#all the pride flags they had in the final three episodes but they couldn’t have an in canon confimation that Lilith is AroAce??
whisperwillyou · 1 year
I finally watch the last two episodes of the owl house and I cried.
They were not happy tears.
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softlass27 · 3 years
an ibhfc version of emmerdale's first pride (plus another one in the future) to make up for this week's upcoming episodes with aaron and the village's resident kayaking creep
AO3 link here
Pride 2021
“Right, that’ll be £7.99, please.” Victoria pushed Aaron’s lunch towards him.
“Oh, almost forgot!” She grabbed a brightly-coloured collection tin that was sitting on the end of the counter. “We’re taking donations for the Pride festival if you’ve got any spare change?”
Aaron frowned. “What Pride festival?”
“Oh, didn’t you hear? Charles is organising it.”
“In the village?”
“Yeah, he says it’s mad that we’ve not had one before. Apparently it was always a big event at his last parish. He’s not wrong, really, it’s about time we did more than your mum sticking a bit of multi-coloured bunting up behind the pub each June.”
“Think you’ll go? It’s next weekend.”
“I – ”
“From what Charles and Ethan said, it should be fun,” Vic spoke over him, hands waving animatedly. “There’s music, food and games, all sorts! It’s family-friendly too, so you can bring Seb. We can go together if you want? I was planning on meeting up with Matty and Amy but – ”
“Vic, stop for breath would ya?” Aaron huffed a laugh. “Yeah, I'm up for it.”
On the morning of the festival, Victoria let herself into Mulberry Cottage and cast an appraising look over Aaron. He shuffled uncomfortably.
She gave a quick wave to Seb, who was sitting on the sofa, and looked Aaron up and down again. “That’s what you’re wearing, is it?”
He glanced down at his black t-shirt and jeans. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing! Except, well, it’s not very colourful is it?”
“You’ve known me, what, 13 years? When have you ever seen me do colourful?”
“But it’s Pride!”
“Oh come on, you have to get into the spirit of it. Speaking of which – ” She rummaged in her oversized handbag and pulled out a small, light blue article of clothing, passing it over. “I saw this in town and I couldn’t resist.”
As Aaron unfolded it, he realised it was a child-sized pair of dungarees with a bright rainbow stitched across the chest. His mouth quirked upwards.
“Alright, that’s pretty cute.”
“I know, right? Should’ve got something for you too, you big grump.”
The retort Aaron was about to give her was cut off when he felt tug on his trousers and looked down to see Seb standing next to him.
“Is that for me?” He asked, looking at the dungarees with curiosity.
“Yep, Auntie Vic got them for you to wear to Pride today. What d’you say?”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You’d better hurry and get ready, though, or we’ll be late!”
Seb grabbed Aaron’s hand and started tugging him towards the stairs. “Daddy, come on!”
Although he was a little young to quite get what Pride was all about, he’d been full of beans about the whole thing ever since Aaron had told him they were going to a party, especially once he’d found out Isaac and Dotty would be there, too.
“Alright, let’s get you changed.” He looked back at Vic and rolled his eyes. “I’ll get changed, too.”
She grinned at him.
“Did you and Robert ever go to Pride?” Vic quietly asked as the four of them made their way to the field where the festival was being held, Seb in his new dungarees and Aaron in the one green t-shirt owned (“It’s a colour that’s on the flag, Vic, that’s as good as you’re getting.”)
“Nah.” Aaron shook his head. “Never got round to it. We used to talk about maybe going to the one in Leeds or something, but somethin’ always came up. Then we'd always say we’d go the next year but… ”
But we ran out of years.
“Yeah.” Vic’s face fell a little and she squeezed Aaron’s hand lightly. “But we’ll have a nice time, won’t we?”
“Daddy, there’s music!” Seb called from where he was walking just in front of them. They could indeed hear the sound of upbeat pop music blasting through a speaker as they got closer to the festival. “Hurry!”
“Coming, mate.” Aaron called after his retreating back, smiling at his enthusiasm. He sighed and squeezed Vic’s hand in return. “Yeah, we’ll have a good time.”
Considering Emmerdale’s tiny size, the village’s first Pride event had a pretty good turnout. The festival was full of so much colour and noise that Aaron ended up hoisting Seb up on his hip, slightly wary of losing track of him in among the chaos. The three of them wandered around for a while, taking in the party-like atmosphere and watching Charles and Ethan both make heartfelt speeches on the small stage that had been set up.
At some point Marlon called Victoria's name and she went over to catch up with him and April, leaving Aaron and Seb to carry on exploring alone. The little boy seemed to love it so far, taking in the sights and sounds with increasing delight.
“You wanna get your face painted? Aaron asked, pointing to a tent where Matty and Amy were emerging hand in hand, both of them covered in body paint.
Seb clapped his hands enthusiastically. “Yeah!”
They made their way inside and sat across from a girl who looked barely 20 and was covered head to toe in paint and glitter.
“Hello.” She smiled brightly at Seb, who predictably turned under the attention bashful and tucked himself against Aaron’s chest. She tilted her head down to catch his eye. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Seb, I’m Freya. Do you want some rainbows?”
Seb nodded shyly and sat as still as a three year-old could while she carefully painted a small pride flag on each of his cheeks, Aaron holding his waist to stop him from squirming too much under the tickle of the brush.
“There, all done.” She brandished her brush towards Aaron. “Are we doing your face as well?”
“Uh, no thanks.”
“Yes.” Seb smacked a palm on Aaron’s cheek enthusiastically. “Rainbows for you, too!”
Aaron sighed. The things he did for his son.
“Alright. Do your worst.”
When they emerged from the tent five minutes later and bumped into Vic again, her eyes lit up with glee.
“Aaron Dingle with glitter on his face.” She fumbled frantically for her phone. “Don’t move, I need a photo.”
“No, don’t – ”
“Moira!” Vic ignored him and called over his shoulder. “Both of them, can you believe it?”
Aaron turned around to see Moira coming towards them with Cain just behind her – Cain whose cheek was adorned with a rainbow flag identical to Aaron’s. He let out a snort that had Cain’s eyes narrowing dangerously at him.
“Not a word out of ya.”
“Wow, how’d they get you?”
“This one made me.” Cain gestured to Isaac, who dropped his hand to run towards Seb, the two of them immediately chasing each other in circles around the adults' legs.
“Come on, you two!” Moira was stood next to Vic, both their phones held up. “Smile!”
Neither of them smiled, but they let them take a couple of snaps.
“Perfect,” Moria smirked down at her screen and turned the phone so Aaron could see a photo of himself and Cain both with matching scowls and rainbows on their faces. “This one’s going on the fridge.”
“You have fun today?” Aaron asked Seb as he carried him home.
Seb’s arms were wrapped loosely around Aaron’s neck and he could barely keep his eyes open, exhausted like most of the other kids in the village. The daytime part of the festival was over, only the child-free people sticking around into the night to keep drinking and dancing.
“Mhm,” Seb hummed tiredly, head flopping around on Aaron’s shoulder. “C’n we do it again?”
“If they do another one next year, then yeah. We can go again.”
He unlocked the door to Mulberry Cottage one-handed, depositing Seb on the sofa and carefully easing his shoes off. He glanced at the photos on the mantlepiece, Robert’s smiling face looking back at him. Aaron straightened up and moved to stand in front of them, adjusting one of the frames slightly.
“Finally went to Pride,” he said quietly. “Can you believe it?”
Just wish you could’ve come with me.
Pride 2025
“Morning!” Vic let herself into Mulberry Cottage, Harry in tow. “Happy Pride.”
“Happy Pride!” Seb shouted back from where he was fiddling with Molly’s rainbow-coloured leash (a purchase he’d talked Aaron into making from one of the stalls the previous year).
“Hiya.” Aaron jogged down the stairs. “Thought you’d be goin' with Ryan this year. He’s got the girls, right?”
“Yeah, we're spending the day together but I told him that me and Harry would meet him there. Us lot always go to Pride together, I’m not breaking tradition now.” She gave Aaron’s blue jeans and red t-shirt an approving nod. “Wow, red and blue this year. Really pushing the boat out.”
“Shut up, you.”
“Where’s that brother of mine?”
“He was just dropping some stuff from the cafe off at the festival, cakes and sandwiches an’ that. Said he’d come back before we set off, though.”
“Well he’d better hurry himself up, I don’t wanna miss whoever Ethan’s got opening the festival this year. And it’s Robert's first one, we can’t be late!”
“Alright, keep your hair on.” Robert appeared in the doorway, nudging past her to come inside. “You can’t be late to a festival, Vic, they’re sort of all day things.”
“You get the food sorted alright?” Aaron asked, shoving his wallet and phone into his pockets.
“Yeah, Jimmy and Nicola are all set up. They’ve roped Angelica into helping out, poor kid.” Robert ruffled Harry's hair before grabbing a bottle of suncream from the coffee table and kneeling down in front of Seb. “Right, suncream on then we can go.”
“I can do it myself,” Seb protested, batting Robert’s hands away from his face.
“Hm. See, I believed you when you said that at the beach the other weekend and we ended up coming home with you looking like a lobster. Keep still.”
Seb sighed and let Robert rub suncream all over him with only a bit of squirming, giggling when Robert finished by poking him sharply in the ribs.
“Dad, not on my t-shirt!” He said, smoothing a protective hand over his new rainbow-striped top. “Don’t get it dirty.”
“Alright, you big fusspot,” Robert teased, kissing him on the head and rising to his feet.
“Leave him alone, you’re no better,” Vic said with a tut. “Right, come on. Chop chop!”
She opened the door to let both Seb and Harry run outside, following closely behind them. Aaron picked up Molly’s leash and held out a hand to Robert.
Robert grinned and took it.
“Let’s do it.”
