#alpha!ken x reader
emjiroki · 1 year
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Tokyo Revengers Masterlist ♡
Manjiro Sano ♡
First mini 18+
Early Mornings 18+
sleepy mornings 18+
Halloween 18+ Draken x Reader x Mikey
Lactation Kink Manjiro
Burn It Down: Toxic collab Manjiro
Need it all, All the time: Alpha Manjiro x Omega Reader
Ours for the Night: Izana x Reader x Manjiro x Shinichiro
Wanna kiss every inch of you Prompt
Fuck, you feel so good prompt 18+
Manjiro Headcanons
Breeding kink Manjiro late night rambles
Alpha Manjiro headcanons
NSFW Ask Game
Virgin Mikey x Shinichiro's Girlfriend
Take What You Want: Bonten Gangbang
Ken Ryuuguji ♡
Draken & Taiju Omegaverse mini
Feral Domestic Dominant drabble
Backseat backshots 18+
Ex's to Lovers drabble
Early morning drabble
Misc Prompts
Izana Kurokawa Babytrapping 18+
Stoner Haitani Brothers drabble
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Izana and Kakucho [MALE READER].
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Ele estava cansado, seu corpo suado deitado em meio aos lençóis brancos agora sujos, lágrimas gordas desciam pelo rosto manchado pelas marcas das lágrimas.
Mais uma vez Izana e Kakucho não estavam ali, mais um heat que passava sozinho, mais uma vez que ele sentia uma dor alucinante em seu peito e sentia seu lobo ferido.
A última briga deles foi tão desgastante, Izana falando que não merecia um Alpha tão frouxo e fraco.
[Nome] sabia que era o Alpha, mas estava tão cansado de receber as migalhas de atenção quando um deles entrava no cio, seu lobo estava tão chateado e ferido.
A dor em seus músculos era horrível, mas mesmo assim ele se levantou da cama, caminhando lentamente em direção ao banheiro.
Enquanto a água quente escorria sobre seu corpo e enchia a banheira, ele tentava regular sua respiração,parecia doloroso até mesmo puxar o ar para os pulmões.
De maneira lenta e calma, ele se lavou, passando o sabonete da natura tododia cereja e avelã em seu corpo, se livrando das sujeiras dos últimos dias de seu corpo.
“Talvez se eles se importasse conosco… ”
Seu lobo não pode deixar de sussurrar em sua mente,magoado e chateado, aos poucos aquele pequeno fio que interligava os três se arrebentou, de maneira dolorosa a marca que os interligava… sumiu.
Um grito escapou dos lábios feridos de [Nome], as pálpebras dele fechavam lentamente, sua mente cansada o permitindo finalmente fechar os olhos.
Antes de apagar totalmente, ele escutou um grito, a porta do banheiro sendo aberta brutalmente e uma figura loira entrando.
— Take… Michi?
Draken olhou preocupado para o alpha trêmulo em seus braços, Takemichi tinha o ligado falando que [Nome] estava quase morto no banheiro da casa.
Ken na mesma hora correu em direção aonde sabia que o amigo morava, e encontrou o temível "O lobo sanguinário" com a cabeça no colo de Takemichi, totalmente enrolado em uma coberta e com o rosto tão pálido e magro.
— [Nome]...
Ele olhou para o outro em seu colo, ajeitando a camisa que um dia foi apertada no alpha, agora estava larga.
— Você não come a quanto tempo?
Os olhos dourados focaram no Alpha maior, indicando que era o lobo no controle do corpo.
— Não tenho certeza, a última vez que ele nos alimentou foi… — Ele parou por um tempo, como se tentasse lembrar que dia tal coisa ocorreu,que era preocupante. — Aquela vez que você o levou para sair.
Okay, isso foi há muito tempo, e a feição de Ken deixou claro o quanto surpreso ficou.
— E… Seus ômegas? Onde estão…?
A pergunta parecia ter efeito sobre o outro, ele apenas mostrou o pescoço onde a marca que os ômegas deixaram ficava, [Nome] mostrava e exibia a marca das presas de maneira orgulhosa, mas quando Draken viu que no lugar das marcas não havia nada ele entendeu.
— Eles…?
— Não… Eu quebrei.
— Oh… — Em um ato de desespero, Draken começou a ronronar, tentando acalmar a respiração do alpha menor que estava a acelerar.
Kakucho foi o primeiro a sentir aquela dor alucinante e logo após Izana, os gritos que escaparam dos lábios de ambos e a queimação em seus pescoços onde ficam as glândulas de odor não foi explicado.
Hanma não entendeu de primeira, mas depois de um tempo ele entendeu.
“ Por isso… Kisaki só os deixava voltar para casa quando era o cio deles… Para a conexão se acabar e o Alpha achar que foi renegado… ”
Antes mesmo dele falar algo, ambos os ômegas começaram a correr, provavelmente para a casa onde o alpha já morto estava.
Um sorriso se formou nos lábios de Hanma, mas rapidamente se desmanchou ao ver que Kisaki também começou a correr de maneira desesperada.
[Nome] estava como uma boneca quebrada, era carregado pelos braços de Draken de um lado para o outro.
Ele não sabia o porquê o grande dragão da toman não o largava.
O de cabelos [claros/escuros] gemeu baixinho, sentindo novamente aquela sensação estranha de desamparo e uma sonolência inexplicável, então nos braços de Draken ele dormiu.
Com o passar das horas, Draken sentiu seu coração apertar cada vez mais. Ele tinha certeza de que algo muito grave estava acontecendo com [Nome], que ainda dormia profundamente em seus braços. Ken observava a respiração fraca e irregular do outro e sentia uma angústia crescente, sem saber o que fazer, ele estava apavorado, segurando o corpo de seu melhor amigo, que não parecia ter sinais de vida.
Ele tentou acordá-lo várias vezes, sacudindo-o e chamando seu nome, mas o alpha de fios [claros/escuros] permanecia imóvel e sem resposta. Draken sentiu-se perdido e impotente diante daquela sensação o peito de [Nome] se mover levemente com a respiração, mas não havia qualquer outro sinal de que ele estivesse consciente.
O loiro afastou o amigo de seus braços e olhou atentamente para o rosto de [Nome], esperando por qualquer mudança, mas tudo o que viu foi o olhar fixo e as gotas de suor escorrendo pela testa.
Dessa vez, ele sentiu sua impotência diante da situação. Ele tentou várias coisas para despertar o grande lobo sanguinário, mas nada parecia funcionar. Suas tentativas de agitar o corpo e prestar auxílio pareciam inúteis.
Draken sentiu uma onda de tristeza e frustração percorrendo o corpo,seu cheiro amargou, a sensação de desespero sendo sentida por todos que sentiam os feromônios descontrolados dele.
O maior se lembrou de todas as vezes em que [Nome] estava lá para ele, sempre o apoiando e encorajando a seguir em frente. Agora, ele sentia como se tivesse falhado completamente em ajudar seu amigo.
Os minutos passaram, mas o estado de [Nome] não parecia melhorar. Os olhos de Draken encheram-se de lágrimas, enquanto ele mantinha o corpo de seu amigo firmemente entre seus braços.
Ele começou a temer que nunca mais veria [Nome] sorrir e contar as piadas que tanto o divertiam, ele sabia que se o levasse para um hospital os médicos falariam que não tinha nada a se fazer, um Alpha que quebra o laço que os liga com o ômega estava destinado a morrer.
De repente, Draken sentiu um movimento no corpo de [Nome]. Ele segurou a respiração, na esperança de que seu amigo estivesse despertando. Para seu alívio, [Nome] começou a projetar um pequeno gemido e seus dedos apertaram fracamente a roupa de Ken.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: izumi tachibana | isuke matsukawa | tetsuro iwai | yuzo kashima | ken sakoda | reni kamikizaka | haruto asuka summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: homelesness, bullying, implied organized crime, rating: sfw a/n: why was this the fastest i've written one of these? why? i don't even particularly like some of these people?
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≿━━━━༺❀ izumi tachibana ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were... well, you were a little baby back then, nothing remarkable yet. you were the only child of your parents, a pair of famous actors. and they just so happened to be friends with yukio tachibana, izumi's father.
✿ you were about three years old, while izumi was a newborn, only a few months old. you'd been eager to meet yukio's new baby for the longest time, but you'd been busy travelling with your parents.
✿ obviously, your parents brought you over to the tachibana household so you could all be introduced to the new baby. you were pretty much dragging your parents over, as much as you could with your wobbly baby legs. and when yukio finally showed you izumi, you were entranced.
✿ you made it your mission to look after izumi whenever you were over. your parents thought that it was because you wanted a sibling, but in reality you just thought she was far too tiny to survive without any supervision.
✿ ...izumi had no thoughts on you at the time. you, on the other hand, became extremely protective of izumi. she was so tiny, so cute, far too fragile. the adults thought it was precious, while you thought that they were stupid for not being as careful with the tiny thing as you.
≿━━━━༺❀ isuke matsukawa ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were homeless. to put it simply, you'd recently lost your job and apartment and were looking for somewhere to work where you could also get board, preferably anyways. previously though, you were a marketing manager for a small movie theatre.
✿ you were 26, the same age as isuke. you'd been homeless for about two months, living in your car. isuke on the other hand had been the manager of mankai company for about two years.
✿ you were waiting in the lobby of the mankai theatre, waiting for the manager for a job interview. you'd come across the barista/ticket seller job advertisement and immediately applied, mostly due to the room they were offering to go along with it. isuke walked into the room, took one look at you, and immediately hired you.
✿ after the most confusing job interview you'd ever had, you quickly moved in to the dorms, right next door to isuke. it turned even more confusing when you discovered that you and isuke were the only employees. you really had no idea what you'd gotten yourself into.
✿ isuke was mostly just grateful to have someone else to help around with the company, even if the barista position was the least of his worries. but meeting you, and realizing how hard working you were after a bit of living with you, he started to really admire you. isuke was... something. that's certainly a way to describe him. messy, bit rough around the edges, literally a living disaster. but he was too cute to scold whenever he did something wrong, even if you desperately wanted to every time you saw his work schedule.
≿━━━━༺❀ tetsuro iwai ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a weird little kid, obsessed with puppets and marionettes. everyone else in your local pre-school thought that you were far too weird, and your parents were extremely concerned by your unwillingness to socialize with anyone.
✿ you were 6 years old and you'd just recently been moved to a new kindergarten after the bullying at the last one got too much. tetsuro was 5 years old.
✿ you were trying (and failing) to put together a new puppet from scraps of broken toys, when tetsuro wondered into the room you were in. you didn't pay any mind to him, especially since he didn't say a single thing and simply came to sit by you. a few minutes later when one of the older and meaner kids came by to drag tetsuro away, you scared them off by literally growling at them.
✿ you sort of became tetsuro's protector, though largely unintentionally. it just happened to be that you scared the other kids and tetsuro took advantage of that to not get bullied and to get some silence. eventually it became weird to see the two of you apart.
✿ tetsuro thought that you were the coolest kid, both with your attitude and your creativity. you took thrown away stuff and made them into funny little friends. that, and sometimes you put on some puppet shows for him, which was the best thing he'd ever witnessed. tetsuro was a person, that was for sure. but he was also really quiet and didn't bother you or your puppets, so you allowed him to hang around. but if anyone asked, you didn't like him. not at all. he was just someone who hang around. read that with the most amount of sarcasm possible.
≿━━━━༺❀ yuzo kashima ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a little baby actor, working at various theaters and films as opportunities came. you'd only started professionally acting a year ago, though you were a natural at it, at least according to your nightmare coach.
✿ you were 20 while yuzo was 21. while you'd been professionally an actor for only a year, prior to that you'd only done some school plays. yuzo had been acting for several years already.
✿ you'd been invited as a guest actor for one of the spring troupe's plays, as they needed someone with your exact talents to play the co-lead, with yuzo as the lead. he wasn't there when you were hired, so the first time you saw each other was at the first rehearsal. everyone thought it was going to turn out horrible, but the two of you had excellent chemistry on stage.
✿ the following rehearsals kept going better and better, and eventually yuzo came to also like you as a person instead of just as an actor, which lead to the two of you actually hanging out and developing even better chemistry.
✿ yuzo was mostly impressed by your skills, you bounced off of him so effortlessly and beautifully. frankly, it was the most attractive thing he'd ever seen. though he heavily denied this when his troupe mates started asking about it. yuzo kind of reminded you of your coach, both of them being absolutely dreadful with their criticism. thankfully, yuzo didn't find much to criticize (yet), which lead to you liking him way more than the old man coaching you. way, way more.
≿━━━━༺❀ ken sakoda ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were just your average joe, a store clerk at a small convenience store. the most interesting part about you (besides your little puppy) was your dream of one day becoming a famous crime writer. thriller books and detective stories had always been your favorites.
✿ you were 19 and you'd been living by yourself since you were 16. you'd been lying about your age for years to work, but recently you'd gotten a proper job. ken was 18 at the time.
✿ you were closing up at work, locking the door when you spotted a body laying by the backdoor. you stared at it for a while, realizing whoever it was was unconcious, before picking him up onto your shoulder to take him home. it wouldn't be the first time some unfortunate outcast had ended up on your couch. so you decided to take care of him.
✿ ken woke up confused on your couch, though after a short explanation of what happened he became extremely grateful to you. he stayed for a day to recover and then left. you didn't except to see him again, but he turned back up a few days later and then would show up every once in a while for a place to sleep.
✿ you were an angel to ken, even if you continuously denied his praises. but really, you were way too nice to someone like him. you always had some food ready for him, and a warm bed to sleep in even if you never knew when he was going to show up. ken was fun. that's the most you got out of him the first time he stayed over, but after that you came to discover how helpful he liked to be. you really enjoyed having him over, and eagerly waited for a familiar knock from the door, even if you told him he could just walk in.
≿━━━━༺❀ reni kamikizaka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a famously reclusive playwright, known for your god-like scripts. but despite your reputation in the theatre world, nobody had ever actually met you, at least not knowingly. people commissioned you, and received their scripts in mail, never in person.
✿ you were 25.. no one knew your real age though, so everyone thought you were some old guy. reni was 24 back then, and the newly minted director of god-za.
✿ you have really no idea how reni managed to find you, but he showed up at your house with a request for a play. usually you'd never open the door for someone, but you were expecting a food delivery and foolishly decided to open the door without checking. after a moment of staring at each other, you tried to slam the door on his face but he was really determined to not let you.
✿ you reluctantly allowed reni inside, where he fell into a spiel about commissioning a few plays from you. it was then that you discovered that this idiot wasn't aware of how you took commissions (mail). but you did decide to write the plays for him, which started a several decades long work-relationship.
✿ you were very different to everyone else reni had ever met. you hated being outside, you hated having to interact with anyone, but you seemed so fascinated with everything he did. but you were so real, he instantly knew you were the best choice for the job. reni was pushy, kind of rude, incredible fucking stupid. but also so sincere, even if he came across as arrogant that way. he was a fascinating person that definitely got all your creative juices flowing. he was perfect, in a way.
≿━━━━༺❀ haruto asuka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an unknown little talent that kamikizaka had found and just recruited for god-za. nobody had ever heard of you before, ever seen you act anywhere or even happened upon your name. but somehow, kamikizaka was certain you were the next star of the show.
✿ you were both 23. haruto had been at the company for over a year at that point, while your joining was suddenly announced just a week prior.
✿ kamikizaka brought you to the company to introduce you to everyone, though you weren't particularly interested in anyone until you got to haruto, who's scathing eyes locked onto you immediately. it was the first time the whole night you bothered to do your own introductions, to kamikizaka's surprise. haruto didn't seem particularly impressed though.
✿ kamikizaka immediately realized you latched onto haruto, and partnered the two of you up. haruto didn't really enjoy this, but seeing you interact with anyone else at the company he realized why that happened, and started to try and mentor you. it didn't exactly work, but it was funny to everyone else.
