#I’ll probably do a full post about my feelings when I stop feeling like shit
whisperwillyou · 1 year
I finally watch the last two episodes of the owl house and I cried.
They were not happy tears.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Holy shit, y’all are insane. My tag list is over a HUNDRED (wtf y’all I’m kissing every single one of you on the forehead it was EIGHT before this) and the first part got over 800 notes in 24 hours. I love y’all 😂 With that being said though, Tumblr only allows for 50 mentions per post. So I’m drafting another post with the other 50-odd mentions that I’ll link this to. Unfortunately I’m not willing to make more than two posts, meaning my tag list is officially CLOSED. I’m so sorry, y’all, please know I love every single one of you SO much!! If you’d like to follow along and didn’t make it onto the taglist, go ahead and follow the ‘#if I should stay’ tag. I’ll make sure to use this tag for every update! Thank you all SO SO MUCH!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and if you want to be dropped from the taglist, that’s fine too; just let me know! ❤️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Steve is terrified.
Honestly, after the Russians and the Upside Down and everything else, Steve thought he’d never be scared again.
Then he woke up in school in 1984.
He looks around, wide-eyed, only to stop when Tommy and Carol look at him weirdly. “Uh, Steve?” Carol asks. “You look like you’re about to puke.”
Full of tact, just like always. He shakes off the feeling of wrong crawling on his skin and smiles at her. “I’m fine,” he says, when nothing could be further from the truth.
She opens her mouth to respond. Steve breathes a sigh of relief when the bell goes off, only for him to realize he has no idea where he’s going.
Thank God for Carol, apparently, because she throws her head back with a groan. “Math,” she complains. “I hate math.”
Steve feels a zing of recognition dart through him. He had English while she was in math. They used to complain about it between classes.
He feels excited when he realizes Robin will be in this class, then just as suddenly excitement turns to nausea when he realizes she might not remember him.
He walks into class, trying to keep his hopes down, and briefly makes eye contact with her.
She’s doodling in a notebook, looking around the room. Their eyes meet.
Robin’s pencil lead snaps.
Steve freezes.
He opens his mouth, he’s not sure for what, but she shakes her head slightly.
She stands and makes her way towards him before her eyes flutter back in her head and she drops.
She would’ve fallen on the ground if he hadn’t caught her. Whispers start up, enough to get the teacher to look up. “Mr. Harrington,” she says. “I’m not sure what dance moves you think you’re trying, but I will remind you this is an English classroom.”
“Yes ma’am,” he says. “Um. She passed out. I think I should probably take her to the nurse.”
She leans over her desk to peer first at Steve, then at Robin, who still has her eyes closed. “Very well,” she says. “I’ll give you a hall pass. Please ensure she returns once her little spell has worn off.”
He nods, shifts Robin completely into his arms, and walks out of the classroom.
He walks down the hallway and stops by an empty classroom, darting in when nobody’s looking. “Robs,” he chokes, and her arms are around his neck and now he’s choking for an entirely different reason.
She’s shaking, and he feels hot tears land on his shoulder, and he knows she feels the same from his tears. “I thought-”
“I know,” Steve whispers. “I thought the same. I woke up and I was with Tommy and Carol again and I didn’t know what was going on and I was terrified you weren’t gonna remember me.”
“Jesus,” she says. She’s laughing a little, through her tears. “Imagine how I felt, waking up in Mrs. Click’s class. Thought I’d had a weird fever dream. Then you walked in, and…”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “Jesus, Robs, I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Right back atcha, Dingus,” she whispers, which really just makes his tears start all over again. “Who else do you think knows?”
Steve sighs. “I don’t know. And other than asking them, and risking getting sent to a padded room…”
“Yeah.” Robin sighs.
“Oh, fuck,” Steve says, tensing up.
“I’m pretty sure I’m still with Nancy.”
I tried to tag everyone who wanted it… I’m so sorry if I missed you! Once again I’m so sorry about closing the taglist. Thank you for understanding! ❤️
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
Me @ all of you:
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
random thought #3
[Minor SPOILERS for the first part of TCF]
Cale treats his ancient powers like they're his friends. Some would say he "stole" them for his own benefit but I just can't see it that way after everything I read in the novel.
Cale, former Kim Rok Soo, made a connection with these people. To me, they're not just powers to him. In fact, it feels like he understands what happened to them and if he doesn't, he quietly listens to their stories. And the way he talks to them also feels less like a selfish person who wants to use them for his own protection and greed for power but more like giving them the chance to see a beautiful world that became peaceful because of them. It's like he's comforting them after they suffered so much in the past (which is also connected to the healing thing I talked about in my other post).
Like yeah, he's annoyed at them most of the time but he doesn't blame them whenever he gets hurt or bleeds way too much as a backlash after using them. Instead, he simply helps them achieve what they couldn't do when they died.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Cale said goodbye to the rumbling tree as if it was a person and exited the fenced area.
- Chapter 5: They Met
If he truly didn't care about them, he wouldn't get angry for them or at one point, he would've let their voices disappear in favor of getting stronger.
I like his relationship with them. Like they're the voices inside his head (lmao) and it might feel like he has wireless headphones attached to his ears 24/7 but he treats them the same way he treats the rest of his friends and family and it's really nice to see.
This is kind of the reason why I feel a bit weirded out(?) when fanfiction authors would completely erase Cale's (OG KRS) existence in the fic and replace him with OG Cale and give the other the ancient powers. Like I get people like OG Cale, I do as well, but it feels kinda wrong to see them with another person after seeing Cale bond with these people. In fact, I can't imagine them being with anyone but Cale, this chaotic little shit who gives Super Rock huge headaches and makes the others go violent for or with him whenever he's fighting with an asshole. Aside from one ancient power (if you know, you know), I just can't see him having none of them with him after everything he went through with them.
I keep remembering his almost one-sided conversations with all of them because most of the time it's chaotic but the rest are just as emotional with a feeling of deep understanding coming from him. It feels like he always has someone with him so whenever they're silent, I feel like the air is too heavy (like those few incidents when I just want to hug Cale).
I think the best description for Cale is that he's full of empathy.
So yeah, this is a random topic I thought about chaotic Cale and his equally chaotic ancient powers. Yes, I'm including Super Rock who isn't normal either. He's tamer than the rest but he's definitely not normal 🤣 I swear some people who think they're normal in the story are probably in denial like Cale is.
It just popped in my head when I saw the line about the tree in Chapter 5, which I quoted above ☝️
[Note: I'm not saying these authors are doing anything bad, by the way. This is just my opinion and I usually just skip those fics when I see them. I won't stop others from reading those fics just because I feel weird about this one thing about the ancient powers]
[Second note: This is about the first part of TCF, I dunno what happens in the second part yet but I hope to see more of his interactions with them]
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mapileonxputellas · 11 months
Beckham II: 1 New Beginning
Please find instagram aesthetic here.
Post here explains how I've wrote it, I think it's quite simple.
This is the first part of my new series and I hope you enjoy xx (3k words)
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“Do you ever think about how crazy it is that you’re an icon in Barcelona and yet your dad played for Real Madrid?”
“I try not to think about that. I think that bothers him more than me.”
“Does he have any Barcelona shirts?”
“Of course he does.”
“David, how does it feel watching your daughter play for Barcelona?”
“It’s the best feeling in the world. I’m guessing you were expecting some kind of rivalry but I’ll always support my daughter.”
Barcelona, February 2023.
One down, nine to go.
It was like clockwork in your brain. Training would finish, everyone else would rush to get back into the training room and get back to their everyday life. Yet here you were, on your own, just how you like it. You and the ball. Free kick after free kick after free kick. Ten in total, all from different areas, all with different aims but each one just as equally important in your brain.
Barcelona was a dream. You were here with the best players in the world but you hated letting anyone down. Every little mistake was over-analysed, picked at all because of who you were. At the weekend it was a wonder save which stopped one nestling in the top corner but that didn’t matter. It hadn’t gone in and therefore didn’t meet your expectations.
The expectations you put on yourself, multiplied by that moment four years ago.
You loved your father but many people probably didn’t understand that there wasn’t a gene for taking good free kicks.
Unbeknownst to you, all of this was about to change. “You’ve got a visitor.”
“If it’s another journalist, tell them I’m not interested.”
You couldn’t be bothered with whatever reply the press officer would tell you. It was the same every day. Someone wanted to speak to you, you said no. They came back the next day.
You’d think they’d get bored after four years of consistent turn aways but that was never the case. You did the press conferences, the interviews after games but a sit-down full-length interview was not something you felt like you could ever handle.
So you carried on, resetting the ball in the correct spot. Back to just you and the ball.
For February it was a sunny afternoon in Barcelona, the sun was still shining for the mid-afternoon with minimal wind. Perfect conditions to practice and as your teammates had pointed out you hadn’t needed any more persuasion to get that training vest on, your tattoos on full show. Along with football they were your biggest passion, your phone was full of tattoo inspiration and little doodles you did when you were bored, they were a big part of you and maybe the image you wanted to create for yourself.
You took inspiration from everything, football, the environment, your father. Growing up many would say you were already a carbon copy of him but the tattoos were the icing on the cake. Your mother may not have been as happy about them but they promised to accept all your passions and that included turning up every few months with a new collection of tattoos to show off.
“Maria, is she copying you?”
“You’ll have to ask her. No of course not, I would say we take great inspiration from each other. We’ve got a few matching ones, I’ve done a few on her and she’s done the same to me. That’s kind of what started our friendship.”
“You both have ‘looks can be deceiving’ on your necks, is that true for her?”
“Depends on what you think of her. Maybe some find her scary but you have to find out if that’s true yourself.”
You could hear someone approaching you, watching as you took the next kick nestling it into the bottom corner underneath the imaginary wall.
“Y/N, have you got five minutes?” The unmistakable voice of Sarina. Many people would love Serena Weigman to turn up at their training session, not you. Not now.
Shit. You almost didn’t want to turn around. Maybe if you stayed facing the other way she would leave. Leave you be in the bubble you’d created for yourself, nothing good could come out of this conversation.
But of course the Dutch woman wasn’t going to leave that easily, edging closer to you. “I only want to talk.”
“I gave you my answer a year ago.”
“Lots can change in a year. Five minutes. If you still want me to leave after, I’ll leave.”
Maybe it was worth hearing what she had to say. Nothing could change your mind anyway, you’d hear whatever she had to say and then she could leave.
You knew what she was here for and it didn’t surprise you what came out of her mouth next. “I want you back, I name my squad next week and I want you ready to play for us at the World Cup.”
“And I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“The fans are not that accepting, the players don’t deserve to be drawn into that drama because of me.”
“There’s always drama in football.” Maybe she had a point but off the back of the Euro’s success the lionesses have had nothing but positivity from the media and public. “We’ve lost Beth, we’ve lost Fran and I think the players would welcome your experience in that position. It’s your decision but I know deep down you want to prove people wrong and I want to give you that opportunity.”
“Some would say I don’t deserve that.”
“It will be different this time.”
“It’s been four years, everything’s changed. We protect you guys, you have support systems in place, we have support systems. It’s not individuals anymore, it’s a team.”
“I made that decision to protect myself.” Almost four years ago you’d sent that letter, asking not to be selected for international duty again. They had no choice but to accept it and when Serena came into the role she approached you but you told her a tournament on home soil was not something you could mentally cope with. Not yet. “Why would now be different?”
“I’ve watched every game you’ve played in the last 18 months. I know you may not see a difference in yourself but I do, the interview after you lost to Lyon showed your spirit, your drive. I need players like you, it won’t be easy but I don’t want something that happened four years ago to stop you showing the world how talented you are.”
You were conflicted. Of course you’d love nothing more than to prove all those who bashed you before wrong, to make a difference on the world stage after winning every trophy you could with Barcelona. On the other hand it was just opening a can of worms you’d hidden all those years ago. Although you were only in Spain it felt like a different world, you turned your comments off on social media and they never came back on. Interviews were a no-go and your former friends were now distant acquaintances.
“Can I think about?”
“Of course you can. Like I said, the squad goes out on Tuesday so I need an answer by Monday. Any questions, I’m coming to the match on Sunday, maybe I can speak to you after?”
“Thank you.” With a soft squeeze to your shoulder she was off, except now you couldn’t focus knowing you were about to make a decision which would change everything.
“You seem distracted.”
In hindsight it probably wasn’t the best idea to accept the dinner invite from Maria and Ingrid but you knew your best friends wouldn’t take no for an answer. The three of you along with Frido were sat at their dinner table, tucking into the tapas you’d ordered from your favourite restaurant and it wasn’t lost on any of them how your mind was elsewhere. Casually picking through your food was a total opposite to the way you usually devoured this.
You’d been debating on the way whether to speak to someone about it.
Maybe your dad? He’d gone through something similar but he was in Miami and would only just be getting up.
Your mum? She was the most rational option but she would never understand that pride of pulling on your national shirt.
Your therapist seemed the best option but the earliest session she had for non-emergencies was tomorrow.
“Y/N!” In your own little world you’d even forgot to answer their questions. “Are you alright?”
It could help speaking to them, couldn’t it? “I had a visitor after training. Sarina Weigman.”
“Shit man, I thought you said no.” Maria Leon was your best friend from the moment you stepped foot in that training room, you bonded over everything from tattoos to food. You’d been her wingman in getting with Ingrid and had a mutual understanding of each other’s situations with your respective national teams even if the circumstances were very different.
“She wants me back but I don’t know, this feels different from last year.” If Bonnie, your 5-year-old beagle, adopted 3 years ago to signify a new chapter in your life, wasn’t by your feet they would definitely be anxiously tapping the floor right now.
“They probably feel your absence more because they’ve lost other players.” Frido added some context. “Not that you wouldn’t have always walked into that team but now you definitely would. You’d be their main player.”
“I can see you’re considering it.” Ingrid pointed out. “When she came last year I could see you were like, definitely no, now you haven’t turned it down immediately.”
“There’s no right or way wrong to feel,” Maria tried to comfort me. “Only you can decide if you want to go back there.”
“I miss it.”
“Of course you do.” Ingrid agreed. “You wouldn’t watch all their games if you didn’t.”
“It’s just the fact that I’m comfortable here, I have been for so long and now I’m going to throw myself back into four years ago.” Four years ago when you’d been forced to move away from your club at the time in Chelsea and accept the fact that one mistake had changed everything. “Plus the media attention, no-one wants that in the lead up to the world cup.”
