do you mean?
-Well they are only two years apart but Sharena being a girl was kept with his mother and her attendants for a longer time while he, being a boy had his own nannies that took care of him. His parents are always busy too.
-Is that why he almost cried when I told him I slept with papa?
-Gustav used to play with him when he was two or three years of age just as much as Henriette did, but- Bel searched for an explanation to tel her child.Gustav had been more active since he was given the title “Crowned Prince”. His father was giving him more responsibilities every passing day. Henriette had confided in Bel that although the King was still very young he had contracted a disease that was slowly killing him and there was no cure for. For this reason both Henriette  and specially Gustav had had less time to spend actively raising their children. Now with war brewing it was even less likely for the children to see their parents. It was a very sad situation.- Being a King is a lot of responsibility darling. The King is … a father for the whole Kingdom see?
-So he has to share his father with all of us? But I already have papa! I don’t need his father!
-I know honey. You and I are very fortunate to have him. Now go to sleep and think of all the fun things you will do when we visit your friends.
-Yes mommy! I will be very nice to Alfonse so he does not feel lonely anymore!
-That’s my girl!- Bel says and seeing as how the girls is still determined to stay awake, she starts reading the book in her hands. Oly was too young to understand what the book was about, but her father would read some of the passages to her and hearing the words her father used gave her comfort.
Some twenty minutes later Oly was fast asleep in her mother’s arms. Had she stayed awake at least another ten minutes she would have heard the heavy steps walking up the stair and down the hallway. Bel looks down to Oly and then up to the door. As expected the door opens to reveal a very tall man of about 27 years of age dressed in the white and gold of the Askram Army. His dark blue hair fell over his face. It had come out of a simple golden circlet around his head. He was a Viscount after all and the youngest General in resent history. Alfonse Andreas Viscount of Nibelheilm son of the Earl of Nibelheilm in the mountain region of Askr.
Alfonse’s steps softened when he saw his dear daughter asleep in the arms of his beloved wife. How he had missed them these past days and nights on the road.
-Yes. She was waiting for you but fell asleep some time ago. You can wake her up if you want to or she will be cranky tomorrow.- Bel says smiling.- You spoil her too much.
 -She deserves every bit of spoiling.- He says kneeling besides the two.-I have to go back.
 -So soon? Why? What is going on Alfonse?
  He sighs, makes a motion with his hand for her to wait and takes Oly from her arms. She was so very small in his arms. His beloved was a very short woman and her daughter had taken a lot of her features. To him this was a blessing, since he loved his wife dearly. Ever since he had rescued her from bandits years ago. He knew as soon as he had laid eyes on her that she was not of his world. Her strange clothing and her dark skin,paired with such black hair was something he seldom had seen before. A look from her dark brown eyes was all it took for him to be smitten with her. She was but 15 years of age at the time but her wisdom and personality made her seem older, just as her sense of humor made her seem childish at others. He walked slowly from the parlor to Oly’s room and gently laid her on her bed. He put the covers over her small frame and planted a sweet kiss on her forehead.
  -I love you my sweet little “Olive”.- he smiled saying this as the memory of her sweet voice protesting to him that, that was not her name, came to his mind. He sighs in resignation and lays himself by her side. He had missed her being awake. She stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes slowly.
  -It is fine my little Olive. I am here with you. Sleep.- He cradles her in his arms tenderly.
  Oly smiles and closes her eyes. It takes little time for her to be asleep again. He stays there for a while looking at her sleeping form in his arms. None of his achievements and titles had made him as proud as being called a father. This child was his most precious and beloved work. His masterpiece. Of course he had not done it alone and most of her looks came from her mother, but she was still his and he was as proud of her personality which he had actively helped form as much as the valuable time he has spent teaching her and being actively present in her life. Something rare in Askran Nobility.
  He had his wife to thank for that. When he had learned the way good parenting was done in her world ( which she said not all parents had the luxury to do it.) he was on board with it all the way. He wanted the best for his child. He wanted what he himself did not have growing up. A loving mother and a father who not only visited him once every few months and that only to see if he was behaving and learning his duties. He understood his own father of course. Loosing his wife in childbirth would have been devastating for the Count. He himself was very afraid when his wife got pregnant. It had also been what he thought, the happiest time of his life. It had been so ever since.
  Teaching his daughter to play the violin just like he had helped teach prince Alfonse was as much a joy as watching his wife teach her to draw and paint. He had thought his joy could not grow any more but when his father had started visiting her more often and Oly had won him over enough that he would come and read to her at least three times a week , he thought his happiness was complete.
  Lord Askr had blessed him with such happiness and now it was threatened and he would fight to keep it till the end. He gently brushed some stands of hair from Oly’s face and kissed her forehead again before getting up from her bed and covering her up. He looked around the room sadly. They had traveled to their Summer house close to his cousin’s Summer home. The ancient castle was once thought to be the home of the first king of Askr and the ruins near town were proof that it was most probably true. They had been spending the Summer with his cousin’s family the past three years . Oly playing with the young royals while his wife spend hours researching at the huge library or reading while watching the children play.
  The door opens and Bel comes inside. She kisses Oly on the cheek and turns to Alfonse. He nods and both of them leave.
  Once in their room Bel is serving him a cup of his favorite tea and sits by the table. He sits across from her and takes the offered cup. He looks at the steam slowly rising from the hot liquid and brings it to his mouth, taking a small whiff of the fragrant drink before sipping it. Bel looks at him through her long lashes while she takes a sip of her own drink. She is taking in his worried face and stiff posture. There is a shadow of two day stubble on his ever clean shaven face and dark circles under his deep blue eyes. This worries her. There is something bad going on and he has come to tell her and she knows he will try not to scare her and maybe hide some of the truth and she knows he needs time to find the words to tell her. So she waits for him to be comfortable nought to talk.
  - I need to go back. I have until midnight. -He says after a while. Bel looks at him expectantly.- My father has come to help.
  -Alfonse…what is going on for him to come all the way here ? Did Embla really declared war outright?
  - I wish it was that simple…If it was Embla we could fight and effectively drive them off…
  -What…what do you mean?
  -Bel…my beloved. Promise me you will will leave and keep our daughter safe after I tell you everything.
  - Alfonse of course I will protect her no matter what but you have to tell me what is happening.
  -Please you have to promise me. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you and Oly.
  -I ….Alfonse….I will not promise anything until you tell me what is going on.
  - Fine.- Alfonse sighs. He knew it was not going to be easy. His wife was a firm woman in her decisions.- You probably need to know what we are up against. I know you will not be as afraid as regular people. There was an attack North of here…not half a day on horseback. We thought…We thought that as expected it would be Embla. But what we found was…I could only describe the massacre we found as the bloodiest, cruelest scene I have ever seen. Everyone was dead. Men, women, children…babies…not one was left alive. Whatever had come to this village…they were cruel and effective. Even the soldiers were dead. There were no corpses of the attackers.
  -You mean they did not manage to kill even one of them?