✿ haruto sort of thought that you were enroaching on his turf. kamikizaka was so keen on you, he felt like his opportunities were being snatched by some unknown nuisance. then you liked him, and suddenly he liked you too. haruto was the only interesting person at the company. people often saw you as far too perfect, which you hated, while haruto didn't. he clearly didn't like you, and you liked that. and then he started to like you, and weirdly enough you didn't hate that.
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reallyromealone · 3 months
Can I request an smiley x reader omegaverse like omega reader is Mikey’s sibling. Like the first time that smiley sees him he instantly knows that’s his fated omega but he has to go through Mikey to try and court reader plz and thank you.
Title: lover
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Sano family, Toman, smiley
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: smiley x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, protective Sano siblings, fluff, cute, soulmate
Mikey was always an overprotective brother, scaring off anyone who went near his siblings and (name) especially as the Omega was a cutie that grabbed everyone's attention much to his older brothers annoyances.
The Sano brothers always chased off suitors, keeping him away from gang shit but sometimes it was unavoidable.
"(Name), what are you doin' here?" Baji asked as (name) sat at the steps of the shrine doing his homework "Shinichiro doesn't need help at the shop and home was boring so Mikey dragged me here" (name) explained simply as mitsuya nodded "you never been to a meeting, have you?" He asked and (name) shook his head "nyope but Mikey would rather die than have be go out and about and Iza is busy with his own stuff so.... Here I am"
(Name) Met a few Toman higher ups, though (name) was usually helping shin or grandpa so this was one of his first times meeting a few people here.
(Name) Was curious as two motorcycles pulled up, a set of twins hopping off "so why the hell are we here?!" The pink haired one yelled out and (name) was entranced immediately, a small chirp leaving his lips and the smiling teen whipped his head around to see the Omega and a rumble left his throatbas the world halted for them, (name) feeling the need to get closer to the Alpha.
(Name) Snapped from his trance as Mikey looked ready to murder at the lovestruck look his brother was giving Smiley, he didn't want any fucker near his brother and definitely not one of the biggest Fuckboys in the gang. "(Name)! I will bring you home I swear to god!" Mikey barked and (name) rolled his eyes "oh please! I'm not doing anything!" He fired back and the blond groaned annoyed "just stop making eyes at my captain and smiley stop looking at him like that or I'll kick your ass!"
That did nothing, Everytime smiley shot the other a flirty glance, (name) smiled all flustered and that just egged the Alpha on further.
"I swear to fucking god!" And (name) went back to his homework.
"He is NEVER going to a meeting again!" Mikey said angrily as they got home, Izana glancing up as Emma and shinichiro made dinner "what happened?" The teen girl asked, tilting her head slightly and (name) pouted "I didn't do anything! Mikey is being dramatic!" (Name) Huffed as he sat beside Izana "Iza! Make Mikey stop being a drama queen"
Shinichiro looked at Draken who was leaning on the door frame "ken, what happened?"
"(Name) Met his dated pair" he said simply and the room was silent as Izana moved to sniff his brother "you don't smell like (scent)" the white haired man accused and they looked at him expectantly and (name) pouted as grandpa made a grunt "when do we get to meet em?" The old alpha asked and (name) huffed "after I get to meet him!"
"So you are trying to kill me!" Mikey cried and (name) rolled his eyes.
It wasn't till the following week that (name) saw smiley again, the two halting as (name) went to get groceries for dinner "it's you!" (Name) Was over the moon as the older kawata looked at him with a flirty grin "watch out now, Mikey might kick my ass" he teased and (name) huffed "he wouldn't dare" oh Mikey would but (name) in turn would throw shit at him.
Smiley walked with (name) around the store as they chatted, falling so easily into a routine as the Alpha kept his fated pair close as the Alpha paid for the other "you don't have to!" (Name) Looked guilt as smiley shrugged "not gonna let my mate pay for shit"
The two walked to the Sano house as shinichiro was reading a magazine on the engawa casually "OI! one foot apart you shits!" The eldest barked out and (name) pouted, the other two brothers poking their heads out and Mikey glared as Izana stared coldly at the elder twin "(name)! Didn't I say no dating till I'm dead!" Mikey grumbled out and (name) rolled his eyes "I'm older than you!" (Name) Fired back as the two squabbled leaving the eldest siblings to judge smiley "this house is traditional when it comes to courting, if you want to be with him it's not gonna be easy"
Shinichiro wanted his younger brother to date a nice alpha not.... Not smiley.
Anyone but smiley--- I'm almost anyone because he's seen the people his brothers hang out with.
Maybe like mitsuya, yeah mitsuya would treat him well.
And thus started the courting process, all dates had a a chaperone of one of the siblings, the two never getting to be alone (unless you count the times smiley snuck into (name)s bedroom so they could makeout) and the brothers judged any gift that smiley got (name) "looks cheap" they said but (name) was giddy at anything his mate to be got him.
(Name) Got him little trinkets and a cute bracelet set that the Omega seemed very proud of and Smiley wore the matching bracelets with pride.
"Where ya taking him"
"What are you gonna do?"
"Hope you booked a reservation for three"
Smiley was ready to throttle his close friend and his family but knew they were just worried about their pack Omega dating though thank fuck grandpa Sano was chill with him and actually seemed happy that (name) found his soulmate.
"These goofs are all planning on moving out, (name) is the only one who is interested in running the dojo" grandpa Sano said randomly while Smiley waited for him to finish getting ready "you're a good kid, I know what my boys do so I know you can hold your own" he continued and smiley for once wasn't so well... Smiley but instead Nahoya.
"So what do you want to do, after school?"
"My brother and I want to run our own ramen shop, we have a name for it and everything"
The old alpha hummed, seeming pleased with his response "hardworking young man, (name) is a strong young man, doesn't like to be tied to his omega status despite his brothers attempts... Let him do what makes him happy" the elder man asked him and nahoya nodded "if he wants something, I'll do whatever I can to provide it"
"Good, now (name)! Hurry up! You're making this young man wait forever!"
"I'm coming I'm coming!"
Grandpa Sano watched how much love was between them, he hoped he could get to live to see them get married.
Maybe even to see a few pups.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Alpha Draken x Omega Male Reader x Alpha Mikey
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Sunlight leaked into the bedroom where two Alpha's were laying. One on each sides the middle empty. The Alpha on the right reached towards the middle and quickly sat up when he realized it was empty. He quickly woke up the Alpha on the left. "Ken-chin wake up!" Draken groaned and turned over. "5 more minutes Mikey." "But (Name)-chin isn't in bed!"
That woke him up. Draken quickly sat up and looked at the middle of the bed. Empty. He put his hand down. Cold. "When did he wake up?! He's 8 months pregnant how did he leave the bed without us knowing!?" Both Alpha's quickly left the bed hurriedly put on shirts and pants and were rancing out of the bedroom door. Half-way through the hallway they could smell delicious food.
'Kitchen' they thought. When they finally arrived to he kitchen they saw their beautiful (hair colored) omega making breakfast. Four bento's made. Their twin boys sitting at the breakfast table. "(Name)-chin?" (Name) turned to his alphas and smiled brightly. 'Angel' both Alpha's thought. "Morning Alpha's! Did you sleep well?" Mikey nodded kissed (Name) softly and sat at the table quietly talking to the twins.
Draken shook his head and smirk softly. "How did you leave the bed without waking us up?" (Name) looked at him confused. "But I woke up Jiro hungry for (food) and he told me to make it myself and when I realized the time I figured, Hey I could make it for breakfast!" The smile the Omega's face could melt any cold heart.
Draken froze repeating what (Name) said in his head before he glared at Mikey. "You told our 8 month pregnant Omega to get. No. MAKE. The food he's craving!?" Mikey froze and a look of horror flashed across his face. "I thought I dreamed that" Miey spoke quietly. (Name) giggled and put breakfast on the table and kissed the twins heads.
"My handsome boys! Ready for school? Momma has to finish making your bento's then he'll join your for breakfast!" That's when the younger twin spoke up. "A-Actually momma I don't want a bento today." The heart break on (Name)'s face spoke many things. Draken and Mikey froze. They knew how important food was to him.
That's how they met. The boys skipped class one day in middle school. They were running around beating up bad delinquents. When Mikey got hungry but there wasn't any restaurants nearby and Draken was broke. That's when they met a sweet Omega who was home schooled. He shared with them his bento and the rest was history. They fell for his kindness and delicious food.
"B-But Momma put so much love in it baby..." (Name) looked like he was gonna cry and with how crazy his hormones were he actually might. Draken quickly changed topics and moved the Omega back into the kitchen talking about dinner, while Mikey stared at the twins. They had both his and Drakens features. Both Alpha's loved (Name)'s cooking so something had to be wrong.
"Who did what?" Mikey's question made the twin freeze. (A! Kid Name) looked at his younger brother with a worried expression. His brother was an omega and sometimes got picked on at school. He wasn't always there to save him and that scared him. (O! Kid Name) looked up and whined. He didn't like being in trouble. "A-An Alpha keeps taking my bento..." The air froze as Draken who had been standing in the door way spoke with a calm voice. "What?"
After explaining what's been happening Mikey and Draken were ready to round up Toman and go on a hunt. Luckily (Name) calmed his Alpha's down. "Why don't we talk to the Alpha and his parents? Maybe we can settle this." Mikey and Draken shared a look and nodded. 'If we want him to disappear, so does his family.' As if he knew what they were thinking (Name) sent the two a hard look.
Later that week both sets of parents were in the principals office. All 3 kids with both parents the teacher and the principal. Mikey and Draken were staring down the young Alpha. This is the kid terrorizing their baby. His parents didn't look different considering they just learned that their son is picking on a Omega. "Son! How dare you?! We raised you better then this!" His parents were giving him a lecture that would last generations.
(O! Kid Name) looked to be in tears. He didn't mean to get the boy in trouble. That's when the other kid spoke and froze everyone. "It's because I like him!" Mikey and Draken felt their hearts stop and their blood turn cold. (Name) smiled brightly and bent down the best he could. Considering he could pop at any moment. "Aww my baby already has an admire! Well why don't I make more so you two could share?"
That snapped the two Alpha's out of their minds. Share? They remembered how they met and fell in love and paled. "NO!" Everyone jumped at the two Alpha's yelling! (Name) looked confused. "Why not?" The two grabbed the twins and held them close. "Their too young!" Mikey wailed. Draken nodded face serious. "Not my little baby!"
(Name) shook his head. A fond smile on his face. That smile left when he felt water hit the floor. "Speaking of baby." He spoke gaining everyone's attention. "My water just broke." It was like hell froze over and chaos began.
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rileyslibrary · 2 years
if reqs r closed pls ignore this sorry im genuinely so blind so idk if u were taking them rn, but can i request “the captain will have to get involved pretty soon” situation from that fic where a new lieutenant joins, overall just like a part 2 where price does have to get involved 😭😭 like ghost is just so annoyed with this man
Hey reader! 🍫 No need to worry; I don’t have a “policy” on requests apart from the nsfw thingy (i don’t know how to write smut). Whatever comes, I accept it wholeheartedly! :)
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Synopsis: Ghost and the new Lt. get in a fight. Price handles the situation accordingly and nobody is happy.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader, Captain John Price
Word Count: 1,112
For those who haven’t read Part 1, here it is.
Lots of swearing and mentions of physical injuries. Other than that, it’s fluff.
Want more?
Yup. Unfortunately, the Captain had to get involved in the end.
Not just him, though; an entire room full of trained soldiers had to jump in and separate Ghost from almost strangling Lt. Wilson, or “Mr Toothless,” as he often referred to him.
Why “Mr Toothless”, you may ask? Well, Ghost decided to baptize the new lieutenant with that nickname for a couple of reasons. 
First, he took your comment about Wilson’s fake teeth to heart. “If they’re fake,” he reasoned, “that means the fucker is already toothless and wears veneers to cover ’em up.”
And when you told him that’s not true since some people undergo cosmetic surgery to improve something they might have suffered an injury from, Ghost came up with his second reason as to why the new lieutenant is—or rather will be—toothless.
“Might have suffered an injury?” He contemplated. “Well, he’s about to suffer another one when I knock them out again.”
So, it was either “Mr. Toothless over there” or “Mr. Future Toothless one again.” Whatever the case, Ghost never called him by his real name, which started to piss off Lt. Wilson a whole lot. And that’s how it all escalated.
The breaking point came while at the briefing room, with Price at the head of the table and the two lieutenants seated across from each other. The rest of the team was strategically scattered around, avoiding being too close to Riley or Wilson. They were like furnaces, ready to burst at any time and burn you along with them, so you all figured it was best to stay as far away from them as possible.
Price was dividing the teams for the new mission: Team Alpha (Ghost’s Team) had to reach the target’s point by air, while Team Bravo (Wilson’s Team) would travel by land. The tipping point was when Price absentmindedly assigned you to Wilson’s team. Being Ghost’s Achilles’ heel, you were enough to light up a spark in the furnace. Wilson, on the other hand, was, in fact, a motherfucker. He knew that you, being assigned to his team, would piss Ghost off, so he turned towards you and winked upon hearing your name.
“Awesome,” he said, “doll’s with me.”
“Call them a doll again,” Ghost replied, “and I’ll make you as shiny and smooth as a Ken.” A threat that seemed nonsensical then but became clearer over time. And it wasn’t funny at all. See, Ken dolls lack organs, including a brain, heart, and, as Ghost hinted, a certain... anatomical feature.
And, as you stand in front of Ghost at Price’s office, tending to his cut lip and bruised eye, questions swirl in your mind. First and foremost, why is Ghost so obsessed with Lt. Wilson’s bones and limps? How was he planning to execute such a horrendous action? And how did he manage to leap onto the table and kick Wilson in the face like Leonidas did in the movie “300”?
“You fucked up big time, Simon,” Price warns Ghost as he paces around the room with his hands on his waist.
“He started it,” Ghost retorts.
“No,” Price shouts, running towards Ghost and inching away from his bruised-up face, “you landed the first kick, and then things escalated faster than a wildfire in a dry forest.”
Ghost sighs. “How is he?” He asks.
You look at him, shocked. This guy amazes you. All he wanted was to kick Wilson right in the face, and now he’s worried about his health.
“He is fucked; that’s how he is,” Price replies, “and you’re fucked too.”
“What’ll happen now?” Ghost asks
Price lets out a sharp chuckle. Not one of entertainment, for sure. Something that hints you’re both about to find out.
“I’m relieving Lt. Wilson of his duties in the field and relocating him to another position,” the Captain announces.
“Good,” Ghost replies. “At least he’ll be out of my business for a while.”
“Oh, on the contrary brother,” Price smirks, “he’ll be all up in your business now.”
You stop treating Ghost’s wound and turn to Price. “W-where exactly are you relocating, Lt. Wilson, Captain?” You ask, confused.
Price approaches you and wraps an arm around your shoulder, now both facing Ghost.
“I’m putting Wilson in the same office as you two,” Price says, smiling. “That is until you and him sort out your… issues.”
Ghost doesn’t react. He stretches his neck while looking at Price.
“You think I wouldn’t find out what the apple of discord was?” Price whispers at Ghost, “You and him either become best friends, or you’re both out.” He says. He removes his hand from your shoulder, adjusts his hat, nods at you, and walks out of the room.
You turn towards Ghost, who’s now leaning on his legs, looking at the floor.
“Look at me,” you command, “I still need to patch that lip of yours.”
He obeys and looks up. You sigh. As much as you trust Price and his strategic decision to put the three of you in the same room, you fear that the ball is now in your field. Juggling Ghost’s outbursts was something you learned to handle with skill and prowess. But including Lt. Harris in the equation is like putting two starving lions in a cage with an antelope.
