#also 'rural mining town'
What the hell theres a game on xbox game pass that takes place in northern Québec ??
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Bro I need to play this what
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cockworms · 24 days
happy birthday gay people ♥️
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crispyjenkins · 6 months
welcome to cj/crispy's bi-yearly ptsd rant about fireworks, you are all safe and valid here and i am mentally giving out juice boxes and animal crackers
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queergrittys · 11 months
‘cause you’re a dream to me
men’s hockey | artturi lehkonen/nathan mackinnon | mature | 12.1k
“The Board Trustees and I now open the floor to members of the community,” Artturi hears Mayor Bednar say. “If any members of the Tulipa community would like to comment on tonight’s proceedings, now is the time to do so.”
Nobody from the town who’s not a Board Trustee, town employee, or a sleep-deprived journalist ever comes to these meetings, and so Artturi starts to close his notepad.
“I have a couple things, actually.”
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apocalypticdemon · 1 year
Having an evening where everything is just. Good.
#did i potentially get exposed to covid while on vacation? yes.#am i coping with it by staring out my window at the sunset? yes#but also this is mostly unrelated to that.#i feel pretty alright now. i struggled for a long time with anxiety and depression and it is by no means behind me#but...... now i get to see the small glimmers more and more often#and i am unfortunately for everyone else unable to not wax poetic about it#everything feels like it has a small shimmer to it now. i spent all day driving through corn fields back home.#what a wondeful journey: i got to see part of my home state ive never seen before. see what the small farm towns on state roads look like#get a glimpse of the people there. their lives are so much like mine. feel the connection between us as we pass; never meeting#the sun on the grass. pools of water in the fields from the last storm. the tilled soil. sun glinting off of the grain silos.#laugh a little at a few of the town names.#idk man. it used to bore me that so much of everything is the same#but the fact that i cam see beauty in the world when it used to be just so much gray? unparalleled. im so grateful for it.#a few years ago i would have judged my stepdad for getting solar-powered UFO lawn lights. today seeing it light up made me smile.#and it's so nice#i will not apologize for being overly sentimental in the tags about driving through rural indiana. it's my post lmao i do what i want#but yeah im just. so grateful for the opportunity now to see more of the beauty that i didnt used to be able to see.#it's comforting now. things may get bad. but there will still be tiny violets growing around that one guy's mailbox along state road 24.#one day i will see something like that again. i got to see it today too. and I'll savor it
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I was watching a YouTube video last night and the guy was like "this fake show high school had 300 kids and that's WAY too few there's no way that would happen"
Which is very funny because my school had some 280 kids and my graduating high school class was so large it was a solid THIRD of the schools population and we weren't all replaced either. Oh, and that includes the grade 7/8 students that were moved in halfway through my high school experience in an attempt to keep the severely underpopulated school open lmao.
I'd say rural life is weird but at this point I lived in town and despite the town having less than 3000 people I don't count it as rural living
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deceitfuldevout · 9 months
Happy Purge
Purge AU: Soft!Dark!Mike Kiernan x Student!Reader
Word Count: +2,068
Warning(s): +18, Non con, Stalking, Kidnapping, Power Imbalance, Use of blood as lube, Mild gore, Purge day.
Author's Note(s): I was thinking about this and coincidentally it's kinktober haha!
It's been almost a decade since the first purge. A lot has changed since then. You remember a time when people didn’t have to worry about looking over their shoulder. Even the morning after was gruesome scene. There was an official purge cleanup crew for that reason alone. You couldn’t help but stare at the clock on the wall.
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If you could squeeze in just one last assignment, you'll be free for the weekend. Suddenly, you hear your name being called. It breaks you out of your train of thought, turning to your instructor and apologizing, "Yes Professor! S-sorry..." now embarrassed that you've been caught by him. Professor Mike Kiernan
According to his students, Mike was more than an exceptional teacher. Every last one of them adores him. If not, well then he'd have to look out for tonight. You on the other hand, have always felt there was something off about him. As if he were harboring a dark secret. Maybe it was the building nerves. After all, tonight would be the start of the annual Purge Day.
Mike ends class an hour early, giving his students enough time to reach home safely. You on the other hand, take the opportunity to finish up remaining school work. Mr. Kiernan was also in charge of study hall. He notices you're the last student left and approaches your desk, "Forgetting something?"
You look up at him with your pen still in mouth, taking it out to speak. That's when the realization hits. "Oh sh—shoot!" Quickly correcting the slip up. You had completely forgotten. In about thirty minutes the sirens were going to ring, after that the Purge would commence. You lived a little more than half an hour away. How on earth would you make it to home on time?!
Mike notices your fidgeting, poor thing. You were so caught up in school work that you'd completely forgotten. Always so responsible, one of his best students. So kind and generous. You were always a good student, helping anyone that needed it. Was it bad that he wanted to keep it all for himself?
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"Do you need a ride home?" he offers, "It's not safe out there, especially not for a young lady like yourself," kind, genuine words. Your phone is almost dead, and you had no point of contact. So you take his offer, "Thank you professor Kiernan, Seriously," You grateful to have someone like him. He walks you to his car parked on the edge of the lot. He takes his time walking to it. You on the other hand, were in a hurry.
You felt almost embarrassed by the way you held the door handle eagerly waiting for him. To unlock it. He chuckles, clicking the button of his keys to open it. You hurry inside, not wasting a second hopping onto the seat. As he began to drive off you could hear the first warning bell. There would only be two more before the final sirens. Your eyes are glued to the red sirens attached to each public building, the blaring makes you feel sick.
When the car makes a sudden turn off the main road, you begin to grow suspicious, "Professor?"
"This isn't the way to my house..."
"I know, but it's too late for that now," he answers, "The third alarm is about to go off, we won't make it in time," his eyes are still glued to the road. You gather enough courage to speak up again, "Professor....professor where are we going?"
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"I live nearby, you're more than welcome to spend the night," he answers, "The last thing I'd want is for those animals to harm a student of mine," he reassures. Mike lives in the more rural side of town. There's a growing feeling you have that something was wrong about all this. But what other choice do you have? It was better than being out there alone on the streets.
As soon as you arrive to Mike's home, he activates the security system. When he first bought the house, the first thing he did was install a Purge-proof security system. He walks into the kitchen, rummaging for something, "Would you like some tea?" he opens the pantry to fetch some herbs. While it boils he gets some jam and toast for it. As soon as he finishes up, he places both cups on the table.
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You notice that Mike hadn't taken a sip from his drink. Your eyes widen with fear, "You haven't touched your cup..." there's a pause. Then he realizes his mistake, "Ah, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you nervous," he switches the drinks, "Here, have mine," he takes a sip from your cup to insure it hadn't been spiked. It calms your nerves knowing that there was nothing to worry about.
Mike had kept his promise that you would be safe here. It's been a while since he's had anyone over. He tries his best hosting skills, a round of charade, following by a board game. It was honestly one of the best purge experiences you've had yet. A great distraction from the events occurring outside. He insists on watching a movie to kill the time, you agree. Why not? Besides, Mike's company wasn't so bad.
It was during the middle of the movie when you needed to use the restroom. He points you to down the hall. On your way back, you notice a door had been left open. It was most likely the master bedroom. When you reach the knob to close it, you accidentally take a glimpse inside.
That's when you notice what was there. No....there's no way...You enter his room to get a closer look. Mike smiles to himself. To think that he'd been so worried about everything, and for what? You seem to be enjoying his company. He was right all along, there was something more to your relationship.
He hears you rushing down the hallway, there's an angry look on your face, "What the fuck are these?!" you toss the photos on the ground. Pictured in each and every last one of them is you. Some of them were taken while on campus, others were downloaded from social media posts. He smiles, "Now I know what you're thinking, but if you just hear me out--"
"Not a fucking chance!" you back away from him. He's confused, why now were you acting out? It was going so well between the two of you! Can't you see how much he cares?
"Don't you see the love and dedication I have for you?! And you know it too!" he nears, "I know you feel the same way..." his voice sounding more desperate, there's a deranged look in his eyes that doesn't meet his smile, "Tell me you weren't thinking the same thing, when you waited for me after class," he held a hand to his chest, expressing his love for you.
He's finally letting you know how he's felt for a very long time. You were at a loss for words, there's no way he actually thought--between the two of you? He's delusional. To think you and your classmates actually trusted him. You're pissed, "Get it through your fucking head! You're my professor! That's all you'll ever be!"
After hearing that Mike's smile fades. He could feel heart shattering into a million pieces. Maybe it was a mistake, bringing you here on your own terms. If he knew this was how you would react, then he would've just stuck to the original plan. He knows he could get away with it too. After all, it was Purge day.
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Usually, he'd go against something like this. But what other choice does he have? It quickly turns into a fight or flight situation. You knew he was stronger than you, so there would be no point in fighting him. What other choice did you have other than running? Mike is much faster than you realize. He's quick to grab you before you've had a chance to alert the security system.
Mike drags you across his home. He stops by a door located on the side of the staircase. He almost rips the hinges off when he pulls you inside. You fought with all your might, scratching, pushing, hitting wherever you possibly could. To him, they felt like nothing. He's dealt with worse. In the struggle, you're sent tumbling down the stairs.
Mike uses his body to shield yours from the fall. He cradles your head against his chest. Yet still, you were fighting him, after everything he's done. You scurry towards the other side of the basement. As far away from him as you could possibly be.
