#alphonse x may
aldrendaux · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, Mei Chan | May Chang/Alphonse Elric Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Mei Chan | May Chang Summary:
Alphonse always knew that Edward was a once-in-an-era prodigy and that Winry could keep up with him even on her worst days. Alphonse also knew that he wasn't. He was fine with that. He's not so sure he's fine with being burdened with every one-in-a-generation prodigy though. Can't someone else look after at least one of them?
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marycrispies · 2 years
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Sketch dump!
I recently bought CSP (finally!), so the other day I asked my followers on Instagram to give me some prompts to draw and get used to it. These are some of my favorites sketches, I hope you like them! :3
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selfawarejester · 2 years
True North | Edward Elric
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pairing: edward elric x gn!reader
summary: ed has thoughts about his soulmate. Soulmate AU, fluff/angst.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: instead of doing my English assignment (which is the same amount of words, mind you), I decided to do this. First fic for the FMA fandom (finally)! Please enjoy <3
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Ed could be considered the perfect example of a man of science. After all, despite all his loud and often-inflammatory (to his poor brother’s lament) proclamations against God, he treated science, specifically Alchemy, as a sort of religion itself — he knelt at its altars (or the arrays) and clasped his hands together “in prayer” to make miracles happen. Miracles that were completely logical and comprehensible to him, regardless of their complexity or intricacy.
But one thing still baffled him: one thing that was proven and real, and yet had no scientific basis whatsoever.
The soulmate bond.
Plenty of alchemists have been trying to figure it out for centuries. What makes one seek out their so-called “one true love”? What causes the tug, the force of which increased every passing year after one’s 15th birthday, or the closer you were to that person? What are the deciding factors as to one’s soulmate? These were questions that were slaved over, entire lives spent trying to puzzle out, volumes upon volumes of journals and articles dedicated to the phenomenon; and yet, there was no conclusive answer.
He didn’t like not having answers.
He especially didn’t like how crazy it drove his little brother.
“But isn’t it wonderful to think about, Brother?” He bites back a groan, but still rolls his eyes violently as Al started on another rant about the phenomenon. “A tangible link to the person you’re fated to be with!”
“Yeah, it’s a real doozy.” Ed mumbles, rolling his eyes. “Can we maybe get back to our research?”
Al sighs, and even though he can’t see it, he knows the brat’s shooting him that look — “Why are you so pig-headed, Brother?”, he can hear his innocent little voice.
“Brother…” Al starts off, armor creaking as he shifts behind him. “Haven’t you gotten your soulmate link yet?”
Ed stiffens, page in mid-turn.
Alphonse had been kind enough not to ask, but he’s been expecting the kid to pop the question for weeks now. After all, there was no one more romantic than his little brother; that much was obvious from the novels he snuck around and hid from him.
(And who could have given him those novels except-)
He shakes his head, knocking the thoughts of that person out as well.
“Sorry to disappoint, bud.” He sounds more confident than he feels, that eternal pressure tugging behind his sternum again. “Do me a favor and go through that pile over there, okay-?”
“And you call the Colonel a slavedriver.” A dulcet voice tsks behind him and he stiffens again.
Alphonse doesn’t notice, too caught up in greeting you, clambering up with a delighted call of your name.
The pressure burns now, causing a tremendous aching that makes him squeeze his eyes shut to push past it.
It just had to be you, didn’t it?
He flashes a smile over his shoulder, lifting his hand in a slight wave before going back to his research. Another person might be offended, but of course you aren’t.
You’re an understanding person, after all, who (as a part-time employee) sees all types in this library that the Elrics put up shop in for days at a time.
You’re a sweet person, who smiles gently when you not-so-subtly threaten to kick them out if they don’t take care of themselves.
It’s not that surprising it’s you.
For a little while, he thought it was Winry, as his heart kept tugging endlessly towards the direction in which the train to Resembool always ran.
It’s not until a month after his birthday that you returned, recounting your hometown visit (only a town over from where he grew up), and his chest almost exploded as you walked in, that he realized who his soulmate was.
There could have been worse soulmates, he thought as he watched you speak to Alphonse over his shoulder, not nearly as sly as he wished to be.
You and Al were such great friends — sure, it pissed him off a little, doubly jealous as both of you took up so much of the other’s attention — but it would’ve devastated him if you guys couldn’t get along.
You weren’t difficult on the eyes either — but that could have been the effect of his feelings or the soulmate bond, because though you were the most gorgeous thing he ever laid eyes on, he knew logically that you couldn’t have been the prettiest person in the world… but it sure did feel like it, though.
You were pretty smart — of course, he wouldn’t have cared if you weren’t, not everyone could be the prodigies he and his brother were, but he liked that you could follow along with the basics of what he was saying… even if you were completely uninterested in alchemy.
Which brought him to perhaps your most important quality, your patience. You sat there, day in and day out, listening to his rants and rambles even when it got to the point that common courtesy would have allowed you to flip him off and walk away.
And you just watched him from under Alphonse’s arm with gentle eyes, even though you both knew you were each other’s soulmates.
“Before I forget,” You interrupt Al, looking apologetic. “That new book you were asking about-“
“The one with the-?!” Al stops abruptly, snapping to look at Ed — who, in a moment of utter grace, flips around hard enough to bang both his elbow and his knee on the table.
But the pain and embarrassment might have been worth it to hear your laugh, loud and snorting and musical to his ears.
“I’ll go pick it up right now.” Al whispers way too loud, making you snicker. “Go distract Brother.”
“You got it!” You whisper just as loud, and Al giggles before sneaking off.
Ed bites the inside of his cheek, trying to will his cheeks back to their normal color when you plop down next to him, leaning your head on your palm.
“You ever gonna tell Alphonse? Or even make a move on me?” You were blunt too, awesomely to-the-point even to military officials like State Alchemists. Even Mustang went silent that one time you saw him berating your soulmate and stepped in, asking him about a book that was considerably overdue. He walked away with his chin held high, yet trembling under the disapproving glare of the Lieutenant.
Ed sighs. He knows you deserve better than him. He’s not unaware of how painful this if for you — it’s just as bad for him. He was never interested in romance or soulmates beyond a few discussions between the brothers and Winry about what they wanted their soulmates to be like… which usually ended with Alphonse rolling his eyes and Winry declaring that he would die alone.
He remembers declaring that he would be fine if he never had a soulmate. After all, his mom and that tall, bearded jerk who fathered him were soulmates. The stories their mother told the boys, twinkly-eyes and nostalgic, were what rooted their views on the concept: Alphonse yearned for it, deeply, and Ed grew bitter about it, understanding that even soulmates could ditch you and your two kids.
Until he met you, and suddenly he wanted… more. He wanted to try, to learn, for you. He knew you deserved so much, and even though he wasn’t sure he could give them to you, he wanted so bad to try. He was overcome with guilt and longing every time he saw your beautiful eyes.
But there was another guilt, a greater guilt and responsibility that came first. He mumbled your name forlornly, wishing so bad that he could say it the way he wanted to.
