#alfonse fluff
fe-fictions · 8 months
I’m being so fr I love you and your work but every time I come back to the blog I have to ask myself whether or not I’ve developed amnesia 😭 do you have any Alfonse tucked away somewhere in the crevices of the internet?
(I have one very sweet little drabble-y thing just for you!! U V U )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep.
Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about.
Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner?
Why was she asleep?
Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent.
The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets.
With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you.
Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in.
He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes.
Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed.
“Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
"Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed.
He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks.
His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one.
You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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shall-we-imagine · 1 year
Cookies and sleep (Klaus Goldstein AU)
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A/N: literally ever since I saw this ask I've been wanting to write it the feeling I get from it is just aahh 💞💞💞
Genre: ?
(Third person point of view)
8:04 AM
"Shit." The blond mutters, realizing he'd overslept. Yes, indeed, it is his day off, but that doesn't make it any less busy than a work day..
He practically falls off the bed in an attempt to sprint to the bathroom, silently cursing his phone for the missing alarm all the way.
He skips his morning shower, knowing he'll come back sweaty and gross in an hour or so after he goes running.
Yes, the perfect time for a run would've been around 6 am, but this damned phone decided it was okay to let Klaus have an extra two hours, which he probably needed after staying up late working on a PowerPoint, but still: Klaus wasn't very thankful. He now has to push all his plans 2 hours back.
Grabbing his phone and earphones along with his jacket, he runs into the street madman style. A very late madman.
The cold air stings his skin like a thousand invisible needles. "Fuck." He breathes out, attempting to wear his jacket without really slowing down, which he's almost sure looks absolutely ridiculous, but he doesn't have time to waste, so if he needs to make a fool out of himself to get things done then so be it.
He eventually reaches the park where he usually goes for a run; it had a huge running track surrounding it, making it both challenging and fun. However, at this moment, Klaus could only view it as challenging, seeing as he's already panting after all the rush he was in ever since he woke up.
"No time for breaks." He mutters, forcing himself to push through the exhaustion while continuing to pant like a dog on a hot day.
He passes by another runner who just gives Klaus a sympathetic smile, as she proceeds with her routine, keeping her breathing steady. Klaus wanted to yell that he wasn't normally this pitiful and that he's actually fairly athletic, but he didn't have it in him to even speak, so he just displays a pained smile on his face instead, letting the random stranger think of him as pitiable.
10:23 AM
Klaus sighs. He knows he shouldn't hold onto the clouds of gloom surrounding him ever since he woke up, but it was very unlike him to be late. In fact, he's scolded countless people for being late, assuring them this could never be him.
Life is funny like that.
"No one will know. We'll take it to the grave." He assures himself, as he reaches for his keys.
His keys.
His keys?
Where are his keys?!
Did he drop them while running? No way; he would've known!
Did he even grab them before leaving?
"Fuck me." Klaus curses.
There's simply no way for him to open his door from outside except with the keys. He basically locked himself outside.
Elias has a spare key, but calling him would expose an unorderly, late, uncomposed Klaus. A version of him that should never see the light of day.
Klaus is not dramatic about this or anything.
10:37 AM
Klaus wonders if he needs a shower more or hisdignity and pride.
His stomach growls.
Klaus wonders if he needs a shower and food more or his dignity and pride.
He pushes himself off his front porch and circulates his house, sort of like a burglar tryna find his way in.
A miracle.
A thought shone through his misery, possibly saving the day.
Who would've known that delaying getting a window's broken lock fixed would bring such happiness to a perfectionist like him?
Klaus pushes the window open with one swift movement and kicks his leg up, hooking it on the window sill and pulling himself up.
The excitement had erased the dimensions of the window from Klaus's memory, but he was to be reminded immediately with a loud bang once his head collides with the top if the window.
He grumbles in pain and annoyance but pushes himself inside anyway.
He rubs his head and moans in pain, "Today's just not my day." he mumbles.
Klaus drags himself into the hot shower, relieved bythe only relaxing thing he's experienced this morning.
10:58 AM
Klaus isn't a fan of brunch, but he was too hungry to complain.
Hey, at least the waffles taste as good as they would've at 6 AM. He smiles to himself.
Klaus stiffens.
Would it be too farfetched to assume Elias came over with his kitten?
The source of the noise reveals itself. Lo and behold it is, in fact, not Elias's tiny black kitten. Instead, struts in a chubby orange cat that Klaus has never ever seen before.
"Rude." Klaus mumbles.
The cat meows back as if to object to his insult.
"Come on you invited yourself in! How did you even get in here?" His gaze pans over to the broken window. Aha.
"Well, whatever." He had no energy left to argue with the entitled feline. He wanted to eat his breakfast and relax.
11:14 AM
"You really shouldn't be eating so much; you're already a bit chubbier than you should be." His fingers lovingly rub the top of the stray's head, heavily contrasting his words. Thankfully, cats don't speak human.
Occupied with the tuna, Little Stalker -as Klaus called her- ignores Klaus's health advice and stuffs her face.
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" The blonde rolls his eyes, before proceeding to shower the cat with physical affection.
He almost melts when she purrs in response, but no, he must play hard to get.
12:03 PM
"Yes you're a good girl; you're the best girl! Good job!" He squeezes the towel-wrapped cat into his arms.
Hmm...how's 49 mins for hard to get?
At least he found it in him to force her into a bath, right?
The cat hisses at him, clearly unhappy with the progression of events, perhaps reconsidering its choices of houses to break into.
3:45 PM
Klaus groans at the doorbell, willing his sibling (probably) to go away. Not because he didn't miss him, but simply because he was comfortable in bed. So was Cookie, who'd gotten comfortable on his chest.
He admires his new furry friend, spotted with brown "chocolate chips" that inspired ber new more appropriate name. Alfonse or Elias better have have something worth moving the cat and getting up for.
He sighs and forces himself towards the noise of possibly the third or fourth round of knocks and bell rings.
"Why are you so persistent?" Klaus rolls his eyes.
"I missed you too, Klaus." Elias pushes past his older brother, tentatively followed by a giggly Alfonse.
Klaus glares at his older brother, scaring him into giving a better performance of totally not finding this funny.
Alfonse isn't very good at this role.
"W-when did you get a cat?" As confused as Elias is, that doesn't stop him from pulling the furball into his arms.
"Today. I also didn't get it; it sort of forced itself onto me, really." He shrugs.
"Explains a lot" The youngest retorts sarcastically but moves on nonetheless, practically adopting Cookie for the time being.
7:36 PM
"I told you I won't forget; now leave!"
"Okay, okay, you're so pushy, jeez."
Klaus practically shoves his younger brothers out the door.
"See you later; have a safe ride home; bye!" Door slam.
Klaus sigh, resting his back on the front door.
Cookie curiously approaches him, meowing in the process, earning herself a smile from the tall blond.
She rubs her head against his legs, so Klaus gives in and pulls her into his arms. "You're such a lil manipulator, y'know that?"
Klaus takes his new companion and goes back to his room.
9:49 PM
Cookie buries her face in the crook of a sleeping Klaus's neck, not very keen on making sure he doesn't wake up.
Alas, the blond was too far gone to be woken up by the furball.
After all, he'd had a pretty long day.
And even though he'd swear to never be able to sleep except in complete darkness, Klaus was now in deep sleep while the light from the tv screen illuminates his sharp features.
Well, not like that was the only out of character thing to happen today, huh?
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avisteliterature · 2 years
A Good Dream
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Alfonse (Fire Emblem) x Reader)
RATING: General
GENRES: Hurt/ Comfort/ Fluff
SUMMARY: Sometimes it feels like your time in Askr is a dream. Alfonse tries to prove to you that it isn't.
Alfonse's footsteps echo in the empty hallway as he heads towards the mess hall to sneak in a quick late night snack. The moment he goes through the doors, he finds a figure clad in darkness sitting at the table closest to him. Not having expected to find anybody here, his thoughts immediately go towards ridiculous conclusions like the one before him is a ghost or something, and he yelps out of instinct.
The figure jumps at the sound of his voice, letting out a short scream of their own. It's only then that Alfonse recognizes the one before him as none other than you, and he places a hand over his chest to calm his racing heart. "You scared me!" He accuses.
