#all CARTOONS and VALID okay
enwoso · 1 month
hi! I absolutely love your alessia russo x child!reader posts. your writing is so good! if you’re up for writing some more for this universe could you maybe do something with reader being a menace with the england girls and causing some trouble? it’s okay if not!
DEVIL IN DISGUISE — alessia russo x child!reader
*back with my fave little universe! and don’t worry there are more bits to this little universe i am in the middle of writing them🙃*
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alessia had been on england camp since monday and it was now wednesday, you had accompanied her for the short camp.
but since arriving alessia hadn't had the most smooth couple of days like she usually would and that was because she wasn't able to take her eyes off you for more than a few seconds in fear that you would be up to something you shouldn't be.
on top of that she had noticed that a couple of things weren't here that she needed. like her training socks, which she had to go and ask the kit man for some spares putting it down to her forgetting them when being asked why she didn't have them. brushing it off she forgot about it quite quickly, you taking her focus as you were in your little trouble maker mood at the moment.
as the other day alessia had turned her back for one moment and you had vic pelova looking down into a full water bottle telling the dutch that she was looking at something inside the bottle before you squeezed the bottle into her face. ice cold water dripping down the poor dutches face.
today was travel day, the girls were playing back at wembley and had the day to recover after having a light training session early this morning.
everyone was eating breakfast, you had ate yours probably too fast for your mums liking but nevertheless she couldn’t be mad because at least you had eaten. knowing that you couldn’t play until you had eaten majority of your food.
alessia was sat talking with a few of the girls her gaze looking over to you every so often to check you weren't doing something you shouldn't of been doing — instead seeing you just colouring in content while also watching the cartoon that was playing on your ipad.
"so how is the little munchkin?" mary asked as alessia had turned her attention back to the table after checking on you for the fiftieth time in the past three minutes. alessia eyes going wide, pulling a face that said it all.
"that doesn't sound good" georgia pointed out as alessia hummed.
"she's starting to get a little naughty, like the other day i walked into her bedroom and she had drawn all over her walls and then proceeded to say it wasn't her even though she had the pen in her hand." alessia explained the girls trying to stifle their laughter as the blonde spoke.
"did it come off the walls at least?" beth asked as the blonde shook her head, proceeding to explain how her brother was thankfully going to repaint the walls for her.
"didn't she bite someone at nursery as well? tooney was on about that the other day, weren't she" millie commented looking towards mary for back up, the goal keeper nodding. the blonde groaning as she thought back to the day.
"wait you never told us girls this story"
"yeah i wanna hear it!"
"so i went and picked her up as usual after training, and then the teacher pulled me and began to tell me how she had bitten a little boy but when i asked her why she did it she said that the boy bit her first but the teacher never mentioned that part so i don't know what to think!" alessia explained the girls humming along to show that they were listening.
“are we sure she isn’t the devil in disguise?”
"well if he bit her first then her biting him is totally valid" georgia said shrugging mary agreeing mumbling something about it was good she was sticking up for herself — the other two however not as convinced, "yeah but if you give her that excuse, she'll go around biting everyone" beth said as the other two both hummed.
“that’s is true, she did make him a card to say sorry though so-“ alessia shrugged a chuckle coming from her as the others awed at the thought of you sitting and spending your own time to make a card to apologise.
“was the card made before or after you banned her from using pens?” millie asked but before alessia has a chance to reply you were heard yelling to get your mums attention.
"mummy! mummy!" you called over, alessia still talking with the girls, "look mummy!" you appeared a bright smile on your face as you held onto your top holding out a sticker.
“wow! what did you get that for?” your mum asked as she looked to you holding her hand out for you to high five. “i helped one of the coaches-“ you began but as you carried on your explanation, alessia’s eyes went wide your arms were covered in big bright red drawing and doodles you had done all up your arms
"oh my god" your mum whispered to herself, her hand stroking up your arm to find out if the pen was dry or not. "lovie, why have you done that for?" your mum sighed thinking about how on earth she was going to get the pen off.
you shrugged in response to your mums question, a smile on your face clearly happy about the colour of your arms, glancing over to the girls sat around the table who were trying to keep their smiles and laughter in.
"what have you drawn on your arms with?" your mum asked as your ran back over to your little table to grab the pen. alessia's head falling straight into her hands as a loud groan came from her.
"at least she knows what colour north london is!" leah joked trying to bring light to the situation, her and few others the only ones laughing as alessia brought her head back up shooting a dirty look to the captain.
"not the time leah." alessia mumbled through gritted teeth as she saw you running back over. pen in hand.
"this one mummy!" you held out a red sharpie towards the blonde. of course it couldn't have just been a simple crayola pen, it just had to be a permanent marker that you had somehow found.
mentally alessia was screaming, physically she was trying her best not to scream and stay as calm as possible.
"where did you find that lovie" alessia calmly asked as you explained how you got the pen, that you had found it in the pen pot which you weren't exactly lying you did find it in the pen pot but it wasn't your pen pot.
it was the pot that all the adults used but you didn't think they would mind if you borrowed it. alessia could feel her patience running thinner and thinner as the seconds went by.
since the drawing on walls situation at home incident alessia had made sure to hid each and every single pen possible, instead only allowing you to colour with pencils and even still that was under supervision. this was adding to the reasons of why it would be a while until you were able to retain your pen licence back.
"less have you seen my boot-" ella began holding one boot in her hand as she stopped at the sight of you, "woah that's a nasty sunburn tiny!" the manchurian gasped ruffling your hair as few laughs heard from her teammates as she turned to them not knowing what part of the joke she was missing.
"mate, how's she gonna get a tan never mind sunburn when it's seven degrees outside!" beth deadpanned as ella nodded along realising how silly her comment was.
"silly auntie ella, it's pen!" you giggled as ella's eyes went wide. the pieces fixing together but confusion hitting her as she knew about your redecoration of your room and the fact that alessia has hidden every pen in sight. "i thought you had banned her from using pens?"
"i have!"
“the devil in disguise strikes again!”
after many layers of baby oil and tissues most of the pen had came off your arms much to your protests that your mummy was getting rid of your artwork.
you had managed to make it down to the lobby where the team was beginning to gather for the bus arriving, people swarming around with big camera asking some of the girls questions.
you were sat with your mummy, you sat with a small coffee table in front of you. a picture game you had been playing with spread across the table.
"lovie? what's in the backpack?" you mum asked as you struggled to get it on your back, it looking very full. alessia trying to remember if it looked like that when you both arrived on camp.
“just my things” you huffed, the backpack dropping off your shoulder and onto the floor. “what things?” your mum pushed wondering what on earth you could have in your back to make it so heavy considering she had all your clothes, and your ipad in her bag.
“do you want me to carry it for you?” your mum asked as you shook your head mumbling a no as you lifted the bag up with great difficulty onto the seat. “well how about i help you put it on, yeah?” she smiled as you nodded a little admitting defeat.
you picking your backpack back up and passing it to your mummy who was sat down on the chairs in the hotel lobby. you stood in between her legs waiting for her to help you put it on, slotting one arm through the strap and then the other.
you mummy keeping you still for a moment as she pulled the zip a little, showing a glimpse of what was inside. a confused look taking over the blondes face as the sight of things which definitely were not yours.
opening the bag up a little, alessia discovered where her lost training socks along with her headphones she had thought she had forgotten as well as ella’s lost boot, millie’s t’s shin pads, chloe’s water bottle and beth’s slider.
the blonde laughing to herself as she took each item out placing it on her lap, you turning about once you thought you mum had finished putting it the bag on your back. “mummy it feels light- hey there mine!” you frown turning around and seeing the things that were in your bag on her lap.
“lovie, these are the girls’ things” your mum explained, you backpack falling to the ground as your pout got bigger, “but i found them?” you said hopefully that you would be able to keep them.
“i know, but these still belong to the girls and they might be sad if they don’t have them anymore and we don’t want to upset anyone do we?” your mummy smiled softly, as you looked over to some of the girls who were starting to gather in the lobby before it was time to get on the bus, looking back at your mum you shook your head.
“good, now can i give these back to their rightful owners?” your mum laughed slightly as you pout loosened and you nodded. you mum kissing you on the forehead as she sat you on the chair she was on, picking up the items in her hand as you grabbed your ipad to watch. your mummy telling you she would be a few seconds.
the blonde walking over to the little huddle near the coffee machine where beth, ella and millie were. “are you now the lost property box like?” ella joked watching as alessia walked closer to them, millie and beth laughing as alessia sarcastically laughed along.
“one purple boot, two shin pads and a slider!” the blonde smiled as she handed each of them their stuff back. “where did you find these?” beth asked as she looked at her slider.
“lovie, ‘found’ them and she’d put them in her backpack” alessia explained as the three awed as a few giggles followed.
“the devil strikes again!”
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puppys-tiny-space · 9 months
🦇Ways to help your tiny with a meltdown/breakdown🦇
🎃first, if possible, get them away from sensory input or whatever triggered them🎃
🖤provide them with comfort items, it could be a plushie, a blankie, pacis or anything🖤
🦇use grounding exercises like finding 5 things that are blue, breathing exercises or similar🦇
🎃hold them if physical touch helps them regulate and put on calm music🎃
🖤tell them a story to distract them from scary stuff going on🖤
🦇reassure them that everything is going to be okay and that their feelings are valid🦇
🎃ask them to talk about something they are interested that can take their mind off stuff🎃
🖤put on their favorite cartoon or comfort show, get them a paci, a plush and cuddles🖤
🕷️Most important of all be patient and don't pressure them to talk about what's going on, don't yell or make them feel bad for being scared🕷️
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Fun fact of the day: a snail can sleep for 3 days
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amberluvsbugs · 4 months
Okay. I possess a question.
My wife and I are losing our minds over the Smiling Critters and what aspects of life and friendship they're supposed to represent. Most of them are pretty evident!
And then there's Hoppy and Kickin, who seem kind of. Redundant.
They're both adorable! But they're both energetic and into sports. I thought maybe Hoppy was positivity, specifically, but Dogday is RIGHT THERE as literal sunshine!
So as the one who was tasked with drawing a little short of their cartoon- do you know what aspects Hoppy and Kickin represent? Or is the answer "the creators behind the games just needed eight cute little fuckers to have existed at one point" which is a totally valid answer on its own.
(and if you know the others' elements/aspects/whatever you call it that'd be dope too)
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these two are a bit complicated out of all the smiling critters so its understandable for peeps to get confused with them.
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disillusioneddanny · 4 months
DPxDC Negativity
Hey this is just a friendly reminder that I'm going to put in the plainest terms that I can.
If you are telling people how they should and should not participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to read more comics before writing fanfic you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to do more research into canon in any form, whether that be reading wikis, reading comics, watching shows, whatever you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that what they are writing is not canon compliant and therefore not a valid way to participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
Fandom is supposed to be fun
Fanfiction is supposed to be fun
We are not writing these stories for anyone but ourselves. And to tell someone that they are participating in fandom wrong is GATEKEEPING
There are plenty of fanfics in the DC only sphere and the DP sphere that are so far away from canon it's unreal and that's totally okay!