Mike sighs with annoyance, "You have no idea what it's like..." he lifts himself off the floor, his hands now balled up into fists. He doesn't know how much longer he can hold himself back, "You have no idea what it's like seeing you every day, and not being able to do a damn thing!" he charges, slamming you against a wall, he leans his head closer to yours.
Still there was that look of admiration in his eyes, "We could've been so happy together," Mike grabs you by the throat, pulling you into a deep, searing kiss. In retaliation you bit his lip. He winces in pain, "Will you just...stop fighting me?!" his anger gets the best of him as he slams you against the wall. You're left stunned after getting the wind knocked out of your lungs.
Mike is quick to catch you. He panics, "Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He yells over and over again, "I love you! I love you! Please! I love you!" there are tears in his eyes, "Just please...let me love you..." he sighs against your neck, placing a kiss on the bare skin, "Look at what you do to me..." he grinds his bulge against your clothed mound.
You could practically feel how big it was, even through the many layers of clothing. It makes your skin crawl, how he's played the role of a caring professor and community member for so long. Could he even see himself right now?! "Look, whatever you want, a house, a baby, I'll give ya," Mike never knew he even wanted those things, not until he met you. Don't you see? You're all he's ever needed.
You fought him like a trapped animal. His feisty little wildcat. You use both fists to land a few good hits on his face, over and over again. Hitting his nose with a 'crunch' sound. But still, it doesn't stop him. Mike can't seem to understand why you were trying to escape. It was useless fighting him. This would be so much better if you just gave in. Because eventually, he's going to get what he wants. He pulls you into another forceful kiss.
For that, you headbutt in right in the face. Mike winches, pulling away from you with a now bloody nose. He throws you to the ground. Then pounces, caging his body on top of your own. He begins to unbuckle his belt, dragging his boxers down to free his cock. He spits a wad of blood in his palm, that'll do for now. He doesn't want to waste anymore time. Purge would be ending in a few hours, and he'll make sure to use every last minute of it.
He knows how the law works in this area. If a couple lived together for over a year, then it would legally bind them together as husband and wife. Mike doesn't mind that idea at all, 'My wife...you're going to be my wife," he sighs. Your stomach churns after hearing that, "No...no please, this isn't what I want!"
"You don't even know what you want" Mike starts lifting up your skirt, he's eager, almost giddy, "But I do," yanking down the waistband of your panties. He forces his member deep inside, groaning from the sensation of your walls pulsing. You scream from the intrusion. It resembles a cat's howl.
Tears begin to form, now blurring your vision. Your claws sink deep into his chest, as he began thrusting in and out of your channel. He doesn't stop, not until he finishes. He has only one goal on his mind, to plant his seed, leave a legacy behind, "Take it, take it..." he mumbles over and over again.
"Professor?" a student asks, causing Mike to break from his trance. His student asks the question again, "How was your purge?" genuinely curious. What did Professor Mike Kiernan, of all people, do to earn those nasty bruises? He's still wearing his sweater from yesterday, now caked in his own blood. The first thing he did the morning after, was drag himself out of bed and straight to lecture. He couldn't help but grin, "Well, ran into some trouble, but, no worries,"
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His students and coworkers felt bad. They all said the same thing, how Mike was the last person who deserved something like this. If only they knew. After a long day of lectures, he finally drives home. He passes by the Purge's official memorial road. There are numerous photos of people who had either lost their lives or went missing.
When he sees your photo, he can't help but smirk. He parks his car on the side of the road, approaching the stand. He pockets the picture for keepsake, smiling to himself as he returns to his car. It's been a long time since Mike has looked forward to coming home.
Perhaps Purge wasn't so bad.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Salut madame hedgehog moss!
Maintenant je me prépare à déménager à une toute petite ville au nord-est des États Unis près de la frontière avec Nouveau Brunswick (donc une ville peu peuplée et très rurale). Maintenant j'habite dans une grande ville alors je suis certaine qu'il y aura un peu de décalage au début. Je sais que t'as déménager de Paris vers une très petite village donc peut être tu as des conseils pour comment je peux m'intégrer dans une telle communauté?
Désolé pour des fautes de grammaire. Le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle.
Hi! Your French is really good! :)
I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask for advice on how to fit in with a small rural community, as I chose to live in the woods a few km away from the nearest village because I moved to the countryside in search of solitude. I only leave my lair for groceries once every ten days or so—I'm on a solid "easy friendly small talk" basis with most locals, but I'm only better acquainted with a handful of them, the ones I interact with regularly by force of circumstance (the librarian because I'm a devoted library-goer, the postwoman, the farmer who owns the pasture next to mine...) and that's a level of integration in the community I'm happy with.
I suppose the main thing is to show curiosity and appreciation for the local way of life, rather than expect to live exactly the way you did in the city, but the specifics of what this entails vary a lot depending on locality. Participating in the local small economy, if there is one, is good—I try to attend the yearly events and fairs at the village, like the potter's market; I bought a jumper from the wool shop in town rather than ordering something online, and I buy fruit at the summer market and seedlings for my garden, and some cheeses, from the local farms that sell them, rather than getting stuff from the supermarket even though it would often be more convenient. But I'm glad there are still family farms and local artisans so it's important to support them. There's also a thriving informal gift economy in my village, I offer eggs from my chickens and homemade jams or syrups and later down the line neighbours reciprocate with seedlings or firewood, etc, the more you'll participate in this sort of thing (if it exists) the more connections you'll make.
Another thing re: being appreciative of the local way of life—I know the city people who are disliked around here are the ones who buy land and use it like they would a suburban plot, e.g. build a swimming-pool, mow the grass, remove all 'weeds' indiscriminately (I know brambles are annoying but birds nest in there and eat the berries, you've got to leave some...), or cover their dirt road with asphalt instead of just shovelling some gravel when it gets muddy, etc. Again the specifics vary depending on locality, but people are attached to their local landscapes and way of doing things and as someone who owns some land and has seen the way locals reacted to other people who bought land around here, you're clearly perceived differently if you have a spirit of maintaining and repairing and appreciating the place for what it is, rather than remodelling and innovating and adapting it to what you want it to be.
Also you've got to accept that it can take a very long time to become part of a close-knit community, and try not to take things personally—I remember someone commenting on one of my posts a few years ago that she felt rejected by the people in her village because she was still seen as an outsider, and not allowed to take part in the organisation of some local events, several years after moving there. I wouldn't see not getting to help organise an event as a hostile behaviour towards me, I don't really expect to be included on every level, if locals feel like some things are for people who've lived here their whole lives, okay. I know rural communities are not the most diverse places and I'm not saying to accept discrimination due to bigotry of any kind, but in terms of "being kept out of some things or treated differently because you're not from this specific place", I do see it as something to be accepted. If I'm still seen as a city person and an outsider twenty years from now, so be it, as long as people aren't outright rude about it. I don't think of not being welcome to everything as rude, there are just boundaries that exist and so be it. I'm not saying someone would be wrong for being hurt by this type of exclusion, just that it helps to have this "don't take it personally" attitude when moving to a rural village.
Having a llama also really helps! The only reason I got acquainted with lots of local people in my first year here was because Pampe kept running away and I kept having to knock on people's doors with like a photo of her and go hi, have you seen this criminal. And then people would stop me at the grocery shop or something two weeks later like, did you end up finding your criminal? And I'd complain about her and they'd sympathise and tell me about their own annoying animals. I can't recommend animal misdemeanours enough as a source of friendly mutual understanding with rural neighbours.
Oh and speaking of complaining—another obvious way to integrate in a small community is to fight together against a common enemy. This is anecdotal but last year a state-owned company started to build a metallic structure (I'm trying not to be too specific) outside the village and it spoilt the landscape a bit, and I hesitated to grumble about it when making small talk because I was half-expecting to come across as an annoying city person, complaining about aesthetics while local people's livelihoods would be improved by this thing—but not at all, people also hated the look of it and were like "they hardly even consulted local authorities on this, they think we don't get to have an opinion on what our land looks like" and we went to the town hall to complain and the mayor agreed with us and eventually we complained enough that the company replaced the metal parts with wooden ones, so it at least looks more natural and more discreet in the landscape. It was very satisfying to come together and have this happen, and I never felt more integrated in the local community than when I was in the town hall complaining with everybody else.
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WIBTA if I told my roommate I don't want to always drive every time we go somewhere together? I (f23) drive everywere me and my roommate (f21) go together. This can be to the store, the gas station, or road trips. We haven't explicitly discussed this or decided on it, but it happens because my roommate has an older car, and frankly is a bad driver. She is not very attentive and gets flustered easily, she gets honked at while driving in pretty much any city that is not our hometown, and I have been in a car with her several times where she has made really stupid, and dangerous decisions. She always seems to play this off as "haha, I'm bad at driving, I don't like it, I'm just a passenger princess." Her car is also much older than mine, so although this risk is fairly small, it is more likely to breakdown, and has in the past. However, I also do not like driving. We live in a rural area and most of the time if we want to go do something on a weekend, we need to drive about an hour both ways. For small trips in town, I don't mind driving, but for these longer trips, I drive there, do an activity, we're both exhausted, and I still have to drive back. I always pay for gas, and we always use my car. I'm kind of sick of it, but it is also legitimately safer for me to drive.
Tldr, my roommate is a bad driver, but I'm sick of having to drive us everywhere.