The thing about Charles and Ethan was, they always had to one-up themselves. Aaron had no idea how they did it, but every year they somehow managed to increase their budget enough to make Emmerdale Pride bigger and better until now, four years on, the first festival they held looked tiny in comparison. Huge crowds of people swarmed the village, taking in the countless stalls, games, music, drag acts and and live bands playing all day. There were even a few rides this year.
As they made their way through the madness, Aaron gave Robert a quick nudge.
They were only in the village and they knew a lot of the people there, but there were still some days where Robert and large crowds didn’t mix well. Thankfully, it seemed that today wasn't one of those days, as Robert shot him a small smile and nodded.
“I’m good.”
“Dads!” Seb shouted, running back to tug both their hands. “Can we do the face-painting first?”
Robert let out a mock groan. “Do I have to?”
“If I’m not getting out of it, neither are you,” Aaron muttered.
“Doesn’t have to be rainbows,” Seb said to Robert, shrugging matter-of-factly. “You can get the bisexual colours if you want?”
Aaron watched Robert’s eyes widen ever-so slightly in surprise, before he nodded and let Seb lead him towards to the face-painting tent.
After a few hours of exploring and mingling with the other villagers, Aaron and Robert collapsed with a couple of pints at one of the picnic tables, both of them in need of a breather. They’d picked a spot in the shade, keeping half an eye on Seb playing with a group of other kids while they listened to the band currently playing on the stage. Molly drank from the bowl of water they’d put down on the grass for her, before jumping up into Robert’s lap.
After sitting in comfortable silence for a few minutes, Aaron took a long, cooling gulp of his pint and looked away from Seb to glance at Robert. His husband was absently stroking Molly, watching the festival with a slightly pensive look on his face that made Aaron’s brow furrow.
“You alright?”
Robert blinked and turned to look at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“If you're tired, we can go home, y'know.”
Robert gave him a reassuring squeeze on the wrist. “I know. Honestly, it's nothing, just... ” He trailed off and stared once more at the festivities around them. “Could you ever have imagined anythin’ like this in the village when we were growing up?”
That was an easy question to answer.
Aaron knew for a fact that the teenage version of him would have never imagined in his wildest dreams seeing the village transformed this way, decked out in bright colours, full of people like him, every resident open and accepting. And he knew the idea would’ve seemed even less likely when Robert was a teenager.
“Bet your dad’s rolling in his grave.”
Robert barked a surprised laugh. “Yeah, probably.”
They watched the party for another couple of minutes, then Robert nodded towards where Seb was tackling Dotty in an overly-enthusiastic game of tag.
“I’m glad that he gets to grow up in this version of the village,” he said softly. “Whether he turns out to be straight or gay or bi – whatever – I don’t want him to ever be scared of being different, like you an’ me were back in the day.”
“Don’t say ‘back in the day’, makes us sound ancient.”
“Well if you keep complaining about your back aching every time we – ”
“Oi!” Aaron gave his shoulder a punch, before trailing his hand down his arm to link their fingers together as they both watched Seb. “Yeah, me too. It is different for him, he knows he can be whoever he wants here. No one’s gonna have a go at him over who he does or doesn’t fancy. And he knows we love him no matter what.”
“Course he does.”
Robert grinned warmly at him and leaned across the table to press his lips to Aaron’s. The two of them kissed lazily until Molly jumped up between them to lick at both their chins and they broke away with a laugh.
“Can't go more than five minutes without needing attention, can you?” Robert pulled her back into his lap, scratching her behind the ears until she settled again. The pink, purple and blue stripes on his face were smudged from where Aaron’s thumb had just rubbed over his cheekbone.
“Sounds like someone I know.”
“Piss off.”
Aaron drained the last of his pint and put the glass to one side, resting his elbows on the table. “Good first Pride, then?”
“Great first Pride.” Robert quirked an eyebrow at him. “It’ll be even better if we carrying on celebrating at home. Y’know, once the kid’s in bed.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Think we've got a bottle of champers in the fridge; I say we crack that open, take it upstairs and then – ”
“Daddy!” Seb ran up to them, grabbing Aaron’s elbow with a pleading look in his eyes. “Can we go on the dodgems? Isaac says him and Uncle Cain are going on.”
Aaron groaned and stretched his arms over his head. “Right now?”
“Yeah, we have to get them!”
Aaron huffed a laugh and dropped his arms. “Well in that case.” He paused and turned to Robert. “Unless you’d rather have a go?”
Robert shook his head rapidly. “Nah, me and Molly are good here, we'll save the table. Go crash some cars, boy racer.”
“Come on, then.”
As they headed in the direction of the bumper cars, Aaron looked back to see Vic appearing at Robert’s side, looking a little tipsy as she sat down next to him. By the time they were standing in the queue for the ride with Cain and Isaac, he could see the Sugden siblings had been joined by Ryan and his girls, plus Diane and Harry, all of them piling onto the table and surrounding them. Robert was laughing at something Ryan was saying, eyes crinkling. When he saw Aaron watching, he shot him a small wave. He looked happy and content, and the sight of it made something warm settle in Aaron's chest.
It wasn't his first Pride, but it was the best one he'd had so far.
“Dad,” Seb piped up, grabbing his attention. “It's our turn”
“Alright, let’s show Cain and Isaac how it's done.”
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hoedameron · 3 years
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but before i go looking in the tags, let’s talk about my latest gifsets!
what a worker bee i was both yesterday and today with prodigal son AND loki <3 never have i created so many gifs in a short amount of time it’s a damn miracle that my photoshop didn’t straight up cough up blood and keel over. alas, us bitches are stronger than that! if this post gets flagged because of the scenes i included....that would just mean that i made the right decision to exclude those scenes ajsdksajkldsa
malcolm stabbing martin
when the episode finally downloaded, i took a peek at the ending before it aired to see how it all ends (just in case it doesn’t get renewed </3). GOSH, was i just in a TIZZY when i saw this happen and i couldn’t tell my dad what i saw because we were straight up watching the show as it aired. anyways, keeping my secret knowledge, i got to work on making this gifset. i missed a huge chunk of the episode bc it took me over TWO hours to make the six gif set. i was really torn on the “artistic” approach aka which scene to gif and which to leave out. because i saw the ending before anything else, i couldn’t play it out loud and i didn’t have my headphones to listen so i was like FREE FORMING THE SUBTITLES. plus the captions weren’t synced up so it was really hard to decipher what was being said :( 
i really thought i would be able to create the set before 9 but i was running into unforeseen issues such as the subtitle problem, which on top of that, like i said earlier, my photoshop is c/racked and janky so....you catch my drift. i was actually going to gif the bisexual moment in the cafe which i think would’ve been MUCH easier but i jumped the gun and wanted to make the gifs of the shocking ending. funny part about that is the shocking part wasn’t even included in my set (malcolm driving the knife into martin) because i felt like the scene was too short...anyways, let’s talk about the positives:
i really do like the coloring of this one. i used a psd that i’ve used before and luckily it’s meant for outdoor scenes with greenery so the gif really popped. sharpening, buddy ole pal, love you sm. the caption was kinda last minute but i hoped to save it with the gradient. cropping was a bitch because for some reason, it takes forever when you’ve made multiple gifs beforehand (cache innit) pero we pulled through! i actually started not saving the psd files to try and save time which is very unusual for me pero i was getting frustrated with photoshop so i was like y’know what....so i just gave up entirely and stopped saving. i do save when i’m taking my time but jeez, it’s a bad habit. i like saving the psd file because i never know if there is a mistake i missed in post and when i go to publish it, it’s blatant and it needs to be fixed. please, save your psd files idc if it takes up space u can just delete them later. IT HELPS !! TRUST ME!!
first & “last” appearance
i actually premade gifs for this gifset! unfortunately, i didn’t realize that three of the five gifs were the wrong size (pictured above) because i flipped the ratio. instead of 268 x 250, i made them 250 x 268. i don’t know HOW i managed to fuck that up but luckily i saved the psd files (wink, wink) so the coloring was still intact. i think i had to restart photoshop or it was getting too late so i picked it back up in the morning. sucks that i had to remake the entire gif from scratch but we will take some wins xx
coloring is the same with the previous gifset (listen....it’s a good coloring) and i actually did have an alternative coloring that was very warm pero i didn’t end up using it. almost melted the two with the “last” appearance of gil but ultimately didn’t go through with it. also i was thinking of using baby malcolm as the first appearance because technically, that IS his first appearance in the show but i was like...just use adult malcolm lol. also i know that scene of dani isn’t the “first” but the first scene she has goes really quick and she is planked by gil so there isn’t much of a solo (even though this scene isn’t much of a solo either pero it’s better than the former). the lighting is weird in this episode and my coloring tried their best :/ i know gifmakers make each gif a diff coloring pero i’m lazy okay and looking to be time effiencent. another slight tangent is that i actually queued the post for the morning but since i woke up to a storm, i was like, i’m here so i’ll publish it myself.
other than that...i didn’t run into any other problem. i was actually hesitant to make the caption that because i wasn’t sure how to really describe the team. i have poor memory so if there was ever an official name, i do not remember it. i did a quick google search pero it turned up nothing. i stuck with “dream team” because, well, that’s what they are. plus i didn’t want to tarnish the gifset with any mentions of p/olice (i was thinking about putting sumn along the lines of ‘the nypd team’) so DREAM TEAM IT IS because it’s true! you cannot have the show without these five! also, i should’ve used quotations on “last” because there is a bunch of talk about a renewal pero...just in case... sorry y’all :/
odinson brothers parallels
this was made in the spur of the moment. i saw that the teaser trailer with shirtless loki dropped in hd, i came A-RUNNING! it was posted like 47 minutes after the fact and i was like...somebody probably already made a gifset of the scene so i was like...gosh, to make the gifset or not all the while i was trying to download the video. trying because again, this was in the middle of a storm so my wifi was acting up and wasn’t at its strongest (whatever that may be). so i was getting frustrated because neither cc nor 4kdownloader was downloading this small one minute clip. that’s when i knew i was gonna be too late to make the loki gifset so i was like whatever ig...