“I have to focus on this first. You know-“
“I know, I know.” You nod, but your eyes at downcast now, and he hates himself so much more now. “It would be nice to be acknowledged, though.”
He leans forward, putting his hand over yours.
You gasp; Ed’s not one to initiate physical contact, having jumped away the first time your skin touched his. The intense look in his eyes as they fix on your face doesn’t help, either.
“I’m gonna do right by you.” He swears right then and there, in his sacred place of worship, surrounded by the greatest works on Alchemy. “I’ll get mine and Al’s bodies back, and I’ll come find you.”
“Yeah?” You breathe out, eloquence stolen from you by his determination.
“Yeah.” He nods, squeezing your hand, a small smile curling up his lips. “I’ll take you to that café you like. It’ll be nice.”
A sudden urge to take it back, to pick another destination you might like better throws him; a café, how dumb was that?! You went there all the time! He couldn’t think of anything better than that?!
But you surprise him, laughing and biting your lip.
“Sounds great.” You say, completely genuine. At the sound of heavy footsteps, you rise, readying yourself to take your leave.
As you round the bookshelf that obscures his workspace from the rest of the world however, you stop for a moment, looking back.
“And once you’re done, you know how to find me.”
And you go, with a cute smile on your face.
And his heart tugs.
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envious-beauty · 1 year
Don’t get me wrong I love Almei but sometimes it feels like a side ship yk? Like it only ever appears as a background relationship in fics and even then it’s barley mentioned. Like yeah there are fics where it’s Almei centered but those a few and far between since Almei is already one of the less popular ships
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ground-muttmeg · 2 years
#just ranting#and probably being mentally ill#is it gender envy or just appreciation?#do i actually want a masc name or a masc appearance or do i just think masc enbies and in particular amab enbies are cool#amab masc* enbies i mean#being GNC in a way that may appear to others as GC is so cool i love genders that are ‘i was born x and i do dress masc/fem but Not Like Tha#t’ i just think that’s cool and also me#though i feel such connection with amab femme enbies too like. that’s what my transition to femininity feels like#in the sense that i went from ‘not girl’ to ‘not girl but now dresses like one’#I’m so confused right now i can’t tell if I’m genderfluiding in boygirl right now#or if i’m just having a grief-fueled identity confusion moment#i’ve transitioned from ‘impossible to think’ to ‘having thoughts but none of them make any sense’#i saw someone on facebook named Alphonse Forrest and i hit instant yearning ‘i wish that was me’#and i just froze and had to be like wait huh why#i forget i literally have my middle name because of this because i didn’t want Bee to be too feminine alone#maybe it’s not about me wanting to be masc maybe it’s about me wanting to be more neutral#and god also hating my body right now hating it so so so much#i’m not having a gender crisis i’m having an ‘i just want to disappear and not be me and be someone else’ avpd moment#this is the grief talking. this is the grief talking. this is the grief talking#i’m losing my mind
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elodee · 1 month
FalseSymmetry x Fullmetal Alchemist
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For False I chose Fullmetal Alchemist!
False has a steampunk aesthetic and so does Fullmetal Alchemist, so I thought she would look very cool in this style. Plus that means I can give her extra buckles and a cool sword. Can she also do alchemy? Not sure! You let me know :)
(Fundraiser for Gamers Outreach!)
Fullmetal Alchemist is an anime about a pair of brothers who try to bring their mother back to life using forbidden alchemy. The transmutation fails and the older brother, Edward, loses his arm and leg, and the younger brother, Alphonse, loses his entire body and must have his soul bound to a suit of armor in order to survive.
After the accident, the brothers are driven to master alchemy and find the Philosophers Stone, a mythical alchemical device, to undo the damage that has been done. The story follows the brothers as they seek the Stone and navigate the tense political environment of their world while uncovering government conspiracies and the secrets of alchemy.
Fullmetal Alchemist is a very cool show. Its plot is genuinely really interesting and the characters are complex and compelling. I recommend it if you haven't seen it!
Style References:
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Edward Elric, the protagonist of Fullmetal Alchemist. Rough that his arm got ripped off but it is pretty cool that his metal one has a sword option.
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I took a lot of direction from Lieutenant Hawkeye's design for False's face, especially her eyes
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Fullmetal Alchemist title design
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skyflyinginaction · 9 months
Clamp Art Style Analysis: Part 1: Creation Process and Materials
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Clamp is a manga artist team of four women. They are a prominent distinguished manga artist team known in the West and in China. The thing they are most recognized for is their highly detailed art style many people may have known and many may not. They did several manga you might have known such as Card Captor Sakura, Chobits, and even Tsubasa.
Clamp is one of the artists whose art style I highly admire and want to imitate in my art. I created this post so I can understand and take apart their art style and better understand it. It is going to be difficult since there are four people with different specialties and years of professional experience in their belt. They are constantly changing and adapting to every genre. 
I am going to analyze Clamps’ art style in this post and this may take a while to crack due to how extensive the Clamp style is. I am going to pile up everything and explain this in this post which is going to take time to explain in this post. I am going to take apart interviews from different sources while explaining their art style in this post.  
I am going to examine their art style and the materials they use. I am going to split into sections talking about the art style and what they use for materials for the manga.
To understand the art style and how it is defined I need to understand Clamp themselves since they created an entirely individual style that is going to talk about other things, not about the art style there is going to be so much I might miss while explaining in this post. I could be wrong while explaining this is an analysis I am going to take my crack at understanding the art style. 
Though the members of Clamp are largely self-taught they are inspired by many figures that influence their art. The list consists of Reiji Matsumoto, Osamu Tezuka, Go Nagai, Hirohiko Araki, and Moto Hagio. The other works that influenced Clamp are animated cartoons and Galaxy Express 999. Reiji Matsumoto and Osamu Tezuka are major influences in their works Clamp used Osamu Tetsuka’s star system in their works which is seen often in the crossing over of characters from their series into their other works. You can see this prevalently in Tsubasa, X, and Kobato where you would find characters from the different series crossover.
Nekoi's favorite cartoonist was Moto Hagio in high school and Mokona mimics pictures by Reiji Matsumoto when she was younger. 
While working on manga Nekoi started copying Shinji Wada and Rumiko Takahashi, in which She copied her art in drawing legs. She drew them thick and big. She liked the legs Rumiko Takahashi drew since they seemed long until short feet. She took them to make them more delicate and feminine. Clamp used other artists to help them while drawing. 
Go Negai influenced the creation of X, taking inspiration from his work of Devil Man featuring two main male characters, and the murder of the lead's sweetheart triggers the apocalypse. Devil Man is used in creating x The extreme levels of violence depicted in X came from Go Negai's works. Clamp knows about Devil Man. They did a doujinshi of Devil Man in their works as doujinshi artists a while back and even had a doujinshi about the lead character's relationship in their works. 
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X was inspired by Go Nagai the heavy violence in x inspired from Go Nageis works and the assembled cast of x is inspired by Kyokutei Bakin's Nansō Satomi Hakkenden, The fight sequences of x were inspired by the manga Dragon Ball specifically Akira Toriyama's use of white backgrounds.
