#all my personal hcs<3
midnightmah07 · 30 days
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Ruggie panel redraws!!!! Let's go!!!!
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merruschka · 4 months
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🌙The world is yours and mine alone.✨️
This absolutely gorgeous artwork was made for me by the talented thanomluk! 💕
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padfootastic · 8 months
my sirius & harry thought of the day:
harry kept that firebolt alive for all 137 years of his remaining life through sheer willpower and magical strength. he did not let a single twig of it die off. not only was he absolutely unhinged about taking care of it, not letting anyone near it after 5th year, but he also basically single-handedly reinvented the field of broom-crafting just so he could keep his godfather’s gift to him alive. he didn’t do anything with this skill, basically driving everywhere who knew him spare bc !!! ‘harry do u know what u just did? most brooms don’t last over 6-7 years, not even a fraction of that if used at the pace and frequency as u. if u could just—‘
and he just flat out shuts them up bc how does he tell them that the reason his firebolt is still alive is bc sirius’ love runs thru it and harry would die himself before he let it bc he can’t lose the last piece of sirius he has left. he cannot perform this miracle on any other broom, tho he can probably make the single best non-sirius-gifted broom that the WW has ever seen just bc of how extensive his knowledge is now
and the thing, right, is he doesn’t keep the firebolt locked up in some display like some artefact. sirius would’ve never wanted that. his dad would’ve hated it. brooms were meant to be flown. so fly, he does. wonderfully. it’s forever his primary broom and he puts it thru all the paces, keeping up with all sorts of newer, flashier, pro models w utter ease.
it’s like this: when he uses this firebolt, it feels like perhaps he has his godfather back for just a second. and harry is forever weak to that feeling.
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ptanalo · 3 days
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happy pride to her <3
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jasakime · 2 months
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Gotta carry our 8 STR wizard to safety
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sallytwo · 1 year
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... The poem may be an elegy for childhood losses.
(On Dream Song 29, Thomas Travisano)
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sun-stricken · 6 months
Don’t have to answer if it’s not your style, but headcannons for overprotective dragon slayers to new demon slayer gray?
Random person: you’re all dragon slayers?
Slayers: yeah, why?
Random person points to gray: why’s he here?
Slayers: he’s adopted
anon you have no idea how much i love you for asking this, ive been waiting for an excuse to do this, i am a SLUT for anyone and anything being overprotective of Gray
i don’t believe in canon or timelines so use ur imagination
i like to think of Gray as person practically everybody ends up really liking, and a total cat magnet.
And dragon slayers r just big cats. So Gray already had close friendships with them
so when they realized ‘holy shit hes like us now’ their protective instincts went in overdrive
Natsu, Wendy, & Sting didnt even try to hide it; constantly trying to make sure hes comfortable and felt safe and didnt sit alone confused and scared by all these new things he has to deal with
Natsu definitely drags him onto impromptu jobs and fishing trips with Happy, in an effort to get away from people, or just so they can spend time together, the reason is unclear
i think dragon slayers as a whole are like violently touch starved, and thats what Sting focused on mostly.
he would drape himself over Gray when he felt like the other needed or wanted it but wouldnt ask
it helped Gray get more comfortable for sure
Wendy, as a healer and friend, tried to give him every piece of advice she knew, offering remedy after remedy to help ease him into his now heightened senses
Gray tried to explain to them once that his abilities are fairly different from theirs, yes he has heightened senses, but his instincts and needs were a hell of a lot different than theirs; that only spurred them on more, making them try to research everywhere they could about demon slayers
Rogue & Gajeel were more subtle with it (not by much tho), they understood when needed it quiet, when he just wanted company without the talk
If Gray was having a hard time, whether or not it was bc of his slayer magic, Rogue would offer up Frosch and sit with him, offering silence or white noise. whatever he needed
Gajeel probably thought he was subtle but he absolutely was not, like asking Gray if he wants to run errands with him when places theyre at get too sensorially intense
he tried to ask Levy about everything she knew abt demon slayers without being too obvious, when she kept sending him knowing glances he just asked (very resigned) for some books on the matter.
there was surprisingly little
But he made do and probably studied every piece of literature there was on the matter
The others probably found out and teased him even tho they did the same thing (they also probs asked him to drop a list of books for them)
Now, Laxus really was subtle
telling Gray to go home when he was visibly pushing himself
talking about his new sound canceling headphones and then conveniently leaving them near Gray
or little compliments abt how his new magic is coming along, quiet support type shit
also staring someone down to get them to shut up if they’re being too much
i feel like they turned from ‘one of our own’ protective to overprotective when they realized ppl werent as accepting of demon slayers as they were with dragon slayers
Most ppl exposure to slayer magic is limited to dragon slayers, who refer to themselves as dragons. so when a demon slayer pops up, the correlation isn’t pretty, and their actions are even worse
While Gray understands people must just scared or confused, so he doesnt blame them; he has a hoard of extremely protective dragons who think differently
Wendy had to be physically restrained by multiple people after she heard people calling Gray a monster
Natsu genuinely considered burning alive someone who refused to pay Gray after he finished up a job
Gray definitely now had scary dog privileges, the dog being every single dragon slayer he knows
Laxus zapping people who so much as look at Gray wrong, or frying whatever electronic (ik its lacrimas but work with me) device they have.
or both
Them all hyping up (in their own ways) Grays physical demon features when they start showing up
Post joint guild party at Sabertooth: some guy talking shit abt how Fairy Tail could allow a demon into their ranks, how he is gonna hurt someone. They are now guildless and only eating through a straw and a face not even a mother could love
Someone at an event giving Gray a backhanded compliment and immediately getting death stares mixed with a violent increase of magic in the air that would make the gods shudder
Remember when i said Grays a cat magnet? its not just the dragon slayers who adore him, its their exceeds too
if u asked them to list their favorite people, Gray is in the top 5 for all of them
im stealing another hc from someone and saying Gray fosters cats, and Happy may or may not of gotten jealous once or twice over the pets and scratches that were supposed to be his
If Rogue loses Frosch and Gray happens to be in town 70% they’re probs together
The incorrect quote u put is so canon in this universe btw
Gray “Honorary Dragon Slayer” Fullbuster
i have so many more but neither of us are prepared yet
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thunderstomm · 6 months
Drawing all of brozone is deciding which one to make transgender
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princsstwilightsparkl · 3 months
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saying "if aroace people can date, then can lesbians date men?" is absolutely aphobic narrative btw!
