#all out brawl
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1030: Thankful For (Kingdom Hearts)
5:45 p.m. Twilight Town, Outside of the Grocery Store........
Vantias: (Writing Something Down on his Noteopad While Walking Next to Lea) Thankful.....for......everything......thus...far.....
Lea: (Tales a Peek at What Vantias is Writing) Whatcha writing there, kid?
Vantias: A rough draft to an essay I have to finish and present to the class before Thanksgiving Break starts.
Lea: An essay, huh? Been a while I did any of that in my youth......Hey, you don't think our Keyblade teachs are gonna make us do any of that at one point in the future?
Vantias: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes) I hope not. But then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if they pull something like that on us either.......
Lea: ('Sigh') Well, here's hoping that never comes tuition then. Really don't feel like spending nall day looking up anything involving the Keyblade War or some crap.....
Vantias: ('Heh') Yeah. We wouldn't want our resident old hothead to start falling asleep in the middle of a another lecture seventeenth time in a row.
Lea: (Glares at Vantias) Hey, I've been awake through all the lectures!.....Okay, most of the lectures, but I've listened in on a few things! And I'm only in my twenties!
Vantias: Sounds pretty old to me.
Lea: (Groans in Annoyance as He Rolls his Eyes) Whatever. So what kind of essay topic you guys are writing?
Vantias: About what we're thankful for. Something we appericate the most in the world or whatnot. And....(Looks Away While Rubbing the Back of his Head) I chose you guys....
Lea: (Eyes Begins to Widened) Really now?
Vantias: It's the truth. It may be hard to believe coming from me of all people, but I have a lot more appreciation for you idiots than I thought I would. You gave me a chance to get my crap together or as Riku would usually put it: "Redeem" myself, you treat me more like an actual person than Xehanort ever did, and dispute how incredibly annoying each of you are, I.....(Starts Blushing a Little) I still....sort of like having you all around in my life and junk. So for the essay, I wanna give you all my thanks for everything I guess.....
Lea stares at Vantias for a brief second before letting out a light chuckle.
Lea: Well, I'll be damned. (Pulls Vantias into a One Arm Hug) You really have turned into a big softie!
Vantias: (Rolls his Eyes) Wonder where I got it from.....Speaking of which, don't tell anyone of our friend group about any of this or I'll might have to end your life.
Lea: Ha! (Smirks Teasingly) Please. You know Roxas and Xion would never let anything bad happen to me, right?
Vantias: I know. I also know that I can take both of them on with my hands behind my back.
Lea: 'Kay. (Smirk Grew Wider) But can you beat Namine though?
Vantias: I- (Grimace at the Thought of Fighting an Angry Namine, Pounding her Fist into the Palm of her Hand) rather not challenge her.....
Lea: ('Heh') Wuss.
Vantias: Hey, I'm just choosing my battles wisely here. (Smirks Back at Lea) 'Least I don't keep getting my ass kicked by Kairi at the last second on every sparring match.
Lea: (Glares at Vantias) Okay, first off, language, second, it's not like I always lose to her on purpose! (Walks Inside the Grocery as the Bell Goes Off on the Door) She kept giving me the puppy dog eyes and-(Suddenly Begins to Sighs at What's in Front of His View Point) Shit.
The duo watches a whole group of customers fighting among one another in the meat aisle, specifically the turkey section.
Vantias: Are they seriously fighting over a turkey?
Lea: Yeah. This always happens whenever Thanksgiving comes around. Make 'em act like a bunch of wild animals. (Clicks his Tongue) Welp....(Starts Cracking his Neck Both Times and Proceeds to Dp the Same Fpr his Knuckles) Might as well get started then.
Vantias: (Eyes Widened at Lea) Wait, you're ACTUALLY joining in on this?
Lea: Hell yeah. They sucker punched me and took that turkey right from out of my hands last year, there's no way I'm gonna forgive and forget.
Vantias: Huh. (Smirks Again) Guess you're not as lame as I thought you were, old man.
Lea: Still in my twenties, Vantias!.....(Rolls his Eyes) And thanks I guess. I take it you want to join in too?
Vantias: Yeeeeup. (Takes off his Jacket and Drops it on the Ground) It was getting boring around here.
Lea: How? We just walked in here a second ago? ('Sigh') Whatever. Just stay close to me and try not to summon that Keyblade of yours, got it?
Vantias: ('Heh') Please. (Cracks his Knuckles as Well) Who says I need a Keyblade to whoop ass?