“They were your friends, I’m sure they’d understand.” Frido tried to make you see that side of things. “Shit happens in football but what happened to you when completely over the top of that.”
“I isolated them.” Of course you had friends in the squad at the time, in fact best friends. But as soon as you made the move to America you slowly distanced yourself from them as they did to you. You hated letting them down and completely understood that being associated to you meant unnecessary exposure where perhaps they would not want it.
“So you’ll make friends again.”
You’d changed as well, grown into a completely different person in that time. Your appearance and attitude on the pitch were a distinct opposite to the crippling shyness you had yet to shake off. “Maybe.”
“You will,” Maria assured you. “Plus I think Bonnie told me she wanted a sleepover with me.”
“Oh did she?”
“I’m not swaying you either way but if that’s what you want, I’ll support you all the way.”
“We all will.” Frido added wrapping her arms around you to bring you into her side. “We love you.”
“Thank you, I love you all too.”
“Speak to your dad, maybe even your mum. I’m sure they’d want to help.”
One of the funniest moments in your life had to be watching your teammates introduce themselves to your parents when they came out to watch your first match in the Blaugrana. Watching their nerves dissipate when they realised how down to earth, especially your mother was, when it came to their children. Of course their name brought so much extra attention to you but you couldn’t have asked for a better upbringing.
Maybe it was their words that made you do it but subconsciously you knew the best thing to do was to ring them. So as you got into bed that night, once you got back, Bonnie at your feet watching, you rang the number you’d had memorised for years.
“Hi baby.” His voice almost brought tears to your eyes. Although you tried to be as independent as possible, wanting to be your own person, you sometimes wished you could just go back to spending every night in his arms.
“Hi dad.”
“What’s wrong?” You hated how easily he could read you, how those two words were enough for him to know something was wrong.
“It’s nothing.”
“You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know dad.” Out with it. “Sarina Weigman came to visit me today, she wants me to go and join them in the next international break.”
“And what do you want?”
“I think I want to.”
“You think?”
“I just know that if I do I’m just going to be brought back to that moment.”
“Then you’ll go back to a moment where the referees made a terrible decision. Football fans are fickle you know that as much as I do but you’ve watched it back enough to know that nine times out of ten nothing happens. The commentator did you no favours, Phil didn’t stand by you as he should have and the media hung you out to dry.”
“I know.”
“But as awful as it was it made you the person you are today and your stronger now then you’ve ever been before. If you want to go back then you’ll make it work. I know you will.”
“Thanks dad, now how is…”
“How many times have you watched that tackle back?”
“Over a thousand times.”
“Do you think you should have been sent off?”
“Of course not.”
You loved Barcelona, from the moment you stepped through those doors 3 years ago you’d been welcomed in and never looked back. In 2019 you moved to America but your year out there was plagued with depression and homesickness resulting in a lack of game time, when Barcelona came calling it was a difficult decision with your family ties but they had a project, they had a good set up and you knew the onus wouldn’t just be on you. The first six months were still tough, working out Spanish football to both play with your teammates and counter the opposition but by the end of the season you felt at home for the first time in 2 years.
Your role this year had been heightened by the loss of one of your midfield partners in Alexia, but you were adaptable and that’s probably how you found yourself 4-0 up, having just scored a second goal in the second half.
“It’s almost like you’re trying to impress someone.” Mapi whispered giving you a half hug as you walked back into your own half.
“Shut up.”
“I bet she’s panicking that you might turn it down now.”
“She’s got other players Maria.”
“But none of them are you.”
The match stayed at 4-0, some of the youngsters coming on to see the game out.
You’d never been in a team like this, of course you had little arguments and there were small groups within the team, but everyone worked so hard for each other. And with that came the protectiveness, when you joined you were only 21, now 24 and the older ones took you under their wings. You’d been daunted a lot at the fact of playing fellow English players in the Champions League but they’d been your shield for those moments.
It blew your mind when the younger age groups joined you and they speak about that moment. Most of them staying up late to watch it making you feel old. But that meant they came to you for advice a lot of the time. Maybe this time though it was time to get advice from them.
“Hey little one.” Maria Perez was the first one you spotted in the changing room. “You played really well today.”
“Thank you.”
“How are you feeling about being called up?” It was only yesterday that the Spanish squad had been leaked and she was once again in it.
“Excited, another opportunity to prove myself.”
“I like that you see it that way.”
“Everyone should, it’s no different to playing here, as long as you be yourself you can never be disappointed.”
@jillsmithjournalist: Serena Weigman is present at the Barcelona match. No current England players are playing however star player Y/N Beckham scored twice. Beckham has not played for England since she withdrew from selection in August 2019 amid public backlash and a rumoured feud with England manager Phil Neville. Could a return be on the cards?
@newlionesses_x: Surely she can’t just pick and choose when to come back.
@wslfan: Fine without her last year
@england123: Liability for England
@barcelonafan: All you hating on Beckham are crazy, one of the best players in the world and you don’t want her back because of something that happened 4 years ago, grow up. Could tell she struggled when she joined us but this past year she’s been exceptional, people change, mistakes happen (even though she should never have been sent off in the first place)
You’ve known your decision for a long time but you still delayed giving it as long as possible before you could wait no longer. You could see she was the only one left in the hospitality area as you entered, the table she had chose overlooking the pitch you’d just performed on.
This was what you wanted and now it felt only right to give yourself that opportunity again.
“I’ll do it.”
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send-me-a-puffalope · 1 month
Nat rambling about the entire plot of Pretty Perfect Lives for way too long because autism hyperfixation doesn’t stop for no one.
I came for Elizabeth Lail, left debating with my friend about what the fuck I just watched /pos. I was so deeply invested so here’s me just explaining the plot of the entire show:
It starts off with Tiffany and Tucker (imagine Tiffany and Tucker as Barbie and Ken cause that’s pretty much who they are, but as TikTok influencers instead of in Barbieland) recording videos for “the app” and then they’re like back alone in their home and they’re having relationship issues and Tiffany wants to talk about their relationship cause she feels like they’re growing distant BUT she’s recording them secretly so she can post it onto their account for content (which is supposed to be tiktok but they just call it The App probably because they’re not allowed to say TikTok LMFAOO)
And turns out the conversation they end up having is that Tucker thinks he might be into men too but doesn’t want to break up with Tiffany but then Tucker realized that she’s filming all of their emotional talk to show to their audience that they’re “authentic” and rightfully gets mad because Tiffany is using his internal conflicts as content online.
They then post a video about how they’re going to explore an open relationship but open only on Tucker’s side — she was still fully committed to just Tucker. And then they invite this guy Jesse over for a threesome and it was really awkward and Jesse is like oh the way I like to do things is watching the couple do it and i’ll join in when the time is right. and then Tiffany was just like. ohh yeah no i’m not here to participate. i’m just here to watch. and then it was like Jesse and Tucker undressing and Jesse choking him out with a belt while Tiffany was just like fujoing out from her cuck seat
and then Tiffany posted a video about how their “threesome” was and Tucker was like wtf babe you didn’t ask me about this before posting. this doesn’t feel like you respect my boundaries and Tiffany refuses to delete the video because it’s gotten them a lot of attention. and then they argue and then they break up and Tiffany has a panic attack while screaming for Tucker to not leave her alone (Elizabeth Lail’s performance is so so so so good here, her wailing was so heartbreaking) and then the scene changes.
Lights come up and it’s Tucker coming home and being like hey babeeeeeeee and ITS JESSE INSTEAD OF TIFFANY NOW. But it’s like the exact same situation — Jesse keeps wanting him to record videos with him for “the app” and wanting Tucker to quit his job so that they can do like sex work online instead. but Tucker is like woah um. maybe not. what if i want a job in the future. and then he’s like hey babe why don’t we spend some time together instead, off the internet and Jesse has like stopped paying attention and is just like scrolling through “the app”.
Tucker is like trying to sleep but can’t fall asleep and keeps checking his phone and watching videos that Tiffany posted and he’s like shit,,,, i regret breaking up with Tiffany. and he calls Tiffany like hey i wanna get some closure, why don’t you come over. and then Tiffany does in the next scene in the fuckinf hottest full black outfit. black tube or tank top, black jean jacket, black pants and sunglasses and she’s like yeah. i’ve been doing. fine.
and then they have like cuts in of like Tiffany making DAY 68 OF HAVING YOUR BOYFRIEND LEAVE YOU FOR THE GUY WE INVITED OVER FOR A THREESOME videos. the day 195 one was her crying and saying that she was apart of the “women whose boyfriends left them for a man” community but that thanks to neutragena, the redness isn’t as prominent on her face (link in the description /j)
and then Tucker was like i regret breaking up with you so bad i wish we can just go back to the way we were. and then Tiffany was like no, we can’t. we can’t just pretend none of this ever happened. and then storms off
AND THEN THE NEXT SCENE, Tiffany comes home like disheveled and Jesse (now they’re dating) is like babe are you okay?? you can’t just go missing for 2 whole days and say that you don’t wanna talk about it. and Tiffany has a bit of a breakdown and she’s like i miss when we were keeping our relationship hidden, but now everyone on the internet knows and everyone on the internet hates me and i cant take it anymore. We can’t talk this out, we have to break up because i can’t handle this relationship.
This ends with Tiffany screaming I JUST NEED TO BE ALONE and a glitch happens and the whole stage gets like covered in code and the lights start flashing and then the stage goes black.
THEN. Jesse appears on the side of the screen joining as an “interviewee” from the incident that happened in the IRS-P (internet reality simulation project) where a glitch happened in their simulation and that Jesse got out but Tiffany and Tucker was lost in the simulation. FUCKING PLOT TWIST, THIS IS ALL A SIMULATION.
And they were asking him questions and Jesse explained that he was honored at first that the company selected him, a small influencer, for their huge giant new project. He had just wanted to feel the rush of adrenaline of people finding him attractive and in the simulation he found Tiffany and Tucker. in every universe, he was always intertwined with Tiffany and Tucker and at first he enjoyed it but then it felt more and more like they were just using him.
and then he starts dissociating and he starts hearing the interviewer as Tucker and he starts screaming for Tucker and asking him where he is and the interviewer keeps trying to calm him down but he’s like screaming and having a breakdown because apparently he’s experienced this interview multiple times and he can’t escape (so this whole section might still be in the glitched simulation ??? or it’s a trauma reaction. unclear and likely up to audience interpretation) (Nic Ashe was incredible here, his acting was so gutwrenching)
And then eventually when he’s able to calm down, the interviewer is gone and he’s alone again and his light goes dark.
However, simultaneously to this, on the dark stage, Tiffany is in this nude suit and she’s just like. taking the stage apart and putting props all over the floor (I think the nude suits are a metaphor for them being stripped of theirselves or baring themselves to the audience/each other when Tucker comes on)
The lights come back on, Tiffany comes back on in her nude suit and she’s like confused about the home being a mess and then she collects like the 8 phones on the floor and she tries to use two to start a fire and fails. and then Tucker comes in in a nude suit too and he asks her what’s happening and she’s like idk i tried to start a fire but i don’t remember how to. and then tucker is like did you ever know how to start a fire ?? and then he tries — using two phones and successfully starts a fire.
and then Tiffany feels like super useless and then Tucker starts singing “their song” because the mood kinda stinks and then Tiffany is like ???? what the fuck dude. not the time. but then she ends up singing too (and good lord Elizabeth Lail can sing i’m gonna kill myself she’s so hot i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose jr she’s like really good at singing jrs reallt i’m actually gonna lose it holy shit.) and they have this whole moment in their nude suits where they like twirled around and sang their song.
and then they kinda go back to being emo and stuff and Tiffany is like i think the simulation glitched. do you think we’re gonna be stuck here forever? Tiffany is like the sky and the ocean have no horizon, that’s not normal. and Tucker is like huh. you’re right. and then Tiffany says she’s cold and and tucker tries to use the objects scattered across the floor to build them a fort (the tripods and a towel) and he asks tiffany if there’s anything else long to use to build the fort and she was like uhhhh there’s a ring light (i think them having the social media equipment instead of real items is a metaphor for them replacing everything truly authentic in their lives with their fake personalities online).
and then the conversation goes sour and Tucker is like i’m trying so hard because i’m worried that if i don’t try then none of us are going to be trying in this relationship. and this part was like really funny (not intentionally) because Tucker is just in this nude suit and he stands angrily away from Tiffany but because of the nude suit, he’s just double cheeked up in the corner. and here they actually genuinely have a true heart to heart talk now that it’s silent and not cluttered by their online lives. Tiffany reveals that she signed them up for the IRS-P because she wanted to see who else was out there that she might connect with better than Tucker because it’s always been him but she didn’t want to lose everything she had with him. She wasn’t content with their relationship but wasn’t ready to let go of them.
Tiffany’s character is so interesting because while she is very clearly in the wrong in the beginning of the show, she’s given more depth as a character— she’s putting on a front for most of the show but when she breaks down from everything going wrong, she admits that she doesn’t even like the sound of her own voice and that she’s made so much of her life about her online presence that she doesn’t even remember who she used to be and how to stop. She has a panic attack when her life starts kinda falling apart when Tucker leaves her but she’s also kinda selfish in that she stops seeing Tucker as his own person and just as an object to gain attention for their “perfect life”. She often shifts the blame onto Tucker when they’re arguing but when they’re in the glitched simulation (the nude suits)— she admits that she does that because she thinks she’s the problem but doesn’t know how to fix herself.
GOD I LOVE,,, ELIZABETH LAIL CHARACTERS. who needs drugs when you’ve got autism hyperfixation
Okay, and then tiffany is like fuck it. and then they both take off their nude suits (Halle-fucking-lujah by the fucking way. I felt like I was committing a crime seeing Elizabeth Lail that undressed) and jump into the “ocean” and they’re like having fun and the world glitches again and goes black.
and then the scene changes again and Jesse comes back onto stage in a suit and sits down and Tucker comes in and tries to makes a conversation and Jesse is like no i think i’m gonna go (i think this is a metaphor for jesse rejecting the simulation and chooses to not staying intertwined with Tiffany and Tucker, by proxy escaping the simulation) and Tiffany comes on in this cute blue dress and she and Tucker start flirting again.
their hair is both wet and they say that neither of them remember how they got there. and then THEIR SONG STARTS PLAYING AND THEY START DANCING WITH EACH OTHER TO THE SONG. and then it fades to black and credits
I think this is implying that Tiffany and Tucker never escape the simulation???? cause they’re very much still in the simulation in the last scene while Jesse chooses to leave.