#sorry just have to say this lol#so tired of people generalizing all aroace people as romance averse#its absolutely erasure of the rest of the spectrum#the top tweet isnt so bad depending on who theyre talking about#if a character ACTUALLY is canonically romance/sex aversed then yea its weird to erase that#but if they're canonically AROACE and you go 'erm that character cannot date or have sex🤓☝️' ur being aphobic as fuck#the 'shown no attraction to anyone' part kind of throws me off there#i hate when people say 'well this character didnt have feelings for anyone in the one year time span of the show so theyre romance aversed-#and nobody can ship them or else i'll harass u and subtweet u!1!!'#like. a characters life may not involve sex or romance at all fucking times. that does not make them aroace.#ur headcanon- even if you think its based on a logical conclusion- is not reality#sometimes yall just be making shit tf up#complaining about 'fanon' as if ur not the one pretending ur hc is real and treating everyone else like theyre the bad ones#but if that tweet is just saying that IN ADDITION to theyre canon identity then yea. thats valid.#their* </3#obviously the reply is fucking disgusting#i couldnt reply directly cuz my twitter is priv#people will say this kind of shit to ME- AN AROACE PERSON#u preach about aro/ace erasure but when an actual aroace walks in you tell them their way of being aroace is wrong#not everyone is the fucking same.#non-partnering aroaces deserve more rep but telling partnering aroaces that their way of being aroace is wrong is genuinely horrific#like actually fuck u#aromantic#asexual#aroace#arospec#meowing (yapping)
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tumbleweeddesktop · 7 months
So do we agree that Neuvillette fell first but Wriothesley fell harder or are there any other opinions?
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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in love till the end of time!
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mariyekos · 5 days
My logic/HC for why Lady dresses the way she does is that she figures any demon who hurts her will be able to hurt her regardless of whether she's wearing armor or not, so she might as well go for something with mobility to keep from getting hit in the first place. No point in wearing something that would restrict movement if a demon claw could tear your leg off whether you're wearing clunky armored pants or some easy-to-move-in shorts!
(Yes I know the real reason is that the devs like sexy minimally-clad women but let's just imagine it's the in-universe explanation okay)
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
changed my tune so fast just bc of youtube autoplay lmao ok here have some sagau diluc thoughts
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the player, diluc thinks, is an incredibly endearing being.
he's come a long way from the curt and wary attitude he used to put on around the traveler (and by extension, you), and today is one of those days where he finds himself privately thanking whatever powers there may be that allowed your paths to cross, with him staring at the reflection of you hidden deep within the traveler's eyes in the wake of his fight with the abyss that fateful night in mondstadt.
as one of the first people to have their constellations manifest in the sky of teyvat, diluc is more than aware that the fact that you still choose to ask for his company in your (or, well, the traveler's) journey is a gift he must treasure deeply. he knows that it is your presence in this world that gives vision bearers a chance to become something greater than they presently are. he also knows that he is no longer as impressive of a companion in battle as he used to be from back when the sky wasn't as bright as it is now (when the world you knew was smaller and he was still a figure that you could look to and proudly call "your main").
but you always come back to him. when he least expects it, you invite him back to your party and diluc can't help but privately think, privately wish, that it's because you're as fond of him as he is of you.
standing in silent prayer while you bestow upon him artifacts that thrum with divine power is an experience he can never tire of. the claymores you give him, the food he eats, all the materials he needs to reach a breakthrough in his capabilities... he understands that you aren't teyvat's creator, but this world and everything in it seems to exist just for you. you, the provider, the sustainer, the beloved of all. sometimes, diluc feels that everything he has and ever worked for have all been for the sake of one day meeting you.
he's not a religious man by principle, and he loathes people of absolute power. the only exception to this, however, is you. he's not foolish enough to believe you're some omnipotent, omniscient being that lords above all. no, you're not like that. he knows this because the longer he journeys with the traveler and feels their bond strengthen, the faint whispers he used to strain himself to hear grow clearer and clearer until finally, one day, he hears you.
you're both nothing and everything he thought you'd be. you view the world of teyvat with so much awe and joy that it's infectious, and he finds himself smiling more often than not to the privilege of finally hearing you. the traveler always looks at him with an understanding smile when diluc slows down in their travels to listen to you. he lives for the moments when you talk to yourself or to someone else (a companion of your own, maybe? from your place beyond the stars?) because this is how he learns. your favorite food, your favorite nations, your favorite "characters" and more. he holds every morsel of information you unknowingly give close to his chest where all his affections and wishes hide. he likes to think that this way, he can be closer and better for you.
but he knows he's not the only one who hears you, and it is the traveler that is closest to you out of all them. even so, diluc harbors no ill will to the avatar you chose to see and travel the world through. you're so fond of the traveler, and how could he ever come to loathe anything graced by your love?
he knows how to play nice. it helps that most of your other chosen are people he can find himself enjoying the company of as well. diluc understands that as much as he wants to be the sole holder of your attention, the world does not function that way. he's willing to extend an olive branch so long as they can all work together to keep you present in teyvat. he can worry about his more aggressive competition later when they aren't at risk of being caught in such an unsightly state by you — all that matters to him, right now, is how to keep your gaze on him for just a little longer and keep you from leaving him again.
it's a daunting thing to be so close to your grace. you take diluc to lands he'd never thought he'd visit again, to ruins of civilizations long past, domains with unimaginable horrors and have him run, claymore and vision burning at his hip, into fight after fight at your command. it's tiring at best and painful at worst, but you always take care to heal him and his companions before leaving, and you always lead them somewhere safe to rest until teyvat brightens and you come again.
