#alpha!stephen strange
holylulusworld · 6 months
A parted land (5)
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Summary: Alphas are almost extinct, and omegas rule the new world.
Pairing: Nomad!(Alpha)Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader, Feral!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Characters: Stephen Strange
Warnings: dystopian world, language, a/b/o, Steve is smitten by you, mentions of extinction and death, a hint of fluff, possessive/protective Steve, scenting, feral Bucky
A/N: It's been a while, huh...
Divider @firefly-graphics
A brand-new land (4)
No man’s land masterlist
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“Bucky?” You ask while keeping an eye on the alpha chained to the ground. “You know that man? How?”
“He’s…” Steve doesn’t know how to explain to you how much the man chained to the ground means to him. “I guess you know him as the Winter Soldier. But before all that, he was my best friend. James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Oh—OH! Sorry, I didn’t remember the name,” you crouch down to get a better look at Bucky. “I think I read an article about him some years back.”
“Buck, what happened,” Steve crouches down next to you, to make sure that Bucky doesn’t see him as a threat. “Can you hear me, my friend? It’s me, Steve.”
Bucky lifts his head. He sniffs in your direction and purrs low in his throat. His eyes glow scenting an omega after what feels like ages.
“Omega,” he growls. “OMEGA!”
“Y/N, maybe you should leave. I don’t think your presence will help—” Steve huffs when you slowly crawl toward his friend. “Y/N! What did I just say?”
“Your presence won’t help him,” you shush Steve. He’s a possessive and jealous alpha and doesn’t want to share you with his friend but this can’t be helped.
“Y/N…omega…” Steve licks his lips. “Be careful. He won’t remember that he used to belong to my pack and that he's my best friend.”
“Well, I’ll make him part of my pack then,” you scoot closer to Bucky. “I won’t hurt you.” You softly speak to the alpha who flinches when you lift your hand. “Hi there.”
“Omega,” Bucky snarls.
“Look at you,” you coo and carefully run your hand over his metal arm. “A strong and wild alpha right in front of me.”
Bucky tilts his head.
“What’s your name,” you move even closer, earning a snarl from Steve. “I’m Y/N, and you know the grumpy alpha watching us. It’s Stevie, your friend.”
“Stevie,” Bucky repeats. “Omega.”
“We won’t hurt you, Bucky,” you sit next to him to inhale his scent deeply. Just like Steve before, Bucky’s scent makes your toes curl, and you purr low in your throat.
“Fuck,” Steve curses loudly watching your reaction when you catch his friend’s scent. “Y/N, be careful.” He says again, afraid you will turn your back on him.
“What does a pretty alpha like you do in this cell?” You move closer again to run both of your hands over Bucky’s chest and up to his neck. “Don’t you want to join my pack?” You lean closer to whisper in his ear. “I wouldn’t mind having two alphas.”
Steve grits his teeth. He puffs his chest and snarls in your direction.
“Shush, Steve. He’s slowly relaxing,” you stop Steve from dragging you out of the room to show everyone he laid claim on you. He may be an alpha, but you have been the leader of a pack for longer than him.
Bucky allows you to touch his chest, he hums and watches you run your hands over his body.
“What are you doing?” Steve asks. “You’re my omega.”
“I think you got something wrong,” you look over your shoulder to size Steve up. “You’re part of my pack. My alpha. This doesn’t mean my pack cannot grow. Bucky needs a pack, and I’m the one in charge.”
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. He looks away and sniffs.
“Are you pouting?” you smirk at Steve. “Aw, you’re still my favorite alpha, okay. Why don't you come over here and allow Bucky to scent you too? Move slowly and lower your head. We don’t want him to lash out.”
“Captain Rogers, I don’t think this is a good idea. I needed months before he stopped snapping at me. He’s still a feral alpha. Your friend or not.”
“We need any help to rebuild this world or set your plan into motion. If we want to fix the mess our world is, we will need this alpha,” you snarl in Strange’s direction. You still don’t trust him. Maybe it’s because of his powers or the fact that you can’t scent him.
“Buck, it’s me,” Steve follows your order. He slowly moves toward you and his friend, head bowed to not scare or anger his friend. “Steve. You remember me, right? We are friends. No. We are family.”
Bucky breathes heavily. He grits his teeth and starts fighting the magic chains holding him in place. The alpha growls loudly and tugs at the restraints.
“OMEGA!” He gets impatient because you stopped touching him. “MINE!”
“She’s mine, Buck,” Steve growls, making you flinch. Great. That’s the last thing you need. A feral alpha versus Captain America. “MINE!”
