#all they've been doing is gardening jobs
woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Daisychains II
Marta Torrejón x Caroline Graham Hansen x Child!Reader
Summary: It's gardening day
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Caro had never really noticed the amount of plants at Marta's house. Well, she knew there were a lot but she had never really noticed just how many there were until she started visiting more regularly.
Usually, Marta would come to hers for dates but with you warming up to her, Caro came to Marta's every week.
She shifts the bouquet to her other hand as she rings the doorbell. There's a shuffle inside for a moment before she notices you peeking out through the curtains and disappearing again.
Marta opens the door and you peer out from behind her legs.
"Hi, Caro," You say, your voice soft and gentle.
You're wearing a pair of overalls and your welly boots. You seem quite overdressed for what is a very hot day in Barcelona but Caro doesn't question it as she hands you the flowers she picked out especially for you.
She brings you flowers every time she visits now and you're always happy to receive them. You do a very impressive job of keeping them all alive for weeks at a time and, honestly, Caro's a bit in awe of how you do it.
"She was very excited to see you today," Marta says as she watches you put the flowers in a vase you'd already prepared.
"Of course, I think you're her favourite person now."
The tips of Caro's ears turn pink as she bashfully looks down. She feels shy all of a sudden. The feeling only deepens as she feels a small hand take hers and looks to the side to see you smiling at her.
You look a little shy too, your hand dwarfed in Caro's.
"Mami," You say to Marta," Can I show Caro my garden?"
Marta laughs, pushing some strands of hair out of your face. "Well, it is gardening day, isn't it? Why don't you show Caro all your plants and I'll fill up your watering can?"
"My frog one?"
"Yes, your frog one."
"Okay." You tug lightly on Caro's hand and guide her out of the back door.
Caro's never been in the garden before but she's not surprised that it's very clearly yours. You've got plant boxes against the fences and a little swing she knows is the same one that Marta sat in to announce your arrival on social media.
It's got little cushions and looks meticulously cared for even though you're now six and it's been there for at least a few years before you were born.
You've got flowers against one of the fences and you pull Caro over to them.
"These are my flowers," You say.
The long box is separated into smaller boxes, each with their own flower in them.
"These are my roses," You say," And these are my tulips. This one's for my orchards. They're still little though so they're still growing."
"They look very nice."
"Mami is helping me," You say, pulling her across the garden to your other plant box," This is for my vegetables. We're growing broccoli and peas because they're healthy!"
It's the most talkative Caro's ever seen you.
You show her every inch of the garden and Caro doesn't even care that the sun is horrifically hot and she could quite possibly get sunburn.
Marta comes out soon after with a frog watering can and helps you water all your plants.
"It's gardening day," Marta explains as she and Caro retreat to the garden swing while you pad around with much smaller plant pots," Every Saturday when we don't have a match."
"She's good," Caro says.
"My parents got her a gardening set when she was three. She's been hooked for years now. All of her books are about plants. She doesn't like storybooks anymore. Just ones about gardening."
Caro sips on her lemonade as she watches you pour soil into an empty pot, watering it liberally before scattering a few seeds in and covering them. You set the pot on the garden table, right in the sun before hurrying off to grab a different pot.
"Clearly they've paid off. I think you might run out of space soon."
Marta groans jokingly. "She asked me for allotment space for her next birthday. What six year old knows that word? Allotment."
Caro joins in with her laughter, setting her drink down as Marta calls for you.
"Conejita! Come have a snack please!"
You huff a little bit, patting the petals of the flower you were pruning before hurrying over.
Marta had brought out carrot sticks earlier and you easily wiggle your way between her and Caro to eat them.
"Conejita grew these all by herself," Marta says as you munch," Didn't you?"
"Mami helped," You say to Caro, nodding earnestly," Do you like them?"
Honestly, Caro doesn't really like carrots at all but she still takes the one you offer her. She nods. "I really like them."
You beam.
"It was mine and Mami's special project," You explain," We had a lot of fun!"
Marta laughs, pulling you into her lap and sticking a floppy straw hat on your head to protect you from the sun. She bounces her knee a few times and you giggle.
"We did have a lot of fun, Conejita. I love growing things with my girl."
"I love growing things with you too, Mami!" You lean into her as you eat your carrot snacks. You suddenly have a thought and sit upright again. "Can I have a special project with you too, Caro?"
"I..." Caro's ears turn red again. "I'd like that."
"Mami, did you hear? I can grow something with Caro!"
"I did hear. It'll have to be next week though so you can have time to decide what you want to grow."
You wiggle around until Marta sets you on your feet and you grab Caro's hand, pulling her inside.
"We can grow flowers!" You decide," I have a book so we can choose! Come on, come on, Caro!"
Caro allowed herself to be led back inside and sat down on the sofa. There are flowers from last week set out on the coffee table and you drag over a big flower encyclopaedia from the shelf.
It looks very heavy but you stubbornly refuse to let Marta help you carry it. She smiles fondly at you as you place it in Caro's lap and begin to look through the pages.
"Conejita," She says as you and Caro debate what flower you're going to grow together," Should I put these away?" She's holding last week's flowers and you quickly shake your head.
"No! Wait, please, Mami!" You take them from her and glance at Caro. "I know they're not daisies," You say," But can you teach me how to make a flower crown with these too?"
You're very lucky because most of Caro's free time has now been taken up learning how to braid flowers together for exactly this moment.
She places the book to the side and hefts you up onto her lap.
"I'd love to."
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triflesandparsnips · 11 months
So I understand that there are Good Omens show fans who have never read Good Omens the book, and that makes me deeply sad because--
Like, there's so much depth to the story being told about humans and humanity and the choice between good and evil -- and how that's actually a false dichotomy whoooops -- WHILE ALSO not really being about Aziraphale and Crowley at all (who are, imo, basically there as embodiments of "Impressive Failures" for the purposes of Theme and also Plot).
BUT IF you want to know why I've shipped them since the book-- here's the moment it happened for wee teenage me:
Wednesday (before the end of the world)
So it's Warlock's birthday party. And there are all these children and security guards and also an angel doing magic tricks while a demon is disguised as a caterer. This bit is basically the same as the show, so hooray.
But as wee me understood the characters up to this point, they were still basically enemies who had been in the field together for way too long and knew each other's moves well enough for the same tempting/thwarting of one another to become kind of boring and repetitive and generally pointless-- particularly once they realized that they could, for instance, just live their (separate!) lives watching humans being weird (Crowley) and seeking various sensory stuff (Aziraphale) while doing the least work necessary to keep their respective bosses off their backs.
The Arrangement was borne not out of hiding a friendship or anything, but instead the realization that sometimes covering for one another would just... cut down on their total overall workload. They were, at best, employees of two different, competitive companies-- though in same kind of department, doing the same kind of work-- who discovered they liked to have lunch at the same deli and that their jobs were sometimes distressingly more similar than either was comfortable with.
SO ANYWAY. BACK TO THAT WEDNESDAY. They're not covering for one another with this whole Antichrist thing-- they're now actively collaborating, and they've acknowledged (mostly) that it's not to cut down on their individual workloads, but rather to preserve their identical-- but not shared (not yet)-- goals of Getting To Continue The Lives On Earth They've Grown To Enjoy.
But like-- still not friends. Not really.
Until Aziraphale fucks up a bit, Warlock accidentally gets hold of a security guard's weapon and starts waving it around, and:
Then someone threw some jelly at Warlock. The boy squeaked, and pulled the trigger of the gun. It was a Magnum .32, CIA issue, gray, mean, heavy, capable of blowing a man away at thirty paces, and leaving nothing more than a red mist, a ghastly mess, and a certain amount of paperwork. Aziraphale blinked. A thin stream of water squirted from the nozzle and soaked Crowley, who had been looking out the window, trying to see if there was a huge black dog in the garden. Aziraphale looked embarrassed. Then a cream cake hit him in the face.
My teenage brain exploded at this moment.
BECAUSE: there is no reason for Aziraphale to do that.
Work-wise: If he got shot, Crowley would get discorporated, but not die-- and anyway, it would happen in such a way that both of them could explain it away easily to their respective sides (and possibly even be commended for it!).
Collaboration-wise: If Crowley had been watching Aziraphale, and if he'd seen Aziraphale have the chance to change the gun but not do it-- then yeah, probably that would've been annoying enough to have warranted some chilly conversations once he came back topside, and therefore, Aziraphale choosing to save Crowley could've been a reasonable, logical choice to keep their working relationship on an even keel until they'd sorted out this Doomsday thing.
But Crowley was looking the other way.
Work-wise, it doesn't make sense-- and secret-collaboration-wise, it doesn't make sense-- and so it is, overall, really weird that Aziraphale saved him.
But his automatic reaction-- in a blink-- is to stop Crowley from getting shot. And he knows it's weird-- he feels embarrassed that his sudden, unthinking reaction is to save his "enemy".
And the final bit is just a couple paragraphs later:
With a gesture, Aziraphale turned the rest of the guns into water pistols as well, and walked out.
SO LOOK: He changed only the pistol about to shoot Crowley. His automatic reaction had nothing to do with saving a party full of humans, many of them children-- nothing to do with Heaven or Hell-- nothing to do with preserving the coworker he needs to stop Armageddon--
It was all to do with saving Crowley. Who may be the enemy, but he's Aziraphale's enemy. And another part of his life on Earth that he's doing all of this just to preserve.
Which may also be, for the first time, the moment he lets himself realize how important Crowley in particular is to him.
...and so anyway, that's how I started shipping these two immortal idiots, and one of many reasons why everyone should read the book.
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moonypml · 7 months
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growing up with you has been a privilege
we've watched them grow up. that's one of the things that makes me the most emotional. we've seen them change hairstyles, make mistakes and learn from them, be successful radio hosts, go on tour multiple times. we've seen them discover new music, share new interests with us, trust us more and move to their forever home. they've achieved a lot professionally, but also personally. they've grown into (even more) inspiring people, they've become their best version, they are happier than ever. and the best part is that we have proof of it, and that we can go to their youtube channels and live it all again, learning something new every time we do it.
we've also grown up. most of us have become adults; we have degrees, jobs, or we don't have any of that but are learning to love ourselves and getting to know who we really are. we've made friends thanks to them, some of them are still here, others are still in our lives, but they don't watch them anymore. some people have even met the love of their lives through them. they have improved our lives greatly; they have changed it.
it's incredible everything that has happened these past 15 years... everything we (dnp and us) have achieved. i wonder if they think of us and our growth the same way we think of them. if they get emotional over what they have created around them. they're gardeners, and we're the flowers they've been growing for 15 years. i hope they think they have the prettiest garden, because i do.