his current companions (his "supports", he inwardly preens) rest and talk amongst themselves once they feel your presence leave. it used to be something they, your chosen, would panic over, but now that they've gotten more used to you and all the signs that pointed that yes, this is your will, they've grown to be able to tolerate the harrowing chill that comes when your warmth leaves them. diluc leans back on his chair in front of good hunter to observe them. they're all people he's come to grow fond of in time: diona was prickly, yes, but ha become pleasant to be around once they grew past their misunderstandings. the young master of the feiyun commerce guild, xingqiu, was also a reliable companion both in and outside of battle, and for all his faults, venti has proven himself to be a devout believer, unwilling to be a burden to you or the party you've guided him towards.
under normal circumstances, he never would've met and forged such strong bonds with these people. if not for your own interference, he never would've bothered getting to know any of them at all. though he may have his own gripes and complaints at times of how their dynamic works when you're not around, diluc is still fond of them. he's grateful for the opportunity to grow close to people again, and traveling the world alongside them and the traveler has become one of the few things he's begun to look forward to outside of his duties as "diluc, master of dawn winery." when the day is done and he can sit and relax with them in the tables in front of good hunter, he can rest in the company of others who understand the near-maddening pull in his chest that draws him to try and get closer, closer, to you.
it's days like these where diluc quietly thanks whatever it is brought you to them, and prays that one day, he will no longer have to search through the traveler's eyes to see you.
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
showing off school PRIDE!
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teen high binder normal for @normally-o-a-k!! i love this hc sm hes the silliest guy
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xvnfixations · 10 months
something-something about adepti not needing sleep 🤭
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no text ver below ~
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collectivecloseness · 2 years
Love Languages: Eddie Munson
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A list of Eddie Munson’s love languages, in order of favourite down ~
Words of affirmation:
Everyone is always mean to him, it started off with bullying about his wealth or parents, or the fact he was a bit of a hyperactive kid, then people calling him a freak, a weirdo, a satanist, a double repeat senior who’s a drug dealer, overall someone who’d amount to nothing, who was nothing. Even his parents weren’t really nice to him with their words, or at all.
You’re the one person (excluding Wayne) who doesn’t even call him freak as an inside joke. Like hellfire will sometimes do it because Eddie puts on that persona as a defence. But you don’t agree with him the first time he jokes about being a freak, and he never feels he has to call himself that again around you. You never once saw him as a freak, and it means a lot to have that from you.
You’re always assuring him he can do things. Not that he should, but that he is able to. Whether it’s passing a test, learning a new chord, getting through the new campaign he was actually so so anxious about. Anything and everything, you’re always his number one supporter.
You’re the only person Eddie feels like he can be vulnerable around. And Eddie’s actually pretty sensitive, he needs that release. He needed it for so long. He can cry around you, he can spill all his believed shortcomings and failures, he can wail about how screwed he feels for his future, but you’re there soothing him and reassuring him every single time. You never once fail him there, or at all.
You’re the first person in Eddie’s life to ever tell him you’re proud of him, and as soon as those words leave your lips Eddie’s gleeful smile drops and the tears fall, sure his smiling comes back as he continues to shakily hold you tight, but he’s so taken aback all by those words, and it’s like a breath of fresh air is released into his lungs. He’d never heard that before, so he’d never thought it of himself.
Having you say even little things throughout your day “I’m so proud of you. I love you. Good job! I missed you. You can do it! You’re worth it.” any praise or loving words at all just make his entire month. He never forgets a single thing like that that you tell him.
Verbal confirmation from you is everything to him. It’s beautiful having you love him in every single way, but saying those words out loud while looking into his pretty brown eyes is the number one way to get the point across of just how good he actually is, and how much you love him. Sure he knows this stuff, after a while with you, but every time you remind him by explicitly stating it, it just reignites that positive mindset inside him, that only started up when you first came into his life and spoke those kind words. He brushed you off at first with a joking “d’aww, you’re too sweet, thanks” but when you told him you were only saying it because it was the truth, that snapped something in Eddie for the first time.
He caught you looking the first time the two of you hung out alone and asked “What?” With a smile. And when you told him “You’re just... you’re beautiful.” It caused him to freeze. He again plays it off but when you tell him he is genuinely just so beautiful he doesn’t know how to respond. It wasn’t like calling him handsome or gorgeous or sexy, or even beautiful in a flirty way, it was like you were caught off guard in the moment by how genuinely beautiful Eddie was. And Eddie never considered he could be that word, beautiful, to others or himself.
And Eddie is always blabbering on to you, or anyone in earshot, about his love and affection for you.
He will literally shout it from the rooftops, or the cafeteria tables.
And not just how lovely you are as his partner, but how amazing he thinks you are as a person!
He is always telling you sweet words so much others think it’s just flirting, which it partly is, but he always means what he says to you. And he’ll give serious declarations of his love in a tone so people knew, whilst being light hearted and fond words, he was also 100% truthful with the meaning behind them.
No no no do not say a single bad thing about yourself. Eddie does not believe in bad things about you. While he lets you express yourself, he is stomping into the ground any single notion of negativity towards yourself. He will simply tell you how untrue it is, and he will smother you in a serious way with the antithesis of your foul words, he will tell you exactly what he thinks of you, which is all worshipping.
Even things that he wouldn’t see as personal accomplishments or big deals for himself, things he’s subjectively uninterested in, he’s gonna praise you for them. Just because he doesn’t care about memorising 3 poems for class, or scoring a goal in sports, or talking to some girl in class who you really wanted to know where she bought her backpack from, anything that’s even a minor accomplishment for your life, is going to be praised by Eddie. And he notices it. He picks up on everything he thinks may be important to you, even if you don’t think it is/pretend it isn’t at first.
Also flattery works with him, so something to note!
One of his pet names for you is angel, because to Eddie, you literally are an angel on earth for him. He says he thinks you were sent down from heaven, just for him, because you are the only light he’s ever known, and as soon as you came into his life, you made and make everything better. Eddie actually sometimes believes you are an angel. Maybe God doesn’t hate him. Maybe he needed a shitty first 20 years before he could be allowed to even be in the presence of someone as divine as you. You make every single thing better, and you’re Eddie’s entire world. You’re just amazing, perfect. He tells you all this and he worships you.