So, wibta? (🚙🚫⬅️to find later)
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
The other day I visited the seven gates of hell in Illinois.
Urban legend states that if you drive through all of the bridges in order at midnight it will open a portal to hell. People say that each bridge is guarded by an evil spirit, such as ghosts, demons, hellhounds, ect
I can see why 1900s architecture smacked in the middle of a growing rural town can be perturbing to city folk and teenagers. These bridges are leftover from back when they used the railroads for mining operations in the area. They are thicker then typical modern bridges and are an interesting shape
That gates themselves are very cold, some people think it is ghosts but i think it is a swamp cooling effect due to the thick concreate shading the gates plus the small creek that flows parallel to most of them. Car accidents are also common at the gates but i think this is due to the roads small size, sharp turns, and blind spots that are common on the roads the bridges reside. Who knows?
Commonly people have mentioned seeing fires and men carrying weapons such as axes and scythes especially close to the last gate. I find these pretty amusing because right down the road before the seventh gate is a feed lot full of beef cows. When i went there was a fire going but it looked like it was to clear the pasture nearby. Of course i saw alot of men carrying farm tools as well and i cant help but wonder if those things people have claimed to have seen were just rural people going out about their buisness. The first gates are in more populated areas then it gets replaced with corn field and animal agriculture as you continue on. To me the drive was very pleasant and nostalgic.
I will say i likely accidently scared a teenager at the twin gates 3 and 4. He was sitting in his car and when we pulled up he yelled "yall good??" Part of the urban legend is that sometimes you see a ghost car so i wonder if the reason he jumped and yelled is because he thought we were the ghost car haha.
Gate number Five did give me a funny feeling. Its very overgrown and when you pass through it its very cold and it goes on a bit longer then the other gates. Its more like a tunnel.
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Im sure people who are residents of Illinois read the first sentence and went "Yes of course the seven gates of hell are located here"
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butcherlarry · 23 days
Canon: Clark explores his sexuality in college with a mermaid. Fanon: Clark explores his sexuality in college with Bruce. Superbat fanon "Clark" is always so boring
Hmmm, gotta say Anon, I'm digging into my past experience as a college TA, and I'm going to have you give you a bad grade in asks. The tone you are using in this ask is very negative and condescending. It doesn't really make me want to go out and find this canon example of Clark and a mermaid in college. To improve this ask, I would have spun it a different way. Maybe along the lines of "Hello! If you enjoyed the fic "Padam", I have a canon suggestion for you! In the Superman comics, he dates a mermaid in college, which I think is a fascinating way to explore your sexuality." I would then include the issues where this happens and, if possible, a link to them (maybe through free comics online?). This would be a much better ask, because the tone is more positive, you're not bashing a ship that someone enjoys, and it gets people interested in the comics that you enjoy!
On a side note, I really enjoy the fic "Padam". It has one of my favorite parings (Superbat), is inspired by beautiful art created by the artist januariat, and is written by a friend of mine, @halehathnofury. And the summary "Clark explores his sexuality in college with Bruce" doesn't really give the fic justice. In the fic, Clark has gone from small, rural Kansas town Smallville, to larger urban city Metropolis. He's learning about how being queer in both those environments are different, and learning how to present himself, on top of being an alien with superpowers who doesn't want to be discovered by the wrong type of people. He's traveling to gay clubs, meeting new people across the spectrum of queerness, and discovering new kinks to explore. And there's Bruce, who is younger in this fic, getting into the swing of Batmanning, while presenting a facade of an air-headed, spoiled young billionaire, looking for a new person to take home. And those two find each other, learn about each other, and develop feelings about it. And it's fascinating to me how they each go about and deal with these feeling they have for each other, because they attack them in different ways.
To me, this has been a fun fic to read as it has been updating, and I'm always happy when it does. If that doesn't interest you, Anon, then that's fine! Don't read it! If you don't like the Superbat ship, that's ok too! It is possible for you to block that tag on Tumblr so you don't have to see it. I do this for a few tags too on this site. Also, when searching for fic on AO3, you can also exclude the pairing of Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne if you are not interested in reading those fics.
If you are disappointed in the lack of "Clark discovering his sexuality with people who are not Bruce Wayne", I would suggest to write your own fic. Be the change you want to see! You might discover you really enjoy writing fic, and find an audience who wants to read the type of fic you write too!
I hope the advice at the top has been helpful for you to craft better asks, and that you have better luck finding fics you enjoy reading AO3, or whatever fanfic reading site you use. And I'm being genuine about you trying to write your own fic. If you want to grow a fandom you are in, you need to participate in the fandom, in a positive way. It took me a long time to learn this, dear Anon, and I hope you learn it sooner than I did.
Happy reading!
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geekgirl750-writes · 9 months
Random Headcanons for the Scream (1996) Group
A/N Okay so I know I've been promising a bunch of fics and they will be coming...eventually. But right now I have major Scream brainrot so here are some of my headcanons for the characters
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, Billy & Stu being misogynistic, mentions of bullying, mentions of cheating, brief mention of alcohol, mention of murder/canon typical violence in Scream
Billy is the oldest and Randy is the youngest
More specifically the birth order goes Billy, Tatum, Sidney, Stu & then Randy
Billy & Tatum's birthdays are both in September and are two weeks apart
Sidney's birthday is in November
Stu's birthday is in late March because in my mind there is no way that man is not an Aries
Randy's birthday is only about a month after Stu's, but Stu uses any chance he gets to bring up the fact that Randy is the "baby" of the group to piss him off
For example:
Stu cuts off Randy during one of his rants about how the sinners are always punished in horror movies because, "What do you know about the sex rules in horror movies, anyways huh?! You're such a virgin, I bet you have wet dreams about Jamie Lee's breasts" Stu chuckles, blowing air in Randy's ear.
"Shut up!" Randy argues back, he feels a blush spread across his face and up to his ears.
"Aww look Billy, the baby's blushing. It is true!" Stu laughs louder.
"I'm not a baby! Your birthday is only 3 weeks before mine!" Randy pouts.
"Whatever you say, baby" Stu sticks his tongue out at Randy, devolving into a fit of laughter at his expense.
Randy has autism (I feel like this one isn't even up for debate)
Stu has ADHD and dyslexia
Tatum isn't a natural blonde:
Her real hair color is a shade of brown slightly lighter than Sidney's. She started dying her hair during junior year because she wanted to stand out more
Speaking of hair dying, Stu definitely bleached his hair sophomore year (think Tim Laflour from Senseless) just to piss off his parents
I wouldn't say Tatum is boy crazy but I think she definitely likes knowing that she can hold a man's attention
I feel like Stu and Tatum haven't been dating that long, having only gotten together about 6-8 months before the start of Scream
I also think Stu is Tatum's first real relationship
I feel like Sidney and Casey Becker would have been besties if they had gotten the chance to get closer
Tatum was always secretly a little insecure whenever Casey got brought up but if she had really gotten to know her they would've been friendly too.
I think Stu used to tell Tatum lies about Casey/ Casey & his relationship to make Tatum jealous on purpose
Literally if it wasn't for Stu then Sidney, Tatum and Casey would've been such an iconic girl group
I think in terms of distance Randy and Tatum live closest to each other, their houses are only a few blocks away from each other near the center of town
Billy also lives close to the center but heading the opposite direction from Tatum and Randy
Sidney's house is closet to Stu's with the two of them living on the outskirts of town in the more rural area.
Group hangouts & movie nights are usually at Stu's place because his house has the most space and his parents are rarely home
Occasionally Randy will host movie nights at his house but not as often as Stu because whenever the group hangs out at Randy's, Martha wants to be included
And while Randy loves his sister, they can't really watch slasher movies and drink beer with a kid hanging around
I think before Maureen was murdered the gang would hang out at Sidney's house a lot too
But after she died, Sidney found it hard to have company over because it reminded her of all the memories she had of her mom, like her baking cookies for Sid & her friends, or all the times she had begged her mom to let Tatum sleep over on a school night, and now it was too painful to try and create new happy memories in the house since she was gone
Billy always preferred hanging out at Stu's as he was finding it harder and harder to be at the Prescott's house
Each time he walked through the door he could feel his blood boiling thinking about what was going on between Sidney's mother and his father & how much of a slut Maureen was
Okay so I've found myself struggling to figure out how Randy ended up in that friend group
Because for me I think Sidney and Tatum have been best friends for forever, having been friends since the 1st grade
Stu and Billy have also been friends a long time, meeting each other in the 3rd grade when Billy's family moved to Woodsboro and the two instantly clicked.
But Randy... he feels like a bit of an outsider compared to the other boys and I doubt him and Tatum would have been friends first if it wasn't for the fact they already had mutual friends
I think Sidney was the one to introduce Randy to the group:
Like it's the 7th grade and Sidney and Tatum are a school dance (I'm imagining something like the Snow Ball from Stranger Things) and this group of popular guys come running up to them snickering being like "Our friend has a crush on you! This guy wants to ask you out... we're totally like his best friends." And Sidney can tell something is up
She sees the group of boys gesturing to this geeky looking kid sitting by himself all awkward on the bleachers and instantly knows that he's the butt of some practical joke.
"He wants to make out with you! He told me himself!" The leader of the group laughs pointing at Sidney.
"Leave us alone you creeps!" Tatum yells back, pulling her and Sidney away from the boys before they take off laughing.