“Why?” You ask, as you treat his bottom lip, “Why act so stupidly when you know it is you that I fancy?”
He looks away and shrugs. “He called you a doll.”
“And look where we are now, Simon,” you say. “Price gave you your last chance, and we get to have Mr Toothless with us at the office.”
“Won’t be an office anymore, love,” he mutters, “it’ll be a dollhouse full of Barbie and Ken dolls.”
You smile and lift his chin up with your fingers. “So, if I’m Barbie and he’s Ken,” you say, bringing your face closer to his, “who are you?”
“Oh, I’m Action Man, love.” He says and tries to wink with a swollen, already shut, black eye.
Part 3 ->
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toji-sweetheart · 10 days
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𓍢ִ໋ please be aware that all of these will be smutty and some will have dark content, make sure you curate your experience and read my tags and block as you see fit!
𓍢ִ໋ most of them will be longish fics 1-3k and some might be longer! I might do random drabbles from a kinktober prompt post though! these are subject to change at any given time with no warning! all characters are written to be over 21!
𓍢ִ໋ feedback such as reblogs & comments are always appreciated! please note that some or even all might not even get done or I might switch a few around, some of these were pulled from last year's lineup that I didn't get to also I know I said I wouldn't share this until September but I'm too excited and look how pretty it is!!
𓍢ִ໋ every single reader will have pubic hair and it will be described! and since I had a few things pop up this will extend into November..possibly December...
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hybrid - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: After your breakup with a long-time boyfriend who decided that stalking is the best way to get back to you it seemed that you needed protection and since you've heard good things about hybrids it was time to go adopt one, you just had no idea it would end up with him being more than just a protector. 
wife sharing - Ino x Kento x fem reader
synopsis: Takuma looks up to his mentor Kento more than anything, after all, he is his hero who just happens to be married to be his biggest crush as well, after one night and a spilled secret later Takuma finds himself invited into your shared bed.
roleplay & breeding & dubcon - Shiu x fem reader
synopsis: What was supposed to be a little bit of joking around about how your husband was the only one who found you attractive you both end up at the bar to see how many drinks you can get from random men while your husband watches acting like one of them. 
bdsm - Enji x fem reader
synopsis: What happens when a private recording between you and number one pro hero Endeavor goes viral the day after your honeymoon?
partner swap/orgy - SaShiSu x fem reader
synopsis: You and your wife wanted something different in the bedroom and bringing in her two best friends seems like a good idea to do so but what happens if you all fall in love?
threesome + breeding - Shiu x fem reader X Toji
synopsis: It wasn't something that he tried that hard to hide, being attracted to his best friends wife is a bastard thing to do but there's no way Toji can decline when you offer him a threesome that leads to more than any of you bargained for.
kidnapping - Touya x fem reader
synopsis: After finding out his dad has remarried and is happier than ever to have a second chance, Dabi takes it upon himself to ruin his father's happiness the same way he took his.
glory hole - Draken & friends
synopsis: Being with Ken means a lot of nights out filled with drugs and partying thanks to his friends, it truly was the best way to spend your life with the love of your life next to you and you were even talked him into going to a party where you're the main attraction.
omegaverse/hybrid - alpha! werewolf! Toji x alpha! werewolf! Shiu x bunny-hybrid f! reader
synopsis: You needed a week away from your house for a very intense heat, after running out of suppressant you knew you needed time alone but you didn't think that forging for food in the woods you'd come across two alphas who happened to be in their ruts. - this is for a collab!
virginty loss - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Being the daughter of the only pastor in a small town you have a certain image to uphold, but the man next door to you is a temptation you want to indulge in. - this is for a collab!
bdsm - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Your husband wants to show you off in the best way possible.
food play - Kento x fem reader
synopsis: After signing up for a bake sale for your neighborhood, Kento decides to help out not knowing how baking could turn someone on so much.
cucking - satoru x fem reader x suguru
synopsis: Satoru has always wanted to watch his best friend fuck you, it's always been a deep dark secret until you catch him jerking off to the thought of it and it's only fair to make his dreams come true since he's done it for you.
monsterfucking + knotting - alpha! Katsuki x fox! hybrid fem reader
synopsis: You've always assured Katsuki you could take his knot despite him always telling him no, you catch him in a rut and finally get what you're asking for.
makeup sex - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: With Toji coming home from a mission you were excited to see your husband but he has other plans to see his friend first.
rough sex - Sukuna x machoist! fem reader
synopsis: You love to push your husbands buttons to have him put you in your place, but what happens when you go a bit too far?
monsterfucking - dragon! Toji x fem reader
synopsis: It's always been a rumor of the dragon that lays on top of the mountain protecting it's treasure and you're a desperate thief wanting a better life for yourself so you sneak in to find the sleeping dragon, only to end up at his mate forever.
omegaverse - alpha! Toji x pixie! fem reader
synopsis: Toji video records himself fucking all sorts of toys but his fans request a cute little fairy so he sets a trap for his next toy.
bdsm + clicker training - dom! Toji x submissive! fem reader
synopsis: You've always been the perfect sub for John, always willing to go the extra mile even when he doesn't ask but yet there seems to be missing something.
free use - Katsuki x fem reader x Izuku x Shoto
synopsis: Playing seven minutes in heaven is childish to you until end up in the closet with the big three on campus.
stalking + kidnapping kink - Sukuna x fem reader
synopsis: Asking your fuck buddy to help you live out a fantasy seemed to good to be true and you didn't realize how good of an actor Sukuna is until you learn he isn't playing anymore.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Alright, imma post a list of one-shots that have a plot for but I just have no idea which one I should write first so 🤷‍♀️
Heads up~!! There's a lot. Some may change a bit, and the smut to fluff/angst ratio is... wild.
I won't write the plots, but I'll add the warnings to the smut ones.
•|Takami Keigo/Hawks [published]
Warning; praising, overstimulation, dumbification, daddy kink, rimming.
Uhh, you basically played with one of his feathers.
•|Afab!Kibutsuji Muzan
Warning; cunningulus.
•|Oujo Masato
Warning; uh... corruption kink maybe?
It's a smut/lime one but I haven't come up with anything specific yet.
•|Yoigoshi Tatsuya
Warning; camboy!yoigoshi, college au, anal masturbation(?
•|Mammon [published]
Warning; stuck in a wall, overstimulation, mind-break, master/sir kink (I haven't decided yet)
•|Kyotani Kentaro
Warning; 3rdyear!kyotani/reader, edging, begging, overstimulation, orgasm denial, mind-break.
•|Shinomiya Ayato
Warning; consented non-con language, overstimualtion, corruption kink, virgin!ayato, college au.
•|Yukihira Soma
Warning; breeding kink, overstimulation, passing out.
•|Jinguji Jakurai
Warning; overstimulation -fkin again?!-, begging, riding, multiple orgasm, drunk!horny!jakurai.
•|Todoroki Touya/Dabi
Warning; collaring, rough sex, riding, powerbottom!dabi, sub!reader.
•|Ryuguji Ken/Draken
Warning; choking, smaller!top.
•|Ryoumen Sukuna & Gojo Satoru
Warning; uh... threesome, and idk what else.
•|Gojo Satoru
Warning; praising, feminization, edging, overestimation.
More warnings; mentions of itadori x reader, mentions of megumi x reader, voyeurism, degradation, dry jumping, double blowjob.
Warning; belly bulge, overestimation, s&m play, degradation, shibari and maybe... cbt play.
•|Sakusa Kiyoomi
Warning; semi-public, blowjob, dry humping, praising and degrading, hair pulling. Optional; assjob, edging, orgasm denial.
•|Sniper Mask
Warning; choking, breeding kink, hair pulling, biting.
Warning; overstimulation 😒, praising, choking, hair pulling, body worship.
•|Nakajima Atsushi
Warning; breeding kink, overstimulation 😬, edging, toys usage, handcuffs usage, bondage or shibari.
•|Levi Ackerman
Warning; edging, degrading, choking, daddy/sir kink, omegaverse au, modern au.
•|Dazai Osamu
Warning; crossdressing, face-sitting, rimming, double penetration (not a threesome)
Warning; dacryphilia, overstimulation, edging, mind-break.
One of my moots requested this 👀👀 of course, I made the plot and came up with the kinks.
•|Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya
Warning; threesome and idk what else.
Warning; size kink, feminization, dacryphilia.
•|Ushijima Wakatoshi
Warning; blowjob, non-con somnophilia, powerbottom!wakatoshi.
Warning; uh... nipple play maybe?
Warning; bareback, pulling on his horns, mind-break, breeding kink and cnc.
•|Loid Forger
Warning; infidelity, semi-public, overstimulation, dumbification, degrading and a bit of dirty talk, size difference, manhandling, feminization.
Warning; cockwarming.
Warning; public sex, overstimulation, rough sex, size kink
•|Amajiki Tamaki
Warning; pegging (ftm reader), orgasm denial, rimming, collaring, praising, slight masochism (scratches, bites), bondage, vibrator usage.
•|Neko!Amajiki Tamaki
Warning; top!ftm!reader
•|Omega!Bakugou Katsuki
Warning; alpha!ftm!reader
•|Choi Saeyoung/Luciel/707
Warning; crossdressing!707
•|Maid!Shiba Taiju Headcanons
•|Monoma Neito
Fluff and Angst
•|Chinen Miya
Platonic Fluff
•|Ash Lynx & Okumura Eiji [Published]
•|Diluc Ragnvindr
Angst, hurt/no comfort, death.
•|Suna Rintaro [Published]
Plot based of from This Side Of Paradise. Mentions of homophobia & toxic relationship.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
Cards & Conversations (Werewolf!Alfie Solomons x Reader)
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Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Pairing: Werewolf!Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: Mild swearing, difficult father-daughter relationship, emotional abuse, melancholy thoughts, allusion to past violence and death, scars
Summary: We lose things over the years. Family members, innocence, the perfect world you held for a single summer.
Your heart.
But sometimes the gods are gracious and re-entwine your fate with the person you thought you lost forever, vanished after a heated conversation you were shut out of. Carefully shut away in a gilded cage again with only a blank page and his old typewriter for company. However, the tarot cards your brother gave you know what happened ten years ago.
They know why the King has returned to Camden.
Author’s note: This wee piece has turned out heavier in plot than I thought, enough so for me to want to work this out into a proper multi-part story in the future because there is a lot to dissect here and it feels kinda rushed. To me, that is, maybe not to you. Ah dinnae ken.
Anyways, I kept the tarot reading a bit shallow if only because I am still a beginner/someone who does it as a hobby. 
TH Masterlist
Tag list: @potter-solomons​ @vir-tual​ @zablife​ @buttercup32sstuff​ @ilovemanypeople​ @hecatemoon87​ @dreamlandcreations​ @elijahssuit​ @liliac-dreamer​ @alikaheroes​​
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Support can come from the most unexpected corner, yet exceed your expectations in tenderness. 
A condolence card.
Flowers for your mother’s grave.
An arm around your shoulders throughout the funeral.
A hand to hold yours while navigating the chaotic and dangerous streets of London when finally having a chance to escape the mansion on the hill.
Fingers to keep yours, comically small compared to his, warm outside. 
In bookshops, only let go of during a cup of coffee or tea should it have a café.
An unnaturally warm body to snuggle up to whenever you feel cold.
Shoulders to be carried on during the odd trip down to Margate.
But those holidays during which my brother, Charlie, and I were kept out of business and separated from the rest of our family came to an end. About ten years ago, a long-standing peace pact was broken.
I can still recall the argument resounding from the drawing room. It’s funny how I thought shielding my ears would not have it touch me. Naive, really, innit?
“You crossed the line, Alfie.”
“You fuckin’ what?”
“You crossed the line.”
“The line?”
“She’s my daughter!”
But that wasn’t the real issue. No, there were two actual problems.
One, I’m Thomas Shelby’s and Grace Burgess’s daughter.
Two, according to my father, despite the similarities in hair and eye colour between us, I am the living embodiment of the only woman he’s ever loved. Don’t get me wrong, Lizzie is great and we get along well. Ruby, bless her spirited little heart, is as much of a sibling to me as Charlie is. 
But she isn’t Mum.
And Thomas wouldn’t let her memory be tainted by a connection to his greatest rival and ally, Alfie Solomons.
The King of Camden.
The alpha of the Camden Town Pack. 
The man who stole my heart ten years ago. 
That brings me to problem number three, hidden in the shadows and all too gladly forgotten. 
I was sixteen. He was thirty-six. 
At the time I didn’t know he had imprinted on me. Neither could I have guessed that there were such a thing as werewolves. The supernatural, in general. It was only when I started working in an odd little bakery run by an elderly woman I discovered how thin the veil between the realms are and what it means to have a certain heritage.
Aunt Polly is right.
We shake hands with devils and we walk past them. 
It’s a blessing to be a witch. But also to be a woman locked in a gilded cage, albeit, paradoxically, with a chance to have a life outside the family business. To have a talent for writing and being able to make a living out of it. To have fans curious about my stories, eager to read them and rejoice whenever they see me at signings and book events.
While I’m glad for what the gods have gifted me, to be a modern filid and possess a sixth sense, I might owe them for the rest of my life.
Because only last month they gave me back my heart.
Drunk, his hair and beard out of control, an ugly deep scar over his left eye leaving it blind, and soaked by the rain, he was there.
On my doorstep.
“So you’re the new witch in town, eh? Set up shop in me borough. Me kingdom,” he drawled. However, the way he leant in the doorway with haunted blue eyes ruined the mock indignation at once. A careful though gentle smile spread on his lips as he took me in. “Fuckin’ ‘ell, you’re even prettier than I remember.”
He leaned in, almost toppling over with unsteady feet. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save us.” I am still uncertain whether he was heavily sniffling or it was a sob he tried to conceal. ‘‘This godforsaken soul couldn’t save you.’’
Thomas walked in at that moment, acknowledging our surprise guest in a cool voice. “Alfie.”
The prodigal alpha of Camden clumsily righted himself, glaring at the tyrant of the Westminster townhouse. “Tommy, good to see you. ‘Ow’s business?”
“Never been better.” Thomas shifted his attention to me. “Y/N, go upstairs. Mister Solomons and I have to talk.”
“I’m not-’’ I began, looking over my shoulder.
“Go upstairs!”
“Don’t yell at her!” Alfie roared before turning to me with a softer voice. “Go upstairs, right? It’s okay. We’ll talk tomorrow… if me head can remember.”
I clenched my fists, trying to keep my breathing even. As per usual, I managed. Still, I could feel myself hanging on by a thread, ragged around my throat.
Always pushed into the corner one way or the other.
Always me.
Why does it always have to be me?
Locked away in loneliness.
Shut away in a prison more cruel than The Tower. Left to my own devices and thoughts dedicated to the shadows, the dark corners of my mind.
Upstairs, Charlie walked out of his room, pale and concern etched on his face. He’s only too aware of how Thomas regards me and to this day makes sure I get treated as fairly as possible. “What’s happening? Why was he yelling at you?”
“The King has returned,” I mumbled, quickly brushing past him since I my pride refused me to let him see the tears brimming on my lashes. Footsteps as loud as a ghost’s, I slipped into my room and closed the door as softly as I could behind me.
The war inside was no one’s business, only for me to fight.
Another night of spilling the blood of its casualties on the page, somewhere between the lines a remembrance for the girl who hoped to rise like a phoenix. Another silent funeral for my soul.
An author is, essentially, all the characters she has created and is yet to create. My stories are told by people that carry little bits of myself, carefully concealed behind a fictional mask. But that’s what gets us through the day, innit, the stories we tell ourselves.
I was already broken up into so many fragments that night that I don’t even know who it is staring back at me in the mirror. Who is the woman people cheer for at signings in bookshops? Who is the lonely girl wandering in every Waterstones in Birmingham and London, a family member always nearby? Who was the young heart that was shredded to pieces and only recently glued together by rum rather than whiskey?
