#all im sure about so far is i dont like the shape on this one
trashcreatyre · 2 years
Hey guys what if i just uhm
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*fucks up your dog*
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bitternanami · 4 months
something i think is really interesting about dungeon meshi is the cast's respective views on food as the story progresses. the way many adventurers get through the dungeon is to eat when they Must, but mostly rely on healing magic to keep going when they're tired or beaten down. death is something you can buy your way out of, here.
having these lower stakes when it comes to running yourself too hard has made a lot of people in this setting kind of devalue food and what it does for you.
im not all the way through the manga yet, but so far i really like how it goes about debunking that mindset.
long post under the cut, cw explicit discussion of disordered eating. textual depiction of unhealthy methods of dealing with it. please be cautious!
it seems like to most folks, food is either a decadent luxury, like when the governor offers mr tance a feast as a show of power and wealth, (although he is the only one who actually eats in that scene as he talks about his ambitions);
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[id: the governor and mr. tance talk politics and hierarchies, while the governor eats from a bowl. mr. tance's meal is not visible behind a speech bubble.
"so you believe the sorceror is an elf?" he asks.
"i can't say with absolute certainty," mr. tance replies, "but the spells are not ones dwarves and humans typically use." /end id]
like the painted-royal feasts laios tries to partake in that never actually nourish him...
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[id: laios, fresh out of the living painting feast, surprisedly holding his grumbling stomach /end id]
or, to the working class, it's pretty much exclusively fuel. i'm thinking about the scene where kabru's party, ostensibly intended to be our view into how adventuring Typically goes for most people, is shown preparing to go to the dungeon by like. walking up to someone and ordering 'a weeks' worth of rations.' purely functional.
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[id: kabru enters a store, and the merchant says "welcome!"
kabru says "i need a week's worth of rations for six, and two days' worth of water."
"sure thing." the merchant then reaches behind him and grabs a large cube-shaped package, wrapped in nondescript cloth and tied in place. it thumps onto the counter in front of them both. /end id]
when kabru hands mickbell his food for the trip, he complains about how heavy it is on his back. it's a necessary liability.
we also see chilchuck, in an early chapter where there isn't much food to go around, grumbling about how he used to be better at not noticing when he was hungry. he's frustrated that he's more attuned to his bodily needs, now that he's starting to fill them with regularity.
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[id: chilchuck, the only one awake, sits in his bedroll and glares at the timekeeping-candle burning down in front of him while he listens to his stomach growl. moving to find his canteen and fill himself with water instead, he thinks to himself, "my stomach has gotten weaker. i used to be able to go two days without food." /end id]
(like im not even gonna lie this is a big mood. the healing process is really really annoying)
even laios, early on, working out the logistics of going back for falin, considers his expenses and ultimately the thing he decides to save money on is their food supply. like, even the guy most invested in eating as an experience kind of just assumes he will Figure It Out. its what hes eating, not how hes eating it that matters to him at that point.
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[id: marcille looks down at the ingredients they've gathered, the walking mushroom and the scorpion in an unappetizing heap on the ground, and asks laios "so how exactly do we eat them?"
he responds "let's just cook them, like normal." /end id]
but its here that senshi introduces the idea of food as art and as healing. its exciting and its fascinating for laios, getting to taste the creatures hes been reading about and fighting, but i dont think it would ever really help him feel full if not for this.
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[id: three panels of laios tasting the scorpion hotpot, looking stunned, and then excitedly telling senshi "delicious!"
senshi matches his energy, asking "isn't it? isn't it?" /end id]
pictured: guy who had resigned himself to kind of just doing his best rediscovers the joy in something tasting really fucking good
what they did last time isnt going to work. falin is gone, and constantly anesthetizing their pain and healing through their weakness is no longer a realistic option for the party. in order to make it through they must all relearn how to eat well, one by one and as a group over and over again, because its either that or nothing.
one of my favorite depictions of this idea thus far is when marcille is seriously low on health and mana, and both of these problems are mitigated by taking care of herself, and trying to get iron and protein
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[id: marcille, looking sickly, wakes to laios saying, "marcille, marcille, can you sit up? we've got something nice for you."
she watches senshi grill pieces of kelpie liver on a low fire, while laios ties a bib around her neck. /end id]
and drinking a bunch of dead water spirits. she gets the idea, she's supposed to get in nutrients and it'll help her feel better, but in aiming for the quick, inefficient fix, namely chugging that shit down like she heard it was good to Stay Hydrated and decided that would be the thing that fixes her,
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[id: marcille throws back a cup of boiled undine-water, her face red. laios asks, "do you really need to drink it that fast?"
she gasps out "...the magical energy stored in nature spirits is actually quite hard to absorb. even if you drink a lot, the majority of it is excreted without being absorbed," and takes another drink. "that's why i need to drink as much as i can."
laios says weakly "you'll get water poisoning," but marcille only stops when senshi puts a hand on her shoulder and says,
"it's easier to absorb nutrients if ye digest them with food. that's a fundamental rule of nutrition."
marcille says, "senshi..." contemplative
and he holds out a bowl of tentuclus and a thumbs up. "let's get cooking!" /end id]
she doesn't immediately realize the answer is that she needs more than that. she's been working hard. she needs care, and she needs nourishment.
once she gets that, though, she makes her boiled water into a stew, and she works to make that stew as good as she can, and everyone can have some.
because in dungeon meshi, to feed yourself or allow yourself to be fed is treated as performing a kindness for yourself. food is what propels you, but there is also an art and a joy inherent to the process of making it; in the way you feel when you've had enough to eat.
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[id: senshi watches as chilchuck and marcille eat and excitedly hash out plans.
"i've got a good feeling about this! maybe it'll work out!" chilchuck says
marcille responds, "well it's easier to feel optimistic on a full stomach!"
senshi smiles, proud. /end id]
^^^ i want to put this image on my wall
when you're working through disordered eating habits, you really do have to keep learning this shit. (in my experience, learning about cooking is one of the best ways to do so.)
i'll have to see if my thesis holds up as i continue, but i think one of the reasons the portrayal here resonates with me so hard is that ryoko kui puts most of her characters at eye level with me on this. they're all working at it, too. the text and i are both commiserating, and encouraging each other, 'have some more, you'll feel better.'
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leowifefang · 2 years
i have been given the task by mr john exosheroes himself to discover the traditional wear and current fashion of every nation on the exos continent
#this is just about me wondering about how much awakened zeons outfit is brunnian? brunni? yeah one of those two. inspired and how much is#his own stupidass style and schmids own stupidass style#i really really want to start on saint west cause that shit has no consistency but first i need to finish my findings on uhhh whether those#clover shaped hole things are brunni. cause im 90% sure they are. but awakened zeons pattern on his sling and weapon sheathe are definitely#just a schmid thing i think. because i dont see it anywhere else except for schmids sword and his young fc outfit which i cant find the#full art for. but then that brings to question why schmid has his own pattern thing that he just has Everywhere like girl what#itd be funny if he was a brunn tribe patriarch and thats how neomi knew him and also why his handwriting is astounding + he writes super#well and the pattern thing is like? a family recognition type thing but if that were the case! why doesnt neomi have one? and why are#kylocks and dorkas outfits so far away from the usual like. brunni style. a lot of brunns outfits are asian inspired so kylock gets maybe a#pass for his outfit but dorka??? girl what????????? anyways another explanation could be that the tribes of brunn all have slightly#different types of clothing and yeah dorkas a dragon watcher but still the inconsistancy is kinda baffling. if we take schmid out cause hes#vagabond now it literally does not help. i do like the consistancy of all the brunni heroes having bead jewelery though. lotsa turquoise#and orange in all the outfits too#gah i hate this i need to sort them all by nation so i can really really get on analyzing this stuff. the only reason i feel compelled to#do this is because of the negative amounts of worldbuilding we get around the nations :(( please tell me more than 7 heroes 7 nations and#their ruling families :((((
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reyadawn · 15 days
Masked Desire - One Shot
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Reader is a live-in friend of Bad Omens who is in love with Noah Sebastian and best friends with Joakim Karlsson. Noah keeps reader in the friend zone while she watches him with other women. *Similar concept of "Love You More" but with varied differences...you'll see*
Side Note: Im not good at angst writing but Im not feeling the best today...struggling with self-image and self-esteem. Needed to let it out.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC, Jolly x OFC (platonic)
Warnings: Angst, language, eventual friends-to-lovers, eventual smut so dont read this if you're under 18.
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Please, bare with me on this guys...
Laughter echoed around the dimly lit livingroom of the two story beach house. A large black leather 'L' shaped sectional was filled with the members of Bad Omens as well as thier female counterparts. The glass coffee table was littered with various beer cans, pop cans, random bowls of party mix and a few laptops. The end tables housed speakers and the low sound of country music wafted through the air.
I leaned against the large archway that separated the livingroom from the large chef's kitchen, arms crossed in front of my chest as I took in the scene before me. Jolly, my best friend and partner in crime, had his legs stretched out in front of him with his feet propped up on the end of the coffee table and was absentmindedly strumming his guitar. Folio was next to him with a redhead in his lap wearing jeans so tight they look painted on. Every now and then she'd flip her long hair over shoulder and would hit Jolly across the side of his face.
Jolly threw the occasional dark look to Folio but didnt say anything and I chuckled. Nicholas was engrossed in a book about tattoo designs while being sanwiched between two girls. Both of them kept running thier hands over his legs but he barely even glanced at them. The last girl, a dark brunette with pigtails, was planted in the corner of the leather sectional on Noah's lap and was currently shoving her tongue down his throat, dark hair creating a temporary curtain to hide thier actions from view. Fucking tramps. They were all probably so loose that it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
I turned away, stomach rolling and heart clenching. I would never be anything more to Noah than a friend. A confidant. Video game partner. I looked nothing like the girls he took home. I wasnt thin, at all. I wore no make up. No designer clothes, just tummy control leggings and loose shirts to hide my insecurities. I rarely dressed up unless the ocassion called for it. My long hair was either in a messy bun, ponytail or side braid. My self-esteem was ground zero, I just hid it well.
I busied myself with making a steaming cup of lavendar tea. I walked around the large island which was centered in the middle of the kitchen and frowned. Various bags of chips, popcorn and candy lay scattered along the surface with random glass bottles filled with amber colored liquid. I hated drinking but the way I felt had me considering adding a splash or two to my tea. I reached above me into one of the cabinets by the refridgerator in search of my favorite Halloween cup and noticed it got shoved so far back on the shelf I couldnt reach it.
I bit my lip in thought before hoisting myself onto the counter on my knees. Before I could do much more, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me off the counter. I spun in anger towards my assailant and stopped, staring at Noah in shock and anger.
"What the fuck, Sebastian?", I all but growled. Noah threw his hands up in defense.
"Chill out, Angel. Was just trying to make sure you didn't get hurt. What were you doing, anyway?", he replied, moving to stand closer. I retreated a step back, earning me a frown of confusion across Noah's dark features. His shoulder length brown locks were touseled, full lips kiss swollen and clothes partly disheveled. Internally, my heart broke at the fact I wasnt the reason for the current state he was in. Externally, I rolled my eyes.
"I need my tea cup so I can go upstairs", I replied, pointing to the top shelf. Noah stepped closer to me, reaching over my head to pull the cup from the shelf. I was so tempted to wrap my arms around his 6'3 frame. I wanted and needed so many things from him that I wasnt allowed. He'd never look at me the way I wanted him to.
A light brush to my cheek snapped me from my train of though. I looked up at Noah as his fingertips grazed my cheek, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Where did you go just now, Angel?", he asked softly, eyes roaming over me. I gently took the cup from him and turned to the stove to get hot water boiling in the copper kettle. "Nowhere", I mumbled.
"Why do you want to go upstairs? You always party with us. What's wrong?", he asked, moving closer once more. He tried moving a few lose strands of hair away from my face but I pulled away. The battle to keep my distance from him yet crave his touch was exhausting.