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rosettyller · 1 year
some analysis of this scene from 2x02, because i am going absolutely insane over it:
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first up: it's 2 500 BCE. They've known each other for around 1500 years at this point, but they haven't been meeting up very often; it's implied at this point, that they've only met at the Garden, and the Flood, and now here (as well as in Heaven, but there's varying interpretations about how much they each remember of Heaven).
(worth noting that these meetings are all bible-related meetings)
So, they don't know each other very well at all. This is why Aziraphale approaches Crowley so cautiously (apart from the fact that he thinks Crowley's going around murdering goats and soon kids). He doesn't know what happened to Crowley when he Fell, how he changed when he fell in with Lucifer, how God's rejection has warped Crowley's perspective or changed his morals (their meeting at the Flood seemed quite short, not enough time to get a definite picture.)
Aziraphale is still seeing Crowley as demonic, although there's already that thread of doubt - can you really see him trying to talk Hastur or Ligur out of this the way he does Crowley?
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Aziraphale clings to the memory of Angel Crowley - Crowley gets quite defensive.
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Here, Crowley reinforces that he's changed - personally I don't believe that he did fight in the War, but his views of God's Plan definitely got more extreme than "thats terrible god should get a suggestion box".
But, I also believe that here, Crowley is reinforcing that he is no longer an angel, and therefore no longer has to play by angel rules. He can do what he wants. He's a demon, it's in his job description.
And of course, that he is a demon, and he is Evil, and of course he would kill goats.
(more under the cut, because I just can't stop talking)
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This shot is very yellow. Crowley's hair being the season 1 orange rather than red, the yellow walls, all accentuate the colour of Crowley's eyes, highlighting the physical reminder of Crowley's demonic nature.
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I couldn't be bothered to gif it, but here, Crowley leans forward into Aziraphale's face. There are two reasons for this:
Get his yellow Demon Eyes right in Aziraphale face, just to hammer home his point.
It's an aggressive action, moving into someone's personal space like that. Saying, I could hurt you, I'm violent and aggressive and dangerous, I killed those goats, the kids are next.
The way the light hits Crowley's eyes in the above shot and the below shot also make them a very bright yellow. (Edit: I think someone pointed out that Crowley is making his eyes glow, but the overall yellowness of the scene serves to highlight this)
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Clever wording on Crowley's part, because as we will find out, he faked the destruction of the goats to keep them safe, while making himself sound very evil.
You'll notice the repetition of "blameless"; this makes him seem even more evil, hurting the innocent, but also gives deeper insight into one of Crowley's biggest issues: hurting the innocent. What have they done to deserve this? Nothing.
This ties in quite nicely with what we have seen before of Crowley and free will; he gives people the option to sin. It's their actions that decide whether they end up in Heaven or Hell; they get what they deserve for their actions. He just makes it easier to choose Hell. (see: phone lines being down making people crankier and encouraging them to be horrible to each other, but it still being their choice, setting the holy water bucket above the door, so it's Ligur's choice to come in after Crowley that gets him killed.)
Note also the use of "long":
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Aziraphale says to "tell me you want to do this". "Long" has rather stronger connotations than "want", but also rawer, more fundamental. Crowley is reminding Aziraphale that he is a demon, and that he has the traits of a demon, this is what he is now. He longs for violence, for destruction.
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Aziraphale looks quite sad here. If you watch the video I linked, his previous conviction that Crowley doesn't want to do it is very strong. He fully believes in Crowley, that all he needs to do is reframe not killing the kids as within the rules of Hell, the way Crowley so often comes to do for Aziraphale ("Then you can't be certain that thwarting me isn't part of the divine plan too. I mean, you're supposed to thwart the wiles of the Evil One at every turn, aren't you?" "If you put it that way, Heaven couldn't actually mind me thwarting you.").
Aziraphale believed Crowley was still good, that the angel he remembered was still in there. But Crowley rejects it - and it hurts. Crowley has become what a demon should be.
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Crowley looks quite sorrowful here, too: he already cares for Aziraphale (he fell in love at the Garden), and it hurts to decieve him, to disappoint him, to hurt him.
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I would argue that here, Crowley is scared.
He's in shadow, which dims the yellows; his undemonic nature is about to be revealed.
And that is not safe, because Hell does not send rude notes. And here, Crowley is not doing just any temptation, but trying to help Satan win a bet (supposedly). And out of every demon in Hell, Satan is the one you want to piss off the least.
But here, Crowley is scared because Aziraphale could reveal him - because Aziraphale is on God's side, and because it is revealed that Crowley is not nearly as demonic as he makes himself out to be. He's vulnerable. Aziraphale could scorn him, hurt him. But instead:
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Aziraphale is incredibly smug. "I knew I was right", he says. "I knew you were still good".
And here is another issue: Aziraphale conflates God/Heaven/angels with good, and demons/Hell with bad.
And Crowley does not see Heaven as good. He doesn't want Aziraphale to see his angelic core past the demonic exterior. He's on his own side.
This, for Aziraphale, confirms that "the angel you knew is not me", is not correct.
And I think, out of the three minisodes, it's this one that does the most for fleshing out Aziraphale and Crowley's frames of mind this series, and why they choose what they choose in ep6.
Aziraphale has been proven right about Crowley's angelic nature, and that he wants to do good, but can't, for fear of Hell's retribution.
And Crowley does not see Heaven as good. He recognises that being an angel again will not allow him the freedom to do good. (as Aziraphale had to try and talk a demon into helping him save the kids from God.)
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Exhausted - John Wick X Female (Wife) Reader - ft. Boy
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Title: Exhausted
John Wick X Female (Wife) Reader - ft. Boy
Additional Characters: Boy the best Boi
Requested by @fujinswife!
WC: 1,713
Warnings: Hitman stuff mentioned, killing people insinuated, wounds mentioned, bullet grazes mentioned, blood, one curse word, Reader takes care of John after a long day sort of cute fluff, massages cause John deserves them, Donald Glover mentioned), slight angst like the tiniest of angst, and fluff
You watched the clock on the wall, sitting on your favorite chair with a book in your hands. Though you had originally been enraptured with the new romantic drama you bought at Barnes And Noble, your mind began to wander and your eyes landed on the clock on the wall; tick, tock, tick, tock. It was almost ten, pretty late for you, but not for your husband. While you would probably be in bed by now, snuggled up with Boy, and cuddled in the arms of your beloved, your husband, John was out on the job.
Being a Hitman was a hard and stressful job, going out to find your hit and, in better words, eliminate them. It was taxing on the body and mind, and it was for you also at times. You always became overwhelmingly worried whenever you found John gone from bed and a Post-It note on the fridge. The words, 'going to the store' in black ink. You knew by now that that was code, code for 'I'm going to go and fight people and possibly come home with a wound or two.'
Now you didn't mind taking care of your John. Cleaning his bloody knuckles and bullet grazes helped you rationalize with your brain that your Johnny was alive and with you. That he came back, somewhat safe, but he was there with you in the flesh. Though you had to admit, the blood on your hands after helping your husband haunted you and made your skin crawl. But no matter how many times John tried to let him clean his own wounds, knowing how much you hated the sight of his blood, you'd stop him. You didn't think your husband was a burden, you were beyond willing to take care of him. You'd do anything to make sure he was alright.
As your gaze broke from the clock, you tried to re-read the page that you were on, glancing up when you heard the pitter-patter of clawed paws, watching with a smile as Boy entered the room, making his way over to you and sitting at your feet. You hummed, leaning down and past your book to rub Boy's head, his eyes closing in bliss as you scratched behind his ears. You hummed again, leaning back against the back of your chair, and looking at the front door. "I bet," You began, glancing at Boy with a smile, "He'll be home in ten minutes." You finished before tilting your own head. "When do you think Dad will be home? Hmm? Soon, right?" You asked Boy, who only whined a bit before laying his head on his front paws, making you sigh, nodding knowingly. "Yeah, another thirty. You're right."
For the next forty-five minutes, you sat and read, periodically making sure Boy was alright or taking a bathroom break. The room around you was dim, only a few lamps lighting it as you listened to the owl occasionally hoot outside, and the constant sound of crickets chirping outside in the garden. The book in your hands was as anticlimactic as you thought it would be from the first sentence. You regretted giving it a chance, really. You thought it was going to be a heartfelt book, with drama but a happy ending, like Pride And Prejudice or something, but you felt extremely underwhelmed when the main character, Maryanne, ended up marrying Lord Leo after her childhood friend Steven confessed to her. After all they've been through!? You thought as you stared blankly at the page. Steven sacrificed everything for you, and this Lord Leo had been caught cheating on you with your cousin Claire! You couldn't find it in yourself to even finish the last two pages, tasting a sourness in your mouth. 
"Should've called off the damn wedding." You muttered, earning a head raise from Boy as you shut the book and sat it aside, before you could say anything more to Boy, you watched as he looked over at the door suddenly, his tail wagging, and you smiled, staring at the door yourself as you felt your heart hammer in your chest. John was home. You watched as you heard the keys jingle in his hands before you jumped out of the chair and slid across the hardwood floor with your socks, almost hitting the door as you looked out the peephole just in case before hastily opening it. John stood there, blood on his bottom lip, hands, and dotting the collar of his white suit shirt, and yet, he still gave you a smile. 
Entering, you closed the door behind him, instantly taking any weapons from him to put away in that safe of his, before rushing back to find him standing where you left him, shoulders slightly slouched as he stared down at Boy at his feet, still fiercely wagging his tail. Breaking their stare down, you took John's hand in yours, leading him to the bathroom. As John sat on the lid of the toilet, you grabbed the first-aid kit from under the sink, and for the next half-and-hour, you cleaned any and all his wounds. It was silent as you worked, your tongue sticking out slightly from your mouth as you dabbed the cotton ball on his knuckles, cleaning off the blood. John just watched you, like he usually did, mesmerized by the thought of you caring for him, and just you in general. You were so careful when treating him. It warmed his heart, body, and soul.
