#also 3 days babyyyyyyyy
junkanimate · 1 year
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Day 3. Sensei
Yeah since now all of them had the chance to be teachers I think they all deserve to be in this spot. The fact that Lloyd is a teacher in Dragon Rising?? Inspired
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To Secure/Risk It All
Chapter 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
I once again don’t know too much about SCP :P
Ivan was already done with today. Because after Christian’s random ass stunt yesterday, the Foundation apparently decided to punish all of them for it. So not only did he had to look at Christian’s smug face the whole day, all they got for breakfast was a foul smelling slurry that only he was brave enough to taste.
Granted, it didn’t taste that bad, but it did something much worse: it made his breath stink like a sewer. Which meant that whole morning he was teased and roasted by his cell mates as he wondered what the fuck kind of mistakes he’d made to end up in this situation.
And of course, Curt came to their cell to pull them away for another assignment. As if they didn’t almost fucking die the day prior. Well, Den did die and she only just got back to life again.
That’s why he grumbled as he walked through the hallways, flanked by the two guards that were there to make sure they didn’t run away. Ivan was very tempted to.
With a deep breath, he cleared his head. Come on Ivan, it’s not the first time this kinda shit happens. You’ll be joking and smiling soon enough, just keep your eyes open to land a joke and you’ll feel better.
And thus he looked up and at his teammates, his eyes landing on Christian. Oh he could definitely make a joke about his trolling from yesterday.
He was thinking how to go about it when he suddenly realized Christian looked a little more serious than normal. He was quieter and while he glanced around, Ivan noticed his eyes kept returning to Curt. And as he followed, he understood why.
Curt was also a lot quieter than normal, with a look that was both serious and nervous. Hell, his whole posture screamed nervousness with how tense it was. As if something would jump out at any given moment. Curt suddenly locked eyes with him, and Ivan realized he was staring. He quickly walked forward to Den and Kristine to join in their conversation, though his mind kept coming back to Curt.
The hell is going on?
But before he could even begin to guess, Curt ordered for them to stop in front of a cell. Two heavy looking doors locked it, though Ivan had already come to know that it didn’t necessarily mean the thing inside was dangerous. However, the fact that Curt hadn’t said a word about their task yet unnerved him.
“You two.” Curt suddenly addressed the two guards. “Open the doors.”
The guards looked at each other, then back to Curt. “Sir, I don’t think we—“
“I’m sorry, who’s the B-Class here again?” Curt interrupted, uncharacteristically harsh. “Oh right, me. Just trust that I know what I’m doing.”
They shared a confused look once more, shrugged and then swung their guns to their back to start pulling on the door handles.
Ivan swallowed, ignoring the glint of metal in the corner of his eyes to try and peek whatever was behind the steel door. The guards pulled and pulled, inching the doors to a so far average looking cell open and open…
The two guards slumped to the ground, blood splatters staining the doors. Ivan whipped around, staring at Curt holding a still smoking silencer. “Dude, what the fu-“
Curt cuts him off by shooting the nearby security camera. “Change of plans guys, we’re getting out of here.”
“Fucking finally!” Christian cheered.
Den made a sound of relief. “Yes I was getting so tired of that stupid cell.”
And Ivan couldn’t help but grin along. “And those itchy ass uniforms, like, seriously I think they gave me rashes.”
Kristine whooped loudly. “JAILBREAK! JAILBREAK!”
But then Curt turned his gun on her. They froze, watching as Curt coldly glared at Kristine.
“Drop the radio and get into the cell.”
And they all looked at Kristine, whose face dropped as she took a step back, stammering. “B-but what? W-what are you-“
“I AINT JOKING AROUND KRISTINE!” Curt yelled angrily at her, stepping further to close the gap. “DROP THE RADIO AND GET INTO THE FUCKING CELL YOU TRAITOR!”
“I-I’m not… I’m just-“
“Jesus Curt.” Ivan muttered. “The hell’s gotten into you?”
“Yeah what’s up between you and Kristine?” Den asked.
But Curt kept his eyes on Kristine. She looked at him with big, tear filled eyes… and ripped a small microphone out of her uniform and threw it on the ground.
There was a brief moment of silence. A moment of silence for realizing what just happened.
Christian broke it. “…You work for the Foundation. You’re a mole. That’s what felt off about you.”
She didn’t look them in the eyes, rubbing her arm. “I…”
“Save it.” Curt breathed out, sounding a lot calmer now. “Now, you’re still going into the cell. Don’t worry, this SCP won’t hurt you. But the cell will keep you there for a while. Now go. in.”
Kristine shuffled into the cell, defeated. After a moment of contemplation, Den and Christian grabbed the handles of the doors and pushed them close. In the last split second, Ivan saw Kristine’s face, full of guilt.
As they closed the door, Curt quickly reloaded his gun and grabbed one of the gun the guards were carrying, tossing it over to Christian. He wordlessly caught it. Ivan quickly grabbed the other one to avoid becoming the load again. It was heavy and cold, which only enhanced the gravity of their situation. This wasn’t a game. This was dangerous. One wrong move… and they’ll all be dead.
They all looked at Curt, who seemed to steel himself by the way he exhaled and tightly grabbed his gun. “We gotta hurry. Follow me.”
And they start running. And running. And running. Through gray hallways like a maze. Occasionally shooting a worker, and more often shooting cameras. With every minute they spend running, Ivan’s heart beat faster. His mind was filled with a thousand questions and a feeling of betrayal, but he shoved it to the side in favor of just following Curt.
Who suddenly stopped.
Ivan almost crashed into him. He stopped himself just in time, peering past Curt to see what it is.
A man blocked the hallway. He looked surprisingly normal, if not like a complete douchebag. Slicked back hair and a uniform that resembled Curt’s, but a tad fancier.
“Tsk, tsk,” the man began, “oh Curtis, what did I tell you about choices? It’s hard to believe the one you’re about to make.”
“Snee.” Curt stated, in a frightened kind of voice Ivan has never heard him speak. Mostly because it was… soft. And that’s what disturbs him. Whenever Curt is scared, he’s loud. To see him like this was… off to say the least.
“Yo you’re name is Snee?” Christian immediately broke the tension as he laughed. “God that sucks for you.”
“Imagine going to school and needing to tell the class your name is Snee.” Den chuckled.
Christian laughed even harder. “SNEEEEEEEEEEE!”
Ivan laughed along, but it was more out of nervousness than anything. This Snee guy was creeping him the hell out, especially with the way how Curt slightly shook as he trained his gun on him.
As for Snee himself… he didn’t seem impressed or insulted by his mockery. Instead, he looked at Curt directly.
“What I’m most surprised about however… is that you insist on assisting the escape of these D-Class inmates, despite how difficult they’ve made your life.”
It actually startled Curt. Christian immediately stopped laughing as well, looking a whole lot more serious suddenly.
Can anyone tell me what the fuck’s going on??
“Y-you don’t know shit about me.” Curt responded.
“Oh, but I do.” Send smiled slightly as he stepped closer. “They keep dragging you into dangerous situations that get you killed, continuously mock you and disregard you when it’s convenient for them. I’m truly curious, really, why are you siding with them over us? We have given you a stable job, with a sizable salary, and coworkers who treat you with respect. And yet you wish to throw all of that away, for… can I truly label them as your ‘friends’?”
And those words… struck a nerve.
“Hey.” Ivan called him out, stepping forward and lifting an arm to separate him from Curt. Snee looked at him, downright contemptuously. Ivan refused to cower under his gaze, however.
“You know, I get bullied more than anyone on this team. I get constantly stabbed by Den, roasted about my height, volunteered into dangerous situations… and I still call them my friends! Because ribbing each other is what we do. We annoy each other, pester each other but at the end of the day, it’s all in good fun. Is the most healthy friendship? I don’t know, maybe not, but that is how we work. You can’t come in here, look at the surface and then have the fucking gall to decide for us whether or not we’re friends.”
“…Damn bro got a whole speech prepared.” Christian jumped in.
Ivan couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut the fuck up Christian.”
Den walked up to him, swinging an arm around him. “Dude, that was a full on anime speech, like I heard the word friends like five times in there.”
“Yeah, did you practice that in the mirror or some shit?”
And as they laughed, Curt smiled at them, pushing them aside and pointing his gun at Snee.
“Ivan’s right though. These are my friends because I choose them to be my friends, and we ain’t betraying each other. That’s why I’m choosing them.”
And Snee… narrowed his eyes.
“And yet… she betrayed you.”
Den frowned. “Are you talking about Kristine? Because that hurt, sure, but we’ve only known her for a short time.”
“No, I was talking about your other ‘friend’: Chilly Panda.”
Ivan’s blood suddenly ran cold. Den had mentioned something like this after the last SCP incident. How Chilly was found innocent… and left. No word to them. No visit. Nothing. She just… disappeared out of their lives.
“Yes, she was released, and she left without another word. Looks like you weren’t as amicable as you claimed to be.” Snee continued. “And if she left… was is to say another one of you—“
“She didn’t betray us!” Curt suddenly yelled, pulling Ivan and Den back behind him, glaring at Snee. “She wouldn’t and she never did!”