"Please, Noah...dont do this right now. I really need to be alone for a while", I said, reaching for the kttle as it whistled. I poured the steaming water in my cup, reaching for a teabag from the box sitting by the sugar jar.
"Why?", Noah pushed. I sighed in defeat before turning to him. I slowly raised my eyes to him. Choclate meeting chocolate and he reached his hand out, thumb wiping away a lone tear spilling down my cheek. Giving him a watery smile, I walked past him and through the opposite entrance towards the upstairs.
Noah stood rooted to the spot, confusion and hurt swirling within him. What was going on with her? Why was she so sad? Did someone hurt her? Anger began to surface and Noah was ready to throw hands, figers gripping the counter tightly until his knuckles turned white.
Jolly entered the kitchen in search of a beer when he took in the sight of Noah before him and cocked his head to the side.
"Descided to come up for air?", he asked with a smirk. Noah turned to him with a scowl.
"I think someone hurt her...she was in here alone, crying and when I tried to comfort her she rejected me. That's really unlike her. I dont fucking get it, man", Noah replied, running a hand down his face.
Jolly rolled his eyes before pulling a beer from the refridgerator, popping the top to take a healthy drink.
"You're a fucking moron, Noah", he deadpanned.
"What the fuck, J? Where do you get the balls?", Noah snapped. Jolly tipped his head back and laughed.
"Dude, that girl has been in love with you for years. Practically throws herself at you and follows you around like a damn puppy. Anything you ask her to do, she does; books our flights, hotels, cleans this massive fucking house top to bottom, does all our laundry and makes sure to work the merch table at our shows when we play in town...for free, I might add. This goes way beyond her being just nice", Jolly explained, arms folded across his chest, beer can forgotten.
Noah stared at Jolly in shock before running his fingers through his hair, gripping the strands in irritation.
"Noah...do you know how hard it is for her to see you with other women? Like, tonight for instance. She watched you tongue fuck that chick on your lap and I thought she was going to break", Jolly added.
"How in God's name do you know all of this?", Noah asked, voice hardening in irritation. Jolly chuckled.
"I'm her best friend, you dunce. We share everything except a bed. It's not like that with her. She's like the sister I never had", Jolly explained. Noah sighed. "Look, if you don't feel the same way about her then you need to tell her so I can prepare myself to pick up the pieces of what will be left of her. If you do feel the same, you need to grow a pair and tell her. Either way, she deserves to know where you stand".
Jolly walked away, leaving Noah to his thoughts.
I didn't hear the knock at my bedroom door. I barely registered Jolly's soft voice or the feeling of his arms around me as they lifted me from the bathroom floor to cradle me against his chest.
The sobs that escaped had me shaking and trembling. Jolly's grip tightened as he whispered softly in my ear, trying with everything he had to comfort me. Hot tears poured down my cheeks as my hands fisted the material of his shirt.
"Easy, sweetheart. I'm right here...I'm right here", Jolly said, pulling me fully into his lap.
I don't know how long I stayed in Jolly's lap but I suddenly woke up and I was in my bed, alone. My room was dark and I pulled myself into a sitting position before getting out of bed to meander downstairs. Raised voices had me pausing in the hallway to eavesdrop.
"Goddamnit, Jolly, why didn't you come and get me when you found her like that?!", Noah screamed.
"Dude, calm down before you pop a vein", Nick said. I slowly peered around the corner, looking down from the banister. Noah was in a standoff with Jolly in the livingroom while Nick, Nicholas and Matt were onlookers.
"If you gave half a fuck as much as I do, you would have gone after her but instead you bed that stupid whore from last night to hide the truth of it all!", Jolly fired back. You could have heard a pin drop as all eyes turned to Noah.
"Jolly, you're like a brother to me but right now I'm two seconds away from decking your ass. She's fucking everything to me, to this band. None of us would survive without her. We'd all fucking starve to death", Noah explained. My breath caught in my throat as fresh tears filled my vision.
"Go tell her you love her, you fucktard, but you better do some hefty begging though. She's liable to lay you out flat before she lets you fuck her", Matt said with a grin, popping a few M&M's in his mouth. Noah, Jolly, Nick and Nicholas all turned to him before laughter erupted. I had to admit, I loved the sound.
I stood looking out my window, fresh from a shower, towel still wrapped around my frame. Dark blue sky, not a cloud in sight, sun shinning. Days like this normally made me happy but a dark cloud of confliction loomed over me from what I had witnessed downstairs.
I was so lost in my train of thought that I didn't hear anyone come into the bedroom. I sighed loudly as I heard the door close.
"Not now, Jolly. I'll come down soon", I said, still gazing out the window.
"Jolly has seen you in a towel but I don't get to?", Noah's deep voice rang out. I spun, clutching the towel to my breasts.
"What the holy fuck, Sebastian?! Do you know what knocking is?", I all but screamed.
"I did knock but you didn't answer. I got worried and let myself in so I could check on you", Noah replied, walking over to the bed to sit down. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to walk by him and retreat into the bathroom but his hand shot out and latch onto my wrist, stopping me.
Noah rose to full height, engulfing me in his size. He hooked a finger inside the knot at my chest, yanking me so hard against his chest the towel came loose and fell to the floor. I craned my head back to stare up at him in shock as he brought his head down to brush my lips with his. I parted my lips as he fully slanted his across mine, his arms encircling my waist to hold me close.
The kiss was so soft and gentle, that hot tears prickled beneath my closed eyes. I whimpered and grabbed his forearms, my legs trembling. Noah rained gentle kisses down my neck to my collarbone as his long fingers gently carressed between my thighs before giving them a gentle tap. I parted them just enough and his middle finger slid between my folds to soflty swipe across my clit.
"So soft...so wet", Noah murmered against my skin. I whimpered again, a small plea for him to give me more. "Use your words, Princess. Tell me what you want".
"Please...I need more...I need you", I whispered, gripping his forearm even tighter.
"Good girl. Come here", Noah said, pulling his fingers from me and pulled me after him to the bed. I suddenly became aware of my nakedness and tried to cover myself up with my arms. Noah looked down at me and chuckled.
"My fingers have been in your pussy and you're worried about how you look? Lay down for me, beautiful and spread those pretty thighs", Noah smiled reassuringly. I bit my lip nervously but did as he asked. I hated the way my body was even more laying down than when I was standing.
I felt the bed dip as Noah layed down, face inches from my dripping pussy and I had never felt more vulnerable, exposed or turned on in my life. Without bothering to ask for permission, Noah's tongue swiped through my folds to run light circles around my clit as he slowly pushed two long fingers inside me up to his knucles. I could almost feel him at my cervix because his fingers were so fucking long. I gasped as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of me, circling my clit a few times before plunging his fingers back inside me.
I gripped Noah's hair as he suddenly wrapped his lips around my clit while curling his fingers into a 'come hither' motion to rub that spongey spot inside me and my hips shot upwards. Noah chuckled and placed his free hand over my lower stomach to hold me in place, picking up the pace of his fingers.
"Please, please...I'm gonna' come...please, more, faster", I begged, throwing my head back against the pillow.
"Please what, Angel?", Noah asked, raising his head to look up at me. His dark eyes glittered with his own arousal.
"Please, make me come", I all but begged.
"Please ...?", Noah trailed off.
"Noah! Please, Noah!", I cried, thighs shaking. He smiled and lowered his head again to take my clit back in his mouth and suck hard while fucking his curled fingers inside me at an almost painful pace. I screamed out as my release coated his fingers and his hand. Before I even had time to recover, he positioned himself between my thighs and thrust his cock inside me until he was fully seated, triggering another orgasm as I raked my nails down his shoulders and arms.
I couldnt even think straight enough to try and figure out how he got his shorts and boxers off. Noah's thrusts were slow, deep, powerful even as his cock slowly dragged from my body only to spear back inside me until I felt the head hit my cervix. Noah lowered himself to capture my cries with his lips as his hips snapped faster. My legs lifted to wrap my thighs around his waist even tighter, the act causing him to sink impossibly deeper.
Pulling myself from his lips, I tried to catch my breath. Noah brought a hand to my breast, swiping his thumb over my nipple.
"Noah, please...I can't...you'll destroy me...my heart--", I said harshly but Noah's lips cut me off before he pulled away to look down at me.
"Your heart is mine. Your body is mine. You. Are. Mine", he empasized, his hips jackhammering against my thighs, cock pistoning against my cervix. I was losing the battle against my body. I couldn't fight it. "Come for me, Angel...come all over my dick".
Noah's words were my undoing. The coil inside me snapped, my body feeling like it could snap as my muscles grew taught and I screamed. My release triggered his own as he closed his eyes, mouth open, releasing every boiling rope of cum inside me. He collapsed on top of me, chest heaving. I ran my fingers through his hair until he rolled to his back, taking me with him so I layed across his chest, my leg tangled between his.
"I love you, Angel...I'm so sorry for being so stupid for this long", Noah whispered, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
"It's ok, Noah...better late than never", I replied, kissing his chest. "I love you, too".
Probably should have made this two parts but I couldnt stop writing 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for reading 💫💟
@livingdeceasedgirl @exitwoundsx @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @thefallennightmare @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @dsireland86 @darling-millicent-aubrey @flowery-mess @amourtoken @gretaswhore28
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nattyswann · 5 months
I’m not that bad. Am I?
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Parings: sub!reader x dom!ace
Warnings: not really any warnings because most of this is just bickering between Ace and y/n but there is a bit of smut at the end!
Summary: if there was one thing you absolutely despised, it was pirates. You’ve encountered a few of them and they all were horrible people. Well…except the most recent one you’ve met..
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• You can still remember the first time you met him. You hated his guts. Couldn’t stand the way he carried himself and how sweet he was to everyone around him. Well..the truth is you only really hated him cause you knew he was a pirate.
• “Can you guys believe it?! Firefist Ace is in the center of town, fighting a group of bandits!” Now, this you had to see. You followed the group of people. When you finally pushed your way through the large crowd, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Ace was putting those bandits on their asses. He used his crazy devil fruit power to handle them like they were ants. “Are you ready to admit it?”
• The leader of the bandit crew got up but he seemed like he was in rough shape after going a few rounds with Ace. “Screw you!” The bandit yelled out before charging at Ace. “Come on. Have you learned nothing!” Ace yelled back as he sent a Firefist straight at the wicked man. “All I needed you to do was admit that you tried to steal this young lady’s coin bag. This all could have been avoided.” Ace blew the tiny flame from his pointer finger as if it were a gun he just fired.
• The residents of your town cheered for Ace while he tried to make his exit less heroic as possible. “Please.” He held a hand up as he scratched the back of his head. “No need to thank me.” The townspeople continued their joyous cheers and applause. Ace hated this part of saving people. The part where they all surround him to offer him gifts to show their thanks. Ace just wanted to be a good guy and then go on his way.
• Ace got through the people and tried to waved them off but as soon as he turned around, there was a second large group of people. Now this was the part that he LOVED. The part where all the young ladies of the town came to thank him. “That was so heroic! Thank you for saving me.” The woman he defended rubbed his arm as she thanked him. “You are so strong. Where are you from?” Another woman asked while she stroked his long hair. You watched as the women fell head over heals for him. You weren’t like them though. Cause you knew his secret.
• When Ace finally got away from the village and out of sight from everyone he pulled out his log post. “Dammit. How much longer is this gonna take. I can’t stay on this island anymore. I need to set sail.” Just then another young woman approached him. That young woman being you. “Set sail?”
• Ace jumped up when he heard the voice of a woman behind him. He quickly shoved the log post back in his bag and looked over his shoulder to face you. “Oh, hey there.” He flashed you a smile. “What are you doing so far away from your town? Won’t they be upset if your wandering alone?” You didn’t respond as you just glared at him. You didn’t like him and wasn’t gonna fall for his charms like all the other townspeople and helpless damsels. “I know what you are.” You crossed your arms. “You’re a pirate. No better than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe.”