  -That is not the case. There was evidence of struggle. They fought back until the end. The problem is that the attackers were already dead.
  -I am afraid…your worst fear has come to be true here in Askr.
  -You don’t mean…
  -In a way. They are not mindless creatures I am afraid. They do no seek to eat the living..Although they do not hesitate to do it neither. We found the door to the real of the dead opened.
  -The…the what? What door?
  -That was my reaction when Gustav and my father told me. They knew the door to the realm of the dead was close by. King Lif build his first fortress close to it to guard it. He knew this would happen and left it written, but time passed and there was no trace of the seal weakening. Seeing as peace went on, the previous kings grew complacent and eventually they forgot about it and moved their capital to the South where the climate was warmer. Gustav who is more of an explorer and Henriette found it, after doing research in the library. They made this their Summer Home so that they could keep on researching and keeping an eye on it. That is the reason they never go to the beach in the Summer and they do not have much time to share with their kids.
  -But why is this going on? Wait…You mean…Isn’t Hel the Goddess of dead in the realm of the dead?
  -Yes. She is the one behind this attack.
  -Alfonse! How on Earth are you going to stop that woman? She is death! What does she even want?…I mean why is she doing this?
  -We are trying to find a way to seal her in again. We believe she wants to end the line of the first King of Askr and Queen Thrasir of Embla. I think it was King Lif and Queen Thrasir, who first sealed her inside. She…she comes for her vengeance and has an army of the dead to back her up.
  -We are conducting an evacuation of the city and nearby towns and villages. It is ….tedious work. Henriette is taking the children to our mountain fortress.I need you to go with her. Our home is the safest place now. We have the advantage that Hel does not know the Summer Palace is no longer the capital. We have the chance to stop her before she reaches the largest cities. She will probably ride North to Embla as well.
  -Bel…Promise me.Promise that whatever you hear, you will keep your promise and take our child away with you. If worse comes to worse…My father knows what to do.
  - What would I hear? What do you mean? What is he going to do?
  -BEL. - He looks at her with a serious expression.- Promise me.
  - I promise you.- She says with tears falling from her eyes. She did not want to leave him. Not when she knew his chance for survival was so low. She knew him, and she knew he was going to fight to the end.
  He smiled at her and took her hand in his; taking it to his lips to give it a kiss. Bel is still crying. She gets up from her chair and falls on her knees by his side like a little girl crying her eyes out on his lap. She wanted to tell him not to go. Something in the back of her mind was telling her not to let him go. There was something she should be remembering but could not. She wanted to ask him to run away with her, but she knew not only that he would never abandon his people in need, but she also knew that if someone could stop Death herself it was Alfonse. It was not only her love for him or the knowledge she had of his skills and intellect that fueled her faith in him. There was something inside of her that told her he was the one to do it, but she could not stop herself from worrying about him. She did not want to lose him, and did not want to have her child grow up without her loving father.
  Alfonse was very surprise by this. His wife was not a dramatic woman. She may be childish and playful and cried easily at times but he had never seen her this affected. He pulled her on his lap like he would do Oly and she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crock of his neck.
  He held her for a while and dried her tears with his thumb while he whispered softly how much he loved her. After a while he took hold of her and stood up. He carried her small form to their canopy bed and before placing her on it’s soft surface he whispered in her ear.
  -My beloved Bel. I love you so….I want to make love to you.
  He lay down on the bed with her on top of him straddling his waist. Her face reflected surprise at first. She smiled down at his mischievous smile and kissed him while his fingers made quick work on her dress buttons. He loved how she looked in a dress and knew she disliked them but made an effort to wear them to please him. The truth was that not only did she look beautiful in dresses but they were easier to manage when trying to have intimate moments. Her beloved pants were sometimes a nuisance to his advances.
  Tonight she was wearing that one dress he had got her to match Oly’s. Ones he had gifted them to go on a picnic the month prior. They had gone to the lake at the food of the North Western  mountains that housed their fortress home. His father Lord Andreas Of Nibelheilm had taken time from his very busy life to spend with them as a family. It had been a day that had taken him by surprise, since it had been his father who had suggested it. Both of them had prepared it to surprise the two most important people in their lives.
  He smiles into the kiss remembering the image of his wife and daughter, under the early May sun. Their dark skin contrasting with the light tones of their floral dresses. Her people beloved by the Sun shone in the copper and golds of the most beautiful of metals, while the earthly tones of their intelligent eyes gave depth to their beautiful faces. That day their eyes shone with mirth and delight while they played some of her childhood games, that his father or himself had never had the chance to play in theirs. He had never seen his father so happy in his lifetime.
  -I love you.- He says still smiling and separates enough to look up at Bel’s face. Her face was flushed and her lips swollen by the kiss.
  -I love you too my Alfonse.
  -Have I told you how much I love it when you wear a dress?- He asks with a blush and a shy smile.
  -Only like a couple of hundred times you pervert.- Bel says with a smile and ruffles his hair. He gives a grumble of a laugh against her neck and then gives her a soft bite.- As long as they make you happy Alfonse.
  -Oh I am happy…so happy.- He adds while one of his hands reach under the folds of her dress to get a hold of her panties and lower them. He finds she is not wearing any and looks questioningly at her.
  -I came prepared. - She says smiling smugly and winked at him. Indeed she had prepared. She knew if he was going into danger she was going to give him the best night she could give him, just like she had done other times. She then would make him promise to return.
She had prepared for war with Embla, but she had not counted on his bad news. They were as bad as bad news could get but, if someone could return from such endeavor it was her Alfonse. She had that much faith in him.
  He blushes and bites his lower lip in that cute way he does. He then takes the lower part of her dress and raises it up. Bel raises her arms to help him slip it off. She is wearing nothing underneath. She looks down when she hears an intake of breath to find his mouth parted and his tongue coming out to lick at his lips.
Before he has the mind to do something other than stare at her naked breast and the dark curls of hair shadowing her womanhood; Bel sets her hands to work on his uniform. He is not wearing the armor he used in battle, only the uniform used in meetings and regular work. He had taken the white and gold jacket off and only the royal blue shirt is in her way, so she opens it up. Alfonse who had been caressing her hips and back, rises himself to kiss her. His kiss is hard and demanding. He has the mind to flip her over and trap her in with his body, but he loves how she looks when she rides him.
The first sexual fantasy he ever had featuring her, had been when he was teaching her to ride a horse and he could see her breasts bouncing to the horse’s trotting rhythm. He was not a womanizer nor some pervert to be looking at women’s breasts. He was at the time, already a commander and he was in charge of many female subordinates and had never been untoward to any of them. Yet that sunny day watching her laugh happily at her achievement had made him feel something he had never felt before.
He had fallen in love with her almost at first sight eight years ago. He had known he wanted to be the one to protect her and keep her safe. That was the reason he was teaching her to ride and fight after all. He knew this, but never had he felt such strong desire hit him so violently before. The unbidden image had flashed in his mind of her naked breast bouncing in equal rhythm to her hips. Raising and falling on his manhood while his hands roamed her body and his mouth kisses that small pouty mouth. He imagined the feel of her warm , wet core surrounding him.