No one is gonna be reading this whole thing but holy shit I really enjoyed that. I enjoyed the plot way more than I thought I would. More importantly, Elizabeth Lail was drop dead gorgeous 🙏 and I almost died on the spot.
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^^ don’t ask me what the America TikTok was about, I can’t explain it to ya JFJWJDJ actually I think it was her acting as a conservative saying that gay men are trying to steal your man from you 💀💀💀 but it’s like meant to be satire dw
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ilovechuuy4 · 11 months
Hello!! I really loved your writing style and I was wondering if you could do bsd characters going shopping with gn!reader 🤭 like what they’d buy and do at the store?
A/N: hai! Hello! So when i read this I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or scenarios so a did a bit of both! Some characters don’t have scenarios but if you want any specific character(s) feel free to request again! This might take longer than anything because I am working on two other things! But I’ll try my best to get it out as soon as possible and I really hope you like it! (There is a little bit of all characters from ADA, PM, & DOA) I'm also trying it to post stuff AS often and just take breaks between posts so please bare with me! (I also wasn't sure if you wanted it to be a friend thing or not.. 😭
Armed Detective Agency
Characters; Dazai, Yosano, Atsushi
•cuponer. For sure but not because he doesn't want to spend money it's just because he is broke(he lost his wallet in the river remember?
• He would try getting you into goodwill. But if you refuse he's making you pay (he would get you like.. Two things from more expensive places w kunikida's wallet)
• She goes all out for you getting you anything you want and then she goes to get food with you(basically giving you royalty treatment)
•She will end up spending over 1000 dollars for sure, 500 for you and 500 for her, all her money too
Atsushi 🐯
• He wouldnt know exactly what to get you but he would try helping
• Atsushi is the one to see something he would think you would look good in and ask "what about this one? It would look nice on you"
Port Mafia
Characters; Chuuya, Akutugawa & Gin (together
• he definitely has big money, buying you all the fancy and expensive things. Any store you wanna go to he will (def recommending things for your too)
• Y'all will be at the store for hours on end trying on different things getting the perfect outfit(s) for you
Akutugawa & Gin���
• Gin is helping you find everything and akutugawa is paying since akutugawa isn't too social anyways
• Akutugawa would probably recommend two or three places he shops at but that's all, meanwhile gin is running around with you helping find things that fit you well
Decay of Angels
Characters; Fyodor, Bram
• he would just pay he wouldn't help you too much. Maybe recommend some places but that's about it.
• he would want you to buy a lot if stuff so he could just spoil you (he's def not into shopping with that one fucking shit)
• Bram def drags you into hot topic if you drag him into more preppy places (he'd pay for everything
• the moment y'all walk into the store he is already be tired after one store
characters; Dazai O, Chuuya N, Fyodor D.
Yours and Dazai's shopping trips were usual thrift stores or goodwill stops(but like.. Thrift store have GOOD stuff) but today's was different. Dazai had told you he took Kunkida's wallet, you was worried but he said it was fine because he did it a lot, but was it REALLY okay? Okay maybe it was okay. Don't get anyone wrong, stealing is wrong but. Kunikida knew how Dazai was for sure this basically happened daily. So you just went on with it, just this day.
About a few hours pass, y'all had ate, went to the usual thrift shops AND the mall stopping by various places (whatever stores you like) Your hands were full of bags and you were ready to go home, but Dazai wanted to bring you to one more place, a jewelry store.. Y'all entered and everything was different prices ranges the most expensive around 30k and the lowest was around 4k, but they all looked like, couple/friendship rings/necklaces/bracelets so maybe that was the reason it was SO expensive.
A few minutes of wondering and then something caught Dazai's eye. It was gold matching rings, they look so, beautiful yet of course so expensive. But Dazai didn't use Kunikida's card, he pulled out another. It was his own, he then got his finger sized and your finger sized. If it wasn't obvious to you now, it was clearly obvious when he slides the matching ring on his finger and the other on yours.
Dazai placed a gently kiss on your soft (h/c) hair, running his fingers through it right after. He loved you dearly and it showed, he used his saved and limited money to buy you and him something personal. It had yalls initials ingraved on them on the outside, and in the inside was the date y'all started dating. It was simple yet so loving. "I really love you, babe" he spoke smooth and slowly, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
One day on Chuuya's day off, he decided to drag you to the mall to get you more clothing (he just wanted to spoil you and that's exactly what he did.) Yall were in the mall from 11am to 4pm, trying on clothes, finding accessories, getting you anything you wanted at this point. He loved you dearly and he just wanted to spoil you today.
His hand was clasping yours tightly as he brought you to clothing stores, candy shops, anywhere throughout the big mall, carrying you when your legs hurt. He was such a good boyfriend and it showed SO much, it was so nice to see his love he has towards you. And at the end of the day you both were pretty tired it was around 4:30pm, y'all stayed at the mall for 5 hours, which is obviously too long of time to be in a mall, yall's hands full of bags, small, big, medium, all different sizes of bags from different places and stores.
At the end of the day y'all were walking to the car, loading everything inside when Chuuya came up hugging you from behind. His head nuzzling into the back of your neck. "I have a surprise for you" Chuuya mumbles against your skin. He then let's go and quickly goes around the car.
When Chuuya came back, he had a big bouquet of (fav flowers) and a couple bags of (fav candy) along with a small-ish box it could either hold a ring or a necklace. Chuuya gently held out the items waiting for you to take them. Once you did, you slowly open the box. It was a small necklace. There was a heart shaped pendant hanging on the necklace with a picture of you and Chuuya. Chuuya slowly brought you into a love full hug, holding you close, swaying the both if you back and forth. Placing a soft kiss apon your head. "Happy one year, sweetheart.." He said calmly, holding you close to his chest as you hug back.
You walk into a designer store (what ever one) browsing the multiple things on shelves, hangers, folded up on racks. They all looked so expensive but your boyfriend, Fyodor, told you he wanted to spoil you tonight even if everything was expensive. He had his arm drapped around your waist as y'all walked through and past multiple designer clothes and accessories. You felt bad if you got anything but he DID say get what you want. So you grabbed a shirt or three and a few accessories, which was around 5k..
This went on for about two or three hours stopped by ANY designer shop Fyodor thought was nice. Y'all had about three different bags from designer places and theyre probably was total of 20k spent tonight. You felt bad that Fyodor was spending so much money on you for no reason but you didn't want to ruin anything. Once y'all had decided y'all were done shopping, y'all had went to go eat. It was a resovation at a fancy restaurant. Fyodor planned this night like it meant everything to him.
Y'all had finished the food and when y'all walked out the restaurant, you heard Fyodor call your name. He seemed a decent feet back from you but y'all were in the cross walk so you said give you a minute and he shouldn't stop in the middle on the crosss walk. And once y'all arrived at the car, Fyodor called out your name once more he was much closer now but he seemed well, lower?
When you turned around, you saw your boyfriend's purple eyes looking up at you from where he kneels on one knee on the ground. A beautiful ring in a small red velvet colored box, open and pointed towards you. The ring itself looked even more expensive than the clothes y'all had bought today. The top was covered and small diamonds, how much did Fyodor exactly spend? But that wasn't the point right now, Fyodor spoke up, his thick Russian accent present. "Darling, will you marry me? Please? I want you to be with me my entire life, I love you so much, Mota lyubov"
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gacha-incels · 2 months
My current theory is that ( Puts tinfoil hat )  The ongoing gender war stuff in both CN and KR have definitely shifted how some 'waifu-collectors' see the female player base and therefore male characters in gacha games. There's definitely an ongoing narrative that women are the root of toxicity and more devs should adopt the waifu-only policy to appeal to as few women as possible and gatekeep their safe havens. The irony is that most of these people advocating to exclude women are using the vocal minority for their examples as to why, which is exactly what they don't want done to themselves. Basically, women should only play Love and Deepspace and men can play GFL2/AL/Snowbreak/Nikke etc. As long as women 'stay in their lane' they are satisfied, even though it's been shown that both men and women will pull for characters of the opposite gender and vice versa. Mixed cast games are trying to err on the side of caution because if they don't appeal to this crowd enough (by skewing the gender ratio harder, or by making more fanservice designs) then they will be brigaded on social media for appealing too much towards women or radical feminists.
omg yeah I feel like “gamer” men say this outright around the world from east to west. “women are coming into our games and making the women less sexy and everything more toxic” etc. attitude has ramped up. though it was always bad if you remember, in the west at least, the absolute insane violent tantrum reaction to Anita Sarkeesian for making like I cannot stress this enough just pretty basic feminist videos about video games. It was like seeing grown adult men have the same type of screaming tantrum a toddler would have when you tell him he can’t have an expensive toy at the store. except instead of one kid sitting on the floor screaming it was an unbelievable amount of men worldwide sitting in their computer chairs screaming and writing graphic rape threats and making full video games where you violently beat her. For the crime of just one woman talking about fucking Mario or whatever. THIS is how these men react when you do something as benign as that. I posted some more about this here.
you have no idea the insane shit that gets blamed on female fans or female employees of mixed sex gachas. A lot of that has been already posted here obviously so I’ll post something new I saw just so we can archive some more examples. Recently one of my friends from the infrared blog I sometimes repost here showed me this strange phenomenon happening on the Genshin impact leaks subreddit where a good amount of guys were accusing the developers of the game of being fujoshis because they thought a new female water character was being nerfed so that a previously released male water character would be the strongest water character. I thought this was a joke (my mistake) but it spanned a LOT of comments and got extremely heated. Later I found these comments in another thread there
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Like this is the thought process. This sucked -> ok so probably a woman wrote it -> well most writers graduated from liberal arts schools, and most liberal arts students are women, so it was definitely a female writer. This is how easy it is for this type of “gamer” male to blame anything they hate on women. They did this for one of the stories in HSR that was disliked as well. If you look up “有男不玩” there are videos on bilibili but also some on YouTube where you can get snippets of how these guys are thinking about female gacha players. They share some similarities with all gamer men who think women are more frivolous, unskilled and don’t like action games. there were particular comments that reminded me of how Korean incels wrote about women, in that games should stop pandering to us altogether because we don’t have enough money, or if we do have money it’s because it’s coming from a boyfriend or male relative, or we’re all just playing f2p. ironically a huge amount of merch sales, IRL events and fan-PR like fanart comes from female players and they are usually the ones to stick around the longest I believe, but these guys only understand the money aspect of these games.
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There are a lot of ones that were interesting but I don’t want to use too many since I was working with MTL, and then looking up individual phrases, and then retranslating some, and then looking up context, etc. lol. so when I have a better grasp on this I can make a better post.
in regards to how they find it ok if the games are sex segregated yes exactly,I posted about this earlier and probably a couple months ago too but this was most recent so it’s easiest to just copy here
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aclowntiny · 11 months
I got a bit inspired by the last post lol
But who in ateez is most likely to do a 24h challenge from YouTube (like saying yes to everything or stuff like that idk) 🙄🥳🥰😘🤔🤩
Oooooooh ok I love this! & I definitely think the order would change & they’d love doing this off camera just as a private you two thing…& just in case hehe 😏 (obvious warning: slight suggestive jokes/references)
MTL 24hr Saying Yes Challenge
Most: San, Seonghwa, Hongjoong
Middle: Wooyoung, Yunho, Jongho
Least: Yeosang, Mingi
San is practically at your beck and call anyway 🥲 man is whipped and just so in love, plus he’s naturally so giving he can forget himself. A challenge like this is right up his alley and frankly? He’s also just curious what you’re going to ask for. In his mind, the assumption is it’ll turn into a shopping trip or him getting food for you, but if the challenge gives him an excuse to dedicate himself to pleasing you beyond that? Oh darn 🤷🏻‍♀️ Seonghwa’s the same, very romantic and he’ll probably briefly turn it into some goofy role play of a butler in love with a prince(ss) 🥲 but really he just loves seeing you happy. If you ask him to do something he enjoys too he’ll melt because it’s YOUR challenge and you still want him included 🥹 so down to give you the full spa treatment so take advantage!!! He’s so giving *ahem* in every way, so saying yes to whatever it is you want will surely be his pleasure. He too imagines what you might request and gets really surprised and big eyed if he’s far off hehe~ Hongjoong is a little less ‘at the drop of a hat’ as the other two, but he’s a spoiler for sure 💅🏻 down to buy you whatever you ask for and really takes the whole concept as a challenge. He’s proving himself worthy a little in his mind, so half of him is like ‘whatever you want my love’ and the other half is like ‘come on, ask me for ANYTHING, see that I’ll do it’. Will tease you especially if you request anything you’re shy about or that you feel is too much, either asking you to repeat it or just getting a shit eating grin/smirk on his face 😏 anything he gets you will probably be the most cool/extra version and any treatment requested will be dialed to eleven on the romance, like you want a new outfit? Designer 😌 want a massage? Full candles and rose petals.
Wooyoung is also down to please, but he lowkey gets a little jealous and wants a turn! Like he’ll perform for you all day long, but would love it if you showed him something back. That’s about the only downside, though: he may try to influence your decisions or teasingly ask if you want something he just wants to do or give you, especially if it’s anything relaxing or intimate. Just let him join in and he’ll be happy! He’ll also buy you whatever and if you go out have a hand on you all the time because this day is all about showing off that you’re his! Yunho is down for this, though he jokes for you not to abuse it. He doesn’t fully understand it, asking if you’re not satisfied or doesn’t he do this already? But he’ll indulge you, especially if he gets some enjoyment out of it 😉 Being a gentleman, he likes paying for you already, so the day is a win in his mind as a chance to take you out and share only the best of meals. The best model, too, like feel free to use the outing as a chance to dress him up, he’ll work it and look great while making you laugh with his ridiculous poses! Jongho is also a bit skeptical, like it seems kinda excessive in his mind so he shakes his head at it. But at the same time, he’s very giving to those he loves and trusts when he wants to be, and you’re his exception for all the romance and affection. He can’t stop shaking his head and laughing at your requests, but he does them with no complaints…but teasing for sure! Will gladly sing for you if that’s what you want, we all know that! He considers himself a romantic, so like Hongjoong he’s going to go all out on very traditionally romantic versions of what you ask for, especially more intimate requests!