• “Oh? That’s really what you think?” “Yep. Im not sure why you’re even here.” Ace scoffed and his smile quickly went away. “Someone’s daddy raised them with a complex.” You furrowed your eyebrows at his statement. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” “It means that you think you’re better than me just because I’m a pirate.” Ace put his backpack on and strutted past you to start walking back towards the village. “Where do you think you’re going?”
• “Dont worry about me so much. Im just a lowly pirate after all.”
• Ohhh this guy was grinding your gears. You didn’t wanna allow him to just walk back into town but who were you to try to stop a crazy pirate. He could snap and attack a girl like you. If only you really knew what ace was thinking. He was never gonna hurt you. He would never hurt a women. He actually liked you. Thought you were really pretty.
• A few hours later and nightfall had come. Ace needed a place to settle for the night before he can take off tomorrow morning. He keeps walking throughout the town, in hopes of finding a sign that is welcoming a overnight stay. When he finally arrived at a building that had a sign that said one night there was only 40 berries, he couldn’t pass up that deal. Upon walking in, he got greeted by two women and he gave them a smile before bowing. When he lifted his head, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the face he was seeing. It was you! It was the pretty chick who was all mad at him earlier. Who woulda guessed that her parents owned this inn? Small village, huh?
• Once Ace got his room he began to settle in before hearing a light knock on his door. When he opened it, another smile creeped on his face. “We have got to stop meeting like this.” He said as he leaned on the doorway. “I don’t wanna meet you at all. In any circumstance.” He gave you a confused look while he tilted his head. “Yet…you came to my door..”
• “I work here. I still have a job to do.” You then forced a smile back at him. “Could I get you anything else before you turn in for the night? A glass of water or a snack before bed, perhaps?” You said through your gritted teeth. You couldn’t believe that you had to do this. If anything, you wanted to punch him in his face and curse him out for tricking your parents like their fools. “Mhhh.” He put his finger on his chin as if he were actually thinking. “I could use some company tonight. It gets lonely on the seas. So I haven’t spend the night with a women in a long time.”
• That was it. The last straw that made you snap. You took your hand and slapped it across his face. Ace was clearly caught off guard for a moment but he remained nice and let his smile return to his face. “You’re strong..” The man put a hand over the spot you slapped before continuing. “but I think you misunderstood me. I only want someone to talk too. Nothing more, I promise.”
• You scoffed but then thought about it. This was actually perfect. All you had to do was give him a few minutes of your time and then you ask him for a favor. That favor being to stay away and never return back here. “If I talk with you then you have to promise me that you will pack up and leave by the morning.” You said as you stomped your foot. “So if I promise to leave by the morning, you will stay here and keep me company?” You nodded your head and awaited his answer.
• “Deal.” He opened the door more for you to come inside. “Come in. Let’s talk.”
• You both sat and talked for about ten minutes until ace managed to slip in a compliment that caught you way off guard. You tried to hide the sudden blush that appeared on your face but Ace caught a peak of it.
• “I see ya’ blushing over there.” You hid your face and turned away from the man. “Barely! You must think I’m easy.” “Not at all, hun. I just think you’re really beautiful when you get all shy like that.” He put his elbow on the armrest of the car he sat in and leaned on his the palm of his hand while staring at you. “I also think you’re beautiful when you get all mad at me.”
• You guys sat for longer and just talked and talked about various different things. “This was nice. I surprisingly enjoyed this talk.” You quietly said. “I have been quite lonely and don’t really find much people to talk to besides my parents and the occasional fling. So thank you.” The tension in the room had started heating up way faster than you had expected. For some reason you had started to feel attraction for this pirate. When talking wasn’t enough to smooth the loneliness in each other’s hearts, Ace took it a step further and put a hand on your thigh. “Just know that you don’t have to be lonely all the time.”
• When you felt him reach your skin, you jumped a bit but let him rest his hand there. He was sort of right. You hated sleeping in an empty bed at night. So maybe tonight you didn’t HAVE to be alone. Needless to say, one thing led to another and now he has you right where he wanted you. In his bed with his hands roaming your body. “I can’t believe I’m letting this happen.” You grunted. Ace immediately paused and leaned up. “If you don’t want too then that’s fine. You can leave and I wont follow.” He put his hands up and gave you an opportunity to dip if you changed your mind. When you remained in the bed, Ace smirked and kissed you on the lips. “I knew you wanted me.”
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• “Shh. Don’t be too loud, baby.” Fast forward a few minutes later, here Ace was - whispering in your ear while he rocked his hips into yours. “Your mother and father are just on the other side of this wall, aren’t they? What would happen if they found out their innocent daughter were gettting fucked by a pirate?” You wanted to hate him so badly but the way he was abusing your hole felt too euphoric. How could you betray yourself and let a pirate like him smooth talk his way between your legs.
• “Aghh!” You groaned out before ace could quickly put a hand over your mouth. “This isn’t working. I need you to be more silent for me or else we’ll get caught.” You reached up to remove ace’s hand from your face. “I can’t, Ace..it’s too much.” Your sentences came out all moany and broken but the way you said his name got Ace all riled up.
• “Really?” You could feel his lips curl into a smirk against your skin. “I could have swore I was no more than a dirty pirate to you. Now, you wanna moan my name?”
• You shook your head and tried to suck up your tears, not wanting Ace to see you crying from pleasure. “Stop it. It’s not like I like you or anything! I just..” you tried to think of how to word it to where he won’t get his ego fed. “I just wanted someone to make me feel good. I haven’t felt this good in a long time, Ace.”
• Ugh. Why would you tell him that. Out of all the other ways you could have worded that. Ace giggled and kissed you sloppily on the neck. “I bet you haven’t. You’ve never been fucked by a pirate before. I’m glad I’m your first one.”
• “Don’t get cocky. It’s not like you have my virginity.” “Don’t need it.” Ace took his hands and started fondling your tits while ever so often, suckling on your sensitive nipples. “I’m just glad I got to have you in general. You’re such a prize, babe.” The pirate didn’t let up on his fast strokes into your womb. He was minutes away from bursting inside but he needed to wait until you came for him. Ace had to make sure he exceeded your standards and make sure you change your mind about pirates.
• “Mmhh! Ace I’m c-cumming!” You wrapped your arms around his back to hold him closer. “Feels so good!” When Ace felt your pussy squeeze him and squirt on his cock, he had to pull out before he accidentally let himself go inside you. “Come on. Finish cumming on my cock so I can cum too. I’m almost there!”
• “Not inside!” Ace shushed you. “I know babygirl. Just let me take care of you.” He said as he swiftly pulled out and started stroking himself to finish on your body, painting your stomach in his white liquid. “See? Your pirate boy knows exactly what you want.”
• When you felt the bed shift and caught Ace standing up, you whined. “What are you doing?” He turned to you and giggled at your cute voice and expression. “Well we had a deal. Didn’t we?” He started putting his clothes on. “You told me to hit the road right after.” He looked back over at you and hated seeing the upset look you had. “Unless…you would rather I stay..?” “I mean..you did pay for a full night..it would be a waste of berries.”
• He threw his clothes back on the ground and hopped back in the bed with you. “Ah. So you actually like this little pirate?” You chuckled and covered your blush. “N-No! I just…think I judged you a bit too harshly..” you felt embarrassed to say it but you were wrong. Maybe not ALL pirates are bad..
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thewertsearch · 6 days
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TG: oh so this is the trollplanet TG: pretty cool not really what i pictured AA: what did you picture […] TG: a bunch of trolls flying around in little grub pods constantly screaming at each other through bullhorns shaped like buckets AA: thats very silly and a little perverse […] AA: but actually that sounds like what it might have been like on some parts of the planet sooo
Aradia lived out in the boonies, so she's not much of an authority on cosmopolitan life in Alternia. Sollux is the city boy, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was what his area was like.
TG: so what am i supposed to do now that im dead […] TG: where are the fucking hauntoffs at is what im asking AA: i dont know about hauntoffs AA: but there is plenty of time to satisfy various curiosities you might have about existence and whatnot
I guess even this neighbourhood has a Janet.
... man, I miss The Good Place. I’ve been rewatching clips from the show this week, and it's actually got a lot in common with Homestuck. They're both character-driven stories with enormous scope, centered around a bizarre institution which governs all of reality.
AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont
Is Aradia referring to members of her own team, or are there ghosts from entirely different sessions floating around the Bubbles?
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Feferi was prophesized to unite only two races, something she's achieved through the Horrorterrors. This implies we won't be seeing any other alien species, but we could see other human Players. Technically, it also means we could see other trolls, but that's pretty unlikely. As far as we're aware, Alternia only spawned a single session.
Anyway - the more I think about these Dream Bubbles, the more I'm starting to realize how much strategic potential they have. Affinity for the Furthest Ring is a genuine boon, and being a Derse Dreamer is more advantageous than I thought.
AA: time is like a game […] AA: and games are fun but sometimes you dont realize how much fun you were having until theyre all over AA: and sometimes you look back and realize for some stupid reason you werent having any fun at all!
What an interesting sentiment that I’m sure is not at all autobiographical.
Aradia spent the entire session as a robot with zero agency, and never got to use her powers for her sake, instead of the timeline's. It makes perfect sense that she didn't have fun with her Aspect.
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Tavros! My man, Tavros!
Alright, this is actually fantastic. Tavros died before he could reveal Vriska's batshit plan to the team, but Aradia has handed him a second chance. All he has to d-
AT: lOOKS LIKE i FOUND ANOTHER POINT IN TIME TO BOTHER YOU, AT: wHEN, i GUESS, AT: yOU ARE MORE EMOTIONALLY SUSCEPTIBLE, […] TG: are those sick fires youre packing there TG: you best not be bringin that fire into my bubble less you plan on dropping that shit
-he's just here to rap, isn't he.
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freebooter4ever · 3 months
ok i've been taking a break for the past half hour and doing research on the pens locker room, trying to figure out how i wanted to design my own version of geno's 'stall' (is that what it's called?). i love the circular shape it feels very king arthur
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first, there isn't a lot of internet documented history on the various eras of the locker room design??? which seems sad
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don't get me wrong the latest iteration is pretty epic but as far is i can tell, it hasn't changed much since at least 2013? i do not envy whoever is cleaning this place. thats a lot of sweat over the years.
second, im enjoying seeing little details that i had no idea existed, being a new fan and all. like the puck wins count???? crazy. these guys have a visual representation of how they're doing in the season right up there on the wall glaring judgmentally at them? im so glad im not in sports. i would not survive.
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especially when the HISTORY of these pucks is on the walls.....like damn. talk about pressure. anyway 2011-2012 thats one of geno's best seasons right? :)
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this is what I wanted. mesh, hooks, I need to figure out how i want to make this look cool.
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i find it really funny and endearing that the thing these guys do to relax in down time is a playful version of their own job....
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also im not sure about this like:
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are they assigned a razor??? you get traded to the penguins and suddenly you're not allowed to use your fancy expensive specialized razor? is this a normal thing in hockey????? do they have group shaves for special events like the playoffs? hockey players are fascinating.
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i dont know why but i never considered that the pens have actual lockers in addition to the little seats in the main locker room. this makes total sense. i dont know where i thought their clothes and stuff went. just disappeared into the ether i guess.
anyway definitely a necessity, the hot tub. it looks a little sad and lonely in this photo. it needs a hockey player in it.
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racks and racks of gear???? again this makes total sense but never occurred to me. also maybe helps explain why geno likes to switch up gloves, look at all them, damn. i do wonder about helmets still - geno's looks so unique and he's been using the same design since at least 2009.
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ok im guessing this is an away locker room and i have only one question: do they bring a little 'logo' carpet to roll out every time they go on the road? thats amazing.