He had been so flustered by the image that he entered into a momentary panic. He had been so afraid of her finding out just how hard he had gotten by that thought of her; he had to excuse himself pretending he had forgotten he had a meeting. Ever since that day it had been torture to be around her and not let her know how he felt.
That desire had never lessen. He still wanted her and loved her the same. At his moment he was battling with himself. One part of him wanted to take her already. He wanted to stop the ache of being so long without her touch and bury himself in her soft embrace. The other part wanted to make it last and savor the flavor of her love like it was the first time. He wanted the moment to last a lifetime and forget he had to leave. So he decides to let her mark the pace.
She takes the hint when he takes his hands off of her hips and gestures for her to do with him whatever she wants.
Bel lowers her face to kiss where his heart is and then moves to undo the pants. She gets off of bed to take his clothes off. She climbs back on the bed, all the while kissing his body here and there. Marking each limb, but avoiding to touch his manhood. All the while he watches her, every second more exited than the last. His hunger growing with every teasing touch of her hands and mouth. He raises himself again to meet her kiss midway.
Her teasing has rendered him hard as a rock and he is eager for her kiss. He places his hands on her hips but does not make to move her and when the kiss turns deeper and more heated, he embraces her, cards his fingers through her hair and caresses her back. He can’t restrain himself anymore and reaches under her to find her folds wet and warm. He feels for the small pearl of her clitoris and  teases it. Bel arches her back moaning loudly. He takes this opportunity to bite at her neck. A few more movements and Bel is pleading for release.
-Alfonse! Alfonse…Al…Alfonse…I’m …I’m ready…
- Ready love? So am I …
She backs down and finds his manhood pocking at her butt checks. She raises herself and takes his member and carefully guides it into her entrance. He is big and it takes her a few seconds to lower herself down to take him all in. He groans huskily and arches a little to guide her.
Her movement is slow and steady at first and his hands caress her breasts and legs, but after a while she starts moving faster and her bounces move her breast in that way he has fantasized so many times since the first time. How he loved when his amazon rode him as if he was a wild stallion. He took her hand in his to help her steady herself and with the other took one of her breasts. It was so soft.
-My…my Alfonse! I….yes…I…
He grunts in response and steadies himself with one arm to raise himself and take her lips in a heated kiss. He is fully sitting up now and embraces her to get her to be closer to him. He knows she is close and he himself is close and so he shifts and changes positions. There is a whine of protest coming from Bel and he smiles.
-Be patient love.
-Alfonse! Come on! I need you please!-She says under him now. He takes her hips after uniting himself with her slowly and starts moving. He knew this way she would feel more pleasure. Sure enough she moans loudly and arches her back. He moves faster and his rhythm grows more erratic. He feels so close now and some moments later he feels her walls pulsating around him.She wraps her legs around him and he is reaching deeper than ever. He feels himself give in and whispers her name at the same time she moans his.
-My Bel…my soulmate…I love you.- He says moments later still reluctant to move. She has taken to massage his back in soothing circles.
- I love you too. - He can heard her whisper . He moves a little downward to be leveled with her face and kisses her. Sweetly and slowly. When he retreats, he takes a long look at her. He does not wish to go but it is almost time to do so.
 -Go to sleep a while dear.- He says in her ear. He is holding her from behind. She fits so smugly in his embrace.
 -I can’t sleep when you are not home. -She says and he knows she means she will be having nightmares. Se always does when he is away. He knows because even the servants tell him about how she looks like she does not sleep when he is away and how restless she becomes. His wife in not a nervous person, but she does worry about him a lot.
-I will be back I promise you.
-I will hold you to that promise.- She says softly and kisses his hand. He kisses the top of her head and then moves to kiss her neck. She makes a humming sound. She knows what is coming. Sure enough she can feel the hand she is holding leave her own to massage her breast.It travels down to fund her wet folds and started playing with them while Bel writhed in his arms from pleasure.
-Darling you are so sweet…- He was telling her sweet nothings in her ear and biting her neck. Her moans were turning him on again and Bel could now feel his hard member close to her butt cheeks.- Are you ready for me darling?
-Yes…I ..please!..please Alfonse…Take me please!
-I need you too Love.- He takes her leg and lifts it a little. She held it up for him and bent over to let him have better access. He takes her and starts moving holding her by the hip while both lay sideways.
-Alfonse! Harder …ummm…harder!- She was asking and he happily complied. He needed her so much right now. He did not like manhandling her but she sometimes asked him to be more forceful than he would have believed he would like…except he did like it too. He loved it in fact when she moaned loudly for him and praised him for his efforts. He knew there would be a little bruising in the morning and she would smile at him and tell him it was fine and that she was more than fine and that he had done great.
-You like this love? You want more?- He says in his husky voice.
-Yes! Yes ! Harder!! OH GOD Alfonse you do it so good….I..aaahh!
She had not lasted much after all the foreplay and he also reached his limit when he felt her clench her core around him.
-I love you Alfonse…
-I love you too Bel…
They told each other still holding on to her hip. She turned her face to the side where he caught her mouth in a heated kiss.
- What are you doing? Papa? Are you two fighting?
They heard a small groggy voice coming from the door. Alfonse who was half covered by the bed cover took the blanket and covered both of them as fast as he could. Reluctantly Bel moved from her place to look back over Alfonse’s body.
-We are not fighting baby. We were…writing a letter to the stork…- She says because he is a little speechless and hiding his face in her hair.
  -To…ask for a little brother or sister for you to play with.
  -I don’t want a little sister…they’re annoying.
  -Do not worry little Olive your mother only likes to write them. We do not send them.
  -I am very sure that one we actually sent…-Said Bel softly when she feels the come dripping out of her wet opening and made a face. Alfonse passed a hand over his face to hide his blush.
  -Darling why are you out of bed?-He asks.
  -I heard shouts and banging…-Said little Oly. There was a small giggle at Alfonse’s side and a quiet “banging” coming from Bel , followed by ‘sorry”.
  -We were moving the furniture looking for an insect. You know how your mother dislikes them.
  -Oh…Did you get it?- Asked the girl eyes wide in terror and looking around.
-Yes Darling don’t worry.
-Can I have Link? I left him on your bed…He has to go to sleep or he will be cranky tomorrow.-The little girl says. Alfonse looks around and finds the stuffed elf, Bel had made for Oly, almost falling down the bed with his blue eyes staring at them. Carefully not to let the blanket slip, he reached for the girl and gave her the doll.
  -Now go to bed dear.
  -Yes papa.
  -Oly! Oh dear ! there you are!- Bertha a 60 years old woman, came into view and took Oly by the hand, but when the old nanny looked inside she took her free had to her face to stop watching.- Oh. Pardons my Lord! I was getting some tea prepared and she was gone when I came back.- We will be going now.
- It is fine Bertha. Good night Oly.- Said Alfonse serenely like he was not discovered making love to his wife.