It’s a question I ask myself again now, looking down with a wistful smile. 
A blank page. Empty. Adjustable. Without personality. Whatever you want it to be and can give life to from your inner world.
Outside, the sound of shuffling feet goes accompanied by groaning, curses, low grumbles, and the creaking of wood. Somewhere in the distance a fight breaks out between two men, their voices too dim to make out the topic nor arguments of their heated debate. 
Although it isn’t my writing room with a desk by the window, this London hideout has become my personal bubble too. Alfie offered me to use his office whenever I want to, regardless of him being at work or not. Nonetheless, as during those holidays in Margate, he still prefers me to work on my books in his company on his rare day off. After all, despite the fact I’m, in his words, “off the fucking menu”, he trusts no one in his pack to not try their luck with me.
What a story that would be. A werewolf lower in rank trying to shack a Shelby witch, breaking the alpha’s rule. The alpha would go ballistic and a fight would break out.
Blood would flow.
The end is someone's death.
Fortunately, the rozzers in this part of town are in Alfie’s pocket because I don’t know how I’d save him from a charge for murder without my family’s help. Even then it’s highly unlikely he’d get away with it since no one wants him to live as desperately as I do.
“That ain’t writin’.” Alfie steps into the office, closing the door behind him. It falls into the lock with a soft click.
“No, indeed it isn’t.” I thumb the deck of cards in my hands. “Dad goes ballistic every time he catches me. If I don’t remind him of Mum, it’s this. Charlie’s different, though. He gave me these for my birthday and covers me as much as he can. He knows they’re important to me.”
“Funny, Tom going fucking angry at gyppo stuff.” He scoffs, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “His anger is un-fucking-justified. Yes, you look like your mum, but that ain’t your fault. Besides, you’re… never mind. You don’t need to hear that.”
Maybe not right now, but still… one day I want you to say it again.
If only to hear I’m a beautiful person to someone.
To him.
I cock an eyebrow and scrunch my nose. For both our sakes, I ignore the unfinished remark. “Westminster changed him. We’re no longer gipsies. Looks like we’re fucking above that.”
“Not you, though,” Alfie says, a silent hint for me to continue in his soft-spoken voice.
I sigh. “Not me. I’d rather be a witch and honour my roots than become a toff settled in a mansion.”
“Got the itch to travel, eh?”
“Always. I remember what you promised me.” Throat constricted with solemn nostalgia, I swallow and fail to muster even a sliver of a smile. “But then again, I was just a girl back then. Stupid I believed you.”
Alfie opens and closes his mouth, but settles for a groan. He leans in and places a big warm palm over my fumbling fingers. A crown to protect the queen’s hand. “The road is open. I couldn’t take you then, right, I’m very well aware of that, but we can still go.”
“Despite who I am?”
“You’re not a fucking Shelby. Freedom is a ‘uman right, but not every ‘uman gets to enjoy it. I wanna open the cage, see where the little bird goes.”
And will the wolf follow? Or will he get someone else to free him from the Tower?
I bite my lip, gaze averted to our hands. 
Alfie clears his throat and leans back. The rings on his fingers shimmer in the artificial light when he lets his entwined fingers rest on his stomach. “Self-taught?”
“Polly taught me. Well, the basics. I developed my skills further myself.” I tilt my head, our eyes locked while an idea pops into my head. “I’m no expert, but… can I do a reading on you?”
He silently gestures at his desk, giving permission.
“I’ll do a simple spread. Three cards. Past. Present. Future.”
Hopefully, the cards will reveal what you and Thomas swept under the carpet.
I shuffle the deck, focusing on the question of what happened a decade ago. If there’s anything I want and need to know about the pack leader’s history, it’s this small piece we have in common. 
The crossroads between our stories.
I draw the first card, presenting the past. 
Ten of Swords.
The second card, the present. 
Six of Cups.
The third and final card, the future. 
The Chariot.
My stomach drops at the sight of the wolf pierced by swords. “Something failed, a defeat that led to some sort of collapse. But it wasn’t a part of your business that failed, was it?” 
I furrow my brow, pondering what could have happened. However, not a second has passed before I flinch and a vision flashes behind my eyes. 
Growling. Blood. Organs. Alfie clenching his fists and holding his head while his skin ripples. Empty and broken bottles of rum. The nauseating noise of bones cracking resonates in my ears while skin replaces fur and vice versa in quick succession. 
“It was a collapse of self. You took to the bottle, more and more, to drawn out the feeling of having failed. Changed more often until…” my breath hitches and I snap my head up to meet his gaze, still panting lightly. His expression is stoic, his sentiments concealed. “You went feral.”
So that’s why Camden was quiet, but Ollie was always tense. Poor sod, being left in command without warning.
I compose myself as best as possible and continue. “The present, Six of Cups. This world is still strange to you, but slowly you’re getting familiar with it again. How… how much do you remember?”
“Only you. Me fuckin’ noggin’ is a mess, one black hole.’’ Tenderness illuminates his eyes, warming the blue sea and icy lake in them. ‘‘But I, I swear, right, I’ve never forgotten you. You were there, even in the midst of the worst frenzy.”
I shake my head, desperate to stop him before we go down a familiar road. Before I start hoping for an ideal. “Don’t tell me you came back because of me.”
“You, yeah, you told me you wondered whether or not I’d come back. So,’’ he spreads his hands for a moment and then puts them down again, ‘‘ere I am.”
I mean, you’re not wrong. I did say that, but that was last month.
When I slipped out of my room just to get a glimpse of him before going to bed, feeling like a little kid again, rebellious enough to defy the rules. I ended up sitting at his bed for longer than I intended. To be honest, I had to kick myself out of the guestroom lest I ended up sleeping next to him, which would have worsened the already precarious situation with Thomas.
“I thought you were asleep.”
“Drunk, yes. But not asleep. I forced myself to stay awake, to enjoy every second of your company.” He bites his lip, failing to sound any less direct. “Not a moment went by I didn’t want to go ‘ome. But I ‘ad no one to guide me there.”
“Your guide didn’t know where to look. Lost herself in a terrible dark forest,” I murmur. “Must be strange, though, being back after so many years. Camden has changed.”
“It ‘as, but I still remember the way around me kingdom. Seems even the new faces know who sits on the throne.” He looks down at his hands and rest of his body. “Odd, innit, clothes and what we use them for? Feels unnatural, not like what Yahweh had planned for us to be wearin’ when ‘e made us. Didn’t want to give you a fright, though. Lots of new scars that ‘aven’t ‘ealed yet or barely. Yeah… would only stress you out. I do apologise for me manners, though, the way I ate that sandwich. One eats differently... out there. Besides, being blind on one side ‘as its complications.”
“You were a messy eater even before you left.” I can’t suppress a smile at a particular memory. “I always had to help you wipe crumbs from your beard whenever we went out to lunch. D’you remember that?”
“Can’t say it sounds strange to me ears.” His brow furrows and he flinches, fingertips pressed to his temple. Between shallow breaths sounds a note of delighted relief. “I think such a memory just returned.”
“You’ll get there.”
It’s better to remember something rather than nothing at all.
“Doc told me the best way to sort out the fuckin’ mess up there is to visit the places I’ve been. Said it could form a trigger.”
I shift in my seat. Regardless of being an adult, Thomas still likes to keep a close eye on me. And if it isn’t him, he’ll send another watchdog. Knowing him, it’s highly likely he’ll send for Michael, who has pretty much figured me out over the years. That’s what you get when you spend too many Christmases at Polly’s. “I’ll have to find a way out of the cage to meet you.”
“I 'ave a key.”
“You do?”
Ignoring my question, Alfie nods at the three cards on the desk. “Last card. What does it mean?”
Blinking in surprise at the swift change in topic, I clear my throat and return my focus to the reading. “The Chariot. You’ll gain discipline and self control. You found a way to quell the rage inside or, rather, subdue the Wolf.”
“Guess the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is paying off,” he chuckles.
“I thought you did boxing?”
“I did that before, you know, the whole leaving and feral thin’. Currently doin’ that.”
“It sounds less violent.”
“It is.”
“No cage fights?”
He shakes his head, a few strands of grey highlighted by the light. “No, love, no more cage fights. I can’t right remember, but I stopped participatin’ in those a long time ago. ‘Ell, I don’t even know anymore what they were like.”
“You were fearsome,” I say, hoping to spark a sliver of a memory which won’t contain the events that ended with fatal accidents. “Nothing could stop you in the ring.”
“What calmed me down?”
“A bath and a cup of tea.”
“Right after the fight, I mean.”
“They’d sent for me lest…”
“Lest what?” I avoid his gaze, which is clearly not appreciated. “Lest what, love?” he repeats, tone harsher and sharper.
I press my lips together, breathing in deeply. “Lest the wolf took completely over. The day it happened for the, fuck, I don’t even know how many times it had been. Four? Five? It might have been ten when I finally got through to you. And on that night, I made you promise to stop fighting.”
“Did I? Stop fightin’, I mean?”
I glance around the room, lost for how to answer. “I don’t know. You were proud of being a wolf, hell, the fucking alpha of Camden Town. It was the one thing you didn’t want to give up. Fighting was in your nature and I fear that it’s a part you wouldn’t give up. Not even for me.”
“I ‘ave now, yeah, I ‘ave now. No more fightin’, Y/N. I swear so on everything between this world and the next, every bloody grave I can think of.”
“Perhaps that abstinence from violence is where your success lies.”
Maybe temperance forms the key to self-control when it comes to us. Maybe we were poison to each other before, but what if we keep an eye on the dosage?
What if we can find our way back?
The door opens. Ollie remains in the doorway, expression pale. “Boss, Randy and Pete are nigh on having a shiv dance.”
“Fuckin’ ‘ell,” Alfie grumbles as he rises to his feet. “I’ll be there in a minute. Go on, off you fuck.”
“Yes, boss.” The second-in-command curtly nods at me, smiling politely. “Y/N, sorry for the intrusion.”
“It’s alright, Ollie. Thank you.”
“‘Ow about you stay ‘ere, hm?” Alfie proposes after his subordinate has closed the door. 
“How’d you mean? I don’t want to inconvenience-’’
“You’re not. And I don’t mean ‘ere as in this shithole of a basement with all these numpties. What I mean, right, is ‘ow about you stay ‘ere, at my side? Plus, I’ll be ‘onest, and you know I only am with you, it’s part of me plan to prove you’re not nor ‘ave ever been a Shelby.”
“Enlighten me,” I say to humour him yet harbouring no expectations for this to be anything more than a joke. ‘‘Tell me about this big plan of yours.’’
“A change of name.” Lost in thought, he strokes his beard. “Yeah… that oughta do it. Y/N Solomons has a nice ring to it, don’t it?”
Jaw clenched, I put the cards down to cross my arms. “Alfie, this isn’t funny.”
“I’m not being funny, Mrs Solomons. C’mon, stand up.” He walks around the desk and pulls me to my feet, his calloused palms warm against my skin. A strong whiff of oud wood and vanilla hits my nose when he leans in to rest his forehead against mine. “This old selfish chap means it. Marry me, eh?”
I run my fingers through his bushy whiskers, an old habit I can’t seem to quit. Sooner or later, this will turn out to be him pulling my leg. The words leaving my mouth are sceptic too, slow and hesitant as they roll off my tongue. “Are you mental?” 
“Perhaps, but I want to set you free. Show Tom he has a wonderful woman of a daughter who deserves the world, right, a world I want to try and give ‘er.” He removes one of his rings and the silver chain around his neck, making a necklace out of the pieces of jewellery. Then he reaches back to put it on me. The silver is lukewarm against my chest, having retained some of his natural heat. “I don’t need an answer right now. You don’t even need to love me in return. I simply wish to keep you safe, that which I couldn’t do the first time. But this time, yeah, this time I will. Swear so on every holy book in this whole damned world. ‘Sides, I had to pop the question at least once while I’m still ‘ere. While I still remember.”
My breath tapers, the butterflies violently trying to break out yet all congesting in my throat. Stuck in a net of fear. “I want to find our way back, I do. But marriage seems too big of a step to take.”
“You know me better than anyone else, love. Take your time to think about it, eh.’’ He lovingly strokes my cheek, softly purring. ‘‘I’ll wait. ‘Owever, if you reject my offer, at least use the name to be free. I’ll find you a place to stay either ‘ere in Camden or in Margate. A nice big apartment or an entire ‘ouse, whatever you fancy. Wherever you fancy, actually. So if you wanna go to, let’s say, France and mingle with fuckin’ baguettes, I’ll make it ‘appen.”
Before I can begin to protest, he shushes me by pressing his lips on mine. They’re still as soft and plush as I remember, tender yet full of restrained passion. Needing more of this, us, but sharing the hesitancy of chasing the ideal world we lived in for a single summer. 
After a moment he breaks away and kisses the tip of my nose. “I need to get back to work. Make sure these floors stay clean and those runts get a reminder of the bloody rules. Stay for as long as you like.”
I watch him leave the office, grown a little colder.
And aside from the dim shouting, growls, and Alfie putting the other wolves in place, there’s nothing.
Nothing except a racing, conflicted heart and an all too familiar companion.
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imagination-mess · 3 years
Alpha's Omega In Heat
This Au takes place in the future, not the past. Enjoy my crappy writing headcanons. :3
Manjiro Sano X Reader,
Ken Ryuguni X Reader
Warning: Fluff and sexual themes applied. Consent is considered SEXY IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
With your permission, he will cuddle with you in your safe haven nest.
If you guys have talked about it before, that it is okay for Mikey to relieve your sexual desires. He will do a darn good job.
It may make your heat period, a lot easier and quite adventurous.
He will be sure to provide sweets, but don't think he wouldn't eat them. He will eat it and forget to erase the evidence of the wrapper.
He will provide a bunch of his clothes for your nest during this time exchanging them with the ones that no longer hold his scent.
During this time, he already knows when your heat starts and ends due to him being your alpha, along with being together for a long time
It's a requirement for him to learn it to be sure he is available for you during this vulnerable time.
He has it arranged that his gang business is dealt with before or after this time. If it's an emergency, he assures everyone to contact Draken, because he isn't gonna pick up the phone unless it's Emma or Draken.
He wants to stay home with you because there has been an incident of stranger alpha breaking into your guy's home when he had to go out for a bit.
Let's just say the intruder was almost half dead before the police attempted to rip him off the unconscious alpha. He refused to let them go of his grip until he heard your voice. He immediately snapped out of his rage alpha instinct.
Ever since you guys had moved into a more protective secure building and he refused to leave you alone by yourself again.
There were a lot of what-if scenarios coming through his mind that just caused him to be on the edge and anxious about leaving you alone while having your heat.
He complains if you order him around, but he will do it just for you.
If you don't invite him into your nest, expect him to be outside of your room guarding it.
When he is sleeping in your nest, he goes to sleep, shirtless since skin-to-skin contact calms down your heat due to natural instincts between alpha and omega.
He is overprotective alpha, even friends are not allowed to check on them. He will just kick you without any warning of any sort. Takemitchi was the first and last one to experience his possessive side. His instincts cloud his judgment most of the time when it comes to feeling a threat of another alpha being near what is is his.
The reason why Takemitchi was there was to only deliver self-care bags make by the girlfriends of Toman members.
Mikey does apologize for kicking him, but he will do it again if he comes near his apartment when he is not supposed to be bothered.
Ever since only omegas to betas are permitted to come close to his apartment door to leave the bag or whatever they need to drop off during this time.
He may be a clown, but he will protect you from any danger.
If you want to have fun, the fun you will have, just don't complain afterward. He will just smile innocently as if he was an angel. Not a sinner.
He does have strong self-control when it comes to controlling his own desires and instincts. He will respect your rules if you place any and accept them.