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if you read all that, nice! here's a shot of geno with his jock out:
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very important locker room research. bonus the earliest pens locker room photo of geno i could find:
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shy beautiful boy ^_^ (also he looks so young and vulnerable its hard to believe that even back in 2008/2009 he already had so much responsibility with so many grown adults making demands on his entire career)(like he went through all that AND is still playing in the league with three cups under his belt? thats fucking awesome)
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
do you happen to know any fics with fem dressing aziraphale, but hes still male? dont get me wrong i love ineffable wives, and fem aziraphale but im dying to see aziraphale in fem clothing as male presenting in a fic!! :))
Here are some fics with fem he/him Aziraphale...
In The Eye Of The Beholder by Puerinrotis (G)
Aziraphale didn’t like presenting as a woman. He hadn’t done it in a hundred years, at least, and he would’ve been content to never do it again. Yet, when Crowley came to him, saying that he got an invite to Wimbledon and he needed a lady to bring along, the angel agreed to go.
Four Times Crowley Went Too Far and One Time Aziraphale Went Too Far by Mitch_D_Punk (T)
Throughout all of human history, the rogue Demon and not so good Angel kept running into each other. No matter where they were, the other always seemed to be there. This is just a fluffy four + one of extra scenarios through out human history with Aziraphale and Crowley just generally making a mess of things and enjoying human life.
The Serpent and the Lady by summerofspock (T)
Aziraphale was thankful Crowley was nowhere to be seen. He would never let Aziraphale live this down. Bestowing a kiss upon the winner of a tourney? Crowley would surely mock him for years to come.
An Arrangement of Convenience by Blue_Sparkle (E)
Aziraphale works to purchase a bookshop space, but currently being a woman-shaped creature has its drawbacks when faced with rude property owners. The most obvious solution is to get Crowley to act as his husband and deal with all that nonsense, of course.
Miss Cosmos Beauty Pageant - The Winner Takes it All by DreamsOfAlexandria (T)
“It was all for the greater good,” adds Gabriel. “I really don’t know what the two of you like about Earth so much, but I think we ALL can agree that we do not want to fight another war. Right, sunshine?” Aziraphale nods weakly and Crowley slowly sits down again, still looking furious. The room is silent for a moment. “So,” Crowley finally asks, “What is the Great Plan?” “Oh, it’s quite clever. The two of you will enter the Miss Cosmos Beauty Pageant, make it to the final round and a jury of humans will announce a winner. The winning side get’s to rule over Earth and Heaven and Hell both will acknowledge the outcome. There will be no war for the rest of eternity.” Gabriel smiles cheerfully at Aziraphale and Crowley. “Right, good one,” Crowley snorts. “So, what’s the real plan?”
Time Flies (When You're Having Fun) by Mussimm (E)
Versailles, 1769 - Aziraphale has a blessing to perform at a masquerade ball and it's important that he gets this one right. So important, in fact, that he can't seem to leave until he does. But with a fancy dress, an attentive demon and an endless supply of champagne, it's a little challenging to stay on mission.
- Mod D
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upsidedownmvnson · 3 months
crash landed
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A/N: i want to branch out on this blog and write for other fandoms too, so im dipping my toes in my baby poe dameron's pool
summary: you and poe are stranded on an unknown planet after a dicy shootout. and your injuries are getting worse by the minute.
warnings: probably inaccurate star wars stuff, graphic descriptions of injuries (maybe), broken bones,
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"poe?" you whispered, shaky voice barely cutting through the loud wind noises rattling the loose metal of a broken starfighter.
he grunts, barely looking away from the twisted metal he's trying to bend back in shape with pure will. it's been hours, and with no working comms, and no working beacon.. it was time to start considering alternate escape routes.
"ugh - if it would just-" he grunts again, pounding his fist once against it, the sound lost beneath the other crashing titanium pieces.
"poe..." you said, again, holding onto your shoulder. it was starting to really hurt, and you could barely move your arm, you were sure it was broken, and with the adrenaline of a crash landing fading, it was really starting to be a problem.
he looked at you, lips tight and tense, none of the usual spark in his eyes. his mouth softens into a light frown when he sees you cradling your injury.
"if we don't leave soon i dont know how far i'll be able to go," you say, raising your voice to be heard over the weather.
"we don't even know where we are!" he shouts back, frustrated and angry.
"i know but..."
"how am i supposed to get you out of this!?"
but he softens even more when your lip quivers, and he knows he's being cold - but look at what he's done. he's hurt you. he's gotten you lost on some outskirt planet with no way out, and no medical supplies. he's just proven about himself what he always feared might be true ... he can't protect you.
"I'm sorry!" he shouts, he looks around, and harshly scratches his thumb on his temple. "you're right! we have to move."
"take the comlink! i'll try to fix it when we get ..." you squint, "somewhere."
he grabs it, although he doesn't believe you can fix it. it doesn't even look like scrap metal anymore. totally crushed during the crash landing. if he had just jumped instead of trying to outmaneuver, this wouldn't have happened. he could have gotten you to safety but he was so sure that they wouldn't see his flip coming, but they did... and managed to target the gun you'd been using at the back of the ship, causing a small explosion and sending you against the side of the ship and then when you weren't answering he...
he lost all control and crashed the ship. he was the best pilot the resistance had, and he crashed with the most precious thing in his life depending on him. he was a failure.
when he climbs back down from the trashed fighter, he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you forward. you were disappointed when he let you go. usually, he'd find any excuse to keep his hands on you, but now he dropped his touch as soon as you'd started walking with him.
you walked quietly, holding the ripped fabric on the shoulder of your suit closed with your good arm and kept the other as snug to your chest as you could. you felt like you were trying to hold yourself together.
you knew this was your fault. if you had just made the shot... you guys wouldn't be in this mess. and the man you were in love with - and arguably the most important pilot in the resistance - wouldn't be stranded in this nowhere place. and you wouldn't be a limping burden. you try your best to hide it. to walk normally and disguise your wincing.
"i'm sorry," you say finally, unable to stand one more moment of uncomfortable silence. you'd never struggled to talk to poe before, normally you can't get him to shut up. "I should've been able to hit the fuel tank, i knew where it was and i missed the-"
"this wasn't your fault," he cut you off, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "none of this is your fault, it's mine."
you could barely hear him, and you were about you respond when both of you were taken by complete surprise as you yelped, your ankle giving way under you with a sickening crunch. poe heard it over the wind, and caught you before you could completely hit the ground.
you cried, trying to say something about the pain but all that came out were a few strangled syllables.
"hey, hey, hey, it's okay! i've got you!" but he's panicking. he can't support you with your arm in that condition, and he can't get you up because of the leg. he's sick. he can't breathe thinking of what's he caused. he picks you up, cradling you as close to his chest as he can as he frantically looks around for anything, anything.
a cave in the face of a rockside is all he can see, and he escapes to it's safety, at least able to get you out of the wind for a minute while he thinks. he sets you down as gently as he can, his heart shattering with each deep sob you release.
he looks around, as if help will just appear in the cave. and he stands up, watching you curl into yourself.
"poe, i'm so sorry." you sob, not noticing his confused expression as you hide your face in your arm, words coming out choked and pathetic you say, "look at what i've done."
"you can't -" he pauses, "you didn't do anything wrong, this mess is my fault."
he wants to stop and comfort you, but he doesn't have time. he has to save you, he has to save. you. he's freaking out. he's failed you, the mission, leia, all because he assumed he was better than some first order pilot.
"i have to find you some help," he says, crouching down close to you and moving some hair out of your face. the blotchy, red cheeks, and swollen eyes that hold nothing but pain behind them, made an unexpected tear fall from poe's eye, but he catches it on the back of his hand before you can see. "why can't wait these injuries out, okay?" you nod sullenly, unable to force out anymore words. "do you have your blaster? hm? can you look at me?" he asks, and you do. "i'm going to run okay? i'm going to find you some help."
poe runs for an hour, but aside from the weather finally yielding, he finds nothing. he nearly gets lost on his way back, but finds you sitting up against the hard rock wall, blaster disassembled around you, as you fiddle with the small broken comlink.
"you're sitting."
"i'm totally numb," you whisper, and you're both quiet. you both know that's not a good thing. "i don't know if it worked... but i tried to send out a signal. the transmitter looked functional enough, but the mic was broken beyond... I..." you trail off. "i hope they find you."
"us," he corrects harsher than he means to. "they're going to find us."
you smile. "you should go."
"you can come back for me later but -"
"-we shouldn't both rot in this-"
"-stop saying this crap, seriously-"
"hellhole, and you're too important to lose and-"
"stop!" he shouts, crouching down to look in your eye, passion and frustration covered his face, "you're too important, don't you get that!? don't you get anything? i can't lose you too." poe's resolve falls faster than it rose, and he's sobbing before you've even really processed what he's said. "i won't survive it. if i lose you. i won't survive."
"i love you, you idiot."
but then you passed out. and poe is screaming your name, tapping gentle slaps on your cheek to wake you, but it's not working. he's worried you hit your head.
"what do i do!?" he's looking around, but there's nothing. he knows there's nothing. "what do i do!?"
but he hears something outside that sounds like yelling. and he doesn't care if its first order, pirates, or whatever, he doesn't care. he'd surrender himself to save you. he's only got a half broke blaster, but he's got the spark he needs to save you.
he hides behind a tree when he sees figures, waiting to ambush the first person and steal their weapon, but when he grabs them, it's finn looking out of breath and terrified.
"poe! maker, we couldn't-"
"come on!" poe shouts, ignoring his friend, letting go of the fistful of shirt he had, and taking off full tilt back to where you were. finn was hot on his trail, silent. while chewie ran not far behind, roaring in worry. no one liked the crazed look in poe's eye, especially when they knew it was bad sign you weren't with him.
when they're back to you, poe first checks your pulse, his own nearly stopping with anxiety. but however shallow, it was there, you were still there.
poe scoops you up, holds you close to his chest for a second, whispering a secret plea for you to stay with him, and let chewie take you in his arms, begging him in broken words to be gentle with you.
and then poe just sobbed as they rushed back to the ship.
you didn't wake up for a full month. poe ran defensive missions, or short trips. but he couldn't stay focused long enough for anything longer.
when he returns from a simple fetch & return for leia, he's greeted by rey and rose waiting in the hanger, chatting excitedly. at first poe is annoyed, as he takes his helmet off and shakes his hair out. how could your friends find a way to stand around and chat and smile... but when they look at him with wide grins, he hesitates to feel hope. they've said nothing but his heart is racing. he thinks it may beat clear out of his chest,
"someone wants to see you," rose singsongs, laughing as poe throws his helmet on the floor and takes off down the hallway, following his usual path straight from the hanger to the medbay.
he stops in the doorway, panting as he takes in the sight of you smiling with finn, who was sitting on the chair closest to you. he gets up when he sees poe, says goodbye, and leaves, patting his friend on the shoulder as he passes.
"you're awake," he says, taking finn's seat, and scooching it even closer to you. he gathers up your hand in both of his, and leans forward to press his forehead against the back of your hand. "please, forgive me."
"forgive you? for what?"
he scoffs, leaning back but maintaining a secure grip on your hands. "well, for nearly killing you, mostly."
"poe, i missed the shot. i had the shot and i missed it, it's my fault."
"no," he says, sternly, in a commanding voice you don't even recognize, and you listen, watching him with kind eyes. he could live in them, melt into them, stay there forever. "you saved us. you made a beacon out of a gun and a broken comlink. you're a genius, you're... you're so..." he grunts in frustration when the words get lost. "i almost lost you..." he whispers, kissing the back of your hand. he leans his forehead back onto your hand, whispering again and again how sorry he was. 
you smiled sadly at him. he looked thin, had bags under his eyes. you doubted he has been sleeping, finn said he'd spent every night by your side, curled up uncomfortably on the metal chair.
"nah," you chuckle, "i always was gunna come back to you."
"and how do you know that, hm?"
you grin, winking, "because i love you, you idiot."