-Do not get up again or El Coco will come to bite you!- Said Bel smiling.
-Yes Mama! Good night Daddy!- Oly said before the door was closed.
-She is going to have nightmares dear.- Alfonse said turning to Bel and kissing her hair.
-Eh! Builds character.- She says smiling. He snorts in response.
-I will never understand why your people are so afraid of coconuts. -He said laughing low. He is playing with words in her language. He knows Coco is an evil entity and coco a coconut, but in his mind every time she says “Coco under the bed” he can not help imagining a coconut and Bel being afraid of it. It is a funny picture in his mind.
-Oh! You learn fast! I knew you were an evil genius! Ummm by the way, you saved the night again “ potato”.- She reaches up to kiss him as reward. He smiles at the nickname. He knows “papa” means potato in her native tongue.- And we had an audience. I mean Link saw it all the poor boy. -She giggles again and can hear his rumble of a quiet laugh as well.
-Did we really “sent” that “letter”?- He asks biting her neck again.
-Yep. Very sent. Twice.
-Good.- A kiss.-mmmm… I would like to send another one Madam.
-As you wish My Lord. - The way she said that always gave him chills. It was never with the same reverence his people used it. She always used the title as if it was a term of endearment or in a seductive voice that suggested he could do whatever he wished with her. He gave a husky growl and bit down on her neck smiling. Once she had asked him playfully if he was not an actual vampire since he loved biting on her neck after a particularly heated night. She had to wear high collared clothes for days after. Her dear “Viscount Dracula.” He actually liked the nickname too. It fitted him. He was after all the son of Count and there was dragon blood in his veins. He was the son of the dragon.
He was thinking about that when they heard a knock on their door and a voice calling out to him.
-Lord Andreas. Captain Needa is asking for your presence. He is waiting in the parlour.
Alfonse sighs in resignation.
-Inform him I will be down in ten minutes and send for Njal and Sven to be ready as well.- He says loudly to his butler Frode referring to his two retainers. He looks down to his wife who is hugging him tightly and kisses her head.- I am sorry love. I need to leave. I guess we won’t be writing that letter today.
-It is fine honey. The mailbox was full anyway. - She says smiling but her smile does not reach her sad eyes. She still manages to make him laugh a little. Once upon a time, before he ever met her, he would have never dreamed of making such jokes. Everyone thought he did not have a sense of humor. And he did not. But he had found it when he met her. She was one of the only people he ever joked with, beside his cousin even thought Gustav was just as stoic as himself. She was also the only person who ever dared to joke around with him.
-It will have to do then.- He got up and so did she . He went to wash his face to the bathroom and she went to dress herself and prepare to help him with his clothes. Once they both were ready he headed down the corridor to Oly’s room and found her still awake.
- My little Olive. I have to go. You will take care of your mother for me while I am away?
-Do you have to go already Daddy?
-Yes my doll. I am sorry but I do need to go.
-I promise I will take care of Mami while you are away. You will be back soon?
-I will try to come as soon as I can. You will leave early to visit Alfonse and Sharena. Be a good girl and obey your mother. I love you my little Olive. Remember you are a piece of my soul and I will always be with you.
-Yes Papi. I love you too. Here take my bracelet my mom and I made. You can give it back to me when you come back!
Alfonse looks down to find a blue and gold embroidery thread bracelet. He lets her tie it on his grist, Kisses her on the forehead and gets up to leave.
- Bye Daddy!
-Bye Darling. - He says and closes the door.
 He found Bel outside of their bedroom waiting for him. She motions for him to walk with her downstairs.
-I ordered to make the preparations to leave right away Alfonse. I do not see a reason to stay. Should I send a message to let them know we are coming sooner?
-Good idea. If you can leave as soon as possible it will be a great relief for me. Yes send them a message.
-I will. I promise. I already sent the people to work. I will do Oly’s belongings last so she won’t get scared.
-Thank you love. I knew I could count on you.
- I am here for whatever you need. You know it right?
-I know. Thank you.- He looks down at her and smiles.
They both enter the parlour and the Captain stands up strait in attention and salutes Alfonse and bows to Bel. Alfonse salutes back and Bel give the proper courtesy.
-Sir. General Sir. My Lady. We are ready to ride out. I came to escort you Sir. The guard you asked for will stay to wait for your family. They will take you to the Summer palace to join the Prince’s family My Lady.
-Thank you Captain Needa. Bless you and take care. I will pray for your safe return.
-Thank you My Lady. I am sure we all appreciate the prayers and blessings.
They walked outside to where The horses and the men were waiting; including Njal and Sven. Bel could not contain her tears and even though she tried very hard they spilled down her cheeks. All of these men were going to uncertainty and probably death and there was noting she could do to help except flee and protect her child. These men she knew young and old and many if not all would die defending the people of Askr. She felt such sorrow and felt so powerless. And as much as she tried to be strong for Alfonse she could not bear to part with him. Ashamed she lowered her face to stealthily dry her tears. Alfonse was too astute for that and gave her a last hug.
-Llorona. I gave you my word, did I not?- He says in the tongue of her people. He had learned that some of her words and that particular one was from a song she often sang and he liked very much. Llorona meant “crying woman”- I will come back.- He said and took her face in his hands to dry her tears with his thumbs.
-My Lady. We will take good care of him. You have our word. They will have to go through us first Mam.- Said Mjal. Sven just nodded in assent.
- I want you to come back too! You hear!
-Yes Mam! Said both of his retainers smiling at the same time. They were seasoned warriors both of them and knew that to be trusted with the General’s back was not only an honor to them. They loved the family and it was a great happiness to the to be trusted with his life. The same was for Bel’s retainers. She had been trained with the sword but when Oly had been born her focus was on being a good mother to her and the safety was left to her retainers.
 -I will write to you form the camp. - Alfonse says getting on the horse.
 -Ok Darling, but focus on your task and do not worry about us. I will take care of the rest Ok? Te amo.- She answers sobered up. Their eyes meet and he nods and then gives the order to leave. She watches on until they dissolve in the darkness of the night. She then turns to her trusted servants and they all nod and go inside to finish the preparations to evacuate the premises.
It took the household an hour to gather the necessary items to evacuate. Oly was asleep when it was finally time to get her out of bed. She was transported in the arms of Bel’s burly retainer Erland. A young man of 18 years, already tested in battle and with a life debt to Alfonse who had saved his life when he was but a boy of 7 years of age working as a stable boy. Aleen Bel’s female retainer was a woman of 20 years of age. Older than Erland but already engaged to him. She had a family life debt with Alfonse’s father and had been raised to be a retainer from age 6 when she sowed skill with the sword and lance.
Erland laid Oly on one of the carriage’s sits, where Bel already was sitting waiting for them and then joined his fiance on horseback. They talked to the family guards and the soldier guards left by Captain Needa to plan their course of action. One set of guards would travel at the front and one at the back each of the would be overseen by each retainer.