Snee glared back. “Cease your delusions! You haven’t heard from her ever since your encounter with SCP-096, what else could possibly be the reason for cutting you off?”
Ivan’s mind refused to work. Chilly… killed? No way, it couldn’t be. I-It couldn’t. It was Chilly, the loud, useless but funny girl that had been with them since forever, s-she couldn’t be…
But when he looked at Curt, who was trembling, small tears in the corner of his eyes, he knew it was the truth.
He looked back. Den and Christian were just as shocked, Den covering her mouth with her hands as Christian stared at them with wide eyes, something Ivan couldn’t remember seeing before.
“So you did find the file.” Snee said in a voice that was coated with ice and poison.
He then sighed, pulling out a radio from his pocket. “I truly meant it when I wished we could work together, Curtis. I truly saw potential in you. But unfortunately, you have gained too much information to leave this facility alive.”
Before they could do something, Snee started talking into his radio, what echoed in the hallways’ speakers.
“SCP-9475 has breached containment. I repeat, SCP-9475 has breached containment. SCP is to be neutralized at sight. I repeat, SCP—“
Den moved. She slammed into Snee’s stomach before he could react, knocking him down and knocking the pistol in his other hand away. She quickly grabbed it.
It also broke Curt out of his spell, as he started running. The rest of them quickly followed as warning sirens blared around them.
“Dude, can someone finally tell me what’s going on!?” Ivan yelled as they ran and ran. “Why are you so afraid of that guy? Is Chilly seriously dead? And what the fuck is SCP-9475? Shouldn’t we be careful of that thing?”
“Guys…” Curt briefly looked back at them.
“SCP-9475… is us.”
(Idc if SCP-9475 is a canon scp I’m making silly stuff for my sillies)
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whollyjoly · 9 months
tag game
✨get to know me✨
thank you @xxluckystrike @panzershrike-pretz @luckynumber4 for the tags my loves 💕
- Name:
em! (although Occasional Cult Leader and Obsessed With Alton More are acceptable as well 😂)
- Pronouns:
- Star sign:
CRAB SIGN CRAB SIGN CRAB SIGN 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 ...no but actually im cancer sun cancer moon cancer mercury, the stars really said fuck you you're gonna be an emotional wreck and they were goddamn right
- # of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
only child babyyyyyyyy ...well technically i have three step-sibs, but they are all older and were out of the house by the time our parents moved in together, so i never really? experienced sibling-ness with them?
- # of pets & their names:
my baby, my child, my little monster, the love of my life, my sweet cat BD-2 💕 she is an absolute fluffy menace, little miss priss, the queen of the castle, and im obsessed with her. nicknames include: Squeaky (cause she doesn't meow, she squeaks), Squeaks, The Squeaky One, The Lord Squeaketh (and The Lord Demandeth the Play), Shrimp Whiskers, Menace, Floof Creature, Angel Who Has Never Done Any Wrong, and Baby 🥰
- Fandoms:
lord i have been in so many fandoms over my many tumblr years...right now its full Band of Brothers hyperfixation season, but I'm watching M*A*S*H for the first time right now and slowly am falling into the rabbit hole also im a star wars girlie from way back (shoutout to all my old clone wars moots who were probably like "what the fuck" when i started posting about wwii men, sorry not sorry) also also: watcher, doctor who, star trek (tos mostly), chernobyl, and various other things, as a treat✨
- Favorite color:
im an olive green girlie, although deep purple has a special place in my heart!
- Favorite song:
holocene by bon iver ❤️ it's my all time favorite song, the song i listen to when my anxiety feels overwhelming, what i put on when i need to center myself and get out of my head. (someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me)
- Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
sooooo my all-time fav book is Invisible Cites by Italo Calvino!! i am absolutely obsessed with the way he describes physical places and emotions, the metaphors and imagery and the way he describes the feeling a place or person can give you without actually describing it at all? it's both dreamlike and ethereal and grounded and real at the same time, and i just....love it so much. here's one of my favorite bits from the book:
Cities & The Sky [3] Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffoldings, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or surrounded by sawhorses, the ladders, the trestles. If you ask, "Why is Thekla's construction taking such a long time?" the inhabitants continue hoisting sacks, lowering leaded strings, moving long brushes up and down, as they answer, "So that its destruction cannot begin." And if asked whether they fear that, once the scaffoldings are removed, the city may begin to crumple and fall to pieces, they add hastily, in a whisper, "Not only the city." If, dissatisfied with the answers, someone puts his eye to a crack in a fence, he sees cranes pulling up other cranes, scaffoldings that embrace other scaffoldings, beams that prop up other beams. "What meaning does your construction have?" he asks. "What is the aim of a city under construction unless it is a city? Where is the plan you are following, the blueprint?" "We will show it to you as soon as the working day is over; we cannot interrupt our work now," they answer. Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. "There is the blueprint," they say.
- Favorite fic type:
oh i will eat up...anything. literally anything. BUT if i had to pick, i have a special place in my heart for: soulmate AUs, angst with a happy ending, fake relationship AUs, hurt/comfort, time loops, magical realism AUs (particularly if canon-divergent), and the good old classic, fluffy modern AUs 💕
- Favorite Holiday:
i fucking...love christmastime okay?? i love the traditions my family has for it, like Short Feast on the winter solstice (where we eat Short Ribs and Short Grain Rice and Short Vegetables and Shortbread and put on our Short Pants and drink Short Bottles of Whiskey and go outside to Welcome the Coming of the Light, after the Longest Night of the Year), as well as finding/writing poems on Christmas Eve and walking to the large 600+ year old sequoia trees in our neighborhood to recite them and bring good energy to the new year, to watching It's A Wonderful Life every year. holidays and traditions are so much what you make of it, and i love the energy my family brings into it - nothing is precious, but everything is sacred.
- Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
ye, i have a bf!
- Hobbies:
i love to cross-stitch! it helps my adhd ass brain focus on things, so if ever im watching a show or listening to a podcast, i usually have a hoop in my hands. i also love board games - particularly social deception games! and of course - watching tv/movies, reading fic, consuming media, making moodboards, dreaming up fic ideas, and all the lovely things you see me talk about here on tumblr 💕
- Fun facts about you:
uhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont?? know if i have a fun fact?? about me??? OH WAIT okay this is for the bob fans out there - so i was visiting philly not all that long ago, and went to both front street and 17th street in south philly For Our Boys, bill and babe ❤️ and while i was there, i went into a bookstore that was right on s 17th street... and they had a SINGLE copy of bill and babe's book!! i got it of course, and it felt like it was absolutely meant to be!!
tagging, if you want!: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @coco-bean-1218 @onlyyouexisthere @mutantmanifesto @samwinchesterslostshoe @ewipandora @blood-mocha-latte
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
for those who are unaware:
more of my screaming under the cut
ok so we’re starting right where we left off and OMIGOSH THE HUG I CANT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gus helping w the dishes is so sweet!! and amity omigosh this girl. not to mention camila is just taking it so coolly?? what am i saying, shes probably freaking out inside
is it just me or does it seem like luz is in shock? shes acting like everything’s fine, and not the way she acted in reaching out either, more like shes numb or something 🥺
hunter, bb, why would they hate you cuz youre a clone of caleb? that doesnt make you him. plus i dont actually think that caleb was ever a witch hunter in the first place. also, youre not helping luz. ily <3
why luz gotta blame herself, she couldn’t have ever known something like this would happen. and im not sure how time travel works in the owl house but id be willing to bet that even if she hadnt helped philip, he would have found someone else willing to be monster bait instead of her and lilith
‘we’ll tell them, when we’re ready’ girl that aint ever gonna happen. the way things go when ppl say stuff like that is that the thing gets pushed off until the characters cant help but slam right into it, no countermeasures to soften the blow. i am very worried about how this is gonna affect willow and amity.
ik there were some people who were worried that the gang wasnt gonna be ok with vee so im glad that they like her :)
well, glad to know that the philip-goo is, in fact, alive. screw that
gus nerding-out with all of the stuff in the basement XD (also camila why is there so much random stuff in your basement? 👀)
hunters little smile at gus :>
amity and willow protecting vee from the alarm clock, i cant- *wheeze*
willow looks so cute with her hair down i swear
gus, i love you so much for that, the rainbow and everything
their drawings of their families are so cuuuuuuuute (and amity not drawing karen HA)
(our first real look at caleb???)
idk what they were doing but the portal kinda worked for a second, before it, yknow, combusted
what even is that blob, i dont even wanna try to guess whats in it (THEY ALL LOOK SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES, MY BABIES)
amity’s look of wonder at the rain, my beloved <3<3
im so happy they got to have some fun after all the trauma, they really needed it
do i even need to say anything about luz and amity in the rain
luz’s drawing skills have gotten so much better!!! (dat trauma tho. the depression that she cant have everything she wants in one world. in the human realm, she has her mom and vee but in the demon realm, she can do magic and has her best friends (and gf) and eda and king)
looks like her palisman has yet to arrive :(
darnit shes back at school (i wonder how she figured that all out)
thank you for coming to my ted talk, now back to your regularly-scheduled reblogs
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thisultraviolet · 1 year
How would you rank the Fearless vault tracks? No one really talks about them except Mr. Perfectly Fine
OH THANK YOU FOR THIS BC I AGREE THEY ARE CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED. We’re going 6-1 bc I love drama and also 1 is one of my fav Taylor songs ever so I want it to be the finale
6. We Were Happy: Midnight Rain’s prequel (no it’s NOT about Taylor Lautner literally fight me), definitely had to grow on me but it’s just really pretty. Keith ate the harmonies let’s be honest, especially in the last chorus. When it was good baby! It was good baby! I definitely understand why it didn’t make the cut for the og album but I’m definitely glad we have it now!