“Miss,” Stranges claps his hands. You are suddenly outside the room, and the door is back in its place. “You need to stay away from them. They haven’t seen an omega in years. Your scent is driving them up the wall, and they will kill each other if you remain inside the room.”
“Dr. Strange,” you sigh and place your hand on his shoulder. “I know you had a hard time protecting this place and finding a way to undo the events leading up to this point. But I was the leader of a pack for longer than five minutes. Alphas and Omegas followed my lead. So, leave this to me.”
“They will hurt you or worse,” worry flashes in his eyes when he looks at you. “What if they team up to mate you? What if I can’t save you?”
You chuckle. “Doc, that wouldn’t be the worst way to go down.” You grab his hand, squeezing it tightly. "If this goes awry, I have a diary in my backpack. I noted the location of the survivors I met. Maybe it helps.”
“Y/N don’t do this,” he tries to stop you, but you touch the door, and it disappears. “If you need me, just think my name.”
You nod and step inside the room, immediately catching both alphas' attention. They look your way, eyes glued to you as their chests heave up and down.
“We need to talk this out, guys,” you look over your shoulder at Strange. “Release him. If he attacks us, I’ll scream, and you can get us out like you did with me before.”
Strange nods and claps his hands. The door reappears, and the chains holding Bucky to the ground disappear. The alpha cocks his head. He looks at you, purring low in his throat.
You expect him to pounce on you and scent you, but he sits back on his heels, just watching you and Steve for a moment. He tilts his head, eyes zeroing in on Steve.
“St-“ you shriek when Bucky pounces on Steve, not you. You’re ready to help Steve but the feral alpha sniffs at Steve’s neck, growling low in his throat. “Steve.”
“Buck,” Steve tries not to give in to his instinct and pushes the alpha off him. He lies stiffly under his friend, allowing the alpha to scent him. “How have you been?”
 “Guys, that’s not what I had in mind,” you chuckle nervously. “Is there something I should know? How close are you and Bucky?”
“We are friends. No – after all we’ve been through together, we are brothers,” Steve looks up at Bucky, a content smile on his lips. “He used to protect me when I was still the sick and small boy from Brooklyn.”
Bucky considers Steve’s words. He looks at you, eyes darkening as his eyes land on your marred mating gland. “OURS?” He asks, eyes searching Steve’s.
“Ours,” Steve confirms without missing a beat. “Only ours…”
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More tags in reblog.
No man’s land
@undecidedsworld, @pono-pura-vida, @balloncinveronnie
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iloveslasher · 11 months
I need help with finding a wattpad book on avengers x little!reader.
So I once read this fan fic of the avengers team which included: steve rogers, bucky barnes, Tony stark, pepper potts, Bruce banner,Thor odinson, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, vision, Clint barton and sam Wilson as the reader (who's named violet) caregivers.
Because Violet was used and abused so the avengers saved her and she at first felt nothing of her physical wounds but then the avengers told her that's not normal and got her looked at by bruce. And got her off the painkillers that her captor put her on.
One chapter has a protocol that she can't use the bathroom bc she is hurting her self by not being little so they kind of have to pressure her into being little.
Then loki and stephen stranger baby sit in one chapter. Which reveal that loki is also a little. Then there is carol as a little.
And another chapter where wanda and vision give violet schoollessons (bc she was capture really young and doesn't know hoe to write or read). Then they discover that Violet has dyslexia by telling her to go right and she takes a left, off of visions suspicions.
Also Steve and bucky are a pair and later violet starts dating Natasha and Natasha helps violet through her first period.
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hayanwulf · 1 month
Hi, in case you write a/b/o, can you write IronStrange where someone flirts with alpha Stephen and omega Tony steps in to stop them? That would be great!
Okay, I’m guessing you wanted me to write traditional a/b/o here. I, however, am not used to writing traditional. I tried (and failed) so went back to the way I always write my a/b/o’s. Non-traditional and with a high level of normalcy.
“Norns, you look pathetic ogling at that sorcerer,” Loki commented dryly, hands crossed over his chest and legs propped up on the conference table. The Avengers meeting hadn’t yet started, so the few people already present were more or less lounging.
“I’m not ogling at anyone,” Tony replied whilst clearly staring at the sorcerer in question, who sat all the way on the opposite side of the large table, discussing something with Bruce. “It’s called careful scrutiny.”