People are allowed to enjoy fandom in however the hell they please. If that means they are writing a crap ton of Batfam/Danny Phantom content and not very much Justice League/DP content, that's totally okay.
If someone read the Wayne Family Adventures Webtoon and decided that they want to write Danny being adopted into a loving and crazy Batfamily that is totally one hundred percent fine.
If someone wants to write Danny with abusive and neglectful parents guess what? they can.
If they want to write Vlad as being a nurturing and loving godfather to Danny, they can.
What I'm trying to explain to you all is that it's okay to write things that are not canon compliant. It's okay to write things that are so far away from canon it's not even recognizable--I mean have you even read a fantasy au or a no capes au? That's basically just slapping a characters name and face to an OC. And guess what? THAT'S OKAY.
It's also okay to want to see more people interact with the canon lore, to want to share resources and tell people about your special interests. But the moment you start doing it and it makes people feel bad-- even if that is not your intention you are GATEKEEPING.
Gatekeeping is defined as the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.
By you telling others what they should and should not write, you are being a gatekeeper.
I get it, you want to share lore, you want to show that you know all these cool things about DC. You want more than just batfam and DP content. That's totally valid and really cool.
Do it yourself.
Don't take someone else's joy away simply because it's not what you want to see. They aren't writing it for you, they're writing it for themselves. You're just a lucky person who gets to see the beautiful works that they are putting time and effort into.
When I joined DPxDC I knew absolute shit about DC. Over the last year, I've read over 400 issues of the Batman comics, read all of the Red Robin series, and a smattering of random other comics with plans to read others. But when I started writing? I knew jackshit. My knowledge came from the Teen Titans cartoon, the Batman animated series, and vague memories of watching the Justice League animated series as a kid.
And if Dis from a year ago saw this gatekeeping shit, they would have never started writing for the fandom because they would have been too scared to be told they were doing it wrong.
Now? I'm writing DC only fics based off of what I learned in the comics and it's a lot of fun.
But I did that because I wanted to, I was starting to get more and more interested in DC and I wanted to know more. And I had access to pay for DC Infinite so that I could get access to the comics. Not everyone has that luxury.
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to read them from free sites either. Maybe they have to use a public computer that doesn't have ad blockers. Maybe their local libraries don't have access to the comics. You don't know what their situation is.
Maybe you're being well intentioned. Maybe you're just wanting to share your wealth of knowledge with the fandom. But remember, if just one person is getting hurt by your statements, that means you're no longer being helpful. You're being harmful. You're scaring off a new fan who was super insanely excited to start sharing their headcanons.
You're making people feel unwelcome. And that's not fucking cool.
Fandom is supposed to be a welcoming space for everyone, it's supposed to uplift and bring joy. Not make people feel bad for not knowing enough, or for feeling too anxious to even begin figuring out where in the 75 year history of DC they should start reading.
I know that's what kept me from reading the comics for a long time. it was just too overwhelming. It still is overwhelming for me and thats with having friends telling me where to start and what comics are best to read.
Before I end this super hella long rant I want to remind you of one last thing.
You don't know what someone has read or researched before writing their fic. You don't know just how much they know about that character or universe. For all you know, they may have read, watched, consumed every single piece of DC media in existence. But they may still interpret it different than you did and that does not mean that their Bruce Wayne is OOC because it doesn't align with how you interpret Bruce Wayne. it just means that they view his character differently than you do.
And that's such a beautiful fucking thing don't you think? That a single character, a single universe, a single fucking line can be interpreted hundreds of different ways by hundreds of different people and it's still valid.
It's what makes fandom so freaking cool in the first place.
Like one day someone woke up and they were watching Danny Phantom and they thought hm, what if I had Danny Fenton go to Gotham one day and hang out with the bats? And next thing you know, now we have thousands upon thousands of different fanfics, fan art and HCs, all because of it. All because someone had that one idea and shared it and others saw it, interpreted it their own way, and decided to create even more.
And now we're here! And this fandom is beautiful and thriving. There are so many amazing and lovely people in this fandom. There are so many discords to talk about fandom, there's so many events, a DPxDC Bang is the works, a DPxDC fanzine is in the works.
That's so fucking cool and we should be celebrating that! Not making others feel bad for not knowing as much as others.
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nobody-nexus · 6 months
Ragapom HCs I Have
(WARNING: There's a LOT of headcanons)
-Transfem Lesbian Pomni (Is On The Spectrum)
-Cisgender Bisexual Ragatha (Has ADHD)
-Pomni has a cat tail (This is to give other hcs context)
-Pomni loves hearing Ragatha play the cello
-Ragatha will always ask if it's okay if she can touch Pomni or not, but if they're in immediate danger there's no time to ask (she will ask if Pomni's okay and apologize AFTER the danger has passed)
-Pomni learned how to sew just to help out Ragatha (She's not great at it, but it's better than nothing)
-They both learned each other's favorite smells and they've asked for candles of that scent just to sit in their rooms and take it in
-Pomni's not the BIGGEST fan of her body but Ragatha makes sure she feels valid (if you misgender her, you die. There's no getting pass it)
-Ragatha hides her love of horses because she's embarrassed by it, but Pomni actually really like animals
-Pomni makes various animal noises when expressing emotions, mainly cat or even dog like noises- and Ragatha's memorized all of them
-Blanket cuddles ALL THE TIME- even if Pomni's okay with touch. Ragatha being one giant comforter for Pomni always makes her SO HAPPY
-Pomni has bells on her tail, which although was Caine's idea, it DID make it easier for Ragatha to know if Pomni's sneaking away for a late-night snack or not
-Pomni has a BIG love for dresses. Ragatha once made a dress for Pomni, who wears it every time they go on a date
-Jax was the first to find out about them dating by barging into their room while they were making out. Caine was the last to find out, but still thinks they're "gal pals"
-Whenever Ragatha's having a bad day, Pomni just likes to talk. Since she's not always up for physical comfort, she knows her voice soothes Ragatha
-Pomni swears a lot whilst Ragatha hardly does so
-Ragatha makes Pomni flustered CONSTANTLY, and she never even means to
-Pomni's stamina is nonexistent while Ragatha can run for hours without realizing it
-Ragatha can pick up Pomni like she's nothing
-Pomni is awful at coming up with cute nicknames for Ragatha, but Ragatha has a bunch. Her favorite one is 'sweetheart' for Pomni
-If the jester's feeling very protective, she'll bite Ragatha to show bite marks, showing that no one touches Ragatha but her (And the doll's beyond embarrassed about it)
-Pomni's flirting sucks, but Ragatha's reaction is THE most 30s thing you could imagine. Hands on sides of face, shaking her head a little, "Oh Pomni, QUIT IT! You're gonna make me blush!", blushing hard, giggling along the way
-If Pomni gets flustered enough, she gets a nosebleed like a cartoon character! Her blood is black in color
-Ragatha lets Pomni help in the kitchen by grabbing ingredients for her. That's about it
-Ragatha was shocked hearing Pomni talk in Spanish and Russian for the first times (AN: YES, I still think Pomni's Russian and Hispanic)
-When they kiss, it's VERY obvious. Ragatha wears red lipstick, and it gets all over Pomni's face, making her all red and flustered, but she loves it every time it happens
-No one has told Pomni her eyes turn into hearts when she's infatuated yet. Not even Jax (Mainly cause Ragatha won't ALLOW him to do so)
-Pomni thinks Ragatha looks hot holding knives.... Ragatha's a little bit of a klutz with knives in reality
-Unlike Ragatha, Pomni actually likes bugs. She usually handles centipedes if any are around
-Ragatha has a big sweet tooth which is why she bakes. Although it has lead to Ragatha accidentally getting high because Zooble made pot brownies... Multiple times
-Pomni is easy to anger whilst Ragatha has a long fuse, but can be easily bothered
-If Pomni gets too stressed out, her teeth get shark like. She can crush a damn BONE with them, and Ragatha helps out with those said bones (don't ask where she gets them from)
-Pomni likes playing horror games whilst Ragatha likes calmer games
-Ragatha loves FNaF and will ramble about it to Pomni
-Pomni likes to draw! Ragatha loves ALL the drawings she does
-They watch Disney movies in bed together :D
-Most of their dates get ruined because of Jax or Caine (Sometimes Bubble)
-Ragatha gets oddly competitive in multiplayer games, thus why they don't play many multiplayer games together
-Slow dancing is Ragatha's favorite romantic thing to do with Pomni
-They usually kiss when both are laying down because the height difference hurts Ragathas back hurt when they kiss whilst standing
-Pomni HATES being wet with her clothes on. Pomni has to be carried by the scruff of her outfit like a cat because she just COMPLETELY shuts down due to overstimulation of the wet clothes against her skin
-Ragatha hates her hands, but Pomni finds them interesting, and she likes to watch Ragatha use her hands for various things JUST to see how they work
-Caine almost gave them a child by overhearing something they said wrong, but thankfully the two were quick enough to stop him
WOW that's a LOT of hcs. And maybe I have more. Hope you like them!
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pumpkzsafeplace · 3 months
a│s : agere & headspaces
sometimes those who are unfamiliar with agere can get a little confused when they discover that there are a varied amount of different headspaces one could have as an age regressor.
so pumpkin's here to describe & explain them so it makes a little bit more sense! <3 (fyi, these are my own descriptions with my own nicknames! your's may be different & that's okay!!)
what are headspaces?
headspaces are what littles experience when they age regress.
each headspace can differ depending on what age they regress too, how they regress etc <3.
no little is the same, but it's a good idea to have a broader knowledge on the topic so you can pick up on similiar characteristics! <3
what causes different headspaces?
headspaces can differ depending on why the individual is regressing in the first place. for example, a vast majority of littles regress to the time when their inner child suffered the most. some others may just feel more comforted and safe in that age bracket!
it completely depends on the little <3
age regression vs age dreaming.
age regression and age dreaming are two terms that are commonly mixed up, so here's a simple explanation for those who are wondering!
age regression is when an indivudal regresses to a younger mindset.
age dreaming is when somebody enjoys child-like things, child-like aesthetics but doesn't actually regress into that younger mindset.
both are completely valid, just a little different! <3
involuntary vs voluntary vs impure regression
involuntary & voluntary are also terms that can sometimes be confused, so here's another simple description <3.
voluntary regression is regression that happens because you want to regress. it's usually filled with usual regression acitivties that create a fun and happy experience for the little.
involuntary regression happens when you're not expecting it, when regression takes you by suprise suddenly. for example, when you're in school, work, or just in an environment where you don't want to regress right now.
impure regression is a negative experience that littles can sometimes experience. it can be a trigger response to a certain topic that can result in panic attacks, feelings of claustrophobia, dizzyness & sickness.
the different age headspaces
these are all my own adapations! they may not be completely accurate!! <3
baby bee headspaces (baby)
baby bee headspaces are headspaces where the regressed individual has reverted back to a baby-like state of mind. their speech will be limited, if not used at all & they will rely on specific gear to help!
little ones headspaces (1 - 5)
little ones headspaces will have more speech involved, but it may be broken and they may struggle with certain words. they enjoy acitivties such as colouring, watching cartoons, playing hide n seek etc! <3
baby bugs headspeaces ( 5 - 10)
baby bugs headspace are for littles who regress to a slightly older age. they may be able to speak a little better and they may enjoy more physcial activites such as going on walks, playing outside etc!
they might still enjoy the comfort of their gear though! particually on bad days! <3
bigger bugs headspaces ( 10 - 15+ )
those who regress to bigger bug headspaces may enjoy some older activties! such as playing their favourite video games to regress, enjoying their favourite book, i've known some to enjoy horror (like watching video game playthroughs of their favourite youtuber/streamer!)
like i said earlier, headspaces differ to each indivudal. you don't have to stick to the specific descriptions of your headspace. do what makes you feel comfortable & happy! since that's the end goal of regression <3
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gif isn't mine
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gl1tched-g0th · 15 days
Happy Pride. Can we celebrate by, just for the month, having fandoms not be weird about lesbians/lesbian-coded characters.