They made it as far as the northern outskirts of the city, some miles before reaching the Summer palace, where they would meet with the Prince’s family. There was an ambush waiting for the royal family and they had the misfortune to be the ones to pass by. The Guards fought head on, fighting the onslaught of the dead who were surrounding them by now. They were stuck and there was no going back to the city.
The sounds must have reached the sentinels at the castle and men were sent to help out the group since they have been expecting them. Inside the carriage Bel clutched at a crying Oly. They could hear the shouts coming from everywhere and the carriage was rocking like a boat on a stormy sea. Bel lowered Oly to the floor of the carriage and before covering her with her own body, she risked a look outside through the glass and iron window.
The torches gave out such feeble light against the darkness that only the surrounding area from them was illuminated. Still there was enough moonlight for her eyes, used to see better at night, to make out the dead coming from the forest near the castle grounds. The dead used no archers that she could see or hear apparently, but she still feared projectiles coming through the window or wood.
Outside the guards were fighting relentlessly and the dead kept coming in waves that seemed endless.
-We can’t go back to the city! Let’s try to make a path forward to the castle!- Said Aleen. Her fierce lance working her magic while her dark green hair escaped her braids with the speed of her attacks.
-We should take the Lady and her daughter on the horses and escape to the castle as soon as we can. The carriages will be difficult to defend!- Said one of the Soldiers.
-If you wanted easy; you should not have enlisted! Lord and Lady Andreas would balk at your suggestion to abandon our people! We have elderly in the carriages! Escape if you wish coward! Dishonourable bastard.- Said Erland angrily. His words as cutting as his axe.
- Soldier! When you want to shame yourself, do not drag the whole army with you! If you are afraid get into one of the carriages and wait for the rest of us to make a way for all of us to make it to safety!- Said another young soldier wielding a magic tome and on his back Aleen could see a bow like those the hunters in little villages wielded.The poison green of his magic felling three of the dead at the same time. He spared an icy sidelong glance at the offending cadet with his light gray eyes.- This is what happens when you buy ranks thanks to money and titles…- He muttered. He could not have been older than 18 himself, while the scared soldier looked to be in his mid twenties.
-You! Mage! What is your name soldier?- Asked Aleen.
-Feraht Guerrer!
-See that place at the front where the reinforcements are trying to make way? -Feraht nodded.- Erland and I are able to make our way and meet up with them and help them reach our group. Climb on top of the carriage and defend it with your life! Can we trust you with this?
- On my mother’s name and my honor!
-When you see the opening, order the men to march on! You are in charge are you not?!- Asked Aleen and gave the men the instructions when Feraht assented.
-Yes Mam!- Feraht jumped from his horse and on to carriage. His slim and nimble constitution gave him the agility he needed. From there he could see the opening in the ranks and strike at the dead with ease. He kept an eye for projectiles and for the retainers to give him and his men the opening to escape. His keen silver eyes flashed with intelligence and and determination. No enemies got past his guard that night. He turned to his right to where the front of the caravan was headed and saw an enemy try to cut the horse’s harness. He took out his bow and arrows and hit the dead on the head with it. The chariot driver who was busy himself striking another enemy attack to one of the guards looked back at him and thanked him.
 He saw the retainers signal for him to go and he shouted at the others to start the run. Not looking back he whistled at his horse and held on to the top of the carriage.For a moment he saw from the corner of his eye the color of his horse. He chanced a look and saw the Soldier who had suggested to leave the others take hold of his horse reigns. Their eyes met and Feraht thanked him with a nod.
They entered the castle with minimum casualties.
Once inside Aleen saw Feraht jump down from the carriage top with the same agility as before. Someone touched his shoulder and he turned around to find the soldier whom had taken the reigns of his horse.
She saw the shorter man thank the soldier and retreat to talk at the back. She hoped they would patch up the disagreement. It was no time to be angry with one another when you needed others to watch your back.
She approached the first carriage door followed closely by her fiance and knock on the door. Said door opened to reveal a disheveled Nanny a tear stained Oly and a very pale Bel. Bel came out first. Aleen offered her hand to Bel to help her out of the carriage and Bel took it gratefully to stabilize herself when stepping down the carriage steps. Her legs felt like jelly. She turned to get Oly who jumped to her arms as soon as she could and held tight to her mother still crying. Oly felt hot to the touch. Bel feared she had a fever.
  The rest of the people start getting off the other two carriages as well. Bel looks around as see all the the people moving fast everywhere.
  - Aleen?
  - Yes Mam?
 - Where…- Bel started to ask Aleen something but was cut short by a shout of her name.
 -Bel! Oh thank Lord Askr you arrived safely!- Came the sweet voice of none other than Princess Henriette.
  -Oh Henriette! If I had know I would have left as soon as Alfonse left!
  - We did not even know it! I was just told we are surrounded right now! I do not think we will be able to leave.
  - They were probably waiting for you to leave then. What are we going to do? Do you have a plan? Is Gustav gone as well?
  - He has not come back since yesterday. I was told to prepare and leave by a messenger two hours ago.
  -I see…let us go check with the guards and analyze the situation so we can decide what to do I suppose.- Henriette nods and turns around to give some instructions to the people she is with. Bel looks down to see a very silent Alfonse and clinging to him a very wide eyed Sharena. Bel smiles at them both and proceeds to talk to Oly.- Oly look who is here?- Oly looks up from her mother’s embrace to see both siblings looking up at her. She said “Hi” in a quiet voice, but does not let go of her mother.- Why don’t you go with Nanny Bertha, Alfonse and Sharena while I help Henriette? -Oly looked at her mother and Bel said quietly.- They are probably scared. Be a good girl and entertain them for me?
  Oly looked skeptical for a moment and then she nodded and when she moved to let go Bel let her down. Sharena immediately went to hug her. Bel took this chance to whisper at Alfonse.
  - Oly is very scared and I think she has a little bit of fever. Can you protect her and be sure she takes her medicine? -Alfonse looked very determined and nodded.
  -I will. I promise.- He says solemnly. Bel could not help but feel warmth in her heart at such an outburst.
  -Thank you. -Bel says and kisses him on the forehead. Alfonse’s eyes widen and his cheeks grow red but he smiles.- I appreciate it very much. I know you have Sharena to care for. We will be back soon as we can.- Alfonse nods and proceed to go talk to Oly and Sharena.
  -Gertrude, take them inside to Alfonse’s rooms. I am sure they rather be together right now.- Henriette orders her own Nanny.- I still can not believe Alfonse lets you kiss him.
-Bertha. I will be back as soon as I can. Oly has a fever I think.- Bel says to the retreating woman, who is now checking Oly’s forehead.
-Heh! Well it is not like I asked him. - Bel says and they both start walking to where the Chief of Security is giving orders.- He reminds me of my Alfonse. I wish I could give him a son like him.
-I am sure there will be time for that later.
-As things are playing…I can only wish for him to live, even if I am not bless with any more children…
- I understand you completely. I am sure they will both come back. We will pray for their safe return and their success.
