#all the queer kids that don't realize what a horrible thing they're asking for when they demand censorship...
Not really an ask, but I just wanted to thank you and all the other critics that speak about how much of an actual shitshow SPOP was when dealing with C*tra.
For the longest time, I shipped C*tr*dora because I was an impressionable kid who saw them kiss and didn't realize that Canon ships can suck and still be Canon. I didn't Stan C*tra or anything, but I did try defending her one time to my irl friends and my only arguments were that:
A) She's Adora's girlfriend so there has to be good in her (yeah no)
And B) She was "redeemed".
But what actually got me second-guessing C*tra and her fans was when I saw a post about the S4 Glimmadora argument and saw hundreds of comments going; "Glimmer is so selfish!" "Glimmer is a horrible person!" "This is why C*tra is better than Glimmer."
And I was and still am the biggest Glimmer fan, and it made me upset. I mean, Glimmer literally lost her mom and was given basically no time to grieve. It didn't excuse her actions, but everyone kept talking about her like she was a villain trying to destroy the world. And then I thought;
'Didn't C*tra actually destroy the world?' And that got me in this deep rabbit hole of realizing C*tra and C*tr*dora is abusive in so many ways and telling myself I was crazy because so many people were defending her. But then I saw one of your posts, scrolled through your blog and realized; 'Oh, I'm not crazy. C*tra is a horrible person and her stans are just delusional.' It even made me realize how fucked up the show was in so many other aspects; The incest, the leash, the fact that the only enby character was a lizard, and so much more.
So thank you and all the other critics out there that might help give people validation or help people open their eyes.
Thank you. 馃挋
i'm glad you found my blog and other critic blogs helpful! i know that anti blogs generally have a reputation for nitpicking on unnecessary details and ruining the fun, but that was never what i wanted to do with mine. i didn't expect all of c//a stans to immediately understand my point and stop shipping c//a (most of them don't even pay attention to what we're saying, let alone try to understand) but getting asks like yours really renews my faith in humanity.
i try not to judge what other people ship or to project my moral compass too much into fiction but the problem with c//a isn't that it's toxic, it's the fact that it's heavily romanticized. if they merely wanted to explore an abusive relationship in fiction, that's not a problem. it's quite healthy, actually. but the fact that they imply that this is a healthy relationship and a lot of the fans defend this ship to hell and back is really concerning.
and yes, like you said, it's really hypocritical of fans to villanize glimmer so much for two mistakes that the narrative held her accountable for, while coddling catra who had to face exactly zero consequences for her actions.
i completely understand how you felt, it can often be daunting to be the only one to actually see things as they are, instead of blindly believing what the writers say because the rest of the fandom does. i didn't ship c//a at all but i felt the same way you did, seeing everyone praise the ship and wondering if i'm just being overdramatic.
it's only after i found an anti c//a account on instagram (@anticatradora ; they go into detail with a lot of the scenes in the show, if you want to check out their account!) that i realized that i was right, and this is actually a really weird and problematic ship that people are worshipping just because they're starved of queer representation. i understand wanting to see people like you represented in media, but there are a lot of characters and ships who are much better written and better developed than c//a.
anyway all of this to say, i'm proud of you for realizing the nuance of this situation in this hivemind of a fandom. it's always better to be open to criticism than to blindly defend a show just because you like it. thank you for this ask, it made my day! 馃挋
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politicalbunnybun 1 month
CW: homophia, abuse
If you don't want to read any further than atleast enjoy this cute adorable um womens
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Goodness, I want to be cuddled like that
Anyway time to get into the actual whatnot
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Ok, so sometimes I think back to like childhood times and whatnot, and I'm a little glad that although my mom wasn't a good person, she did it in the worst way possible. Like she rolled nat 1 many times on trying to get me to act a certain way/ believe certain whatnots/ etc.