And then Sidney is just standing there looking at this poor kid alone on the bleachers and before she can stop herself, she's walking over to him
Tatum is just watching her like girl wtf are you doing?!
Sidney sits down beside him and introduces herself
Needless to say Randy is shocked, like why is this cute girl talking to him of all people!?
"Hey I'm sorry those guys are such jerks! Would you like to dance with my friend and me?" Sidney asks pointing to Tatum
And then it's literally love at first sight for Randy.
Randy spends the rest of the night dancing and talking with the girls and Sidney starts to realize maybe this kid isn't all that weird and annoying after all
After the dance, Sidney and Randy start saying hi to each other in the halls or occasionally eating lunch together until it grows into a fully formed friendship
Also just because Tatum wasn't super open to Randy in the beginning doesn't mean that they're not besties now
Because they are!
I see Tatum and Randy being big time gossip buddies
Like Randy is obviously really nerdy so I see him as being the type of guy other people don't really pay attention to
Which means the more popular students will be gossiping right in front of him like he's not even there and Randy's holding on to every single word
Like one time he was sitting in the library only pretending to type up his English essay because the two girls next to him were whispering about how Christina from his biology class had not only gotten knocked up over summer break but how her boyfriend might not be the father because "Casey like totally saw her sneaking upstairs with this scary-looking guy at Steve Orth's 4th of July party"
And Randy is sitting there feeling like his head is going to explode if he doesn't immediately run and share this news with Tatum so the two can swap theories on who the mystery guy is
Stu likes to gossip too but Tatum is selective with what she tells him because he's a blabbermouth and will spread the stories all over school
I feel like the friendship as we see it in the opening of Scream didn't happen right away
Like usually it was just Billy & Stu hanging out and then Sidney & Tatum, or Randy and the girls hanging out separately
It was until freshman year that the 5 of them all started hanging out as one big group as Billy and Sidney got closer
Randy didn't want to admit it to the girls but I think he was happy at first to have some guy friends around
Although tbh Billy and Stu are more like his frenemies at best with how much they like to abuse and tease him
I like to headcanon that Randy was raised by a single mom, with his dad walking on the family when Randy was 8, leaving his mom to take care of him and Martha by herself
Because of this I think Randy can struggle a bit with his masculinity sometimes
I think before the murders he used to look to Billy and Stu as sort of guides on how to be "manly"
But as he got older, like during junior/early senior year, he started to see just how much of misogynistic jerks the two were
I think Randy is closer to Stu than Billy
Like during the rare moments where Stu isn't making fun of him they actually have similar interests in terms of movies and will chat about that
I don't think Randy ever really liked Billy as he always saw him as a sort of competition for Sidney's affection
But I feel like he tried to make an effort to get along with Billy until the start of their junior year:
Billy's mom had left him and his dad under mysterious circumstances a week before the start of the new school year & Billy had been acting a little more off than usual
Randy feeling empathetic towards him and remembering what it was like when his dad left tried to start a conversation with Billy about it:
"Hey, Billy I know we've never been as close as you and Stu but if you want to talk about y'know... your mom" Randy trailed off, glancing at Billy over the door to his locker, Billy's face unreadable. "Look I remember when my dad left I-"
Before Randy could finish his sentence, Billy grabbed him by the shirt collar, shoving him harshly into the wall of lockers.
"Listen shithead! Your father ran off with his cum dump slut of a secretary," Billy sneered his face inches from Randy's, a look of anger in his eyes that Randy had never seen before. "Don't try and fucking act like you understand any of this."
Billy let go slamming him back into the lockers and storming off, leaving Randy scared and speechless.
Billy gave Randy a half assed apology later that day during lunch, saying all the stress at home was getting to him and urged Randy to keep the whole situation between the two of them
Randy agreed but never truly forgave Billy and lost all trust in him after that
Lastly, this might be controversial but I feel like the queer relationship between Stu and Billy was one sided
Like Stu definitely had a crush on Billy
And Billy liked Stu because he was "different" and "understood him", but his feelings towards Stu weren't as strong as Stu's were for him
I kinda feel like Billy used Stu's crush to manipulate him a bit
Like Stu definitely went along with the murders of his own accord because he's sick and twisted and thought they were fun
But I think Billy sold him on this lie of how the pair would be the two sole survivors and they would go on to create a sequel
While Billy cared for Stu, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it meant he could get away with his plan as revenge was always what was most important to him
And one thing about Stu is that guy has a big mouth
He could barely go one day without not so subtly bragging about how he and Billy murdered Casey and Steve
I doubt Billy expected him to be able to keep the whole events of the Woodsboro murders a secret for very long
Which is why I think Billy cut him a little too deeply in the kitchen scene on purpose
Stu was just his muscle and lap dog to help him carry out his big plan
Billy always saw himself as the lone "final girl" in his revenge plot so Stu bleeding out from his wounds wouldn't have been that big of an issue to him
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malarkgirlypop · 2 months
MEDIC! Part 27 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Oh guys this is a hard read for my first post in a hot second. I have been slow at writing this, cause this is super important and I don't want to have it be bad, or tacky. This is obviously horrible what happened to these people, and sometimes that horrific a of an event is hard to put into words. This is in means no way to offend anyone.
Disclaimer: End part of episode 9, if you are not comfortable with this please don't read.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We again piled into the trucks, we were making good time, but it still felt like years being in the back of the vehicle. Babe had kept my secret from everyone like I had asked, but I caught him sending me looks throughout the night. The sadness still lingering in his eyes from the conversation we had had previously. All I could do was send him small smiles. 
We passed through the green countryside, chatting amongst ourselves. The rolling plains seemed endless, as they stretched out for miles, further than the eye could see. 
The trucks passed through the outskirts of the small rural town, a decrepit barn sat on the side of the road. Even from over the roar of the engines from all of the vehicles driving by, I could still hear the yells of men. I look to the barn curious about the commotion, everyone else also peering over. The barn door swung open as soldiers tossed men onto the ground, I could see from here the men were wearing German uniforms. I couldn’t look away fast enough as the soldier’s standing behind the men raised their guns, shooting them in the back of the head. I turned my eyes away from the scene, not wanting to witness the brutal killings. 
The other men seemed unfazed.
Except for O’Keefe, who looked around to his fellow comrades with shock on his face. They didn’t return the sorrow that etched his features, only shrugging their shoulders, or smiling at the man for looking so distraught by what he had seen. 
His eyes finally landed on mine. I returned the look of sadness and horror, but mine was worn with memories behind it. O’Keefe eyes shone with new fear and sadness, whereas mine was tattered and old. O’Keefe had not yet known the horrors of war, I guess that’s why the men didn’t reciprocate his concern. We all had seen much worse than a few men being shot in the head. 
What an odd statement to make. To realise. 
O’Keefe’s reaction was only natural, but for us it wasn’t out of the ordinary. It was a sad reality to think we were accustomed to the horrors we had seen.    
We finally pulled into the little town. The men quickly departed the trucks, getting orders from the Lieutenants. We weren’t staying the night, just stopping for a break, before continuing on in our journey. 
“I have to go on a patrol through the woods.” Don said as he approached me. I nodded my head, giving him a smile. There wasn’t much for me to do here, we weren’t unpacking, so I hung around the officers in case they needed me for something.   
“Ok, be safe.” I placed a kiss on his cheek. I watched as he walked away joining the rest of the men he was going with. 
“Emily! Guys! Hey, have you seen any of the officers?” Frank yelled from behind us. I turned to face Perconte, his normal playful expression filled with urgency. 
“No.” Babe, Lieb and I all stated. 
“Is everything ok, Frank?” I asked the man, my face changing to concern for my friend. He had been on one of the patrols. Everyone else had come back from theirs except for their group. But Frank was by himself, where were the other men? Even Don had come and gone, saying they hadn’t found anything. Frank didn’t answer me though, sprinting from one soldier to the next, asking the same questions. 
I watched him, my brows furrowed and lip caught between my teeth. Babe and Lieb seemed to have brushed off the odd interaction going back to the conversation they were having. 
“Ain’t that right, Em?” Babe nudged me, but my gaze was still fixed on Frank running around frantically. 
“Em?” Lieb asked, clicking his fingers in front of my face. 
“I think something’s wrong.” I told them, my stomach churning. I felt unsettled, something not sitting right in my gut. 
“He’s probably fine.” Lieb said, lighting his smoke, taking a deep drag from the cigarette. “Don’t look so worried, Emmy.” He tried to reassure me, stroking his hand down my back. But I shook my head. I set off after Frank as he ran into one of the buildings. 
“Em, where are ya going?” Babe called after me. But I didn’t turn to explain. I ran after Frank, gaining on him as I sprinted, dodging my way through the crowd.   
Frank found Winters first. The red haired man walked out of the building they had been temporarily occupying. I hung back not wanting to interrupt them, but I was desperate to know why Perco was so frantic. 
“Major Winters, Sir.” Frank started chasing after the officer who walked briskly towards where I stood. 
“Uhh, we found something.” Perco didn’t seem to know how to phrase his words. The pair passed in front of me, I followed behind them closely, eavesdropping in on their conversation. 
“We’re out on patrol and we came across this…” Frank stopped trying to find the right way to describe what he had seen.
“What, what, what, what?” Major Winters prompted Perco trying to get him to spit out what he wanted to say. 