After a while the Chief of security was giving the report from all sides of fortress to the Army Officials while Henriette and Bel listened. They knew that Henriette was not one to hide and that as someone who had traveled a lot with the Prince and knew how to lead would be here to oversee and even help out if needed. On the other hand Bel was not a bad tactician herself thanks to Alfonse and so she wanted to be present and see what she could help out with.
-We are surrounded on all sides. They are not trying to get inside as much as waiting for us to go out…it is a siege. We have tried to send a message but the messenger birds have been killed.
- They were not using archers when they ambushed us…I guess they wanted us alive…Or they let us get inside…interesting.- Said Bel
- I believe so too, although I still can not see the reason.- Said The Army Officer in charge.
- Bait or hostages?- Asked Bel.
-Perhaps.- Says the Officer.
-Most likely.- Says Henriette at the same time.
-Yet they killed the messenger birds… They are biding their time. Isolation until the time is right to move.- Says Bel pondering about it.
-That is true. They don’t want us getting help or reinforcements.- Said the officer.
-Then we only need to hold and prepare for when they are ready.- Says Henriette.- See that some guards rest and form watch schedules. Have them all on call. The household will prepare for a retreat inside the castle if the outside wall is breached.
- That is precisely the plan we were talking about my lady.I will be thankful if you see to food and shelter for the garrison and guards My Lady and prepare a list of all the food in case this situation stretches and we need to ration the food.
- We will do it as soon as possible.
-Also we will need a list of the civilians and a escape route for all of them to get inside the castle no matter where they are if the wall falls.-The Official added.
- Good idea. I will let the Butler know and order him to do it.
Bel and Henriette went inside the castle along with their companions.
-My Lady I will go take a look at the kids and send you my people to help out and I will meet you in the pantries?
-Good idea. Bel tel my children I…I better get going.- Henriette started but changed the subject. Bel just nodded, and turned to walk towards the chamber she knew the kids would be staying at.
-Erland I want you to stay outside and let me know anything you think is of importance. I know they have their messengers but they are all going to Henriette and we may split up and I need to be prepared. Erland you have a good eye for details, you know what I mean.
-I will do it My Lady. You can trust me.- He said solemnly and took off.
- My Lady. I may be out of turn but…May I speak my mind?- Asked Aleen.
-Of course. Go ahead.
-Lady Henriette is usually very …astute and unafraid to speak her mind. It may be the situation but.., She seems hesitant in her actions and command.
- I know. I feel it too. There is something else going on she is not telling us. Something that is making her hesitate or unsure…
-I can question the staff Mam…I am sure with the tensions running high, one of them will talk.
-Do it. I do not think we really have much time…It feels like something is coming…But Aleen…Let me ask you something. Who was the soldier on top of the carriage? He was good with… well I saw him use magic and a bow.
-Ah My Lady That is Feraht. A soldier from the Royal Army. I am not sure of his rank but I know he is probably from the Mountain villages. He seems to be a hunter too. A bit young too, but My Lord asked me to have him close to the carriage at all times.
-I would like a word with the men… and specially him.
-Of course My Lady.
  They both reached the place where the personal guards of the household and the Army guard had been left. They were being put in groups to patrol and rest as told. Aleen and Bel found Feraht still by the soldier’s side talking.
-Listen before you all go to your designated posts I want to tell you something.- Said Bel firmly and loud enough to catch their attention. They all gathered around to listen.- How many casualties did we sustain?
-Two Lady Andreas. They were the first to come into contact with the enemy.
-I see. I thank them and I thank all of you for your brave efforts. I really appreciate it and I know Lord Andreas does as well. My blessings to all of you. We will need all the blessings and luck we can get in this situation. - There was a murmur of thanks among the men and nods of agreement.- I will not keep you. We all have chores to do to keep everyone alive and well. Thank you for your time and thank you again for keeping me and my daughter safe.
A choir of different exclamations followed by bows and then their retreating to where they were supposed to go. Aleen left to question the rest of the staff.
-Feraht I take it?- Asked Bel to the young Soldier with long raven hair. Bel had noticed black hair was rare and very praised in Askr. Indeed this young man was beautiful to behold with his long black hair and his feline gray eyes that shone with intelligence.
-Yes Lady Andreas . I am Sergeant Feraht Guerrer . How may I be of assistance?- Bel saw the older
Soldier move behind Feraht and grab something from the horse and try to tie it around his waist but she still saw the wet stain on his pants. Noticing the direction her eyes had strayed to, Feraht moved to obscure the other soldier from view.
-I just wanted to tell you I am very impressed by your skills. If you were not in the army I would ask you to teach my daughter and be her retainer….Well I actually am asking you to do it. It is up to you to accept of course I am not pressuring you.
-My Lord’s daughter retainer and teacher? I am very flattered My Lady, I am sure there are other more important people and much more skilled to do it.
-My husband had you in the guard for a reason.
-Indeed he did ask me personally to do it. I was initially assigned to go with him My Lady.
-Ah! See? I know my husband well. He asked you to be close to the carriage…I thank the sentiment… but I am sorry too. I wish you had gone with him… if it wasn’t for my daughter…I…can only wish…
-I feel the same Mam…not that I…I mean I am very proud to be given this much trust with his most precious people, but I also know…- For a second Bel could see his age show from under the Icy cold professionalism.- My Lord is Strong and Wise. He will emerge victorious. Indeed I was tasked to be close to My Lady and your daughter too.
-Well. In that case come with me…Oh and your friend?
-Privet First Class Gudrun Von Viera at your service…Although as you can see…. I do not know how much service I can give you.- Said the older male uncomfortably.- I apologize for my behaviour. My Lady. I am unworthy of my spot in your guard.- He had been a Corporal but had been demoted that same night by Feraht for his conduct.
-Private First Class Von Viera was at the first attack in the villages of the North with General Andreas and I. He knows what they can do.
-I have heard the details. Do not feel ashamed. Fear is our natural survival tool and drive, We only need to use it wisely. Only fools do no feel fear.- Gudrun looked up at her face with a thankful expression.
- Thank you My Lady.
-No worries…I was scare shi… I mean I was very scared myself. Still I am more worried about how easily we were let through.- She says watching them both.
-That is exactly what we were talking about Mam.- Said Feraht. Gudrun nodded his assent. After all an enemy that could do what they did in the northern villages, could have easily destroyed them if they had wanted.
-So we are in the same page that something us up huh?
-Yes Mam.
-Good. Private Von Viera rest but keep one eye open and a sharp ear. Let us know what you find out.
-Yes My Lady. I will take care of your horse first Sir.
-Thank you Private. See to it and then to rest.
 Bel found Oly asleep when she entered Alfonse’s chamber. Toys littered the floor around a blanket on which Alfonse sat propped up by the sofa behind him. He was reading a book while Oly rested her head on his left leg and Sharena lay sleeping as well by his right one, balled up like a baby. It was such an adorable sight.
Bertha, Gertrude and two maids were looking out of the window. When they heard the door open Bertha came to welcome Bel.