It was true. Stephen was a new player to the team — and it had taken a lot of persuasion to make that happen even if Stephen had been an ally nonetheless — so obviously, as a co-leader of the Avengers, Tony needed to observe him to learn more about his abilities, battle sense, teamwork skills, the like. There was absolutely no other reason for Tony to observe the Wizard, nope. And it was most definitely not because Tony found the doctor attractive, intelligent, witty, and with the most intoxicating yet calming scent he’d smelled from an alpha in a long while. Stephen smelled like rain and fresh tea leaves, which, how was it possible for an alpha to have such light, soothing tones in their scent?
But anyway, that was not the reason Tony was currently observing Stephen.
There were only practical reasons for observing him, yup.
Loki let out a sound that was somewhere between a snort and a giggle. Tony turned to glare at the Asgardian, who was currently in his alpha form.
“You aren’t fooling anyone but yourself, Stark. But if that is what you choose to believe..” Loki smirked, pulling his legs off the table to stand up, and leaned towards Tony to speak quietly, “All the better for me.”
Tony felt it the moment Loki shifted to his omega, the strong, musky undertone of his scent replaced by a pleasant kind of sweetness. Tony blinked and sat up straight, watching a little cluelessly as Loki sauntered around the table.
The Asgardian arrived by Stephen’s seat and leaned his back on the table, body tilted towards Stephen, eyes tracing the Wizard with interest.
Finally, it clicked what Loki was doing, and Tony stilled.
Stephen blinked up at Loki’s posture, no doubt already having noted the switch in gender. “Hello, Loki,” he said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
The responding smile Loki gave was somewhere between mischief and mirth. “I do not plan to sit around in this inane gathering they call a ‘team meeting’. I would rather do something enjoyable, or at the very least, meaningful,” Loki spoke, then gave a light tilt to his head and raised a challenging eyebrow. “Care to join me?”
Stephen held Loki’s gaze for a long moment, a considering look in his face.
No, no.
Tony could not let this happen.
He could especially not lose to Loki, of all people.
“Or,” he spoke out loud before he could stop himself, catching the attentions of not only the magic users, but also Bruce, Natasha, Hope, and Scott. “We could go back to my penthouse after the meeting. Order takeout, watch some movies.”
He immediately wanted to kick himself.
But.. it was safest. It was all he could think of in the spur of the moment. They’d already had takeouts at Tony’s penthouse a few times, even if Stephen had never seemed to want to stay for long.
Tony could never quite figure out why.
What did it mean, Tony wondered, that Stephen never stayed till the completion of even a single movie with Tony, but had seemed ready to take Loki up on his suggestion just a moment ago?
“Sounds like a plan,” Stephen’s words pulled Tony out of his head, startling him a bit with how quickly his doubt got defenestrated.
He looked up to find the Wizard gazing at him with warmth in his eyes, lips turned up just a hint. Tony knew that Stephen did not easily give away his feelings, be it through scent or expression. Tony was among the few who were privileged enough to not only receive those warm looks from Stephen, but also know what he smelled like when he was content and happy.
Tony was grateful for being among those people.
He smiled up at Stephen, bright and genuine. “Better pick a movie before the meeting’s over.”
Loki, Tony realized, was staring at him with lips downturned, which seemed less out of annoyance and more out of disappointment, which, what?
Whatever.. the crisis had been averted and Tony had acquired a not-date.
For now, he was content with that.
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winterspiderpurrs · 8 months
Tony was wrapping up his jog on the private beach when his drone dropped off the coffee he had Friday get ready for him. He was cold and didn't want to wait til he got back to the house to have his coffee. He was moving up one of the dunes when he paused with his cup in hand.
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There not to far off, at the estate next to his oddly enough was a young man in a big puffy coat. He seemed to be putting together a bunch of logs, huh must be setting up a bonfire. Not to out of normal but it wasn't something done often in the winter time. The only reason he wasn't in more layers himself was the possibility of over heating while out on his jog.
His nose twitched a moment when the faint hint of cinnamon, cloves, and honey. Eyes widen as he stares. Male omegas are not unheard of, just not as common as they used to be. Most packs swoop them up.
Clearing his throat he waltz over.
" Hey there. Starting a fire?"
A pair of warm brown eyes looked up at him. He knew the moment he recognized him as his eyes widen before he smiled.
" Yeah. Your welcome to join us if you like. Making smores."
At the 'us', Tony looks around and spots on the edge another man, older, kneeling down next to a little girl. Ah. So he has a pack.
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" If you don't mind. Never had one as long as your Alpha is fine with it?"
The young man blinks.
" Never? Well you don't have to worry about Stephen. We aren't like that. ... kinda sorta?"
Tony sits down across from him.
" Kinda sorta kid?"