then i had an idea.
i love parallels so luckily it hit me that this paralleled with thor and how his hair got chopped off. so, i knew i had ragnarok downloaded and got to work <3 wasn’t sure what dimensions to use so i went with 268 x 268 to make perfect squares. because the loki scene was short, i could only make three so i was like..okay, i can work with this. three for loki, three for thor, they’re brothers and they share! i wasn’t planning to add subtitles but i had written them down for the plain gifset so i was like alright, we’re going all in. i didn’t take that long to make since again, they’re small gifs and i did have a coloring in mind that i always use for ragnarok (it’s my fave for non-marvel edits as well). there was a slight adjustment to the final loki gif because i realized the gif had that dark fade into the scene which i didn’t know if it was an artistic choice for the show itself or was added for the trailer only (it happens when companies cut a bunch of scenes together and it’s not at all how it actually plays out). i didn’t want to take any chances so i cut those parts out. i know the gifs are short on the loki side pero...that’s just how it is in show business.
thank you so much for listening and hearing me out! i like discussing my work and i try to have pride in them even if the numbers don’t reflect what i hope they would. either way, still learning, still growing, still thinking about buying p.s. like deadass this shit is RIDICULOUS -_- imagine opening up ps and like...it opens up in less than two minutes...shivers
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Nightwing BTHB: Serum Injection
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Stars: Done. Moon: Requested. Eye: Next
Summary: Thirteen year old Dick wakes up in the clutches of owls; a group of people insisting he belongs to them. 
He thinks different.
[anon requested teen Dick Grayson being found out by the Court of Owls and kidnapped by them]
WARNINGS: GRAPHIC descriptions of blood and injury, non-consensual drugging, BRIEF THOUGHTS OF SELF HARM (but for only like a small paragraph), implied sort-of major character death, guys I really mess with Dick in this one. I’m pretty sure most of you reading this already love whump and violence but I still need you all to keep safe. Love you all! Let me know if I missed any triggers, I’m pretty sure I pinned down all the major ones though.
AO3 link
Dick shivers and curls up tighter against the corner of his small cell, clutching his left wrist and trying not to bend his spine too much because of the whiplash crawling around in his chest cavity. He hopes Bruce is okay… Dick doesn't remember much of the circumstances of his kidnapping, but he does remember driving home with Bruce from school when all of a sudden his guardian went taunt like a bow string before swerving off the road into a ditch just a few miles from the manor.
Next thing Dick knew, he woke up in this small room that can't even really be called a small room. It's more like a closet. A long rectangle that if he lays one way he can lay flat on his back, but won't be able to spread his arms out as much. The door to the room is on one of the short walls, looking all ominous with small gaps between it and the doorframe, the lack of door knob, and it's marble sheen. The floor and walls are marble too, and the ceiling looks rocky like granite. A single bright light shines above him, easily illuminating the small space, leaving the only things shadowed be the top corners where four different cameras hide.
Dick can't tell if those cameras can record audio or not. They can definitely visualize, the lenses are clear enough to see, but otherwise Dick isn't as studied in camera technology like Bruce is; he can't just look at them and immediately know what they are, when they were made, the company that made them and it's CEO, and who invented that particular model. He'd have to get up close and personal with it and hold it in his hands and perhaps have a monitor to his side to use the internet to help him out.
But right now, the thought of moving sends pangs of pain down his spine and in his neck. He's had whiplash before. You don't go on high speed chases in the Batmobile and not end up with whiplash at some point or another. Robin has been a part of his fair share of spectacular crashes… through crashes in the Batmobile are usually cushioned by millions of dollars of technology Bruce invented to make the effects of whiplash little to none. Crashing the Batmobile is tame when compared to a Mustang. Lot less support, a lot more broken metal, and a whole lot more seatbelts crushing your lungs as you catapult in every direction before you finally smack your head on the dashboard and pass out.
So Dick stays sitting, scowling at the door and rubbing his wrist. He doesn't think it's broken, just bruised, but it hurts just enough that he definitely doesn't plan on moving it any time soon. If he wasn't close to shivering in this room, he'd have ripped off a section of his shirt by now to wrap it, but alas… he's cold. And it's not broken so it can last without a brace or anything for a little while longer.
He just hopes his abductors reveal themselves soon and they tell him what they did with Bruce. Maybe he's just stuffed in a room somewhere different until a ransom is paid and then Gordon and the cops will storm in here and save them. Dick's been kidnapped plenty of times, and in all kinds of ways too. He knows how this goes. He'll be fine as long as he acts like a scared, thirteen year old Dick Grayson and not Robin the superhero. As long as he whimpers and cries and weakly and sloppily tries to struggle, he'll be okay.
He'll be okay.
He just hopes Bruce is too. Dick can't imagine what could happen to make the man just swerve off the road like that.
There's a scraping noise, a heavy door opening against solid ground, and Dick's snapped out of his thoughts. Instinctively, he curls up tighter, wincing as the back of his neck protests with a stiff yet stabbing pain and a wave of light-headedness washes over him. He keeps forgetting about the egg on his temple. The concussion from his most recent face-meet-dashboard episode. He's poked and prodded at it perhaps a half hour earlier, but he isn't completely out of it and it just hurts more than anything, but right now it makes it really difficult to completely focus on the forms of people who are standing right outside the door… just standing there, staring at him.
They… don't look like a typical "Dick Grayson" kidnapper. Or well, there's a couple different kinds of Dick Grayson kidnappers. The kinds of people Dick finds himself often in the clutches of are either high end, prestigious assholes who have a grudge against Bruce for some reason or other, or down on their luck thugs who want a quick buck. These people standing before him? They look like Robin kidnappers.
Meaning they're dressed in costumes and giving off a very… very dangerous vibe.
Dick immediately takes stock of them. Three are dressed similar to each other, in dresses or suits or gowns, their faces all covered by an eerie mask that looks like it could be based off an owl. The fourth guy though… he's the one who's giving Dick major red flags. He's muscular and taller than the others and his costume is black and leather and terrifying to look at. There's a hood pulled over his face, shaped like an owl who got steampunk goggles somewhere and that also gave off the shivering effect of light reflecting off of nocturnal eyes.
These look like genuine bad guys.
One of the masked ones steps forward, a woman in a low collared pink gown with lace lining the sleeves down to the middle of her forearms. Her blonde hair is all done up behind her, beads lining the braids until it all sits in a nice and perfect rose-shaped bun at the top of her head. She crosses her arms around her chest, and even with the mask Dick feels like she's studying him like he's a mouse in a glass cage.
"This is the Gray Son of Gotham?" She asks, clearly referring to Dick which throws him off for a number of reasons.
Normally, when he's kidnapped as Dick, people don't normally ever call him by name. First or last. It's always "brat" or "freak" or "that Wayne [insert "brat" or "freak" here]. It's something they do to lie to themselves that they hadn't just kidnapped, tied up, and locked up a kid. Calling him Wayne also makes it clear that they couldn't care less about him personally, they just want Bruce. They don't care that he's just a ward and that Bruce Wayne isn't his dad. They don't care about these things because he may not be adopted by Bruce Wayne, but he's definitely an easy-access key to his bank account.
But these guys called him Grayson. And not even Grayson, but they said it weirdly with an oddly purposeful space and a title added at the end. He wonders if it's a reference about how Bruce is normally jokingly known among the high class citizens as the White Knight of Gotham—a play on words to Batman's take of the Dark Knight of Gotham despite how they don't even know the half of it—but he doesn't get a chance to wonder long before the scary owl guy steps forward, looking directly at Dick with his shining eyes.
"It is, my Court," he says and Dick has to suppress a shiver, "he has finally returned to where he belongs, just like I promised."
"Hmm," the woman says, still staring at Dick as she brings a silk gloved hand to her chin in thought. "And you will take personal responsibility over his education?"
"Education?" Dick asks before he could think better of it. The cold air in the room becomes icy as every person's attention seems to zero in on him. Then, without any prompting, the fully costumed man suddenly strides forward and Dick almost doesn't have to fake a surprised yelp as his upper arm is easily grabbed, fingers wrapping around his limb hard enough to definitely leave bruises as he's forced to his feet; the grasp on him unrelenting as his arm is held higher than his head, forcing him to his tip toes.
Dick goes to wrap his hand around the grasp in an attempt for freedom, but he's painfully reminded of his injured wrist and all he can do is hold it to his chest as he tries to yank his arm out of the grasp on its own power. It doesn't do a thing, in fact the man's grip just tightens heartlessly.
"Of course, my Court," the owl man says, voice silky and dangerous, "I will see to all his education, starting now."
Dick cries out as his bad wrist is grabbed and held just as tightly.
The man bends to get in his face, those horrid eyes glowing dangerously and setting something nervous and scared aflame in his gut. "Lesson one: you will not speak unless addressed and given permission to speak. You will treat the Court with respect. Understand?”
Dick can only nod even though he has no clue what's going on or who these people are, but the nod seems to be enough because he's released. He gasps and scrambles backwards until his back meets the far wall, holding his pulsing wrist to his chest and blinking viscously to staunch the tears caused by the pain.
The owl man straightens with a suffocating aura of intimidation.
"I will turn him into the best Talon this Court has ever seen," the man says, voice prideful and boding ill-will. "We will not let you down."
"We will allow you to train him," the woman says, sounding pleased, "but know if he doesn't show his worth within the week, you both will be severely punished."