5. Mr Perfectly Fine: It’s a great song, but (and idk if this was just in Australia) the radio overplayed it so much that I am literally still recovering, like I will never choose to put it on, only on shuffle. Wonderfully petty and we love a key change but I must say Forever & Always does it better.
4. That’s When: I have genuinely NO idea why it gets so much hate? It’s super catchy, perfectly bittersweet, good use of both perspectives which Taylor excels at every time. I think their voices sound great together, the backing vocals are so pretty. The bridge is super simple but the vulnerability? 2nd chance romance? The way they say cuh-rying? I love it all
3. You All Over Me: Walked so rwylm could run, I ADORE the production (the opening is so peace it drives me crazy), Maren’s harmonies are so good, the whole thing feels very mature for Fearless honestly. Like she lived! She learned! Had you! Got burned! One of her most underrated songs period.
2. Don’t You: As someone who took 4 years to get over my ex while remaining friends with them the whole time YEAH THIS ONE HITS. Love the production even if it isn’t very “Fearless” bc I think it works really well with the more mature and reflective tone. At the same time the somewhat pleading nature of each line of the chorus makes her sound so young, and you can hear her frustration at both herself and the subject with “I swore I wouldn’t do this” because ultimately they still hold this power over her, so all she can do is beg them not to abuse. Another baby rwylm, and I love her for it.
1. BYE BYE BABY: BEST VAULT TRACK (YES THAT INCLUDES ATW) AND HONESTLY SOME DAYS BEST SONG ON FEARLESS (she swaps with F&A constantly). The VOCALS first of all oh my god, specifically the chorus directly after the bridge with the option up on “Bye bye babyyyYYYyy” while the music cuts out, honestly could be my fav moment in any Taylor song ever. The harmonies the whole time are just perfection, specifically the male vocals at the end of the second chorus. “Feels like I’m becoming a part of your past” OH MY GOD? SHE PUT IT INTO WORDS? There’s a resigned quality to the sadness, she knows nothing will change this outcome but still holds enough love to call them an endearment even in this betrayal. The high piano melody almost sounds like a music box doomed to keep repeating. One of her first movie references if I’m not mistaken with the opening lyric and we love the birth of a career long motif. ALSO THE DRUMS. I JUST LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH, BEGGING ON MY KNEES FOR IT AS A MELBOURNE SURPRISE SONG EVEN IF I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO’LL BE HAPPY WITH IT
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robotlesbianjavert · 2 years
THE Top 5 List Of All Time
okay per @stillness-in-green's question. and something really important that i'm sure ALL of my lovely fans, yes you i am talking about you and blowing you so many kisses, are dying to know. my Top 5 Gay Little Henchmen.
house cleaning first i'm excluding spinner and spinaraki from this list just because i've given spinner a lot of attention the past few weeks and have already extolled his virtues as a gay little henchman and how i think he really embodies this trope and he's so special to me i wanna cry about him like every day oh my god. oh my god. but that would be unfair considering the intensity of my current feelings (that have been consistent the last three years eyyy) anyways here's the rest of the list.
5. okay i will be honest this guy does not really count except fully on a technicality and bc of how much i love him. but enrico poggi from the stravaganza series now this is very much like, a junior high/middle school kind of series. but enrico is such a great dynamic character who spends like the first half of the series being a big opportunistic skeezy lackey tormented by the mysterious disappearance of his lackey and then the latter half of the series being like okay yeah i can work for the protagonist. and by the end has wholeheartedly devoted himself to the main character. and like he's significantly less homoerotic than a little henchman should be but he's a spy assassin who's squeamish and is good with kids and great with horses and will eat everyone's food and he's a good lil henchman with a full character arc and i love him on want him on my list. he could gay up a lil if i tried.
4. i said i wouldn't include spinner BUT DIDN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT ANY OTHER BNHA CHARACTER NYEH HEH HEH. it's really hard choosing between like redestro (to shigaraki) and trumpet (to redestro) and nemoto (to overhaul) but ultimately i have to give the bnha crown to ujiko for his devotions to AFO, primarily for plot impact and relationship longevity, but also because ujiko is sooooooo cute about AFO it makes me weep a little bit. for real.
3. isaac from castlevania 2017 eeeeyyyyyyyy now i never actually finished castlevania. because i got really lazy. but isaac was an immediate favourite and i know the scope of his character arc after the fact after losing dracula and it's so charming so charming. i've heard the "all so fucking rude" line it's BRILLIANT and also the idea of a henchman having to figure himself out after losing his boss..........groundbreaking. i need to finish the series one day or get the isaac supercut. only thing is that he should be shorter. but i persist.
2. soundwave babyyyyyyyy. specifically g1 and prime continuities, and to my understanding parts of the comics (idw series specifically - never got in depth with it but i know soundwave had Great Loyalty in it). from what i understand earthspark has fantastic divorced megatron/soundwave energy to it as well, though i am still heavily debating with myself how much i should watch it for myself. now soundwave doesn't get as much love as he SHOULD but his unwavering devotion to megatron and the decepticon cause.........the way that can so easily be shattered.........when the series lets soundwave be extra competent in an especially sexy way....... magic. also could be smaller but in g1 he turns into a tape deck, prime a skinny lil stealth jet, it works
before i reveal my number one i wanna give some quick special shout outs. harry/uma is not gay even though they both carry some energy. i've never actually watched disney's the descendants in their entirety but i did watch all the harry/uma scenes and it's good. it's a good ship. ummmm commander peepers, i never actually watched wander over yonder but i saw this guy around a bunch and immediately loved him from the start he's so tiny and such a go getter :) uhhh okay meowth doesn't count unless you read into his "fantasies about giovanni" era which is whatever but he is the blueprint for my love for henchmen overall and also just tiny fellows who range from antagonistic to just annoying. and gay lil henchmen are a subset of that.
and a different shout out to izzy hands from our flag means death. i am aware about the discourse surrounding the character i have read a lot of different meta from different perspectives and i got some context for various arguments. and i have decided that izzy hands is a great example of a gay little henchman even if stede is really hard for me to get past when trying to watch the show. i wanna know him so bad but it's difficult when i have to glaze past the main character.
gus grav from bakugan: new vestroia real kota fans KNOW THIS ABOUT ME this is the guy that really cracked me for the gay evil little henchman. is he from a good series. no. are he and spectra well-written characters. no. but he has such luscious hair and put his coat over spectra like a blanket and he tried to show spectra the joy of juiceboxes and he went on the run with him and he tried to fight a guy who insulted spectra despite being told not to and DIED for it but didn't actually die he just showed up again and previously spectra had a sad moment about gus not being around and when gus shows up again spectra is like "wow about time" or whatever. listen i had a lot of feelings about gus being "killed off" and then just unceremoniously brought back and then in a latter series when he shows up with spectra as a good guy with a new outfit BUT I CAN'T SEE THE OUTFIT IN ITS ENTIRETY? also the episode where he tries to fight a guy for spectra and dies, he disguises himself by tying his hair back and wearing a lil waiters outfit and putting on glasses AND AGAIN, CAN'T SEE THE FIT IN FULL, WILDLY HOMOPHOBIC. gus was really one of those characters that clicked hard with me despite everything and ignited my mind like few others could. of course this was also during my naive teenage years so i was also shipping him with his boss' younger sister but i stand by that and still think it would be funny. but gus grav was the first time in my memory that i went "wow. homoerotic devotion to the point of obsession and self-destruction is kind of sexy." and for that he will always be so special and influential to me.
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floralbfs · 4 years
anyways i need to stop clowning i rly thought of petekao and got7's love you better
#double clown!!!!! that's a good one#“i need you in my life // i want you for my whole life” “baby i'm counting the days that i can see you again”#“i loved you before now love you more” “baby‚ hear me‚ i'm here // [...] // baby‚ tell me i'm here”#anyways the whole song <3#rly i can clown to all of g7's songs huh!!!!!!!#they jsut. invented romance....... invented feelings...... iconic literature#im in my petekao feelings rn also bc im ignoring phutian's sadness but like im going to clown to all of g7's songs and my favorite pairs#also wait fuck poison!!!!!!!!#“even if you say it's poison‚ as if it's destiny i'll kiss you baby” so when p/k hadnt gotten together yet and kao was like “i dont trust u”#but still hes like completely in love w pete 😔 <3#ok ok my battery is dying and im sleepy i shall go away and stew in my feelings and clownings and g7 songs and high expectations of romance#love yall <3#oh wait i was going to say something damn#OH YEAH IM GOING TO EAT MY CONCHA BABYYYYYYYY#the bread akfhskdjsj😭😭 el pan concha la media esfera con costra de chocolate no la uhhhhh concha de otros países 👁️👄👁️#also ahora quiero de las papas conchas (conchitas?? o algo así??) que venden de que. en monterrey skdbsjsbsnsb#god im so Hungry i want to eat absolutely everything#honey talk#i uhhhh dont wanna tag with like the tags in case they show up in the tags or something 😭😭😭😭 ksjdksbdjsbd#but i Do want to look back on my tag one day and find my clownings#hm ok whatever ksbdjsbsnsnd#got7#petekao
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From the unusual asks
Have a great day!!