Can we acknowledge that just because a woman character exists, and doesn't stare directly into the camera like an episode of the Office to say "I Do Not Like Men", that doesn't mean they aren't lesbian?
Can we please acknowledge how fandoms, especially cartoon spaces, are not normal about lesbians and lesbian coding. Can we acknowledge that lesbian is not a "dirty" or "taboo" word, and that it is okay to admit that a character is just a flat out lesbian.
Can we not try to maneuver our way around it by saying "well they could be bi/pan!", like so many people do with lesbian characters. For example:
-Amity from TOH, confirmed lesbian. People still argue that she's bisexual, because she drew herself with a fictional nonbinary character from a book once in the entire show.
-Velma from Scooby Doo, confirmed lesbian. When she got confirmed, people still argued she was bi because she dated men in past shows/specials - despite her being visibly uncomfortable in the relationships in question. Some even argued it was "bi-erasure" to make her a lesbian, which is insane to me.
-Amaya from The Dragon Prince, confirmed lesbian. Before she was confirmed, people said she was a "bicon" instead of lesbian, despite her showing no interest in men within the show. All she did was have a male interpreter (because shes DEAF and needs one), and people immediately paired them together.
-Ellie Williams from TLOU, confirmed lesbian. She shows no interest in men, states multiple times that men are "not her type", has only dated/had crushes on women within all games, the show, and even the comic, and yet people still claim she's bi.
-Robin Buckley from Stranger Things, confirmed lesbian. There's not much I can say here. She came out as a lesbian in the show, and people still call her bisexual. The jokes write themselves.
-Sammy from Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory, lesbian-coded. She's often headcanoned as anything but lesbian, often excused with "she never Outright said she's a lesbian like Yaz said she was bi", or that a few crew members said she was meant to be ambiguous. Yet I see nobody questioning why she specifically - the only other main female character, and who has never shown interest in men - is being kept that way.
-Vanessa from The Hollow, lesbian-coded. Developed a friendship with a male character, but has never expressed romantic interest in men. Laughing at a joke made by the opposite gender, and wanting to impress a male character because of a need for validation are not signs of romantic interest, by the way.
I am not saying you can't headcanon characters as bi, or that bi people are "evil", or trying to ""police"" who you ship together or whatever else excuse people use to derail conversations about this. There is a frequent pattern within fandoms where a lesbian (coded) character exists + has any relationship with a man ever + doesn't explicitly state they don't like men = not a lesbian. And fuck, even when they DO say they don't like men, they are still seen as bi.
Queer-coding is just as eminent as having a character be confirmed as queer. And, surprisingly (sarcasm) that also applies to lesbian coded characters. Lesbian characters do not need to "prove" their lesbianism to the viewers by hating/isolating themselves from men to be lesbians. They do not need to say outright that they don't like men in order to be lesbian coded. They can have relationships with men without being romantically interested in them. Lesbians have been fighting for so long to not be seen as "needing" to be with men in order to just. exist.
And believe me I could go on a whole rant about how this entire issue has roots in misogyny within the community, or how some people still haven't unlearned the idea of how a man and woman can have an 100% platonic relationship, or how people treat calling a character lesbian as a "last resort", but this post is already a wall of text as it is.
Please just be normal about lesbians in media.
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Viv just can't stop posting tweets, can she? Time for me to give my little two cents on the ones I managed to borrow from @emmnymous
While yes, your shows are technically for adults, the humor that it has is very childish with the majority of it being characters saying dirty or crude shit for no reason. I wouldn't be surprised that children watch Helluva Boss considering how childish and inconsistent it is.
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3 dick jokes in a series? I hope she's not referring to Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel because there are definitely more than three dick jokes in almost every episode. And telling critics to get new material is just weird because if they all share a common and valid critique it should tell you that you need to adjust it. Maybe it's you who needs to get new material.
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Okay, she's saying the same shit that some members of the fandom have been saying to critics for a LONG time. I'm dead.
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My final thoughts are, Viv doesn't view Helluva Boss as a show. I honestly think she views it as her cartoon that everybody needs to like and nobody needs to hate. She's spoiled and it shows.
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sugarandspisces-writes · 11 months
Hair Chronicles
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Black fem!reader
Summary: r is preparing to get her hair done and Melissa helps her out
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Hiii! I've been having major writer's block lately, but I was finally able to get something done! This was purely self-indulgent and not requested, but I hope you all enjoy!
Warning/Disclaimer: While this was written for Black readers, everyone is welcome to read!! I wrote this for representational purposes, but I also hope it can be educational! P.S. I embedded links of the hairstyles mentioned so you can have a better idea of what i'm talking about. Let me know if it was helpful!
Okay, that's all. Bye! <3
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“Hey, sweetheart,” Melissa greeted you with breakfast in hand. She was helping you do you hair today, and you'd need all the energy you could get to make it through the morning.
“Hi,” you beamed in her direction. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you laid eyes on the redhead. Hearing her call you sweetheart made you dizzy. It left you feeling like those cartoon characters with hearts spinning around their head.
You reached out to grab the food from her, and you two walked toward the kitchen. She made a pit stop in the living room to put her bag down, and you worked on setting the table up. You went to grab water from the fridge, and as you closed the door you felt arms wrap around your waist. The action was followed by her placing kisses on your neck. You set the pitcher down on the counter, scared you might drop it due to your faltering grip.
“Well, hello again,” you chuckled, turning around in the embrace. You were met with green eyes and a smile just as wide as yours. 
“Hi there.” Her pillow-soft lips tenderly pressed against yours. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” you said in between kisses. “Feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Being away from her made you feel like something was missing. She added to your life in ways you didn’t realize until she wasn’t there. Everything seemed sweeter when she was around.
“I know. I can't believe you tried to cancel on me,” she pouted.
“I believe my words were 'postpone', not cancel,” you corrected her.
A couple nights ago you were on the phone with a dejected Melissa. You'd called to discuss the agenda for the weekend, and she was not happy with your verdict. You had a hair appointment on Sunday which meant you'd be spending all of Saturday prepping for it. Because of this, you wanted to postpone your plans with her. You would be able to have your usual Sunday dinner, but your other ventures would have to be saved for another time.
Your complaint was that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy your time with her because you’d be too focused on your hair. You explained the hours that went into doing everything and how it would be unfair to make her sit through that.
While you thought your reasoning was valid, Melissa didn’t. In her eyes, she’d be missing out on valuable time with you. Time she could be using to learn about you and take care of you. She'd said, “Who said I'd just be sitting there? I want to help.” And when you began to protest she added, “What if you need me to do your hair one day? I don’t want to be clueless. I want to know how to do it.”
You hadn't been expecting her to say that, but you should have known it was coming. Even after you told her how much effort went into managing your hair, she was still eager to assist. She was kind in that way; willing to do anything to make your life easier. You admired her adamance, and you would have been a fool to cancel your plans after that.
“I’m sorry.” You laid your forehead on her shoulder, placing kisses over the expanse of skin not covered by her shirt. “I didn’t think you wanted to be involved in the hair chronicles.”
“Why not?”
“Because you could be doing so many other things.”
“Well, I specifically cleared my weekend to be with you.” She lifted your chin up, locking eyes with you. “You know I don’t care what we do. As long as I’m with you, I’m good.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Melissa?” you joked. She was forward with her affections today – giving you loving touches and sweet words. You hadn’t seen her all week and clearly, absence made her heart grow fonder.
“Oh, stop it.” She nudged your arm. “I can be sweet sometimes.”
“You’re sweet all the time.” You kissed her lips once, then again with the intention of stopping, but somehow you found yourself making out in the middle of your kitchen.
“The food’s gonna get cold,” she murmured against your mouth but didn’t make any attempts to move away.
“I have a microwave,” you took a moment to catch your breath, “and an oven.”
She laughed and tiny sparks jolted through your heart as the melody rang throughout the space. Oh, how you missed hearing that.
“Come on, let’s eat.”
You sat down in the seat across from her and began to open your box of food. “Oh, did you want coffee?” you asked, realizing you completely forgot to make some. You knew she’d say yes, so you began to stand.
“I’ll make some in a minute.” She grabbed your hand stopping you from making any further movements.
“Are you sure? It’ll only take two seconds.”
“I'm sure,” she insisted. There was a familiar glint in her eyes and you could tell she didn’t want to be out of your company – even if you were just taking a few steps to the coffee machine. “Right now I just want to sit down and eat with you.”
You squeezed her hand before sitting back down, unable to suppress the smile that snuck onto your face – honestly, it may have never left.
“Tell me about your week,” Melissa spoke as she took her silverware out of the packaging.
You chatted about each other’s weeks and you told her about the project you were working on. You even slipped in some workplace drama for her entertainment, and you two laughed over how silly some of your coworkers were. She told you about her students and how well they were doing with presenting their book projects. As you ate, you marveled at the way her eyes lit up. You respected the adoration she had for her kids. She genuinely loved her job and it showed.
“How’s Ashley?” you asked. The last thing you heard was that she wasn’t getting along with her aide.
“Actually, I’m growing to tolerate her.” She looked at you with a pleased look.
“Really?” You tried to mask your shocked expression, but your reaction was evident in your voice.
“Don’t sound so surprised.”
“I’m not. I just–,” you paused. “I don’t know. You just always complain about her.”
“Yeah,” she looked up at the sky as if she was reminiscing, “Jacob helped me get through to her. I just needed to see things from her point of view.”