Dick feels a shiver go down his spine. If he could see the look on the owl man's face, Dick's sure a smirk would be sitting poisonous on his lips. "Trust me, my Court. He will surpass me. I will make sure of it."
Want more? This is but a small 1-2k of a 16k one-shot. Read the rest on AO3!
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tracle0 · 4 years
hello hey hi and a splendid saturday to you, I come bearing a question for the wip4 gang and that question is: what is each of their most significant memories? additionally, are there any memories they would jump at the chance to get rid of? ok bye please have an excellent day \o/ (and before you yell at me I'm going to sleep now I swear)
I’m glad that when you even LOOK at me you think ‘oh sleep time’ I am Pavlov and you are my dog and this metaphor is stupid I will answer your question now
I’m gonna... assume this is uhh pre-story question because I know for a fact that at least three characters would change their answer to at least one question if it was post-story. My house, my rules. 
Keaton’s most significant memory is p r o b a b l y the time when he was in year 12 (17), and he was called to the head of sixth form office. He’d been at this school since year 7 (11), and had realised he was trans in year 8 (12/13), and had then been fighting for the right to use his bathroom ever since. This had previously resulted in punishment. In year 10 (15), he made progress, being allowed to use the disabled bathroom, but he wanted the men's bathroom dammit. 
Anyway, called to head of sixth form, assumed it was related to that issue. Pessimistic about the whole ordeal. 
Turned out there was another student in like year 9 who had come out as trans as well, and the school had gone ‘UHHHHHHHHH LET’S DO BETTER THIS TIME’ so Keaton, being the only other trans student in this rural Norfolk school, was assigned as her... mentor??? I guess? 
He was half like ‘fuck y’all’ and half like ‘I will not let this young woman go through the same shit you all put me through, I will guard her like a HAWK’. He was still not allowed to use his bathroom, but he makes her fight a little easier; she’s allowed to use her bathroom in year 10, after he left. They still meet up every now and then for coffee. 
Memory to be rid of: First day on a Professional Set, he walked backwards whilst taking a tea order and fell into a bin. Terrible first impression. He still got jobs afterwards, but sometimes people will be like ‘oh yeah I’ve heard of you you’re the bin guy’ and he wants to punch them. 
This is getting long already I’m gonna put the rest under a cut
I know you’re here for Mika so I’ll go to them, most significant memory: probably his first pride? He didn’t intend to go to pride, but he was in the city on the day of pride and just walked past all these rainbows and flags and people being so open and proud and themselves. He was maybe fifteen, and had been having those fun Gender Feels that you try and hide at age fifteen, because you’re only fifteen and most people tell you you’re not old enough to know anything about yourself, yknow? 
Someone gave him a flyer at one point, and when he got back to his Ultra Christian Household, he hid it and would read through it some nights. When he had it memorised, he started to explore more about queerness online. He’s the guy who can tell you all about LGBT history due to this research. This was only done in the city on the library computers, where his trail couldn’t be tracked. It gave him some sort of start for labels, some sort of safe space, some sort of New Approach to everything he’d been feeling. 
Memory to be rid of: last day in Ultra Christian School. He was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school and it wasn’t awful until he was about fourteen, at which point he started to grow his hair. They told him to cut it constantly. He was punished for it. He kept the hair. 
It got bad but it wasn’t until he was about seventeen that it really buckled; first real notable psychotic episode. He told people, they were convinced it was some sort of possession, convinced he’d sinned, convinced of all these horrible things about him and drove him out until he could ‘act normally’ again. He did not go back. 
In all honesty, the second he turned 18, he took his savings from various dead grandparents and a part-time job, bought a second-hand (maybe third-hand) camper-van and left home. 
He goes back for Christmas only. 
Mooooving on, Lynne! Who I do not talk about enough; she’s also part of the documentary squad, and actually the reason the whole squad exists. Producer and director, she’s very cool okcoolthanks
Most significant memory: That one time she was thirteen and her parents had officially declared their divorce. She was living with her dad and it was really, really weird and she was not enjoying it. Divorce is a big deal to some families, and this family was one of them, and she was really unsure about her entire future. 
Cue Mika, young and mostly obedient, kicking down the door (not literally) and kidnapping her (again, not literally) to come pick blackberries with him (very literally). They stayed out until the sun went down in early Autumn. She forgot about the divorce for a small amount of time. They ended the day eating fish and chips straight from the paper whilst sitting in a tree and talking about nothing important at all. 
They made jam out of the blackberries the next day. It was gross. Both of them refused to admit it was gross. 
Memory to be rid of: She went camping one time with friends from school. Lynne is Muslim and so did not go to Catholic school with Mika, they just lived near each other, and so school friends went ‘hey we’re going camping you should come’ she did come. 
It was a mess. They were fifteen and determined to drink, and English peer pressure to drink is weird, so she did take some drink but didn’t drink it. Someone threw up on her tent and blamed it on her. No-one bought any food or water, the only thing she was able to drink was lemonade bought for mixing and that had ants in it within two hours. 
She woke up first and left them all there, then walked home because she was meant to be lift-sharing. It took an hour and a half. She preferred that to being in the car. 
That group wasn’t her only group of friends, but it was her main group, so things were awkward for a while. 
Moving on from Documentary Squad, Percival! Percy Percival who I wish I could call Percy because it’s so much easier to write. 
Significant memory: winning an art contest when he was like. Eleven. Really living the high-life, ol’ Percival. It was a city-wide contest, with various age categories. He was part of the 11-18 clump, which put him at a disadvantage, but he still won. As a reward, his art was replicated on a mural in one of the shopping malls in town, and he got some fancy vouchers for a fancy art shop in the city. 
Winning the art contest made him go ‘oh wait I’m actually good at this thing I really like doing I should learn how to do that more’ and you could barely pry him away from his sketchbook from that point on. 
Those vouchers were stored away until he was 14 and doing art GCSE, at which point he bought a nice sketchbook and oil paints. He’s now very good at oil painting. I hate him for being good at oil painting. Oil painting SUCKS. 
Memory to be rid of: I’m torn between three and they’re all similar so I’ll go for all of them. 
#1 - losing an eye to Abby’s experiments. You read the lil short story I think (I know I checked just now) - she’s a very kind and loving sister who sometimes moves his body parts around. One time, he lost an eye and went blind for a few weeks. He had nightmares about it for months. It was very painful.
#2 - losing a finger. To Abby’s experiments. It was the middle finger on his left hand and it didn’t go back into place quickly enough - now it’s always numb and discoloured. Good news is he’s right-handed and not a musician so no worries about losing dexterity on that hand. 
#3 - losing two ribs. To Abby’s experiments.  There’s a very clear trend here. She wanted to try moving things she couldn’t see around. She moved two ribs away. She decided it was more dangerous to put them back. Now they just have two of Percival’s ribs lying around. 
On that note, final person, this is very long. Abby! She’s fun. Most significant memory;
okay the word ‘significant’ has caught me off-guard several times cause like wow how do you figure out significant memories for people. I don’t have just one, yknow? But I think I know one for her. 
She’s the eldest out of her and Percival and, for a while, people wanted her to set an example for him, which she tried to do, but she wasn’t good at what people wanted her to be good at. She’s good with people. She’s good at very specific parts of biology. She’s good at psychology. She’s not good at school and tests. 
So, when Percival started to beat the standards she set for him, her parents almost... egged competition on. Played favourites, compared the two siblings. Nobody really noticed what she could do, they only cared about what she struggled with. And the parents were rarely around to help out with what she was struggled with. So she struggled on and tried to keep her head high.
Cue a family wedding, she was snooping around the snack table at the reception and overheard her parents talking about her. And how they were almost disappointed in her. How they were annoyed that she couldn’t be more like Percival, honestly, what did they do wrong? 
She got bitter. She pretends she doesn’t care but she’s bitter, and with no parents around to lash out at, she lashes out at Percival, who isn’t even aware. Good times. Not good times. Significant times. 
Memory to be rid of: Honestly? Probably hearing her parents talking about her at the family wedding. It stings. 
A n y w a y this was extremely long I like going into detail with short stories, if you read this far then thank you I appreciate it I will give you a feather from my feather collection. Probably a swan feather. I have a lot of swan feathers. 
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theshinobiway · 5 years
The whole Lee being bald thing was just a mean hoax. It was never verified by any legit sources, just a bogus reddit post. There’s been plenty of those.
PSA: Rock Lee isn’t balding! I repeat, Rock Lee IS NOT BALDING! Here’s the Proof!
I knew that not watching Boruto would catch up with me eventually, so here’s me amending my previous statement: There’s no official confirmation that Rock Lee is actually balding in Boruto. 
And BOY did I do a deep dive of the internet for this. Saddle up kids, I’m about to throw on my amateur detective hat and take you for a wild ride through the internet to end this rumor once and for all.
Warning: Long, picture-heavy post where I cross-examine multiple sources.
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Part I: The situation!
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Here’s a compilation of the screencaps from Boruto episode 58 that sparked a thousand rumors.
Looking at the top-left screencap, we can see a strange rendition of Lee’s hairline. Following this introduction, Boruto and Yurui begin their match. When Yurui unleashes his unnamed Bubblegum-Pop jutsu, Boruto is thrown back. Rock Lee then grabs his hair due to the heavy winds that emanate from the burst. Putting the two together, it looks vaguely like Rock Lee has a strange hairline that accompanies him frantically grabbing his own hair.
Part II: The “Sources”
Okay, I spent probably close to 4-5 hours scouring through different links and articles. Here’s a breakdown of the internet’s say on the matter:
The first major source is from a website called “Comicbook.com” It’s the website that was linked in multiple other copycat articles, blog posts, and forums, and was the first result for any Google search of “Rock Lee balding” (or variations thereof)
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Okay, this isn’t so bad. I see that there are sources linked, so I should be able to logically follow the trail back to either an interview or the name of the “book” in question. First, let’s look at where these so-called linked ‘sources’ lead. 