Hi @importantsoulfire! Thank you for asking!
10. How would you describe your style? lol what style. If you’re familiar with “three looks” by Jenna Marbles, that’s pretty much me. I mostly wear denim shorts and a marvel T-shirt with vans. And then leggings, a marvel tank top, and nikes for the gym. I do not dress well lol
20. How tall are you? I am 5’6” :)
30. What’s your favorite candle scent? Right now its Bergamot, Ginger, White Pepper, Vetiver, and Cedarwood AKA my Sebastian Stan candle. But I also love Mahogany Teakwood from Bath & Body Works. Basically if it smells like a hot man, I like it. Lol
41. Top 10 favorite songs? Of all time?! That’s really hard but I’m gonna try.
1. NFWMB- Hozier
2. The Ballad of Love and Hate- The Avett Brothers
3. She Used to Be Mine- Sara Bareilles
4. Hell’s Bells- AC/DC
5. Roslyn- Bon Iver & St. Vincent
6. In a Week- Hozier
7. Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Don McLean
8. Touch Me- Cast of Spring Awakening
9. Radio Gaga- Queen
10. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga
50. What was the last text you sent? it was to my friend Amanda and it just says “back squats and deadlifts babyyyyyyyy”
Thank you again for asking and I hope you have a lovely day! 💕
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
would it be ok to ask for hcs of the main 6 + vaderwood and how they would react to their normally energetic and funny mc being a little off and making some self-deprecating jokes (like a little too dark to be funny) as a way of coping and hiding their anxiety/depression? if not thats ok im just in a similar mood today.
self-deprecating jokes are my thing too, tbh. hope you’re feeling better! Also, I couldn’t picture Vandy for this particular hc, I’m sorry :c
This boy honestly loves how fun you are. He will always laugh with you and you don’t tease him that much (Saeyoung does that for you)
One day, when he comes home from his job at the vet, he finds you calling for pizza. He lets you finish the call and then you look up.
“Hey, welcome back! I accidentally left the stove on for too long and messed up dinner” you casually said, with a small giggle. “So I called Pizza Hut, hope it’s okay”.
“It’s okay!” he says. “I love pizza”
“I know, me too” you smile. You stand up and stretch your arms. “Okay, so I’ll take a shower before it gets here. How the fuck did I forget the stove on, I don’t know” you laugh. “I swear to God I would totally leave me at this point”.
Yoosung says nothing, shocked. He watches you walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower. He knows you like to joke around, but that joke had been pretty specific. Leave you? Why would he leave you? Over some burnt food?!
He waits until you come out, wrapped in a towel and hands you a cup of your favourite tea. You smile weakly.
“An award for my awful cooking?” you tease him.
“Hey! It’s just food! And you solved it. I don’t really care, MC, please let it go”. He sees your lips tremble a little bit. “Are you okay?”
You had a really rough day at work. You tell him all about it while sipping on the tea and he silently listens to you, nodding at the right times. The pizza finally arrives and he puts on your favourite show so you both can watch it. When you go to bed, he makes sure to give you extra cuddles, so you never have to feel any more pressure on yourself.
Honestly, he’s not the best at comedy. But he really likes how much you can make yourself laugh with your own jokes.
He comes home and hands you his tablet. You arch an eyebrow and look at him from the couch. He sits beside you and asks you to press play. You nod and comply his request.
It’s a video from rehearsal. He’s singing at he’s actually hitting all the notes just right. You smile softly, watching the video in silence. When it’s over, you turn and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re amazing, babe. You did the song soooo good! How can you be so talented?”
“Thank you, babe. And I don’t know, can’t help it. I’m just talented.” he shrugs, with a confident smile.
“Well, someone has to be” you responded quickly. His smiled faltered and he looked at you, confused.
“What are you talking about? You are talented too. I’ve seen your drawings, those building projects you have been working on. They’re masterpieces, MC, I love them and–”
“I didn’t get the job, Zen” you quickly answer, not looking at him. “They didn’t like those ‘masterpieces’” you added, making the colons signs with his fingers.
Oh. So they had already sent you the email.
Zen would put the tablet aside and hold you on the couch. Whisper over and over again how talented you truly are and how they were in the wrong for not noticing it.
“If they can’t see how brilliant you are, why would you want to work for them?” he asked. “I’ve been rejected more times that I can count. I know how you feel. And you know what makes me feel better?”
You look at him and shake your head.
Ten minutes later, you’re both riding on his motorcycle, feeling the air against your face. you hug him tighter and smile.
Jaehee’s not one for jokes. But she does enjoy the occasional laugh she has with you. You make tons of jokes, but, unlike Saeyoung, you know when to stop
“Babyyyyyyyy, I’m a mess!” you complained, stretching on your bed. Both of you were working on your laptops, when suddenly you put yours aside.
“C’mon. Help me, Excel Goddess! Can’t seem to make this thing to work and I need to show it to my boss tomorrow” you asked. Jaehee smiled softly, put her laptop aside and grabbed yours. She started typing formulas, fixing your work.
“You’re so good to me, baby. Thank youuuu. That’s why you’re the smart one here”. Jaehee just smiled, continuing her work.
“They should have taught me Excel in school instead of sports. Did anyone of my class turn out to be an athlete? No one. Are we struggling to get a job because we don’t know shit about Excel? We are”.
“Maybe that’s why I’m failing. Maybe that’s why I had to settle with this shitty job, because I can’t comprehend the monster that in Microsoft Excel. Maybe that’s also why my Computer Science teacher hated me at school” you said dramatically. Jaehee chuckled softly.
“Maybe that’s why my whole life is a mess right now. Maybe that’s why I can’t find joy in the things I do anymore, maybe that’s why my father left us. Because I’m a shitty person who can’t do Excel and can’t get a decent job”.
She stopped typing and looked over at you.
“MC. What are you saying?”
“I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m tired. Don’t think about it too much”
“I-… Do you want me to talk to Mr. Han? Maybe there’s a position and… I know C&R takes most of my time but an entry level job may be good– at least for your resumé and–”
“I’m fine. Don’t think about it, baby” you dismissed, but Jaehee grabbed your hand.
“Can’t you really find joy anymore?” she asked. You sighed.
“Happens to me when the cold weather beggins. Will go away in a couple of weeks” you shrugged. Jaehee squeezed your hand.
“Let me know if I can do anything to help you… well, find joy again”.
“You do help!” you assured her. “I can find bits of joy here” you smiled and gave her a small kiss. She smiled and kissed you back.
Jumin doesn’t understand most of your jokes. Most of the times, you have to explain them to him. He doesn’t mind, but it’s only because he really enjoys watching you laugh at your own jokes. The sight of you giggling it’s enough to light up any day.
That day, you decided to visit him during lunch. Which wasn’t a rare occurrence, you tried to visit him at least once a week, making sure with Jaehee you wouldn’t be interrupting.
“Good afternoon, my love. Didn’t expect you here” he greeted you, giving your cheek a tender kiss when you approached him. You gave him the bento you had prepared and sat in front of him, on the other side of his desk.
“I know. I just thought your darling, loving wife might make an appearence. I do have to keep those heiresses away from you” you laughed. He smiled softly and opened his bento. “Don’t want them making you change your mind about marrying some poor girl who couldn’t even afford university by herself”.
Jumin arched his eyebrow while eating his lunch. “Is there a problem with your classes? I thought you were excited about finally attending university, even if most of the classes are online for security reasons. Are the professors not competent enough? Are they not grading you fairly?”
You laughed. “No, Jumin, classes are fine. I just… Don’t really fit with your social class, you know. I mean, I knew I wouldn’t fit, but someday’s it really… just… I don’t know. You can put a working class girl in a Channel, but you can’t really change who she really is inside, right?” you smiled weakly.
Jumin furrowed his eyebrows, visibly upset. “What are you talking about?”
Your facade disappear and you sighed. You reached out for his hand and held it tighly.
“Please, don’t misunderstand me. I love you, I really do. Nothing can change that. But I can’t– I can’t pretend I don’t hear the whispers when I come here to have lunch with you. How I listen to them mocking these nice clothes you bought for me” you said, pointing at your light blue dress he had given you. “I don’t… I didn’t grow up with these things. I must look really dumb pretending to be part of a class I’m not”.
“Who made that comment?” he asks, angrily.
You try to cover it up, but after some pushing, you tell him it’s the secretary that works two offices away. She has a desk beside Jaehee’s. Jumin stands up, not stopping when you ask him to. He takes one step outside his office and spots the secretary you must be talking about.
“You’re fired. Assistant Kang, take care of that paperwork”.