Ken Ryugugi (Draken)
This man will be beyond prepared and have your favorite foods ready a week before your heat is supposed to start. He overstocks on your favorite foods because he doesn't want to experience you crying about it and holding it over his head during that week.
He will already have your heat schedule memorized.
He has already changed the clothes of your nest to new ones that have his scent.
He knows how omegas get when they are in heat due to the environment he grew up in. He was more of the servant to them. At least he gets paid in exchange for him going out and getting whatever they wanted. If he does it quickly, the more money he gets.
He also knows the dangers of omega of being in heat. They are vulnerable and alphas who aren't self-trained lack respect for the minority communities such as betas, and omegas.
He was one of the alphas that protected the girls from intruders from coming in among the other alpha staff.
He will be in the house and available for you whenever you need. He will close the bike shop and tell Toman if it's an emergency to contact Mikey or Mitsuya.
He will do whatever you want, if you want cuddles, cuddles you get.
He has already had a conversation about relieving your heat earlier in your relationship. He wants you to be sure you are okay with it. He always checks on you.
He will respect your wishes and does have good solid self-control of his urges.
He will provide you with meals and painkillers like the sweetheart he is.
If you allow him to relieve your sexual desire, he will always start gently unless you would like something else. he will provide it.
Afterward, he will nuzzle his nose against your jaw and drawing random patterns on your bareback. He will surely fall asleep with you in his arms hearing your purs.
He will provide a lot of kisses and praises when you are cuddling and just relaxing in each other's arms.
He is a protective alpha but isn't clouded by his own instincts due to having a good grip on his natural instincts. However, there are times that it does escape his grip. He would give you brief waring only once with baring his teeth and towering your you when you know to leave him alone. This only happens when alphas are coming to his door during this time.
He may not be like Mikey when it comes to being overprotective, but he will knock you out without any hesitation if you try to intimidate him. It feels like mockery. You will be punch without a thought.
Baji was the one who was teasing him once during his adolescence. Let's just say Baji received broken ribs and a black eye for the joke he did.
I would say Draken is more dangerous due to being more aware of his surroundings and having a good grip of his second gender. He would be calculated if he needs to be.
If it's any other second gender, he will be his normal self, because he doesn't take you as a threat. He can have a normal conversation and stuff, but with an alpha. It's just an instinct to protect your omega from other alphas.
He would draw you out a bath using one bath bomb from the girl's self-care packages and provide massages for you.
He will join you if you ask him to in the bathtub.
Just don't tease him, don't test him. Because you will regret it. Draken maybe teddy bear behind closed doors. He does have his own limits. Don't provoke the bear if you can't handle it.
He will be cocky afterward but provides excellent aftercare.
He will make sure, you have drunk plenty of fluid to keep yourself hydrated.
I hope you enjoy these headcanons. <3
I should do masterlist, I wouldn't have ever thought this blog would blow up so quickly.
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kenneth-omega · 2 years
The Fear of Falling in Love
// Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 //
A Kenny Omega Short Fic
**EDITED 31/08/22**
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a family friend of The Young Bucks who, like Matt and Nick, also became obsessed with wrestling from a young age. During Kenny’s absence from screen you were sourced into AEW by the Bucks and brought into the Undisputed Elite faction. Following the recent fall out between Adam Cole/reDragon and the Bucks over the upcoming Trios tournament you finally get to meet the great Kenny Omega. You eventually become locked into a storyline that starts out fun and harmless but soon turns sour at the prospect of real feelings being hurt and relationships tarnished.
Warnings: swearing, lil’ mentions of smutty stuff, hint of crack ship kenny x eddie?
Word count: 3.4K
A/N: Seriously I’d like to think that the majority of the roster would fuck Kenny Omega, because how could you not? 😂 Also I know Adam Cole is currently off injured and most likely won’t return till All Out (maybe to start shit with the Elite) but let’s all just pretend that our BayBay is okay. Also soft!Ken w/glasses is making me so emotional.
For Reference:
Cori “The Alpha” Dacre is Y/N
Following Wednesday’s match, Kenny was better than ever. Sure, he was sore and suffering for it the next morning, but he wouldn’t once complain about it to anyone. Although people could see it on his face whenever he went to stand up or move everyone knew he’d never admit it if you asked him.
The next morning also bore a social media shitstorm following the episode that aired.
You woke up earlier than usual due to the incessant pinging of your phone, which was a result of your Twitter blowing up, something which didn’t happen to you often. Confused and still half asleep you manage to pull up the tweets of numerous wrestling fans tagging you in however many posts regarding you and Kenny last night. Some belonged to wrestling news companies a few of which you recognised, some were dirt sheet accounts and even some of the bigger journalists had also retweeted. Then there was the cringy, TMZ-style accounts that liked to use clickbait titles.
You read a few of the headlines, your nose scrunched up in disgust.
The big kicker of it all was a photo of the two of you walking up the ramp together, Kenny’s face turned away and buried in your hair, which you clearly remember was the point where he’d reassured you that he was alright following the match.
Innocent enough, but from the photographer’s angle it looks as though Kenny is kissing you on the head. The perception is twisted enough that it looks like a caring embrace between you both, rather than the reality, the truth, of you acting as a human crutch for him. You groan inwardly and slam the phone down on the bed, already feeling a headache coming on from what the long day will bring.
At this point there’s no use trying to go back to sleep and so you drag your fed up, already-over-it ass out of bed and into the shower.
By the time you’ve showered and exited the bathroom the news has spread throughout the AEW roster, with some even going so far as to like or even retweet some of the posts.
Sure there are a few funny tweets, but the one which really caught your eye came from Britt Baker. She had retweeted the post about you and Kenny becoming AEW’s new power couple with some rolling eye emojis. You noticed that Adam Cole had also been tagged in this.
You knew that following the return of Kenny, Adam Cole was due to come sniffing around, ready to start a faction feud. You were also supposed to be going into your newest, long awaited feud with the one and only DMD. As you were pleasant with Britt for the most part offscreen, you knew that this tweet was merely a tactic to build up some hype.
An unknown number pops up at the top of your screen, attempting to call as you contemplate on whether having a mini meltdown would make you feel better.
Answering the call, you apprehensively wait for a voice at the other end.
“I guess you’ve seen Twitter?” Kenny’s smooth voice came through on the line, making you fumble and nearly drop the damn phone.
You laugh nervously, unsure what he’s doing calling you about it. He mustn't be happy if he’s managed to get your number just to speak to you about it this early. “I have, unfortunately.” You reply.
“Unfortunately? I think it’s great.” He chuckles, his humoured laugh seeming content and not at all disgusted. You’re surprised at his reaction, still unsure whether he’s joking.
“You do?”
“Look at it this way. I want more matches leading up to All Out so I can be on my top game for the event. My next one isn’t for another 2 weeks, which I can’t say I’m best pleased about. I suggest we have some fun with this and maybe we can...wrestle together?” He trails off at the end, almost seeming to lose his bottle as he proposes the crazy plan to you. Does he think you’ll say no?
You remain silent on your end, still processing the proposal and trying to think logistically about how this was going to work. You already knew that you and Britt would be going head to head at All Out, following the past few weeks of you wrestling Jamie Hayter and Britt often gate-crashing your interviews, so it made sense.
With a shaky laugh you agree to go along with it, still not able to believe that this was genuinely happening. Considering you’d only woken up half an hour ago you’d hate to entertain the idea that this was just some twisted dream you were going to wake up from.
Kenny’s excitement seems palpable through the phone.
“Great! Save my number, I’m going to call Tony and give him the run down of this new angle. Speak to you later, doll.” He ends the call before you have a chance to reply.
Having gotten dressed, you venture downstairs to source food. You’ve grown a decent appetite after last night and having woken up earlier than usual this morning you’re practically drooling by the time the scent of hot food hits your nose. You hadn’t bothered to message anyone to see if they would join you, somehow feeling like the last thing you needed was to draw more attention to yourself.
That doesn’t stop people from approaching you however. As you line up to get your coffee, a dire need and the first thing you want to pass your lips, someone begins singing the playground song of “Kenny and Cori sitting in a tree-” behind you.
Although it doesn’t sound quite how you remember it as the lyrics finish off spelling “F-U-C-K-I-N-G”.
You turn on the spot to find Eddie giving you a devilish grin, holding his own coffee as he pokes fun at your expense.
“Ed?” You bat your eyelashes at him.
“Yeah princess?” He replies, ruffling your hair affectionately with one of his big paw-like hands. Without further notice you stick your middle finger in his face. “Hey, watch yourself sweetheart, I’ll bite that off.” He jokes, giving you a nudge with his elbow.
Eddie was like a large, often angry, older brother to you. He was rough on the edges and soft on the inside, which you didn’t see come out often except for when the people nearest to him got hurt or upset. You now liked to compare him to the British chef Gordon Ramsay, much to his dislike, after having binge-watched a lot of Kitchen Nightmares.
“Give it a rest Ed, I woke up to my Twitter looking like a car crash. Did you know I’ve already had over ten DM’s just from this morning from various men and women claiming Kenny to be their husband? They’re threatening to come and lynch me at the next show for ‘stealing their man’. Like, what the fuck!” You sigh heavily, sipping your coffee as the two of you step aside to allow other people queuing to get their preferred hot drink.
“Omega’s a sought after man. I know people in the locker room that would go for a ride on that guy.” He mentions nonchalantly. His harmless comment sets you on edge at the thought. You shouldn’t have cared, since there wasn’t anything going on between you both.
And yet...It annoyed you.
“How pleasant.” You remark, unable to stop the tone from sounding bitter. Eddie wheezes with laughter, rubbing the space between your shoulder blades in a comforting gesture.
“All I’m gonna say is if I was a dude who liked dudes...I would too.”
With that, Eddie leaves you to enjoy, or rather sulk, over your coffee alone.
As soon as you find a seat that’s out of the way, hugging the edge of the room so as not to be easily spotted, two chairs are being pulled up in front of you. Matt and Nick plop themselves down, arms folded and looking like a pair of Siamese cats, with grins a mile wide.
“Not now guys. It’s only 8:30!” You whine, rubbing your temples as the threat of a headache begins.
Matt begins first. “We’re not here to tease or poke fun, just to ask you honestly-”
You slam your hands down on the table, interrupting him, your patience having finally worn thin. “NO! Kenny and I have not fucked and we’re not secretly dating. We didn’t plan for this to happen but now it is happening and it’s going to be part of a storyline with Britt and Adam!” With an exhausted sigh you plant your head on the table in front of you with a dull thud, feeling frustrated and tense.
The Bucks don’t say anything more, seemingly embarrassed that they were the one’s to break you.
“Sorry Y/N.” Matt apologises, Nick nodding along. The two of them take one of your hands each, waiting for you to lift your head and look at them. They both wear sheepish smiles, hoping that you won’t remain too mad at them for long. It’s impossible to do so and you can’t help but match them with a smile of your own.
Your phone pings noisily beside you and you glance over the screen as it lights up. It’s Kenny.
K: Hey, you free? x
You curse yourself for getting a little giddy about the ‘x’ at the end. You send them platonically to Ethan all the time, so it’s not that big of a deal.
Removing your hands from Matt and Nick’s you pick the mobile up and chew on your bottom lip as you re-read his text, debating whether it was worth lying and making up some weak excuse. You decide against it, not wanting to be dishonest with him.
C: Hi! I’m not doing anything right now, what’s up? x
You’d thought long and hard about whether to put the ‘x’ back, but again had to argue with yourself that this meant nothing, it was just friendly intentions. Placing your phone back down you look back at the Jackson’s.
Matt nods in the direction of your phone. “What’s Kenny want?”
Rolling your eyes you turn the phone over so the screen is face down. “Stop reading my texts dude.”
Matt laughs, with Nick scoffing.
“You think we don’t know when you’re texting a guy you like? You do this weird face where you look like you’re trying to figure out a really hard puzzle.” Nick imitates the face, making you cringe inwardly.
“Do I?” You groan, hating how awful your poker face was. Matt snaps his fingers and points at you, whilst Nick slaps his brother’s arm, his eyebrows wiggling.
“So you admit it then? You do like him.”
This time it was your turn to scoff at them both, folding your arms across your chest defensively.
“I didn’t admit shit and you know it. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I knew you were trying to sabotage me yesterday morning when you completely blindsided me and let me make a dick of myself in front of him!”
“Whatever, that’s by the by.” Nick waves it off like their confession was irrelevant to the conversation, “We know you’re crushing on him, Y/N. It’s not like you’ve idolised him for the past six years or anything.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you recall all the times you would ramble to the Bucks about their friend and how you admired him. You only ever meant as a wrestler and had never said anything to them about having feelings for him. Yet it was still that obvious?
You thought he was attractive and alright, sometimes on a night you wondered how he would feel between your legs rather than just your lonely hand. Occasionally you’d say his name when you finally hit that sensual high, but it had only ever been a whisper into a dark, empty room.
The lustful thoughts that cloud your head eventually clear when the sound of your phone pinging cuts through like a knife. Throwing the brothers a glare as they smirk at you, you pick the phone up and read the message.
K: Come to the gym and dress appropriate. Or dress inappropriate if you like. See you in 10 x
From the way your brain conjures up the dirtiest thoughts after reading that text you realise that you are well and truly doomed.
No good can come from this.
As you head through the front doors of the nearby gym, the one that Kenny had text you the address for, you start to wonder if you should just bail and text him with some last minute reason.
Your conversation with the Bucks had left you unravelled, debating and arguing with yourself as you had hurriedly gotten change into some gym attire, telling yourself that this whole thing was a mistake.
Your Twitter was still a hot bed of activity, so much so that you’d decided to mute the app entirely, refusing to get any more invasive notifications come through.
Scanning the room you note that there’s not many people around, with one bored receptionist and a PT helping some guy on the far left. To the right was a full size ring, something which you hadn’t expected, predicting this to be a standard gym full of the usual equipment.
As you go to turn back, hoping to leave before you text Kenny to say you can’t make it, a voice calls out to you.
“There’s my beautiful partner.” Kenny announces rather proudly, sauntering over to you, his curls half-tied in a bun and wearing a black stretch shirt that hugs every inch of him. His words send butterflies scattering in your stomach.
“Partner?” You echo dumbly, your brain trying to play catch up.
Kenny’s eyes narrow slightly as he scrutinises your face. His cheerful demeanour is gone as he searches your eyes for answers to his unspoken questions. “Is something wrong?” He eventually queries aloud.
God, were you really that much of an open book?
Shaking your head you force a smile, deferring from his question as you ask one of your own.
“Why are we here?”
Kenny lights up with insurmountable giddiness, his serious attitude disappearing.
“To wrestle. I should’ve told you beforehand but when I spoke to Tony he was all for this...thing we’re doing.” When he pauses he gestures between the two of you, almost as though he wanted to say something else. “So he’s officially announced on Twitter that this Friday it’s gonna be me and you against Adam and Britt.”
You suddenly regretted muting your Twitter. At the same time, you knew that this announcement would’ve probably caused your phone to burst into flames from the sheer amount of notifications that were no doubt piling up whilst the two of you spoke.
“But that’s tomorrow!” You cry out, suddenly realising how little time there was to get ready.
“Which is why we need to get in there.” Kenny points to the ring you’d been eyeing up only moments ago.
The idea of bailing is no longer a notion in your head to consider. You’re in work mode now and the pressure of having to orchestrate a match for tomorrow evening is filling you with much needed energy. You can feel the itch to get in the ring swell inside of you.
The two of you enter the ring, ready to warm up. You unashamedly strip your hoodie off in front of him, a loose vest hidden underneath that mostly covers your sports bra. You’re not actively trying to flirt, but you can’t help but feel a little smug when his eyes do a double take and give you a once over from head to toe.
The two of you stretch in silence, helping to ease the muscles before what you were sure was going to be a strenuous day.