Lea: Again, language. Let's get that turkey and get the hell up out of here already.
Vantias: (Simply Nodded) Right.
And so, the duo runs down towards the crowd and joins the fight. As they starting to beat down most of their opponents that comes their way at ease, it didn't take long for one of their Keyblade Master, Aqua, to take notice of their participation of the brawl before marching into the crowd, use the Stopga spell on that said crowd involved (excluding Lea and Vantias, and taking the two out of the store with the turkey levitating beside her, as she pulling them by the ears followed by a hefty amount of scolding afterwards.
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siltyriver · 10 months
I am such a slut for Danny having supernatural strength and being able to kill someone with a single slap because he’s used to fighting ghosts who are built Sturdy (and literally can’t die, that is very helpful in a sparing partner) so he has to learn such meticulous control when he moves to Gotham where he starts regularly getting into scuffles with humans who think he’s an easy target (he looks like he has the sturdiness of a wet newspaper) and the whole time he’s more stressed about not drawing the Bats attention by being too good or accidentally killing someone so he has to walk that fine line of acting like a scrawny loser and dipping out at his first chance without being clocked as a meta.
Danny, laying on the ground and getting kicked repeatedly by a thug: *tries to angle himself so the guy can kick out a knot in his back*
Danny: *deadpan* oh, ow, stop that hurts, oof
Robin, watching from the rooftop and recognizing the dramatics from the Supers: father there is a meta
Batman, also watching and having flashbacks to Clark’s earlier days: *so so tired and already mentally getting the adoption paperwork ready*
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toffeecoco1 · 7 months
i think hualian and fengqing should have the most unhinged double dates. xie lian is smiling ear-to-ear because his husband and his best friends are getting along, while the other three are glaring daggers at each other whenever xie lian isn’t looking. the only reason they’re not brawling rn is that they all love it when xie lian smiles. do it for xie lian 😔
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prolibytherium · 4 months
Would kill to read animal POV fiction that has the animal POV’s interaction with humans be like, semi realistic to the level of caution most predators take with large prey and/or competitors (including humans).
Like instead of the usual - “the human is such a weak, pathetic creature... so slow, no claws, blunt teeth… completely helpless without its 'Fire Sticks'. how is it the master of the earth?” type crap it’s like, the bear protagonist or whatever approaches some dude who spreads their arms and yells and the bear is like “FUUUUUUUUCK THAT THING JUST GOT HUGE. IT'S LARGE AND MAKING NOISES. HOLY FUCK.”
#A lot of this realm of fiction tends to severely overestimate how physically weak humans are in the grand scheme of things..#A human body ft. no tools has a pretty average level competency at escaping predation. WITH tools it's significantly above average.#Like a lot of human physiology IS the way it is because of reliance on tool/fire use but interspecies competition/predation is really not#a literal battle won by physical strength + teeth + claws (at least until the actual process of killing)#Intimidation and shows of strength/threatening behavior can go a long way. Healthy predators (who aren't unnaturally#accommodated to humans) are generally going to be cautious and may avoid confrontations they absolutely COULD win because#the risk of injury is judged as too high#And most animals can't weigh risks in the most objective manner and won't understand that you aren't any 'bigger' just because you#wave your arms and yell. That is why puffing up/spreading out as a threat display is so ubiquitous in nature.#Massive tangent but this is why I fucking loved Prehistoric Planet so much like the commitment to having its dinosaurs behave like#actual animals is fantastic and tragically rare#Like having a scene where a T Rex gets bullied away from a carcass by two much smaller azhdarchids.. Yeah that is probably#how it would behave. It's not a mindless killing machine it's an animal so is going to avoid confrontations it deems too risky even if it#WOULD win in an all out brawl. thank you so fucking muych.
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cervideity · 8 months
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Checking in for the night
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b0nelessdoodles · 8 months
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buncha heket doodles cause i love the frog i love her so much beloved big frog
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supakixbabe · 6 months
So, I will be going on a blocking spree (which I never wanna do) because listen:
I don’t care if you like CM Punk, but for fucksake, hold him accountable for his actions. Saying Tony should’ve forced the Young Bucks to work with him is wrong on so many levels. Nobody should have to work with someone that toxic, because if they were in the ring together, he could’ve seriously hurt them. He could’ve seriously hurt them outside of the ring too. Same with Jack Perry. This has been normal behavior for this man which should never be condoned, but Punk fans will ride him into the sunset on such a high pedestal.