After you finished cleaning his wounds, you helped John into the shower, before rushing off to find a new fresh pair of pajamas for him, throwing them, and his towel, in the dryer for a couple of minutes so they would be warm for John when he got out. For the rest, it was like clockwork, helping him out, giving him clothes, brushing his hair for him as he brushed his teeth slowly, and finally holding his freshly bandaged hand as you led him to the kitchen for some dinner.
Sometimes words were exchanged, but most of the time, there wasn't. The silence engulfed the two of you and it was nice, peaceful. You both basked in it. After you and John finished your food, you traveled to the couch where you turned on the tv, handing John the remote for him to browse through channels. Your hands then landed on his shoulders, gently putting pressure in all the right places, easing the tension in his muscles. You kissed his cheek softly, giving him what he needed to relax as he leaned further into you, sighing as your fingers trailed up his shoulders to his scalp, your fingernails scratching gently, running your fingers through his slightly damp hair.
Pulling away, you walked around the couch to sit beside John, smiling and chuckling lightly at the smile of content on his face. You sat down, leaning into his side as John's arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. The two of you watched the TV for a good while, which ended up being a Donald Glover movie, before you felt John's head turn, the stubble of his beard softly grazing your cheek, causing you to giggle quietly, turning your head a little to meet his gaze. Before you could say anything, John leaned down to press his lips onto yours, You smiled against his lips as you placed your hands on his stubbly cheeks, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. His hands ran down your body until they reached your waist, gripping you tightly, protectively, his thumb rubbing small circles on your hips, sending tingly shivers throughout your entire being before you both pulled away. 
You hummed, gazing lovingly at your husband, your eyes beholding the man's beauty, your fingers gently brushing against his cheeks, chin, and jaw. "What are you thinking about?" John mumbled, his voice husky with sleepiness. You opened your mouth to answer, but a yawn escaped you instead, shaking your head as you hid your face in his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
"Just you." You answered softly, snuggling further into his neck as his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. You smiled as you laid your hand against his chest, you could feel his heartbeat quicken, a soft chuckle escaping him. "I'm glad you're home." You told him as his hand cupped the nape of your neck, pulling you closer to his shoulder, his fingers running through the hair on the nape of your neck; kissing the top of your head.
"Me too. I missed you." He answered, kissing the top of your head. 
You sighed contently, nestling your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent deeply. You could feel your eyelids growing heavy. "I missed you too." You muttered against his neck, closing your eyes as you fell asleep in his arms. 
John sighed, holding you close as he watched Boy waddle over from his food bowl, looking up at him with big brown eyes. John took his time, scooping you up in his arms before standing up, grunting slightly as he strained his side a bit. Boy followed after you and John as he headed to the bedroom, hopping up on the bed as John laid you down gently in the bed, tucking you in the soft, fluffy covers. When he stood back up, he looked at Boy, staring at him for a moment before reaching down and petting the dog, smiling slightly as Boy leaned his head into his hand. 
“Good Boy.” John muttered, not wanting to wake you, as he rubbed Boy’s ears before Boy moved to lay beside you, your arm subconsciously wrapping around the pup before going back to sleeping peacefully. John sighed slightly before he got in bed on his side, pulling the blankets over him before turning on his side to wrap his arm around your waist, pulling your back into his chest. The night went on peacefully like this, the three of you falling fast asleep and waking up to each other. This process continued like this, every day, for months and years to come. You wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Just you, John, and Boy, against the world.
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merakiui · 2 months
I see a lot of the sugar daddy thoughts going around, but I think a lot of the cast are average guys. Who do you think is working a second job to try to afford that sugar baby lifestyle for Darling, and does she know about his secret?
:O you're so right!!! There are many characters who are just average and aren't from rich or royal families like the others. My mind immediately goes to someone like Trey or Cater. Perhaps to make it easier for thoughts, here are the groupings:
Can genuinely afford sugar daddy lifestyle (i.e. family is rich/very financially stable): Leona, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Somewhere in the middle (not nearly as extravagant as the above category; perhaps middle class/upper-middle class): Riddle, Azul, Neige, Rook
Average middle class/lower-middle class/working class (comfortable and average/normal lifestyle): Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, Jack, Jamil, Epel, Sebek, Silver, Lilia
Lower class: Ruggie
I think it's cute to imagine Deuce working so hard so that he can afford a lifestyle like that. Being able to support you is a wonderful thing, so he'll do his best to give you the world!!! Or Riddle using that doctor's salary of his (in an au in which he is a successful doctor) to fund your sugar baby life). So many thoughts!!!
I feel like some of the characters (in their youth) are already well-off by way of inheritance. Azul's mother runs the most successful restaurant in the Coral Sea, so of course that brings in lots of money. And then Azul himself has his own business, which will inevitably grow and become even more successful. Or the twins who have never known anything else outside of being wealthy because they've always been spoiled and the "family business" seems to be very successful.
It's difficult to place Rollo (my love, my light, my life) in one of the categories because we know so little about his family (aside from what happened to his little brother), but I like to imagine he'd live modestly. Rollo who works at a flower shop will forever be my favorite thought for him. Twst can't tell me his hobby is cleaning and his talent is gardening and not expect me to daydream about flower shop owner Rollo or househusband Rollo. OTL although it is fun to imagine him working extra hours or jobs just to be able to give you all the things you want. <3
OH!!!!! Or Cater!!!! Cater who has curated this entire persona for himself online. On Magicam, you think he lives so lavishly. How else is he able to afford being your sugar daddy? But then behind the scenes he's working so many jobs,,,, there is so much more I could say about this omg........ so many thoughts filling my brain. orz I love Cater.
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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I was possessed by a thought
Modern-ish au but in a "thousands of years post-canon universe"
In which Lamb did not spare Narinder and when they saved the Bishops from Purgatory, actually put them to rest (aka sent them to the After) and oops, the Bishops + Narinder accidentally reincarnated while the Lamb wasn't watching
(Part 2 here)
In this life, the Bishops are still siblings and all were born with magic; Narinder became a priest, and though the other Bishops were raised in the temple alongside him they chose to pursue careers outside of the priesthood. Heket runs a restaurant (of course), Kallamar makes jewelry and sells crystals (he has healing magic so his crystals are literal healing crystals :) ), Leshy is a gardener and Shamura runs a bookshop (I'm sure you're noticing a theme here- their past lives are affecting their new ones). Their past lives' injuries have actually carried over, only instead of being injuries they're disabilities they were born with; Shamura their memory issues, Kallamar is deaf, Heket is mute, Leshy is blind, and Narinder has chronic pain (he WAS in chains for a thousand years, his muscles were ATROPHIED and his joints destROYED, and you cannot convince me otherwise). Not shown here; Narinder also uses a cane and on his really bad days a wheelchair.
Heket: Get a whole pumpkin Narinder, who can't lift more than 20 pounds:
Why do Narinder (and the Bishops) look the same and have the same name? Well. The world may have forgotten them, but the universe hasn't.
Aym and Baal are immortals from their time in the After in this world, and though at first they were resistant to helping the Lamb, eventually they saw they needed Help™ and had no idea what they were doing, and having been witness and aid to Narinder's job for centuries they knew how to help. Over the millennia they fell into the old familiar role of being the guardians of Death (Forneus is also an immortal so don't worry they're not separated again) and are in a constant state of Done With Lamb's Shit (/affectionate).
... I actually really love how Lamb turned out here. It was fun drawing them Older. And quite a flip with making them look older than Narinder. The society that's been built up is still religious but no one recognizes Lamb because they've changed so much over the last two thousand years, and the fact they're a sheep doesn't raise any red flags as sheep have migrated to the Lands from other continents. They're rare but not unheard of.
The Crown fits in by disguising as various types of pets, though no matter its form it always has one eye. This time it's a bird, and it recognized Narinder from a mile away :) The mind forgets but the soul remembers....
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maarigolds · 2 years
Lucy, Lockwood and George, after everything.
(show edition. I'm not going by book canon for this one, so don't worry about spoilers)
At 21 or 22, Lockwood is the first of them that starts to lose his talent.
Which makes sense, since he's the oldest. At the beginning he refuses to even acknowledge it, but Lucy and George figure out what's happening soon enough. For a while he's just ashamed and angry and sad all the time. Then it gets better: Lucy and George get him trough it. He also calls Kipps, and they talk for hours, both coming out of it feeling almost at peace (Kipps has gone back to school and is talking about wanting to become a teacher. Which Lockwood feels like should surprise him, but actually doesn't). 
Lucy is next. It breaks her heart a little (because of skull and all other type 3s) and it scares her a lot. But then she realizes how soothingly quiet the world can be at times, and lets herself think that maybe she will be alright. 
George is last. And the thing is, even though it saddens him to lose the one thing that connected him to ghosts, mainly he's relieved. He's been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while, and now that it has, he's ready for whatever may come next.
The jobs get more and more rare as they hear, see and feel less and less. Lockwood knows he could hire new kids to replace them, but in truth he doesn't really want to. Perhaps Lockwood & Co. can be laid to rest at last: after all, they've already achieved more than he ever dreamt. So the next time a client calls, he informs her they've shut down and gives her the name of an up-and-coming independent agency he's heard great things about. He only feels mildly guilty about it. 
Even if they're technically not his employees anymore, George and Lucy stay. They don’t talk about it, but the idea of moving out of Portland row and living lives that aren't intrinsically intertwined feels wrong to all three of them: they're a family, after all, and nothing has to change about that.
Still, they need to make money somehow. So they muse about going far away from London, opening a bakery, living in a small house by the sea. But in the end they stay, both in the city and line of work they're used to. Because they do belong there, it's undeniable. George, of course, goes into ghost research and becomes a leading voice in the field, discovering new ways to help agents all over the country. No one is surprised, but everyone is proud. Lucy one day shows up at Barnes' office to ask him about becoming an inspector. It's the last thing either would have expected, but when he asks her why, she says it feels like the best place to be to help kids like her. To stop people like Jacobs. So he gives her a job. She's determined to change things from the inside. Barnes thinks that if someone could, it's her. And Lockwood... well, it takes a while for him to figure it out. But one evening Lucy comes home talking about a kid left deeply traumatized by a job gone wrong, and suddenly he knows. The next day he calls the bank to open up a pro bono clinic for agents and ex agents in need of psychological treatment. After less than a week they already have their first client. 
Slowly but steadily, it becomes their new normal. 