Physical touch:
Jfc. You are not getting away from this man. In a great way. Even though this is second he is one CLINGY motherfucker.
He doesn’t need to be around you every second of the day, but when he is, he is touchy. Eddie’s not super sexual in enclosed public spaces, like eg hellfire, (unless you wanna be wink wink) but he definitely likes kissing you at your locker. Also it annoys popular people who are the annoying couples who kiss at lockers, that the resident freak is also doing that. Mostly he just loves it though. A small part of him enjoys the feeling of normalcy you give him even though that’s what he stands against, but it’s an intrinsic need to fit in on some level, it makes him feel normal, good, worthy. Although again, he mostly just loves kissing you when he has the chance. Even when leaving for one period he’s moaning dramatically against your locker, asking for one more quick long kiss before he walks you arm in arm/arm over waist to your next class, uncaring if he’s late himself.
He doesn’t need to, but he likes to have an arm around you when he can. He’s just so happy he has a lover, a best friend, a soulmate romantically and platonically, someone who likes and loves him, and loves giving/receiving physical affection, in front of others or alone.
There are positives for him either way. In front of others means you’re not afraid to express your love for him, even if it’s a hinderance to your popularity/acceptance. You want to show that you love Eddie Munson, that Eddie Munson is loved. And you’ll walk harder paths to keep loving him.
But alone shows you’re not just doing it to show off to people that you have a boyfriend. Or it’s a possessive back off he’s mine deal. You love him in every moment, in every place. You want to be with him in his shitty trailer that stinks of weed and unmade bed, with a tv on the fritz and further away from the fun stuff in town than your own place, you want to stay alone with him, and not only kiss him, but hug him, hold onto him, let him cuddle you. You want his warmth and touch and love and you’re not afraid to show it. And boy howdy if he isn’t going to lay all his love on you. He’ll even sing the song for you while he’s completely vertically flopped on top of you, just to get you to smile as he crawls up your body to rest/play.
You let him be adorable and snuggle you and he’s so happy he can be goofy and cute and silly-needy and get all his cuddles in.
He is going to hide in your chest. There’s no escaping that. He likes stuffing his face in your dark warmth, like your neck, and hair, and armpit- even if it tickles or you think you’re sweaty, he’s not moving, saying that probably makes him burrow in more, with a dramatic played out sniff. Plus he kinda likes the smell of your sweat, it’s homely. He likes feeling safe and surrounded and loved by you, with no need to open his eyes or do anything other than be buried in you, someone who he genuinely loves so much.
He also loves skin to skin contact sometimes. It’s not necessary, a hug from you is his heaven on earth anyway, but taking his shirt off and leaning against your bare chest, both your naked arms wrapping around each other, it really lulls something deep down inside him.
Eddie hadn’t really had a hug since he was a kid, apart from a couple of instances, and all his proper hugs since his parents left when he was young have been from Wayne. The last time someone hugged him was Wayne, until you. Eddie is addicted to your hugs, especially at first. He always wants to hug you, saying hello and goodbye, or just talking to his friends in the hallway, his arms are wrapped around you and he’s hugging you from behind. And this man is not afraid to ask/beg for hugs, cuddles, snuggles, kisses, a hand to hold, he will unabashedly ask when you two are alone, because he likes the smile you give him when he’s cute asking and all. But he will definitely touch you in any and all domestic ways without needing to ask first. You two trust each other, you know and understand each other, wordlessly. He didn’t think he’d meet anyone who understood him at all, which he secretly blamed his own ‘freaky’ self for. His causal hold on you is so normal. When he’s seeing you again, even if it’s only a couple of minutes since you last were together, his hands are around you as you both continue whatever it was you were doing. Like coming back from the toilet and wrapping his arms over your shoulders, resting his cheek against your own and swaying you as you continue your conversation with Gareth, bringing up a hand to hold Eddie’s forearm as he greets you again.
Now Eddie is even hugging his band mates and friends more often, but your hugs, casual or closer, are better, even if he is a bit jokingly close with them occasionally which you all laugh at.
He will kiss you anywhere and everywhere on your body when you’re together, even if you think it’s an embarrassing or weird place he’s gonna plop a kiss on wherever’s closest, or maybe somewhere he’s never kissed you before. Maybe somewhere no ones ever kissed anyone before because it’s such an unthought about spot. But he’s not gonna leave any centimetre of you untouched, and unloved by him. Every part of your body, mind and soul has gotta be reminded by him just how much he loves you, every inch of you.
He does love receiving cheek kisses though. And he definitely hands them out a lot. They feel sweet and domestic and he likes the warm press of you against his cheek when you go on in for one. They’re a tender little gesture to him and he likes giving time to you and getting them as well, you probably only don’t get them as much because he’ll normally just peck your lips instead.
He likes kissing your hand too. He loves the whole romantic gesture of it all, and those are things he hands out constantly to you. They never lose their affect though. He’s very charming and he knows it
Eddie will lick you. You are going to be licked. In a sexy way yeah but not just that. You two are gonna be sitting in the car park together waiting for someone to pick your friend up and he’s going to swipe his tongue all the way across your cheek in a fast lick. From chin to hairline. And he’s gonna smile at you after each time he does so. He’s going to lick your hand instead of kissing it as he says hello that morning, he’s going to lick your exposed shoulder blade just because it was there and he let his caveman brain take over, he’s going to make it look like he’s kissing your cheek and going to poke the tip of his tongue there instead. He doesn’t really know what it is or care, just some part of his brain or body sees you and wants to lick sometimes, and who is he to deny the random thoughts that sprout up in his ‘weird’ brain. He also likes seeing your reaction every time he does it. Especially because it’s usually at random points when you’re so lickable, so you’re always surprised.