The two of you broke up your session for some lunch, with your stomach crying out for the first thing you could manage to put in it. In your haste to meet up with Kenny you’d forgotten to get breakfast as planned and now you were paying dearly for it.
That’s not to say that you weren’t satisfied.
This morning had been effective, with you both bouncing ideas off each other. You had become so engrossed in getting this right that you’d barely registered all the times Kenny had come into contact with your body, which gave you a bit more hope that pulling off this ‘fake lovers’ angle wouldn’t be too excruciating for you.
You head down the road to a nearby pop up food shop, where you order a hot sandwich in a freshly cooked half baguette along with fries, with Kenny ordering the same, seemingly envious of your order.
Together you sit down in a booth by the window and you both demolish your meals in a matter of minutes, taking a rest afterwards as you sip your drinks. You take this moment to open Twitter. When you see Tony’s official announcement at the top of your timeline you can’t help let out a snort of laughter. Kenny looks up from his phone, curious and entertained by your uncouth outburst.
“The ‘It’ couple versus The Elite couple?” You laugh, showing him the tweet and match graphic below it. Kenny let’s out a chuckle as you hold the phone out for him.
“Shit, I haven’t got my glasses on. One sec.” He fumbles about in his hoodie pocket, pulling a neat little pair of reading glasses out and popping them on. You take a second to admire how normal he looks, in the nicest way possible.
He seems to be the most relaxed you’ve seen him yet, no worry lines creasing his forehead as he amusedly reads the tweet for himself. His glasses frame those startling cerulean eyes that you constantly find yourself staring at and you notice the little wrinkles at the corner that appear when he smiles.
“Well we are The Elite. You can’t knock him for trying.” Kenny replies, popping the glasses on top of his head now he’s finished with them. You find it a shame, loving how dorkier they make him than he already is.
“How come you don’t wear those often?” You ask.
He pulls a face at them. “I think they make me look weird...” He then corrects himself, “Well, weirder than I already am.”
“How are you weird? You’re Kenny Omega for crying out loud, you could tweet about the strangest, most obscure thing and I’d bet a hundred bucks that at least half your following would thirst post over how random you are.”
Your comment pulls a genuine, booming laugh from him, his cheeks tinged pink with faint embarrassment.
“I’ll take you on that bet.” He challenges you, pulling his phone out and typing something, his thumbs moving furiously over the keyboard. Once he’s finished you check your own mobile, refreshing your Twitter feed and nearly choking on your Sprite as you read his tweet. It’s a wild ride from start to finish.
Many people seem to share the same confusion, with Matt even going so far as to tag you and ask why you had left him unsupervised for this long. Nick tweets that Kenny needs to get help.
“How’d I do?” Kenny asks proudly.
Sure enough, when you scroll further through you see a worrying number of fans horny posting in his replies.
“Nailed it.” You sigh, digging around in your pockets for some cash. Kenny leans over and rests a hand on your arm.
“Don’t even think about giving me any cash.” He tells you sternly, asserting a dominant tone in his voice that makes your legs clench together.
“But you won the bet-”
“How about you agree to have dinner with me instead?” He offers, cutting you off before you can protest any further, something you certainly would have done had he let you.
Unable to refuse his earnest expression and the way the corner of his mouth curls upwards into a soft smile, you agree to dinner. It wasn’t an offer to a date, which is why you had no issue saying yes, knowing that there was no risk in going for a harmless meal.
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Ken Ryuguji [ Male reader].
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— Feliz aniversário, amor.
Draken estava lidando com uma de suas piores mudanças de humor naquele dia - graças a gravidez-, quando [Nome] foi até ele.
O ômega loiro sentou-se em seu lugar na toalha grande com estampa de nuvens, vendo o presente embrulhado nas mãos estendidas de seu Alpha.
Ambos estavam no parque, fazendo um piquenique, vários pratinhos com frutas estavam espalhados por cima da toalha.
Os olhos de Ken brilharam, agarrando o presente e tirando o papel de presente - que tinha pequenos dragões - com delicadeza e carinho.
— Aqui, vamos colocar debaixo do colchão depois, vi que atrai mais presente. — Ele falou, entregando o papel para você, com um sorriso [Nome] pegou e guardou dentro da cestinha que tinham levado.
— Esses são aquelas pelúcias que eu pedi para você fazer? — Ele perguntou, com um sorriso olhando para seu namorado com surpresa. Enquanto o Alpha tinha um pequeno sorriso no rosto, apontando para as pelúcias com as mãos.
— Fiz o de lobo e o de dragão porque me lembra nós dois, nossos apelidos e eu gosto de chamá-lo de "dragãozinho", e você me chama de "lobinho", e fiz os de dragões pequenos para nossas crianças… Espero que esteja no seu agrado querido.
O coração do ômega disparou, as bochechas de Draken tomando uma coloração avermelhada.
— Eu amei… Ficou tão bonito, Alpha. — A um leve sorriso tomou conta dos lábios dele e que de maneira distraída ele passava suavemente os dedos sobre os pequenos dragões de pelúcia. Um tinha a cor de seus cabelos, enquanto o outro era loirinho como o pai ômega.
Sem o conhecimento de Ken, que estava entretido com as pelúcias, o coração de [Nome] estava disparado com a visão gentil e bela de seu ômega apreciando um presente.
Tirando o loiro do transe, o de fios de cabelo [claros/escuros] deixou um selar na bochecha do namorado.
— Vamos tomar um sorvete! E depois podemos voltar pra casa. —
O humor de Draken já havia mudado para melhor ao ver os presentes, mas com a menção do doce apenas melhorou.
Como um alpha babão, [Nome] não pôde evitar a expressão carinhosa que se espalhou em seu rosto ao ver a empolgação do parceiro.
Hoje é o aniversário do ômega, mas um dia antes [Nome] tinha ido na nutricionista que acompanhava a gravidez e perguntado se Ken poderia sair da rotina de alimentação saudável só naquele dia - no caso apenas o sorvete que [Nome] planejava dar -.
Ela permitiu.
Depois de um algumas horas distante de seu parceiro, ao chegar na casa - mansão - que dividia com Draken, viu que Mikey estava lá, o baixinho confessou que o maior estava de mau humor a manhã toda.
O alpha ficou a manhã toda junto a Mitsuya, conversando- fofocando - e terminando o presente para Ken.
[Nome] que já tinha preparado tudo para o piquenique levou o ômega para o parque e então tiveram a tarde de carinhos lá.
Depois de pegar o pote de sorvete e entregar o loiro, o Alpha percebeu que uma pequena parte do sorvete ficou nos lábios de Draken quando ele levou a colher aos lábios.
O de fios [claros/escuros] juntou os lábios com o do parceiro, um simples e singelo selar, quando se afastaram percebeu que Draken estava corado.
— O sabor está ótimo…
O sol começava a se pôr, deixando uma bela cena do céu pintado de laranja e foi nesse momento que você estendeu o anel com diamante para ele.
— Feliz aniversário Ken, meu ômega,meu parceiro… Meu marido. — Juntando os lábios mais uma vez, selaram o pedido de casamento, os ronronos suaves que saíam do loiro lhe deixavam relaxados.
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foxgloveprincess · 4 years
I Need You More Than Anyone
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Female Omega Reader [First Person Narrator]
Word Count: 5.9K
Summary: It’s just supposed to be a regular Saturday night at the bar. When Steve comes to pick you up, like he normally does, things don’t exactly end up the way you expect.
Warnings: my own interpretation of A/B/O dynamics (no smut), cursing (like lots of bad language words), very mild angst, kissing, romantic fluff. Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: Congratulations, Georgie (@bonkywobble​), for getting 500 followers! You’re so amazing and such a great friend. This is the first challenge I’ve participated in, and it was so fun. I can’t wait to see what the other participants write. 💜 I’m not gonna lie, this one fought with me, but I like where it ended up.
I love feedback, so go ahead and like & reblog if you want. Do not copy, rewrite, translate or post my work anywhere. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on this or any other website (I cross-post to my AO3 account).
Title from “Build Me Up Buttercup” by The Foundations
This is not Beta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Tagging some friends who have expressed interest in reading my fics: ​ @slothspaghettiwrites​ @river-soul​ @kleohoneyao3​​ 
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The ice clinks in the glass, the sound lost in the crowd’s chatter and the music playing overhead. Twiddling with the mini straw, I swirl the liquid, first clockwise then counter-clockwise, searching for entertainment that I know I won’t find.
Glancing around the room, I squint through the low lighting. It’s never bright enough in the bar—though perhaps that’s just my eyes.
Darcy stands against the wall, fiddling with a man’s sweater and smirking up at his dazed expression. Her eyes flick over to me, sending a quick wink and turning back to her beau for the night.
Mild envy simmers in my gut as I turn back to the bar, wishing I had her effervescence. She sparkles in any room and attracts people to her—alphas, betas, omegas. It’s quite the impressive sight.
Most Saturdays I find myself in her company, a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and hours spent at the local watering hole, searching for a ‘good time’ and a chance at something new. Because both of us know what we’re looking for—I’m looking for the right partner, she’s looking for her partner right now.
It suits her, being in the proverbial spotlight and finding someone new, or not so new, to flirt with. She thrives in this environment.
Tonight, it’s Ian again—at least from what I can tell looking at the back of his head. I’m happy for her. They’re actually quite cute together and always seem to have fun.
On the other hand, I’ve never found anyone on these nights out—whether no one’s interested or I’m too much of a wallflower, it’s beyond my ken. But I don’t mind the atmosphere, the life and vitality thrumming through the bar. And I don’t hurt for company when Darcy wanders off, the staff welcoming and willing to look after me.
Staring at my drink, I smile to myself, shaking my head and casting a quick glance back over my shoulder to check on my friend. Though she never seems to need it.
I mean, she’s the omega that tased the knot-head captain of the debate team when he tried to corner me against the lockers in high school. ‘Omegas stick together’, she had said—and she’s stuck by me ever since.
Yeah, she can take care of herself just fine.
“Why do you come out at all?” a voice inquires. My eyes raise to the bartender, Loki, wiping at the bar top, brow quirked in question. “You don’t even like it.”
“It makes her happy,” I say with a shrug, sipping at my ginger ale. “Plus, I do like it. The company’s great when it’s not being so snarky.”
I quirk my brow at the man accusingly, rump shifting on the barstool, looking for a comfortable position after sitting for so long.
He hums in return, placing down his rag and crossing his arms. “I’ve called your alpha.”
I choke, the carbonation burning in my throat until my eyes water. “Loki!” I screech, banging my hand on the wood of the bar. “I don’t have an alpha.”
He sighs, rolling his eyes. “Fine, I called Steve, then.” I squawk, just as indignant, raising my finger to chew the alpha out for his glib statement, but he continues, “You’re obviously itching to leave and you know how Val is about omegas leaving the bar on their own.”
“I’m not even drinking,” I insist, gesturing to my glass of soda. “You’ve been serving me all night.”
“Yes, well. It’s Val,” Loki states, with a pointed look. “She intimidates me more than you.” He chuckles, green eyes shining in the low lights.
A scoff blows across my lips as I send a glare in his direction. “I hate you,” I pout, leaning back with my shoulders slumped.
“No you don’t, darling.” His smile spreads across his face, his forearms leaning on the counter.
“No, I don’t,” I admit, the words bitten out on petulant syllables. My hand runs over my face, a groan buzzing my lips. “You shouldn’t have called Steve, though. He’s in the middle of preparing for his latest exhibition. He gets so stressed, Loki. You shoulda called someone else.” My teeth worry over my lip, a wave of guilt washing over me.
The incredulous look Loki returns in my direction penetrates so deep I can sense the impending roll of his eyes. “Who would you suggest I call then?” he asks, sarcastically, gesturing at me for my answer with a sweep of his hand.
When no one comes to mind, I change the subject, asking, “Well, what about Darcy?”
“You know I always take care of her,” Loki reminds softly, shooting a fond glance over my shoulder in her direction. His brows knit together as he observes her for a lingering minute. “Though she seems to be finding some familiar company tonight.”
My head tilts, eying the alpha in sympathy. Before I can think of a way to reply, a warm hand lands on my shoulder.
The familiar weight distracts me, drawing my attention to the alpha behind me. Even in such a crowded bar, the notes of graphite and whiskey in his musky scent tickle my nose. I lean back, knowing he’ll support my weight, face scrunched in apology as I catch his eye.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” I groan pitifully, a pout sitting on my lower lip.
The lights of the bar illuminate his face, the room brightening slightly even as I wait for his remonstrance.
He just smiles, face full of understanding. “Sweetheart, you know you don’t need to apologize.” He turns to Loki with gratitude dripping from his scent. “Thanks for calling me, man.”
Loki nods, a knowing smirk on his lips. Catching the cheeky sparkle in his eyes, I lean forward again, landing my elbows on the bar, sticking my tongue out at the bartender in a childish gesture.
Steve’s hand moves to the back of my neck, gently squeezing at my nape. “Come on, omega,” he coaxes with an amused chuckle, “let’s get you home.”
My head immediately drops, eyelids fluttering, my whole skeleton turning into a pile of goo, for a second.  My omega purrs with the quiet display of dominance, submitting easily. Steve releases me once my breathing calms to soft, deep inhales, the spark of my agitation effectively stifled. He grabs my purse, tucking it under his arm, hand finding the small of my back to guide me out.
“See you two next week,” Loki snipes playfully as we turn away.
And in seconds, that spark ignites once more, burning to life. With Steve’s hand on my back, I can’t turn back to make a final parting shot, but my lip contorts in an irritated snarl. Steve simply turns his head, shooting an unimpressed glance to our friend with a final wave and nudges me out of the bar.
The cool breeze greets us outside, the air crisp and fresh. Steve’s scent much more noticeable in the natural air. I sigh, drinking it in, and crane my neck to look at the stars. The vexation draining away as soon as the door closes behind us.
“Thanks for picking me up,” I murmur, head tilting to catch my friend’s gaze. “I’m sorry if you were working on art pieces for your newest show. I know how involved they can be.”
Steve waves a dismissive hand in the air, not even saying a word as his lips quirk in the corner. He gestures for me to walk.
“My truck is parked just down the road.”
I nod, acknowledging his remark, unmoving, basking in the night air. I can see the old blue truck less than ten feet away. But I’m not ready to jump into it quite yet.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, mild worry clinging to his words.
I hum, head bobbing as my eyes close for a brief moment. “It’s just so peaceful outside.”
He hums, a small sound of relief and acceptance, leaning his body against the façade of the building, waiting for me.
The quiet hush surrounds us, ambient noises of the night familiar—crickets, the hoot of an owl, the occasional crunch of gravel under tires, a muffled sound of music drifting on the breeze.
Steve breaks the tranquil moment, clearing his throat. My eyes loll in his direction, finding him under the fuzzy lamplight.
“How’s your week been?” he asks, starting up a conversation, checking in even though we text each other everyday.
Warmth encompasses me, despite the chilly air, a feeling of contentment radiating from within. A smalls smile pulls at my lips, happy with his thoughtfulness.
“Nothing that I haven’t already told you, really. Though Phil’s been a bit more stressed lately with the election coming up,” I admit, rubbing the built-up tension in my shoulders with one of my hands. “Not like he has any competition in our little town.”
“He’s treating you okay though, right?” Steve straightens in his spot as I step over to the wall and lean next to him.
“Yes,” I drone with a smile, rolling my eyes in faux exasperation.  “He treats me the same as he always has. Part of me thinks he’s scared he’ll upset you if he doesn’t.” My hand covers my lips as snicker breaks through, Steve’s brow raising in surprise.
It’s no great secret that our mayor is quite proud to have such a prolific artist living in town. But if Steve knew to what extent Mayor Coulson idolized him, he’d be quite dumbfounded. To be fair, though, Steve seems to react that way when anyone recognizes or admires his talent.
“What’re you working on right now?” I ask, dying to hear about his newest pieces, chomping at the bit for details.