"I scared you?! You're the one that suddenly screamed behind me without warning!" you shoot back, equally accusatory.
You stare at one another in silence as you process the situation before huffing and shaking your heads in fond exasperation at both of your unbecoming behaviour. The two of you are a bit more meek now that your fears have subsided, and you both utter out a small but sincere apology to each other. Alfonse glances behind you, finding a small candle placed atop the table beside a mug of what he can only assume to be your preferred drink of choice.
You follow his gaze, note what he's staring at, and then bring your attention back to him. "Do you want some?"
"I can make my own," he answers, but you stop him before he could leave to fix himself a mug.
"Allow me," you insist, and Alfonse has no choice but to relent.
You hum, seemingly satisfied, and you leave him alone for a moment. The prince decides to take a seat and waits for you to return. You had taken your own mug with you, he belatedly notes. He idly wonders to himself if perhaps you had just finished up, in which case, he was probably holding you up. He hears footsteps approaching, prompting him to look up and finds you walking towards him with two mugs in hand. Apparently you had gone to refill yours while you were at it.
"Thanks," he offers his gratitude and accepts the drink. The two of you sit together in silence for a moment, taking occasional sips from your respective mugs before Alfonse decides to break that peace with a concerned question. "Is there something keeping you up?"
You offer a distracted hum. "Mm, I guess." You don't provide any further explanation or insight and instead change the focus to him instead. "Why are you still up?"
Alfonse sighs. "I wanted to get some more training in for the day. I feel as though I'm falling behind the more recently summoned Heroes."
"I promise you, Alfonse, that isn't true at all." You're quick to jump in and offer your thoughts on the matter. "You've been working really hard. I can see that—anybody with eyes can see that—and your efforts show in your accomplishments both on and off the battlefield. You become even more fine of a prince with each passing day."
"I-I, uh... thanks..." He's grateful that the mess hall is so dark. At least this way, you won't be able to see his bashful smile, accompanied by an embarrassed blush that reaches the tip of his ears. He doesn't know if you're truly sincere in your compliments or merely saying what he wants to hear in an attempt to comfort him, but he can't deny that your words made his heart leap in his chest.
Silence stretches over the two of you once again, the atmosphere a bit more awkward than before. The Askran prince glances over towards you. You seem to be staring intently at your half-empty mug. He wants to ask you about what's on your mind, but he knows that you won't share so easily. He knows how difficult it is for you to open up to him, and there's nothing he can do except patiently wait for you for whenever you were ready to share.
To his surprise, you actually speak up and lay out the worries in your heart. "I was remembering my home."
"Do you miss it?" He asks.
You shake your head. "Not really, no," you answer without missing a beat.
A sense of guilt and shame washes over Alfonse when he finds himself relieved at your response. He already understands that you have your own circumstances for not wanting to go back home, and although it's a pitiful kind of sentiment, he can't help but feel kind of happy over it. It would mean that you would be less likely to go back home and leave him alone in Askr, but he knows that such thoughts would be considered greedy and selfish, so he never voices them out loud.
"..." You fall quiet once again. You gather your thoughts one by one before slowly explaining yourself, your gaze not once leaving the mug in your hands. "Sometimes, I wonder if this is all a dream. Like, if I'm really here, or if all of this is really happening. Sometimes, when I go to sleep, I'm scared that when I open my eyes again, I'll wake up in my old bed and go back to the life I had before coming here to Askr."
You stop talking after that, allowing him a moment to let your words sink in. The moment they do, he reaches out to hold your hand, prompting you to look up at him with inquisitive eyes. "How does my hand feel to you?"
You bring your gaze down to the hand over yours. "It... feels warm..." you answer with a tinge of embarrassment.
"Then it's proof that you're here. That warmth is proof that this—" Alfonse squeezes your hand to emphasize his point, "—is real." Without even realizing it, he ends up leaning closer towards you. "This is real..." he repeats, bringing his voice down to a whisper, making what he says seem far more intimate. "...If it wasn't, then I would have been dreaming a very good dream ever since you came here."
Your breath catches in your throat, and you can't find the words to respond. Your cheeks become pink, and you avert your gaze. Even though Alfonse shouldn't be able to see your expression well because of the dark (the candle does little to light the scene), you still feel compelled to hide your face.
"Does this feel like a dream to you?" Alfonse questions.
You hesitate, still trying to collect yourself. "Sometimes, yes... but... as you said, it is a very good dream... and I wouldn't mind living in it for longer..."
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constellection · 2 years
Alfonse // Bruno starter ; @emblabarrocks
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it wasn't fair. it seemed like fate always seemed to bring the young prince of askr back towards bruno, only to rip them further apart than where they started. so much had happened in such a small period of time, but with the war between askr and embla subsiding, alfonse truly had time to reflect. to grieve. to properly miss bruno.
sitting in a quiet grove by himself while sharena was off having tea with veronica, alfonse was left alone with his thoughts. how cruel the fates were. he was so close to finally having bruno back...to being good friends with him. and yet...
his momentatious sorrow was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps behind him. they were quiet, and relatively slow, but easy to detect walking towards him. he softly turned his head to see who it was. surprisingly, it was the very man he sought for ; he who he longed to see again. alfonse knew the summoner had a way of bringing dearly departed heroes back, but...
"Bruno?" he asked, voice scared to hope. scared to get close again. scared to lose him again.
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voiceoftheabstracts · 3 months
Alfonse/Líf, Fjorm, Laegjarn, and The Serpent Trio are 100% bisexual. No explaination needed
Freyja is canonically the Goddess of Love in one of her quotes, so there's that
Sharena is probably a panromantic asexual, the idea of this little blob of friendliness having any sexual thought doesn't really sit right in an obvious way
Commander Anna is only attracted to gold
Veronica/Thrasir gives off heavy sapphic vibes (Further backed up by Veronica's Bride Alt) so maybe bisexual but prefers girls
Thanks to that one fanartist who ships EirFjorm. I now believe in Eir being sapphic
Peony and Mirabillis probably haven't been taught about the birds and the bees yet
Triandra and Plumeria are asexual, they want cute fluff over nasty smut
Reginn and Dagr are 100% sapphic while rest of the Book 5 cast are as straight as a line
Heiðr is innocent incarnate so she's in the same waiting room as Peony and Mirabillis
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"marry me."
"did you think i'd marry you without a ring?" kiran teases. [alfonse/kiran]
content tags: pure sickening fluff and a proposal lol
notes: was in the mood for something short and fluffy as a break from all the longer oneshots i keep trying to write
alfonse looks up from the open notebook on kiran's lap at the woman herself, drawing his knees closer to his chest.
her smile, bright and cheerful, when she asks his opinion and the way she animatedly dissects the dresses she and his sister were looking over this morning for the annual wedding brawl festival—the same one commander anna attempted to win in order to sell its winning prize the first year—makes it easy for his mind to start wandering to thoughts he shouldn't be vocalizing.
and to that the fact that he hasn't seen her in a while, because of the duties that keep piling up on both their plates, and what happens next is no surprise.
the thoughts—all following a similar line of reasoning about how desperately he wants to go back to when they were younger and he could monopolize her time at odd times without much trouble, without fear of scandal or leftover paperwork—condense into only two words, which slip out of his mouth by accident. and they come out as a soft whisper that his lover would ordinarily overlook in the midst of her cute babbling, though lady luck does not side with him today.
dark brown eyes, once fixated on the rough sketches of various wedding dresses, lock onto his blue ones. their (beautiful) owner tucks a strand of similarly-colored hair behind her ears, leaving her hand there, and smiles something that can barely be called a smile—a twitch of her lips that seems to be at odds with the embarrassment and concern that makes her eyes shine.
"did you say something?" she asks, allowing her hand to slip out of her long hair. it comes to rest neatly on her lap, rather than the page it once rested on. "i didn't catch that."
in the midst of battling his own concern—well aware what a momentous occasion it is that the woman who spent her teen years pretending she didn't want to marry anyone is entrusting him with actual, tangible thoughts about her dream wedding, beyond who the groom will be and how his sister is definitely going to cry—the words stupidly slip out of his lips once more.