Yeosang is lowkey like why should I? Mostly joking, he just is confused why he’s becoming your butler like did he do something wrong? No, it’s just a challenge? He is very clear that he doesn’t want to get requested to do anything super cringey. Teases you if you want him to sing or dance for you, like don’t you see that enough? But ends up melting if you just ask for extra cuddles or attention, a big smile crossing his face at the thought that you could have anything and that’s what you want most. Gets softer as the day goes on and is down for whatever end to the day even if he has ideas. Mingi is highkey scared, like what are you going to make him do??? And what if he doesn’t want to do it? Secretly he likes being the one in charge, though he can’t deny his love for your smile and your pleasure. He just wants to do it on his own and not feel forced to do it. It’ll feel more real and not like he’s your butler. But how much he warms up depends on your requests, whether he’s at your beck and call or you want to spend the day in bed, dote on him back. If it’s more the latter he is sold, reverting to the total yes man and forgetting all that it has to be authentic stuff 🫡
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not to cause drama or anything but I HATE SCYTH ASMR! (Tw fictional domestic abuse, and fictional abuse of power)
Hate is a strong word, and my feeling might be a little over the top but, I do wanna talk about some of his stuff. I was a big fan of his when his first V vid was made. I joined the discord and followed all his posts. And then he posted a video that happened to have domestic violence in it, MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT PAST THIS!!!! this vid has the listener character “cheeky” (I will not be calling her that cus that’s is a cringe ass nickname btw) and V, the romantic interest training, then after some flirting (one sided on V’s part, I’ll get into this later) a cargo truck full of scientists drives by! V quickly gets into the trunk and kills everyone in there, the listener character tries to stop him from killing what she think is an innocent person, he kills the guy in front of her, and then throws her out of the car, chokes her, talks about how he’s going to kill her and pin her death on the people in the cargo truck, and then says “how about one more kiss before you go” before letting her go. He then afterwards explains that the reason he killed all of them, was because of some in story lore about werewolves. It’s explained that what they did basically caused a werewolf to go feral and become evil and kill people. So obviously! These scientists who were probably forced by the government to do this, deserved to die! That makes sense! Anyway the moral of this vid was that the listner character should always listen to V no questions asked! I hate this vid for a number of reasons. The biggest one is the number of comments sexualizing and romanticizing the fucking horrible and traumatic abuse this listener faced, even bigger then that was the fact scythe audio fed into it.
The worst comment (trigger warning, victim blaming)
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As you can see, scythe not only condoned this behaviour, he feed into it. This comment makes me sick. I accidentally watch this video without reading the description and became very triggered at the video. (this is not scythe audios fault, I must make this clear) seeing people make jokes like “I asked to be choked but not like this” and talking about how the listener character deserved and even enjoyed the attack was and still is repulsive.
The relationship between V and the listener character was also extremely abusive, but it was always shown as loving, or something like that. The listener has to stay with V and basically do whatever he asks (including kissing and I assume sexual favours) or be tossed to the streets to be picked up by either the evil shadow government or the actual government. Both wanted her dead. So, she’s trapped staying with a man who threatens violence if she doesn’t follow his every whim, who sexually harasses her daily, who diminishes her trauma, and who treats her like trash, just so she doesn’t her tormented and eventually killed. My issue with this isn’t the fact he’s an abusive ass hat, my issue is that instead of giving him any actual character growth, V was given orphans. He was made into an adopted dad to a shit ton of orphans cus he has ZERO REDEEMING TRAITS OTHER THEN HOT. Scythe audio must have realized this guy was his money maker and realized he had to make this guy actually redeemable if he wanted to have him to keep Marlon him money. Anyway it was unconvincing cus right after introducing the fact there were cute kids in the equation, he dropped the domestic abuse.
Another thing, less about the videos and more about how he interacted with fans. His discord sever had rolls for age! They specifically had one labeled “16 and under”, now, I’m not against having minors in asmr fandom spaces, but having minors especially such young ones in a sever he made? It just felt like a weird choice, especially seeing as he had and still has, and I’m going to say it bluntly, porn up on YouTube. Now you can say “but the video said 18+!” We all know that has never ever stopped a minor from doing anything. With this said, a large amount of his fandom was under 18, I’ll give him this, I don’t think i ever saw Scythe interact with an under 18 fan, but he knew they where there, he knew they watched his content. And yet knowing this, he wrote stories that glorified domestic abuse as a way to teach your partner how to fall in line he wrote stories glorifying the horribly toxic relationship that was V and the listener character. This type of thing affects kids greatly, especially if they have no clue it is abusive. Even in the video with the domestic abuse the description says “this may be triggering to listeners in regards to domestic based violence” not “Trigger warning, this video contains Domestic abuse!” It says it more like “it’s kinda domestic abuse, but only if that triggers you”
In Redacted, the description will always tell you what to expect. “Gaslighting, manipulation, toxic relationship” he will make sure you know that a toxic relationship is toxic, he makes sure your aware that the abuse shown, isn’t love. The most scythe does is say “well V is a villain! He’s not a good guy!” And yet her tries to make him redeeming so people like him.
Now, I get that this was over 2 years ago, scythe audio could have totally moved past this weird glorifying abuse thing, who knows! I mostly wrote this as a vent cus my friend reminded me he existed. Anyway if you made it this far have a nice day. If you where or still are a scythe fan, tell me what you think of all this (without being mean please) if you happen to be scythe himself block me I don’t want you near me. Anyway have a nice day!
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poppitron360 · 4 months
what frank headcanons do you have?
LOTS and they’re very Leo-heavy (Like everything I post). I make it no secret that I will defend Platonic Valzhang with my life- their friendship is everything to me.
1. Frank is more socially competent than he seems, he’s very aware of how others are feeling, and knows exactly what to say and do to comfort them. Specifically, he knows a lot about PTSD from seeing his mom and her military friends coming back from war, and so he knows what to do when one of his friends have flashbacks/nightmares. For such a big guy, he’s surprisingly gentle.
2. He does not let his lactose intolerance stop him. He will take that as a fucking CHALLENGE. At easter, he will wolf down chocolate like there’s no tomorrow (and then tomorrow comes, and he regrets everything).
3. Only swears in times of absolute crisis, so when he does it’s a BIG DEAL. One of the Legion hears Praetor Zhang say “fuck” and suddenly SHIT JUST GOT REAL.
5. Refers to Leo as a “smol bean” on multiple occasions.
6. Other nicknames include “Jason’s twink” “twiglet” “that annoying little gnat” and “tiny stick boy” (all lovingly)
7. GIVES PIGGYBACKS (Sometimes as an actual pig)
8. One time, Leo convinced him to infiltrate a kid’s birthday party as the magician’s rabbit, steal all the cake, and leave.
9. Brilliant cook- excellent baker. Makes a lot of cakes and cookies (Percy helps).
10. After much encouragement from Leo, he turns into a dragon and finally gets the courage to breathe fire (he was too scared before).
11. Loves to read- MASSIVE BOOKWORM- Reads Hazel bedtime stories. Soon Leo finds out, and insists on snuggling in next to them and Frank reads them to sleep.
12. Similar to the piggybacks- lets people ride on his shoulders. Mostly Leo, so he can reach high places (short people problems, amiright?)
13. Okay if you ask me my headcannons, you know that no. 13 is always “THEY’RE A SWIFTIE”- Frank’s not a big a fan as Leo (who knows her favourite colour star sign and shoe size) but has a couple of her albums. He gets properly into her after Leo forces it onto Hazel bc she said she wanted to listen to more modern music. The three of them make friendship bracelets together. Hazel is a debut girlie.
14. Leo paints Frank’s nails for fun.
15. Frank is the go-to guy for the dyslexics. Percy, Annabeth, and Leo all come to him with things asking “what does that say?”. He doesn’t mind except when Leo wakes him up at 3am (has that kid has ever heard of a sleep schedule?)- especially to ask him to read something Leo himself wrote.
16. Similarly, he helps Leo copy up all his notes into a format that’s actually legible- after Calypso’s island Leo makes sure the crew is able to carry on without him if he ever went missing again (he also wants to keep a record of his work just like the Archimedes scrolls he found).
17. Lets Leo rant about machines. Sometimes he just smiles and nods (because he doesn’t understand a single word) but Leo appreciates Frank not telling him to shut up about it.
18. Pretty much an old man when it comes to tech. What Is A Meme.
19. Just pretty much an old man full stop, and I am here for it.
The thing is, I always have a million hcs and as soon as someone asks for them I forget them all. I’ll probably remember a lot more as soon as I post this, but here is what I got for now. I’ve also posted a shit-tonne of Valzhang hcs in (one of) my massive Valzhang rant post(s), so you can find that here. Some of my favs here are recycled from that.
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captainjamster · 4 months
A Surprise Exception
Pairing(s): Kate Laswell x F!Reader Warnings: pre-established strained relationship with sibling, non-sexual intimacy, post-sex cuddling and talks Wordcount: 3.2k Summary: Kate really does not like children, and there’s not a chance in hell she’s having any. No one is changing her mind – but someone else might convince her they’re not all terrible. AO3 Link: Right here! <3
A/N: A few notes for this one! This was written all in one go, so I will probably come back to edit it at some point. While I normally write neutral SFW inserts, reader identifies as a woman because I won't write Kate that isn't a lesbian <3 Pre-established strained relationship w/ sibling is an important tag. This is not a generalised portrayal of single parents; this is an insert specifically with family difficulties, and a couple trying to navigate that with understanding but not permissive boundaries. Also, I hate reading baby talk too, I'm sorry! But I can't make a four year old talk like an adult, so her speech pattern just follows the overgeneralisation of grammatical rules most children engage in developmentally. Lastly, child-free individuals have every right to be child-free, this specifically isn't a "MC changes their mind suddenly" fic. Laswell just realises that not every single child makes her want to remove her ovaries
Full fic under the cut <3
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“No.” Her voice is firm, lips tight in that frown that you know means business. It doesn’t deter your dramatics, eyes pleading, hands clasped in front of you. “Please!”
“I told you, no kids.” She turns back to the countertop, sipping at the black coffee you’d just placed in front of her. The room basks in the pale sunrise, orange tinting the walls as light shines from the document Kate is already pouring herself over.
“Kate, it’s just one kid –“
“No! We talked about this at the very beginning. No kids, you agreed.”
You inhale deeply, squashing down a frustrated sigh as the pressure of your palms turns your vision fuzzy for a second. “Yes, I know I agreed – but come on!”
There’s a pause as your words linger in the air, and Kate’s shoulders drop. “Come on?”
You reel back, groaning. “No, I’m sorry – I’m sorry, not like that, fuck. I’m sorry. I’m frustrated and I just feel misunderstood, like you’re not… getting it.”
“Because there’s nothing to get; because we both made a very clear agreement when we started this relationship.” Her tone is final, but you don’t back down.
She exclaims your name in exasperation, swinging back around on the barstool as she white-knuckles the tablet in her hands.
“Okay, okay – just, okay, just hear me out. Please.” You try not to wilt under her disapproving look, but she doesn’t stop you, and you take the opportunity at full speed. “It’s not even for the whole day, just six hours! I’ll take her out to the park for a bit, I promise we won’t track mud in, and we’ll take a bath, I’ll dry her in the bathroom right after.”
Her nose wrinkles in disgust with the shake of her head. “That’s good and all, but our rug? The couch? My office?”
Your head is shaking adamantly before her sentence ends. “She won’t step foot in your office, I won’t even let her go up the stairs, and I’m going to watch her the whole time.”
Disbelief is etched into her frown. “It’s a kid, babe. You’re fantastic, but you’re not magic. She’s gonna make a mess no matter how hard you try.”
Your mouth opens and closes, every retort coming up futile, and defeat quickly sinks in. Your shoulders slouch, a pout pulling at your lips as you take up the stool next to her, slumping over the cool granite top. The sigh Kate breathes is long, putting down the tablet. “Your sister’s asked us for this last-moment shit plenty before.”
“I know, but it’s different this time,” you mumble into your arms.
“And why is this ‘emergency’ any different?”
“Because she said the whole place still smells like insecticide, and she doesn’t trust the babysitter to know what to do if it makes Lottie sick, he’s barely seventeen. I don’t think she’s lying; I dropped off a grocery pickup on my way home from the store yesterday, and it really did stink.”
Kate bites at the inside of her lip, contemplating. “Can we not just give her money for a proper one?”
You look up incredulously, and Kate’s expression immediately crumples. “Sorry, yeah. That was stupid, I know we said no more giving her money.”
You return back to your forlorn position, tracing mindless shapes that leave a quickly evaporating trail of body heat.
“Honey, if we say yes, she’s going to keep asking us. I don’t want to set a precedent.” Her expression is sympathetic as you peer over the ruffled humps of your sleeve, a hand settling on your thigh. “She had time to get a better replacement, it’s not like the house started stinking yesterday. I’m not letting you play unpaid full-time caregiver again.”
You slide your own hand over hers, grip curling around the ring nestled against the base of her finger. “I know Kate, it won’t go that far. She can ask, but I swear, this will be the only time she ever stays at our house until she’s older. If she ever pulls this again, I’ll pack an overnight bag and go over there – I’ll go to our parents, if I really have to.”
“And she’s really going to work this time?” Kate probes, arms crossed. “This isn’t another “oh, I was definitely at ‘work’, but then I went on this date with a cute guy I just happened to meet on my ‘lunch break’ and forgot to block you from seeing the photos on my story?””
“I made triple sure – she sent me her schedule for the whole month, and a confirmation text that she’d be late this morning with a response from her boss. She already sent the interview confirmation when she got it, and she showed me the congratulatory email when we went out for drinks too.”
Before Kate can speak, you hold up your hand. “And I know, those can be easily faked. So, she’s going to share her location with me when – if we say yes – she gets there, and I’ll call her work line at some random point so Lottie can talk to her, to make sure. She’d be putting in more effort to fabricate this than she would actually getting the job.”
The air feels thick as Kate stays quiet – just looks over your face, searching for something.
“I’m not helping.” She concedes after a long pause, and you bolt up straight, slapping a hand over your mouth to keep back a loud cheer.
“I mean it, I’m going to be in my office. I’ll come out for lunch and say hello, I’m not going to ignore the kid. But no begging to play games, no help cleaning up messes or disasters, no picking you up halfway if her legs get tired.” She tilts her head, an eyebrow raised expectantly, amusement in those pretty blue eyes as she gazes at you.
“Nothing, I swear to god, baby. I’ll have lunch ready at around 12, I’ll just text you and you can come down.” You bring her hand to your lips, peppering kisses across her knuckles, making sure to be generous over her ring with a cheeky smile that Kate fondly rolls her eyes at.
