#all heavy sciences too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooooo well
tahdashi · 2 years
i gotta wake up at 5 tmrw to work >:/
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this-should-do · 1 year
i want to know more about your less developed janitor half life oc because i too have a half life janitor oc
janitor oc havers unite !!!! 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝
they have no name as of yet (and im open to suggestions lol) but this is a quick doodle page i made for them just for this ask
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character thoughts and musings below the cut
anyways, they are very bare bones of a concept, but im thinking this person in my brain is soooooo gossipy, cuz like whats the fun of working in a top secret facility if you dont get to be gossipy about it, like they are so invisible to most people who work there, but boy do they have a lot of friends out of the facility who they talk to and go visit often and i think they have absolutely broken their nda so many times but thats okay they deserve it for how little they get paid and how hard they work.
but tbh i think they dont mind the pay too bad (lying they actually want more pay so much lmao), they appreciate cleaning as it helps manage their compulsive cleaning inclinations,theyre un diagnosed ocd i think but they sure know they Need to clean and getting to indulge it day in a day out as a job is better than suffering constantly trying to do another job and being distressed by grime and germs but it also limits how much they can spend cleaning on one thing which helps them manage their compulsions at home as well thru repeated exposure, its not a cure all obvs but it helps and can be stressful in its own right on somedays. its a great people watching job too if ur happy only being able to listen more than half the time
they specifically got a job at black mesa tho becuz they love the concept of science but they never really got to learn any of it formally (not to say they didnt try but the combo of ocd affecting their mental health, in general struggling with math without an extra hand to grasp it initially, and lack of money money preventing them from attending college, really stopped them from being able to pursue the interest) they really like the all the thought that goes into experiments and analyzing the information, and the cool things that result from it, and more superficilaly they like the look of the machines and the big chunky buttons and the charts and hearing the lingo heavy chatter of people who know what all of it means, they probably have a few magazine subscriptions to science magazines, such as popular science, popular scientist (they think its cool he could feasibly see kleiner at thier work place after seeing him on teh cover of the magazine), and science news
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side-shawty · 4 years
Burn XIII (Stark!Reader)
XIII: More
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Type: series
Prompt/Summary: Love is everything.
Pairing(s): Peter Parker x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x daughter!reader
Requested? YES
I’ve been inactive for soooooo long that I understand if no one cares about it anymore BUT after a lot of writers block and some mental fragility I am BACK! And i will f i n i s h this series. Much love to you all <3
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The ceiling was white.
Just like it was when you always woke up, white and cold with buzzing fluorescents. These were different though, they were dim not at all blinding.
Your guard was up immediately when you heard the beeping of machines nearby. You looked around and saw yourself hooked up to several monitors. An increasingly rapid beeping made it clear that one of them was a heart monitor.
The walls around you were all white. The outline of a door was visible on the left wall and you quickly began to remove all the wires and tubes from yourself frantically.
You had to leave. They couldn’t keep you here any longer. The just ... couldn’t.
When you finally freed yourself from the machinery you swung your legs over the side of the bed and saw your body covered in bandages big and small and fading bruises covered the visible skin.
You reached up and tentatively felt the bandage around your neck. You were praying that you had done enough damage that they couldn’t put that horrible device in again.
You shifted your weight so that you could hop off the bed, vaguely registering how soft it seemed.
“I wouldn’t do that,” spoke a voice overhead.
You almost wept, “FRIDAY?” You asked sitting back on the bed.
“Welcome home Miss Y/N,” she spoke reassuringly.
Suddenly heavy with relief you settled your elbows onto your knees and held your face in your hands.
“Oh my god. It was real,” you whispered to yourself, believing your escape had only been a dream.
You were stunned into silence and could hardly breathe properly.
“Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?” FRIDAY prompted.
“Please,” you responded, unable to say much more as tears began to wet your cheeks and bandaged palms.
It felt like only a few seconds until the white door slid open and your father, mother, and sister all sprinted in and right towards you.
You chanced getting off the bed to stand only to realize that your legs were extremely weak. If it had not been for your father scooping you into his arms, you would have fallen face-first onto the ground.
Pepper and Morgan were quick to also wrap their arms around you and you could only sob in the arms of your family as they began to cry along with you.
After what felt like forever you finally released each other. Your mother forced you to lie back down and they all sat with you. Tony to the left, Pepper on the right, and Morgan in your lap, her back against your chest clutching her Otto the octopus.
You waved your mother off when she attempted to tell Morgan that sitting on you could hurt. You missed having your little sister in your arms like this, besides she was beginning to nod off.
You finished the glass of water your Dad had given you and he took it, putting it on the white bedside table.
“What happened? How long was I…” You trailed off.
All of their expressions seemed to darken at the questions.
“After the gala,” Tony began, “that android that took you just vanished into thin air. We all searched for you but there was nothing. Your tracker all but died and you were in there for…” he paused like the next words would inflict physical pain, “for three more than weeks. And you’ve been unconscious for nine days.”
You didn’t speak as you processed the information. All you could do was squeeze a sleeping Morgan and Otto closer to your chest. You realized you were squeezing too hard when the girl shifted uncomfortably and forced yourself to relax as she slept.
It was all coming back to you in pieces, the experiments, that room, and—
“Where’s Harley?” You asked abruptly and Pepper gave you your answer.
“He’s safe. He was only unconscious for about a day and a half when you got back. He’s been recovering from malnutrition and minor injuries but he’ll be alright.”
You let out a relieved sigh at that.
“What about everyone else?”
“See I told you she’d be like this,” Tony said a bit exasperated to Pepper.
“I know, this one might be on me.”
“Oh, it’s definitely on you.”
You rolled your eyes, but the action strained them a bit, “What are you talking about?”
“You always ask about everyone else when you’re the one who needs the attention right now,” Tony said, and reached for your hand to hold it in his own, “It’s okay to be a little selfish at times like this.”
You nodded, knowing he would take no other response.
“But to answer your question everyone else is completely fine, we even got some information from that base. Some of which we will seriously talk about later,” Tony told you sternly.