“Frank, Frank, what is it?” Winters seemed just as concerned as I did. Perco stood in front of Dick, mouth agape, trying to think of how he wanted to explain himself. 
“I don’t know, sir.” He uttered, shaking his head. 
At that moment my stomach dropped. I didn’t know why, but something about how flustered, confused and scared Perco looked set me on edge. 
This war wasn’t pretty, hell no war was. But there were horrific things done, so many lives lost. There were a number of explanations as to what their patrol found, each one just as dreadful as the next.  
Winters saw that too. He loaded a couple groups of men into the back of the trucks, myself included. With Frank in the front car with the rest of the officers, he gave directions back to where the patrol waited.
I sat between Don and Lieb, no one seemed to take Frank’s worries seriously. The men in the bed talked and chatted casually to each other. I sat elbows on my knees and head in my hands, I couldn’t stop my leg from jittering and my stomach churning. 
We drove into the dense forest, following the dirt roads and Frank’s directions. I watched as Perco lifted his arm pointing left, my eyes followed. 
My heart dropped as my eyes landed on the gruesome sight. 
There in the thick of the trees, was a clearing. 
Within the open space was a fence, lined with barbed wire. The tall barrier loomed over a muddy field. In the middle sat wooden huts and a bigger building sitting at the edge. Outside of the fence was a tall watch house. 
I knew from the first glance what this was. 
No, I knew from the smell. 
That was the first thing to hit me. The stench of sweet rotting flesh filled my senses, it felt as if it clung to everything, there was no way to escape it. The men around me screwed up their noses and flinched away from the foul scent, their attention finally captured. 
The chatter had died as soon as the camp came into view. From a glance around the bed I could tell a lot of the men were confused, unsure of what they were looking at. Just like Frank; they were unable to put into words exactly what they were seeing.       
Within the confines of the barrier stood people. Well, they didn’t look exactly like people. I could see, even from a distance, their bodies were unfed and unwashed. 
The trucks stopped, the men slowly disembarking. It was silent, as they all tried to understand what exactly they were looking at. 
I jumped out immediately walking closer to the barrier. There were two fences. A perimeter between the two, enough for people to walk in. A body lay between the two barriers, gaunt and lifeless. 
The men inside the gate all wore the same sets of clothes, blue striped pyjamas. I swallowed the lump in my throat, tears already brimming in my eyes. 
It was one thing to learn about in school, but another to see it in real life. It all but consumed me. 
Everyone else still had no idea what this really was. Eyes all filled with questions and horror. 
Winters slowly approached the gate. The men inside stood waiting. I wonder if they knew if we were good or bad, but they didn’t run. They gathered around looking back at us as we looked in on them. 
There were no women, no children, only men inside. But they didn’t look like it. They all appeared pale and lifeless, only skin and bone, barely moving. 
The men opened the gate as everyone gathered in front of the opening. 
“Major, sir?” Christenson questioned, asking if he should proceed in opening the next gate. The gate that would allow these people to be free of their confines, and allow us to enter their decimated prison. 
“Open it up.” Winters commanded. The men nodded their heads, cutting off the chain that secured the compound closed.   
“Stand back, back it up, back, back.” Christenson commanded the prisoners as he tried to swing open the gate. 
They stepped back revealing smoking huts and even more men, ones who didn’t seem strong enough to approach the barrier. 
I couldn’t hold back my tears as they slipped down my face. I looked from person to person I could see the torture they had endured etched into their features, but I’m sure that was only a second. Only a small glimpse into the years of horror they had to live through. 
How many people did they have to watch die, family, friends, peers. Wondering if they were next or secretly praying that someone would just end their pain.
I wonder how long they were kept in these cages like animals waiting for their slaughter? 
How could people be so cruel to their own kind? 
We moved forward slowly as a group, the prisoners watched us, they looked apprehensive for a moment before they all seemed to realise we were not the enemy. 
They moved forwards, hands reaching out grabbing at the soldiers who walked in. I felt the sleeves of my shirt being tugged glancing to the side to find the men holding tightly onto me. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all I could manage, they didn’t even understand what I was saying but I just wanted them to know how awful I felt. 
A man reached for me embracing me in his arms, I held him back. I could feel under the material of his clothes, his thin frame, I could feel every rib and bone as I hugged him. 
He sobbed into my shoulder whispering in German, I didn’t understand what exactly he was saying but it sounded like he was thanking us. 
“Liebgott, Liebgott!” Winters called from the front of the group. My heart stopped. Lieb, my best friend, my rock. He had no idea his own people were one of the main targets in Hitlers regime.
I watched Lipton move back through the crowd yelling Lieb’s name. Joe and Don stood guard just outside the gate, guns in hand. 
Lipton brought him back through the crowd. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, he glanced over to find my gaze. 
Joe tilted his head, without words he was asking me if I was alright. I weakly nodded my head still wrapping my arms around the German man who wept into my shoulder. 
There was no way I could stop Lieb from finding out, and it would break him. All I could do was be there for my friend. 
Lipton spurred the men into action, instructing the men to give these people rations, blankets, food and water anything we could spare. 
The man holding me stepped back collapsing to the floor, I glanced around looking for water. 
“Water, can I get some water over here!” I yelled, Babe moved quickly holding out a canteen for me to take. 
I unscrewed the lid, pouring water into the man’s mouth. He was exhausted, as if he was holding on to the last of his strength until help came. When he knew he was safe he finally let go. 
I moved from person to person, tending to their ailments. But most of them I couldn't do much for, it wasn’t like they were actively bleeding out like all the other injuries I had become adjusted to. They were sick and starving. 
The only thing I could do was offer food and water. But each time I lifted my head the numbers grew, the more that gathered, the more ill they looked.  
A man approached me holding another in his arms. The man in his arms looked so weak, nothing to him but skin and bone, so pale he was almost translucent. 
The prisoner holding the man spoke quickly in German, his eyes pleading with me to help. I held out my arms as he passed over the very ill man. 
I let out a gasp as he was placed in my arms, he weighed almost nothing, I could feel every piece of him under my fingertips. 
I knelt to the ground holding the German man in my lap, trying to figure out what I could do to help him.  
“How can I help you?” I muttered under my breath. 
“Sing bitte für mich.” The man that lay in my arms said. I tilted my head listening to his whispered words. 
“Lieb!” I called, he rushed over kneeling next to me. 
“Sing bitte für mich.” The man repeated himself. 
“He wants you to sing for him.” Lieb said softly. I nodded at the man, if that's what he wanted I would do anything. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey.” I sang quietly to the dying man, the song my mother used to sing as a lullaby to me. 
“You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.” The man reached his hand up cupping my face as I sang for him. A tear slipped down my cheek. Lieb sat close and watched us. His own eyes glistened. 
“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms.” The man smiled at me, more tears falling down my cheeks as I held him in my arms. 
“When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and cried.” The man brushed away my tears, as his hand fell back down to his side. His breathing faded. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” A sob left me as the man stared up at the sky. 
I let go of his hand, resting it by his side. I moved from underneath him, lying him gently on the floor. 
Joe encased me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest. He pulled away, I looked up to find Don standing over us. He opened his arms for me, I stood from my position on the floor and moved into his embrace. His hand ran down my back as I cried. 
We pulled apart, Lieb had gone and gotten a blanket. He gave it to me to lay over the man. I bent down, closing his eyes to make him at peace and gently placed the blanket over his body. 
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered as I stood again. I wiped my tears away.  
Lieb was called away to translate, as Don and I moved around the camp, trying our best to help the men who came to us. 
We stuck close to each other not wanting to stray from the other’s side. 
I kept glancing over my shoulder to find Lieb with the officers and one of the German men. He was translating for them. I was just waiting for the bomb to be dropped, the truth to be revealed. 
“Everything ok?” Don asked, I shook my head. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, coming closer. 
“Don, this camp. These aren’t prisoners of war.” I started, unsure of how I was going to explain this to him. His brows furrowed as he listened. 
“These people are innocent. They were dragged from their homes, away from their families. The only thing they have in common is that they are different.” There were so many groups here, but anyone who was ‘imperfect’ or ‘different’ was casted out. 
“What do you mean?” Don couldn’t understand that these people did nothing wrong. I’m sure his mind went to why would they lock these people up if they were innocent?
“Jews, Poles, Roma, musicians, people with disabilities, people of colour, this is who they have captured. And this isn’t the only one! There are thousands of these camps, some far worse than this. Don, Hilter wants a superior race, anyone who doesn’t fit that bill he’s exterminating.” Don couldn’t stop the horror in his eyes as he realised my words. 
“You’re saying there are more of these camps? That more people are in this condition?” Don asked, his eyes flicking around our surroundings imaging more of these exact situations. 
“They split up the families, women and children together and then the men together. These camps cover all of Germany and some other countries as well.” I explained the best I could to Don, who didn’t look like he was able to wrap his head around the information spilling from my lips. 
“Wait, how do you know this?” He asked his brows furrowed together as he glanced over at me. 
I bit my tongue, this wasn’t the time to expose my true self, all of this was too much in itself. 
“The nurses have been talking about it, I didn’t quite believe it till now.” I lied through my teeth, but Don didn’t notice, he was too wrapped up in the scene playing before us. 
“What are we going to do?” He asked, his sweet eyes full of sorrow as he looked over each person that walked in front of us.  
“I don’t know?” I answered honestly, as I stared off into the distance.   