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Lip Service
So i dont 100% know how it starts. I just know that eddie uses the phrase "lip service" maybe he and the gang of teens are at nancys house, hanging in the basement while the kids are at school, robin and steve both had a day off, which never happens. They're talking about who knows what, eddie lounged out on the floor, his feet resting on the couch. Probably next to steve who's sitting on the couch like a normal person. Eddie keeps gently kicking his shoudler, pressing his toes behind steve when his feet get cold.
And steve keeps shoving him away, but not too far, and he always lets eddie keep his toes there for a minute before he shoves at them. And maybe nancy has said something about eddie getting sponsors for the band, and he snorts, says something about how he'd be terrible at promoting a sponsor, that he's no good at lip service. And Steve's goddamn traitorous mouth says,
"i doubt that" with a snort as he wraps his fingers around Eddie's ankle and pushes his foot away. Only he doesnt get to push the foot away, because he freezes, eddie coughs, chokes really, and he's up on his elbows, looking at steve, his eyes HUGE. and he almost winces with how hard Steve's fingers clench into the skin of his ankle. Eddie opens his mouth to say something, maybe ease some of the fucking tension thats now filling the basement, because everyone is staring at steve. But steve is up off the couch before he can manage one word.
He's up the stairs before eddie manages to get himself right side up, and on his feet again. And by the time eddie is outside, jogging down the stairs of the wheelers porch, Steve's BMW is already speeding away. And Eddie's chest ACHES. because he knows he could catch him. Eddie's not the safest driver. Or the slowest.
But his chest is also aching because of the look that had been on Steve's face. It wasn't fear, eddie had seen him afraid. It was down right horror. And Eddie's chest was aching because he didnt know if the horror was because he'd meant what he said, and had been thinking about eddie as much eddie had been thinking about him. Or if he'd been horrified that he'd implied he might have had any thoughts like that about eddie at all.
So eddie watches his car disappear, breathing heavily from just the run up the stairs. He's still trying to catch his breath when robin steps up next to him.
"What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, noting the frown on Eddie's face. He sucks in a deep breath, fights off a cough and just says,
"im alarmingly out of shape Robs" he rests his hands on his head as she chuckles lightly, her hand on his back as they go back inside. She doesn't say anything else to eddie. And he doesn't ask. But she keeps looking at him. And it just makes his brain work harder, faster, makes his palms sweat.
Its been three days and eddie hasn't seen Steve once. Not at the video store. Not at the wheelers. Not even at school to pick up the little nuggets. He'd seen his tail lights friday afternoon, dustin waving out the window at eddie as they drove away.
He bounces on his heels as he stands outside Steve's door. Not sure he should be here. Who was he kidding, steve was avoiding him, of course he shouldnt be here. But steve wouldn't answer his phone either, and robin was no help. Just told eddie to give him time. But Eddie's brain had been running wild for three fucking days and he was about to crawl out of his skin. So he bounces in place a few more times. Then knocks on the door. He presses the door bell too, for good measure. Knows Steve's hearing isnt the best. He hears foot steps and hastily puts his hand over the peep hole. He hears a muttered,
"what the hell?" Before the door swings open, revealing a frowning steve. The frown does a strange sort of summersault on Steve's face. Briefly jumping into a sort of soft smile before he realized it was eddie and then he's frowning again. And Eddie's stomach sinks. Not happy to see him then. Great. Good start.
"Hey." Is all eddie says. Steve wobbles from foot to foot, not opening the door any further.
"Hey?" He says. A question. Sounding for all the world like he has no idea what eddie is even doing at his house. Like they havent seen each other almost every day since eddie got out of the hospital. It throws eddie off. Tilts everything. Makes him stumble. He'd had a PLAN.
"I um... i thought we should talk. Maybe? About the other day?" He tries, says it gently.
"I'm gonna pass on that. Thanks though." Is all steve says, in a rush, and then he closes the door in Eddie's face.
"Hey!" Eddie squawks.
And steve smiles, despite himself, at the indignation in Eddie's voice, resting his back agaisnt the door, dropping his head lightly against the expensive wood.
"Steve! Seriously!?" Eddie bangs on the door, it shakes beneath Steve's shoulder blades but he doesn't move.
Eddie huffs, leans forward until his head is resting against the wood, he flattens his palm on the door.
"Listen. Steve. I'm gonna... im gonna say something. Something i would never say. Not to your face. Or your... door. Hell, not even in your general vicinity. I wouldn't even say it if someone tossed me in a rocket and launched me into space. Not that anyone could hear me up there anyway cuz space is a vacuum so it would be-
"Right. Yeah. Sorry. Distracted." He lowers his voice, to a near whisper.
"What i was getting at is that... I've been- can you hear me?" He gets no response.
"Knock twice if you can here me. You don't have to talk. I just want you to hear me." Eddie waits. And waits. And then two soft knocks reach his ears.
"Okay cool. Good." He clears his throat, rolls his shoulders, and tries again.
"I just wanted you know that... i can't stop thinking about kissing you. And it has nothing to do with what you said 3 days ago. This was an issue I've been having since... doesn't matter. Its been awhile." He waves his hand next to his head, dismissive though steve cant see him.
"But then you said that. and you know how i am dude, my brain just goes and goes. And i know you've been avoiding me, and thats... fine. I guess. Unless it's... i mean unless you..." he frowns, shakes his head.
"I dont know. I just thought we could talk? In case maybe... you've been like... feeling things?" He grimaces. He really should have just brought the shit he'd written down, it'd be so much easier. He sighs, runs his hands over his face. Does a little spin and groan combo before facing the door again.
"Look i just cant stop thinking about what you said. And i wanted you to know that like.. it didn't bother me, or freak me out or anything. I just... i dont know man." He sighs again, drops his head heavily into the door before backing away a bit.
"Look man you're being awfully quiet, and clearly don't wanna talk to me. So im gonna go." He takes a step down the porch, still facing the door, his chest tight with hope that steve will answer it.
"I just needed you to know that i think about you sometimes." He laughs, shakes his head.
"All the time. Just, all the fucking time now. But i uh... I'll see you around... i guess?" He mutters the last words, his heart sinking as he makes it to the bottom of the steps with no movement from the door. He sighs, shoulders dropping as he scuffs his feet all the way back to his van. He yanks the door open, the metal creaking. And then
"Eddie!" He turns, Steve's standing on the porch,  his arms wrapped around his middle, eyes big and sad as he looks at eddie. Eddie stops, his hand still on the door of his van, standing wide open. He watches steve swallow. Swears he can hear it from all the way in the driveway.
"Dont go?" Its quiet, almost a whisper, and steve is all but fucking begging. Eddie stares for a moment and then slams his van door shut. He starts back toward the house. Watches steve turn and walk back inside before he gets to the porch. Steve steps aside, holds the door open for eddie and lets him pass. Eddie steps inside, watches steve close the door. Lock it. But he doesnt step away. His hand is still on the door handle. His head resting against the door as he breathes deeply. Eddie takes one small step toward him. Knows steve didnt see it, his eyes are closed.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, moving closer still. Steve scrunches his eyes closed harder. Shakes his head.
"I don't know what im doing." He says, eddie leans to the side, sees his lip caught between his teeth. He reaches out, his hand touching Steve's shoulder, he moves closer, nearly pressing himself to Steve's side, and smiles when steve sighs into the touch.
"That's okay." Eddie says, moving his hand across Steve's shoulders, soothing him. Steve shakes his head again and then moves, he turns, placing his back agaisnt the door, his hand moves to Eddie's hip, one finger dipping through Eddie's belt loop to tug him closer, eddie stumbles into steve and huffs a laugh.
"I mean it. I don't know what I'm doing with you. I've never... done this... with a guy before." He breathes.
"Girls i know. I know how to do that. But not this." He moves his free hand between himself and eddie, in the small space thats there. Eddie swallows, hard.
"I uh... i could be a girl. If you want." He winks, and it makes steve laugh, makes him tug on his jeans again, bump their hips together, but he shakes his head, smile fading, looking at eddie seriously.
"I don't want you to be girl. I just want you to be you." He says, and eddie thinks he might fucking cry. And Steve's eyes look shiny too. So eddie moves, his hands moving to hold onto Steve's arms.
"If it helps? I uh... I've never really... done anything... with guys either. Or- or girls. So just... nothing really. Over here on my end." He huffs a sort of sarcastic self depreciating laugh, and looks down, away from steve, his cheeks hot with his admission.
"I mean I've wanted too. Ya know? With guys. I mean i knew i was into guys. Not girls really so much. I mean they're beautiful, just... i never wanted them the way i did with guys. Never wanted them the way i- the way i want you." He whispers the end of it. Scared maybe he shouldn't have it said it that way, that maybe steve wasn't saying the same thing.
"Really?" Is all he gets from steve, making him look up.
"You've never- done anything?" Steve asks, his free hand moving to Eddie's side, the fingers curled in Eddie's belt loop move, cup his hip gently, Steve's thumb moves slowly against Eddie's shirt. Eddie takes a shaking breath, shakes his head just enough that his bangs wobble against his forehead.
"Nope. Just a big ol virgin. I mean i kissed Cathey Bartlet once in third grade but it was kinda gross and i didn't really want too. And she didn't really ask me. She just sort of... shovered her mouth on mine. Sort of a bummer of a first and only kiss really." He knows he's saying too much, but his mouth wont stop, never does. But steve is smiling soflty at him so he thinks maybe its okay.
"So yeah. Maybe you've never done anything with a guy, but... at least you've done things. Lightyears ahead of me. On all accounts, probably. I mean... i read things but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. Having an active inner fantasy life doesn't count either I'm guessing." Eddie smiles awkwardly, his fingers trembling where they're holding Steve's arms. Steve nods at him, his fingers still moving gently over Eddie's shirt.
"That's not a bad thing. You know that right?" Steve asks. One hand moving up Eddie’s arm. Eddie shrugs.
"No hey, i mean it. It's okay that you haven't done stuff. I- um..." steve flushes, a deep red, and oh... eddie likes that, he sways forward, closer to steve.
"You what?" Eddie pushes, his hands moving to Steve's biceps, fingers pressing a little harder. Steve shakes his head, eyes avoiding eddie now.
"Tell me." Eddie moves his hand, his fingertips moving to Steve's chin, lifting his head so he can see his eyes.
"Please?" Eddie asks. Begs. And he watches steve nearly melt. He licks his lips, eyes locking on Eddie's.
"I just- i like the idea that I'll be the only person who's touched you." He looks away quickly after the words leave his mouth. But he doesn't stop there.
"I like the idea of learning how to do this with you. But mostly its the first thing." He scrunches his nose and looks back to eddie.
Eddie is smiing, his cheeks flushed. And then he fucking honest to god giggles. And fucking falls against steve. Steve just wraps his arms around eddie, instinctively pulling him closer.
"Why are you laughing?" But steve's laughing now too, can't help it. Eddie's laugh has always been so fucking contagious. Eddie shakes his head, stops laughing, moves, just a little, moves his nose up Steve's throat, his hands on Steve's hips, pushes him back into the door a bit and he says
"Steve harrington. You have a fucking virgin kink. Or should i say, your kink is fucking virgins?" Eddie's breath on his neck makes him shiver, at least thats what he tells himself. Eddie pulls back, stays close, looks into Steve's eyes.
"Dont you?" He asks, his fingers giving steve a squeeze. Steve squirms and shoves his hands up the back of Eddie's shirt, his warm palms moving against eddie skin, pulling him close. Eddie fucking melts into steve, a little whine leaving his throat.
"Maybe i do. Sounds like you might be a little touched starved princess." Steve shoots back, sounding satisfied, and the nickname goes right to Eddie's nerve endings, his whole body shaking. He's pretty sure his knees are about to buckle, but he can fucking feel steve holding him up, and that just makes it worse. He clings to Steve's shoulders and says the only come back he can think of it in his fuzzy headed haze.
"Princess. So you do want me to be a girl." He huffs into Steve's shoulder. Steve laughs then, his fingers pressing into Eddie's back before letting him go a little, so he can look at him.