Mokona influences are H.R Giger and gérard di-maccio are used  for the RG veda backgrounds.
Mokona likes Alphonse Mucha who is a considerable influence in drawing XXXHolic art.
Hirohiko Araki is another influence of Clamp with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan manga back when they drew doujinshi and starred in Clamp in wonderland animation with Jojo animated.
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They drew a doujinshi on Jojo a while back starring Josuke and Kakyon and even they drew Jolynn once.
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There is a lot of Kakyoin and Josuke fanart with Yaoi art drawn by these two characters.
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Jojo was used in drawing wish with Kohaku and Shuichiro strongly resembling Jotaro Kujo and Noriaki Kakyoin and Kohaku's hairstyle strongly identical to Kakyoin and Shuiichiro resembling Josuke.
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Nanase Ohkawa     
The main leader of the group, the main writer of the scenario, is in charge of the original story, script, and design. The other three artists are Mokona, Nekoi, and Satsuki, who are in charge of the art.
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Mokona is the artist and designer in charge of drawing. Mokona is in charge of sketching out the construction of the characters by hand. Mokona draws the storyboards and sketches out the characters. Mokona is responsible for drawing female characters.
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Tsubaki Nekoi    
Nekoi is in charge of character design, background scenery, finishing touches, and charge of the foundation of the art in their works. Her booth has been painted for design and screens for finishing touches.Nekoi likes to doodle and throw pages. Nekoi is in charge of drawing male characters.
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Satsuki Igarashi
Satsuki Igarashi is in charge of design and drawing and is in charge of the finishing touches. She is in charge of designing the cover of the book itself.
Three members of Clamp were classmates in high school who took art-focused classes in school; none of them studied at school for manga. Nekoi tried using colored pencils and opaque watercolor in school when she was young. Satsuki and Nekoi were in middle school when they first started drawing manga. Mokona was in an art club in middle school. In high school, she started drawing manga with proper frames and dialogues. Mokona, Nekoi, and Igarashi studied art in high school Nekoi, Mokona, and Igarashi met in high school as a kid She found a friend who loved manga, Satsuki went to an art-type highschool and Mokona high school and college had art-focused classes, Igarashi was at an art department in highschool then to computer graphics vocational school. Clamp started as doujinshi artists who first published doujinshi fanzines Back then they had more people it went down to four in the year of their commercial debut.
The group never worked as assistants with most of the members being self-taught with Tsubaki and Nekoi being more self-taught.  
They never used assistants to help them with their work since they wouldn’t be able to understand the years of jargon they created among themselves They created work for years without any help from assistants since assistants would slow them down and wouldn’t understand when we would tell them to do the same thing as before disrupting the workflow they created for work.
For inspiration, Ohkawa gets her ideas from dreams or inspiration based on events she hears or sees on the news a lot of times its deadlines. Ohkawa doesn’t always take notes and she usually loses ideas.
Clamp’s daily work hours while working on manga is in the morning, get in the studio at about 10 or 11 in the morning and in the afternoon they eat dinner at 6 in the evening then stop working at midnight. 
The members share a single workspace and are separated into three booths while they work.
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There are four separate studios and the member's workspace accommodates all four of them. Clamp work requires complete perfection with members having their own space where they have to work to create one of their works 
The art of Clamp is lush layered and amazingly detailed. It has a high-quality art style with extensive details. Due to this, it's almost difficult to adapt to animation.
Each of Clamp’s titles has a different art style depending on the genre or magazine they are running in; their art styles change to suit the work and magazine the manga will appear in. The art style of the work is based on Ohkawa’s decision in charge of the art direction of the work. The art styles and pictures have changed but not their methods.
There is a lot to talk about the Clamp art style which may not be enough to explain one segment
Creation process 
Clamp's work process is similar to an animation production; they work like a small animation studio. if you look closely at the work process for creating works it's more like an animation with the director, playwright, character designer, painter, background artist, creator, and publicist treating the manga or story like a script for a movie or anime, the creative process for creating manga is similar to that of animation and movies.
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Ohkawa is the storyteller and writes the scripts other three draw drafts and original design, Mokona is the chief character designer, and Tsubaki and Nekoi work for the background Sometimes they they take turns doing different jobs
Ohkawa writes then it goes to Mokona who draws out the outline of the storyboard and sketches the characters
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They would normally go to Nekoi for the finishing touches Igarashi and Nekoi work on the final touches the team may shuffle roles. Clamp members do get outside work with computer graphics. For drawing sometimes the members do character backgrounds or may draw everything depending on the story. They have a work where one person designs the character and another draws the actual story. They make storyboards and start drawing. Sometimes they decide who is going to make storyboards and then start drawing.  The art is drawn by Satsuki, Mokona, and Nekoi, Nekoi draws the rough draft and thinks about how the story is going forward to next month's script. The designs are handled by Satsuki and Mokona. Satsuki worked on the design for the cover page. In the beginning, they believed that everything in the comic from front to back was important to the story. They take turns completing the rough sketch depending on the story. They divide the story into frames; they mostly draw it on art board paper after they create characters and scripts. Ohkawa explains what in each frame props and the characters in they have how they turn around and include emotions in the panel. Ohkawa and Igarashi never drew manga with split frames. They Look like frames from a movie 
When Ohkawa comes up with stories Ohkawa drafts the outline of the story and the story setting The ending for each story is determined from the last scene back to the first scene and the end last and deciding the thing and heading into this way makes way for change drags the reader along for the story Ohkawa drafts the outline the other three members formulate characters designs by creating character profile sheets to avoid confusion. Ohkawas style of writing is considered a color woodblock print in the way it conveys and portrays things the manga is close to picture books and elimination of everything unneeded. Ohkawa thinks about the setting of where the story takes place and Ohkawa constructs a visual image at least in their head then splits up panels in their manga. for the writing process, they come up with the story Ohkawa gets together to discuss the story with the members about the purpose of the story and the main characters when writing and drawing After the members get well used to the story they write it down when creating a story for a weekly magazine they first decide on a rough story from beginning to end Ohkawa works backward from the ending for the story to have an ending like this the members don’t always know how the story develops. Ohkawa's style of writing for stories is not telling anyone the progression of the storyline before it happens reason for that is that when the members of Clamp learn of Hokuto's death one of the members couldn’t draw Hokuto's smile the same way this is how badly shaken they were since that the way Ohkawa created her stories changed for most of the works it was until Chobits she could tell them again. Ohkawa kept using memos in the beginning when she wrote the stories where she kept track of the flow of the story.
Before they start drawing they decide the flow of the story up until the end as well as the materials used for color and monochromatic drawing and the direction of the illustration. The members consider the art style during the planning stage and the materials for the manga, for materials Clamp uses color samplers In the order of how they draw. They draw them the same size as manuscripts, they draw rough sketches, and the size of the manuscript is b4 size and genkou size. They seldom use computers to create manga but only to color pictures, sometimes Clamp uses the scanning method when they draw or draw the rough draft using tablets. They don’t use references for their designs except at one time for Ohkawa she drew inspiration from a perfume and drink package she gathered together she drew more influence from the business art and art from Alan Chai's design. 