In any part of journalism, linking your sources is the most important step to ensure your audience that you cross-referenced with legitimate sourc-
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aaaand YOU HAVE FAILED Journalism 101. 
Hm. despite the fact that this is a Reddit post and not an actual link to ANY book whatsoever, the link’s dead. Deleted. Frankly, this whole search was an endless loop of dead ends, but I was deadset on getting to the bottom of this.
So thus far, I’ve got one lead that wasn’t solved: there’s a rumored “Book” out there somewhere, and it was referenced at “some point.” My first guess would have been a databook, but I’ve read those. Perhaps the one I read had a translation error?
Scrolling through the comments of this Reddit post, I came across this:
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Important context clues here: It’s not stated in a Databook. That means Naruto’s Jin no Sho, the Fourth official databook, is NOT the source of the rumor. Also, I was able to find a scanlation of Rock Lee’s page for the very same book here:
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Rock Lee’s balding also certainly wouldn’t mentioned in any of the previous databooks where Rock Lee was, y’know, a teenager. All four official databooks are off the table.
Secondly, the link posted by user “Hydrobolt” leads to a twitter post with the following:
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No sources, no reference to a book, nothing. Except for a few screenshots of Boruto Episode 58. I’ll discuss these shots later, but this appeared to be yet ANOTHER dead end. (Also, this twitter thread has ZERO links or sources!)
I can see why the post was deleted by the mods, but this was troubling: Did this whole rumor start from ONE twitter post from a shipper (that had single-digit likes/reblogs?) 
I didn’t think so. Even if this random tweet was picked up by a semi-popular media outlet, I still needed to answer the following questions:
What was the “book” that supposedly had Kishimoto’s confirmation? Did it exist, or was it a bluff?
Where could I find a scanlated (and hopefully English, though my husband speaks Japanese) version of the Rock Lee page?
Part III: The Search for the Non-Databook “Book”
Even if it wasn’t in a databook, there are multiple interviews and exo-textual sources that can be used to glean information about the characters. I knew I wasn’t looking for an interview–in part because the key was “book,” and also because Kishi has only given a set amount of serious interviews in the past, and most of those are available in translation. Thus, there might have been a storyboard, book, or some other source that was exclusively released that might hold this information.
The most promising lead was from a site called narutoforums.org
The original post:
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Okay, first, there’s no actual link on “here”. That’s a major red flag, especially given that the post is currently only a year old (posted 7.27.18) 
And it’s yet another dead end.
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But wait!
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User “Platypus” mentions that the source was a ‘movie booklet that’s been out for three years.’ That’s a lead!
A movie booklet, huh? Here we go: Sometimes, highly-anticipated animated movies are released in Japan with exclusive manga chapters or other easter eggs, as well as other goodies.
So, let’s talk about this unnamed “Movie booklet” – Three years prior to 2018 would have marked the release of the Baruto movie in 2015. That means the booklet would have been this one: Zai no Sho
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This was the most difficult piece to dig up information on. The booklet in question was only released in Japan and during the original premiere of the movie in 2015. I couldn’t initially find scalations, so I did the next best thing: Looking for a table of contents. Good ‘ol Naruto wiki was here to save the day.
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Boom. It even has page numbers!
Now, I had a supposed book source and even the page numbers. All that was left to find a translation. After some deep digging, I found one—right here on Tumblr via user Emotionalrockfish.
This was the moment of truth! I opened the link for Rock Lee’s page and carefully read over the description…
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Rock Lee
Tireless effort and ambition! With his hot-blooded passion, he guides a genin!!The leaf village’s pride, an expert of taijutsu. He possesses absolutely no skill for ninjutsu, but refines his taijutsu by exceeding the limits of effort with the gutsiness he inherited from his master, and does nothing but aim high. He and his son, Metal*, absolutely can’t miss their daily training!
*Metal Lee is shortened to just Metal here, so no, he’s not called Lee like his father.
(*Pterodactyl screeching*)
AND THERE IT IS: After a whole trail of vague suggestions and dead links, I‘d finally come to the final source material. And there’s nothing! Nothing there that even remotely mentions Lee’s baldness!
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Part IV: So where did this rumor all start? And what’s with “that” scene?
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The Situation Unfolds: The whole situation is from Boruto, Episode 58: The Tournament Begins! The wind in this scene is shown to originate from Yurui’s jutsu.
The bubblegum pop emits a wind blast, throwing Boruto back. The very same blast tussles Lee’s hair.
It’s an obvious gag, but not about Lee: it’s meant to convey the sheer strength that emits from Yurui’s bubbles popping. This is a common trope in anime: Character emits a powerful attack, the audience sees/feels the “force” from the fallout wind. 
The audience now knows that there are some stakes to Yurui unleashing his gum-based jutsu, because the force of the blast not only throws Boruto back, but can also reach a good distance away to where the proctor, Rock Lee, was standing. 
Further Explanation: It’s also fairly obvious that Boruto (and Ikemoto’s style) deviate from Kishimoto’s, so we should expect some variation in character appearances outside of the expected “age-up” factor.
Here are some original renditions of Lee with his hair (flying) up and his younger self’s hairline:
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In Part I, we see that Lee’s hair falls into a widow’s peak. Then, in concept art for the Naruto: The Last, we see a far less defined peak—in fact, the hairline is decidedly square-shaped.
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Then, finally, in the Boruto animation, Lee’s hair is almost circular (but also shown from an extremely tilted perspective.)
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So we see a distinct transition in the actual SHAPE of Lee’s hairline in conjunction with the evolution of SP/Kishi/Ikemoto’s style. A story written over at least 17 years and spanning over three different series has a change in style? More likely than you think.
Conclusion: It’s a change in the animation style and a throwaway gag aimed at emphasizing the fallout wind from Yurui’s jutsu. Nothing more.
I rest my case, Pumpkin OUT!
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liunaticfringe · 4 years
Lucy Liu is chuckling quietly on the other end of the phone line as she muses over the question inspired by the title of her new series, Why Women Kill.
"I don't think every woman could be pissed off enough to actually become a killer," the 51-year-old actor says, referring to the SBS series about three women living in different decades who must each decide how to deal with infidelity. "But does it make you think about the times where you've been really angry at someone – like, what it would take? Maybe."
She adds with another giggle, "Obviously I've never gone to that extent, but I've had many opportunities in my career to carry out death sentences. So I guess you could say, for good or bad, I've been able to get it out of my system somewhat!"
Lucy – who recently wrapped a seven-season stint as Dr Joan Watson to Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock Holmes in the modern-day TV revamp Elementary (2012-19) – is talking to Sunday Life from her New York City apartment, where she's been busy trying to keep her four-year-old son Rockwell amused during the city-wide COVID-19 stay-at-home order.
"New York is usually vibrant, because it's a walking city, but now everyone is wearing masks and avoiding each other," she laments. "It's difficult because Rockwell likes to be moving around all the time. It's just impossible to have him not put things in his mouth when I turn my back!"
Why Women Kill is creator Marc Cherry's latest series to showcase a female ensemble. He started out in 1990 as a writer and producer on the The Golden Girls and its short-lived spin-off, The Golden Palace. He also co-created the female-driven sitcom, The 5 Mrs Buchanans, went on to create the Golden Globe-winning series Desperate Housewives, and followed that up with Devious Maid.
Why Women Kill is a 10-part series detailing the lives of three women living in the same California home over three eras: Beth Ann (Ginnifer Goodwin), a '60s housewife; Simone (Lucy Liu), an '80s socialite; and Taylor (Kirby Howell-Baptiste), a present-day lawyer. There's bisexuality, open marriage, adultery, a closeted spouse, an overdose, a front-yard brawl and a choking incident involving meatloaf – and that's just the first episode!
Ultimately, the show examines how the roles of women may have changed through the decades, but their reaction to betrayal remains the same.
The actor had just wrapped Elementary when Cherry called to pitch her the character. "He said he really had Simone in mind for me, then he walked me through the actual storyline," she recalls. "It definitely changed a little bit from what we talked about at the start, but during the writing we got to know each other more and I felt like he had a great way of telling a story.
"I also loved the idea of Simone living in the '80s with the hair and shoulder pads, and what the relationship to the cheating is for each character, as it has an unexpected ending."
The daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, Lucy was raised in the Jackson Heights neighbourhood of Queens, in New York City, and initially planned to pursue a degree in Asian languages and culture at the University of Michigan.
But she also secretly dreamed of becoming an actor, studying old Charlie Chan movies, and finally raised the nerve to audition for a supporting role in a college production of Alice in Wonderland in her final year.
Lucy was astonished when she landed the lead role, and it was all the encouragement she needed. As soon as she graduated, she broke the news to her parents that, despite her freshly inked college degree, she was moving to LA to become an actor.
After appearing in a string of TV shows including E.R. (1995, three episodes) and Ally McBeal (1998-2002, 79 episodes), she landed film roles in Charlie's Angels (2000), Chicago (2002) and Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003).
Lucy looks back and sees her young self as more guileless than driven, hardly the Asian trailblazer breaking stereotypes in Hollywood that she's become.
"I think I was just too naive and didn't know what was ahead of me or what I was going to be up against," she admits. "I had some idea when I got to LA, because a friend of mine would have 10 auditions in a day or a week and I would have maybe two or three in a month, so I knew it was going to be much more limited for me.
"But then I got really lucky with a few jobs, which put me in rooms for auditions where I looked like no other woman in the room. I thought, ‘I don't even understand why I'm here, but I'm going to give it my all.'
"I think when you are somewhat the black sheep, you don't really have anything to lose, because they are not necessarily looking for you. So you may as well go for it!"