Lockwood sets up a study in the room on the stairs and works mainly from there. George, on the other hand, works at a lab in the City: he is the first to leave in the morning, but he always comes home soon enough to cook dinner. Lucy keeps slightly more irregular hours, and sometimes her job keeps her away for longer than she'd like. But then again she occasionally gets to come home to the adorable view of the boys fast asleep in front of the tv, so that's good.
One day Flo brings them a stray cat she found while working: they name him Donut and spoil him way too much.
Lucy starts gardening. George grows a magnificent beard (Lockwood is not jealous of it). The fridge breaks down and they have to buy a new one. Airf's son replaces him at the shop. They put up a hammock in the backyard, and spend their vacations piled into it. Mrs Burke from across the street knits them all hats for Christmas. Lockwood adds new framed articles on the walls and new knick-knacks on the bookshelves. 
He's not sure when, but one day 35 Portland Row stops being the home his parents left behind and becomes his home. Their home: his, and Lucy's, and George's (and Donut's. And Kipps' when he comes over for lunch on Sundays. And Flo's when she swings by using her own keys. And Barnes' when he stays for tea after long work days).
So they keep going as they have, day after day, year after year, slowly growing older. Wounds heal and scars fade. The sun shines through the kitchen windows on summer mornings. The smell of persian food fills the air every evening. Old rapiers get dusty in the umbrella stand. There aren't any ghosts between their walls, both real and metaphorical.
Everything is alright.
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kings-highway · 4 months
would anyone read what would probably be a collection of one-shots or only vaguely sequential chapters that was like a slice-of-life/comedy series following the haikyuu third years working part time jobs unrelated to volleyball and developing weird, normal, adult friendships with each other because of it and then going back to school on Monday like "oh fuck right we need to beat them to go to nationals. thats gonna make seeing him at work weird. I hope he still covers my saturday shift if I win."
but the joke of the content would be that it's primarily focused on the work experience
so like Hinata and Kageyama come into a local grocery store and spot Aone and Asahi down one of the isles and spend a whole 30 minutes like "oh my god things must be so tense i hope they can stay civil" but theyre actually just retagging the canned goods for a sale and are just very efficient and silent.
and they go to say hi to Daichi at the customer service desk and he's stressed beyond belief, like, more stressed than they've ever seen him, and they're like "oh my god are you worried about going to nationals next month? yeah Im freaking out too!!"
and he's just like "what? no our new hire just quit so Im trying to rearrange the schedule and I think I need to ask Iwaizumi to cover closing for another few weeks and he's gonna be so mad. He hates working with Semi but I dont have any other options. Unless I wanna move- no there's no point in scheduling someone who doesnt know how to do it-" and hinata and kageyama just back away as he mutters to himself
Kageyama needs money for something and gets his first job with them and on like the first day he ends up working with Oikawa in the garden section of the store and expects it to be a chance for conflict and is all like "im not gonna let him bully me!!! we are equals here as coworkers!!!!" but instead Oikawa just sort of wanders around looking tired as fuck and very robotically doing his work and Kageyama eventually asks him if he's okay and Oikawa is like "dude ive been here since 4 am I dont even know who I am let alone if Im okay."
just classic grocery store employee hijinks
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allthelovehes · 6 months
Care and Connection* | TEASER
Summary: Y/N has been babysitting Harry's daughter for a couple of months now and the two of them grew rather fond of each other. Harry can't help but swoon when he comes home to find his daughter wrapped up in Y/N's arms, both asleep on the sofa.
Pairing: Singledad!Harry x reader
Word count: 2.8K TEASER of a 9K Patreon Exclusive!
Warnings: Smut, lots of love and care, cutest girl ever, oh right back to the smut: protected sex, oral both f and m receiving, swallowing (iykyk), taboo relationship(?).
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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Four months into getting her master's degree, Y/N stumbled upon a babysitting gig for a wealthy single dad. Harry Styles promised the opportunity of a lifetime. After graduating she could use him as a reference and would even have a chance to be head of her own department in his corporation. All she had to do was keep his kid alive and act like their best friend. This shouldn't be too difficult.
Her boss was nothing like she had expected. Y/N loved children and had babysat through her undergrad years so Harry was definitely on board with the resume she put in. What he didn't count on was the temptation the beautiful girl brought with her. His three-year-old daughter adores her and seeing his daughter so happy made him weak as well. But Y/N too wasn't prepared for the tension that'd soon build between the two of them.
Y/N's schedule is perfect for her job, she takes three classes a week at the university which are all morning classes leaving her plenty of time to watch Grace in the afternoon so Harry can go to the office. Being the CEO allows him to work from home and they agreed upon the three mornings, as long as she's finished by 1 PM. Her master's requires a lot of self-study but Harry promised her the use of his office, whenever she needed it.
After finishing her classes, Y/N steps in her car and drives to the Styles residence. She clicks the button of the remote control so the gate to Harry's property opens. Whenever Y/N wonders how her boss can afford such a beautiful home, she reminds herself that she really shouldn't pry too much into people's personal lives. She shakes the question away every time because truthfully she doesn't want to know.
“Y/N!” Grace shouts excitedly when the front door opens. Her little feet slide against the wooden flooring, while the small girl is making her way over to her.
“Hi, Gracie.” She smiles brightly, crouching down so she can wrap her arms around her. “You can actually run a marathon now.” She pokes her tongue out.
“Daddy said I hafta put on my shoes first.” The small girl points at her bare feet. “Then you can race.”
“Daddy is smart, you'd be way faster with your shoes on!” Y/N agrees. Grace's favourite activity is definitely running. Ever since the day she found out how fast her legs could carry her, there was no going back.
“Y/N, I am so glad you're here.” Harry walks into the entrance and the Y/N can't help but bite her lip. He wears a tight black turtleneck sweater, showing off his chest and when he turns to close the door, his trousers fit very nicely. Y/N shakes her head, chastising herself for once again admiring the beauty that is her boss. “You are early.”
Y/N gets up, looking at her wristwatch. “By two minutes.” She can feel the blush creeping up her cheeks because even though they've been doing this babysitting gig for a couple of months, she is still caught off guard when they talk. “My professor ended his lecture earlier than expected.” She explains.
“I should reward your punctuality.” He smirks mischievously. If she hadn't fallen in love with his daughter first, it would've probably been him.
Grace slides into her purple Converse shoes and looks up at the pair while attempting to tie her shoes.
“Come here baby.” Y/N reaches a hand out. “Let me help you.” She watches as the girl makes her way to her with a bright smile. She's definitely taken after Harry. Her brown hair covers a good part of her back when it's down, which always has Harry insisting that she does a half ponytail. Her small chubby hands roam around with any and everything making it all the more impossible to grasp properly. But if there's one thing Y/N has learned in these last couple of months it's that it doesn't take a lot of effort for Grace to grasp hold of someone's heart. Y/N finishes tying her shoe before wrapping the little girl's hair into a ponytail, using the band on her wrist to secure it into place and picking up the toddler.
“Is it a race?” Grace asks curiously.
“I was thinking that we can make french toast.” Y/N suggests, laughing at herself as she proposes something completely different from what Grace insists on.
“French toast?” Grace scrunches her nose up in disapproval.
“Yes, Grace!” She exclaims. “We need to eat first.”
Harry watches their interaction and doesn't even attempt to hide the amusement that crosses his features.
“Ok.” The three-year-old girl answers. “I guess.”
“It's only until lunch.” Y/N reminds her. “Then afterwards we can go running. You and me?” She wiggles her eyebrows.
“Daddy's not gonna come?” Grace mumbles a soft pout on her face.
“I have to work, baby.” Harry reminds his daughter. “Y/N will watch you today while I am at work. She is gonna make sure you eat and sleep and she'll play with you until you tire her out.” He smiles. “Just like every other Thursday.” He wraps his right arm around Y/N's waist, leaning in so he can kiss the top of his daughter's head. “Now be nice.”
“I don't want to sleep, daddy.” Grace frowns, the disappointment and resistance clear on her face.
“Later.” He smiles. “Daddy is late.”
“Did you eat?” Y/N looks at him. “I can make you lunch too.” She offers.
“I already ate, don't worry.” He chuckles. “Besides I know it's not in your job description to care for me.” Harry smirks.
“But if your baby doesn't get the proper attention and you're too weak from starvation, I will be liable.” Y/N offers nonchalantly and feels her cheeks warm when his gaze meets hers.
“Can I go jump on the bed?” Grace interrupts them.
“Absolutely not!” They both scold in unison before turning their heads to stare at the other. Harry chuckles as he sends her a wink.
“I'm going to go now. Be good.” He says looking at Grace. “You too, Y/N.” He winks at her.
“I am always on my best behaviour, Mr. Styles.” She teases.
“I know.” He hums satisfied. “That's the problem.” ***
Y/N walks out of Harry's office, making sure to quietly close the door behind her. Grace peacefully fell asleep after running for thirty minutes straight in the backyard and Y/N took the opportunity to use Harry's home office to study for her classes. She just found out she had an exam on Monday and it was way too close for her comfort.
When Grace wakes up from her nap, Y/N gets her changed and ready for the rest of their afternoon together. Y/N keeps busy to get through Grace's demanding behaviour, so she figures some baking will be a good activity. She's wearing Harry's apron, her hair has come undone with all the frustration she has with measuring the dry ingredients but honestly, she couldn't care less about anything else. She's covered in flower and possibly milk but she prides herself on the fact that the smell of banana bread has taken over the house.
“Grace?” She calls but receives no answer. “Grace!” She calls again, a bit louder this time but still nothing. Where is she? Y/N steps out of the kitchen and into the living room where she finds the little girl laying down on the sofa. “Are you hungry?”
“Mmhm.” Grace shakes her head.
“No? Are you sleepy, love?” Y/N sits down next to the toddler and runs her hand over her back.
“My tummy hurts.” Grace frowns, holding her stomach.
“It hurts?” She frowns, pressing her hand down against Grace's belly and rubbing circles on it with her thumb. “Come here.” Y/N gently lifts Grace onto her lap. “Where does it hurt, baby?”
Grace pulls a pout on her face, her eyes looking at Y/N for a second before pressing her lips into a thin line. She pushes her cheek against the babysitter's chest and points to her stomach.
“Is it a big hurt?” Y/N feels worried for the child. She doesn't want Grace to be in pain and what's worse is that it's the first time something like this happens. “Gracie?” She whispers, and the little girl merely nods her head.