Jumin returned to his office and locked the door. You can’t believe what just happened. He walks over to you and lifts up your chin with his hand, gently.
“Don’t ever let anyone tell you you don’t belong here. Or that you don’t deserve elegant clothes or anything I want to give to you. I know you didn’t grow up the same as me, but that’s why I love you. Because you didn’t look at me and saw my money or C&R, you looked at me. At who I was. Who I could be. I want to be the best man I can be, just for you. And I want to please you, giving you anything I can so you can enjoy life at its fullest. Also, look at you” he said, taking a look at your whole outfit. “You look breathtaking. You look classy, and it’s not just the dress” he smirked, kissing your cheek and making his way to your neck, leaving you a mess of giggles.
Ok, so we all agree he’s the king of dark humour and self-deprecating jokes.
And he’s used to be like that around you and sometimes you make the same jokes and you both just laugh it out.
So that day, he doesn’t notice something’s off from the start.
He’s fixing the robot cat, since it had been malfunctioning. You’re reading a magazine  on the couch while he’s sitting on the floor, both of you talking on and off.
“One day you should teach me who to do that. You know, fixing stuff and such”
“I wil! But you’ll need to call me sensei during our lessons.”
“Sensei? Isn’t that japanese?”
“It is! I’ll be your sensei if you wish. But what do you want to learn to fix?”
“I don’t know. I just don’t want to be the dumb one of the relationship”
“Awww. But we make such a good pair~”
“Just because you haven’t got tired of me yet” you chuckle.
“How could I get tired of your cooking? Never!~ I swear my mouth waters just thinking about your waffles.”
You laugh. “That’s all I am? My cooking?”
“Well, also how clean you keep this, Ms. Vanderwood hasn’t been complaining as much as before” he teases you.
“Well, you know I have to keep this apartment clean and your stomach full. That’s why I’m here, right? Until you get tired of my stupidness” you chuckle.
Saeyoung looks back at you, stopping on his fixing of robo-cat. He’s not longer smiling.
“… You really think that? That I think you’re stupid?”
“Well… I’m no genius. I’m just one more secretary, I’m… c’mon. You’d have more fun with someone who’s just as smart as you. I’m just here… until my time’s done. I’ve accepted it long ago.”
Suddenly he’s over you, making you lay on the couch, pinning both your arms over your head.
“Stop! What? Stop, just stop, what are you even saying?! You are kind, compassionate, generous and the most beautiful soul I’ve ever seen. You stayed by my side when I was at my worst. You saw all parts of me and still loved me. I’m the one who isn’t worthy of someone as loving and forgiving as you. I– I could never. I could have never rescued Saeran without you. I could have never been happy or even think about real happiness if it weren’t for you. So honestly, what if you don’t know anything about computers or hacking? That doesn’t matter to me. It’s you and your heart. It’s always been about your loving heart, MC. Please, please don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve loved you my whole life. Even before I met you. I just didn’t realize it.”
Your eyes water
damn, saeyoung i almost cried as well, you fucker
You both stay on the couch, holding each other until you fall asleep. He keeps whispering soft and warm words to your ear every now and then, making sure you never doubt yourself again.
“i want to die” “same”
It’s so usual for you both to make dark jokes, he doesn’t really notice when it stops being a joke to you.
You’re both laying on the couch. You’re on top of him, resting your head on his chest. You can’t remember how it started, but you start joking around.
“Your girlfriend’s a mess, you know”
“She is. Have you seen her hair?” he teased.
“What the hell does she think she’s doing? Have you seen the way she dresses?”
“Total mishap. It’s like a match made in hell”
“And her voice? More like a screech” you laugh, making fun of your own voice.
“Will she ever shut up?” he sighed dramatically, smirking softly.
“Why does she think she actually make someone happy?” you chuckle. His smile disappears.
Saeran stays silent for a minute. “You’re not happy?”
are you not happy with him? has he already bored you out of your mind? are you having second thoughts about your relationship? because he’s been trying, he’s been seeing a psychologist and even though there still isn’t a big change, he— is it because there hasn’t been a big change?
“Well, you’re not” you replied in a small voice. “And I can’t– And I don’t how– Maybe it’s me?”
So, Saeran decides to try something he’s been talking about with his psychologist. Better now than ever, he thought.
“I love you”
You raise your head, looking at him in disbelief. He’s never said that before. When you started dating, he had kissed you and you had understood how it was hard for him to express feelings due to the severe trauma he had gone through, so you hadn’t pushed him but… Saeran was still looking at you, a tense expression on his face. You suddenly realized you hadn’t said anything back.
“I love you too”. You had said it before. You had told him that a million times, but it was the first time you said it back.
“I know it seems I’m not making progress– But I think I am? I mean, I just told you that, right?” he said, scratching his head, a little nervous. “He said we were going to work on expressing feelings, and it was easier to express the most intense ones.”
“Your most intense feeling– one of your most intense feelings is loving me?” you asked, still surprised.
“Shut up” he said, making you laugh for real this time.
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exposurc · 3 years
oh my goodness i finally got myself below double digits drafts, we are onto the single digits babyyyyyyyy. also the oldest thing in my drafts is from 3 days ago so... i’m pleased with that. my queue is full and running, so expect to keep seeing replies pushed out and stuff.... and thanks again to all my wonderful partners for being patient with me ily all <3
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nialltlynch · 4 years
predictable as heck but declan lynch for the headcanon thing? (ohhh to keep things interesting also niall lynch i wonder what kind of headcanons that man brings about)
sexuality headcanon: bi babyyyyyyyy
gender headcanon: he/they
a ship i have with said character: declansey!!! i am unreasonably obsessed with this ship
a BROTP i have with said character: declan &ronan &matthew
a NOTP i have with said character: all i ask is please no inc*st (though i am compelled by some declan/gansey/ronan i've read but that's more like declansey and ronsey at the same time.)
a random headcanon: sometimes i like to indulge in a slight au where Declan had tried to dream things because you know he's a kid and he doesn't want to be different from his dad and brother until one day niall finds out and mocks him endlessly. anyway <3
general opinion over said character: i have loved Declan since the prologue of the dream thieves and i wish him nothing but the best!!
sexuality headcanon: S T R A I G H T
gender headcanon: man man man
a ship i have with said character: yall better not come for me but i started writing a niall/colin as a joke and now im like. invested |:
a BROTP i have with said character: niall/crowbar
a NOTP i have with said character: other than the obvious i don't see a lot of people shipping niall with anyone lmao so i have no opinion
a random headcanon: not so much a headcanon but i'm withholding judgment against him since we only know him through the eyes of his very biased sons. i'm sure he has compelling motivations even if his execution was lacking.
general opinion over says character: if he comes back let's kill him again <3 but also i am strangely compelled and would like to know more! i've written a few things that he's around in so i've delved into his character and inadvertently became a bit more sympathetic toward him......
send me a character!
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
[breathes in]
i’m so fucking happy with this ending
it’s such a good happy ending this is truly what the gays deserve i’m just happiness in physical form rn
i don’t even know where to start but i’ll try to make this as chronological as my brain allows me because my memory do be sucking
i’m gonna put a keep reading because this shit will get loooooong kjshfkf okay let’s do this
so.. we start with PETE EXPOSING NON(T)’S BRAT ASS!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES THATS MY BABY THATS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
kao’s mom being a fucking badass and telling her BOSS how to do shit. i love her yall I LOVE HERRRRRRRR
also kao’s mom telling kao that she wasn’t the most amazing person ever was so cute because you can see kao’s light bulb turning on sjfkhsgsh please i love them
yes i will say i love x after every single one of these u can’t stop me
from the teaser i thought kao would dashi run run run to pete’s house but thankfully he took a taxi lmao
at least he didn’t run there because he had to run from pete’s house (or may i say, mansion) to the POOL my man is a whole athlete oh my god
also a beautiful parallel to the scene from ep1 (i noticed there’s a lot of parallels in this episode we stan character development and repeating things just so the viewers can see how consistent the couples are)
the kiss from that scene............... beautiful amazing gorgeous idk many words in english to describe how i felt while watching and how i feel about it
to that i think we cut to sunmork but i don’t remember what happened because of the kiss KJHFKSL SORRY
anygays i rlly like how this whole episode is sun being a clingy bih and mork gay panicking while trying to act like a confident gay when he knows that sun outconfidentgays him i love them lmao
okay after that i think it’s petekao having food with their parents all together and god i looooooove this scene
pete’s dad being the lgbt ally dad all of us lgbt fellas with homo/transphobic dads wish we had will never fail to make me soft i love that man pls be my dad too
also kao’s mom :-(( i love her she respected her son’s decision on not coming out until he was ready even though she already smelled it (reminds me of my mom lmao) and was always there for him even when kao didn’t say anything :-(((((((((((
petekao bickering will never get old i swear i love every time they do because that’s so..... men it makes their characters more real
i know there’s a lot (not that much because i admit this episode was kinda short?? idk maybe it’s just me) between that scene and this one but THE SQUAD EATING ALL TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!! AND THEM TEASING PETEKAO!!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE THEM
pete literally not knowing how to stop the audio and broadcasting live TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY that time when he told kao he loved him through the teddy bear...... peak pete culture
the fact that ppl love them and they have a whole hashtag on twitter makes me soft because usually when someone is famous in bls the fans hate the other part of the couple but in this one??? oh no honey we stan petekao in this household hate is not allowed it’s actually prohibited illegal
okay let me backtrack a bit skjfhsjf
OH YES I FORGOT!!!! manow wanting to talk with mork was so weird when i saw the teaser for the episode but after seeing them talk i was like oooooh okay i understand
sun saying “what’s your girl saying to my boy” is probably one of my favourite lines of this drama KLHSJFLF
rain reading their lips fskjfjsf and when mork said “fuck you rain” HIS FACE SKJFHKSJSLFJ HE WAS SCARED SHITLESS but also the end of this scene was so cute i love these three
i just did a bit of skipping through the episode to try and actual make an order out of this mess and the petekao+parents thing comes now,,,,,, anygaYS
then it’s more teasing between sunmork blah blah
then MORK SPEAKING THE MF TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! quoting the actual dialogue “it’s my choice to tell or not tell anyone. i should get to decide”
rain had good intentions but it doesn’t mean that it was right of him to do so
okay this got serious,, sun going to rain’s bed with not one but Two pillows when barely two people fit in that bed.... oh to be that iconic and carelessly gay
back to petekao because we will never get enough of these two (which is why i’ll probably watch the our skyy episode tomorrow just to cry over these fools)
it’s so weird to see tay being like this after watching him being himself in other things like the live lunch and taynew meal date and other things i’ve randomly watched during this week to retain myself from finishing this series in a night ksfjhsfkshlks
also kao helping pete shave and pete being like do u like my moustache or should i shave it for u my lord SFHKFJ the domesticity and just the feeling of two idiots being in love i love them with my whole heart
kao staying at pete’s house because it’s both of their first days as interns and kao!!!!! he works for pete’s dad!!!!!!! pete’s dad accepted him into his company!!!!!! i love them
also the bickering between those three sjfkhs “hello im pete im from thailand” “that’s all you’ll say today” THAT WAS SO FUNNNY SKJFHSKFHSFJSFL
okay so the squad eating together is right after this but i already talked about it ksjfhsfh next!!