The amount of lines and the thickness of the lines in the manga depends on the work. When you look at the manga, there are a lot of lines in the characters, Clamps can make the lines, and the thickness of the lines depends on the nature of their work from the thicker lines shows how serious and heavy the story thicker lines match the nature of their work that fits with a heavy theme like works like Tokyo Babylon, which have a heavy atmosphere. Mokona draws with thicker lines and uses pens with strong pressure when drawing. Clamps drawing methods changed with Tsubasa and xxxholic.
In the process of launching a serialization first is to decide on the major storyline work out the details of the characters later and consider the number of chapters needed to tell a story, second Ohkawa has a meeting with Mokona and Nekoi to decide on the design of the main characters Ohkawa asks for designs once they are finished they go over one more time.  They go about creating manga and have two processes,  one creating a manga based on the request from a publisher The second Clamp decides on the story first and then thinks about the magazine to write it for. Clamp comes up with an outline for the story First after they create the outline they discuss who's going to draw pictures or if they all draw together. They turn the project into a movie telling how a story goes and who the main characters are among themselves. They talk about the rough story and how they should do it when they bring a story to the publisher, attach the rough story and characters, attach characters' settings to them and draw the appearance in the manga to the publisher. Then after they show the work to the editor if the editor thinks it's okay they start the story. After receiving approval from an editor, Ohkawa assigns roles to each group member and then chooses the visual styles depending on the factors such as the complexity of the story and chosen art style the artwork depends on the genre and magazine of the story. Ohkawa provides a rough draft for each chapter with things such as dialogue panel size props and movement and characters' emotions. Storyboarding takes 12 hours while the script takes 8 hours to write. To Mokona from rough draft to inking 10 pages per day, the average Mokona puts into how many pages of black and white manuscript draws in a day the number of pages they draw in a month to finish one installment For example if they're in two monthly publications like Tsubasa and xxxholic one is about 19 or 20 pages other takes one day to finish 6 pages for the foundations for the fishing touches and inking takes a couple of days every 2 weeks when it comes to two weekly series its 120 and 130 pages a week. xxxholic takes two days and x took four days 
Ohkawa will specify the proper production for the story and character. After the story, they will choose a person to perform the character design. Clamp switches up who works on character design and the drawing. Igarashi and Ohkawa do it together. One of them directs the work for design and the person in charge of the drawing for that work will draw a rough sketch which is discussed. Mokona is one of the concept artists When the scenario is specified in detail, Mokona listens to the basic story and consults the original concept with Ohkawa Mokona will show what she designed on the spot of the drafting and period.  Mokona and Clamp often decide on the design first, then Mokona draws the illustration from format, paper, and photoshopping specifications to color specification. Mokona does pencil drawing first then ink and color it the pencil stage first so Mokona can fix errors in the pencil stage. Ohkawa as the main scriptwriter Ohkawa determines the story and setting and tells the members about it and the rest give their thoughts on it Ohkawa maps out the location, ideas, and character design Ohkawa gives the character's figures hairstyles, and clothes she envisions to the designers or sometimes Ohkawa draws them herself only sketches the rest get the art close to Ohkawa original version. Ohakwa doesn’t talk about the characters until it's time to create their visual design, Ohkawa decides the design of the character and the group visualizes it She explains their appearance she sometimes brings sketches instead of explaining Ohkawa decides the characters they have long or short hair their style of clothes and complexity. Clamp discusses together and thinks about how to make characters, Ohkawa makes requests and discusses them with the other three Ohkawa gives concrete and specific thoughts on what she wants the main characters to be. Ohkawa is the one who decides on the details of the characters and Clamp crafts their characters. They explain the story in the works that include the drawing of the clothes of what the character wears. Ohkawa takes all the info she gathered and has them design the characters based on the descriptions she gave like body build, hair length, and small details, next decide who is going to design the characters either Nekoi or Mokona design them characters and pick one of them then make a character setting chart and decide on the character's height. After the story they choose a person to perform character design. When that is happening, they use specific proper proportions for the story and character. They come up with a story through a character design phase Clamp and choose different styles and proportions for the characters. When it comes to designing characters they determine the head and body ratios since the person drawing can change the proportions in their sketches without knowing.  They reference the proportions of the characters in case the person drawing it gets it wrong. Igarashi and Ohkawa consult each other and ask for revisions so that the proportions don’t shift, so it can come in tandem when working for 4 people. Mokona had difficulties drawing Yuko's proportions; she considered drawing them constantly a nightmare. Mokona found it reassuring to have partners who can check your work. Sometimes they decide on the colors to get the approval of the publisher to work on the storyboard and then agree on the birthday and height of the characters. The height is important because it's for drawing proportions that are made to keep consistency when drawing characters. The character designs look like character sheets like the ones you would see in anime. When they first set out to draw the members consulted such things as whether or not thin lines mesh well in the manga. what color materials they would be using the members play it by ear as they go along when they draw. Before drawing the portraits of the characters, Nekoi takes special care of the characters by differentiating them with their hairstyles. 
For creating the clothes for the characters, Clamp dresses their character in stuff based on their own or things their acquaintances wear. Clamp reads a lot of informational magazines and fashion magazines on a personal basis which serves as inspiration for characters. Some of the clothes and other items that characters in Clamp wear are inspired by real-life pieces but most of them are done initially by Mokona.
Once the main characters are completed, they decide on the detailed settings for those characters,  The members decide on each character's birthday and height. The height is used for doing the proportions of the characters. for the character settings the group goes into detail about the characters like what food they eat, special skills, how and when they do things, how they grew up, when they were young, their hobbies, the type of house they live in whether its Japanese or western style, if they are sleeping wearing pajamas or negligees and whether they like sweets or not; for example if a character is eating sweets it means that a character grew up in an environment where sweets can be easily eaten and if a character has long hair it can be tied or untied these details reference the characters way of life and polices the reason Clamp focuses on what a character likes to eat is because what a person eats says a lot about a character in personality. There's a lot of thought that goes into making character settings. It's mostly to advance writing their characters or fleshing them out as individuals. The character settings are important when writing the characters in the story These details are important for them to write for the characters the character profile is used so they won’t get confused when writing a character for the story to keep the writing of the character to remain consistent throughout the story. 
When drawing manga and illustrations the group often determines the materials they use to draw during the meetings 
Once they set out drawing they first consult things like whether or not thin lines and colors. Clamp used different techniques, art materials, and paper when they did manga and color illustrations Clamp used different materials at their disposal. For drawing Rayearth, the materials they use to draw manga are used include other works as well. The heavy colors are used to suit the tone of the story. This goes to show that you can change the impression by changing the pen you use and the paper used. 
You can change the impression based on the paper you use. The paper makes a great first impression on the manga. Paper is not the only thing that changes the impression of the manga they draw, also the materials they use are used to change the impression. 