"marry me."
the corner of the page she was in the middle of turning slips between her fingers, and the page falls back into place. surprise makes her lips part and her eyes widen—makes her drag her other hand onto her lap too and clasp the two together as she looks down.
if you want to.
his short-circuiting brain lacks the means to differentiate between a thought and something spoken out loud at first—and when it calms down, recognizing what happened, his throat lacks the means to free the words caught there.
but then she looks up and her expression changes.
narrowed eyes and a soft smile; that alone is enough to relax the weight bearing down on his shoulder.
"i can't do that," she says, closing her book.
the weight comes back, in the different form, as a heavy stone in his stomach, even as the more rational part of him understands that her words are only a set up for some punchline—probably about how they've been lovers for only a few months. though in his defense, he's been in love with her for years now.
his gloved hand grasps onto the mess on the bed that is her beloved blanket and pulls it closer to him, as though it'll bring him some measure of comfort.
his blue eyes don't leave her form for a single moment.
she swings her legs to the right, scooting closer to him. her hand comes to rest on his cheek and for a moment, when he sees her loving expression, he forgets everything.
which explains why, only a second later, he feels so betrayed when she pinches his cheek hard.
"did you think i'd marry you without a ring?" kiran teases. she's laughing as she presses a kiss to his cheek, in the exact spot where she pinched it. "it's like you're expecting me to do all the work."
alfonse performs his part admirably, rubbing his cheek once to start an attempt to let her know how deeply her betrayal cut. when it comes time to pout and glare, his lips mistake the order for a smile, and his eyes, for a loving gaze.
he exhales through his nose, rolling his eyes fondly at the (very beautiful) woman smiling brightly at him.
"but you'll marry me if i give you the ring, right?" he asks, as if he doesn't already know the answer from the way she takes his hand in hers.
she laughs, in a way that, despite his reading habits, he can only describe as prettily.
"of course, that part was never in question," kiran tells him, punctuating the end of her sentence by resting her head on his shoulder. "so make sure you find one soon, 'kay?"
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dentos-wife · 1 year
Day 2: Relationships
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Art by @/RitDelba on Twitter
Day 1: Introductions here
When Alfonse tells Jane not to befriend the heroes she summons, she does the opposite because she no longer wants to listen to anyone. Most of the time it's fine and she gets along with mostly everyone; there is the occasional person she doesn't but it's nothing bad. Until she summons Grima and goes through hell trying to get him to listen to her; partially because she's stubborn and partially because everyone told her to send him home he's too dangerous. And she wanted to prove them wrong.
Let's talk about the ones in this image here:
Grima: Becomes Jane's special partner but the start was rough, her snarky attitude pissed him off and she taunted him to do his worst. Once he found a loophole in the summoners contract, the summoner is only protected physically not mentally he tried to break her spirit in various ways. After finding out her hidden hatred of humanity in one of his cruel attempts became curious about her and the two came to an understanding. He's like her shadow always there, even if it's a meeting he can't be a part of.
Leo: Jane's first summoned hero and her advisor. She doesn't listen to his advice most of the time however. It's his job to keep her in line and prevent her from getting into too much trouble. Enjoys being in charge for it allows him to step outside of Xander's shadow a bit. Sees Jane like another sister and butts heads with Grima and his "ideas" often.
Corrin: Jane's best friend in the new world, always willing to lend a hand. Full of trust. It's her heart and kindness that prevents Jane from going too far and saves the team from a lot of trouble. Also sees the summoner like a sibling, a sibling from another world. Really wants to befriend Grima and might be making progress with the Fell Dragon the more they interact as a team.
Azura: Quiet and reflective usually is the one to deal with the messes the group gets into. Her song can both calm and invigorate. Really interested in music from Jane's world and fascinated with the different styles. Once she learns of Jane's hidden secrets she is able to understand having secrets of her own about Valla.
And some others not in the image
Alfonse: Great friends with Jane but exasperated with her tactics of act first think later. Despite this he still trusts her with his life. Once he discovered she does the opposite of what he asks often he plays mind games with her and asks her to do what he doesn't want knowing she'll do the opposite. He has a 50/50 success rate of this tactic.
Plumeria: Someone agrees humans are disgusting? As a sex repulsed asexual Jane feels awful for Plumeria having to do that job because she sure couldn't do it. They're able to bond over this. With Askr Plumeria is slowly able to stop the job she hates and gives fluff instead of smut. Gains the nickname the Sugar Plum Fairy with her new purely romantic dreams.
Eir: Is the one to convince Grima and Jane to take over Hel so it has a ruler while she rebuilds Ymir her true home. Considers the order to be her new home. Gets really into magic girls after learning about them from Jane
Robin: Jane's tactics teacher; the only reason she does more than running headfirst at the enemy. Used to wake her up for her tactics lesson with a bucket of cold ice water, because she refused to wake up early but stopped once Grima moved in. Originally not very happy about the summoning of the Fell Dragon but over time the two are like twin brothers, and they fight over who is older.
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Intermission I: Festival
Occasionally in my stories there will be chapters called intermissions, where the focus will be on interactions between characters and are used to move the story along, as to not linger too long at a certain point. As a rule, intermissions hold no plot points, but that doesn't mean that the points brought up won't be touched upon later. Essentially, these can be seen as filler. Intermissions are formatted like headcanons for the sake of efficiency.
Hilda x Marianne ship hinted at
Childe and Tartaglia used interchangeably
Not proofread
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• Once Xinyan started playing, everyone was in awe. You had tried to explain rock to them before but could never find the right words, and it was made abundantly clear why from this performance.
• Hu Tao spent a great deal of time listening to Mercedes's ghost stories, enamored by the feeling of a chill running down her spine from words alone.
• Xiangling was having the time of her life. Not only was Raphael willing to taste test almost anything, but Dedue was more than willing to share some Duscur recipes.
• Ashe and Xingqiu hit it off almost immediately. How could they not while they both hold a burning passion for literature, chivalry, and justice? They've both commented on how the other seems like a hero from a story they read, one of noble birth and one of humble origins.
• You already know but I'm going to say it anyway. Felix and Childe got into a fight. It was actually closer than you'd think, Childe still won but he was so impressed that someone without a vision could do so well against him. Offered to be Felix's sparring partner again in the future.
• Beidou, Catherine, Jeralt, and Alois are now drinking buddies.
• You shared your reward money with the others, not having much use for the sheer amount and also knowing you wouldn't regret it as Ningguang has already discussed a meeting schedule with Alfonse and Sharena to discuss a currency exchange rate.
• Dorothea, Manuela, and Yun Jin discuss how operas of their respective worlds differ, the two divas hoping to give the current opera singer any pointers they can. She likely doesn't need any, but she's so curious that she wouldn't say that out loud.
• Hilda, finally having some mora thanks to you, decided to try on some fancy Liyue dresses, and Hilda's fashion choice combined with Liyue's style of clothing left Marianne a blushing, stuttering mess.
• Ferdinand was enthralled by Teyvat's many weapons. Even just the polearms had a variety of designs and it sparked his collector's flame, and when he heard some people had signature weapons unique to them, without being sacred artifacts or heirlooms, he wanted to explore all of Teyvat at that point just to see these weapons.
• Seteth, Flayn, and Rhea were interested in Liyue's religion and history, but not wanting a glorified children's tale they asked around and were led to Ganyu, who was surprised but thrilled that someone outside of Liyue's devoted was so interested in its history to the point of wanting the facts without the fluff.
• If you thought Shamir and Yelan would get along, you were wrong. They don't hate each other, but Yelan can't stand how blunt and work focused Shamir is. It's more of a one-sided thing as Shamir actually doesn't mind Yelan's "outgoing" attitude. (I had to close the game because I was not expecting this woman to whisper in my/Aether's ear during the last Lantern Rite event.) However, they both have mutual respect for each other's efficiency. Their interaction was brief, so they didn't really get to know each other.
• Dimitri, Edelgard, and Yuri wished not to offend any Liyue citizens and to not be cheated like the tourists they are, leading them to Yanfei, who was more than willing to teach someone about Liyue's laws and how to avoid scam artists.
• Claude wants to learn about Liyue's culture. Being the idealist that he is, he hopes it'll help him find a way to convince Almyra and Fodlan to stop fighting. This leads him to ask around, starting conversations with countless familiar faces.