“See, didn’t I tell you?” You’d also told Melissa that she just needed to be patient with Ashley and think about the young woman’s feelings too. Teaching a class was hard work, and it could be even harder if you didn’t have the support of your peers.
“I know, I know.” She held her hands up in defense. “You were right.”
“You should listen to me more,” you smiled.
She rolled her eyes, “I already said you were right. What more do you want?” 
“I’m just saying,” you shrugged. “I’m glad you worked it out though.”
“You done bragging?” Melissa asked, giving you side-eye.
“No, not yet,” you smirked, “but I am done eating.”
“I’m never telling you you’re right ever again.” She stood and gathered your trash.
Your jaw dropped as you walked to the counter to make her coffee. “Whatever. The satisfaction of knowing I’m right will do.”
She came to stand in front of you as the aroma of espresso filled the air. She placed her hand on your hip and pulled you toward her, closing the gap. “I told you I’d make that.” 
“You know I’m hard-headed,” you whispered, your proximity causing you to lower your voice.
“Oh, I know.” She brought her hand up to the hem of your shirt, fingers moving under the fabric and coming in contact with your bare skin. Her digits trailed up your torso until they were brushing against your ribs.
“Stop.” You tried to be stern, but the words came out softer than you intended.
“I’m not doing anything.” She leaned into your neck, her lips skimming the surface. She placed a kiss over the hollow space in the center, and your eyes fluttered at the sensation.
“Melissa.” You gently pushed her away. “I invited you here to help me do my hair, not to kiss my neck.”
“I don’t see the harm in doing both.” She draped her arms around your waist, feigning a look of hurt.
“Yeah, that’s the problem.” You laughed before shrugging her off. “Your coffee’s done. You know where everything is, help yourself.”
“Thank you.” Her eyes were fixed on yours, and you could barely hold the intense gaze.
“You’re welcome,” you smiled. “Meet me on the couch when you’re done.”
“Will do.” She finally moved to grab her mug.
“And stop looking at me like that. You’re gonna kill me.” You added before walking out of the kitchen.
✦ ✦ ✦
Once Melissa was done, she joined you in the living room. She was met with the sight of you sitting in front of it the couch. Your back was resting against the cushions and you had a collection of hair tools and products sitting before you. Sound from the TV filled the area as you searched for a movie on Netflix.
“What do you wanna watch?”
She sipped her drink before answering, “Something funny.”
“Okay, you pick. I’m tired of looking.” You passed the remote to her before slumping against the couch.
“You’ve been looking for like 30 seconds.” She took a seat behind you, pulling her legs up to rest next to her.
“Yeah, 30 seconds too long,” you sighed as you sorted through the items in front of you.
“What’s wrong?” Melissa could sense the sudden change in your attitude. 
“I don’t feel like doing this,” you whined, tilting your head back and laying it against her thigh.
She paused her search for the movie to look down at you. “I thought you were excited?”
“I’m excited to get my hair done, but I’m not excited to do all the prep.”
“What all do you have to do?” she asked, settling on playing The Hangover.
You released a deep sigh as you let Melissa in on the plan. “First, I have to take these braids out. Then I’m gonna detangle my hair, wash it, and deep condition it. After all of that, I have to blow dry it.”
‘Okay,” she murmured into her coffee, preparing to take a sip, “just take it one step at a time.”
“Ugh! Melissa, you don’t understand.” You dragged your hands across your face in misery. “It’s gonna take me so long.”
“How long?” She moved her free hand down to yours, pulling them away so she could properly look at you.
“Like four hours. Maybe five depending on how lazy I get.”
“Five hours?” She raised her eyebrows in shock. Even though you'd told her about the process, she wasn’t aware of exactly how long it took. “Shit, babe.”
“Last time it took me longer,” you informed her. “But I also did everything across the span of a few days. I like doing it that way, but unfortunately, I don’t have time.” Your hair appointment was tomorrow and you hadn’t even begun, so you were on a bit of a time crunch.
“Relax, hon. You know I’m gonna help you.” She tried to encourage you, knowing that you got overwhelmed easy.
“It’s still gonna take so. damn. long.” You punctuated each sentence with a tap of your head against her thigh.
“The faster we start the sooner it’ll be over.” She brought her hand to back up to your face, laying her palm against your cheek. “What do you need me to do?”
“If you could help me take these braids out I would really appreciate it.” 
She set her coffee mug down, then scooted toward the edge of the couch so she could reach you better. “Of course. Just tell me what to do.”
“It’s pretty self-explanatory.” You repositioned yourself so she could see you properly.
She looked at you, ready to take in your instructions.
“You’re gonna cut the end of the braid,” you took your scissors and demonstrated, “then you’re just gonna loosen it.” Melissa watched as you removed the extensions from your hair. “You think you can handle that?”
“Yeah, seems simple enough,” she nodded.
You passed her a pair of scissors and said, “The only thing I ask is that you don’t cut my hair off.”
“Oh, God.” She took the object from your hand. “Thanks for putting pressure on me.”
“If you’re not sure where my hair ends just overestimate, but it stops about right here.” You showed her an approximation on another braid. “No biggie if you cut a little bit off.”
“You say that, but I feel like you’re lying.” She held the scissors in her dominant hand, hesitant to make a move.
“I do it all the time believe it or not,” you assured her.
“Okay, but if you do it to yourself that’s different.” She picked up her chosen braid and squinted hoping that would help her to see where your hair ended. “Go in my purse and get my glasses, please.”
You burst out in laughter at that. “Really, Lissa. It’s not that deep.”
“Uh, it is that deep,” she mocked your words. “I’m serious. You know my eyes are bad.”
“You need a purse organizer.” You rifled through the bag in search of her glasses. “Actually, you need to clean your purse out. There’s so much stuff in here,” you said, pulling out a wrapper from a snack she must have eaten recently. 
“You’re talking a lot of shit for someone who’s entrusting me with a pair of scissors.” She joked.
“You're not funny.” You gave her a stony look. “But you really do have a lot of stuff.” 
You finally pulled out her glasses and passed them to her. She placed them over her eyes and motioned for you to come back to her, but you sat there for a second just admiring her.
“Stop being weird and come here. We’ve got business to tend to.” You watched her lip twitch as she fought the smile that was tugging at her lips.
You couldn’t help but stare, she was just so pretty. “So it’s only okay when you do it?”
“I’m not as obvious as you.” She justified as you took your place in front of her.
You gasped in shock, “You’re worse than me!”
She didn’t respond, instead choosing to grab one of your braids. You couldn’t see her, but you knew she was inspecting it carefully.
“Can you see it any better?”
“Yes, actually, I can.” She took the scissors and snipped the excess off of the braid.
Her actions were delicate as she moved her fingers through your hair. It was much different from the way you handled it. You weren’t afraid to yank at the strands, but Melissa seemed to be – almost like she was scared of hurting you.
Noticing that she was moving a lot slower than you, you decided to share a tip with her. “If you take the two outside pieces and tug on them a little, the braid will unravel faster.”
“Oh, am I going too slow for you?” she teased, stilling her hands.
“No,” you laughed. “I’m just trying to save you some frustration. I know it can be tedious.”
“It’s not so bad. Plus, we’re already halfway done.”
“Since you’re enjoying it so much, I’m gonna call you when it’s time to take out my next set of braids.”
She laughed at that, taking a moment to finish the last few sips of her coffee.
“This is only going by so fast because I have like 12 braids. If these were box braids we'd be struggling.” you explained
“Aren't these cornrows?” she asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Well, they’re called feed-ins. They're similar to cornrows, but a different technique is used to create the braid.”
"Hmm," she hummed signaling she'd heard you but you weren't sure she understood what you meant.
Before you could explain further, you felt her hand run through a section of your hair. The action caused your head to jerk backward – the mechanics of you hair wouldn't allow her to easily glide through. Her fingers were caught in your strands and she let out an “oops” as she tried to untangle them.
“Yeah, you can't just... do that.” You winced as she fumbled with your hair, trying to extricate herself without causing any harm.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly once she got free. “Did I hurt you?”
“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me,” you assured her, turning to look at the woman. “We’ll dentangle everything in a minute, okay?”
“Okay,” she nodded.
“Personally, I hate it, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like that part,” you winked.
“Sorry, again.” You could sense some embarrassment as she let out a nervous laugh.
“It's fine, Mel,” you smiled. “You're learning.”
“Speaking of learning, I have a question,” she said, watching you work on the last section. 
“About what?”
“You said there was a difference between feed-in braids and cornrows?”
“Yeah, so with feed-ins you feed in pieces of hair as you braid. Hence the name,” you clarified. “When you do a traditional cornrow, you only add the hair at the start of the braid. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “So what’s the reason for feeding the hair in?” she asked. “Is it better than doing it the traditional way?”
“Adding the hair gradually helps the braid become thicker and longer. It’s not necessarily better, but in my opinion feed-ins because they look more natural.”
 She nodded as she took the information in. “I didn’t know there was a difference.”
“Yeah, I usually don’t get them, but I decided to switch it up.”
“What made you do that?”
“For one, I was tired of sitting down for a million hours.” You weren’t joking, but Melissa laughed at your exaggeration. “But I also just wanted to try something new.”
“You usually get box braids, right?” she asked. 
You turned to face her once you were done taking the last braid out. Melissa had her chin in her palm, listening intently, and it made you smile. “Yeah, but then I saw everyone getting feed-ins with all these cute designs in them and I wanted to get them too. I’ll have to show you pictures so you can see what I’m talking about.”
“I’ve seen some of the students with them, and they have heart designs in theirs,” she shared.
“Yes, oh my gosh! Isn’t it so cute?” You tapped your hand on her thigh in excitement. “I didn’t get a design this time around, but I really want one next time.”
“Yeah, it is,” she smiled at your excitement. “I love when the girls come in with all the different color braids. Like right now Mikayla has pink and black braids. And the other day Aria came in with a haircut after she took her braids out, and she was so excited to wear her natural hair.”
“Aww, how cute!” It made you happy hearing about how the little girls at Abbott were embracing their culture. “I love how many new styles have emerged, and there’s so much versatility. Like I can truly do anything with my hair whether I have braids in or I’m wearing my natural hair.”
“I love your hair,” Melissa admired you, taking in your appearance now that you were void of your braids.
“I’m sure it looks a mess right now, but I love it too. Even though I complain about it a lot, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.” You smoothed your hand along your curls. “I think I’d cry if I woke up with straight hair one day,” you laughed.
You spent the rest of the night talking while you finished up. As you suspected, Melissa was enthralled by the detangling process. You told her your curls would be fragile since you hadn’t touched them in a couple of weeks, and she took such good care to be gentle. After you dried your hair, Melissa was in awe seeing how much longer it got. She didn’t know your hair, which stopped at your shoulders when wet, would stretch to the middle of your back when it was blow-dried. You then had to explain the concept of shrinkage to her – how as your hair dried it lost its ability to expand and be elongated. It never occurred to you that she’d be so interested in the topic of your hair, but you were happy to impart your knowledge to her. You let her ask you questions until her heart was content.