You nodded again before recollecting something else, “What about Peter? He got shot,” you paused, “because of me.”
“We all know that boy would take a million bullets if it meant saving you,” Pepper said jokingly and you cracked the smallest of smiles.
“I’d do the same for him,” you said looking down at Otto and Morgan, playing with a loose multicolored thread.
“We know and we also know he’s anxious to see you. Everyone is actually but we told him he could be next,” Tony said.
“He’s here?” You asked.
“He hasn’t left.”
“Wait where is here?”
“The compound, had your white room revamped into a temporary recovery space,” Tony said and began gathering Morgan into his arms.
You were about to speak again when he added, “And to answer your next question it’s about 1 AM”
You smiled, “Thanks, Dad.”
“Of course.”
“We have to get this one to bed and I know Peter is probably anxiously waiting outside right now,” Pepper said beginning to stand, she walked up to you and placed a loving kiss on your forehead. Tony followed suit.
“We love you Firefly,” She told you.
“So much,” your father added and you could feel the tears attempting to well again.
“I love you guys too, thank you so much for not giving up on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Tony said and the three of them bid you goodnight before exiting.
Before the door could even close Peter was in the room but he hesitated at the door. Almost jumping as it shut behind him.
He looked like a kicked puppy with messy hair and in sweatpants and a t-shirt with a terrible science pun. You held your arms out to him.
“Peter,” you spoke.
That was all it took for him to be at you in an instant and as soon as you were in the warmth of his embrace the tears you were holding back came rolling down your cheeks at full force. It wasn’t long before Peter was crying with you.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N/N,” Peter sobbed into your shoulder.
You shushed him lovingly, “It’s okay Pete, I’m okay.”
He pulled away from your shoulder as he sat as close as possible to you, holding your hands gingerly and kissing them.
“I should have protected you.”
You shook your head as you started into his red-rimmed eyes.
“No, this is not your fault. This is no one’s fault, okay?” You said and he nodded, you couldn’t be sure if he believed you or not.
“Oh god, I was so scared I would lose you, all that time. We never stopped looking, we did everything —“
“I know Pete, and I love you all for it,” You took your hands out of his in favor of holding his face.
“I just hate seeing you like this,” he said and turned his head to place a quick kiss onto your palm.
“These little cuts and bruises? I would still kick your ass on the training mat,” you told him and his light laughter ignited your own.
“I missed you so much,” he said.
“I missed you too, every day. You were one of the reasons I fought, I could never just leave you.”
There was a moment of comfortable silence before Peter spoke up again.
“I love you,” he said, looking deep into your dark eyes.
The lump in your throat made it impossible for you to respond so you did the next best thing. You took the hands on his face and moved them so your arms wrapped around his neck. You brought him to you slowly.
One of his hands cupped your cheek while the other rested on the small of your back.
The feeling of his lips finally connecting with your own was ethereal. You never thought you’d feel this again. So you let yourself get lost in it.
Something that started out sweet and innocent quickly became dangerously erotic, with dancing tongues and soon to be bruised lips. As he pulled you impossibly close to his chest you tangled your fingers into his hair.
You were sitting on his lap before you knew it, he was holding onto you as if you’d disappear if he let go for even a second. When you tugged his hair slightly he all but moaned into your mouth.
Pulling back you were both breathing heavy and you rested your foreheads against each other, smiling.
“So I guess it’s safe to say you love me back,” he teased.
“Without a doubt in my mind,” you said pulling him back in for another soft kiss.
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musette22 · 4 years
lol, I'm coming on anon with this ask 😬 but you know me 🤣
soooooo, I was thinking- boyfriends Chris and Seb having big family dinner at chris's mom's place... and when everyone's plate is full and conversations start, some sneaky heavy petting or maybe even jerking the other off under the table happens. Who's doing the jerking and who's trying to keep quiet? 🤔🤔🤔 need h/c... for science
Woohaaaa.... Okay well, I’m all about that bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism, but personally I’d prefer thinking about them doing something like this around friends rather than family 🙈 Around family I think (hope) they’d keep it PG-13, at least! But if it was with friends of the same age and people were a bit tipsy and rowdy anyway, I could definitely see this happen! I actually think it would be Sebastian who’d take the initiative and start teasing Chris under the table, because he’s a cheeky little shit who knows how red Chris’s face gets and how hard it is for him to act normal when something feels good 😏 Of course I don’t think it’d take too long for their friends to cotton on, and then they’d quickly stumble off to the bathroom together, giggling and kissing while their friends yell good-natured profanities at them <3
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Go for it!
SO! (*Slams hands together*)
The “G-Cuza Metro” HLVRAI AU! Something that a discord server has seen a bit of(They’ve been SUPER helpful with design feedback!), but I haven’t posted about here yet because I just got the idea today!
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This is what I’ve drawn for it so far! This AU is HEAVILY inspired by the AHIT Nyacuza Metro dlc, hence G-Man’s nickname! Putting under a read more because this is L O O O O O O O N G , B O I-
Black Mesa is now a train Metro place! No longer a science building, the science team now has the following occupations:
Coomer: Food stand clerk!
Bubby: Ticket seller/master!
Darnold: Drink stand clerk!
Forzen: Security guard(I guess??)
Gordon: ???
Tommy: ???
The thing about G in this AU; he’s EXTREMELY manipulative and has a very...Demanding presence. Alongside being 7′ 5″(HE’S A TALL LAD), his voice is loud and “demands” attention. He has a voice that quiets a room, no matter who’s in it. 
G also has a team of ‘g-oons’(Hardy har har) at the ready for when Justice and/or Benrey get spotted, as they’re the Metro’s most wanted for multiple reasons!
Justice is different than their past AU incarnations, in that they act more withdrawn and quiet.(Albeit with very good reason.)
Justice is constantly out to upend Emperor’s(G-man, it’s easier to call him Emperor) schemes and lies, but before they became more withdrawn and quiet, they were far too risky for Benrey’s liking. After one attempt that was EXTREEMELY risky, Justice became far more quiet and reserved. 