" Parker i mean Peter Parker that is. Call me Peter Mr. Stark. Its complicated? "
Tony snorts and takes a sip of his coffee.
" Call me Tony. So... Peter. Whats so complicated?"
" Well... Stephen is great, and he is Mary's father. But uumm, it was more of... After I had my degrees even though I had 2 doctorates... most places won't hire omegas...so I ended up getting a 3rd degree in nursing. Stephen is a doctor, famous, really, at least in the medical world. We grew close. But Stephen is married to his career, which I understand. After a couple of years... well, I wanted a baby. I was actually looking into sperm banks when Stephen found out well he volunteered. So.. we aren't really together, but... we kinda have this....thing? Stephen likes to call it an open relationship, though we both haven't actively dated other people. See, it's complicated"
Peter laughs and lights a match and gets a small fire going.
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" No. I don't see it too complicated... odd but whatever works. How involved is he?"
Tony's thoughts go to his father who was in a committed relationship with his mother but was distant and more overbearing than anything.
" Oh Stephen is great with Mary. We live in the same building we both have rooms at each others. We take turns picking her up, we go with him to all his conferences. Vacations. Holidays. He adores our daughter"
Tony nods and sips his coffee looking back toward the others in the distance. They had started walking toward them. The little girl laughing as she runs to jump into Peter's arms. The man, Stephen, approached them and raised an eyebrow at Tony before looking over at Peter.
Peter laughs " Tony, this is Doctor Stephen Strange, and this little wild heathen is Mary"
Mary giggle " Momma! I'm just Mary"
Stephen nods his head before moving to sit down next to Peter.
" Don't believe I've seen you here before Mr.Stark. Are you here for the Medical Green Energy Conference?"
Tony blinks and nods his head.
" Yes. We are presenting on day 3."
Some rustling is heard and the older men turn to look at Peter and Mary as they start to set the ingredients for the smores out on a tray.
" Mary, why don't you show Tony how to make a smore. He has never made one before"
The little girl gasps and spins around to look at Tony.
" Never Misters Starks? Smores are the greatests in the world!"
Tony blinks and smiles.
" Never. Its a tragedy. So lets see what all the fuss is about."
Not long later after several quiet talks and bellies full of smores. The fire is put out, Mary is fast asleep on Peter's shoulder.
" It was great meeting you Tony. Maybe we will see you at the conference? Excuse me while I put this sleepy girl to bed."
Peter gives Tony a shy smile before he heads up the the beach out with Mary in tow. Stephen and Tony were left standing there, cleaning up the rest. As they headed back up the dunes heading toward the houses. Stephen paused before they went there separate ways.
" I know you like Peter. And I won't sway him away from you if he wants to be pursued. But I won't have you hurting Mary in the process"
" Hey now. I just met Peter. He is a nice guy. But I'm not looking to date"
Stephen raised an eyebrow.
" Sure. But I wasn't interested in dating either, and now I have a family. I'm willing to share MY omega. But stay in line, Stark, we are a package deal."
And that is how Tony found himself courting an Alpha and an Omega. And within three years time, Peter was giving birth to another little girl, this time to Morgan Stark.
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stvphenwrites · 8 days
Five year old Peter in class, writing who his hero is, which is his dad Stephen(A) and who Peters hero is afraid of, which is Peters mom, Tony(O)
This is what Peter writes:
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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Peach Momoko is a genius.
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amaranthmori · 8 months
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popcorn-plots · 1 month
angsty PalmerStrange smut with a/b/o dynamics? bottom Stephen Strange? Insecurities and unconditional love?
if you don't like it, then don't read it. if you do like it, enjoy! tissues will be provided ;)
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nightmare-67 · 1 year
Everyone... One of my Stephen AU's (yes he is half wolf- 😵) -FYI, the wolf behind him is one of his spells that I made up a few years ago and have finally redrawn :p- (He's also an Alpha in this ABO!AU) (Totally need to show you guys my Iron-Omega ;)
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mianmimi · 1 year
Stordo omegaverse but Omega stephen and alpha mordo... I mean, Stephen looks submissive and breedable too. Dsmom is called mom for a reason (I'm kidding, hopefully you're alright there)
It’s seems so surprising to most, but back in the ancient days of strordo Stephen was seen as the omega and Mordo the alpha 😘 😍 The earliest strordo omegaverse fics in ao3 feature alpha Mordo and omega Stephen. The first time we see omega Mordo was in Zenkitty’s fics, and from them it took off and became the new standard.