Clamp uses different paper sizes for each work, the manga paper is sorted for each one of the members to use. Clamp has strong drawing pressure for their strong drawing pressure they chose thick paper.  They use paper made by Daieidou printing for manga drawings because the members have a strong drawing pressure so they chose a thick paper that's three times thicker than manga paper. For the paper that the members use for illustrations Igarashi, Nekoi, and Mokona use Watson paper, BB Kent back of manga paper of copy paper. Both Ohkawa and Igarashi like acid-free paper, they love the sandy texture and don't like smooth art-coated paper. The reason for that is that if the paper is too smooth the texture will not be the same. Clamp uses many materials for works such as Copic markers and alcohol-based products, They use Kaimei Indian ink, and for color inks, they use Holbein and Holbein special black The screentone they use Brans that Clamp uses is  I.C. 's and Letraset.
When they first used computer equipment,  they were instructed by Takeshi Okazaki and Katsuya Terada. satsuki was into photoshop so Takeshi Yamazaki gave satsuki lessons in photoshop.  
For the materials that Clamp used in their past works, rg veda used color inks, aeroflash, Liquitex, and modeling paste, Rayearth used Copic markers, Mokona used color inks for Mask of 20 faces, Tokyo Babylon used color tones and angelic layer had them use thick fountain pen like liner markers for drawing the manga.
Mokona’s pen uses a Kabura and a Marupen. Depending on the weather she draws a line to see which is better. Her favorite pens are Zebras Maru pen and Kabura pen nibs. with lnks, her favorite is Kaimei Indian Ink and Holbein’s Grey or Nouvel’s Burnt Sienna. What she used to draw backgrounds is Pigma 0.05, Mokona has strong drawing pressure. The G pen is too soft for her. She tried using one but it is hard to adjust and prefers using a harder pen. She uses a magic marker with a pigment ink called Prokey she used to draw letters on paper and uses Pentels water-resistant brush pens for solid areas like hair. She uses a powder board for paper with larger pieces and Baron Kent paper stretched with water. For RG Veda backgrounds Mokona used a lot of airbrush techniques. Mokona draws with thicker lines, and her drawings have been drawn with thicker lines. In the beginning, like in the third volume of Tokyo Babylon, the character's faces are angular and have thicker lines which show that her art is changing. Syaoran was Mokona’s favorite character to draw in Tsubasa.
Nekoi uses different nibs for the maru pen and g pen; she uses the Kabura pen for concentrated and close straight lines, also Pigma 0.5 for backgrounds.
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For paper Nekoi uses whatever paper they have at hand to the back of wrapping paper bits of cardboard that have fallen around the back of cosmetics box envelopes from the publisher, the wrapping paper from a cup of tea that is Japanese style. She uses an eraser to reduce the tones in the screentone and sandpaper to reduce the large areas of tone she uses. A fine grit sandpaper will decrease nicely but not allow for fine adjustment which she had to fix with an eraser later. Nekoi loved experimenting with new painting materials; she especially loved painting in color.
Step to Step in Creating Manga
When it comes to drawing manga there are steps taken to create manga. these are the materials they use for drawing manga The list of materials and things they use in the steps to create manga are listed as this
1.) plastic eraser, mechanical pencil 0.5 HB
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2.) Pigma 0.5, magic marker
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3.) brush pen
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4.) screen tone, tone cutters round sand eraser 
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5.) pen white, liquid paper ink, Mython
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lastly, for writing the script, they use a pc
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For the steps they use to create manga Rayearth I think it might be the same steps they use to draw other manga that come after it might be the same steps they did for Tsubasa,xxxholic, and other manga that come after it, and the materials they use. I bet it's the same materials used for Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura and xxxholic.
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1.) The plot is written by Ohkawa on a personal computer with manuscript paper, For the rough they draw frames with a pencil and roughly insert characters and other elements, they draw the rough while paying attention to the composition and balance the draw the panel as to what you want to show most when you are doing a specific scene. The rough is a lot of lines and its way is less detailed. The rough is used for the placement to know the place of things to ink. You can see the same rough stage with Tsubasa and xxxholic. 
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Clamp pays attention to the distribution of lines in the panels, the reason why Clamp pays attention to the number of lines is because it's a manga and they are going to ink over and over again. The reason they pay attention to the number of lines in the rough is to calculate how much you ink while you draw. the number of lines you use while you ink is important because you are going to use it over again
the rough is drawn with a pencil, they used a regular pencil for the rough rather than a mechanical pencil since the mechanical pencil has fine lines 
2.)  Next is the sketching phase, in the sketching phase the characters are drawn with a mechanical pencil they check the drawing by looking through the rough manuscript and back. Once the sketch is finished the member will fix it until they are satisfied The background is only included briefly in the sketch.
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3.)  The inking stages for the steps of Magic Knight Rayearth are inked mainly using a Pigma 0.05 or Kaimuji marker or brush. When Mokona was drawing Rayearth Mokona had strong drawing pressure so her lines became thicker She changed pens as soon as she noticed it her strong drawing pressure caused Mokonas tip of her pen to break quickly they often used 4 to 5 bottles a day for inking. 
4.)  Next up the beta stage, after they are done with inking they erase and check it again After that the members add solids the tool used is a brush pen to fill in areas like hair and stuff. They use ink that is resistant to water because if it is water resistant the area will become thin when the eraser is applied. 
The steps for rough and sketch are used in their other works only the materials that are used for inking change consistently Depending on the series 
5.)  Next is the toning stage when they add screentone traditionally to a manga page, when it comes to screen tone they make sure that no more appears in the overlapped areas Clamp use a circular blade type cut when they apply screentone traditionally to a manga and small areas might be scrapped with a sand eraser scrapping the tone can change the texture of the object. They consider the effect and carefully cut it and their grain to the tone and know in which its neatly scrapped directions are not scrapped. 
In Rayearth tint and gradation tones are used, and a little gala for the screen tone of the manga. 
6.) This is the last stage of Clamp creation in drawing manga. The last stage is to express light and create glamorous images white is used for it. when applying white fluid to the image which is done by flicking the brush on the correction fluid with the rim of the container the effect changes depending on the concentration of the liquid. You can add white to the toothbrush or flick it with your finger. It changes the effect of the image. If you add fine white dilute it with water to adjust for the white. Clamp uses quirk drawing because the pen can be put on the white later.
This technique was applied in other manga like Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura, and their other works. They used the same white ink to make a beautiful panel.  
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fairy-writes · 1 year
May I request Edward Elric with the action propmpt 10? That would be awesome!! <3
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing(s): Edward Elric x Gender Neutral!Reader
Prompt: Putting their head on their lover’s shoulder (Action Prompt #10)
This is for my 1K followers event! It’s going on between June 8th and June 22nd!
Even after all Father had put you through, some things never changed. 
That thing being Edward’s obnoxious love for apple pies. 
Specifically Gracia’s recipe. She had been kind enough to gift you and Winry the recipe years ago. The scrap of paper was well-loved and worn out, stained with butter, and the writing barely legible. But that didn’t matter. You knew the recipe by heart after years of making it for your lover. 