Justice and Benrey know that Coomer is safe to go to if they need a quick snack, as Coomer...is still Coomer. 
Unfortunately, this does not mean that they can let their guard down, as Bubby’s Ticket stand is RIGHT NEXT TO COOMER’S FOOD STAND.
Bubby may be many things, but he’s not stupid. He knows that if you see Benrey, Justice, or both at the same time, YOU REPORT ASAP IMMEDIATELY.
Forzen is the most chill of the Metro Team, but if Justice is doing something that they’re not supposed to, he’ll give them a ten second head-start before he reports them.
Emperor? Yeeeah, he puts my main AU G-man to SHAME.
Main AU G-man? Bad person.
SJ AU G-Man? Slightly better, but still a bad person.
Y2KAV G? Great parent!
G’s Revenge G? Terrible person.
Emperor is a HORRIBLE person with absolutely, positively, 100%, perfectly NO REDEEMING QUALITIES WHATSOEVER.
Someone from the Metro Team drops dead? Oh well! Good thing I have cloning down!
Someone tried to expose my horrible schemes to the world? Make them die a horrible and PAINFUL DEATH after watching their FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHO KNEW ABOUT THE PLAN GET TORTURED.
Emperor is the worst G-man I’ve EVER thought of, but the thing that I love/hate the most? The thing that’s why he’s never gotten caught? The thing that’s why nobody suspects a thing? HE’S. SO. SUAVE. AND. CHARISMATIC.
If someone blames him for something he DID do? All those years in drama class are paying off!
If someone escapes him punishing them for almost exposing him? He puts on a facade that he cares so that the person he’s pursuing seems like a jerk and they get put back into HIS custody so that he can finish what he started.
His body count? Makes the science team from the original HLVRAI seem like a JOKE. He DOES have boundaries, don’t get me wrong(he would never force anything s*xual, he may be a supervillain overlord, but he’s HEAVY on consent for that stuff), but he’s still a HORRIBLE PERSON.
To me, he’s an absolutely inGENEOUS take on G-Man, and I love him to bits, just because of how absolutely HATEABLE he is.
Apologies for rambling so much, I just got SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO MANY ideas for this AU that I can’t stop typing! Hope y’all enjoy my little infodump!
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bloodiedskirtts · 6 years
The Science of Love | Bruce Banner x Reader
Summary: Bruce Banner is one of the greatest scientists of our time and Y/N is absolutely enamoured with her boss. How could she not be adore this man?
Pairing: Bruce Banner x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Requested by @marsnothere - I hope this okay. I know it’s short, I’m sorry.
Hey !! Can you please write a fluffy one shot with Bruce Banner? Maybe being sassy smartasses together or a date night or just,,,anything really? I love him so much,,, Thank you 💙
 I haven’t wrote Bruce before so...Also this gif is screaming daddyyyyy
Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading. I hope you guys like it! Gif not mine, credit to owner.
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A love affair with Bruce Banner was not something she expected when she started working with him. Okay, for him. She had jumped at the opportunity to work for one of the leading scientists in the world. She had just completed her masters and was planning on doing a phD but working with Bruce Banner came up first. She had followed his work for years, it was one of the reasons she studied science in college. 
She always thought she came across as a bit of a fangirl whenever she was with Bruce. She was honestly obsessed with him and she couldn’t hide it. What she didn’t expect was for him to actually really like her. He started spending more and more time with his new lab assistant. He couldn’t help but be attracted to her, she was gorgeous, smart, quick witted and she didn’t take any bullshit. He liked that.
Their first kiss was a bungled affair, she was so excited that she figured something out that she had struggled with for weeks. And she had thrown her arms around Bruce in excitement. He blushed deeply as she pressed her soft body against his. His fingers pressed against her back, keeping her close to him for just a moment too long. As she pulled away, he gripped her forearms and brought her in for a soft kiss. She had gasped, not expecting it. Not expecting Doctor Bruce Banner to want to kiss her.
She pulled away, a stupid smile plastered over her face, as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. After that he had asked her out for coffee, that he would do things the proper way. She nodded eagerly, pinching herself to make sure that she was still awake. 
Their romance was slow, coffee dates, lunch dates, dinner dates. Stolen kisses and heavy petting. It wasn’t until six months of this that he asked her to be his girlfriend and she of course couldn’t say no. He took things slow, and when he finally agreed to go up to her apartment after a dinner date, she was over joyed.
When they started dating people talked. But people always talk. She was half his age, his lab assistant, fresh out of college and hungry for more. She had to brush away those rumours, pretend like they didn’t hurt. He even suggested that they stop dating to stop people talking. But she refused to hear of it, why should they stop their happiness because of stupid rumours.
Now two years later, she couldn’t be happier. She really loved Bruce Banner and he was a genius. She knew that before but seeing it up close and personal was something completely different. Although she did tease him about this whole genius thing. If he was truly that smart why in the name of all things good was he doing with her?
He would brush her questions off, tell her she was being silly, that she was the best woman in the world. Of course, if Bruce Banner tells you that you’re the best woman in the world, you believe him. He is a genius!
‘Bruce! Why aren’t you ready?’ she gasped as she came out of the bathroom to see him lying on their bed, still not dressed.
They had reservations for this fancy restaurant in the city that she had been desperate to go to. And if they didn’t get there on time their table would be given away. She was dressed and ready to go, wearing a red off the shoulder dress which reached her knees and hugged her curves. She had already slipped her feet into a pair of sky high stilettos and had perfected her makeup from a smokey eye to a bold red lip.
She even styled her hair in loose waves! And here was Bruce Banner half dressed, reading!
‘Oh, we’re fine. We have plenty of time,’ he teased as he pushed himself up off the bed and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. She couldn’t help herself, she just smiled at him, patting his cheek as he went off to change.
‘You look real cute today, Brucey,’ she said as she put his book away and made the bed.
‘Do I not look cute every day?’ he teased as he buttoned up his black shirt.