Charlotte warbles a rhyme she learnt in day-care as you pull into your street, kicking her feet in time with the ticking of the indicator as you stop in the driveway. She makes a loud squawk as you reach for the door handle, a small glare peering up at you through the window to warn your hand away from it. You watch as she tugs at it until the latch clicks, using her legs to swing it open. “I did it all by myself!”
You give her a bemused smile, holding out a hand that she accepts as her little legs stretch to meet the pavement. “Yeah sweetie, you did it all by yourself, good job opening it. You wanna grab your bag, or should Auntie do it?”
Charlotte gives you the most withering look a four year old can muster, sighing loudly as she grabs the straps of her backpack from the floor. “Don’t you know I’m a big girl now? I gotta carry my own bag, Mama said.”
The pressure in your chest hurts as your throat constricts, desperately holding your breath to avoid laughing at the very serious mistake you’ve just made. “I’m – ah, sorry, I’m so sorry Lottie. You are a big girl now, yes.”
All is forgiven as you extend your hand again, and Charlotte skips up the short driveway by your side, backpack clunking with each step. “Was my singing good Auntie?”
You hum approvingly, swinging your arm gently. “It was great, honey. You know so much about bugs!”
She gives you a pleased, toothy grin, her face scrunched up in exaggeration. Before you open the to the door, you halt, crouching down to your niece’s level. She frowns at you inquisitively, gaze moving between your face and the door. “Alright, sweetheart. You remember what I said?”
Her expression dissolves into a sassy squint, nose scrunched up in distaste of your obviously silly adult ways. “Auntie, you told me like – like a million times!”
“I know, I know. Can you say it back to me, just one more time?”
With a roll of her eyes, she takes a deep breath, holding up a finger for each instruction you’ve given her. “Auntie Kate is really really busy, so we gotta be quiet, not be yelling, and I can’t be going up the stairs and being distracting.”
You nod in encouragement, giving her a smile. “And?”
Charlotte frowns, thinking for a moment, before her eyes light up. “And no making messes!”
She throws her arms up as you cheer, her chubby cheeks squished between them. “Yay! Inside now?”
You clap your hands to your thighs, standing up to reach for the handle. “Yep, inside now.”
Charlotte barrels through the door before it’s even fully open, almost pulled back as her bag is caught in the opening, and you catch her hand to stop her from running off. “Hold up, cowgirl! Those shoes need to come off first.”
You shuck off your own, watching as Charlotte tugs at hers, before helping her line them neatly against the wall. Coming out the hallway, to your surprise, Kate is sitting on the couch. You shoot her a confused frown as you walk closer, but she just comes over to meet you halfway, crouching down to Charlotte’s level. “Hey, sweetheart, I wanted to say hi again. Remember me?”
Charlotte lingers near your leg, her hand scrunched up in your pants as she looks your wife up and down. “You’re Auntie Kate.”
She gives a small smile, nodding slowly. “Yep. That’s right.”
Charlotte doesn’t respond, fingers in her mouth nervously. The room is quiet for a second as Kate looks equally unsure, twisting her hands together as she speaks again. “What… have you been up to lately?”
Your niece looks at her owlishly, round eyes slowly blinking.
“I punched a boy.”
Kate’s eyes widen, taken aback with an expression you mirror. “You punched a boy?”
Your niece nods solemnly, looking down at her scrunched up fist with a dramatic reminiscence. “He told my friend – he said, he was really mean, and he said girls can’t ride bikes, and he uhm – he did this,” she explains, making a sharp pushing motion into the air, “and she falled off and got hurted and she was really sad. And then I was sad, and then I did my fist like this and punched him!”
She raises her fist to Kate, a proud look on her small face, and you watch Kate struggle to keep the corners of her lips from peeking up. “Wow, I see. Did you get in trouble?”
Charlotte’s pigtails bounce as she shakes her head confidently, bringing a leg up to point at it as she balances on the other. “Nuh-uh, ‘cos my friend had all the blood on her knee and she was crying.”
Kate nods, clasping her hands together, already out of her depth with the look she gives you. “Right. Okay. Well, no punching anyone or falling off things while you’re here, alright?”
“Alright!” Charlotte chirps, giving Kate the same toothy grin. She gives a smile back before shooting you an impressed but shocked look that you just shrug at, grinning. Kate shakes her head, and you catch and squeeze her hand, pressing your lips to hers appreciatively before she scampers off. “Thank you, I love you.”
The wink she directs your way sends butterflies through your stomach, and they erupt as she calls out, retreating up the stairs. “Don’t worry! You’ll make it up to me.”
Charlotte peers down at the puzzle, hands on her hips as she balances the towel on her head. Impossibly happy voices sing from the TV as a show she begged for plays, and you catch a blue dog playing a xylophone with her orange sister when you peak around the corner to check on your niece. “Everything going okay, pumpkin?”
The puzzle is very uncomplete, but she’s been following your advice of finding all the border pieces, given the little pile she’s accumulating concentratedly. “We can get an easier one, honey. 50 pieces is a lot.”
Charlotte looks up at that, unimpressed. “I already did 10 pieces of jigsaw!”
With a shrug, you disappear back into the kitchen, cutting up the last toppings on your board as you call out again. “Alright, that’s fine. But lunch will be ready in 10 minutes, so we’ll take a break then, okay?”
A small grumble of acknowledgement comes from the floor, and you get back to it. Before long, the sandwiches are plated up, and Kate’s salad is in a bowl with her plate. Charlotte makes less fuss than you’d thought as she drags her feet over to the table, clambering up the chair to sit down. Grabbing your phone, you send off a text, shoving it back in your pocket before bringing the plates over. Charlotte eyes the sandwiches, peeking through the layers of bread. “Is it good?”
You laugh, picking up your own slice. “I hope so. Your mama said it’s your favourite.”
“No way!” She perks up excitedly, grabbing a quarter and taking a big bite. Kate descends from her office a few minutes later, cup in hand and making a beeline for the kitchen. She comes out with a fresh cup a moment later, taking a seat across from you. “Thanks for brewing a pot, honey,” she murmurs, scooping up a spoonful of salad. “Have you girls been having fun?”
Charlotte hums through a mouthful, wiggling in her chair. “Shaw ducksh at th’prk!”
Kate tries to hold back a grimace, cringing at the food around her mouth, and you send her an apologetic look as you speak up. “Swallow your food first, Lottie.”
Between chews, she narrows her eyes at you, but swallows before speaking again. “There was a mama and her babies.”
The meal is spent in a very one-sided conversation about your trip to the park as Charlotte earnestly recounts every detail, informing Kate about all the kinds of bugs she found under the rocks. The girl is on a long rattle about the spots on ladybug shells when Kate clears her throat, stacking her dishes together, and Charlotte cuts herself off. “No more food already?”
“I have work to finish,” Kate explains as she stands up, “and I’m sure you’re excited to play with Auntie for the last hour you’re here, right?”
A misty expression crosses Charlotte’s dirty face at the realisation, her bottom lip puckering out. “But what if I goed home and comed back after I sleep?”
Kate gives you a pointed look as she disappears around the corner, and you close your eyes for a moment as dishes clink against the metal sink, silently cursing. “Remember we talked about that, babes? You got day-care tomorrow, and I’ll come see you on the weekend.”
Charlotte brightens up temporarily at the mention of day-care, but you can see the moment she realises it’s ‘stopping’ her from coming over as her expression dampens again. “Can we go see ducks on the weekend?”
“Yeah honey, we can see the ducks again.” You nod, leaning back in your chair as Charlotte shoves the last of her sandwich into her mouth. Closing your eyes, your head falls back until it meets the wooden frame, taking a moment to sink down and relax. But tension suddenly springs back into them as fingers slide under your chin, your eyes opening to meet an upside down Kate.
“Hey beautiful,” she murmurs, and you giggle in her grasp, humming as she presses her lips to yours. “Thanks for lunch. You’re so sweet, keeping me fed.” She gives your cheek an affectionate pat, pulling away and heading to the stairs as you sit up and give her a scandalised look at her teasing praise. Footsteps against the floor patter behind you, and Charlotte darts past Kate to the door before you can question her.
“Auntie Kate!”
Your wife pauses, and you can see her breathe in before she turns. “What’s up, kiddo?”
Charlotte drags her bag over, crouching down and rummaging through its depths to pull something out. It takes you a moment to recognise the scraggly stems and squashed petals, but Charlotte shoves them out in offering with the confidence of someone holding a thousand dollar bouquet. “Auntie said you like flowers, and I thoughted maybe you got no flowers inside, so I got the best ones for you!”
Kate’s face pinches into something you’ve never seen before, and you debate stepping in before she crouches down, extending her hand to take the ragged bundle. “That was really thoughtful of you, Charlotte.” She takes a moment to smell them – more for Charlotte’s sake, you think –, and gives the kid a soft smile. “Thank you for getting me flowers. I’ll be happy to have them in my office now, hey?”
You can see Charlotte’s fingers twist and intertwine as they meet behind her back, shoulders up high as she sways happily, and you can only imagine the grin she’s giving Kate. “You’re welcome!” She chimes, grabbing her bag and hauling it back to the door. You watch Kate take in the flowers as they droop over her hand, standing up as she casts a look over at Charlotte, running back to the table. Your gazes connect as she flickers to you, a grin filling her face as she gestures the flowers at you, to which you flap your hand towards the stairs cheekily.
Your phone buzzes as you turn on the tap for Charlotte, and you pull it out as she dries her hands, tapping in on the photo of the flowers in a tall glass next to her computer.
<< Can’t wait to see yours. ;)
“I still hate kids.”
“I know,” you sigh happily into her collarbones, pressing a kiss against a mole there. Her skin is still soured by sweat, and you hum appreciatively at the taste, basking in the post-orgasmic daze washing through your limbs. Everything feels warm, exertion mingling with fatigue to settle across you in a sleepy blanket, and you can’t stifle a yawn that bubbles up.
“She was sweet, though. Thought she’d be more of a menace.”
A hum is all you get out, listening to the patter of her heart.
“We’re never having them.”
Kate squirms at the way you huff in amusement against her skin at the remark, tilting up to give her a look. “I know, honey. Wasn’t planning on changing my mind.”
She grins, running her nails across your scalp, bringing you back against her bare chest. “Thought I fucked that sass out.”
You snort, dipping out your tongue to run against her jugular, kissing the damp trail. “The only thing that recovers faster than your libido is my attitude.”
Kate laughs at that, nudging her leg further up between your thighs to make you squeak. “Now you’re trying to wind me up, close your damn eyes.”
“Uh-huh. I remember them being closed before you reminded me you hate kids.”
You whimper as her fingers tug in reprimand at your hair before resuming their strokes, rustling accompanying the sound of breathing in the moonlight room. There are lights swirling in barely visible colours as you fall further into a world between here and unconsciousness, and you feel weightless, floating in nothingness with the only person you’ve ever wanted by your side.
“… She wasn’t that bad, though.”
“Kate, go to sleep.”
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dividers by cafekitsune
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Ace and Deuce special! Kind of… I guess lol Since our last post was about them. But there’re also some about AzuIde!
Anonymous asked:
Context of the latest post? :)
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, Anon~ But I’ll let the second Anon answer your question:
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ace finally got laid!
The entire twst cast does the “omedetou” clap 😔👏👏👏 Congratulations, Ace!
Anonymous asked:
Not their faults that they share the same room, Riddle. XD Also, poor other two roommates. (Freshmen rooms have 4 roommates, 2nd year have two roommates, and 3rd year have their own rooms. Only Dorm leaders have their own rooms)
No-no, it’s entirely their fault, why would they even do something like this?! (Cue angry virgin noise)
And yeah, I honestly don’t know how their roommates survive this, but who knows, maybe they are out for some reason and ADeuce decided that they won’t get another chance like that and got a little bit too excited~
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ace thoughts?? I have these like "twst character phases" where one character becomes my chew toy for a week and then gets discarded and ace is my latest victim 🤭🤭
I've kinda been thinking about pining!adeuce except deuce keeps fucking other people to cope and ace is insanely jealous and keeps avoiding him. Maybe he sleeps with one of their classmates (Jamil or epel maybe?? I like jamiace a lot) as a sort of "revenge"?? Which probably works after ace purposely doesn't hide the marks left from his "wicked plan" LMAO
Aftermath is they either fuck and become occasional fuck buddies making their pining worse or they avoid each other and make things worse (either way everyone is getting a headache from these two)
Ace is a nice chew toy, Anon, good choice! We have a similar situation, even though there are characters that are always our faves, right now we’re going through the first book again, so we’ve been kind of rediscovering Ace and Deuce lol
Ace and Jamil are a fun combo (poor Jamil just has to suffer because of his basketball club boys lol), but I honestly don’t know if Jamil would be up for something like that. Maybe he has his reasons though, it all depends on a scenario I guess.
Deuce feeling jealous despite knowing darn well that Ace is purposefully trying to make him jealous… god, how complicated things could be between them lol
I do like the idea of ADeuce being fuck buddies and not dating each other despite the fact that they’re super obviously are into each other and want to be together though; there are some nice doujins about Ace going through a crisis because he definitely wants to keep sleeping with Deuce, but just can’t help but cling to the “we’re just friends” thing, hurting Deuce very deeply. Wow this sounds more tragic that I thought lol but it doesn’t has to be: these idiots are hilarious, and watching them trying to figure shit out, fight, make out and fight again, and then have sex and stop talking to each other and then fight again is peak comedy. And also super headache inducing LOL
Anonymous asked:
Okay someone has to say it, next to Jack Deuce looks like a fucking stick. To be fair, you could be the buffest guy around and look like a stick next to Jack, he’s just THAT beefy
Yeah, Jack is hella big, so he has this aura that makes everyone shrink when they’re near him lol But I’m also prone to exaggerations when it comes to size difference. I love it too much
Anonymous asked:
i was the beach anon..also the dead dove anon from awhile ago, i’d love to discuss the beach scene potential in dms of that’d be ok
Oh hi Anon! :)
Sure, but only if you’re okay with me super slow (I mean it) with my replies. I absolutely hate making people wait and giving lackluster replies, but I also don’t have a lot of time and energy apart from drawing, which makes me a terrible person for chatting…
Anonymous asked:
Hello hi hello I am one simple man who enjoys AzuIdi very much- may your brain always be full of ideas and your hands be capable of completing all your missions
Thank you so much, Anon, it means a lot <3 God how much I want to complete all my missions. There must be more Azul/Idia in the world, and I’m happy to know that there are people who are excited to see them.