Some reviewers have compared Why Women Kill's catty Simone to uber-bitch Alexis Carrington (Joan Collins) in the iconic '80s soap opera Dynasty. "I didn't really watch Dynasty because I couldn't relate to it as a child of immigrant parents, and I didn't understand that kind of wealth and the claws coming out to scratch you," says Lucy.
"But as you go on in life, you start to understand a little bit more what that pop culture was. When I started doing Charlie's Angels and went back to that era to see the representation of those women at that time, I realised they weren't just all kitschy, but they were also incredibly smart and sexy."
As friendly and accessible as Lucy is, she's also full of pride when asked about her son. Has she used some of their isolation time to introduce him to her voice work as Viper in the animated Kung Fu Panda films? Definitely not, the protective mum replies. "He doesn't know what I do. All he thinks is that I'm an artist and I'm a mommy – and that's enough for now."
Rockwell was born in 2015 via gestational surrogate after Lucy made the decision to become a single parent. "Elementary was the longest job I ever had and it gave me the ability to stay in one place, because we were syndicated and we knew we were going to be making a certain number of shows," she explains.
"So that was also the impetus for me to think, ‘Maybe I can have a family of my own.' It wasn't like I was making bad decisions before that, but I had made the choice to prioritise my career. Then, one day, I just felt like it wasn't enough. I didn't want to look back in 30 years and realise I was still having the same conversations about my job every day. I wanted more."
Lucy gets emotional while talking about how motherhood has changed her. "It's almost become this cellular feeling of connecting to the universe in a way where you understand the idea of the cycle of life and the responsibility of having another being who is a part of you but outside of yourself. It's a very different feeling to doing a project where you know you will finish and move on. This is a life-long decision that changes your life and prioritises things in a very positive way."
Given how candidly she has spoken about going it alone as a parent, it's surprising how little she's volunteered about her personal life. She explains it is all by design: she has never spoken publicly about her relationships, although online stories have flagged a handful of boyfriends, including a three-year relationship with actor Will McCormack that ended in 2008, and a relationship with Israeli-American shoe tycoon Noam Gottesman in 2010.
"I've always been very private and I fly under the radar as much as possible," she says. "I do that in a very specific manner. I don't bring people I'm dating to any public event because it's a big responsibility that I'm not sure anyone wants.
"Your work is your legacy and you want to be able to do more each time, and change so you can continue to have some kind of value," says Lucy, who has also been a producer and director. "You don't want people thinking of you as just someone who dated someone and getting distracted from your work."
For now it seems Lucy Liu's legacy is doing just fine, thank you.Lucy gets emotional while talking about how motherhood has changed her. "It's almost become this cellular feeling of connecting to the universe in a way where you understand the idea of the cycle of life and the responsibility of having another being who is a part of you but outside of yourself. It's a very different feeling to doing a project where you know you will finish and move on. This is a life-long decision that changes your life and prioritises things in a very positive way."Given how candidly she has spoken about going it alone as a parent, it's surprising how little she's volunteered about her personal life. She explains it is all by design: she has never spoken publicly about her relationships, although online stories have flagged a handful of boyfriends, including a three-year relationship with actor Will McCormack that ended in 2008, and a relationship with Israeli-American shoe tycoon Noam Gottesman in 2010."I've always been very private and I fly under the radar as much as possible," she says. "I do that in a very specific manner. I don't bring people I'm dating to any public event because it's a big responsibility that I'm not sure anyone wants."Your work is your legacy and you want to be able to do more each time, and change so you can continue to have some kind of value," says Lucy, who has also been a producer and director. "You don't want people thinking of you as just someone who dated someone and getting distracted from your work."For now it seems Lucy Liu's legacy is doing just fine, thank you.
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fly-flower-fanfics · 5 years
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Start Again
Draco Malfoy x Male Reader
Warnings: Death, cancer mentioned, depression episode, suicidal thoughts
*The song The Things We Used To Share is written by Thomas Sanders, but claimed as though the reader wrote it.*
The Slytherin common room was one of the few places that comforted me. Well, let me rephrase that. The empty Slytherin common room was one of the few places that comforted me. I was a loner. I didn't want to be around people. I liked blending in and just observing from a distance. I liked being on the outside for the most part. 
How I got into Slytherin, I'll never know, but I don't really mind. Sure, I get picked on by Pansy and then more so because my mom was a Muggle, but I didn't mind it anymore. I'm used to their hateful comments. Actually, I didn't mind their hateful comments because I was missing my mom and that was what consumed my mind more. My mom had recently passed away from a long battle with cancer. Father had just sent me an owl a week ago. To make matters worse, my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, had broken up with me after being together for three years.
I grabbed my ukulele and headed outside. It was dark and late. I shouldn't have been out, but even the heartless Filch has been letting me play my ukulele outside, as long as I was away from any open widows. Maybe he understood in a way. I didn't know, and I didn't question it either. I didn't want to know. 
I quietly sat in the grass, leaning back against the tree close to Hagrid's house. The lovely man offered me to come down anytime I wanted to. I did take him up on his offer at times. He was so sweet to me. He was, hands down, my favorite professor even if his class was rather strange. 
I thumbed the strings of the tiny guitar-like instrument in my hands. My mom had taught me how to play ukulele. She said when I was a baby, I had bumped into her guitar, and I tried to pull myself up with it, but I strummed the strings. Horribly, but I'd strummed them. She told me I laughed and giggled. She would always play the guitar for me. Later on, when I was around five, she bought me a ukulele and charmed it so I couldn't break it. 
The rest was history. I never got into the guitar, but my mom was proud of me nonetheless. Though it wasn't exactly meant for ukulele, I started to play one of my mom's favorite songs. I played the beginning, repeating the notes until I got up the courage to finally sing the words. 
"I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth. The minor fall, the major lift. The baffled king composing hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah."
Tears built up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Mom was a strong woman; she fought for two years with cancer. She wouldn't want me to cry for her. She wouldn't want me to stay upset. She would say, ‘be strong, my son, for we’ll meet again one day.’
"Your faith was strong, but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof; her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you. She tied you to a kitchen chair; she broke your throne; she cut your hair and from your lips she drew the hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah."
My hands started to tremble as I played on, my notes still coming out strong and clear, though. Mom had taught me that no matter what, never look down at your hands if you know the song by heart. If you know the song by heart, your hands will know what to do. And she was right. Though I was starting to fall apart emotionally, my hands still knew what to do. She always taught me to believe in myself.
"Maybe I have been here before. I know this room; I've walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew you. I've seen your flag on the marble arch. Love is not a victory march. It's a cold, and it's a broken hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah."
My words were starting to shake. Mom believed I was very talented in my music, and she thought I was going to go somewhere. She thought I was gonna be some famous ukulele player, some famous singer. I wish I believed her. I wished I could go back and tell her that I only needed her to be my biggest fan and that would make me famous enough in my heart. 
"There was a time you let me know what's real and going on below, but now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in you? The holy dark was moving too, and every breath we drew was hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah."
Mom would be proud of me. She would be proud to know I hadn't let my grades slip because of her passing. She would be proud to know that I didn't let anyone know I was sad. She always told me that if I didn't trust the person, don't open up to them or they'll use you. So I didn’t open up to anyone. 
"Maybe there's a God above, and all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you. And it's not a cry you can hear at night; it's not somebody who's seen the light. It's a cold, and it's a broken hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah."
When the song was finished, I leaned my head down, crying silently as I remembered all the good times my mother and I had shared. Father wasn't hardly ever around; he worked for the Ministry, and he ended up working over time many, many nights. Mom and I made it without him, and we had become so close. I was devastated to learn of her death. I’d lost the woman who taught me everything.
My mother, my strong, caring, loving mother. She was everything to me. She was my rock, and now that rock was gone, and I felt I was drowning in an ocean. My mother would be devastated to know I'd begun starting to think of harming myself. At mealtimes, I'd found myself wondering if I could sneak a knife back to my room. In the common room, when one of the other boys would leave their razor behind, I found myself wondering if I could swipe the blade or maybe use my own.
And Draco... fucking Draco Malfoy. That wonderful, horrible boy. He had always been so sweet to me, so caring. But upon learning of my mother's death two days after I had, he had broken up with me for reasons I could not explain, for reasons I did not know. I pulled myself together, wiping my eyes as I started to strum another song: a song I had written myself the night Draco had broken up with me.
I watched myself play it for a few moments, just playing the strings. I knew the words by heart, but it had taken me a little while to write the tune to it. I didn't sleep that night; I was up the entire night trying to write my feelings out, find the correct tune and words. The words, though, were a bit fudged so if anyone found it, I didn't have to tell them it was about Draco. I added things that weren’t necessarily about Draco an I as well so people wouldn’t be too suspicious. Soon, I felt comfortable with the playing and I closed my eyes, strumming carefully.
"You can have the toaster and the PC or even my Timothy Green DVD. I'll let you have the couch and the TV. Hang on to that jacket that you bought for me."
Fresh tears pooled behind my closed eyelids, but I didn't think about them. I only thought of the memories Draco and I had shared. Cuddles on the common room couch, late night walks in the halls and running from Ms. Norris, quick closet snogging sessions, and stupid jokes we told each other at four a.m. when neither of us could sleep.
"I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share, but what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?"
That stupid boy still held my heart, and I knew he always would. Tears ran in streaks past my closed eyelids and down my cheeks, but I paid no mind to it. I just strummed, pouring my soul into the lyrics I'd written just a few nights ago. My first and only successful gay relationship. Look how successful it was now.
"No more fireworks. No more compass. You didn't leave a single butterfly in my stomach. You took my spyglass, no knowin' what lies ahead. Took my warmth at night, but left a dent in my bed."