All he got in return was an eye roll from his girlfriend, he grabbed his jacket as he ushered her outside. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to hail a cab, the traffic was bad but it was New York for God’s sake. There was always bad traffic.
Finally the cab pulled up to the restaurant and she got  out quickly, pulling Bruce, who was trying to pay the driver, with her. He waved his apologies to the driver as he pushed the money into his hand, before letting his girlfriend drag him into the building. She gave the Maitre D’ Bruce’s name, he booked the table after all and they were brought to their table.
After ordering a bottle of house wine, they began to look over the menu and she was obsessed.
‘Oh my God! I cannot believe we are actually here!’ she squeaked out.
He simply chuckled, ‘Ya know, if I knew that you wanted to come here soooooo bad I would have pulled some strings.’
‘What kinda strings?’ she teased, resting her chin in her hands.
‘I know some people,’ he teased. 
She rolled her eyes, ‘You knew that I wanted to come here!’
He laughed, ‘Okay, okay! I did know. But I wanted to wait for something special.’
‘Special?’ she asked, cocking her head in confusion.
He nodded, looking kind of nervous.
‘Yes, special...’ he said. ‘Ya know, I really do love you, Y/N. These past few years, well they’ve been amazing. You are an amazing woman. And I’m so honoured that you’ve chosen to spend it with me. I’m sure you’ve had better offers. Honestly, just look at you.’
She was blushing now.
‘I know that I’ve never been as happy as I am when I’m with you. And I don’t want to ever lose you. I never want to lose you, Y/N. So it’d be an honour if you...’
He swallowed hard.
‘It would be an honour if you would be my wife.’
He produced a velvet box with a gorgeous engagement ring in it. She gasped, tears forming in her eyes as she nodded.
‘Of course, Bruce! Of course! Oh my God! Yes. A thousand times yes!’ she giggled as he pushed the princess cut ring onto her finger. 
‘I was nervous you’d say no!’ he admitted, timidly.
‘You know for a genius, you are the biggest idiot I have ever met!’
Permanent tag list
@kayleeflower, @savemesteeb, @rainbowkisses31, @valeriae2903, @sophiatomlinson23, @rhiisnotawitch, @mcuimxgine, @randomstoriesofabunny, @marsnothere, @myrabbitholetoneverland
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squigglecheesecake · 6 years
Day 1- Spreading the Sickness
(Kay so imma just update this later cause this took more time than I realized and boi you betta believe I’m writing for our lil Magician’s week.)
So since I’m shit at art but have so many ideas in my head, I’m writing it out! Hurray! lol! Basically, this is like a y/n type story soooooo enjoy! 
 The lights had shattered. They didn’t blow out, surprisingly I didn’t hit one by mistake...again. They simply shattered. Each and every single bulb. Shards of glass rained down on both of us. I covered my nose and mouth along with Henrik. All the lights contained mercury. Someone was supposed to replace them but he kept pushing it to the side. Thankfully, Henrik had a mini flashlight hooked to his keys. It turned on, lighting up the floor. I couldn’t see too well but I couldn’t really complain either.  
    My eyes wandered over to Henrik and..he had an unsettling look on his face. Something was off. The past few weeks were odd. He seemed more irritable and..something else that I really couldn’t place. A bit more cautious I suppose? Don’t get me wrong, that isn’t a bad thing. Between the both of us, he’s a lot more calmer and careful when handling fragile things. However, out of nowhere, he decided to move to a new location. I remember walking into his office in the hospital. For such a small room he had a lot of stuff. Boxes and crates filled the room. I mean, I wanted to stay back there..but his offer? 
  Studying for years only to end up with a low paying job at an overworked hospital was grueling. Yet, the chance to become famous? Everyone wants that, right? The chance to discover something new and learn its properties could change the world. How could I not accept? I know it sounds crazy and to even accept it so quickly...but he chose me. Think about it. The other nurses, the doctors, th-the people who understood much more fields of health and science. That was such an honor to be chosen and just like that, we both appeared in this warehouse he moved into.
   I let out a small squeak as he jerked my body over to the right, snapping me back into reality. Without hesitation, he shoved me through the doors. I stumbled in and rubbed my now tender arm, thanks to him. He didn’t care though. He locked the doors and slipped out his phone from his coat pocket. His back was turned against me, hiding, always hiding. He left me constantly to work while he wandered off doing who knows what! 
“Take this.” He handed me a mask. 
“Thanks.” I drew in a breath and slipped the straps behind my ears, adjusting it. It wasn’t exactly the best mask for Mercury filled air but it would have to work for the time being. 
“So.” I said, sitting down on one of the unopened crates. “I guess we’ll have to get new bulbs huh? Maybe something more efficient and less poisonous?” I mean I tried. I had good intentions. He’d been so bummed out, I wanted to cheer him up or get some sort of positive reaction from him. He wasn’t interested in conversations though. He paced around the room, grabbing beakers, test tubes, rifling through all the boxes in a frenzy. I watched him, curiously..that was when I noticed something. I stood in front of his path and pulled a jar from his hand. I could feel his eyes on me but he kept silent. I turned the glass jar over and mouthed out the words on the label. It suddenly sunk lower into my hand, feeling heavier. 
“...Where did you get this?” I held my breath, seeing the other containers. GHB, Uranium, Francium, Chromium, Astatine, other labels that I only could remember reading about in history. 
“Nevermind this.” He took it back from me and set it down by an old rusted sink. 
“How does this even exist?” I reached for a container labeled ‘Triatominae’, that is, before he slapped my hand away. 
“Don’t touch that!” He shouted. “Put on some gloves! Du dummkopf! This isn’t gradeschool Y/N!” 