He has done this shit in so many companies, it’s actually quite sad and nothing new. I’m a former CM Punk fan (WITH A FUCKING PUNK TATTOO) and I know someone personally who’s actually hung around Punk.
They too are no longer a fan.
Brawl Out and the ALL IN incident should’ve never happened, but guess who caused all this shit? CM Punk. He has always been the “child” he called everyone else. Like I said, I don’t care if you’re a fan but don’t fucking claim he’s innocent and blame the people who worked hard to fix the shit he caused.
HE ASSAULTED HIS CO-WORKERS AND BOSS. I dare you to do that to one of your co-workers and your boss and see if you don’t get terminated, or worse, put in jail.
He is NOT INNOCENT. HE’S NOT RIGHT. NOTHING. And if you cannot hold him accountable and stop blaming everyone else for HIS actions. You’re JUST AS BAD.
AEW never needed Punk and he got salty and started running his mouth. He wasn’t right. HE NEVER WAS RIGHT.
This is my LAST time speaking on this and if you have a problem? Block me. If the roles were reversed, you’d all be up in arms. Keep that same energy with your pathetic savior – voice of the voiceless and a major hypocritical liar.
PS. Any Punk fans who hold him accountable are good in my book. 🖤
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martuzzio · 9 months
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Go play Vault Hunters. It's free and very fun [waves bamboo-shaped sword in your direction menacingly]
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Can I get a Pepsi with a Jack?
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Batman Au: All of the kids have not only their own vigilante outfits such as Nightwing or Spoiler but also their own batman ones. They're pre-made in case of emergencies and constantly updated.
The league have no idea that the batman they keep meeting are different people for a very long time.
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3lliesan · 8 days
Yuu after Jamil's Overblot: Hm... Now how do I get these idiots to sort things out via heart-to-heart?
Chapter 7: The Girls Are Fighting!
Yuu: ...
Yuu: Well, that works too ig-
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1698 · 5 months
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Neil texting the gc when Riko enters the room
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 months
I'm seconding Croelle and Blade because I'd like to romance them both, and the tension would be too fine and horrifying a thing 🥂
If you wanted to be really insane about it, you could just flirt with one and then the other over the course of the 20 hours and see what happened 😅😅😅
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
An idea for Die for you i had was maybe reader finally gets with Punk and they deal with the aftermath of what happened. Then others start to realize how obsessed he is after some other talent flirts with her
Cm Punk X fem reader
Older (Pt 1) Die For You (Pt 2) Main Masterlist
CM PUNK Masterlist
Summary: A few months have passed since the incidint with Wardlow and Punk has continued to grow obsessed with Y/n. FTR grows concerned and ends up reveling the truth of what Punk has been doing to her. What happens when Punk snaps and proves once again he is willing to kill if it means he and Y/n could be together forever.
Warnings: Crazy possessive Phill, mentions of blood, violence, swearing, manipulation, assult, and other things similar
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A few months have passed since the incident with Wardlow and since then a lot has changed.  For starters, I had never felt so happy in my life. For once it felt like things were going to work out for me. I had the girl of my dreams lying next to me in bed every night. I had Y/n in the palm of my hand. She was mine and I would do anything to keep it that way. I never told Y/n the truth of what happened that night, she didn’t need to know the real events. As far as she knew she was concussed and confused. She didn’t remember anything that happened and I was grateful for that. I’m pretty sure I killed that guy, James, I meant it when I said I would kill for her. 
I made sure to spoil my baby to death. I would spare no expense with her. She deserved nothing but the very best and since I could afford it why wound’t I? Y/n spent a few weeks at my home recovering from her concussion and I made sure to do everything for her. I wanted to show her how much I loved her. I was practically her slave, she wasn’t to move a finger on my watch. I wanted to corrupt her, brainwash her into thinking I needed to do everything for her. I was going to make sure to ruin every other man for her. No one could love her like I could, no one could protect her like I could and no one could provide for her like I could. A part of me knew this was wrong but I simply did not care. The most beautiful girl in pro wrestling just happened to fall into my arms. There was just something about her that drove me to insanity. Maybe it was her big doe eyes or her pink puffy lips, maybe it was the 18-year age gap between us that drove me wild. She needed me, she needed an older man to worship her. No younger man would come close to me. 