Anonymous asked:
So I was looking into your Azuide marriage AU and I find it very interesting so I was wondering if say Idia cheated on Azul for some mysterious unknown reason...what would Azul do??
Ohh thank you for your interest, Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
It honestly depends on the circumstances, but it would still be bad. Azul’s first instinct would be to learn anything he could about that person and how they know Idia. He would talk to Idia about it himself, but even if Idia just tells him everything as it is, Azul needs his own independent research to check if Idia is lying to him or not. Yes he is THAT petty lol
Azul is very bad at forgiving people, and cheating on him is one of the biggest betrayals a person could present him with. Of course, their marriage isn’t a romantic one, but it doesn’t change Azul’s feelings, and he’d be very hurt.
You’ve seen the “bad ending” scenario and probably have read my replies about it; although it’s kind of vague, but this is the reaction I’m picturing, to be honest. Maybe not as drastic, but he’ll also stop giving Idia any kind of privacy: either Jade or Floyd is going to be around him at all times, looking at his monitors, watching what he’s doing, who he’s talking to. Just to make sure that he isn’t doing anything stupid~
Oh, and Azul’s also going to scare that other person away or even ruin their life. Easily.
But there are also some exceptions that would make Azul begrudgingly look the other way. If Idia was to have an affair with Lilia or Ortho, Azul is going to just swallow his pride and try to act calm. But he’d still be super hurt and probably punish Idia in some other way.
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callsignspitfire · 7 months
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Prologue: Welcome to Miramar
This is the prologue to my new TGM collab series with my amazing friend @seresinned. Here you can follow the adventures of best friend Julia and Joey on their adventures at Top Gun and navigating their love lives with a certain group of aviators.
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March 13th 2021. Miramar Naval Air Station, San Diego
The room was stifling, full of animated characters, shouting over each other as the ceiling fan whirled above their heads, despite the rain pouring outside. The clock struck the hour and Julia sighed, she felt her heart sink as the instructor marched into the room, a clipboard under his arm as he introduced himself. He took a quick register, stopping abruptly as he reached Julia’s desk.
“Where’s your partner? Joey Ambrose?” The instructor glared down at her and Julia glared back at him.
“Do I look like I keep tabs on him? He’s a grown-ass man.” The instructor rolled his eyes and scrolled something on his piece of paper before moving on. Julia looked at her watch again.
“You better have a hell of a good excuse when I find you, Joey.”
“Hey, is this seat taken?” Julia looked up to address the smiling man looking down at her.
“Apparently not. My pilot is a no-show,” Julia gestured to the seat, removing her wet coat that had been dripping continuously on the tiled floor, and the man sat down.
“Well it must be your lucky day because I happen to be a pilot,” he smiled smugly, his moustache twitching but Julia just rolled her eyes.
“No shit. We’re at a naval aviation base for crying out loud.”
It turns out that Bradley was a pretty funny guy and despite Julia’s attitude the pair soon got talking and by the end of the icebreaker meeting day they were laughing like old friends.
“You know you’re not so bad Bradshaw. I feel like Joey would like you,” Julia remarked, watching Bradley's face creased with confusion.
“Who’s Joey?” Of course, she hadn’t introduced her loveable, idiot pilot, despite having moaned about his tardiness.
“Oh, Joey’s my pilot. He’s a nice guy, if not a little chaotic and times. I feel like you’d get along well.”
“Really,” Bradley seemed amused, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, I think you would. He’s very cool. He’s in a band you know.”
“Really? Anything I’d have heard of?”
Julia thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, “Probably not. I think he has a demo CD somewhere. I can find it for you if you’d like.”
“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”
The conversation flowed effortlessly and soon the icebreaker afternoon came to an end. As soon as they were dismissed, Julia found herself hurrying out of the room. She was going to give Joey what for when she found him. Bradley was in hot pursuit.
“Hey Julia, wait up! How do you feel about hanging out tonight? There’s a bar by the beach, The Hard Deck, it’s a nice place. Maybe we could grab a drink.”
“You’re not trying to ask me on a date, are you? I’ve just got out of a relationship and…”
“Let me stop you there,” Bradley laughed and Julia found herself glaring at him once more.
“I’m not exactly into you if you catch my drift.”
Julia thought for a moment before the realisation dawned on her.
“Ohh. Well in that case sure, why not,” Julia slung her bag over her shoulder, following Bradley along the corridor. “Can I bring Joey my pilot along?”
“Sure, the more the merrier. I’m intrigued to meet this cool guitar player now.”
The pair reached the door out onto the tarmac and watched the rain pelt down. You could barely see three feet in front of you through the torrential downpour. Bradley pulled his umbrella out of his bag, opened it outside and allowed Julia the spot beside him.
“My Ma said to always be prepared,” Bradley chatted happily and Julia laughed.
“Isn’t that like the scout motto?”
“Ugh, probably,” Bradley shrugged, “Which way are you heading? I’ll come with you so you don’t get washed away.”
“Just to the post office on base. I need to post a letter to my mum.”
“Why don’t you just text her, or email her?”
Julia sighed, if she had a dollar for every time Joey had said the same thing to her she’d have retired by now. “I just think you get more out of a handwritten letter. There is so much more feeling to it, it’s personal.” Bradley shrugged, opening up the door so they could begin their journey towards the post office on the other side of the base.
You could barely hear yourself think above the sound of the rain pelting against the canvas above them. Julia huddled further into her coat. Considering it was supposed to be warm in Miramar the weather clearly said otherwise.
They were a few feet from the post office building when a figure came sprinting towards them, no cost on and his hair smeared against his head as the rain soaked him.
“Poor guy looks like a drowned rat,” Bradley laughed, a slight tone of pity running through his words. The poor man turned around, seemingly ready to defend his drowned rat image.
“Oh, Joey! There you are! We were looking for you everywhere! Well, not everywhere. Here. We were waiting for you here. This is Bradley!” She spoke excitedly, pointing to the stranger. Joey seemed to look at her completely confused by the whole situation as the rain continued to soak him.
“This is Joey, the one I was telling you about earlier,” Julia continued, turning back to Bradley. “See, I told you he’d be late.” Julia watched as Bradley looked the man up and down and she already knew what he was thinking. Even she had to admit that Braldey was a good-looking guy and however subtly Joey was trying to be, she knew him too well.
Bradley seemed to be eyeing up Joey in return, tilting his head slightly as he stared at him. Julia felt Joey’s eyes boring into her as he gave her his classic what-the-fuck-is-this look, but she pretended not to notice, already having too much fun watching the interaction.
“Julia and I met this morning, in the icebreaker session..” Bradley began, smiling as if he knew something more, “Obviously, you were... Too busy… To turn up. So, we paired up for the session” He continued, still smiling at Joey.
Joey just shrugged nonchalantly, “Makes sense. Well, uh…nice to meet you... Bradley, was it?” Julia knew he was putting on the casual blasé air about him. Joey was extremely perceptive and would not have forgotten the name of the very attractive pilot in front of him.
“Yeah,” Bradley replied, seemingly unaware of Joey’s act, “and like everyone else, most people know me by my call sign, so Rooster’s fine too.” He stuck his hand forward into the rain to shake Joey's hand but Joey just continued to stare back at him absentmindedly.
“Like the bird?” Joey asked and Julia wanted to smack him at his lack of common sense. ‘Of course like the bird Joey, you dumbass’ was what she wanted to say but found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the interlocked hands. How long were they gonna keep this up, with the intense eye contact before one of them snapped.
“Mine’s Hurricane,” Joey blurted out and Julia once again found herself wanting to facepalm and Joey’s lack of social skills. Beside her, Bradley nodded, apparently mulling over how he was going to respond.
“Suits you” he declared simply, nodding once more and tucking his hand into his pocket. Julia could sense Joey’s urge to get as far away from the situation as possible and into the dry when Bradley spoke up again.
“Wait, so you’re Hurricane and Spitfire? Like the British warplanes?” He asked, grinning widely now.
Joey rolled his eyes and Julia instantly found herself regretting her decision to allow Bradley to walk her to the post office.
Bradley laughed again, softer this time, “No, don’t get me wrong, they’re good names. It’s pretty cool you’ve got matching ones since you’re partners in your squadron and all.”
Julia smiled, “Yup, that we are, and you’re right, they are cool, so whatever else you were about to say, don’t, we’ve definitely heard it at least three times before”. Why did everyone have to pick on their callsigns, especially a guy who named himself after a chicken?
Joey’s teeth were chattering wildly when he spoke up again, “Okay, as amazing as it is to meet you, as you so kindly pointed out earlier, uh, Rooster, I’m feeling very much like a drowned rat out here, so can we please go post that letter, Jules?”
Julia stepped forward quickly to Joey’s side, “Oh God, Joey. Sorry, yeah, come on. We’ll see you tonight at The Hard Deck, yeah?” She called over her shoulder to Bradley as she dragged Joey into the dimly lit post office entrance.
“Sure, see you there,” Bradley called back, giving a half-assed two-finger salute before taking himself and his umbrella back out into the rain.
Joey began to grumble about the cold and Julia finally felt herself tapping him around the back of the head, “Well, it’s definitely your fault for leaving without a jacket. Sounds like a problem actually. Maybe next time you could be more prepared.”
“I didn’t mean to sleep in,” Joey cried out exasperated and in desperate need of a warm shower and a hot beverage.
“Don’t worry about it. Just let me send this and we can get you home.”
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19:00. March 13th 2021, The Hard Deck, Miramar
Joey and Julia were tucked away at one of the corner tables of The Hard Deck, a pack of cards lay strewn out across the table between them, but it was bottles of beer they held in their hands.
“You’re a lot drier than the last time I saw you,” a familiar voice called from a few feet away.
Julia turned away from Joey to see Bradley standing in front of their table.
“Well, I figured it was best I prove I can do better than the whole drowned rat look, y’know?” Joey chuckled, giving Bradley a quick grin.
“I can see. Seat taken?” Bradley asked, nodding to the empty third chair.
“Nope! Feel free to join us!” Julia grinned, tidying up the cards that had spread across the table and stashing them neatly back into their box.
“Cards, huh? What about pool? You guys any good?” Bradley questioned, eyes twinkling ever so slightly.
Julia was about to speak up when Joey interrupted, “Jules will swindle every man in this bar, Dude, I wouldn’t even try it.” He laughed and despite Julia wanting to explain herself she knew she could win a lot of money if she wanted to tonight. All those cocky aviators who didn’t think a woman could beat them.
“What about you? Wouldn’t wanna risk my reputation going up against Julia here, so it looks like you’re my only hope for a good time tonight,” Bradley replied, and Julia had to stifle the laugh that threatened to escape her at the flirty comment. If Joey couldn’t see the way Bradley was looking at him then he really must be oblivious. Bradley hadn’t even been here five minutes and he was already trying to shoot his shot. Joey sat back in his chair, his forehead creased as he thought for a moment. Julia already knew he wasn’t about to turn down this opportunity, despite his awkwardness sometimes Joey could flirty his way into and out of many situations, sometimes without realising, so who knows what he was going to say next.
“I’m pretty decent, if I say so myself, wanna find out?” Joey smirked, cocking his eyebrow Bradley just laughed in amusement.
“Game on.”
Julia laughed as she watched Joey and Bradley head over to the pool table. She didn’t notice the tall brunette man until he took the seat opposite her, swigging from his beer bottle and smiled at her.
“Hello?” Julia spoke cautiously, eyeing up the handsome stranger. His chiselled jaw and high cheekbones made him naturally blessed with good looks and from the smirk on his face he knew this, although the way his knee bounced nervously below the table told Julia otherwise.
“Hey there,” the man spoke confidently, his brown locks falling across his forehead, softening his features. “I’m Jack, Jack Thompson but everyone calls me Mayhem.”
Julia took the hand he thrust across the table and shook it, “Julia, Julia Lancaster but you can call me Spitfire.”
He smirked, “Spitfire hey, I like that. So what brings a lovely lady such as yourself to The Hard Deck this fine evening.”
Julia broke out into a fit of laughter, trying to avoid knocking over her beer as she hit the table with her hand. Jack looked a little hurt but his face fell even more when a loud cackle from the woman behind him followed.
“Jack, you couldn’t flirt if your life depended on it. The name Dice,” she thrust her hand over Julia’s shoulder as she looked at her half upside down from her spot leaning backwards on the chair behind Julia. Julia shook Dice’s hand, careful not to knock the woman off balance as her chair wobbled. Dice placed her chair back on all four legs and moved it around to join Julia and Jack on the table previously occupied by Joey.
“I saw you at the icebreaker briefing. You're a WSO right?” Dice took a sip from her fruity drink, the little umbrella still stuck out the side of the glass.
“Yep, that’s me. That guy over there, Rooster, was sat next to me,” Julia pointed towards Bradley who was leaning over Joey, laughing at his poor aim. “And that’s my pilot.”
Jack looked at Dice and they shared a knowing look, “yeah we met him earlier today, looking like a drowned rat,” Jack added.
Julia sighed, running her hand over her face, “Yep that’s him.”
The conversation between the three of them flowed easily, Jack was so likeable and Dice, Julia soon learned her name was Sarah, was as tough as they come.
“So what’s with your callsigns then?” Julia asked after her third pornstar martini that Sarah insisted they had.
“Well I’m Dice because I ‘dice with death’ and ‘Mayhem’ causes mayhem,” Sarah laughed, “I guess it’s fitting for him to be my backseater with my flying.”
Julia found herself feeling less lonely in their presence and the evening went by far too quickly. Julia soon found herself waving her new friends goodbye but not before she slipped her number across the table to Jack.
“Call me.”
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June 6th 2021, Miramar Beach, San Diego
After that first night, their time at Top Gun seemed to fly by. Between training, drills, briefings and spending time with Joey and Bradley, Julia barely had any time to think about her ex. She’d barely thought of him at all. Their call up to Top Gun had come at exactly the right time and moving to San Diego had filled her with a new sense of hope.
The sun was beating down on a particularly sunny day when Bradley suggested they head to the beach with a few of the other guys. Joey, of course, had jumped at the chance to spend more time with Bradley and Julia wasn’t opposed to topping up her tan.
The beach was relatively empty and while the boys went down to the water to play football, or whatever the hell they were doing, Julia found a nice spot on the beach and settled down with her book and the beer she’d got from the Hard Deck. ‘Thank God for the Hard Deck’ was a phrase commonly used amongst the aviators and its proximity to the beach was a God send.
Sarah and Jack were playing football further down the beach with Joey and Bradley. Jack and Julia had grown closer over the last few months and they often found themselves at each other's houses when Joey was off with Bradley in the evenings. Nothing official ever happened but he was a pleasant distraction.