✦ ✦ ✦
The next day, you woke up with a pep in your step. You were beyond excited to go to your hair appointment. Even though you knew it would be a long one, you had been going to your stylist for years and she always knew how to keep you entertained. You could talk to her for hours, never running out of things to discuss. If you ever got bored, you could always resort to taking a nap. It was a good way to pass the time, and you got lucky because she never complained when you fell asleep.
“Someone’s very happy this morning,” Melissa commented on your demeanor. You were practically skipping around the room as you were getting prepared to leave.
“I am! And you should be too.” You placed a kiss on your lips before flitting to the other side of your room.
“Why is that?”
“Because you don’t have to hear me complain about feeling dusty anymore,” you laughed. “Now I can complain about more important things.”
“Yeah, like what? How I don’t give you enough attention?”
She chuckled as you gave her a combination of a glare and a pout. “Come here for a sec.”
You waltzed over to her, taking a seat in her lap. “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to hold you while I talked to you.” She rested her palm against your back and began to rub circles over the area.
“You’re so cute.” You leaned in to press your lips against her cheek. You felt warmth under your lips as a blush rose to her face.
She bit her lip to suppress her smile. She didn’t acknowledge your remark, instead asking, “What time are you gonna be done?”
“I’m not sure, but sometime this afternoon. I’ll text you know when I’m almost finished.” You cupped her face. “Why are you blushing?”
“I’m not,” she said even though her face was clearly red. “What do you want for dinner?”
“I don’t know. I’m not craving anything in particular.” You rested your head against her shoulder.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do. I’m gonna go to the store while you’re gone.”
“Ooh, can you get me ice cream?” You pleaded, standing up to put your shoes on.
“So I'm your personal shopper now?” She quirked her eyebrows at you.
“Don’t be mean.” You grabbed everything you needed and made your way to the door, Melissa following close behind. “I’ll see you later. The spare key is on the hook for when you leave.”
“Okay, I should be here when you get back.” She gave you one last kiss. “See you soon.”
✦ ✦ ✦
You left the salon at 5 pm, meaning everything took around seven hours to complete. Your neck and back were sore beyond measure, and your body was dying for some food. Nonetheless, your hair was finally done and that's all that mattered. You couldn’t wait to get home to shower and eat dinner with Melissa.
When you walked through the door of your apartment, your senses were filled with the delicious smell of food that instantly made your stomach growl.
“I’m home!” you yelled.
“In the kitchen!” the redhead called back.
You walked in that direction and saw the most domestic sight you’d ever laid eyes on – Melissa in casual clothes with her hair up in a ponytail. She was sipping on a glass of wine as she monitored the pan on the stove.
“Hi, hon,” she smiled, her lips hovering over the rim of the glass.
“Hello,” you walked over to greet her, enveloping her in a hug. 
“I thought you were never coming back,” she joked.
“And you say I’m dramatic,” you laughed into her neck before pulling away.
You watched as her eyes wander to your head, and you could tell that she was formulating her thoughts. She set her wine down and tilted her head slightly, drinking you in instead. “Your hair looks so good, baby.”  
“Yeah?” you said, trying to be modest even though you knew you looked good.
“Yeah, give me a spin,” she requested.
You spun in a circle for her so she could get the full view, stopping your rotation once you met Melissa’s earnest gaze again. 
“I like the brown. It’s very pretty,” she complimented.
You decided to get a pop of color this time. It wasn’t anything crazy, just something subtle that would catch the eye. “Thank you,” you grinned. “Is dinner almost done?”
“Yeah,” Melissa wrapped her free arm around your waist, “it’ll be ready in 30 minutes.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off by a series of kisses: one on your temple, one on your cheek, and finally, one on your lips. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing the pretty girl. Is that okay?” she murmured.
You felt your brain go fuzzy at that and you almost forgot what you were about to say “Yeah, more than okay.”
“Mmm, good.” She continued to kiss you until you both ran out of breath. 
“Someone's hungry,” She asked once she heard your stomach growl.
“Hungry is an understatement,” you laughed. “Oh, did you get my ice cream?” Your burning question finally made its way out of your head.
“Yes. I almost forgot though.”
“Thank you.” You wrapped your arms around the woman, completing your embrace.
“You don't have to thank me for that.”
“Not just for that,” you murmured into her neck. “For helping me out this weekend. I really appreciate it.”
“You don't have to thank me for that either.
“I do.” You looked up at her. “'Cause you didn't have to do it.”
“What? You thought I would let you do it all by yourself?”
You shrugged. “I mean, that's what I usually do.”
“Right, but you had me this time.” She rubbed her hand along your arm.
“You gonna help me all the time now?” You were half joking, but also curious to know what she would say.
“Yeah, that's what I'm here for.” She looked down to meet your eyes.
“Wow, you must love doing my hair.”
“More importantly, I love you.” She kissed your forehead.
“How many glasses have you had?” you asked.
“I tell you I love you and that's your response?” she laughed incredulously. “Just one.”
“I'm just checking.” You threw your hands up in defense.
“It's not the wine. It's you,” she continued to chuckle. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Melissa.”
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ms-cartoon · 3 months
Sorry, but can I ask you a stupid question? I'm like a person who gets pissed off about b*tches-characters and I miss my late father because he treated me well… But why does Stella NOT piss me off at all, but I’ve hated Stolas since season 1, episode 2?
(I'm sorry to hear about your father!)
I kinda asked the same question myself when thinking about it, but it didn't take long for me to realize that Stella deserves better. I mean, there's no taking away the fact that she didn't put in any effort in the relationship, but here's the thing.
One main reason to not hate Stella is because her character is just done wrong.
For one, at the time ep 2 aired, it was completely understandable why Stella was enraged over what Stolas did. Bro cheated on his wife! Who on green grass would be okay with that if they were in her shoes???? And it wasn't like we could fully hate Stella. We weren't given much context to her relationship with Stolas (even now, there's still no context). Viv can't just tell us "Oh Stella never really cared about Stolas" without actually showing it. Plus if Stella really didn't care about the affair, she shouldn't have reacted the way she did.
And now that Viv finally showed how much Stella hates Stolas, it feels completely forced and out of nowhere. She's trying so hard to make Stella the villain so the audience would hate her guts. But it doesn't work like that! You can't just turn a character evil by making them hate the protagonist without giving much context about her past. You can't just force the evil psycho trait in a character since they were a kid just so you can avoid giving any history to them and make excuses for another character's actions so we could pity them.
Speaking of that, it's a valid reason to be pissed off at Stolas. He can do the most shittiest thing possible and will still be woobified and babied by, not just Viv, but the fans also. He cheats on Stella, which is wrong. Oh but wait! Turns out Stella never liked him and is evil, so the affair is completely justified. He's a terrible father, flirting with people in front of his daughter and neglecting her. Nope!! Let's figure out some way to make Octavia feel bad for being understandably mad at him and apologize cuz HE'S the one that screwed up.
Is uncomfortably flirtatious around Blitzo who is clearly uncomfortable, but let's make it to where Blitzo starts to like Stolas too to make the harassment okay. Plus let's also turn Stolas's lust into love cuz as it turns out, he was actually in love with Blitzo the whole time. (*cough* bullshit *cough*)
So yeah, I'd say those are some pretty fair reasons for these feelings. There's more too it, but this is just the main one. I also have plenty of other reasons Stolas is terrible if you want to give it a read: https://www.tumblr.com/ms-cartoon/718079858665783296/reasons-why-i-gradually-started-to-hate-stolas
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
Okay actually after thinking about it for a couple days I have what might be called a hot take. I think what 615 did and the response to it is actually very similar to 510. I wasn't a part of the fandom when 510 aired but just from reading the fics that were written during that time in the post-5A hiatus I can tell that a lot of people were putting a very strong and misguided emphasis on Buck's reaction to Eddie leaving the 118. At least from what I read, it seemed like everyone expected Buck to be hurt and feel abandoned by Eddie's choice and, frankly, have a reaction that I would've hated, which is to make that decision that Eddie made as a clear trauma response about himself. Sure, I'm absolutely sure that Buck felt hurt by the fact that Eddie didn't talk to him about it and continued to push him away after the fact, and Oliver certainly played Buck as feeling wrong-footed by how Eddie was acting, but his main concern was never, ever about himself - it was about the fact that he could see that Eddie was struggling but couldn't figure out why or how to help until Eddie's breakdown.
That's exactly what's happening in the graveyard scene. Yes, Eddie is absolutely hurt by the fact that Buck, his best friend, his person, is talking as if a stranger he just met sees him better than Eddie does. But his main takeaway from that conversation isn't to hang his head and walk away with a sack tied to a stick like goddamn cartoon. It's because he knows Buck that he can tell whatever feelings he thinks he has for Natalia are completely misguided and stem from a far more serious issue, which is that Buck is more affected by his death than he previously realized. That realization and upset expression that you see on Eddie's face mostly and most likely isn't heartbreak for himself - it's almost exactly a parallel to the kitchen scene in 511, when Eddie tells Buck to move on and Buck looks devastated but also mystified. In both 615 and 511 it's Eddie and Buck going "Oh. Something is wrong. This is worse than I thought."
So what I'm trying to say is that while all the speculation about Eddie majorly pining and being heartbroken and this scene compounding his loneliness (which, Eddie's loneliness is a whole other thing that does exist on it's own I absolutely agree with that, I'm just saying this scene wasn't that big of a factor in it) is valid and probably at least partly based in truth, I don't think that's the direction the writers will take the story. Specifically this sentiment I've been seeing all over my dash about how Buck doesn't know he's hurting Eddie and when he finds out he's going to be so devastated and apologize and I just?no? That's simply not realistic or fair to me. Buck's trauma response to his death is the culmination of a lifetime of trauma and just like Buck supported Eddie through his breakdown, Eddie will continue to be Buck's pillar through his once he stops running from it and no apologies will be owed because they love and understand each other enough to know that any hurt caused is not intentional.
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88y53 · 2 months
New trailer for MAWS Season 2! I have some things to say.
Mainly about the villains.
And I just...
How about we start with the positives.
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They brought in Atomic Skull, which is great. He should've been here sooner if you ask me.
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Parasite is returning, and he was a stand-out in my opinion. Loved how they reinvented him.
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That's unmistakably a parademon, which means they'll be expanding the space side of the story and bringing in the New Gods. Cool.
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I'm thinking this is Solaris, the Tyrant Sun. Always fun to bring in an evil sentient star.
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Looks like they're bringing in Steel, which is awesome. Love having him around.
And for the big one:
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Supergirl! Clark isn't alone anymore!
It'll be really fun watching how this develops.
Okay, now for the things I'm iffy about.
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Is this guy supposed to be Bloodsport or Conduit? Either way, can we stop with the techno-mercenary-criminals?