-My Lady, I could not pry Oly from his side. I was waiting for her sleep to deepen to move her.
- How are they?
-They looked very nervous. Alfonse got all of his toys to play.- Bertha smiled.- You know how our little Oly is. She soon recovered and took the toys and started playing with them until Sharena started laughing. It did not last long though, since they are very tired so, Oly asked Alfonse to read from her book.- Bel looked at Alfonse and on his hands was the strategy book her Alfonse always read to Oly.
-Poor boy! His leg must be asleep by now.- Bel said smiling and approached the kids. She got on her knees and kissed Oly and Sharena. They both had a very content look on their faces.- Thank you Alfonse. Oly never sleeps like this with anyone else but her father and I. She must trust you a lot.- She said in a whisper. Alfonse’s cheeks colored bright red but kept quiet.- May I?- She asked motioning a kiss. Alfonse bit his lower lip and nods in answer, while his cheeks turned red again. Bel gave him a kiss on his forehead again and saw a hint of a shy smile on his face. Bel Moved Oly to lay on the blanket so Alfonse may be able to lay down as well.
The bed was not big enough for the three of them and so they would sleep on the blanket by the fireplace.
-Rest. I will go help your mother, and come back later on.
-How are things outside? What is mother doing?
-It is all quiet for now. Your mother is just assessing the provisions…food and medicine, to be sure we have enough, until your father and Alfonse come to get us.
-We can use the food in the library.- Alfonse says biting his lower lip.
-What food?
-Umm…- Alfonse looked around to see if the others were hearing him.- I heard Mother saying they discovered some…stairs leading to some basements in the library. There was a hidden library under it and it has a lot of food…I did not hear that…I saw it yesterday when I went inside while my Mother was talking to Father. I think it is a secret…I did not want to get in trouble, but if it can help and Mother does not know about it, you can tell her.
-Alfonse. You are a very brave boy and a very honorable one too. This is why I love you, you know. If your mother says something about it, I will keep quiet, but if we do need it I will explain it to her. Ok? Just don’t go in there unsupervised again. It may be dangerous. -Alfonse nodded.-Let us hope we do not have need of it…or…you said basements. How many?
-I counted four…but…the library kept going like a huge cave. Do you think the people attacking us may reach us in there if we go inside?- (1) Alfonse and Sharena do not know the dead are the ones attacking. They think it is Embla.
-It may serve as a bunker. Alfonse you little genius! You are just like my Alfonse! No. I do not think they will reach us in there. It may turn to be of use. Thank you. - Bel took Alfonse’s face and kissed him again and got up to leave.- Get some sleep. OH by the way…your mother sends her love. - She winks at him and leaves.
Alfonse watched her leave with a bewildered expression and red cheeks. Slowly a smile formed on his lips. He left the book on the sofa and laid down to sleep between Sharena and Oly. He never noticed the watchful eye of the black haired man standing near the windows.
A/N 2: Alfonse Andreas (Lif) lives in in the Nibelheilm mountains that are on the North-Western side of Askr. I named it after the Nibel mountains in FFVII because I am a fan.
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femme-blem · 6 years
welcome to the community i love the blue!! could i please have a peri x f!reader initial interactions? thanks!
Are you trying to give Alfonse a heart attack?
But in all seriousness, I really liked doing this one once I got to thinking about it! I’m not 100% sure now if you meant reader as summoner but I already wrote it oops (feel free to send in another request if you wanted something else!)
Peri’s arrival in Askr was disconcerting for some of its members. She’s hardly the most questionable figure there - heck, she hardly makes the top ten. But her sheer energy and absolute enthusiasm for blood ‘n’ guts is a little overwhelming.
Due to her unpredictable nature and your special connection with heroes, it’s decided that you’ll keep an eye on her as she settles in.
She’s actually pretty good about listening to you during this period. Even with her personality, she’s still a retainer, and doesn’t mind tagging along while you go about your duties or following orders.
She has a million and one questions about everything, and though it starts to wear on you, you answer them as fully as you can.
She doesn’t understand why you don’t fight people yourself! What kind of Great Hero hasn’t killed ANYBODY? After you explain what you do and how fighting really isn’t your job, she still doesn’t totally get it, but promises to kill enough bad guys for the both of you.
You do run into trouble when one of the heroes you butt heads with confronts you about a controversial point in your latest battle plan. They’re very aggressive about it and, unluckily for them, not acquainted with Peri. The situation devolves into holding Peri back at she threatens them and yells about how the summoner is the nicest and cutest and most patient person ever and that they’ll pay for being so mean to her!!
They make themselves scarce, and Peri questions why you didn’t punish them. You explain that even if people don’t agree with you, they’re still your allies, and ultimately want you to succeed (even if they have a funny way of showing it). You thank her for being concerned about you - and calling you cute - but you shouldn’t assault people for being rude.
You apologize to the other hero later, but you notice that they do keep their attitude in check. Silver linings.
After the Askrans conclude that Peri can probably behave without being constantly observed, you breathe a sigh of relief. Or, you feel you should have. In reality, you feel a little disappointed. Even with her eccentricities, Peri really is sweet, and you enjoy being around her.
Peri seems to feel the same. When they inform her, she gets upset and runs off, not even looking back when you call for her.
You spend the rest of the day looking for her, but can’t find her anywhere. You’re getting worried and considering calling a search party when you hear your name. You turn to find Peri presenting you with a plate of something that smells incredible.
“Here, I made this just for you! Since we won’t be having fun together any more, I wanted to say thanks for being so nice and spending lots of time with me!”
“Thank you, Peri. This is delicious! But…what makes you think I’ll stop spending time with you?”
To Peri’s delight, and your own, you end up remaining as close as you were when she was summoned. The Askrans and quite a few of the heroes don’t completely understand, but at least they don’t have to worry as much about you on the field with Peri looking out for you.
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avi-stella · 5 years
His Muse | Alfonse x Reader
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》 RATING: General | GENRE: Fluff | 784 words 》 SUMMARY: Alfonse's drawings lack a certain something, but he figures out what it is soon enough.
Alfonse sighs to himself as he places his incomplete drawing on the bedside table, running his free hand through his hair as his eyes glance towards the drawn piece. Even if he tries not to let the straightforward comments of Anna and Sharena on his work bother him, a part of him can't help but agree with them, much to his chagrin. He's self-critical, gaze scrutinizing the quill strokes on parchment. Objectively, the prince's techniques are highly skilled, but as stated before, his works lack something that would give them life. His drawings, while nice to look at in terms of skill, aren't worth a second glance if they remain boring.
There's a gentle knock on his door that pulls him out of his thoughts. Alfonse looks at his lackluster drawing one last time before moving to answer the door. The Askran prince blinks in surprise to find you standing there, your hands innocently folded behind your back as you flash him a nervous smile.
"You looked upset when you left," you explain with sympathy and concern laced in your voice. "I wanted to see if you were alright."
"I'm fine," he answers with a small smile but still steps to the side and opens the door further, gesturing with his other hand for you to come inside.