As she read, her mind began to wander over the past few months, the book in front of her soon becoming an inanimate object to conceal her thinking. She recalled a morning a few months ago, back in April when they hadn’t been at Top Gun for all that long. The air had still been crisp and the mornings still bore the chill of Winter.
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April 21st 2021,The Barracks, Miramar
Julia groaned, stretching out underneath her duvet and gasping as the cold air hit her flesh, rippling goosebumps up her arms. She closed her eyes once more debating whether she could catch another hour's sleep and still get to base on time. Their time at Top Gun seemed to be passing quickly, despite still having so much to get through, each day brought new challenges but Julia couldn’t deny how much she loved having some healthy competition. The clock by her bed glowed ominously through the sleepy haze showing 0700. The briefing didn’t start until 0900 but she wanted to get there to the base with time to spare and she’d have to make sure Joey wasn’t late again. She had to admit, he’d been in a considerably better mood since meeting Rooster, he generally was arriving on time which was a rarity for Joey. With another pathetic moan, she pushed the covers away from her body and dispersed from her warm cocoon. Her feet squealed in anguish as they landed against the cold tiled floor and she shuffled to put her slippers on and grab her dressing down before leaving her room. Her first stop was the coffee pot, boiling and fresh pot and sighing as she took her first sip. The warmth spread through her pleasantly. If Julia could she was sure she’d put herself on a coffee IV infusion permanently. With as much enthusiasm as she could muster, she wrapped her knuckles against Joey’s bedroom door.
“Joey, it’s time to get up,” the lack of any reply caused Julia to knock harder, she knew Joey was in there and he could hear her. “Joey, come on!”
There was a muffled moan from within the room and Julia decided that he was on his own now.
Sitting at the breakfast table she scrolled through her photo album of last night, smiling fondly at the pictures of Joey and Bradley together. Her particular favourite was the one where they both awkwardly caught themselves looking at each other as she’d taken the picture. It was so obvious that they shared feelings for each other, all the lingering looks, the awkward moments where their hands brushed ‘accidentally’, the late-night phone calls that Joey thought she couldn’t hear. The walls in the Navy-owned housing were paper thin and Julia could often lay in bed and listen to their neighbour's conversations. She had to admit that despite being surrounded by people all day and evening and being out in the evening with the boys, she was pretty lonely. It probably didn’t help that Facebook had bought up memories for ‘2 years ago today’ the other morning, causing her to delve back into memories she would much rather forget.
It had been a picture she had as her phone lock screen for so long that it seemed alien that she no longer looked at it every day. It was from her last trip to Europe with her boyfriend, it also happened to be the holiday when he proposed to her. She remembered it all so vividly, the smell of the pine trees that surrounded them as they ate their picnic, the way the sun had shone down on them, the playlist they had listened to in the car on the way to their destination. That was 2 years ago before it all fell through and they fell apart.
She managed to avoid him after their break up and gradually her heart began to heal, it no longer felt like a knife was embedded in her chest. In the end, they’d both resented each other for different reasons and their relationship had ended on relatively good terms, with both sides agreeing it was for the best. She’d refused to contact him, removing his number from her phone and moving across the country with Joey for their Top Gun training. It had come at the perfect time, allowing her to leave all the memories behind, but she’d only run away from her feelings and masked how she’d felt.
Switching off her phone she sighed, someone it felt like her heart would hurt forever but Joey had promised her that there was someone out there for her, someone who would understand the commitment she had to her job. Someone who would understand her work ethic and the trials a relationship with her would have. Someone who would take her on sweet dates, give her forehead kisses, and tell her funny jokes, and…
Julia swigged the last of her coffee, now cold in the bottom of the mug. Who was she kidding? It was all a fantasy. There wasn’t anyone like that out there for her.
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May 8th 2021, The Hard Deck, Miramar
“Hello? Earth to Julia? Are you in there?” Joey poked her in the ribs causing Julia to jump in her seat.
“What?” She glared at him, watching as he shrunk back in his seat a little.
“You’ve been really distant the last few weeks. You keep zoning off. Where’d you go?” Joey meant well and deep down she knew that but as she looked at him she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth.
“No, I’m fine. Just busy with all this Top Gun stuff, you know?” She lied, trying her best to keep a straight face.
Joey reached forward, clutching her hand in his, “If you need to talk about anything…” but she cut him off, shaking her head quickly.
“No. No, I'm fine. Or at least I will be.” Swigging the remainder of her beer before standing to leave, “I’m gonna head home to bed. I’m pretty tired after today's training. You guys have fun though.”
The boys waved her goodbye, and she tried to ignore the worried look that was etched across Joey’s face. She left the bar without looking back, taking the shortest root home and falling straight into bed.
She opened up her phone, inwardly groaning as it lagged so badly, and once again scrolling back through her camera roll to the years before. The memories flashed before her eyes as she relieved each and every moment that had once brought her such joy. That night Joey hadn’t come home until late and she’d cried herself to sleep, too exhausted by the time he’d gotten in to talk about his evening.
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Squinting and shielding her eyes from the sun, she watched as a shirtless Jack ran up the beach, his sweaty hair sticking back from his forehead and sweat trickling down his chiselled abdomen. She found herself unable to tear her eyes off of him. As if Jack knew she was watching him, he looked up, smiling cheekily at her and raising his hand in a shy wave. Despite his ridiculously attractive face, Jack was far more reserved than he looked.
Julia sighed, picking her phone up out of her beach bag. It had 20% battery, just enough to see her through the day. Despite her normally well-organised schedule and her obsessive timekeeping she rarely ever left the house with a full battery. She flicked open the screen, scrolling back to the past once more. It was bittersweet really, the whole looking back to move forward.
She selected the years in bulk and sent more than three thousand pictures straight into the bin. She wasn’t worried about losing them anymore, and all the photos of her and Joey were backed up on her laptop, but at least there wouldn’t be the constant reminder of ‘him’ there every day. Top Gun was a new start for them and she intended to make the most of it.
She stood up, brushing the sand off her legs and dropping her phone back into her bag. She waved at Jack as she ran over to him. There was no harm in having some fun while they were here, right?
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To think that today would be their final day at Top Gun hit Julia like a punch in the gut when she’d awoken that morning. The time had flown by and deposited treasuring every moment with Joey and the new friends she had made, their time was nearly up.
Thinking back on it all, Julia had to admit that the last few months had been the happiest of her life. Jack had been a great comfort to her when Joey wasn’t around and the pair had grown close. Sarah had become one of her best friends and Julia would even admit that Bradley was the best boyfriend Joey had ever had. Not that they would admit that to each other.
“I can’t believe we made it. We’re Top Gun graduates Joey. Who would have thought,” she squealed in delight, clutching her friend tightly and shaking him. Joey laughed, amused by her child-like excitement, although he too was ecstatic.
She caught Joey looking across the room and Bradley, who was in deep conversation with one of the instructors. “You know you two are good for each other. I’m pleased for you JoJo.”
Joey blushed, snorting at the nickname Julia had given him. “Yeah well, I’ve seen you getting pretty close to Jack too. What’s going on there?”
“Nothing,” she laughed, “We’re just friends.”
“Sure, sure,” Joey replied, “I’m gonna head over and see Brad. I’ll see you later at the Hard Deck.”
“Sure thing,” Julia turned around to see Jack and Sarah approaching. “Hey guys,” she waved them over.
“Hey yourself Spitfire. Hot damn I can’t believe you and Hurricane beat us. You guys are on fire,” Sarah laughed, giving Julia a sideways hug.
“Well what can I say,” Julia laughed, giving Jack a quick hug. “So, you guys are up for celebrating later? We’re all heading to the Hard Deck.”
Jack shook his head sadly, “I’m afraid not, Jules. We’ve been given our first assignment. We are heading out tonight.”
“Oh,” Julia wasn’t sure how to respond. She’d grown close to the pair over the last few months and it would be strange not to have them around every day. “Well, I’ll miss you guys. You stay in touch, okay?”
Sarah nodded, “Sure thing, Julia. I’ve got to go say goodbye to the others.” She turned to Jack, “Don’t be long, okay?”
Jack nodded, watching as his aviator retreated. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. We only got our orders last night and I didn’t want to ruin your graduation.”
Julia smiled sadly, reaching over and pulling Jack into a hug, “You couldn’t have ruined it. I’ll miss you, Jack.” Pulling away she grinned cheekily at him. “Promise you’ll write to me, like old-fashioned letters.”
Grinning wildly, Jack nodded his head, “Absolutely. Anything for you Spitfire.” The pair finished their goodbyes and Julia watched sadly as Jack disappeared into the crowd of fellow aviators. It suddenly dawned on her that she’d probably never come back here, to Top Gun. It had been a dream of hers for so many years and now the story was over but seeing Joey and Bradley laughing together with a few of the other pilots, she realised that no matter what she’d always had Joey, and their story was just beginning.
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Tags: @seresinned @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @horseshoegirl @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s
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vwbugggie · 5 months
Hey y’all!!!!
Disclaimer this post is just gonna be me runnin my mouth <3
Y’all i’m so excited to shift. She was on the back burner for a bit but the desire to get the fuck out of here is coming back STRONGGGGGGG
Anyway this one time I was watching a live (so sorry besties but idk the persons name) and they were doing free mini tarot readings so I was like what the hell lemme put my name in (honestly that was really big for me considering my fear of people knowing I exist lmaooo) and the person was like girl you’ve done all the work u ain’t got shit to worry about it’s coming and soon (which honestly is my mindset) but that was months ago and I’m just sitting here like 👀👀 ok when
I used to think once I got some direction in this life that I’d be able to shift but here I am with a full time job having the littlest progress I’ve ever had. Bonus no energy to actually try and shift! So obviously that was bullshit. So prioritizing my CR isn’t the answer.
And before the mini reading I paid for a reading on Etsy by pretty popular shiftokers and they were like u gotta focus on here homie and so I did and guess what none of it mattered cuz here I am
Low key now I think the secret is focusing on my DR’s. But that’s probably just me trying to find a reason as to why the fuck I haven’t fully shifted yet. I keep thinking the opposite of my current situation is the magical key. I know full well there isn’t one and my past journey proves that that’s obviously not how it works.
But there has to be a reason right? Some explanation as to why I haven’t fully shifted yet. So I ask myself, why haven’t I shifted? What’s holding me back? My gut response is nothing. Nothing is stopping me or holding me back. But that can’t be right because if nothing is, why hasn’t it happened yet? Which leads me to it might just not happen for me. Maybe it’s just not meant for me. And that’s scary but at the end of the day if I never shift I’ll just live this life like I always have. So take a break right? I have. I’ve gone days without even thinking about shifting. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum. I just feel stuck.
Anyway I feel y’all that wanna give up but honestly who I am as a person won’t allow that knowing I could have something better
Lmao did not expect for this post to go this direction but oh well!
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relatable-trxsh · 2 years
What We Came Here To Do Pt. 5
Episode 3 pt.1
A/N: Holy shit I'm so sorry this took me so goddamn long. But I'm back guys and I will be regularly (Hopefully) posting again for this story!
Summary: Y/N Kane is not doing well after getting speared but with a little help from her friends maybe she can survive this.
warning: Mentions of a knife, Surgery(?) lots of cussing, if you squint a little bit of fluff
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Third person pov
Everyone in camp was on edge, You were in an immense amount of pain and made it everyone’s business. Charlotte, the youngest delinquent sent to earth was having a nightmare when Clarke walked by. She crouched next to her gently shaking charlotte awake.
“Hey hey hey, shh it's okay wake up.” Charlotte jolted awake, sitting upright, shaking terribly. “Hey, it's okay to be scared. You're Charlotte, right? I'm Clarke, do you wanna talk about it?” 
“It's my parents, they were floated…they are all I see in my dreams.” Clarke gives the young girl a sympathetic look.
“Yeah I know the feeling, but I’d like to think down here we can live past all that, start over new and live a good life.” Charlotte wipes her face.
“Do you really think so?” Clarke stands dusting off her pants.
“I'm trying to. Now try and get some actual sleep.” 
She walks to where the water is then before making her way back to the dropship. 
“Hey princess.” Finn greets. Clarke hands him a container of water before sitting down.
“I'm worried about Y/n. She had a temperature and hasn't woken up yet. If I can't get advice from my mom soon I don't know what we’re going to do.” Finn signs looking down at you.
“Yeah, It worries me as well,” he says yawning.
“You should go get some rest, I'll keep an eye on her.” Finn is reluctant but nods because he was exhausted. 
Clarke walks over to where Monty was working. 
“How’s it going, Monty?” He lets out a sad sigh. 
“Not well. The bracelets are fried before I can even try and use them.” 
Clarke rubs her face in frustration, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Monty notices and places his hand on hers. 
“Look Clarke it’s gonna be okay.” 
“W-what if I can’t save her.” He gives Clarke's hand a firm but gentle squeeze. 
“Hey don’t think like that, negative thoughts bring negative actions. No pressure but you got this.” She takes a deep breath and nods bending down to hug him. Monty is thrown back at first but hugs her back.
“Thank you Monty” He nods into her shoulder. 
“Go get some sleep I’ll watch over her. Not like I’m gonna make any progress with these bracelets.” Clarke thankfully nods and goes to her tent. 
Monty walks over to you and sits down taking your hand in his. 
“Hey, they goober. I really need you to push through this. I know it’s for mostly selfish reasons because I don’t want you to die but also because we need you at this camp. I need your brains I know you would know how to contact the arch with these stupid bracelets. Hell if you were awake right now we’d probably have full power on this ship.” Your hand twitches a little and Monty smirks. “Cocky much.”
The next morning Finn walks into the ship and sees Monty asleep holding your hand. He goes to wake Monty but a hand stops him. 
“He was up all night watching her, Plus they are pretty precious.” Clarke chuckles. Finn smiles and looks at you for a long moment, sadness in his heart as he thought back to the first time he met you.
You came racing to the mechanic wing tripping over your feet as you call, no scream down the hall for Wick. Before you could ever watch where you were going you collided with someone both of you hitting the ground. “Jesus watch where you're going!” You rub your head and look up. 
“Sorry doofus I was in a hurry.” The boy with fluffy hair looks you up and down. 
“Who you calling doofus, doofus.” You couldn't help but giggle a little which caused the boy to smile and hold out his hand. 
“I'm Finn.” You grab his hand and give it a good shake.