My body tensed up. “Yes sir.” Let it be known that I don’t have a great temper. I become petty while simmering with rage. “Gloves are on....or did you want leather? Wool? Maybe some cotto-” 
“Enough.” He spoke strictly, shooting me a glare. His shoulder slumped down and he hung his head low. “I offered you this position. If you are to continue this behavior then I will have to ask you to leave….permanently.” I pursed my lips. This joke of a doctor, was threatening my job? He rarely did much when we were both working anyway. He’d get nowhere. I slipped off my gloves and threw them onto the concrete floor. “Fine.” I walked past him and headed for the doors. “Auf Wiedersehen, sayonara, adios, arrivederci, au revoir, good riddance.” 
I pushed through the doors and instantly my heart dropped. A shrill scream rang through the empty building. My throat dried up and I could feel my body begin a cold sweat. No one was allowed here. Hell, even we weren’t supposed to be here. The warehouse was to be condemned and taken down but the date got pushed back. Schneeple raced past me and slammed the door shut. He quickly pushed boxes over to barricade the door. “Henrik...” 
“Help me!” He breathed out heavily, pushing a table in front of the doors. “But the mercury!” “It’s fine!” I wanted to question him. I wanted to get out. I wanted to go home but I found myself pushing the table along with him. I stared at the metal doors, quivering. “Y/N, move! I need your help now.” 
“That was a woman..” 
“No one’s supposed to be here.” 
“Exactly.” He hissed, pushing away my concerns. I turned to him and saw how frantic he became. He was shaking too. “Henrik. Someone or something forced her here. She’s going to die from the mercury.” “No one’s going to die if you just help me.” 
I sighed in defeat. “Here.” I took the beaker out of his hand and measured everything out. Impressively, I was doing well...until the bang. “No!” He gasped. He grabbed the tube from me and tried to keep it from spilling. 
“Where’s the back door?” I demanded, my breathing becoming rapid. 
“What are y-” 
“I want to leave. Now.” I grabbed his arms. He looked back at me surprised. What I didn’t want to see next happened. Guilt washed over his face as I read his mind. “We need to call the police.” I lowered my voice, eyeing up the doors. We could barricade them sure, but they were swinging doors. They moved in both directions. “I’m not-” A cold and deathening knock cut him off. It was small and only one at first, we both questioned if we were hearing things. Then the knock followed with a lot faster and harder pounds. The floor beneath us shook. “He-Henrik.” I stammered. “Get in here.” He wrapped his arm around me and hurried me over to an empty box in the corner. “Jack where are you?” He mumbled to himself as I carefully crouched down into the box. 
“Jack?” I blinked. He then folded the box close and ran. Okay, maybe now was the perfect time to panic. Last time I saw Jackie, he was being transferred up to a new hospital. With his clumsiness, it was a surprise to everyone..but, that was miles..hours away from here. 
There was a small cardboard tab beside me. The kind of tab you’d push in to have a good grip on heavy boxes. It made a tiny space to peek in. Henrik was worse than ever. His body trembled, dropping a few more of what looked like Uranium into the beaker.
I slipped my phone out from my pocket. Instantly the brightness blinded me and I had to turn it down. My heart raced. If I called for help, both of us would be busted for trespassing. That bang seemed more threatening than some fine though.
“You forgot the assassin bug.” A voice called out. Henrik jerked and turned around. I tried desperately to see but there was only so much that cut out could show me. Henrik seemed hesitant, like he was deciding whether or not to abandon this ass of a partner or stay. He gripped onto the syringe, staring the stranger down. Honestly, I expected him to leave me with whoever this was. I quietly slipped off my mask so I could breathe a bit better.
“Aw, I was expecting a warmer welcome. Where're the drinks? The confetti? Is this any way to treat your own kid?” 
“You are no child of mine.” 
A figure walked towards him. “Ah right. I forgot. I'm still a test subject to you. Let's make this quick then.” The man held his hand out. He wore dark clothes and there weren’t many details to him. No watch, no tattoos, no markings. The only thing that stood out was the dark green hair. “Make this easy for me will yah?” The man spoke impatiently. They stared each other down. “Fine.” My eyes flooded with tears. The creep swiftly stabbed him. It happened so fast and...where did he even get the knife? Henrik grabbed his arm to stop him but the guy flung him back. “Don't bother.” He muttered, delicately picking up the syringe. 
He dipped it into the beaker, filling it all the way up. His eyes caught something and his face turned to delight. “Heeeeyyy!” He lifted up a container filled with bugs. “How's daddy's boy doing?” He pulled one out and held it in his hand. “Aw look at you..so big and bitey.” Schneeple held his stomach in pain. He kicked the man in the legs, making him wobble. “You just can't take a hint, can you?” The man grabbed him by the throat. The veins in his arm bulged out, squeezing the life out of him. With his free hand, he set the bug down and began feeding it a few drops from the syringe. The bug crawled over to taste it. “You like that huh?” The man cooed. “I bet you want more, hm?” He turned to Henrik. 
Henrik waved his arms around frantically, desperately trying to keep him away. The tall man smiled, amused. It happened again. In a split second, I watched Schneeple let out a painful cry as the guy forced the syringe into his vein. To make it even worse, the man decided to throw Schneeple against the table, limiting my view. The guy had his hand balled into a fist, holding something. A few more screams followed along with more struggling. “Hey, shhhh. It's all over now. Don't worry, the pain will go away soon.” I forced myself not to cry or hyperventilate. I pressed my face against the cut out as much as possible. This dude was freakishly strong. He held onto Schneeple's shoulders and lifted him up a few inches off from the ground. I felt my body shake. There was no way I could fight him. I'd have to run and hope for a miracle. 
“I was really hoping the gas would've knocked you out. But as always, you enjoy giving me challenges. Don't yo-” He stopped. His body tensed up and he stayed quiet, staring at Henrik. He let out a cackle after a minute of silence. “Oh!” He grinned. “Henry you old, old, pathetic bloodhound you...have you been hiding a lady friend from me?” That was it. Chills shot down my neck and through every inch of my body. Might as well accept my fate. The man leaned into Schneeples almost lifeless body. “I don't smell perfume..or that retched scent of the unborn..but I don't smell the stench of a man's many wasted years either..like you. What do you think doc?” He squeezed his cheeks together, pushing Henrik's blue lips out. 