Honestly I love both dynamics. I mean omega Stephen is a pretty compelling story on its own, with or without any alpha involved. A fiercely intelligent omega from the countryside with ambitious big city dreams? Hell yes please. And then actually fighting and striving to be at the top of his game? Only to have a massive fall from grace? 😭 And to find love with a kind alpha who rescues him from getting jumped and mugged? *swoon*
Variety is the spice of life my friends 😉 Though omega Mordo does have a very special hold on my heart, omega Stephen can be a damn fine contender.
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vampiricnature · 21 days
Hey guys
FOP hcs under the cut
Dev Dimmadome
-has manic BPD
-curly hair (inherited from Dale)
-extremely closed off, emotionally really sensitive but is just really good at masking
-sleeps in the corner of his bed even if it's absolutely humongous
-likes futurama unironically
-favorite mlp character is sunset shimmer because she's "like, I dunno, whatever" (pretty and rebellious)
Hazel Wells
-favorite mlp character is Applejack because she's cool and strong, plus her accent
-high functioning autism!
-will debate people on whether or not ice cream is a food (it is and she always wins)
-usually when having episodes, her brother always helps her calm down, so when Dev has manic episodes she knows how to help him
-Bed hog
-loves slugs for no reason
-gifts Wanda moss and leaves (she loves it)
-very bisexual tbh, also uses she/her on occasion because he does drag 💪
-genuinely enjoys Stephen King books, her favorite is Misery
-watches commentary videos about things she knows nothing about
-keeps every little trinket given to her by everyone (one time, hazel gaze her a rock with one big googly eye and Wanda put it on a shelf, and when hazel came over and saw it she started crying because Wanda displayed it)
-due to his love of fashion and his passion for helping kids, he's looked into symbols of support (he paints one of his pinkies red to show his support against csa)
-autistic because I'm him and I said so
-clicks his tongue against his teeth as his main stim (it usually hurts the tip of his tongue but he can't stop)
-scared of peacocks even though they're absolutely gorgeous to him. He just hates how they look at him
-loves fashion from all eras, but usually wears 70s/80s style clothing, with the occasional greaser look from the 50s
Jasmine Tran
-likes Katy Perry more than Taylor Swift
-had a weeb phase where she dressed in only anime merch for three months straight
-her favorite mlp character is Rarity because she's slay
-doesn't actually like musicals unless it's Disney or other animated movies, especially if the genre is pop or jukebox (like Trolls or strange magic)
Winn Harper
-avid Justin Bieber and Eminem fan
-tried roller skating but they don't have very good coordination like that, so skateboarding is much easier for them
-loves the "cool s" symbol
-says based about everything they like
-favorite mlp character is obviously rainbow dash because she's based
Anthony Wells
-theatre lover, the kinda guy to like parody musicals (also watched scamilton and sobbed so hard because of how funnily atrocious it is)
-prefers red over blue Gatorade
-genuinely just a really good guy to everyone, naturally sweet
-Rivers is a vampire. Look it up
-uses gen alpha slang but also outdated trends like dabbing and flossing
-listens to ABBA on a daily basis, literally every night he plays gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight) and in the morning it's Dancing queen
-only wears platforms because it makes him taller by like. An inch or two
-telle people to commit suicide on the internet for shits and giggles
-genuinely glad Peri changed his name because Foop embarrassed him and ruined his intimidating image
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hayanwulf · 3 months
Your Scent is An Oasis
Warnings: A/B/O, Heat/Rut Cycles, Referenced Torture, Captivity, Mention of Past Rape
There will be sequel, and things will get better. :)
Tony didn’t have enough energy to respond, or even look the wizard’s way. He resorted to letting out a low groan in response.
“Are you in heat?”
No shit, Sherlock, he wanted to respond. God he really tried to. He thought that he might’ve been more successful had he not had an uncountable number of injuries all over his body, many of which still bled. His mind was a haze from all the pain, his heightened senses compounding onto it. He didn’t know how was he still conscious.
“Oh god,” That baritone voice whispered. There was some shuffling sounds as a presence crept closer to his body, smelling too strongly of blood to discern any other scents. Then, something touched his shoulder and he immediately flinched away, a small whimper escaping his lips even as he tried his hardest to control his reaction.
This was like Afghanistan all over again, just worse.
He’d been badly injured even then. He’d been pushed into a heat without the availability of suppressants. He’d been..
He’d been trapped. He’d felt helpless. He’d felt terrified as he had progressively lost more and more of his conscious thoughts to the haze of his heat.
He’d been.. violated.
Now he was once again so far away from home — trillions of miles — encaged aboard his greatest enemy’s spaceship with Strange, both of them being coerced into giving up the location of the Time Stone. There were no suppressants, because why would aliens care about those? Even the food they got was just barely enough to keep them alive.