Your forearms were covered in flour, and you were pretty sure you had something on your face as you worked butter into your dry ingredients. Your hands felt sticky with dough, but you didn’t mind. This would make Edward happy, and that alone made your day. 
It always did. 
Especially after all he had gone through growing up and through his young adult life. 
You cracked an egg on the corner of the bowl and added it to the dough mixture, mixing everything by hand until you had the consistency you wanted. It had grown warm in the process, so you stuck it in the ice box to chill for at least an hour while you got to work on the filling. 
Two tablespoons of lemon juice. Nine apples peeled, cored, and sliced into wedges. Both went into a bowl with some sugar and tossed until combined. Then a skillet was turned on, and everything was put in with more butter and mixed until the apples were soft. The scent of fruit filled the air, making your mouth water, and you felt giddy at the idea of eating the dessert later. 
You may not have been Edward, but you still loved a good apple pie now and then. 
Just then, warm arms wrapped around your waist, and a chin was put on your shoulder. 
“What are you making?” Came Edward’s voice, and you hummed, leaning your head on his as you tossed the apples once again in the skillet. The sugar was melting. It was almost time. 
“Apple pie. You asked for one last week.” You said warmly and felt him grin as he turned his head to place a kiss where your shoulder met your neck. 
“You remembered?” At this, you huff out a laugh,
“Have I ever forgotten something?” You say, and he thinks it over, pecking your cheek this time. 
“No. It’s like Ling said. Something about elephants never forgetting. Wait, no—Alphonse said that in one of his letters. He’s studying them with May Chang in between alkahestry lessons.” He said, tapping his fingers against your waist. 
You gently pry his arms away from around you, ignoring his whine, and go to pull the dough from the fridge, turning off the stovetop as you do so.
“Now that you’re here, you can help me.” You say, and he raises an eyebrow,
“You’re trusting me in the kitchen? I thought I was banned after Valentine’s Day.” He says but grabs an apron from where it’s hanging on the wall nonetheless. You hold a finger up, smearing some flour on his nose,
“I’m trusting you with supervision. Don’t think I’ll let you in the kitchen with anything less than that. Alphonse can cook better than you, and he didn’t even have a body growing up!”
Edward mutters under his breath, something about how “that isn’t fair,” but he smiles at you nonetheless when he notices you watching him tie the apron.
“Like what you see?” He teases, and you offer a mischievous grin. “I always do.” You retort and delight in the way his cheeks flush a pretty pink.
You quickly put Edward to work with the dough from the ice box. You carefully instruct him how to make pie crust and are actually rather impressed with how they turn out. Soon, you have two perfectly constructed pie crusts ready to be filled. 
Maybe you can actually trust your lover in the kitchen. But then you remember the burnt attempt at breakfast from Valentine’s Day. 
Like you had said before, he’s allowed in the kitchen with supervision.
You blink and are torn from your thoughts when something is smeared on your cheek. You look up from where you are preparing the second pie to see Edward with that grin of his that means he’s up to no good. Egg yolk is coating his finger, and you assume that’s what he just put on your face. 
“You're supposed to be brushing the pie. Not my face.” You say, and he laughs. 
It’s one of your favorite sounds in the world. 
“Just seeing if you’re paying attention.” He says, and you smile. His own grin softens as you step into his side, wrapping a flour-stained hand around his waist. 
“I love you, y’know?” You whisper, and he gently grasps your chin, turning you to face him, and kisses you so gently as if you’ll break. He tastes like stolen pie filling, but you don’t mind. 
He’s so gentle with his love. He always has been. 
It was one of the things you love about him. 
And it was soft, domestic times like this that you treasured the most. 
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
You know what Crackship's time
Just random pairs as I write all of this bc it just came to me when I saw a moot's reblog about crackships and headcanoning so here you go.
Seth x Finn (honestly I think this one's cute)
Charlie x Faust (Faust runs the relationship)
Alphonse x Faust (Al would reel Faust in)
Auron x Finn (ha ha he he purposes)
Auron x Alphonse (I want to cause problems bc why not)
Seth x Faust (hhmm I actually don't know about this one)
Lucien x Auron (who's making a deal with a demon? Lucien? Auron? We may never know)
Lucien x Finn (I feel like Lucien would like to cook some of Finn's veggies)
Lucien x Faust (this would be interesting to see)
Lucien x Alphonse (this is mayhem separate the two)
Lucien x Seth (hhmm I could see them as friends than lovers)
Auron x Seth (kinda don't see it bc Jessie works for Auron now?)
Charlie x Finn (blonde boy things)
Jack x Finn (childhood friends turn lovers bc why not)
Jack x Faust (I feel like Jack could help Faust chill)
Jack x Seth (I see them has hiking buddies or that couple that likes camping)
Jack x Lucien (idk random)
Jack x Alphonse (I feel like it's a chill relationship but Al gets Jack into things)
Jack x Charlie (Chill x anxiety yipee)
Jack x Auron (I feel like it's a calm relationship but I can see Jack trying to get Auron to do normal things like go to a park and eat ice cream or feed ducks)
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spidermanifested · 3 months
so back in january @waitineedaname did the incredible public service of cataloguing the majority of fma characters by appearances in fmab per episode. and its only with the help of their data that i was able to make this graph
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it contrasts episode count by the amount of fanfiction tagged with their name*. theres a break in the y-axis because the ed, al, mustang, hawkeye and winry tags were so much more prolific, so note the change in scale. also note that the x-axis goes from right to left.
theres only a very weak positive correlation between the two factors.
ive gone into the enormous gap between ed and al in the past but reminder that not only is eds count over double als, but only 8% of fics tagged with alphonse elric on ao3 do not also include ed.
havoc and hughes are the biggest outliers outside the "main 5", with envy as a close third place.
ling also boasts a considerable score for his middling episode count but given the central role he takes in what episodes he appears in, i feel like a more minute-count-based analysis would put him more on track with the average, however if i ever decide to sit down and time every fma character by Minutes Onscreen please shoot me
chris mustang has more fic to her name than wrath, pride or even father himself despite being in 10 or more times fewer the episodes, which i would normally congratulate her for but suspect she achieved via nepotism.
greed is on top of the remainder of the cast but he has not left the main cloud out of solidarity with the proletariat.
the worst number of episodes you can be in is 13-16 i guess.
looking at scar. looking at the fma fandom.
*both ao3 and ff.net were counted towards the total. given how ff.net only counts fics to the closest hundred or thousand after a point, theres a significant margin of error there, but i dont think it really affects the data because "theyre popular enough to reach that amount" is all we need to know.
tag ambiguity re: sloth, wrath and pride on ff.net meant i had to go through and sift out the 03-original characters manually and there may also be a slight margin of error there because of that. aside from those instances i did not discriminate between 03- and manga/brotherhood-based fics. it would be interesting to see a similar graph in regards to 03 episode count.