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I guess not because apparently this is going to be Blockbuster.
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Livewire's back. I say through clenched teeth. Hopefully, they'll introduce her pathological need for attention and validation in this season.
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Apparently, Brainiac is a collaborator with the Kryptonians, who seem to be like the Viltrumites from Invincible–superpowered world conquerors.
[I do kind of like this call-back to the old Fleischer cartoons]
And then this:
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This is officially Lex Luthor.
. . . (sigh). This show is so frustrating to me because it's so close to perfect, but it just never commits to getting it right.
Now, I understand Lex Luthor is a hard character to grasp because he's been completely misunderstood for the past 40 years (and we have John Byrne to thank for that).
I can see how they could spin this into a Breaking Bad scenario–a young genius who feels overlooked and underappreciated decides to become a master criminal to get the respect law-abiding society denied him.
But that's still missing a critical piece of his character.
Lex Luthor and Superman used to be friends.
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(This was written by Jerry Siegel, by the way–AKA the co-creator of Superman)
There was a time when Lex had the potential to be a world-changing scientist, but a rookie mistake by Superboy completely changed the trajectory of his life.
It's only when they had a falling-out that Lex became a criminal because he lost faith that society would ever accept him.
This Lex feels more in the mold of the John Byrne Lex who was just a bad Donald Trump parody.
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It also brings to mind Jesse Eisenberg's pseudo-libertarian Mark Zuckerberg Luthor, which was just the apex of how shallow the Post-Crisis Luthor is.
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Basically Lex Luthor becomes a super-criminal because he has no friends. He's a GD incel.
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Like, seriously, he's just a lonely nerd who denies his insecurities through a hyper-masculine persona, all to distract himself from how miserable he is.
That is Lex Luthor
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That's what makes moments like this so poignant:
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Lex Luthor could be happy and respected if he just let go of his toxic mindset, but he's so wrapped up in his misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, entitlement, and blaming of Superman to see it.
I also kind of headcanon that Lex is gay and just massively over-compensates for it, and his fixation on Superman is the same hated obsession incels have with women.
Maybe the show will surprise me, who knows?
I'll still watch it–it's the first solo Superman cartoon in the last 27, so you can't be picky about these things.
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sentinelpri · 3 months
Too Good To Say
Raindrops smack against the glass of the window as Rook Blonko lies in bed, amber eyes trained on none other than Ben Tennyson. The other plumber sits on the edge of the bed watching the new live action adaptation of Sumo Slammers. Normally, Ben would be ranting about how different it is than the original cartoon, but today is not a normal day. In fact, it doesn’t seem as if Ben is paying attention to the show at all, just blankly staring at the television but not really consuming the media in front of him. 
Meanwhile, Rook just watches Ben, a soft smile gracing his lips. They got into a terrible skirmish with Khyber earlier that morning and lost him, but not before the accomplished hunter managed to stab one of his many blades through Rook’s shoulder. Thankfully, he’s bandaged up and recovering well, but he would be stupid not to realize how upset Ben is that they’ve let Khyber escape yet again. Rook is frustrated that Khyber got away, though more than anything, he’s glad that Ben made it out unscathed- that they’re both okay.
Rook sighs. The movement of Ben’s shoulder blades against the back of his jacket, the steady rise and fall of his back as he breathes, the way he slightly ruffles his own hair to calm himself down, it’s all reassuring in a way that Rook never thought it would be when the two of them first became partners. 
Rook thought he was in love when he met Rayona, because she loved him. She was kinder than his parents, and she was stronger than his friends. The attention she gave him, the admiration he felt for her, it all mixed into a disjointed infatuation that he had foolishly assumed was love. The validation she provided was exciting. The love she had for him was the only love he knew.
But Ben, Ben is different. Ben is interesting and self-centered and altruistic; a cacophony of contradicting qualities that make Rook’s heart flutter with excitement whenever they’re together. The feelings he has for Ben are more than the intense infatuation he’d become accustomed to on Revonnah, because Ben isn’t perfect and doesn’t present himself as such. He’s strong in many ways and weak in others. He’s kind and caring, but inconsiderate and selfish. He’s authentically himself. He doesn’t care about how others perceive him. He’s beautiful, yet so incredibly frustrating, too. He’s nothing like the cool, collected, muscular, bold hero he’s presented as in all of the rip-off television shows, badly drawn posters, and dramatized stories. And Rook still loves him despite all of it, because the good qualities outweigh the bad ones, even when Ben is at his worst. 
Suddenly, Ben snaps out of his trance and breaks his eyes from Sumo Slammers. He scoots to sit next to Rook on the bed, staring down at him with his jade eyes. Rook averts his gaze, heart thumping against his chest.
“How’re you holding up, buddy?” Ben asks and places a hand on Rook’s arm. Rook can never tell if the touches are romantic or not, but he always accepts them without question. He craves them, even; desperately wants the heat of them to burn the fur off of his skin and leave a scar in its wake- for it to stay there forever, in one way or another. Ben’s fingers brush through his fur. Rook isn’t prone to leaving it uncovered, mostly wearing a full suit of armor with gloves and boots to keep himself safe. Following his injury, however, Ben insisted he shower and change into clean clothes after having his stab wound tended to, so now he’s in a tank-top and sweatpants that are a little too short for his long body. His worn clothes sit abandoned in a pile by Ben’s bedroom door. “Rook?”
“Oh,” Rook starts. Ben’s hand lingers a little too long, trailing up his arm before Ben finally pulls it away, careful to avoid touching anywhere near Rook’s wrapped injury. “I am fine, thank you for asking.”
“I’m going after Khyber.”
Rook tilts his head to the side, baffled. He knows Ben is serious based on the tone of his voice. Still… Khyber is dangerous and Ben has been cornered by the huntsman multiple times now. Ben going by himself wouldn’t just be risky, it’d be stupid. 
“You… I am sorry? I must have misheard you.”
“No, you didn’t. I’m going after him tonight. Grandpa managed to get a tracker on his car and-”
“Ben, you can not go by yourself,” Rook interjects, furrowing his brow.
“Yes, I can. I have to- or we’re not going to be able to catch him! I won’t let him get away again.”
“Catching Khyber is not worth you getting seriously injured, or worse, killed.”
“Well, no matter what you think, you’re not in any condition to stop me,” Ben argues as he stands from the bed.
Rook gulps and reaches forward to grab Ben’s hand. It’s cool to the touch and calloused from all the fighting they do. Ben turns to look back at him with wide eyes. Rook drops his hand and stares down into his own lap.
“You are going to go even if I ask you not to?”
“Well, yeah,” Ben answers as if it’s obvious, as if Rook’s concern for him doesn’t matter at all.
“You…” Rook starts with anger bubbling up in his chest.
It’s an odd feeling, one that he hadn’t felt much before meeting Ben. There’s just something about the brunette that’s so incredibly frustrating. Maybe it’s his blatant disregard for others, or maybe it’s the way he so recklessly throws himself in danger’s way without any consideration for his own safety. 
“What? Got something to say?”
Rook hesitates, unsure of how to answer at first. Ben just stands there glaring at him with his arms crossed. 
“Yes, actually,” Rook responds after a few seconds. He stands up from the bed and goes to pick up his pile of old clothing and shattered armor. “Your self-absorbed nature is going to get you killed. When will you stop to consider the consequences your actions have on others?”
“Consequences? Nothing I do affects you, and neither will this!”
“And how did you come to that conclusion, exactly?” Rook demands while pulling his boots onto his feet and tucking his clothes underneath one arm. 
“It’s obvious! You don’t care about me in all of this- you’ve never cared,” Ben spits. His words couldn’t be farther from the truth. Then again, Rook would argue that Ben is even more emotionally oblivious than himself, which is quite the accomplishment. That would be the only explanation for how he hasn’t figured out Rook’s feelings by now when even Kevin, Gwen, and Argit have made jokes about the situation in front of both of them. “What you care about is following the rules and- and controlling me!”
“Controlling you? Are you serious?” Rook scoffs, standing in front of Ben’s bedroom door. Both of his parents are gone on a vacation with Ma Vreedle of all people, so Rook can’t even try to get them to convince Ben to stay. “I do not think there is anyone in this universe let alone on this planet who is capable of controlling the likes of you, Ben.”
“Whatever,” Ben huffs and heads for the door, only for Rook to block his way.
“You can not do this. I will stop you if I have to.”
“Why? Why are you acting like you care about me all of a sudden?” Ben rants, getting closer and closer until his face is mere inches from Rook’s chest. “Worst case scenario, I go do this, and I get hurt, or even die. We’re partners- friends, maybe- but it’s nothing more than that! You’ll get over it, get another partner that’s probably a lot easier to deal with, and you’ll be fine. So, why does it matter what I do? Why do you care?”
“I will not ‘be fine’ if you die, I-” Rook raises his voice, and then stops. He can feel heat rising to his cheeks and he’s suddenly incredibly grateful that they’re covered by fur so he doesn’t have an obvious blush like Ben often does- like Ben does right now. “I...”
“You what?”
“Unlike you, I do not think I am too good to say to you how I feel,” Rook closes his eyes. He’s too scared to see what Ben’s face will look like after hearing what he’s about to say. “I will be shattered if something happens to you, because I love you, and just so there is no confusion… What I mean by that, is that I am in love with you.”
“You-” Ben stumbles over his words, an awkwardly choked noise coming from the back of his throat.
“But you are clearly not reciprocating my feelings, and that is fine,” Rook continues as he reaches behind him and opens the bedroom door.
“I never could have expected you to love me. You’re you, after all; Ben Tennyson, the hero who has saved the universe a thousand times, and I am just your partner who you refuse to respect and refuse to listen to- who you never even desired in the first place. I would be a fool to expect more than what you are willing to give, I am aware of that. I have never assumed you would fall in love with me at any point,” Rook says, glancing at Ben over his shoulder. The brunette’s cheeks are bright pink and his pupils are blown wide as he stares at Rook. Rook can’t quite discern the face Ben is making; maybe it’s confused, maybe it’s angry. He himself is too frustrated to figure it out. “But I did make the mistake of assuming you would, at the very least, respect me and value my opinion.”
“Rook, would you just-“
“No, I see how it is now,” Rook interjects, shaking his head. “I can leave you alone, if that is really what you want… Just call me when you need to be rescued like you always do.”
Rook turns to leave, only for Ben to reach out and clasp a hand around his wrist. Rook freezes at the touch- it’s cool yet firm and he wants to stand there and let Ben hold his wrist forever, but he’s so angry that he just can’t. So, he snatches his wrist from Ben’s grasp and stomps out of the Tennyson household. 
As the steps of Rook’s steel-toed boots thump onto the carpeted floor, he can’t help how disappointed he is that Ben doesn’t chase after him.