• The two Byleths were keen to bring Sothis to a food stall, as the goddess has only recently attained a physical form thanks to being summoned. The two were met with a fist to the gut each after commenting on how cute she looked while eating.
• Arval, being in a similar position as Sothis, is also accompanied by the two Shez's. However, they seem more interested in physical activity like dancing or making their own lantern.
• Hubert, while keeping an eye on Edelgard from the shadows, was scared half to death when he realized he was being watched by a masked spearman. While their face was covered, he could feel a glare that threatened to pierce his entire being. Truly, none can escape the eye of The Vigilant Yaksha.
• Lorenz could be found trading poems with Xingqiu or Hu Tao.
• Jeritza was accompanying Mercedes and was practically being harassed by Tartaglia's requests to spar after hearing about him from Felix.
• The Traveler and Paimon met Constance and Hapi. They were kind of put off by Hapi's seemingly uncaring tone, but it was cute how her tone would shift when talking about her Coco. Constance was bosting about house Nuvelle as usual. When the two groups parted, Paimon couldn't help but comment on how familiar Constance's behavior was, but she couldn't explain why.
• Ingrid had lost sight of Sylvain, and when she found him, he was talking to Shenhe. Assuming the usual was taking place, she grabs Sylvain by the ear, apologizes, and drags him off, leaving Shenhe confused, as they were just talking about flowers.
• Monica is attached to Edelgard at the hip, constantly trying to get her to wear some accessories she thought would look nice on her.
• Bernadetta, still on the boat, decides to paint the harbor as the lanterns lit up the city enough for her to see it, and her window gave her the perfect view.
• Linhardt tried getting books from Wanwen bookhouse, but he couldn't tell fact from fiction, as in he couldn't read Teyvat's writing. Due to language not being a topic of interest for him, he gives up.
• Caspar and Ignatz had left the city. Caspar had too much energy to stay in the harbor, and Ignatz wanted to paint Liyue from a good angle. Both had a chance encounter with Kazuha, who complimented their respective qualities.
• Balthus had told everyone about Genius Invokation and suggested it to them as well
If someone is absent from this, it means I couldn't think of anything involving them. My knowledge of certain characters is limited( I had to dig for Lorenz's poetry bit. ). Also, I know Yelan isn't really like that, but I put that in because I thought it might get a chuckle out of some people.
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stellamarium · 1 year
Love and Affection
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RATING: General
SUMMARY: Alfonse and Lunaliya reaffirm their feelings for one another.
Lunaliya kept her arms wrapped around Alfonse's frame as she nuzzled her cheek against his chest. He was so incredibly comforting to be around, and she couldn't help but remind him, "I love you so much, Alfonse..."
The prince smiled warmly in response, more than happy to return her embrace and affection. He kissed the crown of her head and felt her melt further into him, prompting the young man to chuckle softly underneath his breath. She was adorable like this. Everything she did made his heart swell, and every time she reacted to his affections, he found himself feeling all sorts of giddy, butterflies dancing in the pit of his stomach.
"I love you too, Liya."
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ippeunypen · 2 years
jaywon filo au
jaden is paired up with rising star alfonse for his first bl movie. will he let himself do the one thing he swore he'd never do and finally fall in love?
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—romance, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst
—may contain foul language and triggering themes; will put warnings as needed
—timestamps aren't important unless stated otherwise
—this is a work of FICTION!!
—character portrayals and situations in the story do not reflect reality (neither the idols' nor the author's)
—not affiliated to any establishments/organizations that may be mentioned
—photos and videos are not mine unless stated otherwise
—if you find similarities to other content, it is purely coincidental
☁️main characters
✨jaden "jade" calderon (yjw) :: 23, actor & model
✨alfonse "fonzi" laqui (pjs) :: 24, lead guitarist & actor
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+ziggy isidro (ksn) :: 23, singer
+qier guiang (nrk) :: 23, model
+light diaz (lhs) :: 25, vocalist, rhythm guitarist
+pierre hidalgo (sjy) :: 24, drummer
+basti punzalan (psh) :: 24, bassist
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leavaloo · 4 years
The Moon’s Kiss [Alfonse x F!Summoner; FEH fluff]
So I always tend to get inspired when I read anything Lif or Alfonse related by @pokemagines because they portray the beans so well, and I wanted a little bit of a break from Pokemon, so take it. Alfonse can have my entire life and I’d be okay with that.
The castle was always eerily quiet at night. With so many heroes wandering about, talking, sparring, sometimes yelling, the quiet seemed out of place. It was always a culture shock to Alfonse, but in a way he preferred it. There was no one here to see him when he was crestfallen or pondering.
His room was a good place to go, yes, but one can only do so much thinking in the confines of their own prison. So the night air wafting through the halls was always a much needed relief when he found that he couldn’t sleep. He could smell the scent of the various flowers drifting through the air, and the night brought just enough chill to counteract the growing summer heat. Without his armor, he found himself moving about the halls silently; a habit he had picked up from sneaking about from kitchen to room.
He smiled. Sharena was doubtless to remember those nights, what with him snagging some bread for them to share on the quiet hills near the castle. Sneaking back was more of an issue than getting there, but getting caught didn’t do much for a deterrent. There was more punishment for him since he was older, but the smile and happy giggles from his sister always counteracted those.
Alfonse made his way towards one of the many balconies around the castle, more towards his room. The night air felt silky smooth, and he wondered if he was allowed to sleep in the grass tonight. As he rounded the corner, he found that tonight he wouldn’t be alone in his night adventure.
He had seen you without your cloak multiple times, but something about you tonight was just... striking. His summoner, in her nightgown and leaning over the ledge of the balcony, the moon kissing her skin and the wind through her hair. You were never one to express too much; your smile now said otherwise. Eyes drifting lazily over the countryside, your cheek resting on your arm... you looked like you belonged in a painting. Somehow, Alfonse didn’t feel like he deserved to see you in such a light.
He didn’t realize that he was staring at you, leaning against a pillar next to the balconies. Nor did he realize the small smile he had on his face. Alfonse always found himself becoming more casual around you. Him leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed was not something he would have done in the presence of others. His navy blue night shirt and brown trousers shifted slightly in the breeze. That breeze wafted your hair, and when you went to fix it, you saw him out of the corner of your eye.
“Oh! Alfonse! I didn’t see you there!” Damn it, there was that smile again. Alfonse had studied you on countless different occasions, how you interacted with everyone. And he realized that this big smile of yours when you saw him was reserved for him only. You popped up on the balcony, straightening your posture and giving him a big grin. Alfonse thought he could see a slight blush, but he disregarded it as a play of the light.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His smile didn’t leave. It never really left around you to begin with.
“Oh no, I was just surprised is all. Usually you’re so loud!”
“It’s the armor.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wow, I could have never guessed.”
Alfonse chucked, ignoring his fast heart beat and moving to the balcony next to you. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Aren’t you usually studying during this hour?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you retorted. You sighed, leaning once more. “I figured that when I was about ready to claw my eyes out that it was probably a good time to take a break. And lucky me, I picked the perfect time.” You looked over at him and winked. While he, externally, just chuckled, inside he was screaming very loudly. “What are you doing up?”
Alfonse shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Insomnia again?”
He nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, it makes it worse that I can’t stop thinking.”
“About what?”
About you, he wanted to say, but he held that side of him back. “About our recent events. How crazy things have been, and how none of it seems to really stop. Kind of like how my brain just... doesn’t stop.”
He felt a hand on top of his head, and he looked over to see you patting the top of it. He couldn’t help but laugh at your goofy grin. “You don’t have to go through this alone, you know that right?”
There you go again, he thought. Somehow, you always did the silliest actions when you gave the most needed advice. “I know. I’m getting better at it.”
“I can see that. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself now. It’s not fun to see you in pain.” You pulled your hand away, and Alfonse could clearly see the scars on your arms. The sight of him made his heart hurt. All those times you ended up getting hurt in battle. It was just a reminder that those were all times that he couldn’t protect you.
“It’s not fun seeing you in pain either.” He allowed himself a small touch to your arm, the back of his fingers tracing over a fairly gnarly scar. If he remembered correctly, that was from a jagged and rusted hand axe some enemy militia has picked up. The scar was rough and weathered; while it had healed as best as it could, there was still an obvious dip in your skin where the flesh has been cut from. “Perhaps you could do me a favor and let me protect you more in battle?”