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womblegrinch · 1 year
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Alphonse Maria Mucha (1860-1939) - Portrait of a girl with hands in hair
Bister chalk heightened with white on grey-blue paper. 11.8 x 8.9 inches, 30 x 22 cm.
Estimate: €4,000-7,000.
Sold Dorotheum, Vienna, 23 May 2023 for €24,010 incl B.P.
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aldrendaux · 6 months
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime 2003) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Mei Chan | May Chang/Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell Characters: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Mei Chan | May Chang, Original Xingese Character(s), Winry Rockbell Additional Tags: Homunculus Edward Elric, Post-Fullmetal Alchemist (2003), Xing, Complete Summary:
Everyone knows that Edward Elric died. He died a long time ago. In Xing, he's a footnote in the career of his surviving brother, Alphonse Elric, the Great Alchemist of the West.
When someone decides that the Fullmetal Alchemist needs to return to the land of the living, it's up to Alphonse to deal with the soulless facsimile of his brother which is created.
Technically set post 2003 anime, but with a lot of love for and some borrowed characters/concepts from Brotherhood/the manga.
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Please may I have a Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood scenario of when you (Maes Hughes sister *same age as Roy and she is Roy's wife and everything and she is currently pregnant with his son and she is a skilled sniper and yeah..she is the wife of a flame alchemist*) were insistent on Roy taking a break when the poor man was on the verge of collapse. You received a call from your worried brother when you were at the hospital having your pregnancy bump checked and you saw for yourself when Edward told you that Roy wasn't feeling all sunshine and rainbows..it was obvious that your poor husband had taken ill and you were absolutely stern when you told him to go home and sleep in a tone that meant "do it or else"..Roy was insistent when he said he was fine but he was not fine and it was clear to everyone else too..when they all told him to listen to his wife (you)..the Elric brothers had to help him home considering that you wouldn't be able to help him not in your condition. You called Roy a numpty for going to work despite he was ill today once he was in bed..
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the scenario!
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Character: Roy Mustang x afab! pregnant! Hughes! Reader (the reader is referred to as Roy's wife but gender neutral pronouns are used otherwise)
Word Count: 1.0k (1,097 words)
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“Uh huh. Yeah. No, I know what he’s like. Yep. I’ll be there soon, don’t let him out of your sight. Bye.”
With every word you spoke into the phone the nurse standing near you grew paler and backed away. You could only guess at the expression on your face.
That damned husband of yours.
“I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. Is that all we need to do for today or do I need to book another appointment?”
The nurse recovered from her stunned state and shook her head. “Everything’s okay. Both you and the baby are doing well. We’ll see you again next month for your next check up.”
You gathered your belongings and stood up from your chair. “Thank you. I’ll see you then.”
As you left the building all you could think about was the conversation you had just had over the phone.
It had been your brother, Maes. And of course, knowing your brother, you expected him to be calling just to rant about his lovely Elicia.
So when you had answered the phone, it had come as a surprise.
“Hey sis! How’d the appointment go? All good?”
You smiled tiredly. Your brother was always so energetic. “Yes, Maes, all good. But I’m still in the appointment so unless it’s urgent, I’ll have to go.”
“Well actually…” he paused, “it is a bit urgent.”
You frowned. That was a more serious tone than you’d heard your brother use in quite a while. Maybe this wasn’t your average “my beautiful Elicia counted to ten today, she’s so smart” call.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Roy. He’s overworking himself again.”
You sighed. “That’s my husband. I’m guessing he’s not listening to anyone there?”
“You know him. Figured it was best if you came here to drag him home yourself.”
Another sigh on your part. “I’ll be there in a bit. Keep an eye on him and don’t let him out of your sight.”
“Right on. See you soon sis.”
As you strode through the halls of the base, you felt a presence fall into step beside you.
“Hello ma’am. Are you Mustang’s wife?”
You turned to look at the figure next to you. It was Edward Elric. Looking behind you, you saw his younger brother Alphonse. It was surprising how quietly he was able to move despite the large metal suit of armour.
You mostly knew the boy through Roy since, whether your husband wanted to admit it or not, he had basically adopted the Elric brothers following the incident that had taken place at their home a few years ago. Roy had been sparse on details but you’d heard rumours of human transmutation. You didn’t pry any further after that.
You’d see the Elrics around the base a few times and had certainly heard Ed and Roy yelling at each other on occasion. But beyond a few quick greetings in the halls, you hadn’t really had a lot to do with them.
“Yes, that’s me. And you’re the Fullmetal Alchemist aren’t you? To what do I owe the pleasure? Everything alright?”
The boy seemed to be fighting with himself, unsure of what to say. “It’s Mustang. He’s overworking himself and normally, I wouldn’t give a-” he paused and cleared his throat, “I mean, normally I wouldn’t be worried but he’s going to make himself sick if he doesn’t have a break.”
You sighed. “That’s my husband. My brother - you know him, Maes Hughes - called me earlier. I’m here to take him home to rest.” You frowned, “Is he that bad?”
“He’s certainly not feeling sunshine and rainbows at the moment. I think if he keeps working much longer he’s going to get sick.”
Of course he would work himself to the point of collapse when you weren’t around.
“Thank you for letting me know. I’ll be sure to give him a piece of my mind.”
For the first time, Edward grinned. “This, I’ve got to see.”
You had both reached the door to your husband’s office. You didn’t bother with the courtesy of knocking. Instead, you swung the door open, shifting your face into a firm look of fury and subtle disappointment.
The man looked up from his desk, scrambling to make himself look presentable. But nothing count hide the dark circles under his eyes and the invisible weight on his shoulders.
“Hey sis! How are you and the little one doing?”
You turned to your brother, your face morphing into a smile. “Doing well.”
You looked around at the others in the room. Havoc, Hawkeye, Fuery, Falman, Breda. All people you knew well. All people who were completely loyal to your husband. All people he was ignoring at present.
“The baby’s as strong as ever. But I hear it’s father…” you turned your gaze back to Roy, “isn’t the same.”
Roy shook his head despite the resounding responses to the positive from around the room. “I’m fine dear. Really. No need to worry.”
“Oh don’t give me that. I can see it from a mile away. You, mister, need to go home and rest. Maes told me you’re overworking yourself. Even Edward told me he’s concerned about your wellbeing.”
Spluttering from behind you. “Now hang on, I never said-”
“Brother, don’t deny it. You were worried.”
You walked over to Roy’s desk. “We’re going home.”
“I’m fine hones-”
“Sir. With all due respect. Listen to your wife. Go home and rest. We can handle things here.” You gazed gratefully at Hawkeye who smiled back.
Roy opened his mouth as if to protest again but you interrupted before he had the chance. “Roy. Don’t be a numpty. Let’s go.”
He closed his mouth and exhaled through his nose. “Alright. You win. Let’s go.”
He raised himself from his chair and swayed dramatically. Edward and Alphonse rushed over. “Come on Colonel. We’ll help.” From the teasing glint in Edward’s eyes, you guessed his offer of help was in part due to genuine concern but mostly due to the fact that he could use the situation to tease your husband in the future.