idk if it’s a big time skip or a small one but guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANOW AND RAIN ARE DATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY STRAIGHT BABIES YES I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAA
manow is so pretty and rain is so cute they’re both so lucky my bisexual ass is crying
pete being “angry” at kao being so handsome,,, a mood
but also.. pete being possessive was h*t
there i said it and i don’t regret it
random but i will miss kao’s annoying ass saying “about aboyz” sjfkhsfh
pete being like “i will have to give u more love bites (ffs gmmtv just say hickies we are all at an age where we know what love bites are) so no one flirts with u” and kao being like “bitch try me” sjfhksfj i’m loving bratty kao
also that scene turned into furry kao real quick KJHDKJFSHJF
okay now it’s: mork’s birthday party time!!
rain and manow arrive first and are the cutest couple around because the two main gays haven’t arrived yet (being gay AND punctual? not possible)
sun and rain fighting in the kitchen was peak siblings culture skfhksjf
mork being ready to leave his own birthday party with a stranger who also plays pokemon go just to have a battle................ dumbass bisexual energy
said stranger is eARN FROM 2GETHER!!!!!! FILM IS IN THIS TOO!!!!!!!! first the girl who plays yuri in yyy and now film who plays earn in 2gether is here too??? damn wlw keep winning (also headcanon: theyre dating/seeing each other because LESBIANS periodt)
okay petekao arrive and wont u guess whats their present for mork,,,,,, the mf TEDDY BEAR and kao rlly says that they should use it since theyre so lip sealed lmao
rain and manow literally gave mork a present not for him but for sun im- i love these two
also sun being a whole koala and being a horny bitch is so funny sfhskfjskl my man has his priorities set
their last scene is so cute :-(( poor rain will have to live with this until he moves out sjfhksjf
oh boi the ending is near hhhhhhh
kao teaching his class an equation that ends up in i < 3 u is the most kao thing i’ve ever seen
pete being like “u haven’t spent enough time with me lately >:-(” was cute jhkfjs my man is needy of kao and i understand that because have u seen kao? exactly
kao teasing him with not having forgotten the cup this time and pete being his possessive self was.. splendid
every reference to something that happened with non(t) hurts but also i love how they just tease each other because they know that now their relationship is stronger than it’s ever been and that nothing and no one will come between them
the scenes they show during the last last scenes :-((( BOYFIES!!!!!!
and i love how they decided to end the show with them holding hands in public
i would explain why i do but it’s 6:26 am and i’ve been writing this for at least half an hour already and my laptop is heating up a lot and im sweating because it’s hot in here so get down on the floor pipiipipipipipipi
kdjhkdfhs sorry im not sleepy this is just my brain without a filter it’s just gay shit and a big repertoire of songs
god okay that was my opinion on the last episode of dark blue kiss...........
needless to say that i will eat every bit of content related to petekao after this because writing this i already miss them and i can’t wait to watch our skyy tomorrow idk where but i will
i really really REALLY liked this drama and it’s one of the two bl dramas (not counting the untamed) i’ve given a full 10/10 rating on mdl because it’s THAT good
everything about this drama is just.. chef’s kiss i love it i will probably rewatch it when my plan to watch is empty but it’s a pretty long list so.. hopefully i’ll ignore that and just rewatch sjkfhslf
i’ll of course watch kiss and kiss me again just for the petekao, the squad and rain scrumbs because i’m sure that the petekao compilations don’t show everything
but yeah im just.. i love this show it’s been a rlly long time since i started writing this but i’m still happy because it’s so good and truly gave us a good happy ending and i swear i cannot emphasise enough how important good happy endings in lgbt media are!!!!!!!!!!
anygays im hungry and ready to submerge myself in the dbk tags, see u all tomorrow for my our skyy petekao episode version of this,,,,,
till then, stay safe ! bYE
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honorguk · 6 years
dating ➔ bang chan
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what it’s like to date chan from stray kids (based on my assumptions)
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- soft and cuddly and constantly “annoying” you with hugs
- so much pda in private and around the members but barely anything on v-live (he’s still shy)
- always checking up on you and asking if everything is okay
- “do you like this place? do you like me doing this? are you happy if i-”
- “chris, for the hundredth time, yes.”
- he converts your style into all black, just like his (he didn’t even try, either)
- constant pick up lines because he is a dad
- flowers. teddy bears. the corny stuff.
- can’t wait to bring you home to meet his family and berry
- POUTS. A LOT. usually bc you aren’t willing to cuddle him and you have work to do
- doesn’t distract you from work or school. he understands that if you give him space then he should too, which he does naturally since he has such a workload on his back already
- speaking of work, he sure is a workaholic
- like literally everyday he just comes to the dorm or your place and just falls onto the bed, and it’s usually at 3-4 a.m.
- well, that’s what he wants to do. oftentimes he phones you because you can’t don’t want to fall asleep without him (and even though you tell him he doesn’t have to do that since he’s tired he always call you to hear your voice since there’s no better way to end his day than that)
- he’ll wait until you’ve fallen asleep or if you need to go to end the call. other than that he rarely ends it himself
- when you finally meet up he just holds you. constantly
- like you’re always on his lap or under his arm or just touching yk
- deep inside he’s scared to let go - what if you leave? though it’s silly to him, that’s the way he views it. and the numerous times you’ve said that you won’t only makes him hold you closer
- but yeah when you are on his lap, though, you’re usually resting your head on his shoulders or tracing shapes on his chest or both 
- bringing takeout to the studio for him is a routine
- and lets you wear his chains and bracelets
- as much as you want to stay you get that he needs to be alone to focus better so after you bring him lunch you’d chat for a bit, possibly eat if he has the time, have a few kisses here and there and then go watch the other boys practice or somewhere else
- he’s so chill about you being friends with the members though like
- well yeah he does cuddle and touch you more around them but like obvs let him show off
- felix is jealous he’s found someone who speaks english lol (assuming that’s what you’ll speak with him)
- and chan, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, gets jealous too (and it’s very obvious) just not with the members 
- but man if he finds out your previous bias was someone that wasn’t chan, he’ll be (jokingly) on the look out
- after the day is done you’ll give him a massage <3 usually it was only after long days of work but now long days became ALL days instead
- his neck’s always so tense. that’s where you kiss him the most, too.
- true AuSSiE accent comes out when he rants. he’ll do it in korean too but the swearing is ONLY in english. “sounds more effective” according to him. huh.