He may do the devil horns at Carver, and since you’re standing close by to be at his side, lick your ear/hair as his tongue’s already out. The others in school know you’re with him, even if some try to turn you away from him. Something Eddie gets a bit nervous and pretty upset at. Not angry upset, well a little angry at them, but emotionally. You may see him crying one time in the earlier stages of your relationship being public. But he knows you won’t leave him, you let him know how much you love him all the time and he loves that so much, but it is hard at first. Sometimes it all gets bottled up, but you’re always there to tell him it’s okay to cry.
It’s different than the biting though. He will randomly bite you too. Lightly, but lovingly. And it may be a quick nip, a fake gnaw, or he may hang on there until he’s drooling so much you have to yank him away. He just likes having you in his mouth, double entendre intended.
You biting or licking him back is it’s own love language though. He loves that. Please do it again it always surprises him and makes him happy when you do it back at any point. And if you’re the type of person who genuinely likes doing either of those yourself then ooh boy does he feel treated. He may fake hang his mouth open with a big grin in faux surprise or gross-outedness but the teasing is too light because he enjoys when you do it so much.
And he will definitely let you keep his fingers in your mouth if you like that too. It genuinely soothes him back, and he just likes relaxing with you as you do it, he likes watching your face mold as you take them into your mouth, likes your eyes drooping, he likes the feel of your tongue against him. Eddie loves keeping your boobs in his mouth in a relaxing way anyway, just suckling and looking up at you, so he’s very happy if either of you wanna have any part of each other in your mouths.
Whether it’s in a sexy way or not. It doesn’t have to be, he likes it either way and is genuinely happy. And Eddie’s super good at knowing boundaries way early on, he can always tell immediately what vibe is going on with you. And he definitely talks a lot about boundaries with you when you both first start to get into things, and he’s so good at those types of talks you just feel so safe with him, like nothing could ever go wrong.
Hickies hickies hickies!!! Give him hickies please! Can he give you some please? You don’t have to show them off if you don’t want to, he just adores spending time making them on you, finding the spots that make your body react in the best ways, which he always picks up on, and spending his sweet time kissing, licking, sucking, and biting down on them. He always kisses each hickey after he’s finished with it. He also likes giving hickies to your boobs, just a little one pressed to the top of your cleave or something (or all over), he thinks it’s fun.
Doesn’t matter where they are, he really wants your hickies on his skin, he wants you marked all over him, although feeling your mouth on his neck always makes his heart flip in such a thrilling happy way. And he loves loves loves walking around with your hickies all on him. Walking up to his friends at the table, getting told off by some old cranky person for nothing, going on a back and forth of wits with some asshole jock who can very clearly see the love bites not hidden at all by his hellfire shirt, some of them even visible under the white. He’s a melting moaning man as you’re making them, happily pressed against a wall with your hands on his shoulders or little waist, extending his neck for your further aid. He loves feeling you making those marks, he loves touching them afterwards, the physical feel of them, the reminder of your love sticking with him. He doesn’t mind scratches down his back or thighs in that way either.
Eddie is just a touchy guy altogether, emotionally and physically. And he always wants for the two of you to be bonded together, to be happily in each others presence, to just naturally be loving each other all the time.
Having you or him just naturally touch the other at any time is one of his biggest indicators of love, and he loves how it happens constantly!!!
Holding hands and thigh touches and even resting a hand on your knee, if you’re sitting down with other people he’s probably got a hand on you, not even thinking about it, it doesn’t even particularly mean anything he just loves you. He’s definitely leaning into your side as well if it’s a couch.
You two are always standing super close.
He likes when you put your hand on his knee when he’s bouncing his leg, or when you take his hand in his own when he’s chewing his nails. Although if he’s okay, let him fiddle a little! He is going to fiddle. It may even be with your hair, or picking loose the strings of your shirt.
Just wants to kiss you! Not even sexually or deeply he just likes pecking you too! He likes having your lips press back against his as he greets or drifts from you, or you’re talking and your lips look so pretty he can’t help but stare at them, or someone else is talking and he has a second where he’s not running his mouth to just sweetly peck them in the middle of the conversation. If you both look at each other at the same time, chances are you’re both smiling before sweetly pecking, continuing at whatever it was you were doing.
Eddie likes feeling warm. And loved. And you provide that for him with every touch, whether you’re giving it or he is, usually both. With the feel of you against him, no matter how big or small, his brain immediately tells him he is safe, and he just feels right at home. He feels normal, like he never was normal before, and this was always supposed to be his normal. You were. For his normal to always be being loved.
And he’s gonna give that to you too. That’s going to be your normal, from him, it’s all he wants in life to give you. He wants it to be your shared normal. He is just perfect because he knows it is.
Quality time:
He’s so happy you wanna spend time with him.
Joining him for dnd, coming to support his band, eating lunch with him. Not leaving him alone all day in his trailer... just hanging out.
He was a lonely child. Neglected by his parents, Wayne hardly home although he didn’t blame him for that because at least he tried, having no siblings and very few friends for most of his childhood. Eddie doesn’t like being alone anymore, especially now he’s had a taste of life without it. He likes if you can come spend time with him for a bit please, at least so the trailer isn’t deadly quite the entire evening. Eddie’s always hated quiet, even before anything bad had happened it’s just who he was, his loudness sometimes making up for it.
Honestly though he just loves chilling and having a good time. But he loves it 200% more being able to do it with someone, to do it with someone who likes hanging out with him, to do it with you.
Spending chill days where you two have no plans, just smoking weed, listening to music, watching some films, reading magazines (maybe making fun of them together) is really nice for Eddie.
Also please let him talk and talk and talk about dnd he’s so happy to finally get all those thoughts bouncing around in his head out in the open, because someone actually wants to listen to him rave about it. His head might’ve exploded if he hadn’t met you, and couldn’t microdose on his friends he was the leader of. Actually he has a lot of topics like that. Can he go on a three hour talk about the ins and outs and his own personal views on certain topics? He’d love to discuss them finally with someone.
Eddie’s not possessive at all, he is super chill you just going back to yours and him his. It’s pretty regular. He may call you for a sec that evening, or he may not, but everything’s just normal and happy when seeing each other the next day. You don’t need to see each other every day, but he does like to as well, he’s not opposed to it.