"No. I still want you to be you." And he says it so earnestly. Eddie almost melts again, looking into his eyes, steve lifts a hand out of his shirt and tucks some hair behind Eddie's ear. Eddie licks his lips and frowns, wants to not sound too much like an idiot.
"So um... you wouldn't mind then..." he hesitates. Steve's eyes widen, waiting. Eddie grimaces a bit.
"Teaching me... how to do stuff?" He sounds insecure now. But the way steve softens makes him, not hate it. Steve shakes his head, moves his hand to Eddie's cheek.
"No. I wouldn't mind." His thumb moves over Eddie cheek bone and he leans into the touch like a cat.
"Good. Cuz i really wanna kiss you but I'm scared i might be bad at it." Eddie bites his lip, Steve moves his thumb down, sweeps over Eddie's lip until he lets it fall from his teeths grip.
"You'll do fine. I have faith in you." Steve breathes. Eddie's heart flutters.
"What if I'm bad at it? What if I'm like Cathey Bartlet?" Eddie asks, his hands clutching at Steve's shirt now. Steve shakes his head.
"No way. Not possible." Steve smiles, his eyes locked on Eddie's lips now. Eddie's clenched fists are shaking.
"You don't know. I could be terrible. Like kissing a wet mop or someth-"
"Eddie." Steve says his name softly, silencening him gently. Eddie gulps. Eyes widening.
"Can i kiss you?" Steve asks, eddie feels his breath ghost over his lips and his eyes flutter. Eddie nods, pressing his lips together nervously before releasing them again.
"Thank you for asking." Eddie says, smiling at steve as steve smiles at him, both of them moving to close to gap between them.
"Dont get used to it." Steve whispers, his lips brushing Eddie's and then he's kissing him. Soflty at first, letting eddie get used to the feeling. Eddie can feel him smiling against his lips, especially when eddie makes little noises. Steve breaks away, brushes his nose agaisnt Eddie's. Eddie nearly panting as steve practically holds him upright.
"Does that mean you're not gonna ask when you kiss me?" Eddie breathes, his forehead resting against Steve. Steve laughs into Eddie's mouth, kissing him soflty again and says
"Not always. You're mine now Munson. I can kiss you anytime i want." Eddie shivers as steve spins them, pushes Eddie gently against the door. He pulls back, his hands pressed to the door next to Eddie's head.
"That okay with you?" He asks, like he hadn't just fucking shaken eddie to his goddamn core. Eddie's hands scramble over Steve's shoulders, clutching and clawing at him, dragging him closer as he breathes
"Yes. Yeah. Totally good with it. Never stop kissing me." Eddie says, his eyes locked on Steve's mouth. Steve laughs, lets eddie pull him closer, desperately so, and kisses him again. And again. And again.
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
Scientists just figured out how plants adapted to live on land! Heres the article, I thought youd want to read it right away! As soon as I saw it I came here. http://sulc.us/plantxylem
ahhhh see, this is some juicy plant lore! it's specifically talking about the shape of the xylem in plant stems.
it's interesting the balance that has to happen here. we want a lot of small straws (xylem cells, used by plants to pull water up from the roots to the leaves) to suck water up the stem as opposed to a few big ones because any air that gets into a straw breaks the flow of water and makes it impossible to get it back, and that's both more likely to happen and more impactful if we use a few big straws over many small ones-- but at the same time, cramming a bunch of small straws together also isn't enough to fix the problem, because if too many small straws are touching each other at once, any air that gets into one can spread to all the ones around it. so the solution is to spread a bunch of small straws out in increasingly complicated patterns to maximize the number of small straws and minimize the number of other straws each is touching! very clever.
also, side note, they include isoetes in this and like, im gonna have to look into it more but it LOOKS like the Guys just.... thickened the walls of the straws and left it instead of trying to make a new shape?? i assume this works because they were going to be incredibly small and aquatic anyway, so there was no real reason to bother if their straws are already incredibly tiny and dont need to carry much water very far to begin with, but it IS interesting considering that the main driver of isoetes evolution is currently suspected to be drought caused by the continents splitting. plants that make you go hmm moment for sure
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voiceofthesilly · 5 months
Hi, uhm.
Your designs for the voices in STP are..
The premise of their design are simple (birds(?) with animal skull heads(?)) yet it makes them so distinguishable!
Also your art is very yummy- It's beautiful.
Ajsjadhdja thanku!! this means a lot, espeically since i love your designs for them a LOT Gonna take that as an opportunity to explain them some bc i havent really done that so beware, long rant under the cut
The general idea was for them to have masks of various woodland creatures, as a general reference to the cabin being set in the woods and to add a bit of a fairytale twist, as often in fairytales guiding voices in form of animals appear But thinking about it skulls are such a sick idea and might use them for less cartoony iterations honestly
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From left to right!
Cold was actually pretty hard to pick an animal for - @3zethe3zr has been immense help figuring those out with various voices and we went through options like wolves and bears before i settled on lynx (quick, efficient and solitary assassin). I wanted Cold to feel big and overpowering, blocking out everything else. In a way that silence is big, sorta. You might also notice that they're the only voice without markings - its partially because everything i could come up with felt too on the nose, and partially because well. what symbol better than vast emptiness. Largest voice! 8'2" tall
Paranoid is a mouse, i feel like the association here is pretty straightforward. Big wings to hide behind and bald patches from overpreening. Their pattern is the eyes, they can't seem to get rid of them. Some on the feathers, some straight on the skin.
Hunted gets a hare mask because i said so and hares have amazing prey eyes. It's rather large, but always crouched over and ready to bolt, making it much smaller than it could be - Hunted always says we're small, but there's a moment where Wild refutes that. Of course it's not in reference to physical size there, but I wanted to use that nonetheless. Target mark on their chest and mask. Eyes on the side of the head - not sure where i heard it first but it was sych a good take i had to do it
Hero !!! I struggled a lot with the animal for them, went through a bunch of deer, wolf, even bird at some point (birds were off limits). In the end went with 3zr's squirrel suggestion - a little kind voice sitting on your shoulder. Hero also gets a cape, as a treat. for being there always. And because they're a hero and im no edna mode. Markings are the slits in a knight helmet!
Stubborn was im pretty sure the first one who got designed at all, due to intense stubborn brainrot. Animal is a boar, due to the mfs being extremely hard to kill, though i did want to go with a wolverine for a while. His mask is moved aside, he's straighforward and has no need for hiding anythin. Masks off and knives out, am i right . He's the shortest voice in the lineup (whole 3'7"). this is because im not tall and i like him. I tried to strike a balance between squarish and triangle build. His wings are proudly on display, and so are his scars - a testiment to our resilience.
Opportunist! my littlest guy who missed being a weasel by like 3 milimeters and ended up fox. because of course he did. He's fucking tiny - i usually like making voices who dont consider us strong bigger than they think, but in this case it felt fitting to make it something he works with. The markings are pointed knives, pretty self-explanatory i feel. Usually partially hidden under the chest feathers. Also, his arms are hidden behind his back here but the palms are red - blood on him hands
Smitten is a deer! They always felt very noble to me, and, well, heart shape in the antlers! The mask is somewhat ill-fitting and she can't see well but that's alright, love is blind. The largest marking by far - he's not one to hide his nature, and his heart is as big as the markings would suggest. I wanted to give her this sorta chivalrous fairytale knight build. Wings folded into a wing shape!
Contrarian is another long boi, i felt it would work well for whatever silly limb contortions hed do. The animal is a natterer's bat specifically - again, 3zr's genious idea
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Neck feathers meant to resemble a jester's collar. Funky patterns meant to be confusing and disorientin. In the lineup in particular i didn't do it, but the idea is that with the mask slightly more up and beak open it almost looks like he has three heads, paralleling Stranger
Skeptic i wanted to have a very solid build, so square he is. The markings are question marks - both on the mask and feathers. He's a little silly with his saying wink out loud, so he gets to have a question mark tie. Wings folded behind mimicking a trench coat. He deserves glasses
Broken is actually second longest! It doesn't matter though, does it. They can be as large as they want, doesn't change anything. Mask is a raccoon dog - felt fitting vibewise. Bald patches around neck, wrists and ankles, as if remnants of shackles locked around them. The markings are meant to mimick both cracks (in shape) and chains (in layout). Mask pulled up for them double sad eyes and because there isnt even a point in hiding
Last up, cheated! Hedgehog bastard. I guess kinda paralleling Razor in that regard? They're not particularly big and their feathers are ruffled. Uses wings for extra expression! Markings meant to both resemble scars and diamond suit
Also, earlier verisons!
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gryphis-eyes · 1 year
⊙ ἀγάπη
" Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere. "
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⊙ Welcome to this Shape of Water love reading, yes I finaly took my balls and make a love pac hehehe this reading isn’t truly a prediction its more of an assumption about what your ideal partner would be based on your present self but you can technically see this reading as a way to confirm who your next partner would be y’know. It was supposed to be longer but I decided to do it chill since im still a bit rusted lol but I really miss being active on tumblr. For more explaination, the ”core card” is found by additioning the numbers of the cards you picked with Lenormand, for me its a card that show the core/hidden part of a reading but you can use this method in other ways.
◇ Deck used : Rider Waite (only court cards), Lenormand
Masterlist ⊙
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🜄 Pile 1  
♤ Key, book, ship 【core : coffin】
Court card : king of cups
They seem like someone who’s heart and mind are often clashing but despite it they are quite emotional intelligent, by this I mean that they might be very emotional by nature but they did learn to manage their emotions OR they take an intellectual approach to their feelings, is it a good thing or not ? Well its up to them because this kind of behavior can become toxic for themselves but i got a lot of cards who refer to them being very intelligent. They probably follow a specific philosophy or are into litterature in general, there is this dark academia vibe to them. Very hardworking, full of knowledge but never got enough at the same time, they got bof ”personal intelligence” and academic intelligence, talking to them about various subject must be a great experience for sure. Their intelligence and serious aspect make them quite sensual people might often look at them even if they dont seem to care about other’s look they seem introverted to me. Its like if someone stopped them to compliments them they would be a bit awkward like ”uh? Thank you I guess?”. Very INTP vibe. To be honest I was persuaded that I'll pick the King of Swords to them because of their vibe but not, its the King of cups with the Coffin as the core card so we got someone who have a cold exterior and keep their good side to themselves and to a very close group of people. They have been through tuff situation in their life, would I dare say that they might have experienced depression ? I see them as a melancholic King of cups, imagine an King alone on a cliff looking at the sea, so many thoughts are passing by from a strange theory about a myth to a sad realisation that they are indeed, a hopeless lover. Seems like someone needs to go under that shell to see their true self and heart (but not in a savior way, y’know).
🜄 Pile 2  
♤ Mouse, whip, house, 【core ; whip】
Court card : queen of pentacles
Your ideal partner seem to be... interesting for sure, when I took the first cards I was a bit worried but the last one put the pieces togheter. Basically you got someone who ready to risk it all just to have a quiet and comfy life in their house (the house can also symbolise your relationship), listen to Faith from Karen Aoki the lyrics match them but most importantly for the one who get the reference from where the song come from you might understand the reading in a quite twisted way haha. The character who’s listening to this song is a pretty bad person with a very clean and kind exterior. Of course im not saying that your ideal partner is 100% this character but they remind me of him because he goes as far as killing people to have his quiet life but your reading is LESS extreme haha it just reminded me of him a lot in a softer way. Your ideal partner might even had broken many hearts because they know what they worth and what they want in life and in love, probably even in work and we got an other hopeless lover. They are so focused on perfection that sadly, they became pessimistic wether its because things are too slow, they are faaar from their ideal life or just sometimes they ask themselves if they are good enough or ask for too much in the end but it doesn’t last long since they will quickly get a reminder to not make the bar lower. However when they finally get something wether its a person an animal or an object they take extremely good care of ”it” they are very nurturing and caring, probably got a sweet voice (and touch ?). Once they settle its for the long run, I get something  that they might need a reminder of not being too possessive with their partner because of course a partner is an other human being you can’t predict everything they would do, its the sad truth even the most loving wife can turn into a backstaber (that’s an exemple of course) they are probably terrified of the idea of being cheated on. Especially since they seek their ideal life it probably attract people with the intention to take and disappear. They need a big hug if you want my opinion they probably got some hard time with family and people while growing up. They need love and they know it.