You're comfortable enough in entering the bedroom after having spent many nights in there, both passionate and innocent in nature. There's no need for you to hold up any sort of appearances or pretenses in the comfortable privacy of this place that you both deemed belonged to the both of you alone.
Alfonse shuts the door behind you while you approach his bed to sit. You catch a glimpse of his drawing from earlier in the day, and you start to get an idea as to what it might be that's on the young man's mind. The blue-haired prince takes his spot beside you and leans his head against your shoulder with a defeated sigh.
"I wonder what it is that I'm missing," he muses while his eyes remain downcast on the floor.
"You mean for your drawing?" You ask to confirm, and he gives a small dejected nod of his head. A warm smile makes its way to your face as you stroke his hair. With a thoughtful hum, you suggest, "Maybe you lacked interest in the subjects? I mean, you were drawing for money that you weren't even going to be able to keep anyways, so what if you try drawing something that interests you?"
Alfonse straightens up on the bed, his eyebrows pulled together in contemplation. "Something that interests me..."
You point towards yourself and laugh. "How about me?" You offer.
Of course, you were half-joking, so you can't help but be surprised when the prince's features light up instantaneously at your offer. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea!" He exclaims in agreement with newfound vigour, and you can't find it in your heart to take back your words. In any case, it's always a pleasure to see Alfonse all excited like this since it's rather rare.
The Askran prince gets up from the bed to retrieve a few pieces of parchment and a quill from his desk. He pulls up a chair to sit across from you, and you bite at your lower lip in nervousness as you're not sure how to pose yourself. It seems like it isn't necessary though because he's already started sketching, the sound of quill on parchment filling the room.
You will yourself to relax, your attention focused on Alfonse's determined face. It's a bit cute, actually, and you can't help but smile fondly at him. You decide to tease him later about his little quirk of sticking the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, but for now, you're more than satisfied to watch him like this.
It never occured to you that Alfonse would be skilled in drawing. You knew of his strength in battle and the way he carried himself definitely showed his station. You've seen him training along with the other Heroes and reading books late into the night at the library, but that was about it. You weren't aware if he had any other hobbies, and it both surprised and pleased you to have learned something new about him.
"I've finished," the prince exhales, and you raise your eyebrows in surprise.
"That was quick," you say, genuinely impressed, as you stand up from the bed and make your way over to him to have a look at his piece.
Alfonse smiles in your direction, warmth behind his eyes as he bashfully shares his work. "I was inspired."
Thank you for reading! If you liked this work, you can help support me by liking/reblogging. You can also commission me or donate to my ko-fi(.com/avistella)! Masterlist
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kinkyrun · 7 years
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“Perhaps it’s time to work off this weight.”
wowie another drawing!! this one is for @x-two-f​‘s Alfonse/Summoner fic, super cute, read it here!
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fire-emblem-ships · 7 years
Fjorm x Kiran
Hahahahaha I’m trash.
I can confirm with almost 99% certainty that this is not a great fanfiction.
“Ahh man... the battle is done.” Anna said. “Now we need to take care of this girl.” She said as she looked down to the girl unconscious on the ground.
I ran over to her, remaining wary of my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was her beauty. I brushed her messy hair aside and looked at her.
“Hey. Kiran. Let’s get her home.” I heard Sharena from behind me.
“Ah! Right. Sorry.” I said as I blushed a bit. I picked her up bridal style and began to carry her back to the base.
“I wonder who she is?” Alfonse said to no one in particular.
I mumbled something under my breath. “she’s really pretty is what I know...”
“Hmm? Did you say something summoner?” Anna asked.
“Oh! Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I said as I quickly deflected the question.
We chatted a bit along the way, with me mostly staying quiet. Before I knew it, we were back home. I went to a tent and placed the fainted girl down onto a bed.
“I’ll watch over her” I said as the other three came through the tent.
“Alright. We’ll leave her in your care.” Alfonse said as he walked out with Sharena and Anna.
I carefully watched over the beautiful woman. Her face was pale. Just to be safe, I decided to touch her hand. I slowly and hesitantly reached out to her hand, and my worst fears were realized.
Her hand was ice cold.
I began to panic, wondering what I should do. How would I tell the order of heroes that the girl we rescued died? Would they blame it on me?
As these questions flooded my mind, they all suddenly went away as I saw stirring, to my sudden relief.
She sat up and rubbed her head. “W-where am I?” She said.
I was zoning out while staring at her but took myself out of it. “A-Ah! You’re in the Askran kingdom.” I said.
“A-askran?” She said. “I-I see. Umm... may I stay here? My kingdom... fell... and my mother with it...” she had a downcast look as the mood shifted.
I stood in silence for a moment. “I see... my apologies.” I didn’t know what to do. “S-so what’s your name? I’m Kiran.” I said, trying to change the subject.
“... n-nice to meet you Kiran. I’m Fjorm.” She said as she gave a smile that seemed somewhat forced.
I responded with a smile. “Nice to meet you. Maybe I can give you a tour of the castle?”
Fjorm nodded. “Yes. That would be nice.” I put my hand out for her and she took it.
Walking around the castle, I show her all the basic things while introducing her to every other hero.
Eventually, we found ourselves in a long hallway with pictures of the royals. “This is uhh... a bit hallway. Not too sure what it’s for other than decoration.” I say as I scratch my cheek a bit. Fjorm began to giggle. “W-what is it?” I ask.
“It’s just how... informal you talk. I’ve always had people talking to me like the princess I am. It’s charming to have people talk to me like a friend.” She have a very genuine smile as she said this.
I blushed a bit but smiled back. “Well... from the world that I come from, most people talk like this.” I chuckle to myself a bit.
“Ah. I see” Fjorm says with a smile. “It does feel nice to have a change like that.”
I chuckled a bit then let out a long sigh. “H-hey Fjorm? Can I ask you something? Do you have anyone you’re interested in or fancy?”
She tilted her head in response. “No one right now. Although, even with my kingdom destroyed, I will have to marry someone someday.”
My face reddened a bit as the question I wanted to ask came into mind. “I-umm... maybe I... could be that man...?” I say as I avoid eye contact from embarrassment.
Fjorm looked up at me. “What do you mean?” She asked, somewhat clueless.
I let out an anxious sigh and looked down at her. “Fjorm.” I say sternly. “I’m asking... I’m asking if you’d like to be... my g-girlfriend?” I stutter at the end and look away from her.
Her eyes widen a bit as she realizes what I’m asking. “Kiran... do you... fancy me?” She asks. I silently nod in response, glancing back over at her every now and again. Suddenly, her face breaks out in a smile. “Kiran...” I look back at her. “I fancy you myself. You’ve shown me kindness and compassion. Perhaps I’ve had my heart caught too easily, but I do seem to have fallen for you.”
My face slowly but surely lights up. “F-Fjorm! Does that mean...?”
She nods. “Yes. I’ll be you’re girlfriend.” She said happily.
Ending author’s notes:
Wow... umm.. that ending was abrupt. Whoops.
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