- but still shy to swear around you. you keep calling him pure and he’s waiting to show you how little innocence he has (just..not yet)
- asks your opinion on songs. you’re always the first to listen hehe
- is your best friend, basically
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- honestly, to get away from his hectic life you’d usually take a stroll in the park or take a walk by a riverside or somewhere nice and calm to stray away from his endless thoughts
- probably end up at a coffee shop, too. sitting by the window you’ll chatter away or simply enjoy each other’s presence in calm. he’ll be holding your hand and tracing circles on the top of it
- he occasionally treats you to expensive dinner dates and as much as he wants to do that more often he really can’t
- and can’t in general he’s got such a workload
- but most of the time you’re either in some park or at home, chilling
- also a lot of cuddling on his stupid creaky bed. felix joins you, too, he’s like your pet at this point
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- will pout and whine ‘babyyyyyyyy’ while smothering you in a hug
- ‘babe’ ‘princess’ ‘honey’ ‘darling’ ‘baby girl’ literally anything bro
- will also think of cringe shit like ‘honey buns’ and ‘cinnammon apple\ because he saw it in a vine once
- you call him king, baby, babe, prince, pup (he dies at the last one it does something to him)
- instant cuddle mode if you call him pup like genuinely the sub comes out (just look at the gif below oh my days)
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- i honestly don’t think he’ll change much? like he continues with the pet names and calling you until you fall asleep
- just he’s more confident in the jokes and pick up lines he says since you can’t see him blush
- but he’ll also check the timezones and text you good morning and good night if he wasn’t able to call
- when you don’t call, he sends you messages on how his day went and you do the same so both of you know what’s going on
- will make lil videos and send to you as well uwu
- and the other members will interrupt your calls, especially 3racha and hyunjin
- and they keep teasing you allllll the tiiiimeeeeee (but you love it, obviously, hehe)
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- as calm and collected and cool and chill as chris may seem he can and will snap.
- he tries not to, believe me, but little things tick him off, especially after a long day at work
- “oh my god y/n/ can you please...just...” he’ll begin but trail off when he realizes he sounds mean, then groans and rubs his temples
- like maybe you put his folded laundry in a different space than usual or toasted the wrong bread and yes its silly but thats what the sparks it
- will bite his tongue and the inside of his cheeks to stop himself
- like that’s the worst feeling tho - when u make him mad (even though he’s undeniably hot)
- he isn’t mad, he’s disappointed. at you if it’s evidently your fault, and at himself if its anything else. he wants to seem strong and collected but he sometimes can’t help but get ticked off
- he gets quiet, usually leans onto something/his arm onto the table or wall with his head slightly hanging down, thinking
- if its too much pressure he’ll leave, more for his own sake than anything else
- doesn’t like going to bed angry but will if he needs to prove a point. he believes the morning is clearer than night
- will never kick you out or tell you to ‘fuck off’. ever. that’s a different type of low for him
- you both end up talking it through, but it takes a little bit for him to go back to how things were before the argument, or rather how HE was
- does take a walk to clear his head or goes to the studio to let it out if its serious
─ • NSFW:
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- pretty vanilla in practice, but in theory...this guy’s head is everywhere. he wants to try everything 
- takes control. a natural leader. usually a soft dom
- probs expect a comforting hand around/next to your neck, on your shoulder, or holding onto your own
- likes looking at your face but very much likes your ass so a lot of position switches throughout
- can definitely go rough, and sometimes prefers it, especially when you’re a moaning mess and hiding your crying face in the pillows as he’s pounding into you from behind and causing bruises to form on your hips
- barely speaks, but if he knows you like dirty talk he’ll have a few lines in store
- voice gets croaky and husky, will chuckle and smirk a lot
- buys you pretty lingerie and hopes you wear it, especially under his big shirt or hoodie
- has a thing for you in his clothes and chains, if that’s not obvious heheh
- will say i love you before, during, and after constantly. because he does, and you do too.
- the cutest baths and aftercare, and a lot of pillow talk and cuddling as you fall asleep. he’ll be stroking your hair, whispering sweet nothings as you fall asleep
- or it will be the other way around if he subbed that time, which is pretty often considering he’s tired and just wants someone to take control
- he’s so into being cuffed up and you taking control, not letting him touch you as he whimpers 
- “be quiet pup” “did i say you can touch me?”
- leash him up please 
- scratch him and mark him when he’s being subby it’s all he wants
- a lot of praise but throw in some degradation as well. he’ll do whatever you want omg
- but either way there are always safe words that you remind each other of, and a lot of care and love throughout <3
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taeboos · 6 years
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hello hello, yes it’s me sarah and im back and loving my followers more than ever;;;; a couple days ago i reached 1K followers and that’s like.........insane. i never thought that i would make it to this lol. all i do is reblog stuff now-a-days. (and shit post but yAH knOW) 
AnywAYS im making this follow forever to show appreciation to everyone who’s blessed my dash and made my tumblr experience amazing (ily all sm) 
also thank you sm @agustddaeng for creating this cute header for me :3
🌈 - i admire you and your blog sm why r u following me 
💖 - we’ve interacted before/talked and i want u to know i love u forever
🐣 - ur my baby and lob u 
💌 - scroll down for lil message from me 
@1nctzen // @1ongride // @1ovejung // @1stlove // @4yoon // @9berry // @agustddaeng 🌈💖 // @agustwink 🌈 // @amaryllistae // @angejeon // @artistictae  🌈💖 // @awjiminie // @bisexeual // @blondejinismyreligion // @blumiin // @bratty-anon  💖🐣💌 // @breathejeon // @cafekth // @chaanyeolo // @chaestely // @champagnejimin // @clockwork-lullaby  🐣💖 💌 // @cuteseokjin // @cyphergguk // @cyphersatoori // @cyphrsgf // @darlingjeon // @defendkimseokjin 🌈💖🐣💌 // @deletaed // @dn-a 🌈 // @dreamrenjuns 💖 // @dreamytaehyungx 💖 // @duckling-tae 💖🐣 // @dunkshot // @dvmple // @er1anne 🐣💖💌 // @euphoricbangtan // @faenam💖 // @fakelovekth // @fakeluvjin // @fallingintomagmell  🐣💌💖 // @favtae // @featherdusters 💖 // @firstlovesgf // @floristjin // @fluffykth // @fluffyliontae 💖 // @gamjin // @gukx 
@haseulisgf 💖 // @hcseokie // @heartoftae // @hercypher // @hertear // @hexedhobi // @heytaemin // @hobi-moon // @hobislobster 💖🐣💌 // @hobslover // @honeydewtae 💖 // @honeyjeon // @honeystae 💖🌈 // @honeyyjeon // @hosseokss // @ilychimmy // @ilysoftjimin 🌈 // @itskimtaehyung // @ixjhs // @je0n  💖🌈 // @jeonnings 💖 // @jeonsberry // @jeonsrose // @jiminparke // @jiweon 💖 // @jjktear // @jkluvclub // @jkmoonboy // @joonie-beans // @joonpd // @joonrise // @joonsjams 💖🐣 // @joonskisses // @joonslov // @joonsvalentine // @justonetaehyung // @jvnckles 🌈 // @kafejeon // @kimiin 💖 // @kimt4ehyungs // @kimtaehyungl 💖 // @kirishimaf // @kiwitaes // @kookieholic // @kooksluv  💖 // @ktheaven 🌈💖 // @kvnsgf // @lattetae // @lhoseokl // @lobemaze // @lostmytae 💖 // @lovesyoongs // @lovmaz // @luvrmaze // @luvtrbl
@maddogeast  💖💌 // @magnusburnsidess 💖 // @megjin // @mellonjin 💖🌈 // @mellowsuga // @minsbutt // @misohobi 💖 // @moniehon // @mrksbf // @mvgicshop // @mygcshop // @mylifeiskpoptrash 💖🌈 // @namkoya // @namsbaby 💖🌈 // @namujeon // @napmon // @omfgbts 🌈 // @pastelmae 💖 // @pepperminthobi // @pocketofjeonbunny 🌈 // @prince-tash 💖 // @protect-hoseok  💖 // @rosejjk // @rosyhyuna // @seokjinies // @sftae 🐣💖// @shuaplum // @silvertae // @smeckjin // @softkookk // @softstpjm // @soulkth // @spideycafe // @spiritsuga // @ssweetshine 💖 // @stripeyjimin // @sugahyungg 💖 // @summersdaytae 💖 // @sunkissedmin 
@taedamnn // @taegis // @taehyc // @taelents // @taes-strawberry 💌💖🐣 // @taescult // @taesflower // @taeshua // @taetaez // @taexguk // @thehouseofkpop // @twinklberry // @ughjeon 🌈 // @ultschim // @ultsjimin // @unkooked // @vanillalattaes 💌💖🌈 // @vantaez // @velvethoseok // @viatae // @virjinity // @vonseok  💌🐣💖 // @war-of-hormoan  🌈 // @winktaes 💖 // @woozjae // @yeolology 💖🌈 // @yngiii // @yoonelf // @yoong02 // @youngwholock 
keep reading below if u got a message <3
@bratty-anon : you are one of my closest pals on here, i shared a lot w you and u shared a lot w me. you are always there when i need u and i want to let you know that im always here if u need me. you mean a whole bunch to me and i never want u to forget it!!! i love you sm roiya <3 
@clockwork-lullaby : ally u are always keeping me in check lol you are super quirky and loud and i miss talking to you on a regular basis,, although that is kinda hard now that i am in japan,, i miss hanging out w u and and the rest of the kcon gang. you mean more to me than you know. 