He didn’t think it came off as a very loving statement, but the hitch in your breath and the blush on your cheeks said otherwise. You looked away from his eyes, your grin turning bashful. His stomach erupted into thousands of butterflies. He’d never seen this side of you before, and he wanted to see more of it.
“M-Maybe... You still need to lead a bunch of people though, right? How are you going to lead them if you’re protecting me all the time?”
“I can easily lead by your side.” What kind of Hel infested demon was taking over his brain? Alfonse didn’t even know he could have this side of him. It was weird, but to be honest, he dug it.
You wouldn’t meet his eyes now, your face as red as a cherry. Alfonse couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him, his fingers still brushing your skin. “You look like you’re about to pop.”
You reached peak cuteness when you hid your face in your hands. Alfonse laughed, pulling away as to not make you overly uncomfortable. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to be so callous.”
You shook your head, dropping your hands but still not looking him in the eye. Alfonse, now that he had learned that other summoners existed, vowed to let all the worlds know that he had the cutest one. You took a deep breath, but your little bashful smile was still there. “I-It’s okay! I’m just... not used to that yet.”
“Maybe I could help change that?” Alfonse bit the inside of his lip, internally cursing for the shameless flirting that his brain insisted he continue. But you looked up at him, finally, the twinkle in your eyes against the light of the moon luring him into a trance once more. Now, it was your turn to retort. Alfonse gulped heavily as you walked up to him, centimeters away from his face. You were a slight bit shorter than he was, but that didn’t mean your presence was any less mesmerizing. You always smelt like freshly baked goods, and being this close to you made him wish that he could hold you every night.
“Maybe... I’d be okay with that. Especially if I get more nights like this.”
Alfonse found his hand running up and down your arm, the smoothness counteracted by the rough scars. He smiled, taking in the light of your eyes. “I’d agree, my dear. But I believe we’d need to keep it quiet for a little bit.” He could feel your breath on his skin, and he just wished he could connect. Your hand rested on his chest, and Alfonse pulled you in closer. He couldn’t resist you anymore. Your body rose when he kissed your lips, and with nothing but the wind and the humming of crickets to watch, he found himself melting.
How long had he wanted this? This embrace with you? Far too long. Months? Years? The silence was intoxicating, the rushing of his heartbeat ringing through to your hand on his chest. He didn’t want to break the kiss, as simple as it was. Nothing extravagant in it, just a loving connection. His eyes fluttered open when you two parted. You pulling away was the worst thing in the world for him; he wanted nothing more than to steal you away to his room. In a way, he felt so naive and small. Kissing someone like this was very new to him, and slightly terrifying in a way. You played with a his hair for a little bit, the strands that had started to meet his neck.
“Good night, Alfonse. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
You laughed, giving him one big hug before you practically skipped off to your room. There was something that Lif had said that Alfonse was reminded of in that moment. A King and his summoner shall always be bound. Alfonse didn’t think that he meant in this way, but as he wandered off to his room, he found himself fairly giddy at the prospect of what that meant. Alfonse finally got the first good night sleep he had gotten in a while, and it was all worth it to see the immediate blush on your face in the morning.
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Up for some Alfonse? I saw you wrote that you couldn't find any more in your archive, so I'm here to help! How about he finds Kiran passed out due to exhaustion? I doubt she gets much sleep anyways, what with welcoming all the new heroes, commanding the battlefield, studying tactics, and all that jazz.
(It's been ages since I've done some Alfonse fluff! Enjoy ;; U ;; )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep. Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about. Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner? Why was she asleep? Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent. The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets. With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you. Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in. He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes. Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed. “Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
“Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed. He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks. His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one. You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Keep me close. (Alfonse Goldstein x Reader *AU*)
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Requested: 44. “You’ve always felt like home.” + 92. “You make me happy.” from this prompt list.
A/N: So I don’t normally write this type of thing because I don’t believe in such concept but this is fiction and that’s what I felt like writing so..🤷‍♀️
Genre: Fluff.
(Second person point of view)
It wasn’t as hard as you’d expected. Once everyone was asleep, it was fairly easy to sneak out the window, backpack clinging to your back.
The one-story building was almost as ancient as the pyramids, you were sure. It’s not that the orphanage was disgusting, built upon poverty and cruelty, or any of the stereotypes; it was fine. Just fine. That was it. 
So, sure, you didn’t hate anyone, you weren’t escaping anyone, nor were you tired of harsh treatment. However, you surely wouldn’t miss it either because as you stood there, staring at the walls of your home of 17 years, you didn’t feel anything. As you slowly remembered each and every face asleep inside, you didn’t feel bad leaving them behind. You felt no hatred, no love- nothing.
On the other hand, a ray of sunshine were to warm up your chest with just one smile, and that was the reason you chose to follow him wherever he wanted to go.
Giddy at the thought of him, you turned your back to all you ever knew and marched towards the meeting spot- towards a new beginning.
“Oh god, I was scared you wouldn’t show up.” The second he noticed you approaching him, he was quick to embrace you in a tight, desperate hug. “I thought you might’ve changed your mind..”
You buried your head further in his chest, “I told you I’m coming, so I am. I just had to make sure no one was awake first. If I were to get caught, I would’ve been under supervision for the next ten years.” you chuckled.
After releasing you, he gave a dreamy smile, one that made you sure he was trying to believe this was actually happening. Blushing, you dropped your gaze to the ground. 
“How about you? How easy was it to sneak out?” You asked while you both began walking towards the train station, hand in hand. Each of you carried only the necessities, which to you was extremely easy since you only owned the necessities, but you wondered how hard was it for Alfonse to leave behind most of his items and walk out with merely a backpack.
“Disturbingly easy. It was like they wanted me to leave.” A cloud of gloom overcame the excitement that filled the air just moments ago. You regretted asking, but Alfonse being Alfonse, he immediately put up a smile to cover up the sudden sadness that fell upon you. “It’s better that way; I would feel bad if they were to miss me.” 
Unfortunately, that only made you feel worse. “We don’t have to leave if you don’t want to, Alfonse. Maybe if you try to talk to them-”
He cut you off, resolution gleaming in his eyes, “No, I won’t give up on my dream just to be ‘worthy of the Goldstein name’; I won’t back down.” He squeezed your hand in a reasssuring manner, “Plus, if I have you then that’s all I need.” This time, his smile was genuine.
You returned the smile, and for a while, no one said anything, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was like you were both trying to make sense of the situation. You were finally free to explore the world with your bestfriend; he was finally free to practice medicine and help out the poor without worrying about his family name and all the pressure that came with it. 
It felt quite off calling him your bestfriend, but you weren’t sure what else to call him. For a while now, it was obvious you two had feelings for each other, but neither of you had taken any steps forward to address the situation, and now you guys might end up living in the same apartment, which strangely felt like moving in with your boyfriend, but no, he just had to be the confusing dude he was. You sighed.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” Concern filled the gorgeous pearls that stare down at you with every ounce of care manageable. That was one of the things you loved about Alfonse; you could sneeze, and he would rush with an ambulance to make sure you were doing well.
“What? Oh, it’s nothing; nevermind.” You knew it wasn’t the best time to confront him about this; you really didn’t wanna spend the next god knows how long in extreme awkwardness mode.
He didn’t push it.
“God, I’m so excited!” You squeal, looking out the train window. It hadn’t moved an inch yet, but you couldn’t contain the feeling of absolute, pure joy running in your veins. You could practically feel your heart dance with happiness. 
You turned to look at Alfonse, who had just shut the doors to your stall. Even though Alfonse was generally hard to read, you could tell he was also as excited as you were; his smile gave it all away. When his eyes crinkled into the tiniest crescents and you could no longer feel the distant, lonesome air he usually has around him, you knew he was truly happy. 
Your cheeks heated up, but you couldn’t quite tell why. Was it the fact that his smile was directed at you not the view outside? Or was it just the fact that you could finally see his face under good lighting for the first time tonight, and he was utterly, truly beautiful? Maybe it was all the above.
“You make me happy; you know that?” He sighed, giving the implication that he’d been trying to get that sentence out for a bit longer than you’d expect.