“I'm Y/n” 
“So where were you going in such a hurry?” You both stand up and you do a little twirl. 
“I was going to show my best friend my new mechanics outfit!” 
“Mechanics outfit huh?” He smirks. You nod proudly. 
“I got into the program a month ago but my outfit just came.”
“Well go get 'em, tiger.”
“Finn…Finn?” Clarke waved her hand in front of his face.
“Uh sorry…” Clarke gives him a sad smile.
“We're gonna save her I have an idea., It's not a great idea and it's gonna be hard for everyone but it might actually save her. I'm going to cut out the infection.” Finn looks at Clarke a little scared. “We don't have any other option, Finn. We have to try.” He lets out a sigh before nodding.
“Okay, let's do it. I’ll wake up Monty you get what you need.”
About 45 minutes pass before Monty, Jasper, Clarke, and Finn stood around you, no one saying a word for a few minutes. Clarke is the first to speak.
“I really need you guys to make sure she doesn't move okay?” The boy's nod in agreement and Clarke takes in a deep breath before pressing the knife to your skin. Immediately You scream, jerking your body trying to get away from what was hurting you. “Hold her still!” They grab onto you tighter, watching in horror as their best friend screams.
Clarke was almost done when Bellamy comes running in.
“What the fuck are you guys doing to her?!” He didn't know when it happened but over the last few days, listening to the rest of the camp complain about You saying that they should just let you die had made him feel protective over you. So when he had gotten back from target practice with Murphy and your screams filled the camp his heart dropped to the bottom of his chest. 
“Saving her life!” Finn snapped trying to hold you still.
“She can't be saved.” Murphy says walking in behind Bellamy. Bellamy is silent for a moment and Murphy looks at him.
“You can't be serious, you really think they can save her?” Bellamy looks at Clarke.
“Do what you have to do, I’ll be crowd control.” Clarke nods at him, mentally thanking him and Murphy scoffs before Bellamy shoves him out of the dropship. 
Clarke goes back to work and soon she finishes. At some point, you passed out from the pain.
Monty and Jasper had left to take a nap so that left Clarke and Finn once again. Clarke pokes at the red moss on your open wound as she contemplated. 
“Whatever this red moss is, is clearly helping to heal her. I need to find more.” Finn nods. 
“Ill tell Monty and Jasper to watch over her, we can go on a little adventure.” 
As soon as Clarke and Finn leave, reluctantly letting Wells tag along, Bellamy walks into the dropship. 
“Hey can I can talk to her for a minute.” Monty and Jasper look at Bellamy.
“Uhh… sure want us to go outside?” Bellamy nods. They shrug and leave. Bellany takes a seat next to you and grabs your hand.
“Hey… sorry, I have visited since that night. I don't know why I'm so scared that you are gonna die but I am. I don't even know you but I feel so connected to you.” He leans down and kisses your hand. “Please don't die Y/n I need you.” He gets up and leaves not saying a word to Monty and Jasper. He leaves the camp with a hunting team, deciding he needed to kill something.
You continue to moan and scream in pain. Monty and Jasper just whisper to you and hold your hands trying to calm you down. 
Outside the drop ship, Murphy is going crazy. He stands up knife in his hand. 
“That's it, I can't take this anymore, she's fucking dead.” Mbege looks up at Murphy.
“I thought Bellamy said to leave her alone?” Murphy scoffs.
“I don't fucking care.” Octavia gets up from where she was sitting next to  Atom and books it to the dropship. 
“Murphy… he's gonna come…and kill Y/n” Monty shoots up from his seat and runs to the hatch, sitting on it just as Murphy tries to come in. 
“Jasper, Octavia get me something thing to block the hatch!” They search around as Murphy pounds on the door.
“NO!” Octavia finally finds something big enough. 
“Got it, move!” She places it and the three of the watch the hatch, it moves but keeps Murphy out. 
A full day goes by before Clarke, Finn, Wells Bellamy come back with the moss and atoms dead body.
Octavia runs out there. 
“What the hell happened?!” 
“There was a fog. We all got caught in it but looks like some didn't find shelter.” Finn says sadly. 
“I'm sorry but I need to get to Y/n. Octavia, I’m so sorry.”
She nods and gives Clarke's hand a squeeze. Bellamy looks that the other delinquents.
“Get Clarke whatever she needs.”
“Jesus I was starting to think you guys died!” Jasper said exasperated. Finn sighs.
“There was a weird green fog, we did almost die.” Monty starts asking questions to which Finn answers the best he came about the fog while Clarke starts applying the red moss.
Bellamy looks at Murphy
“Anyone here besides Atom die?” Murphy does his signature scoff.
“How's Y/n?”
“Tried to take her out but your psycho little sister and he stupid frie-” Bellamy lunges forward and grabs him by the collar.
“My what?” He says angrily.
“Your little sister.” Bellamy shoves him to the ground.
“That's what I thought, and if you ever try to lay hands on Y/n again you're done.”
@gaymansruse @severa-kane @slut4bradley
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theplatypusblue · 6 months
(I can be a little mean but I promise I’m having fun lol)
Episodes 1 + 2:
Man this shits super boring.
Idk if I can get behind craggers plot line tbh. He’s too much of a dumbass for me to really root for him.
The lore seems really cool so far. I like the settings and the stuff about the legend beasts.
Like?? Forest full of trees that just fall down all the time? Epic.
Legend beasts are especially cool cuz it means this is how Chima characters react when seeing a regular ass lion for the first time:
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Episode 3:
Man Laval really fucked everything up.
I have a feeling all of cragger’s dumbass-ness, like, transferred over to laval and now we’re gonna be seeing him making all the dumbass decisions
The only thing I really care about here is the b-plot about Gorzan and his flower. More engaging than the main plot
Episode 4:
Prediction about Laval replacing Cragger as the resident dumbass seems to be coming true
Gorzan is quickly becoming my favorite.
Oh hey look it’s the beavers!! I remember they show up in that one episode of ninjago. I had zero context for what they were all about then but now I know!!
Episode 5:
The gorilla tribe seems like the most chill out of everyone. Gorillas 👍
Can I just say I hate the fucking skunk. He sucks.
Honestly kind of a nothing episode
Episode 6:
Eagle spire does that cool thing where all the buildings are built on super scary precipices. There’s literally a post going around about this exact thing but I can’t find it rn
Oh so the eagles are just a bunch of nerds. A little weird I guess(?) I feel like eagles are usually symbols of strength n stuff so that’s different. It’s giving cloud kingdom.
“Wing girl” tf kinda nickname??
Apparently the ravens are double crossing everyone but I have not been paying close enough attention to what’s going on to really process that
Ok so it was all an extremely convoluted way for the crocs to get everyone to fight each other. And the ravens tried to profit but they’re kinda stupid so nothing really worked out for anyone
Episode 7:
Purble moon??? Epic
Man the bears are so epic just like me fr
Nooo don’t mess w the gorillas they’re so chill :(
I am entirely uninterested in the 100 year full moon skunk fart lore. Sorry.
It’s a little strange and maybe I’m hallucinating but I feel like the animation has has somehow gotten better?? Like the lighting or smthn…. Or the facial expressions???
Oh….. skunk fart lore is plot relevant………
Now that I’m thinking… is that the only skunk in chima?? Cuz rn it looks like just the one guy
Episode 8:
Oh it’s a big boy chi
There’s a fucking peacock?? Don’t know how to spell his name. So wait if he wins who does the chi go to?? He gets it all to himself?
Oh wait nvm it’s probably a cragger thing. Mr. Peacock comes back after retirement or w/ever in order to do some evil shit with the crocs I get it I get it
Gorzan I love you
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY?? Is it a pig? A warthog??? It’s giving Mr. E vibes.
Man idk this episode is structured rlly weirdly. Nothing really fit together very well. It’s alright tho.
Episode 9:
GORILLA EPISODE?? Let’s go dude
It funny cuz I feel like gorillas aren’t actually this mellow irl
Oh hey it’s our mystery mans. Oh nevermind he left again.
There are balloon plants?? Oh yeah those are the things they were using in the other episode. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to anything else that happened.
Episode 10:
Uhh I forgot to take notes while watching uhhh
The fox guy was cute. I like a little fox guy
This episode managed to make me feel a little bad for cragger!! He wants to do a good job but he kinda sucks at everything :(
It also made me confused abt cruller!!! What are you doing w ur life girl!!!!
Kinda messed up how the wolves had to serve the crocodiles tho… probly for the best she threw away that pledge
If Laval’s dad is right when he says they’re not gonna race for chi for a long time, I’m guessing they’re not gonna do any more racing episodes for some time. That’s fine honestly.
WAIT THAT RHINO GUY’S DYING. Oh nvm. This whole situation is cringe I hope it’s a one-off thing….
Also I forgot everyone thinks craggers parents are dead but really they’re just chilling in that canyon. Kinda funny actually
Episode 11:
Oh man the wolves are fucking everything up
“We all gotta stay here till the walls are fixed” bruh just call the beavers or smthn
Man what is the deal with this shadow wind dude.
If there’s one similarity I could point out with ninjago, it’s all this talk abt ~the balance~. I guess it makes sense since they take place in the same universe, technically
These bears are so cute lol napping does solve everything so true
Episode 12:
Jets travel super fast in the air. If they’re going through a storm Laval should totally be dead by now
Cragger is setting boundaries!! We love to see it. Cruller is acting pretty cringe. In her ~~girlfailure era~~
Is Laval gonna fall in this gorge?? Oh yeah he’s gonna fall in this gorge
Noooo Gorzans underwear is gonna tear
It’s a little sweet how Laval still wants to help out cragger
Episode 13:
I guess I’m still not super into cragger but I pity him a little. He’s trying his best but he’s just a bit stupid. And also his sister sucks ass
Okay. So she may be cringe but cruller is living her best(-ish) life.
That wolf is wearing a really cute apron
Man they were bringing up Shadow wind earlier and I thought they were gonna reveal their identity but now I’m a bit disappointed…
Laval is being peak dumbass rn I kinda like it. “The warm milk of oppression” lol
Episode 14:
“You bears think you’re so clever” bro they are literally asleep I don’t think they give a shit
I think the thing with Cragger is that I absolutely hate him when he’s under the influence of the flower thingy. He’s unlikable in a not-so-fun way, but he seems much more cute/compelling when he’s normal lol.
Oh my god they’re getting back-alley chi lmao
Oh is everyone gonna think Cragger did this on purpose. That’s sad.
This Reagle(?) guy is really silly I like his design a lot
Ohhhhh the wolves are gonna plug the fake chi and become chickens. It’s not a Cragger-might-be-evil thing. Gotchaaaa that’s cute
Seeing Cragger and Leval act like buddies again is genuinely nice they’re friends :)
Episode 15:
Eagles are based communists that live in the sky got it 👍
Cruller stop fucking with the gorillas istg.
Okay what the hell did burning the flower do. Is that like taking an inhalant
The ravens attempted to use the eagles’ based communist values against them. However, they didn’t realize that the eagles are boring as shit, and don’t “own” anything cool in the first place. Based communist eagles for the win.
Okay wait is Eris liking the rhino like. A brand new development or was it hinted at before?? It’s been a hot second since I watched the last couple episodes
Also I recognize that animation from the Ninjago season 5 finale lol
Episode 16:
Man I just hate this stupid skunk
This fog of destiny stuff is really goofy looking from the outside lmao it’s hard to take serious
So it’s like. Making them entirely delusional or something? Some of them are acting the opposite of how they usually do, but others are having like, delusions of grandeur. Idk how it works exactly
Laval there has got to be a smarter way to wake them up. You keep getting thrown into the lake…. Oh my god is the skunk gonna fart again. If that’s literally how they wake them up I’m gonna be so mad.
Oh okay thank god I was wrong.
Oh wait it randomly made cragger evil again. Man come on.
Cruller you stupid dumb idiot lmao get wrecked honestly
I hope the skunk dies like actually for real
Episode 17:
Oh shit Lavals dad also had a best friend that did shitty things and eventually grew apart from?? Damn.
Also Laval in exile time!!! Hopefully this will be cool
Eh. It’s not so cool with the skunk around
OH SHIT is the shadow wind the guy that was exiled before??? Ohhhhh
Ahhh okay Cruller backstory time. Damn girl was getting compared to her sibling straight out the egg. Didn’t even have a moment to spare there huh
Noooo Laval you just enslaved the wolves again by giving him the treaty. That was like the one cool thing cruller manages to do
Oh. I guess the exile thing literally didn’t matter at all lmao kinda underwhelming
Episode 18:
Lol so Cragger is such a dickhead now it’s even causing his stupid ominous dream to take notice
Okay so the floating mountain that gives everyone the chi also makes you on fire when you touch it. Chima world building really is epic man I gotta include random cool shit in my stories once I get around to writing stuff
This definitely feels like part of a finale lol maybe we’ll finally learn what the deal is w shadow wind
Andddddd the chi’s all fucked up now
Episode 19:
Tbh I would also be kinda mad at the lions like. They had no idea what they were doing or if it would have any negative consequences.
Man the whole thing with the wolves just kinda. Fizzled out huh? Like a few episodes ago they had ~all the chi in chima~ and now they’re all like “idk man why don’t we all just get along” lol
I love the attitude of just asking the beavers to fix the mountain. Like let’s just chuck a couple of construction workers at this malfunctioning holy site that’ll probably work
Episode 20:
I’m guessing this is the finale?? Let’s see
Laval looks so weird without his little crown thingy lol hes so square
He’s definitely not dead tho
OH UM. Okay well that complicates things. And there’s like a million other questions we still haven’t answered but ok. I guess all of that other stuff can wait until later????
I thought the eagle guy said chima only had 2 moons left before everything fell apart?? So they really gotta get the ball rolling on that one uhm. Oh well.
**EDIT** Last time I posted this I thought it stopped at episode 13 for some reason?? Tubi is stupid; thanks to the person who pointed out the actual episode number. I’ll probably stop here for a while, sorry it took so long to update this lol. My initial thoughts and feelings haven’t really changed all that much, so I’ll keep them as they were:
I definitely feel like it’s a show that doesn’t have super strong characters. I think it would better if the show leaned more into the world it’s created instead, if that makes sense. Maybe later the character writing will improve a little bit, and I’ll changed my tune. But!! Who knows. I’m having fun with it.
Idk when I’ll get to season 2, cuz I get super busy sometimes (I started this one a couple months ago but couldn’t finish it till now ugh) but I do want to continue watching!! Eventually!!!
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