He still gave me butterflies. All the silly pictures we took still remained in the photo album I had next to my bed. He would always sleep with me at night when I had nightmares. He always made me feel safe. But now... now I haven't a clue what lies ahead, what'll happen to me or even him for that matter. 
"I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share, but what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?"
He held my heart and fractured it. He broke it. Three years of us being together. I never thought it would last that long, but had grown so attached. I was barely fourteen when he had asked me out, barely comfortable being out as gay. But three years later, and we were still going strong. And now... 
"You've stripped me of my pride. That's for the best, but you've also deprived me of a full night's rest. So no more dreams where we pull through, and I can't collect my thoughts cuz they're still with you."
My boyfriend, he was a work of art. Talented, arrogant, snarky, insecure, broken, handsome, and wonderful. A little bit of everything. I wouldn't have traded the world for him; I would've given my life for him. I still would. Though he avoids me, he's still the person I value the most after my mother.
"I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share, but what did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?"
Things, materials, they never meant anything to me. I was fine with a sweater he gave me, the picture album, and the memories. Sure, some of those things were materials, but they were more than that; they held meaning. I don't know what I'd do without Draco, and I guess I'm starting to find out.
"I wouldn't take it back, even though I feel sore. I meant it when I said, 'what's mine is yours.' But I need to know, now that we're apart: What did you do... I need to know now that we're apart: What did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart? What did you do with my heart?"
I was almost angry at my mom and Draco. Both had broken my heart. Both had left me alone. Both had left me struggling to find closure. Both had left me searching for answers. Both had left me hurt.
I placed my ukulele next to me and started to sob. I wasn't ever allowed to cry around people; I never allowed myself to do so. The only people to see me cry was Mom and Draco. And they both left me. I don't know what I did wrong. I can't believe the two people I loved the most were gone. 
There might be a razor laying around in the common room. I hid my face in my knees. I didn't want these thoughts. They weren't helping me. There might me a spare knife in the kitchen laying around. The house elves won't notice if it's gone. I covered my head. Too many feelings. Too many emotions. Madam Pomfrey is asleep. She won't notice a bottle of pills missing. Stop. Stop it. I can't do this. You're alone. Mom is dead. Draco hates you. No one will miss you.
"Stop it!" I cried out, my body shuddering with my sobs. I can't have these thoughts. I'm strong. I'm strong. I have to be strong. I can't be weak. Mom didn't raise me to be a bitch. I shouldn't even be crying right now, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't know how to handle myself any longer. I felt more lost than I had my first day at Hogwarts trying to find my classes. 
Suddenly, I heard my name spoken quietly above the sound of my tears. I jerked my head up, violently wiping my cheeks. Slytherins didn't cry, and I surely did not ever cry. I looked around for the source of the voice, but my vision was too blurry, and it was too dark. I'm imagining things again. I just miss Mom and Draco. I dropped my head again, holding my knees. 
"I'm sorry, Mom. I know I messed up bad. I don't know what I did, but I'm real sorry. I messed up bad, and I can't fix it because I can't fix what I don't know. I'm sorry for not being the son that you wanted. I'm not the person you thought I would be." I squeezed my knees, wishing Mom was there to hold me. She let me cry even though she told me I shouldn't ever have a reason to cry. 
"I'm sorry, Draco," I continued. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the boy you wanted me to be, and I wish you the best of luck. Whoever you choose... they're quite lucky, and I hope they love you as deeply as I do." I would never stop loving him..
Kill yourself. You know that no one would miss you. You know the wizarding world would be better of without someone like you. You haven't done anything for anyone, do you realize that? Face it: if you killed yourself, the entire community would celebrate. They wouldn't mourn, not over you. 
"You're right," I mumbled to myself. "Maybe I should just kill myself." 
"No!" A voice cried out and this time, I knew it wasn't mine. "Dammit, don't you fucking say that!" 
I looked around and saw a figure running towards me. Only once I wiped my eyes again did I realize that that said figure was Draco. The last person I want to talk to right now. Draco knelt in front of me and took my hands. His own eyes were red from crying. What did he have to cry over? 
"Don't say that," he repeated softer as he looked into my eyes. "
What's it to you, Malfoy?" I replied bitterly, but I didn't pull my hands away. 
"You mean something to me..." 
I couldn't help but laugh. "Sure. That's why you broke up with me the day you learned of my mother's death. That's why you avoided me since. So tell me, Draco, why are you here now?"
A look of hurt fluttered across his beautiful features, and he gave off a small sigh. "I-I have things going on in my family, too, and I didn't want to burden you with that on top of your mom's death," he spoke quietly. 
"So you broke up with me?”
He looked down, a single tear running down his cheek, but he stayed silent. I sighed softly and pulled him down next to me, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me and holding me tight. 
"Father is trying to do more stuff and-and he wants me involved as well. Mother thinks it's a great idea, but I don't wanna do it. I didn't want to get you involved,  and I thought if I broke up with you, then it would hurt less." Draco was stressed, worried, and confused. 
He did what he thought was best for me. He was always that way towards me. I gave him a gentle squeeze. 
"And now to know I'm part of the reason that your thoughts have turned to suicide..." His voice cracked a bit, and he didn't even try to cover it up. 
"It isn’t you, Draco. These-these thoughts are more complicated than that... We both have a lot going on in our lives, in our home lives, in our school lives. I forgive you, Draco," I said quietly. 
He looked down at me, wiping away my tears. "So you'll take me back?" he asked. I gave a slight shake of my head. 
"Not right now, Draco. You hurt me; you hurt me bad. You left me when I needed you most, but I still love you, and I'm willing to give you a second chance... just not now. I think it’ll be best for the both of us...”
"So we start as friends?" 
"We start as friends," I agreed.
"I can deal with that. I'll always be here for you, I promise that from now on. I'll wait on you forever if that's how long you need," Draco told me, and I gave a soft smile. His voice sounded genuine and it didn't have that 'cover' sound like it did when he made fun of others. 
He titled my head up and pressed his lips against mine. Does he know what the friend-zone is? I guess I didn't either because I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. His lips tasted like a slight mint taste with salt from our tears mixed in. Just before he pulled back, I felt him smile.
"I thought we were doing the whole 'just friends' thing to start with, Draco," I said, trying to sound stern, but I couldn't do it. 
"You kissed back," he reminded me.
I couldn't stop my own smile. "Touché, Malfoy. As much as I love your kisses, just friends, okay?" 
He nodded again, serious this time. "Just friends until you're ready. I meant it when I said I'd wait for you. I still love you..." 
"I love you too, Draco," I whispered. 
"You have a real talent with that and a lovely singing voice," Draco said. 
I smiled. "Mom taught me how to play the ukulele. It's the only way I can get my feelings out." 
"Did you write those songs?" 
I shook my head. "Not the first one. The first one is called Hallelujah. It's by a man names Rufus Wainwright. The second... the second I wrote. I titled it ‘The Things We Used To Share’." 
"It's sad, but beautiful," he said quietly.
 "Thank you. I really tried to explain my feelings in that one."
I took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly. "Why did you follow me?" 
"I saw you leave, and I thought I owed it to you to explain," he explained. "I finally got the courage to do so..." 
"Thank you," I said softly. I was thanking him for coming to tell me. I was thanking him for saving my life. I was thanking him for trying to do what was best for me. I hoped he understood, but I believed he did. 
I gazed up at the moon, smiling lightly. All would be well. All would eventually be well. . Tomorrow, I’ll go get help for my depression. I’ll learn to get better. My eyes closed as a soft breeze blew. They weren’t really gone, either one of them. Not really. Mom was in my music, and I had overreacted with Draco.
I reached over and grabbed my ukulele, pulling it into my lap. I had Draco and Mom with me, and that's all I needed.
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Re-Watch and Live Commentary, Episode 12: Final Skate: Gotta Super-Super-Supercharge It!!! Grand Prix Final Free Skate
You know that feeling when a fan-nish project is projected to take only a few weeks, during the Summer, mind you, but ends up spanning, oh, about three months?  I do, now.
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**Begin rant** 
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Me, too, Vitya!  End what, Yuri??
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I mean, it's more than a little crazy that he thought this is something Victor would be relieved to here.  It's as if they have been existing on different planes of reality.
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Listen. Victor has shed tears a grand total of two times in 12 episodes and both incidents involved Yuri.  Yet Yuri still doesn't think he’s important enough to merit more of his Victor’s time away from skating.  Just.  YURI. AUGH!!!
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The actor's decision to read this line as if Yuri's revelation has not stabbed Victor in the heart is masterful.  There's only so much pretending the man is capable of.
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This is hella relatable as someone who also doesn't want to be touched when I'm upset by THE VERY PERSON WHO UPSET ME.  Give him a minute to process this, Yuri.
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This is just a horrible, horrible cap.  Vitya is thoroughly in kicked-puppy-mode.
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Um, did you ignore absolutely everything else that occurred afterwards?  Including when he straight-up said to your face that he wishes you'd never retire?
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Don't fire him, Yuri!
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Yuri was really out there listenin' to friends instead of Victor.  How many times did Victor ignore the others' entreaties to return to competition to remain his coach?  Don't join that Greek chorus. Yuri.      
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I beg to differ.  He's always concerned about your well-being, which is why you gave him an expensive-ass symbol of devotion and put it on his ring finger.  Good God, boy.
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This inspiration thing goes both ways, Yuri.  LISTEN TO VICTOR.  He is telling you what HE wants In This Moment.  Not what YOU think is best for HIM.    
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Like hell! You two hash this out right now!
**End rant**
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Look, a skater who was popular back when I used to watch.  LOL.  Stephane L-l-l-l-lambiel!
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So, sports reporter Marooka remarks about how Yuri hasn't been seen practicing in public since the day after the short program, which has worried his fans (see, Yuri, you have FANS.)  You mean to tell me Yuri and Victor have been at odds with each other for two whole days now?!?!