And no one was going to come to their rescue.
He was trapped here. Trapped in this small grimy room with no escape & no tools, with an unknown Alpha. His entire body’s nerves screamed in pain, his throat felt parched, he was losing his sanity, barely at the edge of consciousness—
“Stark, let me help you.”
“No!” He somehow managed to yell out even though it hurt his throat, his body lurching further away from the Alpha that sat not two feet away. He looked up at Strange like a frightened animal, curling in on himself, bad memories of the past flooding his thoughts. He might have been shivering too. He wouldn’t know.
There is no escape.
“Stark..” The Alpha carefully raised his hands in surrender. “I just want to help. Your body will overload itself trying to compensate for both your injuries and your heat.”
No one will come for you.
Tony was vaguely aware that he was shaking his head in denial. It was futile. His conscious mind — was he even conscious anymore? — knew that there was nowhere to run, no way to prevent it. They were in a small room with no exit. If the Alpha wanted him, he’ll have him no matter how much Tony denied or thrashed or tried to fight back.
Contrary to his expectation, though, the Alpha did not pound on him, nor used his Voice, nor showed any sign of anger for Tony’s misbehavior. Did not even move from his place. He just.. sat there, the blue eyes carefully observing Tony.
“Stark.. Tony, I’m not going to do anything to you. I’ll just stay by your side and let you scent me. That’s all I will do, I swear. It will alleviate some of the pain and make you feel better. Let me help.”
Tony twitched a little in place, expecting a catch. Maybe it was a lie. Maybe it was some cruel, twisted kind of fake reprieve before the Alpha would pin him down and have his way with Tony, laughing maniacally at him for even considering for a second that he was going to be spared kindness.
Again, instead of doing any of that, the Alpha simply made himself comfortable where he sat on the floor, his eyes watching Tony. “Come to me?” The Alpha asked, extending a shaking hand.
Tony looked down at the hand and found it bathed in blood. His chest ached at the sight.
It cleared some of the haze of terror from Tony’s mind and he found himself looking back up at the sorcerer’s face.
There was blood still trickling down the cuts on his face. His robes which used to be dark blue once, now seemed to be a much darker shade with the blotches and stains of dried blood everywhere. He even smelled of copper, gone was that pleasant scent that Tony had caught that day in the Central Park. He still remembered it though. It had been like fresh tea leaves and rain and incense.
Just like himself, Strange was just a prisoner. Trapped. Injured. Suffering. Possibly starved.
Logic and common sense seemed to return to him, and he wanted to kick himself for reacting the way he had. He supposed, though, it didn’t matter. They had learned to let go of their walls and just.. be vulnerable around each other inside their cell. If they didn’t let it out here, they would break out there, during one of those sessions.
He took a second to take a few deep breaths, then nodded towards his companion, and started to shift himself closer to the sorcerer with whatever energy was left in his limbs. Once he was close enough, he allowed himself to fall on the Alpha’s body, who caught it, thought not without a grunt of pain.
Strange guided Tony’s head into his neck, and Tony sucked in a sharp breath when he smelled fresh tea leaves and rain through the overwhelming scent of copper. Only now was he also aware of the calming scents Strange had been trying to send to him. He weakly wrapped his arms around the Alpha, for the little help that they would do, and tried to bury his face into the neck. Something obstructed him, and he opened his eyes, frowning.
Oh, the collar.
The goddamn collar around Strange’s neck that blocked his magic.
Tony whimpered a little, trying to bury his face as much as he could on Strange’s neck, trying to inhale as much of that pleasant, calming scent as he could, trying to ignore the bite of metallic scent in the air. Strange wrapped his own weak arms around Tony’s body, both on them leaning onto each other.
In the end Tony couldn’t scent nearly enough, but what he could was still an oasis in the middle of a hot Afghan desert.
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 years
" Kid be real with me here..... just give me a name... an address.... even a picture"
" I can't do that!"
Tony sighed " Pete I am going to find out sooner or later. Just tell me the name of the Alpha who got you in this situation.... I just wanna make sure we can vet him bambino.... make sure he is good enough for you"
Peter sniffles a little, looking back down at his lap. Folding the paper with the doctors results on it again. " I cant.... not cause I dont want too...but..." bitting his lip he looks up at Tony and then back down before quietly almost a whisper " I don't know which one... there were two"
Quickly taking his glasses off and tossing them on the desk. Tony leans forward and stares Peter down.