As the Elrics helped Roy out the door, you waved a farewell to the others. “Thank you for looking after him until I got here. He’ll be back once he’s feeling better.”
Assorted farewells followed you out the door.
“When we get home, you’re going to bed and resting, alright?” Your tone brooked no argument and, despite everything, Roy smiled teasingly.
“Yes ma’am. You got it.”
His smile grew softer and a warm look filled his gaze.
“You’re going to be a great parent.”
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Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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Younger Siblings Tournament Bracket Reveal
A few things I want to mention before I reveal the bracket (and make the post really long because all the matchups will be listed in text):
Seeding of fictional characters in tumblr polls is inherently subjective. I did try to make it so that more popular characters/media would (most likely) face off against each other in later rounds, but I may be overestimating or underestimating the popularity of some characters/media, especially ones I'm not familiar with. There are some round 1 matchups that are probably a closer match but none of them are between the strongest candidates... I think.
The more niche characters will probably get obliterated in the first round as per Squimbus' Law. This is a tumblr poll and I do fully expect more popular characters to sweep, but that doesn't mean you can't encourage your friends to give your niche faves a fighting chance.
Also there are some matchups I literally just thought would be funny. Please don't take this too seriously.
I'm sorry BNHA fans.
(Preliminary Patch Notes 3/14: Swapped brackets 2 and 3, and brackets 19 and 21.)
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[Image description: A 64-person tournament bracket labeled "younger siblings tournament" with a smiley face. The top-left quarter is labeled "quarter A" and color-coded red, the bottom-left quarter is labeled "quarter B" and color-coded green, the top-right quarter is labeled "quarter C" and color-coded purple, and the bottom-right quarter is labeled "quarter D" and color-coded gold. The starting brackets are labeled 1-32 and are as listed below. End ID]
Quarter A:
Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Ame (Wolf Children)
Malo (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) vs. Cat Valentine (Victorious)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs. Fern (Adventure Time)
Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) vs. Shuri (Marvel)
Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs. Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) vs. Sir Agravain (Arthurian Legend)
Dewey Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle) vs. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy (Succession)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Quarter B:
(9) Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) vs. Louie Duck (DuckTales)
(10) Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
(11) Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) vs. Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
(12) Melinoë (Hades) vs. Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
(13) Abel (The Bible) vs. Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
(14) Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
(15) Dante (Devil May Cry) vs. Alisaie Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV)
(16) Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs. Kofuku (Real Life)
Quarter C:
(17) Luigi (Super Mario) vs. Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
(18) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
(19) Fleabag (Fleabag) vs. Emerald Haywood (Nope)
(20) Sam Winchester (Supernatural) vs. Jiang Cheng (The Untamed)
(21) Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) vs. Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)
(22) Manny Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) vs. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill (Better Call Saul)
(23) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Sunny (Omori)
(24) Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Mugman (Cuphead)
Quarter D:
(25) Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. The Knight (Hollow Knight)
(26) Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
(27) Sensei Wu (Lego Ninjago) vs. King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
(28) Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
(29) Jinx (Arcane) vs. Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
(30) Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
(31) Hop (Pokémon Sword and Shield) vs. Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
(32) Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You) vs. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 1 is ongoing! Matchups are linked (or if you prefer to scroll through the matchup posts, go to the "younger siblings tournament" tag on my blog)
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memesmadefullmetal · 10 months
Hello, I come bearing Alphonse Propaganda.
1. Tumblr is the only platform that could allow Al to win. Reddit polls in particular tend to end with Ed vs. Mustang showdowns, because Al isn’t “hardcore” enough or whatever.
2. Alphonse Elric is one of those characters who’s both generally appreciated and underrated. Most people like him, but more attention goes to his role as a foil for Ed than to his own value and flaws as a character. (Sure, he’s cute and kind, but he’s also lonely, kinda ruthless, brilliant, full of rage, master of snark, and a confirmed troll. Through all that, he still chooses human connection over everything else again and again, to the point that he’s willing to “go against the flow of the world” if it means not sacrificing a single one of his desires).
3. While it may be painful to acknowledge, there are some things too important to sacrifice for the sake of a bit. Alphonse Elric is one of those things.
4. Dogs are wonderful, but let’s not forget the cats here. A vote for Al is a vote for both cats and dogs (including Den). He loves them both. Enough said.
Your mods agree! Al really does go under appreciated 😔
[x] Vote here to potentially get your boy to the finals! 🐈 🗳
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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I read one of your fics and i thought it was really good and when i went to request an idea my rat brain went “oh i forgot to follow hehe” so uh yeah.
So could I request Seth, Finn, Al, and Jack with naptime with their S/O? (If its too many boyos you can merge seth and al together.)
NAPTIME YEEEEAAHHH (sorry I love naps lmao)
Sweet Dreams
-Alphonse/ Seth x reader (poly)
-Finn x reader
-Jack (the new version ig) x reader
Al/ Seth:
After a long day of laborious baking and playing games, you decided to rest. You set up everything all nice and cozy, your spot of resting adorned with various soft pillows, blankets, and plushies. (Some of which may have been stolen from Alphonse’s room, after all, he did say you had sticky fingers)
As you laid there, your eyelids began to get heavier and heavier with each passing second, and soon enough you had dozed off to dreamland.
What you didn’t expect was two bozos joining you while you rest.
Alphonse came back after closing up the shop and Seth, well, he was probably out in the woods. Hugging a tree or something.
They came back home to find you snuggled up in many soft things. They weren’t sure what to do but they just shrugged and laid down next to you. You were in the middle, Alphonse and Seth on either side.
They studied your sleeping expression and cooed at how cute you were before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Then they fell asleep with you, in a bundle of warmth and love.
You had come to Finn’s shop to help out with some of the organizational stuff. He had offered to pay you, but you declined. In the back of the shop, there was you—sorting out inventory and various stock. You had been there for hours, so you ended up falling asleep without even knowing it.
Finn came in 10 minutes later, surprised and confused. Part of him felt guilty for working you so hard. After calming himself down, he picked you up and carried you somewhere that’s more suitable for naps.
He made a makeshift bed out of boxes and pillows. He laid you on it, and by some miracle you were still asleep. Then… he just watched you. Not in a creepy way, though. He was mostly just trying to watch over you. He brushed some stray strands out of your face and kisses the top of your head. He whispered a small “Rest easy.” Before getting back to work.
Jack (sorry if it’s OOC I’m not sure I know much about him):
You were invited by Jack to go on a walk with him on the beach. The two of you were laughing, talking, and occasionally flirting. Eventually, the two of you sat down on the sand upon seeing the sun beginning to set. The grains of sand felt strangely good between your toes, and the sun lit Jack’s face well, his brown locks looking almost golden.
He noticed you were getting a bit sleepy and offered his shoulder for you to rest on for a bit before heading back home, to which you agreed without hesitation.
You let your eyes close and breathing slow while you were resting on Jack’s shoulder. He adjusted you so that you were sitting in his lap, and rocked you along to the rhythm of the waves before whispering a small, “I love you” in your ear.
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