Cause like growing up I had no clue what the fuck LGBT meant and anytime I asked I was told "they're evil that's all you need to know" or some other form of that. But due to having no understanding of what gay (or any other queer thing) meant, I had no way of knowing what it meant or looked like. And even when I did insist on her explaining and I'd say something like "I think I could understand better if you explained it" she would love to say "don't think just do" or the other thing she'd love to say "because I said so (insert angry face)".
And so, due to her literally never explaining anything, (she wouldn't even explain safe sex, when I asked at age 17) I knew that if I wanted to learn anything I could not go to her, she wouldn't even tell me how to cook fucking ramen in the microwave when I asked how (omg I'm just now realizing that although I know my mom is a horrible mother she is even more of a horrible mother than I realized). So I went out and researched/learned about all the things I wanted to know about, and I found out. Surprise surprise that queer people are not in fact people who are possed by demons or depending on her mood "evil people who have no morals" there was also "those monsters that need to be put in camps away from the righteous" (yes she was thinking about "those" types of camps). Also it's funny to think that she wouldn't let me read Harry potter because it talks about witch craft and that I could be influenced by the devil. But then she literally let me play Doom and watched me play Doom. Hello!!!! there are literal demons and there's glyphs and shit everywhere. If any form of media or whatnot is somehow influence the devil into me, it is Doom. Not Harry potter, not Pok茅mon, not yoga, not dragons but Doom. Also you should not have let me play that game so young regardless of your insane religious beliefs.
I guess if your going to try to make your kid hate gay people, at least explain what a gay person is because if not they will find out that you shouldn't hate someone because they aren't normal enough for you.
That was a lot to kindaish trauma dump on some random stranger so here is this
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porchtart 3 years
i have an essay held tightly in my body about villainy and queerness and purity culture flying in the face of what it means to be an lgbtq+ person in this world and how i just don鈥檛 understand the pearl clutching of it all because of the relationship to queerness that i had when i was coming of age, but no one wants to hear that and i鈥檓 Tired.
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little-witchys-garden 3 years
Kinda hurt by my cousin
My family on my mom's side is SUPER homophobic and transphobic like dangerously so....
Examples of the sick things they've done:
Many of them have repeatedly said they'd truly hope I'd end my life.
Took my inheritance cause they didn't feel I deserved it for being a sinner.
Some of them were sad that I didn't die..
Some said they hoped I'd get AIDS and die.
They convinced the children in our family that I'd r脳pe + m脳lest them cause " that's what queers do "
They convinced the kids in our family that I liked them in incest way cause " that's what { trans slur } are!!"
Tells anyone they know that I'm a incesty p脳do cause " that's what { Trans-slur } are "
Have repeatedly threatened my life and physical well being since childhood.
That's just some examples
So I talked with my therapist about it because their hate for me has now become hate for my brothers and new born baby sister cause the kids are my siblings.. It seems a family member may have wished death or harm on my brothers and new born sister cause they don't want more F-slurs in the family....
{ they also greatly dislike my nephew cause he's mixed raced }
My therapist was was shocked, disgusted and horrified. She asked if I was safe and I was I can't describe it but it all just came to a booming realization about how messed up it all was. Like a fog had lifted. She sat down and made it clear how horrible all that they've done towards me was and how dangerous the legit death threats are... I was groomed to believe I deserved that treatment....
So I asked my cousin and sister please not tell our family my business for my safety.
My sister understood and agreed instantly of course, no questioned asked.
But my cousin got mad like really mad.. claiming I was triggering her by saying I didn't feel safe with our family...
She claimed my therapist is a R-slur because
" your therapist is unprofessional! She should never have made you scared of our family! saying things and doing are two different things! They haven't done anything! You could help change them!"
This really hurt me.. I kinda had what I feel was to force a " understanding " and agreement out of her..
She's straight + cis and it hurts seeing her claim our family
" did wrong but didn't do anything "
And claim " they're getting so much better " when they're only getting better towards her and that's it...
I don't feel it's my job in changing them and I don't wanna put myself in harms way..
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