You let out a few incomprehensible noises before uttering the very intelligent sentence you finally came up with, “What?”
He laughed. “What do you mean what? I just said you make me happy. like truly happy. I feel the most comfortable around you; I feel like I can be myself with you.” 
You didn’t know if you should thank him, kiss him, cry, or all three, but in the end, you went with the option that would creep him out the least. “Thank you; it means a lot to me, especially that I feel the same towards you.” You did your best not to show how embarrassed you really were and hoped he wouldn’t notice.
A few hours into the ride, you forgot about the excited puppy persona you’d slipped into upon getting on the train. Now, you each took up a couch, neither of you forgetting a small, personal blanket to shield you from the coldness of the night. 
You peeled your eyes off the glass window, taking a risky peek at the blond boy curled up on the seats opposite to yours. His breath heavy yet steady, you watched as his chest rose and fell, giving you confirmation he was too far into dreamland to worry about you admiring his peaceful face. Sleeping was one of the rare times you could see Alfonse’s completely worry-free face, and it never failed to convey a feeling of tranquility within you as well.
It felt like reality was settling itself into place, etching its presence into your mind. The stillness of everything - excluding the trees and utility poles rushing across the window -  seemed to give you a chance to take it all in. You were chasing after freedom with Alfonse. 
“Are you starting to miss home?” You flinched lightly, not expecting to hear his voice so soon. 
You could tell he was worried he’d pressured you into this, but you knew damn well this was what you wanted too. “What home?” You chuckled, “My home is right here by your side. You always felt like home. So, no, I’m not missing home; he only fell asleep for about..” You checked your nonexistent wrist-watch, “30 minutes.”
Alfonse gave you that heart-warming, world-peace-bringing, poverty-ending, pandas-saving laugh of his. Oh dear god, is this what heaven is like?
“Your home is a little cold actually; mind turning the heat up a little bit?” He teased.
“Well, maybe my home should’ve brought a jacket, but sure.” You took your blanket and forced Alfonse to make space for you next to him. Before he could ask what you were doing, you adjusted your blankets so both would wrap around the two of you, bringing yourself closer to him. Needlessly, you snaked your arms around his waist and rested your head on his chest. “Warmer?” You could feel his heart beat quicken, and you were sure the blond was blushing by now, but you continued to play dumb.
“Mhmm.” He hummed.
“What was that?” Your intention was to tease him a little more, but once you sat up and looked at him, he connected your lips in a soft kiss. The kiss was just the way you’d imagined, except a thousand times better. His movements were subtle and gentle, yet they left you needing more. 
“Warmer.” He smirked. It was a rare view to see him smirk, but it put your guts in twists and knots; without thinking, you pushed your lips against his once more, taking lead this time.
His hand traced its way up from the side of your neck to rest behind your ear, fingers entangled in your hair. Your hands remained clutching his shirt as if letting go would cause him to disappear.
“Took you long enough, man.” You smack the back of his head.
“Ow! It’s because of how romantic you are that I couldn’t tell how you felt towards me!”
“Hey, I can be romantic; I just hugged you and kissed you!”
“You also just hit me and called me man.”
“Well, I’m being a bestfriend and a girlfriend; it’s called multitasking!”
He stared for a few seconds, amusement and disbelief written across his face, before bursting into laughter, immediately causing you to join.
“You’re not wrong. Love how you just promoted yourself to girlfriend, by the way.” He grinned.
Realization sent waves of heat to your face, “Time to go to bed!” You announced to divert the attention from your earlier statement, attempting to walk back to the seats facing his.
“As you like.” He grabbed your waist, forcing you back next to him, and lied down with you in his arms. “Good night, girlfriend.”
“Alfonse! Alfonse!” You tried to wriggle your way out of his embrace, but his frim grasp was inescapable.
“Already asleep.” He stated, eyes closed.
“Ha Ha, very funny. Let me go!” 
This time, he just pulled you closer, not saying a word, but he was doing his best not to grin. That little idiot.
You finally gave up and allowed yourself to enjoy the warmth of his body; you pulled the blankets on top of you both and tried to drift off to sleep.
And for once, you had reason to look forward to the next time the sun rises. For once, you had hopes and plans for the future. And you could barely wait.
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avisteliterature · 2 years
Adoring Care
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Alfonse (Fire Emblem) x Reader
GENRES: Fluff/ Hurt/ Comfort
SUMMARY: You accidentally cut yourself with a knife while cooking, and Alfonse is concerned over your injury.
You hiss sharply, your brows knitting together as you immediately set the knife down. You're quick to wash the fresh wound and retrieve a clean rag to press against your finger. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but it's still more than enough to make you wince in discomfort. You shift your weight to one foot, lamenting your luck.
"Ah, Summoner—!" While they might not have seen, the other Heroes in charge of kitchen duty can easily surmise what happened, judging by your state and rush over to your side. "We'll take over things from here. Please go and rest and continue to apply pressure."
Although a bit disgruntled and embarrassed at having bothered the others by your blunder, you graciously take them up on their kind offer and leave the kitchen to not get in the way. You've barely taken a step forward when Alfonse calls your name, coming down from the halls to check up on you and greet you. His eyes fall upon the rag you're pressing around your finger, and concern crosses over his features.
"What happened?" He asks, trying to inspect the wound from where he is, not wanting to intrude on your personal space. He knows how defensive you can get whenever you're hurt and tries to respect your boundaries.
"I, uh... was a bit dumb and accidentally cut myself with the knife," you answer rather straightforwardly, if not a bit hesitantly out of fear that he would judge you for being so careless.
"Does it hurt?" The prince questions further.
You shake your head. "It doesn't really hurt, but it's... a bit uncomfortable, I guess?" You give a weak and feeble laugh. "I'm just a bit shaky right now because it was bleeding a bit, and uh... yeah, well, you know how it is."
Alfonse nods his head, offering his sympathies. You don't deal well with blood, especially seeing your own. As such, you're always careful in making sure you doesn't get any cuts. Other injuries are a bit more tolerable, but anything that breaks the skin and makes you bleed is too much for you.
"Well, I'm glad you're okay for the most part," Alfonse says, carefully reaching out to stroke your cheek with his palm as a small gesture of comfort. "I hate seeing you hurt or in pain."
You break out into a smile, leaning further into the prince's touch. "Thank you..." you breathe out. "For caring about me."
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If you're still doing the fluff alphabet could you do M and L with our dear Alfonse? I'm sorry, I'm just in love with him 😔
Prompt list can be found here
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Alfonse would be internally screaming at himself, he’d have planned a perfect moment. Stealing his s/o away, taking them out to stand with him as the sunsets, rehearsed all of the things he’d wanted to say but when he watches them in orange light his voice fails him. Instead a simple “I love you,” slips out of him and when his s/o turned to him surprised, he’s quickly starting to ramble off all the qualities about them he adores. 
“Your smile, your laugh, your ridiculous jokes, your ability to keep so many different personalities in check, the way you can carry the troubles of different worlds on your shoulders, I love it all. I understand if you don’t feel the same way but I doubt my feelings for you will ever disappear.” And he waits with baited breath, palms clammy, face red, eyes staring anywhere but their expression, silently hoping they’ll return his feelings. 
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes he wants to get married, he dreams of a future of he and his s/o exchanging vows and spending their days ruling over Askr together. But he doesn’t rush into proposing, gauging over the course of the relationship whether or not his s/o would actually be interested in such a thing. When he does propose, he takes them to the same spot of which he originally confessed. 
“It was here you decided that you wanted to be with me, so I thought it was only fitting that I ask you here if you want to always be with me. Will you marry me?” 
Being married to Alfonse would involve times of separation with the two now being rulers. But he’s made it very clear that any moment of free time he has belongs to his s/o, although sometimes they might still have to fight the documents on his desk for his time. But he’s a very caring spouse, always checking in that his s/o is getting enough food or sleep, and when he’s away he always writes them letters detailing how much he misses them. 
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Nine Months Series Part 3: Due Date
Warning: Details of child birth.
Elias and Asana were due to leave the Goldstein Estate well after the New Year’s Ball they were scheduled to attend alongside his esteemed family. Being a Goldstein certainly had its obligations and responsibilities in the public eye.