“Oh, come here baby.” Y/N coos and lays down with Grace in her arms. She covers them with the blanket from the back of the sofa, keeping them warm.
Grace settles between the crevice of her neck and chest, clinging to Y/N as her fingers softly graze the nape of her neck. Her fingers twirl a strand of Y/N's hair around them while the thumb of her free hand is caught between her lips.
Y/N curls her hands over Grace's head as she begins humming a tune for the little girl. She closes her eyes, allowing the smooth melody to come out and waits patiently for the girl to fall asleep. It doesn't take much longer for Grace to relax and after one more round, Y/N is certain the toddler has succumbed to her dreams. She lays with the little girl, not wanting to wake her up and keeps humming and soothingly patting her back.
Eventually, she opens her eyes as she feels a soft pressure on top of her head and sees Harry standing there caressing her hair, quietly staring back at her. How long has he been standing there?
“You fell asleep.” He whispers, his voice full of amusement.
“How did your meeting go?” Y/N keeps her voice at a low level as not to startle her little sleeper.
“You had a tough day, sweetheart?” He asks, sitting down on the other sofa in front of them. His dimpled smile breaks out as she nods her head at him. Harry is genuinely touched at seeing the closeness between his girl and the woman who has brought so much happiness to his family.
Y/N turns her head, nuzzling her nose against Grace's hair and taking a deep breath. The little girl moves to press a leg between her knees and pushes her feet against her thigh, feeling the warm embrace.
“When did this happen?” He motions to Grace.
“She said her tummy hurt.” Y/N explains. “I thought we could keep snuggling a bit. Besides if I laid her down she'll probably wake up.”
“A wise decision.” He assures her, letting his head rest on his palm.
Y/N smiles for a moment before her eyes fall to his lap. “How was your meeting?” She asks.
“Exhausting.” Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Kept thinking about my girls at home.” He looks at her and she bites her bottom lip trying to hide her shy smile. She loves how he said girls, as in plural.
They stare at each other a bit longer, neither one wanting to break their eye contact, in a sense begging the other to be the first. Grace lets out a small cough, startling Y/N into looking away. She turns to see the small girl's forehead all bunched up.
“It's ok, honey.” She whispers, pressing a small kiss to her temple. She begins her lullaby again and it doesn't take long for Grace to settle into a deep sleep.
“So beautiful.” He hums after a while, looking at the way Grace falls at ease in Y/N's arms. “Let's put her to bed so we can have dinner.” Harry offers and takes the small child in his arms and carries her up the stairs.
Y/N stays behind and cleans up the mess they made in the kitchen, thankful that she let the food she planned on cooking for dinner stay in the fridge. She glances up as she sees Harry strolling down the staircase. His long legs carry him forward in a few strides and she rolls her eyes at herself for finding such a stupid activity exciting.
“Is she asleep?” Y/N asks.
“Mmhm.” Harry stretches his arms above his head and Y/N catches a sliver of skin beneath his sweater. It only lasts a moment but it's enough for Y/N to release the breath she didn't realise she was holding in.
Harry lowers his arms and reaches the kitchen, taking a seat on a stool on the other side of the counter. He had his hands pressed on top of it as his eyes look down. After a small sigh, he looks up at Y/N.
“I was thinking-” He pauses. “-me and you, we should talk.” He keeps his hands pressed on the cold marble, balling them into fists at the fear of her rejection.
Y/N's face shows an expression of worry. “Oh no, was I not meeting the needed requirements of my job?” She questions, folding the dish towel on her shoulder. “I've tried to give as much love and care to Grace as possible. I promise that I will not abandon her or neglect her or her well-being.”
Harry smiles lovingly at her. “You are amazing with her.” He remarks, leaning his elbows on the counter. “But that's not what I was talking about.”
“It's not?” Y/N pouts, now very confused about what he really wants to say.
“This babysitting thing, Y/N.” Harry begins. “We both know that this is more than that.” He waits for her reaction.
“Ok..” She drags out the 'o'. “I mean if you've been-“
“Can you please sit down?” He interjects.
Y/N smiles politely, afraid to show too much of the happiness that has taken over her. Harry can see her hesitancy and can tell she's trying her best to remain calm while she takes her seat next to him. She turns her stool a little bit so she's directly facing him.
Harry stares at her for a moment, taking her in and how natural it seems for them to sit down like this. His fingers reach out, brushing her cheek lightly but pulling his hand back when she frowns. It's too soon. It's inappropriate. But he wants her so much.
“I care for you a lot.” He starts again, with a newfound confidence and strength. “I think it's more than just Grace at this point. You have become a part of my family in such a short amount of time. You've shown me the joy of welcoming another human in my home and offering them safety and love.”
“I love being here.” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat. “Grace is so perfect and I- I care for her immensely. I would do anything for her.”
“You also happen to be exquisite.” Harry remarks. “Possibly the prettiest woman I have ever laid eyes on.” Y/N ducks her head and he can sense the heat radiating from her skin. “It's not my place to cross any boundaries but I can't deny the chemistry and connection we share. I am so attracted to you.”
She bites her lower lip. This is going all wrong. “But, Harry.”
“Y/N.” He interrupts her. “Let me finish.” He tilts his head to the side.
“I've seen the way you've been looking at me.” Harry reaches out, lifting her chin with his fingers. “It's the same way I look at you when you're not looking back.”
“It's true.” She admits. “I just-” Y/N frowns. “I thought that maybe, and please don't hate me for thinking this, I thought that perhaps I was seeing things that weren't actually there, delusional daydreaming.” She scoffs and Harry licks his lips, a smirk visible.
“Allow me to clear the confusion.” He whispers, running his fingers along her jaw, towards the right side of her neck. “I want you.” He reveals, slightly tilting her head back with a gentle push, so her eyes meet his. “And I will wait until you decide you're ready.”
She tenses up, a hand on her thigh as the other grips at the hem of her blouse. “What if I'm ready now?” Y/N muses.
Harry leans back, pushing himself off the stool and stepping forward as the gap between him and Y/N lessens. “Then I'd say we skip dinner.” He says, his voice a bit deeper and definitely surer than before. Her eyes travel his face, holding the gaze of his bright green eyes for a second longer.
“We definitely should, Mr. Styles.” Y/N decides to call him by his last name as she sees the spark ignite in his eyes. “After all, you are the boss.” She chuckles.
“That's right, love.” He smirks. “I am.” Harry wraps his arms around her, pulling her off the stool and holding her securely against his frame. The younger woman wraps her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist, giving him all the assurance he needs. “God, look at you.” He murmurs before pressing his lips to hers.
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Zalgo, Slenderman, and Laughing jack paying their S/O's grave a visit?
Since you requested multiple, I'm just gonna go with headcanons~
Laughing Jack can be found by clicking here
It's mornings like this when he wakes up especially early. Everyone else in the mansion is fast asleep, and he's the only one moving around. He'll make himself a cup of coffee, and out of habit and his longing for you, he'll prepare your favorite morning drink too. He'll walk out back to his garden, pick a few of your favorite flowers, and make the walk up to the cemetery behind the mansion. Slender keeps a chair out there by your grave, and he'll place your flowers and your drink before your tombstone (cleaning off the area first, of course), and he'll take a seat, drinking his coffee as he sits with you. Some mornings he'll bring a book with him, and he'll sit there, reading to you as the time passes. He often also talks to you about what's been going on in the mansion, how they all miss you, or any progress that they've been making in their lives. He always talks about them with such pride, but there's a level of pain in his voice that is easily noticeable, as he wishes he was telling you all of that in person. Slender doesn't often get emotional, however... One of the main reasons why he always comes to visit you when nobody else is out and about is because he doesn't want them to see him cry, or hear him weep for you as he hovers over your grave. Hear his apologies, about how he should've been able to help you, to protect you, to save you, but he couldn't. Those mornings like today, where he sits beside you alone, are the only times he allows the sadness he has inside of him to come rolling out when he knows that nobody will see him or hear him. You've always been the only person he allowed to see him like this, and he plans to keep it that way. He tries his best to be brave and put together in front of the others, even if they can see through him and tell it's a facade. If he cracks and crumbles, he fears they will as well, so he tries to be strong. For your sake and theirs. 
Zalgo hasn't been the same since your passing, and everyone can see that. He's been quieter, less talkative, less firm with his employees. Zalgo was always one for a rigid schedule, always spending as much time as possible in his office trying to manage running the Underworld and running a business on the side, but now, he's carved out time. Time for you. He'd always made time for you before, but as he walks to your grave again this morning (resting in a burial vault inside his treasured castle's garden), he wishes that he'd been able to make more for you. He never pictured you dying so early, and so he'd always made the excuse that he would have plenty more chances to be with you. If only he'd known. Because of that, Zalgo has mandatory time he spends beside your resting place, every single morning and every single night, and he'll sit beside you, talking to you about himself, the Underworld, or his business. He always makes sure your burial vault is clean, and he'll even do it himself, something his maid staff tried to handle themselves, but he'd refused it, saying it was his job as your partner to take care of you, even in death. He'll cry for you, out there, with his back turned to the castle and his hands resting upon your vault, as he cries. He never weeps aloud out there, preferring to save that for your previously shared bedroom, as he doesn't wish to make his staff worry over him too much. So, he cries, silently and steadily, as he tells you how much he misses you, how he feels so lost without you like he's trapped in the dark with no escape in sight. You were the only light he'd ever had in his life, and he feels like a fool to have let you be extinguished so early. He wishes he could have given you so much more in life, but as he was unable to, he does his best to continue providing for you in death. It's the least he could do for the only person to ever show him love.
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bluegalaxygirl · 6 months
Obsession's Grip (Zosan X Reader) P5
Plot: After saving some of the straw hat crew from a prison, the crew help takes a young man away so he can have a fresh start in life. He's shy but seems to grow attached to Reader in an unhealthy way.
Warning: Bad language and Violence.