“Just a sculpture,” he replies cryptically.
My face drops into a scowl, lips pursed and blowing a raspberry in his direction. He laughs in response, eyes shining with mirth. I sigh, disgruntled.
In all the years we’ve known each other, Steve’s always kept his works in progress so hush-hush, locked away like they’re national secrets. It’s a wonder I survive the time between his shows—though he always brings me into his studio for my own personal preview, watching my reaction to seeing the beauty he creates for the first time. A quiet, private moment between the two of us, just for us. More often than not I end up in tears, left speechless and moved by his artistic expression.
I’ve suspected for years that he stays so secretive just to rile me up, to get that reaction from me.
He evades any further questions by asking, “Did you hear Bucky, Nat, and Sam are moving back to town?”
“Really?!” I shriek at the news, bouncing on my toes and turning my body toward his. A wide smile pulls at the corners of my lips, spreading them toward my ears. At Steve’s confirming nod, a noise of excitement bursts from my throat. “Bucky’s coming back!” Hands clapping in front of my chest, my body wiggles with delight.
My hands grasp Steve’s wrist, pulling him with me as I spin in circles and drag him along, needing to expel my new burst of energy. He breathes deeply, a soft smile twitching at the corner of his lips.
“My best friend is finally coming home,” I enthuse, swinging the alpha’s arm between us.
Steve scoffs indignantly, “Hey! I thought—”
“You are my best friend, Steve,” I assure sincerely. “But Bucky and I—we’re both omegas. I can talk to him about anything, you know?”
“You can always talk to me,” Steve insists, pulsing his grip on my arm until I look to him.
My wide smile shifts to something small and sweet, seeing the genuine affection in the alpha’s eyes. That warmth blossoms in my chest again, slow and tender.
“I know, Steve.” I wrap my arm around his, cuddling up to his side for a second before a train of thought sparks to life.
My hands gently shove him away as a gasp bursts past my lips. He steps aside at the force, though he’s strong enough that he does it solely for my own benefit. My tone drops slightly lower as we meander closer to Steve’s truck.
“Darcy’s gonna freak that Sam’s coming back,” I mutter, giddiness bubbling up my throat and bursting out of me in a short giggle.
“Why’s that?” Steve asks with a fond shake of his head.
“Well, we’ve just always had a crush on him,” I reply easily. My feet jump in front of his path, backing up with my eyes on him, arms swaying at my sides.
A deep, rolling growl, vibrates Steve’s chest for a moment before abruptly cutting off, choked down and silenced. A shock of dread shoots down my spine at the sound. My eyes dart over his face, scanning for signs of his sudden mood swing.
“Are you okay?” I ask , stopping his progress forward when he attempts to keep walking toward his truck, my palm flat against his chest.
He clears his throat, refusing to meet my gaze. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a crush on Sam.” He looks up through his lashes, sheepish and apologetic.
I hum, forgiveness bestowed easier than breathing, “Oh yeah, when he moved into town junior year of high school, all of us got a crush on him—me, Darcy, Bucky, Natasha, Sharon. Nat and Bucky are just the lucky ones who nabbed his heart by the time we all came home from college.” A goofy grin spreads my lips as I explain, feeling the need to justify the admission. “He’s just so charismatic, stands up for what’s right and protects the ones he loves, a genuinely great guy—who hasn’t fallen in love with him?”
Steve nods slowly, face drawn in contemplation. I retake my place at his side, continuing our short trek to his truck.
The alpha continues to stew in his thoughts, and I let him. Feeling no need to fill the empty air between us, and not smelling any cause for concern in his scent.
A thought strikes me just as my feet meet the curb, his keys jingling as he pulls them from his pocket.
“You know, you must get that all the time,” I comment glancing toward the alpha.
Steve turns to me, confused. His eyes looking lost in that adorable puppy dog way of his. My lips twitch toward a smile.
“You and Sam,” I clarify with a nod directed at him, “You’re practically the same person. So you must have hundreds—if not thousands—of people in love with you.”
Steve doesn’t comment, absorbing my assessment with a quiet hum. He reaches out for the door of his truck, hand grasping the handle. At the movement, reluctance surges forward within me. I stop him with a slight tug to the back of his leather jacket. He turns around, a questioning glance as his hand drops back to his side.
“Can we walk home?” I request, not ready to be cooped up or sitting again so soon after getting out of the bar. “I mean, we can walk to my place and I’ll lend you my keys to drive my car home.”
“It’s too cold, sweetheart. I don’t want you getting sick,” he rebukes, pulling me closer toward the car.
I dig my heels in, tempted to stomp my foot. Though, Steve’s a stubborn one and I’m no match for him. Instead, I change tactics, turning to him with my most pitiful pleading expression and begging, “Please, Steve? I’ll be fine, I promise.”
He stares at me, lips pressed in a frown. The muscles in his jaw twitch, clearly disapproving of my pleas. But the longer he remains silent, the more certain I am he’ll cave.
A minute passes, then two. He drops his chin, sighing in defeat.
“Alright,” he grumbles, shrugging off his jacket and shoving it into my arms. “But you gotta wear this.”
My lips part, ready to refuse, “But—”
“No buts,” he interrupts, crossing his arms and staring me down. My instincts buckle, my chin tilting slightly in submission, my omega whining in the back of my mind. “Either you wear that, or you get in the car. Your choice.”
I huff, wrapping the worn, warm leather around my shoulders. My nose briefly brushes the collar. It smells like him. I pull it tighter around my body, taking comfort in his familiar scent. Cocking my brow at Steve, I silently ask his approval. He smirks, stepping away from his truck and pocketing his keys.
“Come on,” he chuckles, jutting his chin in the direction of my apartment.
I follow, gait easy, feeling pleased and thoroughly entertained by our antics.
We walk a block in comfortable silence, passing the bakery, the bookstore, and an empty storefront with a tarp over the windows.
My arms swing by my sides until the jacket starts to slip off. Being as unobtrusive as possible, I weave my arms through the sleeves, another indulgent whiff of Steve’s scent wafting to my nose.
“Tell me,” Steve starts when we step back on the sidewalk after crossing the next street. “Why do you go to the bar with Darcy when you so rarely enjoy yourself?”
I bark a laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. When Steve looks over, I bite back further giggles, pressing my smiling lips shut.
“Loki asked the same question tonight,” I explain, amusement bright in my tone. “So, I guess I’ll give you the same answer.” My head tilts as I look over, wondering at his curiosity. “It makes Darcy happy. And I do like it. Sometimes it just gets to be a bit too much.”
He hums quietly in response, tucking his hands in his pockets and sagely nodding his head.
“That’s not the only reason, is it?” he coaxes knowingly, prodding me with his elbow.
My cheeks puff with an air of indignation, but we both know he’s right. He won’t push me to tell him the real reason—he never does. But he’s curious and, if there’s anyone I can vent to, it’s Steve.
I kick out on the next step, watching my foot propel a rock down the sidewalk. “I,” the word fizzles out, but I gather my confidence and continue along this unintended path of vulnerability, “I also go because I’m always hoping that my someone will finally find me there.”
Steve’s steps slow, his head cocking to the side, giving me his full attention. “What do you mean?” he asks, a crease forming between his brows.
My hands knead together in front of my abdomen, nerves jittering under my skin. But it’s Steve. So, there’s nothing to fear, right?
“I just,” I pause, swallowing my bubbling anxiety, “I just always hope I’ll meet my true mate, you know? That they’ll notice me at the bar and we’ll be able to connect.”
My shoulders shrug nonchalantly while my anxiety turns into a stiff tension. Waiting for Steve’s reaction is like waiting for the guillotine blade to drop.
I pull his jacket tighter around me, hoping to block out the nerves that prick at the back of my mind, and it helps. The scent calming the sharpness as I watch expressions flit across his features, too fast to identify.
When his brows raise and his lips part, I hold up my hand, cutting him off before he can start and saving myself from his judgement at the last minute—unprepared to hear his criticism.
“And I know ‘True Mates’,” I say using air quotes, “are some bullshit trope propagated by Hollywood.” I avert my gaze, focusing on the pavement at my feet, scowling at it like it’s personally insulted my mother. “But I believe that everyone has at least one person—their person, the mate that they’re destined to find.” My toes scuff the concrete, dragging my legs like I’m slogging through mud. “If true mates exist, I’ll never find mine if I never put myself out there,” I pronounce, repeating the words like a mantra.
A familiar hopelessness begins to well in my stomach, the doubt that I’ll never find my mate, but I shake my head, swiftly shoving it down and burying it deep. Part of me praying that the acrid dejection doesn’t soak into my scent for Steve to detect.
His mouth closes, his head canting in the other direction as he mulls my statement over in his mind. “Yeah, I guess I believe that, too,” he concedes quietly.
My head perks up at his agreement, not realizing that he would share my sentiments.
“Really?” I ask, flabbergasted, brows inching toward my hairline.
“Really,” he agrees with a huff of laughter. “What? Is it so hard to believe that an artist can be a romantic, too?” A teasing spark lights his eyes.
A sheepish smile flashes across my lips. “No, I suppose not.”
We turn down a side street, walking away from the town’s main road and heading toward the more residential blocks. Steve glances over at me once, twice, thrice, before asking the question that spins the cogs working in his head.
“So, how would you know who your true mate is?” His hand reaches up to the back of his neck, rubbing over his nape as he asks. Curiosity laces his tone, mulled with a hint of something I can’t pinpoint.
The corner of my lip twitches up in a smile, suddenly aware of how charming he is. It’s absolutely ludicrous that he hasn’t found his mate yet—that betas and omegas don’t line up and down the street for a chance to catch his eye.
I delay my response for a minute, gathering my thoughts, compiling the sentiments that I’ve considered for years into a concise and somewhat coherent list—and dragging out Steve’s suspense just a little bit, to watch him wait.
“I’ll be honest,” I begin, rubbing the side of my face with my knuckles. “I’ve thought about this a lot, but I only sort of know what I want. Though I’ve certainly been through plenty of failed relationships to know what I don’t want.”
I peek toward his face, my teeth clacking together when I glimpse his eyes, focused in a way I’ve never seen. A small voice in the back of my head starts chanting don’t don’t don’t in a quiet whisper. The thought surprises me, stunning me into silence.
The alpha patiently waits another block for a continuation of my thought, breathing deeply and scenting the air for any reason relating to my hesitance.
My teeth gnaw at my cheek, even more nervous now, but I start spewing like a party girl with one too many drinks in her stomach.
“I just-I just want someone who fits,” I state firmly, decisively. Steve’s face scrunches in befuddlement, so I continue to explain, “I want—need—someone loving and kind, who gives me the dominance I crave, and cares for me. Someone I can care and provide for in return.” I breathe through my relief, feeling free and heard as I discuss this with someone who wants to listen. Excitement thrums through my veins, enthusiasm taking over as I gush. “But more than that, I want to be able to show them every part of me, love them with every part of me, and be a big, huge, weird dork, and still know that they love me—because of my idiosyncrasies, not in spite of them.”
By the end, I’m beaming, weightless and almost giddy from the confession. Observing Steve, I wait for his response with bated breath.
“So,” Steve ponders, his eyes shadowed away from the streetlights, shoulders stiff, “anyone come close to fitting your bill?”
“If they did, I wouldn’t be walking home with you, you big lug.” I playfully shove at his arm, his stride remaining unbroken. Not even a little sidestep. I huff a laugh, rolling my eyes and clicking my tongue. “What about you?”
“I’ve got my eye on somebody,” he replies, cryptic once again. He sniffs, avoiding my gaze as I seek his out.
“Really?” The syllables elongate on my tongue, skepticism clear in my voice. “Cause I never see you with anyone,” I accuse, scowling at the alpha. “Have you even tried courting them?”
“Not recently,” he admits, bitten syllables softened by a reserved regret. “I used to try, but I wasn’t sure if she reciprocated my feelings. So, now, I just let it be. If we’re meant to be together, we’ll find a way. And if not?” His shoulders slump, releasing their tension. “Then I can live with that.”
“That’s kinda beautiful, Steve,” I muse, tone sympathetic and sullen, “but also really fuckin’ sad.”
“I know,” he concedes, nodding his head, forlorn.
“Who is she? Do I know her? What’s her designation?” The questions bubble out of me, an unshakable urge to know everything about this mystery woman whose existence had been inconsequential to me until this moment. Needing to remedy Steve’s state, heart breaking for him.
He sighs, a piteous, aggrieved sound rumbling in his chest. “I’m not telling you, sweetheart.”
“Why not?” I demand, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning toward him with a disappointed frown.
“Cause you would,” he pauses for a second, face pinching at the thought that flashes across his mind, before beginning again, “cause you would pressure her to be with me and I don’t want that.”
I scoff, flinging my arms open in a gesture of incredulity, “So you’d rather be alone?”
“I’d rather she be happy,” he replies quietly.
My mouth snaps shut, a pang shooting through my heart, the muscle clenching in my chest. My shoulder slump with my limp arms, feeling my ribs collapse in on themselves with the weight of his statement.
Silence descends over us, our steps crunching on the sidewalk as my apartment building comes into view. My brow furrows, seeing my friend’s pain for the first time, that quiet anguish that hangs around his shoulders.
My lips part on a softer question, glimpsing him in my periphery and swallowing down the lump in my throat. “Does she smell like home?” I ask, voice cracking over the words. My lips try to spread into a smile, but it’s shaky and slips away easily. “One whiff and you’re weak in the knees?”
“Yeah,” he affirms, gazing up at the moon hanging in the sky. His eyes go hazy, getting lost in his thoughts.
This woman must really be amazing, leaving him starry-eyed and devoted, even when his love may be unrequited.
A strange jealousy seeps through my body, my lips pursing in discomfort at the feeling. It lingers even when I try to clear it away from my throat. Shaking my head and trying to lighten the mood, I whistle low, pulling his attention back to the conversation and away from the clouds.
“Her scent must really be something.” The comment rolls off my tongue easily as I step to the side and shove my hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, clutching at the lining like it’s my saving grace, palms sweating.
My omega whines in the back of my mind for escape, for distance, for this unusual pain to disappear, for comfort. Steve doesn’t respond, still caught up in his own head.
“I’ve never met anyone who smells better than you,” I remark in the quiet moment, not expecting Steve to pay attention to my rambling. And it keeps spilling out, “But I’m not convinced scent is everything. The quiet matters more to me.”
“The quiet,” Steve repeats, dubious and still slightly distracted.
“Yeah,” I confirm, nodding my head slowly. “You know how my mind works, a thousand miles per hour, nonstop.” A small, self-deprecating smile tilts my lips. “But finding someone that can just make me feel safe and content, settled?” I lean forward, knees bending weakly as I let myself collapse inward a little over my statement while keeping my stride. “That’s the dream,” I admit blithely, “I’ve only ever felt that way around you.”
Steve’s brow raises at the statement, remaining silent. The conversation between us lulls once more, but the usual calm does not follow. Instead, I’m combating a small stab of anxiety that shoots through me like a bullet.
Our discussion plays through my mind again and again, quietly dissecting my admissions about my perfect mate. Something niggling in the back of my mind, a thorn in my side.
The cause of discomfort strikes like lightning, shocking me down to my toes and leaving me stunned in its wake.
My vision goes a little cloudy with the sharp realization. Stopping mid-step, I squeeze my eyes shut, mind racing, trying to make sense of the thought that has left me reeling. My heart flutters in my chest at the possibility. Affectionate warmth pools in my belly, something so much stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for anyone.
And then all at once, an overwhelming feeling of peace settles around me.
I’m in love with Steve Rogers.
An ecstatic disbelieving huff of laughter blows past my lips, joyous tears welling in my eyes. It makes sense. God, I’m an idiot.