" What was that? Are you fucking with me Pete? Who..You don't know who the father is because two fucking Alphas dont know how to wrap up their knots!?!"
Peter's eyes fill with tears again. And Tony sighs, closing his eyes pressing his fingers lightly on his eyes trying to calm down. Heaving a big sigh " Kid... I thought you were smarter then this. Why weren't you on birt-"
A voice comes on over the intercom. " Dr. Strange is here for you at your request. Should I send him in?"
Peter's jaw dropped and stared at Tony " You called-"
" Damn right I did! You know he is the best to check up on you til we can find your own doc... its a delicate situation Pete... you know who I am. "
They wait a few minutes before a knock sounds at the door before opening. Dr. Stephen Strange walked in, closing the door behind himself. " Now Stark tell me why I was rushed to get over here? I was prepping for a surgery when Pepper called and you know I-" Stephen paused taking in the scene infront of him, exhausted and pissed off looking Tony. Then over at Peter, pale, eyes rimmed red filled with tears looking scared and at any moment would fall over. Narrowing his eyes he turned to Tony " What did you do to my baby?"
Tony splutters " What did I do? WHAT DID I DO? He is the one who went and got knocked up! And it gets better he doesn't know who the fuck the father is because he has been fucking two guys"
" What? Why weren't you watching out for him? What if they were targeting him"
" I don't know if you know this but im running this town! And I can't keep a watch over him 24/7 he isn't a pup anymore Stephen!"
" Of course I know he isn't a pup! But you were suppose to have someone making sure this doesn't happen to our baby! I knew we should have sent him off to medical school."
" Hey! We both agreed that he could do whatever he wants. Just cause he is an Omega and our kid didn't mean he didn't have a choice! He is a great bioengineering and genetics! And some of the ideas he has as helped the business. Mine and yours!"
"And look where that-"
Peter let out another sniffle and a soft " Momma..." Stephen turned and looked at Peter, shoulders dropping and he moves to pull Peter up and out of the chair.
" Let's go get you to bed. You need to rest, I'll have Friday send up some tea for you. Momma will have some equipment sent over and I'll make sure everything is all right." He gentle runs his fingers through Peter's hair before kissing his forehead.
Turning to lightly lead him toward the door. " and while we are at it you are going to tell me all about these..... Alphas hm? Cause I know you are or atleast were on birth control. I implanted the device myself just last year in your arm" Stephen turn his head back to glare at Tony and mouth to him that he needed to 'Figure this out quick'
After they left the room Tony curses more before reaching out to Natasha. " Widow. I need information and I needed it yesterday. Its about our baby spider"
" send me details. I'll get Winter involved if needed"
" Whatever it takes"
*^*^*ONE HOUR LATER*^*^*
"Do you have a picture and address? I will see if I have any body that covers that area"
" Here" Natasha slides her phone over to Winter aka James Barnes just call me Bucky. He lift the phone freezes and stares at it. Natasha tilts her head as she watches this shift.
" And what.... information are we looking for?"
" Stark wants to know who has been around, possibly going back for a few months. We are looking for two Alphas. Kid has been tight lipped. Thats all the information we got to work with."
" ... Was he hurt? Did two Alphas attack him? Why is he important to Stark"
Natasha notices Bucky tightening his grip on the phone before he handed it back to her.
Looking back up into his eyes she narrows hers. " Aren't you with Ste....." her eyes widen before slamming he hand down on the table. " Please tell me you and Steve are not fucking Tony Starks kid?"
" He is 22 and .... we didn't know"
Link for Part 2 now included!!
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stvphenwrites · 25 days
A/B/O Dynamics, Omega!Tony x Alpha!Stephen w/ their infant Sofia Strange
Tony, shaking Stephen a bit while whispering: "Babe, where's Sofia?" 
Stephen, face pressed to the pillow, covers to his shoulders, still half asleep: "I don't know." 
Tony: "Babe, where's our daughter?" Said while pulling back the covers and finding Sofia asleep and cuddled against the sorcerer.
Tony, arms crossed over his chest: "We said she was gonna be sleeping in her bed tonight, that's why we bought it." 
Stephen: "Just one more night."
Tony, reaching out to grab Sofia: "No, she needs to go to bed."
Stephen, literally hisses like some demonic demon and holds Sofia tighter: "So do I, just let her sleep."
Tony: "I'm gonna put her to bed."
Stephen,: "No, get out."
Tony, feeling ultimately defeated: "One hour." 
Tony: Walks out of the bedroom and closes the door behind him carefully.