However, it was well after that ball. Walter, Klaus and Alfonse had returned to their work now that the formalities of the festive season were over. Winter was starting to leave for another year bringing forth a blooming spring but Elias and Asana were still at the Goldstein manor after agreeing to attend more Goldstein functions delaying their return home until February.
Days ago Klaus had come to the manor bearing bad news.
“What?” Asana was bewildered by the news he shared with them in the study room.
“Are you kidding?” Elias wondered.
Klaus shook his head, “Would I joke about something this serious?”
“Well, how long until they fix it?” Asana asked him.
“Probably months.” Klaus answered her question, “Even with the use of magic to restore the damage, it will still likely take some months for it to be operable again.”
The only route to their home in the countryside had been completely destroyed by dark wizards. A bridge that provided train access to the countryside had been completely demolished leaving massive eighty kilometre gap in the tracks.
Being heavily pregnant, air travel was out.
“We can’t even get their by carriage?” Asana asked.
“That would take a couple of days and I don’t want you to risk going into labour on some random road ages away from help,” Klaus rejected her idea, “I think it’s best if you stay here.”
Elias and Asana panicked as nothing had been prepared for the baby’s arrival at the Goldstein estate.
“What? The baby is due any day now and there is nothing prepared here if I give birth here,” Asana stressed, “Even everything that I need is all prepared at home.”
Regardless of their arguments, Klaus strongly suggested that they remain at the manor until the bridge was repaired, “I know how you feel but as a doctor you would agree that travelling for days in a carriage could be a risk if you were to go into labour. If you give birth many hours away from the nearest town and something goes wrong during the birth, what would you do?”
As a doctor, she couldn’t argue with his logic there. While there was as much a chance of her surviving the journey home without going into labour, it was the same chance of her going into labour too. He was right, it was too much of a gamble.
She looked to Elias, “We can’t possibly impose on your parents like this.”
Mary had overheard the news too and approached the couple, “Don’t worry about that Asana.”
“Mother,” Elias turned to her voice.
Standing by her son she smiled at them, “ I would rather the three of you be safe here and I certainly don’t want to risk the health of my granddaughter and her mother by sending them home.”
“But, everything is prepared at home,” she argued.
“We will prepare swiftly for baby’s arrival here too,” Mary pinched both their cheeks, “We are family, right?”
That pinching twist they knew all too well along with that motherly tongue. They had no room to argue with her and she had already ordered a nursery to be prepared next to their chambers. It wasn’t what they had really expected or imagined.
“I know this is not what you wanted,” Klaus read their minds clearly, “But, it also can’t be helped. What difference is this home to your cottage in the village? You’ll get there again one day, just not in the next few months while the bridge is being repaired.”
He was right and they knew that he was too.
“Now Asana,” Mary gave her undivided attention to her daughter-in-law with a self-writing notepad hovering in the air next to her, “Tell me what you need and I will procure those items for you.”
“…Wait, what?” she didn’t want to use their money.
“Tell me what you need?” Mary quizzed again, “Any maternity clothes you may need? Bottles? Baby clothes?”
Since they weren’t expecting to give birth to their daughter in the capital they had thought to bring anything baby related with them. Which meant that everything had to be purchased once more, “No,” Asana refused her offer, “I can’t have you and Father foot the bill.”
“It’s no trouble. Besides, we are partially to blame for delaying your return home too.”
“But, I’d feel bad.”
Walter and Mary had already made plans to add a nursery next to Elias and Asana’s usual chambers. They had in mind the times they would come to visit the family during the festive seasons and for other celebrations that required them to come home. The base plans were already decided and the builders were already booked in to start construction.
“We were going to build a nursery anyway for when the three of you came home in the future. Now is a better time than never given the circumstances,” Mary refused to accept her daughter’s refusal, “I already called in the builders to start construction early. They are on their way as we speak.”
Klaus was impressed by her swift decision making and turned to his brother while Mary whisked Asana away from them, “As quick as ever,” he commented, “You can’t win against Mom when she’s like this.”
Elias agreed, “Yes. Did you end up catching the people responsible for the destruction?”
Klaus shook his head, “They are powerful and smart.”
“I appreciate you taking time to tell us,” Elias bowed to him gesturing his gratitude.
“I must go back to the investigation now,” Klaus reached for his coat he left on the rack near the entrance of the house and put it on before glancing back at his brother again, “Tell Asana not to stress too much. It’s not good for Charlotte.”
“Are you still confident that you have correctly guessed what her name will be?” Elias smirked at him.
“Am I wrong?” Klaus smirked confidently.
Walking him out onto the marble portico Elias warned him, “Just don’t tell anyone else until we have.”
Broom in hand Klaus was ready to depart the property, “I won’t,” he said mounting his transportation and hovering in the air, “I don’t want to miss Alfonse’s reaction.”
With that last remark, he flew off into the sky his magic power kicking up a gust of wind.
Asana meanwhile, lost the fight to Mary. She had given in to her mother-in-law to buy what they needed under the circumstances since they couldn’t return home in time for the arrival of their daughter. Elias had caught up to them as Asana reluctantly listed everything she needed verbally. The quill catching every word onto a notepad.
“That should be all I need,” Asana finished.
“Excellent,” Mary ripped the paper from the notepad.
Neatly folding the paper into a rectangular shape she tucked it inside her purse. Collecting her handbag she headed for the front door just as a carriage pulled up outside. She turned to face them, “I will be home after I have done shopping for everything.”
“Wait?” Asana couldn’t comprehend her urgency, “You’re going now?”
“Yes,” Mary answered her feet trudging to the door, “Time is of the essence and we don’t hold the clock to control it. Baby Goldstein does.”
Before any more protests could be made, Mary was out the door and the carriage transporting her pulled forward following the looping pebble path toward the street.
“She’s so fast,“ Asana amused.
Unbeknown to Elias and Asana, it was a stroke of luck that Klaus had so strongly rejected them travelling by carriage in order to get home to their mountainside cottage. Another stroke of luck that Mary had organised a nursery to be assembled so quickly. Because time was not on their side.
It had been a day since Klaus had told them about the bridge and how a couple hours on the express train home would be impossible.
Elias accompanied his father to the workshop where the family’s prized magical tools were produced. Mary went to a luncheon with a bunch of wives of ministers. Klaus decided to finish his investigation reports in the comfort and privacy of the manor. Alfonse deciding to procrastinate in the study on the second floor. Asana finding herself suddenly alone in the big mansion.
When she was with others it never seemed so grand. Although an accepted member of the family, she still felt weird walking around alone. It felt like she was always sneaking around. For the next couple of months Asana would be nursing her newly born daughter within these walls. It wasn’t how she had imagined but the manor was still a home for them and would be for their daughter too.
Feet padded in slippers and a robe hugging her body, Asana wasn’t aware Klaus and Alfonse were home but tucked away in different areas of the house. She stretched for body as she made her way to the kitchen downstairs for her back had started to throb since late afternoon yesterday.
She had nothing particular planned today since both parents and Elias put her under strict instructions to take it easy while they were out. Her back pain was noticeably worse this morning than it was yesterday but she thought nothing of it. She did happen to be in the mood for baking and hoped the exercise would help soothe her back pain.
An enormous kitchen fit for the finest chefs was cleaned spotlessly. Right now, it was empty and provided her with the perfect opportunity to make something easy and quickly. She just had to decide what to make with the ingredients on hand.
“Let’s see,” she studied the contents inside the pantry, “There’s flour, baking soda, cocoa. I’m pretty sure I saw eggs and milk in the fridge too. Oh, vanilla extract too. Cupcakes it is!”
As she moved around the kitchen, her back pain only worsened and she could swear the pain had spread around to her belly as well. “O-Ouch,” she grimaced as an almost unbearable ache travelled along her nerves.
She took a deep breath to desensitise the aching. Taking a moment to gather herself she went ahead to open a small bag a flour. As she reached for the measuring cup and sifter, the discomfort returned. The sensation was dull but enough to immobilise her movements, “O-O-Ouch,” she wore a painful expression.
The aching felt like it had drained her strength that she used the sturdiness of the kitchen island to support her body as she sank to the floor. Her desire to bake cupcakes was forgotten as this never-felt-before pain became relentless. Tears began spilling from her eyes from the pain she was experiencing.