@defendkimseokjin : lol britt i see you are going back to your roots w this url!! i gave this url to my friend back in boot camp so she could give you my mailing address. have you been keeping up on naruto ??! i miss talking to you too, it just has been so busy i haven’t been able to talk to anyone recently T^T. But yah, you mean a lot to me and i want you to know i think abt you a lot and still read the letter you sent me when im having a bad day. 
@er1anne : ERIKAAAAAA bITCH wtf we don’t talk much either anymore T^T. God I miss u and your laugh and your smile and everything about you. You make me happy every time you snap me or we have one of those rare facetime calls that last for hours. i can confide in you for anything and you seriously are the yin to my yang. you brighten my entire universe. i love you. 
@hobislobster : DEE MY LOVELY BABY I WILL LOVE YOU AND CHERISH YOU UNTIL THE WORLD ENDS. you are the cutest thing and you shower me in too many compliments i dont deserve >.< your nickname for me is the cutest and i lob it sm. you are such a ray of sunshine and our conversations are the highlight of my day. you are a sweet angel and i will love you forever and ever. 
@maddogeast : MADISONNNN my wonderful cousin ;^; you are super funny and really great company to be around. i love when you laugh and your eyes tear up and u start crying from laughing so much. i love making stupid comics with you and hopefully we will get to do that sometime in the future. you are amazing and im always here for you when u need me. 
@tae-strawberry : SDFJLKSDJSDL BABYYYYYYYY. u are my whole sweet cutie pie honey bunches of oats :(((( everytime we interact or talk i am soft bc you are my sweet baby angel and i love you. im seriously running out of shit to say but i love you sm. 
@vanillalattaes : FAHREEN. MY QUEEN. I will forever remember when you messaged me when i was having a bad day :(( you are always serving looks and blessing my dash w your talent ok. like.... idk why u are even following me? you are so cool??? tf? anyways you are amazing and i want u to know that i love you. 
@vonseok : Jo..... u already know how much i love you. we’ve known each other for so long. you mean a lot to me and will continue to mean a lot to me. i admire you and your writing and i really wish that one day i could come see you in germany. you are one of the few online friends that ive stayed in touch with for this long. thank you for sticking by me i will always love you. 
@fallingintomagmell : silver...you were one of my first friends ive ever made online. I want you to know even though we don’t talk much anymore i will always be thinking about you and how you are doing. you are funny and quirky and super fun to talk to and you mean a whole lot to me and i never want u to forget that. long live brashin lmao. 
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cloudyyangel · 3 years
puppys here! and also, melting into a lil puddle cause u called me lil pup (╯▽╰ ) I KNOW ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME BUT EVERYTIME MY BRAINS JUST LIKE hehe time to melt out ur ears ur dumb now. lil pup, pubby, pup pup, pupppjfkdlfjgpp, ANYWAYS, my day yesterday wasnt bad! i wasnt working for a while so it feels really good to be productive again u kno? see my coworkers and stuff? but at the same time its so TIRING AUGH. but i hope ill get used to it. and i think we have similar timezones and stuff so ur probably nvr far off guessing when it is for me! tho my sleeping schedules a loooot different than yours lol (as long as i can stay on top of it at least lol) (im also still, very very happy, that u think im sweet, and i can make u happy, and blah blah) ALSO TOTALLY NOT RELATED TO THAT PUPPY BOY REBLOG BUT MOST DEFINITELY ACTUALLY IS BUT I HAVE CHUBBY CHEEKS! ROUND FACE, u may, squish,,, if u wanna,,,,
but TODAY i have
brought u
(drum roll)
a list of reasons why im puppy! why? I DONT KNOW, but here u go
energetic! i make little chirp/yip noises to stim/mess with friends, stick my tongue out a lot, go on walks to get out excess energy! really. really really like being told what to do. run back and forth in the house when im bored lol, will eat food off the floor, praise me! make just. a lot of saliva. shakes sometimes :c really really really love how people smell and wish i could just smell people without being creepy, NOSE AND HEARING ARE SO SENSITIVE! wiggly. if u pet my head i will melt, if u pet my tummy i will melt but in a different way, if u pet my sides i wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill whimper. and of course if im flustered enough my breathing goes all fucky wucky and i lose the ability to talk besides simple phrases or words cause its whimpering all the way down babyyyyyyyy. i am small. i am baby. i have humped so many fucking things. lick? put thing? in? mouth????
reasons why im not a dog
-i am scared of them😰-puppy anon
Yay puppy’s here~ I think lil pup is just the cutest hahaha “what’s up lil pup <3” poor brain ahahaha! I understand about working! I just finished up my last job so right now I’m not working since it’s summer and it definitely makes me miss being productive and seeing coworkers! Some days I’m just like “blergh i need to do something!” but there’s nothing to do (`ε´) I hope you’re still able to rest though!! Or you’re able to take little naps through the day!! I drink a lot of coffee to keep me going eeeeh. Right now it’s 11:45pm for me-I just moved back to the states so it’s a big adjustment for me and my sleeping schedule is blah. I haven’t been able to get it under control yet. I normally sleep from 4am-11am (*-∀-*) I’ve always been a bit of an insomniac though~
Your messages do make me happy! And You are most definitely sweet! Especially if I can squish your cute little cheeks ehehe. I bet they would be so pretty all squished and blushy <33 maybe I should reblog puppy things more often, hmmm~ *gasp!* ohoho! I love lists! I’m excited for it!! You sound like a perfect little puppy! So loving and energetic and a little bit mischievous and naughty ehehehe. But if you’re such a small baby puppy then I guess it’s okay to be a little naughty and hump things or stick so many things in your mouth haha. Just be safe about it, yeah? I would definitely give you so many head pats and belly pats since you’re so good! ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა some big dogs can be scary! I have a big dog but she’s old and just sleeps allll day long! But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a big ol’ dog! A sweet little puppy is the best!
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wlwhc · 7 years
AOS Preference: The first date
thehistorynut19 ask : Matt babyyyyyyyy, can you do an AoS preference about what thw first dates would be like? 
warning: none
(A/N): I need at least one of this ladies in my life
Masterlist / Prompt List / Fandom List / Ask me anything!
Daisy Johnson: She will definitely take you to a bar. She’s pretty chill so she would be like “hey Y/N, what do you say if we go later to this bar together?... like a date”. Cheap drinks, shitty food, but it was a place where you two could talk for hours knowing that no one would recognize her. Plus she knew the bartender, that let her go to the rooftop with you. The bar date ends up being a stargazing date, hanging on the rooftop laughing at every drunk man that walk out the building. “I’ve bever had so much fun in my life, all thanks to you Y/N”
Jemma Simmons: She will cook for you, yeah, Jemma doesn’t cook, but she going to pretend that the takeout food was cooked by her, just to impress you. Some awkward conversations, she can be so damn cute. Spending the night making her blush and getting flustered. Shy compliments about what are you wearing. At some point, she gets confident throwing the shyness and nervousness away, she will flirt with you and now you will be the one being a blushing mess. “Y/N we should do this more often! It’s nice having your company”
Elena Rodriguez: She will take you to a museum. If you think that museums dates are not fun, then you’re going to reconsidering this idea once that you have this date with Elena. She loves art, she will explain all the pieces in the museum, and hear her voice with that spark of excitement makes you so damn happy. She will hold your hand, ask you a few casual questions. Making you blush is her number one priority. Will joke that you should be her muse. A lot of flirty conversation, enjoying her company. “All these works of art should be jealous of you, they have a price on it, you’re priceless”
Bobbi Morse: Bar date. But she will take you to this fancy Bar, where probably every bottle of alcohol costs more than all SHIELD’s founds. She seems to know the owner so here you are, wearing a dress trying not to drool over Bobby, cause she’s basically a goddess in that blue dress. So damn flirty. Lots of touching, like she will put her hand on your thigh, will touch your arm, will suddenly get very close to you, so close that you could breathe her perfume.Making you blush all the night. She will also compliment you all night. At some point, you end up in her apartment without your shirt while Bobby kisses your neck. “Y/N, you’re not going to leave right? cause I was thinking to make you breakfast and just cuddle all day~”
Melinda May: She will cook for you. She doesn’t do dates so instead, she will prepare this Chinese meal, and believe me when I say, that May can cook. She will drop that tough facade and instead, she will be so damn sweet with you. She will love to make you blush or make you laugh. You will be able to see her laugh and blush too. Very Vanilla date, drinking wine. At some point, the wine hit both of you and you end up kissing her. But nothing went more than that, just a nice meal, enjoying each others company, and tasting the sweet wine on her lips, lazy kisses at the moonlight. She will not let you go home if you’re a little too drunk. Cuddling. “If you tell anyone the I cuddle with you I’ll kill you....what do you want for breakfast? *kiss*”
Agent Piper: Netflix and chill. She’s that girl who asks you out with the famous “Netflix and Chill” quote and actually ends up being just Netflix and chill. Casual conversations. Piper making snarky comments at the movie. Cuddling. Eating so much ice-cream. Compliments that make you blush. Also making her blush a lot. Gentle little touches. At some point forgetting the movie and just talking and making fun of other agents. When the date get’s to an end she will shyly kiss you, that somehow end up in a make-out session. “next time we could actually do “Netflix and chill” *wink wink*”
Hope you like it sweetheart <3 I have so much fun doing preferences
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