By the time Rook arrives at the plumbers’ headquarters in his truck, his fur is wet with tears and his amber eyes are puffy from crying. He scans his badge to get inside and heads to where he knows Ben’s grandfather, Magister Max Tennyson, will be manning the monitors. 
“Magister Tennyson, sir,” Rook greets with a salute, to which Max turns around from where he’s sitting in front of the many screens.
“Rook, what’s going on?” Max greets, a big grin on his face. He seems excited to see Rook again following their confrontation with Khyber- at least until he sees Rook’s expression. The Magister stands from his chair and crosses his arms as disappointment washes over him. “Oh, no, what’d he do this time?”
“I assume you are referring to Ben?” Rook questions with an awkward laugh.
“When am I not these days?” Max sighs, shaking his head and adjusting the collar of his floral shirt.
“He is going to go after Khyber by himself. He told me that he refuses to let me come with him since I am still recovering from my earlier injury, and he insisted on going alone. I believe he will be angry if he finds out that I have gone behind his back to inform you of this, but I am quite concerned about his well being.”
“That idiot. I put that tracker on Khyber’s getaway car so we could find him together at a later date, not so Ben could go on a wild goose chase all by himself,” Max groans and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. “Hold on, I’ll track him using his badge so I can send him some back up.”
Max turns back to the computers and types in Ben’s plumber identification number so he can pinpoint the location of his badge. Rook wouldn’t usually be so bold, but his concern for Ben overtakes him as he curiously peeks at the computer and then at Max’s face. Max appears to be baffled, his lips pulled tight and the rest of his face scrunched.
“What is it?”
“The badge… The coordinates are still at his parents’ house. Did he say when he was going to leave?”
“No. Him and I got into an argument over this while still at his house and I left, but he declared he was going to leave to go after Khyber then and there, which is what started the argument in the first place. I assumed he left shortly after I did, but if his plumber badge is still there…”
“I’m going to go and check if he’s actually still there or if he’s just trying to pull one over on us by leaving his badge at home,” Max explains, then stands up and places a reassuring hand on Rook’s shoulder. “You should head home and rest up. I’ll let you know what I find, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
Max walks past him and to the exit of the monitoring room, only to turn and look back at Rook to speak to him one last time before leaving.
“Hey, now, don’t worry yourself to death. You’ve already got a lot on your plate as, and you know how Ben is. He’ll be fine- he always is.”
“Right… I will head home, then,” Rook nods. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
With that, Max leaves. Rook immediately notices that the rest of the plumbers in the room are staring at him with curiosity in their prying eyes. He wonders if he’s really that obvious… If it’s so easy for them to tell that his concern for Ben goes beyond one plumber caring for his partner’s safety. If they can all tell that he’s in love. 
Embarrassed, he storms out of the base before anyone can ask him about it and gets into his truck so he can drive back home. 
Weirdly enough, as he drives down the streets of Bellwood, he can’t help but notice that his heart hurts far more than the healing wound on his shoulder.
That night, Rook finds himself unable to sleep as he sits in the windowsill of his living room, staring out the window. The apartment he started renting a month or so back is small and a little crowded, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind it as it’s significantly larger than the dorm rooms that they had on the plumbers’ base. 
A knock rings through the room. At first, Rook assumes it must be one of his neighbors’ doors, but then there’s a second knock, and then a third. The knocks quickly form a rhythm that Rook recognizes as Ben’s, so he rushes to let his partner inside. When he opens the door, he’s faced with Ben, who is slightly hunched over. He has a black eye, bloody nose, and a busted lip.
“Ben!” Rook exclaims, amber eyes widening in horror. All of the anger, the frustration, and every other terrible thing Ben had him feeling earlier morphs into pure worry and fear. “What happened to you?”
“You are badly hurt,” Rook scolds and grabs Ben’s hand without thinking. He intertwines their fingers and while he would normally never do something so bold, he can’t stop to think about the implications of hand-holding with a human amidst his many conflicting emotions. He practically drags Ben inside, shuts the front door behind them, and pushes Ben down onto his living room couch. “You should have called me before it got to this point. I do not know if you are aware, but I was waiting by my cell phone and had my badge on hand the entire time you were gone so you could contact me!”
“You were mad at me! You really expected me to call you in the middle of the night to come save my ass after the argument we got into this morning?” 
“I am still upset, but that does not mean I want you to be hurt,” Rook kneels in front of the couch where Ben is sitting, holds both of his hands in his own, and glances up at him.  “Why did you not go to your mother and father? They were supposed to return from their vacation this evening, correct? Or why not your grandfather at the plumbers’ headquarters? He went off to look for you.”
“They don’t understand,” Ben looks away and crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re the only one. You always have been… You’re just easier to talk to. No one else gets me like you do.” 
And Rook pauses, because for the first time since leaving his home planet to become a plumber, he’s being chosen first. He swallows tightly and allows his mind to race. Part of him entertains the idea that Ben may actually reciprocate his feelings, but at the same time… it seems like such a reach that he doesn’t dare to ask. If Ben doesn’t feel the same way, he’d rather they just forget about it and pretend as if nothing happened between them in the first place.
“Hm… So, how did everything unfold?”
“I lost him… We beat the shit out of each other but I had the upper hand. He realized that he wasn’t going to win and made an escape, and I was too messed up to catch him,” Ben explains while running a hand through his hair to push the fluffy brown locks away from his bruised, bloody face. “I barely even made it here to you.”
“I see.”
Rook lets go of Ben’s hands and goes to retrieve a damp washcloth, an ice pack, some bandaids, and a bottle of the water. When he returns, he opens the bottle of water and pushes it into one of Ben’s hands, then sits down next to the other plumber and starts to gently wipe the blood off of his face with the washcloth.
“Not going to lecture me about how I was wrong?” Ben indignantly demands. “No ‘I told you so’?”
“No. You already know you were in the wrong when you went after him. You do not need to be informed of that fact.”
“That somehow made me feel even worse.”
The two plumbers fall silent as Ben chugs the bottle of water he was given by Rook. The crinkle of the plastic bottle echoes through the small room. Rook thoroughly cleans and bandages Ben’s injuries, and though they look gruesome, they prove to be quite minor compared to so many of the other ones Ben has acquired with the work they do. Once he’s finished, he tries to push the ice pack into Ben’s spare hand, only for Ben to put it to the side and reach forward. He holds both of Rook’s hands in his own and stares into his amber eyes.
“What is this?” Rook questions, moving to sit next to Ben on the couch.
“I’m sorry. I do respect you, and I should listen to you more. I do value your opinion, I just…”
“You are stubborn. I understand,” Rook says with a small smile. “It is something I love about you, most of the time. I admire your tenacity. In situations like this, however…”
“I know, and about that… Y’know, it’s pretty messed up to confess your love like that and then leave without letting me respond.”
At that, a lump forms in Rook’s throat. He’s barely able to swallow it in time to reply to Ben, who is staring at him expectantly with an undeniable blush on his face. 
“I see. Would you… Like to respond now?”
“Yeah, I think I should,” Ben answers and leans forward to rest his forehead against Rook’s. Rook freezes in place, his heart skipping a beat. He and Ben have been in closer quarters before due to their profession, but it’s never been so… Intentional. So intimate. Ben shuts his jade green eyes and allows a small smile to take over his face. Rook just stares at him and waits for what’s next. Much to his surprise, Ben gives him a kiss. Though brief, it’s sweet, and enough to lift the weight that’s been on Rook’s shoulders since their argument earlier that day as Ben pulls back. “I love you, too, Rook. I’m glad you told me.”
“Oh?” Ben laughs.
“It is a lot to process,” Rook answers, barely able to get the words out. “Would you stay here with me tonight?”
“Yeah,” Ben nods, his smile as radiant as the moonlight that shines upon them through Rook’s living room window. “I think I would.”
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doubledyke · 3 months
What do you think would happen immediately after BPS? How would all the parents personaly react to their disappeared and returning children? The kids would really ever throw a party, or just have to fix all the wrecks and be grounded? And Edd and Eddy would even have a face-to-face good conversation about their adventure and what they learned?
I think Eddy would need a validation from Edd more than ever, and the fear they could have lost each other would let them even more attached.
i had detailed ass theories written out for each kid as to what lies they could tell their parents and what the likelihood was that they'd be believed, etc. and then i realized that it could all be solved with a simple phone call from one parent to another lmao. and lbr, the chances that someone's kid is gonna be gone all night and they're not gonna flip the fuck out are slim to none. outside of a couple exceptions of course. i felt like a moron so i didn't include it here. i guess i like to pick and choose when to adhere to cartoon logic 😂
anyway i do think the non-ed kids would get into trouble and be grounded for varying lengths of time. they might have just enough time to have a little kiki in the lane before heading home and getting dragged inside by the ear/bear hugged/further ignored.
one exception might be rolf, because i don't think it'd be entirely out of the norm for him to be gone all night on occasion. maybe he had an urban ranger camping trip that his nana forgot to tell his parents about, or had to chase down an escaped animal into the wee hours of the morning. he enters the house, clearly disheveled and sweating nervously, but probably gets nothing but a fine howdy do from everyone inside.
eddy would be grounded for a comically short period of time because he's a spoiled brat. a couple of days tops. it's really only an attempt by his parents to appease the angry mob. all the other parents know he's the little shit stirring ring leader and berate his guardians accordingly. regarding his absence, he tells them he and the boys rode out the storm in the van and that they were fine. he accepts his punishment because telling them what really happened means telling them he visited his brother and that WOULD get his ass in big trouble. legal stuff, you know. as far as any takeaway he might have... let's be real here, eddy's still the same ole eddy at this point. i don't think the full weight of what just happened has hit him quite yet. he's still reeling about being invited to kev's for jawbreakers and whatever else preteens who don't really like each other do for funsies. i do think that while he's spending aaaaaall that time alone (again, 2 days max), in between trying on outfits for that party at kevin's, the image of edd standing up to his brother does cross his mind. edd, the coward. edd the wimp, stood up to his tormentor. and got swiftly beaten into the ground for it. yet still ran over to make sure he was okay after ed essentially saved his life. ed the dolt. ed the idiot was the one to think of pulling out the pin (literally), and blasting his abuser with a face full of door. i think the guilt, shame and embarrassment would hit him hard, along with a lot of weird mushy stuff that he doesn't really know what to do with. so he doesn't do anything with it. not immediately anyway. but i've already talked about post bps eddy a bit so i'll leave it at that.