“Aw.” He tsked. “Come on, lighten up. You've sure seen brighter days.” The man sighed depressively. He lifted up Henrik's body higher, meeting his eyes. “You always did let me down.” He took two steps back before Schneeples body fell to the floor with a large thud. 
Wherever Jackie was, he needed to hurry. My heart jumped, hearing the sharp point of a knife scream past me. “Ooooohhhh how I've missed that heavenly scent.” His shoes clicked against the floor, stopping right by my box. He lowered down and I held my breath. He groaned, trying to pull his knife out from the other box. He took forever and I was too afraid to breathe. I couldn't hold it any longer and I finally caved in. As soon as I allowed the slightest amount of air to reach my lungs I could hear my sides rub against the cardboard. There was a small click and everything froze. “I haven't tasted fear in soooo long.” He whispered. He placed his hand on the exact box I was hiding in. I could feel my hair stand up. His hand was right where my head was and..maybe...I was imagining things but I could almost feel him petting me. The box, I mean. Both, I just-I don't know! He let out a long exhale. “Back to work I guess.” He walked away and shuffled around. I finally saw him by the sink, messing with what Henrik had. “Oh..and wherever you are…” He shouted. “Don't try to run. Daddy needs his little puppet.” He smiled, picking up another syringe. He ran his fingers down the long needle. “.......In one piece of course.”
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salosion · 4 years
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Y👁UR words have SOOOOOO much more power then you ever could have dreamed and then we thought, philosophized experimented and to our eyes realized magnified magnificence and the miracle and beauty of existence. Karma's a bitch yes we know but she's always a heroess also also also, you are the thing thats meant to just manifest intelligently through your hearts pure energy, and should. Aswell as Love to think thank thunk create the words you litterally want the world to run on & to be created of.
Shit let it all go out there in the malleabel world of matter and atoms made of vibrational frequencies that can be bent and shattered
int✌️to new concaveness’s get out on the fucking streets fuck the rest lets bring the peace, a euphoria and messaih we need is not something that will fall from the trees and say its time im here to fix you, paradise is here and was meant to be created by US.
No ONE, No one else! No ones gonna come down on on our dooms day tell you "you won hey you get to live inside heaven and cream ice and profiteroles" Yes EVERYTHING is possible, our existence can reach the heights our imagantions were createdly gifted for purposeful reasons so that when we manifest you can dream up your season and heaven and treasure and beauty of God's blesses mesures of gifted benevolence Love. Watch us create the world sooner or later with gardens such as wonkas unseen to the ingonart closed, hopeles minds.
But only if you believed could you tie and unite and discover the shit thats in plain sight, cause science is just a name we give to the things that are already there an maybey too crazy for our limited minds to comprehend fully just yet, too crazy to conceive so here we say this must be it the law that cant be changed but think deeper then that and of the power and potential that is arranged so perfectly precislely framed in a photograph for the specail sacred beautiful game of G<3D & Love, watch YOUR words look above,
you may not see them float but on my life youll see them rougheen up the scene and reality you ignore and rattle about the seasons to live by till the day that death authors his own personal means, theres so much more to Life then it could ever really seem, it trips me out so much I swear sometime it's too obscene, a human cant go that far, (we’re supposed to collectively manifest [Get Closer Towards G👑D]the miracle T👁GETHER)
It’ll turn you into crazy cream packed inside a can with little air and losts oh "haha" whip as the can comes with its spray so you can take your laughing sway, so delectably damn sweet, but its a tease that'll just puzzle the please, so I choose to stay patient open with an open heart on my slevees and arms and chest and everywhere, Im as naked as I am am in the shower see I don't fake it im the release brother, flower and baked chocolate eclair; I don't give a fuck about the meadow im just enjoying and euphoriing the Gardens breeze of existence G👑D blessedly gifted and bestowed Up Us ALL and me I’m Grateful With a Heart Heavy ALL with the greatest gift of what our comprehension and under-standment of eternity is, consciousness and our purpose here. I wear my HEARTS on my opens sleeves and open minds and open breathes cause one day I know God will seek to me N' bust in the breeze HE already does but we just cant really believe that the sounds of the winds are the sounds of G👑Ds breeze. theres so much more than to what it seems of seams of dimensions flips dips drop kicks dips slips into fills of prob are but if only wed acknolwdge the fact of how crazy reality actually really fucking is & how our significance our surroundings an their miraculousness, is.
So don't fucking be a woosy or a pansy, be a dope mother fucker, be a genius, be an intellectual, SPEAK UP YOUR FREEDOM and together well manifest and get our ideas right put em togetehr and make beautiful masterpieces for G👑D So bright All Together Now We put in /\ put up the fight /\ with the fight that will come in order for Love to win.
When I came to earth as a young alien species from outerpace this is what I saw, this is where we fight, this is what I saw, “This Is Where We FIGHT” 💪💪💪🚀🚀⚡️✨👑🔥
Sadly this is what I saw this is where we fight, LOVE will win the war I said THIS is where we FIGHT!!!<3
just be Love and you won't ever have to worry about anything else, cause nothing else EVER exists or existed Y👁UR just such a powerful blessed gift of a human who can create the things that of which are not, realize the significance and power of your words pray, talk to God Thank God Love God Be Grateful With Your Heart To God For Making YOUUUUUU BUT WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL YOU COULD ONLY BE Y👁U
Talk ONLY good about people , wish TALK GOOD ABOUT EVERYONE, lift people up laugh TOGETHER we can make this the paradise it was created to be, but beyond the paradise it was created to be, first we must manifest and control our words an thoughts and actions and direct them on the path of proactive fraction keep em clean pure and Love & then we must be disciplined and Marry G👑D alongside our imaginations to then build up entirely the new world and dimensions that exist as our prize and glory.
#LOVE will win the war I said this is where we fight.
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1000fandoms · 7 years
Can you answer 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, and 49 please? I'm terribly sorry if this is to much for you to handle!