🜄 Pile 3
♤ Sun, cross, Fox, 【core ; bouquet】
Court card ; King of wands
Alright you got the incarnation of the sun here, a golden person ! Very charismatic (and they know it) they make the room light up and when they smile the world is illuminated (I'll stop give it to their ego now). Your ideal partner’s personality remind me of Giorno from jjba. The big light of the sun is balanced by the cross and the fox who add some shade in a good way. Life have been hard on them and so they had to be a fox to survive, sneak their way into situation maybe even got to have jobs that they hated just to get enough money to escape their nasty place. Despite still having a hard time in life they keep up and seem to be always in all of their glory, they are a true born leader and dont mess around. I think if you try to trick them you'll fall from high ground since they are used to hardship nothing can stop them and their heart of gold will always feed their inner flame ! Like the sun they shine bright but alone, despite being great leaders they also do well alone and seem to value those hermit period. People might always say that they are about to fail or that their situation look doomed but you know what ? Even if its need to have some failed attempt they always end up wining,  like I said they are very determined and probably stubborn about their goal. Its someone that you can trust. They got the vibe of the movie Fantastic Mr.Fox, maybe they put a lot of effort into being impressive for ”the public”? Like if someone tell them they can’t do something they will be like ”oh really?” and end up doing this thing better than necessary. Its nice, its amazing but they need some rest and to stop feeling the need to show off all the time haha they know their limit and their worth so they know how to chose their battles, simply because of those things it look like they are always wining.
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ariseur · 4 days
Hihi!!! 💞👐 my first time in the FF fandom and your stuff for sephiroth was the first thing that I saw, your writing and headcanons for him feel so accurate to his in-game self! If I may, I wanted to request maybe some hcs for a shapeshifter!reader x sephiroth 👉👈 im not really that well versed in the world and lore of ff, so I'm not really sure if a shapeshifter is even plausible in game :')
Maybe reader was an ex experiment of some sorts, made to be used as a weapon?
I just really want to annoy sephiroth as a cat or sumth (i think sephiroth deserves a Turkish angora to match with his gorgeous hair 🤲 despite being around puppies so often)
For a little angsty hcs maybe readers transformations can be painful at times or not even work out properly so they kind of end up looking messed up :') (or they just get something like a dog ear not changing back to a normal human ear after changing back into a human on a more silly note)
This also kind of opens up for more... naughty things, just change a limb into something, y'know. But I saw that you don't write NSFW in your rules so I'm perfectly okay with you leaving this part out! Feel free to ignore this request, I'm just having brain worms about sephiroth 💞💕 love love love your sephiroth stuff he is the best wife 🫶
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - helloooo anon!! i literally loved this request sm thank you so much for sending it in and those kind words 💕!! i’m not exactly sure if it’s possible for a shapeshifter to exist in ffvii, as far as i’m aware the main source of the planet ( mako ) only really helps with like super strength and SOLDIER abilities? but if you look further into the games and you see the.. things.. hojo keep in those test tubes, i think the “used-as-a-weapon” circumstances are pretty doable in this situation :) feel free to send any more ideas if you have any!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - intended lowercase, i talk about pre and post nibelheim seph, post nibelheim sephiroth being manipulative and psychologically abusive ( canon ), spoilers for crisis core and sephs origin story, at the end of the blurb he calls you a silly girl so fem!reader in mind although the rest is gn!reader, lmk if i missed anything!!
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✧˖° SEPHIROTH with a shapeshifting reader— hmmm.. i think it depends on your attitude towards the whole situation.
✧˖° for example, if you’re more nonchalant about the situation then i suppose he would be, too. im sure he would be curious at first, but ultimately i dont think he’d care all that much. if you’re used in battle or are well known among shinra or some other organization and he ends up meeting you ( im starting off with pre nibelheim SEPHIROTH first lol ), then he’d definitely be fascinated by your capabilities and how far you can stretch your talents out.
✧˖° if we’re in crisis core era and its like.. before the events that transpired with genesis n all that— he’d wouldnt be as interested as one might think. he’d def be like, “ooh cool” but after the essential introduction then it’d must become normal to him. i think his reaction would also depend on how well you can control your abilities and how you use them to your advantage !! like— for example; if you can stretch one of your limbs or manipulate any part of your body, he’d wanna experiment with that and ask you some questions whenever you have time. if you can change your shape into an animal or another person though— he’ll definitely have a little more fun with it
✧˖° post nibelheim SEPHIROTH takes more advantage of your situation, especially if you can morph yourself or change into another being. if you can shapeshift into an animal or something small, he’ll have you scope stuff out for him or something like that. he will entirely and shamelessly abuse your power and will somehow make you think that you’re obligated to do this for him— especially if you knew him pre nibelheim and still stuck with him afterwards. you do want him to feel better, right? won’t you do this simple task for him? he promises that he’ll treat you well and will return back to normal if you just do this one thing for him :((
✧˖° i think his fixation on jenova and his own identity might even transfer over to you in some form. i feel like sephiroth believes things happen for a reason and so after his spiral, he often thinks that you were brought to him and that its a sign. he’ll use your ability and somehow connect it to his role in the lifestream and that it symbolizes versatility and you were brought to him with the purpose of your assistance to his goals n whatever blah blah blah post nibelheim SEPHIROTH is mean in his own way and i am sorry but i am not an apologist for this man’s actions !! i fully believe that he would manipulate you into becoming his little puppet to help accomplish his own ambitions.
✧˖° post nibelheim SEPH does care for you, and he’ll always tell you that— but i cant always say that he says it in good faith.
✧˖° but!! on a more positive note, i think ( pre nibelheim ) SEPHIROTH would be heavily amused with having someone who can alter their shape by his side. as anon mentioned in their request, i can totally see SEPHIROTH with a turkish angora or some sort of cat beside him!! i can just see you trotting over to him all of a sudden, hopping up on the back of his chair as you let your fur whoosh with every sauntered move you take. he furrows his brows, thinly arched and silver, before he realizes whose wet snout is pressed against the nape of his neck as he reaches a gloved hand up to run against your pristine ivory coat; earning a soft purr from you. UGHHHH i need this man so bad SEPHIROTH bae you know where home is
✧˖° if the process of shapeshifting is somewhat painful or it’s more abrasive on the way when you shift back, SEPHIROTH will always try his best to comfort you when it gets too difficult. he might be a little awkward, but the best thing he can offer is a reassuring hand on your lower back as he whispers in your ear that everything will be okay in the end. he’ll even try to make you laugh with his dry ass humor, it might not help because he’s so calm in this situation and you’re probably freaking out but he’s trying his best (╥_╥)
✧˖° something that i really like touching upon when i think about shapeshifters or people with the ability to alter their appearance is body and face dysmorphia!! i think it would be inevitable if you switched yourself up enough and would eventually develop some sort of insecurity within yourself and the way you look— perhaps thinking you looked some way when you didn’t or if everything just starts melding in your brain. i’m not sure if SEPHIROTH would know what to do in this situation but i’m sure he’d understand how you could feel this way, especially if you were treated as a weapon ( we’ll touch up on that next !!).
✧˖° i wrote a fic about SEPH feeling uncomfortable with himself due to the fact that it’s like— written in a setting where his wings are just sprouting, and i feel like that would happen at one point. if you wanna include that fic in this little timeline, then i feel like it’d give him all the more reason to come to your aid when you need it. i mean, if you helped him— isn’t it only fair that he does the same? he won’t tolerate any nitpicking at yourself or self deprecating comments, he won’t tolerate self loathing or anything of the sort; he is the there for you and whether you seek comfort in him is up to you, he reminds you.
✧˖° if you wanna include the ex-weapon part in this, i think SEPHIROTH’s heart would break— especially if it’s post nibelheim. pre cc SEPH is utterly baffled that you were treated that way, and is always cautious when addressing the topic or when talking about your feelings revolving around it.
✧˖° i think any decent human being would feel sympathetic when it’d come to a situation like that, but post nibelheim hits wayyy harder for him. after it comes to light that he was an experiment and only created to be the poster boy for shinra / the perfect SOLDIER, he feels for you even more. except, instead of like his previous self where he’d encourage you to work through it and let these feelings of sadness and emptiness pass along with letting go of your trauma, post nibelheim would have you use it and it only gives him more knowledge in order to manipulate you. he’d make it a case of using your resentment and all of these years of hardships to fuel your anger; to further develop these feelings of hatred towards humanity. it just gives him more to manipulate you with. but, you won’t have to worry about a thing when you’re with him, just help him take over and rightfully restore what’s his— what’s yours.
✧˖° now let’s end on a happier note, shall we? ^.^
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
with his mako eyes flickering over your sheen coat glimmering in the sun, SEPHIROTH watched as you cantered along the grass, soft flecks of dirt trapped under the light brown strands of your fur.
he softly chuckled to himself as he watched your small tongue loll out of your mouth as you panted, observing the heat of the sun getting to you ( or more so, your current body in the form of a dog ) as he sat in the shade, safe from its wrath. his eyes, slender and catlike, stayed fixated as he watched you roll around— your tiny body disappearing momentarily beneath the tall, tapered leaves sprouting from the ground.
sephiroth tilted his head up slightly, narrowing his eyes as he scanned along the knoll before he saw your head pop up from the green weeds, this time, coated with your real human hair and regular face. his lips quirked into a half smile while he watched you grin at him lazily, the sun draining you especially as you change your form. he reveled in the way your pink lips split open with your smile. he reveled in the way your eyes lit up when you saw him, even when you held those big, wet puppy eyes.
your hands slid from underneath you, shoulder with the part as you pushed yourself up from the dirt; ignoring the way it got stuck under your fingernails, reminding yourself that you’d have to clean them out later. putting your knee down, you pushed yourself forward and hustled towards him. letting out an airy laugh, you plopped yourself down on the raised hill where sephiroth sat. the tree above you provided shade that you instantly felt relief once you were under, the coolness of the obstruction healing your soon to be burnt skin.
“‘s hot out here, i swear. can nev’r get a break.” you muttered, placing both of your hands on your face as you leaned back into the foreign dirt behind you, uncaring of small bugs simply trying to traverse around you. sephiroth laughed, “i can see that.”
he turned his head to the side, scanning over your heated figure before he cocked his head in bemusement. letting out a small huff, you peeked one eye open out from underneath your elbow— even in the blistering rays of the sun, you could never get tired of sephiroth’s laugh; whether a wry chuckle or a cachinnation that was never intended to make it past his lips. you let out a small huff yourself, “what’s so funny?”
“one body part remains unchanged, dearest.” he lifted a leather clad hand up to his face, motioning towards his ear while his gaze softened; watching how your hands came up to flutter around the right side of your face only to find no ear. your brows crinkled as they met in the middle before you felt on the top of your head, the pads of your thumb and index finger fiddling with the folded ear protruding through your hair. lips forming into an ‘o’, you made an audible noise of surprise before you shut your eyes and let your head loll back again.
you applied pressure on the morphed body part, sephiroth watching in awe as you concentrated on fixing your error. your lips twitched upwards in a small smile before removing your hands and putting them at your sides, looking back at your beloved while he remained collected as ever.
a wider smile tugged at his lips— a rare sight indeed. he shook his head before mumbling a small, “silly girl.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @snoopicle @ch3rryfiles
𐙚 requests are open — june nineteenth, 2024
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fandxmslxt69 · 8 months
Daisy (modern, small town AU)
mechanic!Frank castle x f!sunshine!reader
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Warnings: Frank's an asshole lmao. UM me making up shit as I go about cars (i dont know enough abt them okay). Um, Frank works at an automobile shop/garage (he owns it more like but whatever). WRITTEN IN LIKE 3 HOURS AND AN IDEA THAT WAS BIRTHED THIS MORNING. Some swearing, lazy descriptions, probably HORRIBLE structure but idc idc idc.