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Reader has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they can change size and are connected to her emotions.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14
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The morning sun hits your eyes making you groan, rolling over you go to put your arm around one of your boys only to remember where you are and what happened yesterday. Your headache is gone leaving your mind a bit clearer but your chest still hurts, you can't tell if its emotional or physical though. Sitting up you notice Nami and Robin sleeping in the other bed meaning it's very early, Sanji's most likely up by now and the thought of talking to him pops into your head. You know you need too and now would be the best time since you'll both be busy today with docking at a new island this afternoon. Getting up you get dresses and wash your face cleaning off yesterdays tears all while trying to be quiet in order not to wake up the two girls, this time also gives you a chance to think over everything and hopefully get your head and heart in the right place before talking to Sanji and Zoro. A lot of what Percy said yesterday rang true, starting off with Sanji you know he flirts with every woman he see's and its never bothered you because you know the reason behind it, he wants to make every girl feel happy and some times a compliment or a smile can easily do that. It does scare you that a woman will flirt back and try to get him in bed or something, thats the part that hurts but you've seen it happen and how Sanji reacts. He'll still be nice to that woman but tone it down and either take your hand or start complimenting you as well and if Zoro is there the swordsman will drag the cook away even if he's in the middle of a conversation.
When it comes to Nami and Robin you have no problem with Sanji taking care of them since you know for a fact the two aren't interested in him in any way and wouldn't hurt you. You love the girls, and they deserve so much after everything they've both been through, the heart eyes, swaying over and getting what they need is Sanji's way of showing them how much he cares, of course the cook does it to you some times, it's not as often anymore so Percy wouldn't have seen that. Sanji doesn't always greet you like the other girls instead you get kisses, hugs and those soft loving eyes, your heart melts just thinking about them. Thinking back to the other day when Robin was doing Percy's hair Sanji did complement your work, yes he praised Robin more than you but the black haired woman is so skilled at that job and plus, you don't need praise when he looks at you with such love, the way his thumb ran over your cheek makes you swoon. Then there's Zoro, yes he's quiet and aloof, he doesn't show affection around anyone outside the crew but thats because he doesn't like strangers looking, Percy is a stranger so of course he won't see the way Zoro holds you and Sanji or hear his cocky and teasing comments. The swordsman is more than happy to hold and kiss you with the crew around since he trusts them and knows they won't judge your relationship unlike outsiders. As for the faking being unable to navigate is something you should have laughed at, there's no way Zoro fakes getting lost, you know he can't read a map and even if he could be would still get lost, there's no way he's faking it just to go off with some random woman that he doesn't know or trust.
When Zoro trains with your snakes you do sit and watch if you have the time but yesterday you were behind on jobs so even though it was training day you deiced to do the garden. Of course Zoro wanted you to stay and watch mainly, so he can show off, but he isn't pushy unless your in danger, if you need to do something he might complain about it, but he'll let you go. Percy didn't wait to see what the swordsman does after, Zoro will bring your snake back and if your tired he'll carry you to take a nap with him or bring you to the kitchen, he won't let you walk. He'll tell you all about the training and how amazing your ability is while thanking you and showering you in hugs and kisses, Zoro doesn't take advantage of you and has never hurt your snake on purpose. You mentally kick yourself for even thinking they would cheat on you, what Percy said was false and your sure to have a stern word with him later about it, your kind and understanding but you won't let some stranger who hardly knows your boys to insult them and comment on your relationship but first you need to apologise to Sanji, Zoro, Nami and Robin for all the trouble and hopefully clear things up. Looking back at the girls still sleeping you give them a smile before heading out the door making sure to close it quietly. The morning sun feels great on your skin bringing you a sense of happiness while walking across the deck to the kitchen "Miss Y/n" You stop in your tracks hearing Percy running up to you, taking in a breath you calm yourself before having to talk to him.
Turning your cross your arms over your chest while looking over the worried young man "I'm so sorry about yesterday, i didn't mean to upset you with all my questions, i was just curious" The young man bows while panicking a little, yes the questions bothered you but what he said about your boys bothered you more. You want to scold him, but he's been through hell and your worried yelling or being too harsh will make him scared of you, when you don't answer Percy looks away from you starting to become shy "I really am sorry, you were so kind to me and i… I was rude, not only with asking you all those questions but also commenting on two people i hardly know" The young man takes a step closer to you while taking in a deep breath "I was worried" Raising an eyebrow at him you wait for him to continue wondering why he would be worried about you or your relationship, rubbing the back of his head Percy looks down at the floor "Your really kind and understanding, i don't want anyone to take advantage of that. My mother did that to my farther so i.. I feel a little protective over people like you. I know i hardly know the two but i can't help seeing what i see. I could be wrong and misunderstand their actions so i'm sorry for stepping out of place" You can't help but stare as he rambles on, its true Percy has no idea what Sanji and Zoro are like, but he seems to realize that. There is a part of you that feels off about this though, he apologised yet still thinks he's right about what he said.
Pushing all of that away for now you might as well just take his apology so you can talk to Sanji before the rest of the crew wakes up "I appreciate you trying to look out for me but their nothing like your mother, they don't take advantage of me, and they would never cheat on me, i think its best if you don't comment any further" You state turning your back to him starting to head up the stairs only for him to grab your hand, anger boils up in you as you yank your hand away, turning to face the young man your ready to yell at him but stop when seeing him flinch while his hand blocks his face. Your heart breaks seeing him like this, Did he think you were going to hit him? your angry yes, but you wouldn't hurt him unless he attacked you "I-I'm sorry, i'm not going to hurt you, i just… I won't hurt you" You sigh stepping down the stair and taking his hand lightly in yours, he flinches again at your touch but relaxes when you pull his hand down from his face to give it a light pat "I'm a little angry that you would jump to conclusions about them, you've only just met them, you know nothing about them. I think its best if you stay away from me and my boys for a while, until everything calms down and emotions aren't as high" Patting his shoulder you head back up the stairs leaving Percy to stand there and think. You don't feel like he's a bad person, his past seems to have a big hold on him and how he see's other relationships. You know Sanji and Zoro will be mad after you tell them about what happened so warning Percy beforehand to stay away will hopefully make things easier for everyone.
Walking into the kitchen your happy to see only two people, Brook at the table drinking his morning tea and Sanji in the kitchen, the bags under his eyes means he didn't sleep well last night or maybe not at all. It seems he didn't notice you walk in since he's so focused on the food he's frying up, the unlit cigarette in his mouth dangling almost falling out, you can't tell if its because he's tired or if his mind is else where. Brook gives you a wave before pointing to the door secretly asking if he should go, not wanting to cause a scene you shake your head while giving him a smile, the skeleton nods in response going back to drinking his tea. Walking around the counter you manage to get the cook's attention "Sanji-" Your cut off when the blonde's head shoots your way starting at you in shock, then happiness and then finally panic as he quickly turns off the stove and throws his cigarette away to give you his full attention. "My love i'm so sorr-" Sanji gulps taking a few steps to meet you only for your arms to wrap around his neck pulling the blonde into you for a hug "No, i'm sorry, none of this is your fault" You whisper hoping to calm him down and keep the conversation between the two of you, relaxing into you Sanji wraps his arms around your waist while burring his head into your neck "I'm sorry for all the trouble i caused yesterday, i promise I'll explain later when its just the three of us. None of this is yours or Zoro's fault" You sigh stroking his hair as his hold tightens not wanting to let you go, the cook's chest still hurts at your actions but mainly because he's worried, with what Nami said, how your snake acted and your refusal to see them at all let him know you were beyond upset.
After a while of holding you close confirming to himself that you are actually here and in his arms and not a figment of his imagination, Sanji pulls away to look at you but keeps his arms around your waist. Smiling up at him you run your hands from the back of his neck to his cheeks cupping them while rubbing his soft skin with your thumbs. "Are you alright my love? are you hurt? Did you eat last night? Do you need anything?" The blonde whispers placing his forehead against yours, sighing you know he's worried but the constant questions bring you back to yesterday making you tense up a bit "I'm sorry my love" Sanji pulls away unsure of what made you tense up all of a sudden, trying to relax you wrap your arms around his neck again placing your head in his neck "I can't take constant questions at the moment, my minds still a little… could i have some tea?" You ask pulling away hoping it will help you wake up and calm down, nodding Sanji gives you a smile while placing a kiss on your forehead that you lean into "Of course my love" letting you go the cook rushes off to make you some tea while you lean against the counter looking down at the pan on the stove, before you know it a cup of tea is placed next to you as the blonde's hand runs up your side "Would you like some?" Nodding at his question the cook places a kiss on your cheek, turning the heat back on Sanji gets back to cooking a smile on his face now instead of that gloomy look. "Mind if i stay here?" You ask picking up your cup of tea and blowing on it.
The cook happily nods glad that your wanting to be around him, it also conforms that your not mad or upset with him like he thought last night. Putting a plate down next to you Sanji places another kiss on your forehead missing your touch, rubbing his arm you lean into it also missing his touch "I love you" You whisper once he pulls away, cupping your face the blonde gives you those loving soft eyes that makes your heart melt immediately healing any and all heart ache from last night "I love you too, Mi amour" Sanji whispers back but doesn't make a move to kiss you in case you don't want that, putting your cup down you hold his hands to your face enjoying his warm and soft hands before leaning closer placing a kiss on his lips. The cook relaxes into the kiss while humming in delight his thumbs caressing your cheeks, pulling away you both linger close to each other for a while before separating fully so you can eat and Sanji can get back to cooking. More and More of the crew arrive and soon even Percy joins mainly being dragged in my Luffy and Usopp who are both excited about the island their docking at later today, although you don't know if its inhabited or not yet. The door to the kitchen opens once more raveling a very tired Zoro who's still in his sleeping bottoms, running a hand through his messy hair and yawning the swordsman heads into the kitchen area hoping for some coffee but stops in his tracks when noticing you leaning against the counter looking him over. The swordsman gulps looking from you to the cook hoping to find out if it's ok to approach or not.
The look of slight panic and confusion is clear on his face so you push off the counter and step over to him "I'm sorry Zo" You whisper wrapping your arms around his neck, Zoro instantly latches onto you wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you tightly into him "Fuck baby, you had me worried. What the hell happened?" Despite his sigh of relief to have you in his arms the swordsman was still tense, holding him just as tight you run your hand into his hair while placing a kiss on his neck "I'm sorry i worried you but I'll explain later, When its just us three alone. You and Sanji didn't do anything wrong, i just needed time to get my head in the right place" You whisper pulling away to place a hand on his cheek, looking closely at his face you can see he had a restless night. Zoro leans into your touch while keeping a tight hold around your waist not wanting you to pull away from him "I understand that you needed time but don't worry us like that. I love you baby" Smiling at his words you lean in and lightly kiss his lips "I love you too, Zoro" You whisper back against his lips before kissing them again, the swordsman smiles into the kiss while kissing back finally relaxing his body. Sanji smiles at the two of you while putting a cup of coffee down and plate of food "Come on, before it gets cold" The cook comments with a small laugh, pulling away you kiss his lips a few times before trying to pull away but his hold stays tight around you "Let me hold you… just a little longer" Its rare for the swordsman to beg especially with the crew present.