I again glanced over to Lieb who was translating for the officers. Each man with their own look of horror and shock on their face. I bit my lip, waiting and watching. 
“Juden, Juden.” The prisoner they were talking to repeated. I didn’t need to be translated, I could see it clearly on Joe’s face what the man had said. 
“They’re Jews.” Lieb uttered, in his own disbelief and rage. Lieb was a loyal man. This camp, this attack, was on his own people, his family. 
“Lieb knows.” I told Don who was giving water to a man. I wanted to run over and hug him, but he was keeping his composure, still translating for the officers. So I turned my back and helped the men who gathered before me.  
The further we walked into the camp the more awful it became. The huts the men were living in were burned down to the foundations, burnt skeletons still resided in the ash and rubble. 
“Jesus Christ!” Don muttered covering his face with a piece of fabric, the smell was so strong it almost made it unbearable to breathe. 
“Look at their arms.” Don pointed out two men who lay still in the ruins. Numbers etched into the flesh on their wrists. 
“Like cattle.” Babe shook his head. We walked in silence through it all.  
We helped as much as we could, going into the huts and bringing people out. Each time I stepped inside, my heart clenched and cracked, it was tearing me up. 
The tears had stopped long ago, there was nothing more left to cry. I just needed to help, I think at some point I switched off, just to maintain some sanity, because before I knew it we were back in the beds of the trucks.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
Heyy, do you have any fic recommendations? I need something to read while I patiently wait for you to update :)
I do! Well, I'm really just going to give you a list of some of my favourites. A lot of them are quite well-known, but hopefully, there is something here you haven't read yet! I definitely have some strong trope preferences. But if you like my fic(s), I'm guessing you have similar preferences. (I've put some rambling notes at the end).
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Take my hand (and my heart and soul) - by bananaandboots (@anylessreal) Ex-friends to lovers. Amnesia. Harry loses his memory and doesn't know why he doesn't talk to his best friend anymore.
Stranger Stars - by shaylea (@sunshineandhisrainbows) Strangers to lovers. A trip around Africa. Louis is a tour guide around Africa, and Harry is a songwriter going on a tour. The fact that it's in my top however many this is and doesn't fit into any of my top tropes, shows how good it is.
Mine Would Be You - by crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks) (@crinkle-eyed-boo) Exes to lovers. Artist/writer. Louis returns to NYC and gets pulled back into his ex's life.
Our Lives, Non-Fiction - by indiaalphawhiskey (@indiaalphawhiskey) Enemies to lovers. Authors. Louis and Harry are forced on a book tour together. Harry loves Louis' writing, and Louis insults fanfiction.
Given a Chance - Fabby (@fabby1d) Exes to lovers. Canon compliant. Harry and Louis run into each other in a small town in the US and... keep running into each other.
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) - by green_feelings (@greenfeelings) Exes to lovers. Amnesia. Harry moves to London after an accident that causes memory loss. He thinks it's love at first sight when he sees Louis for the first time... but it's not.
got the sunshine on my shoulders - by hattalove (@hattalove) Exes to lovers. Famous Harry/Non-Famous Louis. Loosely based on Sweet Home Alabama.
Wild and Unruly - by gloria_andrews (@gloriaandrews), 100percentsassy (@100percentsassy) , Enemies to lovers. Rural romance with baby cows. Louis is a paralegal who tries to convince Harry to sell his land.
Walk That Mile - by purpledaisy (@daisyharry) Enemies to lovers. Road trip. Louis needs transport along Route 66, and Niall happens to know someone going that way.
Flash Back To Me - by akatomlinson (@akatomlinson) Exes (kind of) to lovers. Amnesia. Louis has temporary memory loss and doesn't remember his boyfriend or have any idea why he would have dated him in the first place.
So I clearly have a very strong preference for enemies to lovers, exes to lovers, and amnesia fics (which isn't that surprising because The Vow is my favourite movie). I do have some other fics that I love, but I personally feel like they need really strong trigger warnings, and I don't want to do that to someone else fic in a public post, so you can message me if you want (although they're all fairly well-known).
Anyway, hopefully you haven't read them all and find something that you like!!
I spent two hours on this earlier today, and just before I posted it, Tumblr crashed, and I wanted to cry. I tried to find all the right Tumblr accounts but if I didn't please let me know!
Also, shout out to the writers for writing some of my favourite fics!!!
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
hey, something i've been struggling with recently is i've been struggling with "finding my people" because i'm a minority in my hometown, and a lot of people... aren't. they don't understand me, and often when i try to get them to understand they seem like they fall back into the old systems they were traumatized with (elitism, classism ect.,). 1/2 -solidarity anon
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Im gunna say this at the top, this is so rough and im so sorry you gotta go through this sweetie. We are so isolated and filtered into categories within our current system in order to keep that isolation and to fight solidarity and unity. Now I cannot know for 100% sure what your going through or the extend your suffering. But will say I am from and currently still live in a oil loving, god fearing, anti-LGBT, and very racist city while i was raised wiccan by a poly core family and all my gay aunts/uncles and have been dreaming of an earthship my whole life plus every summer id be stuck in an even more harsh farming community that was so small they gotntheir first street light when i was 9 and the chruch is also town hall (mayor works in a wing off of the building). So there is at least some overlap in the experiences your having.
But that being said, how I got weirdly connected to people and involved in so many projects and stuff might not work for you.
Personally? I just yelled and yelled about the injustice of the system at work, about cool forestry projects and people buying ghost towns to start up Co-loving villages. Sharing discworld and different philosophers with coworkers backed up by their fave hobby. About how terrible the conservative politics are. About how cool transit could be if we funded it. About community art projects and how cool solar glass would make things look. About drags shows and events and did you know there is A SOUP FESTIVAL? I'm autistic and have only really interacted my whole childhood with friends with ADHD so my brain is weird and won't shut up once it starts going.
As a result of my ramblings, I have gotten a lot of responses mostly ones that are positive since if they didn't agree with my absurdist philosophy ramblings or solar project ideas they'd just leave the coffee shop. If they enjoyed it, say they want to join a community garden/event or if someone was as stoked as I was about again UNLIMITED TASTINGS SOUP FESTIVAL than we'd chat about that. The thing is a lot of these things have overlap. Someone who wants to convert their lawn into a pollinators habitate prob also likes little libraries and as a result prob also likes the idea of dark sky street lights. And down the rabbit hole you go.
That being said... my best actual advice is 2 pronged.
I personally have done years worth of research on my city. What local events and politics are happening? Even in rural places there is at least garderns, there's engineers, there's usually a LGBT focused club. And from these spaces, you can build a network. Doing research I found out about 5 different organizations in my city (most of which was founded 40 yrs ago??) That where sustainability focused. Doing research made me realize how cool community associations could be and how I could help mine out. It also gives you all those ideas for convos.
Second, I reached out to those groups about weird ideas I had, about if I could hang up posters for them in my local area, if I could buy groups worth of tickets in advance, and than also reaching out to the ppl I already talked to and had these ppl interact. My fave example of this is T. T is an engineer who built a fully functioning solar car during his degree program but specializes in hydroponics (how we ended up talking was over plants) he than gets shown my fave farm near by and now he's building the farms hydro system and Seedling house. Writing in to newsletter ppl and showing off weird layout design. This is ultimately very anxiety indusing. What if I'm bothering them? Why should I be spamming them like this? But the secret here is-
No one will ever be mad about you showing interest in their interest once you find those ppl. They want the interaction just as much as you do.
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babyhailey564 · 1 year
This story contains a lot of sexual gay content and a bit crass at times. It’s been written for you gay diaper boys out there that crave and sexually get off on diaper humiliation of being forced into diapers or babyhood. I purposely tried to tag quite a few subjects in this story to appeal to a larger audience. Gay ,str8 , DL, AB
This story is about 23 year old jock who’s a AB/DL trying to deal with his emotions and strong desires to be force back into babyhood.
Like many he has little exposure to others in real time meetings and most of his fantasies he’s lived out on his own in his head.
That was all about to change ,way more then he ever imagined while chatting online one day, probably more then he bargained for .
Like most into our scene I spend a lot of time chatting on the Internet with other guys into diapers .
Then one day when I was 23 year old I started chatting with a guy who only lived 40 mins away in a small rural town.
He told me he was married that his wife and sister in law treated him like a baby . Of course I didn’t believe him and thought he had a wild imagination like so many on the internet. Though I liked chatting with him because the treatment he told me he received was what I craving.
He was kind of mysterious, he’d only pop up on my chat once in a blue moon, then just disappear while chatting .
This went on for months us chatting on and off telling each other our fantasies. At least mine where fantasies since I had very little exposure to the real diaper world . .
Then one Saturday morning when I was signed on , he popped up on my chat, telling his wife and sister in law where away for the weekend .
Asking me to come out and visit him . At that point I was so hungry to meet others into diapers, so jumped at the chance and said yes .
I was a bit surprise by his offer because in our last chat together had grown a bit tired by his wild stories and sudden disappearing acts and kind of made fun of him a little bit.
Though I was gay and he was so called straight didn’t really matter I just wanted to meet other diaper guys .
Well he sent me directions to his house in the country to my email .
I headed out to his place about 5 pm in the afternoon ,it took me like 45 mins to get there .
He lived in a old run down farm house in the middle of “no where” .
I got out of my jeep went and knocked on the door .