No it’s ok!! I’m sorry about the length though!I’ll add a “read more” when I convince myself to get my laptop out later.
2. Top favorite 3 songs as of now?Um… these are more like ones I listen to/sing often“All for One” by Five for Fighting“Hallelujah” by Tori Kelly, I think? Correct me if I’m wrong!And “Believer” by Imagine Dragons
5. In your opinion, cutest way to be asked out?I dunno. I’ve never been asked out. Um… I really don’t know! There are so many ways… I guess, maybe kinda random while we’re having a lot of fun? Or maybe on a night out, like a gentleman? Not even on a DATE, just as we’re spending time together? (I looove flowers so that’s always a bonus)
6. Favorite season?Ehhh… I like all of them!I LOVE snowBut I also love summertimeAnd flowers in the springAnd the colors changing in the fall
7. Favorite candy?UhhhSnickers, Milky Ways, Reese’s PB cups, (do buttermints count?), Twix, and there are so many more I haven’t thought of
8. Dark or milk chocolate?Milk chocolate!!
10. Has someone ever changed you significantly and how?I’m not sure. If we’re talking about over time, then my family, yeah! But nothing too significantly, maybe. (I have horrible memory though)
12. Left handed or right handed?Rightie!!
14. Who’s your best friend and how long have you been friends?
Like, not internet, right?Well, I have my cousin. And we’ve known each other like, our entire lives, cause she’s 5 months younger And then there’s one of my best friends, and we met in preschool. We’ve been friends for about 15/16 years (my artist friend) And then there’s one, who’s like, the almost EXACT version of me, except she’s black. We call ourselves an OREOAnd then there’s one more I was close with, despite only seeing eachother at church. But we’ve drifted apart, and I really miss her
15. Is there anyone you like and why?Oh there was this boy, that I’d liked on-and-off since 6th grade. He was really funny, kind, and smart. He always made me laugh. Never really got close though
17. Favorite and least favorite subjects in school?Favorites-7th grade Physical Science/11TH grade chemistry Least favorites- SENIOR YEAR PRE-CALCULUSOMW I HATED THAT CLASS
19. Sweaters or hoodies?I think hoodies! Especially oversized ones!
20. Snow or rain?Well, snow in generalRain if I can just watch from my bedroom window and cherish the noise
22. Who makes you smile regardless?Most of the time, my mom or my artist friend. Not so much a WHO, but also fanfics and tv shows/anime
23. What would you want your name to be if you were the opposite sex?I have no idea lol. Maybe Gabriel? Never really thought about it
25. Favorite song lyrics?Ooohhh I got so many songs. But what popped in my mind was“You are more than the choices that you’ve made,You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,You are more than the problems you create,You’ve been remade”- Choices by Tenth Avenue North
28. A book you could read over and over again?I’m not sure. A MOVIE I really like is “The Princess Bride”. I’ve read the book (and I am COMPLETELY aware of the whole book/movie inaccuracy) But this was the first thing I thought of for some reason
30. What is the worst thing someone could do to you?In a relationship? … My artist friend recently broke up with her boyfriend after, like, a year because he lost interest. I’ve never felt that hurt personally, but I suppose that’s something. That, or lie to me and say they do. (Got that from a fic. Pardon my lack of a love life)In general? I hate when older people talk down to me. Like, anyone I guess. Yes, I’m 18. Yes, I know I don’t know everything. Yes, I sometimes act childish. But don’t treat me like a kid.
33. Night owl or morning bird?Night owl, mostly
34. A band/artist you want to see in concert?Uhhh… I’m not sure. I don’t really go to concerts. O.o
37. What do you fear most and why?Being forgotten. Just by people I thought I was kinda close to, or just friends in general. OrNEEDLES. I DON’T KNOW WHY BUT I WILL CRY
39. How old are you?(Lol I said this for 30)18!
41. Ever gotten your heart broken, how?I’m not sure about BROKEN. Not in a relationship. But I guess in life, maybe.
43. A few things on your bucket list?Travel the worldBe on Broadway, maybe?
45. How often do you wear a fake smile?It depends on my day. I don’t keep track, but there are some days that I wear one a lot
49. Most hurtful thing someone has said to you?Heh… there’s a couple…
To explain: I’ve always been kinda heavy, but it’s mainly from stress eating. So…
“At least I know how to eat right.” is the first one I remember. I don’t remember what grade I was in but it was maybe 5th? Middle school?
More recently
“There’s not enough room [for you?]. Does anyone smaller want to ride?” Referring to a freaking CAR. I was at a birthday party, in like a neighborhood that had a mini golf course at the entrance, and we had to drive up to it from the main “activity house” and one of my classmates, who had a car, offered a ride, because the pickup the Dad was driving was kinda full, so I asked (BECAUSE IT Was full and I didn’t want to ride and make everyone more… squished) and he said that and… yeah. It hurt
So, I was at another classmate’s 18th birthday, and we were playing a game where we were tied at the wrist and had a balloon around each of our ankles. I was with a girl I was kinda close to and we were one of the last groups so we decided to hide under a table (cause they were covered with a long tablecloth) in front of the house.
Well the SAME boy who said the thing above^^ was with the “birthday boy” asked for a hint to where we were. The mom said we were hiding and the birthday boy suggested to look under the tables but then HE said“[My nickname] can’t…”He didn’t finish. But I knew what he was going to say.
I looked at my friend, and she looked at me and I’m pretty sure she could see how hurt I was.
I apologize if you didn’t want the whole back story thing. Or the 3 different things.
And I’m sorry that this whole thing is soooooo long. But thank you for asking!