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Cartoon!Lambiel picks up on Yuri and Victor's uncharacteristically low energy.
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You don't say, Stephane.
Also: Victor knows Stephane, personally.  What a celeb.
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At least flag guy has re-energized himself since JJ's short program.
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"Don't eff it up."
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"Don't eff it up."
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"Don't eff it up."
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He eff'd it up.
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Wow, shades of Yuri from episode one.
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Deep, bro.
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Aww! The parents in this show are the best cheerleaders.  If only there was time during the season to meet all of them.  I'd def like to see Phichit's parents.
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So, JJ's dad is reminiscing on some of his son's past coaches.  Celestino, then played by Peg Bundy, was one of them.
Also…. I'm really curious as to what JJ needed to say yes to.
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Damn you, Mickey Lannister Crispino!  Hands off!
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Seung Gil! What an awesome cameo.  
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I don't know much about scoring in figure skating but this seems a mite high for a program that was mostly jumps.
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Yay! No other comment needed.
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Phichit's ice-show dreams are as adorable as he is.  Christophe with a hamster cap is utterly, utterly charming.  I would fork over cold, hard blood plasma donation cash to see this in person.
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It shouldn't be like this between them; especially not when Yuri plans to end his competitive career, here.
And really, why is Yuri so upset with Victor?  I suspect Yuri's selfishness runs deeper than either of them realize. IMO, he's afraid Victor might come to resent him if he retires from skating to coach him, then regrets it.
But honestly, Yuri should know Victor better than that by now.
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Despite everything, Victor is still trying to be the coach Yuri needs.
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But… Yuri doesn't want Victor to play coach right now.
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So tickle his fancy, Victor.
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Victor has an interesting sense of humor.
Also, he did win the one against the teenagers at the local comp.  Though I have no idea if a qualifier is considered part of the Senior circuit.
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Yeah, katsudon's not the only way to celebrate, Yuri.  Victor wants to really give you something worth winning for.
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This is just an R&B song waiting to happen.
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Hmm… whatever could you mean, Yuri?
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I really love how they've cut Yuri's long program with clips of Victor from Yuri's memory.  It's a visual culmination of a journey.
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Ahh, that's what he meant about making up his mind about his goal.  And that's why he wanted Victor to stop playing at being coach.  Because he wasn't going to listen to him, anyway.  You know, the usual.
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Yuri's internal dialogue during his routine reveals his desire to stay in figure skating with Victor forever and his fear of killing Victor's career if he remains Yuri's coach.  Victor… have you not shared with the man how competition was already slowly killing you? Might wanna do that sometime in the very, very near future.
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Yuri… just loves Victor.  He can't always articulate how much, but he can show it.  His program is one big tribute to Victor and Yuri's desire to prove everyone how much Victor means to him as a coach and an inspiration.
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And Victor gets the message loud and clear.
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Mari+Minako are, yet again, Me.
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Something I should've wondered by now is how half-blind Yuri can tell where Victor is standing.
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The monkey-on-his-back that is Anxiety.
Seriously, you performed to the absolute best of your ability, Yuri.  Relax.  Relate. Release.  
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Wowsa, dude.
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Sooooo, Victor has just congratulated Yuri on his record-breaking performance and implies that he might come back to competition in the same breath he confesses his pride in both his pupils.  The possibility of Victor's return delights Yuri to no-end but gives me pause.  A lot of pause.
Victor. My dude.  Are you just trying not to ruin the mood?  Because quite honestly, one of the very valuable lessons you should've learned on this journey is that a little selfishness can be a good thing.  I know you want to make a grand gesture after Yuri's grand gesture but YOU CAN'T BOTH KEEP MAKING GRAND GESTURES.  You'll hurt yourselves trying to show the world your love.  
Moving on... Chris is on the ice, having serious thoughts about how Yuri, who was rumored to retire after the GPF, beat his personal best.  He laments that it won't be as easy for him to win gold as he first thought.
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Then he witnesses the happy couple doing their thing.
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And gets distracted.  
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This is in regards to Victor.  Chris is rethinking his initial calculation of GPF - Victor = gold for him.
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Aww, Chris is Phichit's buddy.  Why am I not surprised?
This scene is after Chris decides to change an earlier jump composition to the second half of his program.  Can't say he's not a fighter.
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Dawww, Minako.
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Really? That's it?!  By my estimation, that program was better than JJ's.  What am I missing?
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Boo, this is the last time I'll see my babe, Leo.
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But I concur.  Go, Otabek! I'm fond of his music choices, skating, and his costumes.  
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So, Victor finds Yakov to tell him he wants to return to competition.  I mean, it couldn’t have waited until after Yurio’s skate, V?
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Once upon a time, news of Victor's return may have pleased Yurio.  Now, his first concern is Yuri.  
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And Victor is Not.  Happy. About this.  He’s about to cry here, tbqh.
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Annnnd he requires immediate comfort.  This is sad. More than sad, when I consider Victor is letting Yuri call the shots, here.  Competing again should be Victor's own decision, as well.
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Yeah, that's good advice to pass along, Victor.
I've been debating as to whether or not I should parse out the intricacies of Victor's isolation.  Honestly, I think the writers did a well-enough job of it.  I suppose I still wonder, as many others have, about his family.
I'll go out on a limb and assume he has or had people in his life that taught him to love like he does and to treat other people kindly.  One doesn't learn those sorts of things in a vacuum.  However, I headcanon Victor as having been scouted and, once recruited, moved closer to a training facility, a la these athletes.
So, isolated?  Yes. Friend-less and family-less?  I doubt it, or at least it wasn't always that way.
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Meanwhile, Yuri's looking for his man.  Perhaps to tell him that he's already changed his mind about retiring?  In that case, please, look harder Yuri!
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Just needed to slide in this cap of Mila getting sprung by Otabek's skating.  Good taste, Mila.
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I don't know who JJ has in his pocket on the judging panel, but Otabek just completed a perfect program AND he was ahead of JJ after the short program.  Logic would dictate he'd be ahead of JJ now. But, do as you will, YOI.
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This is in regards to Yuri.  In flashbacks during Yurio's routine, we discover that he was actually impressed with Yuri's prior GPF free skate, despite the errors.  It was only after he found Yuri crying in the bathroom stall that he lost respect for him.  Must be Yurio's special brand of encouragement: "Stop crying, get better, or get out of the game!"  Yeah. That must be it.
Anyway, now Yurio has changed his tune and doesn't want Yuri to retire, at all. Cute.
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Lilia is so proud of her angry, pseudo- son.
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 Yurio completes his most difficult program ever with only one fall.  During his skate, it's revealed that part of his motivation was to become a new goal for Yuri to surpass.  That's nice and all, but not at the expense of your own health, Yurio.
I don't think Yuri would want that for him, either.
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Yurio defeats Yuri by a sliver of a margin.  I will admit to initially being surprised by the result before considering (and re-considering, after this re-watch) a few things:
Yurio won because it's entirely possible he may not win again for at least a little while.
His lack of stamina is well-documented, he's in the Senior circuit with grown men who can, and have, beat him already, and he's yet to hit a growth spurt. If the series continues into a second season, then I foresee the writers exploring these very realistic scenarios for Yurio.
This is partially why I don't predict Yurio achieving what Victor has, at least not right away.  There's not enough drama in that narrative to fill up an entire season, IMO.
Or, at the very least, they'll use Yurio to address the conflict over becoming as isolated as Victor has during his struggle to maintain dominance in the sport.
Yurio won because the name of the show is 'Yuri on Ice’.
Also, if the writers decide to have Yuri eventually retire (because he is of that age), then they don't even have to change the show’s title.  How convenient.
Last, and what I think is obviously implied in this episode: Yurio won so that Yuri would change his mind about retiring.
However… Yuri had already changed his mind.  And his biggest motivator in that decision was still Victor, so… kinda wish they hadn't made Yurio go out and suffer like that for no good reason. Honestly, there's little chance of him repeating this performance.
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Awww! Yay!
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So, Victor's in a teasing mood after Yuri presents him with his well-earned silver medal. Victor insists that he only wants to kiss gold.  So, what do you have that would be a suitable substitute, Yuri?
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Eff that medal Yuri just unceremoniously dropped to the ground in preference to hopping in Victor's lap.  Coach me for another year, Victor!
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What a lovely step forward for our boy, Yuri.  He didn't win gold but, all joking aside, Victor doesn't care.  Yuri’s next gold medal will be a token to Victor, instead of unnecessary proof that he was worth Victor’s time, all along.
Besides, I think he’s already given Victor the only golden item he truly wants.
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But, I mean, only if you WANT to, Victor.  Are you afraid Yuri will change his mind if you change yours?  I hope that's not the case.
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 Apparently, this is the only payment Victor will accept for coaching Yuri. Ok, so you're going to compete and hopefully earn some sponsorship money to pay your own bills all while coaching someone else for free?  Do we need to have a 'Victor on Ice,' a show about Victor re-learning the value of doing one thing at a time?
Roll credits!
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How sweet!
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The serendipity that is cartoon-world.  "I want to coach a skater from another country while also competing for my own country and you can't stop me because I'm animated!"
"I want to do a pair skate with my coach for my exhibition.  Know why?  Because the writers say I can!!  Ha!"
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Anyway, this is romantic AF.
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Cut to this adorbs face...
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Running towards this one, here.
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And yeah. WE'D BETTER.  Because their story isn’t over!
 The End!
If you managed to get through my all streams of consciousness, full of bad screencaps and even worse grammar, then I humbly and sincerely thank you!  I enjoyed doing it and hope you enjoyed reading it.  
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leigh-kelly · 7 years
Pride and Joy
87 notes · View notes