Synopsis: You just moved to a small town, and just your luck, your car breaks down after a few errand runs. You have no choice but to go to the town's official Mr. Grumpy (Frank) to ask for help.
Word count: 1.8k (WHOOPS)
A/N: BAHAHAH SO THIS WAS BORN LIKE THIS MORNING/LAST NIGHT and i could NOT get the idea out of my head so I had to do SOMETHING about it. Yeah, there'll probably be more to this but FIRST, i have to go study after putting it off to finish this. SORRY IT MIGHT BE SOOO FUCKING OOC AND CRINGE BUT I WAS TOO LAZY TO WRITE IT PROPERLY! this is kind of just a set up/build up bit it gets BETTER promise promise anyway was this just me reading like 10 small town romances and going "all of them, but with Frank?" yeah basically, you're welcome.
Tags: YEAH um @soft-girl-musings its kinda your fault for encouraging me (im kidding ily) and um @runa-falls cuuuz yknow you <3 and Frank <3
Imagine a modern AU in a small little town where Frank owns the only garage there. It’s just a small happy town with a little community that grew up with each other- everyone knows Frank as Mr Grumpy- he’s always got that frown and those eyebrows knitted together in annoyance. 
Imagine you’re new in town and you feel just a bit out of place in this tightly knitted community. You try to make some friends, but it’s hard fitting into already tight social circles. 
Imagine your car breaking down on your way home from a grocery run. The front of smoking and its making weird jumbling and rumbling noises. You leave the car quickly, not wanting to be inside of it in case something goes wrong. You’re nowhere near your house, and the cute sandals you’re wearing are in no shape to walk the rest of the way. You really don’t want to barge into a random shop and ask for help. But you notice, a little far from the rest of the shops in town, a little store with an ugly neon sign that said GARAGE in big, flickering red letters. You sigh heavily, making sure to grab your keys from the car, along with your purse and phone, lock it, and start walking towards the shop. 
Imagine walking into the little automobile shop to find it pretty much deserted. The walls were lined with different tires, tools and various car parts lined the little room with a small area left unlittered for the cash register. And yet, there was no one to man the station. You walk around, feeling hopeless, until you hear voices coming from behind the door at the back of the room. 
Imagine walking through the door hesitantly into a big garage, and you’re greeted with the sight of a gorgeous shirtless man in loose jeans stained in grease stains. He’s bent over a car and wiping the windshield while a radio beside him blasts some country tunes. You stood in the doorway, mouth hanging slightly open at the sight. Who could blame you? His hair looked so soft, and from what you could see, his face was probably just godly. He looked heavenly,and he clearly didn’t hear you come in from how loud the music was. You clear your throat lightly, clutching the strap of your purse tightly. “Um, excuse me-” you say as quietly as you can, not entirely sure you want to draw his attention. Yet somehow he still hears you. His eyes snap up to meet yours and the look of peace on his face immediately transforms into a look of permanent annoyance. 
Shit. He does have a pretty face. A sculpted jawline and a little stubble lined his jaw. Pretty eyes too. 
Imagine the way his eyes would roam over you. Your hair held back in a little ponytail, your short blue sundress with daisies that barely just reaches your thighs. The way his pretty lips would set in a hard line and his jaw clenches, and while his eyes take in your pretty look, the way that dress rides up your thigh whenever you take a step, you can see his jaw tick and the frown lines forming. 
“Yes?” He said slowly, one eyebrow raised. 
“Um,” You shuffled a bit, carefully stepping into the garage, but making sure to keep a distance from him and the car. “Um, my uh, my car broke down, and I kind of need help,” 
He wipes his hands on the towel tucked into the pocket of his jeans, walking around the car to stand in front of you. Well, more like tower over you. He was, to put it simply, enormous. At least 6 foot something with broad shoulders and a deliciously sculptured and defined chest. His muscles weren’t the pretty boy skinny things you’d see at the gym- his biceps looked big enough to crush a man’s skull, and his chest looked comfy enough to use as a pillow. 
He clears his throat, and you realise you missed a question. You look up (practically STRAINING your neck) to meet his eyes. He definitely looks frustrated. Maybe he's annoyed that he has to repeat himself. 
Imagine how mean he’d be about it- he doesn’t mean to be rude, or to come off as an asshole. He definitely didn’t mean to act as if your lack of knowledge in this situation bothered him. Normally he didn’t care, but the way you looked up at him with big worried eyes and the anxious fiddling of your hands just…ticked him off. He certainly doesn’t mean how condescending his tone is, but he just can’t help it. Pretty girls fucked him in the head. 
“What’s wrong with your car, doll?” 
You fiddled with a strand of your hair. “Um, I don’t actually know,” He lets out an annoyed grunt, running a hand down his face. “Where’d it stop?” “Um, just a little back,” You pointed behind you. “Not too far. I don’t know, it started smoking and making weird noises. Assumed it was bad, so I came here,” He shakes his head, throwing the towel in his hand to the side and grabbing a shirt from one of the chairs. “Yeah sweetheart, that is very bad,” 
“Okay well, I figured,” You hesitated. “Can you uh, can you fix it?” “Depends,” He grunted, pulling the shirt over his head. He’d walk past you out front to grab his truck keys from the cash desk, making a couple more caveman noises to indicate that you should follow him. 
Imagine getting to his truck and you stand there awkwardly because there’s no fucking way you could get in there. It’s too high up, and you sure as hell can’t just jump into it. You throw your purse in, brace your hands on the door, and try to lift your leg high enough to reach the step. 
Imagine Frank getting so fucking pissed when your dress rides up to barely even cover the curve of your ass and he just places his (very big, very warm) hands on your waist and hauls you up, firmly sitting you on the chair and slamming the door shut. 
Imagine how the short drive to where your car stopped is just filled with really awkward silence as you clutch your purse to your chest. Frank's got the radio on, an arm hanging out the window, but his other hand on the steering wheel is holding it so tightly his knuckles are turning white. And he looks almost calm, if not for the way he’s clenching his jaw so hard you think he might shatter his teeth. 
You pull up to your car, and Frank whistles quietly as he gets out of his truck and walks over to examine it. “What d'ya do to this thing?”
You practically hopped out of the truck, frowning. “Nothin’! I didn’t even do anything. I was just driving back home and it broke down,” 
“Well ya must’ve done somethin’ if she broke down this bad,” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Can you open the front?” 
“What if it like- explodes on you? What then?” You ask horrified. That’s a horrible impression to leave on someone.
“Not gonna explode, now open the damn front,” 
You nod hesitantly, unlocking the car to open up the front. He tries to blow away the smoke with his hand, but it’s really no use. “Yeah, might need to take it back to the garage,” 
“But-” You felt your bottom lip wobbling. How could everything go to shit so fast. “I need to get home!”
Despite how grumpy Frank wanted to stay, he can’t help soften when it’s clear how panicked you felt. He knew you were the newest person in town, and he also knew he’d have everyone on his ass if he didn’t try and help a little more. 
But he’s still gonna be an ass about it. “I’ll drive you back to your house and send someone for your car, no need to cry ‘bout it, doll,”
You nod hesitantly, taking a few deep breaths. “Okay. Okay, thank you,” And then you smiled this shy, grateful smile at him and he felt like the air was knocked right out of his lungs. You were gorgeous, he knew that, but looking at you now he felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him. You looked….cute. And he wanted to keep that smile on your face. Shit. Imagine Frank realising just how fucked he is, having to help such a cute and pretty girl out, he’d just shut himself off even more. His frown deepens and he only communicates in grumbles and grunts as he drives you back home and calls someone to come pick up your car. He only holds out his hand to ask for your keys- not even uttering a word, just holds out those really sexy hands. He just sits in his truck with his arm out the window as you hop out of the seat and make your way up your porch. He feels so screwed. Even your house looked cute. 
“Thank you,” You call out to him.
He raises a hand in return and then he pulls out from in front of the house and drives back to his shop. 
You falter a bit, feeling a tad stung at how shut off he is. Maybe not everyone is as open as you were, but he could have at least smiled. You sigh, walking into your house and dropping your purse at the door. You discard your shoes, and head to the kitchen to grab a couple snacks and collapse on the couch, feeling overall exhausted and drained from the whole day. Maybe you won’t have to see Grumpy for another few days- just so you could cool down. 
The landline rings a few minutes after, and you frown. Who the hell would have the landline’s number? You get up and answer the phone. “Hello?” “Hey daisy, it’s Frank. You left your groceries in the car,” Frank’s voice fills your ear (god he sounds so…so hot) 
Your eyes widen and you gasp in shock. “Fuck, I did!” 
He hums in response. “Yeah. Bet you need those, don’tcha?” 
You nod slowly. “Yeah, I kind of do,”
There’s commotion from Frank’s side, it sounds a lot like someone yelling at him. He sighs heavily. “Alright daisy, I’ll figure somethin’ out f’r you,” And then he hangs up. 
Daisy? Figure it out? And why was it so oddly comforting to know he could handle this without you needing to worry?
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syn4k · 10 days
I would like one of your finest themes and tropes please
okay we don't really have a favorite theme but there's a few of them that show up incredibly often in our writing. heres the ones that i can remember off of the top of my head:
people are not inherently cruel and unkind. at the core of humanity is the simple desire to know and be known, and it shines through in even the most twisted and fucked up of actions if you inspect it closely enough
no person is ever so "far gone" that they're undeserving of love. yes, even That person. this doesn't mean that you have to be the one to love them, however.
no love, however brief, is ever in vain unless you keep it hidden within yourself
those in power always have ulterior motives behind keeping and sharing it
love comes in all shapes, sizes, and expressions! it is not exclusive to romance!
rest is sacred
the act of creation is also sacred
the world is full of beauty and wonder at all times, you just have to know where to look for it
true strength lies in gentleness and there is gentleness in pure strength. its not all physical.
as for specific tropes, here's some that i go batshit insane for every time and wildly overuse in my own works (see if you spot any you recognize!)
a physically strong character who is pretty familiar with committing acts of violence being gentle in quieter moments, especially if that gentleness is physically expressed
relating to above, its really good when a character casually does some feat of strength without a second thought in defense of or with support for another character they're close with. i like it when that happens
when a character is likened to an animal or described as having animalistic traits, ESPECIALLY if that animal is a dog and ESPECIALLY if there's religious overtones or undertones mixed in. i will swallow that shit whole.
someone sustains a Very Worrying Injury and shrugs it off until the last minute because theyre used to being in pain and everyone else is like "dude what the fuck". not to out myself by going "mood" but mood
when a relationship between two people who were previously very close goes south for whatever reason and they try their best to be cold to each other but they still retain habits of taking care of each other. bonus points if their hearts arent really in it and the coldness is only circumstantial (i'm sure this one won't become relevant anytime soon. Coughs into elbow.)
when the one guy who usually keeps their chill amazingly well finally gets properly angry for whatever reason and its like, oh SHIT!!!! OH FUCK!!!! its like that one post about characters whose anger is quiet and cold and precise. its absolutely riveting. thats the good shit right there
character that has glasses slowly takes them off. not for dramatic effect but as a silent statement that they've seen enough
this isnt really a thing but it should be and im probably gonna include it sometime: character who has glasses recognizes that a fight is about to go down and quietly excuses themself to put contacts in so that they dont break their frames because that shit's prescription and it's EXPENSIVE. they don't normally wear contacts for [reason(s)] but some things are more important than personal comfort in the middle of a potentially disastrous fight. signed, a lifelong glasses wearer who cannot stand contacts for sensory reasons.
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