When Y/n made her return just like I thought there was talk backstage about the two of us. Some claimed I was insane, others feared for Y/n. I assured them I took good care of her but of course, they didn’t believe me. How many times did I have to tell them I didn’t take advantage of her when she was concussed and confused. I waited until she was able to make her own decisions before I fucked her, if anything I saved her from Wardlow and James. Who knows what they were going to do to her? Dax and Cash were concerned for me. They told me I had gone too far with this whole thing. “You’ve gone mad. I love you but this is not okay. You are corrupting her!” Cash told me. I know they were only looking out for me but I hated the way the painted me as some kind of monster. “If Y/n was my daughter I would murder you. I would never let Finley get within a 10-foot radius of you” Dax told me. “You must be out of your mind. You have no idea what’s good for Y/n. She needs me. I love her, I love her so goddam much. You have no idea the lengths I’ll go to for her” “That’s what I’m afraid of” said Dax. With that, I stormed out of the room to find Y/n. 
When I found her she was sitting with Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale. “Excuse me, ladies, can I steal Y/n away for a moment?” I told the women as politely as I possibly could. “I’m kinda in the middle of something, can it wait a few moments?” Y/n asked casually. I felt my blood boil at her words. How dare she. “ I need to speak to you, now,” I told her, my voice growing louder as I spoke. Once again she repeated “I’m trying to plan my match. We are almost done, can you please give me a second?” By this point, people began to stare. I was mad. I grabbed Y/n by the wrist which caused her to yell out in pain. I dragged her away from everyone, not even caring what they would think. Some yelled for me to let her go but I didn’t care. She should know better. 
I found an empty storage closet and dragged Y/n into it with me, locking the door behind me. “What was that for?” Y/n asked, annoyed. “What’s gotten into you? Why are you being so rude towards me?” “I’m not being rude, you’re the one that dragged me into this closet?!” “Don’t you dare talk back to me little girl” I spat “Little girl? I’m a grown-ass woman! I’m not talking-” Before she could finish her sentence I slapped her in the face. I instantly regretted my actions. “I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t mean to” I told her as I pulled her close to me. I could feel her tears on my shirt. “Let me go” Y/n whispered into my chest. I did just that and she left me alone in the storage closet with my thoughts. 
Everyone saw the altercation. They didn’t know I slapped her but they saw me drag her away against her will, they saw her return with a red cheek and puffy eyes. She didn’t tell anyone what I did but she didn’t have to, everyone knew. I got many dirty looks, many talked about me under my breath and it just made me angry. I watched Y/n’s match from a monitor and tried to find her afterwards to congratulate her on the victory but coudn’t find her. I asked around and everyone claimed not to know the whereabouts of Y/n. I could see it in their eyes that they were lying through their teeth. 
When I finally found her she was sitting with Dax, Cash, Willow and Kris. The four of them looked up in horror when they saw me. Y/n sat in the middle of them with tears in her eyes. “What the fuck did you do to her!” I yelled at Dax. “We told her the truth, you are a sick sick man” Spit Cash. “You have no idea what you are talking about! You can’t possibly believe them Y/n!” She looked up at me like I was crazy. I knew I fucked up. “Is it true?” Whispered Y/n 
“Is what true baby?” I whispered, “That you killed a man, that you took advantage of me when I was concussed?” “No baby, I would never do that” I assured her “I don’t believe you,” she told me. I was furious, I was going to kill Cash and Dax. I don’t know what came over me but something inside me snapped. All I could see was red. I started my assault on the two men. I kicked and punched the men, screaming at them for ruining my relationship. All of this would only make things worse. I coudn’t control myself. I was furious, sure they were my best friends but I wanted them dead. Y/n yelled at me to stop but I just coudn’t. Soon I felt my body hit the ground hard. Willow and Kris had gotten security who tackled me to the ground. I tried to fight back but it was no use. I was cuffed and left defenceless. I was escorted out of the arena to a waiting cop car. Several wrestlers stood outside the venue watching the whole situation unfold. I watched a very bloody Cash Wheeler hold Y/n close as she cried in his chest. My blood boiled at the sight of him holding her in his arms. That was my job. I was supposed to hold her when she cried, I was supposed to protect her. Not him.
I screamed at them through the window of the cop car “Nothing will ever keep me away from you” 
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avedoodles · 14 days
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i figured out how to connect my wacom to my new laptop :D
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kurozu501 · 2 months
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do you ever think about how oda fooled us all with garp's silly little "teehee im not going to capture you im your grandpa after all" routine in water 7 and then this "kill me or ace will die" moment happened and it was the last time luffy and garp ever interacted in over 500 chapters and 14 real life years now. We haven't seen luffy really think about garp or mention him to anyone else since. This could very well end up being their final interaction in the series.
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