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doctorofmagic · 5 months
Okay, I see everyone is struggling to keep it cool because of what just happened today in Blood Hunt #1. But honestly I'm very excited to put the pieces together (also very HYPED!!!). So here are my thoughts (and my friend Red's, thank you, my darling) on what we gathered so far through clues, covers and solicitations.
Obviously, spoilers.
Well, first thing I'd like to establish is that people will probably feel lost if they haven't read the last Blade volume. Thankfully, yours truly did! Which means I can provide some context:
Just recently, Blade released an ancient evil called the Adana by accident. To make it up for this mistake (which would lead to the end of the world, basically), he had to embrace his full vampiric powers by drinking Dracula's blood (they're in a kinda complicated relationship right now, not friends nor enemies but necessary allies). That also meant that he was corrupted by its evil.
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Plus, as I said it many times, Blade has a deep respect for Stephen because of the Montesi Formula, which resulted in the extinction of all vampires. Yes, Stephen did it once, and I'll get back to it because I think it's REALLY important.
Since we established that Blade might be corrupted, let's move on to the next topic.
Is Stephen dead?
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My best guess is "not really".
In Blood Hunt, we see that T'Challa sacrificed himself to protect Cap America Sam and the rest of the Avengers who survived the first strike. But is T'Challa gone? Luckily, I follow Farid Karami on twitter and he posted a few inks he did for Black Panther: Blood Hunt. And guess what? That's right, we'll about to have vampire!T'Challa!
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Besides, we all know that the next Doctor Strange issue will feature Wong and vampire!Stephen. What we didn't know was how Stephen would fit in the plot, but thanks to the variant cover I posted last week, we do now: he'll be guiding his allies via his astral form.
Now, how can the Sorcerer Supreme deal with the vampiric threat? It was shown that Stephen and Clea are looking for the Montesi Formula again.
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For those who don't know, the Montesi Formula is a spell from the Darkhold that can wipe every single vampire off the face of the Earth. Stephen already used this spell once when he fought Dracula (and Blade was there, hence the respect he holds for Stephen). Unfortunately for them, Wanda has just recently absorbed the Darkhold within her body as a way to gain autonomy from Chthon (as seen in Darkhold: Alpha and Omega). Besides, Wanda was captured by the Bloodcoven, which means she can't do much right now. In addition, as hinted by Blade himself, she won't use the Montesi Formula, mostly because the character can't be involved in another kind of genocide (thanks, Bendis). And that leads us to the next topic.
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Who could do it? The very one character who would overcome morals on behalf of his people, the same one who already appeared in the first issue: Doctor Doom. And if we think about it, he has two advantages already: 1) he's second in line to be the Sorcerer Supreme, and 2) as already established, he'd do anything to protect his planet and, most importantly, Latverians.
It's also important to reiterate that an astral form is not as powerful as the body+soul. With Stephen's strength limited, it's not that crazy to imagine that he could pass the mantle to Victor for a limited period while they find the spell. "Why not Clea?" I don't know. It's already established that managing the power of two sorcerers supreme is extremely hard and draining. Could be another reason as well. I'm just trying to find a coherent train of thought through this variant cover here:
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Still, we're left with a very important dilemma. We have nice vampire allies in current comics: Brielle (Blade's daughter) and Soldier and Reese from the Midnight Mission (Moon Knight), the three of them being characters to be featured in the tie-ins. Well, not to mention Stephen and T'Challa, and maybe some more to be turned in the next issues. This is why I don't think the Montesi Formula will happen. Jed won't kill THE Black Panther, let's be real. So what's next?
We're expecting a plot twist at some point, and Blade will have an important role here. He's set to have another solo title this year, probably following the consequences of his actions. But there's a high chance someone else is involved. Let's check this panel once more:
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Atlantean rituals.... Where did we hear about it before? That's right, Sorcerer Supreme #11!
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During the old age, Varnae become ruler of the vampires and was brought back by Marie Laveau in modern age, fighting Doctors Strange and Voodoo. His last appearance traces back to Blade when he and his friends confronted him. Frank Drake sacrificed himself in an explosion to kill Varnae, and that's the last time we hear about him.
But see how the pieces come together? Blade, Stephen and Varnae. It makes sense that things would center around these three. And this is why I'm very excited. It's not a surprise that I love Blade and Stephen's relationship, and all these elements would make a wonderful drama, one that I'm really looking forward to!
Overall, I'm not worried about status quo or anything like that. I know things will work out in time, and seeing so many of my favorite characters involved in an event written by McKay only makes it better!
And that's it! Feel free to add your thoughts on this post! And see you all next week with Doctor Strange #15! 👀
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amaranthmori · 8 months
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