It catches you off guard making you stand there and stare at him for a minute, but he doesn't let go, snapping out of your shock a sigh escapes your lips but your smile remains giving him a nod. Backing you up to the counter Zoro refuses to let go of you for even a second, one hand tightly around you while the other grabs his coffee "Thanks" The swordsman smirks at the cook who nods leaning over to lightly kiss the man before getting back to cooking. The three of you relax listening to the crew at the table all talking, laughing and eating, on occasions Sanji will walk over to deliver more food or fill up cups, as time went by the cook started looking at the clock making you slightly nervous "What's wrong?" You ask with your arms around Zoro who's holding you tightly with both arms, his chin resting on your shoulder to look over the crew behind you. Sanji sighs turning the stove off and whipping his hands "Nami and Robin aren't up yet, It's not a problem its just…. We're approaching an island soon, and we need Nami for that, i want to go and wake them but i also.. Don't want to leave you" The blonde steps closer placing his hand on your cheek, taking his hand you place a kiss on his palm "I'll be here when you get back, i'm not going anywhere. Plus waking up to you is a treat" You smirk seeing the cook start to blush at your words making you giggle, Sanji wipes his nose as a bit of blood trickles out before kissing your cheek "Your too sweet my love" The cook smiles while starting to make some tea and food for the girls.
You were too distracted with the cook to feel the eyes on you but Zoro noticed, looking over your shoulder the swordsman's eyes land on Percy sitting in between Usopp and Chopper who where talking loudly but the young man just sits there his eyes on you and your interaction with the cook. It didn't bother Zoro too much since it looks like the young man was just staring off into space with a blank expression, his mind most likely else where but that changed when the cook kissed you. A slight growl leaves the swordsman's lips as Percy's jaw clenches, his eyes narrow and nostrils flair clearly pisses, as Sanji walks away from you the young man glares at the cook his hands gripping the knife on the table. Zoro tenses while releasing you from his hold ready to jump in if need be, the world around him goes quiet unable to hear your concern at his sudden action. The swordsman's eyes are fixed on Percy who slowly starts to relax while letting go of the knife and turning his attention to the group talking around him. "Zoro?" You ask concerned placing a hand on his chest trying to push him off you, the swordsman finally snaps out of his predatory gaze to look down at you seeing the position he's put you in. His hands gripping the counter either side of you the muscles in his arms tight locking in place, his heaving chest presses up against you pinning you to the counter to the point where your hips dig into the edge making it more uncomfortable. His angry energy making you gulp as he looms over you but his eyes widen in shock before stepping back "Sorry baby" Zoro panics his white knuckled hands releasing the counter.
Sanji walks over placing the try of drinks and food down he was going to give to the girls before noticing what was going on "What is wrong with you?" The cook asks with a mix of concern and anger, looking over at the cook Zoro takes another step back only for you to grab his hand, you couldn't see what the swordsman was looking at but something clearly got his blood thirsty attention, the look on his face before scared you a little since you've only seen it a hand full of times, usually ending up with someone dead. "I'm sorry, I'll tell you later" Zoro sighs his eyes going back to Percy who's laughing and joking with the crew like nothing happened, Sanji raises his eyebrow while looking at the table. You do the same but quickly look back wondering if it was Percy who upset Zoro, did the swordsman figure out it was him who made you upset or was it something else? "Try to calm down. I'll be back soon" Sanji pats the green haired man on the shoulder before picking up the tray and making his way out of the kitchen, Zoro nods leaning against the counter while keeping an eye on the table. He wanted to follow the cook, make sure nothing happens, but he also doesn't want to leave you so for now he'll watch the young man and if he makes a move to leave the swordsman will have no problem stopping him one way or the other. Rubbing Zoro's arm you lean close to him hoping to calm him down, the swordsman starts to relax but doesn't take his eye of the table, your happy that at least he's no longer looking to kill. Wrapping your arms around his waist you bury your head in his neck giving it a kiss as his arm moves around your waist the other tapping on the counter.
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softspeirs · 7 months
hello! could i please request "remembering things they told them" for mota - dealer's choice on characters and/or ocs?💕 — @shoshiwrites
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A/N: @shoshiwrites My gut said more John Egan so here we are. This follows this loosely but you don't need to have read it first.
two. dark skies (i remember)
Three cups of coffee the next morning is barely enough to get her out of bed and moving, but she's back in the pub bright and early. They don't do breakfast, but they open at noon, and she promised herself she'd try to put the day before out of her mind.
She's wiping down the bar when she hears the door open. "We're closed--" She stops when she sees Major Egan. He's twisting the brim of his hat in his hands and looking anywhere but at her. "Morning, Major." She says. "Unfortunately we're still closed... no matter how many of those shiny pins you have on your lapel."
His smile is small. "I just wanted to--" He sighs, looking skyward like he's trying to find the right words. "Look, I'm sorry I was an asshole last night."
He doesn't apologize for his language or look at her like she's going to be offended, which she appreciates.
She still doesn't like the look in his eyes. It's... blank. A bit of remorse there, but something else, too. Something dark and closed off, and she hates that she can tell. That she's spent enough time trying to guess what he's thinking that she can tell his moods apart.
"It's alright, Major."
"No it isn't." He's firm, but not unkind. From behind his back, he pulls out a small, small bouquet of flowers.
She doesn't think she's ever seen Major Egan look anything than confident, cocky, and sure of himself. But this look? She wishes she had a camera.
"I remember you said you like daisies," he says quietly, holding it out towards her, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck.
She's taken aback - the idea that he remembers anything she's said when they've been surrounded by everyone else is crazy to her. "That's-- no offense Major, but I thought you were three sheets to the wind when this conversation was going on."
A group of rowdy aviators, each one of them bragging about the nicest thing they ever did for a girl, and then the competition to see who could outdo the other... it ended with her chiming in from the bar that all she needed was a picnic and some daisies and she'd be happy, just like most other girls her age. No grand gestures necessary.
This feels like a grand gesture, sort of. Her heart rate kicks up when she takes the flowers from him, their fingertips brushing.
"Did you pick these from some unsuspecting housewife's garden?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.
His eyes light up with amused indignation. "Did I--" His voice is half laugh. "I'll have you know I gave some of my hard earned coin to Mrs. Henderson down the road for these."
"You didn't have to do that."
He shrugs. "I know-- I know you were just looking out for me when I came by here last night. You didn't deserve my... bad attitude."
She doesn't know what to say. She has no idea what he's going through. She has her own heartbreak every time she opens the door for business and sees fewer and fewer airmen walking through the door. But these men, his friends? How is he possibly handling that?
"You, uh... you let us in here night after night and have never kicked us out even when we deserved it. And I... I don't know." He shrugs. "Buck went down yesterday. And I'm angry as hell and all I wanted was to drown it."
She looks down. "I'm sorry I turned you away."
His eyes are clear when he meets her gaze. "Don't be. You were right." He rolls his eyes at himself. "But don't go tellin' anyone I said that."
"You're flying today." It's not a question.
"I have to--" He shakes his head. "It's my job." He straightens, drawing himself back to his full height. "Anyway. I just wanted to..." he trails off, gesturing to the flowers still in her hand. "I should go."
He turns, and she remembers him like that the night before, telling her she shouldn't get attached to any of them. She remembers, but suddenly she doesn't care.
It's too late anyway.
"Bucky." She says his nickname for the first time, and he turns faster than she expected, his eyes widening with-- hope? Surprise? "Take this. For luck."
She hands him a single daisy. Takes a deep breath, raises herself up on her toes and presses a kiss to his cheek.
It all happens in a second. A heartbeat.
And it's that second, that heartbeat that she plays over and over again in her mind later that night when Captain Rosenthal's plane comes back alone.
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tickety-boooo · 15 days
Aziraphale's Flaming Sword
I'm working on a poem about Aziraphale's flaming sword and it got me thinking all about it, so here are my thoughts and findings!
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First is looks: the hilt is surprisingly plain. It's not the intricate, ornate sword you might expect; instead it's more primitive, or ancient, by design. The pommel is rounded, and the hand guard curves upward around the base of the blade, resembling a cup shape, rather than a crossguard in a straight line. Actually, it resembles the handle of a torch, which is interesting. Torches give off light and symbolize guidance and enlightenment. An appropriate weapon for our angel, I think! Aziraphale is given the sword to help him guard Eden against... what, exactly? I've never really stopped to consider what the danger is supposed to be. Could it be the animals that live outside of the garden? After Adam and Eve are cast out, they're seen fighting a lion with the sword, and in his dialogue with Crowley, Zira mentions "vicious animals". If it's the forces of Hell, then he's not doing a very good job of it, (poor angel~) letting Crowley snake his way in with the whole apple business! And since it's a sword made of fire, would that even hurt a demon? Is it holy fire? Do angels have holy water AND holy fire, and if so, do demons have a "hellwater" equivalent?!?!? These are the real questions I need answers to!! lol
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I wonder if instead it's supposed to match up with what's written in the Bible. An angel with a flaming sword is sent to guard the Tree of Knowledge AFTER Adam and Eve are cast out, to prevent mankind from re-entering the garden. The angel was supposed to stop humanity from returning to paradise! I didn't know about this detail! In the show I assumed Aziraphale was always stationed there to protect Eden, even before Adam and Eve were cast out! Was this Aziraphale's actual job? Was he told to go to Eden and guard the gate after the original sin? If true, I think this would imply he had only been in the garden for a short time by the wall scene in s1ep1. And then it would make sense that he didn't try to stop Crowley from tempting Eve if he wasn't even there to see it happen originally. He's called in to work after everything already went down (like a lead balloon). But he has empathy and takes pity on the humans, and by giving away the sword he deviates from the Bible's story. I think the way this scene is cut and edited it feels like all of these events are happening immediately one after another, as it is meant to serve as a summary of Genesis (we all know the basic story) when most likely there were moments in between, like God speaking to Adam and Eve about why they're hiding their bodies and, potentially, Zira's arrival at the garden. We see in a different scene later that Zira is patching up the wall, and God asks him about the sword being missing. How is he to defend the garden against humanity's return without his sword?