He’d like if you were in Hellfire club, and if you came to band practice, or were even in Corroded Coffin, but you don’t have to be. He’d probably really wants you in Hellfire club, and let’s be honest you’d end up joining. There’s the obvious reasons of why he’d like you to join, but with quality time, he knows between dnd and his band, and school and selling and stuff, he wouldn’t have as much time with you. But he doesn’t need to be with you every hour of the day! There’s just a ton of reasons he’d love you in his dnd group.
Like there’s a ton of reasons Eddie would like to sleep with you every night if he could. Not sleep with you in that way, although he’s not against it ;), but he’ll call up (if you’re lucky), or just plummet through your window later at night when he knows you’re still up, smiling cheekily at you and asking what you’re up to, as he casually grabs his comfy clothes he leaves in a drawer at yours, and starts getting changed, jumping onto the bed then under the covers. He will also put his freezing hands from his trailer and being outside under your clothes and onto your warm skin, but you have to warm him up! That or he may call and ask if you wanna come over just to sleep at his that night, especially because Wayne isn’t in so there’s no chance of you two being caught, even if you’re just chatting and sleeping. Doing that at whoever’s every night is not necessary, but it’s nice. He likes falling asleep with you. He likes the both of you saying goodnight to each other in person, those sleepy smiles you both give where your eyes are only half open but you’re all teeth because you’re just warm and happy, snuggling closer and under the covers as both your breathing is the only sound in the room, and you both easily slip into that calmness, in each other’s embrace.
He wants to move in with you as soon as you’re both out of school and have the money. Not in Hawkins, he wants to escape. But if you’re the first to suggest the both of you just living in his van for the last couple of weeks while you save up for a place, he’s all for it.
He likes the smell of your room, the candles or body spray, the air freshener your family uses in the living room, the throw overs on your couch that he just loves the feel of over his socks, the fact he can just relax with you in your home. With your funny baby pictures, and your trophies, and posters of awful bands, and your family sassing with you back and forth, seeing all sides of you. And if your parents like him and have him round for dinner and everything he just feels so accepted and like it’s a second home, he loves spending time with you there, where everything surrounding him is so you.
But even just talking! He could ditch with you before lunchtime, and stay up all night till the start of school the next day, just talking back and forth with you. About anything! He loves that the two of you can just have a conversation and it never falls flat, because the two of you just get along so well, and always have things to bring up or bounce off each other.
He enjoys whatever you two do! Even if sometimes it’s something he thinks he’d rather die than normally do, he doesn’t care because he’s doing it with you. And if people see him, they’ll know he’s just being an amazing boyfriend, also like he could give a shit what other people think.
Listen to his music with him, lay in bed together and let him explain certain lyrics or show you riffs he knows on his guitar.
Spend lunch with him, let him drive you to school, hang out with him in the car park after school. It makes him happy to have someone he always knows will be there, that safe routine with you, knowing you’re always gonna be near. Or if not, that he can go to you, or is okay asking you to come to him. It’s safe and accepted and normal and all alright.
If he’s going into town after school he’ll invite you. Even if you two just grab a milkshake. Or if you’ve gotta go somewhere pretty soon, he’ll take you with him to a slushy machine in a store together, then drive you to wherever you needed to be.
Eddie likes existing with you. Especially around town. Don’t tell anyone this, but doing so at school, in town, in the woods, anywhere that isn’t home, it makes him feel safe in Hawkins.
Gift giving:
Eddie doesn’t usually get a lot, he hasn’t in life, and any small thing for him makes him melt.
Something just for him? That you specifically picked out because you were thinking of him? And care about him enough to give him something? His heart is soaring.
He doesn’t have a whole lot of money, but he likes to make you little things too, like mixtapes he seriously puts thought and heart into. Swearing to himself as he crosses songs off a list, biting his tongue as he makes sure he’s recording the song at exactly the right time.
Or making you your own guitar pic necklace. He may even make a personalised magnetised one, one that has a message that’s completed when both your necklaces stick together with the little magnetic side. Or just his other lucky pic, because even that is super sweet. And he’s not controlling or anything but that’s one item he’d really love if you always wore, because it would mean a lot to him, because he’ll always wear his. It’s not even visible under your shirts half the time but that’s not the reason he likes you both wearing them.
Something about giving you a symbolic thing like your own pic necklace feels just bonding to Eddie as well. If you made him a friendship bracelet he would never take it off no matter what. If it’s super colourful it goes with his whole darker aesthetic in a way, and people are gonna know it’s from his partner, or at least someone who loves him very much.
He’ll still buy you things though! When he sees something nice and he can! It doesn’t have to be big or super meaningful but he likes getting you things because he likes making you happy, and he likes that weird feeling in his chest, actually his whole body, that he had never experienced before, when he cradles something in his hand and it makes him just think of you with it, think of him giving it to you.
And he likes that that feeling stays with him at checkout, so much clerks are being nice to him because they can see how happy he is getting a present for his love and what a sweet boy he is, and it stays as he drives home, as he smiles trying to fall asleep thinking about seeing you tomorrow, as he climbs through your window because it was only 10pm he might as well give it you now right?
If you have a similar aesthetic oh boy does Eddie love looking through shops with you, and sometimes getting you a little trinket. Especially around this time of year if you also like Halloweeny stuff. A Halloween decoration of spell books all molded together? Ooh is that gonna show people you’re just like him if someone goes into your room, maybe that if you’re nice and have stuff like that, his stuff isn’t too bad either? Eddie’s taking you to Spirit Halloween and literally beaming with joy at how excited you get running around with his hand in yours, or even getting so excited you run off disappearing into aisles like a kid, and pointing everything out to him. He doesn’t think he’s ever been as happy as when he’s looking at you happy.
Writes and performs songs about, and for you. In Corroded Coffin, ones he’d make absolute bangers that they’d play in their album and on stage. I mean, maybe some of their best songs are born from all the emotions and experiences you give him, because they have feel and proper understanding in the meaning of it behind them. But some of his own songs too, that aren’t to do with his band.