“…Wand?” she murmured to herself, “Where did I put it?”
She wanted it but remembered she had left it upstairs in their chambers. That realisation only made her tears multiply and stream down her cheeks to hang and fall from her chin. All she could do was wait until someone came home.
“Elias!” she called for him over and over again through breathlessness and teary eyes, “I need you to come home now,” she hoped somehow he’d telepathically hear her.
Upstairs Alfonse decided to bother his brother, “Working from home today?”
“Yes. Go away,” Klaus shooed him.
“Don’t be like that,” Alfonse refused to leave, “I came by to ask if you wanted something to eat from the kitchen.”
“Not hungry,” Klaus replied.
“Alright then,” Alfonse now took his leave, “You sure?”
“Go away.”
“Going!” his voice drifted down the hallway leaving the door to the office wide open.
“Close the door!” Klaus scoffed.
Asana heard their loud voices from the kitchen, “Alfonse! Klaus! Is that you!?”
Hearing their names being called and sensing the distress in her voice they hurried downstairs.
“Where are you Asana?” Alfonse called out to her from the second floor.
“…K-Kitchen!” she almost screamed back as another uncomfortable ache spread through her body.
Sweat glistened across her face as she endured the intense pain she was feeling. While she waited for them to reach her, she felt a new sensation different from the dull and unbearable aching waving through her body. “…N-Not yet…,” she breathlessly begged. This new sensation felt like a slight pressure being released from within her body. The source of the strange pressure was now visible as a gush of fluid trickle from her onto the marble floor beneath her.
Running down the stairs they hurried to her side in the kitchen. As they came closer they could see flour strewn across the surface of the kitchen bench but couldn’t see her. “Asana, did you fall?” Klaus asked as both brothers suspected she was behind the middle island where she had laid out ingredients on the bench.
Without an answer to his question, she cried with a small scream passing through her lips as another ache, more intense from the dull pain she felt previously, sent waves through her nerves, “…C-Call… Elias please,” she cried.
They found her sweating across her face with eyes wet and streaks of hundreds of tears leaving a mark on her cheeks. “Klaus,” Alfonse pointed to the fluid beneath her, “I think she’s in labour.”
“Call Elias and a doctor” he instructed.
“What will you do?” he asked.
“Make her more comfortable,” Klaus placed her arm across his shoulder while Alfonse hurried off to the magic phone inside the house.
Carefully lifting her body into his arms he carried her to an unused bedroom inside the manor. Her entire body was damp with water from her sweat and tears and from the fluid of her water breaking. Being lifted into the air and moved from her position on the kitchen floor didn’t do anything to stop the pain.
Writhing and wiggling in her arms Klaus found it hard to carry her, “Hey, stop squirming.”
“Shut up!” she snapped at him, “This hurts!”
Never hearing her snap like that before Klaus was stopped in his tracks for a moment but resumed walking to the bed. He didn’t hold it personally against her since she was in labour, “I’ll forgive that one,” he chuckled, “Aren’t you happy you’re not travelling home right now like you wanted to yesterday?”
“W…Where’s E-Elias?” she demanded, disregarding Klaus’ question.
“Alfonse is contacting him,” Klaus assured her, “He’ll be here soon. Take some deep breaths.”
He stayed by her side for almost twenty minutes before he heard hurried footsteps coming closer to the door. Klaus expected Alfonse to return but barging through the door was Mary followed by Alfonse, “I’ve called the doctor, he’ll be here soon,” he told her and turned to Asana, “Elias is coming too, okay.”
Mary stripped her jacket off and rolled up her sleeves, “Klaus, towels. Alfonse, go get a cold damp cloth,” she instructed her sons while she stayed be Asana’s side, “Asana. Take some deep breaths.”
Klaus returned with towels from the bathroom ensuite inside the bedroom.
“Do you know how long she has been like this for?”
“We only found her in the kitchen just now when she called out to us about twenty to twenty-five minutes ago.”
“Her water was already broken?” she asked him.
“Okay,” Mary heard her, “Where is Alfonse with the cloth?”
Klaus went to investigate but before he could put a step forward, Elias barged through to the room with a cold cloth in hand. Mary saw him with the cloth in hand, “She’s feeling hot put the cloth over her forehead,” she instructed.
As he did so her pink eyes and pink smile gazed at him.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised, “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“It’s…okay…,” she said reaching for his hand, “…You’re here now.”
Walter also returned home with Elias after he bolted without a word from the workshop, “How is she?” he enquired from the threshold of the door.
“Give her some privacy!” a familiar voice scolded from the hall with a black medical bag in hand, “Go on. All you men but the father may leave.”
Walter, Klaus and Alfonse were shooed from the room like flies with the door closed in their faces. Inside, Mary moved to the side and stepped in as a nurse while the doctor commanded the situation.
“Now then,” the doctor gloved up to inspect how dilated she had become, “We are not quite there yet. We’re only at four centimetres dilation.”
“What does that mean?” Elias asked.
“She has to be at ten centimetres dilation for the baby to be delivered,” the doctor explained, “She has many hours ahead of her yet.”
“Childbirth isn’t a quick walk in the park, son.”
“Just keep her calm and keep that cloth cold, okay,” Mary instructed him.
“You went through this three times Mom?”
She nodded, “The first is usually the longest. Took eleven hours before Alfonse was born compared to you. You were pretty much right out.”
Elias blushed bright red, “M-Mom, seriously?”
Time seemed to pass by for what felt like an eternity. From the fresh morning to the start beginning to retire for the day but there had been now news about the baby arriving just yet. Klaus had completed his investigation reports while keenly listening for any movement.
Joining his father and brother in the tea room, there still was no news. He glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room the iron hands pointing at exactly four o’clock, “Nothing yet, huh?” he concluded.
“No,” Walter read the newspaper, “Babies take their time. She could be here now, she might be here tonight or tomorrow. It’s on their terms.”
Alfonse lounged lazily across the sofa abandoning a hot cup of tea on the coffee table. Klaus decided to brew a fresh pot to suit his taste. “I hope she’s here soon,” Klaus commented in the silence.
“Yes, I wish she’d hurry up,” Alfonse agreed, “Her poor mother.”
“I’m rather curious to know if Elias has made it through this,” Walter chuckled curiously.
Klaus waited for his tea to steep. Steam scented with the smell of assam only made him more impatient to drink the cup. He was quickly pulled from his daze when he heard the door to the birthing suite open. Exhaustion was evident on Mary’s face as she appeared in the tea room. There were hints of blood on her clothing.
“Well?” Walter enquired impatiently.
A tear fell from Mary’s eye, “She’s finally here. Mother and baby healthy and happy. Give them some time. Poor Asana is very tired.”
“You look tired too,” Walter stated.
“Oh, I am,” she laughed, “I’m going to clean myself up.”
Inside the birthing suite, Asana and Elias couldn’t tear their eyes away from their newly born daughter.
“She’s perfect,” Asana still cried, this time tears flowing with happiness.
A tiny human was enveloped within a warm blanket. Soundly sleeping. All cleaned up since being born and the umbilical cord severed.
“She has your nose,” Elias commented.
“You think?” Asana yawned, “She got nothing from me. She’s all you.”
Catching her yawn Elias swept strands of her hair from her face, “You did an amazing job bringing Charlotte into the world. You should rest.”
“I’m quite tired,” she admitted, “But, I’m sure your father and brothers are itching to meet her.”
Asana gently passed their daughter across into his arms and encouraged him to go show her off.
With careful steps Elias cradled his tiny daughter carrying her to the tea room where he could hear them chatting about nothing important. Alfonse saw him coming and bounced off the sofa. Walter restraining him.
“Quiet,” he scolded him, “She’s asleep.”
Standing before them Elias introduced his daughter to them, “Asana would love to join I’m sure but she’s sleeping right now. Everyone, meet the newest member of our family. Charlotte.”
“No, I was wrong,” Alfonse pouted.
Klaus chuckled proudly.
“How did you know?”
“Asana’s mother’s name was Charlotte. I had a feeling that’s what her name would be.”
Walter put a hand over his son’s shoulder, “Congratulations to the both of you. Welcome to the world little one.”
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