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laurietom · 8 years
My Favorite Anime of 2016
In the final installment of my 2016 entertainment round-up, let's cover my favorite TV anime of 2016. Since I ended up watching quite a bit, I decided to remove any sequels (since people generally don't jump in the middle) as well as restrict the list to my Top 10. Unless mentioned otherwise, all series completed their runs in 2016. Anime listed are not ranked, but presented in the order I watched them. Erased Erased has a killer premise. Satoru has the uncontrollable ability to go back in time (in his own body) to correct the past before someone is hurt or killed, but when his mother is murdered he's sent back a shocking 18 years in time to when he's a 10-year-old kid. He thinks by saving the life of a classmate who was murdered he'll be able to save the life of his mother in the future. If the ending had lived up to the first half this would have made my top 3 of the year, but it couldn't quite pull it off. Prince of Stride: Alternative This is apparently based off an otome game, but I actually watched it for the sport (and there is surprisingly no romance in the show either, so it's either the pretty boys or their athletics). Stride is a fictional sport that works like a cross between an obstacle course and a relay race. Honan High School used to have the best stride team, but has fallen on hard times until our intrepid first year students manage to fill up the remaining team slots and revive the dream of winning the End of Summer championship. I don't watch much sports anime so I can't compare to others of its genre, but as someone who ran track and field in high school this rang true for me. Schwarzesmarken I never watched Muv-Luv so I can't speak for Schwarzesmarken's place in that universe, but the spin-off is fairly stand alone and I didn't feel the need to watch the parent series. In an alternate 1983 aliens have landed and are slowly wiping humanity off the planet in a grueling land battle. It's a mecha series and despite all the political shenanigans, it never forgets it is a mecha series, with a pivotal battle every episode that never feels like filler. Every round of combat has a purpose and moves the story forward, resulting in a lot of plot and character development that other series wouldn't be able to fit in a similar amount of time. Joker Game Joker Game follows a group of spies affiliated with D-Agency, a fictional Japanese spy unit from World War II. Unlike most of the Japanese army at the time, they aren't staunch nationalists, blind to anything but the success of war. Taking an anthology format, each episode or two-parter revolves around a particular character who either belongs to or comes into contact with an agent of D-Agency. It's a dicey topic depicting Japanese spies during World War II, but is made palatable by the fact that D-Agency's rules forbid killing and the spies are more interested in protecting Japan than attacking other countries. Knights of Sidonia The two seasons of Knights of Sidonia ran in 2014 and 2015 respectively. It's a far future hard science fiction story about the remnants of humanity fleeing into the depths of space in search of a new home after the mysterious alien Gauna destroyed Earth. Centuries later the Gauna catch up with the generation ship Sidonia and a new war begins. Unlike most mecha series, Knights of Sidonia injects a heavy dose of realism, ranging from how pilots can relieve themselves in a sanitary manner while stuck in a mecha for hours on end, to the effect on people's bodies when a vehicle as large as a generation ship has to sudden change course. The series is great for people who like science in their sf, and narrowly misses being in my top 3 of the year. Orange * Orange is instantly relatable for anyone who was a shy and awkward teenager. Teenage Naho receives a letter from herself ten years into the future, telling her to watch for a new student, Kakeru, who will become very important to her. The letter is full of future Naho's regrets and how she would have done things differently if given the chance, but the crux of the matter is that it's easy for adult Naho to say such things, and considerably more difficult for teenage Naho to act on them. I won't spoil the real dilemma of the series, but it's not hard to find with a little searching. Orange does falter around the final third of the series, but its feelings and treatment of isolation and depression are expertly handled and make for a beautiful ending. Psycho-Pass * The other older series I watched this year, Psycho-Pass, originally ran in 2012-2013 (and I have not yet watched the sequel) and after I finished I just could not get it out of my mind. Taking place in a dystopian future, Psycho-Pass follows the members of Division 1 from the Criminal Investigative Department (i.e. the police). The interesting thing is that they are law enforcement in an authoritarian police state, and yet they are essentially good people, who are doing their best to work with an oppressive system that in many ways works against them. The worldbuilding is fantastic and brings up excellent questions that the series both notes and addresses. Things get technical, but I never felt lost, and the series is self-contained without any need for future material, even though it exists. It's dark and a tad on the violent side, but soooooo good. 91 Days I have a weakness for no-doubt romanticized period pieces about the mafia, and 91 Days stands with the best of them. Though made by people an ocean away, it's clearly a love letter to mafia media featuring mafiosos who are fully capable of being caring friends and family while ordering a hit without breaking a sweat. Angelo Lagusa is a bit of a cipher as a protagonist, but even if the audience isn't privy to his inner thoughts, the motivation for his single-minded quest for revenge is understandable. This is a show where how the protagonist does something is more interesting than whether the audience would have done the same. Reactions to the ending might be a bit mixed, but considering where the show is coming from, it's clear that there would never have been a happy ending. ReLIFE I dithered on including this or Ushio and Tora and ReLIFE edged out in that the cast is the more relatable of the two. I wasn't sure how well the manga would transition to anime considering that it's essentially a series of short scenes, but it holds together remarkable well, pulling itself together into a solid episode format. I know people who are or have been in exactly Arata Kaizaki's position, being intelligent people who graduated from a university but can't seem to land a full time job. I'm not sure they would have taken the opportunity to be de-aged ten years and sent back to high school, but the premise is the charm of the series, with Arata coming off as strange or weird to other high schoolers due to his actual age and the actual teenagers behaving more like actual teenagers. Yuri on Ice * It may be too soon to truly rank Yuri on Ice as one of my top 3 of the year, seeing as this just wrapped up in December, but I'm a huge figure skating fan, and combining realistic figure skating with an amazing cast of characters, is just like catnip. You can see how much effort went into recreating the sport in the animation, the details of what it's like to compete, and even cameos by former Olympic skaters. That this is one of the most gay positive portrayals in anime is icing on the cake. It's refreshing to see a show where the characters are comfortably attracted to each other and it's given the same respect as a heterosexual romance rather than being fetishized for the straight female audience. And this concludes my Top 10 anime viewed during 2016. The three series I tagged with an asterisk (*) were my favorites of the year, where I found myself looking forward to every new episode or binge watching in Psycho-Pass's case. Though not an anime I'd also like to give a thumbs up to Voltron: Legendary Defender for capturing what was good about the anime original while still updating it for present day audiences.
Mirrored from: The Rat’s Den
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