Will write ballads about your dnd character too, so the helpful bard he plays in one part of his campaign can sing it to your character as you two interact. It’s all world building, the guys can shut it if the song goes on a little too long. Although honestly most of them are just impressed at the ballad.
An engraved lighter for you. Even if it’s carved on with a pen knife from him. And even if you don’t smoke. Lighters have loads of uses, and you can always light his cigarette for him which he sees as pretty domestic, if you’re not chiding him for smoking that is.
It’s not a gift really but feel like it needs to be said, you have free weed for days. Mostly you’re smoking it with Eddie, but he’ll give you some when you ask, if you wanna smoke it with friends or something. Or he’ll bake weed brownies as a surprise for you one weekend. Even if you taught him how to bake so it wasn’t burnt and shit at first. If you bake for him though he’s hand to his heart dead on the floor.
He wouldn’t let you take any of the real nasty shit though, drugs wise. Let’s face it, it’s the 80s, Eddie has probably tried a thing or two, and he’s not one to judge or mollycoddle, but he’s not going to give you anything that could harm you. If you do ask to try something dangerous though, Eddie’s usually asking if there’s something the matter and why you want to use that as soon as the words leave your lips. In a gentle concerned way, coming across as the confident therapist almost, because he doesn’t wanna startle you off, especially if he thought there was a risk of you buying off someone who was a shitty person, or their stuff was toxic. But some things Eddie will definitely try with you. He’s not trying to kill himself with drugs on his own, he knows what he’s doing and he likes to get high just for fun, or a little bit of an escape, he’s determined not to be a junkie or anything like some of the adults he knew growing up, but he’s a tad more trying to stay sober if you two are trying something a bit stronger than weed for the first time. Anything super bad though is a complete no from him, he doesn’t even really sell the worst stuff, because he’s not gonna risk accidentally killing someone by selling to them, and he’s not in this to hurt other people.
The money though is useful, if he wants to buy things for you. You’ll chide him sometimes, saying he should spend it on himself, but he can’t just not buy you a gift, or even like a coffee in the colder mornings, or a pack of candy thrown at the back of your head in class.
You buy him stuff too though so it works. You’ll stack up on groceries when you come over, using some of them like dinner/soda/popcorn in that same night as an excuse for why you bought so much, because you don’t want him to think it’s pity or anything. You just genuinely like helping out.
Eddie is always super grateful whenever you buy him a snack in school or around town though, munching on it immediately. Normally only offering you a bite once his teeth had already sunk into it, because sharing food like that also does feel domestic for him, even if he’s laughing covering his full mouth as he offers it to you.
On the one hand he loves when you buy him lunch, but sometimes he feels bad. He’s the boyfriend, in his eyes he should be buying you lunch. But you let him do so sometimes when he offers, or he just casually does it, so no matter what it never feels like a big deal when you pay.
You two just telepathically really work out a system from the beginning about buying things for each other, and it’s never felt like a stressor to do so.
Eddie will steal things for you though. Not like anything that could be considered a felony, and anything at all risky he’s not gonna do, because God knows this town’s police wouldn’t go easy on him, even with you sticking up for him, but if it’s something you like, or he thinks you will, and it’s easy to yoink, he’s presenting it to you in a dramatic and romantic fashion well out of view of the storefront.
Tbh if you don’t like him stealing, he may lie and say he bought/acquired things he stole when he gives them to you, because in his eyes even though he loves that you worry and care about him, he knows he’ll be fine, and he still wants to treat his baby.
But anything you do for Eddie has him dead. He still doesn’t expect presents, especially at random times, and it still catches him off guard each time you hand him something. At first his breath hitches just a little, then it devolves into “Aw babe, you didn’t have to...” but soon he comes to accept these little (or big) things from you.
And he definitely gets excited like a kid, jumping up and down energetically when you say you have a present for him and trying to move his head around to peer inside your bag as you bring it out. Anything, he’s thankful for though. You genuinely could not disappoint him (not ever...) just having you think of him and get him a present is a present to Eddie!
At first you may have to classically condition him Pavlov’s dogs style to make him not surprised that he deserves treats lmao.
The first time he lost a gift from you he actually cried. He felt guilty, tearing apart his backpack, skipping a period to walk though every hall he’d been down, asking at lost and found, knowing he hadn’t let any asshole bullies near his shit so it wasn’t them stealing your token of affection, he’d just somehow been a screwup and he’d lost it! Your gift to him! You stroke his back, under his shirt with nails like he likes, and remind him it was just a badge as he cries into his hands, you could get it in the shop after school, you could go buy it again with him now! You can even go get ice cream together after. And that calms him a little, the fact it’s not really lost forever. But he still feels terrible. Even though you remind him it was an accident and not his fault, it still felt like a bit of a deal to him at first. He was careless with your present to him! He’s making you spend more money! Even if it was literally only $6. But you always have such a good way of calming him, and once he’s okay he says he knows it was a bit of an overreaction to cry over it, even though you quickly jump in assuring him it wasn’t and you totally get why it upset him, that you’d probably get upset upon realising you’d lost one of his gifts too, but you both know it was the gesture rather than not having his little badge anymore that was more of the upset. Turns out he’d forgotten he’d shown Dustin his newest present off you, and when the bell rang Dustin put it into his pocket to show Mike and Lucas. Eddie is snatching it out of Dustins hands when he presents in to him at break, but burying himself into your neck with tired moans, as he flips it between his fingers like someone would a drumstick. You and him are still getting ice cream after school though.
It really makes his whole day getting anything from you. And he’s constantly looking at it, he has to have it in his hands, feeling it fondly throughout the day. Always checking it’s still in his backpack (even way before he lost the one item), and just fiddling with it when he’s at home, heart warm and fond because every treat from you was just your love for him right there in his hands. Those are the few times he’s quiet, he doesn’t need noise like music or the tv, he’s just in his own world, playing with his new present.