Eyes fluttering open, they dart to Steve, halted a few paces ahead of me. His shoulders tense, sensing my omega’s initial unease on the air. His jaw twitches, muscles locked and waiting to pounce on the problem.
And I’m dunked in a pool of ice cold reality.
“Shit!” I exclaim at the ground, face falling, emotions surging through me like a tidal wave. “Motherfucking, goddamnit.” My hand runs over my hair, sinking into the tresses with distress. And the curses keep flowing past my lips, the only thing that feels under my control as the world falls away from under my feet. “Holy Mary, mother of—fuckin’ hell.”
This is not happening with my best friend—this can’t happen. Steve is Steve. Even if he’s my perfect match, the one person in the world who actually makes me feel loved and appreciated, who I care so deeply for it aches. He doesn’t feel the same. He just told me he has his eyes on someone else. God, I’m an idiot.
As my mind spirals down a path of panic, I hear Steve’s voice trying to calm me down. Trying to catch my attention, ask what’s wrong. It doesn’t work, I’m too lost.
And then my back slams into the brick wall of my building, Steve pinning me and blocking away any other stimulation from our environment. He breathes heavily, his chest expanding until it presses against mine. Hackles raised, he stares into my eyes, a flash of panic in his irises.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he pleads, his hands cradling my head to turn my gaze toward his.
My pulse jumps at his touch, my eyes widening at the proximity. “Fuck,” I whisper, face crumpling in anguish. But Steve shakes me softly, jarring my attention back to him.
“Tell me. what’s. wrong,” he demands, voice dropping to a pitch near his alpha tone.
My breath hitches, knees turning to jelly as I blurt, “I’m in love with you.” My hand smacks over my lips, a second too late to stop the words from spewing from my lips.
Steve steps back, eyes squinting and head tilting as he scans over my face. His brows sit low over his eyes, draw together with his scrutiny.
My hands clutch at the rough bricks, trying to grab onto anything to keep me standing. Words bubble in my throat, sputtering excuses that trip over my tongue in blubbering syllables as I try to excuse my confessed sentiment.
“I’m so sorry, Steve, I didn’t realize—I never thought—you don’t—”
Steve steps suddenly closer again, caging me against the wall, quietly shushing me with a delicate brush of his thumb over my lips. His forehead presses to mine, his eyes closing softly. A sweet smile stretches his lips, parting slightly on a amazed exhale.
“You love me,” he whispers, almost to himself, his scent filling with something so lush and heady, my head starts to spin.
“I-I love you,” I confirm, dragging a shaky breath into my lungs.
A spark of hope blooms in my chest the longer he holds me. So close, so affectionate, so tender, his scent filled with joy and relief. When his eyes open, the blue shining and steadfast, I feel weak, my skin pebbling with goosebumps and a shiver dancing down my spine.
His right hand cradles my neck, knuckles pressing into my scent gland until my knees wobble and my breath catches in my lungs. His other cups my cheek guiding my head closer. So close that as he speaks, his lips brush mine.
“Please let me kiss you, sweetheart.”
My head bobs once and that’s all it takes.
He kisses me softly. It’s sweet, the way his lips glide over mine, almost hesitant, chaste—treating me like a beautiful, fragile treasure.
He breaks away for a moment, lips parting on a question, “Are you sure—”
But my hands grip at his flannel shirt, pulling him back toward me, aching for another taste of him. He obliges happily, lips slanting over mine, deepening the kiss with passionate need.
His left arm wraps around my waist, fingers splaying on my back and gripping onto me like a lifeline. His tongue swipes over my lower lip, licking into my mouth and swallowing the tiny mewls of pleasure that echo in my throat.
As our lungs scream for oxygen, he pulls away, his forehead resting against mine, his eyes still firmly closed.
“God, if I’m dreaming, don’t wake me up,” he begs, words dripping with desperation, voice hoarse. The fingers of his right hand wrap gently around my neck, thumb caressing my jaw.
We stand in silence for a long, lingering moment, catching our breath and basking in each other’s scent, hanging thick in the air around us.
My fingers reach up, brushing a strand of his long hair away from his forehead, mind quite blank and thoughts peacefully still.
Steve revels in the delicate touch, his long lashes brushing his cheeks.
As he opens his brilliant, blue eyes, he snatches my retreating hand, pressing his lips to my palm and running his nose over my wrist.
“I have loved you for so long,” he confesses, quietly, fervently.
Our eyes lock, his gaze burning with earnest adoration. I swallow thickly, a jolt of pain lancing at my heart.
“I’m sorry I made you wait.” My chin drops in shame, thoughts stirring to berate myself over the years of wasted time.
“Hey.” He calls my name softly, fingers pulsing loosely around my neck. “Don’t apologize. Please. I have never regretted an instant of loving you.”
Meeting his gaze again, tears well in my eyes. My arms wrap around his waist, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I breathe deeply, drinking in his soothing scent and leaning on his muscles for support.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he says, his hand rubbing at my back in a calming gesture. “Let’s get you inside, all nice and warm in your apartment.”
I nod into his neck, drawing away and letting my fingers raise to absentmindedly scratch through the beard on his cheeks. “Will you stay with me?”
A happy, contented sound rumbles in his chest, smile brighter than the moon.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hello! Your Alpha Baji x Omega male reader was amazing! Could I ask for a part 2? Where after Ken knowinf about them Baji decides to be a little shit and openly flirt with his omega infront of draken!! Something along the lines of that!! (Amazinf writing btw, absolutely beautiful)
Yes you absolutely can! I was super excited to get this since the Alpha Baji x Omega Male Reader as the first prompt I wrote on Tumblr! Enjoy!
Draken's Brother
Part 2
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Since Draken found out about Baji courting his brother things in Toman have been....different to say the least. Baji felt he didn't have to hide their relationship. Which lead to this moment. (Name) leaned against Baji. Arms wrapped around his waist. Baji talking to Chifyuu like it's a normal day.
Draken's eyebrow twitched. He stared at Baji. Glaring at the arms wrapped around his baby brothers waist. "What's up with Draken glaring at Baji like he wants to stab him?" Draken turned his glare to Takemichi who flinched at the look. Smiley came out behind Takemichi and threw his arm around his shoulders.
"Draken is just upset that his baby brother has found a potential mate~." The grin Smiley had said it all. He was enjoying the drama of this meeting. Takemichi looked over at (Name) and Baji and saw the way the older was holding the Omega. He watched Baji slowly lay his head on (Name)'s shoulder and pulled him closer.
He could hear (Name)'s laugh from where he was. Draken clenched his fist. He knew Baji was enjoying this. But in his opinion Baji was enjoying this a little too much. The way he was all over (Name). His hands sometimes wondering under the Toman jacket that Draken knew belonged to the black haired Alpha.
What was the breaking point for Draken is when Baji kissed (Name)'s neck making eye contact with Draken. "You little shit!" Takemichi watch Draken run down the steps to where Baji started cackling throwing (Name) over his shoulder and running off. Of course Draken being who he is follows.
Smiley grinned wider and turned to Mikey who was watching with an unreadable face. "Hey Mikey! Wanna make a bet to whether or not Draken catches him?" Mikey smirked and turned laughing loudly. "Of course Ken-chin will catch Baji! He let him get away with a lot but taunting him like that? Baji I doomed."
Toman watched the vice-commander chase the first division captain. Hearing a sweet laugher fill the air. Squeals was sometime heard as Baji would jump out of Draken's grabbing range. Mikey and Smiley were watching with hard expressions. Neither wanting to lose the bet.
But it was a tie when (Name) was snatch from them by Kokoni. "I'll be taking (Name) now for the shopping trip he was promised." Kokoni grinned widely and quickly left the scene with a stunned Baji and Big Brother Draken behind. Takemichi looked so confused as Smiley and Mikey shared a look and shook hands.
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Hope you enjoyed it!
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If you want to read others. Click HERE
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Pairing:  Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff, NSFW (Kinda heavy with this one, i am hor-knee for this man)
Request:  I was wondering if you could do an alpha! Kyotani x omega reader where she is a second year just like him and the manager for the boys team and they are secretly dating. But one time while they were at practice she goes into heat and so Kyotani has to take her home before the other alphas try anything and he helps her with her heat.
Summary:  It wasn’t supposed to hit you as hard as it did, but when your heat came and blindsided you, you were left staggering for a way out. Luckily, your alpha knows you better than anyone else.
Author’s Note: Not to be that person but uhhhhh Strawberry milk> Anything else. 
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Use of the name ‘puppy’ for reader, 
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Kentarou Kyoutani
➵ Kentarou wasn’t an alpha that like to control you. Not at all. 
➵ He enjoyed the fact that you had things you enjoyed and pursued. It’s what made you his pretty perfect omega. He just, he loved you a lot okay?
➵ And he didn’t want to share you. 
➵ When you came to him about being the manager for the Seijoh team, he was hesitant. You knew everything there was to know about volleyball, you were his omega, but his team was a little...
➵ Ya know...
➵ Oikawa is a flirt who doesn’t know that no means get the fuck away from me. Mattsun and Makki are little shits who take teasing to a whole new level. And, with you on the line, he didn’t even trust Iwaizumi. 
➵ But he trusted you wholly. 
➵ When you proposed the idea of keeping your relationships under-wraps so no one would see as a ‘challenge’ he agreed immediately. 
➵ No one would tease him for being so soft for you, and no one would constantly ask you about him as an alpha. 
➵ And for a while it was going great. Oikawa seemed to view you more as a little sister, Iwaizumi always made sure you were okay when Kentarou couldn’t, and you dished back just as much as Makki and Mattsun gave you,
➵ You were a good match for the team. 
➵ “Oikawa-Kun, you have another batch of...Well, I’m not sure.” You huffed, dropping an armful of packages on the floor beside the team bench. 
➵ “Will I find a love letter from you in there, Y/N-chan?”  Oikawa teased, rounding around to pick up one of the brighter packages. 
➵ You snorted. As if. 
➵ You sent a look to Kyoutani as if to say ‘not in this fuckin’ lifetime’. He smiled lowly before going back to practice. 
➵ “Mean, Y/N-Chan!” 
➵ You shook your head, flipping through your notebook to a new page, writing the date before looking up. 
➵ You noted Kyoutani’s form and how it was a little more curved than necessary, but he went above and beyond with everything he did. 
➵ And then it hit. 
➵ A wave of utter heat and gross cramps washed over you. You bit your cheek, trying not to groan at the sudden wave of unpleasant pain anchoring you. 
➵ You tried to be discreet about the incoming signs of this- out of nowhere- heat. 
➵ But Kentarou knew the moment your scent changed. 
➵ He knew every thing about you. When your cedarwood (eh- eh????Get it? Does my callback resonate?) scent would change even the slightest. 
➵ He memorized every single change with you and used them to his advantage on picking up on the small things before situations got out of hand.
➵ You used the same tactics on him. 
➵ But just because he noticed a change didn’t mean he connected the dots right away. 
➵ In fact, it took a couple moments before it finally clicked for him.
➵ And it seemed others had picked up on it too, as Okawa seemed to sniff the air a little more obviously then he previously had. 
➵ And maybe that was when it clicked. When Kyoutani immediately looked at you before packing up quickly, not even changing. He walked over to you, quickly pulling you into his chest, frowning when you panted and began whining to him. 
➵ He allowed you to clamber onto his back, making him ever so aware of the slick no ruining your panties and probably staining his tank top (Since it was just a practice, he didn’t need to wear his jersey).
➵ God he could smell you and it did nothing but turn him on as he practically ran to your house
➵ He had to help his puppy, and he was wasting no time in doing so. 
“Aw, fuck-” Kentarou’s breath was hot on your spine as his hands yanked your hips. His forehead rested at the base of your neck, nips occasionally littering your back. Your face was pressed harshly into the pillow, but you didn’t care. You were too focused on the absolute pleasure rocketing through your body. Maybe it was your heat, or maybe it was your alpha, but it was like everything was on high definition. 
The feeling of Kentarou’s cock dragging against your tightening walls, the feeling of his knot pressing harshly against your clit with every thrust, just begging to be pushed in and stretch you even wider. Even the feeling of his finger pads digging into your hips made your cunt spasm and gush slick. 
He was pounding into your pussy wildly and roughly, grunts leaving him as one of his hands snaked between your thighs, rubbing your clit in rough circles. You yelped at the sudden shock of pleasure, which had you plummeting into the pool of utter pleasure, making you quiver as your orgasm quickly crept up on you.
“Alpha- I, holy god, alpha I’m gonna-”
“I know, puppy. Cum for me, cum on your alpha’s cock.” The fingers pressed harsher into your clit, making you gasp before you were clamping down on Kentarou, pussy squelching as you came with a moan, back arching against Kentarou as he continued to overstimulate you. Slick gushed out of your cunt, dripping down your thighs and splashing against his knot every time it met your over stimulated cunny. 
Kentarou wasn’t far behind, stuffing you with his knot as rope after rope filled you with hot cum. Your omega purred in delight as the blazing heat in your stomach died down despite the warmth spreading through out your lower body. A small kiss was pressed to your bond mark, which you didn’t realize he renewed in the heat of your orgasm. 
“Feel better, puppy?” Kentarou’s deep voice made you shiver before you hummed. 
“I always feel better with you, Ken.” 
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Could you possibly do something with a possessive werewolf bf? Thank you! ❤️
Only Yours, Only Mine
Pairing: Ken (Male Werewolf) x Gender Neutral Reader
The pack gathering was the thing most of the pack looked forwards to every year. It was the one time they got to meet their entire family, blood related or not. But, it was also the time to introduce mates into the pack and to try and court members as well. Ken wondered often why he was even still part of the pack. He’d purposely moved away from his elderly parents and into the woods to avoid them as much as possible. His father might have been old but he was still the best tracker this side of the woods. Ken grumbled as he opened the letter, his nose already picking up that it was riddled with pack scents. The alpha specifically. He growled at the door as he took the parcel off the porch as well before closing it with a slam, the wood shaking in its hole. He ripped the top with a claw before opening the paper and tossing the parcel onto the table beside you as his eyes moved over the invitation.
Ken was an imposing figure, standing at over 6 foot with muscles from years working as a logger. You looked up at him as his steel coloured eyes rover the page before he let it float onto the table with a grunt. He growled under his breath before he stalked towards the stove to make coffee and a hot breakfast for the two of you.
“Ken?” You asked softly as you took the letter, “Hey come on, its just an invitation. Your mum texted me. She knows you don’t want to be there but she really wants you to go and compete for the second position.” You tried to reason with him quietly, “And... Well she said they want to meet me. The pack that is.”
Ken pulled his black, shoulder length hair back behind his ears before he looked at you, his eyes already wide and wild, his clawed hands gripping the frying pan tight, “She doesn’t understand. None of them do!” He growled again, “They want to ogle you like meat. They have bullshit traditions about welcoming humans.” He slammed the pan on the side, “The pack doesn’t...You’ll be bitten, beaten and made to eat raw meat before they will even speak to you!” He rushed, “Naked. Alone. I can’t stand the idea of it!” Ken hissed, his hair growing on his arms as he shifted.
“Hey, baby calm down.” You rushed to his side as he threw the pan and keeled over, shifting in anger, heaving heavy breaths as your hands brushed his giant furry shoulders. You pushed your hands into his black fur and held him tight as he snorted and whined against you.
“I want you safe and I want you here.” Ken grunted into your shoulder as his teeth pressed against your skin, “The pack is nothing.” He rose to his full height on two legs, knees wobbling before he shook his shaggy mane out with his ears snapping against him like a dog.
You sighed as his claws pulled you close, “Okay. Let’s stay home. I’ll invite your parents another time, okay?”
Ken growled even at that idea, “You’re mine. I don’t even want those old codgers looking at you. They’re so judgemental.” He huffed as you clutched his long muzzle and kissed at the tip of his wet nose.
“I love you, Ken, and I’m only yours.” You whispered into his pointed ear.
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