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Moving onnn... This scene is an origin story for how humanity harnessed fire!! And Aziraphale is the one who gave it to us, to protect ourselves and stay cozy warm and cook our food!!!! That is so cool and it completely fits with his character!! I love that the flaming sword in Aziraphale's hands is a symbol of protection and self-defense, life and survival.
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And then because it's been given away, given to humans, (who now have the capacity for both good and bad after eating the apple) after thousands of years the sword ends up in the hands of the horseman WAR. That's her key item to summon her for the impending apocalypse. It now represents how humans have control over fire; they've created gunpowder and artillery and war and violence and Earth-ending destruction.
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But WAR is defeated by Pepper, using the same sword that now holds this duality in meaning. Pepper, "Pippin Galadriel Moonchild", the child of a hippie mother, or in a way, a child of PEACE, defending her world, protecting the lives of everyone on Earth. Ahh it's such a satisfying narrative circle, I love it!!!!
That's all for now! I totally paused my poem work to write all this out, so back to it!!
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endlich-allein · 1 year
I KNOW that you are a specifically Till acc, but do you have any facts on his bandmates? (If not That’s okay love your blog)
Hi ! Thanks for the ask, I tried to gather all the facts I could think of but I probably forgot quite a few (feel free to add to this list if you feel like it !) :
— Richard did a lot of odd jobs when he was young (shoe salesman, cook, etc.) but the job that made the biggest impression on him was as a cleaner for an old lady who had stuffed her poodles. She made him run a feather duster over her poodles ;
— Richard bought his first album in Hungary for 200 marks. It was the album Plastic Surgery Disaster by Dead Kennedys ;
— Rammstein and Depeche Mode got into a tomato fight in the backstage at the 2001 MTV Europe Music Awards.
— Richard bought his first guitar at the age of 16 in Czechoslovakia, not because he knew how to play, but to sell it back in Germany. On the road, he (and some friends) stopped at a campsite and a girl insisted he play, so he strummed the strings. And it was because girls liked guitarists that he became one himself ;
— Paul said that every time Till went to Leipzig, he went to his grandmother's and ate pasta ;
— Paul thinks he might have been a psychic or psychiatrist, Schneider thinks he might have been a computer scientist and Ollie a masson ;
— Paul thinks that if the band were stranded on a desert island, they'd eat Till first, but they'd have to wait until he fell asleep because he probably wouldn't let them. And the worst thing is that Till agrees with it because, when asked the same question, he replied that the group would eat him first because he has more meat than the others...;
— Flake and Paul, along with Feeling B and others, turned Till's house upside down, smashed tables, turned up the music and cooked fried eggs with honey because they couldn't get their hands on the butter ;
— Paul says that if he had to invent an object, it would be a plate that keeps the heat in, because according to him, the dishes are always too hot, so he waits and then they quickly become too cold ;
— Richard and Flake, during the recording of Reise Reise, got into a verbal joust : Richard said that Flake's wife "sang like a cuckoo", and Flake informed Richard that nobody cared about his children's talents ;
— Richard grabbed Till's collar and slammed him against a wall because Till made a joke about Richard's unconditional love of Donald Duck movies. Till repeated this in an interview (with Richard and Ollie) in 2006, to which Richard replied: "Idiot ! I’m a fan of Italian realism from the early 60′s. Alberto Sordi, Fellini... I’m not a snob but unlike these gloomy guys I know cinema well." ;
— Flake told Paul he couldn't be racist because he didn't like anybody ;
— Schneider and Till have gardening competitions, but Till is jealous because Schneider always has the most beautiful orchids ;
— Till sent a huge box of candy with the note "Enjoy the fucking candy" to Chris Martin (Coldplay) to thank him for helping him with a sore neck. Since then, they've been friends, and Chris dedicated a Coldplay song to Till and his children during a concert ;
— Schneider's mother was angry with him because of the Mutter song, but he didn't understand why, he just told her that he didn't write the lyrics ;
— Ollie accidentally hit Till on the head with his bass, Till had to leave the stage and be bandaged, he ended the concert with a huge bandage ;
— Ollie once stole something. It only happened once. It was a little wooden boat, and when he got home he felt so guilty that he confessed the whole thing to his mother ;
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laismoura-art · 1 month
I need your umgadi girls college au headcanons with lisa! I'll Try to gone up with the order of light headcanons hatsune!
Hey Dragon!!💕
It took me longer than expected to gather my ideas, but here we go!!
Harumi and Tanya studied together in high school!
They were both cheerleaders and Tanya was team captain!
Harumi is extremely sociable and friendly, so she befriended Tanya on their first day of training. They've been best friends ever since!
Tanya was very popular in high school, she was an unusual "good mean girl" meaning she targeted bullies instead of the bullied.
She used to pick up some serious fights till the school boarding warned her it could affect her chances of getting a scholarship. Even though she was an extremely dedicated student.
Tanya doesn't come from a wealthy home, so she couldn't afford missing any chance to get her scholarship!
Harumi didn't think it was fair that Tanya was getting in trouble for defending other kids, so she started to cover up for her.
Being liked by everyone had it's perks, Harumi could get anyone to help back us her stories.
Tanya stopped picking up actual fights and started to do some little pranks instead.
The bullies always knew it was her, but with Harumi getting more than half of the school promptly siding with her and Tanya, it was hard for them to get her in any trouble!
To get extra points, Tanya also joined the gardening club at their school, which Harumi was part of!
Tanya wasn't that great at gardening, but of course Harumi helped her out (which made her very happy cause usually it was Tanya who helped her with her studies, so it was nice to be the one helping for a change)!
Tanya graduated with flying colours as one of the best students. Which granted her a 100% scholarship!
She got to attend the best gymnastics program in the country!
She was hoping after graduation she would open her own program for low income children like herself!
Harumi also got herself a scholarship to the same college as Tanya, though she was majoring in nursing instead.
They both opened her acceptance letters together and spend an entire weekend celebrating!
It was at college that they met the rest of the girls!
Jade has lived in South America most of her life as her family had business in the region.
It was in Peru that she met her best friend, Kotal. It seems his family had direct descendant to Incan royalty!
Through her parents many trips and long friendship with Kotal, Jade learned to love history, ancient history specifically!
She decided to major in history then (to her parents distaste, as they'd rather have her study business to continue working at her family's company)
Despite her choices going against her family's preferences, they didn't object much. They come from a very wealthy family so she could indulge.
Her parents were very busy businesspeople, and their hyperfocus on their jobs make them rather neglectful towards Jade. Though they bought the tickets to her trip, as they promised they would, they ended messing up the dates and scheduling her flight a WEEK after the classes had already started!
Not wanting to miss another day, Jade went to class as soon as she arrived, which caused her to be jetlagged and extremely exhausted!
It didn't help that she didn't know the college and, in a hurry, she ended up barging into the wrong class! The nursing class, where she met Harumi.
Harumi, always the friendly type, offered to help get Jade settled! She showed her around and they talked a lot in the process, Harumi could tell she and Jade were going to be good friends!
At lunch time, Harumi invited Jade to join her, and there she met Tanya!
Suchin only joined the group a couple weeks later.
She is the perfect example of an antisocial and always had very few friends, and unfortunately, none of them made it to the same college as her.
She was terrified with the idea of having to make friends all over again, but the luck was on her side this time!
Thanks to her majoring in archeology, she has history class with Jade, and was quite fascinated by Jade's knowledge on Mesoamerican culture. She didn't say anything, but Jade could tell she was paying attention and, to Suchin's relief, was the one who started a conversation!
Jade also invited Suchin to join her and her friends at lunch! Before Suchin knew, she already had three new friends!
A month later Lisa Liang would be joining their group!
She and Kuai Liang, came all the way from China for their majors! (They choose this college because their older brother, Bi-Han was already studying there).
Lisa used to have serious anger problems, and they only improved once she started doing martial arts.
She wanted to help other people the same way she was helped, so she decided to major in business, she would be able to open her own martial arts school! She will call it the Lin Kuei Dojo!
Meanwhile, Kuai, always wanted to be a therapist, as therapy had always helped him handle his insecurities, and much like Lisa, he wanted other people to receive the same help and support he had!
Lisa wasn’t great at making friends, but she knew she would've to get past that if she wanted to be able to work with people in the future!
She was jogging around campus one morning and coincidentally, so was Tanya. They were going the same direction and Lisa took it as her opportunity to be social.
Tanya was very nice to her and Lisa didn't want to ruin things with her, so she admitted she was not used to talk to people and requested Tanya not to think she was weird (while also mentally smacking herself for being so blunt with a girl she had just met)
Tanya inly laughed and said Lisa wasn’t the first socially awkward friend she had, and invited Lisa to join her at lunch. She was sure meeting Harumi was all Lisa needed to relax and feel more welcomed!
Little did she know she would be bringing together what would soon become the most amazing power couple!
Now, speaking of amazing powers couples, here's some shipping focused headcanons:
Tanya met Mileena in the gymnastics program. Li Mei, their teacher, paired them up together for an exercise and they got along very nicely!
Mileena realised her feelings for Tanya after messing up a sequence, a couple girls were mean to her for that and Tanya stood up for her!
Suchin met Kenshi in history class. Their first conversation happened because she corrected him on a fact.
She expected him to be mad, but he found it amusing instead, and also requested her help on some fact checking! She accepted-- or rather, Jade accepted for her!
Jade and Tomas met by chance. Jade ended up accidentally 3rd wheeling for Harumi and Lisa (Tanya and Suchin had both decided to call it a night and Jade missed the cue to do the same, so she just remained awkwardly with the couple)
Lisa took them both home and there they met Tomas (he wouldn't start college till the next semester, hence why they never met in class)
Tomas was relieved to see Jade cause then he wouldn't be stuck 3rd wheeling in his own house!
Bonus couple:
Hanzo came all the way from Japan to study Pedagogy, but unlike the Sub-Zero siblings, his english wasn't the best, so he took a mentoring class to improve. Kuai was his tutor!
They bonded over their want to help people, as Hanzo wants to do Pedagogy to give a better education to orphanage children!
Aaaaand that's what I have for now! Hope you enjoy it!!💕
@madamealtruist @mikka-minns @orbitinytheworld
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