A good looking guy in his late 20’s answered the door in nothing but a T-shirt and diaper, covered in puffy baby pants
Of course my dick went boing !
Though to say the least I was very….. nervous .
We sat around talking, having some beers, but I couldn’t take my eyes of his diapers wishing it was me.
Jeff seemed like a nice guy, but a bit shy of a full load ,kind of that country simple mentality thing going on .
When he talked I kept hearing banjo’s playing in my head.LOL!
I was slugging down beers trying to dull my nerviness,after I had about 3 beers he suggested we get me diapered.
He took me to a bedroom ,the first thing I spotted was a playpen in the middle of the room and also a huge baby crib.
There was a little single bed in the corner and shelves staked with diapers and plastic pants .
Wow I thought to myself, so he wasn’t lying about his life of being treated like a baby. At that point it occurred to me this was a….. bit weird .
His wife and sister in law really treated him like a baby which made me feel a… bit…. leery .
I probably should have said right then,I got to leave , but my little head down below wanted to be diapered.
Jeff insisted on diapering me ,I’d said never been diapered by anyone before .
So of course I jumped at the chance.
I stripped out of my jeans and boxers and laid on the bed .
He grab 2 very thick cloth diapers ,I had mentioned I had never tried cloth before .He then slipped them under me and powdered the diapers up good.
I laid there with the biggest stiffy in the world ,Jeff smiled and joked saying it looks like you really like this dude!
Then he got pins and pinned my diapers up nice and snug ,he grabbed some clear baby pants and slid them up my legs.
I thought I had gone to heaven and was going to explode right there on the spot in my diapers.
We went back to the living room and had a few more beers , I keep pounding the beers and began feeling no pain , finally relaxing and getting into the whole thing .
It was soooo………. cool just us 2 hanging out in our diapers chatting having some beers.
Then Jeff suggested let’s go play in baby nursery ,we grabbed our beers and headed up to the room .
He talked me into getting in the playpen ,I had never been in a playpen before .
Of course the beer made all my inhibitions disappear.
As I step in and sat down playpen my body actually began to shake a bit ,it felt so “incredible” like this is where I “belonged”.
I had the most raging hard on ,tenting my diapers .
He then grabbed a baby bottle and took my beer and filled the bottle and gave it to me.
Another new experience ,I put it in my lips and began to suck on it ,I thought I died and went to heaven.
He kind of played Daddy and kept teasing me,saying is baby going wet his diapers .
Well after while with all the beers I let go and soaked my diapers ,Jeff was laughing he could see my plastic pants get a big wet yellow spot inside spreading against the front of my diapers . I was a bit drunk but was in baby heaven . .
Then Jeff said he’d be right back ,he needed to get a cold one .Very buzzed on beer I sat there sucking on the baby bottle regressing away in the playpen. Well he returned a few minutes later and walked through the door with a big grin on his face .
Then…… 2 women followed behind him . My jaw dropped to the ground ,there I was sitting in a playpen ,in nothing but soaking wet diapers on,
with a baby bottle in my mouth . I must have looked like a deer in car headlights when I saw them and froze .
One of the women said well ,well, well looks like we have another baby here .
I tried to stand up in the playpen and one of the women said sit down in your playpen baby boy !.
Jeff just standing there with a big smirking grin of amusement on his face .Like SUCKER!
At that point I knew I had been tricked by them all .
Then even worse I had to pee again bad and had no choice but to let go in my diapers in front of them.
They could tell I was wetting and laughed at me saying dam the boy is soaking his diadee’s again.
Then the women talk between themselves about me .
One said to the other, looks like we got a sissy baby on our hands,Jeff adding he likes baby boys too……
The other replied with agreement and said I think we need to teach the boy a good lesson he’ll never forget.
I was mortified at that point and felt trapped and humiliated .
What could I say in my defense? As I sat in the playpen in diapers so soaked from pee they were pudding in the bottom of the plastic pants with a baby bottle in my hands .
Then one of the women walked over and picked up my jeans , felt for my keys and wallet ,she grabs the rest of my clothes too.
She said you re not going anywhere soon baby, so you won’t be needing these and left the room with my clothes.
The other women said you do exactly as your told and be a good baby ,we may let you go tomorrow .
Adding we can’t have drunk baby’s driving on the road at night. with a “Chuckle ”
She looked at me and asked if I was going to be a good baby ,I had little alternative but to say yes .
She replied call me Mommy for now on baby and my sister is Auntie.
I said yes Mommy ,in a broken cracked nervous voice.
Then other one came back in the room and said lets get him into the bathroom and cleaned up.
They took me by the hand and walked me to the bathroom as one of them unpinned my soaking diapers and let them drop on the floor inside my plastic pants. They told me to keep sucking on my baby bottle of beer, if it was not for being so buzzed on beer I probably would have been mortified and tried to fight back.
The tell all was my dick standing out str8 as a flag pole,it was admitting one side of me enjoyed my treatment .
Mommy chuckled in disgust looking at my cock and said some big baby going to loveeee……… this.
Mommy said that hair down below on you baby , it got to go……Baby’s don’t have hair.
I tried to say no pleaseeee ,she slapped me hard on my damp bare bottom saying you’ll do as your told,just suck on that bottle baby!
They ordered me in the bath tube and Mommy grabbed electric trimmers out of the cabinet.
Mommy turn them on and began to shave my hair off down below ,I just stood there feeling totally helpless sucking on my beer to relieve my nervousness ,being stripped of my manhood by total strangers
Auntie commented he’s looking more like a baby by the minute.
She got done trimming all the long hair off down below ,then grabbed a bottle of hair remover .
She put on rubber gloves and began to smear it all over my crotch and legs .
After about 5 mins of a burning feeling on my skin , she turned on the shower and I looked down as my hairy manhood washed away down the drain .
Jeff the whole time is watching from the door with the biggest freaking grin on his face ,like a little kid in a candy store .
I stood there as she dried me off like a baby and then she said, time to get you back in your DIA…..PERS……….baby boy
She lead me back to the baby room as they called it and pushed me down on the changing bed.
The 2 women talked back and forth between themselves ,one telling the other to go get a suppository ,we need to make him feel like a “real” baby.
I kind of made a moaning noise .
Mommy grinned and said don’t worry I have a feeling your going “love” dropping a big messy load in your diapers baby .
Jeff filled us in on all your little baby secrets you told him in online chat.
He also told us you made fun of him too, adding you didn’t believe him ,well after tonight you will be a believer.
You’ll feel like a real tough man filling the butt of your diapers like a baby in front of all of us, chuckling a loud !
Mommy grabbed the baby lotion and smeared it thickly on my groin and butt , the other women returned with the suppository .
Mommy pushed my legs up and lubed my butt and popped the suppository in my hole.
Then grabbed a thick disposable diaper and several soaker pads slipped them under me and taped up the diapers nice and tight.
She grab a pink pair of plastic pants and said pink for SISSY’S and slipped them up my legs .
I had to admit to myself in my drunken state my hair being gone made the diapers feel so soft and wonderful.
There I laid in thick diapers ,thinking I was going to mess my diapers eventually in front of 2 strange women.
They pulled me off the changing bed and put me back in the playpen with Jeff.
Mommy told Auntie to get a baby bottle full of beer and to put something extra in it to make the baby keeps wetting his diapers .
She returned with the baby bottle and shoved it in my mouth,and said suck every last drop down .
They both sat down on the bed and teased me relentlessly as I sucked away on the baby bottle.
Jeff kept ranting the baby is going to mess in his diapers ,laughing at me.
I got almost halfway through the bottle and I felt a rumble in my stomach .
It starting getting worse ,I began to figit moving my butt back and forth.
Jeff squealed  to Mommy he’s going to mess in his diapers sounding like a child  telling on a sibling.
I felt like a 2 year old at that point ,trying to hold it back ,Mommy saying is baby going to make a mes….sy in his diapers.
They could tell from the look of agony on my face and I had stopped sucking on the bottle .
Then with no control my ass started exploding over and over in the seat of my diapers.
I made a moaning whimpering noise each time my butt muscles pumped out another spurt of the warm goo.
With each spurt in the seat of my diapers I felt like my body was shrinking smaller and smaller.
Mommy ordered me to stand up and she walked over to the playpen ,she rubbed and patted hard my butt and said wow baby made a BIG….. messy in his diapers,didn’t you ?
I felt myself sinking even further into Babyhood replying yes in shame.
She said well you can sit in them for awhile and think about what a big baby you are .
Eventually I had to pee and added to the mess soaking my diapers .
Then Mommy said it’s time for your special bottle sissy baby. She looked at Jeff and said show him .
Jeff reached into his diapers and pulled out his dick and said here’s your bottle baby . Mommy pushed me towards Jeffs dick and said suck on the bottle baby.
I hesitated but had no choice and was in not position to argue .I slowly put my lips on Jeff’s dick.
Mommy pushed the back of my head to take in every last inch , his crotch stunk of urine and could feel his wet diaper hitting my chin.
The women teased me and kept saying what a big diaper sissy I was and said I bet you love Jeff’s baby bottle.
There I was in big messy diapers sucking on another diaper boys dick,with 2 strange women as a audience
I kept sucking and Mommy kept pushing my head faster and faster .
Jeff finally said Mommy I’m going to cum…. ,she said give the sissy baby your milk and she pushed my head hard into his crotch ,so his dick jammed down throat.
I felt his warm pulsating load shoot down my throat.