Acts of service:
Loves if you cook for him. He can’t really do it himself, and although Wayne sometimes tries, he’s hardly ever home, or having dinner at the same time as Eddie. To have a home cooked meal, even if it isn’t anything fancy or big, is amazing. It’s a home he always craved. But even if you’re just putting something in the oven he likes that he can relax, he can stretch his fingers after abusing them on his sweetheart (the guitar) all day, and cuddle with you on the couch while you wait. He can even close his eyes for thirty seconds while you set up.
Or if you help him study. That’s something Eddie really appreciates. Because not only do you help him but you don’t make him feel stupid. And you do some things no one’s ever taken the care or time or do, and you’ve figured out the best way for Eddie that helps him learn. Not just the way schools do it. And Eddie is shocked to learn that he isn’t just stupid, from when you tell him so, and from your methods that you used your genius to figure out actually help him. That and the care you take into going through things with him. If he needs tough love, you’ll stretch out there a little. If he needs positive reinforcement rather than negative you’re right there alongside him. Even a reward of kisses after every correct answer on the flash cards make him grin, each time from ‘winning’ that question, and the fact he gets a peck from you for actually keeping attention. You’re not even mean to him when his mind strays, you’re always understanding. And the fact he wants to try in class because you two have been trying in your own time together to help him, but he also knows you’re never gonna see him as a disappointment anyway, really helps alongside the fact you actually help him to understand the material, or how he’s supposed to write it in the first place.
Eddie’s got every good manners though. And he doesn’t take you for granted. He doesn’t expect anything off you either. He thanks you every time you help him or do something for him.
Will help you with things if he can, always wanting to be your knight. Sometimes he’s not very good at the things you ask, or need help with, but Eddie will always try. He will always do his best for you, even if it means asking for help himself in doing so. But Eddie is determined to help you out, to make your life easier, to support you in whatever it is you need, no matter what.
Will drive you places. And he likes that you don’t care about being dropped off in Eddie ‘The Freak’s’ van. Anywhere you need to go ask him baby, he may sometimes be busy, but he’ll try and figure things out so you’re not having to walk or get a bus, it’s easier for you when he’s driving. Also because you two can hang out, and you’re not travelling anywhere alone! If the journey is five minutes or two hours, he’ll drop you off and pick you up. He’ll even wait nearby if it’s easier, finding some way to pass the time just so he can ask how everything went and listen to the tapes you both own tucked in his van. And he will listen to some of your music in the van with you, even if he makes fun of it.
If it’s dark, probably don’t mention you’re planning on walking somewhere if you don’t want Eddie driving straight over to yours. Eddie’s not overbearing in his protectiveness, he’s not some asshole boyfriend who thinks you can’t take care of yourself, but he’d be just fine and happy helping out versus letting you walk alone in the dark if he’s not doing anything.
Will give you dnd lessons if you need. Happily! And if you do please let him give them to you, please, he wants you to join his club please join Hellfire, please just come along for a taster he’ll make it incredible for you c’mon!! He actually reallllllly wants to give you lessons if you don’t know anything about it, or even need a reminder walkthrough. If not though, at least come over to his before Friday’s session so you two can work on your character sheet and their backstory together! Hanging out alone. Tell your dungeons master the hidden lore of this player, and storylines that are secrets from the others for now, but he can weave into the ongoing narrative of his campaign as they go along, like he does for the others.
Or guitar lessons! He’d love to give you them. He definitely does a quick nail inspection before he lets you touch his precious though, it also gives him an excuse to hold your hands for a good while, and kiss all up your knuckles and fingertips in a quick surprise attack. He’d love to share that love for guitar with you. And he’ll gladly take time giving you those lessons.
Or any instrument you wanna learn, he’ll ask someone in Corroded Coffin to help. Unless it’s one none of them play, but he’s still gonna find out information about it for you to help you learn though, and the basics of learning any instrument like reading notes and stuff he can still help with. He’ll still help you learn it where he can. Maybe he can use your instrument in one track somewhere?? He’d like to anyway.
He wants to share his music with you overall though. He wants to ‘open your mind’ he says sometimes too with a smirk. He wants you to listen to his songs, he’s got a mixtape of his songs he thinks you’ll like, and another of his personal favourites. Sure you can listen to them in your way home, or alone in your room. Or you can come over to his and just lay in bed with him as he talks and talks and talks infodumping about everything he knows about the songs. Little behind the scenes details, and rewinding so you can hear the best part again (probably because he was talking through it). He can also play certain parts of songs for you on his guitar once they’re finished, or if he gets carried away the whole thing, but he’ll probably be playing air guitar, knowing the notes off by heart, and you can watch his fingers go as he does so.
He’ll even *hint* at you making your own mixtapes for him, and hint is very light because Eddie’s not too subtle, he doesn’t really care to be. And if not, he’s taking time making a mixtape himself of your favourite songs, so he can try and get into them more. He has them in his van/room when you’re over, usually carrying it around in his bag. It’s like a little reminder of you too, not that he doesn’t have quite a few of your personal affects, or items that have meaning between the two of you, on him at all times.
A bit of a simp, actually a massive simp once he’s fallen for you. So anything you ask him to help you with, whether right now or for future reference, Eddie is quite literally leaping up, and asking you specifics so he doesn’t fuck it up, before going to do what you’d asked of him.
People also haven’t really trusted Eddie to be the one to ask for things in the past, even when he was little, so he likes that you trust him enough to ask to help out with little things. And of course that you trust him so completely you go straight to him to lean on for big matters.
If it is something big and serious, Eddie will be serious. He will be whatever you need, because he genuinely does understand people, and he’s actually a very empathetic guy. But especially for you he’ll take your hands in his and ask questions, nodding at whatever it is you say, as he goes through with you what he need, so he can go do it.
Anything you need Eddie is going to try as hell to do for you at the end of the day. No matter important or tiny. He loves you so much, and he’s going to do anything to make you happy and comfy. You’re the love of his life, the one person he genuinely loves more than anything in the world by far. He’s going to do everything and anything to make sure you feel like you’re doing all the good and important and little things you wanna do in life, or you would like someone to do for you.
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