i've seen people say that edd's parents wouldn't even notice that he was gone overnight, because... so were they. and yall know i'm the #1 hater of edd's parents so of course i agree lol. if word gets back to them somehow though, i imagine them being very passive aggressive about it. shocking, i know. i feel like they'd go their usual route and punish him by not talking to him - as in not even leaving sticky notes around the house. except for one that says something along the lines of "dear eddward, you are not to leave the house today, as you are hereby grounded until further notice." along with a scroll of chores of course. but yeah they make him wait around and wonder when he'll be able to see his friends again. probably a good few weeks or so. i've always had the headcanon that eddy would be banned from edd's house and maybe this is when that happens as well. if word doesn't get back to them- which is more likely imo because they're so elusive that no one knows how to contact them - i think edd could likely have a bit of a meltdown over their indifference. not to mention the guilt he feels in either scenario. for starters, he feels like he simply must tell someone what he's just witnessed- especially as a future mandated reporter... nah i'm kidding but i do think he'd want to tell an adult what happened to his dearest friend. but he knows it would only compound eddy's grief. outside of that, there's the fact that he feels that he never received a comeuppance of his own. eddy got thrashed by his so-called "hero" in front of his peers, and if his previous punishments are any indication, ed is very likely enduring what can only be described as suburban confinement for the foreseeable future. he, on the other hand, has gotten away with a horrible deed, with more than a year's worth of horrible deeds without so much as a scowl from his parents. he has to fight tooth and nail to resist his compulsion to confess his wrong doing, directly this time. cuz the confessional he wrote at the beginning of this ordeal is still on his desk when he gets home. it's kind of like when people say "at least if you're angry, i know you care", but magnified 100x for his entire life. i think this is when the switch kinda flips for him and he has to come to terms with the fact that his parents are at best, extremely cold and aloof. and at worst, knowingly neglectful. either will be hard for him to accept of course, because he's got an image in his mind already of what "true" neglect looks like:
ed's going in the hole, man. it's the cliche where his parents fawn over sarah and are so thankful that she's okay and "you had us worried sick, missy". only to turn to their other child who was also missing for 24 hours and proceed with the finger wagging and reprimanding. i don't think sarah would rat him out though. in fact at this point she might even try to stick up for her now suddenly not so bad older brother. but to no avail. in fact, it makes his mom angrier - she must have hit her head if she's sticking up for her troublemaking brother. "you see, edward? your erratic behavior has finally landed your little sister in the hospital. hope it was worth it." as far as they're concerned, ed put sarah in grave danger by running away. he was a terrible influence, and for that he's gotta be made an example of... to himself? i'm gonna venture a guess here that dad'll be taking the stairs again. he also boards up the basement window. they take his tv, his tapes, his comics, and all his model making supplies. his mom wanted to take his gravy tub but dad insisted it was too much of a hassle. luckily for him though, they can't take that vivid imagination of his. he spends the next two weeks staring at the ceiling, coming up with a storyline for his own comic, which he starts working on as soon as his belongings are returned. it ends up being sooner than he anticipated. he was told it'd be a month, but his mom is sick of looking at the box of his crap in their bedroom closet, so he's off the hook early. lucky feller. next time he runs away though, he's making extra sure sarah doesn't follow.
obviously i think edd and eddy, really all three eds are going to be even closer than they were before their little excursion. but i think it takes time for eddy to mature enough to truly grasp how meaningful it all was. like he knows, but admitting it is corny af. edd is probably gonna be so preoccupied with deconstructing his relationship with his parents that he's a somewhat aloof for a period. there's also a rumbling within ed, especially after seeing sarah's attempt at defending him. i don't really know what conclusion he comes to except that if he wants even a chance at having a good relationship with his sister, he's gotta get the fuck out of there asap. i do think he'd start "running away" more often, possibly staying with eddward during his burgeoning rebellion, or from time to time, eddy. maybe even rolf. he might also sleep in the van when the weather allows. anything to be away from that hell hole. i wrote in my fic that he'd move out and live with may at age like, 17 i think? literally as soon as possible lol.
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lilbabystuffieluver · 1 month
Welcome to my blog!
What's my blog about?
This blog is dedicated to educating people on age regression and the misconceptions of it! This is a safe space to ask any and all questions about age regression.
Here's a list of things/people I DO NOT want to interact with my blog! And if you do . . . Surprise! You're getting blocked! :D I reserve the right to block anyone with or without reason provided.
DNI if . . .
You participate in DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MBLG, ABDL, CGL or anything similar!
If your profile is NSFW
You are/support endogenic system(s)
You support pro-shipping
If you're anti-recovery
If you're anti-agere
You're a p3do/MAP
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or anything similar
Zoophile or necrophiliac
If you're gonna talk about politics
Support problematic people
You support autism speaks or similar things
Gore/sh/ed accounts
About Me
Hihi! I'm Alex! I've been an age regressor since I was 14, and I'm 20 years old now! I'm autistic and have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and a few other things. Learning about mental health stuff (including age regression) is my special interest! I prefer to interact with adults only, so please do not dm me if you're under 18. I run a sfw 18+ Agere server on discord so DM me if you want the link! I also have a partner/cg so please don't flirt with me or be a creep otherwise I'm gonna block you! I'm very excited to be able to teach others about age regression and hope I can help some people :D
What is age regression?
Age regression is a sfw coping mechanism used to cope with past trauma, or to heal your inner child. Regression can be voluntary or involuntary. It can also just be used for fun or as a way to relax. People who age regress mentally regress to the age of a child. This can be to any age but for a lot of people it will typically be from the ages of 1-6 years old. Age regression can present itself in many forms such as baby talk, playing with toys, watching cartoons, doing kid-like activities, being more vulnerable, using pacis, bottles, and sippy cups, dressing in a childlike manner, difficulty regulating emotions and more!
Can age regression be NSFW?
No! Age regression is strictly SFW and should be kept as such. The reason being is people who regress are in the mental state of a child, and children CANNOT consent. Anyone who makes it NSFW is taking advantage of the regressed person because again, they cannot consent to NSFW activities.
Why do some people have the misconception that it's NSFW?
When people think of age regression as NSFW, they're actually thinking about something called ag3 play. Ag3 play is a k1nk where someone roleplays being a child while their "daddy/mommy/d0m" (i do understand that lots of regressors use daddy/mommy in a sfw way tho!) interacts with them in an NSFW way. Ag3 play is borderline p3dophilic as someone is "getting off" to someone who dresses/acts like a child, and it's morally wrong. (If you support ag3 play, DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, or ABDL YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! 🙂)The difference between age regression and ag3 play is that age regression is actually mentally reverting to the mindset of a child, ag3 play is only roleplay. If you're making your "regression" s3xual, you're not actually regressing. It's just a k1nk and roleplay.
Is there a wrong way to age regress?
Absolutely not! Age regression comes in many different forms and the way you regress isn't wrong or bad! There's not a wrong way to dress, play, talk, or interact with other regressors (just remember to be kind!). Just because you don't fit the stereotype of pastels, pink, teddy bears and hello kitty doesn't mean you're any less valid as a regressor! You can even like scary stuff while regressed and that's perfectly okay! You don't have to be picture perfect to be able to regress. You can be messy and loud and anything you want! Just do what makes you feel most comfortable!
Do you have to have a caregiver to be a regressor?
Nope! Not all age regressors have, need or want a caregiver! Caregivers are completely optional to have as a regressor and some people feel more comfortable regressing alone!
What's the difference between a good and bad caregiver?
Here are some tips for weeding out good vs bad caregivers!
Good caregivers
Speaks in a gentle tone and doesn't yell or raise their voice to get their point across
Respects their littles boundaries
Doesn't use physical punishments (hitting, spanking, etc.)
Is understanding, patient and kind
Rewards their little for good behavior
Comforts their little when they are upset
Finds other ways of communication when their little is nonverbal/semi-verbal
Bad "caregivers"
Punishes their little for "not obeying" them
Hits or spanks their little
Yells or raises their voice
Is manipulative (ex: saying if their little doesn't do something they'll be punished)
Involved in any k1nk communities such as ddlg, mdlb, abdl, etc.
Doesn't try to get to know the big side of their regressor only talks to them when they're little
Calling their little mean names
Tries to make their little touch them inappropriately/touches their little inappropriately
Downplays their littles feelings
Keep in mind that every caregiver/regressor dynamic is different but these are some green vs red flags to watch out for when finding a caregiver. I'll add more to this list later!
What are some common disorders that cause age regression?
Age regression is very common in those with (c) PTSD, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dissociative disorders.
This post is a wip and more will be added later! Thank you for reading! :)
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cosmics-beings · 2 months
Idk why a lot of fans are excited for transformers one and think it’s going to be deep or meaningful in any way. The trailer indicated, at least to me, that it’s going to be a terrible hour and a half of kiddie crap with every bad kid’s animation cliche in it. They’ll probably even have a dance party ending with Optimus and Megatron leading it. Animation is going backwards into a dark age where people still see it as being only for kids and they refuse to create quality products. I am dreading this movie. It could have been something enjoyable for both child and adult transformers fans but noooo, it’s strictly for 5-9 year olds and it’s going to be one of those movies adults hate sitting through like the academy awards joke about.
(This is just my opinion, I’d be very happy to be wrong)
So in my personal opinion, i do think that it is going to have a more serious tone to it. The director has stated that it is meant for fans of all ages, and there are parts in it that will reignite transformers for new fans. also, it takes inspiration from the Dune series which is also really interesting. i do think there is going to be complexity in it.
but at the same time, the audience for transformers is always going to be children first and foremost. So if it somehow happened to just be silliness and a dance party at the end, personally, I wouldn't mind. i also don't think he animation is that bad? i don't think it's bad at all--as an artist, but also as someone who loves vibrant, retro, vapor wave type aesthetics, this movie is lowkey calling my name.
My personal opinion as well is that, while this may be more of a kids centric movie (though i do think it'll be suitable for all audiences), transformers already has a lot of iterations that are more adult centric. the IDW comics, Armada, Skybound, Prime and give or take Earthspark (which deals with both child and adult themes like healing from trauma, queerness, ptsd, etc.). Even ROTB is more adult centric (i am not counting the Bay films no thank you).
I think this franchise has always had it in it to be both adult centric, child centric and a bit of both. At the core though, I feel it is important to acknowledge that transformers is always going to have in mind, to be a child franchise so we should keep that in mind for movies like this. TBH after the seriousness in a lot of other iterations i don't really mind if it's silly. I think, it's okay if we get a plot that is a little silly.
I also wanna comment on what you said about animation going into a dark age and people thinking it's only meant for kids. Personally, I don't belive that. I think when looking at things like transformers, yeah, the animation in itself is going to have to be child friendly, even if it's for all ages. and the humor in the trailer and the overall vibe is going to feel childlike.
But i'd implore you to also realize that animation is still for everyone. I'm not sure if you've seen the Love, Death and Robots series, but please do. Because that is beautiful adult centric animation, from cartoon style, to 3d, to motion capture.
I think when we look at TF, yeah it's easy to assume that animation in areas such as that iso only seen as being for kids, but i think that's because it's transformers.
All this to say, i do understand and validate your opinion. I am excited about the movie, as hardcore transformers fan and of course, I have been dying to see Starscream on the big screen again, so I'll be seated.
But if you don't think it's going to be your cup of tea, i can totally understand.
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