The women just laughed and force me to tell them I loved sucking Jeff’s bottle.
I said with tears in my eye I loved Jeff’s Baby Bottle .
Mommy said wait until we let baby Jeff plug your diapered rosebud with his baby bottle.
Eventually they took me into the bathroom got me all cleaned up then put thick clean diapers and plastic pants on me .
Then put me in a big baby crib and locked my wrists to leather cuffs in the crib .
One of them came in the room with a baby bottle full of milk ,she walked over to me and had a pill in her fingers.
She pryed my mouth open and said take this , it will help you sleep, then shoved it in my mouth and jammed the baby bottle in my lips
She forced me to drink the milk,while talking down to me like I was a little baby.
Mommy looked over and said to her sister don’t you think we should give him another suppository .
Her sister said with excitement defiantly ! He’ll wake up feeling like a’’ REAL’’ baby in the morning with messy wet diapers.
They pulled down the side of the crib pushed me on my side and one yanked down the back of my diapers and the other slipped the big pill in my butt.
They pulled my diapers and plastic pants up fast and made me finished the milk .
I was getting real drowsy at that point and could barely keep my eyes open between the effects of all the beer and the sleeping pill.
The last thing I remember was the light being turned off and hearing sweet dreams baby .
I woke in the morning feeling groggy and very disoriented,with a hang over .
I finely focused my eyes , where I was and what was happening to me started to creep back into my mind.
Though a lot of blanks do to being drunk last night
I could feel my diapers were soaked and there was a warm mess in the back of my diapers .
I try to reach down and feel my diapers but my wrists were strapped to the crib bars at my sides.
There was a sense of panic in me like WTF!
I had no idea what came over me I began to cry l in silence to myself out of frastration.
I think because I felt like such a baby lying there helpless in a crib in messy,wet diapers,I had “no” recollection of wetting or messing during that night or exactly how I ended up bound in the crib.
Then I heard the door open, it was Mommy and Jeff .
Mommy walked over to me and could see the tears running down my face. Seeing their faces made more of what happened last night in my drunken state coming back to me .
Talking to me like a 2 year old she said is baby crying because he messed his diapers last night ,I motioned my head up and down to say yes.
She said it’s ok that’s what baby’s do at night ,adding “GET USE TO IT” .
Get use to it I thought in my puzzled hung over mind ?
Mommy released me from the leather handcuffs and put down the side of the crib and got me out .
I waddled as I walked from my heavily soaked and loaded diapers.
Mommy said your having trouble walking you better crawl like a baby and forced me down on all 4’s and stuck a pacifier in my mouth.
At that point I totally lost it , I was a bit disoriented ,half awake and hung over. Acting like a baby was the easy thing to do at that point ,to think of anything else made my head hurt
I let go of ever last ounce of adulthood left in my body and mind . What else could I do at that point but to let go ,crawling in loaded messy diapers on all 4’s with no choice.
Jeff kept repeating to Mommy he’s a “BIG” time baby . Mommy replied he sure is , he was very ‘easy’ to break down.
With a big strong muscular body like his, he could have easily over powered us and gotten away if he really wanted to, but look at him now crawling on all 4’s in his big messy baby diapers . Saying in a devious voice I think you found us a keeper this time Jeff .
Hearing that gave me a pit in my stomach ,thinking to myself found a keeper ?
Jeff said to Mommy he told me in chat online he wanted to be treated like a real baby ,giggling ! I thought Damm………. I did , I thought to myself I told him my ultimate fantasy was to be forced back into babyhood .
They made me crawl down to the kitchen and put me in a highchair and strapped me in tieing a sesame street baby bib on me.
Her sister walked in and said it smells like some baby did a big mess in his diapers last night,I kind of hung my head.
Mommy made me oatmeal ,I sat there being spoon fed like a baby why the others ate like adults ,making me eat every last drop.
Eventually they got me out of the high chair and took me to the bathroom and got me cleaned up.
I was so happy my messy diapers were getting very….. uncomfortable.
Then lead me back to the baby room and on the changing table for thick disposable diapers and plastic pants .
Mommy said to Jeff it’s time to have fun with the baby’s rosebud ,Jeff eyes lit up .
It did not compute what she said in my foggy disoriented hung over mind of confusion,thinking what’s a rosebud ?
They took me over to the crib ,got me up into it and forced me to lay on my stomach.
I heard snap ,snap on both arms and my legs before I could even realized what was happening
They used straps to spread eagle my body face down and shoved a big baby pacifier in my mouth that had straps come around my head lock it in place .
I was scared shitless at this point WTF is happening? .
They yanked down the back of my diapers to expose my hole .
Jeff stripped out of his sweat pants and let them drop to the floor to expose his shave crotch with a big stiffy.
Then it all computed my rosebud ,Holly shit I’m going to get fucked !
I panicked and tried yelling through my huge pacifier ,all of it came out as muffled.
I heard Mommy say calm down you going to really enjoy this sissy boy!
I was gay but never let anyone penetrate me before .
He then got up on top of me , lubed my butt hole and then I could feel the tip of Jeff’s dick pushing in my butt hole.
Mommy and her sister said give the sissy baby what he what he wants .
At first it really hurt,trying to pull on my restraints to get free ,then the pain slowly subsided and began to feel better.
Jeff started pumping away in me like a little kid on a big toy rocking horse on crack, saying baby’s rosebud feels so good….
Jeff kept  pumping away and to my total embarrassment and more humiliation I started to moan in uncontrolled ecstasy forgetting the circumstances this was happening under.
The women cheering for Jeff and laughing at me at getting boned in my diapers .
Then Jeff started pumping my hole harder and I could feel him stiffen up and then he shot his load in my butt saying Mommy I’m cumming .
As he exploded deep inside me, I let out a “LOUD” moan through the big pacifier.
My head was turned toward the women and I could see the great amusement on there faces.
Mommy commenting to Auntie I wish I moaned like that when I got laid by a man ,I think the baby just had a butt orgasm
Jeff finally got off of me and got out of the crib. They release me from my bonds ,I rolled over and discovered to further humiliation I was rock hard.
My diapers and plastic pants were over stretched like a pup tent from my hard on .
The women spotted it and said looks like baby really enjoy his rosebud being popped !
Mommy said we better take care of the baby’s little pee pee.
Mommy came over and began to massage my dick through my plastic pants and diapers ,I began to moan,then she stopped .
She Grabbed a life size teddy bear laying on the floor and placed it in the crib and instructed me to roll on top of it and  hump my diapers like a good baby
I was so f….ing horny to get off I’d do anything at that point .
Embarrassed and humiliated as I was I began to hump the big life size bear in my diapers for relief.
The crinkle of my diapers ,crib mattress cover sent me into a humping frenzy  ecstasy .
They then made me say out loud ’ I’m a baby’ as I humped away .
Mumbling I’m a baby over and over through my pacifier. I was GONE……… ,totally disconnected from reality humping away in baby land.
Only focusing in how good my dick felt in my thick soft diapers felt against my smooth dick .
Then Jeff blurt out, someone sure………. loves beinging a baby braking me out of my frenzy !
Huh Jeff barked at me? I mumbled I ’m a baby ,he replied I can’t hear you and instructed me to look up at him and say it
I said loud as I could through the pacifier I ’m a baby , turning my head to look up at Jeff only to see the lens of a video camera ,thinking ooooh….. shit there filming me, but it was to late I was already over the edge of no return .
Violently exploding with the most intense orgasm of my life Screaming into the camera I’m a BABY. I felt like I was pissing gallons of cum in my diapers moaning over and over I’m a baby, baby, baby through the pacifier.
I laid there exhausted my body  shuttering,breathing hard for a minute saying quietly to myself “ I’m a baby”  as I tried to gather me thoughts. As though I finally was admitting it to myself, I loved babyhood and conceding to it.
Mommy heard me and said you sure are one big baby. You just proved to us, you LOVE….. being a baby .
Mommy looked at Jeff and said did you record all of that ,he said I got every single second of it on video.
She said good with that video he’s going to be very cooperative in the future.
When every I fantasized on my own and got off ,right afterwards I snapped back to adult reality .Well that was not the case this time it made me feel even more infantile . The fact it happened as they all watched and filmed me getting off in baby ecstasy ,now diapers and babyhood made me feel even more helpless and very vulnerable to them.
Since they now held the keys to my biggest secret in my life and were my keepers if they so chose.
Totally emotionally exhausted ,I conceded to my new babyhood and loss of reality .
I endured even more baby treatment that day. Finally being put in super thick layered disposable diapers and old pair of nursery print plastic pants along with a suppository in my butt.
They gave me my clothes back ,I could barely button my jeans and my zipper was jammed open on the diapers they were so bulky .
Leaving my midsection all bulging out ,diapers sticking out of the waist and teddy bear baby pants exposed .
I tried to fix my zipper but Mommy slapped my hand and said leave it alone,then she yanked on it to jam it even more.
Mommy commenting I hope you got enough gas to get home because the whole world will know what a baby you are, if you get out of your car .
They walked me to my car ,me waddling like a 2 year old from the thick diapers and said we’ll expect you next Friday night baby and plan to spend a weekend here.
Remember we have all your information written down from your wallet and know where to find you
Not to forget to mention your first family home baby video .
I drove off in my car feeling totally emotionally drained bound in thick bulky baby diapers ,feeling like a 2 yrs old driving down the street .
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